Supreme Court of Cause List Index Page : Date : 24/06/2018 Sl Court Name Honorable Judges' Name Jurisdictions 1 Main Building Court Justice Syed Muhammad Dastagir [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং বষট, কষভ঳, No. 8 Husain ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আদষলত, ফষংক, আসথক সতষন ও And - Total cases : 208 Justice Md. Iqbal Kabir ঱ষ঳সনক ষইফ঺নষল এষ এয আওতষধহন সফলয় ফতহত ঳কল যহট ভষ঱ন ; নষনহয জন ঳কল কষয যহট সফলয়ষসদ Page : 1 - 10 এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল, আেফদন঩ ঴ণ

এফং নষনহ কসযেফন । ] 2 Annex Building Court Justice Tariq ul Hakim [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং বষট, কষভ঳,

No. 10 And ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আদষলত, ফষংক, আসথক সতষন ও Justice Md. Shohrowardi - Total cases : 350 ঱ষ঳সনক ষইফ঺নষল এষ এয আওতষধহন সফলয় ফতহত ঳কল যহট ভষ঱ন ; নষনহয জন ঳কল কষয যহট সফলয়ষসদ Page : 11 - 25 এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল, আেফদন঩ ঴ণ

এফং নষনহ কসযেফন । ] 3 Main Building Court Justice Salma Masud Chowdhury [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন

No. 10 And ফে ঴ণেমষগ থভ আ঩হল, থভ আ঩হল (েফট), থভ Justice Kazi Md. Ejarul Haque , ( ); , , Total cases : 10 Akondo সফসফধ আ঩হল থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল েফট ৑ োো োোো টষকষয উভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল ; সডসব঱ন ফে Page : 26 - 26 ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল ও সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; ঴ষইেকষট

েলয ৔ অধষেয়য ৌ৏ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন ৑,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয আ঩হল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল, দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ও তৎ঳ংষ আেফদন঩ ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয়; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌনং আইেনয (঱ষসল঱হ আইন ্োোৌ) ৏৓(ক), খ এফং গ ধষযষ ভষতষেফক আ঩হল; ইউসনয়ন ঩সযলদ, ঩ৗয঳বষ (সফে঱ল দষসয়) অধষেদ঱, ৌ৔৔৔ ইং আেদ঱ নং-৑, ৌ৔৔ৌ-এয অধহন আ঩হল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ] 4 Annex Building Court Justice A. F. M. Abdur Rahman [ ম কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ইেফঃ নষনহয জন আসদভ No. 23 অসধেষধহন সফলয় ; ঳ষকে঳঱ন আইন ৌ৔্৐ অন঺মষয়হ

Total cases : 52 ইষ঩ ও ইষ঩ ফসতেযেক ভত় ফসয সফলয়ফয অসধে; সফফষ঴ সফেদ আইন ৌ৓৑৔ অন঺মষয়হ ভষকভষ; Page : 27 - 31 ষইজ কষট সফলয়঳঴ এষডসভেযল কষট আইন ্োোো

অসধেষধহন ভষকভষ; ভষে঳ স঱স঩ং অসডনষ, ৌ৔৓ৎ- এয অধহেন আেফদন঩; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ; ফষংক কষষনহ আইন ৌ৔৔ৌ ইং (ৌ৔৔ৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌ৏নং আইন) অন঺মষয়হ আেফদন঩ ; ঳ষসল঱ আইন ্োোৌ (্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌ নং আইন) অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল ও আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ । ] 5 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Abu Tariq [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং দ঺নসত দভন কসভ঱ন আইেনয No. 1 অধহন দষেয়যক় ত ভষভলষ ফতহত নষনহয জন একক ফে

; Total cases : 6 ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন ও যপষেয ভষকভষ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত Page : 32 - 32 ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩

঴ণ কসযেফন ।] 6 Annex Building Court Justice Zinat Ara [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ফষংক ও

No. 9 And আসথক সতষন, বষট, কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আইন Justice Mohi Uddin Shamim , , Total cases : 287 ঳ংষ যহট দউসলয়ষ সফময়ষসদ অথঋণ আইন ঴ইেত উ঺ত যহট ভষ঱ন঳঴ ঳কল কষয যহট ভষ঱ন ও তৎ঳ংষ নষনহ ; Page : 33 - 45 ্োো৔ ইং ঳েনয ডভষক আইেনয অধহেন আ঩হল ; ৌ৔ৌৌ ইং

঳েনয ঩েট ও সডজষইন আইেনয ৐ৌ (ক) এফং ্৑ (খ), (গ), (ঘ) ও (ঙ) ধষযষভেত আেফদন঩ ও আ঩হল ; ভ঻ল ঳ংেমষজন কয আইন, ৌ৔৔ৌ-এয ধষযষ ৏্(ৌ) (গ) ভতষফেল এষস঩েলট ষইফ঺নষল কত় ক দ স঳ষ ফষ আেদে঱য সফে আ঩হল ; আয়কয যপষেয ভষকভষ ও আয়কয ঳ংষ যহট যপষেয ; কষভ঳ এষ , ৌ৔৑৔-এয ধষযষ ৌ৔৑ সড অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল নষনহ কসযেফন এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ এফং দ঺নসত দভন কসভ঱ন আইেনয আওতষধহন ঳কল কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ণ কসযেফন ।] 7 Annex Building Court Justice Muhammad Abdul Hafiz [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 12 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 343 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ Page : 46 - 60 কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয

জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৔৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] 8 Annex Building Court Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং বষট, কষভ঳ ও

No. 26 And ইনকষভটষ -এয আওতষধহন সফলয়঳঴ ঳কল যহট ভষ঱ন; Justice Md. Salim

Total cases : 59 নষনহয জন ঳কল কষয যহট সফলয়ষসদ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল, আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন Page : 61 - 64 ] । 9 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Miftah Uddin [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 7 Choudhury ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 131 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ Page : 65 - 74 কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয

জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৔৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] 10 Main Building Court Justice A. K. M. Asaduzzaman [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং দ঺নসত দভন কসভ঱ন

No. 15 And আইেনয অধহন দষেয়যক় ত ভষভলষ ফতহত নষনহয জন Justice S.M. Mozibur Rahman ; Total cases : 215 সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয Page : 75 - 84 আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ

জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও ঳কল জল আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ও নষনহ ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন । ] 11 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Ashfaqul Islam [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন বষট,

No. 33 And কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ সফলয়ষসদ ফতহত অথঋণ আইন ঳ংষ

Justice Mohammad Ali যহট, দউসলয়ষ সফলয়ষসদ, অথঋণ আইন ঴ইেত উ঺ত যহট Total cases : 66 ; ভষ঱ন঳঴ ঳কল কষয যহট ভষ঱ন ও তৎ঳ংষ নষনহ Page : 85 - 88 ঴ষইেকষট সফবষগ ও উ঴ষয অধহন আদষলত অফভষননষয অসবেমষগ঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] 12 Main Building Court Justice Zubayer Rahman [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং ্োৌ৑ ইং ঳ন ঩ম No. 14 Chowdhury ] And ঳কল কষয যহট সফলয়ষসদ নষনহ ঴ণ কসযেফন । Total cases : 437 Justice Sashanka Shekhar Sarkar

Page : 89 - 109

13 Annex Building Court Justice Moyeenul Islam [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ভ আইন No. 21 Chowdhury ও ভ আদষলত, ঱ষ঳সনক ষইফ঺নষল এষ এয আওতষধহন And

Total cases : 135 Justice Md. Ashraful Kamal সফলয়঳঴ ঳কল কষয যহট ভষ঱ন এফং নষনহয জন অষধহকষয সবসেত যষজউক ঳঴ ঳কল কষয যহট সফলয়ষসদ Page : 110 - 118 এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩। এই

গঠনসফসধয অফফস঴ত ঩঻েফয গঠনসফসধয কষন আংস঱কত ফষ যষয় থষসকেল তষ঴ষও ঴ণ কসযেফন । 14 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Emdadul Huq [একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ

No. 8 And পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন; পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং Justice Abu Taher Md. Saifur ; Total cases : 108 Rahman তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ Page : 119 - 123 ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও ঳কল জল আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ও

নষনহ ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন । ] 15 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Rais Uddin [ ম কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ইেফঃ নষনহয জন একক ফে No. 22 ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল;

Total cases : 216 পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন ও যপষেয Page : 124 - 133 ভষকভষ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং

উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] 16 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Emdadul Haque Azad [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 11 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 442 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ Page : 134 - 150 অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো

টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট); ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন।] 17 Main Building Court Justice Md. Ataur Rahman Khan [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 7 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 3 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ Page : 151 - 151 অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো

টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট); ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন।] 18 Annex Building Court Justice Syed Md. Ziaul Karim [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন

No. 29 And ফে ঴নেমষগ ্োৌ৐ ইং ঳ন ঩ম পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল, Justice Md. Akram Hossain

Total cases : 25 Chowdhury পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ ঴ণ কসযেফন এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও Page : 152 - 152 আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন ] । 19 Annex Building Court Justice Sheikh Abdul Awal [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং সডসব঱ন ফে

No. 18 And ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন; পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ Justice Bhishmadev Chakrabortty ; Total cases : 108 আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয Page : 153 - 156 আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও ঳কল জল

আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ও নষনহ ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন । ] 20 Annex Building Court Justice S. M. Emdadul Hoque [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন

No. 34 And ফে ঴ণেমষগ থভ আ঩হল, থভ আ঩হল (েফট), থভ Justice Ahmed Sohel , ( ); , , Total cases : 96 সফসফধ আ঩হল থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল েফট ৑ োো োোো টষকষয উভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল ; সডসব঱ন ফে Page : 157 - 164 ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল ও সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; ঴ষইেকষট

েলয ৔ অধষেময ৌ৏ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন ৑,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয আ঩হল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল, দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ও তৎ঳ংষ আেফদন঩ ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয়; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌনং আইেনয (঱ষসল঱হ আইন ্োোৌ) ৏৓(ক), খ এফং গ ধষযষ ভষতষেফক আ঩হল; ইউসনয়ন ঩সযলদ, ঩ৗয঳বষ (সফে঱ল দষসয়) অধষেদ঱, ৌ৔৔৔ ইং আেদ঱ নং-৑, ৌ৔৔ৌ-এয অধহন আ঩হল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন । ] 21 Annex Building Court Justice Farah Mahbub [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন বষট,

No. 13 And কষভ঳ ও ইনকষভটষ ঳ংষ যহট ভষ঱ন ও তৎ঳ংষ Justice S. M. Maniruzzaman ; ; Total cases : No Case নষনহ ্োো৔ ইং ঳েনয ডভষক আইেনয অধহেন আ঩হল ৌ৔ৌৌ ইং ঳েনয ঩েট ও সডজষইন আইেনয ৐ৌ (ক) এফং ্৑ Page : 165 - 165 (খ), (গ), (ঘ) ও (ঙ) ধষযষভেত আেফদন঩ ও আ঩হল ; ভ঻ল

঳ংেমষজন কয আইন, ৌ৔৔ৌ-এয ধষযষ ৏্(ৌ) (গ) ভতষফেল এষস঩েলট ষইফ঺নষল কত় ক দ স঳ষ ফষ আেদে঱য সফে আ঩হল ; আয়কয যপষেয ভষকভষ ও আয়কয ঳ংষ যহট যপষেয ; কষভ঳ এষ , ৌ৔৑৔-এয ধষযষ ৌ৔৑ সড অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল নষনহ কসযেফন এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ এফং নষনহ ঴ণ কসযেফন ।] 22 Annex Building Court Justice A. K. M. Abdul Hakim [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন

No. 15 And ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; নষনহয জন থভ Justice Fatema Najib , ( ), , Total cases : No Case আ঩হল থভ আ঩হল েফট থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট); ৑,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয থভ Page : 166 - 166 সফসফধ আ঩হল এফং দউসলয়ষ সফলয়ক আইেনয অধহেন

আ঩হল঳ভ঻঴; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল ও সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; ঴ষইেকষট েলয ৔ অধষেয়য ৌ৏ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন ৑,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয আ঩হল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল, দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ও তৎ঳ংষ আেফদন঩ ঴ইেত উ঻ত ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয়; ইউসনয়ন ঩সযলদ, ঩ৗয঳বষ (সফে঱ল দষসয়) অধষেদ঱, ৌ৔৔৔ ইং আেদ঱ নং-৑, ৌ৔৔ৌ-এয অধহন আ঩হল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ] 23 Annex Building Court Justice Borhanuddin [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ্োোৌ ইং

No. 30 And ঳েনয ৌনং আইেনয (঱ষসল঱হ আইন, ্োোৌ) ৏৓(ক), খ এফং গ Justice Sardar Md. Rashed ; Total cases : 7 Jahangir ধষযষ ভষতষেফক আ঩হল ঱ষসল঱হ আইন ঴ইেত উ঺ত দওয়ষনহ ও যহট ঳ংষ ভষ঱ন ও নষনহ; আয়কয যপষেয ভষকভষ Page : 167 - 167 ও আয়কয ঳ংষ যহট যপষেয ; কষভ঳ এষ , ৌ৔৑৔-

এয ধষযষ ৌ৔৑ সড অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল নষনহ কসযেফন এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ] 24 Annex Building Court Justice Soumendra Sarker [ ম কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ইেফ : নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 28 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 273 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ Page : 168 - 180 কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয

জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৔৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] 25 Main Building Court Justice Abu Bakar Siddiquee [ম কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ইেফঃ নষনহয জন একক ফে No. 12 ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল;

Total cases : 64 পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন ও যপষেয Page : 181 - 184 ভষকভষ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ দ঺নসত দভন কসভ঱ন

আইেনয অধহন দষেয়যক় ত ভষভলষ, যষয়, আেদ঱ ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল কষেযয ভষ঱ন ও তদ঳ংষ নষনহ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] 26 Main Building Chamber Justice Abu Bakar Siddiquee [ চষেয সতসদন জল আ঩হল ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ] No. 12 And Justice Abdur Rob Total cases : 3

Page : 185 - 185

27 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Nuruzzaman [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন

No. 27 And ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; নষনহয জন থভ Justice Md. Khasruzzaman , ( ), , Total cases : 50 আ঩হল থভ আ঩হল েফট থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট), ৑,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয থভ Page : 186 - 190 সফসফধ আ঩হল এফং দউসলয়ষ সফলয়ক আইেনয অধহেন

আ঩হল঳ভ঻঴; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল ও সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; ঴ষইেকষট েলয ৔ অধষেয়য ৌ৏ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন ৑,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয আ঩হল ; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল, দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ও তৎ঳ংষ আেফদন঩ ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয়; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌ নং আইেনয (঱ষসল঱হ আইন, ্োোৌ) ৏৓(ক), খ এফং গ ধষযষ ভষতষেফক আ঩হল; ইউসনয়ন ঩সযলদ, ঩ৗয঳বষ (সফে঱ল দষসয়) অধষেদ঱, ৌ৔৔৔ ইং আেদ঱ নং -৑, ৌ৔৔ৌ-এয অধহন আ঩হল ; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ।] 28 Main Building Court Justice Md. Moinul Islam [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং সডসব঱ন ফে No. 25 Chowdhury ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন; পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ And ; Total cases : No Case Justice Khizir Hayat আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয Page : 191 - 191 আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও ঳কল জল

আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ও নষনহ ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ ঴ণ কসযেফন।] 29 Annex Building Court Justice Obaidul Hassan [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং সডসব঱ন ফে

No. 19 And ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন ; পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ Justice S M Kuddus Zaman ; Total cases : 79 আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয Page : 192 - 195 আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও ঳কল জল

আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ও নষনহ ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন এফং অষসধকষয সবসেত সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দ঺নসত দভন কসভ঱ন আইন ঳ংষ ঳কল কষয পৗজদষযহ ও যহট ভষ঱ন, সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ, আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ও তদ঳ংষ নষনহ ঴ণ কসযেফন। ] 30 Annex Building Court Justice M. Enayetur Rahim [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং সডসব঱ন ফে

No. 17 And ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন; পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ Justice Md. Mostafizur Rahman ; Total cases : 75 আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয Page : 196 - 199 আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও ঳কল জল

আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ও নষনহ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন । ] 31 Annex Building Court Justice Naima Haider [একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ফষংক ও

No. 20 And আসথক সতষন, বষট, কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ ফসতত ঳কল Justice Khizir Ahmed Choudhury ; Total cases : 8 কষয যহট নষনহ ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন Page : 200 - 200 ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ]

32 Main Building Court Justice Md. Rezaul Hasan [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 26 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 1 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ Page : 201 - 201 কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয

জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৔৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] 33 Main Building Court Justice Md. Faruque (M. Faruque) [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন

No. 29 And ফে ঴নেমষগ ্োৌ৐ ইং ঳ন ঩ম পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল, Justice Md. Riaz Uddin Khan

Total cases : 10 পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ ঴ণ কসযেফন এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও Page : 202 - 202 আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] 34 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Shawkat Hossain [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন একক ফে No. 24 ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল;

Total cases : No Case পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন ও যপষেয Page : 203 - 203 ভষকভষ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ দ঺নসত দভন কসভ঱ন

আইেনয অধহন দষেয়যক় ত ভষভলষ, যষয়, আেদ঱ ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল কষেযয ভষ঱ন ও তদ঳ংষ নষনহ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] 35 Annex Building Court Justice F.R.M. Nazmul Ahasan [একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন বষট,

No. 25 And কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আদষলত, ফষংক ও আসথক Justice K. M. Kamrul Kader ; Total cases : 8 সতষন ফসতত ঳কল কষয যহট নষনহ ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ Page : 204 - 204 ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ]

36 Main Building Court Justice Krishna Debnath [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন

No. 19 And অষসধকষয সবসেত সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ ভত঺দষেদ঱় Justice Shahidul Karim

Total cases : 8 কনপষযেভ঱েনয যপষেয এফং একই যষয় ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল এফং উ যষয় ঴ইেত উ঺ত Page : 205 - 206 পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং

পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ মসদ থষেক এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন ।] 37 Annex Building Court Justice A. N. M. Bashir Ullah [একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন

No. 4 And ফে ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং Justice Mustafa Zaman Islam ; Total cases : 60 তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ এফং নষনহয Page : 207 - 210 জন ্োৌৎইং ঩ম পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল, পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন

এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন।] 38 Main Building Court Justice Quazi Reza-Ul Hoque [একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন একক ফে No. 6 ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন ও

; Total cases : 12 যপষেয ভষকভষ ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষযসত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আফেদন঩ ঴ণ Page : 211 - 211 কসযেফন।]

39 Main Building Court Justice Md. Abu Zafor Siddique [একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন

No. 20 And ফে ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং Justice Khandaker Diliruzzaman ; Total cases : 5 তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ এফং নষনহয Page : 212 - 212 জন ্োৌ৐ ইং ঳ষল ঩ম পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল, পৗজদষযহ

সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন।] 40 Main Building Court Justice A.K.M. Zahirul Hoque [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 30 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 15 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ Page : 213 - 213 কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয

জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৔৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন ও নষনহ কসযেফন ।] 41 Annex Building Court Justice Jahangir Hossain [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং সডসব঱ন ফে

No. 5 And ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন; পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ Justice Md. Jahangir Hossain ; Total cases : No Case আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয Page : 214 - 214 আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও ঳কল জল

আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ও নষনহ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ ভষকভষ঳ভ঻঴ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন ।] 42 Main Building Court Justice Sheikh Md. Zakir Hossain [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং সডসব঱ন ফে

No. 21 And ঴ণেমষগ জল আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ঴ণ ও নষনহ Justice Md. Atoar Rahman ] Total cases : 19 কসযেফন।

Page : 215 - 215

43 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Habibul Gani [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফংনষনহয জন সডসব঱ন

No. 32 And ফে ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভষ঱ন; পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ Justice Md. Badruzzaman ; Total cases : 135 আেফদন঩ এফং তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও তৎ঳ংষ জষসভেনয Page : 216 - 221 আেফদন঩ ; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ

ভষকভষ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসযেফন ।] 44 Annex Building Court Justice Gobinda Chandra Tagore [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳কল

No. 3 And কষয যহট সফলয়ষসদ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ Justice Mohammad Ullah

Total cases : 434 এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন । ] Page : 222 - 241

45 Annex Building Court Justice Sheikh Hassan Arif [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳কল

No. 6 And কষয যহট সফলয়ষসদ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ Justice Razik-Al-Jalil

Total cases : 150 এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন । ] Page : 242 - 258

46 Main Building Court Justice J. B. M. Hassan [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন বষট,

No. 9 And কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আদষলত ফতহত ঳কল যহট Justice Md. Khairul Alam ; Total cases : No Case ভষ঱ন ও নষনহ ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ Page : 259 - 259 ও নষনহ কসযেফন ] । 47 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Ruhul Quddus [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন

No. 31 And ভত঺দষেদ঱় কনপষযেভ঱েনয যপষেয এফং একই যষয় ঴ইেত Justice A. S. M. Abdul Mobin

Total cases : 15 উ঺ত ঳কল পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল এফং উ যষয় ঴ইেত উ঺ত পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল ভযহয঺ Page : 260 - 264 আেফদন঩ এফং সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল

ও পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ঴ইেত উ঺ত জষসভেনয আেফদন঩ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন । ] 48 Annex Building Court Justice Farid Ahmed [ ম কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ইেফ : নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 2 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 166 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ Page : 265 - 273 কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয

জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৔৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] 49 Main Building Court Justice Md. Nazrul Islam Talukder [একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ

No. 27 And দ঺নসত দভন কসভ঱ন আইন ঳ংষ ঳কল কষয পৗজদষযহ ও Justice Dr. K. M. Hafizul Alam , , Total cases : No Case যহট ভষ঱ন সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ ও উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ ও Page : 274 - 274 নষনহ কসযেফন।]

50 Main Building Court Justice Bhabani Prasad Singha [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন

No. 11 And অষসধকষয সবসেত সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ ভত঺দষেদ঱় Justice Md. Kamrul Hossain

Total cases : 2 Mollah কনপষযেভ঱েনয যপষেয এফং একই যষয় ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল এফং উ যষয় ঴ইেত উ঺ত Page : 275 - 275 পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং

পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ মসদ থষেক; আেদে঱য সফে পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল ও পৗজদষযহ ঩সং আ঩হল-এ জষসভেনয দযখষ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] 51 Main Building Court Justice S. H. Md. Nurul Huda [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 22 Jaigirdar ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : No Case ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ Page : 276 - 276 কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয

জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৔৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] 52 Annex Building Court Justice Md. Mozibur Rahman [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 35 Miah ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ধ

, , Total cases : 330 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন; দওয়ষনহ Page : 277 - 296 কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয

জন অন঻ধ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ধ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ধ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ধ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট); ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৔৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন ।] 53 Annex Building Court Justice Muhammad Khurshid [একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন আসদভ No. 16 Alam Sarkar অসধেষধহন সফলয়; ঳ষকে঳঱ন আইন ৌ৔্৐ অন঺মষয়হ

Total cases : No Case ইষ঩ ও ইষ঩ ফসতেযেক ভত় ফসয সফলয়ফয অসধে; সফফষ঴ সফেদ আইন ৌ৓৑৔ অন঺মষয়হ ভষকভষ; Page : 297 - 297 ; ্োো৔ ইং ঳েনয ডভষক আইেনয অধহন আেফদন঩ ৌ৔ৌৎ ও ৌ৔৔৏ ইং ঳েনয কষষনহ আইন অন঺মষয়হ আেফদন঩; ফষংক কষষনহ আইন ৌ৔৔ৌইং (ৌ৔৔ৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌ৏ নং আইন) অন঺মষয়হ আেফদন঩; ঳ষসল঱ আইন ্োোৌ (্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌনং আইন) অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল ও আেফদন঩; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩।] 54 Main Building Court Justice A. K. M. Shahidul Huq [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 31 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 10 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ Page : 298 - 298 অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো

টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট); ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন।] 55 Annex Building Court Justice Ashish Ranjan Das [একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত No. 14 অন সফচষযেকয সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো

Total cases : 9 টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষকভষ এফং ম ঳ফ সফময় এই Page : 299 - 299 ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ

ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] 56 Main Building Court Justice Mahmudul Hoque [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 28 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 12 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ Page : 300 - 300 কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয

জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৔৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদন঩ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] 57 Main Building Court Justice Zafar Ahmed [একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত No. 24 অন সফচষযেকয সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো

Total cases : 7 টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষকভষ এফং ম ঳ফ সফময় এই Page : 301 - 301 ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ

ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] 58 Main Building Court Justice Kashefa Hussain [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ No. 23 ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻

, , Total cases : 7 ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো Page : 302 - 302 ; টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদন঩ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল, থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল (েফট); ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন।] 59 Old Building Court No. Justice Md. Abu Ahmed Jamadar [একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত 4 অন সফচষযেকয সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো

Total cases : 8 টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ সডস ও আেদে঱য সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষকভষ এফং ম ঳ফ সফময় এই Page : 303 - 303 ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ

ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] 60 Blank List 1 ...... [ ম কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ইেফ: দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৏ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ Total cases : 61 , , ; , , ৑ োো োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আ঩হল অন঻ ৑ োো োোো টষকষ Page : 304 - 306 ভষেনয সতহয় আ঩হল, সতহয় সফসফধ আ঩হল ও থভ সফসফধ আ঩হল ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত সফচষযেকয আেদে঱য সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযে঩ আেদে঱য সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ এফং তৎ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ।] 61 Blank List 2 ...... [ ম কষয ভষভলষয নষনহ ঴ইেফ: নষনহয জন একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ় ত আ঩হল; পৗজদষযহ সযসব঱ন ও Total cases : 20

যপষেয ভষকভষ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল Page : 307 - 308 ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ]

62 Lawazima Court ...... ( ফলষ ্ ঘকষ)

Total cases : 8

Page : 309 - 309

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 1

High Court Division Justice Syed Muhammad Dastagir Husain and Justice Md. Iqbal Kabir Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং বষট, কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আদষলত, ফষংক, আসথক সতষন ও ঱ষ঳সনক ষইফ঺নষল এষ - এর আওতষধহন সফলয় ফতহত ঳কল রহট ভষ঱ন ; নষনহর জন ঳কল কষর রহট সফলয়ষসদ এফং উপেরষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল, আেফদনপ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসরেফন । ] As to be mentioned 10 Writ Petition Md. Faruk Hossain

1 Writ Petition Mrs. Alhaj Abdus Sattar 16493/2017 vs

11103/2017 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Min of Education and 07 min of Finance and 06 others others 11 Writ Petition Md. Abul Khair Mia

2 Writ Petition Tayul Islam 867/2018 vs

2069/2017 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Public Min of LGRD and 03 Administration and 04 others others 3 Writ Petition R & R Hatchery Ltd. 12 Writ Petition Md. Saleh Ahmed

16377/2012 represented by Md. Serajur 868/2018 vs

Rahman Bangldesh Rep by its Sec vs Min of Agriculture and 06 Bangladfesh and others others 4 Writ Petition Abul Bashar 13 Writ Petition Md. Osman Ghani

1815/2018 vs 869/2018 vs

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangladesh Rep. by its Min of Law and 07 others Min. of Agriculture and 06 others 5 Writ Petition Khandaker Walivi Haque 3409/2016 vs 14 Writ Petition Lalmatia Shahi Masque

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 14139/2016 Complex

Min of Housing and Public vs

Works and 03 others Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Housing and Public 6 Writ Petition Kazi Nilphamari Farms Works and 06 others 4047/2018 Ltd vs 15 Writ Petition Atikur Rahman

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 6806/2010 vs

Min of Power and 08 Bangladesh and othersr others 16 Writ Petition Shah Alam

For Hearing 3546/2013 vs

(Group) Bangladesh and others 7 Writ Petition Dr. md. mahmudur rahman 17 Writ Petition Mohammad Bador Uddin

5537/2015 vs 3467/2016 vs

The Sec. Min. of public Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. adminstration and 08 ors Min of Education and 06 others 8 Writ Petition Shuvashis Kumar 12045/2017 vs 18 Writ Petition Md. Saydur Rahman Khan

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 10302/2017 vs

min of LGRD and 04 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others min of Education and 04 others Writ Petition Most. Tasrina Akter 4697/2017 vs 19 Writ Petition Syed Badrul Haque

Bangladesh Rep by Sec 10139/2017 vs

Min of LGRD and 05 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others min of Land and 06 others 9 Writ Petition Md. Ansar Ali Sarker 17655/2017 vs Bangladesh and others

Page : 2 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8]

20 Writ Petition Kutub Uddin Chowdhury 27 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace 14368/2017 vs 9105/2010 for Bangladesh, Bangldesh Rep by its Sec vs min of Education and 09 Sec.min. of Health and others Family Welfare and ors 21 Writ Petition Md. Jakir Hossain 28 Writ Petition Belal Hossain 3928/2016 vs 2297/2017 vs Bangladesh its Bangladesh Rep by Sec Secretary, Ministry of Min of Education and 06 Housing and Public Works others and 3 others 29 Writ Petition Md. Hatim Miah, Dhaka

Mr. A.K.M.Sirajul Islam, 9682/2008 vs Advocate.. for the Sec. Min. of Land Dhaka petitioner and ors 22 Writ Petition Monir Hussain and 4 ors 30 Writ Petition Md. Salim Bhuiyan, Dhaka

468/2012 vs 4217/2008 vs

Sec.min. of Shipping and Deputy Director ( College- ors 2), Directorate Writ Petition Md. Rais Sheikh and 5 ors Mr. Md. Sagir Hossain. 471/2012 vs Advocate.. for the (with) Sec.min. of Shipping and petitioner ors Mr. Ariful Islam, Advocte Writ Petition Md. Idris Ahmed and 3 ors .. for the added respondent 472/2012 vs No.8, Mr. A.B.M. Rafiqul (with) Sec.min. of shipping and Haque Talukder, ors Advocate.. for the added Respondent No.7 Writ Petition Rayan 473/2012 vs 31 Writ Petition Mrs. Zakaria Bhuiyan 5223/2012 vs Sec.min. of shipping and ors Bangladesh and others 23 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace 32 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mannan, Sylhet 1513/2007 vs 1726/2018 For Bangladesh vs Sec. Min. of Home Affairs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec and ors Min of Health and 11 33 Writ Petition Md. Al Amin others 5539/2014 vs

24 Writ Petition Md. Mostafa The state 5097/2016 vs 34 Writ Petition Bangladesh and others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 10432/2013 vs Min of Roads Transport Court of Settlement and Bridgs and 05 others 35 Writ Petition Shahapur Mohammad 25 Writ Petition Md. Alamin Sheikh 7657/2014 chowdhury gazi 1190/2017 vs vs Bangladesh Rep. by its The Sec. Min. of Land and Secretary of Land and 9 4 ors others 36 Writ Petition Md. Ali Haider 26 Writ Petition Md. Abdus Sattar 12716/2016 vs 13191/2012 vs Bangladesh and others Sec. Min. of education and others

Page : 3 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8]

37 Writ Petition Md. Shawkat Ali 45 Writ Petition Jalal Ahmed 11228/2017 vs 17844/2017 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Cox`s Bazar Development min of LGRD and 09 and others others 46 Writ Petition Abdul Jalil 38 Writ Petition Md. Robiul Islam 7042/2012 vs 15327/2016 vs Sec.min. of land and ors Bangladesh Rep by Sec 47 Writ Petition Md. Shamsul Haque Min of Environment and 2796/2015 vs 07 others Bangladesh and others 39 Writ Petition Md. Rais Uddin 48 Writ Petition Md. Afsar Ali 9107/2016 vs 5429/2006 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others min of Home Affairs and 49 Writ Petition Nur Mohammad 04 others 11349/2017 vs 40 Writ Petition Deba Rani Dey Ctg Port Authority and 07 2769/2016 vs others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 50 Writ Petition Umme Kawser Sababil Min of LGRD and 04 9723/2014 vs others Bangladesh and others For Hearing 51 Writ Petition Md. Sakhur Ali and (Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice) 6937/2006 another 41 Writ Petition Jakir Hossain Howlader vs 6742/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 52 Writ Petition Md. Khaled Ahmed Min of Land and 06 others. 4587/2011 vs For Hearing Bagnladesh by the Sec. (Group) Min of LGRD and others 42 Writ Petition md. Masudur Rahman 53 Writ Petition Kazi Md. Sakhawat 15285/2012 vs 9542/2014 Hossain Bangladesh by the sec.min. vs of law, justice and Bangladesh and others parliamentary affairs and 54 Writ Petition Syeda Meherun Nessa ors 4644/2013 vs 43 Writ Petition Prof. Dr. A.F. Aminul Sec.min. of education and 6323/2010 Islam, Satkania, ors Chittagong 55 Writ Petition Abdul Motalib vs 8392/2013 vs Additional Deputy Bangladesh and others. Commissioner Revenue Chittagong and ors 56 Writ Petition Md. Waliur Rahman

Mr. Abdul Momen 5005/2013 vs

Chowdhdury Advocate for Bangladesh and others the petitioner 57 Writ Petition Md. Bakul Mia

44 Writ Petition Prof. Dr. A.F. Aminul 3730/2014 vs

6324/2010 Islam, Satkania, The Sec. Min. of Chittagong Education and ors vs 58 Writ Petition Md. Rafiq Uddin Joarder Additional Deputy 1088/2016 vs Commissioner Revenue Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Chittagong and ors Min of Finance and 02 Mr. Abdul Momen others Chowdhury Advocate for the petitioner

Page : 4 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8]

59 Writ Petition Shahbuddin 72 Writ Petition Mrs. Khurshid Haque 9202/2014 vs 4817/2017 vs Bangladesh and others Chairman, NBR and 02 60 Writ Petition Zaman Khond ker others 3533/2014 vs 73 Writ Petition Ashraf-Uz-Zaman with W.P. 1607 of 2014 The Sec. Min. of 11404/2017 vs Communication and ors Secratary Cabinet Division 61 Writ Petition Aftab Uddin and 08 others 7258/2015 vs 74 Writ Petition Shaheen Mahmud Bangladesh and others 1245/2017 vs

62 Writ Petition Md Askir Ullah Artha Rin Adalat and 01 9927/2007 vs others Sec, Min of Land an dors 75 Writ Petition Saidur Rahman Syed 2441/2016 vs 63 Writ Petition Md. Sanowar Hossain 639/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 76 Writ Petition Md. Quazi , Min of Environment and 1568/2011 Basaboo, Dhaka Forest and 03 others vs

64 Writ Petition The Rain Tree Dhaka Sec.min. of 2348/2017 Limited Communication and ors vs 77 Writ Petition Mrs. Fatema Malek Bangladesh and others 10372/2011 vs

65 Writ Petition Md. Tofazzal Hossain Bangladesh and others. 4026/2017 vs 78 Writ Petition Md. Ariful Islam Talukder Bangladesh Rep by Sec 2187/2017 vs Min of LGRD and 08 Bangladesh Rep by Sec others min of Home Affairs and 66 Writ Petition Mohammad Nazrul Islam 03 others 3812/2016 vs For Hearing with W.P. 15734 of 2016 Bangladesh and others (Sent by Hon`ble Appellate Division) 67 Writ Petition Taljanaga Union Senior 79 Writ Petition Arif Miah 6957/2015 Alim Madrasa 17770/2017 vs vs Bangladesh Rep. by its Bangladesh and others Secretary, Ministry of 68 Writ Petition Md. Saiful Azam khan LGRD and 7 others 9567/2014 vs For Hearing Bangladesh and others (Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice) 69 Writ Petition Sufia Khatun 80 Writ Petition M/S HRC Shipping Ltd. 2738/2006 vs 5717/2016 vs Sec, Ministry of Housing Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. and Public Works and or Min of Law and 02 others

70 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Razzak Mr. Mohammad Ashraf 14037/2016 vs Uddin Bhuiyan, adv. for RAJUK and 02 others the petitioner. Ms. Dr. Rabia Bhuiyan, adv. for the 71 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Rahman respondent No. 3 6326/2018 vs For Hearing Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Min of Home and 06 (Group) others 81 Writ Petition md. Qamrul Hassan 4860/2013 vs Bangladesh and ors

Page : 5 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8]

82 Writ Petition Md. Saiful Islam 92 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Jalil 18169/2017 vs 4356/2017 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 83 Writ Petition Rajia Akter Min of Power and 07 3753/2017 vs others Bangladesh and others 93 Writ Petition Mohammad Makbul 3912/2017 vs 84 Writ Petition Farzana Hossain 4251/2015 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Sec min of land and 04 Min of Land and 04 others others 94 Writ Petition Bagharpara Degree

85 Writ Petition Md. Khorshed Alam 384/2017 College, Jessore vs 6552/2017 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Finance and 31 Min of Education and 05 others others 86 Writ Petition Principal Md. Ruhul Amin 95 Writ Petition Md. Ajmal Haq 2118/2017 vs 16485/2012 vs Bangladesh and ors. Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Land and 04 others 87 Writ Petition Qayum Reza Chowdhury 8033/2012 vs 96 Writ Petition Sayed Ali 9947/2012 vs with W.P. No. 16484 of Bangladesh and ors 2012 Mr. N.K. Saha, ad..for the Sec. min. of land and ors petitioner 97 Writ Petition Md. Serajuddin,Sylhet Mr. Md. Zahangir Alam, 3020/2008 vs ad...for the respondent. Sec. Min. of Religious 88 Writ Petition AlhajQuyum Reza Affairs and ors 11088/2012 Chowdhury 98 Writ Petition Md. Shamsul Alam, vs 5838/2010 Mirpur-1 Dhaka and 10 ors Bangladesh and ors. vs

89 Writ Petition Alhaj Qayum Reza Sec.min. of Housing and 11750/2015 Chowdhury public Works and ors vs 99 Writ Petition Kazi Reaul Haque, Tejgoan Bangladesh and others 1165/2010 Dhaka and 3 ors Mr. N.K. Saha, ad..for the vs petitioner Bhawal Raj Estate Dhaka Mr. Md. Mansur Rahman, and ors ad..for the respondent 100 Writ Petition Govt of Bangladesh Rep 90 Writ Petition Principal Md. Ruhulamin 13769/2017 By Sec Min of Housing 1378/2014 and others vs vs Chairman, First Court and Bangladesh and others Settlement and 01 others

Mr. N.K. Saha, ad..for Writ Petition Bangladesh, represented by petitioner 4966/2005 the Secretyary, Ministry of

Mr. Alhaj Md. Mansur Housing and Public Works, Rahman, ad..for the vs respondent no. 15-21. First Court of Settlement, 91 Writ Petition Jahanara Begum and others 1439/2014 vs Bangladesh and others

Page : 6 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8]

101 Writ Petition Tamizuddin Khan, Dhaka 110 Writ Petition Md. Musa 6061/2000 vs 12322/2015 vs Secy. Min of Housing The Sec. Min. of 102 Writ Petition Mrs. Jesmin Rahman Education and 03 others 7049/2013 vs 111 Writ Petition Abul Hossain Sec.min. of housing and 3622/2008 vs public works and ors Vumi Apil Road 103 Writ Petition Md. kamal pasha lecturer 112 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Rab 6489/2015 vs 6593/2005 vs The Sec. Min. of Bangladesh and others Education and 05 ors 113 Writ Petition Md. Mosharraf Hossain 104 Writ Petition Sree Narayan Chandra Das 11346/2017 vs 3739/2017 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of LGRD and 06 min of Finance and 14 others others 114 Writ Petition Md. Ali Akbor Writ Petition Ratan Mia 6594/2005 vs 8427/2017 vs Bangladesh and others

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 115 Writ Petition Shamsuddin Ahmed min of Finance and 14 6595/2005 Chowdhury others vs 105 Writ Petition The Managing Director, Bangladesh and others

7836/2016 Karnaphully Paper Mills 116 Writ Petition Jayeda begum, Munshigonj Ltd 4797/2010 and 7 ors

vs vs

The Chairman, Labour Sec.min. of land and ors Appelate Tribunal, Dhaka 117 Writ Petition Most. Ayesha Sultana and 02 others 10458/2011 vs 106 Writ Petition Karnaphully Paper Mills Sec.min. of Defence and

7832/2016 Ltd ors vs 118 Writ Petition Md. Jafar Ahmed The Chairman, Labour 8545/2014 vs Appelate Tribunal, Dhaka The Sec. Min. of Land and and 07 others ors 107 Writ Petition The Managing Director, 119 Writ Petition Nitai Prosad Rur Kayesth 7835/2016 Karnaphully Paper Mills 1295/2014 vs Ltd The Deputy Commissioner vs Sylhet and 04 ors The Chairman, Labour Appelate Tribunal, Dhaka 120 Writ Petition Md. Rezaul Karim and 02 others 6724/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 108 Writ Petition Estern Cables Ltd. Min of Education and 09 6929/2015 vs others Chairman, 1st labour court ctg and 2 ors 121 Writ Petition Md. Farhaduzzaman ( 7052/2014 Bulu) 109 Writ Petition Md. Golam Mostafa vs 13977/2017 vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD Bangldesh Rep by its Sec and ors min of Liberation War Affairs and 17 others

Page : 7 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8]

122 Writ Petition S M Fazlul Karim 135 Writ Petition Al Haj Kayum Reza 5266/2014 vs 13870/2012 chowdhury Bangladesh and ors. with W.P. 7461 of 2008 vs

123 Writ Petition Md. Rashed Sohel and W.P. 13227 of 2012 Sec.min. of education and 3623/2014 vs ors The state and others 136 Writ Petition Mohd. Qamrul Anam 8807/2012 vs 124 Writ Petition Dilsafa begum 4728/2015 vs Vice chancellor Shere The Sec. Min. of Land and Bangla agriculture 10 ors university Dhaka and ors 137 Writ Petition md. Lutfor Rahamn and 10 125 Writ Petition Md. Belal Uddin 3983/2016 vs 7697/2013 ors vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 05 Sec.min. of education and others ors 138 Writ Petition Md. Amzad Hossain 126 Writ Petition Alhaj Mahibur Rahman 14246/2016 vs 8221/2013 Momin vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Education and 06 Bangladesh and others others 139 Writ Petition Super Oil Refinery Ltd. 2115/2014 vs 127 Writ Petition Joydev Biswas 6952/2017 vs The Sec. Min. of Finance Bangldesh Rep by its Sec and ors min of land and 04 others 140 Writ Petition Dr. Abu Saleh mohammad 1013/2015 vs 128 Writ Petition Bhupendra Chandra Gose 6467/2003 vs The Sec. Min. of housing Chairman, Land Appled and 05 ors Borad Dhaka and ors 141 Writ Petition Mosammat Ashia Begum 5759/2014 vs 129 Writ Petition Hakim Gulzam Ahmed 12007/2006 Bhuiyan, Kakrail, Dhaka Bangladesh and ors vs 142 Writ Petition Bilkis Banu Sec. Ministry of land and 5044/2016 vs ors Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 130 Writ Petition Shahab Uddin, Bandarban Min of Home Affairs and 6595/2010 vs 03 others Sec.min.of land and ors 143 Writ Petition kazi borno uttam 9422/2014 vs 131 Writ Petition Momela Begum, Savar 6655/2010 Dhaka and 2 ors The state and others vs 144 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mazed Biswas Sec.min. of land and ors 11250/2015 vs

132 Writ Petition Jebun Nesa Bangladesh and others 6214/2011 vs 145 Writ Petition Md. Enamul postman Sec. min. of land and ors 281/2015 vs

133 Writ Petition Dr. Muhammad Foyez The sec. min. of Post 8297/2011 Ullah Telecominication and vs information and 06 ors Sec.min.of Health and ors 134 Writ Petition Abdul Gani 1119/2011 vs Bangladesh and others

Page : 8 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8]

146 Writ Petition Ariful Hoque Chowdhury 157 Writ Petition Ashraful Islam 4523/2017 vs 1423/2015 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others Min of LGRD and 05 158 Writ Petition Md. Shujauddowla Akond others 9263/2017 vs 147 Writ Petition Salahuddin Ahmed Bangladesh Rep by Sec 5330/2006 vs Min of Health and 04 The Sec. Ministry of others Communication and others 159 Writ Petition Mohammad Ahsanullah 148 Writ Petition Asian Textiles Mills 8247/2007 vs 7149/2016 Limited Islamic Foundation vs Bangladesh represented

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 160 Writ Petition Bilkis Begum Min of Home Affairs and 6287/2010 vs 03 others Bangladesh and others 149 Writ Petition Monzura Akter 161 Writ Petition S.M Zahid Hasan

552/2017 vs 4038/2015 vs

Bangladesh Rep by Sec Sec min of Finance and 04 Min of Education and 08 others others 162 Writ Petition Shiper Ahmed 150 Writ Petition Obimunno Singh 4039/2015 vs

3961/2012 vs Sec min of Finance and 03

The Sec. Min. of Land others 151 Writ Petition Md. Faruk Sikder 163 Writ Petition Abu Bakkar Siddique

5227/2005 vs 8854/2014 vs

Bangladesh and others The Sec. Min. of Land and 152 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace ors

6622/2016 For Bangladesh (HRPB 164 Writ Petition Kenu Mia and 3 ors

vs 1024/2013 vs

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Sec.min. of power energy Min of Health and Family and mineral resources and Welafre and 22 others ors 153 Writ Petition Zahura Begum alias 165 Writ Petition Rifat Fatema

10184/2006 Surmana Chowdhury 6148/2014 vs

vs Bangladesh and others The Sec. Ministry of Land 166 Writ Petition Yasmeen Gafoor and others 11628/2017 vs 154 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace Bangldesh Rep by its Sec

8278/2017 For Bangladesh min of Law and 03 others vs 167 Writ Petition Md. Rakibul Alam Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 8675/2017 vs min of Environment and 11 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others min of Public 155 Writ Petition Azad Miah Adminstation and 02

5898/2012 vs others Bangaldesh by the sec.min. 168 Writ Petition Harun ur Rashid of land and others 8883/2016 vs 156 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Momen Bangladesh Rep by Sec

8824/2017 vs min of Housing and Public

Bangladesh and others Works and 06 others

Page : 9 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8]

169 Writ Petition Md. Helal Uddin 180 Writ Petition Tozammel Hossain 6973/2016 vs 10138/2014 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. The Sec. Min. of Min of Law Justice and Education and 05 ors Parliamentary Affairs and 181 Writ Petition Sabiha Laila Heera 06 others 8717/2017 vs 170 Writ Petition Md. Nashir Uddin Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 2180/2017 vs min of Public Works and Bangladesh Rep by Sec 06 others Min of Education and 07 182 Writ Petition Muhammad Zakir Hossain others 2229/2016 vs 171 Writ Petition Md. Nuruzzaman Bangladesh and others 13731/2017 vs Mr. Md. Azharul Islam Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Chowdhury, Advocate for min of Education and 10 the petitioner. others 183 Writ Petition Md. Sofikul Awal khan 172 Writ Petition Md. Omar Faruk 8133/2016 vs 14459/2017 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Min of Road Transport and min of Education and 09 Bridges and 05 others others 184 Writ Petition Md. Shafiq Ullah 173 Writ Petition Mujibur Rahman 7041/2011 vs 5499/2011 vs Bangladesh and ors. Bangladesh by the sec.min. 185 Writ Petition Jobayer Ahmed Soheb of LGRD and ors 1973/2016 vs 174 Writ Petition Nazrul Islam Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 32/2016 vs Min of Power Energy and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 07 others Min of Land and 05 others 186 Writ Petition Md. Rashed Sohel 175 Writ Petition Ariful Islam 3820/2014 vs 12520/2017 vs Bangladesh and others Dhaka South City 187 Writ Petition Mst. Easmin Ara Begum Corporation and 01 others 15657/2017 vs 176 Writ Petition Md. Ayub Ali shah Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 12329/2016 vs min of LGRD and 04 Bangladesh Rep by Sec others Min of Education and 03 For Hearing others (group) 177 Writ Petition Md. Symon Islam 188 Writ Petition Saleh Anwar Chowdhury 9062/2016 vs 13548/2017 vs Administration of WAQF Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Dhaka and 03 others min of Land and 03 others 178 Writ Petition Tasmur Begum 189 Writ Petition Md. Morshedur Rahman 4525/2016 vs 5341/2016 Chowhdury Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. vs Min of Primary and Mass Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Education and 05 others Min of LGRD and 09 179 Writ Petition A.K.M Ibrahim others 6917/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 06 others

Page : 10 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 8]

190 Writ Petition Md. Motiur Rahman 200 Writ Petition Md. Anwarul Karim 4567/2017 vs 4651/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 07 others Min of LGRD and 08 191 Writ Petition Bangladesh Environmental others 10118/2017 Lawyers Association 201 Writ Petition Md. Mujibur Rahman (BELA) 14266/2016 vs vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Min of Labour min of Environment and Employment and 03 others 08 others For Hearing 192 Writ Petition Most. Nazmun Nahar (Group)

17077/2017 vs 202 Writ Petition Ms. Hosna

Bangladesh Rep. by its 8730/2017 vs Sec. Min. of law and 04 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others min of Land and 05 others 193 Writ Petition M.A Malek Chowdhury 203 Writ Petition Bangladesh Forest

6666/2017 vs 8417/2005 Industry Ltd.

Bangladesh Rep by Sec vs Min of Education and 07 Chairman,1st labour Court others and others 194 Writ Petition Haju Hawlader 204 Writ Petition Abdul Mannan

2124/2016 vs 7201/2017 vs

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Min of LGRD and 07 min of Labour and 07 others others 195 Writ Petition Halima Begum 205 Writ Petition Md. Abul Al- Kaisar

12285/2017 vs 10371/2015 vs

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec The Sec. Min. of Law, min of Education and 05 Justice and Parlamentary others Affairs and 02 others 196 Writ Petition Zayed Miah 206 Writ Petition ATM Monir Hossain

4418/2017 vs 4541/2016 vs

Administration of WAQF Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. and 03 others Min of Law Justice and 197 Writ Petition America Bangladesh Parliamentary Affairs and 1659/2016 University 05 others

vs 207 Writ Petition Md. ansar ali

Bangladesh Rep by Sec 6403/2015 vs min of Education and chairman, Secondary and Another higher secondary 198 Writ Petition S.M Mansur Uddin education and 04 ors

24/2018 vs 208 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Rahman

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 18115/2017 Shikder and others Min of LGRD and 06 vs others Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 199 Writ Petition Chandpur Matshahjihi Min of Education and 08 58/2018 Samabay Samity Ltd others

vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Min of Land and 06 others Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 11

High Court Division Justice Tariq ul Hakim and Justice Md. Shohrowardi Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 10] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং বষট, কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আদষলত, ফষংক, আসথক সতষন ও ঱ষ঳সনক ষইফ঺নষল এষ - এর আওতষধহন সফলয় ফতহত ঳কল রহট ভষ঱ন ; নষনহর জন ঳কল কষর রহট সফলয়ষসদ এফং উপেরষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল, আেফদনপ ঴ণ এফং নষনহ কসরেফন । ] Motion 12 Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam

3799/2017 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Hearing Min of LGRD and 05 1 Writ Petition Mohammad Nurul Alam others 11117/2016 vs 13 Writ Petition Md. Yasin Ali, Rajshahi Bangladesh Rep by Sec 12136/2006 vs min of Fisheries and 06 Sec. Min. of land and ors others 14 Writ Petition UCB Capital Management 2 Writ Petition Md. Mohfuzur Alam 15567/2016 Ltd 2018/2014 vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Securities and 3 Writ Petition Shafiqul Islam Exchange commission and 7577/2015 vs 05 others with 8102/2015, The Sec Min of LGRD and 15 Writ Petition Md. Enamul Mallik 3824/2013 03 Others 1894/2017 vs 4 Writ Petition Azma Mahmud Bangladesh Rep by Sec 632/2013 vs Min of Education and 06 Bangladesh others, Mr. Manoj Kumar 5 Writ Petition Md. Golam Hossain Bhowmick, Advocate --- 5653/2005 vs for the Petitioner, Mr. Anil Bangladesh Chandra Debnath, 6 Writ Petition Kamrun Nahar Advocate----for the 15614/2016 vs Respondent No. 8 Bangladesh Rep by Sec 16 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Hamid Sheikh Min of Public 16616/2012 vs Administration and 03 Bangladesh others 17 Writ Petition Dr. Alisa Jahan 7 Writ Petition Jahangir Mustafa 931/2011 vs 15660/2012 vs with 5156/2010, Bangladesh Bangladesh and others 7305/2009 8 Writ Petition Md. Alamgir Hossain 18 Writ Petition A. K. M. Fazlul Haque 2678/2016 vs 3003/2015 vs Bangladesh and others with 3004/2015, Bangladesh and others 9 Writ Petition Md. Lutfor Rahman Miah 3005/2015, 2736/2015, 11520/2017 vs 2737/2015, 2738/2015 with 11900/2017, Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 19 Writ Petition Mokter Hossain 16822/2017, 17773/2017 min of Water Resource and 8978/2015 vs 04 others Bangladesh and others 10 Writ Petition Rahmat e Sohel 20 Writ Petition Md. Reza ullah 1515/2013 vs 10380/2014 vs Bangladesh Director Generel, 11 Writ Petition M/S Engineering Ltd. and Department of Secondary 5542/2010 others and Higher education and vs 05 ors Artha Rin Adalat No. 3, Dhaka and others

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21 Writ Petition Abul Hossain and others 33 Writ Petition Abu Darda 16254/2016 vs 9752/2015 vs Bangladesh and others The Sec. Min. of religious 22 Writ Petition Md. Touhidul Islam and 13 affairs and 11 others 10795/2011 ors 34 Writ Petition Md. Abu Taher, sub with 170/2012, vs 2674/2009 inspector, Chandpur 1808/2012, 1807/2012 Sec.min.of education and vs ors Sec.min. of Home Affairs 23 Writ Petition Sree Gougango Kumar and ors 12005/2015 vs 35 Writ Petition A.K.M. Ruhul Amin (04.07.2018 at 11.00 a.m.) Bangladesh and others 3457/2013 vs

24 Writ Petition Ahmed Ali Bangladesh and others 9076/2013 vs 36 Writ Petition Md. Shafiqul Islam Bangladesh and others 282/2016 vs Mr. Md. Sirajul Islam, Bangladesh and others Adv. -For the petitioner 37 Writ Petition Suvash Chandra Dhor 25 Writ Petition Md. Osman Gani 10746/2012 vs 12204/2015 vs Bangladesh

Bangladesh and others 38 Writ Petition Anika Aziz 26 Writ Petition Md. Sohrab Hossian 13379/2015 vs 1123/2016 Mollah Bangladesh and others

vs 39 Writ Petition Abul Kashem

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 1423/2017 vs Min of Liberation War Bangladesh and others Affairs and 06 others 40 Writ Petition Mohiuddin 27 Writ Petition A.K.M Fazlul Karim 3900/2011 vs

16157/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 41 Writ Petition Muha. Saifuzzaman min of Liberation War 10027/2013 vs Affaris and 07 others with 11992/2013, Bangladesh 28 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Matin 11991/2013 5457/2010 vs 42 Writ Petition Md. Jahir Uddin Bangladesh 2798/2014 vs 29 Writ Petition Mohammad Salim The state and others 11594/2017 vs 43 Writ Petition Orscom Telecom Ltd. Dhaka University and 04 3642/2012 vs others with 3643/2012, N.B.R and others 30 Writ Petition Lokman Hakim 3644/2012, 3645/2012 1600/2017 vs 44 Writ Petition Md. Gias Uddin Bangladesh Rep by Sec 5888/2016 vs Min of Law and 09 others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 31 Writ Petition Iqrah Fashion Ltd. Min of Public

2268/2017 vs Adminstration and 10

Bangladesh and others others 32 Writ Petition Md. Fazilatunnessa 1494/2016 vs Bangladesh and others

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45 Writ Petition Abdul Mannan 55 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Mukit 7501/2011 vs 1729/2013 vs Bangladesh and others The labour court of 2nd 46 Writ Petition Md. Munirul islam artha rin adalat Dhaka and 13722/2016 vs ors Bangladesh Rep by Sec 56 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Mukit Min of Education and 06 1730/2013 vs others The labour court of 2nd 47 Writ Petition Mahhabubul Gani being artha rin adalat Dhaka and 7941/2009 dead his heirs Zinnat Gani ors (Wife) and Osman Gani 57 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Mukit (Son) 1731/2013 vs vs The labour court of 2nd Bangladesh and others artha rin adalat Dhaka and 48 Writ Petition Lokman Hossain ors 7007/2011 vs 58 Writ Petition Mrs. Kamrun Nahar Bangladesh and others 1681/2016 vs

49 Writ Petition Md. Borhan Uddin and 2 Bangladesh Rep by Sec 7304/2010 ors min of Public Works and vs 10 others Sec.min. of 59 Writ Petition Taimur Islam Communication and ors 1781/2012 vs

50 Writ Petition Md. Khalilur Rahman Deputy Commissioner 5286/2009 vs Dhaka and ors Bangladesh and others 60 Writ Petition Abul Hashem Hasu 4657/2002 vs 51 Writ Petition Eagle Star Textile Mills 5382/2017 Ltd Bangladesh vs 61 Writ Petition A. B. M. Garments Bangladesh Rep by Sec 5573/2006 vs Min of Textile and 03 Bangladesh others 62 Writ Petition A.K.M. Mosaddek Billah 52 Writ Petition Alhaj Mostafa Hakim 6414/2016 vs 7592/2017 Housing and Real Estate Bangladesh and others Limited 63 Writ Petition Md. Wahiduzzaman vs 11459/2015 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangladesh and others min of Textile and Jute and 64 Writ Petition Dr. Romana Ahmed Dhaka 03 others 4740/2008 and 20 ors 53 Writ Petition Dr. M. Mukit vs 1727/2013 vs Sec.min. of Works and ors Bangladesh director sonali 65 Writ Petition Md. Abdun Naim Parvez bank ltd. and ors 7174/2007 vs 54 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Mukit Bangladesh and others 1728/2013 vs 66 Writ Petition Syed Abdur Rahim, The labour court of 2nd 1246/2007 Mirpur, Dhaka artha rin adalat Dhaka and vs ors Chairman, Rajuk Dhaka and ors

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67 Writ Petition Abul Kalam 79 Writ Petition Kazi Md. Badrul Islam, 5355/2007 vs 8345/2008 Dhaka Sec, Min of vs Communication and ors Rajuk 68 Writ Petition Faisal Islam 80 Writ Petition Hasina Yasmin 4318/2017 vs 5888/2017 vs Artha Rin Adalat and 01 Bangladesh Rep by Sec others Min of Education and 06 69 Writ Petition Bibi Rahima others 874/2014 vs 81 Writ Petition Md. Kamruzzaman Babul Bangladesh and ors 15846/2017 vs

70 Writ Petition Hazrat Shah Ali Market, Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 5689/2007 Mirpur, Dhaka min of LGRD and 13 vs others Sec, Min of Housing and 82 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Motalib Public Works, Dhaka 10774/2017 vs

71 Writ Petition Md. Sirajul Haque Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 1378/2016 vs min of Primary and 05 with 1379/2016 Bangladesh and others others 72 Writ Petition Abdus Sattar Khan 83 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Matin 5374/2010 vs 146/2011 vs Bangladesh and others Director Forest and anothers. Mr. Nazmul 73 Writ Petition Shamsun Nahar, Dhaka Huda, ad...for the 3400/2008 vs petitioner. Mr. Sarwar Sec. Min. of Housing and Ahmed, ad..for the ors petitioner. 74 Writ Petition Mrs. Maidala Malek w/o. 84 Writ Petition Dr. Imdadul Karim 865/2009 of Abdul Malek, Dhaka 15275/2016 Chowdhury vs vs Rajdhani Unnayan Bangladesh EPZ Dhaka Kartipakkha Rajuk Dhaka and 03 others and ors 85 Writ Petition Mahmudadul Hai 75 Writ Petition Zahirul Mostafa Talukder 5276/2009 vs 8433/2010 and others Inspector General of vs and others Bangladesh and others 86 Writ Petition Sheikh Nasim Habib 76 Writ Petition Mohammad Solaiman 7663/2009 vs 6850/2014 vs Inspector General of Police The Sec. Min. of Jute and and others Textile and 6 ors 87 Writ Petition Md. Nannu Fakir 77 Writ Petition Rojina Begum 13793/2015 vs 1739/2014 vs The Sec. Min. of Bangladesh and others Liberation War Affairs and 78 Writ Petition Platinuam Jablee Jute Mills 05 others

7937/2017 ltd 88 Writ Petition Md. Mustafizur Rahman vs 181/2012 vs Chairman, labour Court with 3717/2013 Bangladesh and others and 02 others

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89 Writ Petition Md. Abul Kashem Hearing 7036/2015 vs 99 Writ Petition Fazlor Rahman Bhuiyan Bangladesh and others 8675/2016 Fazu and others 90 Writ Petition H.M Ibrahim vs 14865/2017 vs Bangladesh and others Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 100 Writ Petition Mohammad Younus min of Housing and 09 14164/2016 vs others Controller of Exmination, Hearing Bagabandhu Sheikh Mujib (absorption matter) Medical 91 Writ Petition Md. Rehidul Islam 101 Writ Petition S. M. Shahidul Islam 8055/2014 vs 1606/1998 Azady The state vs Bangladesh and others 92 Writ Petition Md. Arman Ali 1075/2015 vs 102 Writ Petition Md. Riaj uddin Shah The Science Information 9000/2014 vs and Communication and The Sec. Min. of 05 others Education and ors 93 Writ Petition Salma Atia 103 Writ Petition Md. Basha Ramij Uddin 10470/2017 vs 14119/2016 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec with 754/2011, 141/2016 Bangladesh and others min of Fisharies and 06 104 Writ Petition Tapan Kumar Mondol others 4038/2014 vs Hearing Bangladesh (Nikah Registrar) 105 Writ Petition Tapan Kumar Mondol 94 Writ Petition Md. Gias Uddin 4039/2014 vs 6115/2017 vs Bangladesh with 6116/2017, Bangladesh Rep by Sec 106 Writ Petition Md. Monirul Haq 6117/2017, 6118/2017, Min of Law and 03 others 6544/2015 vs 12843/2016, 12844/2016 Bangladesh and others 95 Writ Petition Md. Nazimuddin 107 Writ Petition Md. Amzad Hossain 4214/2006 vs 1366/2013 Sarker with 1605/2011, Bangladesh and others vs 896/2010, 899/2010, Bangladesh and others 4001/2009, 10168/2011, 108 Writ Petition Sunil Kanti 10239/2011, 11941/2013, 7995/2011 vs 4008/2014, 323/2014, Bangladesh 769/2011 109 Writ Petition Pronidor Das 96 Writ Petition Kazi Md. Nurul Arefin 618/2012 vs 12078/2016 vs with 650/2012, 645/2012 Bangladesh Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Law and 10 others 110 Writ Petition Md. Joynal Abedin 4496/2014 Chowdhury Hearing vs (M.P.O Matter) Bangladesh 97 Writ Petition Md. Golam Hasnain and Writ Petition Md. Zainul Abedin 2665/2011 others 3956/2014 Chowdhury vs vs Bangladesh and others The Sec. Min. of Finance For Hearing and ors 98 Writ Petition Habibur Rashid 9473/2005 Chowdhury vs Bangladesh

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111 Writ Petition Md. Abu Bakkar and 06 125 Writ Petition Waliar Rahman 2707/2016 others 639/2015 vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 126 Writ Petition Hossain Chemical Ltd. 112 Writ Petition Md. Abul Kalam Azad 3961/2009 vs 3446/2010 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 127 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Rahman 113 Writ Petition Nepal Chandra Mojumder 9399/2014 vs 488/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh 128 Writ Petition Abu Hasan 114 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mannan 16163/2012 vs 12337/2012 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh and others 129 Writ Petition Khan Kamal Uddin 115 Writ Petition Arun Kanti Talukder 6730/2014 vs 10431/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh 130 Writ Petition The Manager, Cafe Aroma 116 Writ Petition Dr. Salma Sultana 4289/2002 Hotel Ltd, Chottagong 5162/2009 vs vs Bangladesh Absul Sattar and 117 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam Government 4836/2014 vs 131 Writ Petition Jahur Ahmed Bangladesh and others 12084/2015 vs

118 Writ Petition Beats Fashion Ltd and Bangladesh and others 4432/2013 another 132 Writ Petition Md. Humayun Kabir vs 6736/2008 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh 119 Writ Petition Md. Hanif Jamaddar 133 Writ Petition Khan Md. Abdur Rashid 11072/2015 vs 6184/2008 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Open 120 Writ Petition Md. Al Amin University and others 3075/2014 vs 134 Writ Petition A. T. M. Parvege Bangladesh 1225/2010 vs

121 Writ Petition Ohi Ullah Bangladesh 3262/2012 vs 135 Writ Petition Fazlul Huq Bangladesh and others 8222/2010 vs

122 Writ Petition M.A. hannan Bangladesh 731/2016 vs 136 Writ Petition A. T. M. Azmal Hossain Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 732/2011 and others Min of Education and 07 vs others Bangladesh 123 Writ Petition T.M. Fate Kubir, Dhaka ors 137 Writ Petition Nissar Ahmed 971/2007 vs 3529/2010 vs Dhaka North City Bangladesh and others 124 Writ Petition Hossain Chemical Ltd. 138 Writ Petition A. B. M. Nurul Islam 1896/2006 vs 12974/2015 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh and others

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139 Writ Petition Prof. Dr. Md. Jafor Ahmed 153 Contempt Petition Muhammd Abdus Sattar 16468/2012 vs 452/2016 vs Bangladesh (arising out of writ Mr. Md. Ekramul Huq 140 Writ Petition Md. Abul Khair petition no. 13996 of 2881/2016 vs 2016) Bangladesh and others 154 Writ Petition A. K. M. Jasimuddin 5559/2010 vs 141 Writ Petition Md. Maksudun Nabi 4071/2011 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh 155 Writ Petition Mohammad Golam

142 Writ Petition Uttara Bank Ltd. 12852/2016 Mostafa vs 3369/2011 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Education and 10 143 Writ Petition Manju Ahmed others 427/2014 vs with 9931/2014 Bangladesh 156 Writ Petition Saad Musa Fabrices Ltd. 2158/2015 vs 144 Writ Petition Prof. Md. Abdus Samad with 2157/2015 Bangladesh and others 6664/2014 vs Bangladesh and others 157 Writ Petition Abul Hossain 4654/2002 vs 145 Writ Petition Md. Mehedi Hasan and Sec. Min of Home Affairs 2790/2014 others 158 Writ Petition American Internation vs Bangladesh 4526/2012 University vs 146 Writ Petition Savar Dying and Finishing RAJUK 638/2010 Industries Ltd. 159 Writ Petition Nur hossain Khandaker with 357/2009 vs Bangladesh 13503/2012 vs Sec.min. of land and ors 147 Writ Petition Gajannat Ghosh 160 Writ Petition Md. Sirajuddin 252/2007 vs Bangladesh 3827/2008 vs Rajdhani Unnayan 148 Writ Petition Gazi Golam Rabbani Katripakkha Rajuk Dhaka

8018/2008 vs and ors Bangladesh and others 161 Writ Petition Md. Zahidul Islam 149 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Khaleque 865/2010 Mohasin

11200/2016 vs vs

Bangladesh Rep by Sec Govt. of Bangladesh Min of Roads Transports and Bridge and 06 others 162 Writ Petition Mahbub Ullah 10502/2011 vs 150 Writ Petition Md. Golam Mustafa Bangladesh 6172/2003 vs Bangladesh and others 163 Writ Petition Bagladsh Environmental 1430/2003 Laywer 151 Writ Petition Metropolitan Medical Association(BELA),

1720/2015 vs Dhaka

with 1721/2015, Bangladesh and others vs 1722/2015, 1723/2015, The Sec. Min. of Industries 1724/2015 and commerce and ors 152 Writ Petition Md. Raiyan Mustafiz 7051/2011 vs Bangladesh

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164 Writ Petition Masum Rahman 176 Writ Petition Shamsuzzoha 4671/2012 vs 874/2016 vs Rajdhani Unnayan Bangladesh and others Katripakho 177 Writ Petition Md. Abul Hossain 165 Writ Petition Md. Aminur rahman, 2691/2011 vs 6462/2010 Tejgaon, Dhaka and 4 ors Bangladesh

vs 178 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Motaleb and

Rajdhani Unnayan 2642/2012 others Katripakkha Rajuk Dhaka vs and ors Govt. of Bangladesh and 166 Writ Petition Md. Abbas Ali and 2 ors others

2389/2012 vs 179 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam and

Rajdhani Unnayan 2913/2014 others Katripakkha Rajuk Dhaka vs and ors Govt. of Bangladesh and 167 Writ Petition Shah Alam others

5930/2015 vs 180 Writ Petition Balram Biswas

Bangladesh and others 5089/2011 vs 168 Writ Petition Mrs. Akhi Akter and others Bangladesh

8575/2012 vs 181 Writ Petition Md. Sohel Bokshi

Bangladesh and others 6926/2010 vs 169 Writ Petition Crecent Jute Mills Bangladesh and others

3906/2015 vs 182 Writ Petition Md. Shahidullah

Bangladesh and others 8657/2011 vs 170 Writ Petition Syed Mannan Ali Bangladesh

11723/2014 vs 183 Writ Petition Md. Habib Aziz

Bangladesh and others 8921/2011 vs 171 Writ Petition Md. Abdus Salam Bangladesh

278/2016 vs 184 Writ Petition Fazlul Huq Malik

REB and others 9733/2011 vs 172 Writ Petition Md. Shafiqul Islam Liton Bangladesh

8224/2016 vs 185 Writ Petition Anis Uddin and other

Bangladesh Rep by Sec 1909/2012 vs Min of LGRD and 02 Bangladesh others 186 Writ Petition M/S Bhuiyan and Haque 173 Writ Petition M/s Latif Baowani Jute 5050/2012 C.N.G.

10689/2014 Mills Ltd and others vs

with 10690/2014 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh and others 187 Writ Petition Sri Mati Biswas 174 Writ Petition Ashok Chowdhury 2750/2012 vs

13238/2012 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 188 Writ Petition Md. Shahajan Ali 175 Writ Petition Mst. Mahbuba Shirin Mita 5486/2012 vs

355/2017 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh Rep by Sec 189 Writ Petition Md. Khalilur Rahman Min of LGRD and 05 7020/2012 vs others Bangladesh

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190 Writ Petition Md. Asraful Islam 205 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Bari 8644/2012 vs 1456/2013 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 191 Writ Petition Md. Lutfor Rahman 206 Writ Petition Azam Khan Faruki 8921/2012 vs 2901/2013 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 192 Writ Petition Sys Mohammad 207 Writ Petition Shakhawat Ullah 10376/2012 vs 3642/2013 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 193 Writ Petition Md. Humayun Kabir and 208 Writ Petition Belal Uddin 11386/2012 others 3906/2013 vs vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 209 Writ Petition Md. Mahtab Hossain 194 Writ Petition Md. Mojubur Rahman 4021/2013 vs 11573/2012 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 210 Writ Petition Averest Bangladesh 195 Writ Petition Md. Solayman 4789/2013 vs 13431/2012 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 211 Writ Petition Intigrate Service Ltd. 196 Writ Petition Md. Jahangir Alam and 5413/2013 vs 13673/2012 others Bangladesh vs 212 Writ Petition Mahmuda Khatun Bangladesh 8164/2013 vs 197 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Rahim Bangladesh 13846/2012 vs 213 Writ Petition Md. Abdulla Al Baki Bangladesh 8498/2013 vs 198 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Islam Bhuiyan Bangladesh 15114/2012 vs 214 Writ Petition Md. Adnan Imam Bangladesh 11727/2013 vs 199 Writ Petition Md. Mosarraf Hossain Bangladesh 16611/2012 vs 215 Writ Petition Kaysar Ali Talukder Bangladesh 16038/2013 vs 200 Writ Petition Rejwanur Rahman Bangladesh 17049/2012 vs 216 Writ Petition Pfof. Engineer Md. Abdul Bangladesh 4509/2014 Mannan 201 Writ Petition Monowara Begum vs 16935/2012 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 217 Writ Petition Md. Anwar Hossain 202 Writ Petition Arun Chowdhury 5832/2014 vs 629/2013 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 218 Writ Petition Md. Azmot Ali and ors 203 Writ Petition Ruman Kumar Chakbarti 7482/2014 vs 657/2013 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and Bangladesh and others ors

204 Writ Petition Sahinur Begum Ms. Afifa Afroze, 1394/2013 vs Advocate For the petitioner with 1393/2013 Bangladesh and others

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219 Writ Petition Md. Anisur Rahman 233 Writ Petition Rabeya Khatun 11858/2014 vs 1910/2009 vs Bangladesh C.D.A and others 220 Writ Petition Mrs. J. N. Enterprise 234 Writ Petition Najim Uddin Bhuiyan 5431/2000 vs 5956/2009 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 221 Writ Petition Abdul Malek 235 Writ Petition Md. Shamsul Huq 8867/2007 vs 4510/2009 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 222 Writ Petition Mrs. Karim Cold Storage 236 Writ Petition Bilkis Farida 1025/2008 Ltd. 6093/2010 vs vs Bangladesh

Bangladesh 237 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Rahman 223 Writ Petition Shah Fatay Ullah Flozing 3769/2014 Siddik 1297/2008 Mills Ltd. vs vs Bangladesh

Bangladesh 238 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Faqrul Islam 224 Writ Petition Md. Abu Hossain 6738/2014 vs 3256/2009 vs Bangladesh

Bangladesh 239 Writ Petition Monjuria Begum 225 Writ Petition Md. Shahidullah 4991/2014 vs 8357/2011 vs Bangladesh

Bangladesh 240 Writ Petition Production Service 226 Writ Petition Syeda Hasina Begum 4916/2015 Network 7181/2012 vs vs Bangladesh Bangladesh and others 227 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Kuddus 241 Writ Petition Md. Suruj Ali 11576/2012 vs 5224/2015 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh 228 Writ Petition Md. Sakwat Hossain 242 Writ Petition Amol Chandra Biswas 641/2014 vs 6668/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh 229 Writ Petition Md. Mojammel Hossain 243 Writ Petition Md. Didarul Alam 3453/2015 vs 8694/2015 vs The Sec. Min. of Home Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Affairs and 05 others Min of LGRD and 04 230 Writ Petition Mrs. Umme Kumkum others 5839/2015 vs 244 Writ Petition M.S. Fatimatu Zohora Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 10898/2015 vs Min of Livestock and The Bangladesh and others others 245 Writ Petition H. M. Mohiuddin 231 Writ Petition Yousuf Hossain 3396/2010 vs 242/2009 vs Bangladesh

C.D.A and others 246 Writ Petition Md. Siddiqur Rahman 232 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Rashid 3952/2006 vs 1909/2009 vs Bangladesh C.D.A and others

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247 Writ Petition Md. Harun-Or- Rashid 262 Writ Petition Mohammed Pervhez 10/2015 vs 8539/2013 vs Government of Bangladesh Md. Shabuddin Shikder and others 263 Writ Petition Md. Salauddin @ Biplob 248 Writ Petition Binoy Krisna Kumar Gain 879/2016 vs 8513/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 264 Writ Petition Sonali Bank Ltd. 249 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Islam 762/2016 vs 1680/2011 vs with 6490/2015, Bangladesh and others Bangladesh 6491/2015 250 Writ Petition Sakander and others 265 Writ Petition Banani Overseas 1678/2011 vs 6527/2010 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 251 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Hannad 266 Writ Petition Al-Haj Mahmud Hossain 11732/2009 vs 6601/2010 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 252 Writ Petition S. M. Helal Uddin 267 Writ Petition Mufti Abdul Kabir 7851/2015 vs 10224/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 253 Writ Petition Md. Shamsul Islam 268 Writ Petition Dr. Syed Shamsul Alam 4603/2010 vs 3871/2008 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 254 Writ Petition A. K. M. Elias Hossain 269 Writ Petition Md. Kawsar Sheikh and 11681/2015 vs 4579/2016 others Bangladesh and others vs

255 Writ Petition Moniruzzaman Khan Bangladesh and others 4135/2009 vs 270 Writ Petition Mahfuzur Rahman Bangladesh and others 3038/2009 vs

256 Writ Petition Md. Harun Al Rashid Bangladesh and others 2743/2014 vs 271 Writ Petition Trade Properties Co. Ltd. Bangladesh and others 8581/2010 vs

257 Writ Petition Md. Shah Alam Bangladesh and others 9676/2013 vs 272 Writ Petition Md. Samad Khan Bangladesh and others 909/2016 vs

258 Writ Petition Md. Monjurul Alam Bangladesh and others 11493/2015 vs 273 Writ Petition Md. Rahman Bangladesh and others 12006/2016 vs

259 Writ Petition Md. Abu Syed Bangladesh and others 10269/2015 vs 274 Writ Petition Md. Noor Azad Bangladesh and others 10982/2016 vs

260 Writ Petition Sayed Ali Miah and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 7946/2011 vs Min of LGRD and 04 Bangladesh and others others 261 Writ Petition Grameen Matshya Ltd. 275 Writ Petition Md. Mofazzal Hossain 12594/2015 vs 10639/2014 vs Bangladesh and others The Sec min of Education and 09 others

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276 Writ Petition HRPB 288 Writ Petition Farida Chowdhury 793/2014 vs 659/2017 vs Bangladesh and others Artha Rin Adalat and 02 277 Writ Petition Md. Jahangir Alam others 11028/2016 vs 289 Writ Petition Alhaj Quayum Reza Bangladesh Rep by Sec 16484/2012 Chowdhury min of Water Resource and vs 05 others Sec.min. of education and ors 278 Writ Petition Adv. Md. Shamsul haque 8317/2014 vs Mr. N.K. Saha, ad..for the petitioenr The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam, ad..for the respondent no. 279 Writ Petition Md. Khalilur Rahman 14 8791/2009 vs Bangladesh and others 290 Writ Petition Ayesha Akhter, Khilgaon 8278/2009 Dhaka 280 Writ Petition Mohammad Mozaharul vs 10611/2013 Islam Sec.min. of Housing and vs Public Works and ors Sec.min. of finance and ors 291 Writ Petition BLAST 281 Writ Petition md. abu Khaled 9413/2014 vs 10612/2013 Chowdhury Bangladesh and Others vs Sec.min. of finance and ors 292 Writ Petition Mrs. Nahar Sunom Islam 11000/2015 vs 282 Writ Petition M. Sayedur Rahman Bangladesh and others 7711/2013 vs 293 Writ Petition Md. Anisur Rahman and 8 Sec.min. of education and ors 8448/2012 ors vs 283 Writ Petition Haseen Yarn Dyeing Ltd. Bangladesh by the sec.min. 13297/2016 vs of agriculture and Others Govenor Bangladesh Bank and 12 others 294 Writ Petition Rupali Bank Ltd. 10715/2013 vs 284 Writ Petition Ain Salish kandra Bangladesh and others 3566/2005 vs BADC and ors 295 Writ Petition Nurjahan Begum 5468/2016 vs 285 Writ Petition Fazlul Hoq Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 8989/2010 vs Min of LGRD and 05 Sec. Min. of Health and others Family Welfare Dhaka and ors 296 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Amin 14086/2016 vs 286 Writ Petition Shis Mohammad and 02 Bangladesh Rep by Sec 2708/2016 others Min of Education and 17 vs others Bangladesh and others 297 Writ Petition Md. Yousuf ali bablu 287 Writ Petition Md. Shafiqul Huq and 5603/2015 vs 7240/2014 others The Sec. Min. of vs Expatriation welfare and Govt of Bangladesh and overseas Employer and 03 ors ors

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298 Writ Petition Khan Md. Mohibbul Bari 309 Writ Petition Doreen Hotel and Resorts 6557/2013 vs 9192/2016 Ltd Sec.min. of defence and vs ors Bangladesh Rep by Sec 299 Writ Petition Sarder Abdur Razzak Min of LGRD and 04 8619/2015 vs others Bangladesh and thers. Mr. 310 Writ Petition Nayeb Ali Sk. Atiar Rahman, ad..for 14233/2012 vs petitioner. Mrs. Hosneara The Sec. Min. of Land Begum, ad..for respondent 311 Writ Petition Md. Farhad Hossain no. 4. 788/2006 vs Mr. Shaikh Atiar Rahman The Commissioner of Advocate for the petitioner Customs Customs House 300 Writ Petition Md. Akram Hossain Ctg. and others 648/2017 vs 312 Writ Petition Md. Anamul Haque Bangladesh Rep by Sec 13769/2015 vs Min of Agriculture and 06 Bangladesh and others others 313 Writ Petition Md. Lutfor Rahman 301 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Rahman 13788/2016 vs 15784/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others Min of Education and 08 302 Writ Petition Most. Champa Khatun others 11471/2016 vs 314 Writ Petition Md. Shafiul Azam Bangladesh Rep by Sec 159/2016 vs min of Primary and Mass Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Education and 06 others Min of Housing and Public 303 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam, Works and 06 others 8070/2009 Tejgaon Dhaka and another 315 Writ Petition Charuta Private Ltd vs 780/2016 vs Sec. Min of Housing and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Public Works and ors Min of Public Works and 304 Writ Petition Akbar Hossain, Tejgaon 11 others 1108/2010 Dhaka and ors 316 Writ Petition Anwar Hossain Khan vs 907/2016 vs Sec. Min. of Land and ors Chairman, RAJUK and 305 Writ Petition Azizur Rahman, Motijheel Another 6949/2010 Dhaka and 5 ors 317 Writ Petition Md. Eshaque Uddin vs 3251/2008 Mollah, Chandpur Sec.min. of Land and ors vs 306 Writ Petition Md. Tofazzal Hossain, RAJUK Chairman and 8 1380/2010 Savar, Dhaka ors vs Hearing Bangladesh and others (Service Matter) 307 Writ Petition Dhaka Match Industries 318 Writ Petition Md. Siddique Hossain 1386/2003 Co. Ltd. Dhaka 7966/2009 vs vs Bangladesh and others Chariman, RAJUK 319 Writ Petition Md. Sharif Hossain 308 Writ Petition Doly 8807/2014 vs 1562/1998 vs Bangladesh RAJUK

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320 Writ Petition Md. Monjur Alam 332 Writ Petition Junnun Mahmud Khan, 10780/2011 vs 8819/2009 Sylhet Bangladesh vs

321 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam Bangladesh and others 7195/2007 vs 333 Writ Petition Md. Moniruzzaman Bangladesh 7567/2017 vs

Hearing Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (Newly Fixed Cases) min of Housing and 03 others 322 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Awal 334 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Rafiuddin 6071/2013 vs Bangladesh and others 3766/2015 vs sec min of Health and 323 Writ Petition Md. Moinul Islam, Dhaka Family welfare and 04 8952/2010 vs others Bangladehs and others 335 Writ Petition Pegasus Shoes Ltd. Dhaka 324 Writ Petition Mohammad Kamal 210/2010 and 10 ors 2969/2005 vs with 12675/2017 vs with 2651/2005, Dhaka City Corporation Sec.Min. of Finance and 4034/2007, 740/2010 and others ors 325 Writ Petition Jahar Lal Das 336 Writ Petition M. Hafizur Rahman 9346/2012 vs 5796/2012 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 326 Writ Petition Amulla Debnath 337 Writ Petition Md. Mahmud Hossain 11384/2015 vs 361/2017 Khan The Sec. Min. of vs Libaration War Affaris and Bangladesh Rep by Sec 03 Others Min of Education and 05 327 Writ Petition Md. Mukul Hossain others 14043/2016 vs 338 Writ Petition Abdullah Hel Baki Junior Bangladesh Rep by Sec 11521/2017 Ground Biman min of Finance and 03 with 6786/2017 Bangladesh Airlines ltd others vs 328 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Huda Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 10569/2014 vs min of Civil Aviation and Bangladesh amd others 31 others 329 Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam 339 Writ Petition Hazi Afaz Uddin Mia 15654/2016 vs 4838/2017 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Health and 08 Min of Forest and 04 others others 330 Writ Petition Md. Aslam 340 Writ Petition Goutam Chandra Malangi 10430/2016 vs 2043/2017 and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 8845/2017 vs min of Energy and Power Bangladesh and others and 07 others 341 Writ Petition Md. Habib Ullah 331 Writ Petition Dragon sweater and spinig 11022/2017 Chowdhury 6937/2015 ltd (Not ready) vs vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Governor Bangladesh min of Railway and 05 Bank and 04 ors others

Page : 25 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 10]

342 Writ Petition Meherpur Zilla Track and 346 Writ Petition Md. Mostafizur Rahman 4402/2017 Tracklory Shoromik Union 9394/2017 vs vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Labour Appellate Tribunal, min of Textile and 03 Dhaka and others, Mr. A. others R. M. Hasanuzzaman, 347 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Shafiqur Rahman Advocate---for the 10289/2017 vs Petitioner and Mr. M. Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Ashif Hasan, Advocate---- min of Law and 04 others for the Respondent No. 3 348 Writ Petition Md. Alfaz Hossain 343 Writ Petition Md. Nadiruzzaman 3093/2017 vs

4406/2011 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec

Bangladesh and others Min of Education and 06 344 Writ Petition Most. Sayerjun Khatun others

884/2009 vs 349 Writ Petition Md. Nur Alam Chowkider

Bangladesh and others 11756/2017 vs

Mr. Syed Muntazim Ali, Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Adv.-For the applicant min of Shipping and 05 345 Writ Petition Harun ur Rashid others

16048/2016 vs 350 Writ Petition Md. Anwar Hossain

Land Survey Tribunal and 10734/2016 vs 03 others Karnafulli Gas Distribution Co. Rep by its M/D and 03 others

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 26

High Court Division Justice Salma Masud Chowdhury and Justice Kazi Md. Ejarul Haque Akondo Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 10] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ থভ আপহল, থভ আপহল (েফট), থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট); ৬,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল ; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল ও সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; ঴ষইেকষট েলয ৔ অধষেয়য ৌ৪ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন ৬,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয আপহল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল, দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ও তৎ঳ংষ আেফদনপ ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয়; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌনং আইেনয (঱ষসল঱হ আইন ্োোৌ) ৪৓(ক), খ এফং গ ধষযষ ভষতষেফক আপহল; ইউসনয়ন পসযলদ, পৗয঳বষ (সফে঱ল দষসয়) অধষেদ঱, ৌ৔৔৔ ইং আেদ঱ নং-৬, ৌ৔৔ৌ-এয অধহন আপহল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ আপহল঳ভ঻঴ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ] For Hearing 6 First Appeal Agrani Bank and others.

1 First Appeal Siddique Hossain 155/1992 vs

69/1991 vs (Khulna) M/S Monirul Islam (Rajshahi) Govt. of Bangladesh 7 First Appeal Trading Corporation of Mr. Md. Ansar Ali for the 265/1992 Bangladesh appellant (Barisal) vs

2 First Appeal Sudhir Kumar Mohammad Zainul Abedin.

139/1991 vs Mr. Kazi Manowaruddin, (Bagerhat) Bicharan Majumder and others. Advocate for the appellant. Mr. M.A. Aziz, Advocate for the 8 First Appeal Md.Harun ur Rashid Howlader appellant. 241/1994 and others.

3 First Appeal Md. Ashraf Ali and others. (Barisal) vs

530/1991 vs Nitya Nanda Das and others.

(Dinajpur) Md. Yeasin Ali and others. Mr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Mr. A.K.M. Shamsuddin, Advocate for the appellant. Advocate for the appellant. 9 First Appeal Kashem Ali Sheikh and others.

4 First Appeal The Bangladesh Water 242/1994 vs

866/1991 Development Board. (Joypurhat) Kulsum Bewa and others.

(Jhalakati) vs Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, Mr, Joynal Abedin and others. Advocate for the appellant. Mr. Hemayel Uddin Ahmed, 10 First Appeal Md.Yeasin Ali Advocate for the appellant. 234/1996 vs

5 First Appeal Md. Ashraf Ali (Chapainawabgonj) Deputy 91/1992 vs Commissioner,Chapainawabgonj.

(Kurigram) Lokman Mr. Akram Hossain Amin, Advocate for the appellant.

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 27

High Court Division Justice A. F. M. Abdur Rahman Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 23] [ ক ল ইেঃ জ আ অে য় ; কে আই অয় ইপ ও ইপ তেেক ত য় অে; ে আই অয় ক; ইজ কট য় এডেল কট আই অে ক; ে পং অড, -এ অে আেপ; ক জজ তত অ চেক ড ও আেে ে অ ,, টক ে এং ক জেজ েপ ড ও আেে ে ওয় ; ংক ক আই ইং ( ইং ে ং আই) অয় আেপ ; ল আই ( ইং ে ং আই) অয় আপল ও আেপ ; য় এই ে ত ইে এং উপেখত য় ং ল ও আেপ । ] For Filing Written Statement 5 Arbitration Application Pacific Gulf Shipping

1 Admiralty Suit Polaris Melody 8/2018 (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

70/2015 vs vs

(with) Government of Bangladesh Gloseas Shipping Co. Ltd. and others and others

Mr. Suhan Khan, Adv. Mr. Bushra Rahman, Adv.

...for the plaintiff, ...for the petitioner

Mr. Nowazish Ara Begum, Mr. Tanim Hossain Adv. Shawon, adv.

...for the defendant ...for the respondent No. 1 Admiralty Suit Government of Bangladesh Submitting Report 71/2015 and others 6 Admiralty Suit Manmohan Choudhary vs 36/2016 vs MV Polarise Melody and M.T. Gagason Johor and others others. Mr. Mahbubey Alam, A.G. Mr. M. Balyet Hossain, ...for the plaintiff Adv. Mr. Suhan Khan, Adv. ...for the applicant. ...for the defendant Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv.

2 Admiralty Suit Amir Hussain Farid ... for the plaintiff.

79/2016 vs Mr. Mohammod Hossain, M.T. Total and others Adv.

Mr. S.K. Siddique, Adv. ...for the defendant No. 4 ...for the plaintiff Application

Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, 7 Admiralty Suit Hai Shipping Limited adv. 77/2016 vs ....for the defendant Nos. 1, M.V. INLACO BRAVE 3 (IMO NO. 9165059) and For Appearance others

3 Divorce Suit Benedicku Rodrick Mr. ABM Bayezid, Adv.

4/2018 vs ...for the defendant No. 4 Loreta Anna Dias applicant. Ms. Sabrina Shipra Das, 8 Admiralty Suit Md. Faizur Rahman Adv. 58/2017 vs ...for the petitioner M.V. MY MERAY and For Accepting Wokalatnama others Mr. S.K. Siddique, Adv. 4 Arbitration Application Pacific Gulf Shipping ...for the plaintiff 7/2018 (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, vs Adv. Universal Shipping and ...for the defendants Trading Co. Others Ms. Bushra Rahman, Adv. 9 Admiralty Suit A.K.M. Aminul Islam

...for the petitioner. 59/2017 vs M.V. MY MERAY and others Mr. S.K. Siddique, Adv. ...for the plaintiff

Page : 28 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 23]

10 Execution Case KPI Bridge Oil London Admiralty Suit MSS Marine and Ofsoar ...... /2018 Limited 64/2012 Pvt. Ltd. (Arising out of Ad. Suit vs (taking further evidence) vs No. 45 of 2012) M.V. NINA P and others (with) M.V. HEARTY FALCON (Admission) Mr. M. Belayet Hossain, and others (30.5.2018) Adv. Mr. Sohel Rana, Adv. ...for the decree holder ...for the pliantiff

For Judgment Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, Adv. 11 Civil Revision Delwar Hossain ...for the defendants 2368/2016 vs (with C.R. No. 1388 of Fulu Miah Admiralty Suit Priyanka Enterprise 5/2013 vs 2017 and C.O No. 1987 Mr. Golam Arshed, Adv. of 2017) ....for the petitioner (with execution Case No. M..V. HEARTY FALCON 4 of 2016 for approval of and others (24.6.2018) Mr. Shah Hossain, Adv. ...for the opposite party the calculation sheet) Mr. M. Belayet Hossain, Nos. 6-8 (with) adv. with Mr. Foyez Ahmed, Adv. 12 Admiralty Suit Online Impex Ltd. ...for the plaintiff decree

44/2013 vs holder (26.6.18) M.V. Nordlake Voy 142-N Admiralty Suit Southeast Asia Joint Stock and others Mr. S.K. Siddique, Adv. 104/2012 Commercial Bank (already disposed off) vs ...for the plaintiff Mr. Faysal Hasan Arif, M.V. HEARTY FALCON and others Adv. ...for the defendant No. 4 Mr. Asaduzzaman, Adv. ...for the plaintiff For Hearing For Hearing : Arbitration Application 13 Admiralty Suit Friends Multitrade 14 Arbitration Application Aristocol Service INC 60/2012 Company (taking further evidence) vs 9/2015 vs (Part heard) Bangladesh and another (with) M.V. HEARTY FACON and others Mr. Garib Newaz, Adv. ...for the petitioner Mr. Garib Newaz, Adv. ....for the plaintiff Mr. Kazi Mynul Hassan, adv. Admiralty Suit Md. Yousuf Ali ...for the respondent

83/2012 vs Mr. Bodrul Islam, Adv.

(for delivery of judgment) M.V. Hearty Falcon and ...for the respondent No. 4 (with) others Mr. S.K. Siddique, Adv. 15 Arbitration Application Md. Mukhtar Hossain @ 3/2015 Mokhter Hossain Palash ...for the plaintiff Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, (Part heard) vs Maksud Ahmed and others Adv. ...for the defendant Nos. Mr. Mohammad Hossain, 1,3,4 and 5 Adv. ...for the petitioner Admiralty Suit Minato Merin Services Mr. Mahbubuddin Ahmed,

106/2012 vs Adv.

(for delivery of judgment) The Vessel M.V Hearty ...for the respondent No. 1 (with) Falcon and others Mr. Hasan Mohammad Reyad, Adv. ...for the plaintiff

Page : 29 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 23]

16 Arbitration Application Telecom Asia Pte (Pvt) 21 Admiralty Suit M.R. Shipping Lines 33/2016 Ltd. 61/2013 vs vs (with Ad. Suit No. 30 of M.T. Ocean Victory IMO BTCL Co. Ltd. 2015) No. 9242481, Registered Mr. Md. Mahfuzur owner being XIN SHENG Rahman, Adv. SHIPPING PTE LTD C/o ....for the petitioner. Ocean TAnkers (Pte.) Ltd.and others 17 Arbitration Application Continental Inspection Co. 8/2016 (BD) Ltd. Mr. Mohammad Saifullah vs Mamun, Adv. ...for the plaintiff, Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation and Mr. Mohammod Hossain, Adv. others Mr. Mir Md. Joynal ...for the defendants Abedin, Adv. Exparte Hearing

...for the petitioner 22 Admiralty Suit First Security Islami Bank 18 Arbitration Application SEAF Bangladesh 10/2017 Limited 4/2017 Ventures LLC vs vs M.T. Fadl-E-Rabbi, IMO System Solutions and No. 9078177 and others Development Technologies Mr. Hassan M.S. Azim, Ltd. and others Advocate Mr. Rashna Imam, Adv. .... For the plaintiff

...for the petitioner Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing Mr. Abir Abbas, Adv. 23 Company Matter Khandkar Zakaria ...for the respondent 101/2015 Mahmud and others 19 Arbitration Application SEAF Bangladesh (part heard) (with) vs

5/2017 Ventures LLC National Credit and

vs Commerce Bank Ltd and

System Solutions and others. Development Technologies Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Ltd. and others Khan, Adv. Mr. ARM Ahsanul Haq --- For the Petitioner, Khan, Adv. Company Matter Mahomed Mainuddin and ...for the petitioner 102/2015 another Mr. Abir Abbas, Adv. (part heard)(with) vs ...for the respondent National Credit and For taking further evidence Commerce Bank Ltd and 20 Admiralty Suit Singmar Marine and others 46/2014 Offshore Pte Ltd Mr. Mustafizur Rahman vs Khan, Adv. M.V. DESHBANDHU 1, --- For the Petitioner, IMO No: 8401315, Flag: Mr. Mejbahur Rahman, Bangladesh, and others Adv. Mr. Faysal Reza, Adv. --- For the Respondent ...for the plaintiff Nos. 1 and 3

Mr. muhammad Ohiullah, Company Matter Tofazzal Hossain and Adv. 103/2015 others

...for the defendants. vs National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd and others- Mr. Moudud Ahmed, Senior Advocte --- For the Petitioner,

Page : 30 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 23]

Hearing : Civil Revision 31 Civil Revision Md. Sheikh Habibul Islam (From Item No.24 up to 52 at 2.00 P.M.) 1298/2008 vs

24 Civil Revision Md. Fazlul Karim Md. Hasan Ali Bhuiyan another 4110/2008 vs (part heard) Md. Farid Mia Mr. Foysal Hasan Arif, Adv. Mr. Md. Golam Noor, Adv. ...for the petitioner. ...for the petitioner Mr. Luthife Alam, Adv. Mr. Monjurul Matin, Adv. ...for the opposite party. ...for the opposite party No. 1 25 Civil Revision Md. Mosaddek And others 4746/2006 vs 32 Civil Revision Moazzem Hossain Khan 2454/2010 vs Bangladesh and others. Mr. Md. Osman Ghani, Govt. of Bangladesh Rep. Adv. by D. C. Dhaka ....for the petitioner. 33 Civil Revision Abul Kalam Azad

26 Civil Revision Md. Abul Basher Basu 2703/2013 vs Sadiya Khatun 4604/2015 vs AFM Abul Ahsan Sumon Mr. Mohammod Hossain, Adv. Mr. Md. Hasan Uzzaman, Adv. ...for the petitioner. ...for the opposite party. 34 Civil Revision PHP Spinning Mils Ltd. 1471/2012 vs 27 Civil Revision Khobir Uddin 2381/2002 vs Louis Dreyfus Commodities Suisse S.A. Kashem Ali Mr. Abdul Hye Fakir, Adv. Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, ...for the petitioner. Adv. Mr. Mutahar Hossain, Adv. 28 Civil Revision Md. Jasim Uddin and ...for the petitioner 5138/2002 others. Mr. Ajmalul Hossain, QC, vs Adv. Hazi Mastar Abdul Jalil ...for the opposite Party and others No. 1 Mr. A.M. Amin Uddin, 35 Civil Revision Abdus Sattar Khan and Adv. ...for the petitioner 1395/2003 others vs Mr. J.K. Paul, Adv. ...for the opposite party Shikder Alamgir Hossain and others 29 Civil Revision Md. Afjal Moral and others Mr. Zainal Abedin, Adv. 4325/2014 vs ...for the petitioner Buddismat Mondal Mr. Shamsul Huda, Adv. Mr. Md. Taizul Islam, Adv. ...for the OP. ...for the opposite party 36 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh 30 Civil Revision Sohraf Hossain Hawladar 1897/2014 vs 1144/2007 vs Mustafa Mondal and others Md. Badol Molla and Mr. AKM Azad Hossain, others Adv. Mr. M.A. Khaleque, Adv. ...for the oP for the petitioner. Mr. Khandorker Bashir 37 Civil Revision Noor Mohammad and 4971/2005 others. Ahmed, adv. for the opposite parties vs Rashida Khatun and others. Ms. Shahnaj Akter, Adv. ...for the petitioner.

Page : 31 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 23]

38 Civil Revision Bangladesh and others 46 Civil Revision Abdul Khaleak 1898/2014 vs 1124/2001 vs Mostofa Mondal and Md Kamal Ors others Mr. Probir Howlader, Adv. Mr. AKM Azad Hossain, ...for the petitioner Adv. Garib E Newaz, Adv. ...for the Opposite Party ...for the opposite party. 39 Civil Revision Md.Enamul Hoque Ahmed 47 Civil Revision Anu Miah and others 1390/2007 vs 21/2016 vs Silpi Akter Sathi Rafique and others Mr. Sarwar E Deen, Adv. Mr. Zakaria Sarker, Adv. ...for the petitioner. ...for the petitioner.

Mr. Abdur Nur, 48 Civil Revision M. A Aziz

...for the opposite party. 6645/2002 vs 40 Civil Revision Md. Mahfuzur Rahman Mobarak Ali Mondal 3516/2005 and others . (Died)Most.Suk Jan Nessa vs Mr. Md. Ali Reza, Adv. Bangladesh . ...for the op.

Mr. Osman Ghani, Adv. 49 Civil Revision Islam Uddin

...for the petitioner. 3987/1996 vs 41 Civil Rule Hazi Md. Mofizuddin Govt and others, 651(FM)/2014 Akand Mr. A.K.M Shamsul (Arising out of FMA No. vs Haqeu, Adv.

241 of 2014) Md. Fazlul Haque Sarker, 50 Civil Revision Abdul Hamid

Mr. Md. Asad Uddin, Adv. 3490/2005 vs for the respondent Jarina Khatun 42 Civil Revision Sri Vhuban Chandra Dash Mr. Abdul ...... 5144/2007 vs ...for the petitioner.

Md. Abdus Sattar Sikder 51 Civil Revision Government of

Mr. Ashraful Karim, Adv. 2710/2014 Bangladesh

....for the OP vs 43 Civil Revision Md.Rafiqul Islam Abul Baser Miah and 5608/2002 vs others Bangladesh and others, Mr. Dipayan Shaha, AAG Ms. Runa, Adv. for the ...for the petitioner petitioner. Mr. Md. Khairul Alam, Adv. 44 Civil Revision Adar Golder and others 3476/2002 vs ...for the OP No. 1 Mannauddin and others 52 Civil Revision Esmat Ara Mr. Runa Iqbal, Adv. 1360/2016 vs ...for the Applicants. Sardar Obidullah and another 45 Civil Revision Abdul Jalil 208/2005 vs Mr. Zahirul Alam Babor, Adv. Eshar Ali Mr. Mohammad Ali, Adv. ....for the petitioner Mr. Hafizur Rahman, Adv. ...for the petitioner Mr. Garib E Newaz, Adv. ...for the opposite party ...for the opposite party. Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 32

High Court Division Justice Md. Abu Tariq Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 1] [ একক ে ে এং ত ক আইে অ েয়কৃ ত ল তত জ একক ে ণেগ ৗজ ক ৃ ত আল ; ৗজ ও ে ক ; য় এই ে ত ইে এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ কে ।] As to be mentioned 5 Criminal Revision Ariful Islam Sabuz and

1 Criminal Appeal Karim And another 925/2007 another

10519/2016 vs vs

The State The State Mrs. Rana Kawser, 2 Criminal Revision Nurul Haque Baccu Advocate for petitioners 346/2018 vs The State For Order 3 Criminal Appeal Md. Bakul Mallik 6 Criminal Appeal Mizan alias Iqbal Hussain

3231/2008 vs 26/2003 vs

The State The State Mr. Anisul Huq with 4 Criminal Appeal Md. Shamsul Haque Mrs. Towfika Karim and 5995/2017 vs Mr. Sheikh Baharul Islam, The State Advocates for the appellant For Hearing

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 33

High Court Division Justice Zinat Ara and Justice Mohi Uddin Shamim Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 9] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ফষংক ও আসথক সতষন, বষট, কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আইন ঳ংষ যহট, দউসলয়ষ সফময়ষসদ, অথঋণ আইন ঴ইেত উ঺ত যহট ভষ঱ন঳঴ ঳কল কষয যহট ভষ঱ন ও তৎ঳ংষ নষনহ ; ্োো৯ ইং ঳েনয ডভষক আইেনয অধহেন আ঩হল ; ৌ৯ৌৌ ইং ঳েনয ঩েট ও সডজষইন আইেনয ৐ৌ (ক) এফং ্৑ (খ), (গ), (ঘ) ও (ঙ) ধষযষভেত আেফদন঩ ও আ঩হল ; ভ঻ল ঳ংেমষজন কয আইন, ৌ৯৯ৌ-এয ধষযষ ৏্(ৌ) (গ) ভতষফেল এষস঩েলট ষইফ঺নষল কত় ক দ স঳ষ ফষ আেদে঱য সফে আ঩হল ; আয়কয যপষেয ভষকভষ ও আয়কয ঳ংষ যহট যপষেয ; কষভ঳ এষ , ৌ৯৑৯-এয ধষযষ ৌ৯৑ সড অন঺মষয়হ আ঩হল নষনহ কসযেফন এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ এফং দ঺নসত দভন কসভ঱ন আইেনয আওতষধহন ঳কল কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ণ কসযেফন ।] Motion 10 Writ Petition Md. Solaiman

18805/2017 vs Bangldesh and others For Order 11 Writ Petition B.B.T.T (Private) Limited. 1 Writ Petition Janab Md. Alauddin Kabir 11165/2016 vs 839/2018 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 12 Writ Petition Sanjit Kumar Das 2 Writ Petition Robi Axiata (Bangladesh) 5048/2017 vs 1587/2012 Limited Judge, Artha |Rin Adalat vs No. 4 Dhaka and another, Commissioner of Customs and others 13 Writ Petition M/s H. Kabir and Co. 4492/2013 Limited 3 Writ Petition Robi (Axiata) Bangladesh vs 1588/2012 Limited Commissioner of Customs, vs Customs House, Dhaka Commissioner of Customs and ors and others 14 Writ Petition Dhaka Ware house ltd. 4 Writ Petition Robi (Axiata) Bangladesh 4493/2013 vs 1589/2012 Limited Commissioner of Customs, vs Customs House, Dhaka Commissioner of Customs and others and others 15 Income Tax Reference Md. Abdullah Sarkar 5 Customs Appeal Dhaka Ware House Ltd. 51/2018 vs 43/2009 vs The Deputy Commissioner Customs, Excise and VAT of Taxes, Dhaka Appellate Tribunal and others Application (3.30 P.M) 6 VAT Appeal Navana Pharmaceatucals 26/2013 Limited 16 In re : Writ Petition Md. Rakibur Islam

vs 16339/2016 vs

Customs, Excise and VAT Bangladesh and others Appellate Tribunal and 17 In re : Writ Petition Iqbsl Parvez others 16118/2016 vs

7 Writ Petition Ocean Containers Limited Bangladesh and others 1299/2010 vs 18 In re : Writ Petition Dusai Hotel and Resort The Customs , Excise and 16409/2016 Ltd. VAT Appellate Tribunal vs and others Bangladesh and others Application 19 In re : Writ Petition Iqbal Hossain Forkan

8 Writ Petition Alhaj Mohabub Alam 16404/2016 vs

11660/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Bank and 20 In re : Writ Petition Md. Rahmatul Karim others 13376/2016 vs

9 Writ Petition Md. Sirajul Islam Bangladesh and others 4077/2018 vs 21 In re : Writ Petition Honufa Chowdhury Bangladesh and others 13119/2016 vs Bangladesh and others

Page : 34 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 9]

22 In re : Writ Petition Md. Humayun Kabir 36 In re : Writ Petition Most. Akter Parvin 13224/2016 vs 12525/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 23 In re : Writ Petition Ziauddin Ahmed 37 In re : Writ Petition Mizan Hasen Nikel 13386/2016 vs 12583/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 24 In re : Writ Petition Nurul Islam @ Shustob Ali 38 In re : Writ Petition Shin Shin Japan Hospital 13664/2016 vs 14240/2016 vs Govt. of Bangladesh of Bangladesh and others others 39 In re : Writ Petition Mono Packaging Industries 25 In re : Writ Petition Md. Shafiullah Akter 5603/2016 and others 13210/2016 vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 26 In re : Writ Petition Confidence Edible Oil 40 In re : Writ Petition Zeid Hussain 13425/2016 Limited 10750/2016 vs vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 41 In re : Writ Petition Shohag Ahmed 27 In re : Writ Petition Md. Shah Alam Mondal 5046/2016 vs 13549/2016 vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 42 In re : Writ Petition Md. Belayet Hossain 28 In re : Writ Petition Md. Abdul Khabir 14387/2016 vs 13921/2016 vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 43 In re : Writ Petition Md. Mahabbat Hossain 29 In re : Writ Petition Hilful Fuzal Somaj 14847/2016 Chowdhury 13990/2016 Kollyan Songstha(N.G.O) vs vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 44 In re : Writ Petition Md. Zahirul Haque 30 In re : Writ Petition Md. Omar 13690/2016 vs 13103/2016 vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 45 In re : Writ Petition Md. Belayet Hossain 31 In re : Writ Petition Md. Kamal Hossain 14386/2016 vs 10388/2016 vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others For Hearing : Sent from Appellate Division 32 In re : Writ Petition Kazi Aminul Islam 46 Writ Petition Al-Haj Md. Barkat Ullah

16103/2016 vs 1398/2017 Bulu

Bangladesh and others with vs 33 In re : Writ Petition Md. Chan Miya Bangladesh and others, Mr. 3311/2016 vs Md. Moazzem Hossein Bangladesh and others with Mr. M.A. Akber 34 In re : Writ Petition Abdul Munim Uddin, Advocate for the 14129/2016 vs petitioners Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Mrs. Naznin Sultana and

35 In re : Writ Petition Md. Rezaul Haque Milky 15058/2016 others vs 12876/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others

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For Hearing 57 Customs Appeal Intertek Bangladesh

47 Writ Petition Rezwan Ahmed 64/2013 Limited vs 9538/2015 vs Judge, Arthrin Adalat No- Customs Excise and VAT 02 and others Appellate Tribunal and others 48 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Halim and 58 Customs Appeal Intertek Bangladesh 13421/2015 others vs 65/2013 Limited vs Joint District Judge and Artha Rin Adalat, Court Customs Excise and VAT No. 1, Manikgonj and Appellate Tribunal and others. Mr. Zakir Hossain others Bhuiyan, Advocate for the 59 Customs Appeal Intertek Bangladesh petitioners 66/2013 Limited vs 49 Writ Petition Summit communication 7224/2014 Limited and another Customs Excise and VAT vs Appellate Tribunal and Bangladesh and others others 50 Writ Petition Bangalion Communication 60 Writ Petition Salma Alam Khan 6240/2006 vs 13543/2017 Ltd vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Bank and 61 Writ Petition Metro Spining Ltd others 7766/2014 vs

51 Writ Petition md. Azizur Rahman Bangladesh Bank and 2702/2015 vs others Joint dist. jduge 1st court 62 Writ Petition Lition and others Jessore and another 10268/2014 vs

52 Writ Petition shamsun nahar Bangladesh and others 3228/2015 vs 63 Writ Petition Ozid Rishi and others Bangladesh and others 8052/2014 vs

53 Writ Petition Lieutentant Colonel Bangladesh and others 2733/2015 Rtd.Ali Hasan 64 Writ Petition Md. Saydul Islam another vs 10081/2017 vs The Judge, Artha Rin Bangladesh and others Adalat No. 01 Dhaka and 65 Writ Petition Md. Idris Alam others 4797/2016 vs 54 Writ Petition Md. Azim uddin and others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 5698/2013 vs Min of Finance and 11 Mpost. Nureha Khatun and others others 66 Writ Petition Mst. Hosne Ara Banu 55 Customs Appeal Intertek Bangladesh 12915/2016 vs 62/2013 Limited Bangladesh and others vs 67 Writ Petition F.H Steel and Rerolling Customs Excise and VAT 5459/2016 Mills Ltd Appellate Tribunal and vs others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 56 Customs Appeal Intertek Bangladesh Min of Finance and 06 63/2013 Limited others vs Mr. A.K.M. Nurul Alam, Customs Excise and VAT adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Appellate Tribunal and ASM Abdur Razzaque, others adv. for the respondnet No. 5

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68 Writ Petition Md. Shahadat Hossain and 78 Writ Petition Md. Mahmud Ali 11607/2016 another 14330/2016 vs with vs ArthaRin Adalat-03, Chef Election Dhaka and others Commssioner and another 79 Writ Petition Md. Abul Bashar Writ Petition Md. Shahadat Hossain and 484/2012 Chowdhury 8251/2016 another vs vs Commissioner of Customs The Chief Election ,Customs House (Import), Commissioner and others Chattagong and others, Mr. 69 Writ Petition Md. Joynal Abedin A.H.M. Ziauddin, 2231/2016 vs Advocate for the Applicant Judge, Artha Rin Adalat-1, 80 Writ Petition Md. Abul Masud Munshigong and Another 491/2012 Chowdhury vs 70 Writ Petition Md. Showkat Osman 1934/2015 vs Commissioner of Bangladesh and others Customs,Customs House(Import), Chittagong 71 Writ Petition Rubya Vegetabale Oil and others, Mr. A.H.M. 5262/2015 Industries Limited and Ziauddin, Advocate for the others Applicant vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat 81 Writ Petition Md. Shamim Kabir 17281/2012 vs No. 01, Chittagong and others Sec.min. of Finance and ors 72 Writ Petition Abu Kawsar 82 Writ Petition One Composite Mills Ltd, 7230/2015 vs Bangladesh and others 7290/2007 vs Bangladesh and others 73 Writ Petition Md.Rejazul Karim Sarkar 3597/2016 vs 83 Writ Petition Mahbur Rahman 10572/2014 vs Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank and others Bangladesh and others 84 Writ Petition Ayshwarja Agro Foods 74 Writ Petition Mosammat Hazera Begum 6398/2016 vs 80/2016 Processing Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Governor Bangladesh and Parliamentary Affairs and 08 others 02 others For Hearing : Sent from Appellate Division 75 Writ Petition ACI Godrej Agrovate 85 Writ Petition Layla Rahman Kabir and 343/2015 (Private) Limited 7654/2013 others vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 76 Writ Petition ACI Godrej Argovet 86 Writ Petition Md. Morshed Murad 344/2015 (Private ) Limited 15840/2012 Ibrahim vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 77 Writ Petition K.M. Nasirul Haque 87 Writ Petition Anwar Ispat Ltd. 1383/2013 vs 1032/2013 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others

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88 Writ Petition Erebus Plastic Industries 100 Writ Petition M/S Jessore Trading, 3699/2017 Limited 391/2015 Jessore vs vs Bangladesh and others Cutoms House, Banapole 89 Writ Petition Horizon Plastic Industries 101 Writ Petition M/S Jessore Trading, 3698/2017 Limited 392/2015 Jessore vs vs Bangladesh and others Customs House, Banapole 90 Writ Petition M/S S.M Steel Rice Re- 102 Writ Petition M/S Jessore Trading, 290/2017 Rolling Mills Ltd 393/2015 Jessore vs vs Bangladesh and others Customs House, Banapole 91 Writ Petition M.I Cement Factory Ltd 103 Writ Petition M/S Jessore Trading, 49/2017 vs 394/2015 Jessore Bangladesh and others vs

For Hearing Custos House, Banapole 104 Writ Petition Md. Shahinoor Islam and 92 Customs Appeal Commissioner of Customs, 315/2016 Benapoli, Jessore 7723/2014 others vs vs Customs, Excise and VAT Bangladesh and others Appellate Tribunal 105 Writ Petition Khondkar Mohidur

93 Writ Petition Sultana Ferdousi and 2545/2014 Rahman Shahin vs 15850/2016 otherws vs Bangladesh and others Judge, Artha Rin Adalat 106 Writ Petition Rashidun Nabi Chowdhury 12724/2016 vs 94 Writ Petition Belal Hossain and others 12667/2015 vs Artha Rin Adalat No.1, Bangladesh and others Dhaka and others 95 Writ Petition M/S Jessore trading 107 Writ Petition Rupali Bank Ltd. 8646/2014 vs 382/2015 Jessore vs Judge, Aartha Rin Adalot Customs House, Banapole No. 4, Dhaka and others 96 Writ Petition M/S Jessore Trading, 108 Writ Petition Abul Kashem Babul 1580/2017 vs 384/2015 Jessore vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat Customs House, Banapole and others 97 Writ Petition M/S Jessore Trading, 109 Writ Petition Pubali Bank Ltd. 1501/2015 vs 386/2015 Jessore vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat Customs House, Banapole and others 98 Writ Petition M/S Jessore Trading, 110 Writ Petition Mohammad Mokter 7805/2016 vs 389/2015 Jessore vs Bangladesh and others Customs House, Banapole 111 Writ Petition Alliance Fashion Wear Ltd. 9475/2015 vs 99 Writ Petition M/S Jessore Trading, 390/2015 Jessore Arthrin Adalat No.3, vs Dhaka and others Customs House, Banapole

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112 Writ Petition Md. Monirul Islam 123 Writ Petition Abdul Muhit Tafader Helal 10142/2016 vs 4313/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Governor Bangladesh 113 Writ Petition Sun City Builders and Bank and others 11766/2016 others 124 Writ Petition M/S Sadeque and brothers vs 6517/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Artha Rin Adalat Court 114 Writ Petition Anowar Mirza No.2 and others 5875/2016 vs 125 Writ Petition Md. Nozrul Islam Artha Rin Adalat No. 2, 5914/2013 vs Dhaka and others Judge, Artha Rin Adalat 115 Trademark Appeal F. Hoffmann-La-Roche and others 15/2014 Ltd. 126 Writ Petition Khabir Ahmed vs 3018/2017 vs The Registrar Department Artha Rin Adalat No.1 and of patents, Dengin and others Trade Marks and Others 127 Writ Petition Salna Tex Ltd. 116 Writ Petition Investment Corporation of 7904/2016 vs 11366/2015 Bangladesh Bangladesh Bank vs 128 Writ Petition Dr. Hushna parvin Nur The Judge, Artha Rin 1882/2017 vs Adalat-2, Dhaka and others Bangladesh and others 117 Writ Petition khandaker Hannan Hasan 129 Writ Petition M.N.H Bulu 5200/2015 vs 9170/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 118 Writ Petition Altaf Hossain 130 Writ Petition Al-Haj Shamsul Haque 6845/2015 vs 8345/2016 vs Artha Rin Adalat and Bangladesh and others others 131 Writ Petition lanka bangla finance ltd 119 Writ Petition Hotel Mohona 6595/2015 vs 11049/2015 International Ltd Bangladesh and others vs 132 Writ Petition Md. Azizur Rahman and Bangladesh Bank and 13077/2016 others others vs 120 Writ Petition Ofazuddin Spinning Mills Judge, Artha Rin adalat 8634/2014 Ltd. Bogra and others vs 133 Writ Petition Banglink Digital Bangladesh and others 8174/2016 Communication Ltd 121 Writ Petition M.H Apparels f vs 6033/2016 vs National Board of Revenue Bangladesh and others and others 122 Writ Petition Nasir Dying and Printing 134 Writ Petition Robi Axiata Limited 12433/2016 Finishing Industries Pvt 9325/2016 vs Ltd Bangladesh and others vs 135 Writ Petition Md. Ainul Haque Artha Rin Adalat No. 1, 12772/2016 vs Narshingdi and others Bangladesh and others

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136 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Aziz 147 VAT Appeal Mohammad Habibur 9843/2015 vs 106/2011 Rahman Artha Rin Adalat No. 4, vs Dhaka and others The President, Customs 137 Writ Petition Md. Pervez Hossain and Excise and VAT Appellate 3561/2016 another Tribunal and others. vs 148 Writ Petition Hindul Wali Textiles Ltd. Bangladesh and others 5307/2011 vs

138 Writ Petition M/S Metalex Corporation Bangladesh Bank and 5752/2016 Ltd others vs 149 Writ Petition Imam Dying Nitting and Artha Rin Adalat-2, Dhaka 4676/2012 printing Ltd. and 02 others vs

139 Writ Petition Agrani Bank Ltd, North- Bangladesh Bank and 3953/2016 South Road Branch, Dhaka others vs 150 Writ Petition Md. Babul Akter Bangladesh and others 9546/2012 vs

140 Writ Petition Agrani Bank Ltd. Bangladesh and others 4779/2012 vs 151 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace Sapid Seas Ltd. 8724/2016 For Bangladesh (HRPB)

141 Writ Petition Investment Corporation of vs Bangladesh and others 11371/2015 Bangladesh vs Mr. Manzil Murshid, Adv. The Judge, Artha Rin For the petitioner Adalat No. 2, Dhaka and 152 Writ Petition Q.C Container Line Ltd others 10814/2017 vs

142 Writ Petition Aru Ato Properties Bangladesh and others 10981/2016 Managment Ltd. 153 VAT Appeal Unique Cement Industries vs 30/2015 Limited Bangladesh and others vs

143 Writ Petition Magura Paper Mills Ltd. The Customs, Excise and 4901/2013 vs VAT Appellate Tribunal Commissioner of Customs and others 144 Rule Interspeed Advertising 154 Writ Petition Sonali Bank Ltd. 9655/2012 vs 69(Ref.)/2012 Limited. (Arising out of I.T.R. No. vs Blue Bird Garments Pvt. 208 of 2009) The Commissioner of Ltd. and others. Taxes, Taxes Zone-4, 2nd 155 Writ Petition Sheikh Abu Hasan Twelve Storied BUilding, 10030/2013 vs Segun Bagicha, Dhaka Judge Artha Rin Adalat 145 VAT Appeal PHP Cold Rolling Mills No. 1 Bagerhat and another 76/2013 Ltd. 156 Writ Petition M/s. Rahman and co. vs 5746/2012 vs President, Customs, Excise Bangladesh and ors and VAT appellate 157 Writ Petition Alhaz Textile Mills Ltd. Tribunal, Dhaka and others 6799/2014 vs 146 VAT Appeal M/s. Sagor Chemical and Judge, Artha Rin Adalat 16/2012 Paints Indutries Ltd. and others vs NBR and others.

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158 Writ Petition Md. Shahidul Alam 170 Writ Petition Md. Shahadat Hossain, 3811/2012 vs 6428/2010 Khatungonj, Chittagong Sonali Bank and others vs

159 Writ Petition Md. Kamrul Haque Judge Artha Rin Adalat 7544/2013 vs No.1 Chittagong and ors Bangladesh and others 171 Writ Petition md. Mominur Haque 2371/2014 vs 160 Writ Petition tazia farhana 4977/2015 vs The Sec. Min. of Law and Commission of customs ors ctg and 03 ors 172 Writ Petition Sagor Chowdhury 7275/2014 vs 161 Writ Petition Md. Saifur Rahman 13510/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 173 Writ Petition M/s. Rokeya Automatic min of Finance and 06 4243/2008 Rice Mills (Pvt) Ltd. others Chapainawabgonj vs 162 Writ Petition Md. Sirajul Islam 15648/2016 vs Sec.Min.of Food Dhaka Bangladesh Rep by Sec and ors Min of Law and 02 others 174 Writ Petition A.K.M Nazmul Hossain 13885/2016 vs 163 Writ Petition Md. Siddiqur Rahman 9321/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Finance and 04 Min of Land and 10 others others 175 Writ Petition Bangladesh Jute Mills 164 Writ Petition Index pvt Ltd 986/2015 vs 13806/2016 Corporation (BJMEC) vs The Sec. Min. of law and 02 ors Uttara Bank Limited and others 165 Writ Petition Index pvt ltd 987/2015 vs 176 Writ Petition Umme Rakiba Munira 10814/2016 vs The Sec. Min. of law and 02 ors Bangladesh and another 177 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Alam 166 Writ Petition Khandaker Nazrul Islam 11273/2006 vs 3503/2014 Chowdhury vs The Judge Artha Rin Adalat 1st Court, Faridpur Bangladesh and ors and others 178 Writ Petition Md. Momtaj Uddin Ahmed 3910/2016 vs 167 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mannan Sikder 8411/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Judge, Land Survey 179 Writ Petition Din Islam Sikder Tribunal, Tangail and 07 16567/2012 vs others Govt. of Bangladesh and 168 Writ Petition Md. Nasirullah Nasim others 5688/2015 vs 180 Writ Petition Marium Tasnin and 2 ors Artha Rin Adalat, Dhaka 336/2013 vs and others Sec.min. of education and 169 Writ Petition M/S Desh Bangla Fasion ors 5953/2015 vs judge arthrin adalat khulna and 02 ors

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181 Writ Petition Md. Mostafizur Rahman 193 Writ Petition Md. Fazlul Haque Islam 15879/2016 Palash 7161/2012 vs vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. Artha Rin Adalat and 02 of law, justice and others parliamentary affairs and 182 Writ Petition Shams Firoz ors 9391/2016 vs 194 Customs Appeal Commissioner, Customs Bangladesh and others 212/2017 Bond Commissio0nerate 183 Writ Petition Mrs. Nahid Anowar Customs, VAT 14045/2016 vs Commissionerate

Artha Rin Adalat and 01 vs

others Customs, Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal and 184 Writ Petition Alppa Compnsite Towels others 14046/2016 Ltd vs 195 Writ Petition Mohammad Haroon

Artha Rin Adalat and 01 15149/2016 vs

others Artha Rin Adalat and 02 others 185 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam 10182/2015 vs 196 Writ Petition Md.

Bangladesh and others 11220/2016 vs Bangladesh Bank and 02 186 Customs Appeal Mohammad Musa others 195/2013 vs Customs Excise and VAT 197 Writ Petition Sariful Alam

Appellate Tribunal 6347/2010 vs Bangladesh and others 187 Writ Petition Mohammad Ali 10191/2015 vs 198 Writ Petition Md. Shafiqur Rahman

Judge, Artha Rin Adalat 15518/2017 vs Artha Rin Adalat and 01 188 Writ Petition M/S Regent Corporation others 6304/2016 vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat, 199 Writ Petition Syed Sirajul Islam, Dhaka

Ctg and 02 others 2778/2008 vs Sec. Min. of L.G.R.D and 189 Writ Petition Yantai Chines and Thai ors 1400/2016 Resturent Ltd vs 200 Writ Petition Md. Shawkat Chowdhury

Bangladesh and others 13251/2016 vs Artha Rin Adalat and 190 Writ Petition Tahmina Ahmed others 12860/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec 201 Writ Petition Mrs. Shahnaj Khatun

min of Finance and 02 4481/2015 vs

others Artha rin adalat and 02 others 191 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Hasan Khan 3314/2016 vs 202 Writ Petition Jahangir Alam Sumon

Artha Rin Adalat, Bogra 14834/2016 vs

and 04 others Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Law and 06 others 192 Writ Petition Md. Zahirul Hoque son of 3810/2010 lal Mia Prodhan, Madaripur and 2 ors vs Sec.min. of Establishment and ors

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203 Writ Petition Nur Nabi Mondol 213 Writ Petition G.M.Sultan Ahmed 706/2015 vs 3013/2005 vs Bangladesh and others Abdul Gani and others 204 Writ Petition tozim uddin 214 Writ Petition Meghna Condenced Milk 7761/2014 vs 13189/2015 Industries Ltd Additional District Judge, vs coxbazar Governor Bangladesh 205 Writ Petition Sirajgoang kotton Mills Bank and 02 others 9525/2014 vs 215 Writ Petition Elias Ahmed Bangladesh and others 14202/2017 vs

206 Writ Petition Md. Mashiur Rahman Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 4874/2017 Khan min of Finance and 03 vs others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 216 Writ Petition Elias Ahmed Min of Law and 02 others 14203/2017 vs

207 Writ Petition Sheikh Md. Rabiul Islam Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 12452/2012 and others min of Finance and 03 vs others Deputy Commissioner , 217 Writ Petition Elias Ahmed Khulna and others, Mr. 14204/2017 vs Ahmed Nowshed Jamil, Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Advocate for the petitioner min of Finance and 03 Mr. Md. Imam Hasan others Advocate for respondent 218 Income Tax Reference Pacific Zipper (B.D) Ltd. No.3 441/2008 vs 208 Writ Petition D.M. Shamim, Dhaka and The Commissioner of 6743/2008 another Taxes, Chittagong, Mr. vs M.A. Noor, Advocate for Sec.min. of Land and ors the appellant 209 Writ Petition Surja Kanta Biswas 219 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Jalil Kazi and 12550/2016 vs 7886/2010 others Bangladesh Rep by Sec vs min of Finance and 03 Bangladesh and others others 220 Writ Petition Md. Aslam Miah, 210 Writ Petition Fatema Shirin 7887/2010 Chandpur and others 14650/2012 vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 211 Writ Petition Investment Corporation of 221 Writ Petition Syed Md. Nurul Amin 11370/2015 Bangladesh 10045/2014 vs vs Bangladesh and others The Judge, Artha Rin 222 Writ Petition F.N Fan Industries Ltd Adalat-2, Dhaka and 04 9136/2017 vs others Bangladesh and others 212 Writ Petition Md. Hamidur Rahman 223 Writ Petition BASIC Bank Ltd 11193/2015 vs 7990/2015 vs Bangladesh and others The Joint District Judge,Arthrin Adalat No.2

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224 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Gafur Mondal 237 Writ Petition National Bank Limited and 8530/2017 and others 3851/2018 others vs vs Krishi Unnayan Bank and Indo Bangla others Pharmaceuticals Limited 225 Writ Petition Ahsan Khan chowdhury 238 Writ Petition Md. Abul Kalam Azad 13189/2012 vs 3612/2018 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 226 Writ Petition Khondaker Akmol Hossain 239 Writ Petition Ms Jinnatun Nahar 4645/2013 vs 171/2016 vs Bangladesh House Land Appeal Board, Dhaka Building Finance and others Corporation, Dhaka and 240 Writ Petition Mohammed Akhter another 18112/2017 vs 227 Writ Petition Hazi Halima Islam Commissioner of Customs 12761/2017 vs and others

Judge, Artha Rin Adalat, 241 Writ Petition Nur Trading Company Dhaka and others 18457/2017 vs 228 Writ Petition Md. Ashraful Alam Commissioner of Customs 13366/2017 vs and others

Bangladesh and others 242 Writ Petition Md. Obaidul Mondal 229 Writ Petition Md. Magrebul Haque 2368/2018 Member 13428/2012 vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 230 Writ Petition M/S Mullennium packing Min of LGRD and 03 1748/2015 Industries others vs 243 Writ Petition Abdul Khalek Member Bangladesh and others 2369/2018 vs

231 Writ Petition Halida Ahmed Bangladesh and others 3941/2017 vs 244 Writ Petition Mst. Salina Khatun Bangladesh and others 2370/2018 vs

232 Writ Petition Md. Ramjan Ali alias Bangladesh and others 712/2010 Ramjan Ali 245 Writ Petition Akata Multipurpose Co- vs 7819/2017 operative society Ltd Artha Rin Adalat No.4, vs and others Bangladesh and others 233 Writ Petition Sultana Khan and others 246 Writ Petition International Brands Ltd. 4160/2016 vs 4039/2018 vs Judge, Artha Rin Adala, Bangldesh and others Dhaka and another 247 Writ Petition K.S Industries Ltd 234 Writ Petition Md. Abul Kalam 15956/2017 vs 11361/2015 vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 248 Writ Petition Md. Shihab uddin 235 Writ Petition Minhajul Islam 2166/2014 vs 3035/2014 vs Bangladesh and others, Mr. Bangladesh and others Sajed Sami Ahammad, 236 Writ Petition Ratan Kumer Pudder Advocate for the petitioner, 16220/2017 vs Mr. Tawhidul Islam, Bangladesh and others Advocate for respondent No.1, Mr. Sk. Shafique Mahmud,Advocate for respondent No.12

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249 Writ Petition Shammi Akter 261 Customs Appeal Grameen phone ltd 15660/2017 vs 115/2013 vs Bangladesh and others Customs Excise and VAT 250 Writ Petition 1( A) Md. Saiful Hoque Appellate Tribunal and 6953/2013 Chowdhury others vs 262 Customs Appeal Grameen phone ltd Bangladesh and others 116/2013 vs

251 Writ Petition Md. Zahurul Islam Customs Excies and Vat 16609/2017 vs Appellate Tribunal Bangladesh Bank and 263 Customs Appeal Grameen phone Ltd. others 117/2013 vs

252 Writ Petition A.S Shahedul Huq Bulbul Customs Excise and VAT 600/2018 vs Appellate Tribunal and Bangldesh and others others 253 Income Tax Reference Grameen Trust 264 Customs Appeal Grameen phone Limited 118/2013 vs 208/2007 vs The Commissioner of Customs Excise and VAT Taxes, Dhaka Appellate Tribunal and others Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing - 265 Customs Appeal Grameen phone Limited 119/2013 vs 254 Criminal Misc State Customs Excise and VAT

11921/2003 vs Appellate Tribunal and

(|Suo-moto Rule) Md. Firoz Alam others 255 Review Petition Md. Monir Miah and 266 Customs Appeal Grameen phone Limited

15/2014 others 120/2013 vs

(Arising out of W.P. vs Customs Excise VAT

No.2665/2008) Member N0.2 Land Appellat Tribunal and Appeal Board and others. others 256 Income Tax Reference Mr. Salim Ullah 267 Customs Appeal Grameen phone Limited

195/2014 vs 121/2013 vs

(with) The Commissioner of Customs Excise VAT Taxes Appellat Tribunal and 257 Income Tax Reference Mr. Salim Ullah others

196/2014 vs 268 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limited

(with) The Commissioner of 144/2012 vs Taxes Customs, Excise and VAT 258 Income Tax Reference Mr. Salim Ullah Appellate Tribunal and 197/2014 vs others

(with) The Commissioner of 269 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limited Taxes 147/2012 vs 259 Income Tax Reference Mr. Salim Ullah Customs, Excise and VAT 198/2014 vs Appellate Tribunal and The Commissioner of others Taxes 270 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limited 260 Income Tax Reference Md. Joynal Abedin 72/2015 vs 396/2013 vs Customs, Excise and VAT The Commissioner of Appellate Tribunal and Taxes others For Hearing 271 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limitted 73/2015 vs Customs Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal and others

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272 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limited 278 Writ Petition Begm Khaleda Zia 74/2015 vs 10081/2007 vs Customs, Excise and VAT Bangladesh and others Appellate Tribunal and 279 Writ Petition Khandoder Sujat Ali others 4866/2014 vs 273 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limited Bangladesh and others

75/2015 vs 280 Criminal Misc Noor Hossain

Customs, Excise and VAT 6205/2014 vs Appellate Tribunal and The State and another others 281 Criminal Misc Ahmed Kamal Chowdhury 274 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limited 23205/2014 vs

76/2015 vs The State and another Customs, Excise and VAT 282 Criminal Misc Abu Bokkor Appellate Tribunal and 20325/2013 vs others The State and another 275 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limited 283 Criminal Misc Abu Bokkor 77/2015 vs 20326/2013 vs Customs Excise and VAT The State Appellate Tribunal and Mr. Shawkat Hossain, others Adv..for the petitioner 276 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limited 284 Writ Petition Md. Nuruzzaman Khan 78/2015 vs 5068/2009 and another Customs Excise and VAT vs Appellate Tribunal and Bangladesh and others others 285 Criminal Misc Tanvir Mashfu Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Limited 32761/2016 vs 79/2015 vs The State and another Customs Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal and 286 Criminal Misc Tanvir Mashfu others 32762/2016 vs The State and another 277 Customs Appeal Grameen Phone Ltd. 52/2013 vs 287 Criminal Revision Durnity Daman Customs, Excise and VAT 1661/2017 Commission Appellate Tribunal and vs others Md. Siddiqur Rahman For Hearing : Anti-Corruption Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 46

High Court Division Justice Muhammad Abdul Hafiz Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 12] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৯৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদনপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] Application (Motion) Civil Revision Asaduzzaman Manik and

1 Civil Order Leo Shanti Howlader 1080/2015 others

857/2018 vs (Heard in part) (with) vs

(In Re- Barishal) Alfred Sarker and others Md. Matior Rahman

Mr. Md. Zulfiquar Matin, Khandaker Aminul Haque, Advocatge .... for the Adv. for the petitioner

petitioner Mr. A.B.M. Matiur Rahman, Adv. ...for the For Hearing O.P. 2 Civil Revision Sree Nirod Kumar Pura Civil Revision Md. Aminul Islam Bakul 4564/2007 Kayastha and anothers 1348/2015 and others (Heard in part) vs (Heard in part) (with) vs Government of Bangladesh Motiur Rahman Sepai and and others others Mr. A. B. Roy Chowdhury, Mr. S.M. Rezaul Islam, Adv... for the Ptr. Adv. ...for the petitioner 3 Civil Revision Shamsul haqe others Mr. A.B.M. Matiur 1950/2002 vs Rahman, Adv. ...for O.P.

Hheard in part) (with) Md. Halim others Civil Revision Md. Aminul Islam Bakul Civil Revision Shamsul Haqe others 1349/2015 and others 2089/2002 vs (Heard in part) (with) vs Hheard in part) Md. Halim others Md. Nurul Islam and 4 Civil Revision Chirmoti Bibi others 1735/2009 vs Mr. S.M. Rezaul Islam, (Heard in part) Md. Abdul Latif Adv. ...for the petitioner Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed for Mr.A.B.M. Matiur the petr. > Mr. Md. Rafiqul Rahman, Adv. ...for the Islam, Adv...... For the O.P O.P. 5 Civil Revision Abdus Sobhan Howlader Civil Revision AbdulHasem 4829/2001 vs 318/2015 vs (Heard in part) Arshed Ali Khondaker (Heard in part) Md. Matior Rahman Mr. Md. Manjurul Hasan, 6 Civil Revision Amena Begum and others Adv ...for the petitioner 4305/2014 vs Mr. A.B.M. Matiur (Heard in part) with Matiur Rahman Rahman, Adv. ...for the Dr. Rafiqur Rahman with O.P Mr. Sirajur Rahman, Advs... for the Ptr. 7 Civil Revision Eanul Huq and others Mr. A.B.M. Matiur 509/2015 vs Rahman, Adv... for the O/P (Heard in part) Md. Awlad Hossain Civil Revision Amena Begum 8 Civil Revision Ali Miah Mollah 1995/2015 vs 1689/2013 vs (Heard in part) (with) Motiur (Heard in part) Ali Ashraf Mollik Dr. Rafiqur Rahman, Adv. 9 Civil Revision Saleha Khatoon ...for the petitioner 1208/2013 vs Mr.A.B.M. Matiur (Heard in part) Khaja Nizam Uddin and Rahman, Adv. for the O.P. others Mr. Md. Mosiul Alam with Mr. Md. Salahuddin, Advs for the Ptr. Mr. A.B.M. Nurul Islam, Advocate ... for the O.P.

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10 Civil Revision Hajera Bewa and others 20 Civil Revision Babul Chowkider 2118/2014 vs 3961/2013 vs (Heard in part) Most. Khodeza Bewa and Hafiz Uddin others 21 Civil Revision Md. Farid Miah 11 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh and 2872/2015 vs 1010/1996 others Bangladesh and others

(Heard in part) vs 22 Civil Revision Md. Faizal Karim

Md.Karim Box Pain 2114/2010 vs 12 Civil Revision Sheikh Shahjahan Mst. Syesha Khatoon

2803/2017 vs 23 Civil Revision Nimy Chandra Bishus

(Heard in part) Md. Sohel and another 369/2003 vs 13 Civil Revision Nani Das Md. Mumtaj Uddin 2588/2013 vs Talukder

(Heard in part) 1(ka). Sree Dipak Chandra 24 Civil Revision Md. Afser Ali Fakir and Das 1073/2013 others Civil Revision Nitai Chandra Das vs 3255/2013 vs Mukunda Mali and another

(Heard in part) (with) Sree Dipok Chandra Das 25 Civil Revision Saidur Rahman and Saifur Civil Revision Nitai Chandra Das 4013/2012 Rahman 2620/2013 vs with vs (Heard in part) (with) Sree Dipok Chandra Das Rasheda Begum and others Civil Revision Priyo Lal Civil Revision Saidur Rahman alias Saifur 314/2013 vs 4014/2012 Rahman Govt. of Bangladesh vs

14 Civil Rule Azizul Haque Rasheda Begum and others 714(R)/2017 vs 26 Civil Revision Sheikh Taiyabur Rahman (with) arising out of C. R. Anil Krishna 376/2011 vs 2016/15 Hazera Khatun Civil Revision Anil Krishna 27 Civil Revision Rahimuddin and others 3210/2015 vs 4323/2010 vs Azizul Huq Zamiar Rahman

15 Civil Rule Mahbub Hassan Mr. Taherul Islam, Adv.. for the Ptr. 101(con)/2018 vs Monwara Begum A. F. M. Zubair Husain, Adv... for the O/P Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing 28 Civil Revision Muhan Gup and others . 16 Civil Revision Nijamul Haque Sarder 47/2004 vs 2807/2001 vs Sttendra Chandra Gup and Siddique Ali Biswas others . 17 Civil Revision Md. Almas Ali Khan 29 Civil Revision Nurun Nahar 2442/2004 vs 2757/2015 vs Md. Safiuddin Maqbul Hossain 18 Civil Revision Iskandar Ali 30 Civil Revision Md. Munsur Ali 855/2014 vs 4097/2011 vs Ka.Be. Khasiani and others Md. Tomiz Uddin , For Hearing Advicate . 19 Civil Revision God Shiba Deity 2570/2004 vs Panku Chandra bhaumik

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31 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Quader and 45 Civil Revision Abu Bibi 1023/2013 others 3811/2015 vs vs A. Rahim Md. Sahaj Uddin and Mr. Mamunur Rashid Adv. others for petitioner. 32 Civil Revision Renu Bhushun Debnath 46 Civil Revision Mosharraf Hossain 2110/2010 vs 1274/2016 vs Hriday Sham Dutta Md. Foyjul Bari and others 33 Civil Revision Farest Ranjot Officer 47 Civil Revision Deputy Commissioner, 1011/1999 Paikbanda N. Nao. 799/2004 Tangail vs vs Sajjad ali Mondal Asaruddin Kazi and others, A.A.G. for the petitioner. bd> Ms. Salma Sultana, 34 Civil Revision Md. Oli Ahmed Ad. for the petitioner Mr. 2054/2014 vs Saqeb Mahbub, Advocate Abu Ahmed and ors for the opposite party Nos. 5-7. 35 Civil Revision Abdul Jalil Mr. Kamal Hossain,

2694/2016 vs Advocate for the opposite

Jahura Khatun party No. 1. 36 Civil Revision Joinal Abedin 48 Civil Revision Moklesur Rahman

6001/2002 vs 5386/2007 vs

Aynun Nessa Bibi Md. Abu Al Islam 37 Civil Revision Ruhul Amin 49 Civil Revision Abdus Sattar

1136/1998 vs 4661/2011 vs

Nura Alam Abul Kazi 38 Civil Revision Golam Ambia 50 Civil Revision A. Kuddus and ors

3373/2016 vs 1578/2009 vs

Nurul Islam Md. Basrat ullah 39 Civil Revision (1) Most. Kamla Begam 51 Civil Revision Abdul Khaleque

925/1996 vs 2236/2014 vs

Fatema Bibi Md. Faruk 40 Civil Revision Masud Miah 52 Civil Revision Nawbabgonj Kamal Uddin

4381/1997 vs 3927/1998 Girls School

Chan Miah vs 41 Civil Revision Dulal Miah Shikha Adidopter Govt

235/2009 vs 53 Civil Revision Robu Biswas

Md. Tota Miah @ Abu 2329/2014 vs Miah Subendra Nath and others 42 Civil Revision Md. Ibrahim Ali Mondal 54 Civil Revision Alhaj A H M Ershad Ali

3228/2012 vs 3886/2002 vs

Assistant Commissioner Md Jahangir Hossin Land , Gobindagang , Gaibandha 55 Civil Revision Alhaj A H M Ershad Ali 3930/2002 vs 43 Civil Revision Shahjahan Hawladar Md Jhangir Hossin 516/2005 vs Kamal Kanti Bangopadhai 44 Civil Revision Md. Eusuf Ali Gazi 4936/2007 vs Shaha Alam Gazi

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56 Civil Revision Alhaj A H M Ershad Ali 68 Civil Revision Samim Azad 3928/2002 vs 1245/1999 vs Md Jhangir Hossin Lalu Moral 57 Civil Revision Md. Akkas Ali 69 Civil Revision Asiran Bewa 463/1998 vs 2853/2011 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and Sariton Nessa ors 70 Civil Revision Jahangir Kha 58 Civil Revision Sunil Chandra 634/2009 vs 631/2011 vs Mojibur Rahman Khan Md. Sobze Ali 71 Civil Revision Vogari Kundu 59 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Jalil Khan 2491/2015 vs 21/1987 vs Subuth Kumar Kundu Amina Khatun and ors 72 Civil Revision Mahbubur Rashid 60 Civil Revision Delbar Badsha 3339/2016 vs 321/1998 vs Most. Zakia Sultana Government of Bangladesh 73 Civil Revision Md.Abed Ali Miah 61 Civil Revision Md. Yasin Ahmed alias 2404/1999 vs 311/2016 Yasin Mia and others Saber Ali @ Sabbir (with) vs Rahman Md. Abul Bashar and 74 Civil Revision Md. Abbas Mollah others 2416/1999 vs Civil Revision Md. Yasin Ahmed alias Abdul Latif Bepari 312/2016 Yasin Mia and others Mr. Mir Mahfuzur vs Rahman, Adv ... For the Md. Abul Bashar and Petr. others Mr. Md. Abdul Quader 62 Civil Revision Enamul Talukder, Adv. .. For the 4821/2015 vs Op Julhas Uddin 75 Civil Revision Md. Mozibur Rahman

63 Civil Revision M. A. Motaleb 3059/1998 vs Md. Shah Alam Khan 301/2012 vs (with) Md. Najmul Haque Mr. S.M. Rezaul Karim, Advocate for the Petitioner Civil Revision M. A. Motaleb Mr. Md. Awlad Hossain

348/2012 vs with Mr. Mr. Nazrul Islam,

Md. Najmul Haque Advocate for the 64 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh Respondent

2470/2016 vs 76 Civil Revision Md. Bashirul Alam

Mostofa Kamal 1722/1998 vs 65 Civil Revision Saleha Begum Md. Sahajahan Bhuiyan

2198/2014 vs 77 Civil Revision Md. Anuwar Hossain

Khalequr Rashid 1426/2003 vs 66 Civil Revision Nayeb Ali Hossain Ali Prang

2259/1993 vs 78 Civil Revision Nikhil Chandra Dey and

Solaman Ali Mondal 1042/2015 others 67 Civil Revision Md. Haider Ali vs 5120/2004 vs Horidas Bhadra and others Most. Majeda Begum

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79 Civil Revision Sydur Rahman Sikder 88 Civil Revision Golam Kibria 1342/2012 vs 708/2016 vs Peoples Republic of Government of Bangladesh Bangladesh Rep. by 89 Civil Revision Md. Badrul Islam Deputy Commissioner 3938/2013 vs Shariatpur Mahiuddin Miah 80 Civil Revision Belayet Sheikh and others 90 Civil Revision Sukumar Bhattacharjee

2253/2002 vs 3801/2010 vs

Md.Jahangir Alam and Md. Akhil others KhanMohammad Akhter

Mr. Md. Nuruzzaman Uddin Khan Khan, Advocate 91 Civil Revision Mahabur Rahman ....for the petitioner. 6294/2002 vs Mr. Probir Halder, Sree Sukumar Chndra Advocate .....for the opposite party. 92 Civil Revision Saleha Begum 2199/2014 vs 81 Civil Revision Moazzem Hossain Khalequr Rashid 2926/2008 vs Khalilur Rahman 93 Civil Revision Mohammad Ali 1677/2011 vs 82 Civil Revision Hajrat Ali and others Md. Hussain ali being dead 4801/2014 vs his heirs:Md. Babul Mia Govt. of Bangladesh 94 Civil Revision Md.Omar Faruq 83 Civil Revision Md. Ponir Hossain and ors. 1023/2006 vs 2946/2006 vs Shahabuddin with Md. Sultan Shikder 95 Civil Revision Jabeda Khatun Civil Revision Sultan Sikder 493/2009 vs 3772/2006 vs Md. Amir Ali Nur Mohammad 96 Civil Revision Sree Ranjit Kumar Gope 84 Civil Revision Kazi Monu Miah 2950/2011 vs 2802/2016 vs Addl. Deputy Kazi Abdur Rashid Commissioner 85 Civil Revision Asok kumar Das 97 Civil Revision Musamat Nazama Begum 3496/2000 vs 2463/2013 vs Miraz Uddin Houlader (with) Md. Shukur Mia 86 Civil Revision Md. Amjad Hossain and Civil Revision Mst. Nazma Begum 454/2010 others 600/2015 vs vs Md. Sukur Miah A. Haque and others Mr. Md. Matiur Rahman , 98 Civil Revision 1.Abdul Malek Bepari Advocate.....for the 3914/2006 vs petitioner 1.Rabeya Begum Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain 99 Civil Revision Md. Shah Jahan Chow: and Advocate for the opposite 2368/2003 others . party vs 87 Civil Revision Monglu Mohammad Md. Hossain and others 4149/2014 vs 100 Civil Revision Saleh Abdul Halim 96/2014 vs Shah Alam

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101 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Latif Mondal 115 Civil Revision Shamsur Nahar 4895/2007 and others 287/2010 vs vs Siddique Miah Government of Bangladesh 116 Civil Revision Waliullah and others 374/2016 vs 102 Civil Revision Papon Paul with Delwar 3887/2014 vs Civil Revision Waliullah Md. Shahidullah 375/2016 vs 103 Civil Revision mrs. Monira Rahman Delwar 835/2015 vs Mr. Sarker Tahmeena Sultan Ahmed Begum Adv. for petitioner. 104 Civil Revision Sawkat Ali Sheikh 117 Civil Revision Sree Ram Chuhan 812/2002 vs 2942/2003 vs Akbar Ali Biswas Sreedhari Chuhan 105 Civil Revision Abdur Rouf 118 Civil Revision Binod Kumar Agarwala 1693/2009 vs 2959/2011 vs Nasir Ahmed Bewan Mahabub Hossain

106 Civil Revision Abdul Motaleb and another Mr. Binod Kumar 2462/2010 vs Agarwal, Adv... for the Ptr. Dilip Kumar Biswas & Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed, others Adv.. for the O/P 107 Civil Revision Abdul Kader Hawlader 119 Civil Revision Setara Begum 1190/2012 vs 4129/1997 vs Bangladesh Govt. A. K. M. Iftiar Hossain 108 Civil Revision Md.Yunus Chowdhury 120 Civil Revision Abdus Sattar 1041/2013 vs 1925/1996 vs Alhaz Abu Bakkor A. Salam 109 Civil Revision Munshi Aynal Hossain 121 Civil Revision Safia Khatun and others 4572/2014 vs 1663/2013 vs Most. Lal Mati Bibi Sheikh Abul Bashar and others 110 Civil Revision Md. Shahidul Islam 122 Civil Revision Md. Habibur Rahman 4624/1998 vs Md. Ishaque Ali 3150/2010 vs Md. Saiful Islam 111 Civil Revision Doulot Miah Mr. Probir Neogi, Adv...

3403/1997 vs for the Ptr.

Abul Kalam Azad Mr. Jahangir Alam, Adv... 112 Civil Revision Md. Habibur Rahman for the O/P

1577/1996 vs 123 Civil Revision Nurunnahar

Golapjan Bibi 1875/2010 vs

Mr. Nowab Ali for the Md. Robiul Islam petitioner. 124 Civil Revision Most. Safura Khatun 113 Civil Revision Al-Haj Muhammadul 3217/2009 vs

3788/1995 Alam Most. Sarufa Khatun

vs Mr.Md.Golam

Nur Jahan Mostafa,Adv. for the 114 Civil Revision Razzabar Nesa and others. petitioner 1311/2003 vs Ms.Rabaiyat Hossain,Adv. Abdus Salam . for the opposite party

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125 Civil Revision Anwara Begum 138 Civil Revision Md. Saiful Islam 4630/2015 vs 2933/2014 vs with Sharif Uddin Md. Afsar Ali Mondal Civil Revision Anwara 139 Civil Revision Abdus Sattar Majhi 4554/2015 vs 3875/2010 vs Mayor, S. C. C Hameda Khatun 126 Civil Revision Most Dewera Begum 140 Civil Revision A.K.M.Shamsul Alam 4210/2006 vs 2925/2015 vs (with) Upzilla Revenue Oficer Md.Enamul Haque Badergonj Rangpur Bhuiyan Civil Revision Most Dewera Begum 141 Civil Revision Md.Azizur Rahman 4211/2006 vs 1883/2011 vs Govt. of Bangladesh with Md.Shamsul Islam 127 Civil Revision Khurshed Ali Civil Revision Md.Azizur Rahman 1461/2012 vs 1884/2011 vs yunus Ali Md. Shamsul Islam and 128 Civil Revision Principal Delwar Hossain Others 3985/2008 vs 142 Civil Revision Abdur Rashid Most. Hasina Begum 4488/2014 vs

129 Civil Revision Aleya Begum Uttara Bank Ltd. and 4508/2008 vs others. Kanchan Ali 143 Civil Revision Ranadhir Saha and others 4516/2014 vs 130 Civil Revision Hasen Ali and others 5338/2004 vs Mrs. Nilufar Yeasmin Most. Ayesha Khatun Bibi 144 Civil Revision Md.Bacchu Miah 4518/2014 vs 131 Civil Revision Md. Asgar Ali and others 3600/2011 vs Bangladesh and others Md. Babur Ali Gazi and 145 Civil Revision Imtiaz others 3345/2016 vs

132 Civil Revision Md. Kashem Ali Mobarak 4117/2008 vs 146 Civil Revision Md. Bacchu Miahy Nurjahan 4519/2014 vs

133 Civil Revision Md Ismail Hossin Ms. Nilufar 1964/2002 vs 147 Civil Revision Bacchu Miah Mrs Dodi Nasa Bibi 4520/2014 vs

134 Civil Revision Md. Nur Islam Ms. Nilufar 4854/2004 vs 148 Civil Revision Achya Khatoon Assisant Commissionerr 3215/2011 vs

135 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Alam Golam Mustafa 3023/2011 vs 149 Civil Revision Afruj Uddin and ors Ratan Chandra Das and 1273/2006 vs Others Md. Ali 136 Civil Revision Shahin 150 Civil Revision Selina Begum 3274/2015 vs 3005/2014 vs Selina June Nurain 137 Civil Revision Moulavi Ananyt Hossain 2259/2002 vs Thana Nirbahi Officer

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151 Civil Revision Sree Rabindra Nath Das @ 162 Civil Revision Karom Ali @ Abdul Karim 1649/2004 Mondal being death his 4600/2002 Fakir heirs: Ajit Chandra Mandal (Madaripur) vs vs Kalachan Fakir

Serin Samarendra Nath 163 Civil Revision UNO. Comilla Das and others 4799/2009 vs 152 Civil Revision Moktar Hossain Md. Nazrul Islam

1524/2007 vs 164 Civil Revision Md. Khorshed Alammd.

Assistant Tohshildar 54/2013 moklesur rahman (Satirpra) vs 153 Civil Revision Md. Nazrul Islam Safura

2346/2009 vs 165 Civil Revision Omol Chandra Sarker

Sumsul Hoque 167/2016 vs 154 Civil Revision Sultana Razia Begum Surujjaman an d others

1374/2008 vs 166 Civil Revision Tota Miah

Zainal Abedin 870/2012 vs 155 Civil Revision Md: Aslim Akkas Miah alias Zakir 2861/2005 vs Hossain alias Ahad Miah Md: Faruk Ahammd and Others 156 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Goni 167 Civil Revision Md Karamot Ali 2650/2009 vs 2217/2002 vs Nikhil Chandra Dey Abumosa 157 Civil Revision Deputy Commissioner, 168 Civil Revision Shah Alam 619/2011 Noakhali 2525/2010 vs vs Baten

Abdul Motin 169 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Gafur

Mr. A. B. Roy Chowdhury, 3923/2011 vs Adv.. for the O/P Md. Lutfur Rahman 158 Civil Revision Bibash Chowdhury 170 Civil Revision Badsha Sardar

684/2002 vs 2785/2013 vs

Mofazzal Ahmed Sikder Khalilur Rahman Chowdhury and others 159 Civil Revision Dehamon Chandra Pal 171 Civil Revision Saju

5835/2001 vs 4672/2015 vs

Ranjet kumar Pal Abu Sufian 160 Civil Revision Tahhra Begyn 172 Civil Revision Md. Humayun Kobir and

2832/2013 vs 3432/2015 others, Mr. Sheik Habibul

Syed Ahmed Chowdhury Alam, Adv.....for the 161 Civil Revision Noor Mohammad Sheikh petitioners 2378/2010 vs vs (two applications) Jahangir Sheikh Hosnayara Begum and Mr. M.G. Mahmud others Shaheen, Adv. ... for the 173 Civil Revision 2015 petitioner 1966/2015 vs

Mr. Ahmed Nowshad with Shahanara Begum Jamil, Adv...... for the opposite party

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Civil Revision Anwara Begum 187 Civil Revision Md.Ruhul Amin 1967/2015 vs 1320/2015 vs Abdulla Arshed 174 Civil Revision Md. Showkat Ali 188 Civil Revision Md. Abu Bakkar and 411/2010 vs 186/2013 others Md. Enayet Ullah vs

175 Civil Revision Haji Md. Harun Sree Kamail Chandra Roy 2283/2012 vs and others Haji Md. Hossain and 189 Civil Revision Md. Hariz Miah . others 2527/2004 vs Abul Kalam and others . 176 Civil Revision Md. Bosir Ahmed 3456/2010 vs Mr. Khair Ezaz Mahmud. (with) Rokeya Begum and tohers adv. for the petitioner. Civil Revision Abdul Ali 190 Civil Revision Md. Hasen Ali 4536/2010 vs 1899/2010 vs Bashir Ahmed Abdul Aziz and others 177 Civil Revision Monowara Begum 191 Civil Revision Amena Khatun and Others 1066/2012 vs 4290/1996 vs Abdul Rob Molla Momtaj Begum and Others 178 Civil Revision Md.Mokshed Molla 192 Civil Revision Polli Durido Bimojun 1093/2012 vs 1567/1996 vs Naryan Chandra Gosh Abdul Rahim 179 Civil Revision Md. Nazrul Islam 193 Civil Revision Sahidul Islam 3981/2015 vs 3115/2011 vs Md. Ubaidullah A.Latif 180 Civil Revision Anwar Hossain Khan 194 Civil Revision Dhanaswor Sarkar and 3021/2013 others 3255/2011 vs Most. Syedunnessa vs Jagadish Chandra Sarkar 181 Civil Revision Bazlur Rahman and others

2673/2016 vs Mr. P. C. Guha, Adv... for

Menzur Miah the Ptr. 182 Civil Revision 2012 Mr. Md. Nurul Islam, Adv.. 4120/2016 vs for the O/P

Md. Shamsuddin 195 Civil Revision Forid Uddin 183 Civil Revision Abul Kashem Mollah 4028/2014 vs 4707/2008 vs Aktaruzzaman

Farida Begum 196 Civil Revision Govt of Bangladesh 184 Civil Revision Md. Sahid Ali Munshi 3242/2009 vs 1915/2004 vs Abdul lAtif ors

Md. Joyad Ali 197 Civil Revision Md. Akter Hossain 185 Civil Revision Sirajul Haque 2944/2009 vs 4388/2007 vs Md. Abdul Latif and others

Khalilur Rahman and 198 Civil Revision Asraf Ali others 2506/2005 vs 186 Civil Revision Most. Asia Khatun Abdul Aziz 1631/2011 vs Md. Nazrul Islam

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199 Civil Revision Moulana Abdul Halim 211 Civil Revision Md.Nurul Islam and others 3287/2010 vs 6258/2002 vs (with) Md.Lal Miah Sikder Abdur Rashid and others

200 Civil Revision Sasib Samad Ali Pandith Mr. Kasir Jahid, adv. 372/2003 vs 212 Civil Revision Md. Badrul Haider Amin Ullah and others 134/2003 Chowdhury vs 201 Civil Revision Shobas Chandra Sarker 1863/2005 vs Md. Abdul Karim (with) Gonish Chandra Bardon Chowdhury Civil Revision Gonesh Chandra Bardhan 213 Civil Revision Abdur Rauf 4208/2010 vs 2915/2005 vs Azizur Rahman @ Khokan Masum HJossain 202 Civil Revision Mst. Anwara Begum and 214 Civil Revision Sofiqul Islam 4492/2007 vs 2821/2016 others vs Abdul Rahim Md. Awal Sheikh and 215 Civil Revision Panta Sheikh others 903/2001 vs

203 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Zabbar Md. Mina Sheikh 2892/2013 vs 216 Civil Revision Md.Abu Bakar Sakh Abdur Rashid 4170/2004 vs

204 Civil Revision Md. Abul Hossain Most.Koshjan Bibi 3088/2007 vs 217 Civil Revision Shamsur Rahman Mohan Nabi 1208/2011 vs

205 Civil Revision Md. Fazar Molla Pushpa Rani Biswas 1933/2014 vs 218 Civil Revision Md. Anuwar Hossain Ful Miah 2967/2005 vs

206 Civil Revision Md. Abdus Quddus @ (with) Most. Shahin Akther Begum. 3434/2007 Rostom Ali vs Md. Helal Uddin Sarkar. Tofazzal Hossain Adv.for the petitioner. Saleha Islam. Adv.for the 207 Civil Revision Md. Rafiqul Islam o.p. 1984/2014 Chowdhury Civil Revision Md. Anuwar Hossain vs Md. Abul Kalam Azad 2968/2005 vs Mrs. Shahin Akther 208 Civil Revision Nur Hossain Begum 778/2014 vs Sorupa Khatun 219 Civil Revision Rokon Ali Molla 3479/2002 vs 209 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam Bhuiyan Abul Hossain Munshi 3276/2009 vs Govt. rep. D.C. 220 Civil Revision Zamana Begum 1217/2013 vs Mr. Md. Rezaul Islam Adv. for petitioner. Md.Safi and others 210 Civil Revision Md. Aminul Islam Khan 221 Civil Revision Md. Abur Uddin 1510/2010 vs 117/2012 vs Ashoke Kumar Amena Bewa

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222 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh 235 Civil Revision Agijul Huqe and others 4251/2014 vs 2992/2000 vs Dilara Begum and others Bangladesh and others Mr. Bhobesh Chandra 236 Civil Revision Nuru Mridha and ors Sarker D.A.G for 3826/2008 vs petitioner. Sobhan Hawlader 223 Civil Revision Kamal Hossain 237 Civil Revision Birendra Nath Karmaker 1878/2015 vs 390/1997 vs A. Hakim Md. A. Wahab 224 Civil Revision Md. Oli Mia and ors 238 Civil Revision Nurjahan Bewa 63/2006 vs 1595/2010 vs Sylhet Most Dilara Begum and Dr. Md. Sarwar Hossain ors 239 Civil Revision Fakir Chan Das . 225 Civil Revision Govt of Bangladesh 4079/2004 vs 2347/2014 vs Nrendra Kushur Das and Moksed Ali others . 226 Civil Revision Md.Abdul Matin 240 Civil Revision Rupia Khatun 4543/2010 vs 956/1996 vs Golam Rabbin Harun miah 227 Civil Revision Kanu Pramanik 241 Civil Revision Md. Forkan Talukder 3779/2014 vs 4368/2009 vs (Naogaon) Moslem Ali Mondal and Md. Abu Taher others 242 Civil Revision Nur Jahan Begum 228 Civil Revision Md. Mizanur Rahman 1458/2014 vs 2886/2013 vs Anwar Hossen Most. Nasrin Begum Mr. Md. Aktaruzzaman 229 Civil Revision Anil Chandra Sarker Adv. for petitioner. 1200/2011 vs 243 Civil Revision Sri Gobinda Prasad Deputy Commissioner 2243/2009 vs Feni Sri Anada Mahan Ray 230 Civil Revision Joynal Abedin Khan and 244 Civil Revision S. M. Alamgir 2840/2008 others 5075/2011 vs vs Anowara bibi Md.Rafiq Sazzad others 245 Civil Revision Abdur Rashid Sikder 231 Civil Revision Md. Kamal Hossain Bepari 1945/2003 vs 4716/2014 vs Shamsul Haque Sikder Abul kalam Akhonda and 246 Civil Revision Margaret Rozario others 842/2007 vs 232 Civil Revision Most. Agisha Khatun Benidick Pirij 1300/2002 vs 247 Civil Revision Md. Tafur Ali Md. Asadul Huque 4324/2010 vs 233 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Karim Md. Nur Islam 371/2015 vs 248 Civil Revision Banka Behari Das Md. Abdur Rashid and 1673/2012 vs others Abu Taleb Akanda 234 Civil Revision Nazrul Islam 1216/2014 vs Md. Nastimul

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249 Civil Revision Shahidul Islam 263 Civil Revision Sonali Bank Ltd 2954/2013 vs 3385/2015 vs Sree Sushil Chandra Rishi M/S Chandpur Library 250 Civil Revision Md. Farul Alom Khan 264 Civil Revision Mominul Haque 2534/2013 vs 3517/2009 vs Abdul Kader Fakir Shokorer Nessa 251 Civil Revision Noab Ali 265 Civil Revision Rafiqul Islam 2289/2003 vs 4518/2008 vs Abdus Sattar Most. Nobija Khatun 252 Civil Revision Md. Badal Miah 266 Civil Revision Md. Hafizur Rahman 872/2014 vs 2397/2001 vs Shikta Begum and others Nasirul Islam 253 Civil Revision Md. Selim Patwari 267 Civil Revision Mrs. Kohinur Begum 115/2009 vs 2271/2013 vs Deputy commissioner Momtaz Begum Chandur 268 Civil Revision Md. Mojibul Hoque 254 Civil Revision Nuru Mollah 3946/2006 Jomaddar 519/2016 vs vs A. Gani Md. Nazir Ahmed Rari and 255 Civil Revision Nasiruddin ors 4255/2015 vs 269 Civil Revision Reazul Haque talukder Saida 5123/2000 vs

256 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Rahman Mouram Bibi 3562/2012 Mandol 270 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh vs 2986/2001 vs Md. Safiar Rahman 1(a)Asia Khatun 257 Civil Revision Abdur Razzak Sarder 271 Civil Revision A.M. Sirajul Islam 1305/2007 vs 2152/2010 vs Syed Mohammad Fazlul Shahidul Haque Karim 272 Civil Revision Md. Zamiluddin 258 Civil Revision Shamsul Alam 5000/2011 vs 5165/2011 vs Sakina Khatun

Rob Munlshi 273 Civil Revision Gogon Ali Paiada 259 Civil Revision Bangladesh Govt. 3436/1998 vs 4341/2014 vs Abdul Mojid Mollah

Mazibur Rahman 274 Civil Revision Md. Raju Miah 260 Civil Revision Md. Majibur Rahman 3571/1999 vs 1725/2009 vs Md. Rafiqul Islam

Abul Kashem 275 Civil Revision Most. Dilwara Begum 261 Civil Revision Most. Halima Khatun and 4540/1991 vs 2376/2008 others Most. Hajera Khaton and vs others

Mohammad Gazi and 276 Civil Revision Foridul Alam others 956/1993 vs 262 Civil Revision Rani and anothers Md.Yusuf 998/2004 vs Sri Sri Durga and Kalimata and anothers

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277 Civil Revision Shaikh Munsur Rahman 289 Civil Revision A. K. M. Nurul Alam 4641/2007 vs 2562/2013 Khan Shaikh Abdus Sobhan vs Sarder Kazi Mahbubul Alam

278 Civil Revision Md. Salauddin Sarder Mr. Topan Kumar Chakrabarty, Advocate 1893/2004 vs Md. Samsul Haque ...... for the petitioner 279 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh 290 Civil Revision Dudu Miah 3748/2016 vs 1268/2010 vs Azizul haque Hazi and Zahirul Haque others 291 Civil Revision Md..Aminul Huq

280 Civil Revision Atiqual Islam 4521/2011 Mr. A.K.M. Shamsul 525/2003 vs Hoque, Adv. ..for the Gulza Nissa petitioner vs 281 Civil Revision Afroza Khatun Md. Sayed Ali ors.

4440/1999 vs Mr. Ali Imam Khaled

Md.Mozammel Hoque Rahim, Adv. ..for O.P. 282 Civil Revision Maniruddin Nos.1-2

2585/1998 vs 292 Civil Revision Md. Golam Rabbani

Abdur Razzak 3903/2009 vs 283 Civil Revision Aynal Hoq Md. Fakruddin

4585/2006 vs 293 Civil Revision Sober Uddin Porag

Rokeya Khatun 2121/2012 vs 284 Civil Revision Govt. Rep. by D. C. Saiful Islam

856/2010 vs 294 Civil Revision Shaikh Emdadul Haque

S. M. Sahajuddin 657/2014 vs Chowdhury Md. Shahjahan Saodagor 285 Civil Revision Smri Mrinal Kanti Saha 295 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh

3240/2010 and others 2892/2007 vs

vs Md. Nurul Islam Smrimoti Kallayani Saha Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv... 296 Civil Revision Shree shree Kali Dev 3533/2013 vs for the Ptr. Mr. Julfiquar Matin, Adv... Anowara for the O/P 297 Civil Revision Abdul Haque Bepari and

286 Civil Revision Deluwar Hossain Majee @ 4629/2014 others vs 4108/2002 Dulal Majee vs Jobeda Khatun and others Alhaj Muklesur Rahman 298 Civil Revision Golenur Begum Bepari 1663/2017 vs

287 Civil Revision Most. Arifu Khatun and Nurun Nahar 3982/2016 others 299 Civil Revision Alhaz Md. Kafiluddin (Sherpur) vs 4372/2012 Ahmed Md. Jalilur Rahman vs

288 Civil Revision Hosen Ali Juarder Kafiluddin and others 2589/2005 vs S. M. Wahiduzzaman

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300 Civil Revision Mozibur Rahman 316 Civil Revision Milon 508/2003 vs 289/2009 vs Md.MOnsur Ahmed A.D.C Chittagong Motawallah 317 Civil Revision Md. Salahuddin 301 Civil Revision Haque Khan 969/2007 vs 512/2016 vs Hossain Ali

Govt. of Bangladesh 318 Civil Revision Surja Mohan Mondal 302 Civil Revision Most.Sanzida Begum 285/2011 vs 1313/2002 vs Ratan Chandra Sayad A.Latif Chakraborty 303 Civil Revision Karam Ali Paramanik 319 Civil Revision Abdull Jabbar and others 2241/2006 vs 2974/2011 vs Sharia Banue Probubdha Roy 304 Civil Revision Md.Rustam Ali Chowdhury 2416/2011 vs 320 Civil Revision Sukumar Bhattacharjee Md. Subal 3803/2010 vs

305 Civil Revision Md. Bajlur Rahman Md. Akhil 282/2003 vs KhanMohammad Akhter (Munshiganj) (Ka)Md. Mohiuddin Uddin Khan 321 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh , 306 Civil Revision Yasif Ali 4148/2002 vs 1283/2012 rerpresented by the D.C, Sarizuddin Barisal vs 307 Civil Revision Denesh Chandra Md. Abdur Rahman 2156/2010 vs Talukder and others Jaitan Bibi 322 Civil Revision Jalal Uddin @ Md. Jamal 308 Civil Revision Dipak Das 655/2016 Uddin and another 2618/2013 vs (Dhaka) vs Nani Das Md. Tara Mia and others 309 Civil Revision Alfatarnessa 323 Civil Revision Most. Lutfdunnessa and 1458/2002 vs 3679/2014 others Kali Chran Dupi (Chandpur) vs 310 Civil Revision Md. Sharif Ahmed Shibli ra Begum and others 3171/2005 vs 324 Civil Revision Abdul Aziz and others Md. Abdus Sadek @ Sattar 1972/2014 vs 311 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Kalam Azad Rosenounnesa Bibi 2669/2011 vs 325 Civil Revision Hasina Begum Promila Bala Daisha 3611/2014 vs 312 Civil Revision Kabir Thahid Mia 3158/2014 vs Hearing : Civil Revision (Chittagong) Osman Gani and others (Against Decree) 313 Civil Revision Sachi Kant Sarker 326 Civil Revision Md. Abu Bakar Siddique 5622/2002 vs 1030/2013 alias Baku Miah and others Govt. vs 314 Civil Revision Alauddin Kamal Hossain and others 2842/2014 vs 327 Civil Revision Md. Shahjanan Abdus Salam 1858/2016 vs 315 Civil Revision Sree Jalish Chanda Md. Oli Ullah 931/2013 vs Manage Polli Bidyut

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328 Civil Revision Abdul Gani Haulader 335 Civil Revision Md. Aftabuddin 3550/2002 vs 1955/2007 vs Abdul Latif Haulader and Most. Mono-Ara- Begum others 336 Civil Revision A. K. M. Harun-Ar-Rashid 329 Civil Revision Jadav Chandra Sarker 1999/2008 vs 1425/2012 vs Engineer Md. Habibur Makhan Chandra Sarker Rahman 330 Civil Revision Begum Hafiza Khatun 337 Civil Revision Abul Hashim 1677/2014 vs 1991/2010 vs Nur Hossain Hafza and Rahamatunnessa others 338 Civil Revision Patli Bala Jaladas and 331 Civil Revision A. Jolil Gharami 3723/2012 others 522/2015 vs vs Giasuddin Sikder Munsuf Jaladas

Mr. M.A. Khaleque, Adv. 339 Civil Revision Md. Abul Hossain

... For the Petr 1973/2013 vs

Mr. Md. Anisur Rahman Inam Mohammad (Raihan), Adv. 340 Civil Revision Jomela Khatun ... For the O.P. 692/2013 vs 332 Civil Revision Mosammat Ummay Salma Abul Kashem 3906/2000 Khurshid Anowar 341 Civil Revision Abdus Salam vs 3510/2002 vs Jaheda Begum and others Govt of Bangladesh and 333 Civil Revision Syed Musharf Ali . others

6664/2002 vs Mr. S.M. Enamul Hoque

Nitai Lal Saha and others. for the petitioner 334 Civil Revision Alahi Baks and others . Mr. Mazidul Islam for the 934/2004 vs opposite party.

Hazi Moniruddin and 342 Civil Revision Nishi Kanta Barai others . 1980/2008 vs

Mr. S.R Advocate for the Harandra Nath Baroi Petitioner 343 Civil Revision Badsha Sardar Mr. Habib, Advocate, for 2785/2013 vs the opposite parties (Barishal) Sikder Khalilur Rahman and others

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 61

High Court Division Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed and Justice Md. Salim Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 26] [ একে ড ে ে এং ট, ক ও ইকট -এর আওত য় কল রট ; র জ কল কর রট য় এং উপেরখত য় ং ল, আেপ ণ এং করে । ] Application (Motion) 8 Writ Petition Estate Management

1 In re : Writ Petition Robi Axiata Limited 8255/2012 partners Limited and 5991/2018 vs (Heard in part) another

Commissioner of VAT, vs

LTU and others Rajdhani unnayan Katripakkha Rajuk Dhaka 2 In re : Writ Petition Robi Axiata Limited and ors Ms. Sonia Z. Khan 5990/2018 vs and Mr. Muhammad Commissioner of VAT, Nawshad Zamir, Adv.-- LTU and others For the Petitioner, Ms. 3 In re : Writ Petition Robi Axiata Limited Dilruba Shormin, 5992/2018 vs Advocate with Mahmudul Commissioner of VAT, Haque, Adv., Joynal LTU and others Abedin (salim), Adv., Mr. 4 In re : Writ Petition Robi Axiata Limited Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan, 5993/2018 vs Adv., --For the Respondent Commissioner of VAT, Nos. 1 and 2 LTU and others 9 Writ Petition International Demine 5 In re : Writ Petition Md. Harun ur Rashid 12220/2006 Development Ltd. Dhaka 4223/2018 vs (Heard in part) and ors Bangladesh and others vs The Commissioner of For Hearing Customs and ors, Mr. 6 Writ Petition Smart Jeans Ltd Mahbubur Rahman, Senior

3826/2017 vs Adv.-- For the Petitioner,

(Heard in part) with Writ Bangladesh Rep by Sec Ms. Kazi Zinat Hoque, Petitin Nos. 3863/2017, Min of Labour Court and DAG-- For the 3868/2017, 7662/2017, 02 others, Mr. M. Yousuf Respondents 7663/2017 (with) Ali, Adv. -- For the 10 Writ Petition Hafez Waliullah Petitioner, Mr. K.S. 3797/2015 vs Salahuddin Ahmed, Adv.-- Deputy commissioner For the Respondents Barisal and 06 others, Mr. Writ Petition Garments Sramik Tapan Kumar Cakraborty,

14111/2017 Karmachar League Adv.----- For the Petitioner,

vs Ms. Kazi Zinat Hoque,

Bangladesh Accord DAG... For the Foundation and 03 others, Respondents Mr. Imtiaz Moinul Islam, 11 Writ Petition Md. Samsuzzaman Adv.----- For the Petitioner, 5658/2014 vs 7 Writ Petition Zahidul Islam Chowdhury, The Sec. Min. of Housing

5063/2009 Ctg. and 2 ors and Public Works and ors (Heard in part) vs 12 Writ Petition Md. Delwar Hossain Chittagong Development 11014/2016 Munshi Authority and others vs Ms. Tasmia Prodhan Bangladesh Rep by Sec Advocate ---for the Min of Education and 07 petitioner, Ms. Shahanaj others Akhter, Adv. --- For the Respondent No. 5. 13 Writ Petition Milon Rani 6358/2013 vs Bangladesh and others

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14 Writ Petition Shahinur Islam 24 Writ Petition Md. Samsul Alam 3128/2015 vs 3425/2014 vs Chairman, BADC and 38 with Writ Petition No. The Sec. Min. of Law, others 13188 of 2012 Justice and Parlamentary 15 Writ Petition Aminur Rahman College Affairs and ros 12039/2016 vs 25 Writ Petition Mir Md. Abdul Rashid Bangladesh Rep by Sec 3357/2017 vs Min of Education and 06 Bangladesh and others others Mr. N. M. Ahasanul 16 Writ Petition Mohammad Abdul Haque, Adv.-For the applicant 11761/2015 Mannan vs Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, The Sec. Min. of Adv.-For the petitioner Education and 04 others 26 Writ Petition Md. Abu Hanif 10452/2016 vs 17 Writ Petition A.S.M. Mohiuddin Ahmed 3295/2012 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec The Sec. Min. of Post and Min of Law and 04 others Telecominication 27 Writ Petition Hasnat Khan 10343/2012 vs 18 Writ Petition Joystana Begum 208/2011 vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors with Writ Petiton No. Bangladesh and others 28 Writ Petition Mohammad Anas Khan 2792 of 2011 and Writ 8454/2015 vs Petition No. 2793 of 2011 The Sec Min. of Education 19 Writ Petition Ali Hossain and 23 ors and Another 4966/2014 vs 29 Writ Petition Robi Axiata Ltd Bangladesh and others 6895/2017 vs

20 Writ Petition Nasiruddin Howlader Bangladesh Rep by Sec 613/2018 vs min of Commerce and 03 The Commissioner of others Customs and 05 others 30 Writ Petition Md. Rezaul Karim 9554/2016 vs 21 Writ Petition Asif Arif Tabani 8098/2011 vs Chairman, Rural Bangladesh and others Electrification Board and Mr. Mizan Sayeed, Adv. - 02 others For the petitioner 31 Writ Petition Abdul Momen Ltd Mr. A. M. Mahbub Uddin, 2804/2017 vs Adv.-For the respondent Bangladesh Rep by Sec no. 5 Min of Water Resource and 22 Writ Petition Aslam Rashid Tabani 08 others 8099/2011 vs 32 Writ Petition A. Rab Sarder, Jhalkhati Bangladesh and others 4661/2010 vs Mr. Mizan Sayeed, Adv. - Bangladesh and others For the petitioner 33 Writ Petition Mrs. Sahnaj 23 Writ Petition Professor Dr. Zafor 2292/2012 vs 8417/2017 Mamoon Bangladesh and others, Dr. vs Naim Ahmed, Adv.-- For Bangladesh and others the Petitioner, Mr. Lutfor Rahman, Adv.-- For the Respondent No. 8

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34 Writ Petition Hazi Mohammad 45 Writ Petition Quddus, kalu hawlader 853/2017 Salahuddin 3331/2015 vill: char nazirpur, P.S: vs Muladi barisal and 22 ors Bangladesh Rep by Sec vs Min of Religious and 04 The Sec. Min. of Land and others 03 ors 35 Writ Petition Dr. Farzana Sharmin and 4 46 Writ Petition Mongal Paita Perkhiddah 1357/2013 ors 4357/2016 College vs vs Chairman Dhaka water Bangladesh and others supply and ors 47 Writ Petition Mst. Asma Khatun 36 Writ Petition Mohammad Azam Khan 6866/2016 vs 4587/2017 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of 06 others Min of Education and 05 48 Writ Petition Md. Golam Mostafa others 9495/2015 vs 37 Writ Petition Md. Ali Ashraf, Rangamati Bangladesh and others 7187/2009 vs 49 Writ Petition Md. Rezaul Karim and 02 Sec. Min of Land and ors 3718/2016 others 38 Writ Petition Md. Suman Miah vs 8600/2015 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. The Sec. Min. of Min of Public Education and 05 others Adimnistration and 03 39 Writ Petition Md. Shamim Mizi others 8601/2015 vs 50 Writ Petition Mohammad Mostafa The Sec. Min. of 4674/2017 Kamal Education and 05 others vs

40 Writ Petition Md. Rustam Ali The Chairman, Public 8602/2015 vs Service commission and 21 The Sec. Min. of others Education and 08 others 51 Writ Petition Md. Habibur Rahman 11590/2015 vs 41 Writ Petition Md. Azadul Haque 3656/2015 vs The Chairman, Labour Sec min of Education and Appellate Tribunal, Dhaka 09 Others and 03 others 52 Writ Petition Mirpur Cyrimic Workers. 42 Writ Petition Union Capital Ltd. 14878/2017 vs 3916/2005 vs Bangladesh and others Bangldesh Secutiry Exchange and 02 others Mr. Mizan Sayeed, adv. for the petitioner. 43 Writ Petition Md. Zakir Hossain 10343/2015 vs 53 Writ Petition Mirpur Cyramic Works 3917/2005 vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and Another Bangladesh and others Mr. Mizan Sayeed, adv. for 44 Writ Petition Dr. Bishnath Sarker the petitioner. 1289/2011 vs Bangladesh and others 54 Writ Petition Md. Shahid Farooqi 3777/2011 vs Sec. Min of Housing and Public Works and ors

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55 Writ Petition Mohammad Abdul Wajed 58 Writ Petition AQM Ali Hossen alias 6110/2009 vs 14448/2016 Md. Ali Hossen Bangladesh and others Mr. vs Md. Taufiqul Islam, Adv.-- Bangladesh and others, For the Petitioner, Ms. Mr. Mohammad Mujibur Kazi Zinat Hoque, DAG--- Rahman, Adv.... For the For the Respondents Petitioner, Mr. Sajed 56 Writ Petition Abul Kashem Ahmed Sami, Adv. with 16011/2012 vs Mr. Khaled Mahmudur Bangladesh and others, Rahman, Advocate-- For Mr. Abdullah Al- Mamun, the Respondent No. 21, Advocate- -- For the Ms. Kazi Zinat Hoque, Petitioner, Mr. Khaled DAG----For the Hamid Chowdhury and Respondent No. 2, Mr. Mr. Shafayat Ullah, Md. Rejaul Husain Advcoate- For the Morshed, Adv.-- For the Respondent No. 3, Ms. Applicant Kazi Zinat Hoque, DAG -- 59 Writ Petition Saifur Rahman -For the Respondent No. 1 7593/2011 vs 57 Writ Petition Kazi Md. Abdul Mannan Bangladesh and others, 8409/2012 and another Mr. Sajed Ahammad vs Sami... For the Sec.min. of law and ors, Petitioner,Mr. Ahasanul Mr. A.K.M. Towhidur Karim, Adv. with Mr. Rahman, Adv.-- For the Shamim Ahmed Petitioner, Mr. Zakir Mehedi,Adv.-- For the Hossain Ripon, AAG---- Respondents For the Respondents Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 65

High Court Division Justice Md. Miftah Uddin Choudhury Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 7] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৯৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদনপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] As to be mentioned 14 First Misc Appeal Md. Badar Uddin and

1 Civil Revision Mst. Maleka Khatoon 122/2014 another`s

2521/2010 vs (Rajshahi) vs

(Sirajgonj) Ejbahatun Begum and Most. Oshiman Bewa and others. other`s 2 Civil Revision Md. Nader Ali Miah 15 Civil Revision Md. A. Sattar Mollah

4940/2003 vs 163/2011 vs

(Munshigonj) Abdul Hamid @ Dulal (Magura) Md. Ayub Hossain Mridha 3 Civil Revision Abdur Rahim 16 Civil Revision Md. Gias Uddin

2835/2010 vs 4188/1996 vs

(Cox`s Bazar) Abdus Gafur (Rajshahi) Shamsuddin 4 First Misc Appeal Most. Jamala Khaten 17 Civil Revision Nazir Uddin

9308/1991 vs 87/2004 vs

(Joipurhat) Sanur Rahman (Rajshahi) Rahema Begum 5 Civil Revision Mazibur Rahman 18 Civil Revision Md. Khurshid Zaman

3013/2016 vs 3261/2014 vs

(Dhaka) Salina Rahman (Satkhira) Md. Zafrulla Kha 6 Civil Revision Abdul Aziz Alias Dipok 19 Civil Revision Tuhiduzzaman Tuhin

462/2009 vs 4297/2016 vs

Md. Ilias (Kishorgonj) Md. Abdul Gafur 7 Civil Revision Md. Habibur Rahman 20 First Misc Appeal M/S Niom Food Products

3602/2017 vs 130/2012 vs

(Narayangonj) Md. Yeasin (Pabna) Universal Food Ltd. 8 Civil Revision Badaruddin Biswas @ 21 Civil Revision Lal Mia

4015/1996 Badaruddin 4996/2004 vs

(Jhenidah) vs (Pirojpur) Kaanchan Ali Mozammel Hoque 22 Civil Revision DEputy Cominissioner

9 Civil Revision Abdul Zalil Bepari 202/2004 vs

354/2011 vs (Rajshahi) Rafiqul Islkam (Faridpur) Sheikh Minajuddin 23 Civil Revision Amena Khatun

10 Civil Revision Mst. Jahanara Begum 3505/2010 vs

1797/2017 vs (Gaibandha) Md. Abdul Jalil Mia (Sylhet) Haji Nasar ALi and others 24 Civil Revision Samir Kumar Mitra and

11 Civil Revision Sree Rabindra Singha . 1392/2007 ors

689/2004 vs vs

(Sylhet) Md .Nurul Haque and Govt. of Bangladesh and others . ors 12 Civil Revision Md. Iman Ali and others 25 Civil Revision Md: Motiar Rahman

4558/2014 vs 3317/2005 vs

Md. Siraj Miah (Dinajpur) Md. Sattar Khan and others 13 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh 4821/2003 vs (B. Baria) Abdul Hamid

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26 Civil Revision Haji Md. Abul Hussain 40 Civil Revision Mijanur Rahman 3322/2009 vs 3341/2016 Chowdhury (Sylhet) Md. Jalal Miah (Chittagong) vs

27 Civil Revision Foyzunnessa Mst. Nasima Akhter 2807/2006 vs Motion

(Sylhet) Fakhrul Islam and others 28 Civil Revision Md. Terab Ali For Hearing 2828/2008 vs 41 Civil Revision Swapna Akhter Sarkar Bangladesh govt. 2974/2017 vs 29 Civil Revision GMA Razzak Md. Abdur Rahim

284/2016 vs Mr. Md. Shahidullah,

(Satkhira) Dr. Ali and ors Advocate..For petitioner. 30 Civil Revision Kamal Ahmed Mr. Sharder Abul Hossain, 3505/2017 vs Advocate..For the opposite (Sylhet) Ishfaque Ahmed party No.1. 31 Civil Revision Md. Tahurul Islam 42 Civil Revision Md. Shahriar Showkat and 2490/2015 vs 648/2017 others Faayez Ahmed vs

32 Civil Revision Md. Chara Miah and others Government of Banglaesh and another 2482/2005 vs (Sylhet) Md. Mokhom Miah and Mr. Zafar Sadeque, others Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Md. 33 Civil Revision The Additional Deputy Moniruzzaman Howlader, 6667/1991 Commissioner Noakhali Advocate..For the opposite (Noakhali) vs party. Md. Shamsul Alam and others 43 Civil Revision Executive Engineer Roads 1171/2000 vs 34 Civil Revision Md. Ahsan Habib and ors Sree Prodip Kumar 213/2015 vs Agarwal (Kurigram) M. A. Wasek Ali Mia and Mr. Shamsuddin Babul, another Advocate..For the opposite 35 Civil Revision Abdul Koddus party No.1, Mr. Khandaker 1982/2014 vs Saiful Haque, (Jhenaidah) Sadek Advocate..For the opposite 36 Civil Revision Antaz Uddin Bepari party No.2. 3843/2004 vs 44 Civil Revision Nizamul Haque (Munshigonj) Mohadeb Chandra Gupi 809/2013 vs

37 Civil Revision Abdul Hamid Vozendra Nath Biswas

1605/2010 vs Mr. Golam Ahmed, (Pabna) Md. Shamsul Hoque Advocate..For the Mollah petitioner. J.K. Paul, Advocate..For the opposite 38 Civil Revision Rabiul Islam party No.1. 617/2002 vs (Nilphamari) Aminur Rahman 45 Civil Revision Md. Akber Ali being dead 9001/1991 heirs-Md. Akbor Ali and 39 Civil Revision Rahela Khatun others 1399/2011 vs vs (Noakhali) Md. Mohiuddin and others Mohammad Ali and others Mr. Md. Mainul Islam, Advocate..for the petitioner.

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46 Civil Revision Alamgir 51 Civil Revision Md. Jalal Ahmed and 749/2016 vs 3073/2016 others With Afzal Hossain vs Mr. Md. Matiar Rahman, Meghnath Pundori and Advocate..For the others petitioner. Mr. Md. Abdur Mr. Md. Nurul Islam, Rahman, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the opposite party Nos.1-14. petitioner. Civil Revision Alamgir 52 Civil Revision Mahbubur Rahman 750/2016 vs 2983/2015 vs Afzal Hossain Ershad Hossain Mr. Md. Matiar Rahman, A.K.M. Shamsul Haque, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Md. Abdur petitioner. Mr. Khondoker Rahman, Advocate..For the Iqbal Ahmed, Advocate opposite party Nos.1-14. 53 Civil Revision Govt of the Peoples 47 Civil Revision Md. Abul Kalam Azad 1047/2012 Republic of Bangladesh 3237/2001 Khan represented by the Deputy vs Commissioner, Narail and Govt. Of Bangladesh others Mr. M.A. Muntakim, vs Advocate..For the Abdul Halim Fakir and petitioner Nos.1-5. Mr. others Shaikh Forhadul Haque, Mr. Ali Imam Khaled Advocate..For the added Rahim, Advocate..For the petitioner No.6-8 petitioner. 48 Civil Revision Md. Nurun Nabi Prodhan 54 Civil Revision Md. Amir Uddin 4494/2010 vs 2743/2011 vs Md. Bahauddin Md. Abdur Gafur Mr. Md. Ibrahim Miah, Ms. Madhuri Saha, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Mohammad petitioner. Mr. M.A. Ali Zinnah, Advocate..For Muntakim, Advocate..For the opposite party. the opposite party Nos.1-7. 49 Civil Revision Ram Kishor Rishi(Monir) 55 Civil Revision Jahangir Hossain 1985/2008 vs 2240/2016 vs Shurja Kumar Rishi (with) Razia Begum Mr. Garib Newaz, Mr. Mostafizur Rahman, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Abul Kalam petitioner. Mr. M.G. Chowdhury, Advocate..For Mahmud, Advocate..For the opposite party. the opposite party Nos.1-8. 50 Civil Revision Wahiduzzaman Civil Revision Jahangir Hossain 1476/2014 vs 2241/2016 vs .Md. Hemayet Uddin Razia Begum Howlader and others Mr. Mostafizur Rahman, Mr. Bishwadev Advocate..For the Chakrabarty, petitioner. Mr. M.G. Advocate..For the Mahmud, Advocate..For petitioners. Mr. Ahmed the opposite party Nos.1-8. Nawshed Jamil, Advocate..For the opposite party.

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56 Civil Revision Iman Ali and ors 62 Civil Revision Jakaria 4988/2000 vs 2175/2004 vs Md. Altaf Hossain and ors Akram Ali Mr. Md. Mujibur Rahman, Mr. Golam Rabbani Advocate..For the Advocate, For the petitioner. Mr. Md. Abdus petitioner. Mr. Md. Sobhan, Advocate..For the Shohidul Islam, opposite party. Advocate..For the opposite 57 Civil Revision Md. Alauddin party. 696/2014 vs 63 Civil Revision Azizul Hoque and others Deputy Commissioner, 1383/2004 vs Patuakhali Md. Entaz Ali and others Mr. Sasthi Sarker, Mr. Golam Rabbani, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Abdul petitioner. Mr. Md. Rais Barek Chowdhury, Uddin, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the opposite opposite party. party. 64 Civil Revision Most. Lutfurnahar 58 Civil Revision Md. Sakhawat Ali 1445/2010 vs 2409/1995 vs Hosneara Begum Govt. Of Bangladesh Mr. Nitya Gopal Debnath, Mr. Surujit Bhattachargee, Adv.,..For the petitioner Advocate..For the Mr. Abdul Matin Sardr, petitioner. Adv.,,For the opposite 59 Civil Revision Majeda Khatun and others parties. 135/2015 vs 65 Civil Revision Md. Aser Ali Pk. Torab Ali, 3608/2014 vs Mr. Mohammad Kamal Md. Taiyab Ali Pk. and Hossain, Advocate..For the another petitioner. Mr. Abdul Mr. Md. Sajjad Ali Quyum, Advocate..For the Chowdhury, Advocate..For opposite party. the petitioner. Mr. 60 Civil Revision Md. Nazrul Islam Muhammad Rezaul Kabir 749/1999 vs Khan, Advocate..For the Md. Yeasin Ali Miah opposite party No.1. Mr. Akram Hossain Amin, 66 Civil Revision Mojammel Advocate..For the 3538/2016 vs petitioner. Mr. Md. Nasima Zobaidur Rahman, Mr. Abdul Wahab Dewar Advocate..For the opposite Kajol, Advocate..For the party. petitioner. Mr. Anil 61 Civil Revision Badsha Chukdar and others Chandra Debnath, 3549/2015 vs Advocate..For the opposite Mohibullah Jomader and party. others 67 Civil Revision Syeda Momtaz Begum Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza, 1357/2012 vs Advocate..For the Syed Shamsur Rahman petitioner. Mr. M.A. Mr. Abdul Barek Khaleque, Advocate..For Chowdhury, Advocate..For the opposite party. the petitioner. Mr. Abdul Hai, Advocate..For the opposite party No.2.

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68 Civil Review Monsur Ali Howlader 72 Civil Revision 1(ka) Aysha Khatun and 936/2001 vs 5305/2004 others (with) Most. Rahima Khatun and vs others Nurul Islam and others Mr. Md. Shamsuddin Mr. Mozammel Haque Howlader, Advocate..For Bhuiyan, Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. A.K.M. the petitioner. Mr. Ekramul Fakhrul Islam, Haque, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the opposite opposite party. party No.1. 73 Civil Revision Rahamat Ali and others Civil Review Monsur Ali Howlader 1420/1995 vs 937/2001 vs Sohrab Ali (with) Most. Rahima Khatun and Mr. Md. Shah Alam, others Advocate..For the Civil Review Monsur Ali Howlader petitioner. Mr. S. N. 938/2001 vs Goswami, Advocate..For Most. Rahima Khatun and the opposite party. others 74 Civil Revision Md. Zafar Ali

69 Civil Revision Md. Jahedul Islam 1047/2006 vs Md. Abdul Gufur and ors 7/2017 Bhuiyan alias Jahed Mia vs Mr. Md. Khairul Alam, Md. Abdul Rahim and Advocate..For the petitiner. others Mr. M.A. Muntakim, Mr. Md. Abdul Haque, Advocate..For the opposite Advocate..For the party Nos.1-7. petitioner. Mr. M. Masud 75 Civil Revision Sheikh Kanai Rana, Advocate..For the 6655/2001 vs opposite party No.1-9. Akkel Ali Mollah

70 Civil Revision Jotsna Rani Shyam @ Mr. Goutum Kumar Roy, 1801/2007 Majumdar Advocate..For the vs petitioner. Mr. Syed Aziullah and others Anowar Hossain, Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood, Advocate..For the opposite Advocate..For the party. petitioner. Mr. Abul Kalam 76 Civil Revision Md.Abdul Shadid Khan Chowdhury, Advocate..For 3744/2011 vs the opposite party. Md. Abul Khaer

71 Civil Revision Altaf Hossain Mr. Md. Musharraf 4286/2014 vs Hossain, Advocate..For the Abdul Jabbar petitioner. Mr. Aminul Ms. Maksuda Akhter, Islam, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the opposite party No.1. petitioner. Mr. Sk. 77 Civil Revision Idris Ahmad Mohammad Ali, 2499/2001 vs Advocate..For the opposite Amin Halali party. Mr. Mohammad Ali, with Mr. Md. Zahedul Bari, Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman, Advocate..For the opposite party.

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78 Civil Revision Md.Daud Hossain 83 Civil Revision Mahmud Ali 1483/2009 vs 3265/2010 vs S.M.Sirajul Islam Md. Afzal Hossain Mr. M.M. Huq Siddique, Ms. Sagorica, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. M.A. petitioner. Wahab, Advocate..For the 84 Civil Revision Md. Burhan Uddin opposite party. 4543/2004 vs 79 Civil Revision Sree Aushim Das and Md. Kantu 2898/2015 others Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain, vs Advocate..For the Sumon Reja and others peititioner.

Mr. Md. Aminul Ehsan, 85 Civil Revision Md. Shahidullah Miah Advocate..For the 924/2006 vs petitioner. Dr. Noor Md. Ayub and ors Mohammad, Md. Zakir Hossain, Advocate..For the opposite Advocate..For the party Nos.1-12. petitioner. Mr. Md. Mamun 80 Civil Revision Mital Das Ghoush Kabir, Advocate..For the 3523/2001 vs opposite party.

Sreemati Nihar Bala 86 Civil Revision Abdus Salam Ghoush 1471/2010 vs

Mr. Md. Aminul Islam Ibrahim Mondol, with Mr. Shahed Mr. Md. Abdul Kader Nazmul Bari, Mr. Younus Newaz, Advocate..For the Halder, Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Md. petitioner. Mr. Md. Musharraf Hossain, Nuruzzaman Khan, Advocate..For the opposite Advocate..For the opposite party. party. 87 Civil Revision Md.Badsha Mia 81 Civil Revision Sri Kiran Saikh 4015/2004 vs

4151/1996 vs Govt. of Bangladesh

with Ismail saikh and others Mr. Surojit Bhattacharje,

Mr. Shaheed Alam, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. petitioner. Mr. A.K.M. 88 Civil Revision Ganesh Chandra Roy Badruddoza, 1590/2011 vs Advocate..For the opposite Santosh Kumar Roy party No.1. Mr. Ahmed Nowshed 82 Civil Revision Shamsuddin being dead : Jamil, Advocate..For the

4940/2001 Abul Hashem and others petitioner. Mr. Bhivash

vs Chandra Biswas,

Bhupesh Chandra Biswas Advocate..For the opposite

Mr. M.A. Khaleque, party. Adv...... for the ptr 89 Civil Revision Md. Harun-or-Rashid Mr. Md. Awlad Hossain, 3074/2017 Faruq and another Adv...... for the op vs Civil Rule Sree Kiran Sarker Ray Abdus Sobhan Khalifa and

132(R)/1997 vs others

Mrs. Serbanu Md. Abdul Barek Sikder, Advocate..For the petitioner. Mohammad Eunus, Advocate..For the opposite party No.1.

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90 First Misc Appeal Khalil Hossen 97 Civil Revision Mohammad Salim 212/2016 vs 4754/2007 vs Pachchar High School Noa Miah and anothers Mr. Md. Golam Samdani, Mr. Gazi Md. Giasuddin, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. Ms. Nahid petitioner. Mr. Shishir Yesmin, Advocate..For the Kanti Mazumder, opposite party. Advocate..For the opposite 91 Civil Revision Most. Momena Begum and party No.1. 476/2014 others 98 Civil Revision Santosh vs 817/2017 vs Md. Mohir Uddin Gachu Ronojit Mr. Taj Mohammad Mr. F.M. Mizanur Rahman, Sheikh, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Ahshan petitioner. Mr. Ahmed Habib, Advocate..For the Nowshed Jamil, opposite party. Advocate..For the opposite 92 Civil Revision Mahendra Biswas party Nos.31-33. 4343/2005 vs 99 Civil Revision Amit Kumar Niranjon Baidya 2083/2011 vs Mr. Gias Uddin Ahmed, Binod Sarder Advocate..For the Mr. Md. Mostafizur petitioner. Mr. Abdul Jalil, Rahman, Advocate..For the Advocate..for the petitioner. Mr. F. M. petitioner Nos.1-2. Mizanur Rahman, 93 Civil Revision Md. Salauddin Advocate..For the 3530/2013 vs petitioner Nos.1-10. Mahmuda Khatun 100 Civil Revision Ayesha Begum Mr. J.R. Khan, 414/2004 vs Advocate..For the Sabar Ali Osta petitioner. Mr. Jahirul Mr. M. A. Wahab, Islam Bhuiyan, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the opposite petitioner. Mr. Abdul party Nos.1-4. Quiyum, Advocate..For the 94 Civil Revision Nurul Islam opposite party Nos.1. 3366/1995 vs 101 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Alam and Md. Abdul Hafiz 1601/2013 others Mr. Tapan Kumar Bepary, vs Advocate..For the Showkot Ali and others petitioner. Mr. Fariduddin Khan, 95 Civil Revision Ananta Kumar Mandal Advocate..For the 1414/2009 vs petitioner. Mr. H.S. Deb Subhasini Majumder Barman, Advocate..For the opposite party. 96 Civil Revision Sarbeswar Bachar 102 Civil Revision Sreemoti Durga Rani Saha 4045/2005 vs Ajit Bachar 2466/2012 vs Md. Nurul Haque Mr. Md. Mozammel Hossain for the petitioner. Mr. Mozibur Rahman, Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Bhabesh Chandra Mustafi, Advocate..For the opposite party.

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103 Civil Revision Siraj Uddin 110 Civil Revision Mst. Anwara Khatun 3079/2009 vs 1905/2013 vs Abdul Hoque Sultan Alam and another Mr. Abdullah Al Mobin, Mr. S.N. Goswami, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. petitioner. Md. Gazi Gias 104 Civil Revision Abdul Mazid Gazi Uddin, Advocate..For the 1298/2011 vs opposite party No.1. Golzar bibi 111 Civil Revision Md. Aminul Haque Mr. H.M. Borhan, 3653/2017 vs Advocate..For the Md. Abu petitioner. Mr. Surojit Mr. Md. Osman Ghani, Bhattacharjee, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the opposite petitioner. Mr. A.Q.M. party. Shafiullah, Advocate..For 105 Civil Revision Nitish Biswas the opposite party. 1347/2015 vs 112 Civil Revision Md. Shahidullah Miah Sushanta Barmon and 926/2006 vs others Md. Ayub and ors. Mr. Partha Sarathi Mondal, Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Ahmed petitioner. Mr. Md. Mamun Nawshed Jamil, Kabir, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the opposite opposite party. party. 113 Civil Revision Abir Hossain 106 Civil Revision Md. Harij Uddin 374/2014 vs 2518/2008 vs Kh. Abul Kashem Sree Bhaben Sardar Mr. Ilias Ahmed, Mr. Surojit Bhattachargee, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Md. petitioner. Nizamul Islam, 107 Civil Revision Most. Rasheda Begum Advocate..For the opposite 4451/2017 vs party. Kayes Sardar and others 114 Civil Revision Mohammad Giasuddin Mr. Zafar Alim Khan, 1209/2011 vs Advocate..For the Mohammad Rezaul Karim petitioner. Mr. Md. Zahirul Mr. Ashok Kumar Pal, Islam, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the opposite party. petitioner. Mr. Ahmed 108 Civil Revision Motahar Ali Nawshed Jamil, 4061/2012 vs Advocate..For the opposite Jomshed Ali party. Mr. Abdullah M. Rafiqul 115 Civil Revision Md.Rezaul Alam Islam, Advocate..For the 5450/2007 vs petitioner. Mr. Surojit Ranjit Kumar Biswas Bhatttacharjee, Mr. Surujit Bhattacharjee, Advocate..For the opposite Advocate..For the party Nos.2-4. petitioner. Mr. Bivash 109 Civil Revision A. Based Chandra Biswas, 4527/2015 vs Advocate..For the S. Haque petitioner. Mr. Taherul Islam, Advocate..For the petititoner. Mr. Muzahidul Islam, Advocate..For the opposite party.

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116 Civil Revision A. S. M. Solaiman @ 122 Civil Revision Kashem Ali 3835/2005 Somed 4590/2009 vs vs Md. Fazlul Haque and Amir Ali and ors others Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Mr. Mohammad Ali Advocate..For the Zinnah, Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Khandaker petitioner. Mr. Abdul Aminul Haque, Adv ..for Haque, Advocate..For the the opposite party. opposite party. 117 Civil Revision Md. Asad Khan and others 123 Civil Revision Monir Ahmad 4441/2016 vs 400/2007 vs Md. Mojibur Rahman and Bangladesh Forest others Research Instutute Mr. Md. Serajul Hoque, Represented by the Advocate..For the Director and others petitioner. Mr. S.A. Hasan, Mr. Badrun Nahar Begum, Advocate..For the opposite Advocate..For the party No.1. petitioner. Mr. Md. Zakaria 118 Civil Revision Most. Kamrunnahar Sarker, Advocate..For the 3682/2016 vs opposite party No.1. Md. Hasanjam Talukder 124 Civil Revision Mrs. Jahanara Begum and Sk. Mohammad Ali, 1071/2002 others Advocate..For the opposite vs party No.1. Forest Research Institute and others 119 Civil Revision Md. Akkas Ali 4304/2017 vs Mr. Sucharita Sen Gupta, Md. Alauddin (Ex- Advocate..For the member) and others petitioner. Mr. Md. Zakaria Mr. Md. Badrul Alam, Sarker, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the opposite party Nos.1-2. petitioner. Mr. Uzzal 125 Civil Revision Abdul Jabber Sheikh Bhowmick, Advocate..For 2105/2000 vs the opposite party. Innas Ali Khan

120 Civil Revision Kashem Ali and others . Mr. Subash Chandra Saha, 3963/2004 vs Advocate..For the Supiya Begum and others petitioner. Mr. P.C. Guha, Mr. Shihab Uddin Advocate..For the opposite Mahmood, Advocate..For party. the petitioner. Mr. Md. 126 Civil Revision Md. Tazamber Sikder and Mizanul Haque 2557/2016 others Chowdhury, Advocate..For vs the opposite party. Abdur Razzak Mussoli and others 121 Civil Revision Abdul Jabbar Miah 1310/2012 vs Mr. Mohammad Eunus, Most. Razia Sultana Advocate..For the Mr. Md. Zakaria Sarker, petitioner. Mr. Shathika Advocate..For the Hossain, Advocate..For the petitioner. opposite party.

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127 Civil Revision Md.Ruhul Amin Gazi and 130 Civil Revision Md. Mohiuddin 1424/2011 others 2679/2005 vs vs (with) T.I.M. Nurun Nabi Mst. Ambia Khatun and Mr. Khair Ahmed, others Advocate..For the Mr. Abul Kalam Patwary, petitioner. Mr. Abul Kalam Advocate..For the Chowdhury, Advocate..For petitioner. Mr. Mir the opposite party. Mahfuzur Rahman, Civil Revision Md. Mohiuddin Jahangir Advocte..For the opposite 2680/2005 vs party. T.I.M. Nurun Nobi 128 Civil Revision Ruhul Amin Gazi and Mr. Khair Ahmed, 1350/2011 others Advocate..For the vs petitioner. Mr. Abul Kalam Mosammat Ambia Khatun Chowdhury, Advocate.. and others For the opposite party.

Mr. Abul Kalam Patwary, 131 Civil Revision Rafaque Ahmed and others Advocate..For the 1532/1994 vs petitioner. Mr. Mir Md.Solawman and others Mahfuzur Rahman, Mr. Sahabuddin Foiz, Advocate..For the opposite Advocate..For the party. petitioner. Mr. Shishir 129 Civil Revision Md. Rofikullah Kanti Mazumder, 3537/2015 vs Advocate..For the opposite The state party.

Mr. Md. Jaber, Advocate..For the petitioner. Mr. Tarikul Islam, Advocate..For the opposite party. Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 75

High Court Division Justice A. K. M. Asaduzzaman and Justice S.M. Mozibur Rahman Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 15] [ একে ড ে ে এং ত ক আইে অ েয়ক ত ল তত জ ড ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও কল জল আল আে ও ; ৗজ এং ৗজ ক এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং কে । ] Application Criminal Misc Md. Kamrul Hasan

1 Criminal Revision Ruhul 23309/2015 vs

1048/2008 vs The state, Mr. Md. Saidul The State Islam, adv. for the ptr 2 Criminal Misc Saddam 11 Criminal Misc Nasrin Jahan

45131/2017 vs 27052/2016 vs

The State The State. Mr. S.M.Mahabubul Islam, 3 Criminal Misc Alexander Rodriques adv. for the petitioner. Mr. 23745/2017 vs Pangkaj Kumar Kundu, The State adv. for the op 4 Criminal Misc Md.Nurul Islam alias 12 Criminal Misc Nasrin Jahan 4125/2012 Babul 27053/2016 vs vs The State. Mr. The state S.M.Mahabubul Islam, 5 Criminal Misc Niaz Mahmud adv. for the petitioner. Mr. 19516/2015 vs Pangkaj Kumar Kundu, The State adv. for the op For Hearing 13 Criminal Misc Nasrin jahan Negotiable Instrument Act 27054/2016 vs 6 Criminal Revision Masudur Rahman The State. Mr. 124/2018 vs S.M.Mahabubul Islam, The State.Mr. Syed adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Nazmul Karim, adv. for the Pangkaj Kumar Kundu, petitioner. adv. for the op 7 Criminal Revision Md. Zakaria 14 Criminal Misc Nasrin jahan 3442/2017 vs 27055/2016 vs The State. Mr. Syed The State. Mr. Nazmul Karim, adv. for the S.M.Mahabubul Islam, petitioner. adv. for the petitioner. Mr. 8 Criminal Revision Sanchita Talukder Pangkaj Kumar Kundu, 97/2017 vs adv. for the op The state. Mr. Nazmul 15 Criminal Misc Md. Sagir Chowdhury Hassan Rakib, adv. for the 37972/2017 vs petitioner. Mr. Syed The State. Mr. Mohammad Misbahul Anwar, adv. for Mostakim, adv. for the the o.p. petitioner. Mr Tushar Kanti 9 Criminal Misc Sujauddin Ahmed Das, adv. for the o.p. 20905/2014 vs 16 Criminal Misc Md. Iqbal Hossain The State, Mr. Pronay 46065/2017 vs Kanti Roy,Adv..for the The State Peti. Mr. Taufiq Sajawar, Mr. Mr. Shaikh Forhadul adv. for the o.p Hoque, Adv.-For the petitioner 10 Criminal Misc Md. Kamrul Hasan 23308/2015 vs Mr. Md. Shofiul Aziz, The state, Mr. Md. Saidul Adv. -For the opposite- Islam, adv. for the ptr party no. 2

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17 Criminal Misc Most. Shaheda Begum 25 Criminal Misc Alhaj Harun-Or-Rashid 43037/2017 vs 29412/2013 vs The State The State. Mr. Mizan Mr. Mr. Shaikh Forhadul Sayeed, Advocate for the Hoque, Adv.-For the petitioner. Mr. Sabel petitioner Nawaz, Adv. for the Mr. Md. Shofiul Aziz, petitioner. Adv. -For the opposite- 26 Criminal Misc Alhaj Harun-Or-Rashid party no. 2 24354/2014 vs 18 Criminal Misc Md. Iqubal Hossain The State. Mr. Md. Zakaria 47270/2017 vs Sarker, adv. for the The State petitioner. Mr. Abdullah Al Mr. Mr. Shaikh Forhadul Mubin, adv. for the o.p. Hoque, Adv.-For the 27 Criminal Misc Syed Sazzad Ka,am petitioner 17365/2016 vs Mr. Md. Shofiul Aziz, The State. Mr. Md. Kamrul Adv. -For the opposite- Alam (Kamal), Adv. for party no. 2 the petitioner. Mr. Md. 19 Criminal Misc Jakir Jahangir Zamadder, adv. 16405/2016 vs for the o.p. The State 28 Criminal Misc Zunufar Raihan 20 Criminal Misc Omar 39367/2015 vs 26071/2014 vs The State The State. Mr. Sabbir 29 Criminal Misc Mohammad Thouhidul Hamza Chowdhury, adv. 43944/2017 Islam for the petitioner. vs 21 Criminal Misc Morshed The State. Mr. Mohammad 56779/2017 vs Helal Uddin, Adv. for the The state. Mr. Md. Redwan petitioner. Mr. K.S. Ahmed, adv. for the Salauddin Ahmed, Adv. for petitioner. the opposite party. 22 Criminal Misc Syed 30 Criminal Misc Mohammad Thouhidul 57078/2017 vs 28150/2017 Islam The state. Mr. Redwan vs Ahmed, adv. for the The State. Mr. Mohammad petitioner. Helal Uddin, Adv. for the 23 Criminal Misc Nasir uddin petitioner. Mr. K.S. 33734/2014 vs Salauddin Ahmed, Adv. for The State.Mr. Shamsuddin the opposite party. Babul, adv. for the 31 Criminal Misc Mohammad Thouhidul petitioner. Mr. Tanvir 43945/2017 Islam Parvez, adv. for the o.p. vs

24 Criminal Misc Bazlur Rashid Chowdhury The State. Mr. Mohammad 2364/2015 vs Helal Uddin, Adv. for the The State. Mr. Khijir petitioner. Mr. K.S. Ahmed, adv. for the Salauddin Ahmed, Adv. for petitioner. Mr. Syed the opposite party. Ridwan Hossain, adv. for 32 Criminal Misc Mohammad Thouhidul the o.p. 43946/2017 Islam vs The State. Mr. Mohammad Helal Uddin, Adv. for the petitioner. Mr. K.S. Salauddin Ahmed, Adv. for the opposite party.

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33 Criminal Misc Mohammad Thouhidul 40 Criminal Misc Md. Golam Zakaria 43949/2017 Islam 24352/2014 Bhuiyan vs vs The State. Mr. Mohammad The State Helal Uddin, Adv. for the Mr. Zakaria Sarker, petitioner. Mr. K.S. Advocate ...... for the Salauddin Ahmed, Adv. for petitoner the opposite party. Mr. Tanvir Parvez, 34 Criminal Misc Mohammad Thouhidul Advocate ...... for the 43950/2017 Islam opposite party no. 2 vs 41 Criminal Misc Md. Golam Zakaria The state 24351/2014 Bhuiyan

35 Criminal Misc Md. Alauddin vs The State 32706/2016 vs The state. Mr. Mr. Zakaria Sarker, A.J.Mohammad Ali with Advocate ...... for the petitoner Mr. Kayser Kamal, adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Syed Mr. Tanvir Parvez, Ridwan Hossain, adv. for Advocate ...... for the the o.p. opposite party no. 2 36 Criminal Misc Md. Alauddin 42 Criminal Misc Md. Fazlul Karim 25502/2017 vs 32707/2016 vs The state. Mr. The State. Mr. Md. A.J.Mohammad Ali with Sawnawer Hossain, adv. Mr. Kayser Kamal, adv. for for the petitioner. Mr. the petitioner. Mr. Syed Tanvir Parvez, adv. for the Ridwan Hossain, adv. for o.p. the o.p. 43 Criminal Misc Md. Golam Zakaria 24353/2014 Bhuiyan 37 Criminal Misc Md. Alauddin 32708/2016 vs vs The State The state. Mr. A.J.Mohammad Ali with Mr. Zakaria Sarker, Mr. Kayser Kamal, adv. for Advocate ...... for the petitoner the petitioner. Mr. Syed Ridwan Hossain, adv. for Mr. Tanvir Parvez, the o.p. Advocate ...... for the opposite party no. 2 38 Criminal Misc Md. Fazlul Karim 44 Criminal Misc Md. Golam Zakaria 21042/2017 vs The State. Mr. Md. 24355/2014 Bhuiyan vs Sanowar Hossain, adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Tanvir The State. Mr. Md. Zakaria Parvez, adv. for the o.p. Sarker, adv. for the petitioner. 39 Criminal Misc Abdus Sahid 32546/2015 vs 45 Criminal Misc Md. Fazlul Karim 25503/2017 vs The State. Mr. Sayem Mohammad Murad, adv. The State. Mr. Md. for the petitioner. Mr. Al Sanawar Hossain, adv. for Reza Md. Amir, Adv. for the petitioner. the o.p. 46 Criminal Misc Shameem Ahsan 3380/2017 vs The State. Mr. Mohammad Amzad Hossain, Adv. for the petitioner.

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47 Criminal Misc Md. Nazmul Momen 59 Criminal Misc Johir 46867/2015 vs 23014/2017 vs The State The State. Mr. Md. 48 Criminal Misc Md. Nazmul Momen Muniruzzaman, adv. for 47465/2015 vs the petitioner. The State 60 Criminal Misc Al Mamun Tuhin 23202/2017 vs 49 Criminal Misc Ataur Rahman 50602/2015 vs The State. Mr. Md. Imrul The state Hayder, adv. for the petitioner. 50 Criminal Misc Nurul Azim Md. Sekandar 36011/2017 vs 61 Criminal Misc M.A. Wazed 27602/2016 vs The State. Mr. H M A Alam, adv. for the The State. Mr. Noor Jahan petitioner. Khatoon. adv. for the petitioner. 51 Criminal Misc Md.Abdul Karim @ Karim 62 Criminal Misc Md. Nurul Absar 22361/2012 vs The state 33938/2014 vs The State. Mr. Tushar 52 Criminal Misc Razia Akhter Ruji Kanti Roy, adv. for the 28135/2010 vs petitioner. The State 63 Criminal Misc Shahjed 53 Criminal Misc Md. Fazlul Karim 26649/2017 vs 25802/2017 vs The State. Mr. Kayser The State. Mr. Md. Kamal, adv. for the Sawnawer Hossain, adv. petitioner. for the petitioner. 64 Criminal Misc Mohammad Tarif 54 Criminal Misc Md. Milon Kha and others 45278/2017 vs 2518/2016 vs The State. Mr. Md. Raihan The State. Mr. Md. Alam, adv. for the Monirujjaman, adv. for the petitioner. petitioner. 65 Criminal Misc Khaleque 55 Criminal Misc Syed Rohmatul Hasib 52538/2017 vs 42181/2014 Masud Ahsan The State. Mr. Nitai Roy vs Chowdhury, adv. with Mr. The State Debasish Roy Chowdhury, 56 Criminal Misc Quazi Galive adv. for the petitioner. 45317/2017 vs 66 Criminal Misc Mohammad Ali The state. Mr. Md. 23053/2017 vs Hamidur Rahman, adv. for The State. Mr. Lokman the petitioner. Karim, adv. for the 57 Criminal Misc Quazi Galive petitioner. 45318/2017 vs 67 Criminal Misc Mohammad Tarif The state. Mr. Md. 45279/2017 vs Hamidur Rahman, adv. for The State. Mr. Md. Raihan the petitioner Alam, adv. for the 58 Criminal Misc Md. Belal Hossain petitioner. 35527/2014 vs The State

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68 Criminal Misc Mannan 78 Criminal Misc Momtaz Begum 37269/2017 vs 2274/2016 vs The State. Mr. Md. Nazmul The State Haque, adv. for the Mr. Ariful Islam, Advocate petitioner. for the petitioner

69 Criminal Misc Shahjad Mahmud Un Nabi Mr. Meah Mohd. Kausar 26429/2017 vs Alam , Advocate for the The State. Mr. Kayser opposite party No.2 Kamal, adv. for the 79 Criminal Misc Md. Nadim Hossain and petitioner. 46376/2017 others vs 70 Criminal Misc Shahajed 26573/2017 vs The State The State. Mr. Kayser 80 Criminal Misc Motiur Rahman Kamal, adv. for the 26153/2014 vs petitioner. The State. Mr. Syed 71 Criminal Misc Safique Uddin Ahmed Misbahul Anwar, adv. for 33527/2014 vs the opposite party. Mr. The State Momin Ullah Patwary, adv. Mr. Md. Jalal Uddin, for the petitioner. Advocate..For the 81 Criminal Revision Dr. Zahangir Alam petitioner. 1090/2015 Chowdhury vs For Hearing Miscellaneous, Appeal, Revision The state. Mr. Md. Nurul Mostafa, 72 Criminal Misc Delower Advcoate

24530/2017 vs .... For the petitioner,

The State,Mr.A S M Abdul Mr. Abul Kalam Mobin,Adv..for the chowdhury, Advcoate, peti...Mr. Mohiuddin .... For the Opposite party Ahmed,Adv..for the Opp-2 No. 1 73 Criminal Misc Nurul Aslam and others 82 Criminal Revision Dr. Zahangir Alam

5394/2013 vs 1092/2015 Chowdhury

the state,Mr. Md. Saifur vs Rahman, Adv...for the The state. peti.. Ms. Ferdosi, Mr. Md. Nurul Mostafa, Adv...for the Opp-2 Advcoate 74 Criminal Revision Shamim .... For the petitioner, 1405/2016 vs Mr. Abul Kalam The State. Mr. Md. chowdhury, Advcoate, Mohinur Rahman, adv. .... For the Opposite party with Mr. SM Shahjahan, No. 1 adv. for the petitioner. 83 Criminal Misc Ahsan Habib Rawsan 75 Criminal Misc Alamgir Kabir Majumder 45444/2015 vs 40030/2014 vs The State. Mr. Md. Khairul The State Alam, adv. for the 76 Criminal Misc Alamgir Kabir Majumder petitioner. Mr. Shamsuddin 40029/2014 vs Babul. adv. for the The State opposite party. 77 Criminal Misc Alauddin 1983/2016 vs The State

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84 Criminal Misc Md. Shahidul Haque Sharif 95 Criminal Appeal Juwel Shakh and another 34449/2014 vs 3520/2008 vs The State. Mr. M. Ataul The State,Mr.Md. Nur Gani, adv. for the Hossain.Adv..for the petitioner. Appellant. 85 Criminal Revision Md. Ayub Ali 96 Criminal Misc Shah Newaz Mollah 1168/2013 vs 16674/2015 vs The State, Mr. Pankaj The State, Mr. Md. Kurmar Kundu, adv. for Zahangir Kabir,Adv with the o.p Mr. Md.Rajaul 86 Criminal Misc Md. Ruhul Amin Haque,Adv...for the Peti. 17672/2016 vs 97 Criminal Misc Md. Nurul Islam Molla The state, Mr. Sheikh Md. 16298/2016 vs Zakir Hossain, adv. for the The State petitioner. Mr. Kazi Akhtar 98 Criminal Misc Abul Bashar Hossain, adv. for the op 15844/2016 vs 87 Criminal Appeal Farjana The State

5559/2010 vs 99 Criminal Appeal Mrs.Lipi

The State 4735/2012 vs 88 Criminal Misc Iqbal Hasan Majumder The State and Others

24815/2010 vs 100 Criminal Misc Abu Md. Niper

State 6227/2010 vs 89 Criminal Misc Nasir uddin The State

33732/2014 vs 101 Criminal Misc Md. Azhar Hossain Shantu

The State 2877/2016 vs 90 Criminal Misc Engineer Mohammad Ali The State

23586/2014 vs 102 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Hakim

The State. Mr. Mohammad 26014/2013 vs Abdul Karim, Adv. for hte The State petitioner. Mr. Md. 103 Criminal Misc Md.Tariqul Shahjahan, Adv. with Mr. 49464/2014 vs Jagodish Chandra Saha, The State Adv. for the opposite party. 104 Criminal Misc Md. Abdur Rahman 91 Criminal Misc Ayub Ali 1855/2016 vs 13843/2008 vs The State The State 105 Criminal Misc Md. Billal 92 Criminal Misc Md. Akbor 27967/2016 vs 47696/2015 vs The State The State, Mr. Md. Ehsanullah, For the ptr. 106 Criminal Misc Md. Abu Siddique 19447/2015 vs 93 Criminal Misc Sah Alam The State 2999/2015 vs The State 107 Criminal Misc Engineer Abu 16746/2012 Mohd..Yusuf 94 Criminal Misc Gias Uddin vs 20510/2012 vs The state The State 108 Criminal Misc Amir Hamza Rabbi 19233/2015 vs The State

Page : 81 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 15]

109 Criminal Misc Md. Bozlur Rashid 124 Criminal Misc Gazi 46773/2015 vs 16322/2017 vs The State The State 110 Criminal Misc Md. Asad Chow. 125 Criminal Misc Md. Mahfuzar Rahman 30139/2010 vs 12210/2016 vs The state The State 111 Criminal Revision Shamim Uddin 126 Criminal Misc Most. Rasheda Begum 1625/2009 vs 35549/2016 Rasu The State vs

112 Criminal Misc Jewel The State 503/2016 vs 127 Criminal Misc Swapan Chowdhury The State 12088/2016 vs

113 Criminal Misc Mominul The state 1421/2016 vs 128 Criminal Misc Md. Wahiduzzaman Sarder The State 534/2015 vs

114 Criminal Misc Jashim Uddin The State 26210/2010 vs 129 Criminal Misc Md. Habibru Rahman and The State 39363/2015 others vs 115 Criminal Misc Md. Sur Rahman 27497/2016 vs The State The State 130 Criminal Misc Md. Emdadul Haque 10605/2014 vs 116 Criminal Misc Parveen Sultana 50710/2012 vs The State The state 131 Criminal Misc Md. Afser Uddin 38847/2014 vs 117 Criminal Misc Mohammad Iqbal 46122/2015 vs The State The State 132 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Gani Mondal

118 Criminal Revision Julfiqer 13328/2010 vs The State 1269/2016 vs The state Ms. Farhana Abedin, Adv.- For the petitioner 119 Criminal Misc Md. Salauddi Nihad 133 Criminal Misc Fazlul Haque Dhali 45158/2015 vs The State 19958/2014 vs The State. Mr. Md. Akmal 120 Criminal Misc N. M. Nur Kutubul Alam Hossain, adv. with Mr.

10278/2016 vs Ziaur Rahman Plato. adv.

the state For the o.p 121 Criminal Misc N.M. Nur Kutubul Alam 134 Criminal Misc Mahfuz Alam

10279/2016 vs 497/2015 vs

the state The State 122 Criminal Misc Zakir Hossen 135 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Alam

39150/2015 vs 31085/2016 vs

The State The State 123 Criminal Appeal Md. Rezwan Ahmed 1994/2017 Tonmoy vs The State

Page : 82 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 15]

136 Criminal Misc Md. Eunus Mia 151 Criminal Appeal Md. Emdadur Rahman 19417/2014 vs 1706/2013 Khan The State vs

137 Criminal Misc Md. Ali Hossain The State 3095/2017 vs 152 Criminal Misc Hemayet ullah The State 1493/2007 vs

138 Criminal Misc Md. Sujon The State 20534/2014 vs 153 Criminal Misc Md. Liton Miah The State 32441/2017 vs

139 Criminal Misc Md. Eunus Mia The State 20568/2014 vs 154 Criminal Appeal Rabiul Sarder The State 7086/2008 vs

140 Criminal Misc Md. Yousuf Babu and ors The State 21295/2008 vs 155 Criminal Appeal Md.Abu Sufian The State 1927/2013 vs

141 Criminal Misc Uttara Bank Limited The State 40630/2014 vs 156 Criminal Misc Md. Harun Ur Rashid The State 17796/2015 vs

142 Criminal Misc Md. Jasinuddin The State 51458/2015 vs 157 Criminal Misc Nadira Kamal Ananna The State 30767/2016 vs

143 Criminal Revision Sheikh The State 1914/2016 vs 158 Criminal Misc Md. Shamsudoha The State 15604/2015 vs

144 Criminal Appeal Bacchu The State 7724/2011 vs 159 Criminal Misc Sheikh Mohammad Abu The State 1953/2015 Siddek vs 145 Criminal Revision Kadbhanu 378/2016 vs The State The State 160 Criminal Misc Zahed 16184/2016 vs 146 Criminal Misc Bashirul Hossain 31198/2016 vs The State The State 161 Criminal Misc Aklima Akter Banu and

147 Criminal Misc Taru Mia 38511/2011 others vs 44266/2016 vs The State The state 148 Criminal Revision Md. Ali 162 Criminal Misc Abdul Matin 21/2017 vs 133/2010 vs The State the state 149 Criminal Misc Md. Julhash 163 Criminal Misc Parvez Ahmed Tuhin 32841/2016 vs 16182/2007 vs The State The State 150 Criminal Misc Md. Joysal 164 Criminal Misc Md. Mohoshin 21649/2016 vs 3780/2013 vs The State The state

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165 Criminal Misc M.A. Awal 180 Criminal Revision Salauddin Ahmed 37836/2015 vs 890/2008 vs The State The state 166 Criminal Revision Kamrul Ahasan 181 Criminal Misc Monzu 1562/2016 vs 9452/2008 vs The State 167 Criminal Misc Air Mohammad 182 Criminal Misc Salauddin Ahmed 36785/2015 vs 15625/2008 vs The State The State 168 Criminal Misc Md. Abul Kashem 183 Criminal Appeal Md. Tohidur Rahman 11664/2015 vs 8347/2017 Khan The State vs

169 Criminal Revision Abdus Salam The State 2041/2016 vs 184 Criminal Misc Golam The State 30035/2016 vs

170 Criminal Misc Md.Abdul Halim The state 8211/2013 vs 185 Criminal Misc S. M. Hanna The state 24810/2009 vs

171 Criminal Misc Wahab The state 9832/2016 vs 186 Criminal Appeal Nazim Uddin The State 7093/2009 vs

172 Criminal Misc Humayun The State 31694/2010 vs 187 Criminal Misc Mahmudul Hasan The State 5882/2007 vs

173 Criminal Misc Md. Abdus Subhan The state 18398/2017 vs 188 Criminal Misc Rafiqul The State 47590/2017 vs

174 Criminal Revision Ziaur Rahman The state 3099/2017 vs 189 Criminal Misc Md. Yousuf The State 51442/2015 vs

175 Criminal Misc Ibrahim Akon The state 810/2015 vs 190 Criminal Revision Nasir Uddin The State 969/2011 vs

176 Criminal Revision md. Shahjahan The State 495/2016 vs 191 Criminal Misc Md.Siddiqur Rahman The state. 2593/2013 vs

177 Criminal Misc Ashraful Shafi the state 21563/2009 vs 192 Criminal Misc Alhaj Abdul Awal The State 23179/2014 vs The State 178 Criminal Appeal Abu Bakkar Siddique 8347/2016 vs Mr. Mohammad Mehedi The State Hasan Chowdhury, Advocate 179 Criminal Appeal Shaharun Nahar and for the petitioner 5019/2011 Another vs The State

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193 Criminal Appeal Saddam Hossain 205 Criminal Misc Jayadul Haq Lalu 10212/2017 vs 9905/2017 vs The State The State 194 Criminal Misc Md. Sadik Khan 206 Criminal Misc Kafil Uddin 680/2016 vs 24676/2017 vs The State The State 195 Criminal Misc Abdul Haque 207 Criminal Misc Ronobir 43425/2017 vs 51473/2015 vs The State The State 196 Criminal Misc Md. Shibbir Mahmud 208 Criminal Rule(Con) Lucky Akhter 18731/2017 vs 102/2018 vs The State The State Criminal Misc Md. Shamsul Huda 209 Criminal Appeal Saima Akter 24417/2017 vs 10348/2015 vs The State The State 197 Criminal Misc Minhazuddin 210 Criminal Rule(Con) Roni 38523/2016 vs 101/2018 vs The State The State 198 Criminal Misc Masud 211 Criminal Revision Shandha Chowdhury 7192/2018 vs 354/2018 vs The State The State 199 Criminal Revision Alok Das 212 Criminal Appeal Md. Ferdous Rahman Fizu 1157/2017 vs 7537/2017 vs The State The State 200 Criminal Revision Alok Das 213 Criminal Misc Abdul Wahab 1156/2017 vs 49046/2015 vs The State Most. Farida Begum

201 Criminal Misc Ibrahim Mr. S.M. Mahbubul Islam, 45189/2017 vs Advocate..For the The State petitioner. 202 Criminal Appeal Md. Rafiqul Islam 214 Criminal Misc Md.Shariful Islam 4334/2018 vs 9245/2016 vs The State The state 203 Criminal Misc Md. Roni Motion 10631/2018 vs 215 In re ------The State Dhaka vs Tender No. : ------204 Criminal Misc Shah Md. Sagir 51501/2015 vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 85

High Court Division Justice Md. Ashfaqul Islam and Justice Mohammad Ali Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 33] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন বষট, কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ সফলয়ষসদ ফতহত অথঋণ আইন ঳ংষ যহট, দউসলয়ষ সফলয়ষসদ, অথঋণ আইন ঴ইেত উ঺ত যহট ভষ঱ন঳঴ ঳কল কষয যহট ভষ঱ন ও তৎ঳ংষ নষনহ ; ঴ষইেকষট সফবষগ ও উ঴ষয অধহন আদষলত অফভষননষয অসবেমষগপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] Motion 8 Writ Petition Chairman, BARC Centre,

2261/2018 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212 vs For Hearing Bangladesh and others 1 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Anwarul Basher 9 Writ Petition Zilla Parishad Kurigram 6817/2017 vs 1204/2018 vs Vice chancellor, NSTU and Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others Min of Shipping and 07 2 Writ Petition Shymal Kumar Singha Roy others 10164/2012 vs 10 Income Tax Reference M/s. Islamia Argia Sadan Bangladesh by the sec.min. 43/2009 (Pvt.) Ltd. of law, justice and vs parliamentary affairs and The Commissioner of others Taxes Writ Petition Md. Moshiur Rahman Beg For Hearing 17187/2012 vs Sec. min. of law, justice 11 Writ Petition Faruque Ahmed

and parliamentary affairs 1239/2017 vs

and ors Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Land and 09 others 3 Writ Petition Md. Akhter Faruk 14694/2017 vs 12 Writ Petition Mir Mosharof Hossain

Election Appeal Tribunal 1294/2018 vs

and 03 others Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Min of Education and 02 Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice others 4 Writ Petition Md. Niaz Ali Chisty For Hearing 3263/2017 vs (Artha Rin Matter) Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Commerce and 03 13 Writ Petition AB Bank Ltd

others 519/2017 vs Artha Rin Adalat and 01 5 Contempt Petition Md.Kamruzzaman others 175/2015 vs Professor Md. Abdul 14 Writ Petition A N M Nasim Uddin

Mazid, Chairman, the 1519/2014 Mollah

Secondary and Higher vs

Secondary Education Arthorin Adalot No.02, Board, Jessore and others Dhaka

Mr. Md. Rezaul Islam, Mr. Shah Md. Munir Advocate Sharif, Advocate.

...... For the petitioner...... For the petitioner. 6 Writ Petition Bashir Ahmmed 15 Writ Petition M/S MM Trading

16663/2017 vs 8622/2015 vs

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Arthrin Adalat-01, min of Home Affairs and Chittagong and 02 others 02 others 16 Writ Petition M/S All macca hus king

7 Writ Petition S. M. A. Razzaque 6749/2015 mills

17093/2017 vs vs

Bangladehs and others The Sec. Min. of Finance Mr. Sk. Reajul Hoque, and 3 ors Advocate 17 Writ Petition Enaydul Karim ...... For the petitioners. 14863/2017 vs Chairman, SSC and HSC Education Board and 05 others

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18 Writ Petition Akbar Ali 29 Writ Petition Mosiur Rahman 6244/2010 vs 7878/2013 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladehs and others 19 Writ Petition abdul motaleb 30 Writ Petition Md. Abul Hashem 6184/2015 vs 1340/2016 vs judge artherin adalat no 02, Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. dhaka Min of Finance and 02 20 Writ Petition Kazi Firoz Ahmed others 8948/2014 vs 31 Writ Petition Md. Joynal Abedin Artha Rin Adalat and 11333/2014 vs others Judge, Artha Rin Adalat 21 Writ Petition Md. Nesar uddin 32 Writ Petition Jaheed Hossain Tokun 10241/2014 vs 11323/2013 vs Judge Arthrin Adalat 4th Arthorin Adalot court dhaka and 3 ors 33 Writ Petition Estern Bank Ltd

Mr. Md. Ziaul Huq, adv. 2963/2016 vs for the petitioner. Mr. Md. Artha Rin Adalat, Nuruzzaman, adv. for the Chittagong and 04 others respondent No. 2 For Hearing 22 Writ Petition Bank Asia Ltd (General Writ Matter) 13912/2016 vs 34 Writ Petition Mustafezul Huq Judge, Artha Rin Adalat, 8838/2017 vs Ctg and 02 others with W. P. Nos. 8839/17, Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 23 Writ Petition Hasibur Rahman 155/18, 216/18, 501/18, min of Law and 05 others

10470/2013 vs 502/18, 516/18, 915/18 Artha rin adalat Dhaka and 35 Writ Petition Sarkar Rokunuzzaman another 16316/2012 vs 24 Writ Petition Md. shamsur rahman Sec.min of land and ors 6039/2015 vs 36 Writ Petition Shamsul Monir Khan arthrin adalat no 04, dhaka 2488/2013 vs and 03 ors Bangladesh and others 25 Writ Petition Md. Mainul Hossian 37 Writ Petition Md. Ali Nur 12082/2015 vs 14199/2016 vs Learned Judge, of Arthrin Bangladesh Rep by Sec Adalat No-1, Dhaka and Min of Disaster and Relief Another and 04 others 26 Writ Petition Enayetur Rahman Khan 38 Writ Petition sayed mohammad rahman 6164/2016 vs 3938/2015 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Sec min of Housing and Min of Law Justice and Public Works and 03 Parliamentary Affairs and Others 02 others 39 Writ Petition Vintage Development Ltd 27 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Ahad Ansari 15455/2016 vs 9296/2015 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Arthrin Adalat, Dhaka and Min of Land and 04 others another 28 Writ Petition M/s. Dhaka Engineering 7015/2012 co. ltd. vs Artha rin adalat 2nd court Dhaka and ors

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40 Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam 51 Writ Petition Md. Saiful Islam and 9304/2017 vs 17943/2017 others Bangladesh Rep by Sec vs Min of Post and 05 others Bangladesh and others 41 Writ Petition Ruhul Amin 52 Writ Petition Sujan Biswas 1073/2017 vs 3542/2017 vs Administration of WAQF Bangladesh Rep by Sec and 03 others Min of Agriculture and 05 42 Writ Petition Most. Beauty Afroz others 8638/2016 vs 53 Writ Petition Maynul Haque Talukder Bangladesh Rep by Sec 16383/2016 vs min of Primary and Mass Bangladesh Rep by Sec Education and 05 others Min of Education and 12 43 Writ Petition Abdul Matin others 7400/2017 vs 54 Writ Petition Md. Mazharul Islam Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 12826/2016 vs min of Railway and 04 Chairman, BCIC and 04 others others 44 Writ Petition Rosna Begum 55 Writ Petition Md. Rashiduzzaman 113/2018 vs 7773/2015 Sarker Bangldesh Rep by its Sec vs Min of Land and 06 others The Sec. Min. of 45 Writ Petition Md. Abul Kashem Education and 03 others 7189/2015 vs 56 Writ Petition Moudad Ahmed, Dhaka with W. P. No. 12017 of Bangladesh and Others 7074/2008 vs 2015 Sec. Min of Home Affairs 46 Writ Petition Rahim Uddin 57 Writ Petition Md. Shahadat Hossain, 9417/2016 vs 8784/2010 Mohammadpur Dhaka and Bangladesh Rep by Sec 2 ors Min of Law and 08 others vs

47 Writ Petition Md. Siddiqur Rahman Deputy Commissioner 13665/2015 vs Dhaka and ors The Sec. Min. of LGRD 58 Writ Petition Md. Shahidullah and 14 and 09 others 1677/2018 others vs 48 Writ Petition Giasuddin Babul 10128/2017 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Min of Housing and 05 min of LGRD and 09 others others 59 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Jabbar 7069/2017 vs 49 Writ Petition Borogongina RMO and 5 1044/2012 others Bangladesh Rural vs Elctrification Board and 04 Bangladesh by the others Sec.min. of Fisheries and 60 Writ Petition Mrs. Nafisa Nasrin Others 11651/2014 vs

50 Writ Petition Mohabbat Jan Chowdhury Bangladesh 4504/2018 vs 61 Writ Petition Nafiza Nasrin Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 415/2016 vs Min of LGRD and 05 Bangladesh and others others

Page : 88 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 33]

62 Writ Petition Md. Siddique Khan 64 Writ Petition Zahanara Ahmed 8321/2015 vs 3335/2016 vs The Sec. Min. of Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Education and 06 others Min of Power Energy and 63 Writ Petition Md. Shahab Uddin Mineral Resource and 15 3397/2016 Talukder others vs 65 Writ Petition Mohammad Hossain Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 9500/2015 vs Min of Education and 07 Bangladesh and others others 66 Writ Petition Rashidul Haque Bhuiyan 6136/2013 vs Sec.min. of Home affairs and ors

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 89

High Court Division Justice Zubayer Rahman Chowdhury and Justice Sashanka Shekhar Sarkar Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 14] [ একে ডন ে েন এং ৬ ইং ন প কল ক ট য়দ নন ণ কেন । ] Hearing 12 Writ Petition Farukk Md. Hasib

1 Writ Petition Md. Harunur Rashid 8425/2011 vs

1475/2010 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others. 13 Writ Petition Sonar Bangla Matshajibi Mr. Abdur Rab Chaudhury 9125/2016 Samabay Samity Ltd with Mr. Mohammad vs Ibrahim Khalil, Advocate Bangladesh Rep by Sec for the petitioner. Min of Land and 06 others 2 Writ Petition A.S.M. Abdullah Al For Hearing

3245/2006 Mahmud 14 Writ Petition Chowdhury and Co. vs 13411/2016 vs Grameen Bank Bangladesh and others 3 Writ Petition Md. Shehab Ullah Hearing 15970/2012 vs The administrator Dhaka 15 Writ Petition Md. Mostafa Kamal 6542/2014 vs south city corporation Dhaka and ors The Sec. Min. of Education and ors 4 Writ Petition Md. Solaman 16 Writ Petition Amina Begum 5452/2008 vs WASA and Others 8700/2016 vs The Deputy 5 Writ Petition Samsuddin Ahmed Commissioner, Sylhet and 4334/2013 vs 07 others Bangladesh and others 17 Writ Petition Monowara Begum 6 Writ Petition Abdur Rahman 6439/2013 vs 1463/2009 vs Bangladesh and others Sec.min. of Housing and ors 18 Writ Petition Md. Selim Miah 6438/2013 vs 7 Writ Petition Md. Delwar Hossain Dulal Bangladesh and others 10463/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec 19 Writ Petition Mohammad Moyen Uddin 3483/2013 Miah and 27 ors Min of Roads Transports and Bridge and 09 others vs Sec.min. of education and 8 Writ Petition Md. Firuz Mia ors 5193/2003 vs 20 Writ Petition Mrettanjoy sarker and 2 The Sec. Min. of Agricultural and ors 3966/2013 ors vs 9 Writ Petition Firuz Mia and others Sec.min of education and 7392/2003 vs ors Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and ors 21 Writ Petition Md. Idris Ali 13308/2016 vs 10 Writ Petition Mrs. Rahima Akther Bangladesh Rep by Sec 3315/2014 vs min of Fisheries and The Sec. Min. of Social livestock and 06 others Welfare and 08 ors 22 Writ Petition Integrated services ltd. 11 Writ Petition Kabir Ahammad 14481/2012 vs 8409/2011 vs NBR Govt. by the sec. min. of Mr. Md. Nazmul Alam, housing and public works Advocate..For the and others petitioner.

Page : 90 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 14]

23 Writ Petition Muktijoddha Market 31 Writ Petition Md. Ruhul Amin Bhuiyan 5842/2016 Bahumukhi Samabay 1247/2016 vs Samity Ltd Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. vs Min of Law Justice and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Parliamentary Affairs and Min of Housing and Public 05 others Works and 04 others 32 Writ Petition Sawkat Mazid For Hearing 4004/2017 vs (Sent by the Hon`ble Chief Justice) Artha Rin Adalat and 03 24 Writ Petition Meer Md. Rafiqul Islam others 2202/2001 vs 33 Writ Petition Tengrakhali Matshajibi Govt. of Bangladesh and 7683/2017 Samabay Samity Ltd others vs Mr. A.H.M. Mushfiqur Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Rahman, Adv. with min of land and 06 others Ms. Jamila Momtaj, Adv. - 34 Writ Petition Md. Bachchu Miah -- For the Petitioner 18162/2017 vs Mr. Mohammad Bodrul Bangladesh and others Amin, Advocate-For the 35 Writ Petition M/S Perfect Tobacco Respondent No. 6 2491/2018 Company Ltd. Mr. Md. Shahed Ali vs Jinnah, Advocate-For the Commissioner, Customs, Respondent No. 1 Excise and VAT 25 Writ Petition Kushtia Paurashava Commissionerate and 1944/2015 vs others Bangladesh and others 36 Writ Petition MIR Cement Ltd. 26 Writ Petition Maksud Alam 17383/2017 vs 11289/2017 vs Bangladesh and others. Bangladesh and others 37 Writ Petition Md. Siddiqur Rahman Mr. Md. Hafizur Rahman 3705/2017 vs Khan, Adv.-For the Bangladesh Rep by Sec petitioner Min of Law and 03 others Sent from Appellate Division 38 Writ Petition Md. Abbas Mia (For Hearing) 11658/2017 vs 27 Writ Petition Md. Saiful Islam Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 9557/2017 vs min of Land and 06 others Bangldesh Rep by its Sec For Hearing min of Law and 03 others 39 Writ Petition Md. Shafiqul Islam 28 Writ Petition Md. Zulfiqur Ali 16114/2016 vs 9558/2017 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Min of Environment and min of Law and 04 others 04 others 29 Writ Petition Bangladesh Food Ahmed 40 Writ Petition M/s: Dhaka Warehouse 9648/2017 Associated Products pvt ltd 3174/2014 Ltd. vs vs Artha Rin Adalat and 02 Comptroller and Auditor others General Local and 30 Writ Petition Kazi Adel Ahmed Revenue Audit Depertment 6146/2017 vs Dhaka and 4 ors Artha Rin Adalat and 03 others

Page : 91 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 14]

41 Writ Petition M/s: H Kabir Com Ltd. 53 Writ Petition Jagadish Sarker 3175/2014 vs 15677/2016 vs Bangladesh and ors Bangladesh Rep by Sec 42 Writ Petition Md. Emdadul Haque Min of Education and 04 7762/2013 Sheikh others vs 54 Writ Petition Md. Shehab Ullah Bangladesh and others 15970/2012 vs

43 Writ Petition Md. Abul Hasem Miah The administrator Dhaka 4101/2010 vs south city corporation Artha Rin Adalat and Dhaka and ors others 55 Writ Petition Md. Hanif (Khokon) 3456/2002 vs 44 Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam 3400/2014 vs Bangladesh and ors The Sec. Min. of 56 Writ Petition Jashim Uddin Gazi Education and ors 7205/2015 vs

45 Writ Petition Md. Rehnul huque Commission of Custom 7376/2014 vs dhaka and 02 others Bangladesh and others 57 Writ Petition Jashim Uddin Gazi 7206/2015 vs 46 Writ Petition Index Agro Industries Ltd 11247/2016 vs Commission of Custom Bangladesh Rep by Sec dhaka and 02 others min of Housing and Public 58 Writ Petition Jashim Uddin Gazi Works and 02 others 7204/2015 vs

47 Writ Petition Index Group of Co. Ltd Commission of Custom 11248/2016 vs dhaka and 02 others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 59 Writ Petition Jashim Uddin Gazi min of Housing and Public 7203/2015 vs Works and 02 others Commission of Custom 48 Writ Petition Grameenphone Ltd dhaka and 02 others 12290/2016 vs 60 Writ Petition Jashimuddin Gazi Chairman, First Labour 7200/2015 vs Court, Dhaka and Another Commissioner of Customs, 49 Writ Petition Concord Group of 61 Writ Petition Jashim Uddin Gazi 8556/2013 companies 7202/2015 vs vs Commission of Custom Sec.min. of home affairs dhaka and 02 others and ors 62 Writ Petition Jashim Uddin Gazi 50 Writ Petition Mohammad Abdul Jalil 7201/2015 vs 2801/2016 vs Commission of Custom Bangladesh and others dhaka and 02 others 51 Writ Petition Most. Monwara Begum 63 Writ Petition Sina Hotel devlopment Ltd 4689/2009 vs 271/2012 vs Sec. Min. of Post and Bangladesh and others Telecommunication and 64 Writ Petition Shah Zulfiqur Haider ors 654/2013 vs 52 Writ Petition Syedur Rahman Bangladesh and others 420/2005 vs Govt. of Bangladesh

Page : 92 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 14]

Hearing 77 Writ Petition M/S Moushumi Cold

65 Writ Petition Abia Khatun 15369/2016 Storage Pvt Ltd vs 3082/2014 vs Bangladesh and ors Bangladesh Bank and 02 others For Hearing 78 Writ Petition Abu Ali Ahmed 66 Writ Petition Md. Abdus Salam Khan 5373/2000 chowdhury, Pirojpur

5574/2016 vs vs

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Administrator of Waqf Min of Education and 05 Dhaka and ors others 79 Writ Petition Md. Kamal Hossain 67 Writ Petition Mustaharul Hasan 9506/2015 vs

5554/2011 vs The Sec. Min. of

Bangladesh and others Education and 02 others 68 Writ Petition K. M. Rabiul Karim 80 Writ Petition Abul Farah Md.

15466/2012 vs 5221/2006 Habibullah and others

Bangladesh and others vs 69 Writ Petition K. M. Rabiul Karim Bangladesh and others

6527/2013 vs 81 Writ Petition Md. Shafiullah and others

Bangladesh and others 15714/2012 vs 70 Writ Petition Md. Dulal Sheikh Sec.min. of land and ors

1923/2016 vs 82 Writ Petition G.M Sujon Islam

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 10038/2015 vs Min of Agriculture and 07 Bangladesh and others others 83 Writ Petition Fazlur rahman 71 Writ Petition Md. Ibrahim Sikder 2480/2015 vs

2121/2016 vs Commissioner of Customs

Zonal Settlement Officer, dhaka and ors Faridpur and 04 others Mr. Md. Sadullah, 72 Writ Petition Md. Mahtab Hossain, Advocate..For the 3399/2011 vs petitioner.

Sec. Min of Home Affairs 84 Writ Petition Haji Abdur Rahman 73 Writ Petition Md. Waliul Bari 8302/2006 vs 759/2016 Chowdhury Asstt. Commissioner vs Munshigonj and others

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Hearing Min of Land and 03 others 85 Writ Petition Md. Ruhul Amin 74 Writ Petition Taposh Kumer Mondal 6378/2006 vs

11669/2016 vs The Sec. Ministry of Law

Bangladesh Rep by Sec Justice and Parliamentary Min of Culture Affaris and Affairs and others 04 others Mr. Ahmed Naquib Karim, 75 Writ Petition Dr. M.A Kashem Adv. ... For the petitioner

459/2016 vs 86 Writ Petition Syedur Rahman

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 420/2005 vs Min of Land and 02 others Govt. of Bangladesh 76 Writ Petition Md. Ansarul haque 87 Writ Petition Md. Shahidullah

1029/2016 vs 10268/2016 vs

Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others

Page : 93 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 14]

88 Writ Petition Md. Enamul Haque @ 99 Writ Petition Babu biswas 10414/2012 Niamat Ali 11894/2014 vs vs Govt of Bangladesh Bangladesh by the sec.min. For Hearing of law, justice and 100 Writ Petition Abdul Karim parliamentary affairs and 11757/2016 vs others Bangladesh Rep by Sec Mr. Garib Newaz, Adv. .... Min of Land and 04 others For the petitioner 101 Writ Petition Md. Yousuf 89 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Rahim and 7348/2015 vs 4536/2015 another Arthrin Adalat No-2, vs Dhaka and others Sec min of Education and 06 Others 102 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Motaleb 1911/2008 vs 90 Writ Petition Md. Alamgir Bhuiyan Sec. Min of Land and 6614/2015 vs others Bangladesh and others 103 Writ Petition Julu Miah 91 Writ Petition Md. Darul Islam Khan, 3406/2004 vs 4769/2008 Bagerhat Bangladesh and otehrs vs Government of Bangladesh 104 Writ Petition Abdur Rahim and others 2797/2016 vs 92 Writ Petition Most. Selina Parvin and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 4133/2015 others Min of Land and 04 others vs Bangladesh and others 105 Writ Petition Fuch Lubricants Ltd. 9099/2008 vs 93 Writ Petition Barandra Fertilizer Pvt ltd Customs and others 4877/2016 vs Judge,Artha Rin Adalat 106 Writ Petition Fuch Lubricants ltd.

Bogra and 03 others 4628/2008 vs Customs and others 94 Writ Petition Golam Sarwar 8209/2016 vs 107 Writ Petition Momtaz Begum

Govt. of Bangladesh NBR 11780/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec 95 Writ Petition Sarifuddin Ahmed Min of Land and 03 others 16206/2016 vs Bangladesh and others 108 Writ Petition Momtaz Begum 11781/2016 vs 96 Writ Petition Nafia Farzana Chowdhury Bangladesh Rep by Sec 7833/2016 vs Min of Land and 03 others The Vice Chancellor, BSMMU and 05 others 109 Writ Petition Md. Muzammel Hossain 5076/2011 vs 97 Writ Petition Md. Shahidullah and The State and Others 16861/2012 others vs 110 Writ Petition Md. Gias Uddin

Govt. of Bangladesh and 6293/2016 vs

others Bangladesh and others 98 Writ Petition Chowdhury Mominul 111 Writ Petition Mohd. Nizamuddin

6631/2016 Islam 4488/2006 vs

vs The Sec. Ministry of Law Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Justice and Parliamentary Min of Religious Affairs Affairs and others and 06 others

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112 Writ Petition Md. Nazmul Hoque Khan 122 Writ Petition Mrs. Khaleda Akter 393/2016 vs 15881/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Securities and 113 Writ Petition Khandker Faruque Ahmed Exchange commission and others 1211/2011 vs The Sec. Min. of Mr. Md. Foiz Ahmed, Education and ors Advocate ...... For the petitioner 114 Writ Petition Prime Bank Ltd Mr. Probir Neogi, Senior

9131/2016 vs Advocate ..... For

Joint District Judge, N- respondent no. 1 gonj and another Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood, 115 Writ Petition M/S Doel Sweaters Ltd Advocate with Mr. Md. 6483/2016 vs Bakir Uddin Bhuiyan, Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Advocate ... For Min of Finance and 06 respondent no. 8 others 123 Writ Petition Md. Billal Hossain 116 Writ Petition M/S Doel Sweaters Ltd 2130/2016 vs 6484/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 06 others Min of Finance and 06 124 Writ Petition Most. Hazera Chowdhury others 5154/2015 vs 117 Writ Petition M/S Doel Apparels Ltd Bangladesh and others

6485/2016 vs 125 Writ Petition Most. Shahana Akhter

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 7314/2012 Bauya Min of Finance and 06 vs others Sec.min. of education and 118 Writ Petition Mrs. Khurshida Akter w/o ors

5124/2010 of Molla Alim Hossain, 126 Writ Petition Exprience Clothing Khulna and 5 ors 600/2009 Company

vs vs

Artha Rin Adalat Khulna Bangladesh Bank and ors Mr. Shamsuddin Babul. 119 Writ Petition Aminul Islam Mazid, adv. for the petitioner. Mr. 6369/2008 Dhaka Md. Arshadur Rouf, adv. vs for the respondent No. 1

Dist Adjutal and Ansar 127 Writ Petition Md. Mofizur Rahman And VDP , Dhaka 4838/2007 vs 120 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Rashid Fakir Governor, Bangladesh 1037/2016 vs Bank and ors

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 128 Writ Petition Md. Mofizur Rahman Min of Land and 03 others 7107/2007 vs 121 Writ Petition S.M. Azizul Huq Kamrul Governor, Bangadesh 29/2005 vs Bank and ors Bangladesh and others. Mr. Kazi Rehan Nabi, adv. for the petitioner. 129 Writ Petition ABM Shamsul Huda 3568/2011 vs Sec.min. of Establishment and ors

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130 Writ Petition Airtel Bangladesh Ltd. 142 Writ Petition S.M. Habibur Rahman 9265/2011 vs 395/2013 vs Chairman, NBR and others Bangladesh and otehrs. Mr. 131 Writ Petition Air tell Bangladesh Ltd. Abdullah Al Mamu, ad..for 9266/2011 vs petitioner. Mr. Ariful Chairman, NBR and others Islam, ad..for the respondent no. 5. 132 Writ Petition Airtel Bangladesh Ltd. 143 Writ Petition Sonali Bank Ltd 9267/2011 vs Chairman, NBR and others 9898/2014 vs Bangladesh and others 133 Writ Petition Airtel Bangladesh Ltd. 144 Writ Petition Nadia Haider and another 1376/2012 vs National Board of Revenue 7687/2016 vs Commission of Customs, 134 Writ Petition Airtel Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka and 04 others

1374/2012 vs Mr. A.R.M. Quiyum Khan,

National Board of Revenue ad..for petitioner. 135 Writ Petition Airtel Bangladesh Ltd. 145 Writ Petition Lakshi Rani Sarker

1375/2012 vs 9902/2014 vs

National Board of Revenue The Sec. Min. of primary 136 Writ Petition Borak real estate pvt ltd and mass Education and 4 2321/2015 vs ors

The Deputy Commissioner 146 Writ Petition Alok Das Gupta dhaka and 02 ors 5050/2015 vs 137 Writ Petition Borak Real Estate Pvt ltd The Sec. Min. of law and 2322/2015 vs 06 ors

The Deputy Commissioner 147 Writ Petition Biplob Kumar Roy dhaka and 02 ors 1949/2014 vs 138 Writ Petition Sharif Nurul Ambia The Sec. Min. of 12280/2016 vs Education and ors

The CEC and 02 others 148 Writ Petition Fahmida Begum 139 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Shakawat Hossain 15973/2016 vs 3932/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec |The Vice Chancellor, Min of Electricity and 04 Jogonnath University and others 02 others 149 Writ Petition Rani Begum 140 Writ Petition Md. Shahabuddin 110/2013 vs 4598/2016 vs Sec.min. of land and ors

Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 150 Writ Petition Most. Sharmin Akhter Min of Power Energy and 4557/2014 vs Mineral Resource and 05 Bangladesh and others others Mr. Matiur Rahman, Adv. - 141 Writ Petition Md. Nur Nabi For the petitioner

9014/2016 vs 151 Writ Petition Dr. Mustaq Ahmed Sobhan

Bangladesh Rep by Sec 465/2016 vs Min of Land and 03 others Bangladesh and others

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152 Writ Petition Md. Zaman 162 Writ Petition Md. Sahjahan 3642/2016 vs 1587/2015 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 05 Min of Land others Administration and Land 153 Writ Petition Asma Akhter Reforms Dhaka and others 10482/2016 vs 163 Writ Petition Nilufa Akhter Bangladesh Rep by Sec 3377/2015 vs min of Primary and Mass The Sec. Min. of Finance Education and 04 others and 28 ors 154 Writ Petition Md. Ali Hossain 164 Writ Petition Hemara Begum 8041/2013 vs 12688/2015 vs Administrator of waqf of The Sec min of Education Bangladesh and ors and 04 others 155 Writ Petition Clasic Trade International 165 Writ Petition Abdullah Mohammad 6405/2014 vs 2912/2016 Talha Commissioner of Customs vs Mr. Md. Zahangir Chairman, NBR and 02 Zomadder, Advocate..For others the petitioner. 166 Writ Petition Abdullah Mohammad 156 Writ Petition M/s: Classic Ttade 2913/2016 Talha 6406/2014 Interantional. vs vs Chairman, NBR and 02 The Commissioner of others Customs and ors 167 Writ Petition Sabitri Mitro 157 Writ Petition M/s: Classic Ttade 8226/2016 vs 6407/2014 Interantional. Bangladesh Rep by Sec vs min of Finance and 02 The Commissioner of others Customs and ors 168 Writ Petition Sabitri Mitro 158 Writ Petition M/s: Classic Ttade 8227/2016 vs 6408/2014 Interantional. Bangladesh Rep by Sec vs min of Finance and 02 The Commissioner of others Customs and ors 169 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Hamid 159 Writ Petition Clasic Trade International 14827/2016 vs 6409/2014 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Commissioner of customs Min of Education and 02 Mr. Md. Zahangir others Zomadder, Advocate..For 170 Writ Petition Dhara Matshajibi Samabay the petitioner. 2846/2016 Samity Ltd 160 Writ Petition Stone Age vs 6410/2014 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Government of Bangladesh Min of Land and 06 others and others 171 Writ Petition Subal Barman

Mr. Zahangir Zomadder, 2429/2016 vs Advocate..For the Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. petitioner. Min of Land and 03 others 161 Writ Petition Stone Age 6411/2014 vs Government of Bangladesh and others

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172 Writ Petition Md. Shahalam Sarker 184 Writ Petition Nasir Uddin 10363/2015 vs 6879/2016 vs The Sec. Min. of Land and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 08 others Min of LGRD and 11 173 Writ Petition Abdus Salam Molla others 5861/2010 vs 185 Writ Petition Md. Motaleb Hossain Bangladesh and others 9437/2015 vs

174 Writ Petition Standerd Charterd Bank Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 4420/2013 vs Min of Post and Commissioner ob Vat and Telecommunication and 05 others others 175 Writ Petition Md. Abu Hanifa 186 Writ Petition Anowar Parvez 5248/2014 vs 4588/2013 vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. The Sec. Min. of Railway of law, justice and and ors parliamentary affairs and 187 Writ Petition M/S Hasen Knit Compsit ors 13434/2012 Ltd. vs 176 Writ Petition Sayed Nazim Uddin 7955/2007 vs Bangladesh and others University of Ctg and ors 188 Writ Petition Hajee Abul Kashem 8532/2008 vs 177 Writ Petition Cresent Jute Mills Co. Ltd. 4075/2015 vs Customs Excise and VAT Md. Shahidul Islam and ors (Jahangir) and others 189 Writ Petition Parabat Hotel 576/2009 vs 178 Writ Petition Suma Akter 12545/2013 vs Customs Excise and VAT Bangladesh and others Dhaka and ors 179 Writ Petition Titas Gas Transmission 190 Writ Petition Sorwaruddin Forhad 8115/2008 vs 14663/2016 and Distribution co. Ltd vs Customs Excise and Vat Bangladesh and others and ors 191 Writ Petition Khawaja Cable Industries 180 Writ Petition Md. Mostafa, Feni and 6271/2010 another 1008/2008 Ltd, vs vs Sec.min. of land and ors Customs Excise and VAT appellate Tribunal and ors 181 Writ Petition Md. Wali Ullah and others 5690/2012 vs 192 Writ Petition Md. Belayet Hossain 7492/2016 vs Govt of Bangladesh and others The Commissioner of Customs Mongla and 05 182 Writ Petition M/S. R.M. Label and others 7708/2011 Packaging Industris Ltd vs 193 Writ Petition Mr. Belal Uddin Ahmed, 5391/2008 Dhaka Customs, excise and VAt and others vs NBR by its chairman 183 Writ Petition Badadewly Fisherman Co- Dhaka and ors 7132/2016 Operative Society Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 07 others

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194 Writ Petition Chemico Laboratories Ltd. 205 Writ Petition DAF Packeging Ltd. 2859/2008 Rajshahi 782/2015 vs vs Commissioner of Customs Bangladesh and others and others

195 Writ Petition Mrs Chemico, Rajshahi Mr. M. Ataul Gani, 10407/2007 vs Advocate..for the Sec, Min of Finance and petitioner. ors 206 Writ Petition ATS pearls ltd. 783/2015 vs 196 Writ Petition Sadif Group 7537/2016 vs Commissioner of Customs and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Finance and another Mr. M. Ataul Gani, Advocate..For the 197 Writ Petition Bangladesh Steel R- petitioner. 793/2016 Rolling Mills Ltd 207 Writ Petition DAF Accessories Ltd. vs Chairman, NBR and 03 784/2015 vs NBR others Mr. Mosharaf Hossain, Mr. M. Ataul Gani, Advocate..For the Advocate..For the petitioner. petitioner. 198 Writ Petition Md. Nazim Uddin 208 Writ Petition M/S Liberty Accessories 4160/2015 BD Ltd 1669/2016 vs Bangladesh and others vs Commissioner of Customs 199 Writ Petition BSRM Steel Ltd Excise and VAT Appellate

794/2016 vs Tribunal and another

Chairman, NBR and 03 Mr. Mr .M. Ataul Gani. others adv. for the petitiner, 200 Writ Petition Mrs. Lipu Chowdhury 209 Writ Petition Shahnaz Filling Station

7696/2015 vs 3753/2015 and Service centre Ltd

Chairman, NBR and 02 vs others Commission of Customs, 201 Writ Petition Mrs. Lipu Chowdhury Chittagong and others 7692/2015 vs Mr. Khawja Golam Chairman, NBR and 02 Murshed, Advocate..For others the petitioner. 202 Writ Petition Mrs. Lipu Chowdhury 210 Writ Petition Shahnaz Filling Station 7695/2015 vs 3752/2015 and Service centre Ltd Chairman, NBR and 02 vs others Commission of customs 203 Writ Petition Payal Mahmud chittagong and 03 others 9975/2014 vs 211 Writ Petition Agreepul Ltd. Bangladesh Bank 5277/2014 vs

204 Writ Petition DAF Packaging Industries National Board of Revenue 781/2015 ltd. and others vs 212 Writ Petition Techno Design and National Board of 149/2015 development ltd Revenue, Dhaka and others vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 6 ors

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213 Writ Petition Bristol Pharma Ltd. 222 Writ Petition Hafiz Ahmed Majumder 4574/2010 Gazipur 6699/2015 vs vs Bangladesh Bank Commissioner of customs Mr. Mustafizur Rahman excise and vat and ors Khan, adv. for the 214 Writ Petition M/s United Melamine petitioner. Mr. Foyez 4819/2007 Industries Ltd Uddin Ahmed, adv. for the vs respondent No. 2 Sec, Internal Resources 223 Writ Petition Diamond cement ltd. Division, Min of Finance 15622/2012 vs and ors NBR by its chairman and 215 Writ Petition M/s United Melamine ors 4820/2007 Industries Ltd 224 Writ Petition Diamond cement ltd. vs 15623/2012 vs Sec, Internal Resources NBR by its chairman and Division, Min of Finance ors and ors 225 Writ Petition Diamond cement ltd. 216 Writ Petition Ambet Pharmaceuticals 15624/2012 vs 5137/2009 Ltd. Dhaka NBR by its chairman and vs ors Commissioner of Customs 226 Writ Petition Mir Fakhrul Islam excise and vat and ors 13978/2012 vs 217 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Razzaque and Government of Bangladesh 16262/2012 another 227 Writ Petition Reckitt Benckisser BD ltd vs 482/2015 vs Bangladesh Bank and Revenue Officer, Customs, others Excise 218 Writ Petition Mrs. Lipu Chowdhury 228 Writ Petition Dr. Roushon Alam 7694/2015 vs 10607/2016 vs Chairman, NBR and 02 Bangladesh Rep by Sec others min of Finance and 02 219 Writ Petition M/s: Central others 224/2014 Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 229 Writ Petition M/S Doyel Money vs 9026/2016 Exchang Custom, Excise and Vat. vs and ors Bangladesh Rep by Sec 220 Writ Petition Ambee Pharmaceuticals min of Finance and 05 6443/2007 Ltd, Dhaka others vs 230 Writ Petition Mr. Shah Habibul Haque Customs Excise and VAT 7521/2015 vs Appellate Tribunal and ors Governor Bangladesh 221 Writ Petition BD Foods Ltd, Dhaka Bank and 05 others 7815/2007 vs 231 Writ Petition Mahbub Alam Chowdhury Chairman, NBR and ors 9010/2016 vs Mr. Ehsan A. Siddiq, Chairman, NBR and 02 Advocate..For the others petitioner. 232 Writ Petition Tipu Sultan 2581/2016 vs Bangladesh and others 233 Writ Petition AGB Wears ltd 11927/2014 vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 06 ors

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234 Writ Petition M/s. Takbir and 243 Writ Petition M/s. Chaddgram Chemical 7007/2013 association 8773/2009 Ind Pvt. Ltd. Comilla vs vs NBR by its Chairman and NBR by its Chairman and ors ors 235 Writ Petition M/s Rajapur Trade Impex 244 Writ Petition Mrs. Usha Chemical Ind. 7008/2013 vs 2601/2009 Ltd. Chandpur NBR by its Chairman and vs ors Sec.min. of Finance Dhaka 236 Writ Petition Ali Brothers Corporation and ors 1273/2013 Ltd. 245 Writ Petition M/s. Usha Chemical Ind. vs 4937/2008 vs NBR by its Chairman and Sec.Min. of finance and ors ors 237 Writ Petition Mohammad Gheyas Uddin 246 Writ Petition Messers Sony Enterprise 8575/2008 vs 6382/2010 vs Bangladesh Bank Bangladesh Chemical 238 Writ Petition Daulatpur Steel Re Rolling Industries Corporation Ltd. 5272/2006 Mills Ltd. Motijheel Dhaka and ors vs 247 Writ Petition T.M Ali Haider Customs Excise and Vat 5803/2015 vs Dhaka and others Commissioner excies and 239 Writ Petition M/s. Medicar Laboraties vat rajshahi and ors 10224/2006 Ltd. 248 Writ Petition Mohammad Ali vs 12451/2006 vs The Sec. Ministry of Commissioner of Customs Finance and others, and ors

Mr. Subrata Chowdhury, 249 Writ Petition Md. Nazimuddin Advocate, 864/2006 vs

For the petitioner N.B.R. Represented by its 240 Writ Petition Md. Alam Miah Chairman and others 14208/2016 vs Mr. Md. Aman Ullah Bangladesh Rep by Sec Advocate for the petitioner min of Home Affairs and 250 Writ Petition Md. Nazimuddin 06 others 208/2007 vs 241 Writ Petition Md. Shafi Ullah Sikder NBR and ors

11363/2006 vs 251 Writ Petition Lokman Chowhdury

Customs Excise and Vat 4326/2007 vs and others Chairman, NBR and ors 242 Writ Petition M/S Trade Wave 252 Writ Petition Eastarn Insurance

1232/2014 International 11403/2016 Company Ltd

vs vs

Commission of Customs, Commissioner of Customs Customs House, and 04 others Chittagong and others 253 Writ Petition Pragati Insurance Ltd Mr. Khawja Golam 5718/2016 vs Murshed, Advocate..For Commissioner, Large Tax the petitioner. Payer Unit, Dhaka and 04 others

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254 Writ Petition Relince Insurance Ltd 263 Writ Petition M/S K.N.S. packaging 5333/2016 vs 4561/2015 industries Ltd Commissioner, Large Tax vs Payer Unit, Dhaka and 04 President, customs Exicise others and appatlate tribunal Mr. M.A. Hannan, dhaka and 01 others Advocate..For the 264 Writ Petition M/S K.N.S. packaging petitioner. 4562/2015 industries Ltd 255 Writ Petition Rupali Insurance Company vs 9277/2016 ltd President, customs Exicise vs and appatlate tribunal Commissioner, Large Tax dhaka and 01 others payer Unit Valu Added Tax 265 Writ Petition M/S K.N.S. packaging Dhaka and 04 others 4563/2015 industries Ltd 256 Writ Petition Pioneer Insurance vs 5528/2016 Company Ltd President, customs Exicise vs and appatlate tribunal Commissioner, Large Tax dhaka and 01 others Payer Unit, Dhaka and 04 266 Writ Petition Md. Kamruzzaman Mafiz others 8061/2016 vs 257 Writ Petition Phoenix Insurance Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 5770/2016 Company Ltd Min of Commerce and 03 vs others Commissioner, Large Tax 267 Writ Petition Ifftekhar Ali Khan, Dhaka Payer Unit, Dhaka and 04 2490/2009 vs others Bangladesh Bank Dhaka 258 Writ Petition M/s. S.L.S. (pvt.) Ltd. and ors 4060/2005 vs 268 Writ Petition Md. Wahahidur Rahman Commisioner, Customs, 4191/2009 vs Excise and VAT Bangladesh Bank Commissionarate and 269 Writ Petition Khulna printing and others 14564/2016 packaging limited 259 Writ Petition Moudud Ahmed vs 1129/2012 vs Excies and VAT Appellate Sec.min. of Finance and Tribunal and 03 others ors 270 Writ Petition Uma Devi Agarwala 260 Writ Petition Moudud Ahmed 14172/2016 vs 7033/2008 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Sec.Min. of Finance and min of Finance and 03 ors others 261 Writ Petition Md. Abul Hossain 271 Writ Petition Sumit Kumar Agarwala 1445/2016 vs 14171/2016 vs Additional District Judge, Bangladesh Rep by Sec Banksuptcy Court Dhaka min of Finance and 03 and 10 others others 262 Writ Petition Bangla International Air 272 Writ Petition Sumit Kumar Agarwala 2841/2012 Lines Ltd. 14170/2016 vs vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others min of Finance and 03 others

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273 Writ Petition Begum Nasrin Ahmed 284 Writ Petition Begum Akther Jahan 12453/2016 vs 1794/2016 vs Artha Rin Adalat-1, Dhaka Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. and Another Min of Education and 04 274 Writ Petition British American Tobaco others 5523/2016 Bangladesh Company ltd 285 Writ Petition M/S S.S Builders and vs 11482/2016 Development Ltd Chairman, NBR and 03 vs others Chairman, RAJUK and 02 275 Writ Petition British American Tobaco others 5524/2016 Bangladesh Company ltd 286 Writ Petition Abdur Rahman Pramanik vs 4056/2016 vs Chairman, NBR and 03 Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. others Min of Liberation War 276 Writ Petition Mohammad Iqbal Faruque Affairs and 03 others 3799/2015 vs 287 Writ Petition Akhter Suroya and others Arthorin Adalot and others 5506/2014 vs

277 Writ Petition Monir Hossain Bangladesh and others 2898/2014 vs 288 Writ Petition Jannatul Ferdous ARA and another 9884/2013 vs

278 Writ Petition M. Delwar Hossain Sec.min.of housing and 4292/2016 vs public works and ors Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 289 Writ Petition Azahar Howlader Min of Communication 5586/2016 vs and 10 others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 279 Writ Petition M/s Rahman and Co. Min of Liberation War 3229/2007 vs Affairs and 02 others Chairman, NBR and ors 290 Writ Petition Anlima Yarn Dying Ltd. 1789/2014 vs 280 Writ Petition Roxy Paints Limited 9165/2016 vs The Sec. Min. of Finance National Board of Revenue and ors Segunbacha Dhaka and 01 291 Writ Petition Md. Zahidul Islam others 4603/2014 vs

281 Writ Petition Golam Rabbi The Sec. Min. of 1335/2005 vs Education and ors The National Board of 292 Writ Petition Saroj Kumer Saha Revenue 5172/2016 vs Mr. Sayed Quamrul Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Hossain, Adv. For the Min of Primary and Mass Petitioner. Education and 04 others 282 Writ Petition Md. Zikrul Haque 293 Writ Petition Md. Zulhas uddin ahmed 8713/2014 vs 2050/2015 vs Government of Bangladesh The Sec. Min. of law and and others 02 ors 283 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Huda 16028/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Home Affairs and 05 others

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294 Writ Petition A.S.M. Nurullah Bhuiyan 305 Writ Petition Shariful Alam 10856/2011 vs 5762/2008 vs Govt by the sec. min of Rajdhani Unnayan Civil Aviation and tourisim kartipakkha Rajuk and ors and ors 306 Writ Petition Samim Sultana 295 Writ Petition Delwar Hossain 5759/2008 vs 6859/2010 vs Rajdhani Unnayan Sec.min. of kartipakkha Rajuk and ors Communication and ors 307 Writ Petition Amal Kumer Dhar 296 Writ Petition Alhaj Md. Abdur Rob 11458/2015 vs 13776/2015 Khan The Sec. Min. of Home vs Affairs and 05 others The Sec. Min. of Land and 308 Writ Petition Md. Mezbah Ul Azam 03 others 10883/2016 Sowdagar 297 Writ Petition Md. Faridul Alam vs 6011/2015 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others Min of Education and 03 298 Writ Petition Dijenda Nath Sarker others 7203/2016 vs 309 Writ Petition Md. Nazib Ullah and DC of Khulna and 05 2602/2016 another others vs

299 Writ Petition Md. Amin Uddin Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 8376/2016 vs Min of Land and 12 others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 310 Writ Petition Sylhet Town Co-Operative Min of Land and 06 others 2760/2016 Society Ltd. vs 300 Writ Petition Azahar Howlader 11115/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 311 Writ Petition Muhammad Didarul Alam Min of Liberation War 6588/2015 vs Affairs and 02 others Vice Chancellar, Islamia 301 Writ Petition Md. Zakir hossain University kustia and 07 9726/2015 vs ors Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 312 Writ Petition A.K.M Faruk Ahmed Min of LGRD and 06 15447/2016 vs others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 302 Writ Petition Colonel (Retd) M. A min of Finance and 02 9814/2015 Mannan others vs 313 Writ Petition K.M. Enautur Rahim The Sec. Min. of 12024/2012 vs Communication and 06 The Sec. Min. of others Education 303 Writ Petition Md. Robiul Islam 314 Writ Petition Platinum Jubilee Jute Mills 711/2016 vs 284/2016 Ltd Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. vs Min of Helath and others The Chairman, Labour 304 Writ Petition Monowara Begum Court Khulna and 02 5761/2008 vs others Rajdhani Unnayan 315 Writ Petition Md. Gulzar Hossain Khan kartipakkha Rajuk and ors 8621/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Liberation War Affaris and 05 others

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316 Writ Petition Md. Monjurul alam 327 Writ Petition Md. Monjur Alam 5399/2015 vs 10586/2016 Majumder and another Bangladesh and others vs

317 Writ Petition Sattar Textile Mills Ltd. Bangladesh Rep by Sec 10852/2011 vs Min of LGRD and 07 Bangladesh Bank others 318 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Jabbar and 328 Writ Petition Imran Khan 4843/2012 vs 7488/2016 others vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 329 Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam 12910/2015 vs 319 Writ Petition Md. Manuarul Iqbal 15723/2016 vs Chairman, Board of Bangladesh Rep by Sec Intermediate and Min of Education and 04 Secondary Education and others Another 320 Writ Petition Ehsanul Haque Setu 330 Writ Petition Md. Sagir Hossain 13218/2016 vs 2152/2007 vs Sec, Min of Housing and Bangladesh Rep by Sec ors Min of LGRD and 05 others 321 Writ Petition Mohiuddin and 02 others 3659/2016 vs 331 Writ Petition Boyra Israil Ahmed High 10416/2015 School Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 06 others vs The Sec. Min. of 322 Writ Petition AKM Fayzul Haque Education and 08 others 3661/2016 Chowdhury vs 332 Writ Petition M/s. Sikara Restaurant 183/2004 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 06 others The National Board of Revenu 323 Writ Petition Md. Shahjalal 9318/2016 vs 333 Writ Petition Shuraid Industries Pvt. Ltd. 4443/2011 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Law and 02 others NBR by its Chairman and ors 324 Writ Petition Alhaj Md. Abdul Hashem 8336/2010 vs 334 Writ Petition Md. Mohshin and others 3737/2014 vs Govt of Bangladesh and others. Mr. Md. Idrisur Govt. of Bangladesh and Rahman, ad...for the ors petitioner. Mr. Ariful 335 Writ Petition md. Raiyan chowdhury Islam, ad..for the 9309/2013 vs respondents. Sec. min. of LGRD and ors 325 Writ Petition Md. Moklesur Rahman 336 Writ Petition M/S. R.M. Label and 3819/2014 vs 7710/2011 Packaging Industris Ltd The Sec. Min. of vs Education and ors Customs, excise and VAt 326 Writ Petition Abdul Kobir and others 1400/2005 vs 337 Writ Petition Motahar Hossain Bangladesh and others 16040/2012 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others

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338 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam 348 Writ Petition Most. Nargis Ara Sultana, 9283/2016 vs 6607/2009 Kushtia Bangladesh Rep by Sec vs min of Liberation War Sec.min. of Education and Affaris and 07 others ors 339 Writ Petition Md. Humayun Kabir 349 Writ Petition Sati Rany Dey and others 6669/2010 vs 15343/2016 vs The Director Jamuna Bangladesh Rep by Sec Multipurpose Bridge min of Finance and 06 Authority Banani Dhaka others and ors 350 Writ Petition Dr. Mohammad Sharif 340 Writ Petition Prime Insurance Co. Ltd. 15344/2016 vs 2326/2007 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Customs, Excise and VAT min of Finance and 06 Appellate Tribunal, Dhaka others and others 351 Writ Petition Dr. Swetendu Sekhor 341 Writ Petition Khaleda Shahjahan 15345/2016 vs 5568/2008 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec 1st Court of Settlement and min of Finance and 06 ors others 342 Writ Petition Md. Nurulla Faruqui 352 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Jaynal Huq 13323/2015 vs 15346/2016 vs The Sec. Min. of Bangladesh Rep by Sec Education and 06 others min of Finance and 06 343 Writ Petition A.K.M Nurul Huq others 5504/2016 vs 353 Writ Petition Abdul Latif Mollah Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 15347/2016 vs Min of Education and 04 Bangladesh Rep by Sec others min of Finance and 06 344 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Quddus others 10076/2016 vs 354 Writ Petition Md. Jasim Uddin and Bangladesh Rep by Sec 1086/2013 another Min of LGRD and 11 vs others Bangladesh and others 345 Writ Petition M/S. R.M. Label and 355 Writ Petition Transmarine Logistics Ltd 7709/2011 Packaging Industris Ltd 15781/2016 Pvt vs vs Customs, excise and VAt Taxes Appellate Tribunal and others 356 Writ Petition Abdul Hamid and another 346 Writ Petition M/S. R.M. Label and 10778/2011 vs 7711/2011 Packaging Industris Ltd Sec.min. of LGRD and ors vs 357 Writ Petition Afia Begum, Feni Customs, excise and VAt 7007/2008 vs and others Additional Deputy 347 Writ Petition Professore Dr. Commissioner Revenue 5713/2016 Nittyachadra Shil Feni and ors vs 358 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 9158/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka Min of Health and 04 vs others Commissioner of Customs Excise and VAT and ors

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359 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) 368 Writ Petition Gazi Mohammad Kamal 9159/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka 778/2011 vs vs Bangladesh and others Commissioner of Customs Mr. Golam Arshed, Adv.- Excise and VAT and ors For the applicant 360 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) 369 Writ Petition Shah Md. Mosakharul 9160/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka 10752/2016 vs vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Commissioner of Customs Min of Land and 04 others Excise and VAT and ors 370 Writ Petition Shah Md. Mosakharul 361 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) 10753/2016 vs 9161/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka Bangladesh Rep by Sec vs min of Home Affairs and Commissioner of Customs 03 others Excise and VAT and ors 371 Writ Petition Ferdousi Begum 362 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) 5373/2014 vs 9162/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka The Sec. Min. of Housing vs and Public Works and ors Commissioner of Customs 372 Writ Petition Ashok kumar howlader Excise and VAT and ors 9347/2014 vs 363 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) The Sec. Min. of 9163/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka Expatriation welfare and vs overseas Employment Commissioner of Customs dhaka and 4 ors Excise and VAT and ors 373 Writ Petition Md. Iqbal Hossain, Coxs 364 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) 1389/2010 and another 9164/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka vs vs D.C. Coxs Bazar and ors Commissioner of Customs 374 Writ Petition Moshiur Rahman Excise and VAT and ors 5110/2016 vs 365 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) The CFC and 04 others 9165/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka 375 Writ Petition Haripada Poddar vs 9842/2011 vs Commissioner of Customs Sec.min. of works and ors Excise and VAT and ors 376 Writ Petition Jhalokhati Zila Bus O Mini 366 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) 11172/2016 Bus Malik Samity 9166/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka vs vs The Chairman, Labour Commissioner of Customs Tribunal and 03 others Excise and VAT and ors 377 Writ Petition Advocate Md. Zahed 367 Writ Petition BUREAU Veritas (BIVAC) 5832/2016 Hossain 9167/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka vs vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Commissioner of Customs Min of Land and 08 others Excise and VAT and ors 378 Writ Petition Md. Ismail Hossain Siraji 2325/2012 and 11 ors vs Sec.min. of Education and ors

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379 Writ Petition Md. Skendar Khalifa 390 Writ Petition Star Particle Board Mills 3291/2016 vs 6990/2011 ltd Bangladesh Bank and vs others Commissoner of Customs 380 Writ Petition Mawlana Jubayer Ahmed and others 294/2016 vs 391 Writ Petition S.m. Shariful Islam Mayor, Dhaka North City 4033/2013 vs Corporation and 02 others Sec.min. of Education and 381 Writ Petition Mrs. Sarmin basir ors 8768/2014 vs 392 Writ Petition Mostufa Ahmed The Sec. Min. of LGRD 830/2011 vs and 04 ors Govt. of Bangladesh 382 Writ Petition Moniruzzaman 393 Writ Petition Abdullah Baten 6921/2013 vs 6912/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 383 Writ Petition Most. Numona Begum Min of LGRD and 07 11102/2016 vs others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 394 Writ Petition Doctor Ashraf Ali Mollah Min of Land and 03 others 9442/2012 vs

384 Writ Petition Md. Hafizul alam Sec.min. of land and ors 9047/2012 vs 395 Writ Petition Janata Hawkers Market Sec.min. of public 3208/2011 Samabaya Samtiy Ltd. administration and ors Dhaka and another vs 385 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mannan 5792/2016 vs Sec.min. of commerce and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. ors Min of Finance and 04 396 Writ Petition sk Md. Rafiqul Islam others 4476/2012 vs

386 Writ Petition Bureau Veritas (BIVAC) Sec.min. of 9744/2008 Bangladesh Ltd. Dhaka Communication and ors vs 397 Writ Petition Md. Mamunur Rashid Commissioner of Customs 6349/2015 vs Customs Excise and VAT National Board of Revenue Ctg. and ors and others

387 Writ Petition Moklasur Rahman Mr. Md. Mizanul Haque 821/2010 vs Chowdhury, Advocate..For Md. Jabed and other the petitioner. 388 Writ Petition Md. Abdullah al Mamun 398 Writ Petition Md. Shamsul Alam 5491/2016 vs 4041/2016 vs The Vice Chancellor, Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Chittagong University and Min of Education and 11 03 others others 389 Writ Petition Md. Anjon Faruqui and 399 Writ Petition Md. abdur rab mia 6853/2015 vs 10804/2013 others vs judge arthrin adalat no 01, Sec.min. of education and pirozpur and 2 ors ors

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400 Writ Petition M/s Asia Planet 411 Writ Petition Sufia Ahmed Bhuiyan 8918/2008 Engineering Pvt. Ltd. 1699/2012 vs Rreen Vila Gulshan Dhaka Sec.min. of Finance and vs others Sec.Min. of Industries and Mr. A.K.M. Faiz. Adv. ors With Mrs. Shahana 401 Writ Petition Md. Bulbul Ahmed Perveen Adv. For the 636/2016 vs Petitioner. Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Hearing Min of Agriculture and 03 412 Writ Petition Hazi Md. Noor Hossain others 6344/2016 vs 402 Writ Petition Amina Begum Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 8622/2016 vs Min of Power Energy and Bangladesh and others Mineral Resource and 03 403 Writ Petition md. Nasir uddin others 8322/2013 vs For Hearing Sec.min. of LGRD and ors 413 Writ Petition Md. Jabed Ahsan ullah and 404 Writ Petition Mahila unnyan samity 11527/2013 7 ors 6898/2005 vs vs Bangladesh and others The Sec. Min. of Housing 405 Writ Petition Md. Nizamul Hasan and Public Works and ors 7665/2015 vs 414 Writ Petition Abu Naser Faruque The Sec Min of land and 6806/2015 vs 04 others Chairman, NBR and 01 ors 406 Writ Petition Mohammad Ali 415 Writ Petition Md. Ali Parvez and others 9023/2016 vs 3561/2005 vs Joint Commissioner of Bangladesh and others Customs Benapol, Jessore 416 Writ Petition Mohammad Hossain and 04 others 9428/2016 Ahmed 407 Writ Petition Md. Saide Ibne Haider vs 2796/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Religious and 03 Min of Religious Affairs others and 04 others 417 Writ Petition Hafiz Golam Rabbani 408 Writ Petition Md. Shahidul Islam 4179/2014 vs 7765/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 418 Writ Petition Minor khisha Head Master min of Housing and Public 2286/2014 vs Works and 05 others Bangladesh and others 409 Writ Petition Khawja Mohd. Zerren 419 Writ Petition Abdus Salam 12889/2012 vs 14610/2016 vs Sec. min. of public works Bangladesh Rep by Sec and ors Min of Land and 06 others 410 Writ Petition Canadian University of 420 Writ Petition Mahbub ul Alam 15725/2016 Bangladesh 7407/2016 Chowdhury vs vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Chairman, BREB and 04 min of Finance and 03 others others

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421 Writ Petition Mahabul Alam 430 Writ Petition MATS Textiles Ltd 8128/2015 Chowdhury 3994/2016 vs vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Labour Appellate Tribunal, Min of Finance and 04 Dhaka and 04 others others 422 Writ Petition Faruquzzaman Faruk 431 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Wazed 5394/2014 vs 1620/2002 vs The CFC and 10 others Administrator of WAQF 423 Writ Petition Jahanara Begum 432 Writ Petition Mohammad Ali 9566/2014 vs 6904/2016 vs govt of bangladesh and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. others Min of Industries and 06 424 Writ Petition Abdul Gaffar others 5367/2004 vs 433 Writ Petition Haji Md. Shah alam Bangladesh 10646/2013 vs

425 Writ Petition Md. Mofizuddin Sec. min. of land and ors 5506/2007 vs 434 Writ Petition Md. Waliullah Bangladesh and others 4376/2014 vs

426 Writ Petition Kh Azad Ahmed Sec.Min. of Law, Justice 12345/2016 vs and Parliamentary Affairs Bangladesh Rep by Sec and ors min of Finance and 03 435 Writ Petition Md. Yeakub Ali Sharif others 2420/2016 vs

427 Writ Petition Syed Kamruzzaman Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 208/2016 vs Min of Law Justice and Govt. of Bangladesh and Parliamentary Affairs and others 08 others 428 Writ Petition Md. Mozamel Hoque 436 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam 7888/2014 vs 4214/2012 vs The Sec. Min. of Religious The Sec. Min. of Housing affairs and Public Works and ors 429 Writ Petition M.A Matin alias Manik 437 Writ Petition Most. Razia Khatun 3986/2014 vs 5474/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Artha Rin Adalat and Min of Land and 07 others others

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 110

High Court Division Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury and Justice Md. Ashraful Kamal Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 21] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহর জন ভ আইন ও ভ আদষলত, ঱ষ঳সনক ষইফ঺নষল এষ এর আওতষধহন সফলয়঳঴ ঳কল কষর রহট ভষ঱ন এফং নষনহর জন অষধহকষর সবসেত রষজউক ঳঴ ঳কল কষর রহট সফলয়ষসদ এফং উপেরষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ। এই গঠনসফসধর অফফস঴ত প঻েফর গঠনসফসধর কষন আংস঱কত ফষ রষয় থষসকেল তষ঴ষও ঴ণ কসরেফন । For Order 13 In re : Writ Petition Feroja Khatun and others

1 Writ Petition Bangladesh Environment 5824/2018 vs

1925/2018 Lawyears Association( Bangladesh and others BELA) 14 In re : Writ Petition Md. Aminul Islam vs 6051/2018 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 2 Writ Petition Md. Shahidul Islam 15 Contempt Petition Abu Naser Md. Alamgir 17642/2017 vs 224/2018 Hossain Bangladesh and others (arising out of W. P. No. vs

Application 15507 of 2017) Professor Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Chairman, Board of 3 In re : Writ Petition Sahana Khanam Intermediate and 2638/2018 vs Secondary Education, Bangladesh and others Rajshahi 4 Contempt Petition Abdur Rahim Khan 16 In re : Writ Petition Dakkhin Hakaluki 128/2018 vs 5686/2018 Matshajibi Samity (arising out of W. P. No. Apurup Chowdhury, the vs 9024 of 2017) Secretary, Ministry of Govt of Bangladesh and Liberation War Affairs, others Bangladesh Secretariat, Ramna, Dhaka and others 17 In re : Writ Petition Amin Jute Mills Limited 6135/2018 vs 5 In re : Writ Petition Md. Shariful Islam Ahmed Gani and others 4555/2018 vs Bangladesh and others 18 In re : Writ Petition Md. Rustam Ali 6463/2018 vs 6 In re : Writ Petition Md. Kamal Uddin Bangladesh and others 5234/2018 Mahmud vs 19 In re : Writ Petition Md. Anowar Hossain

Bangladesh and others 6788/2018 vs Bangladesh and others 7 In re : Writ Petition Md. Mominul Islam 5235/2018 vs 20 In re : Writ Petition Md. Shajahan Ali Mondol

Bangladesh and others 5875/2018 vs Bangladesh and others 8 In re : Writ Petition BELA 5109/2018 vs 21 In re : Writ Petition Md. Hassan Uddin Sarkar

Bangladesh and others 6457/2018 vs Bangladesh and others 9 In re : Writ Petition A. H. M. Rafiqul Alam 5100/2018 vs 22 In re : Writ Petition Md. Mukul Miah

Bangladesh and others 6984/2018 vs Bangladesh and others 10 In re : Writ Petition Md. Shekandar Ali 5220/2018 vs 23 In re : Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Hossain

Bangladesh and others 7035/2018 (Bulbul) vs 11 In re : Writ Petition Mahfuzul Islam Talukder Bangladesh and others 5419/2018 Sobuj and others vs 24 In re : Writ Petition Md. Golam Azam Khan

Bangladesh and others 14523/2017 vs Bangladesh and others 12 In re : Writ Petition Sheikh Sohid Miah 5463/2018 vs Bangladesh and others.

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25 In re : Writ Petition Mst. Fatema Begum 35 Writ Petition Kazi Mofizul Haque and 14468/2017 vs 10919/2011 others Bangladesh and others (Heard in part) vs Bangladesh and others 26 In re : Writ Petition Mofazzal Hossain 7193/2018 vs Mr. Nazrul Islam Bangladesh and others Khandaker, Adv.-For the petitioner 27 In re : Writ Petition Md. Jarafullah 36 Writ Petition Dr. A Y M Akramul 7533/2018 vs Bangladesh and others 1852/2014 Hoque (Heard in part) vs 28 In re : Writ Petition Md. Samsu Miah Bangladesh and others

4282/2018 vs Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood,

Bangladesh and others Adv.-For the petitioner 29 In re : Writ Petition Durgapur M.S. S. Ltd. 37 Writ Petition Bangladesh National

7829/2018 vs 10264/2015 Women Lawyers

Bangladesh and others (Heard in part) Association (BNWLA) 30 In re : Writ Petition Md. Rahidul Islam vs 7420/2018 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others. Ms. Fawzia Karim Firoze, 31 In re : Writ Petition Md. Siddiqur Rahman Adv. For the petitioners 7755/2018 vs 38 Writ Petition Md. Awal Islam and Bangladesh and others. 2478/2015 another

Motion (Heard in part) vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Garib Newaz, Adv. for For Hearing the petitioner 32 Writ Petition Mrs Marium Begum Mr. A.K.M. Badrudduza, 700/2008 vs Adv. for the respondent (Heard in part) Bangladesh and others no.4. Ms. Umme Kulchum, Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing Adv.-For the petitioner 39 Writ Petition Md. Bazlur Rahman and Mr. Sk. Shafique Mahmud, 5069/2008 others Adv.-For the respondent vs no. 2 Bangladesh and others 33 Writ Petition Md. Obaidullah Ms. Shaheen Akther and 11392/2015 vs Mr. Iqbal Hasan, Adv. -For (Heard in part) Bangladesh and others the petitioners Mr. Md. Masud Rana, Mr. J. K. Paul, Adv. -For Adv.-For the petitioner the respondent no. 2 34 Writ Petition Md. Shafi Uddin Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, 2403/2010 vs Adv.-For the respondent (Heard in part) Bangladesh and others no. 5(a)-5(d) Mr. Munshi 40 Writ Petition Anisur Rahman Mullick Moniruzzaman, Adv.-For 10371/2006 and another the petitioner vs Mr. Md. Nur Nabi, Adv.- Bangladesh and others For the respondent no. 7 Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan with Mr. Abul Kalam Azad, Advs.-For the petitioners

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41 Writ Petition Md. Mostafa Kamal Writ Petition Engineer Munzurul Ahsan 272/2018 vs 9318/2007 Munshi Bangladesh and others (with) vs Mr. A. M. Mahbub Uddin, Bangladesh and other Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Shah Monjurul Haque, 42 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace Adv. For the petitioner 13989/2016 for Bangladesh Writ Petition Engineer Monjurul Ahsan vs 8540/2007 Munshi Government of Bangladesh vs and others Bangladesh and other Mr. Manzill Murshid, Mr. Ajmalul Hossain Q.C., Adv.-For the petitioner Adv. For the petitioner Mr. Syed Mafizur Rahman, For Hearing Adv.-For the respondent 45 Writ Petition Md. Ashraf Yahia no. 2 1207/2002 vs Mr. Khondoker Shariar Bangladesh and others Shakir, Adv. -For the Mr. Nazneen Nahar, Adv.- respondent no. 4 For the petitioner 43 Writ Petition Surjamukhi Enterprise Mr. Manzill Murshid, 7949/2015 Private Ltd. Adv.-For the respondent vs no. 4 Bangladesh and others 46 Writ Petition Mohammad Ali Mr. Mohammad Hossain, 10713/2006 vs Adv.-For the petitioner Bangladesh and others Mr. Imranul Kabir, Adv.- Mr. Md. Kamal Hossain For the respondent no. 2 with Mr. Abdullah Al 44 Writ Petition Engineer Munzurul Ahsan Mahbub, Advs.-For the 9316/2007 Munshi petitioner vs 47 Writ Petition Salah Uddin Ahmed Bangladesh and other 10001/2008 vs Mr. Md. Ziauddin Bangladesh and others Quasem,, Adv. For the Mr. Md. Hafizur Rahman petitioner Khan, Adv. -For the Writ Petition Engineer Munzurul Ahsan petitioner 9319/2007 Munshi 48 Writ Petition Md. Adam Ali and another (with) vs 4965/2008 vs Bangladesh and other Rajdhani Unnayan Mr. Md. Munsurul Hoque Kartipakkha and ors Chowdhury, Adv. For the Mr. Shafique Ahmed, petitioner Adv.-For the petitioner Writ Petition Engineer Munzurul Ahsan 49 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mannan Akon 9321/2007 Munshi 563/2009 vs (with) vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and other Mr. S. M. Obaidul Haque, Mr. Md. Mosabbir Hasan Adv.-For the petitioner Bhuiyan, Adv. For the Mr. Ahmed Nowshad petitioner Jamil, Adv.-For the respondent no. 1

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50 Writ Petition Abdul Halim 57 Writ Petition Md. Kamal Biswas 6107/2009 vs 6679/2011 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Helal Uddin Mr. Md. Nurul Amin, Sarker, Adv.-For the Adv.-For the petitioner petitioner Mr. M.G.Mahmud Mr. Md. Zahirul Amin, (Shaheen), Adv.-For the Adv.-For the respondent respondent no. 5 no. 7 58 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Islam and 51 Writ Petition Mrs. Khorsheda Begum 1808/2011 others 8195/2010 vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others Mr. M. Sadekur Rahman, Mr. Md. Jahangir Kabir, Adv.-For the petitioner Adv.- For the petitioners

52 Writ Petition Md. Idris Miah Ms. Fahima Barrin, Adv.- 1339/2010 vs for the respondent nos. Bangladesh and others 10,11,13 Ms. Urmee Rahman, Adv.- 59 Writ Petition Zulfiqur Bulbul For the petitioner 9288/2012 vs Bangladesh and others 53 Writ Petition Sunil Chandra Ghosh 9497/2010 vs Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Chairman land Appeal Adv.-For the petitioner Board Dhaka and ors 60 Writ Petition Monghy Nu Murma Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain, 2046/2013 vs Adv.-For the petitioner Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Motalib Bhuihan, Mr. Matilal Bepari, Adv. - Adv.-For the respondent For the petitioner no. 8 Mr. Maqbul Ahmed, Adv.- 54 Writ Petition Md. Sakhawat Hossain For the respondent no. 6 5053/2010 Chowdhury 61 Review Petition Most. Shahinur Parvin and vs 1/2016 others Bangladesh and others vs Mr. Faruque Alamgir Bangladesh and others Chowdhury, Adv.-For the Mr. Md. Zahangir Kabir petitioner with Mr. Md. Shofiqul 55 Writ Petition Mohammad Mohiuddin Islam, Adv.-For the petitioner 6486/2011 Tomijee vs Mr. Zainul Abedin with Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Zulfiquer Matin, Mr. Mohammad Mostafa, Advs. -For the respondent Adv.-For the petitioner nos. 10-12 62 Writ Petition Md. Abu Sayed Khan 56 Writ Petition Sayed Faizee Mohammadi 8591/2011 Ahmad Ullah 17132/2017 vs Bangladesh and others vs WAQF Administrator of Mr. M. Atikur Rahman, Adv.-For the petitioner Bangladesh and others Mr. Abdul Barek Mr. Murad Reza with Mr. Chowdhury, Adv.-For the Reja-E-Rabbi Khandaker, petitioner Advs.-For the respondent Mr. Zamirul Akhter, Adv.- no. 2 For the respondent no. 3

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Writ Petition Md. Mustafizur Rahman 67 Writ Petition Rajdhani and New 17996/2017 and others 5353/2011 Rajdhani Super Market (with) vs Shamity and another Bangladesh and others vs Mr. M. Atikur Rahman, Bangladesh and others Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. M. Shaheedul Islam, Mr. Murad Reza with Mr. Adv.-For the petitioner Reja-E-Rabbi Khandaker, Mr. J. K. Paul, Adv.-For Advs.-For the respondent the respondent nos. 2 and 3 no. 2 68 Writ Petition Md. Kamal Hossain Writ Petition Md. Shah Alam and 1695/2011 vs 17233/2017 another Bangladesh and others vs Dr. Mohammed Yeasin Bangladesh and others Khan, Adv.-For the Mr. Mohammad Siddique petitioner Ullah Miah, Adv.-For the 69 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Nurul Alam petitioners 4798/2011 vs Mr. Murad Reza with Mr. Bangladesh and others Reja-E-Rabbi Khandaker, Mr. A. K. M. Nazrul Islam, Advs.-For the respondent Adv.-For the petitioner no. 2 70 Writ Petition Abdus Salam and others 63 Writ Petition Md. Salam Miah 9949/2012 vs 441/2018 vs Bangladesh and others (with) Bangladesh and others Mr. J. H. Afrik, Adv.-For Writ Petition Md. Shameem Ahmed the petitioner 796/2017 vs 71 Writ Petition Nur Mohammad Uzzal and Bangladesh and others 8941/2012 others 64 Contempt Petition Mohammad Sirajul Islam vs 415/2017 vs Bangladesh and others (arising ouf of W. P. No. Abu Saleh Sheikh Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain 9269 of 2017) Mohammad Zahurul Bhuiyan, Adv.-For the Haque, Sec Min of law and petitioners others Mr. A. M. Masum, Adv.- 65 Writ Petition Mr. Shamsul Alam For the respondent no. 2 12762/2017 vs 72 Writ Petition M. A. Khan Trust Bangladesh and others 3756/2012 vs Mr. Md. Yousuf Ali, Adv.- Islami University, Kustia For the petitioner and others Mr. K. S. Salauddin Mr. M. Wali-ul Islam, Ahmed, Adv.-For the Adv.-For the petitioner respondent no. 4 Mr. M. G. Mahmud 66 Writ Petition Save the Sundarban (Shaheen), Adv.-For the 12467/2017 Foundation respondent no. 3 vs 73 Writ Petition H. R. P. B Bangladesh and others 2675/2012 vs Mr. Shaikh Mohammad Bangladesh and others Zakir Hossain, adv.-For the Mr. Manzill Murshid, petitioner Adv.-For the petitioner

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74 Writ Petition Md. Asgor Ali 82 Writ Petition Press Institute of 2079/2012 vs 447/2014 Bangladesh and another Bangladesh and others vs Mr. Md. Aziz Taufique, First Labour Court, Dhaka Adv.-For the petitioner and another Mr. A. K. M. Shafiuddin, Mr. Rafi Ahmed, Adv.-For Adv.-For the respondent the petitioner no. 4 Mrs. Sakina Begum, Adv.- 75 Writ Petition Md. Asaduzzaman For the respondent no. 3 1828/2012 vs 83 Writ Petition Kazi Aysha Homaira Bangladesh and others 2423/2014 vs Ms. Shanzana Yeasin Bangladesh and others Khan, Adv.-For the 84 Writ Petition BELA petitioners 10553/2014 vs 76 Writ Petition Suvroto Borua Bangladesh and others 16434/2012 vs 85 Writ Petition A. G. M. Elias Bangladesh and ors. 7659/2014 vs Mr. A. K. M. Jaglul Haider Bangladesh and others Afric, Adv.-For the 86 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Barik and petitioner 8815/2014 others 77 Writ Petition Advocate Md. Abdul vs 7358/2013 Halim Bangladesh and others vs Mr. Md. Rezaul Islam, Bangladesh and others Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Md. Abdul Halim, 87 Writ Petition Md. Liakat Ali and others Adv.-in person 12433/2015 vs Mr. Abdur Rahim, Adv.- Bangladesh and others for the respondent nos. 3 and 4 88 Writ Petition Md. Atiqur Rahman and 11203/2015 others 78 Writ Petition Md. Imam Hossain vs 10123/2013 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 89 Writ Petition Md. Hannan 79 Writ Petition Md. Habibur Rahman 6891/2015 vs 1741/2013 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others Mr. Quazi Sadrul Haque 80 Writ Petition Md. Mosharraf Hossain Sudha, Adv.-For the 5721/2013 liton applicants vs Mr. Shaheed Alam Khan, Bangladesh and others Adv.-For the respondent 81 Writ Petition Mohammad Sekandar Ali nos. 3-7 3040/2014 Patwary 90 Writ Petition Zannatul Ferdous and vs 8200/2015 others Bangladesh and others vs Mr. Md. Delwar Hossain Bangladesh and others Khan, Adv.-For the 91 Writ Petition Md. Yasin Mamun and petitioner 8300/2015 others Ms. Nahid Yesmin, Adv.- vs For the respondent no. 3 Bangladesh and others

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92 Writ Petition Md. Jewel and others 104 Writ Petition Dainik Janakhantho Ltd 6877/2015 vs 73/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Labour Appellate Tribunal 93 Writ Petition Hazi Md. Muslim and 105 Writ Petition Md. Moshiur Rahman 8811/2015 others 6524/2015 Chowdhury vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others

Mr. Bivas Chandra Biswas, 106 Writ Petition Md. Siddique Ali Adv.-For the petitioner 12243/2015 vs 94 Writ Petition Md. Jonab Ali and others Bangladesh and others

4999/2015 vs 107 Writ Petition Md. Habibur Rahman and

Bangladesh and others 3602/2015 others 95 Writ Petition A. K. M. Kobiruzzaman vs 7542/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Saidul Alam 96 Writ Petition Muhammad Ahsanur Khan, Adv.-For the 2331/2015 Rahim applicant vs 108 Writ Petition Md. Zillur Rahman Bangladesh and others 6462/2015 vs

97 Writ Petition Lutfun Nahar Bangladesh and others 10522/2015 vs 109 Writ Petition Mahbub Shahid Shishir Bangladesh and others 9698/2015 vs

98 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Matin and Bangladesh and others 13537/2015 others 110 Writ Petition Most. Jahanara Begum vs 9239/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 99 Writ Petition Kazi Md. Abdul Awal and 111 Writ Petition Kashem Ali Bepari 13454/2015 others 9504/2015 vs vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 112 Writ Petition UCBL

Mr. Mohammad Mohsin 1454/2016 vs Kabir, Adv.-For the Labour Court applicant Mr. Abdul Mannan, Adv.-

Mr. Mohammad Bakir For the petitioner Uddin Bhuiyan, Adv.-For Mr. Amit Das Gupta, Adv.- the petitioner For the respondent no. 2 100 Writ Petition Md. Zahid Hasan 113 Writ Petition Madhabdi Bazar

8955/2015 vs 7824/2016 Committee and Merchant

Bangladesh and others Association and another 101 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace vs 10931/2015 for Bangladesh (HRPB) Bangladesh and others vs Mr. J. K. Paul, Adv.-For Bangladesh and others the petitioner

102 Writ Petition Paloom Md. Younus Ali Mr. Syed Ridwan Hossain, 9407/2015 vs Adv.-For the respondent Bangladesh and others nos. 9-14 and 16-33 103 Writ Petition Begum Gulnaher 13530/2015 vs Bangladesh and others

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114 Writ Petition Md. Lutfor Rahman 127 Writ Petition Haji Mostafa Ashrab 8637/2016 vs 16374/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others Mr. Zakir Hossain 128 Writ Petition Md. Saidul Alam Khan and Bhuiyan, Adv. -For the 6669/2016 others petitioner vs Mr. A. S. M. M Kabir Bangladesh and others Khan, Adv.-For the 129 Writ Petition Md. Monirul Islam respondent no. 9 194/2016 vs 115 Writ Petition EGCB Biddut Sromik Bangladesh and others 8284/2016 Karmachari League 130 Writ Petition Lama Shempur Atimer vs 3320/2016 Jame Mosque represented Bangladesh and others by the Motwali Hafiz 116 Writ Petition Hasan Anower Nazrul Islam 6143/2016 vs vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 117 Writ Petition Eastern Jute Mills Ltd. 131 Writ Petition Md. Mohiuddin 6745/2016 vs 4676/2017 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 118 Writ Petition Shamim Ahmed 132 Writ Petition Bangladesh Environment 10563/2016 vs 3148/2017 Lawyears Association Bangladesh and others BELA 119 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace vs 5194/2016 For Bangladesh (HRPB Bangladesh and others vs Mr. Ali Mustafa Khan, Bangladesh and others Adv.-For the petitioner

120 Writ Petition Abdul Latif Bhuiyan Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed, 522/2016 vs Adv.-For the respondent Bangladesh and others no. 12 133 Writ Petition Md. Masum Gazi alias 121 Writ Petition Abdul Shukkur Bhuiyan 523/2016 vs 4680/2017 Gazi Md. Enamul Hasan Bangladesh and others Masum vs 122 Writ Petition Haji Md. Saif Uddin and Bangladesh and others

8811/2016 others Mr. S. M. Mahbubul Islam,

vs Adv. -For the petitioner

Bangladesh and others Mr. Mohammad Osman 123 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Huda Master Goni, Adv. For the 8233/2016 vs respondent no. 8

Bangladesh and others 134 Writ Petition Abu Zafar Ahmed 124 Writ Petition Advocate Sayada Shahin 496/2017 vs 9251/2016 Ara Laily Bangladesh and others

vs 135 Writ Petition Shah Mohammad Tofazzal

Bangladesh and others 1896/2017 Hossain Miah 125 Writ Petition S.M. Maniqur Rahman vs 1050/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others Mrs. Mamtaz Begum, 126 Writ Petition Md. Nasir Uddin Adv.-For the petitioner 1346/2016 vs Bangladesh and others

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Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 119

High Court Division Justice Md. Emdadul Huq and Justice Abu Taher Md. Saifur Rahman Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 8] [একে ড ে ে এং ড ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও কল জল আল আে ও ; ৗজ এং ৗজ ক এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং কে । ] For Order Application

1 Criminal Appeal Md. Bellal Hosain (Tuesday) 13138/2017 vs 13 Criminal Misc Professor Dr. Zakaria The State 35802/2016 Lincoln vs 2 Criminal Appeal Md. Bellal Hossain 13140/2017 vs The State The State 14 Criminal Misc Md. Ahad Ali 32024/2017 vs 3 Criminal Appeal Jahangir Alam @ Liton 2361/2006 vs The State The State 15 Criminal Misc Md. Kabir Hossain Fakir 50660/2014 vs 4 Criminal Appeal Rasel 7699/2015 vs The State The State For Hearing : 498 5 Criminal Misc Abdul Karim 16 Criminal Misc Mizan 11296/2005 vs 8392/2018 vs The state The State Mr. Md. Saifur Rahman, 17 Criminal Misc Md. Jamir Advocate for the petitioner 8418/2018 vs Mr. Monjur Kader, D.A.G. The State for the opposite party 18 Criminal Misc Md. Shafiqul Islam Motion 7848/2018 vs (Sunday and Monday ) The State 6 In re .... 19 Criminal Misc Md. Enamul Hoq Babul vs 10705/2018 vs ...... The State Appeal for Admission 20 Criminal Misc Mizbah (Tuesday) 4605/2018 vs 7 Criminal Appeal Md. Sanaullah The State 13486/2017 vs 21 Criminal Misc Md. Yunus The State 8430/2018 vs 8 Criminal Appeal Md. Sanaullah The State 13426/2017 vs 22 Criminal Misc Md. Saidur Rahman The State 10461/2018 vs 9 Criminal Appeal Razibul The State 4287/2018 vs 23 Criminal Misc Md. Adbul Aziz The State 107/2017 vs 10 Criminal Appeal Rashed The State 5318/2018 vs Mr. Md. Nur Nobi, The state Advocate for the petitioner 11 Criminal Appeal Md. Sohel Rana @ Mr. Monjur Kader, D.A.G. 3035/2018 Khadem @ Muazzin @ for the O.P. Sohel @ Shahidullah 24 Criminal Misc Iqbal vs 15971/2018 vs The State The State 12 Criminal Appeal Nuru Miah 5587/2018 vs The State

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25 Criminal Misc Habibullah 39 Criminal Misc Khairul Amin 13111/2018 vs 14140/2018 vs The State The State 26 Criminal Misc Sirajul Islam 40 Criminal Misc Sohidul Islam 19433/2018 vs 5220/2018 vs The State The State

27 Criminal Misc Md. Shabul Islam Mrs. Jahanara Sarker, 19428/2018 vs Advocate for the petitioner The State 41 Criminal Misc Habibullah Bahar Azad 9631/2018 vs 28 Criminal Misc Md. Salim 9066/2018 vs The State The state 42 Criminal Misc Siraj Shekih 52575/2017 vs 29 Criminal Misc Md. Shahidul Islam 17680/2018 vs The State The State 43 Criminal Misc Akil 8421/2018 vs 30 Criminal Misc Sulaiman 17857/2018 vs The State The State 44 Criminal Misc Kalimullah 14191/2018 vs 31 Criminal Misc Samiul Islam 10706/2018 vs The State The State 45 Criminal Misc Hafizur Rahman 58150/2017 vs 32 Criminal Misc Amir 14166/2018 vs The state The State 46 Criminal Misc Harun 18425/2018 vs 33 Criminal Misc Md. Obaydul 16057/2018 vs The State The State 47 Criminal Misc Md. Mamunur Rashid 17854/2018 vs 34 Criminal Misc Lalon 15194/2018 vs The state The State 48 Criminal Misc Md. Abu Bakkar Mondal 45271/2017 vs 35 Criminal Misc Sohel 6099/2018 vs The state The State 49 Criminal Misc Profullah Halder 20989/2018 vs 36 Criminal Misc Md Jafor 9076/2018 vs The State The State 50 Criminal Misc Anower Hossain 16636/2018 vs 37 Criminal Misc Modhu 15127/2018 vs The State The State 51 Criminal Misc Jalil Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman, 57208/2017 vs Advocate for the petitioner The state 38 Criminal Misc Md. Saddam Hossain 52 Criminal Misc Md. Jahedul Islam 17651/2018 vs 15639/2018 vs The state The State

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53 Criminal Misc Imam 64 Criminal Misc Nur Mohammad 16470/2018 vs 42873/2017 vs The State with Criminal Mise. Case The state>S.M.Mahbubul 54 Criminal Misc Imam No. 23062 of 2017 Islam, Advocate for the 16469/2018 vs petitioner The State 65 Criminal Misc Md. Osman Ors 52894/2017 vs 55 Criminal Misc Pabitra Chandra Biswash 38980/2017 vs The State The State 66 Criminal Misc Alamgir Kabir

56 Criminal Misc Kamal 25545/2012 vs The state 16274/2018 vs The State Mr. S.M. Anamul Haque, for the petitioner 57 Criminal Misc Md. Saddam Hossain Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain 16449/2018 vs Chowhdury, for the The State Oppoiste party 58 Criminal Misc Md. Monir 67 Criminal Misc sunil chandra 18019/2018 vs 53165/2017 vs The State The State 59 Criminal Misc Md. Jewel 68 Criminal Misc Badiul Alam Sujon 934/2018 vs 26501/2009 vs The State The State For Hearing : 561A Mr. Md. Farid Uddin, (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) Advocate for the petitioenr 60 Criminal Misc Md. Azahar Mr. AlK.M. Towhidur 24389/2017 vs Rahman, Advocate for the The State oppsite party Mr. Sakib Mahbub, Criminal Appeal : For Hearing Advocate for the petitioner (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) Mr. monjur Kader, D.A.G. 69 Criminal Appeal Mohi Uddin for the oppsite party 2167/2017 vs 61 Criminal Misc Afjal Hossain The State

19656/2014 vs 70 Criminal Appeal Mr. Miru Mollah The State 3148/2018 vs Mr. Mohammad Ali, for The State the petitioner Mr. Syed Mahmudur 71 Criminal Appeal Al Amin 10387/2016 vs Rahman, Advoate for the oppsite party The State 62 Criminal Misc Habibur Rahman 72 Criminal Appeal Md Mehedi 1564/2018 vs 20484/2014 vs The State The State Mr. Mohammad Ali, 73 Criminal Appeal Md. Alo Uddin Advocate for the petitioner 13263/2017 vs Mr. Syed mahmudur The State Rahman, Advocate for the 74 Criminal Appeal Janab Ali opposite party 13/2001 vs 63 Criminal Misc Dilara Hossain Sweety The State 19614/2016 vs Mr. Md. Abdul Haque The State Adv.... For the Appellant.

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75 Criminal Appeal Md. Kawsar Alam Sumon 84 Criminal Appeal Mrs.Nargis Sultana 8145/2009 vs 865/2015 vs The State The state Mr. Mohammad Ali, Mr. Ranjit K Barman, Advocate for the Appellant Advocate ...... For the Mr. Monjur Kader, D.A.G petitioner for the state Mr. Md. Mozibur Rahman, 76 Criminal Appeal Razu Ahmed Advocate ...... For the 2510/2015 vs respondent no. 1 The state. 85 Criminal Appeal Md. Nahid Mr. Kazi Kamrul Alam, 1094/2018 vs Advocate for the Appellant The State Mr. Monjur Kader, D.A.G. 86 Criminal Appeal Md. Nahid for the state 1095/2018 vs 77 Criminal Appeal Md. Mamun Miah The State

1671/2018 vs 87 Criminal Appeal Md. Sultan Sikder

The State 2784/2018 vs 78 Criminal Appeal Syed Ziaul Islam and The State and another

9361/2017 another 88 Criminal Appeal Amin Huda

vs 5064/2012 vs

The State The State 79 Criminal Appeal The State 89 Criminal Appeal Md. Abul Hossain

1/2012 vs 3596/2018 vs

Ali Reza The State Mr. Md. Shofiquzzaman, 90 Criminal Appeal Amin Huda Advocate for the appellant 5072/2012 vs Mr. Mohammad Ali The State Zinnah, Adocate for the respondent 91 Criminal Appeal Jamal Gazi 5241/2011 vs 80 Criminal Appeal A Rashid The State 6548/2010 vs State 92 Criminal Appeal Mijanur Tahman Dipu Mr. pabel Miah, Advocate 12991/2017 vs for the appellant The State Mr. Monjur Kader, D.A.G. Mr. Abdur Razzak Khan, for the respondent Advocate with Mr. Tahmin Akter, Advocate for the 81 Criminal Appeal Radanul Haque appellant 3230/2006 vs The state 93 Criminal Appeal Anumong Marma 12553/2016 vs 82 Criminal Appeal Md. Amzad Hossain The State 115/2018 vs Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, The State Advocate for the appellant. 83 Criminal Appeal(A) Md. Shamim Mr. Monjur Kader, D.A.G.

14175/2017 vs for the respondent The State For Hearing : 439 (Sent from Section) (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) 94 Criminal Revision Babu 23/2005 vs The State

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95 Criminal Revision Md. Nasir Uddin 104 Criminal Revision Iqbal Sharif 914/2005 vs 491/2015 vs The State The State

96 Criminal Revision hazrat Ali Mr. Sk. Baharul Islam, Advocate for the petitoner 632/2005 vs The State Md. Moinul Islam Kiron, Advocate for the oppsite 97 Criminal Revision Abdul Mazid @ gutto party 348/2005 vs The State 105 Criminal Revision Mamunur Rashid 2218/2017 vs 98 Criminal Revision Jalil Gazi The State 76/2005 vs Mr. Md. Emdadul Haque The State Kazi, Advocate for the 99 Criminal Revision Md. Saiful petitioenr, 1/2005 vs Mr. A.K.M. Rabiul Hasan, The State Advocate for oppsite party 100 Criminal Revision Abbas Ali 106 Criminal Revision Faize Ahmed 314/2005 vs 1614/2016 vs The State The State

101 Criminal Revision Monor Hossain Mr. Hasan Ahmed Ashik, 324/2005 vs Advocate for the petitioner The State Most. Shamsun Nahar (Laizu), Advocate for the 102 Criminal Revision Abul Hossain oppsite party 1187/2005 vs The State 107 Criminal Revision Md. Soaib 2230/2015 vs For Hearing : 439 The State (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thrusday) 108 Criminal Revision Nehal Raju 103 Criminal Revision Md.Rahat Chowdhury 1019/2018 vs 1029/2012 vs The State The State Mr. Dilower Mostafa Choawdhury. Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Monjur Kader, D.A.G for the state Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 124

High Court Division Justice Md. Rais Uddin Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 22] [ ক ল নন ইেঃ নন জন একক ে ণেগ ৗজদ ন; ৗজদ ক ৃ ত আল; ৗজদ আল আেদন এং তৎং জেন আেদন; ৗজদ ন ও ে ক; য় এই ে নত ইে এং উেখত য়দ ং ল ও আেদন ণ কেন । ] Motion 8 Criminal Appeal Md. Gias Uddin Khan

1 In re ...... 109/2016 (Sohel)

vs vs

The state The State Mr.Md.Motalib Bhuiyan, For Judgment Advocate, For the accused- 2 Criminal Appeal Eng. Utpal Chandra Gosh appellant, 7312/2017 vs Mr.Mohammad Jahirul The State Islam, Advocate, For the Mr.Hossain Ahamad respondent. Ashik, Avocate, For the 9 Criminal Appeal Md.Najim Uddin Nishat accused-appellant., 1545/2014 vs Mr.Md. Abu Towhid The State Bhuiyan Prince, Advocate., Mr.Mohammad.Shamsul For the respondent. Alam, Advocate, For the For Hearing accused-appellant. (Criminal Rule) Mr.Md.Helal Amin, 3 Criminal Rule(Con A) Md.Abul Kashem @ Abul Advocate, For the 17/2018 Kashem respondent. vs 10 Criminal Appeal Foez Rabbani Raju The State 1641/2015 vs 4 Criminal Rule(Con) Md. Zamal The state and others. 914/2018 vs Mr. Dr. Md. Eunus Ali The State Akond, Advocate for the Criminal Appeal : For Hearing accused-appellant. Mr. Md. Reazur Rahman, 5 Criminal Appeal Md. Babul Hossain Advocate for the

8327/2016 vs respondent. Mr. Md.

(Heard in part) The State Shafiul Bashar Bhandary,

Mr. M. Nazmul Huda, D.A.G. for the State. Advocate for the accused- 11 Criminal Appeal Zafar Ahmed (Bacchu) appellant. Mr. Shafiul Bashar 6931/2014 vs The State Bhandary, D.A.G. for the State. Mr.Md.Mostafa, Advocate, For the accused-appellant. 6 Criminal Appeal Md.Foysal Zafri Mr.Md.Mizanur Rahman,

2877/2015 vs Advocate, For the A.C.C. The state. 12 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdur Rahman Khan Mr.Aklas Uddin Bhuiyan, Advocate, ..For the 2948/2005 vs State accused-appellant., Mr.Md.Mafizul Islam, Mr..Amir Hossain Advocate, For the Chowdhury, Advocate, For respondent. the accused-appellant., Mr.M.A.Latif Majumder, 7 Criminal Appeal Md. Shaheb Sordar Advocate, for the

9312/2015 vs informant. The State Mr.S.M.Mondal, Advocate, For the accused- appellant.

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13 Criminal Appeal Md. Salim Uddin 20 Criminal Appeal Md.Selim Reza 2138/2016 vs 4003/2015 vs The State The state and another Mr.Ashok Kumar Bonik, Mr. Mintu Kumar Mondal, Advocate, For the Adv. For the appellant appellant, 21 Criminal Appeal Sudharza Golder and

Mr.Md.Motahar Hossain, 2725/2013 another Advocate, For the vs respondent. The State 14 Criminal Appeal S. M. Sahabuddin 22 Criminal Appeal Md.Abdus Salam

1109/2012 vs 3989/2014 vs

Azizul Haque Chowdhury Md.Aktaruzzaman and and another another

Mr.Sankar Prasad Dey, Mr. Robiul Karim, Advocate, For the accused- Advocate, ..For the appellant., accused-appellant,

Mr.Abdul Momen Mr.Rawshan Alam Khan, Chowdhury, For the Advocate, ..For the respondent. respondent. 15 Criminal Appeal Md. Manik Akon 23 Criminal Appeal Md. Shajidul Islam

10033/2016 vs 5521/2017 vs

The State The State Mr.Md.Jahangir Kabir, 24 Criminal Appeal Md.Jamal Uddin Advocate, For the accused- 8046/2014 vs appellant., The State Mr.Mohammad Ahasan, Advocate, For the 25 Criminal Appeal A.N.M.Solaiman respondent No.2. 6455/2011 Chowdhury vs 16 Criminal Appeal Md. Selim Reza The State and Another 3629/2016 vs The 26 Criminal Appeal A.F.M. Solaiman Statebr.>Mr.Md.Nizemaul 6276/2011 Chowdhury Islam, Advocate, For the vs accused-appellant,, The State and Another Mr.A.T.M.Aminur 27 Criminal Appeal Md. Shafiqul Islam Rahman, Advocate, For the 6656/2016 vs respondent No.2. The State 17 Criminal Appeal Md. Mostafizur Rahman 28 Criminal Appeal Milon Dai @ Milon Sarder 114/2016 vs 786/2014 @ Milon Khondoker Obaidur Rahman vs 18 Criminal Appeal Md. Tazul Islam The State 113/2015 vs 29 Criminal Appeal Abu Taher The State and another 5236/2015 vs 19 Criminal Appeal Kamruzzaman The state. 7276/2015 vs 30 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Abu Taiyub The State 6213/2016 vs The State

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31 Criminal Appeal Md. Sujabat Ali 45 Criminal Appeal Md. Shahidul Islam 9463/2016 vs 13500/2017 vs The State (with an application) The State

32 Criminal Appeal Md.Fazle Azim Mr. Md. Muzahedul Islam, 3924/2015 vs Advocate for the accused- The state. appellant. , Mr. Md. Zahurul Islam, 33 Criminal Appeal Mizanur Rahman Advocate for the 2099/1999 vs respondent. The State 46 Criminal Appeal Hassi Begum Mr. Israfil Hossain, Advocate for the appellant 1152/2014 vs The State 34 Criminal Appeal Md. Rashidul Mondol 47 Criminal Appeal Md.Iqbal Hossain 1817/2017 vs The State 5066/2014 vs The State 35 Criminal Appeal Rafique Ahmed 48 Criminal Appeal Md.Idris 8660/2014 vs The State 3881/2014 vs The State and another 36 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Ali 49 Criminal Appeal Amina Kabir 6930/2016 vs The State 5066/2016 vs The State 37 Criminal Appeal Most. Angori Bibi 50 Criminal Appeal Shahidul Islam Talukder 3120/2016 vs (With an application) The State 5345/2016 vs The State 38 Criminal Appeal Wahid Hossain Shiplu 51 Criminal Appeal Md. Modasser Hossain 8388/2016 vs The State 3744/2009 Molla (With an application) vs 39 Criminal Appeal Muammar Ahmed The State 463/2016 vs The State 52 Criminal Appeal Md.Halim Biswas 7472/2014 vs 40 Criminal Appeal Muammar Ahmed Gazi Salauddin and 462/2016 vs another The State 53 Criminal Appeal Iftekhar Ahmed Shakil 41 Criminal Appeal Md. Babu 3186/2016 vs 1846/2004 vs The State ) The State 54 Criminal Appeal Sanjit Debnath 42 Criminal Appeal Md. Jalil Mia 6171/2016 vs 8717/2015 vs The State The State 55 Criminal Appeal Sree Baydo Nath Saha 43 Criminal Appeal Dildar Alam Chowdhury 4607/2017 vs 2586/2014 vs The State The State and another 56 Criminal Appeal Md. Mamunur Rahman 44 Criminal Appeal Md.Kamrul Hasan 826/2016 Babu 3356/2014 vs vs The State The State 57 Criminal Appeal Md. Jaglul Alam 11024/2015 vs The State

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58 Criminal Appeal Md. Jashim Uddin 70 Criminal Appeal Abdul Asad Bhuiyan 5523/2016 vs 9698/2015 vs (With an application) The State The State 59 Criminal Appeal Md. Hasan Mahamud 71 Criminal Appeal Md. Azizul Hakim 7996/2016 vs 10702/2016 vs The State (With an application) The State 60 Criminal Appeal Md.Hossain 72 Criminal Appeal Md. Nowshad 2419/2015 vs 779/2016 vs Rehana Begum and The State another 73 Criminal Appeal Md. Shah Alam 61 Criminal Appeal M.A. Gafur 6767/2016 vs 5784/2016 vs The State The State 74 Criminal Appeal Most. Shahnaz Parvin 62 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdul Khaleque and 8915/2014 vs 4841/2016 others (With an application) The State and another vs 75 Criminal Appeal Md. Shah Alam The State 6766/2016 vs 63 Criminal Appeal Most.Tohurun Nesa @ The State 5960/2013 Rani and another 76 Criminal Appeal Md. Waliul Haque vs 2769/2017 vs The State The State 64 Criminal Appeal Abdus Salam Mondol 77 Criminal Appeal Md. Nazrul Islam Bulbul 12514/2016 vs 11478/2016 vs The State With The State 65 Criminal Appeal Abdus Salam Mondol Mr. Md. Shahidullah, 11832/2016 vs Advocate, For the The State appellant.,

66 Criminal Appeal Habib Hosen Mr. Shafiul Bashar 6614/2016 vs Bhandary, D.A.G. with Mr. The State Swapan Kumar Das, , Mr. Zafar Sadak, A.A.G., For the State. Advocate, for the accused- Criminal Appeal Md. Mostafa Kamal appellant, 12361/2016 vs Mr.Nur Mohammad The State Azami, Advocate, For the Mr. Suruzzaman Akanda, respondent. Advocate for the accused- appellant. 67 Criminal Appeal Masud Rana 947/2014 vs Mr. Shafiul Bashar The State Bhandary, D.A.G. with Mr. Swapan Kumar Das, 68 Criminal Appeal Delowar Hossain A.A.G. for the State. 7197/2016 vs The State 78 Criminal Appeal Faruk ahmed Shaah 3363/2015 vs 69 Criminal Appeal Md. Tipu Ahmod The state. 1716/2016 vs The State 79 Criminal Appeal Md. Shamsul Alam 10090/2016 vs The State

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80 Criminal Appeal M.A Hossain 94 Criminal Appeal Yakutunnesa Irin 1263/2015 vs 6142/2016 vs The state. The State 81 Criminal Appeal M.A. Hossain 95 Criminal Appeal Liton Miah 1262/2015 vs 1992/2016 vs The state. The State 82 Criminal Appeal Majed Hossain 96 Criminal Appeal Engineer Robiul Islam 1261/2015 vs 3241/2016 vs The state. The State 83 Criminal Appeal Babla Kumar Das 97 Criminal Appeal Mir Md. Mojaffor 3473/2017 vs 12244/2016 vs The State The State 84 Criminal Appeal Md. Unus Ali 98 Criminal Appeal Md. Kamal Kha 10001/2016 vs 477/2017 vs The State The State 85 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdur Rahim 99 Criminal Appeal Md. Shamsul Haque 3546/2017 Pramanik 9818/2016 vs vs The State The State 100 Criminal Appeal shah Md. Imran 86 Criminal Appeal Syed Mostafizul Karim 7115/2017 vs 2467/2010 vs The State The state 101 Criminal Appeal Salim Azad Lenin 87 Criminal Appeal Md. Mozammel Hoque 972/2017 vs 12777/2016 Mesher The state vs 102 Criminal Appeal Md. Atiar Rahman Malima The State 2016/2016 vs 88 Criminal Appeal Alek The State 3642/2006 vs 103 Criminal Appeal Md. Younusar rahman The state 3316/2017 vs 89 Criminal Appeal Md.Hafizur Rahman @ The State 1649/2013 Tarek 104 Criminal Appeal Md. Nasir Uddin vs 8187/2016 vs The State and another The State 90 Criminal Appeal Md. Mijanur Rahman 105 Criminal Appeal Barkat ullah bulu 3570/2017 vs 7076/2017 vs (With an application) The State The State 91 Criminal Appeal Shefali Akhter 106 Criminal Appeal A.Z.M. 3528/2009 vs 10662/2016 vs The state The State 92 Criminal Appeal Md.Rezaul Karim Raju 107 Criminal Appeal Md.Golam Kibria 7750/2014 vs 5484/2016 vs The State The State 93 Criminal Appeal Kabir 108 Criminal Appeal Md. Moin Uddin Sentu 8146/2010 vs 7528/2016 vs The State The State

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109 Criminal Appeal Md. Mofiz Uddin 122 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Abdul 298/2011 vs 9284/2016 Mannan The State and an other vs

110 Criminal Appeal Md.Hossain Ali The State 6744/2014 vs 123 Criminal Appeal Al haj Ali Akkas Md.Nasir Uddin and 8207/2017 vs another The State 111 Criminal Appeal Md. Nazrul Islam 124 Criminal Appeal Md. Iddris Ali Khan 12433/2016 vs 6518/2017 vs The State The State 112 Criminal Appeal Md. Osman Goni 125 Criminal Appeal Md. Mahfuzar Rahman 8185/2016 vs 7817/2016 vs The State The State 113 Criminal Appeal Md.Abdul Khaleque 126 Criminal Appeal Md. Sanowar Hossain 4680/2012 vs 12149/2016 vs The State and Another (with an application) The State 114 Criminal Appeal S.M. Faisal Alam 127 Criminal Appeal Masud Ur Rahman 8915/2017 vs 7457/2017 vs The State The State Mrs. Hasna Banu, 128 Criminal Appeal Monwara Siddique Advocate, For the accused- 10799/2017 vs appellant., The State Mr.Md. Mizanur Rahman, 129 Criminal Appeal Md. Abu Bakkar Siddique Advocate, For the 342/2017 vs respondent. The State 115 Criminal Appeal Md. Washim 130 Criminal Appeal Md. Shomser Ali 8653/2015 vs 10744/2017 vs The State The State 116 Criminal Appeal Nur Mohammad Khan Mr. H.M. Tazul Islam, 1663/2016 vs Advocate for the accused- The State appellant. 117 Criminal Appeal Md. Arju Miah Mr. Belayet Hossain, 3302/2017 vs Advocate for the The State respondent. 118 Criminal Appeal Md. masum Mia 131 Criminal Appeal Md. Zakir Hossain 6013/2016 vs 12698/2016 vs The State The State 119 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Abdul 132 Criminal Appeal Raju Ahmed 9281/2016 Mannan 6128/2016 vs vs The State The State 133 Criminal Appeal Alhaz Md. Fazlul Haque 120 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Abdul 6705/2017 vs 9282/2016 Mannan The State vs 134 Criminal Appeal Mahbub Rahman The State 12676/2016 vs 121 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Abdul The State 9283/2016 Mannan vs The State

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135 Criminal Appeal Babul Chandra Baddy 149 Criminal Appeal Md. Shahadat Hossain 12594/2016 vs 523/2005 vs The State The state

136 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdul Ahad Shikder Mr. Sarwar Ahmed, 9758/2015 vs Advocate....For the The State appellant. 137 Criminal Appeal M.A Rouf 150 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Hassan 1469/2017 vs 9046/2017 vs The State The State 138 Criminal Appeal Radha Gobinda Barman 151 Criminal Appeal Md. Shajahan 4852/2015 vs 3404/2001 vs The State The State 139 Criminal Appeal A.M. Aziz Ullah Sohel 152 Criminal Appeal Md.Basek Hossain 2391/2005 vs 3679/2017 vs The State The State 140 Criminal Appeal Md. Babul Hossain 153 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Ali Badsha 970/2016 vs 11427/2017 vs The State The State and another 141 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Belayet 154 Criminal Appeal Md. Dilshad 7746/2017 vs 4245/2015 Hossain vs The State The state and another 155 Criminal Appeal md. Shahadat Hossain Mr. Mohammad Yousuf 7707/2010 vs Ali, Advocate...... For the The State appellant-ptitioner 156 Criminal Appeal Md. Arfan Ali 142 Criminal Appeal Mohamamd Mizanur 2613/2016 vs 8822/2017 Rahman The State vs 157 Criminal Appeal Syed Zakir Ahmed The State 7447/2016 (Shahid) 143 Criminal Appeal Mohamamd Mizanur vs 8823/2017 rahman The State vs 158 Criminal Appeal Syed Zakir Ahmed The State 7448/2016 (Shahid) 144 Criminal Appeal Younus Ali vs 1170/2016 vs The State The State 159 Criminal Appeal Syed Zakir Ahmed 145 Criminal Appeal Khorshed Alam 7445/2016 (Shahid) 787/2017 vs vs The State The State 146 Criminal Appeal Md. Imran Hossain Younus 160 Criminal Appeal Syed Zakir Ahmed 7144/2016 vs 7446/2016 (Shahid) The State vs

147 Criminal Appeal Md. Helal Hossain The State 11876/2017 vs 161 Criminal Appeal Anowar Hossain Molla The State 9776/2015 vs

148 Criminal Appeal Md.Basek Hossain The State 2392/2005 vs The State

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162 Criminal Appeal Md. Hasan 174 Criminal Appeal Mst. Aysha Siddika 9843/2017 vs 3595/2016 vs The State The State 163 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Alamgir Raju 175 Criminal Appeal Md. Mehedi Hasan Sohag 8680/2015 vs 7718/2017 vs The State The State 164 Criminal Appeal Anawarul Islam 176 Criminal Appeal Md. Salamat Ali 135/2017 vs 12535/2017 vs The State The State 165 Criminal Appeal Yousuf 177 Criminal Appeal Md. Samsul Arefin 1420/2010 vs 12839/2017 vs The State The State 166 Criminal Appeal Md. Asaduzzaman Minto 178 Criminal Revision Md. Hossain Ali 7489/2017 vs 463/2012 vs The State The State 167 Criminal Appeal Md. Khukon 179 Criminal Appeal Md. A. Rahim 7629/2016 vs 12426/2017 vs The State The State 168 Criminal Appeal Mr. S.M. Sala Uddin 180 Criminal Appeal Md. Manna Chowdhury 5901/2017 vs 11691/2017 vs The State The State 169 Criminal Appeal Md.Ibrahim Azad 181 Criminal Appeal Md. Obaidur Rahman 2067/2014 vs 10126/2016 (Pollob) The State vs

170 Criminal Appeal Md. Monir Ali and another The State 2208/1997 vs 182 Criminal Appeal Md. Rabiul Islam The State 1670/2016 vs Mrs. Hamida Chowdhury, The State advocate...... For the 183 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdul Mannan appellants 466/2017 vs 171 Criminal Appeal Fuad Co Operation ltd and The State

11105/2017 others 184 Criminal Appeal Md. Rohomot Hossen

vs 10783/2017 vs

The State The State 172 Criminal Appeal Md. Rezaul Islam 185 Criminal Appeal Md. Kamal Hossen

12742/2017 vs 1706/2016 vs

The State The State Mr.Md.Mainul Islam 186 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdul Mannan Sohel, Advocate, For the 231/2017 vs accused-appellant., The State Mr. Mohammad Shahidullah, Advocate, For 187 Criminal Appeal Nupur the the Complainant- 6294/2017 vs respondent. (with an application) The State 173 Criminal Appeal Md. Hasan Zia 4951/2016 vs The State

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188 Criminal Appeal Md.Sohag Mia 202 Criminal Appeal Md. Istiaque Ahmed 7134/2014 vs 9561/2017 Talukder The State and another vs

189 Criminal Appeal Mofazzol Hossain The State 11580/2017 vs 203 Criminal Appeal Md. Lokman Hossain The State 11949/2017 vs

190 Criminal Appeal Md. MIzanur Rahman The State 12189/2017 vs 204 Criminal Appeal Md. Sirazul Islam The State 11023/2015 vs

191 Criminal Appeal Md. Yousuf alias yousuf The State and another 763/2006 and another 205 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Firoz Ali vs 11443/2017 Miah The State vs

192 Criminal Appeal Promila Debi The State 11598/2016 vs 206 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Firoz Ali The State and another 11444/2017 Miah Mr. Md. Mostafizur vs Rahman, Adv. .. for the The State appellant 207 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Firoz Ali 193 Criminal Appeal Md. Zahidul Islam 11445/2017 Miah 7125/2016 vs vs The State The State 194 Criminal Appeal Shafi uddin 208 Criminal Appeal Md. Azad Hossain 6365/2014 vs 7657/2017 vs The state The State 195 Criminal Appeal Md. Shamsul Alam 209 Criminal Appeal Harun Or Rashid 10821/2017 vs 7421/2017 vs The State The State 196 Criminal Appeal Md. moklesur Rahman 210 Criminal Appeal Md. Abul Basher Badsha 8906/2017 vs 1050/2017 vs The State The State 197 Criminal Appeal Zahirul Islam Bhuiyan 211 Criminal Appeal Md. Al Amin 9297/2017 vs 5422/2016 vs The State The State and another 198 Criminal Appeal Md. Millat Hossain 212 Criminal Appeal Md. Sumon Chowdhury 702/2018 vs 9419/2017 vs The State The State 199 Criminal Appeal Md. Mazharul Islam 213 Criminal Appeal Md.Mamun 11227/2017 vs 6439/2015 vs The State The state 200 Criminal Appeal Selim Mohammad Ali 214 Criminal Appeal Md. Shafiul Alam 3222/2016 Asgor 11158/2016 vs vs The State The State 215 Criminal Appeal Md. NUr Alam Sumon 201 Criminal Appeal Roksana Parvin 14250/2017 vs 6347/2014 vs The State The state

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216 Criminal Appeal National Bank 1760/2015 Ltd. vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 134

High Court Division Justice Md. Emdadul Haque Azad Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 11] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট); ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ কসযেফন।] For Order 12 Civil Revision Royal Bibi and others

1 Civil Rule Afroza Sultana 1834/2014 vs

736((Vio) (R))/2017 vs Heard in part Rongkul Bibi and others Gazi Anwar Hossain and 13 Civil Revision Sylhet Textile mils others 3695/2010 vs

2 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Rashid Md. Nazmul alam 2672/2016 vs 14 Civil Revision Tahmina Begum Most. Mini Akter 731/2004 vs

For Judgment Govt. Rep. by D. C. Gapalganj 3 Civil Revision Md. Abul Hossain 3802/2016 vs 15 Civil Revision Ayub Ali Talukder

Serajul Hoque 2452/2007 vs Yusub Ali Talikder 4 First Misc Appeal Md. A. Baset 156/2016 vs 16 Civil Revision Sufia Khatun

Continental Developer Ltd. 2122/2010 vs Sabia Civil Rule Md. A. Baset 57(FM)/2016 vs 17 Civil Revision Jahir Ahmed

Continental Developer Ltd. 2441/2003 vs Danesh Sarkar For Hearing 18 Civil Revision Bashir Ahammad 5 Civil Revision Mr.Abdur Rahman 4057/2008 vs 1956/2011 vs Abdus Salam Heard in part Mr. Shafiqur Rahman 19 Civil Revision Md. Shahidul Islam 6 Civil Revision Md. Alauddin 5203/2007 vs 682/2012 vs Jute Trading Corporation Heard in part (With Md. Osman Mia Ltd.Dhaka application) (2 P.M.) 20 Civil Revision Afzal Hossain Paranik 7 Civil Revision Fazla Karim Khan 3490/2007 vs 6271/2001 vs Joynul Abedin Heard in part Mantajul Haque 21 Civil Revision Md. Tofazzal Hossain 8 Civil Revision Most.Sayerun Nessa 21/2013 vs 5420/2001 vs Md. Karim Box Heard in part Govt. Of Bangladesh 22 Civil Revision Motiur Rahman and ors 9 Civil Revision Md. Sirajul Haque 1983/1999 vs 3382/2001 vs Abul Hossain and ors Heard in part Abdul Kadir 23 Civil Revision Sheikh Samad 10 Civil Revision Md.Abdul Barek 3583/2013 vs 6003/2002 vs Gazi Hasmot Ali Heard in part Shoroj Lakshmi 24 Civil Revision Ramij Uddin Mallik 11 Civil Revision Isratunnahar Sathi 4693/1999 vs 15/2016 vs Chairman, Zila Parishad, Heard in part Abul Kashem and others Sariatpur

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25 Civil Revision Keramat Ali and others 40 Civil Revision Swapan Poddeer and ors 1571/2010 vs 1305/2006 vs Sree Rash Mohan Debnath Abdul Mannan Mridha and and others ors 26 Civil Revision Nazam Uddin 41 Civil Revision Md. Fazar Ali @ Fatik 4506/2002 vs 4468/2007 Morol Md.Sahazahan Howlader vs

27 Civil Revision Shaha Alam Jalal Gazi 3026/2005 vs 42 Civil Revision Ahsan alias Ahsan Habib Norul Islam 485/2011 vs

28 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh Mst. Anowra Begum 1378/2004 vs 43 Civil Revision Moslema Khatun and Kazi Arifuddin 4502/2006 others vs 29 Civil Revision Amir Uddin 2536/2014 vs Mahmuda Khatun and D.C. Jamalpur, others 30 Civil Revision Nurul Islam 44 Civil Revision Mosharaf Hossain and ors. 2303/2013 vs 4310/2007 vs Md. Sadek Rasal Choudhury 31 Civil Revision Omar Ali 45 Civil Revision Abdul Barek Khondaker 1100/2008 vs 2567/2005 vs Govt. of Bangladesh Md. Moslehuddin 32 Civil Revision Md. Liakat Ali Chowdhury 46 Civil Revision Bangladesh Commerce 2441/2017 Bank Ltd. 3124/2016 vs Govt. of Bangladesh vs Md. Nasir-Uz-Zaman 33 Civil Revision Md.Sirajul Islam 47 Civil Revision Motiur Rahman and others 5520/2002 vs Ranufa Begum 3466/2016 vs Siddika Begum 34 Civil Revision Ashini Kumar Biswas 48 Civil Revision Md. Rafiqul Haider 5626/2000 vs Ayub ALi Biswas 2299/2015 Chowdhury vs 35 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Gaffer Khaja Najim Uddin 5635/2001 vs Chowdhury and others Chowdhury Hedaitul Islam 49 Civil Revision Md. Shabuddin 36 Civil Revision Abu Sayed Dawan 4201/2000 vs 3355/2001 vs Mosharof Hossain Narayen Chondro Podder 50 Civil Revision A. Barek Mia 37 Civil Revision A. Kalam 2468/1998 vs 3721/2014 vs with Nironjon Kumar Saiful Islam Civil Revision A. Barek Miah 38 Civil Revision Md. Akbar Ali 2469/1998 vs 4632/1995 vs with Niranjon Kumar Chow. Ahmod Ali Sarder Civil Revision A. Barek Miah 39 Civil Revision Swapan Podder and ors 2470/1998 vs 1304/2006 vs Niranjon Kumar Chow. Md. Billal Hossain Mridha andors

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51 Civil Revision Mrs. Thahera Begum and 65 Civil Revision Mohammad Yunus 3472/2005 others . 1554/2011 vs vs Khair Ahammed Md. Muklesur Rahman 66 Civil Revision Nondeshor Sinha Chow: and others . 4518/2004 vs 52 Civil Revision Sultan Uddin Ahmed Guno Moni Sinha 1990/2009 vs 67 Civil Revision Sahabuddin and Others Agrani Bank 4756/2011 vs 53 Civil Revision Abul Kashem Shamsul Alam Bablu and 2254/2012 vs Others Rahima Khatun and others 68 Civil Revision Noor Mohammad and 54 Civil Revision Md. Kairat Hossain 4851/2014 others 3845/2012 vs vs Md. Hashim Miah and Samsul Alam and others others 69 Civil Revision Zinnah Ali Mollah 55 Civil Revision Abul Hossain Sarder 828/2008 vs 2430/2016 vs Abdul Khaleque Abdus Sattar Sarder 70 Civil Revision The Govt. of the peoples 56 Civil Revision Radha Bollob shil 4106/2009 republic of Bangladesh 1619/2007 vs vs Siddik ullah and others A.T.M. Nasir Shah 57 Civil Revision Alhaz md Golam Miah 71 Civil Revision Abdus Sattar Howlader 6382/2001 vs 1870/2012 vs Nasir Ahamed Ohed Ali and another 58 Civil Revision Jainab Banu 72 Civil Revision fatema begum and ors 2711/2016 vs 2764/2012 vs Khalek rajargaon Dakkin union 59 Civil Revision Md.Yunus council and ors 560/2005 vs 73 First Misc Appeal 1(a)Mohiruddin and others. Abdul Jabbar 21/2009 vs

60 Civil Revision Md.Kutubuddin Jung Mst.Sona Bibi and others. 2207/2010 Chowdhury 74 Civil Revision Maya Math vs 845/2012 vs Mohammad Nizamuddin Md. Iqbal Ahmed 61 Civil Revision A.K.M. Abdullah Al Baki 75 Civil Revision Abdul Goni Howlader 2934/2008 vs 4669/2006 vs Basirul Islam 1.Chandraban Bibi 62 Civil Revision Olek 76 Civil Revision Mosammat Halima Begum 625/2001 vs 5244/2005 and others. Nurul Islam Joarder vs

63 Civil Revision Md. Mizanur Rahman Abdul Gaffer Munshi and 3593/2007 vs others Md. Ali Kadar Mondol 77 Civil Revision Nuru Miah and others 4612/2005 vs 64 Civil Revision Abdur Rashid 1553/2011 vs Most. Bulu Bibi and others Khair Ahmmed

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78 Civil Revision Jaferan 92 Civil Revision Md. Bablu Kazi 3045/2014 vs 642/2013 vs Sri Chanran Saha Otrs Most. Nazma parvin 79 Civil Revision Md. Mukhtar 93 Civil Revision Mokter Hossain 2432/2017 vs 2717/2007 vs AM Musa Aleya Begum and others 80 Civil Revision Md. Sorab Mollah 94 Civil Revision Md. Kohinur Sikder and 2549/2005 vs 4078/2016 others Abdul Mannan Shik vs

81 Civil Revision Md. Jarif Miah Additional Deputy 3102/2005 vs Commissioner and others Md. Malek Miah 95 Civil Revision Md . Gulam Saruwar . 548/2004 vs 82 Civil Revision Most Abedin Nessa 2438/1998 vs Headmaster Sreeram pur Most Jesna Bewa High School Chandpur and others . 83 Civil Revision Syed Sarafat Ali 96 Civil Revision Manik Jan Bewa 1821/2006 vs Khabiruddin Miah 525/2012 vs Md. Taher Uddin Mondal 84 Civil Revision Jatindra Nath Hawlader 97 Civil Revision Saiyda Siddika Begum 1021/2003 vs Upendra Nath Howlader 4672/2011 vs Aroti Rani Sarder 85 Civil Revision Shafizul Haque 98 Civil Revision Md. Kiam Uddin being 3987/2013 vs Moulvi Nurul Islam and 306/2013 dead his heirs: A. K. M. others Fazlul Haque vs 86 Civil Revision Rahat Ali Mrs. Safia Khatun 1063/2004 vs Omar Ali 99 Civil Revision Md. Hossain Uddin 2443/2017 vs 87 Civil Revision Fazle Karim Halder Govt. of Bangladesh 3367/2003 vs Mubarak Majee 100 Civil Revision Amena Khatun and ors 2436/2006 vs 88 Civil Revision Solaiman Sirajuddin Mandol 2129/2006 vs Anamul haq 101 First Misc Appeal Md. Moznu Miah and 163/2017 another 89 Civil Revision Shah Alam vs

961/2010 vs Md. Shahidul @ Shahid

Abdul Latif being dead his and others hears 1(Ka) Joynal Abedin and ors, 102 Civil Revision Md. Zakir Hossain (bablu) 1260/2005 vs 90 Civil Revision Aklama bibi Md. Abdur Rab :Bhuiyan 2965/2009 vs Gafur 103 Civil Revision Abdur Razzak 1824/2000 vs 91 Civil Revision Ms. Salma Khatun Abdus Sadek 2746/2014 vs Md. Khoka Miah and others

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104 Civil Revision Most. Hazara Bewa and 117 Civil Revision Abul Mzid 2050/2013 others 6060/2007 vs vs Md. al Chand Mia Ors

Sub Divisional Engineer, 118 Civil Revision Mst. Monoara Khatun @ National Housing 4628/2008 Monoara Authority Bogra and vs another Md. Azizur Rahman 105 Civil Revision Sabbir Hossain 119 Civil Revision Moulana Md. Salim Uddin

4155/2015 Chowdhury and others 1508/2007 alias Ekram

vs vs

Khalilur Rahman and Madhu Miah and others j others 120 Civil Revision Anwara Begum and ors 106 Civil Revision Helal Uddin 4004/2007 vs

4783/1999 vs Anu Miah and ors Md. Abdus Sadek 121 Civil Revision Partex Holdings Ltd. 107 Civil Revision Mis. Bateza Bibi and ors. 731/2007 vs

1799/2008 vs Govt. of Bangladesh Haji Md.Raisuddin 122 Civil Revision Md. Shamsul Hoque being 108 Civil Revision Md. Alamgir Hossain 133/2012 dead his legal heirs: 1(Ka).

3973/2011 vs Md. Aminur Rahman

Tagor Begum vs 109 Civil Revision Sree Basmoti Bhobodasi Md. Habibur Rahman

4678/2010 vs 123 Civil Revision Md.Kutub Ali Loskor

Sree Lakhi Robidashi and 1038/2003 vs other Md.Abdul Bari 110 Civil Revision Shatbhita Emdadia 124 Civil Revision Chanda Miah Bapari

3430/2013 Madrassa 817/1994 vs

vs Sadar Ali Mondal Saleha Khatun 125 Civil Revision Azirat Uddin 111 Civil Revision Hazrat Ali 2320/2007 vs

4327/2008 vs Sree Jitendranath Abdul Malek and others 126 Civil Revision A Karim 112 Civil Revision Nazmul Hosen 2665/2014 vs

846/2014 vs Shahabuddin ors Kamal Uddin 127 Civil Revision Md. Tomijuddin 113 Civil Revision Samoja Khatoon 546/2010 vs

3629/2010 vs Halima Khatun Salmaternnessa alias Belab 128 Civil Revision Kharul Hossan 114 Civil Revision Faisal Munshi 1107/1997 vs

3422/2011 vs Mansur Ali Namita Rani Sarker 129 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Mukid 115 Civil Revision Kalam 114/2006 vs

1351/2014 vs Govt Amir 130 Civil Revision Ejhar Ul Foyez and others 116 Civil Revision Azizur Rahaman 730/2011 vs

1858/2006 vs Sree Jagodish Chandra and

Zinnat Naher Dead: Amir others Ali Jamal

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131 Civil Revision Md. Hasen Ali 145 Civil Revision Md. Roshid Kha and others 3383/2011 vs 3800/2002 vs Mahela Begum A. Mojid Kha and others 132 Civil Revision Md. Ziaul Islam ors. 146 Civil Revision Md. Rafiqul Islam 96/2008 vs 4247/1997 vs Vogobath Golger Ors. Govt 133 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam and ors 147 Civil Revision Md. Akram Hossain Sheik 1391/2006 vs 3672/1999 vs Rubi Khatun and os Makbul Sheik 134 Civil Revision Md. Nur Mohammad 148 Civil Revision Laksmi Kanta Mondal 3898/2010 vs 4200/2010 vs Md. Ayub Ali Mridha Paritosh Kumar Mondal 135 Civil Revision Md.Seraj Talukder 149 Civil Revision Sukurmar mukhapaday or 1049/2004 vs 2995/2004 vs Md.Rostom Mollah Alias Potit Pabon Das Sheikh 150 Civil Revision Md. Wajed Ali Khan 136 Civil Revision Md. Humayun Mia 1627/2008 vs 748/2004 vs Nur Mohammad Howlader Abdul Jalil 151 Civil Revision Abul Kalam Chowdery 137 Civil Revision Sher-E-Afgan Jaan 3593/2005 vs 2632/1994 vs Bibi Mariyam and others. Govt. 152 Civil Revision Munshi Shahed Ali 138 Civil Revision Mohammad Hossain 1247/2008 vs 3019/2004 vs Most. Maksuda Begum Md. Hashem 153 Civil Revision Suvash Chandra Dey 139 Civil Revision Md.A.Ajij 1335/2013 vs 4833/1997 vs Abdul Khaleq Sheikh 1(ka) Ambia Khatun 154 Civil Revision Abul Kashem 140 Civil Revision Md.Abdul Hakim 3808/2007 vs 6860/2001 vs Mainul Haque Govt of Bangladesh 155 Civil Revision Balaet Hosen 141 Civil Revision Md. shidulla and others 1312/2002 vs 6444/2001 vs Md.Mozahar Ali Howlader Baula Zame Mosjeed 156 Civil Revision Bashir Ahmed . 142 Civil Revision Golum Md. Salauddin 5489/2002 vs 431/2007 vs Suna Miah . Md. Abdul Karim 157 Civil Revision Md. Noor Uddin 143 Civil Revision Nurul Haque 3546/2008 vs 3029/2006 vs Shahajon Bewa Naimuddin 158 Civil Revision Amin 144 Civil Revision Aynal Sarder 1324/2008 vs 2771/2007 vs Johani Bibi Mainuddin Mridha 159 Civil Revision Saydul Alam 1843/2007 vs Jagadish Chandra Muchi

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160 Civil Revision Ranue Mandal 174 Civil Revision Md. Samsul Haque 2731/1997 vs 1618/2008 vs Asadullah Mokjan Necha Bewa and 161 Civil Revision Monara Begum Others 1408/2009 vs 175 Civil Revision Nasiruddin Monuza Khatun 4723/2007 vs

162 Civil Revision Md. Jashim Uddin Govt. Of Bangladesh 3865/2008 vs 176 Civil Revision Topon Kumar Md. Nurul Abser 1784/2010 vs

163 Civil Revision Fani Bhushan Bhutta Anu Ray 333/2005 vs 177 Civil Revision Katabuddin Pijush Kumar Bhutta 1246/1997 vs

164 Civil Revision Md. Asgar Jute Trading Corpotrtion 3015/2010 vs 178 Civil Revision Sylendra Nath Halder Md. Akbor Ali 2764/2004 vs

165 Civil Revision Mohammad Farid Ahmad Bibhuti Bhushon Faliya 1648/2007 Alias Mokabbir ali 179 Civil Revision Sylendra Nath Halder vs 3354/2001 vs Abdul Monaf and others Bibhuti Bhushon Faliya 166 Civil Revision Md. Wazed Sarder 180 Civil Revision Md. Darud Ali Sarder 3883/2010 vs 4888/2006 vs Alam Sarder Laxmi Rani Singha Roy 167 Civil Revision Most. Hajera Bewa 181 Civil Revision Issahaque Sarder 3289/2011 vs 3631/2011 vs Md. Azizar Rahman Asadul Sarder @ 168 Civil Revision Abdul Awal Anahaque Sarder 2939/2014 vs 182 Civil Revision Md. Mubarak Hossain Abdul Baten and others 5148/2005 vs

169 Civil Revision Dr. Abdul Khalque Most. Nur Banu 1177/2003 vs 183 Civil Revision ADC Md. Tayob Ali 1582/2000 vs

170 Civil Revision Md. Shamsul Haque Abdul Haque 1273/2000 vs 184 Civil Revision Govt Of Bangladesh Asst. Custodian V. P. (L. 3726/2009 vs

171 Civil Revision Md. Amjad Hossian and Amirul idslam 1854/2006 ors 185 Civil Revision Md. Eusuf Ali and others vs 3099/2010 vs Begum Amitun Nahar Sheri Taruni Mohan Sheel 172 Civil Revision Shahjalal Matubbor and others 3455/2010 vs 186 Civil Revision Mrs.Rokia Biswajit Mojumder 580/2010 vs (Minor) Md. Shafiqul Islam 173 Civil Rule Hazi Zahur Mia 187 Civil Revision Md. Hazrat Ali 440((Vio)(R))/2014 vs 807/2010 vs Md. Jalal Uddin Md.Bajitullah

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188 Civil Revision Abul Kalam Sikder 202 Civil Revision Gafur Ali and others 4524/2009 vs 695/2008 vs Abdul Kader Bepari Maqbul Ahmed 189 Civil Revision Salam Uddin 203 Civil Revision Mst.Munu Begum 7554/2002 vs 3674/2010 vs Akter Hossain Inspector of post 190 Civil Revision Abdul Khaleque Officer,Bagerhat 5483/2007 vs 204 Civil Revision Most. Halima Khatun Director,Land 2408/2013 vs Record,Settlement Sultan Ahmed Adhidopter 205 Civil Revision Sree Polash Chandra 191 Civil Revision Mozaffar Hossain Mondal 239/2004 Biswas 4926/1999 vs vs Munshi Abdul Quayum Bimlendu Biswas 192 Civil Revision Md. Khabid Ali 206 Civil Revision Md. Golam Sarwar Sikder 332/2007 vs 2332/2006 vs Md. Gogon Sikder 193 Civil Revision Govt 207 Civil Revision Md. Eahia Khan 941/1996 vs 2758/2010 vs Chairman Kurimgram Most. Helena Parvin Purashava 208 Civil Revision Dulu Bhuiyan 194 Civil Revision Bangladesh by Deputy 4195/2014 vs 3637/2007 Commissioner Nuru Mia

vs 209 Civil Revision Maya Bibi

Abdul Mannan and others 1090/2007 vs 195 Civil Revision Md. Fazlul Haque Mutakabbir Uddin Ahmed

331/2008 Majumder 210 Civil Revision Md. Anwarul Haque

vs 2141/1998 vs

Syed Khalilur Rahman Kari Md. Sirazul Haque 196 Civil Revision Abdur Razzak Mir 211 Civil Revision Sahjahan Howlader

635/2003 vs 3176/2004 vs

Harun Ar Rashid Hazi Shamsul Huda 197 Civil Revision Ishab Ali 212 Civil Revision Sree Bidhan Chandra Das

3698/2001 vs 4051/2011 vs

Ibrahim Miah Abdul Zabbar 198 Civil Revision Md. Ishahak Ali 213 Civil Revision Mamtaj Uddin

2828/2012 vs 4937/2005 vs

Md. Shahidul Islam Govt. of Bangladesh 199 Civil Revision Md. Ali Hossain 214 Civil Revision Sher Ali and others

1946/2014 vs 3103/2003 vs

Govt. of Bangladesh Mrinal Kanti and others 200 Civil Revision Mian Rani . 215 Civil Revision Abdul Hakim Prokash

1096/2003 vs 1687/2003 Elahi

Bilkis Begum and others . vs 201 Civil Revision Wakil Mia Md. Nurul Haque 921/1992 vs Betagong Sugar Mill

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216 Civil Revision Md. Sudruzzaman 231 Civil Revision Md: Noro Miah 2798/2009 vs 5013/2005 vs Md. Shahabuddin Md: Barek 217 Civil Revision Fulmoti Bibi and others 232 Civil Revision Jowad Miah Sadma and 3506/1991 vs 234/2006 ors. Moniruddin Sheikh vs andnothers Md. Taher Uddin and ors. 218 Civil Revision Sheikh Abdur Rahman 233 Civil Revision A.Rouf 4766/2001 vs 2967/2010 vs Govt. Feroza Begum 219 Civil Revision Samsul Alam 234 Civil Revision Md. Motiur Rahman 5468/2003 vs 400/2012 Bapari Hatem Ali Howlader vs

220 Civil Revision Md. Lal Miah Gov`t 566/2010 vs 235 Civil Revision Sapan Md. Mati Miah 3992/2014 vs

221 Civil Revision Md Jalal Howlader Fajar Ali Mrida 2129/2011 vs 236 Civil Revision Govt Ansar Uddin Howlader 1968/2007 vs

222 Civil Revision Ataur Rahman Asia Khatun 4173/2014 vs 237 Civil Revision Md.Harun Or Rashid Md. Shahabuddin 5675/2002 vs

223 Civil Revision Abdul Hye Md.Mosarraf Hosen 2528/2012 vs 238 Civil Revision Md. Jakir Hossain Bepari Md.Khalilur rahman 1654/2002 and others vs 224 Civil Revision Md. Sabur Ali 50/2006 vs Abdul Motaleb Bepari Hari Das Dar and others 239 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam 3030/2011 vs 225 Civil Revision Bangladesh 1507/1994 vs Md. Jahur Uddin Mia Shaher 240 Civil Revision Md. Asmat Ali 2407/2011 vs 226 Civil Revision Md. Sahidul Khan @ 525/1999 Sahidul Kallyan brata Saha vs 241 Civil Revision Kazi Nuruzzaman Habib Ullah Sheikh 1691/2005 vs

227 Civil Revision Nazrul Islam Kazi Kaiser Ahmed 48/2013 vs 242 Civil Revision Shebeshor Dutta banik Md. Manik 4467/2009 vs

228 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh Abul Hashem Mia 1559/2012 vs 243 Civil Revision Md. Mahfuzul Islam Fazlul Haque 2573/2011 vs

229 Civil Revision Jariman Abdul Barik 4213/2014 vs 244 Civil Revision Parimal Chandra Sufian 4316/2012 vs

230 Civil Revision Nur Islam Helal Ahmed Chowdhury 3029/2011 vs Nur Banu and others

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245 Civil Revision Yakub Ali Mondol 259 Civil Revision Nikhil Moundal and others 753/2000 vs 4687/2008 vs Nilaipad Ghosh Mosammat Hafiza Afzal 246 Civil Revision Asad Sheikh 260 Civil Revision Sheikh Shorman 2232/2006 vs 1948/2009 vs Nizarul Hoque Sheikh A Jalil Mridha 247 Civil Revision Amina Begum alias 261 Civil Revision Md. Khoda Newaz 860/2013 Amena 1808/2006 vs vs Md. Innus Ali and ors Rafiq Uddin 262 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam 248 Civil Revision Md.Monir 3678/2006 vs 2173/2009 vs Md. Mostofa being dead Most.Azmiri Begum his heirs Raushan Akhter 249 Civil Revision Firoj Sha 263 Civil Revision Shahjahan Khan 2614/2014 vs 659/2011 vs Habibur Rahman Kholifa A. Rouf Khan and other 250 Civil Revision Ejab Uddin 264 Civil Revision Hasina Begum and ors 3014/2011 vs 383/2006 vs Hafez Uddin Md. Moktar Hossain Fakir 251 Civil Revision Md. Rafquil Islam 265 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh 1260/2015 vs 6/2011 vs Md. Abdus Sabur Abdul Hamid Mollah 252 Civil Revision Rubayet Akhter 266 Civil Revision Md. Jabedul Islam @ 4290/2000 Chowdhury 559/2013 Samsul and others vs vs Sirajun Nahar Md. Haider Ali Pramanik 253 Civil Revision Rahima Begum and others 4460/2012 vs 267 Civil Revision Most. Amena Khatun Rahima Khatun 3701/2011 vs

254 Civil Revision Abdus Samad Miah Md. Mokbul Hossain 3769/2012 vs Mondal Chan Miah Mir 268 Civil Revision Md. Ekramul Haque 4218/2014 vs 255 Civil Revision Thauab Ali and others . 930/2004 vs Md. Nuruzzaman and Md. Samsul Haque Bhauia others and others . 269 Civil Revision Ajob Mollah 3719/2011 vs 256 Civil Revision Md. Zabed Ali and ors 1037/2006 vs KhoKa Pal Md.Hanifa 270 Civil Revision 1)Md.Zahirul Islam 3264/2010 vs 257 Civil Revision Fozeruddin 573/2011 vs Govt. of Bangladesh Aham Ali and others 271 Civil Revision 1(a) Abdul Kadir Mollah 2353/2011 vs 258 Civil Revision Md, Zillar Rahman 3838/2006 vs Md. Alauddin Miah Most Majeda Khatan

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272 Civil Revision Aysha Begum and anothers 285 Civil Revision Rahatun 225/2007 vs 2242/2007 vs Mohiuddin Abul Kalam Kafil Uddin and others 286 Civil Revision Mr. Mahmudul Haque 273 Civil Revision S.M.Hasem Imam 4271/2002 vs 999/2002 vs Md. Moshabbar Ali

Motleb Gazi 287 Civil Revision 1.Helen Gomez 274 Civil Revision Md. Kamruzzaman 3931/2006 vs 1375/2012 Bhuyan being dead :(1) 1.Mobjel Hossain Nasim Bhuiyan 288 Civil Revision Nikhil Mondal

vs 4683/2008 vs

A. Matin Bhuiyan Mosammat Hafiza Afzal (Lunatic) 289 Civil Revision Hajera Bibi Ors 275 Civil Revision Samsul Haq 1874/2009 vs

689/1997 vs Mst. Rezina Bibi Jahanura Khatun 290 Civil Revision MOdan @ Mander Rishi 276 Civil Revision Razaul Gazi 5239/2005 vs

6321/2002 vs Rajab Ali Biswas Shahabuddin Sarder 291 Civil Revision Abul Kashem 277 Civil Revision Most. Sufia Khatun 2805/2011 vs

3975/2012 vs Giasuddin Md. Rokibuddin and others 292 Civil Revision Md. Rafiqul Islam 278 Civil Revision Md.Mahabubul Hasan and 2074/2009 vs

3845/2007 others Al Haj Makleser Rahman vs 293 Civil Revision Md. Mohiuddin Mizanur Rahman and 4610/2015 vs others Abdur Rashid 279 Civil Revision Idris Ali 294 Civil Revision Md. Kuddus Ali 5027/2011 vs 1775/2015 vs Monita Deu Md. Abdul Aziz 280 Civil Revision Saker Ali 295 Civil Revision Abdul Malek 4905/2011 vs 416/2014 vs Nurun Alam Joynul Abeden 281 Civil Revision Md. Harunur Rashid 296 Civil Revision A.K.Abdul Amin 4896/2014 vs 2396/2006 vs Md. Nur Mostafa A.K.M.Tazullah 282 Civil Revision Rased Hossain 297 Civil Revision Shahajahan Talukder 2056/1993 vs 508/2000 vs Md.Abul Kasem @ Abul Helen Pervin Kasem 298 Civil Revision Md. Hazrat Ali 283 Civil Revision Rafiqul Islam Death his 3633/2005 vs 3499/1996 Heirs Julfiker Kumudini Welfare Trust of vs Bangladesh Ekramul Hoque death his heirs Momtazul Hoq 299 Civil Revision FArman Ali Paramanik 267/2008 vs 284 Civil Revision Abdus Samad Dewan Badsaha Paranik 1212/2015 vs Md. Golap khan

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300 Civil Revision Hasan Khan 314 Civil Revision Eunus Ali 4323/2006 vs 4741/2014 vs Jainab Bibi and ors Kamal Hossain 301 Civil Revision A.K.M.Rayazul Islalm 315 Civil Revision Ahed Ali Khan 4073/1999 Bhuya being dead his heirs 3848/1998 vs Sufia Khatun Mezanur Rahman vs 316 Civil Revision Saidur Huq Abul Mobaruqe 1065/2014 vs 302 Civil Revision Nitay Chandra Dash Shahina 1608/2014 vs 317 Civil Revision Tozammel Hossain and Anil Chandra Dash 2102/1999 others 303 Civil Revision Awal Howlader and others vs 2114/1996 vs Safiuddin Ahmed and Fatema Khatun and others others 304 Civil Revision Delwar Hossain 318 Civil Revision Alauddin 2664/2002 vs 2402/2015 vs Md.Anowar Hosen Govt of Bangladesh 305 Civil Revision Md. Mithu 319 Civil Revision Md. Toyaj Uddin Mondol 880/2009 vs 2053/2010 vs Md. Abdul Khaleque Md. Moyaj Uddin Mondol Sarker 320 Civil Revision Ashok Kumar 306 Civil Revision Md Abdul Latif Khan 3240/2014 vs 2676/1998 vs Sukumar Shaha Mohandro Lal Hlder 321 Civil Revision Adv. Kazi Samchul Alam 307 Civil Revision Meer Abdul Sobhan and 8/2012 vs 2079/2013 others Sirajul Islam and others vs 322 Civil Revision Sultana Razia Asarb Ali and others 3430/2015 vs 308 Civil Revision Bangladesh Kazi Muhammad Kamal 2450/2009 vs 323 Civil Revision Md. Mofiz Uddin Mondol Md. Belal Uddin 2539/1997 vs 309 Civil Revision Altaf Hossain and ors Dalbari Mondol 3706/2006 vs 324 Civil Revision Prakash Chandra Gosh Babar Ali Molla and ors. 3590/2010 vs 310 Civil Revision Most. Momtaz Begum Fuljannessa 3441/2011 vs 325 Civil Revision Azahar Sikder Md. A. Mannan Mollah 5196/2005 vs and others Foijun Nessa 311 Civil Revision Sngkor Mastam 326 Civil Revision Noor Mohammad and 3328/2002 vs 4852/2014 others Khan Md. Dalwar Hossan vs 312 Civil Revision Md. Amir Ali Faruk Ahmed and others 384/2013 vs 327 Civil Revision Kenu Miah being dead:1. Md. Abdul Mazid and 774/1995 (Ka)Jamal Sheikh others vs 313 Civil Revision Abu Taher Chowdhury Govt. of Bangladesh 333/2015 vs Joshna Khanam

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328 Civil Revision Md. Afiluddin 342 Civil Revision A.Kuddus Khan 2886/2014 vs 4980/2003 vs Nurun Nahar Md.Motiar Rahman 329 Civil Revision Ejab Uddin 343 Civil Revision Mosammat Ambia 2981/2011 vs 2250/2015 Khatoon Hafez Uddin vs

330 Civil Revision Abdul Mannan Md. Nesar Uddin 5102/2014 vs 344 Civil Revision Most. Farida Islam A.K.M. Lutful Karim 4035/2015 vs

331 Civil Revision Khorshed Alam Md. Shariful Islam and 2141/2013 vs others Ali Azam 345 Civil Revision Abdul Kader 1777/2007 vs 332 Civil Revision Dalilur Rahman 1152/2011 vs Md. Jaher Ali Nurul Hossain 346 Civil Rule Apex Foam Ltd 374((fm))/2016 vs 333 Civil Revision Md. Enamul Haque ( 3821/2012 Montu) Golden Apex Ltd. vs 347 Civil Revision Md.Golam Rabbani Mst. Priyanka Akter 3719/2015 vs

334 Civil Revision Saleha Most.Tania 2190/2014 vs 348 First Misc Appeal Motahar Ali and others Khalilur Rahman 359/2007 vs

335 Civil Revision Akabbar Dhali and others Sone Ali @ Ayen Ali and 3423/2012 vs others Sree Bali Chandra Ghosh 349 Civil Revision Moklesh Fakir @ Mosled and others 2736/2007 Fakir vs 336 Civil Revision Mansur Rahman 3719/1998 vs Ayesha Khatun Zamila Khatun 350 Civil Revision Abul Khair and others 2956/2015 vs 337 Civil Revision Md. Khalilur Rahman 202/2014 vs Abu Taher Estern Housing Ltd. and 351 Civil Revision Md. Ansar Ali Others 926/2013 vs

338 Civil Revision Saroz Kanti Ray and ors Most. Kamrun Nahar and 1627/2007 vs others Salak Bala and ors 352 Civil Revision Nurul Amin Mollik 1562/2016 vs 339 Civil Revision Most. Farida Islam 4034/2015 vs Shahalam Mollik Md. Naimul Haque and 353 Civil Revision D.C Feni other 4187/2009 vs

340 Civil Revision Md.Rabiul Islam Md. Idris 1428/2003 vs 354 Civil Revision Alhaj Abul Kalam Md.Khalafat Hosen 1831/2009 Chowdhury vs 341 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Hye and others 4346/2010 vs Md.Shafiul Alam and Mst. Shahera Khatun others

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355 Civil Revision Md. Didarul Alam and ors 369 Civil Revision Sharbot Khan Dead: Jamila 874/2006 vs 1936/1996 Khatun @ Jorina Khatun The Waqf Administration vs and or Abdur Rob Munsi 356 Civil Revision Md. Mofiz Uddin 370 Civil Revision Younus 2183/2011 vs 3807/2015 vs Md. Abu Baker Siddique Hachon Ali 357 Civil Revision Poresh Chandra Das 371 Civil Revision Md. A. Kashem 1978/2008 vs 3418/2013 vs Md. Faruque Sheikh Md. Abdul Jalil Bakshi and 358 Civil Revision Md. Khoaj Uddin others 4797/2010 vs 372 Civil Revision Md. Ruhul Amin Abdus Sobahan 4052/2013 vs

359 Civil Revision Md. Khoaj Uddin Fazlul Haque 4777/2010 vs 373 Civil Revision Motiur Rahman Halder Md.Jonab Ali 1628/2014 vs

360 Civil Revision Mrs. Sahera Begum Habibur Rahman Khalifa 1912/2003 vs 374 Civil Revision Most. Halimon Ness Mrs. Ronith Wahab 5846/2000 vs

361 Civil Revision Sree Shuchindra nath Kor Md. Abdul Hakim 2194/2014 vs 375 Civil Revision Md. Tanu Khan Sree Hrihkesh 5047/2011 vs

362 Civil Revision Md. Shah Alam Most. Nabiran Nessa 4161/2005 vs 376 Civil Revision Shibnath Karmokar Abdul Motin 2869/1998 vs

363 Civil Revision Md. Hanif Mollah Sanjoy Roy Chowdhury 2286/2007 vs 377 Civil Revision Md.Rofiqul Islam Most. Rahela Bibi and 774/1996 vs others Abdul Aziz Dafader 364 Civil Revision Khorshed Alam Master 378 Civil Revision Shamsun Nahar 1898/1996 vs 4244/2009 vs Masuma Khatun Mustafizur Rahman 365 Civil Revision Mansura Akhter Ayrin 379 Civil Revision Sheik Abul Munsur 4137/2011 vs 4205/2009 vs Alauddin Ahmed Md. Badsha Mondal 366 Civil Revision Sree Shovon Kumar Roy 380 Civil Revision Afser Mohammed 2440/2014 vs 4379/2014 vs Abdus Samad Aftabur Rahman 367 Civil Revision Mrs. Jasmine Haque 381 Civil Revision Mrs. Jahanara Begum 41/2017 vs 3739/2013 vs M/S. Misson Group Ltd. Md. Abdul Gafur and 368 Civil Revision Md. Helal Uddin and ors others 1180/2006 vs 382 Civil Revision Md. Shahjahan Howlader Daxmina Ranjan Paul and 4434/2016 vs ors Md. Shahin Howlader and others

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383 Civil Revision BRTC 397 Civil Revision Dolon Kanti Datta 4317/2016 vs 1265/2017 vs Abu Bakar Siddique Nurul Islam and others 384 Civil Revision Md. Monir Hossain Khan 398 Civil Revision Sri Gopal Chondro Sil 2245/2017 vs 2353/2001 vs Nasrin Begum Md.Sabbir Ahmad 385 Civil Revision Suvas Chandra 399 Civil Revision S.M. Saiful Haque 1484/2015 vs 2577/2015 vs Nanita Rani RAJUK 386 Civil Revision Gazi Moniruzzaman 400 Civil Revision Md. Shohidul 758/2016 vs 2062/2017 vs Govt of Bangladesh Most. Asma 387 Civil Revision Md. Kalu Miah and others 401 Civil Revision A. Kader 1825/2010 vs 4010/2016 vs Md. Elias and others Additional Deputy 388 Civil Revision Md. Moazzam Hossain Commissioner and others 746/2017 vs 402 Civil Revision Khalilur Rahman Lutfunessa 180/2017 vs

389 Civil Revision Hafizur Rahman Shahida Bewa and others 2331/2002 vs 403 Civil Revision Md. Siraz Uddin being Sajahan 2254/2010 dead his heirs:Most. 390 Civil Revision Sreemoti Kino Bala Momtaz Begum vs 3747/2016 Ssarder vs Govt. of Bangladesh Md. Mojibur Rahman and 404 Civil Revision Gazi Abdus Sattar others 4658/2009 vs

391 Civil Revision Most. Jesmin Begum Government of Bangladesh 331/2017 vs 405 Civil Revision Md. Solaiman Nurul Huda and others 466/2017 vs

392 Civil Revision Sheikh Anwar Md. Jamal Ahmed and 626/2017 vs others Abdul Gani 406 First Misc Appeal Shahidul Islam 238/2015 vs 393 Civil Revision Murari Mohan Ghose 2208/2017 vs Regional Manager Sree Tapas Kumar Ghose 407 Civil Revision Md. Joyan Ali and others 2422/2017 vs

394 Civil Revision Syed Abdur Razzak Mst. Amena Bewa 1001/2005 vs 408 Civil Revision Kartik Chandra Nondi and Sambu Chandra Das 3704/2016 others vs 395 Civil Misc Abdus Samad 20/2016 vs Shib Charan Dhar and Abbas Ali others 409 Civil Revision Md. Taleb Hossain 396 Civil Revision Tayab Ali Mallik and 1321/2016 others 1547/2008 Wowdagar vs vs Nur Mohammad and others Bangladesh govt. and ors

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410 Civil Revision Md.Hosen 423 Civil Revision Shahidul Haque 4631/2004 vs 2462/2016 vs Abzal Hoq Santona Begum 411 Civil Revision Md. Shafiqul Islam 424 Civil Revision A.Mannan 2357/2016 vs 2632/2012 vs Md. Mizanur Rahman and Md.Nasir Hossain others 425 Civil Revision Arman Sk. 412 Civil Rule Makhan Lal Debnath 1003/2008 vs 824(FM)/2016 vs Anantha Kumar Sarker Rabin Sarker and others 426 Civil Revision Md. Saider Rahman and 413 Civil Revision Sree Dilip Kumar 1309/2017 others 2486/2016 vs vs Gita Rani Md. Fazlur Rahman 414 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh 427 Civil Revision Sree Haridas Shyanal 4278/1997 vs 3119/2014 vs Md. Jahir Uddin Md. Bahaj Ali Paramanik 415 Civil Revision Akhoy Kumar Das being 428 Civil Revision Sree Santosh Chandra Das 2112/2010 died his heirs 1(a)Jagadesh 56/2007 vs Chandra Das Sree Rash Mohan Debnath vs and others Kanailal Bala 429 Civil Revision Gazendra Barmon 416 Civil Revision Md. Asmat Ali Sarker 1272/2006 vs 4190/2005 vs Srimoto Kakila barmon Md. Hayej Uddin Miah 430 Civil Revision Sahera Khatun 417 Civil Revision Md. Abul Kalam Azad 2598/2013 vs 4300/2016 vs Md. Alijaan Most. Tanzila Akter 431 Civil Revision Hajrat Ali 418 Civil Revision Md. Nazab Ali 3410/2015 vs 4644/2016 vs Md. Abdul Hamid Md. Shamsul Hoque and 432 Civil Revision Rashed Miah others 187/2016 vs 419 Civil Revision Nazab Ali Mihir Mahmood 4643/2016 vs 433 Civil Revision Gazendra Nath Barmon Md. Shamsul Hoque and 154/2006 vs others Sreemoti Kakila Barmon 420 Civil Revision Md. Zakir Hossain 434 Civil Revision Kazi Md. Hanif 3450/2014 Howlader and others 4777/2014 vs vs Enayet Fatema Abu Mahsin Majhi Sayeda Musammat Umme 421 Civil Revision Minor Lulufa Yesmin Halim 5447/2007 vs 435 Civil Revision Azahar Ali Kha S.M.Giasuddin 1080/2004 vs 422 Civil Revision Hasim Ali Abul Kalam Howlader 5374/1998 vs 436 Civil Revision Shaikh Nazmul Islam and Sayed Abul Hossan 5265/2006 others Alomgir vs Madari Bibi and others

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437 Civil Revision Wahab Sarder 440 Civil Revision Bilkis Akter and Others 83/2010 vs 2693/2011 vs Md. Jalil Sheikh Md. Aman Ullah 438 Civil Revision Sree Vikhari Lal 441 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Matin 853/2009 Chowdhury 6308/2001 vs vs M.A. Aziz

Most. Aysha Khatun 442 Civil Revision Md. Khorshed Alam 439 Civil Revision Mohammad Nazmul 537/2016 vs 4122/2017 Hassan Md. Alamgir Hossain vs Nepul and others

Md. Moniruzzaman Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 151

High Court Division Justice Md. Ataur Rahman Khan Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 7] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট); ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ কসযেফন।] For Hearing 3 Civil Revision Md: Abdul Jalil

1 Civil Revision Md Galam Koudus Mia 2338/2005 vs

3424/1997 and others (Gaibanda) Md: Abdus Salam Shak

(Magura)(Heard in part) vs Mr. Mojibur Rahman, Md Kalam Molla Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Horendranath Nondi, Mr. Md. Taha Molla, Advcoate for the Advocate for the opposite petitioners party 2 Civil Revision Pulin Bihari Susil and 1201/1995 others (Chittagong) vs Sree Mati Lal Chowdhury and others Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 152

High Court Division Justice Syed Md. Ziaul Karim and Justice Md. Akram Hossain Chowdhury Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 29] [ একে ড ে ে এং জ ড ে েগ ৫ ইং ৗজ আল, ৗজ এং ৗজ কূ ণ কে এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ কে । ] For Hearing : 498 14 Criminal Misc Aorf @ Md. Aorf

1 Criminal Misc Most. Momtaj 37199/2013 vs

37039/2013 vs The Sate The State 15 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Gafur

2 Criminal Misc Mofazzal Hossain 37880/2013 vs

37155/2013 vs The State The State 16 Criminal Misc Mohammad Mostafa

3 Criminal Misc Md. Aslom Hassain 37933/2013 Ashraf

37053/2013 vs vs

The State The State 4 Criminal Misc Md. Nure Alam 17 Criminal Misc Md. Badiar Hossain

37853/2013 vs 37919/2013 vs

The State The State 5 Criminal Misc Md. Suman 18 Criminal Misc Md. Monirul

37067/2013 vs 37849/2013 vs

The State The State 6 Criminal Misc Md. Rafaqul Islm 19 Criminal Misc Md. Jasim Mia

37198/2013 vs 37817/2013 vs

The Sate The State 7 Criminal Misc Md. Shahjan 20 Criminal Misc Khokon Matabbar

37195/2013 vs 37683/2013 vs

The State The State 8 Criminal Misc Saidur Sarder 21 Criminal Misc Md. Sohel Rana

37897/2013 vs 37677/2013 vs

The State The State 9 Criminal Misc Md. Hasibul Hasan 22 Criminal Misc Hafizur Rahman

37808/2013 vs 37113/2013 vs

The State The State 10 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Gaffar Mollak 23 Criminal Misc Mohammad Ullah

37123/2013 vs 37147/2013 vs

The State The State 11 Criminal Misc Md. Jahnger alam 24 Criminal Misc Mahabubur Rahman

37087/2013 vs 37144/2013 Shohag

The Sate vs The State 12 Criminal Misc Md. Asadur Rahman 37212/2013 vs 25 Criminal Misc Md. Korban Ali

The State 37626/2013 vs The State 13 Criminal Misc Md. Knlonr Ahmed 37197/2013 vs The Sate Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 153

High Court Division Justice Sheikh Abdul Awal and Justice Bhishmadev Chakrabortty Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 18] [ একে ড ে ে এং ড ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও কল জল আল আে ও ; ৗজ এং ৗজ ক এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং কে । ] For Hearing 15 Criminal Misc Md. Mizan Uddin

1 Criminal Misc Mamun 15784/2017 vs

26124/2017 vs The State The State 16 Criminal Misc Abdus Salam

2 Criminal Misc Alamin 25874/2017 vs

34080/2017 vs The State The State 17 Criminal Misc Enayet

3 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Samad 33797/2017 vs

2097/2016 vs The State The State 18 Criminal Misc Tyab

4 Criminal Misc Sahidul Islam 31979/2017 vs

51787/2015 vs The State The State 19 Criminal Misc Rubel

5 Criminal Misc Md. Shahidul Islam 29173/2016 vs

16112/2017 vs The State The State 20 Criminal Misc Nuab

6 Criminal Misc Md. Abul Bashar 31081/2017 vs

18736/2017 vs The State The State 21 Criminal Misc Ataur

7 Criminal Misc Mosaraf 34075/2017 vs

37203/2017 vs The State The state 22 Criminal Misc Ayesha Akter

8 Criminal Misc Akhter 32104/2017 vs

38338/2017 vs The State The State 23 Criminal Misc Sajarul

9 Criminal Misc Idrish 32711/2017 vs

32333/2017 vs The State The state 24 Criminal Misc Md. Jamir Hossain

10 Criminal Misc Shukur Ali 18376/2017 vs

33616/2017 vs The State The State 25 Criminal Misc Nasima Begum

11 Criminal Misc Kamal 34185/2017 vs

27602/2017 vs The State The State 26 Criminal Misc Md. Shamsuddin

12 Criminal Misc Nazmul 38846/2016 vs

27976/2017 vs The State The State 27 Criminal Appeal Md. Sobuj

13 Criminal Misc Dukkhu 10463/2016 vs

31970/2017 vs The State The State 28 Criminal Appeal Md. Alamgir Matubbar

14 Criminal Misc Mojib 8814/2016 vs

31358/2017 vs The State The State

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29 Criminal Misc Sadik 44 Criminal Misc Jinnah 31971/2017 vs 33573/2017 vs The State The State 30 Criminal Misc Golam 45 Criminal Misc Shafiqul 24867/2017 vs 37608/2017 vs The State The State 31 Criminal Misc Munni 46 Criminal Misc Shamsu 4102/2017 vs 33854/2017 vs The State The State 32 Criminal Misc Ali Hossain 47 Criminal Misc Robiul 31094/2017 vs 24446/2017 vs The State The state 33 Criminal Misc hamid Ullah 48 Criminal Misc Mintu 25545/2017 vs 33289/2017 vs The State The state 34 Criminal Misc Sarker 49 Criminal Misc Rahima Begum 28038/2017 vs 31198/2017 vs The State The State 35 Criminal Misc Ekramul 50 Criminal Misc yousuf 34239/2017 vs 31339/2017 vs The State The State 36 Criminal Misc Nobir 51 Criminal Misc Md. Masud 28256/2017 vs 11626/2017 vs The State The State

37 Criminal Misc Md. Abul Hossain Mr. Md. Billal Hossain, 36498/2017 vs Advocate ...... for the The State petitioner 38 Criminal Misc Md. Nobir Hossain 52 Criminal Misc Md. Nur Alam 34238/2017 vs 36497/2017 vs The State The State 39 Criminal Misc Mijanur 53 Criminal Misc Monowara Begum 20214/2017 vs 37174/2017 vs The State The State 40 Criminal Misc Md. Abu Bakkar Siddique 54 Criminal Misc Alamgir 37151/2017 vs 32098/2017 vs The State The State 41 Criminal Misc Nur 55 Criminal Misc Mostafa 41253/2016 vs 36485/2017 vs The State The State 42 Criminal Misc Mehedi 56 Criminal Misc K.M. Moshiur Rahman 29150/2017 alias Babu 37379/2017 vs The State vs The State 43 Criminal Misc Md. Azizul Huq 28370/2017 vs The State

Page : 155 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 18]

57 Criminal Misc Shamshu 72 Criminal Misc Halima 37583/2017 vs 33251/2017 vs The State The State 58 Criminal Misc Rina 73 Criminal Misc Most. Shahera Banu 37700/2017 vs 36246/2017 Nisha The State vs

59 Criminal Misc Shukur The State 37646/2017 vs 74 Criminal Misc Md. Kapil Uddin Kapil The State 35170/2017 vs

60 Criminal Misc Mamun The State 37513/2017 vs 75 Criminal Misc Bashar The State 28733/2017 vs

61 Criminal Misc Asad Sheikh The State 29826/2017 vs 76 Criminal Misc Kalam The State 34153/2017 vs

62 Criminal Misc Md. Hitlar The State 17996/2017 vs 77 Criminal Misc Most. Parul Begum The State 31024/2017 vs

63 Criminal Misc Milon The State 34878/2017 vs 78 Criminal Misc Faruque The State 38894/2017 vs

64 Criminal Misc Sala The State 35616/2017 vs 79 Criminal Misc Haque The State 37260/2017 vs

65 Criminal Misc Md. Rashid Uddin Shufal The State 34615/2017 vs 80 Criminal Misc Md. Rafik The State 28456/2017 vs

66 Criminal Misc Masud The State 34158/2017 vs 81 Criminal Misc Tofazzal The State 28951/2017 vs

67 Criminal Misc Md. Seju The State 33081/2017 vs 82 Criminal Misc Shohel The State 37136/2017 vs

68 Criminal Misc Bashar The State 34421/2017 vs 83 Criminal Misc Zamil Hossain The State 33276/2016 vs

69 Criminal Misc Molim The state 35259/2017 vs 84 Criminal Misc Nawab The State 37589/2017 vs

70 Criminal Misc Enamul The state 34520/2017 vs 85 Criminal Misc Mintu The State 37590/2017 vs

71 Criminal Misc Md. Kamruzzaman The state 35021/2017 vs 86 Criminal Misc Mobarak Hossain The State 33004/2017 vs The state

Page : 156 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 18]

87 Criminal Misc Saiful Islam 99 In re Mosa. Nurani Aktar Sumi 35039/2017 vs Dhaka vs The state Tender No. : 26154 The State

88 Criminal Misc Samad 34326/2017 vs 100 In re Shamim Mia and another The state Dhaka vs Tender No. : 27140 The State 89 Criminal Misc Ariful 36267/2017 vs The state 101 In re Abu Sayed

90 Criminal Misc Ayub Ali Chittagong vs Tender No. : 27161 The State 35626/2017 vs The State 91 Criminal Misc Ershad Ali 102 In re Arshad Ali and another Rangpur vs 35263/2017 vs The State Tender No. : 27792 The State

92 Criminal Misc Sheikh Anisur Rahman 103 In re Zerin Khan 34327/2017 vs The State Dhaka vs Tender No. : 28154 The State 93 Criminal Misc Motiar Rahman and others 49073/2017 vs The State 104 In re Babul Augustin Dinajpur vs 94 Criminal Revision Amyn Huda Tender No. : 30984 The State 87/2014 vs The State 105 In re Nasim Munshi Application Gopalganj vs 95 In re Morshed Alam Tender No. : 32348 The State Chittagong vs Tender No. : 19373 The State 106 In re Rahima Begum Dhaka vs 96 In re Md. Mostafa Tender No. : 32494 The State Narayanganj vs Tender No. : 24048 The State 107 In re Md. Shafiul Alam Rajshahi vs 97 In re Md. Sumon Tender No. : 33464 The State Dhaka vs Tender No. : 25808 The State 108 In re Abdulla-Hel Kafi @ Bogra Farhan 98 In re Sada Mia Tender No. : 34208 vs Gaibandha vs The state

Tender No. : 26122 The State

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 157

High Court Division Justice S. M. Emdadul Hoque and Justice Ahmed Sohel Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 34] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ থভ আপহল, থভ আপহল (েফট), থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট); ৬,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল ; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল ও সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; ঴ষইেকষট েলয ৔ অধষেময ৌ৪ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন ৬,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয আপহল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল, দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ও তৎ঳ংষ আেফদনপ ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয়; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌনং আইেনয (঱ষসল঱হ আইন ্োোৌ) ৪৓(ক), খ এফং গ ধষযষ ভষতষেফক আপহল; ইউসনয়ন পসযলদ, পৗয঳বষ (সফে঱ল দষসয়) অধষেদ঱, ৌ৔৔৔ ইং আেদ঱ নং-৬, ৌ৔৔ৌ-এয অধহন আপহল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ আপহল঳ভ঻঴ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন । ] Application 5 Civil Revision Rupali Bank Limited

1 First Appeal Md. Zakaria Habib 4573/2015 vs

373/2015 vs M/S New Music Corner Al-Haj Aminul Islam and and another

others, Mr. Md. Wahidul Mr. Md. Imam Hasan with Islam, Ad. for the Mr. Md. Joinal Abedin appellant. Mr. A.M. Advocate for the petitioner Aminuddin, Ms. Shamima Mr. Md. Zahedul Bari, Binte Habib,Mr. A.Q.M. Advocate for the opposite Shafiullah, Ad. for the party resp. 6 Civil Revision Vaskar Narayan Roy

2 First Misc Appeal Md. Israfil Maih 4306/2017 vs

220/2014 vs Mala Shyam

Messers Ruhi Metal Mr. Md. Haider Ali Industries and others Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Ahmed Nowshad Mr. Md. Mobarok Hossain Jamil for the appellant for the opposite party Mr. Amir Hossain 7 First Misc Appeal M.A. Kader Chowdhury Raihan for the 87/2017 vs respondent with Saaf Builders Ltd. and For Hearing others,

For Hearing Mr. M.C. Chowdhury with Mr. Habibur Rahman with 3 Civil Rule Pervin Akther Mr. Delower Hosain, Adv. 168((F))/2013 vs for the appellant, (with application) with Shidul Azam khan Mr. Mehadi Hasan and Mr. Civil Rule Shahidul Azam Khan Md. Mazaharul Islam 43(violation (R))/2014 vs Civil Rule M.A. Kader (with) Parvion Akter 808(F.M.)/2016 vs First Misc Appeal Sahidul Azma Khan and Saaf Builders Ltd. and 6/2014 ors. others

vs 8 Civil Revision Abul Hashem Chowdhury Parfvin Akther and ors. 867/2012 and Others Mr. Md. Nurul Huda vs Ansary Advocate for the Md. Jobaid Iqbal and appellant Others Mr. Sujad Miah Advocate Mr. Sarwar Hasan Faruque for the respondent Adv, for the petitioenr 4 Civil Revision Md. Khorshed Alam No.1-5. 2779/2016 vs Mr. Md. Khurshid Alam Knit City L.T.D Khan, Adv. for the Mr. A.M. Mahbub Uddin opposite party Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Mr. Zainul Abedin Adv, for the opposite party 9 Civil Revision Shahabuddin Ahmed 4371/2014 vs Showkat Ali, Mr. Zainul Abedin, Adv. for the petitioner Mr. Md. Shamsul Alam with Mr. Golam Mostafa, Adv, for the opposite party

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10 Civil Revision Bibhuti Bhuson Talukder Civil Rule Kutubul Amin Chowdhury 2630/2015 vs 478/2016 vs Md. Nurul Alam Ashraful Amin Chowdhury Chowdhury and others Mr. Md. Mozammel 14 First Misc Appeal Mosammat Hasina Begum Hossain for petitioner. Mr. 260/2006 vs Ajoy Shankar Bhowmik, with Bangladesh House Adv. for the o.p. Building Finance 11 Civil Revision Md. Ali Corporation. 2942/2009 vs Civil Rule Mosammat Hasina Begum with Md. Sadek Dewan 540((F.M.))/2006 vs Md. Osamn Goni, Bangladesh House Advocate for the petitioner Building Finence Mr. K.M Zabir with Mr. Corporation, Mr. Md. Ruhul Amin, with Mr. D. Enamul Hoque, Adv. for Zamirul Akter, with Mr. the Appellant, Mr. M.A. Md. Shamsul Hoque, with Kayom Molla with Mr. Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman M.A. Mannan Bhyuiyan, Advocate for the opposite with Mr. Zulkar Naiem parties Adv. for the resp. Civil Revision Md. Ali 15 Civil Revision Afsana Akter 2938/2009 vs 278/2017 vs Md. Sadek Dewan Chowdhury Khaled Md. Osamn Goni, Mr. Md. Mamun Kabir, Advocate for the petitioner Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Zamirul Sheikh Rezaul Karim, Adv. Akter,Advocate for the for the o.p. opposite party 16 Civil Revision Md. Mamunur Rashid 12 First Misc Appeal Md. Rezanur Rahman and 3090/2014 vs 165/2014 others Most. Anjuman Ara vs 17 First Misc Appeal Habibur Rahman Md. Joynal Abedin 192/2017 vs Mondal with Hajera Siddika and ors. Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman, Advocate .... For the Civil Rule Habibur Rahman

Appelant Mr. Abdul Huq, 334((F.M.))/2017 vs

Advocate... For the Hajera Siddika and ors. Respondent 18 Civil Revision Md. Zakir Hossain

13 First Misc Appeal Kutubal Amin Chowdhury 1738/2016 vs

256/2016 and others Most. Arenur Akhter with vs Happy and others

Ashraf Amin Chowdhury Mr. Muhammad Anjarul and others Hasan, Advocate

Mr. Hazi Saifuddin ...... for the petitioner

Chowdhry Advocate for Mr. Humayan Kabir the appellant Sikder, Advocate

Mr. Manoj Kumar ...... for the opposite Bhowmick Advocate for party Nos. 1 the respondnet

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19 Civil Revision Unicom Education 23 First Misc Appeal Md. Moslem Howlader. 1265/2016 Consultant Serviees Ltd 197/2015 vs with vs with Md. Hannan Mollah and Redwanul Bari others.

Civil Revision Redwanul Bari Mr. Sanjib Kumar Biswas 583/2016 vs Adv. for appellant. (with) Unicom Educaiton Civil Rule Md. Moslem Howlader Consultant Services Ltd 823((F.M.))/2016 vs Mr. Kazi Rezaul Hossain Md. Harun Mollah Advocate for the petitioner 24 First Misc Appeal Prokash Gobinda Basak Mr. Zakir Hossain Bhuiyan 69/2016 vs Advocate for the opposite with Md. A. Jabbar @ Tbal Sk. party No.1-2 Mr. Kamal Hossain for the Civil Rule Redwanul Bari appellant 699(violation (R))/2016 vs Mr. Md. Motaleb Bhuiyan (with) Unicom Educaiton for the respondent Consultant Services Ltd. Civil Rule Prokash gobinda Basak and others 533/2015 vs Civil Rule Redwanul Bari Md. A. jabbar

179((R))/2018 vs 25 First Misc Appeal Kamrun Nahar Shilpi

Unicom Educaiton 53/2016 vs Consultant Services Ltd. Alhaj Abdul Gani and and others others 20 Civil Revision Niaz Ahmed Mr. Rafiqul Islam for the 2014/2012 vs appellant Sylhet A. Rahim Mr. Shaheen Khan for the Mr. A.K.M. Faiz, respondent Advocate for the petitioner 26 First Misc Appeal Dr. Md. Shah Alam and

Mr. Md. Mustaque Ahmed, 3/2015 others Advocate for the opposite with vs party No. 1 Anwar Ali Biswas 21 First Misc Appeal Rose Hodding Limited Civil Rule Dr. Md. Sha Alam and

172/2013 vs 1068((F.M.))/2014 others

(with) A. N. M Aminul Ajim and Chuadanga vs ors. Anwar Ali Biswas Mr. Md. Mozibur Rahman, 27 Civil Revision Centre on Integrated Rural Adv, for the appellant 1529/2017 development Mr. Nazrul Islam, Adv for vs the respondent M. Zahangir Salim Civil Rule Rose Holding Limited 28 First Misc Appeal Kabir Ahmed Bhuiyan and 1046(F.M.)/2012 vs 284/2015 others A. N. M. Aminul Azim Chuadanga vs and ors Sonali Bank and others 22 Civil Revision M/s. Mdina Lines 4867/2004 vs Titas Gas Trans. Mr. Abdul Quayum with Sk. Sharifuddin Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Bipul Baghar with Mr. Md. Iqbal Malik, Adv. for the opposite party

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29 First Misc Appeal Janata Bank Limited. 36 Civil Revision Mokbul hossain and others 251/2013 vs 1973/2006 vs Chuadanga Md. jafor Haji Abdul Kadir Kurigram Hasan Uddin 30 Civil Revision Shahriar Nur Hasan Sadi 37 First Misc Appeal Md. Abu Zafar. 453/2017 vs 340/2014 vs Muskan Khondokar Tora Bangladesh House 31 First Misc Appeal rose Holoding Limited Building Finance.

82/2013 vs Mr. Md. Afzal Hossain, (with) A.N. M. Amirul Azim and Advocate .... For the ors. appellant. Mr. Md. Mr. Md. Mozibur Rahman, Moklesur Rahman Zahid, Adv. for the appellant, Mr. Adv. . for the Respondent. Mohammad Nazrul Islam, 38 Civil Revision Rupali Insurance Company Adv. for the resp. 3652/2009 Ltd.

Civil Rule Rose Holding Limited Dhaka vs

1048(F.M.)/2012 vs Mrs. Ayasa Begum A.N.M. Aminul Azim and 39 Civil Rule Md. Abul Kalam Azad and others 161((F))/2016 ors.

32 Civil Revision Mossamat Monowara Dhaka (Arising out of) vs

3536/2012 Khatun and others Moniruzzaman Satkharia vs First Appeal Md. Abul Kalam Azad and Md. Abdus Sattar 81/2016 others Mr. Bivash Chandra, Dhaka vs Advocate..For the Khondoker Omar Ali and petitioner. Mr. Abul Kalam others Azad, Advocate..For the Mr. Ahia Adv. for opposite party No.1. appellant. 33 Civil Revision Hamidur Rahman Hamid For Hearing 2620/2012 vs For hearing

Feni Saleha Khatoon and 40 First Appeal Md. Abul Kashem @ Md. another 267/1998 Kashem Ali

Mr.Aminul Ehsan, Adv, for Dhaka vs the petitioenr, Md. Altab Ali

Mr. Md. Nazrul Mustafa, Mr. Saifuddin Md. Aminur Adv, for the opposite party Rahim( chandan) 34 Civil Revision Taufique Composite Adv.....For the appellant 767/2017 Spinnings Mills Ltd. Mr. Md. Abdus Sammad Dhaka vs Adv. with Mr. Bazlul Md. Saifuddin and others Kabir,Adv....For the Mr. Md. Abdul Matin respondent No. 1. Mondal, Adv, for the 41 First Appeal A. N. Kamaluddin Mustafa petitioenr 296/2014 vs

Mr.Khair Ezaz Maswood, K.A. Taher and others Adv, for the opposite party Mr. Md. Aktharuzzaman 35 First Misc Appeal Pubali Bank Ltd Adv. for 209/2016 vs appellant.b>Mr.Khondaker (with) IDLC Finance Ltd. and Iqbaql Ahmed, Adv, for others the respondet Civil Rule Pupali Bank Ltd. 234(F.M.)/2015 vs I.D.L.C.

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42 First Appeal Chan Miah Gazi 47 First Appeal Asaduzzaman Khan and 197/1997 vs 13/2013 others Md. Burkut Ali and others, vs Md. Ishaque Miah, Adv. Babul and others for the appellant. Mr. Mr. Amit Das Gupta, Adv. A.B.M. Matiur Rahman, for appellant. and Mr. Moin Uddin Advocate Mr. Serajur Rahman Advs. for the respondent for the resp. 48 First Appeal Bangladesh Railway 43 First Appeal Feroza Begum and ors. 347/2014 vs 443/2012 vs Abdus Samad and others with Md. Nannu Miah and ors. Mr. Shaheed Alam, Mr. Tusher Banik with Mr. Advocate..For the Ranjit Kumar Bormon, petitioner. Mr. A.K.M. Advs. for appellant. Badrudduza, Civil Rule Feroza Begum Advocate..For the 988((F))/2012 vs respondent No.1. Chandpur Md.Nannu Mollah 49 First Appeal Md. Akbur Ali Sonar Mr. Tusher Banik with Mr. 157/2006 vs Ranjon Kumar Bormon, Md. Abbas Ali Advs, for the petitioner. Mr. Abdus Salam, Adv. Mr. Md. Aziz Taufique, For the appellant Adv, Ms. Bilki Fatema with Mr. for the respondent Khandakar Nazru Islam, 44 First Appeal Janata Bank ltd. Adv, for respondents 814/1991 vs 50 First Appeal Bangaldesh Shipping Lines Hazi Md. Islam and others, 211/2003 Ltd. Mr. Khalilur Rahman vs Bhuiyan, Adv. for the Alhaj Bashir Ahmed. appellant. Mr. Syed Mahudul Ahsan, Mr. Iqbal Ahmed for the Adv., For appellant opposite parties Mr. Mukunda Chandra 45 First Appeal Managing Director, Sonali Debnath, Adv., For 97/2011 Bank Ltd. respondent vs 51 First Appeal Rabindra Nath Sen. and Md. Abdul Karim 309/2009 ors. Ms. Hosneara Begum, Barisal vs Adv.for the appellant, Government of Bangladesh Mr. Md. Aminul Ehsan, and others Adv, 52 First Appeal Most. Rabaya Bibi and ors for the respondent 165/2010 vs 46 First Appeal Mosleh Uddin Ahmmed Md. Azahar Ali Akando 168/2013 (Mehedi) and ors. and ors, Ms. Nahida vs Yeasmin, Adv. for the Nurun Nahar (Arni) and appellant, Mr. Ziaur ors. Mr. Sharder Abul Rahman Khan, Adv. for Hossain, Adv. for the the resp. appellant, Mr. Toufique 53 First Appeal Div. Forest Officer Hossain, Adv. for the resp. 664/1991 vs Haji Reazuddin

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54 First Appeal Bangladesh Freedom 62 First Appeal Md. Badruddin 15/1992 Fighter and others 233/2006 vs vs Shahidullah Md.Shahbuddin Miah and 63 First Appeal Haji Azgar Ali Bepari others 208/1990 vs 55 First Appeal District Food Controller Abdus Sattar Bepari 363/2009 and ors. 64 First Appeal Mr.Shib Lal Agorwala vs 363/2003 vs Begum Rezia Sarder and Panna Lal Agarwala and ors. ors 56 First Appeal Md. Sekander and others. 65 First Appeal Md. Islam Uddin. 88/1999 vs 311/2007 vs Jafar Ahmed and others. Pabna Major (Retd.) Manjur 57 First Appeal Bangladesh Services Ltd Kader and others 374/1998 vs 66 First Appeal Rahima Khatyoon and Safiq Ahmed 142/2003 another 58 First Appeal Golder Jahatap Uddin with vs 5/2012 vs Md. Ali Hossain Md. Abdul Bari and others First Appeal Rahima Khatoon and Mr. Ahmed Nowshed 143/2003 anors. Jamil, Adv. for the vs appellant Mr. Ali Hossain and ors. Mr. Md. Imrul Hydar, Adv, 67 First Appeal Md. Abdur Rashid Nuri for the Opposite party 286/2013 and ors. 59 First Appeal Md. Giasuddin Munshi vs 516/2001 vs Md. Ratan Mia Nuri and with S.M. Mohiuddin ors. Civil Rule Md. Gias Uddin Munshi 68 First Appeal Agrani Bank Ltd and 169((F))/2002 vs 149/2008 anothers (with) S. A. M. Mohiuddin Khan Jessore vs Civil Rule Giasuddin Munshi Sheikh Md. Aslam. 555(con)/2016 vs 69 First Appeal Md.Giasuddin Fakir (with) S.A.M. Mohiuddun Khan 692/2000 vs Civil Rule Md. Gias Uddin Hirendra Chandra Ghosh, 682/2003 vs Mr. Subrata Saha, Adv. for S. A. M. Mohiuddin Khan the appellant, Mr. Syed 60 First Appeal Ali Azgar and ors. Mokaddas Ali, Adv. for the 268/2010 vs respondents. Ahsan Habib and others 70 First Appeal Govt. of Bangladesh br> Mr. Md Mozammel 39/2013 vs Hossaim, Advocate .... for Most. Abeda Begum and the Petitioner, Mr. others Abdullah- Al- Mamun, 71 First Appeal Hafiz forkan and ors. Advcoate ..... for the 277/2009 vs respondent No.1. Tarikul Islam and ors. 61 First Appeal Gita Rani Shil Mr. Faraque Hossain, Adv, 326/2015 vs for the appellant Khokon Kanti Shil, Mr. Ahmed Nowshed Jamil, Adv. for the appellant.

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72 First Appeal Md. Azizul Haq Sarker 80 First Appeal Insaf Multipurpose 173/2014 vs 283/2002 vs 1(ka) Rowshan Ara Begum Secretary Ministry of and other`s Housing and Works, Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam, Bangladesh and others Advocate...For the Mr. Mohammad Ali Azam, Appellant Advocate..For the 73 First Appeal Mr.Abul Kashem Dewan appellant. Mr. A.K.M. 112/2003 vs Bodruddoza, with Govt of Bangladesh and Advocate..For the ors respondent No.3. Civil Rule Abul Kashem Dewan 81 First Appeal Mirpur Ceramic Workers 709/2000 Ltd 152(F)/2010 vs Govt. of Bangladesh vs Altaf Uddin Mollah 74 First Appeal Christian Service 82 First Appeal Mst. Rezia Khatun and 73/2014 Society(CSS) vs 187/2011 other`s vs Government of Bangladesh and ors. Mr. Md. Mamun Mosammat Amena Khatun Ali, Adv. for the appellant., and other;s Mr. D.A.G. for the resp. 83 First Appeal Md. Khorshed Alam

75 First Appeal Md. Abu Taher Shaikh 199/2015 Birprotik Chittagong vs 302(F)/2009 vs Alhaz Mohammad Hazi Shafiqul Haque Chowdhury Mozammel Hossain and ors. Mr. Md. Zahkir Hossain Ripon, Adv. For the 76 First Appeal Md. Delwar Hossain Appellant. 488/2012 vs 84 First Appeal Hazi Mohammad Hossain Deputy commissioner, Dhaka and ors. 202/2015 vs Dhaka Md. Kamrul Hassan and 77 First Appeal Shahidullah others 14/2008 vs 85 First Appeal Miss. Aliza Rahman and Nurjahan and others (Dhaka) 212/2010 ors. vs Mr. F.M. Salimullah with Ms. Razia Sultana for the K.M. Tareque and others appellant 86 First Appeal Mohiuddin Mohammed Mr. A.K.M. Rezaul Karim 394/2010 vs Khan for the respondent with Abdul Hamid and ors., Mr. 78 First Appeal Fultara Begum and ors. Md. Abdus Salam Khan, 150/2012 vs Adv. for the appellant, Mr. Abdul Matin and ors. Gorib Newaj, Adv. for the Mr. Mohammad Nawab respondnet. Ali Adv. for appellant Transfer Appeal Mohiuddinh Mohammad 3/2014 vs 79 First Appeal Md.Hafiz and ors. 111/2009 vs abdul Hamid and other`s Samho Bangladesh Ltd and ors. Mr. Wares Al-Harun, Adv. for the appellant, Mr. Abdul Baten, Adv. for the respondents

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87 First Appeal Mr. Ataur Rahman Civil Revision A.K.M. Azad 290/2008 vs 934((F))/2014 vs Govt of Bangladesh Kamal

88 First Appeal Sanjoy Sarker and others Mr. A.K.M. Aktarul Kabir 88/2012 vs Adv. for petitioner. Subhas Sarker and others 93 First Appeal Eusuf Ali Kha 192/2000 vs 89 First Appeal Kalipada Bayiddyo 3/2012 vs Satish Chandra Gain Nagbati High School 94 First Appeal Md. Hazral Ali and others 370/2015 vs 90 First Appeal Rafique Ahmed 146/2010 vs Kishoregonj Hazi Md. Jafor uddin with Nurul Islam Chowddhury sarker and others and other`s 95 First Appeal Ferdous Ahmed and ors. 94/2013 vs Civil Rule Rafique Ahmed 272((F))/2010 vs Nur-E-Alam Chowdhury (Liton) and ors. Nurul Islam Chowddhury and other`s Ms. Khaleda Newaz, Adv.....For the appellant. 91 First Appeal Abdul Motalab and others Mr. Bahauddin 145/2006 vs Ahmed.Adv...For the Md. Nurul Islam and respondent others 96 First Appeal Md. Harun Miah 92 First Appeal A. K. M. Azad 386/2003 vs 323/2014 vs Md. Sirajul Hoque (with) A.K.M Kamal Uddin Ahmed and others Mr.Md. Mozammel Haque, Advocate for the appellant Mr. Mozammel Hoque Bhuiyan, Advocate for the respondent Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 165

High Court Division Justice Farah Mahbub and Justice S. M. Maniruzzaman Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 13] [ একে ড ে ে এং জ ট, ক ও ইকট ং ট ও তৎং ; ৯ ইং ে ডক আইে অে আল ; ৯ ইং ে েট ও ডজই আইে (ক) এং (খ), (গ), (ঘ) ও (ঙ) েত আে ও আল ; ল ংেজ ক আই, ৯৯-এ () (গ) তেল এেলট ইল কত ক আেে ে আল ; আয়ক ে ক ও আয়ক ং ট ে ; ক এ , ৯৯-এ ৯ ড অয় আল কে এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে এং ণ কে ।] Motion

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High Court Division Justice A. K. M. Abdul Hakim and Justice Fatema Najib Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 15] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; নষনহয জন থভ আপহল, থভ আপহল (েফট), থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট); ৬,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল এফং দউসলয়ষ সফলয়ক আইেনয অধহেন আপহল঳ভ঻঴; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল ও সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; ঴ষইেকষট েলয ৯ অধষেয়য ৌ৪ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন ৬,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয আপহল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল, দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ও তৎ঳ংষ আেফদনপ ঴ইেত উ঻ত ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয়; ইউসনয়ন পসযলদ, পৗয঳বষ (সফে঱ল দষসয়) অধষেদ঱, ৌ৯৯৯ ইং আেদ঱ নং-৬, ৌ৯৯ৌ-এয অধহন আপহল; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ আপহল঳ভ঻঴ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ] Motion

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High Court Division Justice Borhanuddin and Justice Sardar Md. Rashed Jahangir Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 30] [ একে ড ে ে এং জ ইং ে ং আইে (ল আই, ) ৪(ক), খ এং গ তেক আল; ল আই ইেত উত ওয় ও ট ং ও ; আয়ক ে ক ও আয়ক ং ট ে ; ক এ , ৬-এ ৬ ড অয় আল কে এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ ও কে। ] Hearing 5 Writ Petition Uropian standrad School

1 Writ Petition Pubali Bank ltd. 6531/2013 vs

7435/2013 vs Government of Bangladesh commissioner large tax and others payers unit Dhaka and ors 6 Writ Petition Abu Taher Raju

2 Writ Petition Mohammad Hasan 2191/2011 vs

6476/2013 vs Government of Bangladesh The commissioiner of and others customs excise and vat and 7 Writ Petition Fung Siramic E: Ltd. ors 7112/2011 vs

3 Writ Petition Md. Zainal Hossain Government of Bangladesh 10265/2013 vs and others Customs excise and vat Motion appellate tribunal Dhaka and ors

4 Writ Petition M/S Bengal Fine Ceramics 23/2004 Ltd. vs NBR and others Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 168

High Court Division Justice Soumendra Sarker Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 28] [ ম কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ইেফ : নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৯৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদনপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] As to be mentioned 13 Civil Revision Abdul Kuddus (For Extension of the period of stay/status quo) 1635/2017 vs

1 Civil Revision Siraj Miah (Gaibandha) Jesmin Akter 326/2014 vs 14 Civil Revision Abdul Malek (Natore) Md. Shamsuzzaman @ 4396/2017 vs Jaman and Anothers (Gaibandha) Abdus Salam 2 Civil Revision Khademul Ali Fakir being 15 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam @ Nuru 2452/2017 dead his heirs 1(a) Sufia 142/2016 vs (Bogra) Khatun (Gaibandha) Sree Paritosh Kumar vs Ghosh

Elam Fakir beingdead his 16 Civil Rule Md. Abdur Rahim heirs 1(a) Most. Palon 798(con)/2017 vs Bewa and others (Chandpur) Abdul Goni Molla 3 Civil Rule Most. Anwara Bibi 17 Civil Revision Rashid Ahmed 1125(con)/2015 vs 169/2016 vs (Joypurhat) Government of Bangladesh (Dhaka) Syed Sobir Jahan and ors. @ ors. 18 Civil Revision Abdul Mannan Mr. Md. Azizul Islam, Adv. ....for the petitioner. 411/2017 vs (Narayangonj) Mst. Shirin Akhter 4 Civil Revision Sree Vushow Chandra 3006/2017 vs Motion (Dhaka) Md. Ruhul Amin 5 Civil Revision Reziya Begum For Hearing : Against Judgment and Decree

1462/2014 vs 19 Civil Revision Gonesh Chandra Paul

(Gaibandha) Sukur Bepary 188/1996 vs 6 Civil Revision Md. Sultan Islam (Kishoreganj) Chanu Rani Das 3804/2017 vs (Heard in part) Mr. A.K.M. Shamshad, (Gaibandha) Most. Monowara Begum Adv. For the petitioner No.2 7 Civil Revision Sonali Bank Ltd. 3224/2016 vs Mr. Goutom Kumar Roy, (Jessore) Sirajul Huq Adv. For the O.P. No.1,-3 &6 8 Civil Revision Delwar Hossain Mr. Kamrul Alam (Kamal), 4170/2017 vs Adv. (Jamalpur) Shahadat Hossain For the O.P. No.7 9 Civil Revision Jamal Uddin Mr. M.A. Halim, Adv. 4191/2017 vs For the O.P.9

(Sunamganj) Hazi Tozammel Ali 20 Civil Revision Purno Chandra Bhoumik 10 Civil Revision Abdul Khaleque 3437/1997 vs 3769/2017 vs (Kishoregonj) Govt. Of Bangladesh (Meherpur) Miharul Islam (Heard in part) Mr. Md. Alamgir, Adv.

11 Civil Revision Korban Ali (with) For the petitioner

4275/2017 vs Mr. Md. Golam Mostafa, (Comilla) Siddiqur Rahman Adv. For the opposite party No.4 12 Civil Revision Anish Mondal 890/2018 vs Minor Payel Mondol

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Civil Revision Purno Chandra Bhoumik 26 Civil Revision Nurul Islam Jowerder 3438/1997 vs 4292/2004 vs Debendra Nath Bhoumik (Khulna) suvas chandra shaha

21 Civil Revision Montaz Sheikh (Heard in part) Mr. Ali Imam Khaled 1067/2009 vs Rahim, Advocate For the petitioner (Chapai Nawabganj) Golam Faruk (Heard in part) Mr. Md. Bazlul Kabir, Mr. Abul Kalam Mainuddin, Advocate (with) Adv. For the petitioner For the O.P. No. 1. Mr. Md. Shafiul Azam, 27 Civil Revision Rezia Bewa Adv. 3913/2003 vs For the opposite party (Tangail) Md. Tamij Uddin

Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh (Heard in part) Mr. Kamal Hossain Adv. for the Ptr. 484/2010 vs (Chapai Nawabganj) Golam Faruk Mr. Mizanur Rahman , Adv. 22 Civil Revision Md. Mokter Hossain Fakir for the Op 3912/2012 vs 28 Civil Revision Dulal Hossain (Heard in part) Most. Nurjahan Begum MR. Md. Ekramul Islam, 3579/2012 vs (Lalmonirhat) Rahmot Ullah Ahmed Adv. For the petitioner (Heard in part) Mr. Golam Rabbani, Adv. For the petitioner Mr. Md. Jafor Ali, Adv. For the oppoite parties Mr. Aminur Rahman, Adv. For the opposite party 23 Civil Revision Nuruzzaman and others 29 Civil Revision Md. Shaheen Prang 3808/2012 vs (Pabna) Mostafa Kamalh 1381/2016 vs (Naogaon) Md. Abdul Zalil Mondal (Heard in part) Mr. Rowshan Alam Khan, Adv. (Heard in part) Mr. Md. Rezaun Nabi, For the Petitioners Adv. For the petitioners Mr. Arun Kumar Roy, Adv. For the opposite party Mr. Tapas Bandhu Das, Adv. 24 Civil Revision Sree Kanailal Boshak For the opposite party 3847/2011 vs 30 Civil Revision Md. Majed Ali (Naogaon) Government of Bangladesh (Heard in part) 2539/2014 vs (Rajbari) Md. Somi Sarder 25 Civil Revision Mrs. Nurjahan Mia (Heard in part) Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman

5084/2004 vs Adv.

(Gaibandha) Md. Motiur Rahman and ..For petitioner.

(Heard in part) ors Mr. Md. Habib Zaman,

Mr. Bhabesh Ch. Mustafi, Adv. Adv. For the opposite parties For the petitioner Mr. Mohammad Mosarof 31 Civil Revision Md. Rezaul Karim 2834/2009 vs Hossain, Adv. For the O.P. (Barguna) Most. Shahinur Begum (Heard in part) Mr. Sk. Rezaul Karim, Adv. ...For the petitioner Mr. Sagir Ahmed, Adv. For the O.P. 32 Civil Revision Md. Faruq Gasu 3662/2013 vs (Gaibandha) Md. Abdul Hamid Miah (Heard in part)

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33 Civil Revision Hath Kharun Bibi and Civil Revision Abul Kashem 252/2004 others . 2247/2008 vs (Sylhet) vs (with) Abdul Bari @ Khajor Miah

(Heard in part) Seckretary of District Civil Revision Abul Kashem Parisad Saylhet and other 2248/2008 vs 34 Civil Revision Regional Director Palli (Sylhet) Abdul Bari@ khajor Miah 3810/2008 Jibikayon Prokolpay (24.06.2018)

(Naogaon) vs 43 Civil Revision Md. Ali Hossain and

(Heard in part) Mosammat Asma Khatun 1655/2012 another 35 Civil Revision Sree Vodal Sarkar and (Pirojpur) vs 2175/2014 others Md. Badsha Miah and (Chapainawabganj) vs others

(Heard in part) Sree Motital Sarkar and 44 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Haque and other 376/2013 others 36 Civil Revision Nur Ali (Bhola) vs 2382/2002 vs (08.07.2018) Md. Sadek

(Satkhira) Broto Sundor 45 Civil Revision Md. Rafiqul Islam

(Heard in part) 4210/2014 vs 37 Civil Revision Md. Jahangir Husain (Netrokona) Shamsunahar and others

3139/2007 vs 46 Civil Revision Ahmed Ali

(Pirojpur) Munsur Ali 676/2007 vs

(Heard in part) (Narayangonj) Iliasur Rahman and others 38 Civil Revision Md. Idris Hossain Mollah 47 Civil Revision Md. Omar Mollah

2600/2006 vs 4507/2014 vs

(Magura) Hazera Khatun and others Md. Youns Sheikh 39 Civil Revision Soleha Khatun 48 Civil Revision Munshi Ohiduzzaman

2631/2009 vs 539/2016 vs

(Dhaka) Abdul Kader (Khulna) S. M. Aminul Islam 40 Civil Revision Ali Azzam Being Dead his 49 Civil Revision Moti Sarder

210/2012 Heirs 1) Chandraban Bibi 2120/2008 vs (Comilla) Others (Barisal) Hashem Gazi vs 50 Civil Revision A. Rahim and others Nazir Ahmed and Others 4724/2011 vs 41 Civil Revision Md Dalu Mih (Patuakhali) Motaher Talukder and

1155/2001 vs others (Patuakhali) Md Edrish Mih 51 Civil Revision Md.Abdul Motaleb Khan 42 Civil Revision Abul Kashem 3424/2010 vs

2240/2008 vs (Barisal) Arun Chandra Deori (with) Abdul Bari @ Khajor Miah 52 Civil Revision Kalipod Pal Mr. Mahbubey Alam with 1119/2010 vs Mr. Md. Harun or Rashid, (Bagerhat) Kanailal Pal Adv. ...For the petitioner 53 Civil Revision Feroza Begum Mr. Didar Alam Kallal 3333/2008 vs with Mr. Raquibul Hasan, (Patuakhali) Md.Mohshin Adv. 54 Civil Revision Khodeja Begum ...For the opposite party. 1721/2011 vs (Chittagong) Abdur Rahman

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55 Civil Revision Md. Abu Zahed 67 Civil Revision Shandha Rani Pathak and 2153/2012 vs 1050/1995 others (Kushtia) Mst. Nasrin Khondoker (Kurigram) vs

56 Civil Revision Abdul Hakim (09.07.2018) Abdul Khaleq 1724/2011 vs 68 Civil Revision Most. Romiza Bewa and (Chittagong) Abdur Rahman 4404/2008 others (Naogaon) vs 57 Civil Revision Hazi Md. Idris Ali and 1034/2015 others Md. Abdur Rahman (Kushtia) vs 69 Civil Revision Md.Anaet Hossaaen Govt. of Bangladesh 4399/2004 vs (Khulna) Most Akhi Tara Begum 58 Civil Revision Akbar Kha 2736/2009 vs Mr. Hasan Foez Siddique (Netrokona) Govt. of Bangladesh for the petitioner (at present Hon`ble Justice) 59 Civil Revision A. Rob Karikor alias A. 617/2012 Rob Sarker 70 Civil Revision Harun-or Rashid 3195/2012 vs (Shariatpur) vs Sahar Ali Bepari (B. Baria) Amir Ali being dead his heirs : Bachchu Miah and 60 Civil Revision Rahima Bibi and others others 3004/2012 vs (Sathkhira) Jonait Ali Moral and others 71 Civil Revision Ahmed Ali 426/2007 vs 61 Civil Revision Abul Hashem and others (Narayangong) Iliasur Rahman 3023/2012 vs (Feni) Nur Ahammad and others 72 Civil Revision Begum Amena Khatun 3560/1995 vs Mr. Ahmed Nowshad Jamil, Adv. (Magura) Jagdish Kumar and others For petitioner. 73 Civil Revision Md. Serajuddin Sarder 2598/2014 vs 62 Civil Revision yeakub Kazi 777/2011 vs (Rajshahi) Md. Saifullah (Magura) Raj Kumar Paul 74 Civil Revision Khandaker Anisur Rahman 1525/2004 vs 63 Civil Revision Motin Matbor and others 385/2012 vs (Mymensingh) Ferdushi Begum @ Reva (Shariatpur) Md. Situ Howlader and 75 Civil Revision Sirajul Islam others 4459/2009 vs Mr. Tapan Kumar (Netrokona) Saleha Begum Chakrabortty, Adv. for the 76 Civil Revision Md. Hedayetul Islam petitioners, Mr. Abu Bakar 147/2008 vs Siddique, Adv. for the (Barisal) Md. Fazal Mahmud Opposite parties 77 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Mazi 64 Civil Revision Md. Mosharraf Hossain 557/2012 vs

3443/2016 vs (Jhalokathi) Abdur Rahman (Jamalpur) Md. Hasen Ali 78 Civil Revision Md. Sirajul Haque 65 Civil Revision Halima Khatun 3078/2012 vs

1115/2011 vs (Gaibandha) Most. Shamima Khatun (Faridpur) Atiqul Majid 66 Civil Revision Rafezuddin Khan and ors 1945/2006 vs (Barguna) Abdus Sattar Fakir and ors

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79 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Rashid 90 Civil Revision Bibi Sakina 3321/2002 vs 2357/2011 vs (Netrokona) Rahima Akter Khatun (Chittagong) Mahbubul Alam 80 Civil Revision Dr. Begum Noor Jahan 91 Civil Revision Aurun Kumar Vakta 1124/2012 vs 4443/2012 vs (Narayangong) Md. Ali Akbar Mia (Panchagarh) Anwarul Azim Bachhu 81 Civil Revision Sree Suras Chandra Ray 92 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Owadud Sarkar 1970/2004 vs 2370/2004 vs (Thakurgaon) Sree Mati Chiurana (with) Amena Begum 82 Civil Revision Md. Monir Hussain Khan Civil Revision Abdul Owad 408/2009 @ Boyati Munir 2374/2004 vs (Narayangonj) vs (Natore) Amina Bewa

Chishti Dr. Md. Anwar 93 Civil Revision Mokter Ali Hawlader Hossain Bhuiyan 2588/2012 vs 83 Civil Revision Jitu Miah (Bagerhat) Jobed Ali alias Safed Ali 4370/2005 vs Hawlader and others

(Thakurgaon) Hajee Abdur Rauf 94 Civil Revision Md. Moti Miah

Mr. Md. Omar Ali Khan, 1446/2012 vs Advocate for the Petitioner (Tangail) Md. Moinal Kazi Mr. A.K.M. Fazlul Karim, 95 Civil Revision Khorshad Ali and others Advocate for the opposite 342/2013 vs party. (Naogaon) Md. Khokon Uddin Sarder 84 Civil Revision Sufi Md. A. Mamun and others 461/2013 vs 96 Civil Revision Abdul Kadir Talukder (Pirojpur) Lutfa Hamid and ors 2548/2007 vs 85 Civil Revision Anisuddin Ahmed (Patuakhali) Taslima Begum 3120/2004 vs 97 Civil Revision Rob Mollah (Manikgonj) Abu Taher 3617/2014 vs Mr. Zulfiquar Ahmed, (Comilla) Ismail Mollah Adv. For the petitioner. 98 Civil Revision Abdul Hamid Sikder Mr. Md. Haroon Ar 915/2002 vs Rashid, Adv (Dhaka) Dilip Kumar Sarker For the O.P 99 Civil Revision Md. Ajijur Rahman 86 Civil Revision A. Hamid 4892/2003 vs 1738/2014 vs (Naogaon) Sur Rajpur High School (Jhalokathi) A. Jalil 100 Civil Revision Md: Akil Uddin 87 Civil Revision Bangladesh 1112/2003 vs 2910/2010 vs (Pabna) Md: Chad Ali Shah (Comilla) Hara Dhan 101 Civil Revision Dr. Rezaul Kader 88 Civil Revision Arifa Khatun 4514/2014 vs 2314/2010 vs (Chittagong) Atika Abeda (Comilla) Ayub Ali 102 Civil Revision Lili Begum 89 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh 611/2002 vs 1606/2000 vs (Narail) Faiser Rahman (Chapai Nawabganj) Zamshed Ali Sarder

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103 Civil Revision Profulla Kumar Shana 110 Civil Revision Kamal uddin 3510/2009 vs 861/2014 vs (Khulna) Khulna Sheba Ashram (with) Saleha khatun (09.04.2018) Being Represented By Civil Revision Kamal uddin Secretary Swami 1483/2014 vs Kalikananda (Dinajpur) Saleha khatun 104 Civil Revision Sento and others 111 Civil Revision Md. Bahar Mondol and 2544/2009 vs 4487/2012 others (Barguna) Md.Monirul Islam Alias (Sirajgonj) vs Monir Md. Ahed Mondol and Mr. Md. Harunur Rashid, others Adv. for the Petr. 112 Civil Revision Jalal Ahammed Mr. Md. Jalal Uddin, Adv. 5945/2007 vs for the O.P. (Comilla) Rasheda Khatun 105 Civil Revision Nur Bhanu Begum and Mr. Mobarak Hosasain for 1271/2005 others the petitioner (Bhola) vs Mr. Sarder Abull Hossain Badrun Nessa Begum and for the op[positeparty others 113 Civil Revision Jobeda Bewa and others Mr. S.N. Goswami with 4819/2014 vs Ms. Afsana Begum. (Manikganj) Habizuddin and others ..... for the Petitioners Mr. Abdul Quayum with 114 Civil Revision Sheikh Shohrab Hosen

Mr. Sk. Sharifuddin with 6061/2002 vs

Mr. Selim Reza Roma Debi Mozumder Chowdhury with Mr. Md. 115 Civil Revision Bashuullah being dead his Ali Reza. 1192/2012 heirs ;1. Md. Ayez Ali and ...... for the Opposite-Party (Manikgonj) others No.19. vs

106 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh Mrs. Ismaton Bewa and 175/2012 vs others

(Sirajganj) Md. Abu Bakar Sorder Mr. Snehashish Somadder, Adv.. for the Ptr. 107 Civil Revision Deluwar Hossain Mr. S. M. Quamrul Hasan, 1530/1995 vs Adv... for the O/P (Manikganj) Hanif Bepari Mr. Abdullah Abu Sayeed, 116 Civil Revision Kripashindu Gouswami

Advocate 642/2008 vs

...... for the petitioner (with) Abu Bakkar Mr. Syed Mahmudul Civil Revision Krispashindu Gouswami Ahsan, Advocate 643/2008 vs ...... for the opposite party (Moulavibazar) Abu Bakkar 108 Civil Revision Mohammad Rafiqul Islam 117 Civil Revision Narayan Chandra Das 2669/2006 and ors 3845/2014 vs (Bagerhat) vs (B. Baria) Sukumar Chandra

Md. Ishaque Mollah 118 Civil Revision Add.District 109 Civil Revision Mobarak Hossain 5462/2002 Commissioner 2651/2007 vs (Bagerhat) vs (Comilla) Amir Hossain and others Sikder Fozlur Rahman (03.07.2018)

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119 Civil Revision Abdul Khaleque being 131 Civil Revision Md. Mahbubur 3522/2009 dead his heirs Most. 503/2012 vs (Bagerhat) Dilwara Begum and others (Kushtia) Suvra Khatun and others

vs 132 Civil Revision Razia Khatun

Govt. of Bangladesh, D.C 629/2012 vs Comilla (Dhaka) Mrs. Momtaz Rahman 120 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh 133 Civil Revision Md.Fazlur Rahman

5512/2007 vs 575/2007 vs

(Nababganj) Jelika bibi Govt. Of Bangladesh and 121 Civil Revision 1(a ) Md. Sona Ulla ors

4260/2010 vs 134 Civil Revision Hosan Ali Sheak

(Gaibandha) Most Maleka Begum 3120/1998 vs 122 Civil Revision Tazul Islam (Bagerhat) Hasam Ali Sheak

6578/2002 vs 135 Civil Revision Mst. Asma, Mr. Md.

(Gaibandha) Azizur Rahman 2426/2015 Mizanur Rhman, Adv....for 123 Civil Revision Md.Hafiz Howlader (Comilla) the petitioner 5250/2007 vs vs (Patuakhali) Sattar Sikder Abu Taher 124 Civil Revision Md. Mobarak Ali 136 Civil Revision Mrs: Koraisha Khatun 1560/2002 Howlader and 3747/2003 vs (Barisal) vs (Naogaon) Mina rani das

Md. Mazed Fakir and 137 Civil Revision Khodabox Poramanik others 4441/2009 vs 125 Civil Revision Joinuddin Sarder (Naogaon) Afiz Uddin Mondal

998/2010 vs 138 Civil Revision 1(a) Mosarraf Hossain and

(Rajbari) Md. Ali Sheikh 4119/2000 others 126 Civil Revision Sree Goro Chandra (Rangpur) vs 3972/2013 vs 1(a) Shahjahan Ali and (Kushtia) Sree Sree Gopinath gor others Mandir Mr. P. C. Guha, Adv.-For the petitioner 127 Civil Revision Bimol Chandra Sorker 3930/2001 vs Mr. Humayun Kabir (Mymensingh) Mr. Indra Mohon and Khadem, Adv.-For the others opposite-parties Mr. Golam Rabbani, adv. 139 Civil Revision Kazi Abul Basar for the petitioner. 4711/2002 vs

128 Civil Revision Gura Miah . S.M.Arsad Ali 5137/2002 vs 140 Civil Revision Md.Monir Sarder (Cox`s Bazar) Murshedul Alam and 1063/2011 vs others. Munshi Abdul Motleb 129 Civil Revision (1) Suresh Chandra Malo Khalifa 5264/2006 and ors 141 Civil Revision Sonavan Khatun and others (Jessore) vs 1290/2003 vs (1) Balaram Sarker @ (Faridpur) Abdul Malek Matubbar Malo and ors and others 130 Civil Revision Borhanuddin Tandu 142 Civil Revision Md.Abdul Hai 630/2015 vs 3241/2003 vs (Jessore) Mst. Sharmin Akter (Laxmipur) Hira Lal Lody

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143 Civil Revision Nani Bala Podder 156 Civil Revision Golam Hussain 396/2012 vs 3444/2016 vs (Laxmipur) Honufa Khatun and others (Jamalpur) Hasan Ali 144 Civil Revision Ashish Kumar Shaha 157 Civil Revision Sree Rakhal Chandra 3802/2013 vs 1231/2006 Baidya and ors (Tangail) Biren Chandra Paul (Habiganj) vs

145 Civil Revision Shamsul Huda Sree Panna Lal 3543/2001 vs Battacharya and ors (Khulna) S.M.Ershad Ali ors 158 Civil Revision Piyar Box

146 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam 5607/2007 vs (Naogaon) Md. Meher Mondal 2021/2000 vs (Barisal) Md. Abdul Momen (20.05.2018) 147 Civil Revision Md. Amjad ali Sarder 159 Civil Revision Sheikh Abdus Satter 3815/2015 vs 4459/1998 vs (Satkhira) Sree Aswani Kumar Sarder (Khulna) Forhad Uddin Ahmed and and ors ors 148 Civil Revision Md.Sabas Uddin 160 Civil Revision Govt of Bangladesh and 4689/2010 others 2305/2009 vs (Chuadanga) Md.Monsur Ali (Bogra) vs Sree Norendranath Shaha 149 Civil Revision Md. Sabed Ali ors 161 Civil Revision Nazrul Islam Sikder 3920/1997 vs Md. Ershadul Alam ors 4799/1999 vs (Munshiganj) Abdul Sattar Miah 150 Civil Revision Anawrul haq 931/2002 vs Civil Revision Nazrul Islam Sikder 4800/1999 vs (Thakurgaon) Hasina Begum (13.05.2018) (Munshiganj) Sree Surjo Mohan Ray 151 Civil Revision Sueda Gulshan Ara 162 Civil Revision Md.Fazlur Rahman 168/2015 vs 2079/2016 vs (Comilla) Mst. Jostna Begum (Dhaka) Md.Asrafuzzaman 152 Civil Revision Md. Habizulla 163 Civil Revision Gofran Mia @ Abdul 1820/2005 Gofran 3032/2008 vs (Laxmipur) Abul Khair (Laxmipur) vs Monoara Begom 153 Civil Revision Habibur Rahman Sheikh 1253/2003 vs 164 Civil Revision Md.Hafi Sheikh 1211/2003 vs (Gopalgonj) Abdur Rouf Sheikh (27.05.2018) (Sherpur) Md.Monsur Ali Civil Revision Abdur Rouf Sheikh 165 Civil Revision Moslem Ali Howlader and 887/2004 Others 1295/2003 vs (Gopalgonj) Habibur Rahman Sheikh (Barguna) vs Abdur Rahim Howlader 154 Civil Revision Shekh Ahmd and others . and others

5657/2000 vs Mr.Md. Zakir Hossain

(Feni) Mofizur Rahman and Masud,Adv. others For the petitioners 155 Civil Revision Eyasin Ali Paranik Mr. Md. Zahangir Kabir, 4763/2006 vs Adv. (Bogra) Most . Fatajan Bibi Ots For the O.P.

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166 Civil Revision Mst. Karimunessa 178 Civil Revision Md. Abu Taher 3540/2014 vs 396/2004 vs (Gaibandha) Md. Hakimuddin (Pabna) Moksad Ali Mollah 167 Civil Revision Mohammad Mohsin Mia 179 Civil Revision Dinesh Chandra Rudra 4097/2012 vs 1197/2011 vs (Bhola) Mohammad Humayun (Noakhali) Syed Koramat Ullah Kabir and others 180 Civil Revision Dines Chondro Ullah 168 Civil Revision Md. Reyz Uddin 1827/2011 vs 1559/1996 vs (Noakhali) Mr. Sayed Keramatullah (Nilphamari) Md. Rafiq Uddin Pramanik and Others 169 Civil Revision Md. Reyz Uddin 181 Civil Revision Sree Narayan Mitra 1560/1996 vs 2458/2007 Chawdhury and anothers (Nilphamari) Jamila Beoua (with) vs

170 Civil Revision Reva Rani Saha Prafulla Ranjan Singha and 4166/2001 vs others (Dinajpur) Shamsur Rahman and Civil Revision Abu Fazal Md.Rafiuddin others 2459/2007 vs

171 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Malek Sarker (Chittagong) Prafulla Ranjan Singha 4583/2015 vs 182 Civil Revision Dinesh Chandra Das @ (Sherpur) Sree Gopal Chandra 2824/2004 Shaha (Dhaka) vs 172 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Amin 1279/2008 vs (25.06.2018) Sunil Chandra Das (with) Most. Meherzan Nessa Ors 183 Civil Revision Sayed Iffat Selim

Civil Revision Md. Nurul Amin 371/2004 vs (Dhaka) Falu Bibi 1295/2008 vs (Lalmonirhat) Most. Meherzan Nessa Ors Mrs. Umme Kulsum for the petitioner 173 Civil Revision Md: Abul Kalam Mondal Mrs. Fauzia Karim for the

2461/2001 vs opposite party (Bogra) Md: Abdur Rahaman 184 Civil Revision Abid Takaia Fazil 174 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Rahim and 2237/2016 Madrasha

4118/2007 Others (Thakurgaon) vs

(Noakhali) vs Managing Committee

Most. Rowsonnara Begum Shadar Primary School and and Others another 175 Civil Revision Abdul MOjid Molla 185 Civil Revision Sajon Mia

3015/1991 vs 1153/2009 vs

(Patuakhali) Tajem Ali Molla (Tangail) Md. Khalilur Rahman 176 Civil Revision Amit Kumar Bala 186 Civil Revision Md. Bonde Ali

1902/2014 vs 3075/2007 vs

(Khulna) Suvash Chandra Bala (Rangpur) Md. Eklas Ali 177 Civil Revision 1(a) Md. Akkas Ali and 187 Civil Revision Abul Hasem and ors

510/1998 others 5133/2000 vs

(Rajshahi) vs (Patuakhali) Abdul Rahman and ors Government of Bangladesh Mr. Khandker Aminul 188 Civil Revision Amena BagamAnd others 2757/2005 vs Hoq, Adv.-For the petitioners (Comilla) Shamsunnahar And others Nurul Amin Bhuiyan. Adv.for the petitioner.

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189 Civil Revision Laxmi Bibi 201 Civil Revision Mohammad Ali 1194/2015 vs 1503/2011 vs (Shariatpur) Abdul Motaleb (Rangpur) Md. Habibur Rahman 190 Civil Revision Abul Kashem 202 Civil Revision Md.Jomshed Ali Mondal 692/2015 vs 4751/2007 vs (Kishoregonj) Aftab Uddin (Satkhira) Md.Rabiul Islam 191 Civil Revision Md. Ruhul Amin 203 Civil Revision Golam Sheikh 4522/2015 vs 3664/2011 vs (Comilla) Washiur Rahman and (Bagerhat) Abul Kalam Sheikh and others others

192 Civil Revision Mannan Khan and anothers Mr. Md. Zahirul Islam, 1194/2009 vs Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. (Chandpur) Sultan Khan and others M. Ashraf Ali, Adv. for the o.p 193 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh and 4323/2009 another 204 Civil Revision Piarul Islam 2011/2013 vs (Rajbari) vs Abu Syed Mia (Panchagarh) Khijimuddin 194 Civil Revision Khalilur Rahman 205 Civil Revision Md, sadequl islam 5665/2007 vs 261/2014 Chowdhury (Sirajganj) vs (Naogaon) Md. Chaimuddin Moniruzzaman Mahabub 206 Civil Revision Hazim Md. Abdul Hakim . Mr. Moinul Hossain, 5176/2005 vs Advocate for the petitioner (Sylhet) Md. Ismail Ali (Bachachu) Mr. Ruhul Amin Bhuiyan (09.07.2018) and others . with Mr. Md. Motiur 207 Civil Revision Narayan Rahman,Advocate for the 3281/2015 vs opposite party. (Chuadanga) Nilamber 195 Civil Revision Aliza Tush @ Aliza 208 Civil Revision Karuna Ronjan Borua 3804/2003 vs 2543/2001 vs (Dhaka) Pakra Seoul Gomej (Chittagong) Ahmad Hossain 196 Civil Revision Abdur Rahmann and others (03.07.2018) 4861/2011 vs 209 Civil Revision Mantu Chandra Dhar and (Nilphamari) Ejaharul Haque and others 3903/2007 others 197 Civil Revision Md. Omar Ali Mollik and (Chittagong) vs 944/2016 others Sanatan Chandra Dhar and (Khulna) vs others Goutam Datta 210 Civil Revision Abdus Salam Khan 198 Civil Revision Md. Omar Ali Mollik 2888/2011 vs 945/2016 vs (Tangail) Salma Begum alias Saleha (Khulna) Goutam Datta Begum Bibi 199 Civil Revision Prafulla Ranjan Singha 211 Civil Revision Sree Anado Kumar Das 3400/2007 vs 4029/2012 and others (Chittagong) 1(A)Joy Prakash Mitra (Satkhira) vs Chowdhury and others Thana Nirbahi Officer, 200 Civil Revision Prafulla Ranjan Singha Assasuni , Sathkhira and 3401/2007 vs others (Chittagong) 1(A)Joy Prakash Mitra Chowdhury and others

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212 Civil Revision Gafran Miah 224 Civil Revision Abdul Jalil Ora 4335/2003 vs 1205/2009 vs (Rajbari) Dulal Kumar Biswas (Lalmonirhat) Nur Mohammed Ors 213 Civil Revision Md: Waresh Koruni 225 Civil Revision Alekjan Bewa and others 3866/2003 vs 4012/2014 vs (Natore) Mrs. Jubada Khatun (Rajshahi) Md. Badlu Sonar and 214 Civil Revision Khorshed Matubbar others 3079/2007 vs 226 Civil Revision Sadar Ali (Faridpur) Abdus Salam Matubbar 1756/2011 vs

215 Civil Revision Dulal Kumar Biswas (Jhenidah) Md. Hedayetullah 4960/2003 vs 227 Civil Revision Abul Bashar (Rajbari) Gufran Miah 1540/2010 vs

216 Civil Revision Ronjit Cokroborty (Jhalkati) Md.Ismail Hossain 1527/2005 vs 228 Civil Revision A.Motin (with) Abdus sobahan miah 2184/2015 vs

Civil Revision Ronjit Cokroborty (Feni) Kamrunnahar 1528/2005 vs 229 Civil Revision Chandon Mrighee Kali (Hobigonj) Abdus sobahan miah 2555/2010 Bari Puja Committee (Rajbari) vs 217 Civil Revision Md. MiKail Hossain 239/2013 vs Md. Golam Rasool (Jhenidah) Mst. Fulzan Nesa 230 Civil Revision Md. A.Khaleque 232/2011 vs 218 Civil Revision Abdul Khaleque 1801/2009 vs (Nilphamari) S.M. Shahabuddin (Mymensingh) Kamaluddin 231 Civil Revision Sunil Chandra Ghosh 5111/2003 vs 219 Civil Revision Most. Jubeda Bewa 919/2005 vs Govt of Bangladesh and (Mymensingh) Md. Quayum others 220 Civil Revision Nurul Islam and others 232 Civil Revision Abdul Hakim Seikh 748/2013 vs 3429/2007 vs (Comilla) Sayeda Khatoon and others (Bagerhat) Sukla Rani Mondol 221 Civil Revision Shah Alam Chowdhury 233 Civil Revision A. Quddus 3183/2014 vs 363/2005 vs (with) Govt. Of Baladesh (Kishoreganj) Bijon Kanti Banik Civil Rule Shah Alam Chowdhury 234 Civil Revision Shamsuddin 5491/2001 vs 919(vio)/2016 vs (Narail) D.C. Narial (Dhaka) Rupkon Bibi 222 Civil Revision Hares Ahmed 235 Civil Revision Abdul Hakim Bapari 3636/2008 vs 10/2015 vs (Comilla) D.C comilla others Md.Osman Gani Mr. A.B.M Bayezed Adv. 223 Civil Revision Md. Yusuf Sarder and for the Petitioner. 3556/2002 others (Kushtia) vs (02.07.2018) Jamal Uddin Sarder and others, Mr.AKM Sarwar Jahan, Adv...For the petr., Mr.Shariful Islam,Adv...... for the O.P.

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236 Civil Revision Govt Of Bangladesh 248 Civil Revision Sahid Miah and others 4066/2009 vs 2311/2016 vs (Gaibandha) Ali Hossan (Comilla) Ambia Khatun and others 237 Civil Revision Joynul Abedin 249 Civil Revision Nekhil Mondal 3663/1993 vs 3117/2011 vs (Faridpur) Md. Abdur Rahman (Dhaka) Mahadev Mistri 238 Civil Revision Md. Abul Kashem 250 Civil Revision Merina Begum 1439/2007 vs 825/2011 vs (Netrokona) Thana Juba Unnayan (Barisal) Abdul Hannan Officer 251 Civil Revision Md. Kawser Ali Mandal 239 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Pramanik and 4339/2004 and others 610/2006 ors (Kushtia) vs vs (22.05.2018) Md. Mohibul Haque and Md. Abdul Hamid and ors others 240 Civil Revision Abdur Razzaque 252 Civil Revision Mohammad Hossain 3468/2013 vs 2709/2014 vs (Tangail) Md. Saiful Islam (Rangamati) Ahmed Khan 241 Civil Revision Md. Taizuddin Molla 253 Civil Revision Md. Chan Miah 1770/2013 vs 4871/2014 vs (Faridpur) Md. Hemayet Hossen (Mymensingh) Most. Rezia Khatun 242 Civil Revision Abdus Sattar Matabbar 254 Civil Revision Md. Didar Mondal 4596/2014 vs 3326/2015 vs (Madaripur) Md. Rostam Matabbor and (Kushtia) Renu Bibi and others others, Mr. Kamruzzaman 255 Civil Revision Abbas Ali and others Bhuiyan, Advocate for the 5901/2000 vs petitioner. (Gaibandha) Rasatam Ali and others 243 Civil Revision Md. Dulal Miah 256 Civil Revision Lal Mohammed

867/2010 vs 395/2011 vs

(Tangail) Mst. Hanufa Khatun ors (Chapainawabganj) Mst. Fulfot Bibi 244 Civil Revision Faruque Hossain Talukder Civil Revision Lal Mohammad Mondal

6249/2001 vs 396/2011 and ors

(Barisal) Nesar Uddin Talukder (Chapainawabganj) vs

Debdas Sommader. Adv. Fulfot Bibi and others for the petitioner 257 Civil Revision Md. Fazlur Rahman 245 Civil Revision Most. Saleha Khatun 1919/2016 vs

1089/2004 vs (Sherpur) Government of Bangladesh

(Jhalkathi) Alamgir Hossain and others 246 Civil Revision Md. Golam Hossain 258 Civil Revision Anil Krishno Halder

1250/2008 vs 1146/1996 vs

(Dhaka) The Mayor,D.C.C. (Khulna) Binod Bihari Halder 247 Civil Revision Abdul Quddus 259 Civil Revision Asar Akli and others

4870/2001 vs 1561/1995 vs

(Mymensingh) Abdul Kadir (Gaibandha) Makbul Hossain and others

Mr. Md. Abdul Haque, (08.07.2018) Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Md. Khorshedul Alam, Advocate for the O.P. Nos. 1

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260 Civil Revision M.d Motiar Rahman and 267 Civil Revision Md. Abdus Sattar and 4467/2010 others 4122/2015 others (Khulna) vs (Gaibandha) vs Md. Mamun Gazi and Md. Alam Miah and others others 268 Civil Revision Monosa Sundori 261 Civil Revision Sokur Ali Shekh 2084/1997 vs 5650/2001 vs (Pirojpur) Md. Alauddin Akond (Sirajganj) Md. Taher Ali Sheik (26.06.2018) 262 Civil Revision Fazuddin Mondal 269 Civil Revision Mrs: Jibon Nasa Faroki 2901/2005 vs 2235/2001 vs (Joypurhat) Nilufar Chowdhury (Dinajpur) Tahsilder osman pur 263 Civil Revision Munshi Lutfar Rahman 270 Civil Revision Taher and another 3653/2010 vs 1732/2013 vs (Hobigonj) Md. Mazed Sheikh (Narsingdi) Hawa Begum and others 264 Civil Revision Tarabol BIbi alis Tarban 271 Civil Revision Government of 2695/2005 Bagom 4809/2011 Bangladesh (Sylhet) vs (Rajshahi) vs Shajia Bagom Md. Samon Mondal 265 Civil Revision Sagir Ahmed 272 Civil Revision Deputy Commissioner 1901/2011 vs 279/2010 Pirojpur (Sylhet) Ataur Rab Chowdhury (Pirojpur) vs

266 Civil Revision Kazi Abu Taher Bankim Chandra Halder 1571/2016 vs and others (Noakhali) A. Khair 273 Civil Revision Billal Kha 872/2012 vs (Panchagarh) Jamal Kha

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 181

High Court Division Justice Abu Bakar Siddiquee Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 12] [ ক ল ইেঃ জ একক ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ ক ৃ ত আল; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ও ে ক এং একক ে ণেগ ত ক আইে অ েয়কৃ ত ল, য়, আে ইেত উত কল কে ও তং ; য় এই ে ত ইে এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ কে । ] For Hearing : Anti-Corruption 6 Criminal Appeal Julhas Prodhan

1 Criminal Appeal Md. Khalilur Rahman 1404/2001 vs

7439/2016 vs The State

The State. Mr. Firozur Rahman, Adv. Mr. S.M. Abul Hossain, for the appellant Advocate. 7 Criminal Appeal Md. Sanu Sheikh ..... For the Convict- 660/2001 vs Appellant. The State Mrs Chowdhury Nasiam, Mr. Ashok Kumar Banik, Advocate. Adv. for the appellant

... For The ACC. 8 Criminal Appeal Md.Mizanur Rahman Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice 5591/2015 vs

2 Criminal Appeal Md. Saiful Islam The State and another,

12042/2017 vs Md. Humayun Kabir (01-07-2018) The State and another Sikder, Advocate.

Mr. Mohammad Mehedi ...... For the covicat Hasan appellant

Chowdhury,Advocate. Mr. Mominul Islam, ..... For the Convict- Advocate.

Appellant ..... For the Respondent Mr. Ashif Hassan, No.2. Advocate. 9 Criminal Appeal Kitabdi Sheikh ..... For Respondent No. 2. 679/2001 vs

For Hearing : 439 The State Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, 3 Criminal Revision Md. Fazal Ghorami Adv. for the appellant 121/2016 vs The State. 10 Criminal Appeal Sree Mazadhar Chandra

Mr. M. A. Shahid 3902/2001 vs

Choudhury, Advocate. The State

..... For the Convict- Mrs. Parveen Hannan, Petitioner. Adv. for the appellant For Hearing 11 Criminal Appeal Md. Rafiqul Babu and ors 1765/1993 vs 4 Criminal Appeal Md. Abul Kashem The State 174/2012 vs Mr. Bazlur Rahman Chana, The State. Adv. for the appellant Mr. M.G. Mahmud (Shaheen), Advocate. 12 Criminal Appeal Mohibur Rahman alias

..... For the Convict- 640/2001 Ssuruj Miah

Appellant. vs The State 5 Criminal Appeal Foyej Ahamed Mr. Probir Haldar, Adv. for 182/2012 vs the appellant The State. Mr. Md. Mozammel Haque Mehadi, Advocate. With Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim, Advocate...... For The Convict- Appellant.

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13 Criminal Appeal Md. Zahir Mia alias Zahir 19 Criminal Appeal Nur Mohammad 1408/2001 Rahman 2487/2016 vs vs The State. The State Mr. Mohammad Rezaul Mr. Haresuddin, Adv. for Karim, , Advocate. the appellant ..... For the Convict- 14 Criminal Appeal Md. Jahan Ali Appellant. 1479/2001 vs 20 Criminal Appeal Md.Saiful Islam Rashed The State 4166/2013 vs Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam (01-07-2018) The State and another. Khan, Adv. for the Mr. Chanchal Kumar appellant Biswas. , Advocate.

15 Criminal Appeal Mst. Hasina ..... For the Convict- Appellant. 4080/2010 vs The State. Mr. Tushar Kanti Roy, Advocate. Mr. M. Ashif Hasan, Advocate...... For the Respondent ..... For the Convict- No.2. Appellant. 21 Criminal Appeal Md. Asadul alia Asad

16 Criminal Appeal Md.Mojammel Hossain 1124/2005 vs The State, 7135/2013 vs The State. Mrs. Runa Sultana, Advocate. Mr. M. Ashraf Ali, Advocate...... For the Convict- ..... For the Convict- Appellant. Appellant. 22 Criminal Appeal Miss Rokea Begum 9762/2016 vs 17 Criminal Appeal Aftab Mahmud 5818/2016 vs The State Md. Salim Hossain and 23 Criminal Appeal Md. Moklesur Rahman another. 8799/2016 vs Mst. Umme Salma, The State and another. Advocate. Dr. Md. Shamsur ..... For the Convict- RAhman,, Advocate. Appellant...... For the Convict- Mr. Ziaur Rahman, Appellant. Advocate. Mrs. Nadira Hamid, ..... For the Respondent Advocate. No.2. With

18 Criminal Appeal Md. Shafiqul Islam Mr Md. Rashadul Islam, Advocate. 11237/2016 vs Thr State...... Fo the Respondent Mr. Md. Shariful Isola, , No.1. Advocate. 24 Criminal Appeal Md. Alfaz Uddin ..... For the Convict- 8028/2016 vs Appellant.. The State. Mr. Md. Jahangir Mr. Md. Harun-Or-Rashid, Alam,Advocate. , Advocate...... For the Respondent ..... For the Convict- No.2. Appellant. Mr. S.M. Alim, Advocate...... For the Respondent No.2.

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25 Criminal Appeal Md. Shafiqul Islam 32 Criminal Appeal Md. Nurul Haque Khokon 1792/2017 vs 783/2017 vs The State. The State

Mr. Md. Abdul Mazid 33 Criminal Appeal A. Malek Bhuiyan Mollah,Advocate. 10869/2017 vs

With The State Mr. Md. Rakibul Isla, , 34 Criminal Appeal Sahinur Begum Advocate. 8013/2017 vs ..... For the Convict- The State Appellant. Mr. Md. Aminul Ehsan, 35 Criminal Appeal Md. Absar Alam and other. Advocate. 6418/2013 vs With The State Mr. Md. Tariqul Islam, 36 Criminal Appeal Md. Nurul Haque Khokon Advocate. 1397/2017 vs ..... For the Respondent The State No.2 37 Criminal Appeal Md. Manik @ Manik Miah 26 Criminal Appeal Md. Shafiqul Islam 8382/2017 vs 1793/2017 vs The State and another. The State. 38 Criminal Appeal Abdullah Al Harun Mr. Md. Abdul Mazid 9715/2017 vs Mollah,Advocate. The State With Mr. Md. Rakibul Isla, , 39 Criminal Appeal Md.Mostofa Kamal

Advocate. 2400/2015 vs

..... For the Convict- The state and another. Appellant. 40 Criminal Appeal Bishwajit Kumar Roy Mr. Md. Aminul Ehsan, 7631/2015 vs Advocate. The state.

With 41 Criminal Appeal Bishwajit Kumar Roy

Mr. Md. Tariqul Islam, 7632/2015 vs Advocate. The state...... For the Respondent No.2 42 Criminal Appeal Bishwajit Kumar Roy 7633/2015 vs 27 Criminal Appeal Md. Afzal Hossain The state. 1238/2003 vs The State 43 Criminal Appeal Bishwajit Kumar Roy 7634/2015 vs 28 Criminal Appeal Md.Masud Rana The state. 1995/2011 vs The State and Another 44 Criminal Appeal Bishwajit Kumar Roy 7635/2015 vs 29 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdul Momin Tara The state. 604/2017 vs The State 45 Criminal Appeal A.S.M.Jahangir Amin 8564/2015 Faruk 30 Criminal Appeal Md. Ashraful Islam vs

3261/2017 vs The State and another The State 46 Criminal Appeal Md.Shah Alam 31 Criminal Appeal Muhammad Muslem 1006/2014 vs

9489/2016 Uddin The State vs The State

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47 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Solaiman 57 Criminal Revision Md. Durjoy Hossen Roni 9314/2016 vs 97/2015 vs The State The State 48 Criminal Appeal Md. Raisul Momen 58 Criminal Revision Md. Zahurul Islam Mintu 2508/2017 Basunia 1231/2013 and another. vs vs The State The State 49 Criminal Appeal Md.Ali Hyder 59 Criminal Revision Md. Mahbubul Hoque 5522/2011 vs 2316/2015 vs The State and another. The State and others For Hearing : 439 60 Criminal Revision Md. Mahbubul Hoque

50 Criminal Revision Forid uddin 2317/2015 vs

1528/2011 vs The State and others The state. 61 Criminal Revision Most. Jahanara Khanam Muhammad Oli Miah, 1356/2017 vs Mr. Md. Abdul Mazid Md. Imrul Hasan and Mollah,Advocate. another

With For Hearing : Anti-Corruption Mr. Md. Rakibul Isla, Advocate. 62 Criminal Appeal Mr.Md.Musayekur 8495/2015 Rahman Khadem ..... For the Convict- Appellant. vs The State 51 Criminal Revision Mohammmad 1445/2012 wahiduzzaman @shiper 63 Criminal Appeal Md. Shafiur Rahman 883/2001 Shafi, vs The State Mr. Md. Abdul Mazid Mollah,Advocate. 52 Criminal Revision Sheikh Abu Bakkar With

337/2017 vs Mr. Md. Rakibul Islam,

The State and another. Advocate. 53 Criminal Revision A.K. Rezaun Nabi (Tapu) ..... For the Convict- 1310/2014 vs Appellant. The State. vs

54 Criminal Revision Syed Altaf Ali The State. 1035/2011 vs 64 Criminal Revision Md. Ikram Abedin The State 422/2017 Chowdhury

55 Criminal Revision Md. Ruhul Amin vs

1605/2015 vs The State. The State 56 Criminal Revision Oli and another. 445/2007 vs The State. Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 185

High Court Division Justice Abu Bakar Siddiquee and Justice Abdur Rob Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Chamber No. 12] [ চের তদন জল আপল হণ ও নন করেবন। ] For Hearing 3 Jail Appeal Md. Younus Ali

1 Jail Appeal Md. Siddik Fakir 103/2017 vs

194/2014 vs The State The State 2 Jail Appeal Md. Mainul Bari Jewal 276/2016 vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 186

High Court Division Justice Md. Nuruzzaman and Justice Md. Khasruzzaman Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 27] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; নষনহয জন থভ আপহল, থভ আপহল (েফট), থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট), ৬,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল এফং দউসলয়ষ সফলয়ক আইেনয অধহেন আপহল঳ভ঻঴; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল ও সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; ঴ষইেকষট েলয ৔ অধষেয়য ৌ৪ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন ৬,োো,োোো টষকষয উভষেনয আপহল ; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ ল, দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ও তৎ঳ংষ আেফদনপ ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয়; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয ৌ নং আইেনয (঱ষসল঱হ আইন, ্োোৌ) ৪৓(ক), খ এফং গ ধষযষ ভষতষেফক আপহল; ইউসনয়ন পসযলদ, পৗয঳বষ (সফে঱ল দষসয়) অধষেদ঱, ৌ৔৔৔ ইং আেদ঱ নং -৬, ৌ৔৔ৌ-এয অধহন আপহল ; সডসব঱ন ফে ঴নেমষগ দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ আপহল঳ভ঻঴ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ।] Motion 3 Civil Revision Rajdhani Unnayan

988/2010 Kartipakkha (Dhaka)(Heard in part) vs Application Pari Banu and ors 1 First Appeal Abdul Latif Bepari and Mr. Md. Aminul Islam 470/1999 others Advocate...For the (Munshigonj) vs petitioner. Abul Soban Sheikh being Mr.Afsaruddin Ahmed dead his heirs: 1(Ka) Khan, Advocate...for the Shirajul Islam Sheikh and opposite party Nos. 2,3,5 others and 6 Mr. Manzill Murshid, Mr. M.G.H. Ruhullah, Advocate.....For the Advocate.....For the Appellants O.P.No.4

Mr.Md. Ashraful Karim, 4 First Appeal Mr.Md.Mofazzal Hossain Advocate with Mr. Rafiqul 288/1998 and ors Islam, Advocate.....For the (Gazipur)( Heard in part ) vs RespondentsNo.1(ka) Bangladesh Ms. Nahid Yeasmin with Mr. Dr. Rafiqur Rahman, Iqbal Hasan ,Advocates with Mr4. A.B.M. Matiar .....For the Respondent Rahman,Advocate ....for Nos. 1(ka), a,b,c, e, f. the appellant. Mr. Mosharraf Hosssain Mr. Mosharaf Hossain Sarder,DAG, with Ms. Sarder,DAG with Mrs. Shahida Khatoon,AAG Shahida Khatoon,AAG with Mr. Md. Ashrafuddin with Mr. Md. Ashrafuddin Khan,AAG.....For the Khan,AAG...... For the Respondent No. 24-26 Respondent Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : Application 5 First Appeal Selim Parvej and ors. 2 First Misc Appeal Mohammed Hossain 162/2013 vs 145/1996 vs (Narayangang) Bangladesh Government. (Narayangang)(with) Chairman Bangladesh jute (01.7.2018) Mr. Pranesh Chandra corporation Roy,Adv...For the apellant. Mr. Syed Mahmudul Mr.Md. Ahsan, Adevocate...... For Bodruddoza,Advocate with the appellants Mrs. Zibon Nesa Mr. Mohiuddin Ahmed, Mukti,Advocates ...For the Advocate...... For the Respondent No. 1. respondents Kabir Ahamed Koraishi Civil Rule Mohammad Hossain Talukder, Adv. ....For the 289(F.M)/1996 vs respondent No. 3-6 (Narayangang) Chairman, Bangladesh Jute For Hearing : Sent from Appellate Division Corporation and others For hearing For Hearing 6 First Appeal Abdul Latif Bepari and 470/1999 others (Munshigonj)(Heard in vs part) Abul Soban Sheikh being dead his heirs: 1(Ka) Shirajul Islam Sheikh and others Mr. Manzill Murshid, Advocate.....For the Appellants Mr.Md. Ashraful Karim, Advocate with Mr. Rafiqul Islam, Advocate.....For the RespondentsNo.1(ka) Ms. Nahid Yeasmin with Iqbal Hasan ,Advocates .....For the Respondent Nos. 1(ka), a,b,c, e, f. Mr. Mosharraf Hosssain Sarder,DAG, with Ms. Shahida Khatoon,AAG with Mr. Md. Ashrafuddin Khan,AAG.....For the Respondent No. 24-26

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For Hearing 12 Civil Revision Mohosin Noor-e-Alam and

7 First Appeal Mst.Sufia Khatun and 2840/2016 another (Dhaka ) vs 696/2000 others (Dhaka) vs Justice Amin Ahmed Trust and another Govt. of Bangladesh and others . Mr. Md. Billal Hossain, Mr. Md. S.R. Adv. with Mr. M.A. Khoshnabish,Adv.....For Mannan Bhiuyan Adv...... for the petitioner the appellant. Mr. Mosharraf Hossain Mr.Mahbubey Alam,Senior Sarder,DAG with Mrs. Advocate with Mr. Shahida Khatoon,AAG J.M.Manjur Hasan .Adv with Mr. Md. Ashrafuddin with Mr.A.K.M. Rabiul Khan,AAG,.....For the Hassan, with Mr. Salim State. Jahangir.Adv. with Ms. Farzana -R-Shampa, Adv. 8 Civil Revision Shamol Dey (Mahazan) with M.M.

3803/2015 and another Shafiullah,,Adv. with Mr.

(Chittagong) vs Md. Arafat

Sree Gobindo Prashed Kausar,Advocates...... Mahazan and others For the opposite party Nos.

Mrs. Shahanaj Akther, 1-2 Advocate.....For the petitioner 13 Civil Revision Zamina Sikder and others 2576/2007 vs Mr. Kamal Hossain, Advocate.....For the (Dhaka ) Sultana Zaman @ Sultana O.P.No.01 Khalil and others Mr. Md. Abdul Hye 9 Civil Revision President, Courts of Words Sarker, Advocatge.....For

4442/2014 vs the petitioers

Dhaka(25.6.2018) Mahfuzur Rahman and Mr. Md. Tarjel others Hossaoin,Advocate ....For

Mr. A.F. Hasan Arif, the Opposite parties. Advocate with Mr. Md. 14 Civil Revision Rashida begum and Hamidur Rahman, Advocate..... for the 3341/2015 another (Dhaka ) vs petitioner Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahman Moazzem Hossain and others. for the opposite party Nos. 1-3, 4(a)-4(c) and 5 Mr. Ashik Al Jalil, Mr. Md.Moniruzzaman, Advocate.....For the petitioner Advocate.....For the O.P.Nos. 221-233 15 Civil Revision Khorshed Alam Khan and 2072/2016 others 10 Civil Revision Nosiul Alam 2437/2013 vs (Dhaka ) vs Hasne Jahan Safdar (Chattagong) Mabia Khatun and others Mr. Md. Bashir Uddin Mr. Md. Anisul Hasan, Zindigir, Advocate....For Advocate.....For the petitioner the petitioner Mr. Ashok Kumar Banik, Mr. Sheikh Muhammed Advocate...... For the O.Ps. Serajul Islam, Advocate...... For the O.P. 11 Civil Revision Bikash Ranjan Roy 1834/2015 vs (Sunamgonj) Profulla Chandra Roy Mr. Golam Ahmed Adv. for the petitioner. Mrm Dipankar Debnath, Advocate...... For the O.P.Nos. 1 and 2

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16 Civil Revision Nasima Begum 23 Civil Revision M/S Sunil Kumar Mondal 2923/2014 vs 4563/2007 vs (Dhaka) District Judge, Dhaka (Khulna) M.A.Wahab Mrs. Saleha Islam Adv. for Mr. Sabya Sachi Mondal, petitioner. Advocate...... For the Mr. Mosharrof Hossain petitioner Sarder,D.A.G with Mrs. 24 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Latif Kha and Shahida Khatoon, A.A.G 3435/2017 others with Mr. Md. Ashrafuddin (Bogra) vs Khan, A.A.G...... For the Md.Rafiqul Islam and opposite party others 17 Civil Revision Haji Md. Habil Bhuiyan Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahman, 824/2015 and others Advocate.....For the (Dhaka) vs petitioners

Md. Nannu Miah and 25 Civil Revision Md.Mizanur Rahman others 2383/2015 vs

Mr. Abdul Barek (Khulna) Md. Mohibur Rahman Chowdhury, Advocate for Mr. Ahmed Nowshed the petitioner Jamil, Advocate...... For

Mr. M.A. Aziz, Advocate the petitioner for the opposite party. Mr. Md. Zulfikar Ali, 18 Civil Revision Mahmuda Begum Advocate.....For the 9839/1991 vs O.P.No.1

(Dhaka) Mesbah Uddin 26 Civil Revision Jomira Holdings Ltd. 19 Civil Revision Md. Misir Ahmed 3584/2016 vs 5468/2000 vs (Chittagong) Most. Sultana Razia (Dhaka) Haji Md. Isalmuddin Begum Mr. Md. Sirajul Islam Mr. Mohammad Ziaul Khan, Advocate...... For the Hoque,Adv.....For the petitionr petitioner Mr. Md. Ismail Miah, Mr. Abdul Barek Advocate...... For the Chowdhury,Adv.....For the O.P.Nos. 1-10 O.P. 20 Civil Revision Md. Jalal Uddin Ahmed 27 Civil Revision Md. Tarequr Rahman 3161/2000 vs 445/2014 vs (Khishoregaonj) Govt. (Jessore) Sayera Khatun Mr. Md. Shahadat Tanveer Mr. Faruk Hossain Adv. Amin, Advocate...... For the for petitioner. petitioner 28 Civil Revision Govt. Of Bangladesh 21 Civil Revision Mrs. Fatema Safdar 5954/2002 vs 2782/2000 vs (Bagerhat) Shahjahan Ali ((Dhaka) Fazilatunnesa Mr. Md. Rabiul Alam Mr. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury,Adv.....For the Sikder, Advocate...... For petitioner the petitioner Mr. S.M. Rezaul 22 Civil Revision Sayada Azmeri Islam Karim,Adv...... For te O.P. 2361/2010 vs Kustia) Md.Saiful Alam Mr. S.M. Anamul Hoque, Advocate...... For the petitioner Mr. Md. Raziur Rahman Chowdhury, Advocate.....For the opposite party

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29 Civil Revision Mazbah Uddin Shahin 35 First Misc Appeal Syed Mohammad Rezaul 3053/2002 vs 43/2017 Karim and others. (Jhalokhati) Upazila Project (Chittagong(with) vs Impementation Syed Rowshan Akter and Karmokarta others. Mr. M.A. Mr. Md. Rezaul Hossain Guffar,Adv.....For the Morshed, Advocate.....For petitioner the appellant

30 Civil Revision Most.Noor jahan Begum Mr. Md. Shakhawat 1651/2002 vs Hussain Khan, (Satkhira) Hazi Md.Abdul Aziz Advocate.....Respondent Sarder No.1-4 Mr. A.Y Ahed Civil Rule Syed Mohammad Rezaul Ali,Adv.....For the 618(F.M)/2016 Karim and others. petitioner (Chittagong) vs Mr. Prabir Syed Rowshan Akter and Halder,Adv.....For the O.P others.

31 Civil Revision Md. Hafijul Islam Mr. Md. Rezaul Hossain 3717/2003 Chowdhury Morshed, Advocate.....For the appellant (Dhaka) vs Dr. Farjana Ahmed Mr. Md. Shakhawat Mr. Md. Ahia,Ad with Mr. Hussain Khan, Md. Hafizul Islam Advocate.....Respondent Chowdhury,Adv....For the No.1-4 petitioner 36 Civil Revision Billal Hossain Khan 1741/2016 vs 32 Civil Revision Dr. Nazim Uddin Ahmed 3449/2010 vs (Magura) Mst. Afrin Jahan and (Gazipur) Secretary Ministry of others Local Govt. Rural Dev. 37 Civil Revision Md. Nur Rahman and Mr. Syed Mokaddas 3591/2016 others Ali,Adv.....For the (Jessore) vs petitioner Rafique Uddin and others

Mr. A.Q.M Sfiullah,with 38 Civil Revision Mow. Md. Anwar Hosaini Mrs. Rokeya 2571/2013 alias Sattar Akhter,Adv....For the O.P. (Bhola) vs 33 Civil Revision Ruhul Amin Shoaib Md. Azizul Haque Faraji 2355/2009 vs and others

(Dhaka) S.M. Anisur Rahman 39 Civil Revision Md. Saiful Islam (Kazol

Mr. Mizra Ashraf 426/2017 Molla) Ali,Ad.....For the petitioner (Baisal) vs 34 Civil Revision A.K.M. Saniat Hossain Most. Mukul Begum

3025/2016 vs 40 Civil Revision Mst. Rehena Khan

(Dhaka) Sonali Bnak Ltd. 2229/2013 (Munni)

Mr. Sayed Emran (Magura) vs Hossain,Adv.....For the 1(a)Mst. Rahima Khatun petitioner and others

Mr. Niklis Kumar Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman Biswas,Adv....For the O.P. Adv. for petitioner. 41 Civil Revision Mohammad Ali 543/2004 vs (Kustia) Islami Bank, Kustia 42 Civil Revision Mst. Aktarunnahar alias 2251/2017 Rubi (Barguna) vs Md. Amir Hossain Amir

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43 Civil Revision Saidul Islam Sahabuddin 48 Civil Revision Md. Azam and others. 1506/2017 vs 2326/2017 vs (Baisal) Bahauddin alias Bahadur Sree Sree Dashabhuja and another Mata and others 44 Civil Revision D. Md. Nur Islam 49 Civil Revision Md. Mamun Sorker and 3771/2009 vs 4540/2016 others (Rangpur) Hasina Afroz vs

45 Civil Revision Md. Abu Taleb Sheikh and Sree Noyan Chandra Das and others 1759/2009 others (Rangpur) vs Mr. Nurul Alam, Md. Mahbubur Rahman Advocate...For the and others petitioners Mr. Sazzad-Ul-Islam, 46 First Misc Appeal Sunil Sarder and others Advocate.....For the

27/2017 vs O.P.Nos.1-93 (Khulna )(with) Tushar Kanti Sarder 50 First Appeal Sree. Bhuban Chandra Civil Rule Sunil sarder and others. 52/2013 Sutradhar

778(FM)/2016 vs (Hobigonj) vs

(Khulna) Tushar Kanti sarder Md. Afraj Afgan 47 First Appeal Mrs. Sayma Salam Chawdhury 256/2010 vs Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain, Amina Begum and others Advocate.....For the Mr. Fazlur Rahman Khan, applicant Advocate...... For the appellant Mr.Md. Fida M Kamal with Mr. Mohammad Ali Akanda, Advocates....For the respondents Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 191

High Court Division Justice Md. Moinul Islam Chowdhury and Justice Khizir Hayat Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 25] [ একে ড ে ে এং ড ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও কল জল আল আে ও ; ৗজ এং ৗজ ক এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং ণ কে।] Motion

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 192

High Court Division Justice Obaidul Hassan and Justice S M Kuddus Zaman Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 19] [ একে ড ে ে এং ড ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও কল জল আল আে ও ; ৗজ এং ৗজ ক এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং কে এং অক েত ড ে ণেগ ত ক আই ং কল ক ৗজ ও ট , ক, আল আে ও তং ণ কে। ] Motion 11 Criminal Misc Advocate Ruhul Kabir

1 In re ...... 47672/2017 Rizvi Ahammed

Narsingdi vs vs

Tender No. : ...... The State For Hearing Application (Motion) 12 Criminal Appeal Md.Tofazzal Hossain (Stand over matters) 6000/2015 vs

2 In re Md. Mahbub The state Gazipur vs 13 Criminal Misc Towhid @ Tawhad Tender No. : 5810 The State 2817/2017 Hossain vs

3 In re Md. Ahad Ali Bhuiya @ The State

Dhaka Ali Bhuiya Mr. M. Ferdous Al Bashir, Tender No. : 5828 vs Advocate ...... For the The State accused petitioner 4 In re Jashim @ Sylhetta Jashim 14 Criminal Misc Md. Arif Hossain Sikder

Dhaka vs 11750/2017 vs

Tender No. : 5901 The State The State

Mr. Mostafa Ahmed, Advocate ...... For the 5 In re Md. Abul Hossain accused petitioner Rangpur vs Tender No. : 6132 The State 15 Criminal Misc Mrs. Kaleda Khanom

22424/2009 vs The State 6 In re Md. Masud Rana alias Dhaka Mahfujur Rahman Rana @ 16 Criminal Misc Abdul Motaleb Akon

Tender No. : 6719 Anisur Rahman Rana 24736/2009 vs

vs The State The State 17 Criminal Misc Md Zakir Hossain Rari

7 In re Oliur Rahman 14174/2017 vs

Sylhet vs The State

Tender No. : 7131 The State Mr. Debajit Debnath, Adv...... for the petitioner 8 In re Jakia Begum Roksana 18 Criminal Misc Md. Zakir Hossain Rari

Noakhali vs 14175/2017 vs

Tender No. : 14974 The State The StateMr. Debajit Debnath, Adv...... For the petitioner 9 In re Selim Dhaka vs 19 Criminal Misc Syed Siddique Imam

Tender No. : 17642 The State 2027/2016 vs

The State and another Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir 10 In re Md. Aktaruzzaman Bulbul, Adv...... For the Dhaka Chhoton petitioner Tender No. : 11363 vs The State 20 Criminal Misc Syed Siddique Imam 2028/2016 vs Sent from Appellate Division The State and another For hearing Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir Bulbul, Adv...... For the petitioner

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21 Criminal Misc Syed Siddique 30 Criminal Misc Md. Shafiul 2029/2016 Imam 11038/2010 Azam vs vs The State and The State another 31 Criminal Misc Abdul Hannan Mr. Md. 28725/2010 Shah Humayun Kabir vs Bulbul, The State Adv...... For the 32 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul petitioner 32828/2010 Ahad 22 Criminal Misc Aloysius Milon vs 15283/2018 khan The State vs 33 Criminal Misc Kalu Member The State 33362/2010 vs For Hearing The State (U/S 34 Criminal Misc Abu Yousuf 561A/439/435/526/498/Appeal) 27112/2010 Manna 23 Criminal Misc A. K. M. vs 968/2009 Sirajullah The State vs 35 Criminal Md. Jahangir The State Revision vs Mr. M. Sayed 458/2010 The State Ahmed, Adv.

For the petitioner 36 Criminal Misc Chu. Golam 22199/2010 Morshed 24 Criminal Misc Mahbubur vs 21205/2009 Rahman The State vs The State 37 Criminal Misc Nikhil Chandro 11009/2010 Dash 25 Criminal Misc Sree Bhojan vs 27222/2009 Paul The State vs The State 38 Criminal Misc Nikhil Chandra

Mr. Sarwar 11010/2010 Das

Ahmed, vs

Adv...... For The State the petitioner 39 Criminal Misc Md.Ramjan Ali

26 Criminal Misc Shah Alam 24927/2011 and others

23433/2009 vs vs

The State The State 27 Criminal Misc Salim 40 Criminal Misc Md. Aftab

21069/2010 vs 30635/2011 Uddin

The State vs The State 28 Criminal Misc Most. Shaki 27191/2010 Salam 41 Criminal Misc Shorodindu Das

vs 36522/2011 Gupto (Nilu)

The State vs The state 29 Criminal Misc Aminul Haq 30895/2010 and others 42 Criminal Misc Md. Mojammel

vs 5721/2011 Haque and The State another vs The State

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43 Criminal Misc Sumon 57 Criminal Misc Rajon @ Shawn Ahmad 1561/2011 vs 3885/2012 vs The State The State 44 Criminal Misc Md. Shah Alam 58 Criminal Misc Sree Mohendra Baroy alis 12153/2011 vs 2835/2012 Mohendra Sarker The State vs

45 Criminal Misc Mahaboob Morshed Sohel The state 36249/2011 alias Md.Sohel 59 Criminal Misc Md.Rajem Uddin vs 2870/2012 vs The state The State 46 Criminal Appeal Amiruzzaman@choto Bau 60 Criminal Misc Md.Nure Alam Siddique 156/2011 and others 48777/2012 @ Rqana vs vs The state The state 47 Criminal Misc Alhaj Kabir Ahmed 61 Criminal Misc Earul Islam 32922/2011 Sowdagar and others 7909/2012 vs vs The State

The state 62 Criminal Misc Md. Nurul 48 Criminal Misc Kabir 12822/2012 vs 2722/2011 vs jThe State

The State 63 Criminal Misc Md.Arif Gaffar 49 Criminal Misc Abul Khair 40796/2012 vs 1569/2012 vs The state

The State 64 Criminal Misc Md.Humayun Kabir 50 Criminal Revision Md. Belayet Hossain 42541/2012 vs 264/2012 vs The state

The State 65 Criminal Misc Joinul Karim 51 Criminal Misc Deen Mohammad 48253/2012 vs 14968/2012 vs The State

The state 66 Criminal Misc Nurul Islam Chowdhury 52 Criminal Misc Md. Ali Akbar Chowdhury 37309/2012 vs 7910/2012 vs The State

The State 67 Criminal Misc Beauti Baegum 53 Criminal Misc Moulana Md.Abu Tayeb 32438/2012 vs 5900/2012 vs The State

The State 68 Criminal Misc Sheikh Mohammad 54 Criminal Misc Syed Tahammul Hossain 49292/2012 Alamgir Hossain 33126/2012 vs vs The state The state 55 Criminal Misc M.Ashek Elahi 69 Criminal Misc Md.Motahar Hossain 25380/2012 vs 1216/2012 vs The state The state 56 Criminal Misc Syed Badrul Alam 70 Criminal Misc Md. Aminur Rahman 9198/2012 vs 26206/2012 vs The state The state

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71 Criminal Misc Md.Nure Alam Siddique 76 Criminal Misc Abdul Kalek and others 48777/2012 @ Rqana 49895/2012 vs vs The State

The state 77 Criminal Misc Raisa Jannat Ashraf 72 Criminal Misc Elias Ahmmed 5479/2018 vs 1440/2012 vs The State

The state 78 Criminal Misc Najmul and another 73 Criminal Misc Rabiul islam Khan 2521/2018 vs 1628/2012 vs The State

The State 79 Criminal Misc Md. Moksood Ali 74 Criminal Misc M.Selim Serniyabad 42826/2016 vs 10387/2012 vs The State

The state 75 Criminal Misc Abu Syed Khan (Babi) 8188/2012 vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 196

High Court Division Justice M. Enayetur Rahim and Justice Md. Mostafizur Rahman Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 17] [ একে ড ে ে এং ড ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও কল জল আল আে ও ; ৗজ এং ৗজ ক এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং কে । ] For Order 6 In re Md. Tofazzal Hossain

1 In re Md. Jamal Sheikh Sylhet Chowdhury

Munshiganj vs Tender No. : 26339 vs

Tender No. : 29556 The State The State Mr. Al Mamun, Advocate Application : 561A with (Filed on 17.05.2018)

Mr. Md. Saiful Alam, 7 In re Md. Shakil Ahmed Advocate Dhaka vs for the petitioner Tender No. : 22272 The State 2 Criminal Misc Md. Delwar Hossain

3958/2016 vs 8 In re Md. Abu Yousuf Ali The State Sirajganj Sarker Mr. Md. Kamal Parvez, Tender No. : 26050 vs Advocate The State for the Petitioner 9 In re Mithun Mr. A.M. Aminuddin, Advocate with Sunamganj vs Tender No. : 26941 The State Mr. Md. Ashraful Alam, Advocate for the opposite party 10 In re Md. Abdul Khaleq (Secretary Ministry of Law Noakhali vs Justice and Parliamentary Tender No. : 27231 The State Affairs) Criminal Appeal Md. Hemayet Ullah 11 In re Md. Soleiman alias Sumon 1096/2016 Dewan Chittagong vs vs Tender No. : 27317 The State The State

Mr. Saiful Islam Khandker, 12 In re Md. Ziarul Haque Advocate Dhaka vs

for the Appellant Tender No. : 27342 The State Application : 561A

(Filed on 10.05.2018) 13 In re Md. Farid 3 In re Md. Rafiq Howlader and Chittagong vs Patuakhali others Tender No. : 27343 The State Tender No. : 24357 vs

The State 14 In re Yeasmin Akter 4 In re Rabeya Hossain Chittagong vs Sylhet Chowdhury Tender No. : 27477 The State Tender No. : 26335 vs

The State 15 In re Moksudul Huq and anotehr 5 In re Selina Islam Chowdhury Chittagong vs Sylhet vs Tender No. : 27483 The State Tender No. : 26337 The State

16 In re Maolana Gazi Ruhul Amin Pirojpur vs Tender No. : 27557 The State

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17 In re Md. Siddiqur Rahman 29 In re Md. Altafur Rahman Bagerhat Sheik and others Dhaka vs Tender No. : 27577 vs Tender No. : 29380 The State The State 18 In re Md. Shamsul Alam 30 In re Jahangir Alam Chowdhury Chittagong Bhuiyan Dhaka vs Tender No. : 27581 vs Tender No. : 29410 The State The State 19 In re Md. Belayet Hossain and 31 In re Badiul Alam Chowdhury Noakhali others Dhaka vs Tender No. : 27585 vs Tender No. : 29412 The State The State 20 In re Fakruddin Ali Ahamed 32 In re Md. Abu Bakkar Chittagong vs Sirajganj vs Tender No. : 27619 The State Tender No. : 29540 The State

21 In re Md. Ratan Mia 33 In re Md. Alhaj Sherpur vs Tangail vs Tender No. : 27630 The State Tender No. : 29542 The State

22 In re Md. Fazlul Haque 34 In re Omar Faruk (Mun) Rajbari vs Lalmonirhat vs Tender No. : 28286 The State Tender No. : 29650 The State

23 In re Md. Abdul Khaleque 35 In re Md. Nurul Islam Sirajganj vs Munshiganj vs Tender No. : 28322 The State Tender No. : 29666 The State

24 In re Md. Motiur Rahman and 36 In re Ajman Ahmmad (Pomi) Dhaka another Dhaka vs Tender No. : 28382 vs Tender No. : 29726 The State The State 25 In re Md. Aminul Islam 37 In re Prosanto Kumar Shaha Manikganj vs Dhaka vs Tender No. : 28996 The State Tender No. : 29750 The State

26 In re Joshna Akter and others 38 In re Md. Omor Faruk @ Hiru Dhaka vs Rangpur vs Tender No. : 29008 The State Tender No. : 29800 The State

27 In re Baki Billah Mishkat 39 In re Md. Zainul Abedin Dhaka Chowdhury and another Rangpur vs Tender No. : 29156 vs Tender No. : 29816 The State The State 28 In re Bilkis Monsur and others Dhaka vs Tender No. : 29160 The State

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40 In re Meherun Nessa @ Laboni 50 Criminal Misc Md. Nasir Uddin Dhaka and another 16387/2018 vs Tender No. : 29828 vs The State The State Mr. G.M. Mahmud (Shaheen), Advocate 41 In re Aminul Islam Gazipur vs for the petitioner Tender No. : 29876 The State 51 Criminal Misc Md. Nasir Uddin 16388/2018 vs The State 42 In re Abdul Haque Munshi and Madaripur others Mr. G.M. Mahmud (Shaheen), Advocate Tender No. : 29982 vs The State for the petitioner 52 Criminal Misc Md. Nasir Uddin 43 In re Abdul Haque Munshi and Madaripur others 16389/2018 vs The State Tender No. : 29984 vs The State Mr. Golam Hafiz, Advocate 44 In re Sree Sukumar Saha for the petitioner Bogra vs For Hearing : 498 Tender No. : 29988 The State (At - 3.45 P.M.) 45 In re Sree Sukumar Saha 53 Criminal Misc Mamun Chowdhury 38387/2013 vs Bogra vs Tender No. : 29990 The State The state 54 Criminal Misc Md. Kamrul Islam 38373/2013 vs 46 In re Sree Sukumar Saha Bogra vs The state Tender No. : 29992 The State 55 Criminal Misc Md. Amzed 38341/2013 vs

47 In re Md. Hossain Mojumdar The State Narayanganj and others 56 Criminal Misc Sohel Rana Tender No. : 30016 vs 38392/2013 vs The State The state For Hearing 57 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Khaleque 38071/2013 vs 48 Criminal Misc Md. Nasir Uddin 16385/2018 vs The State The State 58 Criminal Misc Md. Babul Mia Mr. G.M. Mahmud 38378/2013 vs (Shaheen), Advocate The state for the petitioner 59 Criminal Misc Abdul Ali 49 Criminal Misc Md. Nasir Uddin 38340/2013 vs 16386/2018 vs The State The State 60 Criminal Misc Md. Lal Chand Mr. G.M. Mahmud 13930/2014 vs (Shaheen), Advocate The Sate for the petitioner 61 Criminal Misc Md. Sajaul Mollah 13740/2014 vs The Sate 62 Criminal Misc Monica Roy Shanta 13649/2014 vs the state

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63 Criminal Misc Md. Bulbul 70 Criminal Misc Tipa Munshi 13654/2014 vs 37120/2013 vs the state The State 64 Criminal Misc Md. Osman Gani 71 Criminal Misc Md. Juel 13412/2014 vs 37137/2013 vs the state The State 65 Criminal Misc Abdul Rahem 72 Criminal Misc Md. Kota 36911/2013 vs 46946/2013 vs The State The State 66 Criminal Misc Shilpi Chowdre 73 Criminal Misc Mutasir Ali 36926/2013 vs 46925/2013 vs The State The State 67 Criminal Misc Kamal Uddin 74 Criminal Misc Ashraf Ali 36948/2013 vs 46919/2013 Sarder The State vs

68 Criminal Misc Nurul Islam The State 46965/2013 vs 75 Criminal Misc Md. Sahir Uddin The State 46948/2013 vs

69 Criminal Misc Md. Helal The State 46954/2013 vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 200

High Court Division Justice Naima Haider and Justice Khizir Ahmed Choudhury Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 20] [একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ফষংক ও আসথক সতষন, বষট, কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ ফসতত ঳কল কষয যহট নষনহ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ] For Hearing 5 Writ Petition Abdullah Al Mamun

1 Writ Petition Md. Omar Faruque 12808/2016 vs

10214/2013 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others min of Finance and 04 others 2 Writ Petition jewel ahmed 5069/2015 vs 6 Writ Petition Muhammad Mijanur

The Sec. Min. of civil 3525/2016 Rahman

avation and 12 ors vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 3 Writ Petition Md. Moshiur Rahman Min of Exparties Welfare 6422/2008 Bhuiyan, Dhaka and 4 ors and Oversies and 04 others vs Sec. Min.of Land and ors 7 Writ Petition M/S Sony Chocolate 2651/2005 Industries 4 Writ Petition Abdul Aziz vs 15415/2016 vs Bangladesh Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Land and 05 others 8 Writ Petition Md. Siraj Ullah 1667/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Cabinet Secratary and 15 ohters

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 201

High Court Division Justice Md. Rezaul Hasan Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 26] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৯৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদনপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] Motion 1 Civil Revision ...... /2018 vs ...... Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 202

High Court Division Justice Md. Faruque (M. Faruque) and Justice Md. Riaz Uddin Khan Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 29] [ একে ড ে ে এং জ ড ে েগ ৫ ইং ৗজ আল, ৗজ এং ৗজ কূ ণ কে এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ কে । ] For Hearing 6 Criminal Appeal Md. Sahhadat Hossain

1 Criminal Appeal Nabi Hossain 2029/1992 vs

1186/1993 vs Md. Azgor Ali and others

The State Mr. Dewan A. M. S. Mr. Hamid Rahman, Zaman, Advocate

Advocate ....For the appellants ...... For the appellant 7 Criminal Appeal Abul Kalam

2 Criminal Appeal Younus Miah and others 482/1992 vs

1122/1993 vs The State

The State Mr. Md. Fazlul Karim, Mr. Abdul Matin Kashru, Advocate

Advocate ....For the appellant ...... For the appellants 8 Criminal Appeal Mohammad Ali

3 Criminal Appeal Miraj Ahamed Chowdhury 1127/1990 vs

463/1994 vs The State

The State Mr. Nazrul Islam Mr. Abdul Qayum Chowdhury, Advocate

Chowdhury, Advocate For the appellant ...... For the appellant 9 Criminal Appeal Md. Ashraful and others

4 Criminal Appeal Abdul Jalil 1069/1995 vs

1209/1993 vs The State

The State Mr. Nizamul Hoque, Mr. Abdul Mazid, Advocate

Advocate For the appellants ...... For the appellant 10 Criminal Appeal Bazruzzaman Khan

5 Criminal Appeal Kaymper Ali and others 1029/1999 vs

57/1989 vs The State

The State Mr. Fazlur Rahman Khan, Mr. Kh. Abdul Hafiz, Advocate

Advocate .....For the appellant. ....For the appellants Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 203

High Court Division Justice Md. Shawkat Hossain Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 24] [ একক ে ে এং জ একক ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ ক ৃ ত আল; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ও ে ক এং একক ে ণেগ ত ক আইে অ েয়কৃ ত ল, য়, আে ইেত উত কল কে ও তং ; য় এই ে ত ইে এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ কে । ] Motion

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 204

High Court Division Justice F.R.M. Nazmul Ahasan and Justice K. M. Kamrul Kader Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 25] [একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন বষট, কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আদষলত, ফষংক ও আসথক সতষন ফসতত ঳কল কষয যহট নষনহ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন ও নষনহ কসযেফন। ] For Hearing 4 Writ Petition Md. Mahtab Hossain

1 Writ Petition M/s. Rokan and Brothers, 5509/2010 Talukder, Jhalkhati

5798/2010 Sylhet vs

vs Sec.min. of Home Affairs Bangladesh and others and ors

Mr. Didar Alam Kollol, Ms. Nahid Yesmin, Advocate ...... For the Advocate ...... For the petitioner petitioner 2 Writ Petition Rahat Kamal son of Kamal 5 Writ Petition Abu Saleh Abdul Dayyan,

5228/2010 Ziaul Islam, TEjgaon 5207/2010 27, Siddiswary Road, Industrial Area Dhaka Dhaka

vs vs

Sec. min. of land and ors Sec.min. of Information Mr. Robiul Alam , and ors Advocate ...... For the 6 Writ Petition Md. Tariqul Islam, Waqf petitioner 9395/2010 Estate, Naogaon

3 Writ Petition Mohammad Nurul Islam, vs

5560/2010 Jessore Administrator of Waqf vs New Eskaton Dhaka and The Director General ors Secondary and Higher 7 Writ Petition Md. Tariqul Islam Secondary Education and 2088/2012 vs ors Sec.min. of Finance and Mr. Rehana Akter, ors Advocate ...... For the 8 Writ Petition Md. Saiful Islam Tipu petitioner 8219/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Education and others

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 205

High Court Division Justice Krishna Debnath and Justice Shahidul Karim Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 19] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন অষসধকষয সবসেত সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ ভত঺দষেদ঱ৃ কনপষযেভ঱েনয যপষেয এফং একই যষয় ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল এফং উ যষয় ঴ইেত উ঺ত পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ মসদ থষেক এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন ।] For Hearing : Death Reference Jail Appeal Monorongon.

1 Death Reference The State 11/2013 vs

40/2012 vs (with) The State 1) Syed Abdus Salam and Jail Appeal Paran Karati 2) Al-Amin 12/2013 vs

Criminal Appeal Md.Milton Pamanik (with) The State 6254/2012 vs Jail Appeal Gopal Karati (with) The State and Another 13/2013 vs

Criminal Appeal Al Amin (with) The State 8537/2012 vs Jail Appeal Salauddin. (with) The State, 14/2013 vs Mr. Kaisar Kamal, (with) The State Advocate Jail Appeal Omas Korati for the appellant 141/2014 vs Jail Appeal Al-Amin. The State 171/2012 vs 4 Death Reference The State (with) The State 4/2013 vs Jail Appeal Sayed Abdus Salam Nazmul Islam and Another 172/2012 vs Ms. Momtaj The State Begum,Advocate for State 2 Death Reference The State defence 1/2013 vs 5 Death Reference The State MD. Sahedul Islam Sheikh 5/2013 vs

Jail Appeal Md. Shahidul Islam Shak. Md. Rakiboul and another 6/2013 vs Criminal Appeal Md.Shoikat Khan The State 249/2013 vs

3 Death Reference The State (with) The State

3/2013 vs Mr. Shahid Salah Uddin and others Ahmed,Adv.....for the appellant Criminal Appeal Monoranjan 144/2013 vs Criminal Appeal Md.Rakib

(with) The State 418/2013 vs

Mr. S.M. Rezaul (with) The State

Karim,Adv...... for the Mr. Md. Humayun appellant Kamar,Adv...... for the appellant Criminal Appeal Salauddin and Others 262/2013 vs Criminal Appeal Md.Jane Alam

(with) The State 887/2013 vs

Mr. Azizul Haque (with) The State

Howlader,Advocate.....for Mr. M. Nurul Islam the appellant Khandaker,Adv.....for the appellant Criminal Appeal Gopal Korati 295/2013 vs (with) The State Mr. S.M. Rezaul Karim,Adv....for the appellant

Page : 206 Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 19]

Jail Appeal Md. Jany Alam Jail Appeal Mukas Shing @ Vulu 15/2013 vs 27/2013 vs (with) The State The State Jail Appeal Md. Saikat Khan 7 Death Reference The State 16/2013 vs 8/2013 vs (with) The State Rakib and others Jail Appeal Md. Rakib Criminal Appeal Rokib and ors 17/2013 vs 753/2013 vs The State The State

6 Death Reference The State Mr. S.M.A Sabur, Adv. for 6/2013 vs the appellant Mukesh Singh @ Bhulu 8 Death Reference The State 9/2013 vs Criminal Appeal Mukesh Singh @ Bhulu 476/2013 vs Abdul Gafur (with) The State Jail Appeal Abdul Gofur Mr. Md. Mansurul Haque 30/2013 vs Chowdhury,Adv. with Mr. The State Sarwar Hossain,Adv. for the appellant Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 207

High Court Division Justice A. N. M. Bashir Ullah and Justice Mustafa Zaman Islam Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 4] [একে ড ে ে এং জ ড ে ণেগ ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে; ৗজ ক ত আল ও তৎং জে আে এং জ ইং ৗজ আল, ৗজ এং ৗজ ক; য় এই ে ত ইে এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং কে।] Criminal Appeal : For Hearing 8 Criminal Appeal Shariful Alam alias Sohel (Fixed by the Court) 2158/1995 vs

1 Criminal Appeal Md. Julhas Hossain @ The State

4563/2009 Julhas Member Mr.Sk. Golam Hafiz with vs Mr. Md. Fayezulla The State Bhuiyan, Advocates....for Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed, the Appellant. Adv..for the appellant 9 Criminal Appeal Wahab @ Wahab Miah @

2 Criminal Appeal Md. Masuduzzaman and 2355/1993 Abdul Wahab

3118/2007 another vs

vs The State

The State Mr. Matiar Rahman, Mr.B.M Abdur Rafell, Advocate....for the Adv..for the appellants Appellant. 3 Criminal Appeal Md. Tasfir 10 Criminal Appeal Md. Khlilur Rahman

3119/2007 vs 1332/1993 vs

The State The State

Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Mr. Md. Anisur Rahman Chowdhury, Adv..for the Hatem, Advocate ...... for appellant the Appellant. 4 Criminal Appeal Akbar Ali Mondal and Criminal Misc. 1887/2000 others 11 Criminal Misc Md. Kamrul Hoque vs 38078/2013 Shapon The State vs Mr. Md. Fakhar Uddin, The State Adv..for the appellant no.2 Mr. Minhajul Haque Criminal Appeal : For Hearing Chowdhury, Adv..for the (Send by the section) petitiioner. 5 Criminal Appeal Kamal Kha 12 Criminal Misc Md. Tareque Aziz

127/1991 vs 38142/2013 vs

The State The State

Mr. A.K.M. Faiz, Mr. Ruhul Bari Sharif, Advocate ...... for the Adv..for the petitioner. Appellant. 13 Criminal Misc Korban Ali

6 Criminal Appeal Morshed Alam Chowdhury 38180/2013 vs

508/1991 alias Jhantu The State

vs Mr. Binoy Krishno Poddar, The State Adv..for the petitioner. Mr.Moksedur Rahman 14 Criminal Misc Abul Kalam Azad with Mr.S.A.M. Mahboob 38198/2013 vs Elahi, Advocates ...... for The State the Appellant. Mr. Belayet Hossain, 7 Criminal Appeal Ali Akbar Adv..for the petitioner. 974/1991 vs 15 Criminal Misc Saiful Islam The State 38095/2013 vs Mr. Monsur Habib, The State Advocate....for the Mr. Zahidul Bari, Adv..for Appellant. the petitioner.

Page : 208 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 4]

16 Criminal Misc Md. Faruk Hossain 25 Criminal Misc Sheikh Kabul 38257/2013 Talukder 38214/2013 vs vs The State The State Mr. Ashok Kumar Ghosh, Mr. Khan Tipu Sultan, Adv..for the petitioner. Adv..for the petitioner. 26 Criminal Misc Md. Miraj Md. Motu 17 Criminal Misc Md. Shahidul 37174/2013 vs 38201/2013 vs The State The State Mr. Jugal Kumar Biswas, Mr. Morjina Raihan Adv..for the petitioner. Modina, Adv..for the 27 Criminal Misc Md. Rabal Sarkar petitioner. 37168/2013 vs 18 Criminal Misc Md. Yeasin The State 38145/2013 vs Mr. S. M. Rezaul Karim, The State Adv..for the petitioner.

Mr. A.K.M. Zahangir 28 Criminal Misc Md. Abdur Rahim Alam, Adv..for the 38118/2013 vs petitioner. The State 19 Criminal Misc Md. Saiful Islam Mr. Asaduzzaman, 38164/2013 vs Adv..for the petitioner.

The State 29 Criminal Misc Faruq Hossain

Mr. Md. Zisan Haider, 38255/2013 vs Adv..for the petitioner. The State 20 Criminal Misc Md. Shahjahan Mr. Khan Tipu Sultan, 38044/2013 vs Adv..for the petitioner.

The State 30 Criminal Misc Sealvaster Murmu

Mr. Md. Mehedi Hasan, 38202/2013 vs Adv..for the petitioner. The State 21 Criminal Misc Md. Mintu Mia Mr. Rezbaul Kabir, 38091/2013 vs Adv..for the petitioner.

The State 31 Criminal Misc Md. Taher

Mr. Golam Ahmed, 38151/2013 vs Adv..for the petitioner. The State 22 Criminal Misc Ainal Haque Mr. Nazrul Islam 38005/2013 vs Khondker, Adv..for the The State petitioner.

Mr. Abdus Samad, 32 Criminal Misc Md. Nurul Islam Adv..for the petitioner. 38205/2013 vs 23 Criminal Misc Nipun Majumder The State 38086/2013 vs Mrs. Nasima Kumkum , The State Adv..for the petitioner.

Mr. Ismail Hossain, 33 Criminal Misc Mst. Razia Begum Adv..for the petitioner. 38127/2013 vs 24 Criminal Misc Rassel The State 38122/2013 vs Mr. Mehedi Hasan, The State Adv..for the petitioner.

Mr. Habib Zaman, Adv..for 34 Criminal Misc Rasel the petitioner. 38020/2013 vs The State Mr. Harunar Rashid, Adv..for the petitioner.

Page : 209 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 4]

35 Criminal Misc Md. Fokhrul Islam 44 Criminal Misc Abdur Razzak 38109/2013 Chowdhury 32588/2010 vs vs The State The State Mr. Farid Uddin, Adv..for Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim, the petitioner. Adv..for the petitioner. 45 Criminal Misc Milon Acherjee 36 Criminal Misc Giasuddin 1636/2012 vs 14855/2008 vs The state The State Mr. Syed Hasan Jubayer, Mr. Shamsuddin Adv..for the petitioner. Chowdhury, Adv..for the 46 Criminal Misc Alhaj Salauddin petitioner. 15608/2008 vs 37 Criminal Misc Shamsul Alam The state 48880/2013 vs Mr. A.M. Mahboob Uddin, The State Adv..for the petitioner.

Mrs. Naharin Siddique, 47 Criminal Misc Touhidul Islam Adv..for the petitioner. 12268/2008 vs 38 Criminal Misc Abdul Wadud The state 48871/2013 vs Mr. Minhajul Haque The State Chowdhury, Adv..for the Mr. Zahidul Alam petitioner. Chowdhury, Adv..for the 48 Criminal Misc Abdus Salam Pintu petitioner. 9158/2011 vs 39 Criminal Misc Md. Alkas The State 48800/2013 vs Mr. Khondker Mahbub The State Hossain, Adv..for the Mr. Ariful Islam, Adv..for petitioner. the petitioner. 49 Criminal Misc Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan 40 Criminal Misc Abu Sayed 15209/2008 vs 48681/2013 vs The State The State Mr. Rafiqul Haque, Mrs. Syeda Ashifa Ashrafi Adv..for the petitioner. , Adv..for the petitioner. 50 Criminal Misc Allama Delwar Hossan 41 Criminal Misc Mahbubur Rahman 32584/2010 Saidhi 21482/2013 vs vs The State The State Mr. S. M. Mahmood, Mr. Abdur Razzak, Adv..for the petitioner. Adv..for the petitioner. 42 Criminal Misc Md. Rasel Hossain 51 Criminal Misc Md. Kamruzzan 48659/2013 vs 32594/2010 vs The State The State Mr. Mostafa Kamal Kibria, Mr. Abdur Razzak, Adv..for the petitioner. Adv..for the petitioner. 43 Criminal Misc Shahidul Islam 52 Criminal Misc Md. Kamruzzaman 15616/2008 vs 32593/2010 vs Shahidul Islam The State Mr. A.M. Mahbub Uddin, Mr. Abdur Razzak, Adv..for the petitioner. Adv..for the petitioner.

Page : 210 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 4]

53 Criminal Misc Shahidul Islam 57 Criminal Misc Shohrab Hossain 13647/2008 vs 15189/2008 vs The State The State Mr. Md. Wahiduzzaman Mr. Kamrul Alam, Sohel, Adv..for the Adv..for the petitioner. petitioner. 58 Criminal Misc Md. Showkat Ali 54 Criminal Misc Borkat Ullah Bulu 38073/2013 vs 13804/2008 vs The State The State Mr. Sarwar Ahmed, Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, Adv..for the petitioner. Adv..for the petitioner. 59 Criminal Misc Mst. Mamtaz 55 Criminal Misc Shamsul Islam 38081/2013 vs 13999/2008 vs The State The State Mr. Nargis Tanjima, Mr. Rafiqul Haque, Adv..for the petitioner. Adv..for the petitioner. 60 Criminal Misc Kabir Ahammad 56 Criminal Misc Ali Ahahosan Md. 38210/2013 vs 32585/2010 Mozahid The State vs Mr. Minhajul Haque The State Chowdhury, Adv..for the Mr. Abdur Razzak, petitioner. Adv..for the petitioner. Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 211

High Court Division Justice Quazi Reza-Ul Hoque Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 6] [একক ে েন এং নন জন একক ে ণেগ ৗজদ ক ৃ ত আল; ৗজদ ন ও ে ক; য় এই ে নত ইে এং উেখত য়দ ং ল ও আেদন ণ কেন।] For Hearing 6 Criminal Revision Selim

1 Criminal Appeal Md. Mohibul Islam 1440/2004 vs

6739/2008 vs The State.

The State and others. Mr. Md. Shamsul Alam, Mr. Mohammad Ayub Advocate ..... for the Hossain, Advocate . .. for petitioner the appellant. 7 Criminal Revision Shaikh jahurul Haq and Ms. Anjuman Ara, 264/2008 others Advocate ...... for the vs respondent No. 2. The State.

2 Criminal Appeal Md. Bablu Haider Mr. Shaikh Atiar Rahman, 3541/2017 vs Advocate ..... for the The State. petitioner Mr. Md. Imrul Hayder, 8 Criminal Revision Miha Abdul Hai Advocate... for the 576/2014 vs appellant. The State and another Mr. Md. Masudul Alam Syed Mahbub Hossain, Doha, Advocate .... for the Adv..for the petitioner

respondent No. 2. 9 Criminal Revision Md. Mobarak Ali 3 Criminal Appeal Md. Mamun Hossain Pabel 280/2008 vs 12105/2016 vs The State. The State. Mr. Tushar Kanti Roy, Mr. Md. Motiur Rahman, Advocate...... for the Advocate ..... for the petitioner appellant 10 Criminal Revision Ajad Miah Mr. Mohammad Ali, 73/2006 vs Advocate...... for the The State. respondent No. 2 Mr. Belayet Hussain, 4 Criminal Revision Md. Borhan Advocate..... for the 621/2007 vs petitioner The State. 11 Criminal Revision Md. Faruque Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid, 283/2008 vs Advocate ..... for the The State petitioner Mr. Md. Humayun Bashar, 5 Criminal Revision Abul Bashar Advocate ...... for the 53/2008 vs petitioner. The State. 12 Criminal Revision Md. Tajul Islam Mr. A.K.M. Enayetullah 285/2009 vs Chowdhury, Advocate ..... The state for the petitioner Mr. Abdullah Al Mamun, Adv... for the petitioner

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 212

High Court Division Justice Md. Abu Zafor Siddique and Justice Khandaker Diliruzzaman Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 20] [একে ড ে ে এং জ ড ে ণেগ ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে; ৗজ ক ত আল ও তৎং জে আে এং জ ৫ ইং ল ৗজ আল, ৗজ এং ৗজ ক এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং কে।] For Hearing : Against Conviction 4 Criminal Appeal Md. Asraful Islam and . 4838/1991 other

1 Criminal Appeal Waziullah and another vs

1663/1991 vs The State, Mr. Abdul The State, Mr. Mohammad Mannan Khan, Adv...... for Ismail, Advocate.....for the the petitioner petitioner 5 Criminal Appeal Md. Anwar Hossain alias

2 Criminal Appeal Md. Firoz Ali alias Finu 686/1992 Md. Sanwar Hossain

2256/1991 vs vs

The State, Mr. M.K. The State, Mr. Md. Abdus Rahman, Advocate.....for Sobhan, Adv...... for the the petitioner petitioner 3 Criminal Appeal Mosammat Momena 4817/1991 Khatoon vs The State, Mt. Md. Nazrul Islam, Adv.....for the petitioner Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 213

High Court Division Justice A.K.M. Zahirul Hoque Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 30] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৯৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদনপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন ও নষনহ কসযেফন ।] Motion 10 Civil Revision Md.Yeasin and others

2529/2007 vs (Comilla) Most. Afia Khatoon and For Hearing others 1 Civil Revision Jotindra Chandra Barman Civil Revision Md. Joynal Abedin 63/2015 vs 615/2016 vs (Mymensingh) Mohiuddin Mohiuddin and Md. Yeasin and others othes 11 Civil Revision Late-Altab Hossain his 2 Civil Revision Abdul Khalik Akanth 698/2009 heirs Fatema Khatun 3531/2005 vs (Rajshahi) vs (Moulavibazar) Ramzan ullah and others . Sree Jitendra Nath Mondal 3 Civil Revision Gorokha Nath Sib Thakur Mr. A.U. Ali for the 3745/2008 vs petitioner (Naogaon) Md. Golam Hossain Mr. Minhajul Hoque Mandol Chowdhury for the 4 Civil Revision Borkat Ali Howlader opposite party. 214/2014 vs 12 Civil Revision Asia Khatoon (Barisal) Md. Nurul Islam Sikder 3444/2013 vs and Others Md. Abdul Matin 5 Civil Revision Amir Chand Sheikh 13 Civil Revision Md. Shahabuddin 3532/2008 vs 3298/2005 Howlader (Natore) Noor Mohammad Sheikh vs 6 Civil Revision Golam Zakaria Abdus Satter Howlader 2994/1998 vs 14 Civil Revision Md. Masud Rana (Chapainawabgonj) Debi Proshad Tewari 3508/1998 vs 7 Civil Revision Krishna Kamal Datta @ Mst. Rehana Parveen and 1261(with C.Rule 625 and Kanu Lal Datta others 875 of 2005)/2005 vs 15 Civil Revision Md. Habibur Rahman Rubel Datta 3793/1998 vs 8 Civil Revision Rokeya Bewa and other Mst. Rehana Parveen and 2241/2014 vs others (Jamalpur) Halima Bewa and others 9 Civil Revision Azizer Fakir 2554/1998 vs (Nagaon) Abdus samed. Mr. Md. Joynal Abidin, Adv. ...for the petitioner Mr. Alauddin Biswas, Adv. ..for the respondent Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 214

High Court Division Justice Jahangir Hossain and Justice Md. Jahangir Hossain Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 5] [ একে ড ে ে এং ড ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ত আল ও কল জল আল আে ও ; ৗজ এং ৗজ ক এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং কে ।] Motion

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 215

High Court Division Justice Sheikh Md. Zakir Hossain and Justice Md. Atoar Rahman Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 21] [ একে ডশন ে েন এং ডশন ে ণেগ জল আপল আেদনপ ণ ও নন কেন। ] For Hearing 11 Jail Appeal Md. Moslem

1 Jail Appeal Nijam Uddin 2307/2000 vs

3129/1991 vs The state The State 12 Jail Appeal Abul Hashem

2 Jail Appeal Shudhir Kumar Ghose 1228/2001 vs

873/1993 vs The state The State 13 Jail Appeal MD. Giash Uddin

3 Jail Appeal Dhirendra Nath Rai 179/2001 vs

1842/1993 vs The state The State 14 Jail Appeal Abdul Mannan

4 Jail Appeal Md. Omad Ali 1290/2001 vs

1413/1996 vs The State The State. 15 Jail Appeal Abdus Salam

5 Jail Appeal Golap Ali 458/2002 vs

199/1997 vs The State The State. 16 Jail Appeal Khokan @ Kader

6 Jail Appeal Md. Aolad Hossain 802/2003 vs

2079/1998 vs The State The State. 17 Jail Appeal Amir Uddin

7 Jail Appeal Shamsuddin 251/2008 vs

1280/1999 vs The state The State 18 Jail Appeal MD.Mukul

8 Jail Appeal Razu Mia 10003/2005 vs

3160/1999 vs The state The State. 19 Jail Appeal Munsur Morol and others

9 Jail Appeal Md. Santu 860/2005 vs

3135/1999 vs The state The State. 10 Jail Appeal Md. Akbar 2219/1999 vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 216

High Court Division Justice Md. Habibul Gani and Justice Md. Badruzzaman Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 32] [ একে ড ে ে এং জ ড ে ণেগ ৗজ ; ৗজ আল আে এং তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ ক ৃ ত আল ও তৎং জে আে ; ৗজ এং ৗজ ক; য় এই ে ত ইে এং উেখত য় ং ল ও আে ণ এং কে ।] Application : 498 11 In re Clewinton Trading LImited

1 In re Miton Pal Chittagong and others

Cox`s Bazar vs Tender No. : 17537 vs

Tender No. : 28845 The State The State 12 In re K. M. Mahabubur Rahman

2 In re Md. Zahedul Islam @ Chittagong Alamgir

Gaibandha Zaher Tender No. : 26055 vs

Tender No. : 29508 vs The State The State 13 In re Md. Golam Mostafa

3 In re Rezaur Rahman Lalmonirhat vs

Dhaka vs Tender No. : 28782 The State

Tender No. : 14624 The State 14 In re Md. Anis Hossain Prodhan

4 In re Asraful Morshed Lalmonirhat alias Anis Hassan Prodhan Chittagong vs Tender No. : 14728 @ Dolar

Tender No. : 28479 The State vs

(In section) The State Application : 439 15 In re Md. Karim Bogra vs 5 In re Md. Abul Bashar Tender No. : 26724 The State Dhaka vs Tender No. : 988 The State 16 In re Aklima Ferdous Akhi Dhaka vs 6 In re Anil Chandra Dey Tender No. : 20532 The State Chittagong vs Tender No. : 1160 The State 17 In re Aminul Islam and others Gaibandha vs 7 In re Md. Golam Mostafa Tender No. : 22884 The State Natore vs Tender No. : 793 The State 18 In re Mahabubur Rahman Dhaka vs 8 In re Motaharul Islam Swapan Tender No. : 20538 The State Dhaka @ Motaharul Islam Tender No. : 1284 Chowhdury vs 19 In re Md. Nasiruddin Mridha

The State Dhaka vs Tender No. : 33114 The State 9 In re Gopinath Mondal Manikganj vs Tender No. : 1091 The State 20 In re Md. Asharaful Alam and

Dhaka another Tender No. : 21724 vs Application : 561A The State 10 In re Md. Mesbah Uddin Ujjal 21 In re Md. Nur Nabi Chittagong and others Noakhali vs Tender No. : 22077 vs Tender No. : 26437 The State The State

Page : 217 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 32]

22 In re Md. Lutfor Rahman and 34 In re Md. Mohiuddin Sherpur others Dhaka vs Tender No. : 24734 vs Tender No. : 23974 The State The State 23 In re Mrs. Rumana Farid 35 In re Md. Jewel Dhaka vs Kushtia vs Tender No. : 19257 The State Tender No. : 27099 The State

24 In re Mrs. Ruman Farid 36 In re Md. Emdad Hossain Dhaka vs Chittagong vs Tender No. : 19258 The State Tender No. : 23723 The State

25 In re Mrs. Ruman Farid 37 In re Md. Emdad Hossain Dhaka vs Chittagong vs Tender No. : 23344 The State Tender No. : 19453 The State

26 In re Mrs. Ruman Farid 38 In re Md. Amdad Hossain Dhaka vs Chittagong vs Tender No. : 23342 The State Tender No. : 23725 The State

27 In re Md. Nurun Nabi Pramanik 39 In re Selina Aker @ Seli Akter Gaibandha alias Saju and others Chittagong and others Tender No. : 17564 vs Tender No. : 23535 vs The State The State 28 In re Md. Afsar Uddin 40 In re Md. Joynal Abedin and Dhaka vs Chittagong others Tender No. : 26862 The State Tender No. : 23261 vs The State 29 In re Alauddin and others 41 In re Alhaj Md. Shah Alam Kushtia vs Chittagong vs Tender No. : 27279 The State Tender No. : 19883 The State

30 In re Hasib Ibne Gias 42 In re Md. Azhar Ali Dhaka vs Gaibandha vs Tender No. : 29044 The State Tender No. : 26976 The State

31 In re Hasin Ibne Gias 43 In re Md. Hasan Imam Firoj Dhaka vs Dhaka vs Tender No. : 29046 The State Tender No. : 28138 The State

32 In re Haji Bashir Ahmed @ 44 In re Md. Monibur Rahman Cox`s Bazar Bashir Ahmed Dhaka alias Moni alias Monibur Tender No. : 19839 vs Tender No. : 25552 Rahman The State vs

33 In re Md. Habib Miah @ Karim The State Dhaka and others Tender No. : 14526 vs The State

Page : 218 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 32]

45 In re Dr. Md. Mosharaf Hossain 57 In re Mohammad Moinul Houqe Chittagong vs Dhaka alias Moinul Islam Tender No. : 22001 The State Tender No. : 23570 vs The State 46 In re Md. Tazuddin Ahmed 58 In re Motaharul Islam Chodhury Dhaka vs Dhaka vs Tender No. : 24896 The State Tender No. : 12594 The State

47 In re Md. Abu Daud 59 In re Md. Luck Miah and Cox`s Bazar vs Dhaka another Tender No. : 23057 The State Tender No. : 23212 vs The State 48 In re Fazlul Kader 60 In re Mohammad Al Mamun Dhaka vs Dhaka vs Tender No. : 25088 The State Tender No. : 23912 The State

49 In re Md. Kamrul Islam Sohel 61 In re Md. Nur Alam Barguna and others Chittagong vs Tender No. : 18930 vs Tender No. : 20827 The State The State 50 In re Md. Moklesur Rahman 62 In re ANM Abdus Saqure Chapainababganj vs Chittagong vs Tender No. : 5612 The State Tender No. : 24507 The State

51 In re Mrs. Momtaz Begum Motion

Dhaka Mohua 63 In re ......

Tender No. : 22288 vs Comilla vs

The State Tender No. : The State 52 In re Md. Ishaq

Chittagong vs For Hearing : Against Order Tender No. : 26467 The State 64 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdul Hye Sarker

9371/2017 vs 53 In re Md. Saiful Islam The State Narayanganj vs 65 Criminal Appeal Kamrul Islam and another Tender No. : 27486 The State 11417/2017 vs

The State 54 In re Nadira Begum alias Nadira 66 Criminal Appeal Ismail and another Dhaka Hasasn and others 11799/2017 vs Tender No. : 2920 vs The State The State 67 Criminal Appeal Zaker 55 In re Md. Tipu Sultan 10690/2017 vs Dhaka vs The State Tender No. : 17217 The State 68 Criminal Appeal Md. Masud Ali Gazi 10689/2017 vs 56 In re Rajbi Das The State Cox`s Bazar vs Tender No. : 23515 The State

Page : 219 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 32]

69 Criminal Appeal Kamrul Islam and another 83 Criminal Misc Bakki Miah and others 11419/2017 vs 26213/2017 vs The State The State 70 Criminal Appeal Md. Yeasin 84 Criminal Misc Soleman 9393/2017 vs 46037/2017 vs The State The state 71 Criminal Appeal Md. Sohel Rana and others 85 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Mannan 10961/2017 vs 32299/2015 vs The State The State 72 Criminal Appeal Busra Belal 86 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Mannan 11906/2017 vs 55743/2017 vs The State The State 73 Criminal Appeal Tajul Islam 87 Criminal Misc Md. Alamgir Hossen 11613/2017 vs 58776/2017 vs The State The State 74 Criminal Appeal Md. Shamim and another 88 Criminal Misc Md. Rashed Mridha 11238/2017 vs 58539/2017 vs The State The State 75 Criminal Appeal Md. Tajul Islam 89 Criminal Misc Md. Mahabub 10924/2017 vs 42461/2016 vs The State The State 76 Criminal Appeal Md. Bijoy 90 Criminal Misc Md. Sadek Miah 10207/2017 vs 10214/2018 vs The State The State 77 Criminal Appeal Md. Rafiqul Islam 91 Criminal Misc Shafiqul Islam 6472/2017 vs 9423/2018 vs The State The State For Hearing : 498 92 Criminal Misc Md. Sabuj Miah 9494/2018 vs 78 Criminal Misc Nahid 49890/2017 vs The State The State 93 Criminal Misc Md. Rafiqul Islam 32580/2016 vs 79 Criminal Misc Md. Tofazzal Hossain 49064/2017 vs The State The state 94 Criminal Misc Md. Alamgir Hossain 13060/2018 vs 80 Criminal Misc Md. Tofazzal Hossain 33108/2016 vs The State The state 95 Criminal Misc Md. Roky 9505/2018 vs 81 Criminal Misc A.M. Mokaram Hossain 38852/2016 Khan The State vs 96 Criminal Misc Md. Hadiuzzaman The State 53486/2017 vs

82 Criminal Misc kamal The State 38238/2017 vs 97 Criminal Misc Md. Moniruzzaman The State 22721/2015 vs The State

Page : 220 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 32]

98 Criminal Misc Asaduzzaman 112 Criminal Appeal Moshiur Rahman Mantu 22927/2015 vs 11722/2017 vs The State The State 99 Criminal Misc Md. Shafique Mainu 113 Criminal Appeal Md. Hedayet Hossen 22938/2015 vs 5146/2017 vs The state The State 100 Criminal Misc Shafique Mainu 114 Criminal Appeal Md. Akher Ali 22723/2015 vs 12273/2017 vs The State The State 101 Criminal Misc Yeakub Hossain 115 Criminal Appeal Md. Akher Ali 22932/2015 vs 13765/2017 vs The State The State 102 Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Kader 116 Criminal Appeal Kuti Mia and 13199/2016 vs 2157/2017 others.Badal,Hanif,Bashar Mohd. Jamal Hossain vs

103 Criminal Misc Rehana Aktar Poly The State 34819/2016 vs 117 Criminal Appeal Md. Hasib The State 11604/2017 vs

104 Criminal Misc Md. Osman The State 57601/2017 vs 118 Criminal Appeal Md. Hasib The State 11603/2017 vs

105 Criminal Misc Shahab Uddin The State 15523/2016 vs 119 Criminal Appeal Abdur Rab The State 13394/2017 vs

106 Criminal Misc Md. Hasan Ali The State 57658/2017 vs 120 Criminal Appeal Abdur Rab The State 13395/2017 vs

For Hearing : Against Order The State 107 Criminal Appeal Abdul Momen 121 Criminal Appeal Abdur Rab 13764/2017 vs 8841/2017 vs The State The State 108 Criminal Appeal Tajul Islam 122 Criminal Appeal Shovon Mistri 12771/2017 vs 11612/2017 vs The State The State 109 Criminal Appeal Md. Shahin Miah 123 Criminal Appeal Md. Nayem 11755/2017 vs 11955/2017 vs The State The State 110 Criminal Appeal Md. Tajul islam 124 Criminal Appeal Ismail and another 11519/2017 vs 11954/2017 vs The State The State 111 Criminal Appeal Md. Saidur Rahman 125 Criminal Appeal Alauddin Sohel 12261/2017 vs 9633/2017 vs The State The State 126 Criminal Appeal Alauddin Sohel 12260/2017 vs The State

Page : 221 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 32]

127 Criminal Appeal Liton Naha 132 Criminal Appeal Md. Alamin Akond @ Elin 14012/2017 vs 13834/2017 vs The State The State 128 Criminal Appeal Most. Nasima 133 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdul Latif 13658/2017 vs 9792/2016 vs The State The State 129 Criminal Appeal Md. Sakib Hasan 134 Criminal Appeal Abdul Mannan 5466/2016 vs 891/2017 vs The State The State 130 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdul Hannan Miah 135 Criminal Appeal Jahangir 13035/2017 vs 13484/2017 vs The State The State 131 Criminal Appeal Arun Deb Sharma 10187/2016 vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 222

High Court Division Justice Gobinda Chandra Tagore and Justice Mohammad Ullah Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 3] [ একে ডন ে েন এং নন জন কল ক ট য়দ; য় এই ে নত ইে এং উপেখত য়দ ং ল ও আেদনপ ণ ও নন কেন । ] For Order 12 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mozid

1 Writ Petition Chittagong Bandar Deck 13548/2012 vs

2796/2018 Shramik Union, Sec. Min. of Education and Chittagong ors vs 13 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Rahim, Khulshi The Labour Appellate 1706/2010 Ctg. Tribunal, Dhaka-1000 and vs others Bangladesh, rep by Sec. For Hearing Min. of Law, Justice and parliamentary Affairs and 2 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Razzak ors 6805/2013 vs Sec. Min. of Education and 14 Writ Petition Md. Menhazul Islam

ors 11797/2012 vs Sec. Min. of LGRD and 3 Writ Petition Major Md. Nurul Islam ors 9619/2015 (Retd.) vs 15 Writ Petition Md. Nazim Uddin

Sec. Min. of Home Affairs 6660/2013 vs

and ors Sec. Min. of Communication and ors 4 Writ Petition Rita Rani Dey, Bhola 8767/2007 vs 16 Writ Petition Mohammad Ali

Bangladesh and ors 5693/2017 Mr. Md. Motiur Rahman with Mr. Md. Abul Kalam 5 Writ Petition Mst. Rahima Begum Patwary, Adv ..for the 10201/2012 vs petitioner Govt. of Bangladeah and vs ors Bangladesh and ors 6 Writ Petition Md. Jashim Uddin and ors Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir 5268/2016 vs Manju, Adv ..for the Bangladesh and others respdt. 7 Writ Petition Premier Cement Mills Ltd. 17 Writ Petition Mahbubur Rahman and ors 1870/2013 and another 2503/2011 vs vs Bangladesh and ors

Sec. Min. of Shipping and 18 Writ Petition Haji Gias Uddin and ors ors 10283/2016 vs 8 Writ Petition S.M. Shahadat Hossain Bangladesh and ors 10745/2013 vs 19 Writ Petition Md. Sultan Miah and 14 Sec. Min. of Law and ors 5935/2012 ors 9 Writ Petition Md.Rezaul Karim Badsha vs 7847/2013 vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. Bangladesh and ors of primary and mass 10 Writ Petition Union Properties Ltd. education and Others 3083/2011 Gulshan, Dhaka 20 Writ Petition M/S Shafiqul Tarafder vs 8915/2016 vs Chairman, Rajuk, Dhaka Bangladesh, rep by Sec and ors Min of Road Transport and Mr. Nakib Saiful Islam, Bridgs and ors Adv. For the petitioner 11 Writ Petition Sakiul Millat Morshed and 1097/2012 ors vs Bangladesh and others

Page : 223 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 3]

21 Writ Petition M/S Shafiqul Tarafder 32 Writ Petition Md. Sumon 8916/2016 vs 5302/2006 vs Bangladesh, rep. by Sec Dhaka City Corporation Min of Road Transport and Represented by its Mayor Bridges and ors and others 22 Writ Petition Azizul Islam 33 Writ Petition Md. Abul Kalam Azad 3906/2014 vs 2802/2017 vs Bangladesh and ors. Bangladesh Rep by Sec 23 Writ Petition Shahabuddin Min of Education and 06 9159/2005 vs others Bangladesh and ors 34 Writ Petition Md. Helal Uddin 11596/2017 vs 24 Writ Petition Md. Abul Hashem 5301/2006 vs with Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Dhaka City Corporation min of LGRD and 12 Represented by its Mayor others and others Writ Petition Md. Farhad Hossain 2724/2018 vs 25 Writ Petition Abdul Wahab Chowdhury 8088/2015 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec with Bangladesh and others Min of LGRD and 12 others Writ Petition Md. Alauddin 35 Writ Petition Mercantile Bank LTD 8085/2015 vs (with) Bangladesh and others 8686/2005 vs Chairman RAJUK Writ Petition Md. Abu Taher Nizami 36 Writ Petition Nizam Uddin 8086/2015 vs (with) Bangladesh and others 10352/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Ariful Islam 37 Writ Petition Abu Bakkar Siddique 8087/2015 vs Bangladesh and others 9499/2012 vs Bangladesh by the sec.min 26 Writ Petition Sahin Alam of law, justice and 6648/2015 vs Parliamentary affairs and Bangladesh and Others ors 27 Writ Petition Abdul Quddus Khan 38 Writ Petition Md. Abul Kalam Azad 14872/2012 Mozlish and ors 354/2016 Majumder vs vs Deputy Commissioner, Chairman, Bangladesh Manikgonj and ors Rural Electronics Board 28 Writ Petition Siraj Uddin and 02 others 2044/2012 vs 39 Writ Petition Debashis Ganguly Bangladesh and others 15514/2017 vs 29 Writ Petition Md. Shaha Ali Bepari Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 9571/2015 vs min of Finance and 06 Bangladesh and others others 30 Writ Petition Hazi Abdul Matin 40 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Rahman 2023/2015 vs 14892/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 31 Writ Petition Ahsanul Kader Min of Land and 05 others 5232/2000 Chowdhury, Coxs Bazar vs Sec.Min. of Land and ors

Page : 224 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 3]

41 Writ Petition S.A Badal 52 Writ Petition M/S Peliades Construction 7784/2014 vs 8193/2015 and Consulting Ltd The Sec. Min. of vs Commerce and 06 ors The Sec. Min. of 42 Writ Petition Tapan Kumer Mondal Commerce and 04 others 5245/2017 vs 53 Writ Petition Jahanara Begum, Bangladesh Rep by Sec 6922/2010 vs min of Home Affairs and Vumi Appeal Board and 05 others others 43 Writ Petition Md. Shazada Samad 54 Writ Petition Md. Gias Uddin Ahmed, 3929/2014 vs 6359/2009 Moulvibazar The Sec. Min. of Finance vs and ors Sec.min. of Land and ors 44 Writ Petition Government of Bangladesh 55 Writ Petition Mahbubul Bashar, 6067/2017 Rep by D.C Sylhet 6585/2010 Moakhali and 7 ors vs vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others Min of Land and 06 others 56 Writ Petition Md. Bari Mia 45 Writ Petition Sayed md. Ali Osman 2313/2012 vs 9565/2013 Goni and 3 ors Government of Bangladesh vs and others Sec.min. of exparties 57 Writ Petition Md. Ayub ali welfare and ors 2585/2012 vs 46 Writ Petition Asish Ratan Sen Bangladesh and ors. 6121/2017 vs 58 Writ Petition G.M Julfiker Bangladesh Rep by Sec 10659/2015 vs Min of Industry and 02 The Sec. Min. of others Libaration War Affaris and 47 Writ Petition Dilip Kumar Das 05 Others 14863/2016 vs 59 Writ Petition A.K.M abdullah Bangladesh Rep by Sec 326/2015 vs Min of Education and 06 Bangladesh and others. others Mrs. Sufia Ahmed, ad..for 48 Writ Petition Laxmi Narayan Roy the petitioner. Mr. 17210/2017 vs Mohammad Ali Hossain, Bangladesh and others ad..for the respondent. 49 Writ Petition Md. Motaher Uddin 60 Writ Petition Soyad Kaisar Hossin 11304/2015 Mridha 1521/2007 vs vs B.I.W.T.A and others The Sec. Min. of LGRD 61 Writ Petition Md. Bulbul Hossain and 08 others 3891/2016 vs 50 Writ Petition Md. Inshan Ali Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 3166/2016 vs Min of Education and 06 Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. others Min of Land and 08 others 62 Writ Petition Bangladesh Cargo Vesserl 51 Writ Petition Md. Zaher Uddin and 7751/2016 Oweres Association 17480/2017 others BCVOA vs vs Bangldesh and others B.I.W.T.A and others

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63 Writ Petition M/s Barishal shipping 75 Writ Petition Kamdi Ucdhw Biddyalaya 9092/2008 lines, Barisal 4148/2015 vs vs Sec min of Education and Bangladesh and ors. 10 Others 64 Writ Petition Titas Gas transmission and 76 Writ Petition The BD Observer and 11994/2012 distribution co. ltd. 4901/2011 others vs vs Metropolitan land survey The Chairman Labour tribunal Dhaka and ors Appellate Tribunal ,Dhaka 65 Writ Petition Md. Zulfikar 77 Writ Petition Ctg Culb ltd 10130/2016 vs 11167/2012 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec R.J.M.C and Others Min of Land and 05 others 78 Writ Petition Md. Habib 66 Writ Petition Md. Haider Ali 2471/2010 vs 6413/2016 vs Bangladesh and others B.I.W.T.A and others 79 Writ Petition Most. Momotaj Begum 67 Writ Petition Md. Habibur Rahman 9305/2016 vs 3551/2009 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Govt. of Bangladesh and Min of Education and 04 ors. others 68 Writ Petition Abdur Rahman 80 Writ Petition S.J Cement 13473/2015 vs 1600/2010 vs Chairman, BIWTA and 06 Bangladesh and Others others 81 Writ Petition Ban. Development, 69 Writ Petition Mosammat Nur Jahan 899/2007 Gulshan, Dhaka 9767/2008 Begum Narayangonj vs vs RAJUK and ors Sec. Min. of Shipping and 82 Writ Petition Nadira Alomgir and ors ors 5034/2010 vs 70 Writ Petition Premier Cement mills ltd. The State 7656/2013 vs 83 Writ Petition Md. Alamin Chowdhury Sec.min. of shipping and 9834/2008 vs ors The State 71 Writ Petition Saleha Akter 84 Writ Petition Rashida Begum 5034/2013 vs 9198/2013 vs Sec.min. of primary and Govt. of Bangladesh and public education and ors others 72 Writ Petition Seven circle ltd. 85 Writ Petition Md. Mohiuddin, 7661/2013 vs 1676/2010 vs Sec.min. of shipping and Bangladesh and Others ors 86 Writ Petition Md. Anisur Rahman Khan 73 Writ Petition Abdul Wadud 6502/2016 vs 13017/2015 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Govt. of Bangladesh and Min of Education and 09 others others 74 Writ Petition Unique Cement Industries 1872/2013 Ltd. vs Sec.min. of shipping and ors

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87 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace 100 Writ Petition Md. Mansur Rahman 4714/2010 for Bangladesh Dhaka 6459/2013 vs vs Sec.min. of education ors

Bangladesh and Others 101 Writ Petition North South Property 88 Writ Petition Md. Habibur Rahman 3561/2009 vs 9210/2013 vs The State

The state 102 Writ Petition Abdullah Al Masud 89 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace 9770/2008 vs 1141/2010 for Bangladesh Dhaka Bangladesh and ors.

vs 103 Writ Petition md. shahidul islam

Bangladesh and Others 5080/2015 vs 90 Writ Petition Mohammad Abdur Rahim The Sec. Min. of ralway 11455/2015 vs and 10 ors

The Deputy 104 Writ Petition Bangladesh Environment Commissioner, Dhaka and 9089/2005 Lojars Association another vs 91 Writ Petition Md. Abul Hamid The State

742/2014 vs 105 Writ Petition Delower Hossain

Bangladesh and others 11088/2014 vs 92 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Alam Akanda The Sec. Min. of Railway 5142/2015 vs and ors

Bangladesh and others 106 Writ Petition Hafeza Begum 93 Writ Petition SLS (Pvt.) Ltd. and others 11451/2015 vs 8555/2005 vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 107 Writ Petition Shyama prasad chakma 94 Writ Petition Next Line Producation 11968/2014 vs 8553/2012 vs The Sec. Min. of Chairman BSCIC and ors Expatriation welfare 95 Writ Petition Md. Ruhul Amin, overseas and 02 ors 2448/2010 Kurmitola Dhaka 108 Writ Petition Abu Yusuf Mirdha vs 980/2011 vs Sec.min. of Civil Aviation Artha Rin Adalat Khulna and ors 109 Writ Petition Md. Moklesur Rahman 96 Writ Petition Mirja Mustafizur Rahman 958/2016 vs 11625/2015 vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 110 Writ Petition Abu Yousuf Mrida 97 Writ Petition Md. Motiur rahman khan 7600/2010 vs 816/2015 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and The Sec. Min. of Road others transper and 3 ors 111 Writ Petition Shufia Khatun 98 Writ Petition Most. badrunnessa 5232/2013 vs 6634/2015 vs Sec. min. of education and The Sec. Min. of Land and ors 4 ors 112 Writ Petition M/S Ayub Ali Traders 99 Writ Petition Amin Sharif and others 13783/2016 vs 6520/2013 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Sec. Min. of Land and ors min of Home Affairs and 04 others

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113 Writ Petition Md. Asmat Hossain 125 Writ Petition Mahmudul Haque, Coxs 5402/2016 vs 1301/2007 Bazar Chairman, BIWTA and 03 vs others Deputy Commissioner 114 Writ Petition Dr. Sk Enamul Kabir Coxs Bazar and ors 1350/2014 vs 126 Writ Petition Shahinur Begum The Sec. Min. of Shiping 6433/2008 vs

115 Writ Petition Md. Shamim Mollah Bangladesh and others 9507/2015 vs 127 Writ Petition Ashesh Rajan Das, The Sec. Min. of Law, 1994/2010 Kotwali Comilla Justice and Parlamentary vs Affairs and 08 others Govt of Bangladesh 116 Writ Petition Ms. Nurun nahar parvin 128 Writ Petition Jointo Kumar howlader 2573/2015 baby 11503/2014 vs vs The State The Sec. Min. of Land and 129 Writ Petition Md. Saber Ali 05 ors 8068/2016 vs 117 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mannan Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 3626/2015 vs Min of LGRD and 06 Bangladesh and others others 118 Writ Petition Md. Mohram Ali 130 Writ Petition Md. Jakir Hossain 7935/2005 vs 13164/2016 vs The state. Bangladesh Rep by Sec 119 Writ Petition Nurul Mostofa Min of Education and 03 12101/2014 vs others Govt. of Bangladesh and 131 Writ Petition Zagat Lot Debnath, others 1495/2001 Narayangonj vs 120 Writ Petition Md. Tariqul Islam, 5240/2010 Daulatpur, Khulna Secy. Min of Land vs 132 Writ Petition Seree Dev Kumar Pal Sec.min. of Finance and 6130/2005 vs ors Bangladesh and ors. 121 Writ Petition Tauhidul Alam 133 Writ Petition Kazi Imamuddin Bhuiyan 10669/2016 vs 6862/2009 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others Min of Education and 05 134 Writ Petition Mirpur Samaj Kallayan others 4597/2008 and Sheba Shanga, Dhaka 122 Writ Petition Surma Begum, Panchaghar and another 4926/2010 vs vs Dist. Judge Panchaghar Sec.min. of Housing and and ors ors 123 Writ Petition Md. Hasan Ali, Boda, 135 Writ Petition Ocean And Design Ltd 4845/2010 Panchaghar 14372/2016 vs vs Bangladesh Bank and 11 Bangladesh and others others

124 Writ Petition Sre Sre cutale Mr. Gazi Moshtaque 4984/2003 vs Ahmed Adv for for the The Deputy Commissioner petitioner Sylhet

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136 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Khaleque, 146 Writ Petition Abdul Khaleq 5801/2009 Dhaka 8193/2005 vs vs Bangladesh and ors

Dhaka City Corporation 147 Writ Petition Md. Shahidul Islam Dhaka and ors 3033/2012 vs 137 Writ Petition Md. Fakhr-E-Alam The Sec. Min. of Home 9732/2015 Majumdar Affairs

vs 148 Writ Petition S. Mahbub Parveg

Bangladesh Rep by Sec 7014/2003 vs Min of Public Works and The Sec. Min. of Primary 07 others Gonoshikhya Education 138 Writ Petition Md. Motahar Hossain, 149 Writ Petition Rafiqul islam

9896/2008 Dhaka 1814/2005 vs

vs Bangladesh Others Dhaka City Corporation 150 Writ Petition Abdur Rahman Dhaka and ors 11435/2015 vs 139 Writ Petition M.A. Latif The Sec. Min. of LGRD

10296/2013 vs and 07 others Sec.min. of freedom 151 Writ Petition Md. Ebadur Rahman fighters and ors 8525/2016 Chowdhury 140 Writ Petition Juntur Ali vs

5106/2004 vs Cheif Executive

Dhaka South City Officer,Dhaka North City Corporation and others and 05 others 141 Writ Petition Mrs. Suraya Kamal, 152 Writ Petition Vabo Ronjan Shah

2921/2011 Khilkhet, Dhaka and 6 ors 10741/2015 vs

vs The Sec. Min. of Home

Sec.min. of liberation and Affairs and 05 others ors 153 Writ Petition Murtaza Ali Khokan, 142 Writ Petition Md. Mokbul Hossain, 2912/2011 Dhaka and 3 ors

5763/2008 Laxmipur vs

vs Sec.min. of land and ors Dhaka City Corporation 154 Writ Petition S.B Pharmecitacles Ltd and ors 7022/2009 vs 143 Writ Petition Muhammad Kamruzzaman Chairman 1st Labour Court

8346/2015 vs dhaka and ors The Sec. Min. of 155 Writ Petition Sirajul Islam Education and 05 others 103/2012 vs 144 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Khaleque, Sec.min. of Establishment

3879/2009 Dhaka and ors vs 156 Writ Petition Alhaj Md. shamsul haque Dhaka City Corporation by 10237/2014 vs its Mayor, Dhaka and and The Sec. Min. of Land and ors 06 ors. A.B. Roy 145 Writ Petition A Quddus Chowdhury, ad...for the

10282/2006 vs petitioners. Dhaka City Corporation Represented by its Mayor and others

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157 Writ Petition Golden Bricks Works Ltd 168 Writ Petition BELA 587/2016 vs 7483/2012 vs Managing Director, Bangladesh and others Karnofuly Gas Distribution 169 Writ Petition M/S Md. Shamsuzzaman Company Ltd and 04 2689/2016 vs others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 158 Writ Petition Jashim uddin Min of Finance and 04 1044/2015 vs others

The Sec. Min. of Power, 170 Writ Petition Shamoli Akter Energy and Minaral 12085/2015 vs Resuource and 03 ors The Sec. Min. of LGRD 159 Writ Petition Mohammad Abdul and 08 others

7207/2010 Mannan, Rajbari 171 Writ Petition Papia sarker

vs 10402/2014 vs

Land Appeal Board Dhaka Bangladesh and others and ors 172 Writ Petition Abul Kalam md. Abdullah 160 Writ Petition md. Abdul jalil 1208/2014 vs

1043/2015 vs The state The Sec. Min. of Power, 173 Writ Petition Md. Abdul kashem khan Energy and Minaral 10143/2014 vs Resuource and 03 ors The Sec. Min. of energy 161 Writ Petition Faruquzzaman Elalhi and power menerel

9857/2016 Faruk resource and 13 ors vs 174 Writ Petition Jamila Khatun and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec 9750/2013 vs Min of Education and 07 Hamdard others Labratories(Waqf) 162 Writ Petition Alak Kumar Majumder Bangladesh and others 1573/2011 vs 175 Writ Petition Rupali Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Small Cottege 11253/2013 vs Ind. Ltd. Dhaka and ors Bangladesh and others 163 Writ Petition Md. Mofazzel Hossain 176 Writ Petition Abul Bashar 2808/2016 vs 15131/2012 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 164 Writ Petition Md. Nuruzzaman 177 Writ Petition A. A. M. Shah Imam 2553/2013 vs 2566/2011 vs Sec.min. of law and ors Bangladesh 165 Writ Petition Ashraf Ali, Dhaka 178 Writ Petition Jhorna Biswas 2870/1999 vs 201/2016 vs Sec.min. of works and ors Artharin Adalat and others. 166 Writ Petition Bakshi Iqbal Ahmed Mr. Ashoke Kumer Ghose,

3225/2004 vs ad..for petitioner. Bangladesh 179 Writ Petition JK knit composite ltd 167 Writ Petition Mohammad mohiuddin 5522/2015 vs

3180/2015 zahir Sonali Bank Ltd. Mr. Sk.

vs Awsafur Rahman with Mr.

The Sec. Min. of housing Sahidul Islam, ad..for and public works and 7 ors petitioner. Mrs. Hosneara

Mr. Muntasir Uddin Begum, ad..for respondent Ahmed Advocate for the no. 4. petitioner

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180 Writ Petition Md. Harun Mia and others 192 Writ Petition Md. Khokon Miah 694/2012 vs 6930/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 181 Writ Petition Md. Selim Sikder Min of Law and 02 others 11945/2015 vs 193 Writ Petition Md. Abul Kashem The Sec. Min. of LGRD 11907/2015 vs and 08 others The Sec. Min. of Land and 182 Writ Petition Masum Haider Akhanda, 07 others 1553/2009 Kishoregonj 194 Writ Petition Mohd. Farid uddin vs 9825/2013 vs Sec. Min. of Land and ors Sec.min. of education and 183 Writ Petition Md. Nazmul Haque ors 11116/2016 vs 195 Writ Petition Md. Hedaitul islam The CEC and 07 others 11574/2016 vs

184 Writ Petition Shah Cement Industries Bangladesh Rep by Sec 646/2008 Ltd, Dhaka Min of Power and 09 vs others The state and others 196 Writ Petition Habibullah 5305/2006 vs 185 Writ Petition Mosammat Bilkis Banu 7137/2014 and 3 ors Dhaka City Corporation vs Represented by its Mayor Bangladesh and ors and others 186 Writ Petition Premier Cement Mills Ltd, 197 Writ Petition Habibur Rahman Sarker 2954/2007 vs 941/2008 Dhaka vs Sec, Min of Defence and The state and others ors 198 Writ Petition Mrs. Champa, Sujanagar, 187 Writ Petition Anower Mia 3740/2016 vs 1069/2006 Pabna vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Sec. Min. of Land and ors Parliamentary Affairs and 199 Writ Petition Pream Foods Ltd 02 others 14204/2016 vs

188 Writ Petition Md. Ismail Hossain Bangladesh Rep by Sec 13375/2015 vs Min of Planning and 06 The Sec. Min. of Finance others and 08 others 200 Writ Petition Human Right and peace

189 Writ Petition Sushanta Kumer Mondal 7356/2014 for Bangladesh and others vs 11531/2015 vs The Sec. Min. of Land and The Sec. Min. of Cultural 08 others Affairs and 10 ors 190 Writ Petition Ayesha Momin and ors 201 Writ Petition Debashis Mondal 11339/2015 vs 6619/2014 vs Govt of Bangladesh and The Sec. Min. of ors Education and 05 others 191 Writ Petition Md. Mominur Jahid Khan 202 Writ Petition Md. Mohsin Bhuiyan 7465/2016 vs 6725/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Inland Water Min of Shipping and 04 Resource and 05 others others

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203 Writ Petition Md. Saiful Islam 213 Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam, 11431/2013 vs 7798/2008 Jhalkhati The Sec. Min. of vs Education and ors Sec.Min. of Home Affairs 204 Writ Petition B.M taher ali and ors 2187/2015 vs 214 Writ Petition Abdul Wahab Bhuiyan The Sec. Min. of primary 9635/2012 vs and mass Education and 05 Bangladesh and ors ors 215 Writ Petition Kanu Das 205 Writ Petition Md. Miraz Hossain 3870/2013 vs 7028/2016 vs The state and others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 216 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Rahman Min of Law Justice and 15795/2012 vs Parliamentary Affairs and Sec.min. of Establishment 010 others and ors 206 Writ Petition Md. Hasan Ali 217 Writ Petition Md. Abu Bakar Siddique 6134/2016 vs 188/2016 vs The Excutive Chairman, Cabinet Secratary and 06 BEPZA and 03 others others 207 Writ Petition Dhaka Match Industries 218 Writ Petition Md. Masud Bhuiyan 2866/2015 Company Ltd 9957/2013 vs vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors Bangladesh and others 219 Writ Petition Bangladesh Physiotherapy 208 Writ Petition Saila Mahamuda and 14121/2016 Assocation BPA 16614/2012 others vs vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Govt. of Bangladesh min of Health and Family 209 Writ Petition Sohel Ahmed and others Welfare and 03 others 4064/2017 vs 220 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Kayum Bangladesh Rep by Sec 1817/2014 vs Min of Commerce and 03 The Sec. Min. of Finance others and ors 210 Writ Petition Md. Abu Sayeed 221 Writ Petition Chowdhury Mahbubul 4075/2016 vs 5171/2016 Haque Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. vs Min of LGRD and 06 Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. others Min of Education and 04 211 Writ Petition Md. Shafiqul Hoque, others 7794/2008 Norsingdi 222 Writ Petition Md. Ebrahim Khalil vs 2795/2014 vs Sec. Min. of Home Affairs The Sec. Min. of and ors Education and ors 212 Writ Petition Mohammad Hanif, 223 Writ Petition Md. Ismail Hossain Sarker 7795/2008 Comilla 12092/2015 vs vs The Sec. Min. of Land and Sec. Min. of Home Affairs 05 others and ors 224 Writ Petition Ripendra nath roul 11233/2014 vs Sec min of primary and mass education and 5 others

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225 Writ Petition Md. Monjurul Hassan, 236 Writ Petition Abdul Salam, Ctg. 4687/2009 Noakhali 6923/2001 vs vs Deputy Commissioner, Rural Electrifiction Board Ctg. Dhaka and ors 237 Writ Petition Abdul Wadud, Newmarket, 226 Writ Petition Mir Md. Abu Sayem 1766/2006 Dhaka 2256/2016 vs vs Bangladesh and others Dhaka City Corpration and 227 Writ Petition Mohammad Shawkat ors 12560/2015 Hashem, Councilor 238 Writ Petition md. Salim Khan vs 16297/2012 vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD Sec.min. of land and ors and 03 others 239 Writ Petition md. Salim Khan 228 Writ Petition Md. Abu Naser Bhuiyan 14697/2012 vs 8386/2005 vs Sec.min. of land and ors

Sub-Judge, Artha rin 240 Writ Petition M/s khondaker Shipping Adalat, Chittagong 2375/2014 lines 229 Writ Petition Lutfur Kabir vs 4785/2014 vs Bangladesh and others.

Govt. of Bangladesh and 241 Writ Petition Most. Zohora Khatun others 9051/2015 vs 230 Writ Petition Md. rakibur Rahman The Sec. Min. of 3167/2015 vs Education and 07 others

The Sec. Min. of Finance 242 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam and 3 ors 11051/2014 vs 231 Writ Petition Md. Siddique Lal Bangladesh and ors.

222/2007 vs 243 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mahbub

Dhaka City Corporation 11215/2014 Chowdhury and ors vs 232 Writ Petition Md. Redwanul Haque The Sec. Min. of Power, 2340/2015 vs Energy and Minaral Bangladesh and others Resuource and 04 ors 233 Writ Petition Md. Wasir Ali and 31 244 Writ Petition Md. manjur hasan 7421/2011 others 6057/2015 vs vs The Sec. Min. of Power, Govt. by the Sec. Min of Energy and Minaral Agriculture and others Resuource and 05 ors 234 Writ Petition Mohammad Kabir Ahmed 245 Writ Petition Md. Shafiqul Islam and 1229/2016 vs 9456/2011 another Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. vs Min of Education and 09 Govt. of Bangladesh and others others 235 Writ Petition Abu Noman Mohammed 246 Writ Petition Z.I Khan Panna 5561/2008 Shahidul Islam, Barisal 8993/2015 vs vs Bangladesh and others

Sec.min. of Housing and 247 Writ Petition Bidhan Mondal ors 10181/2012 vs Bangladesh and others

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248 Writ Petition Nitai Pada Sarkar 257 Writ Petition Md. Mizan Khan and 8954/2014 vs 2923/2013 another Govt of Bangladesh vs Bangladesh and others 249 Writ Petition S.M Anisur rahman 3174/2015 vs Mr. Sk. Md. Morshed, Bangladesh and ors. Adv. for the Petitioner Mr. Md. Ruhul Quddus, 250 Writ Petition Md. Mahbub Alam Advocate for the

1034/2017 vs respondent No. 10 Bangladesh Rep by Sec 258 Writ Petition Md. Irfan Mahbub Min of Agriculture and 07 others 9824/2013 vs Bangladesh and ors 251 Writ Petition Md. Asaduzzaman 259 Writ Petition Nur Mohammad Bhuiyan 5596/2005 vs Bangladesh and others. Mr. 5548/2014 and ors vs Md. Shahidul Islam, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Kazi Rajuk and ors Mynul Hassan, Adv.-- For 260 Writ Petition Md.Goniul azam the Respondent No. 1, Mr. 7952/2014 vs Munirujjaman, Adv., Mr. Bangladesh and ors. Munirujjaman, Adv.-- For 261 Writ Petition Rafiqul Islam, Munshigonj the Respondent No. 1 2054/2009 adn another 252 Writ Petition Abdur Rahim, Munshigong vs 585/2008 vs Sec. Min. of Shipping and Sec, Min of ors Communication and ors 262 Writ Petition Md. Dulal Miazi 253 Writ Petition F.M Spectrum Telecom Ltd 6922/2009 vs 9081/2017 vs Govt of Bangladesh and Bangldesh Rep by its Sec ors. min of post and 263 Writ Petition M/s. Sirajunnessa and Co. Telecommunication and 04 7508/2009 Barisal others vs 254 Writ Petition Mr. Kamal Zaman Mollah Govt. of Bangladesh and 12839/2016 vs others Govenor Bangladesh Bank 264 Writ Petition Wahid Hossain, Dhaka and 05 others 8739/2009 vs 255 Writ Petition Syed Golam Martuza Sec. Min.of Housing and 1051/2017 vs Public Works Dhaka and Bangladesh Rep by Sec ors Min of Liberation War and 265 Writ Petition Md. Manzurul Alam, 06 others 144/2010 Kishoregonj 256 Writ Petition A N M Khalilur Rahman vs 1920/2014 Ibrahim Bangladesh and others vs 266 Writ Petition Md. Wahiduzzaman Dulal, The State 5914/2010 Fatullah, Narayangonj vs Sec.min. of Shipping and ors 267 Writ Petition Salahuddin Ahmed 3426/2016 vs Bangladesh and others

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268 Writ Petition Md. Giasuddin 280 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Islam 814/2010 vs 10227/2006 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and The Sec. Ministry of Land others and others 269 Writ Petition Most. Zarina Begum 281 Writ Petition Anwoar Hossin Sikder 5227/2010 vs 1522/2007 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and B.I.W.T.A and others others 282 Writ Petition Jahangir Hossin 270 Writ Petition A.T.M Anisuzzaman 1520/2007 vs 5620/2016 vs B.I.W.T.A and others Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 283 Writ Petition Md. Ali Akbar Khan Min of LGRD and 02 5996/2008 vs others Government of Bangladesh 271 Writ Petition Herombo Kumer Biswas and others 4097/2007 and ors. 284 Writ Petition Md. Afsor Uddin, Sylhet vs 7294/2009 vs Bangladesh and ors. The state and others 272 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Rahman 285 Writ Petition M.A .Monsur 10423/2011 vs 2178/2013 vs Sec.min. of health and Chairman, Bumi Apeal family welfare and ors Bord, 273 Writ Petition md. Nazrul Faruque 286 Writ Petition Md. Monir Hossain 8641/2011 vs 15191/2012 vs Sec.min. of Education and Sec.min of establishment ors and ors 274 Writ Petition md. Monsurul Haque 287 Writ Petition Md. Alauddin 10813/2012 vs 6707/2014 vs Sec.min. of relief and ors The Sec. Min. of Finance 275 Writ Petition Md. Jashim Uddin, Dhaka and ors 4664/2008 vs 288 Writ Petition Md. MOzammel Haqeu Bangladesh and others 6708/2014 vs 276 Writ Petition Shaheena Nasrin Ahmed, The Sec. Min. of Finance 9011/2007 Dhaka and ors vs 289 Writ Petition Litifa fohad begum Chairman, RAJUK and ors 742/2015 vs 277 Writ Petition Md Delowar Hossian, The Sec. Min. of 9520/2007 Dhaka Education and 06 ors vs 290 Writ Petition Md. Samsuddha Sec, Min of Housing and 9782/2012 vs Public Works and ors The Sec. Min. of Fisheris 278 Writ Petition Abdul Malek and others 291 Writ Petition Mohammad jashim uddin 4796/2005 vs 1990/2015 vs Chairman, RAJUK and The Sec. Min. o water others resourec and 05 ors 279 Writ Petition Ajhaj Motiur Rahman, 2810/2009 Dhaka vs Dhaka City Corporation and ors

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292 Writ Petition nurul absan 303 Writ Petition Architect Mir Al-Amin 6126/2015 vs 11467/2006 vs The Sec. Min. of Sec. Min. of Housing and Education and 07 ors public works and ors 293 Writ Petition Kamal Uddin 304 Writ Petition Kolimullah 1324/2010 vs 7641/2006 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and Dhaka City Corporation others Represented by its Mayor 294 Writ Petition M.M. Junayed Amin, and others 8323/2009 Rahmatgonj Dhaka 305 Writ Petition Md. Fazle Rahman Kajol vs 6291/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others

295 Writ Petition Md. Rezaul Islam Khan, Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, 8857/2009 Bongshal Dhaka and Adv.-For the petitioner another 306 Writ Petition Md. Anwarul Islam vs 6002/2015 vs Sec.min. of Housing and Bangladesh and others PUblic works and ors Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, 296 Writ Petition Md. Bahar Uddin, Dhaka Adv.-For the petitioner 829/2009 vs 307 Writ Petition M.A. Sattar Mollah, Sec. Min. of Housing and 7392/2010 Munshigonj Public Works Dhaka and vs ors Sec.min. of Housing and 297 Writ Petition Mustafa Kamal Mohiuddin public Works 1693/2007 vs 308 Writ Petition Aminul Hoque, Ctg. D. C. Dhaka 1305/2009 vs

298 Writ Petition Md. Azizur Rahamn Chittagong City 1109/2010 Mollah, Gulshan Dhaka Corporation, Ctg. and ors and 5 ors 309 Writ Petition Mahbur Rahman vs 8215/2005 vs Sec. Min. of Public Works Bangladesh and others Dhaka and ors 310 Writ Petition Fatema Reshila Alam 299 Writ Petition S M A Harun Sohel 653/2013 vs 3814/2007 vs land appeal board Dhaka Sec, Min of Housing and and ors ors 311 Writ Petition Md. Nazmul Hossain 300 Writ Petition East West Property Dev. 8603/2014 vs 897/2007 Dhaka Govt. of BAngladesh and vs others Rajuk and ors 312 Writ Petition Jharna Tarafder 301 Writ Petition Inamul Musawwir 7999/2015 vs 7557/2009 Chowdhury 33 Topkhana The Sec. Min. of Road, Dhaka and 6 ors Education and 09 others vs 313 Writ Petition Gouranaga Das, Rangmati Govt. of Bangladesh 3134/2011 and 2 ors 302 Writ Petition Tanzilla Biswas, Chandpur vs 8830/2009 vs Land Appeal Board, Dhaka Sec.Min. of Housing and and ors Public Works and ors

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314 Writ Petition Mosammat Tahomina 326 Writ Petition Sochona Smabya Smity ltd 3953/2015 khatun 7554/2014 vs vs The State

Sec min of Education and 327 Writ Petition Md. Alamgir Hossain 09 Others 7281/2014 vs 315 Writ Petition Institute of north bengal B- The State

6574/2011 ed college Upashahar 328 Writ Petition Md. Mostafa khan

vs 11933/2014 vs

National university The State Gazipur and ors 329 Writ Petition Md. Selim Reza and ors 316 Writ Petition Advocate Aminur Rahman 934/2011 vs

6177/2011 vs Bangladesh and ors. Govt. by the sec. Min of 330 Writ Petition Amir Hossain Establishment and others 5264/2014 vs 317 Writ Petition Md.Abdus Samad Gazi The State and ors 7663/2011 vs 331 Writ Petition Nilufar sultana Govt. of Bangladesh and 9013/2014 vs others The Sec. Min. of 318 Writ Petition Md. Zulhash and 5 others Liberation War affair 6288/2014 vs 332 Writ Petition Md. Alauddin The Sec. Min. of Land and 2443/2014 vs ors The State 319 Writ Petition Ms. Nurun nahar parvin 333 Writ Petition Md. Abdus Samad 8242/2011 baby 7382/2014 vs vs The State The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 ors 334 Writ Petition M/s Brothers Plastic 8169/2011 Industries 320 Writ Petition Khondader Jabirul Islam vs 8057/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 335 Writ Petition Majeda Khanam 321 Writ Petition Md. Abdus Salam 10777/2011 vs 4888/2014 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and Bangladesh and ors ors 322 Writ Petition Md. Ripon Sarkar 336 Writ Petition Khan Saifullah panir 4163/2014 vs 3982/2014 vs The State Bangaldesh 323 Writ Petition Afsanur Rahman 337 Writ Petition Khalilur Rahman 7705/2014 vs 5610/2011 vs The State Sec.min. of public works 324 Writ Petition Amtoti Launch Ghat jam e and ors 5356/2014 Mosque 338 Writ Petition Md. Akhter Hossain vs 5093/2009 Sikder, Pabna The State vs 325 Writ Petition Alhaj Md. jashim uddin Sec.min. of Land and ors 12400/2014 mirdha vs Bangladesh and ors

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339 Writ Petition Md. Alamgir 351 Writ Petition Md. Tofazzal Hoque 4425/2014 vs 11329/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Chairman Rural 340 Writ Petition International CNG Station electrification board Dhaka 6151/2009 vs and ors Government of Bangladesh 352 Writ Petition Md. Abu Musa Sarder and others 198/2015 vs

341 Writ Petition Md. Monirul Islam, The Sec. Min. of Finance 5681/2009 Naogaon and 09 ors vs 353 Writ Petition M.H khan Manju sec.Min. of Land Dhaka 107/2015 vs and ors The Sec. Min. of shipping 342 Writ Petition Abu Hena Md. Kawserul and 04 ors 5680/2009 Ferdous, Rajbari 354 Writ Petition Ecotech Consultants Ltd vs 472/2015 vs sec.Min. of Land Dhaka The Sec. Min. of Shipping and ors and 05 ors 343 Writ Petition Md. Alhad trad 355 Writ Petition Mohd. Abu Jafar 1654/2009 vs 2517/2013 vs B.I.W.T.A and others Bangladesh and others 344 Writ Petition Quamrul Hasan 356 Writ Petition Md. Ali Akbar 1405/2009 Chowdhury, Sunamgonj 6593/2015 vs vs The Sec. Min. of Civil B.I.W.T.A and others Aviation and tourism and 345 Writ Petition Md. Hanif 06 ors 7350/2015 vs 357 Writ Petition Md. Mosaddek Hossain The Sec. Min. of Power 5292/2014 vs Division and others The Sec. Min. of Civil 346 Writ Petition Md. Hafizur Rahman Aviation and ors 10149/2014 vs 358 Writ Petition Md. Shahid Sarwar and The state and others 4980/2014 others

347 Writ Petition Jyotirmay Deb Roy vs Bangladesh and othersi> 10956/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Sruia Begum, Advocate 348 Writ Petition momotaz miah ...... for the Petitioner

2755/2015 vs Mr. Md. Mofizur Rahman,

The Sec. Min. of law and Advocate 05 ors ...... for the Respondent 349 Writ Petition most hena begum Nos. 1 and 3

3890/2015 vs 359 Writ Petition Most. Suriya Akter

Sec min of land and 03 299/2015 vs others Bangladesh and others 350 Writ Petition Khudi Ram Dash 360 Writ Petition Md. nazrul islam

11327/2014 vs 2803/2015 vs

Sec min of Finance and 9 The Sec. Min. of Land and others 06 ors

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361 Writ Petition Golam Mahid Monsur and 373 Writ Petition Bex Enterprise 3306/2004 others 6743/2002 vs vs Bangladesh and others

Bangladesh and others 374 Writ Petition Md. Abul Kashem, 362 Writ Petition Md. Hasibul Haeque 6593/2009 Debidwar Comilla 576/2014 vs vs The Sec. Min. of Health Sec.min. of Housing and and Family Welfare and public works and ors ors 375 Writ Petition Barnisur Ahmed 363 Writ Petition Anwara pervin 10534/2013 vs 10568/2014 vs The Sec. Min. of Land and The Sec. Min. of Land and ors 4 ors 376 Writ Petition Rajina Akhter 364 Writ Petition Syed Nurul Haque 14661/2016 vs 9146/2015 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec The Sec. Min. of Land and Min of Education and 04 07 others others 365 Writ Petition Khandader M A Awal 377 Writ Petition Md. Kabir Hossain Sikder 1961/2014 vs 5039/2017 vs The Sec. Min. of Bangladesh Rep by Sec Education and ors Min of Social Welfare and 366 Writ Petition Md. Shahjahan Ali 03 others 8568/2014 vs 378 Writ Petition Syed Aslam Ali Bangladesh and others 10705/2015 vs

367 Writ Petition Md. Anowar Hossain and Bangladesh, represented by 12407/2016 02 others the sec min of public vs administration and 03 others Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Education and 05 Mr. A.K.M. Shamsul Huq others Advocate for the petitioner 368 Writ Petition Molla Mohammad 379 Writ Petition Md. Rassel Hossain 4333/2014 vs 867/2016 Jahangir vs The Sec. Min. of Land and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. ors Min of Education and 05 380 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam others 1210/2012 vs

369 Writ Petition Sajjad Hossain Sec.min. of power, Energy 10109/2013 vs and mineral resources and Sec.min. of education and ors ors 381 Writ Petition Md. Azizul Haque 9662/2016 vs 370 Writ Petition Bazlul Munir 9699/2013 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others Min of LGRD and 03 others 371 Writ Petition Md. Younus Ali 382 Writ Petition Adv. Sayeda Shahin Ara 15761/2012 vs The state and others 13347/2017 Laily vs 372 Writ Petition Mir Sement Ltd Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 1014/2007 vs min of Information and 06 Govt of Bangladesh and others others

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383 Writ Petition Sheikh Md. Saifullah 392 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman 12063/2015 vs 12149/2016 vs The Sec. Min. of Power, Bangladesh Rep by Sec Energy and Minaral Min of Civil Aviation and Resuource and 05 others 04 others 384 Writ Petition Momtaz Begum and others 393 Writ Petition Md. Masudur Rahman 2674/2015 Mr. Dewan Mohammad 340/2017 vs Asad, Adv ..for the Bangladesh Rep by Sec petitioner Min of Education and 07 vs others Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Abdus Salam Mr. Tapas Kanti Baul, Adv Bhuiyan, Advocate for the ..for the O.P. petitioner 385 Writ Petition Abul Kalam Mollah 394 Writ Petition Md. Khairul Islam 7361/2017 vs 3011/2017 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec D.C Khulna and 09 others min of Liberation War and 395 Writ Petition Rafiqul Islam 03 others 1481/2016 vs 386 Writ Petition Nirmal Chandra Nath Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 7095/2017 vs Min of Land and 12 others

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 396 Writ Petition Md. Shakkawat Hossain min of Religious and 03 18193/2017 vs others Security Min. of 387 Writ Petition Govt of Bangladesh Rep Commerce and ors

660/2017 its D.C Feni 397 Writ Petition Sree Liton Chandra Dhar

vs 10258/2016 vs

Land Survey Tribunal and Bangladesh Rep by Sec others Min of Law and 06 others 388 Writ Petition Human Rights and Peace 398 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam and

11064/2014 for Bangladesh (HRPB) 7415/2006 another

vs vs

The Sec. Min. of Cultural The Sec. Ministry of Affairs and ors Primary and Public 389 Writ Petition Dewan Humayun Kabir Education and others

8523/2017 vs 399 Writ Petition Md. Motaleb Kazi

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 7135/2006 vs min of LGRD and 10 The Sec. Ministry of others Education and others 390 Writ Petition Md. Osman Gani 400 Writ Petition Satya Ranjon Mondal

8712/2017 vs 14/2018 vs

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangldesh Rep by its Sec min of Finance and 03 Min of LGRD and 11 others others 391 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Zahed Uddin 401 Writ Petition Md. Shahidul Kabir

12495/2017 vs 16439/2016 vs

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Education and 03 Min of Education and 03 others others

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402 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Hakim Gazi 413 Writ Petition Md. Neaz Morshed 14652/2016 vs 2872/2017 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Land and 09 others Min of Social Welfare and 403 Writ Petition Atik ullah 03 others 8591/2006 vs 414 Writ Petition Md. Harunur Rashid Dhaka City Corporation 6315/2015 vs Represented by its Mayor The Sec. Min. of law and and others 04 ors 404 Writ Petition Mohesh Chandra Bormon, 415 Writ Petition Md. Shahidullah 5981/2009 Lalmonirhat 102/2012 vs vs The Chairman Dhaka Sec.min. of Education and power Distribution co. ltd. ors Dhaka and ors 405 Writ Petition Md. Shahadat Hossain 416 Writ Petition Md. Abdus Sobhan Sarkar 888/2014 vs 8310/2014 vs The Sec. Min. of Health Cabinet Sec. Dhaka and and Family Welfare and ros ors 417 Writ Petition Miah Golam Mainuddin, 406 Writ Petition Khan Mohammad Anwar 7105/2007 Dhaka 12900/2016 Shaheen vs vs Sec, Min of LGRD and ors

Bangladesh Rep by Sec 418 Writ Petition Sree Rabindra Nath Shaha min of Fisheries and 9592/2015 vs livestock and 07 others Deputy Commissioner, 407 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mannan Bogra and 08 others

2981/2016 vs 419 Writ Petition Md. Maksudur Rahman

Bangladesh and others 10449/2017 vs 408 Writ Petition Bholanath Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 3110/2013 vs min of Water and 03 others

Bangladesh and others 420 Writ Petition Sudhangshu Sutradhar 409 Writ Petition Government of Bangladesh 8832/2017 vs 1194/2012 and ors Bangldesh Rep by its Sec vs min of Primary and 03 Court of Settlement and others ors 421 Writ Petition Raidha and Rabeya Agro 410 Writ Petition Md. Nurul Islam 394/2011 Complex Ltd. sector-3, 1048/2016 vs Uttara Dhaka Bangladesh and others vs

411 Writ Petition Euro Bangla sweaters ltd. Sec.min. of land and ors 8115/2013 vs 422 Writ Petition Sheikh Nazrul Islam Commissioner of customs, 6710/2010 vs customs house, Dhaka and Sec. Min. of Law, Justice ors and Parliamentary Affairs 412 Writ Petition Fazlur Rahman and ors 1282/2016 vs 423 Writ Petition Ranajit Kumar Shil Bangladesh and others 7956/2012 vs Sec.min. of BADC and ors

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424 Writ Petition Bangladesh Security 430 Writ Petition M.M Aminul Rashid and 6925/2004 service companies, 22 719/2018 ors Motijheel Dhaka vs vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Security Min. of Min of Education and 14 Commerce and ors others 425 Writ Petition Sree Ranjit Chandra Das 431 Writ Petition Khurshed Alam 7069/2016 vs 8467/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh and others 426 Writ Petition Mahbub Parvez Masum 432 Writ Petition Md. A. Wahab Sarder 15218/2016 vs 5545/2018 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangldesh, rep by Sec Min Min of Education and 04 of Education and ors others 433 Writ Petition Md. Ekhlas Ali 427 Writ Petition Halima Khatun 11499/2016 vs 11974/2016 vs Bangladesh, rep by Sec Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of Land and ors Min of Land and 19 others 434 Writ Petition Priyo Pranto 428 Writ Petition Md. Ekram Hossain 5515/2018 vs 14810/2017 vs The VC University of Administration of WAQF Dhaka and 03 ors and 04 others 429 Writ Petition Mst.Rehena Begum and 9018/2014 ors vs Bangladesh and others. Mr. Md. Mubarak Hossain, adv. for the petitioner. Mr.B.M. Elias, adv. for the respondent No. 2 and 3 Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 242

High Court Division Justice Sheikh Hassan Arif and Justice Razik-Al-Jalil Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 6] [ একে ডন ে েন এং নন জন কল ক ট য়দ ; য় এই ে নত ইে এং উপেখত য়দ ং ল ও আেদনপ ণ ও নন কেন । ] As to be mentioned 11 Writ Petition Md. Tawfiqul Islam

1 Writ Petition M.M. vegetabe Oil product 314/2018 vs

18047/2017 vs Governor Bangladesh Artha Rin Adalat and 02 Bank and 02 others others 12 Writ Petition M/s Kazi Cargo Pvt. Ltd.

2 Writ Petition Mohammad Issa 8659/2009 Dhaka

15827/2017 Chowdhury vs

vs Sec.Min. of Commerce bangladesh Bank and 04 Dhaka and ors others 13 Writ Petition Md. Zahangir Alam

3 Writ Petition Md. Zahuirul Haque Monir 240/2018 vs

10587/2017 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Artha Rin Adalat and 05 Min of Commerce and 06 others others 4 Writ Petition Md. Khalilullah 14 Writ Petition Md. Akob Ali

13524/2017 vs 10554/2017 vs

Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Uttara Bank Limited and min of Finance and 03 others others 15 Writ Petition Biswas Garments Ltd.

5 Writ Petition Most Shamima Akter 6097/2014 vs

7358/2011 vs Bangladesh Bank and ors Bangladesh and others 16 Writ Petition Md. Faruk Miah

6 Writ Petition Abul Kalam Azad and 7826/2016 vs

12764/2012 another Govenor Bangladesh Bank vs and 04 others Sec.min. of housing and 17 Writ Petition Golam Morshed public works and ors 12050/2015 vs

7 Writ Petition Tania Sultana Bangladesh Bank and 12716/2017 vs others Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 18 Writ Petition Md. Wahid Uddin min of Finance and 06 5876/2016 Chowdhury others vs

8 Writ Petition Md. Shakawat Hossain Bangladesh and others

10886/2017 vs Mr. Shah Md. Munir Sharif Bangldesh Rep by its Sec with

min of Finance and 03 Mr. Md. Tazul Islam, others Advocate ...... For the 9 Writ Petition Mohammad Mujibur petitioner 16496/2017 Rahman Milon vs 19 Writ Petition Execsior Shoes Ltd

Arthrin Adalat and 02 13145/2016 vs

others Govenor Bangladesh Bank and 03 others 10 Writ Petition Suraj Miah Spinning Mills 15420/2017 Ltd vs Bangladesh Bank and 02 others

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20 Writ Petition Md. Mohiuddin 29 Writ Petition Fazlu Mia and another 16580/2017 vs 9898/2012 vs bangladesh Bank and 02 Bangladesh and others others Mr. Md. Bodrul Alam,, 21 Writ Petition Biswas Fashion Ltd adv. for the petitioner. 4204/2018 vs 30 Writ Petition Kazi Mahumuda Begum Bangldesh Bank and 20 2789/2016 and ors others (with) vs Bangladesh and ors 22 Writ Petition Alhaj Abu Bakker 16949/2017 vs Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid, Bangldesh Rep by its Sec adv. for the petitioner. Mr. min of Finance and 04 Zafar Sadeque, adv. for the others respondent No. 3 23 Writ Petition Alhaj Abu bakkar Writ Petition Kazi Mahmuda Begum 2995/2017 vs 16948/2017 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (02.P.M.) Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Finance and 04 Min of LGRD and 03 others others Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid, 24 Writ Petition Alhaj Md. Abu Bakkar advocate for the petitoner. 16638/2017 Siddique 31 Writ Petition Md. Hafizur Rahman vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 4923/2013 vs Bangladesh and others min of Finance and 05 others Mr. Md. Modersher Ali Khan, adv. for the 25 Writ Petition Most. Nargis Akter petitioner. 7271/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 32 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur rahman 364/2015 vs Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and The Sec. Min. of 02 others Education and 07 ors.Ms. Parvin Hannan, adv. for the 26 Writ Petition Chowhal S.B.M College petitioner. 12480/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec 33 Writ Petition Md. Mizanur Rahman 2701/2015 vs Min of Education and 03 others The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Application Mr. Md. Abdul Motalib, 27 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mannan adv. for the petitioner.

12284/2013 vs 34 Review Petition Md. Nurul Islam Bangladesh and others 9(arising out of W.P. No. vs Mr. Habibur Rahman 2752 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (Habib), adv. for the (with) min of Finance and 04 petitioner. others. Mr. Mustaque 28 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Rob Bhuiyan Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. 12239/2016 vs for the petitioner.

Bangladesh Rep by Sec Review Petition Ataur Rahman Mukit Min of Law and 06 others. 10(arising out of W.P. No. vs Mr. Tajul Islam Miajee, 2721 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec adv. for the petitioner. (with) min of Finance and 04 For Hearing : General Writ others. Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner.

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Review Petition Md. Jalal Uddin Review Petition Atique Hossain 11(arising out of W.P. No. vs 18(arising out of W.P. vs 2729 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.511 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 othersMr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition Biswajit Chandra Review Petition Tapash Chakraborty 12(arising out of W.P. No. vs 19(arising out of W.P. vs 2460 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.7792 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition Md. Bizu Chandra Review Petition Abdul Hamid 13(arising out of W.P. No. vs 20(arising out of W.P. vs 2751of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.2461 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition M/S Tayim Trading Review Petition M/S Foyez Hasan Ferdous 14(arising out of W.P. No. vs 21(arising out of W.P. vs 540 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.509 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition M/S Universal Enterprise Review Petition Monmath Roy 15(arising out of W.P. No. vs 22(arising out of W.P. vs 514 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.7803 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition Md. Abdul Jabbar Review Petition Md. Moniruzzaman 16(arising out of W.P. vs 23(arising out of W.P. vs No.2750 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.2727 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition M/S Suma Enterprise Review Petition Maynul Huq 17(arising out of W.P. vs 24(arising out of W.P. vs No.510 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.2723 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner.

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Review Petition M/S Sowmo Enterprise Review Petition M/S Khan Trading 25(arising out of W.P. vs 31(arising out of W.P. Corporation No.498 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.539 of 2005)/2017 vs (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others Mr. Mustaque min of Finance and 04 Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. others Mr. Mustaque for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Review Petition Matish Paul for the petitioner. 26(arising out of W.P. vs Review Petition Atique Ahmed No.2458 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 32(arising out of W.P. vs (with) min of Finance and 04 No.6144 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others Mr. Mustaque (with) min of Finance and 04 Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. others Mr. Mustaque for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Review Petition Md. Babul Miah for the petitioner. 27(arising out of W.P. vs Review Petition Pramesh Banik No.2749 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 33(arising out of W.P. vs (with) min of Finance and 04 No.516 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others Mr. Mustaque (with) min of Finance and 04 Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. others Mr. Mustaque for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Review Petition Sohel Ahmed for the petitioner. 28(arising out of W.P. vs Review Petition Md. Akhter Faruk No.497 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 34(arising out of W.P. vs (with) min of Finance and 04 No.7801 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others Mr. Mustaque (with) min of Finance and 04 Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. others Mr. Mustaque for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Review Petition M/S Mahbubi Trading for the petitioner. 29(arising out of W.P. Corporation Review Petition Paplu Das No.513 of 2005)/2017 vs 35(arising out of W.P. vs (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.515 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition Bashir Miah Review Petition Mustafizur Rahman 30(arising out of W.P. vs 43(arising out of W.P. vs No.512 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.581of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition SalahUddin Ali Ahmed 44(arising out of W.P. vs No.502 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner.

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Review Petition Probir Kumar Debnath Review Petition M/S Firuz Ahmed 45(arising out of W.P. vs 52(arising out of W.P. vs No.579 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.500 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition Md. Prodip Kumar Ray Review Petition Rois Ullah Mojumder 46(arising out of W.P. vs 53(arising out of W.P. vs No.504 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.580 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition Alhaj Abdul Malik Maruf Review Petition Ronotosh Bhattarcharjee 47(arising out of W.P. vs 54(arising out of W.P. vs No.586 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.588 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition M/S Ruhel Enterprise Review Petition M/S Falah Uddin 48(arising out of W.P. vs 55(arising out of W.P. vs No.501 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.505 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition M/S Makbul Hossian Review Petition Md. Abdus Sattar 49(arising out of W.P. vs 56(arising out of W.P. vs No.507 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.583 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition M/S S.H Interprise Review Petition M/S Poly Enterprise 50(arising out of W.P. vs 57(arising out of W.P. vs No.499 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.503 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition Haji Iskander Miah Review Petition Md.Abdul Mannan 51(arising out of W.P. vs 58(arising out of W.P. vs No.582 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.585 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner.

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Review Petition Md. Moinuddin Review Petition Sahad Ahmed Chowdhury 59(arising out of W.P. vs 66(arising out of W.P. vs No.587 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.2136 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition M/S Projesh Lal Day Review Petition Kamal Uddin 60(arising out of W.P. vs 67(arising out of W.P. vs No.506 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.2144 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition M/S Srehalata Enterprise Review Petition Md. Rowshan Ahmed 61(arising out of W.P. vs 68(arising out of W.P. Chowdhury No.508 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec No.6013 of 2005)/2017 vs (with) min of Finance and 04 (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others Mr. Mustaque min of Finance and 04 Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. others Mr. Mustaque for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Review Petition Salma Sultana for the petitioner. 62(arising out of W.P. vs Review Petition Dipok Kumar Dey No.584 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 69(arising out of W.P. vs (with) min of Finance and 04 No.6015 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others (with) min of Finance and 04 Review Petition Shamol Roy others Mr. Mustaque 63(arising out of W.P. vs Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. No.6018 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec for the petitioner. (with) min of Finance and 04 Review Petition Rajan Paul others Mr. Mustaque 70(arising out of W.P. vs Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. No.2141 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec for the petitioner. (with) min of Finance and 04 Review Petition Pankaj Das others Mr. Mustaque 64(arising out of W.P. vs Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. No.2138 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec for the petitioner. (with) min of Finance and 04 Review Petition Amiyo Ranjan Paul others Mr. Mustaque 71(arising out of W.P. vs Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. No.2137 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec for the petitioner. (with) min of Finance and 04 Review Petition Md. Sirajul Haque others Mr. Mustaque 65(arising out of W.P. vs Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. No.6014 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec for the petitioner. (with) min of Finance and 04 Review Petition Juned Ahmed Khan others Mr. Mustaque 72(arising out of W.P. vs Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. No.6017 of 2005)/2017 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec for the petitioner. (with) min of Finance and 04 others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner.

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Review Petition Rajan Paul Review Petition Tapan Chakraborty 73(arising out of W.P. vs 85(arising out of W.P. vs No.2142 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh No.591 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh (with) Mr. Mustaque Ahmed (with) and others Mr. Mustaque Chowdhury, adv. for the Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. petitioner. for the petitioner. Review Petition Ashim Kumar Paul Review Petition Liton Banik 74(arising out of W.P. Chowdhury 86(arising out of W.P. vs No.2139 of 2005)/2017 vs No.593 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec (with) and others Mr. Mustaque min of Finance and 04 Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. others Mr. Mustaque for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Review Petition Md. Abdul Hamid for the petitioner. 87(arising out of W.P. vs Review Petition Raju Chakroborty No.6016 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh 79(arising out of W.P. vs (with) and others Mr. Mustaque No.590 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. (with) and others Mr. Mustaque for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Review Petition Animesh Paul for the petitioner. 88(arising out of W.P. vs Review Petition Md. Nazrul Islam No.2135 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh 80(arising out of W.P. vs (with) and others Mr. Mustaque No.2134 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. (with) and others Mr. Mustaque for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Review Petition Borendra Chandra Paul for the petitioner. 89(arising out of W.P. vs Review Petition Abdul Mazid No.2745 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh 81(arising out of W.P. vs and others Mr. Mustaque No.2140 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. (with) and others Mr. Mustaque for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. 35 Writ Petition Md. Tapan Sarker for the petitioner. 1917/2014 vs Review Petition Jamir Uddin Sec.min. of local govt. and 82(arising out of W.P. vs rural development and ors No.2133 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh Mr. Md. Ibrahim Khalil, (with) and others Mr. Mustaque adv. for the petitioner. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. 36 Writ Petition Most. Masuda Akter Banu for the petitioner. 10852/2016 vs Review Petition Ashish Kumar Dhar Bangladesh Rep by Sec 83(arising out of W.P. vs Min of Land and 03 others No.595 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh Mr. S.M. Abul Hossain, (with) and others Mr. Mustaque adv.for the petitioner.Mr. Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. Kazi Rehan Nabi, adv. for for the petitioner. the respondent No. 4 Review Petition Ajoy Dhar 84(arising out of W.P. vs No.6019 of 2005)/2017 Governmnt of Bangladesh (with) and others Mr. Mustaque Ahmed Chowdhury, adv. for the petitioner.

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37 Writ Petition Mrs. Selina Nazrul 43 Writ Petition Abdullah 1537/2012 vs 9788/2012 vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors Bangladesh and ors. Ms. Rubayat Hossain, adv. Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus for the petitioner. Mr. Md. Shaikh, adv. for the Shahjahan, adv. for the petitioner. respondent No. 3-5 44 Writ Petition Daily Jai Jai Din 38 Writ Petition Mosammat Saira Khatun 2512/2016 vs 1486/2013 vs (with) Bangladesh, Rep by 3rd Chairman land appeal Labour Court Dhaka and board Dhaka and ors 04 others Mr. Mukunda Chandra Mr. Md. Aminul Haque, Debnath, adv. for the adv. for the petitioner. Md. petitioner. Mr. Mohammad Golam Nabi, adv. for the Ali Azam, adv. for the respondent no. 2 respondent No. 5, 6 Writ Petition Daily Jai Jai Din 39 Writ Petition Mohammad Harunor 2513/2016 vs 15035/2012 Rashid Bangladesh, Rep by 3rd vs Labour Court Dhaka and The chairman land appeal 04 others board Dhaka and ors Mr. Md. Aminul Huq, adv. Mr. Abdus Samad, adv. for for the petitioner. Mr. Md. the petitioner. Mr. Goalm Nabi, adv. for the Mohammad Ali Azam, respondent No. 2 adv. for the respondent No. Writ Petition Daily Jai Jai Din 5-6 2514/2016 vs 40 Writ Petition Md. Motiur Rahman (with) Bangladesh, Rep by 3rd 703/2012 vs Labour Court Dhaka and Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan 04 others Bank Rajshahi and ors Mr. Md. Aminul Huq, adv. i>Mr. Md. Osman Gani for the petitioner. Mr. Md. Bhuyain, Advocate Goalm Nabi, adv. for the for the Petitioner respondent No. 2 41 Writ Petition md. Tapan Sarker Writ Petition Daily Jai Jai Din 5260/2013 vs 2515/2016 vs Sec.min. of local govt. and (with) Bangladesh, Rep by 3rd rural development and ors Labour Court Dhaka and Mr. Md. Ibrahim Khalil, 04 others adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Mr. Md. Aminul Huq, adv. Mintu Kumar Mondal, adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Md. for the respondent No. 4 Golam Nabi, adv. for the 42 Writ Petition Md. Nuruzzaman respondent nO. 2 13941/2016 vs Writ Petition Daily Jai Jai Din Bangladesh and others. Mr. 2516/2016 vs Dr. K.M Hafizul Alam, (with) Bangladesh, Rep by 3rd adv. for the petitioner. Labour Court Dhaka and 04 others Mr. Md. Aminul Huq, adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Md. Golam Nabi, adv. for the respondent nO. 2

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Writ Petition Daily Jai Jai Din 47 Writ Petition Md. Masudul Haque 2517/2016 vs 10997/2016 vs (with) Bangladesh, Rep by 3rd Bangladesh Rep by Sec Labour Court Dhaka and min of Finance and 04 04 others others Mr. Md. Aminul Huq, adv. Mr. Rakibul Hasan, adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Md. for the petitioner. Mr. Golam Nabi, adv. for the Sahajada Al-Amin Kabir. respondent nO. 2 Adv. for the respondent Writ Petition Daily Jai Jai Din No. 3 2518/2016 vs 48 Writ Petition Md. Shamsul Alam (with) Bangladesh, Rep by 3rd 3347/2016 vs Labour Court Dhaka and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. 04 others Min of Finance and 02 Mr. Md. Aminul Huq, adv. others for the petitioner. Mr. Md. Mr. Hassan M.S. Azim, Golam Nabi, adv. for the adv. for the petitioner. Mr. respondent nO. 2 Mahbubul Haque, adv. for Writ Petition Daily Jai Jai Din the respondent No. 4 4274/2016 vs 49 Writ Petition Md. Zakir Hossain (with) 3rd Labour Court, Dhaka 4920/2017 vs and 04 others Bangladesh Rep by Sec Mr. Md. Aminul Huq, adv. Min of Liberation War and for the petitioner. Mr. Md. 08 others Golam Nabi, adv. for the Mr. Md. Abdul Mukit, adv. respondent nO. 2 for the petitioner. Writ Petition Daily Jai Jai Din 50 Writ Petition Md. Nechar Uddin 6506/2016 vs 2538/2016 vs 3rd Labour Court, Dhaka Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. and 04 others Min of Primary and Mass Mr. Md. Aminul Huq, adv. Education and 08 others for the petitioner. Mr. Md. Mr. Mohammad Siddique Golam Nabi, adv. for the Ullah Miah, adv. for the respondent nO. 2 petitioner. Mr. Golam 45 Writ Petition Md. Kamrul Asraf Khan Abbas Chowdhury, adv. for 11038/2012 vs the respondent No. 9 Bangladesh 51 Writ Petition Afroja Alam Mr. Mustafizur Rahman 9605/2016 vs Khan, adv. for the Bangladesh and others. petitioner. Mr. S.M. Rezaul Karim, adv. for the petitioner 46 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Bari Akand 1226/2014 vs Ms. Sufia Ahmed, adv. for The Sec. Min. of Riligious the respondent No. 2 and ors 52 Writ Petition Maqbul Islam khan tipu Ms. Salina Akter 3303/2015 vs Chowdhury, adv. for the The Sec. Min. of LGRD petitioner .Mr .Mohammad and 08 ors Sazzadul Islam, adv. for MV. Md. Kamal Pervez, the respondent No. 2 adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Hasan Kabir Shah, adv. for the respondent No. 9

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53 Writ Petition Md. Sahidullah 57 Writ Petition MAC Power Collection co. 962/2016 vs 895/2010 Ltd. comilla Bangladesh and others vs Mr. Md. Nasir Uddin, adv. Bangladesh Export for the petitioner. Tanvir Processing zone Parvez, adv. for the Dhanmondi Dhaka and ors respondent No. 4 Ms. Rumen Farhana, adv. 54 Writ Petition Sahjadi Begum for the petitioner. 7680/2014 vs 58 Writ Petition M/S. Manficare (with) The Sec. Min. of 10901/2014 Technology Environment and Forest vs and Dhaka and 05 ors Bangladesh and ors Mr. Mohammad Ali Azam, Mr. Mustafizur Rahman adv. for the petitioner. Khan, adv. for the Writ Petition The Govt of the People`s petitioner. Mr. Md. 7382/2015 Republic of Bangladesh Shafuqur Rahman, adv. for Sectary Min of Housing the respondent No. 2 and public works 59 Writ Petition Dr. Zahid Ul Huq vs 1341/2016 vs Chairman The Second Bangladesh and others Court of Settlement and Mr. A.F. Hasan Ariff, Segunbagicha Dhaka and 2 Advocate with Mr. T.M. others Shakil Hasan, adv. for the Mr. Sukumar Biswas, petitioner. Mr. M. Nazrul A.A.G. for the petitioner Islam Khandaker, adv. for Mr. Muhammad Ali Azam, the respondent NO. 4 adv. for the respondent No. 60 Writ Petition M.A Hashem 2. 13037/2016 vs Mr. Debashis 1st Labour Court, Ctg and Bhattacharyya, adv. for the 04 others respondent No. 2 and 3 Ms. Anjuman Aara, adv. 55 Writ Petition The Govt. of Bangladesh for the petitioner. 7609/2013 by the Sec.min. of Housing 61 Writ Petition Chattagram Bandar Dock and public works 3120/2010 Sramik Union Dock vs (with) Labour Colony New Chairman the second court Moring Ctg. of settlement and ors vs Mr. Sukumar Biswas, Bangladesh and others AAG. for the petitioner. Mr. H.B. DEb Brahman, Mr.Gazi Md. Giash Uddin, Adv.-For the petitioner, adv. for the respondent No. Mr. Maqbul Ahmed, 2 Advocate for the 56 Writ Petition Md. Rashed and 19 others respondent No.4 7872/2016 vs Writ Petition Bangladesh Master Bangladesh Rep by Sec 3119/2010 Stevedores Association Min of LGRD and12 Hossain Chamber 105, others Agrabad, Ctg. Mr. Nur Mohammad vs Azami, adv. for the Sec.Min.of Law, Justice petitioner. and Parliamentary Affairs Mr. Shofiul Alam and ors. Mr. H.S. Deb Mahmood, adv. for the Brahman, adv. for the respondent No. 3 petitioner.

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62 Writ Petition Md. Tajul Islam Khan 69 Writ Petition Friends Dyeing and 10187/2016 vs 11835/2015 Finnshing Industries Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. vs Min of Law and 03 others. The Sec. Min. of Power, Mr. Mohammod Hossain, Energy and Minaral adv. for the petitioner .Mr Resuource and 06 others .Md. Mijanur Rahman, Mr. Sk. Mohd. Zakir adv. for the respondnet nO. Hossain, adv. for the 5 petitioner. 63 Writ Petition Titas Gas Transmission 70 Writ Petition Sadhon Chandra Pal 9776/2014 and Distribution Company 15208/2016 vs Ltd. and another Land Survey Tribunal and vs 02 others Dulal Chandra Biswas and Mr. A.K.M Rabiul Hasan, others adv. for the petitioner.

Mr. Afifa Afrose, Adv.-For 71 Writ Petition Mohammad Atikur the petitioner 15217/2016 Rahman

Mr. Md. Asrarul Hoque, vs Adv.-For the respondent University by Grants no. 1 Commission and 06 others 64 Writ Petition Rowshan Ara Babi Mr. Reza Md. Sadekin, 1273/2005 vs adv. for the petitioner.r

Director General and 72 Writ Petition Shyamal Kumar Roy others 7797/2015 vs

Mr. Debdas Somaddar, Bangladesh and others Mr. adv. for the petitioner. Ahmed Nowshad, adv. for 65 Writ Petition Md Siddik Ahmed the petitioner.

8656/2014 vs 73 Writ Petition Md. Rafiqul Islam

Bangladesh and others 8501/2009 vs

Mr. Md. Suja Al- Faruq, Sec.Min. of Fisheries and adv. for the petitioner. ors. Mr. M.A. Sobhan, adv. 66 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Malek Miah for the petitioner.

1864/2014 and others 74 Writ Petition Md. Iqtadul Haque

vs 14216/2016 vs

Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Rep by Sec

Mr. AKM Alamgir Pervez Min of Commerce and 06 Bhuiyan, adv. for the others petitioner. Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman, 67 Writ Petition Khondaker Tawyebur adv. for the petitioner. Mr. 11140/2015 Rahman Md. Nazmul Haque, adv. vs for the respondetn No. 7

Bangladesh and others 75 Writ Petition Chatak Gas Oriented Line.

Mr. Md. Modersher Ali 11062/2014 vs Khan, adv. for the The Sec. Min. of Power, petitioner. Energy and Minaral 68 Writ Petition S.M Rejwanur Rahman Resuource and ors 2463/2014 vs Mr. Md. Motiur Rahman, The Sec. Min. of adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Education and ors, Mr. Hassan M.S. Azim, adv. Ramjan Ali Sikder, for the respondent nO. 3 Advocate for the petitioner, Mr. Naim Ahmed, Advocate for the respondent No. 2, 3 and 5.

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76 Writ Petition Bazloor Rashid 82 Writ Petition Md. Abdul Mutaleb 11630/2016 vs 8130/2014 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec The Sec. Min. of min of Finance and 14 Education and ors others Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman Mr. Mahin M. Rahman, Sheikh, adv. for the adv. for the petitioner. petitioner. 77 Writ Petition Khandaker Abul Khair 83 Writ Petition Md. SKhahinur Islam 6210/2017 vs 4500/2011 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh and others Min of Works and 05 Mr. Kanai Lal Saha, adv. others for the petitioner.

Mr. Md. Shafiqul Haque, 84 Writ Petition Charchil Kumar Ghosh adv. for the petitioner. Ms. 7329/2014 vs Tahmina Polly, adv. for the Bangladesh and others respondent No. 2. Mr. Mr. S.M. Jahangir Alam, Jagadish Ch. Shaha, adv. adv. for the petitioner. for the respondent No. 7 85 Writ Petition Rahima Akhter 78 Writ Petition Mohammad Delwar 6289/2014 vs

10373/2015 Hossain Bangladesh and others

vs Ms. Salina Akther

The Sec. Min. of Chowdhury, Adv.-For the Education and 05 others petitioner Mr. M. Saiful Islam, adv. 86 Writ Petition Hosne Ara Begum for the petitioner. 621/2016 vs 79 Writ Petition The Hong Kong and Bangladesh, Rep by Sec.

7455/2015 Shanghai Banking Min of Land and 05 others Corporation Mr. Sayeed Rass

vs Maswood, adv. for the

The Labour Appellate petitioner. Tribunal chairman 87 Writ Petition Waheduzzaman Mr. Abdullah M. Hassan, 4071/2013 vs adv. for the petitioner Sec.min. of LGRD and ors. 80 Writ Petition Branduin Trading Mr. Md. Kamal Parvez,

1428/2017 Company Ltd adv. for the petitioner. Ms.

vs Sufia Ahmed, adv. for the

Bangladesh Rep by Sec respondent No. 3 Min of Industries and 06 88 Writ Petition Sre Sree Rasik roy Jeu others. 7763/2011 Thakur Mrs. Momtaz Begum, vs Advocate for the petitioner. Govt. by the sec. min of Mr. Naim Ahmed, Mr. religious affairs and others Saifur Rashid, Ms. Zimia Mr. Prabir Halder, adv. for Amin and Mr. Shahin the petitioner. Alam, Advocate for the respondent No.2. 89 Writ Petition Sujoy Ranjan Sarker 13538/2016 vs 81 Writ Petition Md. Al Islam Bangladesh Rep by Sec 13138/2016 vs Min of Public Works and Bangladesh Rep by Sec 04 others Min of Land and 03 others Mr. Md. Sultan Mahmud, Mr. Ashim Kumar Mullick, adv. for the petitioner. Mr. adv. for the petitioner. Towhidul Islam, adv. for the respondent No. 4 and 5

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90 Writ Petition Bangladesh Sericulture 96 Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam 2907/2015 Board, Rajshahi 8306/2017 vs vs (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Most. jannatul Fardus min of Home Affairs and Mr. M.A. Sobhan, adv. for 04 others the petitioner. Mr. Gaji Md. Mohsin, adv. 91 Writ Petition Nasir Ahmed Firoz for the petitioner. Mr. Md. 8543/2016 vs Kamrul alam, adv. for the Bangladesh Rep by Sec respondent No. 6 Min of Education and 05 Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam others 8303/2017 vs Mr. A.B.M. Nurul Islam, (with) Bangladesh Rep by its Sec adv. for the petitioner min of Home Affairs and 04 others 92 Writ Petition Md. Abdur Rahman 2309/2017 Mondal Mr. Gazi Md. Mohsin, adv. vs for the petitioner Bangladesh Rep by Sec Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam Min of Education and 07 8304/2017 vs others (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Mr. Md. Kamal Parvez, min of Home Affairs and adv. for the petitioner. 04 others 93 Writ Petition The Chairman, Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam 1779/2017 Forest Industries 8305/2017 vs Development Corporate (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec BFIDC Bhaban min of Home Affairs and vs 04 others Bangladesh Rep by Sec Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam Min of Labour and 8307/2017 vs Employment and 02 others (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Mr. A.S.M. Abdur min of Home Affairs and Razzaque, adv. for the 04 others petitioner. Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam 94 Writ Petition Md. Shahanoor Hossain 8308/2017 vs 4159/2016 vs (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. min of Home Affairs and Min of Finance and 03 04 others others Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam Mr. A.B.M. Rafiqul Haque 8309/2017 vs Talukder, adv. for the (with) Bangldesh Rep by its Sec petitioner.r. min of Home Affairs and 95 Writ Petition Md. Rajiul Islam 04 others 8603/2017 vs Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 8310/2017 vs min of Primary and 06 Bangldesh Rep by its Sec others min of Home Affairs and Mr. Tirtha Salil Pal. adv. 04 others for the petitioner. 97 Writ Petition Md Shahab Uddin 6580/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Suza-Al-Faruque, adv. for the petitioner.

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98 Writ Petition Md. Shah Alam Writ Petition Abdul Momin, Ctg. and 13726/2016 vs 6832/2008 another Bangladesh Rep by Sec (with) vs min of Finance and 04 Deputy Commissioner others Comilla and ors Mr. S.M. Rezaul Karim, Mr. Moqbul Ahmed, adv. adv. for the petitioner. for the petitioner. 99 Writ Petition Billal Hossain Writ Petition Nur Banu, Ctg. 2855/2004 vs 6833/2008 vs Government of Bangladesh (with) Deputy Commissioner Mr. Md. Shamsur Rahman, Comilla and ors adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Moqbul Ahmed, adv. 100 Writ Petition Monowara Akter for the petitioner. 79/2017 vs Writ Petition Rahela Akhter, Ctg. Bangladesh Rep by Sec 6834/2008 vs Min of Primary and 04 Deputy Commissioner others Comilla and ors Mr. Md. Jalal Uddin, adv. Writ Petition Nigar Sultana, Ctg. for the petitioner. 6835/2008 vs 101 Writ Petition Bivash Mondol Deputy Commissioner 4606/2004 vs Comilla and ors Bangladesh and others Mr. Moqbul Ahmed, adv. 102 Writ Petition Md. Abul Bashar for the petitioner. 11482/2014 vs 106 Writ Petition Md. Tofazzal Hossain Bangladesh and othes. 7959/2016 vs Mr. Md. Idrisur Rahman, Bangladesh Rep by Sec adv. for the petitioner. Mr Min of Land and 06 others .Md. Humayun Kabir, adv. Mr. Kazi Zahed Iqbal. adv. for the respondent No. 4 for the petitioner. 103 Writ Petition Md Sirajul Haque Khan, 107 Writ Petition Md. Shariful Hasan 7683/2007 Dhaka 11784/2017 vs vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Sec, Min of Energy Power min of Law and 04 others Division and ors. Mr. Md. 108 Writ Petition Md. Hafizul Islam Elias Ahmed, adv. for the 1047/2018 vs petitioner. Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 104 Writ Petition Nurul Absar (Babul), Coxs Min of Law and 05 others 1484/2008 Bazar 109 Writ Petition Sultana Begum vs 7893/2015 vs Sec, Min of LGRD and ors The Sec. Min. of Land and Mr. Md. Abdus Salam, 05 others adv. for the petitioner. Mr. 110 Writ Petition Khaleda Chowdhury, Md. Idrisur Rahman , adv. 4452/2009 Mohammadpur Dhaka for the respondent No. 4 vs 105 Writ Petition M.A. Wadud, Comilla and Rajdhani Unnayan 6831/2008 another Kartipakkha Rajuk Dhaka (with) vs and ors Deputy Commissioner Mr. Mohammad Bakir Comilla and ors. Mr. Uddin Bhuiyan, adv. for Muqbul Ahmed, adv. for the petitioner. Mr. A.M. the petitioner. Mahbubuddin, adv. for the respondent no. 8 and 9

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111 Writ Petition Mst. Aysha Siddika 120 Writ Petition Md. Jahangir Alam 7527/2017 vs 1656/2018 vs Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Bangldesh Rep by its Sec min of Education and 06 Min of Post and 05 others. others. Mr. Md. Humayun Mr A.M. Asadul Hoque, Kabir. adv. for the adv. for the petitioner petitioner. 121 Writ Petition Md. Nazrul Islam 112 Writ Petition Md. Abu Taher Masud 799/2017 vs 14609/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh Rep by Sec Min of LGRD and 10 min of Housing and Public others. Mr. Md. Abdur Works and 09 others Rouf Akondo, adv. for the 113 Writ Petition Advocate Moshfiquddin petitioner. Mr. Md. 5162/2006 Bakhtiar Mostafa Sarwar, adv. for vs the petitioner. The Addll. Commissioner 122 Writ Petition Md. Sohel Rana General Dhaka Division 1288/2018 vs and others Ms. Jebun Bangldesh Rep by its Sec Nessa, adv. for the Min of Power and 04 petitioner . Mr. Md. others. Mr. Tanvir Ahmed Nazmul Haque, adv. for Al-Amin, adv. for the the respondent No. 2 and 3 petitioner . 114 Writ Petition Md. Ehsanul Huq Selim 123 Writ Petition Md. Masud Mondal 12735/2017 vs 3696/2015 vs CEC and 04 others Sec min of Primary and 115 Writ Petition Md. Sohidul Islam mass Education and 06 2597/2017 vs Others .Mr. Md. Mozibur Bangladesh Rep by Sec Rahman, adv. for the Min of Culture Affairs and petitioner . 02 others 124 Writ Petition Golam Giash 8196/2013 vs 116 Writ Petition Md. Samsuddin 10323/2016 vs Bangladesh Others. Mr. Bangladesh Rep by Sec Rafsan Al Ali, adv. for the min of Freedom Fighter petitioner. Mr. Md. and 02 others Shajahan, adv. for the respondetn No. 10 117 Writ Petition Lieuterant Calanel Zillur 9326/2016 Rahman 125 Writ Petition Saver CNG 8861/2010 vs vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Govt. of Bangladesh. Mr. Min of Land and 04 others Aminul Huq, adv. for the petitioner.r 118 Writ Petition Shamsul Jalal Chowdhury 126 Writ Petition Jahanera Begum and 3 ors 14940/2012 vs The State and Others 11304/2013 vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD 119 Writ Petition Md. Al Imran Masum and ors 10223/2015 vs Mr. Debdas Somadder, The Sec. Min. of Post and adv. for the petitioner . Telecommunication and 06 others. Mr. Md. Mofizur Rahman, adv. for the petitioner.

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127 Writ Petition Md. Shafiullah 135 Writ Petition H.S. Enterprise ltd. and 6771/2016 vs 5283/2013 another Bangladesh and others. Mr. vs Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Sec.min. of land and ors adv. for the petitioner.. Mr. Mohammad Ziaul 128 Writ Petition Suhel Kader chowdhury Haque , adv. for the 15972/2012 vs petitioner. Mr. Ashik Al- Sec.min. of land and ors. Jalil, adv. for the Mr. Md. Bodruddoza, adv. respondent No. 1-2 for the petitioner. 136 Writ Petition Morble Di Carrara pvt ltd 2345/2014 vs 129 Writ Petition Mrs. Nurun Nahar 5609/2017 vs Gazipur Palli Birdud Bangladesh Rep by Sec Samity Min of Land and 03 others. 137 Writ Petition Naziria Naimia Mahmudia Mr. Mohammde Rezaul 2776/2011 Etimkhana Hoque, adv. for the vs petitioner. Bangladesh and others 130 Writ Petition Md. Chand Miah 138 Writ Petition abul khair 9729/2016 vs 4485/2016 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. min of Power Energy and Min of Food and 09 others Minarel Resource and 03 139 Writ Petition Syed Zafar Sadque others. Mr.Md. 12763/2015 vs Moniruzzaman, adv. for Bangladesh and others the petitioner.r 140 Writ Petition Mst. Aklima Begum 131 Writ Petition Md. Abu Taher 14576/2016 vs

7615/2014 vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec

Bangladesh and others. Mr. Min of Education and 07 Abdul Hye Bhuiyan, adv. others for the petitioner 141 Writ Petition Md. Shamim Akon 132 Writ Petition Delta Trade International 3746/2015 vs

4874/2014 Ltd. Sec min of Primary and

vs mass Education and 08

The Sec. Min. of Land and Others ors. Mr. Sk. Tahsin Ali, 142 Writ Petition Dainik Jonokonto Ltd. adv. for the petitioner. 5219/2014 vs 133 Writ Petition K.M Mahmudul Hasan Labour Appellate Tribunal,

15158/2017 vs Dhaka and ors Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 143 Writ Petition Ahiduzzaman min of Education and 04 9425/2017 vs others Bangldesh Rep by its Sec 134 Writ Petition Md. Gausul Azam Faruk min of Primary and 06

13785/2017 vs others Chairman, Power 144 Writ Petition Roman Miah Development Board and 02 6159/2013 vs others Sec.min. of LGRD and ors 145 Writ Petition Md. Alauddin Miah 5432/2017 vs S.S.C and H.S.C Board and 08 others

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146 Writ Petition Mohammad Nasir Uddin 149 Writ Petition Md. Asraf Miah 10072/2017 vs 2388/2014 vs Bangladesh Agriculture The Sec. Min. of Land and University, Maymensingh ors and 10 others 150 Writ Petition Benjamin Majumder 147 Writ Petition Rumi CNG 2659/2018 vs 8862/2010 vs The Sec. Min. of Housing Govt of Bangladesh and Public Works and ors 148 Writ Petition M/s Nabinagar CNG 8882/2010 refueling filing station segM/s Nabinagar CNG refueling filing station segunbagidh vs Govt of Bangladesh Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 259

High Court Division Justice J. B. M. Hassan and Justice Md. Khairul Alam Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 9] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন বষট, কষভ঳, ইনকষভটষ, অথঋণ আদষলত ফতহত ঳কল যহট ভষ঱ন ও নষনহ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ ও নষনহ কসযেফন । ] Motion

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 260

High Court Division Justice Md. Ruhul Quddus and Justice A. S. M. Abdul Mobin Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 31] [ একে ডশন ে েন এং নন জন তদেদশৃ কনেশেন ে এং একই য় ইেত উত কল ৗজদ আল ও জল আল এং উ য় ইেত উত ৗজদ আল ও জল আল আেদন এং ডশন ে ণেগ ৗজদ আল ও ৗজদ আল ইেত উত জেন আেদন ণ ও নন কেন । ] For Hearing : Death Reference Criminal Appeal Md.Shamsul Islam Matin

1 Death Reference The State 747/2012 vs

61/2011 vs (with) The State

Oli. Mrs.Taufiqa Karim, Mr.Md. Moniruzzaman, advocate for the appellant D.A.G with Mr. Aminul Criminal Appeal Md.Ahsan Habib Islam, D.A.G with 1530/2012 vs Abul Kalam Azad Khan, A (with) The State A G with Mr.Md.Abdul Khaleque, Mrs. Marufa Akhter advocate for the appellant (Shewly) A A G for the Jail Appeal Md. Shamsul Islam @ state 45/2012 Matin Criminal Appeal Oli (with) vs 6592/2011 vs The State

(with) The State. Criminal Revision Parvez Mollik

Mr. S.M. Shahjahan,with 805/2012 vs Mr.Kawser Kamal, The State advocate for the appellant Syed Mamun Mahbub, Criminal Misc Sabuz Miah Advocate for the petitioner

50897/2013 vs 3 Death Reference The State

(with) The State 50/2012 vs

Mr. A B M Rafiqul Hoque with Md. Amjed Shahi Hossain Talukder, advocate for the and others convict-petitioner Mr. S.M. Shafiqul Islam, Jail Appeal Oli Advocate 50/2012 vs as a State defence Lawyer

(with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Amzad Hossain. Criminal Appeal Md.Anis Miah 204/2012 vs 6799/2011 vs The State

The State 4 Death Reference The State

Mr. Md. Abu Hanif, 51/2012 vs Advocate (with) Abul Kashem and 2 others ... For the appellant Criminal Appeal Monir Hossain 2 Death Reference The State 6253/2012 vs

5/2012 vs (with) The State Md. Shamsul Islam Matin Criminal Appeal Md.Abul Kashem and Criminal Appeal A.K.M.Moniruzzaman 7528/2012 Another

744/2012 alias Jewel (with) vs

(with) vs The State The State Jail Appeal Mohashin. Mr.Md.Sagar Hossain, advocate for the appellant 207/2012 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Abul Kashem. 208/2012 vs (with) The State

Page : 261 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 31]

Jail Appeal Md. Monir. Jail Appeal Arif Bapari. 209/2012 vs 226/2012 vs The State (with) The State. 5 Death Reference The State Jail Appeal Md. Farhad Howlader. 52/2012 vs 227/2012 vs (with) Arif Hossain and Others (with) The State. Ms. Hasna Begum, Jail Appeal Sharif Bapari. Advocate 229/2012 vs ... for State defence The State. Criminal Appeal Shaymol Sutrodhar and 7 Death Reference The State 6339/2012 Others 54/2012 vs (with) vs with Lablou Hossain and Others The State Criminal Appeal Labloo Hossain Jail Appeal Arif Hossain. 7009/2012 vs 211/2012 vs (with) The State (with) The State. Mr. Md. Khairul Alam, Jail Appeal Jahirul Islam. Advocate 212/2012 vs for the Appellant (with) The State. Criminal Appeal Mst. Jannatul Ferdous alias Jail Appeal Anowar Hossain. 7010/2012 Mala 213/2012 vs (with) vs (with) The State. The State

Jail Appeal Nikhil Chandra Sutradhor. Mr. Md. Khairul Alam, Advocate 214/2012 vs (with) The State. for the Appellant Jail Appeal Shamol Sutradhor. Jail Appeal Lablu Hossain. 223/2012 vs 215/2012 vs The State. (with) The State. Jail Appeal Mos. Jannatul Fardous @ 6 Death Reference The State 53/2012 vs 224/2012 Mala. vs with Arif Bapari and Others Mr. S M Shafiqul Islam, The State. Advocate 8 Death Reference The State State Defence Lawyer 55/2012 vs

Criminal Appeal Md.Arif Bepari and Others (with) Md. Masud choudhury alis 6669/2012 vs Suman and Others (with) The State Criminal Appeal Masud Chowdhury @

Criminal Appeal Md.Farhad Howlader 7050/2012 Sumon (with) vs 7031/2012 vs (with) The State The State Criminal Appeal Md. Sohel Jail Appeal Md. Masud Chowdhury @ 244/2012 Sumon. 2815/2017 vs (with) The State (with) vs The State. Jail Appeal Md. Sajib Bapary. 225/2012 vs (with) The State.

Page : 262 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 31]

Jail Appeal Kamal Ahmad 11 Death Reference The State 271/2012 vs 42/2014 vs The State Mufti Abdul Hannan 9 Death Reference The State Munshi @ Abdul Kalam 56/2012 vs @ Abdul Monnan and others (with) (1) Kaisar Ahmed alis Anik and Others Mr. Md. Fazlur Rahman, Advocate Criminal Appeal Md.Masud Ibne Ali @ and Mr. S.M. Shafiqul

7465/2012 Shawon Islam Kazal, Advocate

(with) vs State Defence Lawyear The State Criminal Appeal Mowlana Akbar Hossain Criminal Appeal Md.Sweet Reza and 4074/2014 alias Helal Uddin

7486/2012 Another (with) vs

(with) vs The State

The State Mr. Khandker Mahbub Criminal Appeal Kaisar Ahmed @ Anik Hossain, Advocate with 8010/2012 vs Mr. Md. Mahbubur (with) The State Rahman Siddiqu and

Jail Appeal Masud Ainay Ali @ Mr. M. Masud Rana, 245/2012 Shaown. Advocate

(with) vs For the appellant The State Criminal Appeal Arif Hasan alias Sumon

Jail Appeal Md. Sweet Reza. 4109/2014 alias Abdur Razzak

246/2012 vs (with) vs

(with) The State. The State Mr. Sujit Chatterjee, Jail Appeal Al Awol Koul Advocate with 247/2012 vs Mr. Md. Nasir Uddin, The State Advocate 10 Death Reference The State For the appellant 57/2012 vs Criminal Appeal Shahadat Ullah alias Jewel (with) Md. Nazimuddin Eoyon 5205/2014 vs and Others (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Nazimuzzaman Yon Mr. Azizul Hoque 7675/2012 vs Howlader, Advocate (with) The State For the appellant Criminal Appeal Md.Raju Ahmmad @ Raju Criminal Appeal Hafez Moulana Abu Taher 7767/2012 @ Osan 5242/2014 vs (with) vs (with) The State The State Mr. Sayed Mahmudul Jail Appeal Md. Nazimuzzaman Eion Ahasan, Advocate 257/2012 vs For the appellant (with) The State Criminal Appeal Moulana Showkat Osman Jail Appeal Md. Razu Ahmad @ Razu 5482/2014 alias Sheikh Farid and ors 258/2012 @ Oshan (with) vs vs The State The State Mr. S.M. Shahjahan, Advocate with Mr. Mohammad Ali, Advocate For the appellant

Page : 263 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 31]

Criminal Appeal Mufti Abdul Hannan Criminal Appeal Md. Shamim Mondol 8015/2014 Munshi alias Abul Kalam 10591/2015 vs (with) alis Abdul Mannan (with) The State vs Mr. A. S. M. Abdul Mobin, The State Advocate Mr. Mohammad Ali, for the appellant Advocate Jail Appeal Md. Jahidul Hasan @

For the appellant 155/2015 Jahid Hasan Criminal Appeal Mowlana Abdul Hannan (with) vs 7085/2015 @ Mowlana Sabbir The State

(with) vs Jail Appeal Md. Shamim Mondol

The state 156/2015 vs

Mr. Sayed Mahmudul (with) The State Ashan, Advocate For the appellant Jail Appeal Akkas Mondol 254/2015 vs Criminal Appeal Moulana Abu Baker @ State 326/2017 Hafez Selim Howlader (with) vs Criminal Appeal : For Hearing The State 13 Criminal Appeal Fajal Huq and others Mr. Mohammad Ali, 1775/2002 vs Advocate, The State, for the appellant Mr. Fazlul Hoque Khan Farid with Jail Appeal Mowlana Akbar Hossain 154/2014 alias Helal Uddin Mr. Rehan Hussain, Advocates (with) vs The State for the appellants Mr. Md. Helal Uddin Jail Appeal Mufti Abdul Hannan Molah, Advocate

155/2014 Munshi for the appellants (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Babul 8906/2014 vs Jail Appeal Arif Hassan alias Sumon The State,

177/2014 alias Abdur Razzak Mr. Md. Helal Uddin

(with) vs Mollah, Advocate

The State for the appellant Jail Appeal Maluna Abu Bakkar Criminal Appeal Abu Bakar Siddiq

211/2016 vs 2452/2017 vs

The State. The State 12 Death Reference The State Mr. Md. Helal Uddin 104/2015 vs Mollah, Advocate Md. Shamim Mondal and for the appellant others 14 Criminal Appeal Abul Hossain

Mr. S. M. Shafiqul Islam, 1694/2002 vs Advocate The State

for the State Defence Mr. A. K. M. Abdul Criminal Appeal Zahidul Hasan Malek, Advocate with Mr. 9704/2015 vs Shahid Hossain, Advocate (with) The State ... for the appellant Dr. Md. Fazlur Rahman, Advocate for the appellant

Page : 264 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 31]

15 Criminal Appeal Siddique Farazi 1654/2004 vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 265

High Court Division Justice Farid Ahmed Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 2] [ ম কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ইেফ : নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৯৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদনপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] As to be mentioned For Hearing 1 First Misc Appeal Md. Anis Khandaker 14 Civil Revision Shahjahan Mondal and 150/2008 vs 2675/2014 another (Jhalokathi) Abul Quayum Sheli (Rajbarii) (Heard in part) vs

2 Civil Revision Anwar Kha Md. Shahed Ali Mondal and others 4569/2003 vs (Nawabgonj) Mohir Uddin Mondal Mr. Ranjan Kumar Chakravorty, Advocate 3 First Misc Appeal Md. Mahbubul Alam ..For the petitioner

88/2018 vs Mr. M. Ataul Gani,

(Dhaka) Md. Ahsanullah and Advocate another ... For the opposite parties 4 Civil Revision Mohammad Ali Howlader 15 Civil Revision Ambagan Bastuhara

4179/1996 vs 945/1997 Society and others

Pirojpur Golap Kha and ors (Chittagong) (Heard in vs 5 Civil Revision Hazi Sohrab Hossain part) Bangladesh Railway and 1837/2007 vs others Rajshahi Alimuddin and others Mr. Shah Alam Sarker, 6 Civil Revision Shahera Khatun and others Advocate

4619/2010 vs ... For the petitioner

Kishoregonj Nurul Hoque and another Mr. Shahed Alam, Advocate 7 Civil Revision Md: Kalimuddin Mondal .. For the opposite party 2223/2005 vs Naogaon Md: Anuar Hosan 16 First Misc Appeal Md. Hasan Murad 235/2017 vs 8 Civil Revision Sree Dharani Kanta With Alhaj Md. Solaiman and 5962/2001 Barman others Lalmonirhat vs Mr. Md. Mustaq Ahmed, Lal Mia and others Advocate 9 Civil Revision Mr. Md. Sayed Hossain ... For the appellant 164/2016 vs Mr. Kamal-ul-Alam with Dhaka Md. Akter Hossain Mrs. Shahnaj Akhter, 10 Civil Revision Md. Safiqul Islam Advocate 2763/2006 vs .. For the respondent (Pirojpur) Most. Mahmuda Begum Civil Rule Md. Hasan Murad and others 393(FM)/2017 vs 11 Civil Revision Abul Kalam Mollah (Chittagong) Alhaj Md. Solaiman 2847/2004 vs 17 Civil Revision Renu Begum (Faridpur) A. Samad Mollah and 4868/1998 vs others (Jhalokathi) Sheikh Mokbul Ahmmed 12 Civil Revision Md. Motaleb Miah and and others 761/2017 others Mr. A.K.M. (Magura) vs Moniruzzaman (Kabir), Abdul Gafur Miah and Advocate others ..For the petitioner Mr. Md. Shamsuddin 13 Civil Revision sazeda Khanam Howlader, Advocate 3368/2016 vs ...For the opposite parties. (Khulna) Md. Azad Motion

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18 Civil Revision Md. Alimujjaman Mollah 24 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam Gazi 4945/2010 and others 2080/2004 vs (Faridpur) vs (Bagerhat) Shahanur Begum and Manik Mollah and Others others Mr. Shasti Sarker, Mr. Mir Shafiqul Islam, Advocate Advocate ..For the petitioner ... For the petitioner Mr. Mohammad Lokman Ms. Nurun Nahar, Hossain Advocate. Advocate .. For the opposite party ... For the opposite party 19 Civil Revision Momin Uddin No.1 947/2014 vs 25 Civil Revision Ahmed Hossain and others (Dhaka) (with Nurul Islam 2175/2010 vs application) Mr. M Nazrul Islam Kh. (Chittagong) Hazi Abul Kashem and Adv.... For the Petr others Mr. ABM Hamidul Mr. Mohammad Jahangir Mesbah, Adv. ...For the OP Alam, Advocate

20 Civil Revision Razu Begum And others ... For the petitioner

180/2015 vs Mr. Ziaul Haque, Advocate (Chittagong) Anjiman Khatun and ..For the opposite party others 26 Civil Revision Sk. Abdul Khaleque and Mrs. Salina Akter 1812/2013 others Chowdhury, Advocate (Dhaka) vs ... For the petitioner Aziz Bepari and others Mr. Mohammed Rezaul Mr. M. Mosaraf Hosen Hoque, Advocate Sikder, Advocate ... For the opposite party. ... For the petitioner

21 Civil Revision Rezaul Haque Chowdhury Mr. Tushar Kanti Roy with 5314/1991 vs Mr. Ashanur Rahman, M/S Rupali Bank Advocates

Limited,Zubli Road .. For the opposite parties. Branch 27 Civil Revision Aheda Khatun Mr.Md. Faruk Hossein, 4617/2014 vs Advocate (Netrokona) Sanefor ... For the opposite party. Mr. Md. Ali Reza, 22 Civil Revision Anjuman Begum and Advocate

2171/2013 others .. for the petitioner

(Dhaka) vs Mr.Ahmed Morshed Jamil, Zorina Begum and others Advocate

Mr. Anil Chandra Debnath, ... For the opposite party Advocate 28 Civil Revision Dilip Roy ... For the petitioner 2131/2015 vs Mr. Golam Abbas (Chittagong) Dipok Kumar Roy Chowdhury, Advocate Mr. SK Md. Jahangir Alam ... For the opposite parties Adv. for petitioner. 23 Civil Revision Anwara Begum 3262/2008 vs (Dhaka) A. S. M. Jamal Uddin and others Mr. Md. Ruhul Amin Bhuiyan, Advocate .. For the petitioner Mr. Md. Harunur Rashid, Advocate ... For the opposite party No.1

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29 Civil Revision Shamsunnahar Luna and 33 Civil Revision Joynal Asbedin and others 2526/2009 others 558/2005 vs (Bagerhat) With vs (Barguna) Ful Nessa and others

Mohammad Kazi Salim 34 Civil Revision Sumsul Alam Chowdhury

Mr. Md. Razzakul Kabir, 2186/2005 vs Advocate (Chittagong) Md.Hanif and others

.. For the petitioners Mr. Md. Saifur Rahman,

Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus Advocate Tarafder, Advocate .. For the petitioner

..For the opposite party. Mr. Khair Ezaz Masood, Civil Revision Md. Quazi Selim and Advocate 1425/2009 another ... For the opposite party (Bagerhat) vs No.2.

Shamsunnahar Luna and 35 Civil Revision Md. Abul Bashar Mondal others 799/2013 vs

Mr. Md. Abdul Hai Sarker, (Gaibandha) Mosammat Shahnara Advocate Begum and others

... For the petitioner Mr. Rezaul Islam,

Mr. S.M. Obaidul Haque Advocate.. with Mr. Md. Razzakul ... For the petitioner Kabir, Advocates Mr. S. M. Obaidul Haque,

... For the opposite party Advocate 30 Civil Revision Maksuda Khatun . ..For the opposite party 87/2011 vs No.1.

With Abul Khair and others 36 Civil Revision Rahmatullah MondaL

Mr. Shirin Ahmed 3397/2009 vs Chowdhury, Advocate... (Dinajpur) Md. Sabaruddin

..For the petitioner Mr. Nazibar Rahman,

Mr. Abul Khair with Mr. Advocate Md. Abdur Razzak, ... For the petitioner Advocates Mr. Mohiuddin M.A.

... For the opposite parties. Kader, Advocate Civil Rule Maksuda Khatun ... For the opposite parties.

348((Vio))/2017 vs 37 Civil Revision Gopal Chandra Saha

(Noakhali) Abul Khair and others 1192/2008 vs 31 Civil Revision Md. Mojibur Rahman and (Kishoreganjl) Md.Bulu Miah and others

3276/2003 others 38 Civil Revision Abdus Sattar and others

(Rajbari) vs 3097/2013 vs

Md. A. Aziz Mandol and (Sherpur) Md. Abdur Rashid and others another

Mr. Md. Mozammel Mr. A.K.M. Morshed, Hossain, Advocate Advocate

... For the petitioner ... For the petitioner

Mr. Shasti Sarker, Mr.Shahjada Al Amin Advocate Kabir, Advocate

,,, For opposite parties. .. For opposite party Nos.1 32 Civil Revision Md. Amirul Haque and 2. 510/2018 vs Narayangan Chherniabat Sekendar Ali and others Mr. Md. Golam Sarwar, Advocate ... For the petitioner Mr. Ehsanul Haque, Advocate ... For opposite party Nos.1-3.

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39 Civil Revision Tabaris Ali and others 51 Civil Revision Kazi Moazzam Hossain 3881/2013 vs 1893/2013 vs (Sunamgonj) Abdus Sattar and others (Chandpurj) Kazi Delwar Hossain and Mr. M. A. Shahid others Chowdhury, Advocate 52 Civil Revision Muhammad Golam

.. For the petitioner 85/2016 Mostafa

Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, (Barisal) vs Advocate Kazi Md. Firoj Alam and

.. For opposite party No.1 others 40 Civil Revision Md. Nuruzzaman Mr. M.G. Mahmud 3697/2014 vs Shaheen, Advocate (Kushtia) Md. Abul Hossain ... For the petitioner

41 Civil Revision Kulsuma Khatun and Mrs. Hosne Ara Begum, Advocate 2583/2007 others (Chittagong) vs ... For opposite party Most. Nurjahan Begum No.14. and others 53 Civil Revision Md. Abul Hossain and

42 Civil Revision Md. Hanif and another 4622/2016 others (Nawabganj) vs 5013/2014 vs (Barisalj) Md. Zainul Abedin and Md. Mokbul Hossain and others others 43 Civil Revision Md. Jahangir Alam 54 Civil Revision A. Malek Sorder 1633/2011 vs 4580/2011 vs Sherpur Most. Safura Begum and (Gopalgonjj) Joyton Bibi others 55 Civil Revision Mst. Ambia 3345/2017 vs 44 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam Mollik 1965/2001 and others (Gazipurj) Md. Jalal Uddin (Rajbari) vs 56 Civil Revision Mst. Ambia Hasan ali Mollik and 2394/2016 vs others (Barisalj) Md. Jalal Uddin 45 Civil Revision Golab Nur and others 57 Civil Revision Abdul Khaleque Fakir 5890/2007 vs 1306/2004 vs (Sylhet) Abdus Sattar and others (Madaripurj) Abdur Rob Fakir 46 Civil Revision Lehaz Uddin and others 58 Civil Revision Md.Israil 517/2015 vs 1546/2010 vs (Gazipur) Tasar Uddin and others (Narailj) Md.Nahid Molla 47 Civil Revision Mohammad Jafar 59 Civil Revision Md. Attar Ali Biswas 108/2016 vs 3825/2015 vs (Chittagongj) Mohammad Ilias (Chuadangaj) Shar Ali Mondol 48 Civil Revision Md. Jafor 60 Civil Revision Md. Siddiqur Rahman and 109/2016 vs 2053/2006 ors (Chittagongj) Md. Elias (Barisal) vs

49 Civil Revision Noor Hossain and others Samsunnahar Begum and 2806/2000 vs ors (Barguna) Abul Hossain and others 61 Civil Revision Md. Sayeed and others 2544/2015 vs 50 Civil Revision Md.Maksudul Haque 1830/2015 vs (Manikgonj) Md. Arshed Ali and others (Kishoreganj) Halima Khatoon

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62 Civil Revision Srimati Sheuly Biswas 75 Civil Revision Md. Akkas Ali Sheikh 2902/2016 vs 218/2008 vs (Kushtiaj) Sree Mihir Baran Biswas (Rajbari) Bishmajit Kumer Shah and others 76 Civil Revision Hazi Abul Kashem 63 Civil Revision Abdus Samad and others . 4210/2011 vs 4747/2005 vs (Chittagongi) Momena Begum

(Sylhetj) Amina Khatun and others. 77 Civil Revision Deputy Commissioner 64 Civil Revision Md. Mokhlesur Rahman 963/2004 Chapai Nawabgonj 3889/2016 and another (Chapainawabgong) vs (Sylhetj) vs Lutfanessa and others

Hazi Md. Hafizur Rahman 78 Civil Revision Shaikh Ibrahim and others and others 2302/2015 vs 65 Civil Revision Mohiuddin (Faridpur) Shaikh Salam

2122/2003 vs 79 Civil Revision Kulasar Barman

(Munshitongj) Selina Akter 4109/2005 vs 66 Civil Revision Md.Abdul Barik Sheik (Faridpur) Sree NarisChandra Barman

1995/2011 vs 80 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Hamid Bepari

(Kushtia) Most .Momena Khatun 3725/2013 vs 67 Civil Revision Fini Akand (Chandpur) Md. Abdul Quddus

1980/2015 vs 81 Civil Revision Mr.Nurunabi and others

(Tangail) Habibur Rahman and 3040/2000 vs others (Bograr) Bangladesh and others 68 Civil Revision Most. Momtaz Begum and 82 Civil Revision Hazi Md.Ali

5004/2005 others 1856/2002 vs

(Faridpurl) vs (Sylhet) Maskanda Ali and others . Dulali Rani Das 83 Civil Revision Abdur Rahman 69 Civil Revision Md. Elahas and others 1577/2014 vs

1852/2015 vs (Mymensingh) Engineer (Meherpurl) Md. Mohashin Ali and 84 Civil Revision Md. Jobba Ali and others others 4124/2015 vs 70 Civil Revision Abul Hashem (Kurigram) Wasek Ali Miah 2316/2000 vs 85 Civil Revision Jashim Uddin (Feni) Abdur Razaque 3687/2005 vs 71 Civil Revision Abdul Latif Sarker (KuShtia) Mohshin 4206/2012 vs 86 Civil Revision Shafi Ullah (Dhaka) Mozibur Sarker 246/2007 vs 72 Civil Revision Amironnessa (Lakshmipur) Bangladesh and ors 1065/2013 vs 87 Civil Revision Shaikh Ariful Islam Shantu (Firojpur) Hafez Md. Mostafa and 3118/2015 vs others (Kushtia) Rkupali Bank Ltd. and 73 Civil Revision Golser Gayen others 4088/2010 vs 88 Civil Revision Md. Anis Khandaker (Manikgonj) Taleb Hossain 1333/2001 vs 74 Civil Revision A. Malek (Netrokona) 1(A) Akram Ali

1340/2011 vs M.A. Khaleq. Adv.for the

(Kishoregonj) Md. Isahaq petitioner. K.M. Kamrul Kader. Adv.for the o.p.

Page : 270 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 2]

89 Civil Revision Abdul Aziz and others 102 Civil Revision Md. mongal Sheikh 5111/2011 vs 209/2007 vs (Meherpur) Md. Samsuzzoha (Munshigonj) Md. Ruhul Amin Sheikh 90 Civil Revision Malaysia Ear 103 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh 177/2006 vs 3164/2014 vs (Comilla) Netex and others (Kishoreganj) Kishorgonj Ainjibi Samity 91 Civil Revision D.C. Tangail 104 Civil Revision Fasle Rabbi dan 549/2012 vs 4080/2005 vs (Tangail) Md. Saman Ali Fakir (Chittagongj) Majib Khan dan 92 Civil Revision Md. Fazar Ali Bepari 105 Civil Revision ... 346/2017 vs 2054/2003 vs (Rajbari) Nimai Chandra Paul (Chuadanga) Md. Fazlul Hoque 93 First Misc Appeal Amir Hossain 106 Civil Revision Shahanara Begum and 146/2013 vs 3874/1997 others (Narayangonj) A. Razzak (Moulvibazar) vs Mr. Md. Ibrahim Mollah, Ariji Bibi Advocate 107 Civil Revision Khandker Mahbub Ali .. For the appellant 955/2016 vs 94 Civil Revision Md. Abu Bakar and others (Gopalgonj) Abdur Rouf Molla 1995/2007 vs 108 Civil Revision Syed Mohammad Hossain (Tangail) Nasir Uddin sardar and 515/2017 vs others Monjur Hossain 95 Civil Revision Abdul Mannan and others 109 Civil Revision Ali Hossain 3461/2003 vs 536/2010 vs (Kurigram) Nokkar Ali @ Noskor Ali (Kushtia) Hamida Khatun and others 110 Civil Revision Md. Abu Taleb Mr. Osman Ghani Adv. for 2820/2010 vs petitioner. (Sherpur) Md. Akramuzzaman 96 Civil Revision Gour Chandra Paul 111 Civil Revision Keshab Chandra Das 347/2017 vs 1455/2013 vs (Rajbari) Nimai Chandra Paul (Narsingdi) Sheymal Kanti Das 97 Civil Revision Md. Kamal Uddin 112 Civil Revision Md. Shajahan Miah 838/2013 vs 875/2007 vs (Joypurhat) Nakul chandra shaha (Narayanganj) Abul Hashem Bhuiyan, 98 Civil Revision Md. Saidur Rahman @ Mr. Ibrahim Mollah, Adv. 3016/2011 Saidul and others for the petitioner, Mr. (Bogra) vs Rafiqul Hossain Miah, Md.Bobir Uddin Mondal Adv. for the o.p. 99 Civil Revision Md. Entaz Uddin 113 Civil Revision Md. Salam 926/2004 vs 93/2015 vs (Nawabgonj) Govt (Kushtia) Md. Shariful Islam 100 Civil Revision Md Abdul Manan 114 Civil Revision Isab Ali 3692/2005 vs 957/2014 vs (Kushtia) Md Harun Ar rashid (Sylhet) Nashiruddin and others 101 Civil Revision Rawshan Ara Lili 2088/2004 vs (Bagerhat) Molla Alimul Hoque

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115 Civil Revision Babul Malaker 129 Civil Revision Nurjahan Begum 4400/2008 vs 2250/2017 vs (Brahmanbaria) Pichu Malaker (Madaripur) Md. Nasir Uddin and 116 Civil Revision Saiduzzaman and others. others 4855/2005 vs 130 Civil Revision Govt of Bangladesh Abdul Jabbar and others. 4065/2009 vs

117 Civil Revision Md. Mahiuddin (Madaripur) Md. Arshed Ali and others 1687/2007 vs 131 Civil Revision Md. Okil Uddin Wara (Kishoreganj) Dijendra Chandra Paul 3701/2014 vs

118 Civil Revision Most.Renu Begum (Kushtia) Sreemoti Anjali Rani 214/2010 vs Ghosh (Narail) Kazi Shjamsul Hoque 132 Civil Revision Abdur Razzaque

119 Civil Revision Sree Subal Chandra 4616/2009 Howlader. (Barishal) vs 2158/2008 Karmoker (Chapainawabgonjl) vs Halima Begum and others Sree Sushil Chandra Saha 133 Civil Revision Ledu Miah and others . 377/2004 vs 120 Civil Revision Sree Subal Chandra 2159/2008 Karmaker Lakshmipur Ruhul Amin and others . (Chapainawabgonjl) vs 134 Civil Revision Most. Tuta Bibi Sree Sushil Chandra Saha 5640/2003 vs

121 Civil Revision Aizuddin Ahmed Rajbari Md. Ajibar Sarder 3439/2016 vs 135 Civil Revision Mohammad Raja Miah (Narayanganjl) Jahanara Monir and others 59/2011 vs

122 Civil Rule Ziarul Haq and others Gaibandha Md. Moslem Uddin 28((FM))/2013 vs Prodhan Dhaka Sultana Bilkis Khair 136 Civil Revision Md. Renu Miah 2656/1996 vs 123 Civil Revision Alhaj Faridul Alam 1264/2017 vs Narsingdi Mohammad Ali (Cox`s Bazar) Bazlul Kabir Sawdagar 137 Civil Revision Jahangir Alam and others 2691/2014 vs 124 Civil Revision Abdul Satter 456/2002 vs Kushtia Md. Abdur Rashid and (Tangailj) Alauddin And ors. others 138 Civil Revision Commissioner custom 125 Civil Revision Most. Nur Jahan Begum 4945/2011 vs 4636/2007 Exies Vat rajsahi ...... vs (Naogaonj) Md. Antu alias Md. Anisur Rahman Md. Nazrul Islam 126 Civil Revision Abul Kashem and others 139 Civil Revision Md. Lutfar Rahman 2653/2016 vs 1642/2010 vs (Naokhali) Din Mohammad and others Kurigram Md. Abdul Zalil and others 127 Civil Revision Md. A. Rashid 140 Civil Revision Md.Shamsul Haque and 123/2016 another 1408/2016 vs (Kurigram) Most. Fariton Nesa (Gazipur) vs Chairman No. 2 Chapir 128 Civil Revision Majnu Miah Union Parishad 512/2002 vs (Narsingdi) Tajul Islam 141 Civil Revision Ayesa Khatun 2448/2002 vs (Mymensingh) Govt. of Bangladesh and others

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142 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Rahman 153 Civil Revision A. Razzak Miah and others 3880/2012 vs 2780/2005 vs (Tangail) Md. Tozammel Haque @ (Madaripur) Md. Keramat Ali and Thandu others 143 Civil Revision Ambia Khatun 154 Civil Revision Md. Masud Haider 2428/2005 vs 1964/2017 vs (Chittagong) Salma Khatun (Mymensingh) Md. Golam Ambia Harun 144 Civil Revision Abdur Rahman and and others 3664/2012 another 155 Civil Revision Md. Enayet Ullah (Barishal) vs 1965/2017 vs Abdul Mannan Howlader (Mymensingh) Md. Golam Ambia Harun 145 Civil Revision Md. Nasir Uddin Dewan and others 1559/2007 vs 156 Civil Revision Md. jasir Uddin (Masud) (Manikgonj) Khona Rani Maitra 1966/2017 vs

146 Civil Revision Abdul Mojid Sheikh (Mymensingh) Md. Golam Ambia Harun 1834/2011 vs and others (Khulna) Government of Bangladesh 157 Civil Revision Md. Golam Rafique and others 1967/2017 vs

147 Civil Revision Shahida Begum, Mr. Md. (Mymensingh) Md. Golam Ambia Harun 4409/2007 Ahsan Ullah, Adv...... for and others (Chandpur) the peittioner 158 Civil Revision Uzzal Kumar Biswas vs 1968/2017 vs Abdul Kadir Khan and (Mymensingh) Md. Golam Ambia Harun others and others

Mr. Ahsanullah Adv. for 159 Civil Revision Mahbubul Alam petitioner. 1969/2017 vs 148 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Rouf (Mymensingh) Md. Golam Ambia Harun 5136/2006 vs and others

(Sylhet) Muzammil Ali Alias Tuta 160 Civil Revision Shikha Ghosh Miah and others 1970/2017 vs 149 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh (Mymensingh) Md. Golam Ambia Harun 1198/2005 vs and others

(Pabnat) Mst. Asof Jahan Khatun 161 Civil Revision Shah Habibul Islam

D.A.G. for the petitioner 1971/2017 vs

Mr. Md. Abdul Haque, (Mymensingh) Md. Golam Ambia Harun Advocate for the O.P. No. and others 1. 162 Civil Revision Md. Sofiullah 150 Civil Revision Rokeya Begum 4094/2017 vs

4450/2016 vs (Mymensingh) Md. Golam Ambia Harun (Pabnat) Khondoker Mohammad 163 Civil Revision Balaram Dey and others Hossain and others > 2660/2009 vs 151 Civil Revision Nitai Pandit (Madaripur) Gour Sandari Adhikari 4882/2005 vs 164 Civil Revision Rajon Chowdhury. (Kishoreganj) Tutu Miah 2099/2017 vs 152 Civil Revision Md.Minaz Uddin (Sunamganj) With Kamol Jit Paul and others 3226/1997 vs Civil Rule Rajon Chowdhury (Kushtia) Most.Salazan Bewah 545((R))/2017 vs (Sunamganj) Komoljit Paul and others

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165 Civil Revision Lutfur Rahman and others 166 Civil Revision Zalil Biswas @ A. Zalil 2393/2017 vs 5296/2007 vs (Barguna) Abul Hossain (Faridpur) Md. Imam Hossain Sikder

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 274

High Court Division Justice Md. Nazrul Islam Talukder and Justice Dr. K. M. Hafizul Alam Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 27] [একে ডন ে েন এং ডন ে ণেগ দনত দন কন আইন ং কল ক ৗজদ ও ট ন, ন ক, আল আেদন ও উেখত য়দ ং ল ও আেদন ণ ও নন কেন।] Motion

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High Court Division Justice Bhabani Prasad Singha and Justice Md. Kamrul Hossain Mollah Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 11] [ একে সডসব঱ন ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন অষসধকষয সবসেত সডসব঱ন ফে ঴ণেমষগ ভত঺দষেদ঱ৃ কনপষযেভ঱েনয যপষেয এফং একই যষয় ঴ইেত উ঺ত ঳কল পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল এফং উ যষয় ঴ইেত উ঺ত পৗজদষযহ আ঩হল ও জল আ঩হল ভযহয঺ আেফদন঩ এফং পৗজদষযহ সফসফধ মসদ থষেক; আেদে঱য সফে পৗজদষযহ ভযহক঺ ৃ ত আ঩হল ও পৗজদষযহ ঩সং আ঩হল-এ জষসভেনয দযখষ এফং উ঩েযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদন঩ ঴ণ কসযেফন । ] For Hearing 2 Death Reference The State

1 Death Reference The State 60/2012 vs

59/2012 vs (with) Tofail Ahmed

(with) Md. Abdul Matin Mr.Bashir Ahmed, D.A.G Mr.Bashir Ahmed, D.A.G with Mr.Mian Md.Shamim with Mr.Mian Md.Shamim Ahsan, A.A.G with Ahsan, A.A.G with Mr.Nirmal Kumar Das, Mr.Nirmal Kumar Das, A.A.G and Ms.Syeda A.A.G and Ms.Syeda Shobnum Mustari, A.A.G Shobnum Mustari, A.A.G for the State for the state Criminal Appeal Md.Tofayel Ahmed

Criminal Appeal Md.Abdul Matin 8182/2012 vs

8438/2012 vs (with) The State

(with) The State Mr.S.M.Jahangir Alam, Ms.Nahreen Amin, advocate for the appellant advocate for the appellant Jail Appeal Md. Tofail Ahmed

Jail Appeal Abdul Matin 268/2012 vs

269/2012 vs The State The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 276

High Court Division Justice S. H. Md. Nurul Huda Jaigirdar Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 22] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৯৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদনপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] Motion

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High Court Division Justice Md. Mozibur Rahman Miah Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 35] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ধ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন; দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ধ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ধ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ধ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ধ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট); ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৯৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদনপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ কসযেফন ।] As to be mentioned 14 Civil Revision Hira Mihir (For extension of stay) 2526/2014 vs

1 Civil Revision Mst. Fatema Begum Kishoregonj Nazma Milki and others

1522/2017 vs Mr. Mamun Chowdhury Joypurhat Mst. Mukta Aktar Smriti Adv. for petitioner. Begum and others 15 Civil Revision Masdarullah

2 Civil Revision Laily Begum 2097/2014 vs

3274/2017 vs Sylhet Md. Arif Haider and othrs Gaibandha Alhaj Kanimul Ullah and 16 Civil Revision Lasma Guwala others 4250/2005 vs

3 Civil Revision Md. Ali Zinnah and others Sylhet Md. Abul Miah and others 3469/2013 vs . (Chittagong) Rezia Begum and others 17 Civil Revision Sree Mithun Chandra

4 Civil Revision Sougpati Birgazi Mohila 4299/2015 Basfhak and others

4237/2017 Collage and others Kurigram vs

Dinajpur vs Sree Hiralal Shaha Zahirul Huq and others 18 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Haque

5 Civil Revision Gopal Chandra sarker 31/2010 vs

2013/2014 vs Manir Hossain Sheikh Sirajgonj Morshed Motion As to be mentioned

(For fixing a date of hearing) Application (Motion) 6 Civil Revision Md. Rafiqul Islam 19 In re Md. Wazed Ali Khan

4764/2008 Talukdar Jessore (01.07.2018) vs

Bogra vs Md. Ayub Khan and others Md. Ahmed Ali Talukdar For Hearing 7 Civil Revision Md. Nazir Hossain 20 Civil Revision Ali Ashraf Khan 4225/2005 vs Gaibandha Samsuddin Sarkar 5226/2006 vs (Heard-in-part) Abdul Latif 8 Civil Revision Aptab Ali Shieikh Mr. M. Ziaul Hasan, Adv.

663/2012 vs for the petitioner, Mr. Md.

Sirajgonj Md. Rouf and others Wayesh-Al-Haroni, Adv. 9 Civil Revision Abdus Salam for the o.p

4285/2000 vs 21 Civil Revision Md. Alamgir Sarder

Moshena Khatun 3274/2008 (Minor) 10 Civil Revision Salauddin (Heard-in-part) vs 223/2001 vs Bangladesh and others Sylhet Emran Ali Mr. Md. Abul Kalam 11 Civil Revision Humon Kabir Ali and Patwary, Adv. for the 3219/2013 other petitioner, Mr. Md. Eunus vs Ali, A.A.G, for the o.p Md. Amir Ali and others 22 Civil Revision Amir Hossain and others

12 Civil Revision Md. S. Ali 4696/2010 vs

4094/2013 vs (Heard-in-part) ) Alifa Khatun and others

Pabna Sree:Fotik Chandra Mr. Mukunda Chandra Bartacharja Debnath, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Hasmatullah 13 Civil Revision Mofiz Uddin Sheikh, Adv. for the o.p 2539/2012 vs DC Nowgan

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23 Civil Revision Md. Bazlur Rahman 29 Civil Revision Abdul Malek Bepari and 462/2017 vs 4236/2014 others Mosammat Hasna Banu vs and others Amirun Nessa and others Dr. Zamirul Akhtar, Adv. Mr. Md. Mostafa Kama, for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Adv. for the petitionr, Mr. Taherul Islam, Adv. for the Md. Shakir Hossain, Adv. o.p nos. 1 and 2, Mr. Md. for the o.p Saiful Islam, Adv. for the 30 Civil Revision Shuvangkar Chandra o.p. no. 11 3166/2015 Adhikari and others 24 Civil Revision Abdul Ali and others vs 2137/2016 vs Md.Nizam uddin and Khaleda Begum others Mr. Md. Shariful Islam, Mr. Taposh Kumar Dutta, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Adv. for the petitioner, Md. Kamruzzaman Mrs. Faruki Akhter Bhuiyan, Adv. for the o.p Prodhan, Adv. for the o.p 25 Civil Revision Khoda Box 31 Civil Revision Nazrul Islam ors 1807/2014 vs 4457/2014 vs Yakub Ali Sree Asim Kumar Barman Mr. Md. Golam Noor, Adv. and others for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Md. Ekramul Islam, Kawser Ahmed Halim, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Adv. for the o.p Md. habibur Rahman, Adv. 26 Civil Revision Md. Saidul Hoque for the o.p 122/2002 vs 32 Civil Revision Md. Arifur Rahman Md. Hanif Miah 2626/2014 vs Mr. A.M. Mahbub Uddin, Amirul Islma Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Sharafatullah, Adv. Md. Jahangir Alam, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. for the o.p S.M. Azmal Hossain, Adv. 27 Civil Revision Md.Abdul Aziz for the o.p 4249/2007 vs 33 Civil Revision Md. Jalal Uddin Abdus Salam and others 1576/2013 vs Mrs. Joya Bhattacharjee, (with) The Government, Md. Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Zakir Hossain, Adv. for the M. Foyej Ahmed, with Mr. Ptr. Ms. Syeda Rebia Reazul Karim, Adv. for the Begum, A.A.G. for the o.p Government 28 Civil Revision Md, Harun-or-Rashid Civil Revision Md. Jalal Uddin 2939/2009 vs 174/2013 vs Mosammat Jahanara The Government, Md. Begum Zakir Hossain, Adv. for the Mr. Md. Imrul Haider, Ptr. Ms. Syeda Rebia Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Begum, A.A.G. for the Mansur Habib, Adv. for Government the o.p 34 Civil Revision Md. Suruj Ali 5781/2007 vs A. Mannas

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35 Civil Revision Abdus Sattar Chowdhury 43 Civil Revision Abdus Salam . 28/2013 vs 1496/2004 vs Sufia Khatun Charag Ali and others

36 Civil Revision Md. Habibullah Mr.Mustaque Ahmed, Adv. 3258/2016 Chowdhury for the petitioner, Mr. vs Dider Alam Kollol, Adv. Md. Sohel and others for the o.p Mr. Md. Nurul Islam, Adv. 44 Civil Revision Most. Monowara Begum for the petitioner, Mr. 3308/2008 vs A.Q.M. Sohel Rana, Adv. Md. Abdul Khaleque for the o.p Golder

37 Civil Revision Alamgir Shahjahan Reza Mrs. Parvin Akter Salina, 887/2016 vs Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman and S.M. Obaidul Hoque, Adv. others for the o.p Mr. Abdul Barek 45 Civil Revision Johirul Islam and others Chowdhury, Adv. for the 4586/2014 vs petitioner, Mr. Bivash Amirul Islam Mojumder Chandra Biswas, Adv. for and others the o.p Mr. Md. Abdul Malek, 38 Civil Revision Md. Azaher Ali Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 1104/2001 vs Md. Mesbahul Islam Asif, Setar Hossain Adv. for the o.p Mr. Shahidul Islam, with 46 Civil Revision Khalid Rouf Mr. Golam Rabbani, Adv. 3734/2017 vs for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Dr. Salma Afroj Shahadat Tanvir Amin, Mr. Ali Ahsan Mullah, Adv. for the o.p Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 39 Civil Revision Kazi Shahriar Babor Mohammad Ali, Adv. for 4781/2014 vs the o.p Kazi Delowar Hossain 47 Civil Revision Tarapad Chandra Pramanik

40 Civil Revision Abdul Hamid Talukder 3627/2011 vs Aminul Islam 3453/2015 vs Head Master, Paboi High Mr. Taj Mohammad School and others Shaikh, Adv. for the Mr. S.M. Mahbubul Islam, petitioner, Mr. Md. Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Shamsur Rahman, Adv. for M.G. Mahmud (Shaheen), the o.p Adv. for the o.p 48 Civil Revision Ismail Shaikh and ors

41 Civil Revision Md. Ruhul Amin Mridha 140/1992 vs Abdur Rashid 2908/2009 vs Md. Samsul Haque, Mr. Mohammad Rezaul Mr. Taharul Islam Adv. for Kabir Khan, Adv. for the petitioner. petitioner, Mr. S.M. Rezaul Karim, Adv. for the o.p 42 Civil Revision Abdul Basit and others. 4809/2003 vs Abdul Munaf and others Mr. Md. Ishaque Miah, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Habib Zaman, Adv. for the o.p

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49 Civil Revision Abdus Sattar and others 56 Civil Revision Md. Jamal Uddin Shaikh 1349/2010 vs 2493/2015 vs Md.Alep Kha and others Raize Sarder Mr. Mohammad Israfil, Mr. Ahmed Nowshed Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Jamil, Adv. for the Shishir Kanti Muzamder, petitioner, Mr. F.M. Adv. for the o.p Mizanur Rahman, Adv. for 50 Civil Revision Md. Zahirul Islam the o.p 2611/2008 vs 57 Civil Revision Md.A,.Bari Kabir Ahammad and 3766/2015 vs dothers Md.Ahed Ali Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Mr. Kutubuddin, Adv. for Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. the petitioner, Mr. Chisty Md. Mubarak Hossain, Adv. for the o.p Adv. for the o.p 58 Civil Revision Amir Ali and others 51 Civil Revision Md.Anju Miah and others 1151/2007 vs 4062/2010 vs Chairman, Zilla Md.Abdus Sattar Parished,Sylhet Mrs. Sayeda Sabina Mr. Uzzal Bhowmick, Ahmed, Adv. for the Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. petitioner, Mr. Abdul Chowdhury Murshed Haque, Adv. for the o.p Kamal Tipu, Adv. for the 52 Civil Revision Md Monsur Ali o.p 1691/2003 vs 59 Civil Rule Government of Bangladesh Abdul Mannan Patwary 6(Violation)/2018 vs and others Md. Amanullah being died Mr. M. Ashraf Ali, Adv. his legal heirs Aftab Uddin for the petitioner, Mr. A.B. and others Roy Chowdhury, Adv. for Mr. Didarul Alam Kollol, the o.p Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 53 Civil Revision Asraful Islam Md. Eunus Ali. A.A.G. for 5052/2011 vs the o.p Md. Anwar Hossain 60 Civil Revision Md. Ruhul Amin Bepary Mr. T.M. Shakil Hasan, 1943/2017 vs Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Sajahan and others Sultan Ahmed Mia, Adv. 61 Civil Revision Abdul Jabbar Sikdar for the o.p 4059/2012 vs 54 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Rahaman Ayub Ali Sikdar and others 3728/2008 vs Ms. Khurshida Akter, Adv. Sree Jibon Bandu for the petitioner, Mrs. Mr. S.M. Zafar Sadeque, Farida Khan, Adv. for the Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. o.p Ashim Kumar Mallik, Adv. 62 Civil Revision Sree Tari Barman for the o.p 3113/2014 vs 55 Civil Revision Abul Bashar Sree Hamchandra 3227/2014 vs Mr. Md. Sajjad Ali Jalal Ahmed asnd others Chowdhury, Adv. for the Mr. Abul Kalam petitioner, Mr. Md. Nurul Chowdhury, Adv. for the Islam (Sujon), Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Minhazul o.p Hoque Chowdhury, Adv. for the o.p

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63 Civil Revision Md. Mantu Miah and 70 Civil Revision Sahabuddin 2072/2013 others 822/2014 vs vs Sufiya Mithapukur Shulanga Mr. Mintu Kumar Mondal, Zame Masjid represented Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. by its Motowalli Md. Md. Raziuddin Sarwar, Abdus Sattar Sarker and Adv. for the o.p another 71 Civil Revision Md. Chan Miah 64 Civil Revision Md. Javed Jahangir 3240/2015 vs 3418/2016 vs Md. Abul Hossain Shanta Malek Marzina Mr. Md. Haroon Ar- Mr. Md. Jasim Uddin, Adv. Rashid, Adv. for the for the petitioner, Mr. Md. petitioner, Mrs. Hariua Hemayet Uddin Molla, Jahan Hazari, Adv. for the Adv. for the o.p o.p 65 Civil Revision Sree Jogesh Chandra Ray 72 Civil Revision Md. Mannaf Bokht 3148/2007 vs 3023/2014 vs Sree Subol Chandra Deb Aslam Iqbal Milon Mr. Rabi Shankar Mr. Chanchal Kumar Chakraborty, Adv. for the Biswas, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Golam petitioner, Mr. Nirmolendu Rabbani, Adv. for the o.p Dev, Adv. for the o.p 66 Civil Revision Hiron Banu 73 Civil Revision Kazi Moulana Nasir Shah 308/2003 vs 1089/2005 Md. Iqbal. Hasan Ali Provin vs Mr. Md. Ashraful Karim, Jala Rajistar Coxs Bazar Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Subrata Chowdhury, Sk. Sharifuddin, Adv. for Adv, fir the Petr. Mr. Md. the o.p Rezaul Hasan, Adv. for the 67 Civil Revision Mohsana Khatun o.p. 1952/2015 vs 74 Civil Revision Md. Solaiman Ali Ahamed 2174/2015 vs Mr. Samiran Das Gupta, Md. Anwar Khan Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Surojit Bhattacharjee, Tushar Banik, Adv. for the Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. o.p Tushar Kanti Roy, with 68 Civil Revision Md. Maula Baksh Mollah Ms. Runa Iqbal, Adv. for 951/2012 vs the o.p Mst. Akhlima Khatun 75 Civil Revision Mrs. Khadiza Nasrin Akter Mr. Habubur Rahman 667/2010 vs (habib), with Mr. Abul Kazi Rezaul Hossain and Kalam Azad, Adv. for the others petitioner, Mr. Md. Ataur 76 Civil Revision A.Halim Rahman, Adv. for the o.p 329/2015 vs 69 Civil Revision Md. Hafiz Uddin and Fajar Uddin 3376/2006 another Mr. Sheikh Md. Maju vs Miah, Adv. for the Professor Muntasir Mamun petitioner, Mrs. Joya and others Bhatta Charjee, Adv. for Mr. Md. Eunus Ali, Adv. the o.p for the petitioner, Mr. Ranjit Kumar Barman, Adv. for the o.p

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77 Civil Revision Misiran Khatun 83 Civil Revision Abdul Aziz 1678/2016 vs 1528/2009 vs Amena Khatun and another Ali Azam being dead his Mr. Mohammad Mizanur heirs Mazeda Begum and Rahman, Adv. for the others petitioner, Mr. Md. Osman Mr. Abul Kalam Ghani Bhuiyan, Adv. for Chowdhury, Adv. for the the o.p petitioner, Mr. Md. Ruhul 78 Civil Revision M/S Coma Creation Quddus Patwary, Adv. for 2467/2015 vs the o.p. no. 2-8 Bangladesh Krishi 84 Civil Revision Md. Mijanur Rahman Corporation 1811/2000 Bhuiyan Mr. M.M. Zulfiqur Ali vs Hyder, Adv. for the Shahidullah petitioner 85 Civil Revision Bimol Mistri 79 Civil Revision Md. Humayan Kabir 2382/2005 vs 1754/2015 vs Anil Mistri Md. Firoz Hossain and Mr. Debdas Samadder, others Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Md. Abdullah Al Md. Mostafa Kamal, Adv. Mahbub, Adv. for the for the o.p petitioner, Mr. Md. 86 Civil Revision Most. Sajimon Nessa Shameem Khaled, Adv. for 1531/2004 vs the o.p Govt. Of Bangladesh 80 Civil Revision Md. Mizanur Rahman and Mr. S.M. Shahjahan Kabir, 570/2017 another Adv. for the petitioner

vs 87 Civil Revision Alauddin

Md. Masud Miah and 1865/2012 vs others Abdul Mannan

Mr. Md. Taufiqul Islam, Mr. Kazi Md. Shahiqul Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Hassan, Adv. for the A.S. Md. Ramzan Khan, petitioner Adv. for the o.p 88 Civil Revision Md. Ramjan Ali 81 Civil Revision Mst. Monowara Begum 837/2006 vs

2475/2006 and others Md. Bahar Ali and others

vs Mr. Md. Abul Kalam

Abul Kashem Bhuiyan and Patwary, Adv. for the others petitioner, Mr. Md. Abdus

Mr. Md. Rabiul Islam, Sabur Khan, Adv for the Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. o.p Mozaffar Hossain, Adv. for 89 Civil Revision Nurul Haque alias Md. the o.p 1816/2009 Nurul Haque 82 Civil Revision Ali Azam being dead his vs

230/2009 heirs: Mazeda Begum and Anwara Begum others Mr. Mihir Kanti

vs Majumder, Advocate for

Golam Mostafa the petitioner, Mr. Md.

Mr. Sk. Sharifuddin, Adv. Rafiqul Islam, Advocate of for the petitioner, Mr. for the o.p Sarwar-E-Deen, with Mr. Khairul Islam, Adv. for the o.p no. 1 and Mr. Md. Ruhul Quddus Patwary, Adv. for the o.p. no. 5

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90 Civil Revision Abdul Makek Bepari 98 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam 80/2014 vs 4522/2009 vs Abul and others Muksed Ali Khan Mr. Shankar Chandra Das , Mr. Manoj Chandra adv. for the petitioner Bhadury, Adv. for the 91 Civil Revision Safed Ali petitioner 958/2014 vs 99 Civil Revision Hafsa Khatun Khokon Mia 216/2014 vs Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Sirajul Haque and Others Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Md. Ashad Ullah, Adv. Sirajuddin Ahmed, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Syed for the o.p Fazley Elahi, Adv. for the 92 Civil Revision Abdul Latif Akan o.p 3151/2009 vs 100 Civil Revision Rasuni Khatun alias Hemayet Ali Sikder 93/2016 Rosena Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Mr. Mansur Habib, Adv Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. ..for the petitioner Md. Joynul Abedin, with vs Mr. Mohammad Al-Amin, Md. Sakmal Hossain and Adv. for the o.p ors

93 Civil Revision Asma Akter Mr. Md. Abdullah Al 1887/2013 vs Mamun, Adv ..for the Mst. Khaledah Akther O.Ps. 101 Civil Revision Ainal Sheikh 94 Civil Revision Bajlur Rahman 3032/2005 vs 3007/2009 vs (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Sheikh Danesh Mojibur Rahman Mr. Md. Nurul Islam, Adv. Mr. Md. Asad Miah, Adv. for the petitioner, Ms. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Badrun Nahar, Adv. for the Fazal Karim, Adv. for the o.p o.p 95 Civil Revision Sree Pobitro Urao 102 Civil Revision Ainal Sheikh 3006/2009 vs 1214/2012 vs Sree Chhiduram Urao (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Sheikh Dane3sh 103 Civil Revision Rozi Rahman 96 Civil Revision Sokin Azhar 79/2014 vs 4137/2014 vs (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Sobnob Nesa, Dhali Robiuzzaman Mr. G.S. Haque, Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman, Advocate..For the Adv. the petitioner Mr. petitioner. Alim Hossain,Adv. for the Mr. Sarder Abul Hossain, O.P. Advocate..For opposite 104 Civil Revision Md. Jamaluddin party. 1630/2008 vs (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Md. Alam Mondal 97 Civil Revision Sajjad Ali 3715/2011 vs Mrs. Rona Nahrin, Adv. Alkas Ali and Others for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Surojit Bhattacharjee, Sharder Abul Hossain, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Adv. for the o.p Md. Mainul Islam, Adv. 105 Civil Revision Atula Begum for the o.p 2090/2014 vs (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Nur Hossain Mr. Mohammad Younus, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Saha Alam Sarker, Adv. for the o.p

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106 Civil Revision Narayan Chandra Saha 113 Civil Revision Monirul Haque 1971/2014 vs 4904/2015 vs (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Subal Saha and others (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Nilufar Karim Mr. Ala Uddin Ahmed, Mr. Kazi Rezaul Hossain, Advocate for the petitioner, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. S.R.M. Lutfor Rahman Md. Habib Zaman, Adv. Akhand, Adv. for the o.p for the o.p 107 Civil Revision Mozaffar Rahman 114 Civil Revision Motiur 2068/2006 vs 4905/2015 vs (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Tota Mia, (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Nilufar Karim Mr.Md.Shamsur Mr. Kazi Rezaul Hossain, Rahman,Adv. for the Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. petitioner Md. Habib Zaman, Adv. 108 Civil Revision Saberin Begum for the o.p 3157/2008 vs 115 Civil Revision Bazlul Kabir (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Khawja Momen Sattar 4906/2015 vs Mr. Mohammad Abul (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Nilufar Karim Kashem Bhuiyan, Adv. for Mr. Kazi Rezaul Hossain, the petitioner Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 109 Civil Revision Md. Khaled Shamsuddin Md. Habib Zaman, Adv. 4512/2015 vs for the o.p (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Nilufar Kabir 116 Civil Revision Moslem Ali Sheikh Mr. Kazi Rezaul Hossain, 5862/2002 vs Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Sk. Ali Akbar Md. Habib Zaman, Adv. Mr. Shaikh Atiar Rahman, for the o.p with Mr. Harendranath 110 Civil Revision Md. Raihan Been Shafi Nandi, Adv. for the 4901/2015 vs petitioner, Ms. Tasmia (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Nilufar Khair and others Prodhan, Adv. for the o.p Mr. Kazi Rezaul Hossain, 117 Civil Revision Haji Md. Bashir Uddin and Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 2609/2006 others Md. Habib Zaman, Adv. (24.06.2018 ) 2pm vs for the o.p The state and others

111 Civil Revision Md. Raihan Been Shafi Dr. A.K.M. Ali for the petitioner 4902/2015 vs (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Nilufar Khair and others Mr. Md. Masud Hasan Mr. Kazi Rezaul Hossain, Chowdhury for the Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. opposite party. Md. Habib Zaman, Adv. 118 Civil Revision Eshaque Ali and others for the o.p 4296/2015 vs

112 Civil Revision Md. Raihan Been Shafi (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Md. joynal Abedin and 4903/2015 vs others (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Nilufar Karim 119 Civil Revision Fozilater Nessa Mr. Kazi Rezaul Hossain, 2078/2016 vs Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Abdul Awal Md. Habib Zaman, Adv. Mr. Bhabesh Chandra for the o.p Mustafi, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Shasti Sarker, Adv. for the o.p

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120 Civil Revision Kerisno Civil Revision Md. Sakhawat Hossain 3522/2017 vs 4586/2008 vs (24.06.2018 ) 2pm Hori Chand Biswas (24.06.2018 ) Tarun Sanggha

121 Civil Revision Nurul Amin Mr. Md. Golam Mostafa, 1972/2009 vs Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. (24.06.2018) 2pm Abul Hashem Mallik Safiuddin Ahmed, Mr. Abdul Momeen Adv. for the o.p. Chowdhury for the 128 Civil Revision Atiar Rahman petitioner 5847/2000 vs Mr. Mohammad Musa for (24.06.2018 ) Shahedara and ors the opposite party. Mr. Md. Hemaith Ullah, 122 Civil Revision Shamsun Nahar and others Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 1728/2010 vs Abdur Rahman (Zibol), (24.06.2018) 2pm Ruhul Amin and others Adv. for the o.p 129 Civil Revision Sabita Sen and another 123 Civil Revision Kabir Gazi 3634/2010 vs 975/2010 vs (24.06.2018 ) Neeti Sen and others (24.06.2018 ) Motahar Gazi Mr. Tushar Kanti Roy, Mr. Nirmalendu Deb, Adv. Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. for the petitioner S.M. Zafar Sadeque, Adv. 130 Civil Revision Md. Hanif Miah for the o.p 2222/2008 vs

124 Civil Revision Most. Rezia Begum (with) Md. Rahmat Ali 2369/2013 vs 131 Civil Revision Hd. Hanif Miah (24.06.2018 ) Abdur Rashid 2223/2008 vs Shahjada Al Amin, Adv. (24.06.2018 ) Md. Rahmat Ali for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Mr. Sarder Alamgir Mesbahul Islam Asif, Adv. Ahmed, Adv. for the for the o.p petitioner, Mr. Mohammad 125 Civil Revision S.M. Abdul Haq Ali, Azam, Adv. for the o.p 3833/2011 vs 132 Civil Revision Headmaster A.G. Academi (24.06.2018 ) Ahmed Ali pajori 494/2014 vs Mr. Md. Golam Rossul, (24.06.2018 ) Hafizur Rahman Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Sheikh Rezaul Karim, Adv. Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. for the o.p Md. Khairul Alam, Adv. 126 Civil Revision Satter Jamadder and others for the o.p 3522/2013 vs 133 Civil Revision Md. Jahangir Alam (24.06.2018 ) Md. Meher Chad Sarder 2003/2010 vs and others (24.06.2018 ) Amir Hossain Buddu and Mr. Debdas Somaddar, others Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Md. Hasinur Rahman, Md. Tawhidul Islam, Adv. Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. for the o.p A.M. Mahbubuddin, Adv. 127 Civil Revision Md. Sakhawat Hossain for the o.p 4585/2008 vs (with) Tarun Sanggha Md. Golam Mostafa, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Malik Shafiuddin Ahmed, Adv. for the o.p.

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134 Civil Revision Manik Sharder 140 Civil Revision Md. Nasu Haq 4067/2012 vs 644/2005 vs (with) Unis Sharder (24.06.2018 ) The Government, Mr. G.M. Azizur Rahman, Mr. Syed Humayun Kabir Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Khadem, Adv. for the ptr. G.M. Abdul Hakim, Adv. Mr. Bhabesh Chandra for the o.p Mustafi, Adv. for the... 135 Civil Revision Akbor Hossain O.P. No.2 4069/2012 vs 141 Civil Revision Md. Meher Ali, (24.06.2018 ) Unis Sharder 4021/2015 vs G.M. Azizur Rahmain, (24.06.2018 ) Md. Muhibur Rahman Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Muyeeb and ors G.M. Abdul Hakim, Adv. Mr. Nirmalendu Deb, Adv. for the o.p for the petitioner 136 Civil Revision Md. Enamul Kabir Mridha 142 Civil Revision Sree Nirud Baran De 1197/2015 vs 1343/1996 vs (24.06.2018 ) Md. Nazrul Islam (24.06.2018 ) Abdur Rashid Mr. Serajur Rahman, Adv. Mr. Rabi Shankar for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Chakraborty, Adv. for the Golam Mostafa, Adv. for petitioner the o.p 143 Civil Revision Most. Rabea and others 137 Civil Revision Md. Abdus Sattat Porag 4517/2009 vs 146/2014 and other (24.06.2018 ) Ahamad Ali and others (24.06.2018 ) vs Mr. Md. Mostafizur Afsar Ali Mondol and Rahman, Adv. for the others petitioner, Mr.Md. Mr. Akhtar Farhad Zaman, Asaduzzaman Ansari, Adv. Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. for the o.p. Md. Musharraf Hussain, 144 Civil Revision Md.Muslim Master Adv. for the o.p. 4165/2004 vs 138 Civil Revision Md. Ali and others . (24.06.2018 ) Md.Hadis 3139/2005 vs Mr. Mohammad Shamsul (24.06.2018 ) Anuwara Begum and Alam, Adv. for the others petitioner, Mr. Md. Mr. Sk. Md. Jahangir, Adv. Ferdous Rahman, Adv. for for the petitioner, Mr. Md. the o.p Saifur Rahman, Adv. for 145 Civil Revision Abu Bakkar Mollah the o.p . 3216/2015 vs 139 Civil Revision Md. Rezaul Karim (24.06.2018 ) Abdus Subur Mollah 1965/2016 vs Mr. Tapas Kanti Baul, Adv. (24.06.2018 ) Alhaj Jalali Maulana Md. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Atahar Monzurul Alam, Adv. for Mr. Mizanur Rahman, the o.p Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 146 Civil Revision Md. Tari Pramank @ Md. Rafiqul Islam Sarder, Adv. 1844/2013 tariqul Islam and another for the o.p (24.06.2018 ) vs Most. Rabeya Khatun and others Mr. Mohammad Abul Kashfem Bhuiyan, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Chanchal Kumar Biswas, Adv. for the o.p

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147 Civil Revision Abu Md. Samsul Islam 154 Civil Revision khaliluddin Shahi Khalil 2972/1997 vs 2313/1991 Miah and others (24.06.2018 ) Jaharul islam (24.06.2018 ) vs Mr. Bobash Chandra bajitullah Akondho, Mostafiz. Adv.... For the Mr. Shamim Haider Petitioner. Patwary,Adv....For the petr., 148 Civil Revision Kashob Lal Datta 829/2010 vs Mr.Md.Abdul Motalib with (24.06.2018 ) Sumonta Patikar Mr.M.Mir Kashem Mr. Md. Taha Molla, Adv. Khan,Adv...For the O.P. for the petitioner, Mr. 155 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Razzaq Shah Kikhil Kumar Saha, Adv. 4347/2016 and another for the o.p (24.06.2018 ) vs

149 Civil Revision Kalimuddin Fakir md. Golam Sarwar and others 1220/2008 vs (24.06.2018 ) Mst. Saleha Khatun Mr. P.C. Guha, Adv. for the Mr. Manoj Chowdhury petitioner, Mr. Md. Motiur Bhadury, Adv. for the Rahman, Adv. for the o.p. petitioner, Mr. Bakiruddin 156 Civil Revision Momtaj Chowdhury Bhuiyan, Adv. for the o.p 3599/2014 vs

150 Civil Revision Abul Hossain @ Badsha (24.06.2018 ) A.Hossain Master and others 1622/2006 Miah (24.06.2018 ) vs Mr. Mostafizur Rahman, Samudal Haque and ors Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mr. Maqbul Ahmed, Adv. Md. Nizamul Islam, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. for the o.p Tushar Kanti Roy, Adv. for 157 Civil Revision Parul Rani Shaha the o.p 184/2001 vs

151 Civil Revision Chairman (24.06.2018 ) Bijon Kumar Shaha 2704/2015 vs 158 Civil Revision Hakim Sk. (24.06.2018 ) Moloy Kumar Kundu 1091/1999 vs Ms. Ayesah Khatoon, with (24.06.2018 ) Md. Afser Ali Sk. Mr. Syed Asgar Ali, Adv. Mr. Rezaul Karim, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. for the petitioner, Mr. M. Pankaj Kumar Kundu, Qumrul Huq siddique, Adv. for the o.p Adv. for the o.p 152 Civil Revision Nasima Akter 159 Civil Revision Giaz Miah 1267/2016 vs 3961/2012 vs (24.06.2018 ) Md.Abul Hossain (24.06.2018 ) Alauddin,

153 Civil Revision Md. Moniruzzman Mrs.Rezina 837/2012 vs Mahmud,Adv...For the petr., (24.06.2018 ) Md. Idris Hossen Mr. Abu Sayeed Sagar, Mr.Md.Ashrafuddin Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Khan,Adv...For the O.P. Md. Khairul Alam, Adv. 160 Civil Revision Md. Motaleb Hossain and for the o.p 1868/2000 others (24.06.2018 ) vs Sree Samor Kumar Ghosh and others Mr. Khondker Gulzar Hossain, Adv. for the petitioners, Mr. Zead-Al- Maloum, Adv. for the o.p

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161 Civil Revision Abdul Wahab sarker 170 Civil Revision Ayat Ali and others 3578/2012 vs 3157/2014 vs (24.06.2018 ) Md. Rashidul Islam Hazrat Mochraf Shah (Rh.) Mr. Md. Rasheduzzamman Waqf Estate and others Bosunia, Adv. for the Mr. Md. Mainul Islam, petitioner Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 162 Civil Revision Kazi Fazlul Islam Ataur Rahman, Adv. for 1476/2001 vs the o.p (24.06.2018 ) Murshedur Rahman 171 Civil Revision Jaytun bibi and others Bhuiyan 2449/2005 vs Salma begam and others 163 Civil Revision Abul Hashem Howlader 2816/2006 vs Mr. Md. Mahbub Ali (24.06.2018 ) Abul Hashem Munshi Adv.for petitioner. 172 Civil Revision Bidhan Chandra Baidya 164 Civil Revision Mafiz Uddin and others 2631/2014 vs 3514/2010 vs Razia Parvin (Lucky) Abdul Wadud Mushi Mr. S.M. Zafar Sadeque, Ms. Monoj Umme Voumic, Adv. for the petitioner Mr. Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Ehsan A. Siddiq, with Mr. Md. Abdul Hai Sarkar, Imran A. Siddiq, Adv. for the o.p Advocate. for the o.p 173 Civil Revision Rokon Miah 4109/1997 vs 165 Civil Revision Md. Zahangir Hossain 1151/2012 vs Nores Chomdro Das Golam Mostafa 174 Civil Revision Nazma Begum Mr. Goutam Kumar Roy, 2962/2014 vs Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Nayem Uddin Md. Abdul Halim Mondal, 175 Civil Revision Md. Sher Ali Biswas and Adv. for the o.p 1019/1996 ors 166 Civil Revision Md. Fazlul Haque vs 2078/2011 vs Yad Ali Shah and ors Abdur Rahman Mr. Md. Ashraful Alam, Mr. Bivash Chandra Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Biswas, Adv. for the Muhammad Abdul Haque, petitioner, Mr. A.S.M. Adv. for the o.p Rahmotullah, Adv. for the 176 Civil Revision Md. Abul Kalam Azad o.p 1079/2011 vs 167 Civil Revision Md. Matin Khan Md. Monir

4483/2005 vs 177 Civil Revision Zilla Board(Zilla

Md. Shamsul Haque 4947/2006 Parishad), Sirajgonj

Mr. Shahabuddin Ahmed, vs with, Mr. Tapas Kanti Md. Abdul Rahim Sheikh Baul, Advocate for the and ors., petitioner, Mr. Md. Safed Mr. Ali, Adv. for the o.p D.A.G/A.A.G(Civil)...For 168 Civil Revision Md. Yousuf the petr., 3798/2008 vs Mr. Md. Azizur Rahman Bangladesh govt. Chowdhury, Adv...For the 169 Civil Revision Arab Ali Mridha O.P. 3734/2011 vs Arjuda Begum and others Ms. Mariam Begum with Mr. Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman,Adv....for the petnr. Mr.Md. Ruhul Amin Bhuiyan, Adv. .. for O.P.

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178 Civil Revision Balal Mollah 187 Civil Revision Narayan Pramanik and 3248/2002 vs 3616/2004 others (with) Fatik Ali Sheikh and others vs Mr. Md. Abdul Jabbar, Kalipada Shil and others Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 188 Civil Revision Md. Suruj Md. Mujahidul Islam, for 1471/2008 Bhuiyan@Samsul Islam the o.p Bhuiyan Civil Revision Sattar Mollah vs 3249/2002 vs Md. Asad Mia Totannessa 189 Civil Revision A.Jabbar Sikder 179 Civil Revision Adhir Ranjan 1081/2010 vs 4713/2004 vs Nurul Haq Boyati Thana Nirbahi Officer 190 Civil Revision A.Jabber Sikder ,Razapur ,Jalakati 1087/2010 vs 180 Civil Revision Bala Rani Malakar Rahman Dhali 614/2016 vs 191 Civil Revision Habiur Rahman Helen Rani Malakar and 548/2008 vs another Shukur uddin Mr. Syed 181 Civil Revision Abdul Latif Kha humayun Kabir Khadem, 790/2010 vs Ad. for the petitioner, bd> Govt. of Bangladesh Mr. Bhibish Chandra 182 Civil Revision Abul Basar Sorkar Mustafi, Ad. for the 4985/2014 vs opposite party Mohammad Hossain 192 Civil Revision Md. Azizur Rahman and Howlader and others 1484/2017 others Mr. Alauddin, Adv. for the vs petitioner, Mr. Most. Sahera Khatun and Kamruzzaman Bhuiyan, others Adv. for the o.p Mr. Md. Abul Kalam 183 Civil Revision janik Mollah Patwary, Adv. for the 6371/2002 vs petitioner, Mr. Zafar Nurul Islam Sadeque, Adv. for the o.p Mr. Syed Al Asafur Ali, 193 Civil Revision Md. Chand Miah Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 5825/2001 vs M. Ashraf Ali, Adv. for the Md.Abtab Hossain o.p Mr. Momtaz uddin Fakir, 184 Civil Revision Md. Altaf Hossain Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 2537/2009 vs Mr. Shameem Haider Parimal Chandra Chanda Patwary, Adv. for the o.p 185 Civil Revision Ekramul Haque 194 Civil Revision Md. Ledu Karikar 4624/2006 vs 3567/2012 vs Samsuddin ( Hudu) Bangladesh Govt. Mr. H.M. Borhan, Adv. for 195 Civil Revision Mina Abdullah Al the petitioner, Mr. 1037/2008 Mahmud Rowshan Alam Khan, Adv. vs for the o.p Atiar Rahman Mina

186 Civil Revision Eunos Ali Mr. Munshi Abdul Hamid, 4838/2003 vs Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Jala Prasasak Rajshahi SM Azmal Hossain, Adv. Mr. Md. Shariful Islam, for the o.p Adv. for the petitioner

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196 Civil Revision Abdul Zabbar 209 Civil Revision Md. Sayedul Islam Khan 5138/2011 vs 1379/2017 vs Keratunnesa Member Secretary

Mr. Md. Kamal Hossain, 210 Civil Revision Md. Sayedur Rahman Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 8550/1991 Mongal and others 197 Civil Revision Milon and Others vs 2437/2011 vs Sr5eemoti Basanti Rani Mosharaf Hossain and Rudra Pal and another Others 211 Civil Revision Syed Abdul Jalil 198 Civil Revision Osman Ali 3868/1995 vs 2097/2000 vs Most. Anjuman ara Begum

Musa Mia 212 Civil Revision 1(A) Moij Uddin and ors 199 Civil Revision Jhanara Begum 3437/2002 vs 3460/2009 vs Nooruddin Ahmad and ors Azizul Islam(Kanchan) Mr. Zaman S Raza, Talukder Adv....for the petitioner 200 Civil Revision Salma Khatun 213 Civil Revision Lalchand Dewan 3892/2012 vs 4397/2011 vs Abdul Sattar and others Nurunnahar Dewan 201 Civil Revision Md. Mokhlesur Rahman 214 Civil Revision Most. Dulali Khatun 2723/2010 (Raju) 1738/2001 vs vs Md. Sada Miah

Md. Younus Ail 215 Civil Revision Golap Rahman 202 Civil Revision Abul Hossain Mia and 3131/2011 vs 3740/1991 others Mohammad kabir Hussain vs and Others

Bagladesh and others 216 Civil Revision Abdur Razzaq 203 Civil Revision Harun-Ar-Rashid 3205/2015 vs 4955/2004 vs Abdur Jabbar

Govt. 217 Civil Revision Sekander Ali Mollah 204 Civil Revision Latif Mollah 3368/2013 vs 2375/2016 vs Soleman Mollah and others

Bodiar 218 Civil Revision Zakia Khatun 205 Civil Revision Minar Bari and others 876/2013 vs 1684/2007 vs Akhter Hossain

(with) Md. Din ul-Babul and 219 Civil Revision Mrs. Mahmuda Bewa others 3871/2008 vs Civil Revision Minar Bari and others Most. Jamela Khatun 1685/2007 vs Mr. Fazlul Huq Khan Fayjur Rahman Farid, Adv. ... For the Chowdhury Shahin and Petitioner others 220 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Haque 206 Civil Revision Mostafizur Rahman 2390/2016 vs 3292/2015 vs Md. Mofiz Uddin and Nur Mohammad aothers

207 Civil Revision Mowlana Mokkiaram Ali Mr. Md. Shahadat Alam, 2286/2011 vs with Mr. Mohammad Azizul Islam Zahirul Islam, Adv. for the petitioner, Mst. Hosne Ara, 208 Civil Revision A Khalak Talukdar Adv. for the o.p nos. 1 and 1717/2011 vs 2 Sanaullah Talukdar

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221 Civil Revision Md.Khorshed Alam 233 Civil Revision Mrs. Khush Banu . 4258/2009 Chowdhury 1732/2004 vs vs Usaran Chandra Shil and Md.Nasir others . 222 Civil Revision most. Hasmat Arsa 234 Civil Revision Prafullah Kumar Das 2705/2004 vs 3185/2006 vs Imdadul Abul Bashar

223 Civil Revision A sukumar Mr. Sankar Chandra Das, Adv. 192/2013 vs M. Babul Mia For the petitioners Mr. Md. Shamsul Alam, 224 Civil Revision Md. Abdul Khalek Adv. 2861/2016 Chowdhury For the opposite parties vs No.1-4 Md. Abdul Mannan and others 235 Civil Revision Mostaqul Islam 4315/2005 vs Mr. Md. Azim Uddin Adv. for petitioner. Govt of Bangladesh 225 Civil Revision Most. Buljan Bewa ors 236 Civil Revision Abdus Salam and others 2181/2001 vs 5186/2007 vs Md. Abed Ali Paranik Ors Abdus Salam @ Sardu Miah 226 Civil Revision Sreemati Manju Rani 1388/2007 Adhikery 237 Civil Revision Habibur Rahman 2589/2014 vs vs Sree Rampado Adhikery Omar Sarder and ors 238 Civil Revision Abdur Rauf and others . 4280/2005 vs 227 Civil Revision Md. Mojibur Rahman 5029/2006 vs Meer Hossain and others . Fuljan Nessa 239 Civil Revision Ahmed Ali and others

228 Civil Revision Kohinur Akter 1234/1994 vs Rahima Khatun and others 3553/2017 vs Nasima Akter and others Mr. Mansur Habib, Adv. for the petitioner 229 Civil Revision Md. Habibur Rahman and Mr.M.Ashraf Ali, Adv., for 1784/2015 others the opposite party vs 240 Civil Review Eunus Ali Md. Samejuddin and others 2601/2006 vs Sorosh Ali 230 Civil Revision Mokshed Mondal (Died) 2541/1997 Md.Riaz Uddin 241 Civil Revision Ahmed Ali and others 3959/2000 vs vs Golam Rabbani (Died) Rahima Khatun and others Md.Rabiul Islam 242 Civil Revision Md. Tozammel Hoque 1456/1995 vs 231 Civil Revision Babu Ram Mondal 3396/2015 vs Md. Abdul Latif Sheikh Abdullah and 243 Civil Revision Abdul Mannan and others others 2230/2015 vs

232 Civil Revision Malak Patuary and others Zafor Ullah 4219/1999 vs Asraniban Nessa and others

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244 Civil Revision Md. Ayub Khan and others 255 Civil Revision Md. Mozaffar Hossain 1790/2014 vs 2645/2016 Mondal Tajul Islam vs

245 Civil Revision Safayel ullah Md. Ibrahim Hossain 2128/2015 vs Mondal Selina Akhte 256 Civil Revision Md. Yunus Ali 1865/2017 vs 246 Civil Revision Provat Chandra Mondal 3076/2017 vs md. Monowar Ali Most. Rahima Khatun and 257 Civil Revision Sirazul Islam others 3821/2001 vs Premtoli Degree College 247 Civil Revision Abdul Khaluqe 3963/2006 vs Mr. Akram Hossain Amin (with) Md. Badiyazzaman ots with Md. Shahadat Tanveer Amin,Advocates Civil Revision Abdul Khalaque ....For the petitioner. 3964/2006 vs Mr. Shah Md. Zahurul Md. Badiyazzaman Hoque,Advocate 248 Civil Revision Rahima Khatoon ...For the opposite party 508/2013 vs No.2.

Anowar Ali 258 Civil Revision Md. Osman Ali Mondal 249 Civil Revision Abul Kashem Sheikh 3603/2011 vs 3169/2011 vs Md. Nurul Islam

Abdur Razzaque Sheikh 259 Civil Revision Amal Ratan Nandi and and others 7942/1991 others 250 First Misc Appeal Shifar Banu vs 148/2014 vs Betagi Upazilla Nirbahi Mahfuza Begum and Officer and others other`s Mr. Md. Khurshedul Alam, 251 Civil Revision Dr. Shafizal Islam Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 3042/2011 vs Md. Borhan Uddin, Adv. Hosneara Begum for the o.p Mr. A.Y. Ahmed, Adv. for 260 Civil Revision Md. Alam petitioner 3678/2016 vs Mr. Md. Farid Uddin Haji Habibur Rahman and Ahmed,Adv. ...for O.P others 252 Civil Revision Tafazzal Kha, Mr. Nahid 261 Civil Revision Moslam Sheak 5390/2007 Mahtab, Adv...... for the 6689/2002 vs petitioner Abdur Razak Mreda vs 262 Civil Revision Moslem Ali Sheikh Golap Kha and others, Mr. 6705/2002 vs Serajur Rahman, Mozammel Hoque Mridha Adv...... for the o.p. 263 Civil Revision Azibar and others 253 Civil Revision Mst. Anwara Khatoon 122/2009 vs 3298/2015 vs Alladi Begum and others Md. Jalal Uddin 254 Civil Revision Saleha Khatun 2412/2012 vs Deputy Commissioner, B. Baria and others

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264 Civil Revision A. Basar 276 Civil Revision Sakawat Hossain 3629/2014 vs 389/2011 vs Md. Chan Kazi being dead Dhanda Miah his legal heirs: 1. (a) Babul 277 Civil Revision Md. Daud Husain Kazi 2240/2012 ,Gateman , 265 Civil Revision Rajibul Islam vs 4795/2015 vs Md. Aminul Islam T.C and Sakila Begum others Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Mr. Md. Mozammel Adv. for petitioner. Haque, Adv. for the 266 Civil Revision M/s. Kumilla Jute Mills petitioner, Mr. Md. Aminur 94/2011 vs Rashid (Raju), Adv. for the Bangladesh Jute o.p Corporation 278 Civil Revision Md. Sayed Ali and others 4175/2000 vs 267 Civil Revision Anowar and ors 4268/2015 vs Hobigonj Momtaz Ali and others Shamsul Hq and ors 279 Civil Revision Md. Syed Ali and others 4183/2000 vs 268 Civil Revision Uttam Kumar 400/2015 vs Hobigonj Momtaz Ali and others Mujibur Rahman 280 Civil Revision jamil Dhar

269 Civil Revision Bangladesh 3896/2009 vs Most Nurunnahar Khatam, 933/2001 vs Sri Sri Soshan Kali Mondir Mr.Chanchal Kumar Biswas,Adv...For the Petr., 270 Civil Revision Md. Delwar Hossain Mr.Tobarak

1693/2015 vs Hossain,Adv...For the O.P. Govt. of Bangladesh 281 Civil Revision Azizur Rahman and others 271 Civil Revision Sayed Golam Kibria 2581/2007 vs

4728/2015 vs Deputy Commissioner,

Rafique Sylhet and others 272 Civil Revision Jashim Uddin Laskar 282 Civil Revision Mahir Uddin Mondal

4732/2011 vs 5244/2004 vs

Niru Samsun Nahar and Md. Noshad Ali others Mr. Md. Abdul Latif, 273 Civil Revision Kutubuddin Bepari Adv...... for the petitioner

272/2005 vs 283 Civil Revision Asaddar Ali and others

Most. Salma Akter 3462/2000 vs 274 Civil Revision Parvin Akter BasoiBibi and others

3554/2016 vs 284 Civil Revision Kabir Ahmed alias Kabir

Abdul Quddus 113/1995 vs 275 Civil Revision Md.Johirul Alam Abdul Bashed and others

4391/2005 vs 285 Civil Revision Ajijul Bari and others

Abdul Jabber Mridha 239/2003 vs

Mr. Sadananda Rana, with Sultan Ahmed Majumder Mr. Md. Shiffir Ahmed, and others Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Abdul Hai Sarker, Adv. for the o.p

Page : 294 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 35]

286 Civil Revision Hafez Sakendar Hossain 296 Civil Revision nishit bonon mondal 695/2007 and others 4550/2006 vs vs khulna development Govt. of Bangladesh and authority others 297 Civil Revision Md. Muhibur Rahman and 287 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Razzak 3474/2014 others 203/2014 Howlader vs vs Md. Mujibur Rahman and Md. Nurul Haque others Howlader and Others 298 Civil Revision Md. Muhibur Rahman and 288 Civil Revision Most. Sabera Khatun 3473/2014 others 2831/2008 vs vs Younus Miah Md. Mujibur Rahman and Mr. Mahmudul Alam others Bhuiyan Adv. for 299 Civil Revision Md: abdul Motin petitioner. 424/2001 vs 289 Civil Revision Ayfaer Nessa and others Md: abdul rasid

3096/2007 vs 300 Civil Revision Khandker Zahidul Haque

Morium Bibi and others 2020/2017 vs 290 Civil Revision Md. Abudl Kader and Jannatul Ferdaus

502/2010 others 301 Civil Revision Govt. of Bangladesh

vs 2603/2014 vs

Govt. of Bangladesh and Md. Liakat Hossain others 302 Civil Revision Tarapad Biswas Mr. Md. Naseruddin 4404/2000 vs Chowdhury, Advocate Govt of Bangladesh ...... for the petitioner Ms. Ferdousi Akter, 303 Civil Revision Sree Shahdar Chandra Advocates 364/2001 Mondal and others ...... for the petitioner vs No. 2 Anil Kmar Mondal 291 Civil Revision Raza Miah 304 Civil Revision Bidhu Bhusan 2158/2017 vs 4350/2014 vs Jashim and others Fazlur Rahman 292 Civil Revision Mst. Rohima Khatun 305 Civil Revision Md. A. Latif 2516/2017 vs 2288/2008 vs Md. Badsha Md. A. Rohim Uddin 293 Civil Revision Abdul Latif 306 Civil Revision Siraj Ulaah 3748/2010 vs 1422/2011 vs Rahim Ali Sahadat Hossain 294 Civil Revision Hazi Md. Sayedul Haque 307 Civil Revision Md. Samsul Haque and 2167/2012 vs 475/2012 Others Md. Abdul Khalique Babul vs and others Anwara Begum and Others 295 Civil Revision Most. Rabeya Khatun and 308 Civil Revision Adir Ranjon das 24/2004 ors 822/2012 vs vs Shamal Chandra Das and Most. Shahar Banu and ors others

Page : 295 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 35]

309 Civil Revision Md. Abdur Rashid and ors 319 Civil Revision Md. Delwar Hossain Fakir 1673/2006 vs 4611/2009 vs Rui Das being died his Md. Humayun Kabir legal heirs Sreemoti Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Jamuna Bala and ors. Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. 310 Civil Revision Government of Bangladesh Mohammod Hossain, Adv. 1175/2015 vs for the o.p Khan Shaheb Moulvi 320 Civil Revision Md.Abdul Ali Abdul Hakim Mia 2791/2015 vs

311 Civil Revision Md.Mokhlesur Rahman Md.Asab Uddin 3278/2011 vs 321 Civil Revision Md. Nurul Islam alias Md. Shamsul Haque 2670/2012 Oniruddin Akonda vs

312 Civil Revision Nurul Islam Md. Nazimuddin Sheikh 1482/2007 vs and others Nure Alam 322 Civil Revision Jadab Bhattacharja and

313 Civil Revision Khalilur Rahman 750/2014 others vs 2280/1998 vs Government of Bangladesh Most. Jahanara Begum and Mr. Golam Ahmed, Adv. others for the petitioner 323 Civil Revision Moslum Uddin Howlader 3355/2008 vs 314 Civil Revision Mahiuddin Sheikh alias 600/2012 Md. Mahiuddin Ismail Howlader ors vs 324 Civil Revision Md: Momtaj Ali Promanik Abdus Salam Sheikh 3025/2004 vs

315 Civil Revision Md. Hanif Md: Habibur Rahaman 2498/2016 vs 325 Civil Revision Amina Kautn Soiuddin 2243/2014 vs Member Ali 316 Civil Revision Md. Satter Mollah and 3220/2012 others Mr. Rubaiyat Hossain, vs Adv. for the petitioner, Abdus Salam Mrs. Salma Sultana, Adv. for the o.p 317 Civil Revision Md. Delwar Hossain Fakir 326 Civil Revision Amena Khatun 4592/2009 vs Md. Humayun Kabir 2288/2014 vs Member Ali Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman for the petitioner Mr. K.M. Hafizul Alam, Mr. Mohammad Hossain Adv. for the petitioner, for the opposite party. Mrs. Salma Sultana, Adv. for the o.p 318 Civil Revision Md. Delwaar Hossain 327 Civil Revision Dr. Md. Shamsul Haque 4610/2009 Fakir vs 875/2010 Sikder and others vs Md. Humayun Kabir Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Md. Abul Bashar bepari, Naim ahmed, Adv. Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. Mohammod Hossain, Adv. ...for the OP. for the o.p

Page : 296 Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 35]

328 Civil Revision Pranab Paik 330 Civil Revision Horilal Mondal 1637/2010 vs 1991/1994 vs Meghnath Sen Khabir Sah 329 Civil Revision Md. Iqbal Khan Mondal 3299/2016 vs Oli Ullah Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 297

High Court Division Justice Muhammad Khurshid Alam Sarkar Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 16] [একক ে ে এং জ আ অে য়; কে আই অয় ইপ ও ইপ তেেক ত য় অে; ে আই অয় ক; ইং ে ডক আইে অ আেপ; ও ইং ে ক আই অয় আেপ; ংক ক আই ইং ( ইং ে ং আই) অয় আেপ; ল আই ( ইং ে ং আই) অয় আপল ও আেপ; ক জজ তত অ চেক ড ও আেে ে অ ,, টক ে এং ক জেজ েপ ড ও আেে ে ওয় ; য় এই ে ত ইে এং উপেখত য় ং ল ও আেপ।]

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 298

High Court Division Justice A. K. M. Shahidul Huq Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 31] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট); ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ কসযেফন।] For Hearing 7 Civil Revision Dulal mia and others

1 Civil Revision Abdul Hannan Pramanik, 72/2005 vs

1619/2005 Mr. Md. Ali Siddique, A k m Usuf and others Adv.....for the petitioner Civil Revision Md. Dulal Miah vs 4654/2004 vs Rafiqul Islam Pramanik A. K. M. Yosuf @ Monjil 2 Civil Revision Mahbub Uddin Sarker and Miah 6214/2001 ors 8 Civil Revision Md. Isratuddin Ahmed vs 1739/2013 Babul Afjal Hossain vs

3 Civil Revision safura bewa Rahimuddin being dead his 2157/1997 vs heirs: Fulaza Khatun Samsuddin and others 9 Civil Revision Seri Saribind Manta, Mr.

4 Civil Revision Kalu Mandal and others 795/1992 Shahadat Tanver Amin, 1817/2004 vs Adv...... for the petitioner

Muzabul Mandal and vs

others Golam Rabbani 5 Civil Revision ALi Akbar 10 Civil Revision Md. Ansar Ali Pramanik

1518/1999 vs 2955/2012 and others

Goverment vs Md. Hakim Uddin Mondal 6 Civil Rule Govt. of Bangladesh and others 832(con)/2012 vs Md. Rafiqul Islam Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 299

High Court Division Justice Ashish Ranjan Das Date : 24/06/2018 [Annex Building Court No. 14] [একক বে বেবন এবং নন জন ক জজ বতত অন বচেক ড ও আেদেশ বে অনূ ৬,০০,০০০ টক েন এবং ক জেজ ন নেপ ড ও আেদেশ বে দওয়ন ক এবং ব বয় এই বে নত ইেব এবং উপেখত বয়দ ং ল ও আেবদনপ ণ কেবন । ] For Hearing 4 Civil Revision Shova Rani Paul and

1 Civil Revision Sambhu Chaki alias Biplab 260/2010 others

4276/2007 Kumar Chaki Heard in part vs

With vs Ratan Ali Howlader

Abul Kasam Ors Mr.Deb dash Somaddar, Adv,.....For the Civil Revision Joy Gopal Chaki petitioner,Mr. Shahidul 4277/2007 vs Islam, Adv, for the Heard in part. Abul Kasam Akanda oppsoite parties. Mr. Md. Asadur Rahman, Adv. For the petitioiner.Mr. 5 Civil Revision Chand Mia

Nurul Amin,Adv...... for 121/1998 vs

the opposite party. Abdur Rahman 2 Civil Revision Manatash Halder 6 Civil Revision (1) Bodiar Rahman

6254/2001 vs 3156/2006 Zammader and another

Heard in part Makham Lal Halder vs

Mr. Debdas Samaddar, adv. (1) Horo Bilash Mondal for the petitioner, and ors Mr. Bivash Chandra, Adv. 7 Civil Revision Chowdhury Md. Hanif for the opposite party. 960/2016 Soeb and others

3 Civil Revision Abdus Subhan being dead vs

5161/2011 his heirs Saleha Khatun Sree Babul Chandra Heard in part and others. Biswas and others vs 8 Civil Revision Government of the Peoples Republic of 1348/2017 people`s Republic Bangladesh represented by vs Deputy Comissioner Md. Khoshal and others Sylhet. 9 Civil Revision Samsul Haq Mrs. Nahid Mahtab, Adv. 1713/2014 vs for the petitioner. Hanufa Ms. Purabi Rani Sharma , A.A.G. For the O.P. No. 1 , Md. Abdul Wahab Dewan Kajol, Adv. for the O.P. No. 11 Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 300

High Court Division Justice Mahmudul Hoque Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 28] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ভষ঱ন ; দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ ; অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴নেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৑,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট) ; ্োোৌ ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ (঳ংে঱ষধন) অধষেদ঱ ষযষ ঳ংে঱ষসধত ৌ৯৒্ইং ঳েনয গণসতসনসধ অধষেদ঱ ভষতষেফক "সনফষচনহ" আেফদনপ ; ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফময়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ন কসযেফন ।] For Hearing 7 Civil Revision Abdul Mazid

1 Civil Revision Sahida Bibi 1934/1998 vs

1658/1998 vs (Rajshahi) Abul Kalam Azad

(Joypurhat) Azizur Rahan Mr. Shariful Islam, Mr. Shahidul Islam, Advocate for the Petitioner Advocate For the 8 Civil Revision Ruhul Amin Sarker Petitioner 1350/1998 vs

2 Civil Revision Md. Shahjan Ali (Rajshahi) Hargram Trust Board

1484/1998 vs Mr. Monsur Habib, (Bogra) Md. Mofiz Uddin Akanda Advocate for the Petitioner Mozaffar Hossain 9 Civil Revision Sree Adir Kumer Mandal

3 Civil Revision Dulal Chandra Mondal 840/1998 vs

1498/1998 vs (Kurigram) Radha Ballab,

(Natore) Bhadra Mondal Mr. Mohammad Mr. Goutam Kumar Roy Ayenuddin, Advocate for Advocate For the the Petitioner Petitioner 10 Civil Revision Md.Montaz Ali

4 Civil Revision Abu Taher Md. Abdullah 574/1998 vs

3583/2009 vs (Chapai Nawabganj) Govt. of Bangladesh

(Narsingdi) Alhaj Moshina Khatun Mr. M. Ziaul Hasan, Mr. Probir Neogi, Senior Advocate for the Petitioner Advocate for the Petitioner 11 Civil Revision Md. Shohrab Ali

5 Civil Revision Abdul Malek Mollah 14/1998 vs

746/2007 vs (Joypurhat) Most. Monju Ara Bibi and (Gopalgonj) Kabiruddin Sheikh others

Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid, Mr. Shahidul Islam, Advocate for the Petitioner Advocate for the Petitioner 6 Civil Revision Abdul Sobhan 12 Civil Revision Most. Salma Khatun

1626/1998 vs 98/1998 vs

(Rajshahi) Government of Bangladesh (Chapai Nawabganj) Government of Bangladesh

Mr. Shariful Islam, Mr. A.K.M Asaduzzaman, Advocate for the Petitioner Advocate for the petitioner. Motion

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 301

High Court Division Justice Zafar Ahmed Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 24] [একক বে বেবন এবং নন জন ক জজ বতত অন বচেক ড ও আেদেশ বে অনূ ৬,০০,০০০ টক েন এবং ক জেজ ন নেপ ড ও আেদেশ বে দওয়ন ক এবং ব বয় এই বে নত ইেব এবং উপেখত বয়দ ং ল ও আেবদনপ ণ কেবন । ] For Hearing 5 Civil Revision Md. Mokbul Hosen Biswas

1 Civil Revision Md. Jamal Uddin 3703/1995 being dead his heirs 1(a) 3605/1995 vs (Chapainawabgonj) Md. Aynul haq Biswas and (Rangpur) Bangladesh Govt. others.

Mr. Akram Hossain, Adv. vs

... for the petitioner Emdadul Hoq Miah. Mr. Md. Serajur Rahman. 2 Civil Revision Md. Romijuddin Sarker Adv....for the petitioner. 445/2005 vs Mr. A.K.M. Asaduzzaman. (Bogra) Most. Halima Adv....for the o.p. Mr. Abul Kalam Mohiuddin, Adv. ... for the 6 Civil Revision Muji Ali

peitioner 262/1996 vs (Patuakhali) The State. 3 Civil Revision Sree Dino Bando Sarkar Mr. Abdul Kayum. 1158/2005 vs Adv....for the o.p. (Gaibandha) D.C Gaibandha. Bobash Chandra Mostafiz. 7 Civil Revision Md. Zafor Howlader and

Adv.....for the petitioner. 709/2015 others (Barisal) vs 4 Civil Revision Balka M, S, High School Md. Rezaul Karim and 602/2005 vs others (Gaibandha) Md. Abdul Jabbar, Mr. Abdur Rouf Akank, Adv, for the petitioner Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 302

High Court Division Justice Kashefa Hussain Date : 24/06/2018 [Main Building Court No. 23] [ একক ফে ফস঳েফন এফং নষনহয জন ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত অন সফচষযেকয আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদ঱ ও সডসয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসব঱ন ভষকভষ; অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আেফদনপ এফং একক ফে ঴ণেমষগ ঳কল লয়ষসজভষ সফলয় ও অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয থভ সফসফধ আপহল, থভ সফসফধ আপহল (েফট); ম ঳ফ সফলয় এই ফে ষনষসযত ঴ইেফ এফং উপেযষসসখত সফলয়ষসদ ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ঴ণ কসযেফন।] For Hearing 4 Civil Revision Narayan Chandra Dey Das

1 Civil Revision Abdul Zalil Talukder 6727/2001 vs

321/1996 vs (District-Manikgonj) Asst. Comm. (Land) (District-Jhalakhati) Abdul Zabbar Khalifa 5 Civil Revision Md. A. Kuddus Khan

2 Civil Revision Monju Mia 2338/2010 vs

8707/1991 vs (District-Manikgonj) Md. Moslem Khan (District-Kurigram) Md. Nurul Huda 6 Civil Revision Dhalku Nuniya

3 Civil Revision Tara Sheikh being 1675/2005 vs

3858/2006 dead:1(ka)Md. Habi (District-...... ) Panna Lal Shaha (District-Manikgonj) Sheikh 7 Civil Revision Dhalku Nuniya vs 1677/2005 vs Eshaque Mridha (District-...... ) Panna Lal Shaha

Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 303

High Court Division Justice Md. Abu Ahmed Jamadar Date : 24/06/2018 [Old Building Court No. 4] [একক বে বেবন এবং নন জন ক জজ বতত অন বচেক ড ও আেদেশ বে অনূ ৬,০০,০০০ টক েন এবং ক জেজ ন নেপ ড ও আেদেশ বে দওয়ন ক এবং ব বয় এই বে নত ইেব এবং উপেখত বয়দ ং ল ও আেবদনপ ণ কেবন । ] For Hearing 5 Civil Revision Dr. Nurul Islam

1 Civil Revision The State and others. 3460/2002 vs

5708/2002 vs Jhenaidha Aroj Ali Biswas and others

Barishal Waliullah Bepari and Adv. Mr. Deb Das others. Samadder, Advocate

Mr. Joynal Abedin. A.A.G...... for the petitioner Advocate for the petitioner. 6 Civil Revision Ripon

2 Civil Revision Lutfor Rahman Molla 3306/2012 vs

6374/2002 vs Gazipur Md. Akram Ali Bagerhat Sukanta Kumar Biswas 7 Civil Revision Ripon

3 Civil Revision Md.Razaul Karim 1763/2009 vs

6303/2002 vs Madaripur Md. Akram Ali Kushtia Md.Zahangir Alam 8 Civil Revision Md. Maminul Islam ,

4 Civil Revision Md.Abdur Rob 478/2012 vs

4131/2002 vs Gaibandha Md. Sams Uddin Bhola Alhaz Mvi.Shamsul Hoque and others Mr. Mokbul Hossain, Adv. For the Petitioner Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 304

High Court Division ...... Date : 24/06/2018 [Blank List 1] [ ম কষয ভষভলষ নষনহ ঴ইেফ: দওয়ষনহ কষমসফসধ আইেনয ৪ৌ অডষেযয ৌৌ ল অন঺মষয়হ নষনহয জন অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয আপহল ; অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয সতহয় আপহল, সতহয় সফসফধ আপহল ও থভ সফসফধ আপহল ঳঴কষযহ জজ ফতহত সফচষযেকয আেদেশয সফে অন঻ ৬,োো,োোো টষকষ ভষেনয এফং ঳঴কষযহ জেজয ভষন সনযেপ আেদেশয সফে দওয়ষনহ ল ও দওয়ষনহ সযসবশন ভষকভষ এফং তৎ঳ংষ ল ও আেফদনপ ।] For Hearing 13 Civil Revision Kuthai Miah Death of

1 Civil Revision Moslem Ali Howlader and 3830/2005 Ruhul Ahmed and others .

479/1996 others vs

Barguna vs Bangladesh Govment and Bano Bibi others . 2 Civil Revision Md. Ansar Ali Tarafder 14 Civil Revision Md. Hazi Abdul Gani

3691/1999 vs 8197/1991 vs

Jessore Md. Amir Ali and others Habigonj Md. Nur Ali 3 Civil Revision Arshed Ali 15 Civil Revision Hakim Abdus Satter

234/2003 vs 3961/1997 vs

Kushtia Md. Eshaque Comilla Mofjoler Rahmad 4 Civil Revision Sikandar Miah 16 Civil Revision Farida Begam

1390/1998 vs 3971/1997 vs

Moulovi Bazar Saidul Haque Brahmanbaria miah Hossain 5 Civil Revision Abdus Salam and others . 17 Civil Revision Al-Haj Md.A.Hasib

4488/2005 vs 3825/1997 vs

Comilla Milan Miah and others . Sylhet Md.A.Wahab 6 Civil Revision Jahir Ahmed 18 Civil Revision Most.Rahima Khatun

4620/2005 vs 3763/1997 vs

Bangladeha Govt and Comilla Goges Chondro Bhoumik others.Mr.Mohammad 19 Civil Revision Md. Shamsul Huq Ali,Adv....for the petitioner 5039/1991 vs

7 Civil Revision Mohammad Ali and others Noakhali Sree Moti Anurupa and 3779/2005 . others.

vs Mr. Ruhul Amin. Adv...for Bangladesh and others . the petitioner. Mr. Md. Abdul Aziz. 8 Civil Revision Mahiuddin Adv...for the o.p. 3283/2005 vs Noakhali Bangladesh and others 20 Civil Revision Khorsheda Begum 9636/1991 vs 9 Civil Revision Manofanjan Halder and ors Comilla Jabada Khatun and others 4019/1996 vs Comilla Khirode Behari Sadial 21 Civil Revision Md. Abul Hossain 5609/1991 vs 10 Civil Revision Ali Ahmad Chittagong A. Abdul Malek 4279/1996 vs Cox`s Bazar Md.Kalo 22 Civil Revision Baitus Saraf Faundetion 2663/1997 Ltd 11 Civil Revision Magnomay Malakar Chittagong vs 2415/1996 vs The Ctg: City Corporation Sylhet Tacir Ali 23 Civil Revision Syed Md.Majirul Islam 12 Civil Revision Makur Ali 9952/1991 and others 3480/1996 vs Sylhet vs Sylhet B.R.D.C. Sylhet Abdul Gafur And others Mr. Md. Ali Ahmed. Adv.for the petitioner. 24 Civil Revision Pronesh Chandra Das 1430/1989 vs Netrokona U.N.O. Mr.A.K.M.Habibur Rahman,Adv.for the applicants.

Page : 305 Date : 24/06/2018 [Blank List 1]

25 Civil Rule Nazrul Islam 38 Civil Revision Sri KAmal Kanta 34/1988 vs 2282/2002 vs Manikgonj Govt. Rangpur Haras chandra barman 26 Civil Revision Syed Ali Khan 39 Civil Rule Md. Jashim Uddin and 771/1987 vs 1114(Con)/2015 others Tangail Chan Khan Munshigonj vs

27 Civil Revision Most Manzura Banu Abdul Kuddus Shorif 239/1989 vs 40 Civil Revision Junab Ali Saiyal Dhaka Chan Khan and others 2373(Con)/2002 vs

28 Civil Revision Abdul Hakim Mollah Sariyatpur A. Rob Saiyal 398/1987 vs 41 Civil Revision Md. Joynal Abedin Faridpur Additional Deputy 826/2001 vs Commissioner, Faridpur Jamalpur Md. Azizul Haque and others 42 Civil Rule Gulbahar Bibi 29 Civil Revision Ekramul Haq 413(F.M)/2006 vs 4612/1991 vs Dhaka Mazi Bibi

Comilla Aminul Haq and others 43 Civil Revision Most Sakerin Begum Eti 30 Civil Revision Md. Fazlul Rahman Mizi 3535/2016 vs 4353/1991 and others Dhaka Mohammad Nur Ahmed Chandpur vs and others

Md. Harunor Rashid and 44 Civil Revision Syed Ali Sarder other 5159/2000 vs 31 Civil Revision Atul Chandra Sarker Rajbari Aftab Uddin Miah

8542/1991 vs 45 Civil Revision Ariful Islam

Chandpur Kalipada Mukharjee and 5353/2000 vs others Mymensingh Md. Nurul Islam 32 Civil Revision Md. Fazlur Rahman Mizi 46 Civil Revision Sheikh Awal

8753/1991 and others 5331/2000 vs

Chandpur vs Dhaka Md. Hossain Md. Harun or Rashid and 47 Civil Revision Md. Shamim Hossain others 4437/1999 Chowdhury 33 Civil Revision Sree Purna Chandra Paul Rajbari vs

8664/1991 vs Farida Yesmin Chumki Habigonj Sunil Chandra Debnath 48 Civil Revision Anuwara Begum 34 Civil Revision Md. Shahjahan Ali Mollah 4458/1999 vs

1361/2010 vs Rajbari Most. Jahanara Begum Natore Sree Nogendra nath Sarder 49 Civil Revision Md. Anwar Hossain and 35 Civil Revision Md. Gafuruddin 650/2017 others

317/2012 vs Joypurhat vs

Thakurgaon Mojiruddin Most. Arjamunnesa 36 Civil Revision Abdul Bari Mondal andothers 1028/2000 vs Mr. Md. Mozammel Bogra Quashem Ali Mondal Haque, Advocate.....for the 37 Civil Revision Sakil Bibi petitioner 2036/2002 vs Naogaon Khatun Bibi

Page : 306 Date : 24/06/2018 [Blank List 1]

50 Civil Revision Imam Hossain Matbar 57 Civil Revision Syeda Khatun 2916/1992 vs 1837/2005 vs Shariatpur Govt. of Bangladesh Brahmanbaria Md. Ashraful Hoq 51 Civil Revision Gita Ranio Shaha Choudhury 2652/1992 vs Mr.Rab Sarker Rajbari Jibon Chandra Shaha Chakrabarty,Adv...... For the petitioner. 52 Civil Revision Jabed Ali Fakir 58 Civil Revision Nurun nahar begom 2947/1992 vs Mymensingh Rashik Chandra Khatrya 1672/2005 vs Chittagong Mst.Salma khatun 53 Civil Revision Mahibur Rahman 59 Civil Revision Sirajul Islam 2911/1992 vs Narayangonj Md. Chan Miah 1901/2005 vs Sunamgonj Md.Ashik Mia 54 Civil Revision Md. Shabuddin Miah 2608/1992 vs 60 Civil Revision Abul Kasam 1497/2005 vs Mymensingh Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh Feni Bangladesh 55 Civil Revision Md. Shohrab Ali 61 Civil Revision Hajera bagom 1757/2005 vs 2942/1992 vs Sherpur Md. Bazlur Rahman Lakshmipur Khurshid Ara Bagom 56 Civil Revision Md. panaullah @ Pandap 2593/1992 Ali Miah Narayangonj vs Md. Shona Miah Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 307

High Court Division ...... Date : 24/06/2018 [Blank List 2] [ ক ল নন ইে: নন জন একক ে ণেগ ৗজদ ক ৃ ত আল; ৗজদ ন ও ে ক এং উেখত য়দ ং ল ও আেদন ণ কেন । ] For Hearing 9 Criminal Appeal Estiaquddin @ Rafique

1 Criminal Appeal Jabbar 329/1993 vs

2283/1993 vs The State

The State Mr. M.L. Bhowmik. Mr. M.A. Aziz. Adv.for the Adv.for the petitoner. petitoner. 10 Criminal Appeal Moshiul Azam

2 Criminal Appeal Md. Rais Uddin 1861/1993 vs

1799/1993 vs The State

The State Mr. M.A. Razzaque Miah. Mr. Md. Abdur Razzaque Adv.for the petitoner. Miah. Adv.for the 11 Criminal Appeal Abdus Salam petitoner. 912/1993 vs

3 Criminal Appeal Mashiru @ Moshiur The State

2531/1993 Rahman Mr. Gour Gopal Saha. vs Adv.for the petitoner. The State 12 Criminal Appeal Selim @ another Mr. M.M. Haider Ali. 481/1993 vs Adv.for the petitoner. The State

4 Criminal Appeal Sentu Miah Mr. Mohammed Shamsul 680/1993 vs Alam. Adv.for the The State petitioner. Mr. Shawkat Ali Khan. 13 Criminal Appeal Monir Ahmmad @ Monir Adv.for the petitoner. 1248/1993 vs

5 Criminal Appeal Md. Jasim Uddin Khan The State

472/1993 Rabi Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam. vs Adv.for the petiitoner. The State 14 Criminal Appeal Ali Hossain Gera Mr. Md. Mansur Ali. 694/1993 vs Adv.for the petitoner. The State

6 Criminal Appeal Md. Wahiduzzaman @ Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid. 1520/1993 Ripon Adv.for the petitionr. vs 15 Criminal Appeal Md. Montu @ Nazrul The State 1616/1993 Islam Mr. Md. Momtaj Uddin. vs Adv.for the petitioner. The state

7 Criminal Appeal Md. Abdul Kashem Mr. Nowab Ali. Adv.for 2388/1993 vs the petitioner. The State 16 Criminal Appeal Badiul Alam @ Badia Mr. S.M. Zillur Hoq. 430/1993 vs Adv.for the petitoner. The state

8 Criminal Appeal Abdul Barik Kha @ others Mr. Fazlul Karim. Adv.for 471/1993 vs the petitioner. The State 17 Criminal Appeal Mahfuzul Alam Rabin Mr. S.M.G Amirullah 211/1993 vs Chowdhury. Adv.for the The state petitoner. Mr. Aminul Islam. Adv.for the petitoner.

Page : 308 Date : 24/06/2018 [Blank List 2]

18 Criminal Appeal Md. Ibrahim Mia @ 20 Criminal Appeal Jahur Uddin @ others 176/1993 Ibrahim 276/1993 vs vs The state The state Mr. Tabarak Hussain. Mr. M.A. Aziz. Adv.for the Adv.for the petitioner. petitionr. 19 Criminal Appeal Anil Chandra Sarkar 103/1993 vs The state Mr. Abdul Barek Chowdhury. Adv.for the petitoner. Supreme Court of Bangladesh Page : 309

High Court Division ...... Date : 24/06/2018 [Lawazima Court] ( বলা ২ ঘকা) (a) Civil Rules (c) First Appeal 1 Civil Revision Md. Ibrahim 6 First Appeal Pradip Kumar Nandy 3134/2012 vs 87/2018 vs Dhaka Md. Zalimuddin Naogaon Manager, Bangladesh Mr. A. K.M Shamsul Commerce Bank Ltd. Haque Adv. for petioner. Mr. Shasti Sarker Adv. for 2 Civil Revision Md. Saifur Rahman appellant. 456/2017 vs 7 First Appeal ------Dhaka Asaduzzaman and others 152/2018 vs Mr. M.A Yousuf Adv. for Khulna ------petitioner. Mr. Abul Kalam 3 Civil Rule Most. Sufia Begum Mainuddin Adv. for 387(Fm)/2017 vs appellant. Dhaka Md. Abdul Hossain and 8 First Appeal ------others 222/2018 vs Mr. Mohd. Mozibur Dinajpur ------Rahman Adv. for Mr. Syed A.T Muzzafor petitioner. Ali Adv. for petitioner. (b) First Misc. Appeal (d) Second Appeal 4 First Misc Appeal Md. Bellal Kazi

119/2018 vs (e) Report of the Stamp Reporter Kushtia Haroon or Rashid and others Mr. Md. Saidul Alam Khan (f) Chamber of taxing officer (2-15PM) Adv. for appellant. 5 First Misc Appeal ------(g) As per Section 5 of Court Fees Act.

165/2018 vs Dinajpur ------Mr. Md. Sajjad Ali Chawdhury Adv. for appellant.