Buckinghamshire. Bledlow

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Buckinghamshire. Bledlow DIRECTORY. ] BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. BLEDLOW. 37 'Thorne J oseph, Bell inn Jeffs Thomas, duck breeder Howman Edward Davison West Kate (Mrs.), beer retailer King' Geo. Seven Stars P.H. &:. grazier Brill Fred1ericik, cowkeeper 1Yhite Richard, duck breeder Roads Ann (IMrs.), gl'llzier &:. farmer Chappin Frederick, duck breede!" Woodward Alfd. Chas. beer retailer Vright Albert, farmer Gray Henry, duck breeder White George, beer retailer Grist In.Wesley,com.tl'av.Sunny bnk BROUG1HTON. Horwood William, grocer Bates Wm.mllr. (water),Broughton m: nURCOTT. King John, farmer, HilPs Charity fnn Horwood Geo. Jas. landowner &; farmr Grist John W·esley, Sunny bank Thorne Walliam, duck breeder :BLEDLOW is a parish, on the borders of Oxford' soil is in some parts chalk loam, other parts stiff clay; shire, with a station one mile north of the village, on subsoil, chalk, or ragstone and clay. The chief crops are .the Wycombe, Aylesbury, Thame and Oxford branch of wheat, beans, peas and barley. The area is 4,112 acres; the Greltt Western railway, 44 miles from London, 2! assessable value, £4,187; the population of the civil parish miles west-south-west from Princes Risborough and 5~ in 1891 was 978, which includes Bledlow Ridge, Pitch east-south-east from Thame, in the Mid division of the Green, half a mile north, Rout's Green 2! miles south, county, in the hundred of Aylesbury, petty sessional Forty Green, I! north-west, Skittle Green, three-quarters division of Desborough second division, union of Wy- of a mile north-west, and Holly Green, I north, and of .combe, county court district of High Wycombe, rural the ecclesiastical, 580. deanery of Aylesbury, archdea.conry of Buckingham and Sexton, Richard Piggott. diocese of Oxford. The Princes Risborough and Wat- lington railway passes through. The church of the BLEDLOW RIDGE is an ecclesiastical parish formed lIoly Trinity, restored in 1876 at a cost of £1,400, is in 1868 and is 3 miles south from Bledlow village, in an ancient structure of flint and .stone, in the Transition the rural deanery of Wycombe. The church of St. Paul, Norman style with Decorated windows and derestory consecrated by the late Bishop of Oxford, July 13th, .added, and consists of chancel, clerestoried nave of 1868, is a building of flint with Bath stone fa.cings, in lour bays, aisles, south porch and a western tower con- the Early English' style, and consists of chancel and taining 5 bells: the inner doorway of the south porch is nave with south porch, and a western turret contain­ very fine, consisting of a pointed arch with small cir- ing I bell, and the church contains an organ added by .cular shafts of Early English date; on the right of the vicar: the cost of building, with purchase of site, this door there is an unusually large holy-water stoup; including burial ground and endowment, was over {lver the outer door is a dial and near the entrance the £4,000, defrayed chiefly by Mrs. Grace, of Eastbourne: ,tone base of an ancient cross: the north aisle contains there are 230 sittings. The register dates from the a canopied niche and a double piscina, and the south aisle year 1861. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value bas also a piscina and retains traces of two recessed tombs: £186, with residence, in the gift of five trustees, and 'in the chancel is a brass of a former vicar (1525) in Eucha- held since 1868 by the Rev. John Hillmer RA. of ristic vestments: the walls of the nave and aisles bear Trinity College, Cambridge. There is a Wesleyan Metho­ traces of some ancient paintings: the font is of Norman dist chapel, built in 1887. The area of the ecclesiastical date, elaborately carved, and there are several tablets of parish is 1,738 acres; the popUlation in 1891 was 39B. the early part of the last century to members of the Parish Clerk, Jonah Britnell. lillancks family: since 1895 a new chancel screen, altar Letters arrive at 9.30 a.m. from Tetsworth via Stoken- table and litany desk, all executed by Mr. Harry Hems, of church (Oxon) Exeter, and four stained windows have been provided: Stokenchurch is the nearest money order office, and there are 2II sittings: the churehyard is bounded on the Wei'1t Wycombe, telegraph office east by a deep and woody glen, into which several springs of water fall, and, uniting, form a small lake called" The Post Office, Bledlow. Herbert Stratford Brazell, sub-post- Lyde," in which large quantities of watercress are grown master. Letters arrive from Princes Risborough S.O. 101' the London markets. The register dates from the by foot post at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 4.20 p.m. &:. a year 1592. The living is a discharged vicarage, net yearly Ilecond dispatch via Oxford at 6.5 p.m. Postal orders value £IlO, including 134 acres of glebe, with residence, are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money in the gift -of Earl Carrington, and held since 1895 by. order &:. telegraph office is at Princes RisborouO'h, 3 the Rev. John Frederi.ck Stephen Pritchitt, of Charsley's miles distant '" Hall, Oxford. There is a small Wesleyan chapel Wall Letter Boxes.-Pitch Green, cleared 8,40 a.m. &:. 4·5 here, and another at Bledlow Ridge. The school of the &; 7·5 p.m.; Railway station, cleared at 8.30 a.m. &; Wycombe union, occupying what was formerly the work- 3·55 &:. 7. 15 p.m. week days only; Bledlow Ridge, cleared Muse, is here: there are four acres of land adjoining 4. 20 p.m.; 9·35 a.m. sundays fne school, which are cultivated by the boys, and the Schools. girls do most of the domestic work. The charities produce £62 yearly, inclusive of rent for the poor's land A School Board of 5 members was formed 27 Dec. ()f 35 acres for fuel; the principal testators have been- 1873, W. T. Pycraft Padbury, High Wycombe, clerk Henry Smith in 1608, John Blanoks in 1671, Marg. to the board; J. W. Avery, attendance officer llabham in 1672, and Edmund Slaughter in 1831. On Boam School (mixed), Bledlow Ridge, built in 1874, &; a lofty hill in this parish is a Greek cross, cut into the enlarged in 1898, <for 124 children; average attendance, turf, and similar to that at Whiteleat in Monks Ris- 66; John William Turner, master borough, and is said to have been cut by the Saxons to Parochial (mixed), built in 1868, &; enlarged in 1891, for commemorate a victory over the Danes. Earl Carring- 13'5 children; average attendance, 96 ; Edwin Cation, ton and the Provost and Fellows of Eton College are master . lords of the manor. The principal landowners are Earl Wycombe Union (mixed), average attendance, 66; Geo. Carrington P.C., G.C.M.G. Eton College, James Brit- Harold Quint, master; Mrs. Edith Sarah Quint, matron Illell esq. and Messrs. Gibbons and Alfred Crouch. The Railway Station, John Greenaway, station master :BLEDLOW. Elmes Maurice, Queen P.H Wooster Edwa.rd Lee, farmer, Manor Folley William, Holly green Folley Fredk Jas. farmer, West field House farm Roberts George Holm lodge Folley James. Red Lion P.R l'ritchitt Rev. John Frederick Stephen Folley John, farmer, Manor farm BLEDLOW RIDGE. lVright Hobert, Rosedeen Folley William, builder, Pitch green PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gomme Chares, carpenter Dearsley Mrs. The Firs OOKMERCIAL. Gomme Edwin, jun. carpenter, Pitch Hillmer Rev. John RA. Vicarage Austin Herbert James, paper maker green Joslin Henry C. Loxboro' hOllse(postal (Joseph Austin, manager),Bledlow&; Grange John, farmer, Forty green address-High Wycombe) North mills (409) Greenaway Thomas, Seven Stars P.H. COMMERCIAL. Avery James William, assistant over- Station Avery Geo. farmer &:. aSilist. overseer 8eer&~chl.attendance officr.Piteh grn Heybourn Thomas, shopkeeper Britnell James &:. Sons, farmers Avery Willaby, farmer, Brewhouse fm Hill Thomas, beer retailer &; butcher, Britnell Jonah, beer retailer Bowler Jesse, poultry brdr.Forty grn Pitch ~reen Brooks John, farmer Ihazell Herbert Stratford, grocer &:. Newell William, blacksmith &:. beer Edmonds Albert Charles, Light post office, Church end retailer, Perry lane Dragoon P.H lJumhamGeQ.poultry breeder,Forty gn Reading Thomas, farmer, Pitch green E~g-leton Francis, farmer, Radnag& Brooks John, fal'IIler &:. miller (water), ;;;topps Jacob. farmer. Holly green Bottom farm Holly green Walker Thos. farmer, Bakehouse frm Farey John, farmer, Shinnal's farm CQrey James, boot maker Watts Edwin, poultry farmer,Ford ho Fpssey Geor!!'e, farmer Dester Achille, poultry farmer, Sand- Wp'h-tPl" 'fhoma!l, bakpr, Ford IFeasey Wil1iam. farmer pit lane White Robt. Old Three Crowns P.H IGomme John, farmer.
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