Pleistocene Bathyal Molluscan Assemblages from Southern Italy
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia volume luj numero 3 tavole 1-10 pagine 389-426 Dicembre 1997 PLEISTOCENE BATHYAL MOLLUSCAN ASSEMBLAGES FROM SOUTHERN ITALY ITALO DI GERONIMO & RAFAEL LA PERNA Key-llbrds: Bathyal benthos, Molluscs, Pleistocene, Mediterra- greater depth, probably not exceeding 1,000 m, is suggested for the nean, Southern Italy, Systenatics, Paleoecology. other two. Taxonomic affinities with nonheast Atlantic and more gene- Riassunto. Sono state studiate quattro faune a molluschi batiali rally with World Ocean deep-sea molluscan faunas are remarkable. provenienti da depositi pleistocenici dell'italia meridionale (Calabria The Plio-Quaternary evolution of the deep Mediterranean benthos is e Messina). Vengono segnalate 136 specie, 24 sono trattate nella pane discussed. sistematica e 35 sono illustrate. Le seguenti nuove combinazioni vengono proposte: Solariella marginulata (Philippi, 1844), Ipbitus tenuisculptus (Seguenza, 1876), Introduction. Benthomangelia tenuicostdta (Seguenza, 1879), Cbrysallid,a rnicroscala- ria (Seguenza, 1876), Ennucula corbuloides (Seguenza, 1877), Ennucula Although Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean molluscs rotundata (Seguenza, 7877), Tbestyleda cuspiddtd (Philippi, 1844), Ka- have been investigated since the last century, the deep- tadesmia confusa (Seguenza, 1877), Austrotindaria pusio (Philipp| sea have 1844), Austrotindaria salicmsis (Seguenza, 1877). I generi Fissurisepta forms been disregarded for a long time. Diffi- Seguenza, 1862, Solariella'Wood, 1842, Ennucula kedale, 7931, The- culties in finding deep-sea deposits, located mainly in styleda lredale, 7929, Ledella Verrill 8c Bush, 1897, Yold.iella Verrill & areas affected by strong Plio-Quaternary tecronics, lo'w Bush, 1892, Batlryspinula Filatova, 7958, Katadesrnia Dall, 7908, Au- density of deep-sea macrofaunas, and taxonomic com- strotindaria Fleming, 1948 e Cadulus Philippi, 1844 sono tassonomi- camente commentatì.
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