


Citizens crowd council chambers to deplore killing of island gator By Caren Herman Staff Wnttr More than 50 angry resident crowded S lnibcl council chambers Tuc diy to proii^t the rccenl dt tructlon or an island alllgitor by staU officials "' • 'iv'i^V ,•« t "*W ft Do/en of people urged the clt> to protect ° the 1 land alligator and bcra'cd Wild Lime £ Drive TL idcnl Tracy Walter who they * as cried sent the alligator to it death Jan • uary 19 Large gators, like the one shown above, continue to cause controversy __ Comphint from Walters to the Fl li and C line Commls Ion in Lakel tnd ib ut T nui Trice alllfi Uur brought tite handler to S init el Without city knowledge or approval Concern aired about Captiva erosion; they removal a len and a half foot alligitor from the pond behind Wallers' home, prompt- Sanibel rejects management meeting ing charges that he circumvented cfly auihor- By MaxFrlcdersdorf. " . The commissioners are "contemplating a it> to'handle nuisance alligators. Staff Writer „ . major $6.1 million .replenishment of the An endangered American crocodile in the Public concent about visible erosion on beach in 1395'and SS.3 million in 2001. same pond was transported to the state's biol- Captiva's recently-renourished beaches stir- . Si Campbell also told the commissioners pre- ogy department, according to Bill Mills, assis- faced Wednesday night during the Captiva" ; sent .studies are underway to'see if the cr.rrr-at tant city . Erosion Prevention District Board of Com croiinij' "ho! spots" can be addressed in the in- Dut Walters argued Tuesday that he was act- - mlssloner's monthly meeting. terim by fining in sand now. ing in desperation because the city of Sani- Newly-appointed Commissioner" Jack Zwick and two. other commissioners. bel failed to do anything about the alligator Zwlck commented "some areas (of the beach) Shirlee Starr and.Doris Bowen'reported re- in his backyard, despite numerous coin- are not doing so good." and added, "people lock ceiving calls questioning the need for a new plaints. out the window and are disenchanted." study of off shore sand sources involving To project his children, ages three and six - Zwick and the three other commissioners . drilling.. . - monthsrWallcrs, installed a fence, without -' present won quick reassurance from Tom The commissioners said the complainants cltv. permits, but the alligator crawled under. Campbell, the District's beach replenishment Slvd rods were put into the ground under the reported $200,000 had been spent on similar ' engineer, that overall erosion along the In- research ln'l9Sl and, the new study was fence to further impede the reptile, and it land's shore line was not excessive- uorked in some places, he noted. ^'wasting money." .. " •--- : Campbell, however, did.acknowledge that Campbell responded to the commissioners* Walters claimed lie did nnl order, the alliga three "hot-spots,", where the beach was wash- queries that" the '81 study was conducted tor Killed. tf Ing out. had developed since tin: S10 million within a mile of the shore line, and the new The execution, he said,.was carried out by' project was completed in l!)80. - workgoes beyond those limits. V. state officials who deemed It necessary- be- One of the spots was Identified as being lo- ^Campbe-l! defended the new studvraliuiling lause the alligator was aggressive. cated in the South Scas^Plnntaiion area ami ; to'the discovery of "very promising [srindj Walters charged that the death oftiit' alltga- another along Captiva Drive where the paye- sources" beyond the old study parameters. toi should be blamed, in part, on his. neigh- merit turns eastward toward Timmy's Nook\ At the outset of thjfmceting the comm's- bors', including Sanibel City Councilman . • Restaurant. The third "hot spol" was not iden- MarkAVcstail. tified. •please sec page 2A At least two areas along the lake were cleared by Wcstall and area residents to pro- vide room for ihe alligitor lo liy in the sun Sanibel trying to stop Captiva, a capitalist W liters s He dining int. stormv mu Hi g which brought Ukvlsi in en. us from the bridge to Silver Key junk yard, says Castro mi nldud rhosc bisklng areas lurul Iran (tht ilii iias Fidel Casi.ro got his eye on another is- gators) oul of tin, Simlinr\ Tin st itc si\s lind? ,, dontencour itji Hum Is it right to tktulnt (hi This Is the burning question Captiva resi- state is isklng vou not lu do espici i\\\ «.nut dents will be asking themselves this week \ou are on tht con itil° Walltrs asked point afer word spreads aUotil the article on Robert t(}}\ Kauschenbcrg lit the January issue of the I ci likt. lu ii vilt, U Brown ejemn again lo Jonnial:.pr Art published in New York City. how him what Ins biti irnUd in a rt den According to the magazine, when " li il neighbor' ood he *A inied Rriuschenbcrg, Capliva's famous artist and land owner, was visiting li: Cuba In 1988, he But Tiitsd iv s audience w is not stlrrLtl b) s V ilttrs concerns nor inu t illtrs undtr ? muted Castro to spend a weekend on Captiva. slnod On I Lbrnrv 1 Wilti s r ji't d police to « The magazine quotes Castro as responding. complain ibn U thrct. phont cills h" rtctivtd Rut *.lial would I possibly do thcre?^Arcnt OIK liulli UlniMn would pi> lor h ivinf tht. there tires and refrigerators and automobiles ihi(,tior killed on the ocean floor?" Titls Is supposed *o be i sanctuar> for The magazine surmises thai Castro appar- ulldllft 1 In i nits igi for * IK people who ently pictures the United Staled, in general... ion I \\ ml t' o 1st lith our illii,^" s mil Cuptlva. in particular,.as a 'fliant sloufth- lh(n lie im I .i (in c jjsew i> i\it and we pit overflowing wittrthc tossed off amenities won d bt \t \ ]]i u t If lht> wi n d use The Sanibel City Council continues to dis- of capitalism." '"' siiil Vice K i cuss what to do with Silver Key, if anything, So, pf rliaps, Caplivaiis arc safe from an In- Trarv dedilrfH Yt\c nn the edge of'Ding' now that the bridge to the island, at location \ isiri from the hemisphere's most notorious shown abisiv, has been approved by the State Leninist; saved by Castrojs own special view of • please see page 2A of Florida. See story on Page A7,.-.: the world. '^-\

- o < REPTILE - : did In his own backyard." noted Mark Wcslnll. •£j • from page ^ A '" ° : "Vegetation clearing .went against clly stan- en Darling (the wildlife refuge), on a fresh waler dards, but :io one said anything. We arc just The Story. 2 pond, at the end or Wildlife Drive. It seems to trying to live with our neighbors. Then came the perfect place. !f you don't like alligators thing. We thought maybe now Tracy would 5 (hat Is the worst place to live," admonished leave that alligator alone." lie said. - n Councilman Wally Kain. "Audubon deplores the arbitrary and senSe- •.. CQ 'That alligator will be replaced by another - less killing of Alligators because of unsub- £ and another until we destroy every large alii' stantiated claims that they are dangerous. £1 gator that comes Into that pond." he added. There are ,i lot pf nice places l.o live on Sanibel ' a; "Tin; problem was not so uatUinui the bask- c where there are nt) alligators. When you • .• The v/af ond recession are being biomed' y ing sites were put in."Walters countered. choose to live near them, you accept Hie risk." for a shortfaii in fund raising for the Urtfed.Way - cc "When you Invite somebody over for dinner, claimed Bob Slayton, vice president of the in Lee County and on SamDel ond Captiva. - g they come. Why invite trouble? Me had obvl- Sanibel-Capliva Audubon Society. . Tho drive has been extended to try to matte uj ously been fed. It's not that I don't like alltga- During the past year sLV^alligntors were up some lost ground Page A6 . killed on Sanibel. ' ' jf tors. It's not that at all," he argued as the o ~-=^ • ' - . . .\ 9 crowd booed. Fish and Game officials apologized for not * Leo County hoi chosen the hurricane' s "It Is fairly well documented that that alll- notifying the city of the complaint or ac^on season to rebuild Sanibel-Capiiva Road.,. : tn gator ..has heen in that lake for years and against the alligator. They were not aware of Therefore, it wil: be closed down to one lane. "the local handling policy, according to" Mills, years. The basking site had nothing to do with Curiousfy. the teason for redoing the rood is to II, It has been there only two months. The and they agreed not to take mailers Into their basking site did not lure film there,* (the site} own hands again. provide better hurricane evacuation, Resi- was created to get him away from Tracy," A letter from Sanibel Mayor Mike Miracle dents are praying that a big storm does not charged Janle Wcstall. will be sent to Lakeland asserting^the city's this season. Pcge All, • liva Community Center. Hagerup slild the Sanlbel City Council had fo_his hearten Page B5. = ••-•-• not taken any action on the formal request < from Capllva. but there were indications that " Tom Rector's • A New tngland artist who favors pointing v/om.en on or near the beach is spending a Sanibel officials look a dim view of the pro- : posal and one that would create a "media cir- Weather Wiatch month'on Captiv a. See pictures ond story on ,,.'• ens.'1 " • .. r - HIGH LOW - Page Bo... o -• THURS . JAN. 31 78 67 Erosion Hoard Chairman Stephen Cutler FBI. FED. 01 78 Gl • Local children v/iii be taking part in ihe Edi- was, urged by his co-commissioners lo coiUgct SAT. FEB.02 79 G5 son Festival of Light next wee ken d. Story^n Sanlbel Mayor Mike Miracle to try an amuigc SU.N. FEB. 03 79 GG r1 ^Poge E5- '- " "". • a summit meeting between representatives of HON. FEB. 04 SO 64 c the two conflicting Jurisdictions. TUES. FEB. 05 78 60 • The Police Watch is on Pages B JO and 11 _ Meanwhile. Sanlbels Clly Council Tuesday WED. FEB. OG 79 fi2 decided net to meet with Captlva's Erosion and is a little too long for comfort this week. Prevention District to develop an inlet Wettest January ever Some people arc- not being as careful as they management district at this time. The rains came . . . measured In inc!ie§. should be with their possessions and others' Gary Price, clly manager, saki the city has About eight inches for the month officially . .. _are possessing some things they should notiL hired erosion expert Dr. Robert G. Dt-aii to of- in a month that normally has less than two. fern Ihlrd opinion as to what Is causing cro- Not a drought breaker but a good start. «,ion on Sanibcl's north shore. The Florida panhandle recorded record • Our loco! high school girls' bas- h But this week city council was lacrd with rains for the month, also. Tallahassee had ketbaii team is simpiy^oveavheim-;,^ ( ipliid s request for a meeting to work oift d&- more than 17 inches . . . more than four times ing- • •' " . " ;" (ails of a proposed inlet stvidy group while the the normal. Rivers were over their banks bj' The Cypress Lake Panthers have not only battle with Ihe Department of Natural Re- Hie end of the month . . . and still running full. Florida has had be low-normal rainfall for beaten every opponents, the/ have smeared sources over erosion causes want's in Talla- them. See story on Page B9. hassee. . • •-*,. the past four years. So it will take several A January 23 letter from Culler to Price months of well-above rainfall for drought re- • • •Theobituaries_areon Pope B14. - claiins> the iiianaj»einent',gmln. _ - Hit diT( rt.ii( ts of opinion between the two iitortd oHh't. 172-1587 Kinds ri.girding the cause and affect nf cro- ispijyaiwrttiing' 472-1587 c atsidod .*Jwi!isin.j 482-7788 • The Calendar is on Page C1, and the j," . ~ •,] m Is too firtal at this time to foster ;iny un-' Kiiwssoflke 571-1551 dt'rstiindiug or cooperation with a ni.mage- uciAiBon. 472-1587, " Church Qgiendar is on Page C2. ~~"" . iiiunt plan, noted Gary Price, cllv manager. - e hlrtnd Ktwrvr {\!">P5(U"J SV:| * • Boss Gardener Ron Sympson says that ''He also questioned Cutler's estimates that PO beach renourishtni'iit , won Id cost about $1 juiceless oranges may have gotten dry be- ., iiiillfon a year. Indicating if anything it was a cause of erratic rainfall. Pcge C3. 1 low figure, and lit noted that any remmrish- •The tide tables are on Page C4 ' . im nt would not occur, even with the nianage- niLiit plan, fiir another five or six years. " f • Finesse and hght tackle can be a great . Wr c in t wilt thnt lorifi." Price told council "help in landing that big fish, says an expert on numbers , ; H5.L PageC5. " The erosion board Vommis.'iioncrs also dis- • SIAVD KEPOHTEH, ISIAMJ FV\ BOOK. cussed at length Hie proper approach to Lee • The bridge column end bridge scores are County to seek financial assistance fur Cap- on Page C7. ==2 tlva beach .maintenance. • Keeping in touch with the troops in the Gulf is the task of one Sanibel man. Story on Page C16. •House of Blue Leaves' '6 Rms Riv Vu* to ran again set to open in March The Barrier Island Group for the Arts fs - era! off-Island locations." For more informa- proud to present the return of "The Off the tion, contact Emily Hewitt at 472.9693 or The Fine and Performing Arts Department licach Players,"" for encore performances of Vincc KclJcy at 472-0357." of the Edison Community College will present the romantic comedy, "6 Rms Riv Vu." which 'The House of' Blue Leaves," by John Guare, r.mbick In October. opening at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 7, a,t the The Flayers will give the first of five per- Beautlficatlon birthday party Corbin Auditorium, , '" • • '". formances at 8 p.m.Thurs&iy, February 14, at The committee to Keep Lee County tlie Center for the Arts outdoor stage. Keep Lee County Beautiful mascot. The acclaimed, off-Broadway hit tells the The two-act play, written by Bob Randall, Beautiful is having "The I-ecTree." story of Artie Shaw, a zoo.keeper, saddled tells the story "of two strangers, Ann and Paul, Its first birthday wilh a demented wife,_ivho dreams of running who are accldcnlly locked Into a vacant party Thursday, Clnd! Ooragli, the off to Hollywood with his pushy mistress, " committee chairman, apartment. February 28 at Cen- Additional performances are scheduled for tennial Park in . will present the orga- The story tells of the relationship that de- nization's accom- ° March 8 & 9. and March 13 through the 16 at 8 velops between the two, as they pass the time downtown Fort My- p.m., wilh a 2 p.m. matinee on March 16. talking about marriage, mid-life crises, flirtu- ers. pltshmcnts as well as Gelebratlons begin Its goals for 1991. Tickets may be purchased at the Edison Uon. and Infidelity. Area dignitaries will Additional performances nrc scheduled for at noon with birth- cashier's office, on the first floor of Howard day cake, beverages be on hand and eV- - Hall, from 9 a.nvio 7 p.m.. Monday through Pebruaiy 15, K3..22. and 23, with all shows eryone is welcome to beginning at 8 p.m. and skits by county Thursday, and 9 a.ni' to 4 p.m. on Fridays. school children fea- participate in the fes- Tickets may be available at the door the Tickets are $10. and are available at Bal- - Uvlllcs. Icj s General Store, Drowns Movies and scv- turing the newest .* night of the performance. »R-B« u Vacation Blues? Get them all fixed at > Daily Hot Specials • Sandwiches To Go the same time! Check our prices first on 'BBQRibs r 'Party Trays . ' . Island Exxon & -. SBEER WINE • Homemade Salads, • Groceries ~ Bailey's Travel Agency • Deer • Wine SPIRITS LOTTO & FANTASY 5 BAILEY'S We feature daily specials! Feb. 2. 1991 Winning Lotto ff's " 10% OFF MIXED CASES! 4 -9-17- 18-22-23 CENTER; We Sell Lottery Tickets Next Week's Grand Prize $7 Million ONE STOPgHOPPING Open 7 am - 10 pm Mon.-Sat. - Open Daily 9-9, Sunday 11-7 Where Everything Is Convenient 7 arn-9 pm Sun. ° Corner of Tarpon Rd. & Periwinkle Way 472-3333 «s 472-2151 1201 Periwinkle Way (Huxter's Plaza) , 1203 Periwinkle Way [next to R-B Liquors),/ Pelican the island community's newest and most personal real Estate service company. G Caretaker Management

NEAR BEACH HOMES • FEATURE OF THE WEEK CONDOMINIUMS - - ^ • 240 Soulhwinds Dr. - $227,500 F • Atrium #302 3/2 • $475,000 F • 1066 Blue Heron Dr. - $257,500 U • Colonnades C-41 1/1 - $109,500 F 1048 Blue Heron Dr. - $295,000 U • Call Polly Cosyns 472-3269 •315E Gull Drive $275 000 F vm • 1019Lindgren Blvd $347 500 U •White Caps #5 1/1 $169 900 F • Call Polly Cosyns 472-3269 • CaliJohn Burden 472-0835 • 4208 W. Gull Dr. - $279,000 U Sanibel Seaview A-1 2/2 - $450,000 F Call Mary Mather 472 3253 PLUS Separate Guest Quarters Sand Pebble 1-B 2;2 -,$163,000 U 2010 Wild Lime Dr. - $295,000 U Call Joanne Pogue 482-1760 Call Viviennej Radigan 472 1Q02 San b.J Seaview A 4 3 3 $5^5 050 J PLUS Separate Guest Quarters Call Linda Jambeck 472-5020 NEAR BEACH/ON CANAL 1035KinqsCrov,nDr S4 « COO 950 Spoonbill Ct. - $325,000 F GREAT BUILDING LOTS GULF FRONT LUXURY - " •• • Call Joanne Pogue 482-1760 • Dunes Lot 44, Sandcastle - $224,000 • Separate Master Suite w/Den & Bath • Call Linda Jambeck 472-5020 • Guest Wing 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths DEEP WATER CANAL • Enclosed Porch Overlooking Gult 8 PBbl • Gult Ridge Lot 35, Joewood - $275,000 • 1750 Dixie Boach Blvd • $-187,500 F • Lush Vegetaiion W'Great Outdoor Lighting • Gull Ridge Lot 46, Buckthorn • $150,000 • • Call Vivienne Radigan 472-1302 • Magnificent ViGw-Exquisite Furnishings • Call Vivienne Radigan 472-1902 • 1138 Harbour Cottage Ct. - $529,000 U • Mint Condition - $2,250,000 Furnished • Lake Murex Circle Lot 1 - $164,900' • Call Joanne Pogue 482-1760 •"• Call Linda Jambeck 472-5020 • Call Polly Cosyns 472-3269 1633 Periwinkle Way"* Suite H •~'3an;raTstancrjrFt. •~3?937"iTRone 813/472-4702 • Fax 472-8545 Preschoolers Entries invited for ECC hop for charity Ttnoughout Ftbrn Award for Excellence ir\ irn prt school \omli. illuns arc now bilnfi i((t pled for Hit trs \st!l IJL IK i ] in^ third inn nl "Hionns A F lis m Av. i d for U Ih h I \c IkiKt in TcndiiOfi->l i lison To nminii\ ( oHef-c Tlui'tiiK ttnnmi si fl ind ron inuiut\ ,* c Mn>. iml intntbLrs in in ucd to subinn the r mull dutsbv feb 2H \onim itton ronns ire i\ ill iLlt it (liL slue cut -(.tlviHcsdcskorbj c ulii t in 1] nifi 1 isti r bi n-> !S() fl2ri0 \ Ittl 1 -,pti.t ll iJlS "* f iJiimtlons Tre bistd on extcJIemp (n tin il ill \ \ ir ni ^s (I lssroon in to nbin ition wiiii \ crson il nd i imp il ii frr \ HI ^ pro ssirn il skill-* ind ichic\ ni tb I ^vtl i1^ ton rtljnt! ni's^jn i scrvitr n tlic comnin 1 rt i hook ltd I [\ UUl p*oft SS1OI1 tl» fr |i ist nts rui Iht ^\v ir{' will \x prfn.ntc(i -\» IIR SJ ntu TURTLE WATCIIERS-Chip Hoffman left, of Tarpon Hay Rccreat on pi 'jit s I^I hep I i ^r d ulio i tereiiif iiit*^ Tl c w ni T V,\ 1 Li Area gives a $224 check to Charles LcBiiff of Cantta Research Inc UuUlrcn hop i^ ni im lirnorcd il i I iciill> luncneon lun u \ i which represents $1 of every "Last One In' turtle tee slitrt Hoffmaris UonU Holier Education AecV ind will rtpre concession sold. 7-was impressed by the ivlunteerismfor Carctta and mimik ptruf it c since our free time is scant I wanted to do something for the organiza- sent tin fntnl \ bcfoic ^ inoi coinmiiiiit\ UIL r pnscl ool = tfroi ps tion.' he continued, 7 challenge other businesses on the island to help in licrs ret.oid [lit benefit nonprofit organIzatlons The rcclj irrit v*.ill rtrcht b on/c nud U i! unbu of hoj v for hi n a cisli stipend of ^2 OOO ind l prof is t rluhild -»ml '-ion?! diulopment illomiu of^t 000 pled} ( s in. iLtunitd to t \(h p irtic ip ling i l

u ColiLCltblcs m Coun'rvnnr •CANDLtS POfPO VI • CANDLE CAt OLE RitIC; »FGM 3 JtWELRY - CHINA < STERLING 30 DEALERS jr HOLDERS rare CUT GLASS - POnCELAIN OFFERING CHOICE • VJREATHS GFTllEMS MUCH t/OflE COLLECTABLES • PRINTS ANTlOUESft TOYS • COIHS • PRIMITIVES COLLECTABLES • Exclusive 03vld Winter Collides Collectors Hems NAUTICAL - ORIENTAL AND OTHER FINE ANTIQUES ADMISSION. • YEAR ROUND CHRISTMAS CORNER OF ALL KINDS 52.50 ($2.00 with Ad) •MOST UNIQUE SHOP ON ISLAND Good Both DayB REFRESHMENTS. TREE PARKING WE SHIP UPS . • '•' -^/^"~N P.O. 8OX303B HOURS /..ml BOYNTCH BEACH, 1446 Periwinkle Way • Sambel Island, FL 33957 1U Saturday, Feb. 16—10-6 p.m. ; I " I FLORIDA 3342J- 395-0888 \- -&* lQ Sunday, Feb. 17—12-5 p.m. SHOWS ... (407)641-93« JO* • Monday - Friday 10-8 pfn. 'Saturday 10-5 • S'^rfay 12-5 ,, -^W


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Amenities include a swimming ed and foatures 2 bedrooms, den, 2 baths, ceramic poil ind bo.it dockifiL'Avi lablt [(.i $-141 (KH) com t It uilh miny olht_r up^ridt-. ind i\ins 1 mutt ; 1 pkkly tiirmshcd cerfpTtm Sunlwi ^h.^jhr A\ uhhlu tor$47 )tt 0 „ CU/TCO \UIiriiAT472 51j4 '"C \tLD WL SlLWRUli C \T4?2 1->U CAPTIVAHAY Here *» im | portumty that may onl/conn. nnce Ou LIGHTHOUSE l'OINT fit.w 1 v liMed C ptivi Island w ltirfrunl home is Rc^iU itul slv/c /i in\' >( u cin ha\c the uppermost found in i \trj pmitt loeitjon nn Roisevelt balum) ii-w of the vinctuirv an! Sin Carlos Biy Chinml S,vuil ft itiir 3 includi new tile t'o r new fron thi<. lop tUn r pt n'fioiibt thni. Ktirnorii H\o cirpet fre h punt inside and out new kilch n ind bi!h unit It 'titur s 1 cultured morbL (over glassed u 'ill This unique residtncc offers tl fie btdroi ins m arnn pnviti Mi ttr bid oum balcony and ihrei hiths i Linered bolt di^k \w\\\ a lilt en the muthniorc Ann mtics liithidt i ht. ilcl pt ol knms thiiintl in i furnishing Ai uhlle for«uifl(XX) chil In use inJ Ri> IKILII A Itt^t \ii'ui per s.juare CUt U 1KB Uv.1 CH \riV(4~2 j1r4/Ol\ FI ID hot (cf>239n)0 J 1 IT I OR A KING f \1TI\MIL\CH Culfsidi P'ace is a reilly posh C ulf front tondom in 1 TANGLEWOOD lms\u> p. n luneisreil^ i mi si eii.ri tt feitiu s 1 brdrooms dtn lann beautiful \icws ind more Kdroi ms den twobilhs twoserexntii porches nd nitive \>.y titiun M fi. ilurts twolvdrooms d n nhNe for $4^ OX1 eomplett ly turn! hed or third Kdrnnm hrgi *srr ened ptrth uith slurs Mexi n tik H rUr ciritt i n w reof \/C in 1 1 "C1U MAhSUXCLinORDAT472 tail more Com[ Kiel) rt modi Icil in I('89 90 Offered fur keeling to the pool nnti t>c»ich, ccr;imic tilt; throiigh-i UNBELIEVABLE PRICE! "ie\i (uitha few person il ex lusions) f"v >"W7,5lXf out and much more. Only 9 owners share a >eMl!y That's right1. This one bedroom --._. y bejutifuf and secluded selttnj; .if the end of a cniirrn> offf tl nes CAlLVLl (A MMtt AT472 5h4 OpUin's Walk is """'lf\iMG • - " bOUTMLKN COUNTRY ST* LE ing shell ro.id. Available (or 553(1000 completely fur- complete'-' pp^4\J*v, ..-ncesand feat!irt.s This levely cmil 'rt nt norm is desijjiiel to tike nished and equipped. o • .-. uock and nite landscaping. intake of us warm southern t nenUt un ind j.r » OMLMARY LOU BAILEYAT472-1511. .^ .ne'marina, hay and shops." ? .bi lij,hl ind airy feeling Spenrnl feituroiirclude CALL DOROTHYSPROUSE AT472-6S00. linum family room lift viulted eellmj^s fmhs HOMES ^-; HARBOUR CO1TAGES lie ki'ilun deeVs and much more A\iihblc for WILDLIFE SPECIAL This exquisitely furnished, canal front home is truly a Situated cm a -size lot, you'll enjoy the nature rare jewel. It features 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, boat dock, direct scccss curuil, tennis, pool, gorgeous landscaping viewb lro:n the-expansive deck area?. This S K'droom 1 home is convenienllv found in a mid-island location and much more . You simply can't buy a br'.ter Island and comes v>,[h \.uiHed ceilings, tiled kitchen, Berber lifestyle. Available for $413,000.. " ' , carpels and mote Peach access too! Available fur CALL DOROTHYSPROUSi: AT472-6500. Ml Vf IM/Mi 17 I""1 J II BE iCMMLW COLNTR'ITLLH U\LK rOTHLHL\CH me *J t. thw it i t t*n (h y m i u t i n \ ^( u r i m i isv sir i! 0 tK Cult in tn this ) h ! h rt i ilk t bL clubhi u e in I re un H tn ii U ith cu torn * tiilt h in U k tnas » ] tt Inlistiul'v pn xd lOl^fCV Ho r,lm puile -.rtxn i I.I onx ill lf,lnn _, culint, fji s ind moa \\ u! ihlt, to '-'1(i-1 ^ix) i I/JM. C\Ll [ ON SILVL JS IT 1*2 1 IT CARDIWLRIDGL ioi \inn oiTUi cut usronn *T4 i u Thishru. pn\iled li ua) homtbUt. isj-erfut Un i ASSLMAIULMOKK \C L \er\ riM mv tsta o-si e plus po< 1 or tinnis e< un ([.-r LAS* WALK TO "MIL HLACH citv uprmil) Ute-did Kith lectss wuhble lor Ft uiirt nn thi qu t end if *hnibil ih igHi t f"i ii !S5;KV •"' Drnt this 3 Kxlnn m honK < »trs n •xallmlKm i FFIblllR \T4~2TJ1! for bt id ing ond s[, lln^ S urJ\ Mi lus n te n im SV.MBELLS TAILS tion Icir^irage nc % paint tn I id ut phisf rt ifiut \i i! hne i[ pro>imiteU "*''"'feet i f uikr frontif t iiri've^etibon m ' fnullnxs A\ ula n t M^oo n the n\er n J the cinil JuM miti\it s t > the ^j- b* 1 on mcOMir rn un \ inn s"^ H!0 IIIWUM lisrcWM> \T4~2 1 11 CO VTLMI OlbVK^ C \\ \L I' ONT THL PUNIS F tn I nt I f Iri unn i tip (jie "imiLtl I titts Km I iiur i a if n L n n pt r ir\ n i Hi ill I lulitulht, i cli ikl nil y' hi t iirron Jii ! uf ^ ifi h n e 'I * i r M I r I lutl nknur ^ 1 r !"MH«) f n w t i / J/ \ii f. 1/1 IOI 1*1 r\Ili>4't- 1->1* MIS ir-r DEPEND QNPMR ... Sinci- I'll?, Prisi-il!,i Murpliv Kivilly h.m Kvn the k'.lding ri-.il L'SI.HC spi-ci.ilivt.nn S.mibei •mil Cipiivil Islamic You simply tJiit find ,\ mori' u\|-i'rit-iuvil KliALTOK. " No ni.it.li-r wh.it kind of prn|X'rty you ik'sia-, wi- h.ui- il lisli-il ,itu1 .n.iihibk- lor ini'mLiluiti- sale. l.i\irn .lbout isl.ind rcil ost.ite from .111 i-xpi-rl-.yjd buy with ainiidciiny.ind trust, lit I'VIK's many vt.Mrs 01 i'Kpcrit.'iico guiiio your \^iy. ^ ^ >. ^ Call Us Today 1-800-233-8829 MLS SANIBEL: (813) 472-1511 • CAPTIVA: (813) 472-5154 ""', 5 Convenient Locations • P.O. Box 57 • Sanibcl, 1 L 33957 1 War and recession blamed for islands* United Way shortfall By Kathleen Blase Area businesses have not. j'iyrn as nv.n-li as doing is-askitiu, by loiter. Staff" Writer '"• normal, he added. " ~ ' * 50.000 households in I.cc County. Inclnclin^ War in the Persian Cnlf and n rLct!ssio:i the Executive director of the American Red, . 2.300 residences in Sanibcl and^nptiva, for. United States cutting donations la the United Cross of Lee Couniy, Hnuiky Meyer, said that donations to help us-.Tcncli our go;!!,'* Cor-. Way, according to Bob Cornelius, president of as one of (he 26" Plenties funded by United ndius srdd. "if they have already ghcn. we urn the Lee County United Way mid contributions Way. the Red Cross receives 31 pf.rcc'nt of the thanking them for !lieirV,ifls.-ir they haven't from the islands arc more tlinn 25 percent be- animal rjperating funds of United Way. '-'Since given, we are asking them to consider the low expectations. United Way is off about $250,000 of Us goal. It rietds of our orpjnlzalion and help us "achieve He said the goal for Sn'rilbcl and QapUva is causes all of Hie agencies in [,ee County to be our fioal," lie ndclcd. ,s; •• ' o $57,000. "As of today, we have reached only concerned,'-' Meyer said. Mow wili the agen- These ICUCIS were 'starting ta be sf:nl List $-11.878' of thai goal or 73.-1 percent." cies receive the total aUpcatfon?" he asked. Friday and will conlinuc for a UiiVfe ucck pe- Cornelius.; said the charity is extending Its lie added that a lot .af people feel that wet riod.' = • . deadline from the end of January to the end of : (Southwest Florida) haven't been hit by the re-'" "With lhc Intervention of (he war, we can't • February in an attempt to gam more contribu- cession because the tourists are still coming project what our contributions are going lo.be tions. and the tralfic is bad. ~ an^nore," !ie said. -. '

1020 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Sierra Glub 813-472-4000 600-245-7264 Toll Free - speaker Branch: 2000 Periwinkle Way Wednesday The Prudential 813^472.1011 'flie Sanibel Com- \Florida Realty munity Center will tn host a dinner meeting ' at 8 p.m. Wednesday. THE BEAUTY OF SAHIBEL w\h the cast and LOVELY 2 bedroom, 2 ba!h hoiie wih den in February 13, at the '. ;i NEW LISTINGS upkeep of Fort Myers. Desirable Cateb Drive, quiel. v-uil esi3b!ish&d neighborhocd is centrally center. Palm Actes, riew ttuee bedroom, two bath pool located! tn ground Jacuzzi en screer.od lanai OVBI- David Guest, home on deep water sailboat acenss canal- Call , locks trofxea! Foliage and gaiden. A!! for $174,900.. managing attorney Marian Balke at 472-4000 or after hours. 465- "Ca)l Ruth HasSnn 3(472-1011 cr alter hows, 472- for the Sierra Club -6339. .' '•• 9035. „ .' Legal Defense Fund In CENTRALLY LOCATED three bedroom'lwo BEACH - SHELLS... JusI 3 inirtJies lolhis Sanie! Tallahassee, will bahp n homa with b e Mast room. Nicely (ur- vacalion or feSrement, easy ca/e, small ccmpislely speak about. 'The n had no ffa ntenaics exterior tor easy Irving. . . romotioled home - located en flie quie! east end War lo Prolcct n Ve f p alt) Comir n y poo' and ten-iis. . *Kii?i easy on-oi access. Thi= cnarm^ig U'o t»d- Florida's I^ikes iiv.6 .. S£L 21 0 0 Cd! hen w e al 472-4000 or alter roorr- coiiage can &er floor Ca "d ht* d rr n te v t1 to the u \ i deeden b^ach 472-2910 made u]> until Febru- pocl and ^pa OJduof enlertajitnont area on Jf»tng ;ixr"' Si' ~*td C" i r 'e* c d «— *^:i"'|-n ary tovci ftwy hJy «!o&xal« lurmshwi $1 £00 0"0 Fc* C: doiafc of ihi IKUTOUS hrno cil Pgih Maiitrn at CONDOMINIUMS CnlM72-21£>5. 47! 1011 a a'lor hours 472 9015 f A L



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G ••;• City council taking close look aUplanned bridge to Silver Key Dy Caren Herman and that three, single family homes can be and the lack of.it docs not undervalue the {J Sln/f Writer constructed within city regulations and den- property, referring to Useppa Island where ac- 3 bnnlbel.officials arc trying to stop a bridge sity limits. cess is by.bouronly. •'. " . j to Silver Key in a move that might have,pie ef- If the city can alier those, fhc price jpay__ "I believe we can regulate the bridge which j* kct of diminishing its value, evenlually mak- fall, but it may also appear Sanibel is irying'^ , for many, many reasons should not be built," ^ ing the Blind Pass island more affordable for to f^et a better price by blocking development. Kain argued. ^^ ,. the city. ". o Prilt added. ° r' ^ But any denial of a bridge mustjie based on £ Council members claimed efforts lo slop "Will we be accused of objecting only to de- a legal basis that shows the developer cannot - the proposed bridge were not meant to reduce crease the-appraisal and selling price?" West- meet current city codes, Pritt noted. ti the Island's value. -. all'"agreed... L In a 2-to-2 vote, with councilman Jerry 4The bridge can be built. The subdivision $ Mucnch absent, city officials failed to decide ''We are either going to buy and not oppose can be done by short form (without commis- £ whether to contract with an apprHisaffirm the bridge, or not buy and oppose the bridge." sion approval). I would assume the planning 3 for .mother estimate of the.key's value, a «eo- Miracle said, advising againsL proceeding in department would seek the advise of the plan- n tssirv siep toward purchase. Another discus^- both directions. ^ a ,. ' . nJng commission and they In turn will proba- 2 sion is slated for Tuesday, February 19. 'You can't stop developfnenl by regulation." bly turn it over to you. The temptation will be "3 That would be a taking without Just compen- to deny the development permit just, to get lh^ n Hut at the some time council members 3 agreed to seek state funding lo buy the key, a sation...(which) as a general rule (is] the pro- property." charged Timothy J. Murty. Anne- process that will take at least a year. cess whereby a government agency just regu- _ nia's attorney. Sanibcl Mayor Mike Miracle and Council- lates something so development cannot oc- cur," he said. . •. J ^ "A bridge should not be built to Silver Key man Francis Bailey said another appraisal for environmental reasons, for aesthetic rea- would probably not differ from the current es- - 'The best way to go at tlHs.;ls if you think sons, for many other reasons/We're talking timate of $2.4 If development and bridge ac- the city has an interest in buying the properly, about itic city exercising Us regulatory • cess Were permitted.., (isj buy the property," Prill advised. power...there is nbtnlng devious or improper Thev bolh took a wait and see attitude, be- Motives will be questioned and intents may _ about nur aggressively protecting that piece of lieving owner John Armenia would not ob- have no legal standing In court. Pritl said. land." Kain countered: tain in price is not gotngjo be critical. What • "N'ot all regulation is a taking," argued Murty said his client could not be expected V,we are looking for is to substantially decrease Kain. • ^: io wait-and-see and that next years price may the price." Bailey said. b^ higher as property values-rise, But Councilman Wally Kain argued another . He said bridge construction can be regulated appraisal may be very different. "I'm concerned that you start out with the other party's asking price and assume its Sanibel city chatter changes sought u solid. Thats like trying to swim with anchors in your pockets," he said. -. - A group calling itself the J'Sanibel Burton said the group needs only -100 signa- Any price drops would cojne from a change Municipal Reform Committee''--is trying to tures for each of the 11 amendments which In Tour assumptions madc'by the appraisal amend the city charter to transfer ultimate changes council terms to two'years, with a two firm, said Robert I'ritt, city attorney. ^ ' authority regarding budgets, personnel, and term limit, calls for 14 day notlos for Me said the appraisal may be flawed. Rising capital projects froni city council to the •^ncctlngs and ordinances instead of seven, outdated numbers. It over estimates home voters. o and'allows island voters to approve any scwy sales and provides too large a profit margin. -^ Residents Pauletlc Burton and Don Ander- purchase, special assessments or utility taxes. The appraisal price Is reportedly based on • son approached Sanlbel's City Council the fact that penults will be Issued for devel- members Tuesday asking them to put It Voters would also be allowcd^by petition opment, a bridge will be built to the island charter amendments on a May 14 ballot. drive, to control proposed budget expendi- from Sanibel-Captlva Road, a proposed re- If the council fails to put the changes or. the tures, capital projects, fund appropriations. alignment of the Coastal Construction Con- ballot by the February 19 council meeting, a 5salarlcs, emergency actions, even hire and- trol line will not adversely affect development petition drive will begin, the pair promised. fire city emplojce



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G 23 victories, no losses Cypress Lake girl's basketball team overwhelms everyone

By Richard Cain trict tournament, which begins February 19. Staff Writer at Mariner, Treamont has been pushing hi: The Cypress Lake girls' basketball learn girls even harder, to keep them from losing racked up two more wins last week, to slretch their head their unbeaten streak to 23 . %> "The tournament Is a whole new season, On Friday night, Naples came to town and said Treamont. received a 62-45 beating from the Lady Pan- The obvious favorite. Cypress Lake Is ill? thers. team everyone is gunning for. Jenl Robinson led the way with 16 points, The Panthers are a team that no one h; followed Cindy Mlnko and Tracce Landrum, gotten to within ten points of all season. each with 12. The Lady Panthers travel to Riverdale. Kelley Lowrey shoots a pair from the line, Lnridhim also had 12 rebounds. tonight. On Tuesday. Cypress Lake traveled down ^Shejlnlshed with eight potnts. U.S. <11 to Estero, where they thrashed the Boys team splits pair •LadyCats. 74*36. •**• The panthers split a pair of games last Tabllha Willoughhy had 16 points In the week, bringing their overall refcord to 11-10. game, and Mlnko added 15. On Friday. Cypress Lake 1 raveled to second- After 23 games, the Lady Panthers olTensc ranked Naples and lost a close one, 70-65. is averaging 75 points per game, while their At one point, the Panthers led 65-G4 but defense surrenders only 32 point per game. could not hold on. c The key to these figures are a variety of full Rodney Taylor had 21 points, followed by and haSf-court defenses that Elmer Scdrick Walkins.wlth 17. Treamont uses throughout the game. Cypress Lake got revenge on Tuesday, when "We try to get In their face," said Treamont, the team hosted the Estero Wildcats and blew 'We like to play an up-tempo gamp.." ^ them out, 82-59. Thc^ Lady Panther guards, Robinson, Church led the Panthers with 22 points and Mlnko, Carrie Ellis, and Jennifer Datson, are 14 rebounds, and Taylor chipped in 10 points sn good at smothering their opponents and and 11 rebounds. creating turnovers in the back court, that Cypress Lake hosts Riverdale tonight. many of their.points come on unconlested, iayu ps. If an opponent is lucky enough to get past Women's Tennis League the Cypress Lake guards, she will have to deal with Kellcy Lowrcy, Landnim, Willoughby and Jan. p Amy Luetllch.- •' . Dunes Sanddunes 4 - CCG&TC 0 Gateway 4 - Landings 0 At 6-fool-3, Lowery is capable of blocking CCYC 4 ~ Dunes Redhols 0 almost any shot form the point, while Lan- FMRC Shamrocks 3 - Fiddlesticks 1 drum is averaging over 10 rebounds per game. FMRC Racqueteers 3 - Qrcckenrldge 1 "That's where it's at." said Landnim. "If you Forest 3 - Lehlgh 1 take away the boards, you've got the game.'.' B-3 DM-ilrm The only problems the Lady Panthers have Jan.14 had this season arc a number of nagging in- Fiddlesticks 4-Forest 0 juries and illness. Fort Myers Racquetball Club 3 - Ulitgh 1 However, the team always seems to make up Landings 4 - Cape Coral Golf & Tennis Club 0 Tabitha WUloughby gets an easy layup qff for any individual player who goes down. Soncsla 3 - Cape Coral Yacht Club White 1 of an Estero turnover. She led all Lady Pan- With only three games left before the dis- Cape Coral Yacht Club Nnvfii - Hideaway I thers with 16 points.

Joan Kent and Ginny Revcs were tied for Dunes men r Sonesta Snowbirds tie second. The Dunes 18 hole women played a low net The Sonesta Snowbirds traveled to Lchlgh In the IJ flight. Molly Johnson got the win, toumey on Friday, with Coc Ridall and Katie Country- Club last Thursday, and came out with six other golfers tied for second.^ Pitts tying for first place with 71s. Lvcn. 2-2. > :. . -- .; The C flight went to Marilyn Juds'on, with Emily Schocfield was third with 72! v Jim Hyndcn and Bob Lane defeated Win Ruth Rcik taking second. i( ^<:. Horscling and Lou Bal, 6-4, G-2. and Gil Gllln- Beachview men ski and. Harvey Scheln took out Dave Subocky The Beachview men played fivesomes on and Steve Bcskovich G-4. 6-1. for lhe.two.vk> Dick Wedley takes A flight; Saturday, with Jim Churchill, Dick Corbln. torles. guinn Sathre, Bob Baummcker and George The Dunes Men played an individual low Sweet finishing on top. ' - I lowevcr. the teams of Barry Scallct and Ed net, tourney Wednesday, with Dick Wedley Hurwitx. and Bob Hcaly and Ron Campbell taking the A flight with a 62. Golf Tips each lost in three sets. Wally Allaire was off by two strokes, with a 6-1. Dunes 50-Plus A four-way tie for first surfaced In the D Putting frustrations The Dunes 50 plus tennis team traveled to flight. Jack McGlynn. Bill Arthur. George By Jeff KeUerman ' , • - Cape "oral Country Club Thursday, to take on Condit and Dick Gadicnt all turned in 63s. Putting can'be one of the most, frustrating the Whittvtcam, ' In nine-hole action. Jack Devaney was first pliases of any golfers game. Hank Kidall and Dick Smith defeated with a 31. followed by Bob Brtslow with a 33. Here arc a few putting tips that may help Ralph Dlllcy and Doc Dougherty 6-0. 6-3. and take a few strokes off your game. Bill Rosenberg and Uill Uiickhout won over Lee Trcvino once said, "95 percent bf the putts you leave short, don't go in." Herb Heym and Roy Hanson 6-2,,G:2, for the Gretta Christensen wins only Dunes victories.' ••- " -= In his own way. Trevfiio is'giving us an In- The Dunes Nifty Niners played a hand!--, valuable tip on putting. - The teams of'Paul Clemens and Bill capped tourney Thursday, with Grella Chris- Think about it. If you are a little more ag- St hnelder. and Prcs Basset and Dick GndJcnt, tensen winning over Helen Browning In the A gressive on your pints and end up past the i u h lost In three sets. ['• night." . - hole, at least you will know what the break is The B Illght winner was Mary Mather, with coming back. Nancy Ruedig wins A flight Betly Boers the runner up. One other way to improve your putting Is to Use liirnchview Women finished (iff a Other members played an even hole, minus practice with your eyes closed. Thjs will hc!p infilled ringers imtnia'tnt'iil.-htst Wctlm sciity. one-half handicap event. you develop a better feel for distance. with Nancy Kuedig'inkliiii top honors in the A Marne Kent. Phyllis Ossle and Franklc Afar lining uff a pull, close your eyes. make, ilium. ' . • McNulfy finished tied for first your stroke and listen for the ball. *: Local middle school pupils :will be part of Edison Festival of Light Cypress Lake Middle School studcnls'. In- marching band will be taking part In the Fes- Sanlbcls Jennifer Hinds. Chad Nave. Chct cluding several from Siinlbcl, will be busy Oils tival's Children's Parade., which begins al 2:30 N'avc, Mike ONcil. Kaly ON'cil and.Alhatm weekend, taking par! In the Edison Festival of p.m.. - , Loughncy will be participating In the parade. UglH. Beginning at 0 a.m. at the Edison Moll. Fifty of the school's aspiring artists'will show Conference on peace in Middle East "planned- off .their artistic work, while other students display projects generated In the social stud- .._• A two-day conference on "the search for workshops. The public is invited. ' ies classes. : peace In the Mklrlli? East" will be held al Edi- There is no. charge for the Friday town Also at 9 a.m.. two students from each grade • son Community College on Friday and Satur- meeting, but reservations are requested for will put their spelling skills lo the test In a day. Feb. 8 and 0. Saturday's conference which opens .with regis- county-wide spelling bee. .^ - The conference opens with a town meeting tration at 8:30 a.m. The $10 fee for Saturday ~n\ 8 p.m.'on Friday in the Corbln Auditorium workshops Includes the price of lunch. At 11 a.m.. three eight-graders wilh^geo- For further information, cal! 728-3152. graphic sense of the world will compete In a - and continues on Saturday witti speakers and geography bee. z Later, at Centennial Park, the G5-mcniber COMMERCIAL LOANS TO 575,000,000 Cypress Lake Middle School Concert hand . Increase Your Business-. COMPETITIVE RATES AND TERMS will take the stngc as part or a day-long pro- •COH5tHXliON'ACUi$iTCi • O gram, beginning at 10 a.n:.. called Music of AdvsrHss Hare. •EMWREMOKTCAGFo America. Cypress Lake plays at 2 p.m. : Carl Fatisstor [BI3; 656 5405 PO Bo*30M No. FlWyuts On Sunday, the Cypress Lake High School Call.462-71 VI Today.__j - I . ._- 1 vvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvv yvv vy vv vvvvvv v

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Sanibel Island's u ComRleto Gourmet Chocolate & * *ico Cream Shoppe Fomoaj for our . • • . Superb shape, views of gulf S pool. Solid rental, ground floor. Chocolalo Large Selection of $259,000 $249,000 hand dipped special occasion-' For help with these & any'bther Island property end other fino hand molded chocoiales and fruits 10Cr% chocolate items. Conlacl: Dan Cohn, Ccrtllicd Residential Specialist 2075 Periwinkle Way 813/472-3121 Periwinkle Plac.? 472-3837 •i, Sanibel Island or 800/232-6004 472-9337 eves.


LUXURIOUS GULF FRONT CONDOMINIUM located id .Seascape of Sanibel Live in a truly customized and detailed penthouse unil which 1711 PERIWINKLE has been decorated to near flawless perfcciion. Featuring 3. beilnwms/3 baths, den, formal dining a.7J living rooms, skylights, while-on-white (813)472-1123 kitchen, wct-bai' and utility room. Amcniiics include poo!, spa, tennis and shelling on beautiful sandy beaches and the sparkling waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Call our office for details and an appointment H) vie*. Asking price is 5925,000 fumishci __ (800)771 1123 7?

TWn'WiWY ^il L M\ or t> »• S\MBfLH\MI FTDLPIFX h f p xf < IMflim 1 Of \TfrI> a ii r i "-e f a * i h j.crxxl k I cN.lxTbtL >h nr\f txtcrh K.fp c *. x 1 »*r! >rm;)ww!lfN 1 i -\ i j w O V. r\rc* wTAfciz -\ S CTD p-jn ^UP\kiMr>\n [\ m,f t IMm \n p bi c I W «« 9RMX)fr> h.irti ^1 Krt *i U c S «

K Nt« VfH NFH j lc irpc C tSUIl t \SPMM\S ic "ihrr fcuinj n if r ' c k ^ s i h n n fOOL In Ulil I rol n l II I- R h S n In C I Man A Scpi 5 *< «« Sanibel-Captiva Sanibel-Captiva Road will be reduced Rotary arts and crafts to one lane during hurricane season , Sanibel-Captiva Road will be reduced to one 1 sides of ihe Blind Pass Bridge will be limited fair this weekend lane during hurricane season as work begins Co one lane traffic, Crawford admitted. ^hc ninth iinmiiil Sanlbel-Capllva Kolnry to create a safer evacuation route. One of the driveways into the Bisttonwood AjrtS and Crafls Fair will be held on Sntunl:i>* , Lee County's Department of Transportation Barbecue will be eliminated because it coin- niid Sunday. Keb. 9 and 10 on the grounds of and Engineering is finishing design work on cides with an intersection and driveway ap- Sanlbcl Elementary School from 10 a.m. to 5 an estimated S2.5 million project to bring the proaches along Sanlbcl-Captiva Road will be p.m. both days. road up to an average of 5.5 feet, from Bow- paved or lined with shell andjsravcl.'depend- More ilian 115 artists and craftsmen firom 'hian's Beach to Blind Pass, in the Interest of ing ot^ the property owner's preference. - hurricane evacuation safety, explained George 22 states will be displaying in three categories^ _ Some homes along the construction route of art: two dimensional, three dimensional^ Crawford..director of the county transporta- tion department. ' . are actually on the right-of-way so talks with and creative crafts. some property owners will be necessary for Award-winning photography, watcrcoior, Bids will be sent out in.March, a contract possible driveway and drainage realignment. pottery and wildlife carvings are among the awarded by carly^ May and construction An entire acre of mangroves will also be af- wide variety of displays.- _ " -should beam in eariy August, the middle of fected, said Gary-Price. Sanibcl City Manager. Radio station WOLZ-FM will provide daily hurricane season. live broadcasting from the fair. Work will not be complete until January of ~" The county will also reconstruct the bicycle 1992, only one month after hurricane season path along the new road, trying to maintain a • Food and refreshments will be provided by ends and during construction the road on both The Timbers restaurant. - minimum of 7 feet between cyclists and cars. - . Admission Is $1 donation for adults. Proceeds from the fair benefit the Rotary Alliance seeks artists for April,exhibit Foundation Tor community needs, local . Lee County Alliance of the Arts is calling pate, ^r scholarships, and the Polio Plus project to for artists to submit slides for Jurying no lat&r . Entry fees are $10 for Alliance members, eradicalc polio worldwide. than Feb. 21 for its annual two and three di- and $15 for non-members. Artists will be no- More than $100,000 has been donated by menstonal exhibition0scheduled for April 7 to tified of the juror's preliminary decision. the local club for Rotary projects since the 29. " •« ' Work9iccepted for final judging must be deliv- fair's inception. ." Gary Libby, director of the Daytona Mu- ered by Monday. April 1, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.nv. The.school is located on Sanlbel Island on > seum of Arts and Sciences, will Judge the art-__ Sanlbcl-Captiva Koad; jusl west or the J.N, :> .work. - •' • ••"' ^ ~ '• • ••- •=-• For an entry form and slide submission re- "Ding" Darling Wildlife Sanctuary. Cash prizes of $3,000 will be awarded and quirements, contact (he AiifoncC' at 10091 For more information, call -172-(J3GS. -nil artists in Florida are Invited to partici- McGregor Blvd. or caH939-2787.

i teH6f£Wanai#^Certified TwKniaaS& V RIGBY ";& MitaASig^S:l'Z'ttorfb^a Sffi COMPLETE ROOFING & SHEETMETAL SERVICE • Repairs •Re-Roofing l Myttift JttalffltOnliUMiifa • New Roofs - .—_ • Metal Roofs . 772-4848 Slate Free Certified Estimates 1106 S.E. 12th Ct. Capa Coral ' CCCO29585

GKEG Sunken Treasures WEGLARZ Pieces-of-EighI): General CcnlrSctor, Inc. SAI-ES199-S199 FINDING THE ISLAND HOME (813)472-5858 •=• ' Cl Ocean >.wb YOU WANT IS YOUR JOB. S*i*Ccr£IU! Contractor Tan Buld-Jig OXT Ssy BrtJ^e, FTM. B 765-5005 FINDINGTHE THE GROG SHOP BEST WAY TO FINANCE

IT IS MINE. (it/1 Only you know what you want in a home, but when it comes lo, HEADQUARTERS financing you need expert heip to make sure you get the best mort- gage available. - --,..' - I work on the Islands, 1 live on the Islands and I specialize in IBERINGER WHITE ZINFAHDEL.....'V: . , $6.59 750 ML mortgages for island homes. I can tailor a program to fit your indi- vidual needs...from firsl homes and invcsltneni property to second IMARTINI & ROSSI ASTI-SPUMANTE...... V.S11.99 750 ML I mortgages and refinances. No more shopping t'rom bank to bank. You don't even have lo leave your hivme or office. i! • CAPTAIN MORGAN SPICED RUM.. '..iS ...Reg. S20r99| If you've found the perfect place to live, call me, I'll find the I . . Special S19.591.75 ' mortgage you can live with. '__ I La GRAND PASSION VALENTINE HEART .PACKAGE"" •Let us know it's for your Vaieniirie ™ ' ' Reg.$14.99..Specia!S5.99 375ML INAPA CREEK CABERNET SAUVIGNON ..,...... £...... ISLAND HOME 's. .' Reg. $10.99-NOWS8.'49 750ML MORTGAGE/INC. iGROG SHOP KOOLIE CUPS ...... REG. $1.79 I RIG M0K1OCI BKOkFRACt BUSMSS - " • • -- . • - No»99e No Limit


M I'ni) ra

0 - AGEND* PLANNlNCCOIJlf'iSSON COUNCIL CHAMBERS " .. MACKENZIE HMU 800 DUN OPRO\0 . - c: " FEBRUARV V ]>jt J00 a.m. 1. Approval of minutes ctfeaalar rreeln^ ol OtrtTbu 11 15--+D 1 \ vvy^ 1991. Report (fom Director of Planning. Report Irom Planning Commssion Members Report Irom Planning Commission Chsjrrmn Public Commenis and Inquiries. 20 a.m. 6. Adoption of Resolutions. Con -iuat m of a puo r-parng ana i-~.pi o' 3 to D U [ion considering a request for a variance io laid Devck,,. ent Co& Sevten E \h PlSMgal System c.-{1) Setbacks, (a) v.. to perm I fr msh! t^nolanon si^mounetdv ,set tar disposal system set back 92 U. (in lieu of U e reaj ted 100 ft Hro 11t e ir*io h gh wa r ii * of Bov>en Bayou, in wnjuncmJn with a propose) s itft far-1> res.d nc obod-eo^ciot of unrecorded Caloosa Shores Subdivisian (lax Parcel STRAP Nn 12 46 21 T"5 •Ou90150> a submitted by Joseph St. Cyr lor JacquelinGof erGitnt No VJJ t35 Continuation of a public hearing and adoption of i esotul on cujns d nig a rt q est for an c d* nance pertaining to clearance and veget !on staid rds ccrtar-ed n le Land Pevc^pppri Coda; amending paragraph (c)ii.ol Subs bsecl oi iD2b \\) iD2b |2i f D ^ b (3 DcnnisFrcII ajlierof kites ID2.b.(4},I.O.2.b (5)andl.D.2.b.!6)torequrorerpov of Orarlianp. pptrandf ehtj it es from a'l areas of a parcel proposed lor cfcvtlcyTf n o s e «l« at on mcl ttra iry par t-i of ary Flying the flag on the Causewav parctrfusGritof calculalion of density or dovetafTcnt in rn^j mDorp(HHei_cvEia a crvia ! ton removal and developed area; amenoing sub c t on I E 19 f io pro -jo that t s irv-ara is T By Richard Cain i condition ol all vegetation permits; auwndng sjb ccicnillB3l toroq ire fresami i ^irdd Smf Wnttr I mil exp!lined b it J * his a! i condition o! a development permit; proving Icr cod fuilon provid n} h. c n" a-id ever \ "-ort \i>(.rs nm is tiking tht. uijo fluun fiiq-. with Ins kilrs inco; and providing an elfeclive dale; submi! pd by C ly 0! San b*.! Un LCOQ 111 KIIIKI ition tn 0> tin flijT li ir Continuation of a public hearing and adoption ol a resolu! «r» con d. ring a req PS for I J I 1 il houiili they ! i L I iktn on 3 F in 1(> 1SI tn I anH npyplnpmt.nl flnrtB RPTiinn I F 17 flood a.id S...rmp.cg r-C e Gerv-rol S nd ds(t) 1 much more i leiniritT '' P (2) (3), (13), and {14), and I. Specific stand rds ( | and 16) to pro •de for aftc fr* lac! i^p 0 I Mi ) lifelong hob J> offlwig 5 kw mt nths ol the construction of living area below She required lo \esl ftoi. elevai on 0 hW h^a by !hti l-iic b is tdktn on i IK W me nil it; 1 One womn siilfpcd b> md Ftood Insurance Rale Map^on ptopefty located a! 2016 Wld Li(r*> Dn e (Tax pir e STRAP to in tin pi^t fc\ \*.ett"i iini now s KIU*? Frtll ul o served I Mttnun is 9'tuated wifhin U*>o commercial developmer! kr own as Olde S rubel Shops loeted a t £ 0 r u ^lii^ In prlLC TOITI ^20 to s 100 but did rid see "n net tont x Tafpon Hay Road (Tax Parcel STRAP No 24-46 22 Tl 00229 n^O) as ut"fl« d b, Ji Sonn. of 1 i*. km-, li we i wit i» pi lined *lnt hi* flitb i v inclv (f Epcanian for Dahlmann Apartments, Ltd. No V90 236 s;> ins of up to 1 t fttt which J] flnp* lo keep froii stirrini, u() (( » 10 10 a.m. 9.Considera!ion of a fequest to adopt in ordinance amend ng SuB 51 b^& u \>\ s t i n to i(i(] i \ triLtj of fl ifis lrovtrs> I E 7.c(3) ol tlm Sanibal Land DevaSopmerh Codo ptov ding that no dock boa! da it orto. 1 shall be extended waterward moro than thtrr/ fpet cr U eniy percent 0! the v td h of e wa1 r* md s(rcnni( rs lo tin kit" lines I rcll ib contei t to fly his ki ts fc Inr udlnj; i 10 foot o\ 15 foot \ Uh U-gi itlRhcd md kt -tichever is less, e«epl along shorelines wi h e> ensup rr nar \s vpgtti n in w hes such structures may dittind up lo fifteen feel wat ward past itie t ots ol thp nin-grGvo^ ro rend it ton of the Stir^ ind pissers 1J) ronjurt the ntr nlngs which the structure projects, provided such stnjrtu es can be loca i d v.tn.re tr-e n er df p ^ grefller than Uit89 fw?l Qbovfl ttit? boUam SjtfatQ 3t mpan kim v.a or Atuws Such nrtij-n AT 1 depth is required, but in no event more than twenty percent of the w dlfi o! tre water* > p

I S M I I H ) M IIMII i k\M


1 \ \ 1 \




11509 Andy Rosse Lane o P.O. Box 1090 Capliva, FC 33924' Resident response slow for county beautiflcation project By Esther Bclz The "Paint Your Heart Out" program origi- Staff Writer nated In Pittsburgh. Pa. . 9 Once an application As approved it is for- A countywidc beniitificallon project that of- Keep Lee County Beautiful is sponsoring Its warded to a technlcaLconimiltcc that reviews fers 50 residents the chance to have their first annual painting blitz after a Tampa pro- the home's repair or preparation (for paint- • house painted free ts off to a slow start as It gram where more than 100 homes were, _^ ing) needs. =.•• ' Rets more response from volunteers and cor- painted In one day. Oxlcy said. ^' Subcontractors follow up and complete porate sponsors than interested homeowners, The average paint and volunteer cost per whatever work the technical committee rec- said the organization's director. house Is $600. Oxley saiil. ^- o ommended, OxJcy said. There arc already 50 painting learns that The project allows homeowners io choose The spruce-up mny Include window screen the color of their house. include Barnclt Bank, United Telephone Sys-= replacement, repair or removal of a porch, or tern, and several television stations, said F3ut for Ihose homeowners who dreamed ,of having their house painted fuchsia, avocado, the removal of surrounding weeds. - ^Sharon O.\!ey, Rxecutlvc director of Keep Lee ~j, Whatever work the house needs, it must be County Beautiful Inc. : canary yellow or indigo, the organization has a color chari to hrlp^hem make another se- minor. Oxlcy said. Only 20 homes have been selected from the : mall amount of requests received, iviLi- Fort lection. >, -; The painting spree takes place throughout M\ers having the highest number of appli- Each application is received by a'home- . UcCounty on April 6. and the event concludes cants. ''- owners selection jramtnlltt'tf llint reviews the with an outdoor HMrbctue at Centennial Park. [ \cryone living within Lee County is cli^I- ' applicant's flnnruri.il. disabled and a;-prcss Lake High •"When You're Into Drugs." The aspiring artist partment has been aggressive io get these hopes to attend the Ringling School of Art in homeowners Identified." Oxlcy said. School, has been named visual arts winner for the 1991 Night of Stars fine arts compel!'* . Sarasota this fall, o The application states that homeowners Uon, and received a $300 cash scholarship- Gentile's work will be displayed in the main must be at least 62 years old or be physically ^obby of the Barbara IJ. Mann Performing unable to perform routine maintenance. ~ award. ,. •••> Gentile won the competition .with his work Arts Hall on the evening of the Fourth Annual A homeowner's salary and family size arc Night of Stars"performing arts competition on other considerations. . . "Sometimes You Don't Know Just Who You Arc Fcb.23. IU AAIM REALTY GROUP Promenade Center • 695 Tarpon Bay Road SANIBEL ISLAND, FL 33957

LOCATED IN BAILEY'S SHOPPING CENTER. SANIBEL *- 472-1546 NOW PLAYING 7 P.M. HOMES -CONDOS SABAl SANDS ROAD • Beauty wed piing hor™ • aaiom tail ty B.H So* KELLY GHECPI VILA HOWE • * liTjea v3a on sa*. As 3ER 3 EA tfwrar A 3 teflrsom 2 bafli tame >s s i);e kmy you ft»e been *AOng DUB.SI LOCATED iwn FL VyM SssiK T» la^e 2 Sednxxn. 2 bi'h w.ts it Pi k<\ V29.SM Cal SWrt arti Jcpe Co^n 355-23J3. One of Ihe best Hyp on "THE BEST ROMANTIC GULF FROHT COUPLEU Pizn pm«f in pw o«n 22 TROPiC-ftL MFUDISE GUMBO VUSO 3 BR 4 BA wih w*csp6 pool Ttw iarQe^rc kc5:«J an non*. a-rf ifcyj a t**.(e ii"d bea:>i I (wa-^J Wxt JT^ g.1 *g.e ttfa by tf* COMEDY OF THE YEAR." ihe Sflie. has CitrfArq ycu *o^« *n! ird-jdr^ P« topxe. tehed'al teJ- ped & d^^dja^ C^f fef^4 Of to^fi fOCf bO4i OJ ^'0^3 ysiuf "^TS CC-"*Ctl dod^

CcVr eve* *36SX» 1 GUMBO UU80 • COKPIETED Si 19M • WOK! DTG« wa:er!rDi! be Jf jt 11 • . LOTS

Si-'jes 'r;T; yjjf K^ xtcerta porcH Lecare^ w quel Itf acre W, feahy J'S5,0CO A.V h i t&2 73B5 NOW PLAYING 9 P.M. lanaseaptF3. Feal^^s Wiutrt ce^ss, a!! uogradeanas. aevgnef AMERICA LOVFS THE RUSSIA HOWE ttc^n *tn cak cabreiv fg^fl w.-rap eoto-s, roi'irg tars in all TOTS aiJ port- ct Oo*rs c^n ra la.*k)i. OiS^idog v«ue> CaTrcl be duprcsud fcr ins pv». Ea£)W.EFUIA^frW]WL£L0CiIIC4J ia-'y.: . today 1279,000. Ca3 9u i Jcyw CoV.n, e«r.,r«s 395-2939. 1 bctolina'ifei'^caDi T>>j I(B cai be i-$«lb BOATERS DREAW • Dma aau. deep *a%r caia' Iw* |or-V seconds to oriEstaj'a.1 Cc aaft Attraivs 3ER iB SOTf^rf cot* poi-id level hc« over'ocii dec* avi •rde carai»if; Ls^ fiT!Kie7 l\v-a: a r-e*1 W3rrfi pepose and mxfee p£y r-3fi! ia yo-j taw >ai3! »;« «i ee^ici, ojtstanding vate aid pf«<3 !;f SRUSSIR HOUSE Kr^cdae ss'i a crV J33.0CC Lewes: pnad Ctep waiBf cara' Ni^-e in i^c area' A,1-** ki-3 es'l Si-art o> J=t» CcV^i a: 335-JfiM '^

At Last! Lake-r ront Living On Historic McGregor Boulevard



FINNIMORE'S CYCLE SHOP • RENTALS • ACCESSORIES Open 8:30 - 5:30 Seven Days an live beside a lake, nesiltd has a pcaccfai>icw of Uic Ukc, hrge 472-5577 1 park of palms an J pines nn ,^ icrcenetl lanai, UKI attached double Eriny the security and unship, rivctfrom golf crnirse, and e\ tor.duminiiim living plus the privacy In iho|iping and binks! A short drivi ndivi room. 2 bath Viliw or t»i> «ory. 3 bod all tfiis anil the location of \uw. nwnt. 3 bath Towihotnes. Evay huitu

© Waites. Manning discusses trash African Wallcs has been at condominium meeting art show collecting tribal ;irt at Sundial February 15 for over 12 years, be- Feb. 15 ginning when she and her husband. Bill, The Sixth Annu.il Condominium Associa- lived Jsi Australia in tions of Sanibel Island Seminar and lun- Art'exhibition of the 70s, cheon is being held Friday, February 15, at the African Art which Sundial U&ieh and Tennis Resort. will opyi al the Fort Tlie exhibit, which Registration for the serifinar begins at 8:30 Myers Historical Mu- inns through March i in.- followed by workshops about condo- seum on February 15, IS, includes masks, minium operations presented .by represents- features Items from carvings, textiles and lives from the Florida Bureau of Condomini- the collection of Abo- bronze works of the ums and legal matters conducted by Becker, riginals.1 Art of the Yoruba. Benin. Dogon Poliakoff and Slreitfeld. Pa First Person gallery and Ktibairibcsof Lunch begins ai noon with I,ce County owner, Susanne Africa. Commissioner John Manning discussing the fate of the proposed waste-to-energy incinera- tor, the future of the Sanibel causeway and spiraling property taxes. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS- Hie public is invited but reservations ar^ FLY THE FLAG! necessary and can be made by calling Gene Hadke at 472-3832. Don Qrandl at 482-8020 or Jack Sullivan at 433-31G3. »CSMBEL REALTY) u SEASIDE COTTAGE».Pctufo yowself ownrg a trepcal coflag« ant SfdSng baretoc* on a pn&e pab to Ihe Gul d Mexico. This one bed-TWH, one bdh fuf- fite your needs. Compterey refurbished. EXCEO£NT FEWTAL OR VACATOf I PROPERTY. Best value on bvey Sar.ibei Island. $129,5(0. Call Deborah Reaior Assoo-ae li72C565 454 5150


UWUE DMtKS B JVOUiPtWO HOME Pn&y and reun stoni on h« lugn KQcal ix DEEECD ACCESS TO DUMB BAYOUI TT« t yov oU 3 hxhem, 2 beti ***g bstres U pordv SCO-COOTSA3 «6 boti hrt «J b**, 14' catodul ct*rg. Menan trie arvJ pine toccr ROOU FOR EXFANSIONt v $260,000 C«l Joyca Twnoy. &*« S«toiBn. X 472 tffB?776 Reartw As»ociate (472 6565 Of 472-5080)

BEACH-VIEW- GENEROUS POOL-FINANCING- HOMESITE this condominium has it all Convenient Gumbo TnedhndQailery for $299,000 Ask for f Limbo. Owner Important 20rh Cenn/y A/r NEAR THf- GULF OF MEXICO Pete Skehan, financing $119,000. Nicel/ lumishod. with a view ovotlooking th* courtyard. This lovely complex offe Realtor Associate, Call Maryann Skehan, pool. Close to 472 6565 or f Broker Associate ot away Irom tho notso of heavy VK IMM <•/ Heii ff.i/nw traffic,'Call Charlie Sutef tof dc-iaHs'(472-6565 evenings, 275 0097 (472-6565 or 275-0097). or 472-5080) Vif Luatt of Siilum A\t Al HtU

DON'T WORRY ABOUT FURNISHED OFFICE SPACE GREAT ISLAND t HOW YOU CAN Freshly redecorated fully fur PROPERTY INVESTMENT rushed office spare (^20 S F) PURCHASE YOUR 2 buildable lots in quiet 1in centrally located Penwinktp ESTATE LOT ON SANI- suDdivision THE PRICE •a Way Complex Can be leased ^- BEL. We have an owner IS RIGHT' Only $75 COO wi'h or without office furnish ip- ings and pqwDment 'S420 who says just pay the each Call Fred Newman Unfurnished or $470 complete expenses and he'll deal! Realtor Associate at ly (urn shed) Juet bring you> Gail lor details today. 472 6565 or even'ngs pen and pencil" Call Bert 472-6565 489 2175 Jerks deta Is at 472 6565

^ Sanibel: 1633 P^riwir.k'c *,a (Across from C&S Bank) 813-472-6565

Cflpliva: 14312 Coptiva Raad 1-800-445-1566 (In Post OtfittJBptldlng) Property Guide and Vacation Rental Information GRAB THE DOG 1 PACK UP THE KIDS Move to the country. Sanibel style. Security of days gone by with Ihe'tomfort ot today. 3/2, Upstairs master suite. Becky Williams, Broker Salesman (472-3121 or 472- = 54575457)) . $209,000

'. .1 SANIBEL MOORINGS/3 BEDROOMS PENTHOUSE CONDOMINIUM Gult tront building, lirsl floor unit! Rare find, Skylights, 3/3. den, rooftop sundeck. all the the only 3 bdrm unit lor sale. 2 porches, steps upgrades included, best lop floor furnished lux- from the beach, beaulitully lurnished. Trudy or ury condominium. Call John Nicholson, Carl Deremo, Realtor Associates {472-4121 or Realtor Associate (472-3121 or 489-0678). '^•-:: 472-3042). -5945,000- •5279,000- "

ISLAND CHARM Near beach & lake front. 3 bdrm Irame home, 300 tt oft W. Guli Dr. Long term tenants provide Income. Call Dan Cohn, CRS, Reallor LUXURIOUS DIRECT ACCESS HOME Associate (472-3121 or 472-9337). The best ol everything. Lushly vegetated, 3/3 •5219,000- residence brings the outside in. Pool with piz- zazz! Pam Pfahler. Broker Salesman (472- JOE KNOWS CONDOS '-. '- GOOD LOOKING - t 319lor472-3897). Must include this condo ot your list of unils to Charming 3 bdrm, former model with decorator ° -5829,000- ' - . u view! Absolutely bost views on Sanibet! 2 finish. Great room has vaulted ceiling S wel bdrm/2 bath exquisitely furnished w/roof top bar. Action priced. Call Trudy or Carl Deremo, BEACH FRONT ESTATE HOME sundeck. Joe Suarez, Reallor Associate (472- Realtor Associates (472-3121 or 472-3042). Combines great design w/quality construction. 3121 or472.14S2). Over 5,000 sq It on 3 levels. 4/4-iv/Pool, spa •$339,500- •5249,000- and elevator. Unique. Call Ted Holland, Reallor Associate (472-3121 or 472-9516;. BF1ING YOUR TOOTHBRUSH AND MOVE IN . . •' -.$1,490,000- ' 3/2 short walk to beach.' Community pool,,tsn- LOVELY 2/2 APARTMENT nis. Deeded beach access. For an exclusive Excellent condition with all the amenities; poot, showing call Fred Spring, Broker Salesman tennis, fishing, boat docks & tovety grouds. (472-3121 or 472-6726). View of San Carlos Bay. Jean Reed, Realtor •5315,000- Associate (472-3121 or 472-1663). LOT WITH NEW FLORIDA STYLE HOMES •5220,000- Lot in attractive area. Natural vegetation. Close to deeded beach access on West.Gulf VALUE AND LOCATION!! Drive. ^Sewers and paved roads. Ann What more could you ask of this 2/2 gulf view Gardiner, CRS, Reallor Associates, (472-3121 condo? Steps to Gull. Looking for the best or 472-3486). ^ value on Sanibel? This is ill Dan Cohn. CRS. Realtor Associate (472-3131 or 472-9337). -5249,000- LOT TO BUILD YOUR OWN HOME ON PENTHOUSE PLUS SPECTACULAR GULF Private island almosphtre wSh lake view. This VIEWS Completely refurbished 2'2 with great subdivision has beach access and sewer facili- rental history. For more inlormalion please call iy. Nice neighborhood.. Ann Gardiner, CRS Adrianne Stahnke. Reallor Associate (472- CUSTOM HOME FACiNG WEST GULF DR. Realtor Associates (472-3121 or 472-3486). ' 3121 or 472-9669). Steps to beach, 4 bdrm, family rm. w/corian •5135,500- . - •5345,000- wel bar, loll, 2 screened porches, 3 open " decks, large living S dining rm. Call Ann TERRIFIC LOCATION Gardiner, CRS, Reallor Associate (472-3121 or ; KEEP YOUR BOAT AT YOUR OWN DOCK 'Upper Captiva approx. 750 feet of bay front 472-3486). on a private Island. 2 Bedrooms 2 baths with property with exquisite^ views. Call Betsy bit, 2 siory ceilings In Ihe great room. Pool, •5479,000- Belpedio Broker Salesman (472-3121 or 454- Tennis, Clubhouse, nicely furnished. Call 3822). Msige McCombs, Reallor Associate, (472- •5750,000- 3121 or Eves. 482-6018). i I i 11- -S359.000- CAPTIVA -GULF FRONT • LOT Fully equipped and prhalrly owned. Picture your estate home on this beautiful & \u\ur\ fonddininiums, hornet. ''<-- .'1 unique parcel orrFlorida's most exclusive r duplcxes/and cotUgts. beach. Don't wail. Call Linda Traverso, 'mi Realtor Associate (472-3121 or 489-3201). 'Hi' -•' ! •51,095,000- •

1 CONVENIENT SECOND HOME! This 3 bdrm duplex is just pertect for weekend getaways or winter living."Great open views ot goll course. Betsy Belpedio, Broker Salesman LUXURY!! LUXURY! (LUXURY! (472-3121 or 454-3822). Unobstructed gulf view East & Wesl will leave you in awe, 3/2 den w/superb workmanship. -5230,000- For private viewing call Fred Spring, Broker Salesman (472-3121 or 472-6726). •5825,000- BEACHFRONT 3 BEDROOM Furnished condo, best location on West Gull Dr. Lush tropical views from both screened porches. For details call Carl Deremo. Reaitor Associate (472-3121 or 472-3042). 1149 Periwinkle Wny/2427 Periwinkle Way, Sanil>el Island, VL 33957 t -5449,000- a 813/472-3121 • 800/23a4iOM • Fax: 813/3050855 I ttm


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Saxtihei decorators Burroughs Home

Slqif Writer Some of Southwest Florida^ foicmo t intt "rior designers have breathed new life In the past, recreating the 1000s at one of Fort W>ir> first luxury residences. The Burroughs Home during the annual Designer Showcase Home „ Of the II designers selected tn decorate i room, almost half of them are from Sanlbcl Opcfied to the public January 27, designers spent months, most since August oflast veir planning how they would decorate the loom they were assigned, from the bath to (he but ler's pantry. VoxwoUhy's Interiors on Veiiwlnkte Wai won Hie right to( decorate the pantry, not o much a room as It fs a thoroughfare betnecn (Jit* dining room and what is now Ihe Viclorl ana rJ{ju£k|iic where visitors can purchase momentos <>f their Showcase tour in addition Wh(re wrought iron single bed with a lace coverlet tn bedroom by Norfleet Interiors to the $5 entry fee. ^, Gary David Designs, on Tarpon Bay Rind behind the Matsumoto Gallery, took over the Burroughs Home library in masculine l>lc JVorflcel Interiors in the Village Center on Photos by Periwinkle Way decorated Ihe girl's room In a Kathleen Blase lacy, feminine style, i'airn Day Collection on Periwinkle Way next to the B Hive created the ..master bedroom and Premier Florida DL signs, behind the Village Center, producul i (1 showcase bathroom, ggj Preparation ended Just before the SJiovcise opened in Ihe kw days given each designer to actually install their recreation of the Bur roughs Home of the 1930s. LaCreasha Wcglarz, deslgnertfiid owner of "Palm Bay Collection, spent 10 hours iri pi in ning and presentation time, 10 In adminlsin tion, follow up, ordering materials and sup piies, and anuther-20 hours supervising the actual installation of wallpaper, paint and furniture at the home downtown. The room's centerpiece is the bed and fib ilcs around wiitch.everything else rcyo've Gary David Designs, Inc. brings the aura of but without seeming to. "Out of Africa' to the library with an old zebra There Is no such thing as too detailed G iry tug, ticking slipcovers and curtains. David Designs' masculine, otit-of-AfriC i 1>I<- ,;' goes far enough to suggest a veld with cle pltanls as close as the nearest window, but IL tains a summer, Florida charm with light fabrics, pillows and the idea that someone just left the library. J'lpcs art1 laying about, a boift lies open a snifter of br md> wilts the owner's return 11 u. (ll> (if i-oit Myers Ins owned the Bur rough* Homc-sirxi. 1978 when II was domt t.d b> Mon i 11 >rher d-iugMer of Civil War \ct inn NiKon Tliom is Burroughs, who bought tin lioniL in 10)8 irom Montana cattleman J ilni T Mi rpln uhn bui't it In 1 DO 11 [lieu Is nodtslgm r kitclicn theclos' t be in^ (lit. butkrspi itr> dtsigntd bv Foxwor (li> s ctmiplLtPmh i btuftui butler annul with i it r\iiik trn md ghasuf wine, I nlnrluniUK I >. is the. Mily one uho snowLd in mlt us m (disu n ngj llii-b Hlu s n ii 'i\ slu I iiqlitd I ML) 1 f I , f rll JIS tli(. lit ( ( UIlilT (O| S n KHM (Ii i ' ill tiii fil-f hors _._ The butler, balancing a glass qfchampagtu* '"' IT i- i >'h ntu IMKK inltidinr. Ui A pine armoirewith louvcrcd doors playi on a silver tray, gets ready to serve guests, as n ' il I dm an important part of the master bedroom he leaves the butler's pantry decorated by designed by J'nlm Hay Collection Interior Foxworthy's Interior Design firm. Design Studio. An off-istomi antbui.-inci; took the woman Firemen responded !o the Mucky Duck Sanibel (o IA2C Memorial Hospital. rt'Staiirai^cSa(urday. to assist a 37-yeai-old Firemen received a call Wednesday from a Fireman received a call of a possible drug woman wllhan uncontrollnbic__no5c bleed. 68-year-old woman on Gulf Pines Drive, who overdose Sunday morning. A 50-year-old The woman went to a local clinic in her own • had suffered an allergic reacUon from fire ant Sanibel woman, suspected oi being a cancer vehicle. . • j bites. patient, was found unconscious at her Causey letter that clay, a Fort Myers man suffered On Thursday, rescue crews responded |o Court liorne and taken, by helicopter to an Iniuries to his lower back at the Bubble Room, I Sand Pointe Condominiums wJierc an 6-1- area hospital for treatment. , " " ' after falling down a flight of stairs while try- year-old Illinois man was in cardiac arrest On Monday, a G3-yenr-oId Ohio woman fell ing io carry a heavy piece of kitchen equip- ! after almost drowning In the swimming pool. - and suffered a possible fractured ankle at her ment. ' ... • Medics assisted a doctor and nurse, who •Albatioss Road=resldence. She was taken to On Sunday, a 38-ycar-oltJ woman New York were already on the scene, administer cat* Gulfcoast Medical Center for treatment. woman suffered a possible broken ankle I diopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and took I-ater that night\ an 88-ycir-okl New Yortf*- while plyying tennis at South .Seas Planta- j him to Southwest Florida Regional Medical inaii was taken lo GulfconsI Medical Center*, tion. The woman was taken to Gulfcoast Med- : Center. after having difficulty breathing. ical Center. .; . " _ i A 20-ycnr-old North Fort Myers man was Early Tuesday morning, a 68-year-old A 78-ycnr-oId New York woman, siayiug al '. nearly electrocuted Friday, while working on Toronto man suffered from breathing cliffi- the Twcen Waters Inn. suffered from breathe Uuttonwood Lane with Farren's Tree Sur- cultles and was helicoptered to Southwest ing difficulties and was taken to Southwest geons. The man was helicoptered to Southwest Florida Regional Medical Center. Florida Regional Medical Center. Florida Regional Medical Center for treat- Laler thai day. a 87-ye,tr-old Capliva man ment. Captiva walked info Hie fire drpartnient, com pin in Ing On Saturday night a 69-ycar-ofd Sanibel of breathing difficullles and askittg (n have woman loll In her home and avulsed a large A 6G-year-ok! Missouri marT'was heli- his bfcod press'.jrc checked.. section.of skin off of her arm. Apparently the coptered lo Soutluvt-st Florida Regional Medi- woman and her husband had been drinking cal Center Wednesday, alter suffering a pair of The man was given ox>-grn and left claim- and were unable to drive to the hospital, the seizures at his South Seas Plantation Condo- ing to feel better. Minutes, later the man called rescue report slated. minium. and asked to be taken to the hospital.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS •SUBCOMMITTEE OF SANIBEL VEGETATION COMMITTEE We Custom Make u A SubcoRimiitcu of the City of Sanibel Vegcl-ition Committal. Fine Gold Layered vi II i)« conducting public meetings at Sanibel Ciiy Council Chambers (MacKortzitt Mali) al ttio trues indicated twlov* 1 Jewelry FromYour tontidof revisions !£i tha City ol Sanibol VencLiL'on Standards adopted by City Council Resolution No. 67-137. Shells. From $G up! "£

On February 8,1991 at 2:00 p.m. Exclusively At. On February 15,1991 at 2:00 p.m

S gm.'tt Konnolli Platzer. Assistant Planning Director • . II a ptiison decides to appeal any decision of the body with * COLOURS rt. pact lo any matter considered at such meeting or hoahng, N> will nwd a record ol [he proceedings, and fat such purpos- HAND CRAFTED JEWELRY & GIFTS es m.iy nood to ensure thai a verbatim record of tfto proceed- ings 's mndb, fthich retard includes Mie testimony and eyj- denco iipcn w^kil'r PIG npp^cil is to be bnsed 472-1707 Pelican Place 2440 Palm Ridge Road

if you've been looking for a casual, Intimate, island^ down-home, CREATIVE /tJcWELRY plde Florida, folksy, ° cute kind of bank... STHE VALENTINE GIFr ^ THAT'S AS BEAUTIFUL AS YOUR LOVE.

stop looking, start banking. Vl'Xye puhCBOTTs branch in the most convenient apot we couid find for people heading off the islands and for east end residents and businesses. !t's also a great piace to s>t on the veranda,and watch the world;'' go by Stop by soon -

From the moment it's received to every single moment thereafter, fine jewelry lets your loved one knoW1 exactly how you feel. FINE JEWELRY WHEN YOUR FEELINGS ARE FOR REAL. Community Bank 813-I72-M54 ^ of the Islands : 1620 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel FL 33357 ' Monday - Saturday 10-5 Vaa & MasterCard Accepted

o Priscilla Murphy Realty expands Priscilla Murphy Realty. Inc.. the Islands-'-, 1955. "There's a fireplace in the old bookstore oldest real estate firm, has purchased the that was cohered by:i>ooks. We plan to incor- Priscilla .Murphy Center at 1019 Periwinkle porate it Into a new conference room," Mernics Way. Macintosh Boole Store.'the previous addtd. _-. tenant, which occupied the right side of the -center, has moved down Periwinkle Way near She continued, "We arc modernizing onr fiatlcys. present facility and expanding Into the \i_cording to iluanita" Hermes, the owner former buok store. That will increase our of- and president of the real estate firm, the : fice space to 4,000 square feet." _ bookstore was originally Priscilla Murphy's1 priscilla Muiphy Corporate employs 41 as- home back in the early '50s. She opened the _ - sociates in Fort Myers. Cape Coral. Sauibel business in the front part of her residence tn and Captlva. c - , ' Shell Museum annual meeting set for Feb. 26. _ *Vith total building contributions standing In Sdditlon to museum members',1 campaign it 5554.000 after a year of solicitation, mem- donors and other interested parties will be birs of the Bafiry-Mailhetvs Shell Museum welcome at1 the nice ting. Because of iimit'ed will hold their jwimiM meeting on Tuesday, space.-those planning to attend are requested frebruary 2G. 'according to William K. Hall- lo advise the Shell Museum Campaign Office. Buughn IloUoway sttnd. Chr.iminn oftlie Board ol Trustees. .'195-2233. The 10 am meeting will be held in tlu* audl- loriuni ofthe Sniilbcl Congregational United Holloway named Church of Christ. 2050 Periwinkle Way. Library mgeting top producer The museum's Founding Director, Dr. R. The Saiifbcl Public library. 'ticker Abbott, world-recognized shell expert, Library'brWss board cf didl- ™c meeting will " Island Real Estate Associates announces will review plans and progress for construc- rectors will hold include a ribbon cut- that Bntifflin tB.W.J Holloway was the firm's tion of the museum. their alihual meeting ting ceremony for the lop producer for 1090. Rilure plans will he discussed by Dr, Abbott at 3 p.m. Thursday, ''library's new parking lie lias been a Captlva resident for the past is well as a capital campaign update; u look at ''l.althe 20 years and specializes in Capliva waterfront the scale modei'of the buiraing planned for on property, eiqhl-acre site on the Sanibel-Captiva Road, lie Is married tn Linda Holloway, also an and a discussion ofthe museum's new project, associate with Island Real Estate Associates the distribution of instructional shell collec- They live on Rooscvcll Channel. tions to Florida schools. Hotlowav Is active In his church and-is an .tvid fisherman.

22 years in the business 15 years on Sanibel 7 'It-bring my experience into yourfwmcf Bob Thompson . Senior Vice President Merrill Lynch


ST. PAUL our business wili ycr tremendous exposure in this prestigious ~ CHAMBER Ybuilding in the center of Smibel's business district. Move •=> quickly to iociite licrc in time for the season. This distinctive o ORCHESTRA "landmark11 building, with cupola and pillared entry, is close to the ground - not elevated. o jchoiar uid Chlstophe conducts the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra in • The best commercial .retail space on.the "island Naples (one night only). "IT popular ensemble noted for !O tpiritctl approach y • "Available for February occupancy \\imn\ Adagio fir String Hid the Symphony So. 40 in "=5) j' ' .- . wnrks by Oomu.il and .Marti'cui. • I ligh. traffic location . " A I ay Sftrial Contrrt! ^ • Close by C&S Bank and The I lean ofthe Islands

• Half ofthe building already leased to established successful r business -^ " - - -:

• Units available: 1,280 stj, (v, and two at 950 sq. ft. each m.o.l. Leasable individualiy ofip combination ~ '~^ ,

For more information, call Rex Moon al 481-3003 "today.

© Mack underestimates America's willingness Bicyclists,' pedestrians more protection to pay for Gulf War ^ To the editor - - " only io lucky automobile drivers in tht:*sstcd ^cocoons al the two largest banks Hi Sanibel on Republican Senator Connie M;ick of Cape As relative newcomer Sanibci rcsiilenls, we . are unrestrained bv much experience In giving ^Saturday mornings. We need to encourage ev- Coral was talking. . " _ eryone on Sanibel to abandon tlietr beloved fie was saying hoiv he would not let the war advice about a subject import/ml to us in our beloved new community: pcilcslrtan cross- cars -nr.d cnj'jy the wonders of Sanibel on foot in the Gulf become an excuse for Democrats walks. Our expectations as fornitr Californl- and by bike. •: "to rafsc taxes." a ans were that vehicles would stop for xih in Some would advocate a stoplight at -Jcirj-'s Sounding Hke a long list of modem Uepub- marked crosswalks, but. alas, pedestrians In - as a solution at the most troublesome lr.K"i- liciins, wlio have changed the meaning of j^ctkm uiil: that would further the vehicle on- > fiscal responsibility" to borrow now and pay Smiibel crosswalks arc In great peril willi no safety from approaching vehicles. There is •~siaugh!. We suggest that 3 narrow vertical sign later/Senator Mack apparently believes that be placed im the center line .of each marked the War in the Gull can be like the reporting of absolutely no cultural recognition of the Florida legal requirement [hat ..."the driver of crosswalk lo admonish: ,"STC;F for anyone in the War in the Gulf, all fire power with no un- crosswalk."'" - ~ pleasantness, o - a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way, slowing down or stopping il" need be to so yield, to a "The safety of bicyclists seems particularly While the. military strives to protect the- pedestrian crossing the roadway within a imperiled. The crosswalk paint job at Casa American people from the blood and terror of crosswalk..." as set forth in Stale Uniform Vbel and Algieis is half gone. The "BIKE war by means of strict news control, some In STOP" signs painted on bike paths are totally Congress, like Senator Mack, want to protect Traffic Control Ch. 31(5.130 (7)r We discussed this thorny subjccLwifh Sanf- ignored and evidence, a bias toward vehicles the American people from the consequences over bikes. Cars .^ioulcl step for bikes. of the cost of the war. ii;$- bel police who do noi feel they have the re- sourccs or direction io enforce the rights of To change a cultural bias requires educa- The reason for both is to Insure that the,-. tion. Perhaps we could consider a sign at the War In the Gulf remains popular. pedestrians in our crosswalks. Indeed one po- liceman found comfort in the admonition to entrance to Sanibel ta explain that our City But such deceptive praciIces underestimate pedestrians prevailing over subparagraph (7): wants to give pedestrians and bicyclists a the commllmenl of the American people to "(8) No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb fighting chance lo (.TOSS streets, so slow down, this war. For surely If the war must be sold on or other place of safety and walk or run into relax and enjoy the beauties of Sanibel as we " the basis that ft is strangely devoid of blood the path of a vehicle which is so close il Is im- "travel life's journey. " and will not cost anything in the way of new More crosswalks arc needed. Attitudes wiii taxes, then It cannot be the popular crusade possible for the driver to yield.". We hope that on Sanibel the rights and - change ivhen' the sensible rules of Florida's which President George Bush has insisted it laws are revealed. We are eager to help study u Is. safety of pedestrians and bicyclists take^ precedence over the rights of vehicle drivers to "" and implement these concepts. H would seem that in view of the fact that have a speedy commute,through Sanibel. Ve- the vast majority of Americans appear lo sup- hicle drivers are afforded benefits and rights Sincerely, port this action, responsible political leaders denied bicyclists and pedestrians which would take just the opposite approach. seems wrong-headed In this era on Sanlhd. Noel and Guy Blase Noting the broad support for the war at this For example, banking sen-ices are provided e time, it might be supposed that the fiscally re- ... Sanibel sponsible members of Congress would Imme- diately call for new war taxes because they" would realize that Americans understand that Compassion for handicapped urged from city a war that costs from between $500 million to To the editor i> :> ., have assumed this responsibility, for their $1 billion a day Is not cheap, and that the cost These remarks arc addressed to the city of .ward and are thereby filling a gap in services of their supfSnrt would be increased taxation. Sanibel: ,. " not provided by government, Most of those supporting the war are proba- "I am writing to urge you to re-considcr your i 'The planning commission has. In the past, bly prudent people themselves when it comes denial of a variance to Jimtnv ant! Laura granted many variances for large, powerful m money, and they realize that it Is fr.r wiser Uuniscd. .corporations, '.urge that for this very minor, and cheaper to pay as you go rather t&sin bor- "Ordlriarily. as a citizen and partner in a unpenniited improvement, a variance be al- rowing and paving later. : ^ building business, I too oppose improvement;* lowed. I'm sure it would also ninke^a major After all. the Reagan era when running up made, without the necessary'perm its. difference to the Burnsed family." Also. if. debt wholesale was thought *.o be desirable Is However, in the case of the Bumscds. the would demonstrate the plauning^coinmis- mcs. - - ; ~ Glon Porler house as having a "downstairs finished off for Advertising Dif&ctor office or rec room." Once again the city closed The Zonta Club of Snnlbcl-CapMva will be one of the civic groups which' will patnt a Colloen Coakley Yergens Us eyes to the violations until my complaint was filed, " ,, home under professional supervision. Nalu- " Advertising Sales Manager fatly, we would like thc-hou&e we. paint to be What would have happened had this house located on Sanibel or cHpllva. Jim Agle. Sherry Hughes^ been soIS with violations intact? "Selective Adv oi Using Sales If you know someone on either island that, enforcement" of (he law would have caused^ ini^ht qualify far this beaut mention proJeclT Shirlene Grasgieen obvious problems with the cily and consider- "** please contact Keep Sxe County Beautiful," al able expense to the new owner at some later 334-348S. " -" "" dale. KirSc Wilson In (lie above instance, my n.ime was given Rosiland Wcgryn FKKiuchcn t/ianr. in writing at the romplainlani; I know of an- President of tlic Zonta Club of Sanibel Cap other case pending where it has been impossl- tlva. w clock in New York City keeps tick- Justice, insure domestic Tranqutt- The enemy ing off the trillions. ity, provide for the common de-,, Our most abundant product fence, promote the generOi is the voters these days is blame •- in the fruit- Welfare, and secure the Blessings less form of demagoguery. of Liberty to ourselves and our By Wes Haines Blame Reagan -- he promised tG Posterity^; * fhe basic document It s all very taxing on our minds balance the budget, expand the then spells out how we are to get and on our pocketbooks these military and cut taxes all at the the executive, the repre- ... days os We the People watch ~^. "same time. President Bush gener- sentatives, the senaiors, the jus- Wa Wngton work or-more - ously asks us to blame him. and tices to fulfill our responsibilities. accurately- not work. v/e surely will -- he gave u5 the But when the President asked us Americans from all over the "read my lips' routine, and said to get in touch with our represen- country on Columbus holiday we'd grow out of the deficit. tatives to support the bipartisan^, jaunts found the Smithsonian, the Democrats, by nature, blame effort to cut $50 billion the first year Washington Monument, most ' Republicans, but today even Re- and S5C0 billion in five years, we" tour.st spots closecUlput the halls publican party discipline has bro- bitterly complained about our re- having to with our popular re- of Congtess open, As they' -;. ken down and some are blaming spective oxen being gored: sponsibilities - and not dodge queued up on the Capitol steps, others in violation of the eleventh Surely there is enough common irto Willie Mortons, flag pledges. one frustrated visitor Quipped.. commandment never to speak ill sense among Us the People to and what you'd do if Kitty Dukakis "We're here because the other of another Republican. admit to "our* deficit, and to be zoo is closed.* u got raped; 2) elect people to both willing to pay pur fair share so thgt houses of Congress for SINGl£ For years the government of Perhaps it's high time for Us the it doesn't become "their* (our the United States has been run- People to blame ourselves. "We terms (6 years? 8 years?) as citi- children and grandchildren) un- zen. not career, members so that ning on "continuing resolutions" . the People" bogins the Constitu- deserved burden. amounting to continuing irresolu-_ tion, in Preamble, 'in Order to form the sole concern of the office holder Is the nation's tsjsiness. not lion while the digital federal .deficit a mere perfect Union, establish ./ There are a couple of other long-term reforms'we can initiate, fund-raising to get re-elecfed. too: ?) insist thaf elections (the LETTER — Oh ye:, lets, more than half of 'feast of democracy" os H.G. us. vote. It Is not just uncMc - its •from page 4B Wells colled them) be preceded : stupid - to be like the Maine . forccment department ami feel you were not by shorter, less costly campaigns constituent Ed Muskte once told trcatctTfairly? Let the facts speak for them- that require candidates to define me about: when the Senator selves. The only way lo fight back is to orga- and to explain In some detoil what urged him to vote, he said. 'Never ni/c and join together to Tile complaints wllli they would do about real issues vote. It just encourages 'em.' ; the Florida Commission on Ethics In Talla- ha see. -•=>, * ** *-PlMYEflS NiwS.pREas.Say3;' Bet Yam - The moment has come to stop suffering In ' Hard IQ tmaglne'a more delightful . Temple of the Islands Hence and those who have betrayed our trust INVITES YOUTO PARTICIPATE IN must liow be taken to task. SANIBEL'S Let's j*et urn this beautiful city to thq.people ,_ jcun.rpg.ul i RESTAURANT A REFORM JEWISH SHABBAT SERVICE and out of Ihe hands of the bureaucrats who . FRANCAIS "Urn Bort» ;• '-, want lo control us all. - ,. "_ - ••'•• French Corner rjINNER 6-to"PM '; J- Mlchclc Hatinlgan CLOSED SUNDAY RES: 472-UB3 ° '-"*•.. _ Santbel TARPON BArno. By THE*POST office' VALENTINE'S DAY IS FOR Waterfront Elegance FEATURING eostwood Compfcle 'pinners for livo " landings induding L f*ri.ii. urt Griind estate homes"sur- ^' Snfaif, 'I'cjietatifc, Cfwice of'VoltUo nml roiinded by sparkling waters on Sanibnl's rasliion- Coinpfiwcnfiiry ablc cast cn

RES13URJINT R FISH MARKET Full M.irl.cl i'|in al Nisin • I juirifc iiprn ai 4 P.M. •RrMaiirant opi'n al IJII P.M. 472 -1! 28 • Full Lii|imr Lice rise • M Jior Crcdil Cards • 975 Ral+il Road \^CX> associates, inc., L3 "(her One Million Suii\Jiett Oisunnas ilnila Few Old Cum!" ; 1149 Pailwlnklt Wl,, S)nlb«l Island, Fl 33957

•'•© J '

New England artist checks out Captiva By Caren Heimcn Staff Writer . .^; . -' - ^ Candace Wittemore Lovely's oil painting. "Boston Twilight. Skaters," dicj more !han turn a few heads in the Northeast and Vitginia. It was the focus for an entire room, de- . Signed, wallpapered, furnished and painted around Ihe blu&scape of frozen fiver, twinkling lights, cobblestone bridges and bundled fig- ures seeming to sway across the canvas. * From her homo in Kc-nnebunkpcrt. Maine, Lovely has traveled the country's coasts leaving her mark on families, shows and gal- leries in Boston, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard Hilton Head, San Francisco and now =• the south. For a month this winter she will be capturing moments as islanders come to life beside the water and sand she loves on Captiva and Sanibet. Since the age of six Lovely wanted to be an artist. She grew up in Springfield, Vermont, went to the University of Vermont and mojored in art. ' .' . 11" For three years she used only charcod? U sketching objects bathed in northern light to . learn angles, contrasts and shadows with her feet taped to the floor so her view was unwavering. She moved from charcool to color for an- JLs other throe years, finally using live models and creating her own American impressionist land Jennie Alexander poses for artist Candace lovely, at right. and seascapes. - She garnoied first prizes from the* Southern Vermont Art Association, again in 1982 at A three-year-old girl in a brother and sister Spring Meadows followed by the 1984 Yankee team, commissioned by their patents, cried Sangendorph Award frSm the Copley Society when when she got her dress wet, got tired of of Boston, one of the oldest and largest art wading In the water and put a stop to it all after societies in the country. she saw a jollyfish. "Outdoors you work with the tide and the In 1985 she received the Lee M. loeb Na- wind. You want that to come through as part of tional Awo^d from the American Artist Profes- the beauty of the work." she said. sional league, in 1987 it was tne Stanley Phillips And her work is dramatic, yet simple, unclut- Popular Award from the Rockport Art Associa- tered, focused, but with innuendos that create tion for her "Saltwater Blues," a figure on the a mood or reeling beach at Hilton Head, South Carolina. Painters often put too much into their work. In 1988 she was named a Copley Master _ Lovely say: and her work began appearing in publications She emphasizes the basics of design, including the book "Realism in Revolution, The parallels and perpendiculars, color contrast: Art of The Boston School,'! as v/eii as articles in the balance of opposites Art and Antiques, Traditional Summer Homes ihe paints at inns, featuring Jennie Alexan- and a spring feature due out in Southern Ac- ier, a relative of Winston Churchiii, in her can- Sunshine Girls by Candace Lovely cents Magazine, vas, "Summer White," which hangs in a Florida home. Alexander and Lovely discov- ^ Wet Paint Auction, where she secured highest Her live model studies prompted Lovely to T ered they were alumnae of the same prep "*" bid from among 50 well-known artist:-. introducepeople to her landscapes, focusing school. --V . • Lovely donated two images for Christmas on private commissions, not always an easy. •' -"i love rain scenes. They ore,the rarest and - cards to benefit the Boston Belief Nutcracker task. •'-%-„' always the ones that go first from the studio.! program, arxi she recently held a one woman Three young brothers were captured on like snow, but woter is so much fun. You get to show at Renjeu Galleries' in Concord. Mas- canvas sailing boats in Nantucket Harbor. !n paint something, and then you find a reflection sachussetts, as part of a benefit for Emerson spi*e of, or perhaps because of their intense and you get to paint it differently/' she said. . , Hospitals Auxiliary. . ~ " . ... riva'fy for attention; Lovely was able to do Much of her work benefits charitable She lives, works and sells in Kennebunkport . what she does best, capture a moment' in t'r^sir causes, a way to make art fndke a difference .. and Boston and her work hangs in the Robert n lives that offers a timeless reflection. she noted. A painting donated to a public Wilson Gallery in Naples, the coast is merely When they are teenagers, especially broadcast station auction took the highest". : her studio. teenage boys and giiis, they have trouble price ever received for a piece of art in the Lovely con be reached for commission . getting along. You get into family scenes," station's history. S10,500, a feat that was re- work ot the Captive home she and husband Lovely noted- ' '_ : peated during the Copley Society of Boston's Donald Korst ore renting. 395-1451. . Cabaret performances set The Captiva Ccbaret. o new February 19. th ou h f 'a h ' theatrical group under the direc- ihe Cabare: wiil perform 'Er-ro <• tion of J.T. Smith and Robert Ca- on Tuesdays. Thursdays and cioppo, has announced-its cal- Saiurday. and "Every! hi n; endar for its February and March Ccrning Up Roses.' on Wedr>o performances at Tween Waters days, Fridays and Sunday; Inn. -^Cacioppo serves as the arti 'Encore." an original four-man director for the two sho\ <• musical cabaret directed by Alt performanrr beqn oi 7 0 Smith, opened February 1, ct the p.m. Wakefieid Room at Twcen Wa-: ters. and wili continue through Tickets are S 13.50, and can be February 10. .purchased by calling 472-5)6). From February 12 - 17, Smith and Special theater and dinner company willpresent. 'Everything packages are^avai'abie through is-Coming Up Roses," featuring The Old Captiva House for S3b. JX Smith, lett; Robert Cacioppo, at right the music of Jule Styne. and-The Crow's Nest, for S25.

© \ J

Island visitors and residents met artist Greg Biolchinl tight, at the art show of --/ Schoolhousc Gallery. Dorecn DcScrres of Fort Myers talks with the artist, . Artist Phil Fisher, one of two painters at the opening exhibition of "Somftwcst Florida ? Artists* at Schoolhotise Gallery oh Sunday evening, chats with an admirer, Elcne Uroiur^ of Chicago,

General Conlraclor

" B13-472-5G21 NEW HOMES ""Valentinej Vmj ^Sfe

An exclusive (istimj at vmp/imentj of • -. ZmkitP' zie Island-Court

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C/vn 7VapA W/efc j:jOto9:3O(iin. 1 iiftfr) n ) ; Juifu Ju u/i| fibnnj if idU fuitli fiiUiiiLift, Speriaf Custom 'fmium 'lUroujjfwut with ' 'Jumiturc andAccessories.

OYSTERS lie gift that Rcai keeps on Giving! Landing •RESTAURANT 3Aleutian jewelry, artist to be featured at Sagebrush Gallery I By Caren Herman home. : calk-il "Visions of Alaska" in the late 1980s. '. Staff Writer . Behind most of the pieces there is the Wallace's work has won numerous awards ' Aleutian arlisl. silversmith and sculptress LEsklmo idea of imias. inner spirits. A silver and Is brought to Sanlbc! bV_Sagebrush : Denise Wallace Is bringing a collection of her brooch of an Eskimo mask Hinges opens to Gallery which features native American art I jewelry art to Sanibel during two open houses reveal an ivory fr.ee which can be removed to and is a meniber of the Indian Arts and Crafts : and an exhibit until March 1 at Sagebrush serve as a pendant, the inner spiritof the piece Association. i Gallery in (he Village Center.-on Periwinkle which flivea Wallace's jewelry a variety of uses -Way „ and looks. ; Receptions are planned for tonight. Friday, Even her custom crafted bells feature silver j February 8. from-5-7 p.m. and Saturday, and Ivory details {hat can be detached and : February 9, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. worn In other ways. ^ 'J>' GASI j Wallace arnica wide variety of her jewelry TheAvork Is wearable sculpture, contempo- Condominium Associations of Sanibel, Inc. j will be available at the gallery during both rary in design, but formed from ancient Ideas : open houses. and traditions. p Sixth Annual Seminar i For more than V4 years Wallace has woven Wallace began formal studies at the Insti- I her Alaskan heritage iiito brooches, pins, tute of American Indian Arts after moving (o • Fridav. February 15,1991 j pendants, belts and rings sculpting (n multi- Santa Fein 1977. -, Sundial Beach & Tfenois Resort • dimensional Intricacy seals, whales and She graduated with an Associate of Fine S:15Registration' ." . " ; northern faces In versatile pieces of stiver, 1 Arts Degree In 1981, and she and her husband, fossilized walrus and elephant ivory and col- a gem worker, opened a studio before coordi- 3.00 Condominium Operations - Florida Bureau of Condominium) orful stones found in New Mexico, her adopted nating several exhibits of Alaskan native art Legal Matter* - Law firm of Becker, PoliakolY et at 12.00 Lunch • Speaker • Lee Ctttnty Commluisfier 3<&n Manning

Advance R?gialration by Tuwday, February 12th; Members: $15.00 Non-membcn: $20.00 f * Admission at oW without prior registration: IF" Membcri $20.00 Nan-rrambera $25.00 For rcservationi:J "' u GcncRadks 472-3332 Don firi'ndt 4B2-S020 JacV.Su!l»in4J3.3I£S 5V r. his Thursday is Valentine's Day. And a lot of loving couples are planning on spending NOUJ OPEN this very special day at the Brass Elephant Sometlnug New and Delightfully Different on Sanibel Restaurant. Fresh Natiue Seafood, Choice Beef -•'.•- ' '*•-".- :: =s> and Heal, Poultry and Pastsprepared with a unique flair. Sightly House So call now for reservations. You wouldn't want Specialties S Homemade Desseils, to miss the boat, would you? Reservations 472- o - and an Intensive Selection of ^ Champagnes, Wines and Deers 8672or472-3181. • are available. Our Ram Bar and Late Night Menu are offered from 4 nm til Clo ing [ueiytfay Up cale dining ti'ith friendly seiuice and a comfortable ambiance in a relaued and casual atmosphere


Sfttun Dinner " D< i s n ll'pfk *" P '•I 10 P M Hcsf ii'oliom fl( p'(?(u led 95 p 00 2 lO Prt m Rulrjp Plitp Palm Rirtre Rd Sanibel

ADVERTISE IN THE © FEATURING SPECIAL DINNERS FOR TWO, ISLAND REPORTER including a complimentary bottle of House Wine or Champagne. -'-..•'.» GALL 9 Complimentary Roses for the ladies. © No Sunset Specials on Valentine's Day. ° 937 EAST GULF DRIVE 472-1587

© Chamber seeks auction items The Sanibcl Captlva Islands Center. Chamber of Commerce is looking K<;n Meeker, executive director for auction Items for the third of the chamber of commerce, said annual Sanibcl-Captlva Gala that donations may be brought to Auction Extravaganza to be him at the chamber on Causeway Road lip until March 15, Saturday. March 23 at the South : Seas Plantation Conference Hems for table favors, raffle items and items for the silent and the b'tg auction would be appreci- don't buy... ated. There will be a four-course dinner at 7:30. an open bar. plu: SELL 'Boor prizes and the silent and live with auction. "V island Tickets arc $50 each and corpo- rate tables for 10 can be reserved. REPORTER Tickets arc available at the CLASSIFIED! Chamber office or may be ordered by calling 472-1080 or 472-3232. Chairperson Carlene Boom, secondjrom left, is surrounded by her 482-7788 All proceeds will go to the committee. Sue Rosica,far left. Ken Meeker, center, Patty Murty, Chamber's building fund. - secondjrom right, and Maggie Graham, far right

MARTIN J. FOYE ^ Slate Certified u Building Contractor


PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF SANIBEL, FLORIDA The Sanibel Planning Commission win conduct Public Heanngs on Tuesday, febnjary 26,1S3I, beg nning at 9.00 am, a! Sanibe! Ciiy Han in the Council Chambers (MacKenzie Ha!!), 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibel, Florida, lo consider Ihe foiling applications. 6 9 20 a.m, Adoption of Resolutions. ••••". 7.9:30 am.Consideratiori of die nominate ol property located at 5243 Indian Cart, aVa Lol E, Caloosa Shores Subdivision, (Tax Parcel STRAP No. 12-46-21-T3-00009 0230J, which is the site ol Intian mounds as identified by Comprehensive Land Use Plan Section 2.24 Historic Preservation, for inclusion on a City Register cf Historic Landmarks, as provided by Land Development Code Section i.K.2. Local Register ol Historic Landmarks; as submitted by the City ofSanibel.No.9i-QtHP. le IIE 1.. II.E 2., M E3 JI.E.4. and II.E.S. ol Ine Sanibst Land Development Code relating to after 23 Qunlitj construction 4-*i Romance r Ihe (act approvals of certain subdivisions; providing for cocSfication, providing to. conflic t ard 24 DUIMLT IX"\xViper commitmen 49 Red shouldered Hawks severance; and providing an efiectwe date; as submitted by the City of Sanibel. No, LDC 91115. 25 Community^ TQ Btautiful unscts 12. 11.00 am Considera'ton 0! a requesi to atiopl an ordinance amend-ng Sub-subsection II.B.2.a. (3), M.nor Subdivision; providing forcodfrcation, pro^dng tor confitct and severance; and piavidng an effective dale; as submitted by the City of Sanibe!. No. LOG 51-114. 13. If .15 am. Consideration ol a request lo adopt an ordinance amending Subsection 1.8 2.c. 0! the Land Development Code, by adding a ne


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Q POUCE—; • was struck by a pick-up truck driven by BOWMAN'S BEACH STREAKER. . j\n Indi- While heading south on Causeway Road, po- Ronald Uecortc of Cape Coral. ana woman was walking along Bowman's lice had to veer off of the road to avoid being On Wednesday afternoon, a Fort Myers man Beach, Tuesday afternoon, about one-half- hit by an.oncoming car, that had crossed the was traveling down Periwinkle Way"ln a pick- mile west of the parking area, when she saw a center line, ° up truck, when a trailer lie was pulling broke naked mail fondling himself In the trees near . They pursued the car, which they clocked at - free and slnick a nearby fir hydrant. the beach. 73 mph, and pulled the vehicle over on the Andrew Sushil was cited for pulling a The man was described as a white male, of first causeway island. -"' trailer without proper safely requirements. medium build and height,.with short/dark y There they arrested Driglita Wuthrlch, alter Later that night, a Fort Myers woman was ' curly hair, 20 to 30 years olcfr she_sppeared to be intoxicated, her speech was involved in an accident at the Intersection of . slurred and she had trouble standing, and re- Periwinkle Way ami Palm Ridge Road. MARIJUANA DUST . .Police arrested two fused a field sobriety lcst*-:=" Dcidra Crowell was cited for falling 10 yield men for possession uf marijuana and drug She was later found to be in possession of a the. right of way. after she attempted to make a paraphernalia Monday night' In the parking small amount of marijuana;;: .^ left turn, across traffic, onto Periwinkle and lot of Wit's Landing. t,° Wuthrlch was booked and trar^ferred to the v.«is struck by a vehicle driven by Michael David Raymond Elliot of Indiana and Lee County jail. Glen Troop, of Columbia. Md. James Phillip Delcu of Snnibci were arrested outside of the restaurant after they were found PURSE STOLEN , . .An Iowa woman vaca- LAWN-SCAPING ... A SandcasUe Road to be In possession of two marijuana pipes, tioning in Naples paid a big price for a day- homeowner calle.d police to report a damaged one half of a Joint, and several roaches. trip to Sanlbel, when her purse, containing lawn last Friday. Sometime between 10:30 Police spotted the two men silling In the car $800 in cash and $1,500 pair of earrings, was and 11 'p.m. Thursday, the lawn was damaged outside of the restaurant. When -police stolen from the trunk of her rental car. by a car which apparently lost control coming approached the car, the men quickly tried to ground a curve and slid onto the yard. The woman and her husband parked their walk away, J car in gulfslde. Lighthouse Beach parking lot,— MAILBOX-SCRAPING . . and locked the purse in the trunk, so they along l.indgrcn Boulevard were struck last THREE STRIKES ... A Fort Myers woman could take.a walk on the beach. " . Friday by a Jilt and run driver. The boxes were was arrested on the causeway Tuesday, for her Forgetting to check the trunk before they found In a raw, lying in a northerly direction third driving under the Influence of alcohol left, the couple drove back to their hotel In with incriminating lire tracks nearby. offense and for possession of marijuana. Naples, Uien found the purse missing. u MOSS MARINE A FULL SERVICE MARINA BOAT RENTALS Pine Island Center 463-6137 HARBOR COURT FORT MYERS BEACH. 283-4334 oooooaooooaoooooa *& «£. ^ *& North R. Myen Newest Challenge ^ lf " SNOWBIRDS & LOCALS 18 hole Executive Golf Course • Range • Lessons INTRODUCING Juit North ot O* Shttt Fttfwy on ».»••* 2 day advance Tee Times • OreisCode • Pro Shop 731-0101 •»


Exciting New BoatClub On Fort Myers Beach A naulical alternative lo the high cosl o! trying & maintaining a boat without the hiah cost cl renting a boat. -.;. Call 454-6495 between the hours of .'C- © SAIL ABOARD 10 A.M.-5 P.M. FRI., SAT., SUN. & MOM.. For more information and preservation times ™ "ISLAND ROVER" - "WE TAKE THE HASSLE OUT OF BOATING"" FT. MYERS BEACH'S LARGEST TALL SHIP Choice of gilts (or qualified visitors 2 Hour Sightseeing Cruises "Guaranteed Financing" .. Morning • Afternoon * Sunset "DON'T MISS THE BOAT" $2.00 OFF EVERY ADULT FARE IN GROUP Also &oe us at Flaamasler's Al Gull Star Marina , RESERVATIONS Flea Market Rod Isle 53 • .. • Under Tho Sky Bridge B5 '765-7447 gg COUPON E>p. 2*1M1 - )* ""™ •" .^ *™ '

u i ( / ! I M it


SPEC,«L 35 MILE TRIP WEINMIiiiPCHOSCfW! SPECtAL 2-HOUR BIMTOCHBIS SDffEt DINNER CRUISES SAIURDAYHifE E Ft03O Dep2 t.^rvSu^CaES'*y? * u J--3f>4^ 3u0v K-.- -,-.?SNAPPER E-ISH!HG TRIPS SPECIAL $8 FARE $28 + Tax Includes: Q DEPARTS 7 PM Sails from HETUHNS3 AM • Ev«y7ues.l>niTi.4Sa! S40PER PERSON Gulf Star Marina c Lor-aicd under tie rcrih ramp 765-5550 ct 0» MaUruas Pass Sky Bridge a ADULTS 120 CHS.0REK UNDER 12 IIOIB IfOB'TO '-' ind s \l ( mi tit i I- iii u fsts rt imidd to luc t,t \\\Q <\hibil [ \u"\ SDIII L, frr 1 \( itc. 1 ( S ml tl s u 1 1 1 Tins vi ir the\ wi 1 be Ur Hudij r 111 li r i iris J. t! OIL Sinil il i ir muniU (.inter Or Harrv U i ind Ui Uilli vnC \nu>jntii Mark vour calendars for M.irch 7 - 10. >tifiitific field. Artistic judges are. Matirem Ihousuil ><" sh lie s ht in ill ovtr Hit L d.cbill snti Daphne Hunte from Barbados' v\ iiM j\c bLtii (.< mi i^ lo bmiij^t, sht il !l also provides the .""Live. "Shell ..Exhibit 1 ilrs sint c Mi ii ts 'iit oldest u tl Innfitst (hat contains 15 U£20 sea aqiiartums displav Ftiimlni* s,t ISIILII IU nl In U t \ nit d >t U» & ing living sea creatures, not only sea sbel s AcrfJTdtnft lo Dr. H. TiiLki-r Abbott, one t.f but also sea anemones, slu^s and starfish. 11K the world's leading Htainoluftists. "Slull project belongs to the fifth graders of Sanibi! shows an! an American innovation bfgun i \ Elementary School who lecture on the cori fonnailv in Florida ;tt the turn-of-lhe ccn'.iirv tents of each aquarium^ v,I LII 11 ihust is < sh llirs n s mlbtl Nl mil (h-jpi >td tilt ir spoil on 'otii' til ILS st t ip 11 The Oriflwood Shop offers a variety ol the veranda of the Mattln-ws House. Knw unique shell art, shell flower arrangements known as thi.- Island Inn. siipjl creatures, dino&gurs and wall hangings The four-day L-VIMU provides an opppmmH) Riffle tickets are now or* sale for ontsUmding or t\(i\om to t nj v infoiti \X \t uid in shell related prizes siructlve cxhibillons. lfot,do)is. hamburgers, snacks, coffee and Amateur anil experienced collectors will soft dlVnks will he on sale in'Urban's Alk\v enter hundreds of scicnlUlc exhibits In the in A lemonade stand, frozen custard stand and tcniat tonally rcf.ogulzrd si'ashcll cv(>nt. funnel cakes wilt also he available They will be coinpctlnf, at different liTve's The fair Is sponsored^ the Snnlhel Com Familiar pose qfshcUer on Snnihcl for the 15 scientific trophies. 10 artisti munUv Assocl Conservation Foundation photo contest

Pit S nuhi 1 C ip tiva Conservation 1 fteeTropical Island Whenlbu Sekd oundnlitm's fifth ;uniu;il Florida \ ikllife and habiiat ,!lmto amtest will b Any rkbor (kirt Apartment. underway boon. I ntri.s •.ill !L H ,m « !i m I t ru n> -0 thrmiLi 1l*

I Inrui i d/ r h

n irtU 1 n I v J i in tLiir u«i !•--. «. u ik-m. 18 ami until' mi\ adult. 50 and OVH" Wiutcis will be jiK^id i n Mibju <' l lu uih IUIIIM Snip i i n i\u i> iinl k'lhiuqiiL'. Wi i in ^ ill lj IN

I! nl » I I II I I 1 lr

Rk'ht now uhip Miu -i In i mi I'lodt ntw Realtors' l'IMilloll-' it'ill'illt ip lltllknt-- Itliuljill Valentine (.(Hilt ,i ill II il-iii;il ill tin hri iMtii infill -t party set • 11 nil1 ill i i! I'M" 41 ih ,hi , 111 fid! Sit II ^ l i mill ill ^i - \i i iK i-,«,i mt, n mmi'i I ' ~t HI '>,.'> i ' i Cmiu i ' i i i l ,1 t 'i t i I, hiK I1 iiii \i'l. '. _» r i ^< i' i I1 ' i ili ii ' iiii'h dim ii,"t a-~ = ^,'i ' !" ' o) (I •-( it i nid belli npii tu 'o''ki!i4 tin \li \" ' i \i ,k < II i ' n , II .1 ,i II i' 1 (I I I n\ ti b i n ii^ P.. 9f>


1 V Arthur Fraade, 78, dies of heart attack Wilbur Kent, 80, Arthur M. Fraacle. 78. of Sanibcl died ;lt Lee. lo the Santbel-CnpUvn - Conservation new resident, dies Memorial Hospital on February ) of a heart Foundation, .--.' attack Wilbur W. Kent. 80, died February' 2 at A memorial service was held in Fort Myers , "He was a life-long student of anything and Southwest Regional Hospital. ^>.. . Mondaj and a second memorial service in everything.'.'-his wife said, 'and up unit! four He Is survived by his wife. Peggy and three Delray Beach, Florida, on Wednesday. days before he died, he attended class at children, a daughter, Judith Daugherty of Survivors Include his wife, Estellc, two Kdison Community College. Fronlenac, Missouri; a son, Wilbur W. Kent, daughters Maxine Fraadc-BIanar of Tuxedo. 0 in lien of flowers, contributions may to Jr., of Rochester. Michigan, and a son. Dales New York, Amy Fraadc-Khedourl of Highland made to Temple of the Islands. Temple Bet M. Kent or Endwcll. New York. Beach, Florida,-and two granddaughters. Yam; c/o Mel Blclfcrrg. -1209 Old Banyan Way. Itciiad been a long-lime winter visitor to Mf Fraade was a founding member of Sanlbcl- 33957. ^>- Sanlbcl and had recently become an island Temple of the Islands, Temple Bet Yam. . resident. He is formerlyjjf Beloil.' Kansas. According to his wife, he had for years been In recognition of the support by Hope Hos- active in Guardian Ad Liton for Abused pr.picc during Mr.".Kent's last illness, friends Children of L«*^ County.'iparticipated in the may wish to contribute in his memory. Hope Sanlbel Shell Fair and had been a contributor Hospice. 8920 College Parkway, Fort Myers. Florida. 33919. ;; Hugs, Kisses &. Lots of /-NICK'S PLRCE Lmtfromallcfus Under New Ownership Featuring .Colombo No Fat Frozen Yogurt ' UP GOING OUT OF '\ •Original St. Louis Custard 3 '. ,1 (Uair topping! la chooit from) ' ' Beauty Salon • Also Featuring Collider A Concrete 2L. BUSINESS •Sandwiches -Hoi Dogs • Fresh Fruit Drinks and " 472-0770 . Nftils by Alice 395-2022 Balloy's Shopping Center 39 YEAI1S OK Co.WIiTE & PHl)i>:VKi\AI. Open 10am-9pm Mon.'Sat, II.\m& NAn.CAfiBFdRTiiBENiiKK FAMI 50% SALE J I2noon-9pm Sunday Ar IUHAV?aninivGCS^TEH 1 CompK-U- Neooui Itt-tnQ Conlir Fixtures Available u Corner of Casa Ybel S Periwinkle 472-1070

USsm gg« Pine Ridge at Fort Myers m 26.Unite • 7 Selling Absolute! Sat., Feb. Ifilh -11:0(1 AM CELEBRATE Fort MycrsJ'l, VALENTINE'S DAY AT The Pine Ridge Club In Sanford 27 Units -8 Selling Absolute! Sun.. Fch^l'lh- 2:00 I'M "'" Sanfovcll()rLindo). Fl. SJICS s;i»: Furl Myrrs-ShrrAton llarbiir Ware Ilo6l. 2500 lilwatils Drive: / Sanfi.tJ IOrlanJi.1 • Am.Tii:1n L-|!iim.,2,'!7l S. SMforil Av«. C A P T I'V A KJ/A Ti'nns: ll)rt'i d(i«n (ij\im'!!l <>n sjli' iljy. llahncc due on dnsint; v\ilinn ?M Jays. The Only Itattmn ftiataurtnt on Cp To.90% Financing Available To Qualified Buyers! BROKER PARTICIPATION-CALL FOR DETAILS'"' For Brochure Call 1-800-662-5464 v 1 pi R iJ-ni;. 7hi nimpkt..- ijiTifinj; terms arc in offenra plans n> *Fiesheiit8eir<)Odontbeisland* •Tiy i i. l^i-li.Si] (Ik- ftiwNiJji:C!iibli£vIi>-tii)(i.'i (Tint1 R\&& 11.v Our SpecUlFroien Peach BeUlnlCockUll I PI I nJ vtkws-vif (hi pr'ipuly. CMJUI Hie V>* Jir.ny I'uM'C Rtrmt J-J 1'.-*ACJ ^ r li n tht- n-iii>liTiJ Vi-w ki^y firnVtT jnJ iciJ it M«rc ^im;amiiuni*. ihtK ii SS4SSi;.gS:ssft; hi i to t'-i'-i-^. Y; I'lK- «t4S:!) (The fi^- Ri-Jst Uubi t NJ' Ciic #\Vt-*2l

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J , n L,l s. t 1 rtt i i i vi \L \ \ ) \ i hi, Lti r 11*» I5IK U I' 1 I H l\l t! t in i _d 11 U K 1 I II dr- 1 h In itti l mui (\ 11 t bi. t ui 11 n El is J 1 th i. isuM Ut nU\ hdtu n ^piaous \ I T 1 t n \iii, dti i^ 'nntdil sqi T •v 111 r \ w 1 n i^, n d ]ui 1 Ria tin nf U I t_v i i i r i !h\ ! it r Me is ax] n 1(_ i mil rt j l t (r 11 n i mil ns n ' i t,ri u t m !t tl I

T», i> 11 iiti



! I

i»i 1 1 ij Posters for clean up

POSTERS -The Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation will They arc shown olmiv. At the open house, risitors and residents mill be ham an Open House and a bench cleanup an Monday, February !8. able to meet the boom olmulns and slnjj: I! trill also give Ot6 public an The center will be open/mm 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. A set of/our iuiHli/e opportunity to (earn about water quality monitoring, shell research, ,•) posters will be given to each person bringing a bag of litter collected on" gopher tortoises and a walk on the trails o/Oie/oundation property p g gp the beach that day. with trained guides. Call 472-2329. NOTICE OF MEETING/HEARING Saturday, February 9,1991 Gmrcn Spunks: Sanibel Code Enforcement Board

Barbara U. Mann Hall 8 P.M. Dr. & Mrs. 1dm•): -Ihisieau Nolice is Qr/en.lhat a,Meeimg:Heartr.g will be held in accordance wiih iaanibel Code oi Ordinancas Article V, Sections 2-61- through and including 2-60, on the 21ST DAY OF FEBRUARY, Bernard Schneider 1991 AT 9:00 AM. This mes&ig/hearing wilt take place al Santbel City Ha!! in ihe Courc'l Chambers. (MdcKenzia Hail) at 800 Dun'op Road, Sanibef, Trombone Ftofida. = • • ." *? Nossini • Hajdn • Fuure • l.arssitn • Stravinsky , If a person deades to appeal any deas'on of the body with fesped 1o any rjiattor censideret) ai such meeltng heating, he will need a record •--? the pro- pjul NiJtcr. SWS Conduoer anJ SUIT Coaduaor. .„ . • „ , , „„ •-. ceedings, and for such purposes he may need to Mcirtfoiiian%n..\vc trolley Service: 7 P.M. • CAS Hank, ensure thai a verbatim record of She proceecisngs is SOUTHWEST FLOniDA "7:10 Chamber of Commerce. $5 Round Trip made, which record includes the tesii^ony and wi- . , ' [FVU 2-8 91 ESE^i-ftJLSYMPH_Q.NY lickels: Cull HieSymplionv Ojlla- Mi-iJ04I)

Privately owned beachfront vacation /ionics now offered for sale


Mil I r / f r / I 0 I / |[r r I I f I

n • r - \U n • 11 I. T V n ^ I k .1

•Kl f'li.iJj R.i*J. CJP< Ha:*. iU, The following property deeds were recorded The City or Sanibcl Issued the following City of Sanibcl.-100 Tarpon Bay Rd. for at Lcc County Courthouse during the week building permits during the week of Feb. 1: Public Restrooms Facility by T E.C ending Jan. 28: . ^ Donald and Elizabeth Cox. 938 Pcclcn Ct. ConstmcUuon. S25.000. Paul and Marlka Lulhriiij-cr tu William C. for addll Ion by' CaHton-Naimiarih Truffles Restaurant (Thistle Lodge .mil MarJuricW. Glenn, lot B.C. unit 2. Snnlbcl ConslrikUon, $16,500. Partnership). 2255.W. Gulf Hr. for deck Instates, $>198.O0i). . " o nnicir Drobnyk (KaraMn), 1100 White Ibis addition by Benchmark. Central Contractors Huscurp hie. to Gerhard anil GabriHc for LP tank by Petrolane, $190. $3,000. ^ Strchie and others, lot 5. Huschta, $326,000. Frank JclTrcy, fi66 Dinkm Ct. for shutters Andrew. Erickson. 4G3 Sea Oats Dr. for pool, LLM Corp. to Elizabeth R. Snngrcc. lot -17. byD and II Industries. $3,725.* deck, screen . enclosure by" Kannedjv Uttle Lake Murcx, $155,000^ Mary U, Huslcr, 214 Hurricane La. foro ConMnictlon $18 000" Condominium sales Included: shutters by U and H Induslrlcs, $3,400 Larry Congress,. 2030 Sunrise Cir. for Gayest an Properties and others (o Priscilla .loan Good, 1018 pemerc La. for pool and screen enclosure by Kennedy Construction Murphy Really, Inc. unit 2, -1-6. Priscllla deck by Jackson Pools, $23.170. $3 000 Murphy Cenler, $650,000. J. Gordon and Gloria T. Wilson lo Peter G.

»»t»»»»v»y»?»»»y»»»»ir»v»»fy» »» v v v vv » v v

SHELL HARBOR PERFECTION The Decorating Den Grand Opening Sale Sparkling ground levpiift.ie on sea- 472-6551 walled canal. Caj^J *?TJI, patio dock davits, lusti^Jsidping, temptingly Sanibcl & Cap'tiva priced a'a^TiJOO Many built ins and Carol Gagnon extras The Dccomuir's Showroom That Conies To You. Ilaclt franchise inilcjwiiiknlly owned and oivjalcd. BEST VALUE IN SANIBEL ISLES Direct access,.deep water canal. Home with gorgeous views of^San Sanibel Creative Ti!e Co. Carlos Bay from almost every room. 1711 Periwinkle Way Elevated home with too story living room plus loft. Lovely large pool ard Sanibel. Florida 33957 cabana of'work room.

POOL HOME IN EAST HOCKS Enjoy peacelul cul-do-sac living in ihis established near-beach community^This.-'Bob Slevens built" CBS home has llawless lerrazzo floors that are cool and practical. The beautifully vegelaied yard backs on lo a picturesque waterway. Immaculate ar.d well maintained. Priced right at $249,000. J .

10 years of Excellence Criltni to stt an appiWtmtnt torn tfuseorciycfmyctfitr The Prudential I Visit our showroom listing. M/J/jMfi ruiiin Florida Realty Wide variety of Samples cy On Scniid tmb'vui wild . 1020 PcriwirMB Way, Sanibel _, 8IM72-4000 Ceramic Tile • Marble Tile -* uyirilnrt 0ni/ training ml »0<««5-728» Toil Fr(S Imported & Domestic Tile '-^ Branch: 2000 Perlwlnkli Way Shetty Vandal --^ St3-472-10lf Installation Heailor-Asiociate 813-472-2853 Atlcf Hours 472-1267 813-472-TILEi r»ry r»»r»»»»»» BEAUTIFUL —

•from page IB - Evc,, the lm I tllL nUmj.1 mm MIS (hut is iiinn r ulii In fact it Is the 1920s Wedgwood china with .- thousands of ] .vho win n 11,1 I 1 [ ]\ i)l romp tiufA ui» ip to vuTklrrilR ; black and rose colored patterns (h;it Hale during tlic Sho i 1 i nlrg ibhcit\ 11id HKII it'fi (h it irrtni|)in\ c <_ ! went wllh as much of ttic basis for room dc- Designed by Am tbellc Goodn n • decor nnd a period bed with lace curtains. For all the u k 11R iss i ibhn£ i «i (lisas TL of ch irce in t le Burroughs Home Wildlife Introducing. program \M\/v/( M \IE\VLIVI\G Feb 14

The Simb Cnr tlva Audubon Socielv w-ll^resonl "W.O.W.! VVikilife O'ltound Ihf World," by profes- sional photographer nntl phctu safari it « tr Jm VcUomlt! u illu isffiv ht'jni

\IiU» ills wt K S stfll \\ ^!li ill f 1 in ij jr tuti r il t i This fine home was designed and built to lake advantage of the wonderful views afforded by our Sanibei lnr\- pubJuTfllons and . Island surroundings. Lush vegetation, blue water and sparkling canals are everywhere you iook. Spacious his photus have been u-ivxl in ninny field rooms. generousHise of windows and porches to capture the sunlight and casual quality amenities are just •guides and books in- part of the charm. Add to the equation elevator convenience, a comfortable patio'-pool, and the deep-water -clnding Timc-Uffi dock for that fishing-cruising fun; the for/nula for Florida is here a! 1743 Jewel Box Drive. series, Header's Di^eht biiuks and QtJiers. Donald G.Weglarz •<% OPEN HOUSE Built By: The program will 6 Realtor Greg Weg!3rz befTiii at S p.m. TTic Come by and see this quality-built custom home Genera! Contractor public is invited and any Sunday, Monday, Thursday or Friday 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. lni.'jCGC405420) a $2 donation ts're- 472-5858

thilxpelfieHce 6 OYSTER CO. Seafood'Restaurant Just'liltc we We prepare all kinds of income fax returns, Irom nsctl to B ! !he simple to the complex. Whatever your fax F&B

situation, we can handleT-t. o p ELEVEN EARLY BIRD ENTREES TO Wooster Lane CHOOSE FROM! $6.96-58.96 Across from Palm Ridge Place * EARLY BIRD 4:30 • 6:00 DAILY 472-1888 ' ('kef's yii:lectiniui .V/iyhdi/ our Hvtjuhir menu ineltuK s Xnliec l'h


* Interior Design ' " Furnilure awl Mceaoria * Walt Coverings • iiindow Trtutmftits_ '-.-:• CAPTIVA ESTATE * Cnhiiutry .^ * Floor Covering Located^dirtctK o] tht Cult of fc "*5/*(i!»/i/i.t,' CompUle Interior rcnwth'liniz v Mexico, this 3 bedroom/1 bith home * f:tt\y ()jif stuj) sen-ice for ail nf your requirements is situated OP. a one ai c istitt ?oni d pared. Fcalurii lriludi 3 hrcphcis L4 (8H) {72 1125 • (800)771 1123 MIS

1! f * Sanibel couple searches for fossils* in Florida By Richard Cain . advertisement looking for volunteers to help couhlyVJini fonmey uncovered the lu<>k of an Staff Writer . '• wilh a near-by dig. extinct walnis, and donated ft to the Florida A Sanibel man who spent mosi of Ills adult "We arc complete amateurs." salri Barbara, Museum of Natural History. '•'* life dredging through legal flies and court _, " Since then, they have become involved with , Last week, (he Tooiney's received a letter cases now spends his spare time dig;*trig a number of sanctioned digs in the urea, fn- from the museum, explaining that ihe tusk o through quarries and riverbeds in search of cluding an extensive Caliisa Indian site at was over five million years old and one of the the fossilized remains of some of Florida's Pincland, 0:1 Pine Island, as part of the c most complete walrus fossils ever found In eadlest inh'abttjinls. Florida Museum of Natural History's 'year of Florida. - -. •.":•"•" 7 Reed Toomey. a retired lawyer, and his wife __lhe Indian Project." ~ L' Barban, are avid members of the Southwest Other members of the Toonity family „-In The Toomey's have also traveled to Spain Honda Archaeological Society, and regularly , eluding Helen. Reed's mother, and Jini, Kit and Chile as volunteers on professional digs, ,., \ohtmccr their services to university and Mike, Reed's sons, are also involved In the Although Reed encourages anyone Inter- ested in getting involved in such projects-lo do sponsored digs in Florida, and all over the family's unique hobby, world so. he cautions fellrtw amateurs (o avoid going The Toomeys frequent a number of mines ±> out on their own. . __. People are always surprised to think of and quarries In the Sarasota and DeSoto : Florida as having fossils." said Toomey. who county area..v - . ' _=~ Many of the sites are on state or private - land and require fossil hunter,1; lo gel Ad- added that people do not realize IioW old the v "If you have ever find aii'arrow head or "~" area is _ ,- _ spear point and bother lo look at Ihe area vanced permission, . " - - " The Toomeys became interested In fossil around it," said Reed, "you're liable to find Reed added that there are no fossils on ._ - hunting a few years ngo, when, on a lark, they much more." &., 'Sunlbcl because at 5,000 ihe Island, 'just isn't answered an University of Southern Florida On a trip to a phosphate mine in Poik° eld enough." Casual Dining On the Bay DR. BERNIESIEGEL TIMMY'SNOOK A Lectures At RESTAURANT AND MARINA The New Tampa Convention Center Saturday Night is Prime Rib Night Saturday, CAJUN COOKIN" CAPTIVA STYLE u Blackened Fish, Sfitimp & Steak February 16,1991 Seafood Specialty Items 7:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m. • Shrimp & Scailop Maison Author of • Grouper Imperial . . >r- Serving Liinch 114 p.m. LOVE, MEDICINE & MIRACLES Serving Dinner 5-10 p rr ' Closed Wednesdays and ° 472-9444 f EACE, LOVE & HEALING "" "Lovers, joggers and vegetarians all die. It's how we live that makes the difference." CAPTIVA ISLAND - Dr. Bernie Siegel j TOTAL PRE-REGISTRATIONfEE OF $20.00 RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE AT THIS LOCATION. -., 1-800-736-2135 • * VISA • MasterCard BEST IS YET TO COME


Thought .- THATKAIHYFtTELBOBN FEBRU»HY0.19SiKA8 - REACKEOTHEDREXDEO MIIESTOSE. KATW BELOVED ByPaiilGaeta . WIFE OF JOHN, BHOVED MOTHER OF JENfft; BEIOVED CAflOAKER Of BOOTS AND GEAR (rHEfiMILYCATWIDOOGl. Party tidbits shou'd be jusl.a little different. Try these: crabmeai salad AND ESIOVED FRIEND TO MANY snrved on a leal bt Belgian endive; or Thai beet salad wrapped in Bibb ARRIVED OH SANIBEL 4 YEARS leltuce; or spicy sauloed shrimp served on a toothpick. AGO. Sht REMAINED ACTIVE THRU VOLUNTEER WOflKAT

* * * - •>-•;•-' BOTH SCHOOL AND CHURCH. More ideas: lighlly sauced iorteiiini servod ona skewer; or a 'miniature' ' HAVING REACHED MS loal of French bread fitted with Italian coid cuts and sliced into thin MILESTONE. IT IS DOUBTfUL IFSHE WILL HAVE THE disks". • a • „ - S1BENGTH TO CONTINUE AN [b 1 ACTIVE LIFESTYLE. I ike Ihe tnsle ol pork bui not Ihe long time it dikes to cook a roas! or chops? Try versatile pork culleis, lhin pieces lhat cook in minutes. They're extra dolicious paired viilh fruits. . . . * * A . February is Polato Lovers Month. Potatoes are good for you, satisfy- ' ing and. lower in calories than you think. Watch out for processed potatoes, though, wiih iots ot added fat and sodium. '"'.*** Poached fruir "surprise" hides a heart ol flavorful ice crejm. Slice oft7^ Ihe.tops of pears and scoop ou! ihe centers lo hokJ the ice cream. Top with raspberry sauce and melted chocolate. - • . •

***•-' Its no surprise that the food is wonderful at...


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RFNTAL HIGH SEASOS. RATES Don ! wait till Ihe la I minute1 C II our o fn-G NO V to m ki ••;. *,^/,,VM"I1^ your sunshine reservation Guiflronl: $! 750-S2100 Giii^iew: 51300 S17C0 HI I i\H ( K s Bayview:S650-$1260 Vacation nontals 1509 Periwinkle Woy

nibcl Offin San-Cap OiTico 5301 Sanibcl-Cnptjva Road

1 , I W.iv

! I il ''Iiil il I il Dnvi-T ' • ISLAND REPORTER ^ ,.C • A • L • E • N • D • "A• R

Flarwoods" at Char- lotte Harbor Environ- mental Center. C639- Rotary Ciub meeting. 6255). Bojh walks on lagy and Paul's Lob- Tuesdays, Thursdays ster House, Tarpon and Saturdays at 9 a.m. through mid- Bay Road at Periwin- 0 kle Way..7:30 a.m. All April by reservation. visiting Rotarians'wel- "First Annual Island come. 472-28B0. Book Fair." 9 a.m. until «« Alcoholic Anony- noon, Sanibet Com- mous, women's munity Center, 2173 closed discussion, - Periwinkle Way. 12:30 p.m. at Sanibel Rotary Club 9th an- Congregational nual Sanibel-Gaptiva Church. 2050 Perfwirv0 Arts and Crafts fair, kle Way._ park area of Sanibel Elementary School, 10 Suncoast Aliheimet's a.m. -5 p.m. Information Line:l- Protection of Animal u, 800633-4563 Open 8 Welfare Society, am-5p.m. week- ./(P.A'.W.S.) and Lee days. ' Co. Humane Society ikki Mcrtsumoto, artist. flea market sale on display. "Gouache," the sidewalk of Bai- "." ;'"•' •S'i 'ij' at SW Regional Air- ley's Shopping Cen- o port through April. - ter, 9 a.m. - 4 p.rrv, M'^ The Wildlife Drive of A snowy egret reflects on the beach. 'J.N. "Ding" DarMog Refuge will be closed MacCarry, through drome, Epstein-Barr April. All are we!-"1. Early Bird Walks at every Friday. The Visi- March 18 at Indian Virus family support come. Cail Erma "Ding" Darting tor Center will remain Creek Park. 17340 San group. 7:30 p.m. 936- Askren, 472-0566. Wildlife_Refuge. Meet, open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. J.N. "Ding" Darling Carlos Blvd.,- Fort My- 8264 or 997-2553. "View and Review o( at flagpole In Visitor Tap Dancing Classes, winter season hours ers. Ask for Diane at Yoga {8 weeks). Sally , . Plays" and discussion .Center parking lot al BIG Arts Center, TOO through April; visitor - 466-7277. Rich, Instructor. Sani- Vof 4 plays, with Mar- refuge at 8:30 a.m. for Dunlop Rd. with'Merle center open daily 9 Greek tragedies, wilft bel Community Cen- sha and Frank Wag- a 11/2 hout interpre- Rauscher, instructor, a.m.-5 p.m.; slide Dr. Edward Brooks, 10 ter, 9:30-1 lam, Series ner, Center for the . tative walkr .V at 9 a.m. Weekly presentation 10 a.m., a.m. to noon, Phillips $50. single 57, Arts; 900 Dunlop Rd. at 20th Century Poelry. hour-long classes for -noon, 2 p.m.: Wildlife Gallery at Barrier is- Bingo. Open to cllH? 7:30 p.m. Also Thurs. Dr. Annie Cook. 1-2 S55. All ages and both Drive sunrise to sun- .' ' land Center for the years end over. 7:30 • Total series S138.395- p.m. 34. Center for the sexes welcome. set, closed Fridays. Arts, Dunlop Road. S5. p.m. Sanibel Com- awo. Arts. Dunlop Rd. 395- v "Walk In the Wet- Entrance fee: S3 per 39S0900. munity Center. Peri- CMB. lands" daily at the motor vehicle. $1 per Portrait and figure winkle Way.' ComrnunHy Current Sanibel-Captiva Con- hiker or bicyclist. 472- drawing. Sanibel Community Course - Events, a discussion, servation Foundation. Basic Bridge (1st of 10 1100. Captiva Art League, : moderator Bob Guided Tours at !0 1-4 p.m. Captjva v,eer:?) Anne'preen, Mourer at Sanibel a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m. Fantasy Walk, sun- instructor, 9 a.m.- down at the Center Community Cen- 7 .Community Center, 10 A.A.R.P. Monthly . ter.(Runs until end of noon. $50. Community Kiwanis Club'rtieefs a.m. - noon. meeting, 1:30 p.m., for the Arts. 900 Dun- Center. top Rd. . March) each Wednesday. "Women's Spiritual- Sanibel Community 1 First Church of Christ Audubon Bird Identifi- Evenings with Shake-" 7:30 a.m. for breakfast ity" with Florence Center. - -^ Science, 3 p.m. cation Course, ad- speare, Prof. Robert at The Quarter Deck \. McHugh. Weds. ' Square Dance Club, 8' Rotary Club 9lh an- vanced class, 7 p.m. Miller. Phillips Gallery Vestaurant. 472^910. through Fet 9:30 a.m. p.m., Sanibel Com- nual Sanibel-Captiva . Sanibel Community at the Barrier Island Intermediate Bridge, - noon. Sanifcpl Surf- munity Center. Arts and Crafts Fair, Center. 2173 Periwinkle Cen'er fonhs Arts. community course side. 610 Doriax St.. "A Search (or Peace park area of Sanibel -Way, Dunlop Road, 7:30-9-. (lsloflOweeks). Jean S45 for 4 sessions. 472- in the Middle Easl" 6 Elementary School. 10 Tap Dancing Classes, p.m. 55 per person., Scott, instructor. $50. 8861 p.m. Corbin Audito- a.m.-5 p.m. Merle Rauscher in- Watercolor work- Conservation Found- Sanibel Community ( .rium, Edison Com- structor at Center for shop, 9 a.m.-noon, ation boot cruises; Association Dinner munity College, the Arts. "W0 Dunlop Sanibel Captives Art. _ WedriesSays from Meeting, 630 p.m. panelists: Max Rd. S5 per session, all League, at Barrier Is- South Seas Planta- Friedersdorf, Robert ages, bom sexes. land Center for tne tion. Captiva. 3:30 Stuart, Lt.Col. R. Frank 39&O900 Arts, Dunlop Road. $8 ; p.m. Adults S16.50. .. Gamer, Richard Duplicate bridge, Library Kids ciub (runs until end of, children $8.25. Reser- n Campen with Keith Jean Scott, director. meeting at Sanibe! February) valions: 472-7549. Public Library. 6:30-8 Early Bird Walks at Bridge lor Fun. Betty J. , -Sell help program for Kite, moderator. =with or without part- Fridays at the Cen- ners, 7:30 p.m., $3. p.m. r- ,; "Ding" Darling Scott, director. 1-4 dealing with emo- ter" with Dr. Richard Sanibel Community Ballet and Modern Wildlife Refuge. Meet p.m. >Vith or without "" tions. Twelve Steps Levy, Lee Co. , Center, 2173 Periwinkle Dance, Catherine at Observation Towe? partner Sanibel . for Everyone. Sanibel Mosquito Control. 2 Way. 472-2155. ° < Shafer instructor, on Wildlife Dr. at 8:30 Community Center. Public Library meet- $2. Ing room. Thursdays p.m., Sanibei-Captiva Driftwood Workshop, ' afternoons for chil- (: a.m. fora 1 1/2 hour Conservation .Foun- Sanibel Community dren and adults at the interpretative walk. -Shells and Sea Ule" at noon. 472-5081. ~ dation. Center, 10a.rn.-3p.rn. Center for the Arts. Italic Handwriting. community course _ Art classes for ele- 472-2155. 395O?00. -, Ellen Mayeron. 7:30-9 with Alice Anders (1st mentary school stu- P4?]. Center for the of 5 weeks). Series dents taught by Mar- Duplicate Bridge, Sanibel Public Library,' $30. single $5. from 7-9 Sanibel Community Arfs, Dunfop Rd, 395- jorie Bronst^ad, 2:30 Library Kids Club p.m. at Sanibei _ p.m. at BIG arts cen- Center. 7:30 p.m. Ster- 0900 ; Meeting, 6-30 -8 p.m - Community Center.~ ter, Dunlop Road- ling Bassett, director! Friendship Bridge at Short stories, with Or. Cost: S75 for 14weoks 'Walk in the Wet- With or without part- Sanibel Congrega- ; Annie Cook. 2.30-4 lands," GuidGO Trail ner,.$2.50. tional Unitec Church' t ci 57 per session. 472- pm., Phillips Galiery' ' 3339. Walks ct Liliie Pine 15- -Storytelling classes 10 . of Christ. 2050 Penwin- at Barrier Island Cen- : land (283-242-1} and a.m. to noei'n, taught kie Way, 1:30-4 p.m. Shorewalk, Sanibel- Chronic Fatigue Syn- ter Jpr the Arts, Dunlop Wak in tno'Pino by Bert and frool $1 charge. Through Road. $5.39W3900. •• • please see page 2C

© s Calendar of church servicesjn Sanibel and Captiva

"gf" Sanibel Community Church (rnuifi-denomi- Sanibel Congregational United Church of tha Sanibel Congregational Church. 2Q5T > national). 1740 Periwinkle Way (next to Jerry's). Christ, 2050 Periwinkle Way. across from Peri- ~' Periwinkle Way. 334-4734. : ^ Sunday worship: Frcm Jan. 20-April 3 services: vyinkie Place Shopping Center. Sunday ser- . Capiiva Chapel by the Sea, CopWa island. . g 8 a.m.; 9 and ihlSam^May-September. 10 vices at 9 and 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. William C. Tuck, Sunday service. 11 a.m. through April 2 !...frDr. ' m a.m. Chiidcare provlded'forail services. Dr, Church office open 10 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Mon- . William. Schram, minister. Christmas Eve Can- - li. Denny Dennison. Dr. John Wilcox. 472-2684. - day-Friday. 472-0-397 or 472-8100. aielight Service. 7 p.m. .••• J

% •-•"•"" at St. Michael's and All Angels Episcopal ••• St. Isabel Catholic Church, 3565 Ean;bei: Temple Judea, Conservative Synagogue. \H Church, 2304 Periwinkle Way. Sunday worship -' Capiiva Rd.cSaiurday rriass 5:20 p.m ; Sunaay . i4de6'A&W BuiD Road, Fort Myers, Services: Qj 7:30.9:30, 11:30 a.m. Sqtufday worship 5 p.m. mass 8:30,10:30 a.m. and noon. Daily mass 8:30 Friday. 8 p.m.; and Saturday, 9 a.m. Rabbi ' 2 Holy Eucharist at all services. Weekdays: a a.m.'Holy day schedules same as weekends- Toba August. Call 433-0201. '„ • {jj Wednesday 9 a.m.. Holy Eucharist with heal- Msgr. Robert. W. Schiefen and Rev. Carmen "- Congregation Bet Yam, Temple of Ihe Is- .. o Ing. Thursday 7:30 a.m.. Holy Eucharist fol- ^ Caruso. 472-2763. " '•' ? towed by Bible study. Rector: Fr. William Dcdd. tands, conducted by Rabbi Karen Soria. re- " \-i &• ^ Associate: Fr.. Bill Walker. Sanibel-Copt iva First Church ol Christ Scien- form Jewish Shabbet Service. Feb. 15.Tho :fisC2950W. Gulf Dr. Sunday service and Sun- -. Sanibel Congregational Church, 2050 Church of Ihe Islands, fl 15 Sanibel-Coptiva ' day school, 11 a.m. Wednesday meotings 8 .PeriwinkleWay.472-3016. • . : ^ " Rd. Regular Sunday service at 10 a.m. Home p.m. Reading room 10 a.m. to noon every Care Group Wednesday 7 p.m. oh and off the weekday during February and March. 472- Temple Beth-El, an affiliated reform o . island. - 8654. . congregation. 2701 Del Prado DrVd., Cape -. . - Intercessory prayer meets every day at the- Cofai. Services Fridays. 8 p.m. Rabbi Solomon church. Friday praise and worship practice^ Unitorions-Universalists ol the Islands meets Agin.Call574-5115. * " •/_."-.'• p.m. Pastor. Jamie Stilson. 472-1018. " ~ o .on Sunday evenings a! 7:30 in Fei'ov/ship Hall of : Calendar- Accommodations sought for 10 Festival musicians Wildlife Refuge. Meet ./S10. Also Fri. Feb. 15 •from pagelC = Organizers of the Sani'rScl Feo- only for breakfast and earn perp - at Bailey Tract on and Sat. Feb. 16. tival's month long musical gala ' "" " " ' Captiva Conservation Tarpon Bay Rd. at 8:30 "WOW" Wildlife'- former wuT provide their own will be coming io the island and food. Smith said. Lunch and din- Foundation, 3333 .. a.m. for a 1 1/2 hr. in- . Arotind tho,World" 10 musicians arc silll In need of Sanibel-Captiva .by Joe McDonald of ner Is being provided by festival u terpretative' walk. sleeping accommodations,. sponsors. •>• Road. Thursdays 9 . Island Historical Mu- the Sanibel-Captiva _ Barbara Smith of the Festival I lonies have already been found -a.m. Reservations: seum open Thurs..""- Audubon Society . said rooms arc nct'ded for three for more than 30 musicians and 482-2329. . Fri., Sat., from 10 a m. - series. Community orchestra'members from Febru- singers and many of ih!s years Duplicate Bridge, 4 p.m. 600 DuntopRd. Center. 8 pm, S3 do- ary 27 until March 12 and for six host families have participated In Sterling Basselt. di- . nation requested. singers and a pianist from March Historical valentines • 7 through March U). - housing a perfpimcr in the past. rector, 1:30 p.m. Sani- through Feb^36o;; Son-Cap Art League Smithjjaid. ^ bsl Community Cen- paint-out from" 9 a.m - Volunteers arc asked to provide Life Drawing with live "They open their homes to ter. With or without, }? noon. Bring bag the performers only with a place c modo!s. Robert .York, to sleep and access to ihe^Ulchcn those young people and in many partner. $2.50. - ' ^instructor. 7:30-9 pin. lunch. Jonathan Har- .so the guests can prepare iheir cases lifetime friendships de- Power Squadron Safe '"Center for iheA'tb, 900 bor. 482-2996. own breakfast., velop," she added.. Boating Oa«, 7 p.m. Host families.are not required Islanders interested in housing Sanibel Community lo provide any transportation or a Sanibel Fcsiival performer, are Center. Off Beach Playeis, "6 food. The kitchen will be used urged tn call Smith at 472-87-11. 5 Early Bird Walks at Rms Riv Vu" 8 p.m. ct 1 "Ding Darling the Center foMheArfs", • please see paj;e 5C NEW ARRIVAL SALE 50%-75% OFF Sforyoiirfi, Famdui Md-er VIA Shorts, Paris, Top Label Swireiwj. ^foleiitine Uis!:s Fay Spf^g Cowd«!es Desigwf Dresses and Cc&iM.i


. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !o my P.K Hope *e tiit to in the Fiji's neil Valentine's D.iy1 Love from your P K

PtoMa my poitod lover, give To my Vatenisno S*t!Gtio wst.1 ; tinea 0 I'll novor hurt . ihe long blonjo ha r, beaufcfu! drsap >inl yoi i Luscbus LG

ro-^. Ho K'/ V,l''.-"!-r..jt V...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY on these Great Specialsll (.'or S Ainiando. Dud W.iry . Ann k Vic Stftw:c A Da«n, h'i r. Mrs G Amy ,S Jcnn. Crun a'KJ Vy Sf-Oi..ll Valcnin.; OiUl

1650 Boy Seoul Drive Fl. »,e's Rorkla Erratic rainfall maybe the culprit of juiceless oranges ! By Ron Sympson . before (heir point of ^maluiUy at which the 1 9, I have:.a question about my navel orange juice factor Is present. ' .tree. It had a lot of oranges but quite a few were When x.Wm subsided during the fall and all pulp and no orange Juice. They looked winter, most tress received an inadequate great on the outside. amount of moisture, In comparison with (he -James G. Stokes, Cape Coral summer binge. This drastic change In drink- A. My jjuess is that watering may be the ing habits allows Important feeder roots to problem. dry out. and, of course, docs not allow the Last summer we had some pretty-heavy moisture necessary for ftn;il juice fruit di-vcl rainfalls In South Florida, particularly In opment. . August, when the rain measured,about 16 It is very important that citrus trees receive Inches for the month. a balanced amount of moisture throughout the year, regardless of the season. So during the active growing season, citrus trees received a bountiful amount of moisture '" g. i enjoy your articles, especially since we absorbed well into the root system, 'liiis al- receive the paper up here In Wisconsin. lowed early, rapkl formation of the fruits long We have purchased a lot in Florida and I had been meaning to get a copy of "Xeriscape Animal clinic auction Plant Guide II." Apparently the phone number a is Incorrect or I am mlsdlaifng, so I was won- planned for February 24 dering if you could provide me with their ad- Care and HehnbMitatlon at Wildlife dress as 1 am very interested in starting some factors as salt and drought tolerance. (C.R.O.W.) will hold Ks'thSrd annual Antique, trees on our property. Arl and Collectible Auction, on Sunday. The loll-free telephone number for the dis- February 24 at the Royal Palm V;icht Club on I look forward (o hearing from you and trict Is 1-80(^432-20-15. The address (s P.O- West First Street in Fort Myers. (hank you again for your Interesting articles. Box 2-1680, Wtst Palm Beach, Fla. 33il6-4C?80. 1 -John S. Borges, Milwaukee 1 A highlight will be ..artist Robert Duller d ===b.' . " • - .. • ~~ .^Lakeland, who will create an acrylic printing A. "Xeriscape Plant Guide H" is a very use- (Ron Sympson Is a licensed landscape con- tractor who specializes in South Florida ,(ii\ bare canvas. « r^ -.. ful, free publication of the South Florida Wa-^ A noon preview of auction items and re- tcr Management District. It lists plants landscape design. If you l\avc a question pr freshments will be followed by the 1:30 p.m. adaptable to the area with comments on such comment, u-rUc fo; P.O. Pox 08730, Fort My- u auction st.irt. Call -172-5112. ers. Ha. 331)08.) Friendly , A Rmv mid Private Lifestyle Faces lunch Only 51 single-family waterfront tiomesitw within minutes to open bay and golf waters on a 43 acre private island scheduled with security access. Custom Homes Available — Model Open Call or visit Sale* 0files / Open Daily - (313) 466-8855 I lA miles before Sanibel Casseway. Turn right on Port Comfort Road, over bridge to Frlencls In Service Jonathan Harbour Drive, S.W., Ft Myers, Florida Here is holding ils monthly Friendly Faces luncheon at noon on Tuesday, February 12. Church of the Is- lands on Sanibel-- Capllva Road will host the February get- together providing entertainment, CGIII- = panlonship and good food for islanders who arc handicapped or living alone. All residents mid iiit<>r-> m (Iconic. In rLsi.n.c

20% to 40% OFF We're out to catch you! POOL & PATIO FURNITURE The only place lor lobster... ,.. • LOBSTER HOUSE | NativeSeatood...Steaks..'.andPasta TELEXj'OI'E' Lunch -11:30 to 3:00 Dinner - 5:00 to 10:00 EXPRESS LUNCH SERVICE New expanded menu offers largest selection on the Island Dinner Selections I • Fresh Native Fish • Black Angus Beet • Classic Italian Dishes • Children's Menu • All Major Credit Cards LARGE SELECTION OF DIRECTOR CHAIRS • Happy Hour in the Schooner ' AND RECOVERS Lounge 3:30 - 6 p.m. CALOOSA CANVAS COMPANY EARLY BIRD DINNER ..•• ~ Pool & Patio Furniture S9.95 per person (813) 472-1366 472-2218 5-6p.m. |ggy& Paul's Lobster House Sanibel Squarei2242 - A Periwinkle Mon.-Sat. 10-5 Periwinkle S Tarpon Bay Road. Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 V. V


to Saturday High Low High _ Low Capliva (Bay) none • 6:44 ,10:53 none Punla Rassa =none 6:43 1:42.5:24 >: a.m. . p.m. Captlva (Gulf) none 4:38 9:19 none. < Redflsh Pass none ' 4:22 8:54 none Lighthouse. none 5:52 9:4§ none , Thursday -" ., i 5! Captlva (Bay) none 5:16 9:03 none ™ Capliva (Gulf) none 3:08 7:29 none Punla Rassa none 5:45 10:38 none Redfish°Pass 12:08 7:09 1:53 6:15 u- Lighthouse . none 4:24 7:59 none Captlva (Bay)-12:17" 8.03 2:02 7:09< a Tuesday Punta Rassa none 4:17 8:48 none Capliva (Gull) 1 l:22p 5:55 12:28 5:01 tr •• Lighthouse' ll:52p 7:11 12:58 6:17 RedfehPass U:2 p 6:22 1:47 4:39 ~ uj u Punta Rassa 12:02-7:04 1:47 6:10 • £: Sunday Captiva (Bay) 1 l:35p 7:16 1:564; 5:33 Capliva (Gull) 10:01p 5:08 12:22 3:25. o -s. '••» , " ; Friday L., & Rcdfish Pass none 5:12 9:55 none Lighthouse 10:31p 6:24 12:52 4:41 J5 Captlva (Bay) none 6:06 10:04 none Punla Rassa ll:20p 6:17 .1:41 4:34 Rcdflsh Pass 12:47 '7:27~.'2;04 7:04 z Captlva (Gulf) none 3:58 8:30 none Wednesday ^ -;. ..Capliva'(Bay) 12:56 8:21 2:13 7:58 5 Lighthouse none. 5:14 9:00 none Cn.ptlva (Gulf) none 6:13 12:39 5:50 52 Punla Rassa none 5:07 9:49 no!3e. Red fish Pass none 6:48 1:48 5:29 Lighthouse none 7:29 1:09 7:06 Monday . ° Captlva (Day) none 7:42 1:57, 6:23 Punta Rassa 12:41 7:22 .1:58 6:59 Capliva (Gulf) 10:43p 5:34 12:23 4:! 5 Redflsh Pass none 5:50 10:44 none Lighthouse 1 l:13p 6:50 12:53 5:31 Records show significant rise in colds and flu cases By J. Bradley Dllllng nose are symptoms of both viruses, but the-flu sb.ots mav vary .""but they usually are less than Staff" Writer tends to stay with a person longer than a cold. $*0. " ' „' .-•• -,-- .^ County heallhcare facilities arc receiving "These colds you pet only last for a couple of '[The flu) can affect different people, differ- twice as many people for colds and virusc; days and then they go away." N'aponie said. ently,"- he said. -'Tjjicrc arc so many viruses with flu-like symptoms this year as they were "The flu is a much more serious thing than ind'so many different symptoms, that it- last year, county officials said. cold. In the early stages, it may seem like the very difficult to tell oliefrom another. u 1 But it's probably not the flu that people arf me thing b it the cul I f,tts b tier I he flu ^rt Fortunately, the doctor said, there tend to being admitted for," said Lee County Health worse, be far fewer of the more serious flu viruse; Director Dr. John Naponic. Ihtdxtr s 1111 it Kflirm Ivjltiltu than of the lesser viruses common to cold: Naponle slid t'nt ut.li T dristlc it *M.I il I mum nh which n \ st \ sith i per en f r ianci other respiratory illness cause for sume concern, but fnrjunntcly most wtcks I (Oj lc -itrl hn b\ li f] 1LH7T usunl \ \ lpinlc TISO sa d tint tfttrt een u Le IJ of the people that arc seeking in-almeni for endure a persistent t:ttiii»ri and homelimi'S n:v evcrj'-olhcr-year trend in individual suscep- flu-like symptoms have maladies that are itol b i b it 1)L pri tint S\T i[ t ii=; mi i ffL tibility. That is. if p. person had a serious case as prolonged or debilitating as Influen; i ivtth Hie individual. of the flu during the winter one -year, the; commonly known as "the flu Stnt re E/cns tn 1 t ten it •, sitfU It pTcb i* 1> v.on t £,tt it \\ c ie\l \t IT beciu t* Many of them have a case .of the common I1 Ui Wrusc tl I \c i i < i [ j L md their body's immune system will have b;iil! cold or art e\hibilir % L ISOI \\ ill t(, L r < \H\ in uia irij, 1 tl fUUr till m* t) j;it itrongcr than uonnai resistance to it. But the tlons to something in their environment. ntlflu vaccines early in tin; fail, at the start pr rs ii n i} f et it th \c3r fttr tint u ^t iri Symptom*. <> J h lswite ncs in 1 T ninn\ Happy Days Are Here At .. * Parker Lakes 1 Z**-*it ' Discover a neigiiborhood you'U be proud to call home! I rrl I Liltwcrif il'ivi 1)-^ I nck n cV> h I pj ski^nn h n I f^fl r 1 »*rkn li P En n ,1 In If I- n •» uMi n \ 1 1 r * »h 111 h II I*- 1P 4 tail I u «h K 1 1™ I n I 1 nTh I I F 1 1 IKI IA SI h r .i'i rni^r k htk 1L * 1 r h^ 17 7 II 1 I I In r v r I ipl 1 I n 1 I U \ *3 h 1 r > -i r 1 ( th ( I r « 111!

>u.—:—r-f—I «i >ui,n

PARKER LAKES Tin. (jiut \nuncan Nei^hborliDod1 Light tackle and finesse are successful technique fish with lighter line," said Rex who swears by adding that most of the wrecks he works can Fishing tips from Dick a tackle combination of 25-pound line, six- be located oh any chart. . O _/' • ounce weight, and 25-po'und leader tied di- When approaching a wreck, Rex uses elec- Rex during Sanibel talk rectly to a 5/0 hook, on his personal rod. and ironic "fish finder." equipment to find out ex^ similar set-up with 50-pound line orv,hls boat aclly where the fish are. _ -_-. By Richard Cain ,_ rods. " -. - " • - o Stajf Writer .. ^ -'"An ordinary fisherman with the proper He then positions his boat off to one side of techniques can cqjch big fish." said Rex. the wreck, and tries to "coax^he fish lo him Light tackle and finesse will produce-big 1 lir fish more often than heavy gear and hard He displayed a picture of a 25-pound mutton with various balls. ' \ ork accordlug^to Dick Rex. captain of the., snapper caught on Ills boat bv a first-time an- - Once the smaller fish begin to feed, ex- charter boat "Reel Class," out of Cape Coral. pier. .r; plained Kex. the bigger fish, will eventually Rex was on hand at the SanUiCi. Fishing Rex's technique, involves working the above ^ leave the structure. Club s monthly meelinfl Monday nighl.at the mentioned tackle In UX)-fef;t of water or more. '"' Community Center io talk about some ofhis usually near some type of structure. If a big fish is hooked. Rex will let tfie fish';; fishing exploits In waters south of Sanibel Is- Successful baits include sardines, plnffsh; take a little line^and (hen bring it up slowly land - squid and any small catches. . without any hard jerking of the rod. rellow anglers looked on in astonishment Some of his favorite structures include the Rex explained that big fish will continue to as Rex showed pictures of some trophy sized numerous wrecks that can be found between- run if they knew they are hooked. With a little groupers and snappers and told of the simple Ft. Myers Dcach and the DryTortugas, includ- finesse and restraint. Rex is able to bring the techniques used to catch the fish. ing the "Sloney" and the "Baja California." fish up. a little at a lime, and get it "away from Ihe last few years I've been targeting larger "There are no secret fishing spots." sin?i Rex. its home structure, where it could break ofj^ ~ Shellfish ban may be lifted as red tide outbreak fades The good news for environment watchers red tide. icccntly Is that sightings of the poisonous al- . r. J. Bradley Dilling's " Scheneman said that all tests of Lte County gic red tide seemed to subside last week and water came~back negative and that testing will the ban on shellfish consumption may be Manatee Observations be discontinued if no sign of the"algae is found u lifted soon, officials said. next week. Florida Department of Natural Resources granis for Florida's Marine Research Depart- In other news, some unusual behavior was officials early this year imposed a ban on ment. - ' ,-, • observed among manatees iff Lee County last, consumption of oysters, clams and coquinas The algae has the potential to leproduce at^ week. . ^" 1 after reported sightings of the one-celled algae explosive rales forming bright red "blooms'' in One passerby reported seeing a manatee blooms at the Venice Jetties near St. Peters- the water. The organism may be harmful to swimming in the middle of a group of dol- burg. Officials said that the ban remains in ef-^. -people if they eat. the shellfish that have phins in Big Carlos Pass at the south end of feel, but it may be lifted soon, because recent ingested It. " : Estero Island! -^ water tests have revealed no signs of the,dan- sJ Brent Scheneman, who operates a manatee The dolphins may have been merely curi- gerous organism. _ sighting hotline, had organized a group of ous about the sea cow. The sea cows are one of As of Jarti^M the tests were negative for the volunteers to collect water samples from the the few; strictly vegetarian marine mammals Lcc County area and for tiie Venice area." said Lee County coast and send thsm to the De- In the ocean while dolphins feed primarily on Jamie Scrino." coordinator of special pro- partment of Natural Resources for testing for fish. V CALENDAR ~ Square Dance Club. Center,2-4p.m, dar. P.O. Box 809, CRUISE ABOARD * from page 2C Sanibel Community Captiva Memorial li- Sanibel, /to. 33957. Be Rotary Club meeting. Center, 8 p.m. brary, pre-school sure to include type "MISS Igoy and Paul's Lob- Tap Dancing with storyhourat 10:15 of events sponsor, PARADISE" ster House. Tarpon Merle Rauscher. S5 a.m. with Karen =' address, time, ad- " Bay Road at Periwin- Departing from Sonesta Sanlbd Harbour Resort -. per session, all ages, Hatverson. 472-2133. mission charge if any, Oiimp»gn( Suiuel Cruise - 51S.OOiduhi/S8 OOchildren kle Way, 7:30 a.m. All both sexes. Center for Of you have a meet- and telephone num- Depnj 3:15 p.m. -Return 630p.m. visiting Rotarions wel- the Arts. 9-10 a.m. ing or event you ber for information. ^. Tuei.,Thurj,Fri.ASit. come. 472-2880. gTrip-JW.CMKhjlii/SlS.OOchilJra, : "FridayatIheCenter' would like listed, Deadline is two weeks Dcp»M 9.00 ».m. - Rcwm 12 00 Noon Alcoholic Anony- wiih Dr. Richard Levy, please send it to: Is- prior to the date of the Tuer.Thurj^Ffi.t SM. "" (ill equipment «iid mous, women's Lee Co. Mosquito land Reporter Calen- event.) ciosed discussion, Control, 2 p.m. 5ani- ^OVf NTfc'KfS 12:30 p.m. ot Sanibel bel-Captiva Conser-, Tax Help for the Elderly Congregational vation Foundation. 11 . The Tax Counseling for the Elderly pro- 472-8443 or 466-4000 cxt. 2991 Church, 2050 Periwin- "African Ait, Fort - gram Of Ihe Internal Revenue Service and the kle WayK Myers Historical Mu- American Association of Retired Persons, -472-5800- Suncoast Alzheimer's seum from Aborigi- provides free income lax assistance to persons Information Line: 1- nals: Art of the First 60 years of age end older. 600-633-4563. Open 8 Person Gallery. Sani- Counseling will be,done locally from noon bet. Susanne Waifes' to -I p.m. Wednesdays, from February 20^ RENTBOATS a.m.-5 p.m. week- through April 10. at the Sanibel Public Li- days. collection, through March 15. brary. :. - JENSEN S TWIN PALM Audubon Field Trip , RESORT AND MARINA "Friday at Ihe Center' Individuals should bring all personal data led by Mary Lou with them, including last year's tax return. Schadt of Audubon •svithCcrlMe'amet. „ 1990 tax forms, and any W-2s. W-2Ps. and Society. Call 472-3655 Aqua Treks, dis- 1099s.,, Be you: own Caplasn .t for reservations. 9 cusses Life on the Closest to outet islands For more information, call '172-0898. us Shelling on Descried Beaches a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mudflats. 2 p.m. Sani- Excellent Fishing Areas Phillips Gallery at u bel-Captiva Conser- Center for the Arts. vation Foundation. Dunlop Rd. Frescoes "Taxes, Retirement, Increase Your Business. of artist Victoria > and Your Money," Martinez through Edison Community Advertise Mere. CAPTIVA IS March 3. Opening re* College class at Call 472-1587 Today! CGpfJon 7 to 9 p.m. Sonibel Community -472-56CO- sv-'v"rav \ Sanibel Sea Kayak 4 "THE BEST CAST" -472-5300- :' \*5,^Y '.Wildlife Touis & Adventures ' r* I "An ultimate experienCK with nature" '^ SWIFT • SILENT CUSTOM BUILT FLY RODS WATER TAXI SAFE •STABLE RESORT AND MARINA SAGE, THOMAS S^THOMAS, ORVIS ...^ ,^ j bokiig(of people that er.jcyU'ifafe and aiiw- u! DIAMONDBACK and WINSTON luie. We feaftae a wik!y of outdoor tor* 'or jrai enjo^Tr«nL N NorinCapliva '" Cabbage Key . Wulfcrt Key Tour • Gulf of Mexico Tour Top of the line saltwater fly « CayoCosIa _BocaGrcnoe Roosevelt Channel & Buck Key Tour reels Johnson Shoals - Pmelsiand (Lunch Hop al the Cam* Club) and related products Up to 6 People BeaLtifJ sghtaigj o[ dolphins, ca^et, manateei, Rotate spoaibSs, Slip a liw hours or All Day peitsy, osprei?, herens and rr.'xh more cf nature's wxwiere. ALL TOIPS GUIDED ' March 3rd thru 30th; Captiva rj By Appointment, 472-1364 CAPTIVA IS. „ BRIAN HOUSTON" "* ~ Peddling H'und voter, Unct 1976 472-5600 '• o {813)472-9484 |Lee schools prepare for student war anxiety

u/ilV-Wi. Si- at t " Crisis interventloi^teams ready sani' in^ teachers Lo pvi^siuiienis LU*HMI infonn.i- Cv: ily. vriMs ic.isii incmlMTs tire tioi] that Ulculirsos where the'l-.vn ctjuntucs ^5 to help students express feelings * ' o!C.:mi/ln^ vari'.us form-"" ol' r.niviiics .mil arc- located. ] . ! ^ By Esther Bclz a:ii!iM-liiig .sessions io help .stuck-nis (toil wi:h' At the middle and l»U;l?&cfk.rocess so when they can re- fighting to save lives," I/jpiv said. . ~ crisis team Has a counselor, administrator solve their grief," Lopez said Even though nfi one knows what the out- iind student services representative. If students don't deal wUh'their fears or come of, the war will be, crisis levins will ho Area high schools each have a five-member grief ihey will develop unhealthy altitudes^ ifiQund tojiclp.fttudcrils deal witli their fear, ti am and middle schools three-member and possibly drop out of school, use drugs or express their grief and hold .them when they Hams. , " resort to violence, I-opez said. cry. . " : :' the school board received another grant in When the war started, crisis team members 1089 (Utti used (hose funds lo add thrce-nwm- met with faculty members and informed ths-m btr crisis teams at the elementary school to expect some of their students to experience! Pair named at RE/MAX livcl. '* grief, and to look for the warning signs. A portion of the grant funds were used lo 'The young ones-feel anxiety because ihey RE/MAX of the" estate snics on t>ic hire a Jacksonville consultant who taught a don't know what is going on, yet they can feel Islands, recently - - islands for the'past scries of workshops dealing with different ilicir parents fear," staled Lope/. - ^,a:iriounced the year, and Andrews counseling techniques,.. They (elementary siuderits) arc frightened addition of Lisa Jms over fnur years of Following those sessions. Carl Schloemer, hearing and seeing news reports'that show Cochrane am! Chuck experience on Uic

KirCKKN CABINET By Arthur S. Verile*ca

ACROSS 1 Song Ifom 36 Marth bird 66 So It fat 07 So-so grade* Domingo 37 Hip 67 Ssvory 99 Ens. physicist 5 Stesp slope 40 Thiobblno with 65 Chin, nurse 100 Oltsprtng ^ 10 Junta anargy 69 Great quantity 101 More 1& Bord«t 42 Tttstmm's love 72 Ornamental . tooilstl 19 US pro*. - 46 Prlett ol yors cti.tea 105 Theology deg. 20 Jay SINertieeis H Obsron or ' 73 V tai 106 Duisllon of Hagghid 77 Ike's domain existence SI DOCIBO 4S Macaw 76 Seafarer 1tC Brace 22 Magic chsrm 50 Rubinstein 60 Afr. language 111 Brave 23 Garmanl for 51 Ruby and peari - 61 Pig — poVs 113 "— give you ~ G*ib» 52 Chaplain 62 Powder anyihlng,.." 2* Fall sorter 53 Pinnacle 84 Aborigines ol 115 Gradual 55 Oriental prefix Japan 116 Anatomical 23 Ex - (ons- y 85 Musical piece loop ildod) 56 Chemlca! ending 117 Bent 26 Formorty 57 Relation 66 Develop \ 118 Compel 2T Whom Aldsn 56 Snowen with 67 Alaskan nallve Hood for shot 69 Quill 119 Ashlatiula'e WBteriron! 29 Ref* decision 60 Excel 90 Powerful person 1J0 Sway 31 Ship beacon 61 Tyrannical 91 Eut. ktie 92 Lay on a slant 111 Caseharden 33 Delicacy 63 Wordtnss actors 64 Cover 94 Tourmalins 5 122 Symbol 34 Covering 96 Towered ,\ 123 For (Bit tha! networks completely

DOWN 1 Blbl? bo. 32 Actress 59 Mix-up 68 Young edull. 2 Uproar . Ellbacher 62 Normal '90 Debatable 3 Swenson 34 Cloud prefix 63 Manhandles 91 Lost 35 Answered 65 Cuslros Irlend 93 Voltaire and i Leaf ato| sharply 67 True Jefferson. column 37 Carried on 6S Void 95 Inn -.'-, ' 5 Preclsa 38 Gr. Pai 69 Gr. letters 96 Relent 6 LltiOtnl 39 Clocks 70 In any way 98 Assail 7 T»u rroi 4D Of old sacre 71 Logrolling 100 Before now 6 Mnp abb writings ~ 101 Shsjowbox 9 Easily ci 41 Journeys 102 Black ot 10 Dome 43 NY cit,' stamps , 11 Alia 103 Fr. river 12 Biting common! 45 Flgui of 7* ElSClrlclBn 104 Pink 13 US tur trader speech 75 Balie'ry ler :. 14 Tolerance p 15 Young chickens 79 Sfnfc luddettly 107 Reduce 16 laddor pa^'"' 60 Kind of bead .108 Sale words p 1 17 Fool pari 53 Ttaclor trai 83 Hollow sea 109 Russian's IB Contend 54 Recluse 2a Halsod plalfomi 3 57 Younp love 30 Honshu city 5B S-sngbiid . ^*i^ii£g^ Bridge scores Contract • Bridge «° OF THE ISLANDS 472-2311 Monday. January 28,7:;3O p.m., Preying ori Declarer's Fears Mitchell movement WATCH Ut 0POWIKTO OUR North/south: NEW LOCUTION AT I. Kay & Roy 44M PERmiKftU WIT Hickes, 2. Pat Snyder & KayTrtmbur. 3. Helen & Preston ir )()U «i* tht- ifirr'n. South his Bnssctt. , fiAST East/west: * AS7J Uick* If )IM iluck tiV qui'cn. Sotiih xl. Dorothy and "OSS- Ralph Succhting. 2. « .ip iVhinil ih" -ighl hid! He tishci Marie & George VERY PRIVATE WOODED LOT . FOR SALE! Located in Hadwcn.3. Bclty& * KQJI99 Oddly enough, I he correct play is Dcv Marshall. Sanibel Woodland! wilt) beach icccii. Small neighborhood ind CQ2 bub up to ffMlir?ixIugc. Call Usi Cotfanne a m-Zlli or 472 may wf m lilc a cruzy lhii-in m iln — afltt all. )? II? <|()fnn't Llndstedt. 2. Glnny - Is lo ffjur 5l''Vl"*S *>n the wniimcf know ihrfl ih? tnn^l*^ afr diui!oJ l-l, Rocves & Nonna Loos. inJ Uuw iH'l you cash Uic K A of disrainlrJ a vnrner fnnn hi* hand aril 3. Tom McCarthy & - imnn.Ii brlwi1 playirf an'itht'r Wesi srorrrt ih'^«tn( tnck »tth tin? Roy Merchant. lui IWI'JUU nuu)g. Only uqts flan the bud), lomis ami pool A Steve Potts East/west; ntw uf spi-ii-i. South lc*l) !hc king gjlO' |. S iM GREAT BUY AT 5233,000.1116 BeauiiM jmaj 1ml uniL com of tnii't|«,"jonr pirtnpt follomiig much n ly tft mft with thr d 1. Harriet & Rodger ^uit. Ap.d the *iui?\tion ** uhpthfr to -vui h'"-iw f*j' i ^- plculy furnished, 2BW2BA, oilh den. DON'T WAIT. THIS IS Longley, 2. Rea Ellas lAke ih« Vui( with itif arf ot ilutV it. Dnre hr rtnl thaf. h PRICED AT 0M.Y S229 jW. STEV£PpjrS 271-5K11. J &HelenQulniby.3. Edith & Anthony Martens. o East/west: 1. Martha Kildow & l.KayTrtinbur& Dick Light, 2. Roberta Thursday, January Pat Snyder. 2. Harriet A John Hickes, ,3. 31. I p.m.. Mitchell & Rodger longley. 3. Inez fie Fred Demlng. movement. Rca Elias & Frances East/west: North/south: Laird. ... NUTMEG \1LLAGE • Magnifiont axirt>ard ax)Gulfvicwifran r 1. Jim Morgan ft i. Harriet & Rodger this ready lo movt in unit. Call me today for your povaie iltOKing. A Longley. 2. Kay GREAT VALUE AT 0MY S28J.0OO. CALL STEVE POTTS 27! G.G. Robldeau Tom Hlckcs, 2. Ginny Monday, February r Reeves & Norma Loos, •1.7:30 p.m., Mitchell":, Trlmbur fit Pat Seat.' 3. Nancy Uealy & movement. Snyder. 3. Alalne & Hope Basset. North /south: _ Herman ; BAY FRONT, BEACH FRONT, AND BOAT DOCK com plements a 5 hr/ 5 ba bay front home. $799,000. he, or Joan

a rare find... NICEST HOME FOR THE MONEY ON SAMBEL. 5249,900. Includes 3BrflB!h, pool, fireplace. Joe or loan

JUST LISTED. Fabulously decorated Gulf front- Sauln Stl< Beaeh Villa 3rd f cor i bedroom & lof- OrJy SJ72.50O Call Barf Fischer Over ooking one of the wides.t and safest beaches in all of. Florida, Ft. Myers Beach.

Bermuda Dunes otters the finest in condominium luxury amenities including: • Choice of three wffi&E.(I i\ i ^»lLL__d IMESTMfNT' Al Point- Sant Beautiful v e»i tot floor plans. Dai Id HcCaaS Two bedroom and three bedroom n units _ • Fully tiled private _ I .. entry foyers 't ' Dining rooms SAX CABLOS BAY FRONT • Ctonnd level 3 rcdroom J -Modern,fully homes spectacular views of the Bay. Over 270O sq. ft. in this equipped kitchens home. Truly an excellent buy on the Bay. Call MAc a G G. 472- Mike Robldeau 211 ~ ma with pantiles" "'"'•Spacious masler . „,-' suites • Covered parking

ilty& Investments, Inc. Metro- BK ONE of only 26 families to enjoy this gulf front community Live in the splendor of this fabulous eslaic sized home featuring ^r 8695 College Pkwy. T. Drew Drake (813)765-0001 anasur suite of over 1093 sq. tt Call Mike or 0.0.472-2311" Slet'C Potts Ft. Myers, Fl. 33919 Licensed Rea! Estate Broker '(813)433-0433 or472-5!02. . i ,,



GOLD CREDIT CARD • 100% We'can''got you betier gas FRANKLIN NORTH CAROLINA BV OWNER npptovud $1,500 credit-linn. milongo lot your an. Cali 1-M0- Lois, homes, lownhouscs, golf SE. CAPE CORAL Trudy and F'ank Porter. By'd ^ Mansy fenck guaranteo For 872-3737 But 603. $2-'rrin. CANAL FROST Prcpert'fis, 17! Poiwr Sliooi, complol') information cal! 1- E»tcS»;nt buy !o' mvoifa J0O 2260049. 524 50 fco. FranWin NC 23734 (704)524- 83-1! D0NT BE RIPPED OFF!! 3 !>.^i. , 2 bath, pockoicd FIND OUT THE TOOTH aboU doors fr mastor dni^g foom u MLM cos and olhor money aiid family »ocm or>to an • • • • t*V making oppfy before spending APT. DawniCTAn Ixaton.. evefsizcLianai and pool a.-oa 2 bedftiom. 2 bath. E*i! in BASEBALL CARD -| your hard earned money. For Compleie appliance pkg EXTRAS FOR THE S5SVS info. sendSl.phto: ktchon. WD. iDdLides waier later system and & COMIC BOOK SHOW 0PEWSUNDAYi-4P.il iuccoss NotworK International. NO PETS $400 - washef/dtyef. Located SUN., FEB. 10th, 3GOW.53rdSlreot, - •on ICO'Widtjfingororl 12130 KELLY GREENS APT. South Location. NAPLES MOOSE CLUB Hew York. New York 10019. •us •-. the Rubicon, with dock • BLVD. #97,-. 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 baths F01 siVQ by crtncr Spaci 5224 N TAMtAMI TRAIL and seawall and much, mitch Veranda, 2'2 plus de~n*stud/, W;D hookup VVHFI Gull Dr home M r-or more. Investor renta! income to single garago. hurricano NO PETS S425. extras . Easement to Gull. CO OUAUTYDEAIEH TABLES dciaits; CIS! {419)447-4026. $S50pwmo Now oily- shoitors. GENERAL $124,900 Ro-Vax Realty G^oup fiOOAM.-MOPM. RETAILOf FICE SPACE BROKERS ARE WELCOME^ Call Kay Ewort REALTOR DOOR PRIZES ft REAL ESTATE DOVfflTOWN LOCATION FREEADMISSIONt; 4B&-0J44 or 466-0936. 1,265 sq. ft Good REPOSSESSED parking SGOO BROKER-OWNER DEALERS WILL BE BUYING. VA & HUD HOMES 549-2338 SELLING A TRADING GERNiE BRADEN REALTY. Availab'a from govern men! frof "Bargain" 5BIV3BA pool. 228 THROUGHOUT THE EVENT. INC. $ 1 wifJioot aectt choch. You ft. seawa;!, dock, waterfrcnt ; luiufy home Few dsllars in MANY HEW DEALERS WITH Barbara A. Young. repair Also SJL bai cut upgrading & aliofariotis, can NEW r.iATEHlAL Propefty Manager "propenics! Call : maka this a miltoo palace 542- 574^300 {805)682-7555.- • PLEASE CCf/E GIVE US e»t H-3*72 .a 2622. YOUR SUPPORT "'! for repo list your area. FOR INFO: REALTY "Fi»er uppers^ house, largo lol MARGEHONKAN EN HOMES FOR SALE 1 remodeited beayttuily. In-law North LAKEFRONT • DUNES i gugst houses. Carponlert (313) 574-7731 Ciil-do sac, exceptional design deltghl.-Bargain. Pau!, 542- Capiiva Island 1 appeal. &5 it, vauitod ceJings 2822. " --••-_.; • ••••• BY OWNER-One o) a kind. • and LR. 4 bedfoom. S hath. SALES AND RENTALS first ttmu on markc-L on!/ single 2.650 sq I), plus 600 tq h poolroom Mastertwdroomhas MAKE A FRIEHD... family homo on teach bcMccf "2 sepflMlo batf-,s Orar-d new Boaters Paradise European, Australi, '' *. HOWE *'' c Ughlhouso ami Tarpon Bay appliances, ttu hoof. Custom Siesta ts'es direct access to Yugoslavian high school Road. la\ is 10Oi240 n«ds Bahamian shutters. !2*30^ 1333 PAR VIEW DRIVE. Gull. (No bridges). 32 tt dock exchange students .. arriving ^modeling Brokers *i>icomet Birdin$. Beaches. Pool And sctoofied porch, lush."^ with usuries, dose to beaches Augosi.... HOST FAMILIES Tennis Noaity $310,000^ S775.OOO. vegotiEon t5»30 pool. 175 It. • Su^pnsirgly spacious L- $389K- New luiury 3 bedtoom. 172-3565 NEEDED ! Amoric laKo ttcnUjnoMtiijts have apod split 3 bedroom groui 2 baih. Modol open. Call Sun al Studs, purchnsod, $369,000. 472- 130 affords comfortable and Realty Center, Inc.. Realtor. Exchange Call toll IJDO 1 (GOG) 5043o'472-6333 -dous island Sving Poo! wi 466-1323 or 46G-t616. . SIBLING. Cabbage Palms, Sea Grape. Qvered aiea tot eotortatntr Sea Onts. Beach ,, 5170,000 overtook s your own tijtd South Ft. Myers Beach This yojr spend 3, 5. or 7 inctuar/ along tfio Sahibel waletlront 2 bdrm. Florida ni jhis aboard elegant replica &r. Uvmg room. tSning rtM room. 1-1.-2 bath. 30 tt deck. visiting romanti beamed farriity room with boat ramp and house,^. kitics. 1000 fireplace. Separate laundry $165,000 765-57Efi. [islands[ , magnificent Ijords. and North Captiva Dunes Gerii oom Large master bedroo \\\Q International Seaway and NcarPakeoach $59,900 nd bath with *a!k-in closets. Locks. Experience whale- Ovorsizod garaas Many EXTRA LARGE ROOMS gfaai 1 watching at its boil! SE92- custom entras including this 4.7 Lochmoor subdwEio ; Over 3.50O.sq "!.',; double $2850. Dial-A-Brochure 1 (600) great neighbors. 267-7856. Toll Free. Calling Alt Capiains gafage,- bGautiiull/ HOiV'5 TH.S FOR VALUE "» Pnced at $497,900. Fnvaie Baal Dock $30,000 landscaped, "upscalo" I. 1 .tcro *, NpstS&i a-DOn-j OAK' nciflhborhood. SI38,500. Gem-^ Valuablo FREE financial guide = TREES < 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baiis, . Call 472-4748 - Real Estate, tncf'995-2436 booh sent la first 500 CALL FOR FREE Wood PLir.k Fioor.ng. 24*t? fa Appointment DAY'NtGHT. motivated "winners" calling BROCHURE Groat Room, 2 Car Garago. retired USAF colonel's recorded inil (813) 472-3000 2 bedroom, 1 batti ground level iountry Rjf'to Decorating. SJS! mo T o I (800) 299-065: Q CBS home on fresh waterway n T B8 Pi caR3i A" of IMMACULATE WATERWAY Los Masipr Associates. Box By o*ner. $135,000. 472- 03 ESTATE HOME ot er G eat 3123. Brentwocd. Tcnncsset; $i7 PRICE S\ IMMHG POOL 37034 AN'BEL IONA AREA It/HJO lol eiw lied Rp ? <.» R y C c p Batr rooms Fior da ROOT MILITARY RETIREE • Chamm Ask lot Linda Hess G rage G ot he gh hood juppfement will pay the ^ Roduccd SH 000 •* Ih hopp n chool allowed plus 100% ol c«ce: Mite o Hn nwl me Chur he an Gu! Ne rby charg A 0 100 f Cvci L. D ect access W I fn net supplement. For brochi cc 1 KCLLY GREEN 1 cond OPEN HOUSE GEMREA E TATE INC (81 ) (BOO) 627-282-1, e»t 259 24 o 10 ** Homes 'ro i THE TUAT OfJ 836 LIMPETT DRIVE SEE THE DIFFERENCE- $tGQ 0 1 tOO no i Every-Thursday A Sund.i/ ite f i F e t BETWEEN HO-HUM through .'February. Belvveei 20C c>a fl O t B OCK TO ANDW0W1 K 4.00 Lowest priced "» fi VEH MARVELL U Th en t TI t -n} n 6 c\\ H 1 B.ai picc s b«d TA " n k.chon Ee^ t A ih direct accoss !• the Gulf ^ u] (ii5 s !e« FOUNTAIN COUNTRY LAN1" \i Ca'l DoroSiy Sorouso. P r/R o 3 0 n rb w Ire pi "DPS n 6500 S p I ^ f ) f»try h r T m Lin G d ct j> lri-i c DkU jilO^m

Ore 0 3 1 t t n h ^otOOsc t an C ck,*r C F n Wfbbcr. Coidwpt! B nk K-C1L A CSS n Fl » Evans HtiAlty £49 9231. 0044 or 431 435 DUPLEXES COHDOS INTERVAL INTERVAL HOMES FOR SALE LOTS & ACREAGE o FOR SALE FOR SALE OWNERSHIP OWNERSHIP

INCOME Fourpti SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION . - KELLY GREENS. BEACH CLUB - Weofc #5: 2 SOUTH SEA PLANTATION VERANDA Bodraam. 2 bath Gu!l tron! Appliances, coin op., W,D, Z bedroom. 2 baih rJomchud S'ocps'6 Pool & lews court l«aihm«iimiS.*<.aj ding fonlnl 2bodroom, 2hat garage overlooking 6Lh gieen within walking distance '. Irgm commit,. 11 SxiOO.: and lafco. Full golf privileges, . Principals only $16,500. Cali Oidtd&il $1^3.000. terms. 765-5640. 5134.000 Ca!i. 466-6769. 201-744-2(00. days or 20* s ti&M Vox 745-7S6-J, evenings. . Week 1. First wcei ol Jan; . V.'eok 9 S 10, Firs! 2 weeks than 3 milos to Santbel. FMB southwest corner, !4Ji SURFHIDER BEACH CLUB - SANIBEl OPEN HOUSE of March Located in area of rosidcnli.il floor. 3 bedroom,. 3 bath wilh Gulf (roiit, pool, tennis. Week (4 8 15,F«r2 weeks; DIRECT ACCESS CANAL pool, ho! tubs, two lighted homes sociuded^on dead in Jacuzzi," etc. Quiot and !riend!y 0tAprS,=.. tennis -courts., wrap-around UNDAY 100 500 P.M. sireel double sizo fenced bl. 1 bodfocrn unirj. Call Gtenn Week 42. October. Icrracos on the bayside and 3448 B ndPassCi. Vury nicety updated A Bauer. Associate. beachsido. Act now and pick 280tt.GtCo'»1ftctitagt>. spacious 2/2 and 2/1. PLUS: THE VACATION SHOPPE CASAYBEL SANIBEL BAYOUS^PHASE II VtiktoCajtw andSambcl Cabana wilh bath and your own carpet and b'n colors. SALES, INC. 2 bc*oom. 2 bath, stoops 6. South espOS'jrs. underground twirhe Spacious 3 kitchenette -Gorgnous 5314,000.463-4376. (813) 472-6335 -.-: upper cofneffioor. - 'ubliDcs Near beach access, bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, landscaping, Iruit trees, large ' Week 16, 174 18 patio Owner is licensod Real pool A dock. Great rental AIII poo' etc $537,000. investors - Owner wilt base Latt 2 weeks of Aprri and Eslata Persoo For morfl help pay mortgage Paul or Lighthouse Basoti, salo by Tho Oon-J Corp Realtors . back 3 months per year. Ft first weckln Hay. inlofmation can AUSON ;. Chary), owner/agent. 454-5921. Myers beach front. ! bodroarn. owner, 3BH. 2 BA, bay front, Csfl Jim 936 40J4 of By ownof,(514J 342-2375° FIJ1MN. ASSOCIATE. 1 bath, newly furnished 3rd first Boor, corner unit, nuek* 37 549-5973. 4 33 (Sepl.| S3,95O,oflor. 30t- or (514) 2?i 3804 . BHOKEnSCONSULTANTS """ -•>"-.—'*!!.••.- Fully rentgd duplex between = 475-5ZSS 472 3255. l*>a553 22*6 Palm Beach and the River - $104,900,463-4376. Atior hours W5^7941. Nestis some work to increase rents. OWNER WILL CARRY Harbor Point • Fort Myers Lot 10 Sanibol Ri'*t Estates. WITH ONLY $5,000 DOWN. • Beach. 2 bedroom, 2 baih. R3bbit Road Single family $49,000. Call Gem Real Estate. comer unit. Boat dock with lift. MARINER SERVICES CORPORATION residential on lake, deeded Inc. 995-2436. Overlooking bay. go!! ccurse, tennis court, "pcol, spa. By negsstered Real Estate Broker ST39.000. "Ffirtcipais owner, $!35.000. 765-5270 of (407] 69C-5065. " t (914)343-8371. CONDOS COMPARING INTERVAL OWNERSHIP RESORTS? KELLY GREENS DON! MISS THE VERY BEST! FOR SALE 'BEACH FBONTiBAY FnQHT OPEN HOUSE LAKESIDE VISTA VISIT MARINERS "FIVE STAR" ftESORTS Beautiful 2/1-1/2 2 slary '- —-ON THE GULF 100 A 00 PM .SUNDAY SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION tollhouse. Sun deck oti •- ON BEAUTIFUL SANIBEL ISLAND -:- \lp|«rC.p«v>'«5oulriEnd: 12751 KELLY SANDS V/AY BAYSiDEViLLA • 1 bedroom, 2 rnastGf, scroowd pc-rch i landscape EJoat ramps Completely redocwaled. South \ALUE PACKED AT $276,205: 4 dock-151,000. * CASA YBEL RESORT 472-1531 * Winter resided! special. * TORTUGA BEACH CLUB 472-5044 * u ht. i-l tigcd pocl'Epa. progiam. AH arnunities of South Seas Plantation S129.SCO, by * SANIBEL COTTAGES 472-1668* . puctacul ( VICIV ot go!! eou'E' PORT SAM CARLOS onthohlu Many extras. otvnor. 201-744-2100, days or * HURRICANE HOUSE 472-3377* 201-74&-7963, owning*. 2/1.800 sq. ft. end unit h *f by ofp't witfi boajtilui viow Nice * SHELL ISLAND BEACH CLUB 395-0220 * Cat Kay E*en REALTOR appl-ancos, update carpeting. 43 OJJ4or46G-0336 SOUTH SEAS $42,500. Possible Please Call For More Information Ro Max Realty Group assumption. J428.'mo. PLANTATION : LANDS END Gliddon Realty. .= Z67-9494. Luxury 2 bedroom • Amoniiios Time shato weeks for taie lor ol finost ruEQrt in Florida For 1992 Weeks 11 1? a 13 LOTS & ACREAGE salo by ownor. Guuranleod Sanibfll C2341 W. Gulf Dr., lease available. Call Martha •*•*••••• Snnibol Island. Florida. Phone! CINNAMON COVE (415) 452-6454. Keith Harvey. RIVER FROm . ^ '•^ ByOwnef South Ft Myers lake and rrwet_ imi ^-MM- mil PinK Shell Beach Club, FMB SANIBEL DIRECT GULF Value and eloganco denotes Large 1 and 2 bedroom soon in an established privata FRONT. a*2. cornet unit in wnail this 2 bodioom. 2 bath home on UPPER CAPTIVA lake, 7. car garage. Complemly lime share unitt. Can Ockie well managed complex. Best Ta'aba, Island Shores Really. ladlitiss. pool, tennis, park and , PROPERTY >futnishwJ. $139,500. Open tenta! prog'am on island. Full/ 549^721 ctub!"iouse with restsursnt. Call. booked lor 1991 seaton. Sundays, 1.00-400. 11404 MANAGEMENT, INC, < Jerry Colton, JEC Riverside " H0ME9TES $350,000. No brokers please, Caravel Cir. (San Carlos Dev.,482-5ZBJ! -." UNDER $100,000. (603,666-2278. ontrance). 466-3254 liahttiousa Resort & Ckib $55,000 * * * * *•* WfKAsfU12.-- CINNAMON COVE lint -tin- ' -tm i ^Consider th& bonofilt of a real SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION Top of season POOL VILLAS estate exchange or the Large Buffer Zoned Lot, ~- "MARINA VILLA CONDO" Attractive prices. Comptotui) lurnishod 2/2 advantages in changing real floducod $59,000 2 bodroom, t balh, cathedral Owner (B13) 472-3043. w tfi all tho oitras. Socunty. • -k * * •• * *, estate? local or national. Sale ceilings. Top (foot. Great view ~ Realty cicftanqo {813} 936- pools lonms dubhouso and South For! Myers Beach. High Lot Fctage (46,000 ot marina Call (313) 334-3439. 72S3. Exchange counselor, location, corner unll and an Beautifully furnished. 2 Surffiaer Beach Club, 555 E. in cnof un I available i ti ii -tut- iiittl bedroom. 2 bath. Right on the Guli Drive, Saniba!. 1 bodroom Ctoso To Gulf Beach $6J,000 Call Kay EwcrVREALTOR, KELLY GREENS VERANDA bestboachinFicnda. defuie, sloops 5, available NEAR BEACH HOMESITE fu how ng at 489 0444 . Z bodfoom, 2 bath con do with $160,000. Please call, 1991 - Aug. 17-24 Woek 33. lot wlh deeded teach access. Corner Lot - Ciowi to - or 4660936 ^ sopataW utility room. NEW IN 16.000 Aug. 2<-3t V/oek 34. Overlooking water • in quiet - 1990. Gorgeous views orr^5tfi 4630229. 9 A M.-9 P.M. only. CanalDoch $55,000 Ro Ma* Re ty Group V/iII finance. $6,000 Aug 31st la Sept 7(h West Gui Drive arua Ownor. (airway. Full gol' privileges. Week 35. $5,500 (B13) 463- J134.50O, partialljr lurnishod. wJI carry! Prico reduced to 1970. Call or leave message. Call 46S-33Q2. S129.900 For inlormatwn callAUSOfJH FUMAN. South Seas Plantation • Ft. Myers Boach - Gulf front 2 ASSOCIATE. _ Contiguous To Above Lot, Plantain Beach Club. 2 ROYAL PELICAN bdrm, 2 baih condo, directly- BROKE RS-CONSUuTANtS, WilSefl Together $135,000 bedroom,"2 bsth beachfront 2 bodroom, 2 bath comer unit facing; gull for fantastic views 472-2?55, 1-600-553 2246 condo Sleeps 6 Tennis Qoir ' Boat slip, covered parking. and sunsets. Completely artor hours, 549-794 LScensed Real Esu>e Bmker pool Available March 22nd - Many extras, $130,000. 765- furnished pool, sauna Edon •. 472-R400 : ApnlSlh (WK 12 4(3 Easier). 0972. House, $149,900, 549-4Q14or j (515) 326-1813, $1,300 per .'"" -""- •'«"' ,.t 549-4997. Windward Point Condom in iunis, 5 acres near Alice Road A HEART THROB CINNAMON COVE CONDO $40 000 ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom, 2 Fichtail Marina 1 bedroom, 2 2 bodroom, 2 baih outstanding, . . 3 aaos in Briardiff bath located in Counbysido li.ilhs Water on 3 sides. TORTUGA BEACH CLUB active community. Upgraded S100.000 E talc I landktchen, buill-in MiCfowavo. hurricane shunors. Weoh 7 (Iata"Feb.) For saie by v Ofl Santa Barbara - 2 r unit. Lakevtew, $81,900. By 5 iat& eait oU-75 ^ bookcases, Family room thai Just bring your toothbrush! owner at low nol pnee upper J builcJng lots. Block 996 and ownor. 466-6806. S48.000 overlook ' jtencd poroh arxJ 195,000.463-5363. - unit. $15 900 CalUack- Bit and Unit 26. $12,500. 10 acres east o!l-7S groat POOL recreation area GtficG'1 (600) 2S5 6245 oach • Owner financing. Town A River Condo minium. S107.900 Spa tub aid nu sun bathing SANIBEL ON THE GULF ^business hours Nofeotabla 772-265?, McGregor al Cypress.take 12 acre* near Al«> Road a oa ol masicr suiio. Home is Lunufy 2/2" excellently Drivn, Private boat dock, deep jIuaiDd on 1 acie * Value S100.000 ~ PHESTIGIOUS managed fonlal complei:. water canal, direct river Time ihara unils and Pa *ed it Si74.900. _5acresnoarU.S41 North HERON'S LANDING Complutuly booked oach access;'!argo 1,300 sq ft. 2 campground .memberships. :- $59,900 Re Max Rr> If Group 1 Lot 8 tor sale - Beautiful'View of v/inler. garapo. largo tool room. bdrm.v2 bath top floor lu»ury Distress sales - Cheap ! 2 1/2aaesnearUS 41 North A K FOR UNOA HESS Clam Bayou. Healed pool. Heated pool, tennis, golf "furnished, $99,900. Weekdays Worldwide selections. Call $19,900 _ 489 04 « Of 431-4992 Jacuzzi, tennis, privacy galo. , (SKifSQ • t block Beautifully 9 00 A M - 500 P M 463- VACATION NETWORK U S. . 20 acres Charlotte Covnty Iwnished. $249,000. (813) *72- nature preserve. Call 472-6078 2773. .. -.•-.- and Canada 1 (800) 736-6250 $M000 ; 6378 or mariager, 472-4117, Principals only. By owner, or {305) 771-6296 Free rental 10 acios Charlotte wrih Mobile Un't 703 S249.OO0. - - KELLY GREENS: 2 bcdfoomi. mforrmuon (305] 77t -6331. 559.900 ';2-.balhs, wilh beautiful golf Soulh Georgia Farm and course view A equity (G Star'Resort) Seaaatch on Fate Realty Group, Inc. Timberland. Great Hunting SONESTA SANIBEL . the Beach. 2 bedroom/2 bath 482-1211 Tracts 50-500 Acres For Wore HARBOR RESORT $119,900,472-6066. •• and 1 bcJrocnVZ ba;^. Wec+£.. Call Gtenn Crosby Information: 1 (800) 554-7253 Watettront. 2 bedroom. 2 b.ith 7-G-9 10. E8.&50 per week Groat Southern .Realty. PC • 1 condo. Modem Kitchen, Itv'ng Townhouse - 28R2BA. poo!, " 453 -1B70 731-1097 TCDrtT, d.mn^ TCOTI Scrcunt-tJ unfurnished. tastefully Box 730. Ariirrgton, GA 3t7i3 decorated Err Weeks 4-9 • S.inibe!. S'50,000 Mobile neighborhood, nea' Shell ^r, jl \'i.i,' SANIBEL COTTAGES homo lot. $9,050 La.'hsn Real ES'-ITQ. 233 «71 Weeks 7-10 Lottorsa'e- 17.0C0 ,/• warn, ,'d^Ar,i.l^. l-inj: loci ol on east en^ of Island, Fr-^T 2'15-3'1, 472 925-1" Sanifctl. Deeded be.ich f.e;r iS-t.iCC: -j7C8j Ffom-11-3 8. 472l)J31V • access. 52tO.0O0.o((cfS (617) 1 CUJD SI 4T-32 3 3643 or 4727250 Frcrrt 3 B-305, 472-9334 534-6182 I MANUFACTURED/ COMMERCIAL DUPLEXES COMMERCIAL HOMES FOR REm" LOTS & ACREAGE MOBILE HOMES PROPERTY FOR RENT PROPERTY FORSALE^ FOR SALE * FOR RENT THE DUNES - San Carlos ParV! 3 bedroom South Fen W,ers area - OVERSIZED LOT •:. Consider the benefits o( a real Magnificient viuw of goif course, lOAnhousQ, $550 monrhfy. Also Eicepnonai- lease . value n area of now homes OffAlico Coastal Estates - Near beach, eslals e>changa or tho and lakes, beautifully '' 1 bedroom with. screened • BoauitfuSy appoir.Lid 900 sq in San Cailos Park. Borders great location. 2 bedroom. 1- adv^r.ttiQQS in changing real decorated 3 bdrm., 3 balh, porch, clean 2 bedroom. so*jtti. 7 fl. 5^offrt:B suite. 1930 ,^arii small lako, paved road, dr/ 3/4 hatfis. Full/ furnished estate Local or naccnal Sale swimming poo). Availab!o for S35O Sand Dollar Real EsUle. Meadows Dr, Immediate ' walor, $23,000. • Newly romotfeltod- Owns lot. floally" Exchango {613} 936- Two weoks of longer 1991 & Inc. 433-1343 occjpany *itfi efficien! built-in $37,500 Call 4C6-6513. 72S3. E»ctiango counselor 1952. Laavo name 4 number features, Me shower in for relurn call (710) 447-2323. EXCELLENT HOVESITE lavslory. etc. S575 per monih 14*35 Mil. 10<28 Florida room Fofl Myers Beach [I units) OH San Canbs Bl«f. Fl^ Myers Beach' duplox. 2 Caa936-B523 ' ' with lot. Holiday condo park. 3 owne' lir;ancing on 3'2 bedroom. 2 barS. Cofilemporary (Hawfiiome Rd) BO x 110. SourJ) Fl Myers - Unfurnished 3 $6,500. milos from Ft Myers Beach penthouse plus 3 additional with loft, ''Shi. airy, 1r300 sq ft. Owner financino available- bedrooms 2 baths SiSoenod South Fort Myers area - GlkWen Realty, rental, units Times Square area S700'mo plus utilities. 463- $27,000. 1(305) 451-9262. porch, I'feplace, dishwasher, 267-9494.. between public beach and 6866. ,, •"• '' Beautiful V/orld Plaza inland waterway. Waifc !o laundry hookup Fenced yard prciessional center, your own 19d5 Ravonwood park mode!. beach, restaurants, fishing, Cypress'LaRO area, S695 - private hoildir.gl Jusl off ' 5 Acres too small, and 10 acios 33 ft/Like new Priced $10 500 charter boats. (613) J83C31S monih 481-6490. Cofwga 4 Summt-rlin, 3,264 sq loo expensive? Try 7.5 acres 755-5264. ' " "»• »••- >»m f!. $11 p-er. No CAM p!u* 1 ! ort paved North Ft. Myers street HOLISR lor tent * Fo. Villas. Soulti For! M/ors. 3 leaso O^ncr rranaged (S\3) Gem Real Esialo, Inc., 995- Myers. Florida. 2 bdrm . 2 balh, bedroom, 2 bath. 275-0545 936-B520.' 2436. living room, 2 fans^.dosed HOMES FOR RENT sunroof. nc^ shed with RECESSION SPECIAL OWNER FINANCING. Buy one washer..ClearTiiniJ very nice. CONDOS/APTS. CONDOS'APTS. Soulfi, 170 sq it, >30 per or buy them both - $11.500 of (813)907-1859 month. o< 975 sq li. $37J-re' $12.500 in Capo Coral noaf Gulf FOR RENT FOR RENT monirr. S'im^nerlin/Cci'tioe SANIBEL UFESTYLE : Elemoniaty (Chiquita aroa). 1984 Safari, .soft screened Annual lease, 4 bedroom, 3 area.-770 SQ l!. $300 por SMALL DOWN PAYMENT fODin, A/C. Full siie h V A lolngerator. Located el ;Lol BUYS EITHER. Gem Real bayview. Pool and tennis couri MYERLEE MANOR RENTALS Estata. Inc.. (313) 095-2435 or 221. Siosla Gay. $7,500. 694- 574-7866, ovos. 65)2 Movo fight in! ,••-" ^ 1 & 2 Bedroom Luxury Dctux* •designer jpneg ' year rojnd community $1,600 .f' =£•••'!•-—UiiLl Appro: 700 sq f! winy a month (813) 472-2501.' -Retirement Condos : lorn biJiii-ins, lile Moor, MANUFACTURED/ •: - "*Nurse On Duty 24 Hours • _' gner "waipapcf. r*o offices On car,a\ - 2 bedroom ho'jso on • •Emergency Call System- MOBILE HOMES established adult park 2-3 Ft- Myers Beat.fi, 'ormshed. •2A Hour Security . - lawyer dor*!.*:, cic. No wheel bicycles - Love'/ fruit FOR SALE I screened porch, carport; bant il call- 395-0033 23 yc.v UOOE. Roasonablo * Cnil owner •Transportation Service ' dock, bloc*, to beach $ V.'mn • 54 6753 •Restaurant & Lounge " Osntr Seasonal 463 8087. : CENTURY*^! MOBILE •Heated Pool & Spa HOMECOMMUNITY •Other Amenities „ = <==,.- Rotjfomont living,, aga 55 Aualon 36 ft furnished, sleeps ' !o San;bol fi Fl. Myers Baa^h 6. Queon ted, s;dr-iopr,; J NEARSANIBEL-" E>collent ton^wn. Adult park, b«ioom ap.irlmenl oviyiocking - Leo County's ' Ownor occupied J12.900 AND BEACHES go!! course. Brand new. Call SAHIQEL RETAtLOFFICE Premier Location. LOMled on Stimrreilm Rd . 1/2 16731 MCGREGOR 8LVD • 439-3095 " - . 34l7WestGu«D«vtf.2 SPACE. 600 squa/o loot on milo scuth of San Carios B^d Urgo selection gl resales bedroom. 2 twin Gull front. 1 BEDROOM. UNFURNISHED, PfciVi i Forexamplo FuliyJurnishc-fJ. $1,600 rr.o.. . $335 PEH MONTH Sioita Adull RV Rnsort. MANUFACTURED; furnished 28 l! trailer w.ih Uo new doubla wide, . VIP Realty Group, Inc. 10x20 Florida room. Vii^l MOBILE HOMES 2 bodmom. 2 bath, lap sided. Realtor OFFlCESPACEON " windows, nowljr ca'puTod. „ FOR RENT , PEHiVv"iNKLE V/AY AT THf; Kitchen bay window, 472-1613 now; drapes, carpet. , docotalcJ rooi air. Will IStAfiO TOWER PLAZA sacrifice at 59,900. 454 0691. M-B00-422-2702 aif conttlionor, hot walor 8 shopping V/asher'dryer. " 2 Mrm , 1 bath mot-'e fioms cn T*o sui'.GS^appfoximatHiy 7CO 19333 Summerlin. hoater. Partially furnished. lennis I pooi, S550 annual No 1/4 acre in Esloro FuMy • sq ft, newiy refwvated " and svailabJa KM. girdon pafio area Owners pels 273-S361. furnished $e75-'mo Seasonal. movflViri to G/tonded caro By owner No cemmiss'oft lees Parkor Lakes - No* 3 bedroom. Or $475/mo. year)/ 'ease. Ho - . Very IteuWe rales.•- Lot wilh park modef Boautful faal.r,. S41.5O0 2 car garage, ell Giactioicus Annual loaso. Ughtriouio Po:nl pels. 2670607, park near beaches Partially Ci Ufih 3 EXECUTIVE Of FICE SPACE furnished. Many extras. Spacious court. Year!/ lease. 772-2C59 .bedrooms, 2 baths, .ground Suncoasl Estates • Clean. 1 IN PROFESSIONAL BUiLDif JG .doublo wide. 2 J" wtda living '-•ficor unit with covered froni bedroom mobilo honie. $&5 nort dooi ic Jerry's UarVet room, Isrjjo bedrooms, Qtoss 3 beorocn^, 2 batn homo nca* doer parking Approximately week Fir« last SIOO socur.ry - right on PerwinVIo enclosed Fla. room: Step out Villas School - Ft. Mjers 1.700 sq. ft. plus screened i cleaning; Call 543-7122 Covered parking sntf.o'svatof Uitl-i of your door to clubhouse Screened porch, fenced yard* potch. Bay view, pnvate boach. VWI dvKte^e'/a to 1,875 JAMAICA BAY-10 Cayman, by carport. Rer;l $530. Sarid Doiiar; J pool and lonnii? Adulls. no III! squaro fool, actives. $31,500 1 cluhhoosa. 24'/44 2BR'20A i'RoalEsiale, Inc.. 433-13*3, pels. £900 per' month,. Plus Rent or J3.B0O. North, 2 carport, porch, appliances, jhafTTi'rig 1 cia hind, 14 wide, ulihties. Csil 472-2261 or I- bndroonn. 2 tath, central air. TIMBERS SCJUARS AT RABSiT furnished • Used 1 month pot completely furnished with poorMe near shopping ROAD. GOO square taet office year. $39,900 466-7331 or SHELL HARBOR at washer & dryer, deluxe B62-277 .soral of annual space available VnmeduitcV •181-3094 ^.;, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, heated .- $500monlMy. landscaping 4 Iruit Iroes. -• pool w.th cage. Furnished. Long Huge : 1 bedroom, 1 balh mi Owner purchased Larger homo term 1992 .seasonal rental and 25 fl. Avion trailer, 10x16 ft. CALL SAM NOBLE in our park. $38,500. c short term oil-season enclosure. Laundry room. scfeen room. 6 It. shed. COMMERCIAL PRISC1LLA MURPHY REALTY. f available Call Mr. StocXe, !- Wafr.jn cbsots S375.. Ca;.g Includes 13" TV 5-t/?' deep 16271 McGregor 800-325-1352 or 1-600-328- Coral S45-7344 PROPERTY C • For ^formation about "' freezer, gas grill, PVC taWo a 4 =4692 " • ; chairs. Everything goes Indian FOR RENT -; Ihfso and other listings CHANGE OF PACE -^ CrrjOk '?ark. Lot 131. 8orl Call Shirley Capes SIESTA ISLES Moore, 466-73OJ (813) 466-4516 2 bedroom. 2 catfi silt tiorne sailboat tanal - 5 to Mobilo home !2>40 )0«30 Gulf Undercover parking, PALMETTO PALMS raised screened room, cciiirpf storage and (jund'y and; HV RESORT COMMUNITY H--A. May bd seen at Gu!f Air 'kh p Bif 1 Travel Park. Lot «214.S3!.S00 OWN YOUR OWN LOT from screoned lana: R>:nl (216) 338-8031 454-3949 cr 454 0442, ir-:ivjdGs. apcliances: dock. (216) 333-5281 ri) n -int- ,miii RARE OPPORTUNITY 1582 Scorpion w 'Screen Annual loas^ R«im- Perimeter Lot-Roof Air $44,500 - IS'HETIHcWENT oft.y. Capo Cors! • 1 bedroom Last ground level shop In Downlown Furnished ,.,: $31,900 Including ADULT ACTIVITIES onth • tui Capliva and available now, and in COMPANIONSHIP AMD U F 1 1 1934 KfoHParl-Model *.tctr FELLOWSHIP YOUR GOAL? 4C6 : 5 2 time for the peak season! Boom V.'.D FlMlAir All ttec Investigate tr.is Delightfully * Ac o f om he Banh Furnished $37.9Ci FURNISHED TWO'TWO Ollenng SPACIOUSN'ESE. C LAf RPH R B tb e Room nex a hp CONVENIENCE AND A ALBE A hah i& t 66 p oe ando. AFrOHDABiLITY, S.iualud tn esc B 8 BOWtRS 0 oTr r yD k LAZY DAYS Gem Heal Estira ASSOCIATES INC. REALTO1 W. (013)935-2^36 * P 0- •dp tsn od *f B s h r] e 1 nca V.icni:on Porert-e-s L m t GOTL i a P e ie S.in.H«IRc,Vr/ei3 472 SKS fc * let CoTve val! Rcjr Jo-us &i3 i ca'pet. cornier top an ben pas L n 19 1 Con a ciC a q fl spot C iT f H a d R o e c r> C / Si 7 p ui p S H 472 i 00 DON'T WAITJHIS WON'T LAST! GULF AIR P 1 bd m cond I3a k d go id Ft M/e Ban 12 813-472-1558 mod*?! 34(12, roo' ait. 2 co'iifrtj O V s bo D y we. mo y Fob r>acri l i $2 0 Ca or ei Furitishcd, screened room with PROFESSIONAL OFFtCt vinyl wiirfows & ui'ii"/ room L Hi H EEfD •no's 8 463 9103 f- a y on t) be fi, VACATION DJO to ittress tn tarr.'t prctd S159. between San-bet snd Forl adull community 2bedtO3m, lki$7KO blooms, den and r^a bM\ RENTALS t batn wtti carport, Flo^cU Charming cottaga siylo M^ers Boach Fan and othor servicos avatar. 466-6682 room, and s'c.igo shod Fans ":* caipctmg. vetucals, etc . apartment. Piivaie driueway, ftireughou! Hewrool.A'Cand yard, Small 1 bedroom. 1 bath USOU7.H SEAS PUNTAIION - walor hpnlcr. AH appLa^cus wild hiichen tivrng S dining RoLiil 4 offic* spaoo Rrsl or Land s End Superb locilion cn plus washCT'dryer inc!u*id area For ono^iatum adult $450 Gulf Luxurious 2 bedroom, 2 CALL MARIE WELLS 2nd floor Key Estoro Slvd Oversizod lot with liuit trees balh tor (en! byowrsef f3y wcefc mo. plus securily & lease '• Caa L0.1 Lucas. Pot section On!/ SZ3.500 or manlh. •'6-561-1783 Utilities included Available -. Trop-ca! Hut Ro_ai)y,-ss (813)997-2587. n February 275-6785 evening* or 4tS-96!-4900 453-4424 - • i < n -,,,,- it <


c OCEANS REACH CAPTIVA BOKEELIA. FLORIDA. 2 Sambel.BflachRMdiliri!.. MARINER POiffTE "ORIGINAL" PRIVATE fccdroomj, 2 baHis, waterffoii homo (in k»fi ffprn Gulf Beach). Luxurious Marina' Vilia, 2 Pinlhouw, Gull front ccndo, b->droo-'n. 2 b.ilh-?. rules ol 3 br-droom, 2 bath/bay (rent 3 bdrm , Z fcaih,' Francti room Ava^able February. Pos^rbie pool lennis, microMva oven. ' BEACH HOME privait) bach Suporb location row i odecoralud, 1 bedroom, n South Seas PianrnMn. !OO ' slip included GREAT" and sweened lena! Fu'ry boaidocK-igo 2 pools. SUNSETS Av.-vl-'tblo by wfrfc fjrniilied plus cable TV. td.es, on wall' All resort facil.fces s'otp 4 Immacubfo' • It difoct beach' front £'xlanded channel cable TV. teftrtis. Strung p*r. (612) 472-7994 or mon'h C3-l;'l (3CCJ 643- boating, canoe & hshinty -. - . 472-1156 : floritrng now through atl ot bedroom; 2 bath, screened ]5\9. anylime 6' call collect equipment includod. 1591, Renl cSrcctry from owner porch. decK&. [70S) J20 0401. S2.OM monthly Jan -Apn!, Signal inn on -^anibei island. ! J sod uw Sometmts available 51,600 monULMaf Dec Florida.' Gu'l front" beach 203-759-6896 or) short notco a! diiccunt LOGGERHEAD CAY luiury WEST GULF DRIVE Uuricus Sussn"^feey cottages. 1. 2, 3 tuA bedicom rates. pen o o condo. breathtaking custom 3.BH, 2/BA oievaled P.O. Box 345. " condos in a smafi-Tsecluded v L>W of gull and landscaping. 2 ATRIUM homa. fu'ly equipped, screened Sinibol, Frfihda 33957 sias environment Available weeWy. bedrooms, 2 baihs. tennis, Exclusive Gull front cor.da po'ches, 400 rt. from Gulf or ca1(BI3) 283-3050. (314) 737-6121, days 1 jaOO) 992-4690 1 (81-1) 472- . rDsidencc. Available March 16 pool cheerfully decorated, "AvaJIribts Jan 4lhlhraughF/i?/ (914) 528-8681 to Match 30th & April 13, 1931. '91. Season $3,000 per month. cretntd porch, great rates. TtfgO woek minimum Call owner CAPTIVA ISLAND Call(20H561-498J. Ft. Myers Beach, Leoriardo Cwne (513)231-3375. a! (708) 8a7-7826 VACATION RENTAL -""- 31*' . , -Illl- HI'M Gullsido Piaco -- Gull-tronl Arms - Gull from 2 bdrm.. 2 nt-mi ...,- !UJ_ 2 hAl'oom, 2 bath home. Wa'h iondo. 2 boafcorn. 2 bath with ' to bench A bay. Hoar ilcpping bath condo; well fuTiished, end • THE ATRIUM del Guiel litiury — minutes KINGS CROV(N Luxury Gu!f front house. 2 Weekly i'monlhly discounts unit, (teeps 6. Microwave, pool, bedroom; 2 bath, sleeps 6. from Bt'schvifiw Golf Course. Luxurious Gull front Luxury Gulf front, 2 bedroom available (502}637-1d86. . nearby golf.- tennis, marina, : Privaie fcoacti. heated pool, 1991-9? winter & summer condo top lloor, closott condo. 2 week minimum. shopping. May-Ncvember. scroenod porch lo enjey . months ava:lable (615)373-' _ to Gulf. Available after Available after April 13. 1991. $800; 463-2914. March "90. 2-weefc gorgeous sunsots, sun deck, FABULOUS VIEW! 3415 Call (708) 887-7826. DIRECT V/ATERFRO^ff minimum. vaulted ceilings, all amenities. BeauIiM watoffrSS horns wlh WeoMy (813)472-1764 Lovely 2 bdrm, 2 baih H 1 boat dock, direct access 10 NORTH CAPTIVA ISLAND - Soneili Sunftel Harbor KELLY GREENS RENTALS Call or write New delude air-conditioned tntor-coaslal, 2 bedrooms, 2 for color brochure FORT MYERS BEACH Resort, great facilities, Gol! course condo Gofftoous baths. Florida room, gorgeous houses. Sleeps 6.- Access by waier wows Gall. pool. . piano or boat only. Water iaJ mo Call Limn at Hetan Thomas 2 BA, washer/dryer. Full 264-5520. oves. (4191 756-4945.' Roa!V.(fll3j472-66G9. It you have 30 days c* moro lo kitchen, screened porch, SOUTH SEAS pend at perhaps the nicest sleeps 6. Restaurant, tennis, sailing. Available daily,'weekly. Pofnte Santo DeSanibel | PLANTATION SPANISH CAY " AVAILABLE place on Sanibot, are a caring Large 1 bedroom, ground floor per on or family, wo have the 201-241-9430 Luxurious Gulf from Penlhouse: LAND'S END March & Apnl - (deal locttion. Sanibel condo, sleeps four, wetl plice lor you! 2.00C sq. It. Gull 'condo. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths,. \ Tennis, pool, spa, picnic area. : VILLAGE '-• furnished, clean. Near 50II front Londo. 2 bedroom, 2 bath • screened tanai with spiral'' i 2 bedroom. 2 bath. Comptotory 3 bedroom. 3 bath. Gulf view, course, across from Gu!!r w th don Jacuzzi. Lew density staircase to privato fooflop . furnished. 2 queen beds 431- March ft2 3 & Apnl 7 20,1M1. heated pool, cable TV, bikes. complex ? lap pools, sauna, 6 VACATION HOUSE sundeck. Gorgeous sunrise & 0370 or 482-2135 leave Available due to cancellation. full wasner/dryer Available YOUVE ALWAYS sunsets. Beautifully decorated messaoo. Owner. 1 htod tonnis courts. Like new : Ask for Bruce Jan. 155-. - Feb. 2nd & May. 2 WANTED and fully equipped- First time & would 1 ke to keep it that way. 1-60f> 227-3633 -;, week minimum. Adults only. No Most privaio beach, dock on. being offered lor rent. Cal!" March April & summer months (201)627-1267. Eves. pels. Call Florida (813) 395- available. (216) 568-0109- bayou, heated pool, wide owner. Substantial savings Sanibet-Beautifully -tropical (215) 664-2371 1742 until Jan. 14ih. After, call lakevmw. Walk to wiadi. 3 porchos,' open sunning docks. BEAUTIFUL CAPTIVA PA(2I5)G43-32O6. CAPTIVAGULFStOE Chateau Sur Uar area, idyllic ISLAND bodroin, 2 bath houso. luxury and comfort, easy ca»e. Screened pool, deck. All Ellortle s vacation enjoyment. SAND DOLLAR A new private home with no eflort vacation homa. Three amenities Tastefully furnished. Three bedrooms, 2 baths, ' GULFF30NT - Victorian Key West etiarm. - OCEAN FRONT bedrooms, three baths. I mo. mirt. No pets. Available open a ry charm, wide inviting Luxury Gu!l front cendo. lop tiendedwitti contemporary.•> Monthly rentals. COTTAGES April 15. 708-431 8168 porch secluded spa undd floor. 3-bcdfooms, 2-baLhs with swc8 and luxury. A 2 minute " Callforrates. Best Rates on the Beach open k cs. Pnvato tane beach. 3, tennis courts, pool, stroH from a beautiful private (314)893-4843. Rela* & onjoy beach Lie , Larga c«y l badroom on Ft. Villa a hnns and restaurants foor barbecue. Rent beach on the & furnished. Fully equipped. 201-627-1267, Evoi Jacurzf, heated pool Open 4 'inland waterway. Walk to Two luiurious gulf ttont condos Enclosed garago parking - lu«ury 2 bedroom. 2 bath. Ground Gto'sge, tennis, rear screened porches. Renl by beach. rs^taurantE, fishing. ponthouso condo, newty owner (216)226-5494. bedroom 2 b.ilh, 1991 weeks goll"course, 1 week minimum. - charter boats. ' 4 month dCbOratod, vaulted ceilings, Available winter season. Call minimum. ?ir92 season. (813) SUNDIAL available. April - bee Rent JSSO a week & up! Eftciencies. puddle lans, on beach. Luxurious Gull condo 2BR-2 Laurel a^ent: 4B3O31B direct from owner and saw 1 bodroom • 2 bedrcoms Naomi " Boiut (ul Gu;f view. Tennis,.,, bath, den. Beautilully 215-539-9281 472-6960 Johnson Realtor, Owner. 453- pool micruwavo, sleeps S. "^ tumished. Spectacular view cf Available month el March only 6756 Weeks SDII available: Dec., 1 Gulf. Pool & tonnis, golf due to cancellation. Modem 2 SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION "" -""- ""•" Jin Feb. 4 March. Discount nearby. Available from April bedroom, 1 bath. 1 b!ocK to for extended stay. 13th. (6!2) 484-9148. Beach Oubll SOUTH SEAS THE ATRIUM beach, shopping,. A CALL OWNER 2 bed'Mm. 2 bath, sleeps 6 PLANTATION , Gulf Front bcautfuily restaurants. View of bay, on (on Die Gulf} . docoraied tunufy. 3 bedrooms. water. $1,500. 765-0956 n 513-331-4205 Beach FfontHouss ,^ Week 14-Apnl 5-12- 2 baths, don. Sunsets ! CHATEAU SUR HER Wet* 42-October 18-25 . 5s:3ch at your door step,"' sunsets from your porch „ (203) 438-5879 . New, luxurious, 3 By owner Seasonal Hsfsta! • Ava-laWe Beautifully furnished 3 bedroom, 3 bath home (514J3J2-2379 no« • 2 bdrm, 1 bath, fuCy bedroom, 3 baih plus bit. SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION w'lh adjoining beech (514)229-3504 furnished ap-irtmoril - Healed MARCH 2ND THRU 15TH ' Captiva island Beach dub acce i. Decks en two On private beach gull. side. .pool ctXOfTV level Fully furntshed. South Saas : Planlaiion - 4APRIL1STTRU20TH. . AVAILABLE DUETO Sleeps 6 2 bedrocm, 2 bath, Call «55-2767. Available Beautiful ocean front 1 bedroom beach'vJla A.ailable CANCELLATION full kitchen Tastefully Jen.. Fob., 1991. appointed Poo!, tennis courts, Unique Paradise only 15 March 23rd - March 30ih i.<3 Cal 1000 AM Is H 30PM Two bedroom with ertra guest (813) 472-6003 great fishing, 2 weeks, Apnl 12 minutes from Mainland off South Seas pricing (201) (714) 499-1783 house apartment $76,900. Few- (6 IE) 4S4-7655 & 19 Discount rents! Cafl ~ No cars INocrowtis ! 835-8305. stops to beach days. Hot) 328-2201 or eves.. • Private luxury homes tram By' OCEANS REACH (704)3241524. o DISTINCTIVE $750-1.990 per week iwngr Beachfrofit - 2/2 or • WATERFRONT SITE Includes boat fare.-. 11 avaiiablo raw ! Wonthly. or Gull front .; C-l business zoning - Duplex OuiM rding. bt'.iuiiiu Lost contract sale. My loss, .onal. Save .. rent dirc-c! . Poo!, tennis. plus 2 bedroom, houso. room to e lud-»d 3 RH. 2 BA Samh Arable row • your gain Beauafd bay front 3 1 Gr-.'ai location Ou'el. bgtffoom condo 1350 per .- week 2 wecK mimmutr. 481- Reduced ratBs lor January ~-i tf-fully furnished, fo Ono bedroom aduEt cendo 3553 ar 355-1337. directly en Fcrl Myers Beach 1 BH{4 person) $350"*n r (North end) Firsi tioot. great Z BRIE porson) $1, i50>i B t bo ch Bcr.t Uorr, c*r Cail lorresefvaljons. iid w. '^ Giiff v»!«. hcalutl pool, cabie. Santbc-I 8edr> CUib II Week S5C0 w'i PERSONALS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MiSC. FOR SALE RENTALS MISCELLANEOUS |

£ MARINER POME 1S80 Ford Van, 1-ton runt?-' Wanted. Voim. also need Viola SOUTHWEST FLORIDA EARN UP TO 01 2 bedroom 2 bain townhouso. Needs work. $1,800 1967, Will pay we». Please ca!l 549- VOICE AOS REPORTERS NEEDED - Availablo Match I7-3Q Call $1,000 PER WEEK runs needs work. $900. Truck .8529 or write T. MarchBtU. Send resume, clips, to 10 (3!7) 357-8631 01(31?! 849- Placo or Listen to Ads Processing HUD, FHA lopper. $100- Urge old desk 1H5 5 E. 36th St, Cape Coral • V/iiiiamDcalirtle, EdVror,- £ 5(23. 1. Local Datolmo geverment refunds. No 34x50. $75. Paslo nai! guns; FL 33904. A- Local Girls. Won expernincG.ppcessary Call.) Box 609, Island Reporter, Roofer stricter, $150. Shingle (Special Minority Groups) (315) 736-7376. Ext M-FL-FL Sartibcl, Florida 33957. , stapler, S1C0. 5300 nail gun ' ^ B. Blacks , 24 hrs. ,.. " SI5O. Paste T-n.iiior, $225. 2 Wo buy Boyai-Falms- 12 ft. of wood to 30 ft. ot wood (or • •CASA YBEL C. Hispanics, Orientals Scnco 3 inch nailer. $150. Gill's Call Sue at Tuttles, (407) D. Christians Cooks wanted • Fuil and pa.-! 20" bike, $35. Assorted used RESORT' ' 5272.. - • . . E. M"ic. Personals time positions availablo MUSICAL aluminum windows, $25 each. 25% discount on luxurious 2. local Jobs Bulletin Board immediately. Excellent -p;iy 10 sporcd btke parts, $200. lor xiii -""- "»• 2BfV2 bath condcs Q! the Gull- 3 Confession Line Call Jim at Captira Ka'o's 355- al!>G.T FT cellular phono, good. Old oriental rugs. OW A™ Iron'. Casa Ybd lot 2/8-2/15/91 1 4 He* to Eraso Bad Credit SOOOor 355-0897. cond'iicn & -carrying case. Indian and other hand wi Weekly rental (torn 5995. ot organ. Svmphony fugs. Scatter-and foon? 5. College Sororily Gkls $450 Ci^i anytime, 99S 0112. nightly from $165. Payalu 782, 2 61 note 1-900-996-2606 Ext. 15 Positions available. Assistant . Hot a dealer. 431-8437. :> Call Tho Vacation Shoppo.- ys Evory fnaluro you ^ 95C Mm. to owner & sales. Call Car.dy 454-1*00. or can imajino. VarieiV of RAILROAD BUFF " - 472-3777. Arnold's c! Captrvn. instrument voices and jiat • 1-800-237-7370. HOROSCOPE READINGS: (or your don. Reproduction o) more. S600 OB O. 463-9541. '"The Station Agent." Ever/ Exciting personal revelations : EARN BIG S $ $"S detail OR hoavy parchments SERVICES about lovo. monoy. hoalth, -JWatuiltont Sanibol • 55 It. happiness! Startling Work at homo. Amazing AptffQX. 13-1/3" * 1B-l/2"\ =2 screened porch overlooking $9.75 * $1.25 postage & Predictions for you tor 1991. t rneorded message reveals tropical laho with wtldlifo. HOUSEHOLD handling. L. Bsnjamin, 466- CHIROPRACTIC (900) 246-6700 only S2/MIN details. Can local $ TBnnis, pool. Jacuzzi. Walk to 6742, P O Box oa72B Ft Call 24 hrs., 7 days (R5O7). . (813)453-3361 FOR SALE Harry G. Kalr, D.C. beach. AH amoniiios. Newly Myors, FL 33308. . The Practice of furnished. 2 bodreom, 2 bath Au DO YOUR OWN TAXES ! Save Chiropractic J with dea Call owner. (913) 472- Designer wickor seltee & Does your church need naw ~ money and reduce your ld»es ?jm 1640 Periwinkle Way 3616 or (203) 224-1770. HOSPITAL JOBS Ottoman, seafoam green. Cost cushioned pews or pu'pit wilh 1W0EZ video leaturing ten Ltmetree Center Start $6 80;hr.. your area. Ha 1900. Will seH Icr $400 or best (unviuro? We also cushion hard IRS approved la* tips! Only 472-1624- I'm'' mperience necessary. For into otter. Contractor hooks, full pews. Big sakJ on cushioned ~ $9.95 plus S/H. Cail 1 (800) cail 1 (900) 226-9399. E«l. SOt. $'.50. 463-1813 pews - upholstory for hard 226-6990. 1783. 6 00 AM. -8 00 P.M 7 WANTKDTORENT pews. 1 (900)231 S360 Locksmith •"•] days $12.95 Phono too. "^ Patio tablo, 42 inch round. THE MLMors 'Fortune 900. The 24-hour Emergency Service fiberglass, almond, $50. Hot One For *91. Calf Now For ANNUAL RENTAL Best Western Beach Resort, Dinette table. 36" ovat, almond, Ground Floor Position, Temlic 664 Eslsro Blvd.. R Myors 472-2394 Two or throo bedroom homo. mica top, lika now. $50 772- Now 900 MLM! Highost Boach. Houstkcopofs neocfed. GARAGE SALES Waller 4 Nomia Thorrpson Pool, walk to boach. View, or 7741. Commissions, Call 1 (000) 735- Appiy in person. cjuia!.Call(612)«42545. 6041. " -• " .- Teah furniture • Excellent -""- WE BRING OUR TRUCK Hair stylisl noeded with .condition. Wal> unit. S2.50O. .-T -WINDOW :; Family ot 3 wants home wiSi TALENT AND PAGEANT following N. Fl. Myets 997- Dining room table and 6 chairs '-• ^nd cash lor your (urnituro, spato, Bonil3 or N. N'aplos CONTESTANTS WANTED ! $1,200. Bed-oorr! suite. $1,500. 'appliances, antiques, tools, area. Long lorm loaso. 7344: .-• National Taient and Scholarship Curved lop. $500. Sideboard fishing gear, golf, clubs, boai Ro(eronc»s.4G3-3956. Pageants invites girls 4-18 to $E00. Shelving unit, $1&0. motors and boats, smalt items, ,..., ^....^ m.ti ENTER A REGIONAL Sales person - Reliable CoHeB table. $100. 2 end otc. or complete (tittles •-, PAGEANT. Attend a FREE experienced,"' friendly tables. $50 each. 472-4037. QUICK SERVICES personality''Tolls paid -Sanibel BUSINESS "HOW TO DO YOUR DEST" j 463-6095 694-5572 workshop conducted by Miss Suil Shop. 472-6185 or 466- . 332-SB2B OPPORTUNITIES America or Miss USA stale 5896. ' winner. Up to $2 million in Sun Hardware, Fort Myors MISC. FOR SALE HELPUSHELP scholarship bonds and awards Boach. $195,000. Call 765- • : to bo presented to over 5,000 TRUCK DRIVERS - Poole Truck THE AH1MALS 5000. Ash tor Jim Bidro. winners during 1991. Overa1^ Line pays drivers with \ yr. - Divine junk A col!octib!es available far sals lo benefit ita and Talent Competition winner^' von In bio exper>ence 23c/mile. Amway Products! 472-24M. GRACEV/AY CLEANING Lucrative retail business - Humane Society Saturday, roceivo free trips to NATIONAL 2 raises first year. 1 each year • We Hvo on Sanibol Exclusive on boach. 6 year 2,19/91. 9.00 A.M - 4 CO PM. FINALS TELEVISED FROM alter. Get an additional Ic/milo Excoilent ioca! ^ Irack record. $50,000 down. 1 Antiques. . coins, jewelry, Bailey's Shopping Center. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS to pull flatbed and 1c/mil9 _ references. Owner will nogoliato torms. clocks, watches, oriental rugs. Periwinkle Way & Tarpon Bay FLORIDA. Talent competition quarterly safely bonus. We Rental units, Only highly motivated buyers paintings. Rolex Patch Rd., Sanibel Island. Please join optional lor 'Overall Award" or oiler company paid health and - private homes. please. 463-3037. Philippe, cash paid,: Raymond UB1J Donation* accepted 472- ENTER TALENT ONLY. Mo insurance dental plan and Weekly, bi-monthly,, =• ' FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IS 401 K plan Training is Slrods. Gemo!ogist Appraiser. 1027, Sanibel or 463 42i1, Ft "lOG HOME DEALERSHIP" PROVIDED. SPONSORED BY available Call Poole True* Une 2946 Del Prado Blvd. 945- Myers Beach. :* Top Log Homo Manufacturer.. SECUFUTY HOUSE-CHECK 4 MILK "IT DOES A BODY today! 8 00-5:00 C5T- At 1 4233. seeks Dealer. Protected MAINTENANCE PROGRAM GOOD." Call (800) 368 5159 (600) 553-9443, Depl. B 68. - Indian Creek Park Arts & Crahs lEtritory, high earning potential, P Ineipens-ive weekly house FOR ENTRY INFORMATION. 6 x T urtity traitor. $200. 997- Sale, 17340 San Carton BWifj Ml baining « leads provided. checks on al! systems during .»•;„»',..,., -••««- linn Pres&person wantod - Goss 4374. Ft Myers Beach Thursday. Need nol interfere with present your absfince- Community. Experienced ..February 7th Irom 6 30 A M. to employment. Models starting o! French bilingual widow. 62, -. V Tony t. Grace Lyons necessary, daily newspaper. Furniture & household items. rJoon Coffee and donuts $9,690. 1 (800) 678-1424. with motor homo seeks retired 472-9449. single gentleman, bi-itngual wilh Conlral Florida. Benefit 1979 Cadillac. Encellont available. . BRENTWOOD LOG HOMES" condition, 70,000 mtlaa. i&SS R.V. tor tandem traveling. package. Send resume: Citrus 427 River Roch Blvd., EostoS Whatef'"Ouira;o~ with Handy Andy can fix it! Replace Respond- 17105 A6-187 San Publishing P.O. Box 1893. Murlreosboro, TN 37129, trailer A 1900 US SuiuKio it! And make it brand new! 549- Carlos Blvd., Fl Myers Boach. Inverness, FL 32631. ATTN. GARAGE SALE- Bruce Adams engines 472-6501 & 472-6645, FL 33931. !60 Ddmar, FMB INTERIOR DECORATING • Ov.n Saturday. Feb,9ih.-- Handyman and small repairs • your awn DECORATING DEN 8 00-200--' No job too small! Reasonabfo Franchise. Compleio Training COORDINATOR warned for Professional unused Ampro French student exchange Household misc St^a-e dance rates CaB Ron. 772-3534. and Support Call 1-627-5932 16mm • sound 1000 wan movie organization to begin", qreis Toys, baked goods. Ent. 1301. . - projector with stand and all. implementing 1991 summor *3nul5 & ralfoe. 1 to 100 tmes cut & removed. accessories, including aircraft p r o g r a rn. Earn good yard work Excellent raiss "Financial passivo backer luggage carrying cases supplemental income working Pepcertrw Point at rec. cenror investor wantod." Soason MchMlor Jim, 731-2154 pan-time from your are. Meet Suitable for homo, school, on Icna Rd. ilatrday. Few: 9tfi. builder will buy properties POSTAL JOBS $11.41 to interesting people and broaden auditorium UJB. $1,000. New 8 00 A M. Cfclhos. sofa bed in upgraded tor higher use, split $U.90/hr. For o

Commission defeats monthly water*conservation fee A proposed $3-a-month charge to home- dents. Residents bitterly complained about be- . dence. • . owners ' for a water conservation and Ing taxed for the program, for which a $4.25- Part-time residents argued against being stormwaler retention program throughout Lee a-monlh fee for every single-family residence charged $3 a month when they are not living County was killed by the county commission. was first proposed. In the area during the.-summcr's flCKxJlng sea- late Wednesday. Jan. 30. The commission Wednesday termed the lat- son. With a 3-2 defeat, the commission must est funding Idea Initiated by St. Cemy as a... Agreeing with St. Cerny. Commissioner now come up with an alternative plan to fund "basln-by-basln approach." Essentially, they^ Vickl Lopez Wolfe also said she had serious the estimated $10 million water conservation will study localized flooding and drainage problems with the countywide $3-a-month program. problems, and then determine an appropriate charge. . Only Commissioners Ray Judah and John fee to the area's residents. "I'm enc of those people whq, look at the Manning voted tc go ahead with the $3 charge. Randy Oliver; a financial analyst for the economy and people on fixed Incomes," she Commissioner Doug Str, Ccrny said he county's office of manafiemrnl^iind budget, said. "I would like us to begin looking at tt on a thought the county should devise a plan to warned that a localized taxing' approach basin-by-basin approach - it would be. more fund the program through 'several methods, would be quite costly because of the increase equitable. Multiple means of funding makes with particular emphasis on localized taxing in administrative time that will be required.^ sense across the board when there are districts. The overriding concern St.: Ccrny had inequities to this magnitude."" " With no funding alternative on the table be- against the $3-a-month charge is that it would Commissioner John Manning, who had fore them, the board then voted unanimously have hit everyone tn Lee County, although the voted for the proposed £3-a-month fee, said he to go-ahead with St. Cemy's proposal. " money wouldn't have been spent equitably did not greatly favor the new Idea, but went The water conservation and stormwaicr re- throughout the county through the water con- along with it. " / „ •* tentfon plan was adopted last June by the servation program. "I don't feel the pay-as-you-go approach is commission. Us aim Is to curtail the county's Lines of residents came before the board to the way to go." he said. "(Local taxing districts! Hooding problem through the construction of voice their bitterness against tne proposed S3 have significant drawbacks." a water retention system, along with upgrad- charge. Notably, elderly residents said they Following board approval of coming up ing now inadequate drainage facilities. couldn't afford another tax because they live with a localized means of paying for the pro- The plan was adopted in ordinance form, on fixed incomes, and prople living In mobile gram lo be based on area water basin prob- yet the means for paying for the program was home parks said it would lie- unfair to tax lems and needs. Manning requested a priority held off because of strong objections by resi- them the same amount as a single family resi- list of Which basins will be addressed first.

INSTRUCTIONAL/ AUTOMOTIVE BOATS & MOTORS BOATS & MOTORS LEGALS LEGALS \j SCHOOLS "'76-23 ft. Roballo - Cuddy, Gail Louiso Johnson -100%. it ; respect lo any matter BECOME A PAflALEGAL. Docks (or ren! Canal west o( is my intention lo apply lo the considered at such meeting or Acura Legend Sedan/88,, one Lmgren Blvd Call 472-C24J. iraitof. A1A. $6,500. 432-4556. Attorney Instructed, f'omo owner, pampered 23,700 mitos, d-iys or 433-3-156. Clerk o( the Circuii Court in and hearing, he wrll reed to ensure Study, Established 1976. 5 speed, sun roof, lull power,* lor Let- County,. Florida to ihat a verbatim record o( the 1987 Hurricane 20 fl fiberglass f: FREE Catalog, 1 (800) 669- platinum lawn color always 1988 CnjiS9>s, !ne. Holiday register iheSr'd name o) X. P proceedings is ma.*;; which 2555. Southern i Careof garaged, $16,800 466-59CS. dock boa!. 1986-70 H.P. 2470, Volvo dual p?co, 275 Ai'docous undnr the provisions rocofd includes Ihat lostimooy • Institute, PO Box 2158. Boca Evmnjcio with tilt 4 Irtm, bimini HP., frts^ water cooled. Shore of Soclion 865.09, Florida • and evidence upon which Cie lop, duaKbatteiies. center Rston. FL 33427. Olds Omoga. 1930, rebuilt power, sleeps 4, (uK galley, Statutes. 1970. Witness my appeal is to t» based ATTEST: engine, new paint, --two console. $7,295/ bost offer. eloaronic oquipment ttcSuded. hand, Ihis cS9i day of Jawaiy, Gary A. Price. Ci?y C!«jt?85-IK package, 51,500. Huns good rtS-t-5323. 4 more. Musi sco' S22.50O. 1991. Gail Lou:so JoN;son. Fub. B. issr. -'" A/C. 765 5166. **,.. 4668131. S*om to and subsenbod to by PETS& tifsuil 23 Gail Louise Johr.son before me " NOTICE OF Cabin. E«ceilont ihis 23th day cf January, A D., ^ ADMINISTRATION LIVESTOCK $22,000 or bost 1slier. 472- i 1591. Sbirleno H G'asgreen. The administraSon of the estate RECREATIONAL 0486. TRUCKS & VANS Nowfy Public State of Florida. ol VIVIAH L. GREENAGEL HOLLY'S EXPERT, LOVING. Hilt },'/ commission e»p Sopt 26, PET-SITTING SERVICE - VEHICLES doceased. File Number 50- Dock !cr 'ease no,ir S3nlbel 1992. Eorded frinj Genera! Ins HELPS"' visits youf homo - 3060, is pending in the Circuit Marina. Diroct 31 1979 ford Eccno. 6 cyl.. e^od Provisos your pots wilfl :coss, no Und'BtlKFeb 1.8. I99J! Court for Le» County, Florida. Trailer, 1S66 Pm\ Modol 35 bridges. Sailboat air flybl•jftjn cond'tion. good tires, bedy personalized, foving ca:e, and Probate Division, tiia address loot, "California roofn".'10»12 O K., availabla. 472-5296. nico. Will naXo aKor Also .1 17 professional shorVloiig torm 1 NOTICE OF of wWchis 1700 MoivoeSL, ft. •uti OI.1 •« shod, roci, air.'wlndow awnings ft. Soars Jon boal. like no *. Mfors.FL 33901. Tna name>. al lo ma ti'vo s to and many silras Located at 1983-21 ft- Baylinar, canter ; PUBLIC HEARIW J and ackh esses of the personal kennols/boarding : 16 years in Red Coconut RV Park Call 4G3 console with twin 85 HP. - Trio Sanibat City CowncH v.10 representative and the Island pot caro -Pet taxi 2912 outboards, VHP, two depth holdpubtehoarington . , orweo - Licensed - Mombor, tinders. Stereo, LOran. birnini Tuosday. February 19. 1991 at personal . representaliue'c National Association of Pot Sanibel dty Hall in the Council attorney are sot fonh below. 1989 Jamboree Ra'llyo motor top and galvaWzrcd landom LEGALS Sitters- 472-1176. i-hanibors (MacKenzie Hafl}, ' ALL INTERESTED PERSONS. homo - 28\ low mileage 10.500. trailer. Gieat lakes boat. $13,590- Cal!4 54-6813. BOO Ounlop Road. Sanibef. ARE NOTIFIED--THAT: All sleeps G. root air, microwave, HAPPY JACK TAiVERMICIDE: • iti.i -..»- *»»•« STATE OF SOUTH Florida, la consider the.3 - persons on whoai this nodes is'' Recognized sate A effort*va by generator, C.B., asking served who have objections 1975 Welt Cralt Tn Hull. 70 H P. CAROLINA ,- taikMing cKdJiaieos on Second U.S. Center Icr Veterinary $29,000. Excellent condition. . that challono.9 the validity of Johnson with trailer & cover, COUNTY OF - Reading 10 be onBtlfld. Modicino against hook, round. Call 466-8532. tha will, 9io qualifytwis cf tho $1,750.481-7674. ; SPARTANBUHG 1100AM ' S tapeworms in dogs 1 cats At •'• An ordinance pertaining to pertonal representative, French bi-hngual widow, 62, Lesie Lynn Gomes, GOLOKIST LAWNS GARDEN elections for City Council venue, or jurisdiction ol ihis with motor home seeks roll rod 19 II." Sea Rsy, 165 'H.P. Plaintiff, 8 bettor loed stores. seals, initiating certain Court are requited la Mb their single gentlemah^bi lingual with Mercruisor, HEW boSiom paint. vs. amendments lo t)x> Sambd /jbjoctiop!-.with this Court RV. (or tandem traveling S2.000 or bost offer. 755-1906 Terry Lee Gomes, Ctt/Charter, Chapiof 74*06. WITHIN THE LATER CF THREE Respond; 17105 A6-187 San 0.463-3194. DelendanL Laivs if Ftorkia, as anwnrfwd, MOtJl HS AFTER THE DATE Of Carlos Blvd., Ft. Myers Beach, ; 1111 -nft- yi,"-« , IN THE FAMILY COURT THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF 39 H.P. Johnson motor, $t50 proposing an amomtnonl to FL 33931. SUMMON3CA No 91 DR 42- THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY 466 6085 subsection 5 04{b) la rep!,KO "S5>~T0 THE ABOVE NAMED the system ol tfocl'ng City DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF DEFENDANT IfJ THIS ACTION- Council members by a majenty SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS INSURANCE-TICKETS- YOU ARE, HEREBY o( ^lectors st the loguiar NOTICE CW THEM AScredtors 1932 Hob« Cat Catamaran 16'. DUI. CREDIT LtFE TO MOTORCYCLES SUMMONED are'rGq'jiiod 10 election and replacing it witfi s ' ot tha de'eedont and other Excellent condition, taller w.th COVER CAR LOAN, answer the Complaint irt this system provKfriig for the - potsons having c'a^s or & BICYCLES . vinch. oitia hardware, ready lo TERRY KEITH action, a copy of which u election of candiialot demands against decedent's sail. Asking 51,300 Ca»472- AGENCY. herewith tcned upon you. and -^-srecettfin;! tho highest vcio ettate on whom a copy of this 482-3040.^ For sato. Oio woman's and one • 15S7a>.ysor to se-ve a cop/ of your answ&r """''tota's {plurality), amending man's bicyclo. Men's 3>speed 492-7164 after 6 00 P.M lo the ia>d Complaint on the subsection 5 C4(c) to delete months after the etate ol tho calipef brake; women's 3-speod f-rsi publication of th»s notice coaster bratio; boih in very Sparwnburg. Sautli Carolina.' replacing it wfir a new" must File.theif da.ms wi;h this good condition. $30 each. 472- 19S5 Honda Accord LX Dock lor rent, Sho!l Harbor. w.-thm (hirty (30) days after ine subsection 5 04(cf to ptovide Coun WITHIN THE LATER OF 4door..5spGod.AMFM 1590. Telephone 472 6935. ., service hereof, evasive o( the for commoncemer,! o( :he term THREE.'MONTHS AFTER THE -1...- mm dsy of such stfvce, and it you, 0* oHice on tl>o second ^ DATE OF THE FIRST windows. 69.000 miles Nscc !ail !o answer the Complaint Tuesday afior the election and PUBLICATION OF THIS car $5 2QabGKtGl!or" 19 ft Sea Ray Seville. Good within l!to time a!oresa.d. die rjnk2r>g cf a term on the Monday NOTICE CH THIRTY DAY3 463-4523 condition Dry docked Nswd to ii apply Im.TiediatGl/ preceding the -AFTER THE DATE OF sell. Best cltor. 335-1287, aler f to the urt for th toijrtiri^ !c- m, presiding !cf SERViCEOFA COPY OF THIS BOATS & MOTORS BOO P.M. demanded in the CoirptaTlJ (,'locMrt. and eMt'Lt.vs dato NOTICE ON THnM AM amor Miifcedes 3O0SD Tubo DiG3Ol HI. -,„.- t»» i AMOS A WORKMAN i-BCf) fc-lefeodum approval creJitots o! Bie dacednni aid 1979 Excolleni cor.d=tion. First BUTLER MEANS EVIN3 i - 1.05 A M. j 000 cash takes \\ 463- BROWNE 234 Ncnh Church ' An c p inds- -. S! Street. P O. Bo< 451, •i!o.;tO(i ! il lo tho decedent's estate nust tne Spaftarbarg.SC £0304 (903) Sanibel voters certain their claims *.!h this court • 552-5530, Novemter 15 1900 Mercury M-irquis "85H. 4 Door • amt;nd(Tifirit3 !; the Sambel •WITHIN TH»HE MONTHS^ B5-ICFKBN Jar 30, Fob 1 6 ta tot on ...Wagon. 3fi-L V- 5 Ciry Charter perta nine "AFTER THE DATE OF THE 6. 13. 15. JH! Council electons and providing FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. AIL CLAIMS,.- iLLnr , poAo; brakes, porter beginnuig aid ending ditcher DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS windows. AM FM c "NOTICE OF INT ENTION Counal terms, prescribing ihe NOT SO-.FILED WILL BE rack. 4 new urn TO REGISTER tDrrt'ijf tho baRc-t and genefaHy FOREVER BARHEO. The te'.e Ciepn l.irr.iiv enf FICTITIOUS NAME setting lofth [he procediirps lor said olocton; providing for of the first pub!icai;.>i ol this Tho undo'stg^ed does horoby Notice is Fefcurary 8. 1991 C2iUfy thai I am conducting a con'iicland sewjrance ar>d prodding an eflcclva dale. Personal Representative' LI retail business at 630 Tarf^n Fjank L Greenasei. 258 Wiiter . Sa:d proposed ordnances aft* To/Ola Camry, low miles. &af Rd , S-anibe! F!or.da 33557 '( St'oet. Lobaniir.. NJ 05333 . CL n and trying is believing undor !he fichDcus «me cf X on lite and may be inspected by Attorney far Personal Cil 11 OC A W to 1 COP M or P. AfirJot'ous and tfial sak) Itmi tho publ« in i>2 City Cterk's if Lr 4 00 P.M ;.S56-1742 TS CornpOSCd of tne 'OfrQifl^LnQ * 9JO NegolMliii; ' person whose narrw ard plac« Duntop Road, Sarntei. Ronda Wrneiet! WiNESETT'AVERY. of res-dorco is as follows" Gail=: Ail inlweslecf r>art^s may DuPR£E a WHifiHAM P A , i°8Q Toyota Corolla Et.V^or loui^e Johnson, Oido HOUBU appeal al tho moot™ and bo PO DraAerSiO Fl M.fi»s'FL l'i?jon Goad condition. 4 Shopped. Inc. 12743 Oenrt/s ,, hea^J wth respt'd to Ifie 33W2 06IC Telephone. [613; d r n co family car. Evenings Dr, Fort Myurs, f lorida 339C8 proposed ordintines If a 334-7040 Florida Bar ho ; 4 6 72 " ". O^nershio o! Olde Housa person decides to appeal any 17679. B5 IK Feb 8.15.1991. Shoppes. Inc. is as Icllows: decision of the body with MORTGAGE CONSULTATION,5ERVICES - - =o - - '• .« •


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Woman wonders if loved one will be sent to Persian Gulf] By Esther Bclz They took turns each weekend traveling Now Americans have to support what the Staff" Writer more than five hours one way to sec each country Is doing, she said. *' ' ^ c Molding onto a pillow she lies In her bed other. She said Jim just wants to fight. He doesn't and stares into the darkness with tcar-fillcd Seven months later, McGratli was trans- feel he has a right to sit back while others . eyes as she prepares foranother sleepless ferred to Alabama and Michelle went with fight and he already volunteered lo go, but has night. him. not received any response from the U.S. Michelle Mollca. 22. is a Fort Myers^resi- .By. July. 1990 he was sent to Korea for a one- Army. dent whoworrlcs day and nfghl about her year tour. •-''"_ Even though she supports him, Michelle" boyfriend who may be called at anytime lo de- Michelle moved to Fort Myers in .July and said she can't help but fair that Jim may get ; fend the U.S. in the Persian Gulf. lives with'a friend. She writes to McGrath hurt or killed.'; Her boyfriend. U.S. Army Capt. James Mc- everyday. - ' She constantly reminds herself, "I may not Grath, 28. Is a helicopter pilot, stationed in- "I always told myself I have to deal with it, agree with him, but he is a soldier and he is Korea at^Canip Humphries. McGrath is on call but no one can understand what it's like when doing his job." " o . -•- ' if additional soldiers are needed to fight In the they go." Michelle said. Michelle tries to remain positive and be- war in the Middle East. She said when they talk on the phone it is lieves that nothing bad is going lo happen lo "[ knew the possibility (fjolnfi mid fighting even harder for her because all she wauls Is to Jim. . ~ in Kuwait) waind always be (here because of' have Jim safe arid near her. : '^ what he is ... a soldier." Michelle said. During this crisis many people will fall For the American soldiers that arc already Although she trips to to be strong and sup- apart, but constant letters, phone calls, trust Involved In the war she said. "As long as they port his decision, she said not a day goes by and support keep their relationship going. believe in themselves and what they are do- that she doesn't cry for him. Michelle said. __ ing, they'll survive." ;' ' -> " n The couple met two years ago when she "We arc countinjftiown Hie days and if God ! worked as a front desk clcrkin a hotel where wants tis to be together, ihen it will happen, She supports the war and said. 'lf it guaran- McGrath stayed. . tees worldwide peace and can stop the terror- It's (the days) Just not going fast enough." she -- ism that's going on, even if lives arc sacri- Because hotel rules prevented employees said, -•''.. from'dating guests. Michelle could not date ficed, then we are doing It for the right rea- The day the United States bombed Iraq, . son." - McGrath. Unt McGrath.put an end to the dat- Michelle was In her car driving home from ing problem. He moved to a hold across the work. :• "As. much as you're scared of them getting street ard their relationship began. "My stomach turned when I heard the news hurt or killed, don't let them know it... back When McGrath returned to Lakchurstt N.J.. - on the radio. All I wanted to do was to hear them up because they'll be turning to you for where he was stationed, Michelle stayed In Jim's voice," she said. support," Michelle said. _, • New York Cily, " ' AT YOUR SERVICE DIRECTORY "The Best Red Ads In The Business" AbULTCAREB CLEANING iELECTRlCALiHOMEIHPflOVEMENTiNURSERIESl TREE SERVICE

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ONE DAY AT A TIME Cleaning Service SEMMER ELECTRIC , CompleleSeivIca : "TopQuality^Lo*oslPrca" : Serving S.W. Florida ' NEED A PAINTER? Fast Service -D«aMaSng-:^ PER WEEK! Duality Service. •Motwcyde Repairs.: iCompottt Form^-Ubeluia '- Hou-e » Plant Siting .Since 1972 '% Trarsportalion To Apprr. Reasonable Rales. HELLER'S GARAGE ;; - THE PRINT SHOP, INC. LET ME DO IT FOR YOU! FL Myers Bcacn, 463-2588 . Free Estimates. 4533DelPradoBlvd. :• -, 2801-J Estero Blvd.'~ 1 1 Licensed-References UBellc, 575-2077 . . Rck Rca. IPT000226 Loo Co. (JuslNo-tHJImbo !) '•' :. RHyosBeach V; PAULEnE 463-1979 . ER0003678 76M713 ;-- - 542-5540 .-- .. 463-7744 •'-•'-:••. 5 We Care' group seeks postage money for letters to Gulf forces By Richard G. Cain ^ h Undid in Hit p it k IJ, K i m te asking tin Staff Writer l» rsim to pis 'In i mi's uul In his nun As operallon "Desert Storm on'crs Us As of 1 ist v t_ik I1 mii\ h id muvid mil rourtli week of bombing and ground iroops 1(X) rtturn 1 IILTS miti\ iinn cimiin inlln£ move closer to the Front in prcpinlion for a orfliirs H i lit is jf son iih rnrrispo iding possible land war, keeping In touch with with more tli m 75 M n in in n Tint women American servicemen~3iid women has beconu Hit coimuittu s b ggcsl prohltm is moncv a postal nightmare. frit postigc Although Pubiix SuptnmrKils md first " « However this has not discour ged nd H m Federal Sivinfis ind Linn li-ni. In Ipcc1 most Icy and his'"We Care Commilkc which is re 1 sponsible'for mailing over I5O00 ( irds and of the M bOO ilrtic } spti t on post ige Ins tatters and over 100 care packiges |o Ameri come from II inlc> s jiocktt can soldiers serving In the Persl m Gulf since Some fndUUiuils just assume tint were the coniniitlce was formed in StptcmbT out iherf: to make money off the war." said Hm ley Hanlcy and his wife Jackie owners of Nep I*o help uitl postil expenses l'anle> la now tune's Treasures shell and gift shop it 1101 ! Periwinkle Way, and Laurel Burnscd of Snni sc.Ul.ng Desert btnrnt T shirts from Adven bel. start the group after hearing about simi- . Designs in Fort Myers, and yellow and red. lar committees in other parts of the country. white and blue ribbons. - "As an cx-G.I.. 1 know what it's like lo go to " One personal donation that means tlie most mail call and not get anything!" said Hanlcy, Jo Hanley. came from Staff Sergeant Kathleen who served with the Air Force In Europe, after "Vcpper of the 3rd Armored Cavalry division World War II. with $20 to help keep the letters coming. For this reason the majority of letters and ... Those interested in sending a lt-licr to a ser- A packages sent to Saudi Arabia "are simply ad- viceman or woman should write to: Hear Scr-. 3 dressed lo "DeacScrviccperson." vlccperson. c/o'We.Care Committee, P.O. Uox To avoid .lite obvious problems of getting 51231, Fort Myers.T*L. 33905-1234. ^ mall to troops who are constantly moving, 8 Hanley malls one large envelope, with as . Donations can also he sent to this address, many'as 85 postcards In It, to an Individual or made in person ol Hanley's shnp or at any Ed Hanley with tee shirt b soldier from each unit. _ First Federal office.

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