INFOGRAPHIC in Latin America and the Caribbean

Health-care What is Hepatitis? 2002 workers Hepatitis is an in ammation of the liver commonly caused by hepatitis virus. Among health-care workers, 65-80% of and 55% of cases were due to Types of viruses and what they can cause needle stick injuries. There are ve types of hepatitis viruses: A B C D and E

These viruses cause acute and chronic infections and liver in ammation, that may lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer and, even, death. 2009 Blood bags

+ 99% were screened for markers Symptoms of hepatitis B and C viruses Hepatitis may present as acute or chronic infection. + 78,000 donations were positive for hepatitis B or C viruses ACUTE INFECTION Acute infection may present without symptoms or with limited symptoms. Typical symptoms of hepatitis are jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), dark urine, extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting th World and abdominal pain. 28 CHRONIC INFECTION Hepatitis Chronic infection may lead to cirrhosis, liver failure or liver cancer. Hepatitis B and C viruses are the main cause of chronic hepatitis in July Day millions of people.


A E Through ingestion of contaminated food or water. Through lack of basic hygiene, such as hand washing before eating or after using the restroom. can also be Argentina, Panama and transmitted through contaminated blood. A Uruguay have introduced vaccine in their immunization B C Through contact with infected blood programs. The use of D or sexual contact without protection, s viru the vaccine is recommended in including oral one. By receipt of Hepatitis B contaminated blood through transfusions, other countries because the risk of outbreaks organs transplants, invasive procedures (ex. and cases is increasing among teenagers and adults. injection or tattoo with reused needle) and mother to newborn transmission. All countries have ocially has B introduced hepatitis B D particular impact in the vaccination in their routine Amazonian region, Prevention immunization childhood especially among programs. indigenous populations. Preventive measures change depending on the type of hepatitis virus and the routes of transmission. However, Between 7 and 9 million Little is known about an easy way to prevent infection is using basic hygiene C adults are estimated to E hepatitis E in the region. rules and safe sex, avoid contact with infected blood and be infected by hepatitis However, some countries ingestion of contaminated food and water; as well as C virus. have detected outbreaks through vaccination (hepatitis A and B). and an elevated number of cases in the population.

PAHO key actions Establishment of hepatitis national plans and programs in the Americas countries.

Use of an integrated approach in the ght against hepatitis in the Americas; including prevention, control, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of all hepatitis viruses.

Commemoration of World Hepatitis Day in the Americas countries.

Pan American Health Hepatitis B virus image, CDC Organization