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Colby College Chorale at their annual concert on Friday. Santa conducts the Colby Orchestra on Saturday. , j "Th e Phili pp ines: An Unfinished Revolution " Faculty, Young Republicans, 1 Covers Historical and Pr esent and Colby Democra ts Problem s in the Philipp ines Square off on CIA Issue Nieman by Meredith Hart Foundation for revived by. the Aquino A debate on the CIA was held the arguments, the audience of Journalism at Harvard. He is government. Before joining the the debate were allowed a one of the on Sunday, December 6th - On Thursday, December 3rd, authors of a book Chronicle, Mr. Tiglao was a more than one month after the limited time to address the released in the Mr. Rigberto Tiglao presented Philippines last senior reporter for Business crucial vote " no, " which debaters with any questions month entitled Dictatorshi a lecture entitled "The p Day - a business newspaper expressed the Colby faculty's they might have had during the Philippines: An Unfinished and Revolution: Roots of that played a major role in time when either of the sides of Peop le ' opinion on allowing the CIA to Revolution." The lecture, s Power in the exposing the corruption and recruit on campus. The debate the argument were being Phili ines. A sponsored by the International pp Filipino economic mismanagement of was held in Given auditorium, presented. Club SOBHU and the East journalist, Rigberto , Tiglao is the Marcos government. and was mediated by Dave Proffesser Moss and student Asian and government the economics editor and Rigberto Tiglao also won the Scanell. Two Whittiker, in presenting their editorial people were departments, focused upon the writer for the Manila Catholic Mass Media Award seated at each of the two tables side of the faculty's right historical and present problems Chronicle . The Chronicle is a for best reporting in 1983. argument, said that: morning that held a faculty member, and facing the Philippines. daily which was At the opening of his speech, a student involved with either closed down Mr. Tiglao is currently one of in 1972 by the Mr. Tiglao dispelled common the Young Republicans, A. The premis of the Marcos regime or eight foreign fellows of the and recently continued on page 13 Colby Democrats. Placement service at Colby Seated at the table closest to offers a " tacit agreement, " the mediator were proffesser which provides students with Blake Lecture Focuses Pete Moss and John Whittiker, all possible opportunities to who defended the issue of the find a job. students, which was the B. This issue is a student one, on Female Roles in Society where the student should have group discussion by defining a consciousness-raising sessions, argument that the Colby faculty by Betsy Kuller the right to make a morally "consciousness-raising according to Blake, were has no right to remove this session," and tracing the essential part of Colby's Career responsible choice through the Thursday night, December designed to "get women Placement Service. development of the female together to share feelings; Services from the students, 3rd, i n Pepper lounge, consciousness movement. without the students' consent. C. The college is here to government professor Pam personal and political." educate According to Blake, the At tha t point, Blake had the The other table, seated and cultivate the minds Blake, along with members of consciousness-raising proffesser Roger Bowen and of it s students, not censor her feminist theory class, held a members of the group them. movement was devised to introduce themselves and Chris Gilman, who defended female consciousness-raising comba t "isolation that women the opinion that the CIA does D. The faculty vote " no " on session which consisted of relate their experiences, if any, felt in the 50's under male with consciousness-raising not have the moral and the issue of banning the CIA questions and opinions political revolutionaries constitutional substance as an from recruiting on the Colby female roles in sessions. Most of the concerning (because they were) mostly participants in the discussion institution, to be allowed to campus unilaterally banned and society. , licking and addressing i ncluding Blake herself , recruit at Colby. After the organization to defend the Pam Blake Introduced the envelopes." The f ema le continued on page 13 presentations of both sides of continued on page 13

*The Echo completes its three-part scries »Stu-A Cultural Life hffs been "Every Colby student is familiar with the INSIDE; on the status of fraternities at Colby. reorganized. Read Lori Wright's article 1-95 and -most arc probably familiar with -This time, the student viewpoint. See and find out about the important changes the safety signs that line it. Jen Riley has p.3 at the Stu-A office and what they mean. a few thoughts on safe highway driving. See p. 3 Sec p. 9 Bowdoin Men Expelled I Remember Jimmy for Defiance of Suspension Order ' ¦ physically and sexually abused. 7: ' | ' i disrespect for the health arid Dean of Students Kenneth A. safety of the College by Edward Hughes Lewallen, upon hearing of the my experiences are like that of community" and, consequently, Baldwin's in his early years. by Mike Diamond incident, deemed that the men ' ' permanentl ' y dismissed them ¦ ¦ , -For ' James Baldwin- The faces have changed, represented a threat to the from the college. Fellow alumnus of Dezvitt buildings have been built and Two Bowdoin male students Bowdoin community and Clinton H.S.- were dismissed , from the thereby, Lewallen later told The Bronx, New York old ones destroyed, but sights issued the suspension Bowdoin Orient. "If they College on Friday, November didn't which stimulated Baldwin are order, restricting them from the understand the seriousness i$ due to theiy violation of the campus. As both men were of still there. Each time I return the suspension,' they did term, s of a , temporary fraternity members (one a Chi home, I am reminded of a understand the parameters. Sometimes, when life seems to people unchanged by time, suspension, following charges Psi pledge), the warrant be going iny way, I overlook works were read worldwide of sexual harassment and explicitly warned them that [Their houses were! clearly off the fact that in order for me to and marked Baldwin as a assault of two Bowdoin their houses too represented a limits." In a separate interview, be where I am or what I may prolific writer. Among his women. part of the Bowdoin community he said, "It's [harassment] become, road had to be works are Go Tell it On the The two men, unnamed by the ^nd, thus, were off limits,. illegal. A student can't do it. paved. We've On December 2, James Baldwin Mountain, Nobod Knows My Collejge, had been asked to In a meeting with Lewallan, got it explained...The y policy is as clear as died of stomach cancer. Name, Notes of a , Native Son, leave Brunswick within 24 the two men and one of the possible, Baldwin was born on August 2, The Fire Next Time , hours after their alleged abuse men's parents on Thursday, without being explicit...We 1924, in Harlem USA. He Giovanni's Room and Tell Me of two women, during a November 12, however, it was don't tolerate harassment." ,7 The Bowdoin College Student helped to pave these roads. As How Long the Train ' s. Been fraternity party on Thursday, uncovered that individuals had, a youth, Baldwin grew up Gone. Baldwin witnessed November 5. In the charges in fact disobeyed this order and Handbook, in dealing with among racial tension. These racial hatred among young made to Bowdoin Dean of returned 'to their fraternities. sexual harassment, states: "The Bowdoin tensions contributed to children who knew not why Students Fellow Bina With this information, Lewallen College Baldwins spark for personal they were in the ghettos, but Chaddha, the women then called upon Bowdoin community will not tolerate and racial freedom. quickly realized why they were involved, both juniors, stated President A. LeRoy Gleason any form of sexual harassment, "The more things change, the not in more desirable that the men approached them and Dean of the College Paul rape, or other behavior that more they remain the same." circumstances. He enlightened at the party and then dragged Nyp hus. The three threatens the dignity of any Baldwin felt that he was the the world about the black them into the ^tje first-floor administrators then jointly human being and undermines conscience of America. In experience via interracial and men's bathroom where they determined that the men, the integrity of. the entire believing this he became a intra-racial accounts. His were held down and then "demonstrated a clear community." spokesman for his people. His insight is evident in his novels As a young black man which spoke out, often angrily, growing up in New York City, at racism in America. Remember the Fun... THANKS Alcohol use) 'abuse: The party on Saturday, November 21, in the Student Center raised $1,300.00 for the Maine Hunger Week! We would like to thank all those who Want to know more? helped keep the party running smoothly. Without it with others, and meet the Wednesday nights during the needs of the campus for January Term, Resources from your help at doors, etc., neither the party nor the by David D. Coleman expanded alcohol education the Colby Community and the prof its would have been possible. Unfortunately, resources. Through thi s A-ugusta/Waterville area will the Echo doesn't have the room to name each of the Wondering about the nitty- program, student volunteers be utilized as speakers. The 60 of you personally, but thank you all for your gritty of alcohol use and abuse? are trained to present forums sessions will cover the The way to this important in the residence halls, show psysiological effects of alcohol, enthusiasm and support! Special thanks goes to knowledge is to become a PAE, films, conduct discussions, and alcoholism ' as a disease, and "Show of Hands," Mark Enger and the Lip Sync- or Peer Alcohol Educator. serve as intermediate referal the disease of addiction, Co- efs for providing the entertainment. Also, thanks to PAE's are students who have agents to professional Dependency: Alcoholism in the Goslin, Gerry Hadden, John Farkas, Janice taken John an informal course counselors. Not only do PAE's family, and listening skills. , , Dana Hod s, Melissa sponsored by B.A.R. on the serve as educational resources The Peer Alcohol Educator Seitzinger Sarah Swager ge effects of alcohol, not just the here at Colby, but also as idea- Program is open to anyone Bronzino, all of the Commons and Stu-A for their physical effects but the makers for non-alcoholic who wishes to become a PAE, generous donations, and especially., Security. psychological and social effects related functions. or merely gather more We would also like to thank the Lip Sync winners, as well. The Peer Alcohol In January there will be a intensive knowledge abou t the "Damn Uglies," for summing up the spirit of the Educator Program was program for all those alcohol. If you have any further designed to meet the interests interested in becoming a Peer questions, about this program, evening when they donated their $50 first plaice of students who wanted Alcohol Educator. This or about B.A.R., please contact prize to the Maine Hunger Week. ' extensive information of program will run for five two- Sara Dickinson at extension Finally, we thank EVERYONE who came to the alcohol so that they could share hour sessions, 7-9 pm., on 3680. 1 event. We hope you had a great time and that you congressional leaders he met democratic and republican will "Remember the Fun. . .!" with this morning welcome the leaders to help bring about an Thanks again, improvement in Superpower treaty. Rachel England From the wire Senate majority leader relations. , ' ' , ' Robert Byrd says lawmakers The summit is scheduled to Aimee Momenee told the Kremlin boss that end today and .Gorbachev is Toby Bell (AP) - Fifteen Colby College expecteel to head to East Berlin lanning a trip to prospects for Senate students are p of the treaty would to meet with representatives of Vietnam next month - the first ratification Soviets the Warsaw , Pact nations, the group of undergradua tes to be enhanced if the agree a firm timetable for official East German news travel to that war-ravaged agency, quoting western Sophomore Class country since the fighting withdrawing troops from Senate diplomats' in East Berlin, says ended in 1975. The chairman of Afghanistan, Byrd and republican leader Bob Dole Gorbachev will brief officials the government department at from the Communist alliance Holds Blood Drive who arranged the trip both say they expect the treaty and Mohammad Eastman, the Colby, without any about his talks with President that begins January 11 th, said will be ratified 175 pints of blood were class Vice-president, as well as that might force a Reigan. ' ' ' the purpose of the excursion is amendments donated to American Red the class secretary and to end the animosi ty between re-negotiation . Cross this past Thursday. The treasurer. Colby students also blood drive, sponsored by the voluntee ed to id the ed Americans and Vietnamese Some senators who will play ; r a R through personal contact. a key role in deciding the fate of (AP) - When in Washington, Sop homore Cl a ss, and Cross nurses during the drive the newly-signed nuclear do as the tourists do - and organized by its officers, lasted by transporting the donated (AP) - Soviet leader missile treaty were among the that's what Raij sa Gorbachev from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. and blood and checking people in. Gorbachev has 1 resumed congressional leaders who will do today, she'll take in the brought in a good number of Thanks to the Sophomore summit talks with President visited the Soviet Embassy in exhibits I 'at' the , National walk-in donors in addition to Class, for organizing the drive Reagan after appeali ng for Wash ington yesterday Gallery pf Art, then get a loqson the number who signed up. and to all the students who, Senate ratification of the newly morning. There, Soviet in ' U.S. history as Nancy Students who organized the volunteered to donate blood Gorbachev Reagan shows off the antique drive were Rick Kastcn, and help out in the entire signed Medium-Range Missile General Secretary ¦ Tr eaty. He says the told them the treaty has treasures of the White House, Sophomore Class President, process. . , Page 3

Underground Frats and the Student Body

Chris Preston But despite his disdain for , pointed to created after the room search Features Editor has taken a stand against non-aligned junior fraternities, 'Torn' believes that organizations that the publication of a confidential incident his freshman year. "If Hal Crimmel were totally the college should adhere to in conflict with the mission of memo in last "week's Echo as the deans are formulating such Dave Scannell the policy of beni lect strategies we mi ht be Staff. Writers gn neg , and the College. It was not right to evidence that the g let them die a natural death. "I allow all male organizations to administration was "taking the returning to the days when This is the last installment' of really think that that is best. horde the most students and administrators - desirable wrong approach to fraternities. a three part series on the state Otherwise, you an housing on campus. It wasn't I could not believe that didn't trust each other," he said. of fraternities at Colby. The atmosphere in which students right for Colby to allow cliques Seitzinger actually admitted Another non-aligned senior views of members of are uncomfortable. They fear to, in effect, run Colby social that she drew evidence that expressed similar sympathy for underground fraternities and that the administration is life." fraternities existed at Colby on those who are pressured to those of non-aligned students always looking at them with Another factor that bothered the basis of something she! pledge, but he too questioned are the focus of this f inal suspecting eyes. You create an 'Tim' was that fraternities overheard at a diner party." the "need that the deans office statement. Because of the atmosphere in which the deans often treated women as second The memo to which he referred has to keep beating a dead sensitivity of the issue, most are the enemies of the students, class citizens. horse. They always talk about students interviewed did not 'Amy' and 'Sue,' two first the Williams example and how want their identities htown so semester senior women, they studied it before they made f alse names were sulstituted. " TDPhosts a ' meat-look ' expressed similar concerns. 'It really seems as though the decision to ban frats. Well, party every year. They Amy said, I m glad the houses the administration is not apparently, they didn't study it Every issue of the Echo get out the meat book, are gone, because I would be too hard, because the biggest this semester has, in some way, ' happy with letting them circle pretty f aces and incredibly offended if I were lesson one could take away addressed the fraternity die a natur al " drop harassed on my own campus by death. from such a study is that the question . While it is obviously invites in mail fraternity members." death of fraternities could take " impossible to interview boxes. Besides agreeing with 'Amy,! 20 years of more." This is in everybody, this article puts 'Sue' added that "the reference to indications that forth diverse student opinions not the advocates." administration could have kept was entitled "Fraternity fraternities exist at Williams by containing interviews with a This concern over tlie charters when they took involvement and possible today, almost 20 years after variety of students from all administrative policy, is felt by away the houses. That would strategies for 1987-88." their abolition. classes, governors, hall staff others as well. 'Tim,' a first have solved the equal access 'Andrew! voiced particular 'Marc,' another independent members, and women, besides semester senior who is not an dilemma. The frats today are concern about the pressure senior who rooms with a those with or without Greek underground fraternity definitely a social fierce, but if fraternities put on freshmen to fraternity member, said that he affiliation. member and claims he supports they are going to exist at all, I pledge. However, to solve this believes the college has gone Tom', a first semester the college's decision to abolish guess this would be a good way problem he did not feel the "overboard" in its efforts to senior who is actively involved fraternities, said, "I'm really for them to exist." administration should return to eliminate fraternities. "I could in several campus glad that I attend a school that Another student, 'Andrew,' a the atmosphere that was not believe that the hall staff organizations, feels that evaluations asked students to rat fraternities continue to have on hall staff members they negative aspects. "I think there thought might be in is still a lot of harassment of underground fraternities. It females at Colby. Like TDP really seems as though the hosts a 'meat book' party every administration is not happy year. They get out the meat with letting them die a natural book, circle pretty faces, and death." drop invites in mailboxes. That However, the negative seems rather sexist. impression fraternities had on Harassment of pledges still campus when they were goes on, too. Last year the abolished is not necessarily an LCA's beat up some pledges, accurate reflection of the way who came back to campus with they are viewed by some today. bruises, The severe pressure to 'Tanya,' a senior who is a join houses isn't good." Governor in Johnson He charges that the Commons, found that the administration ought to more fraternity members actively seek out fraternity participated in dorm events as members. "As a freshman I was much as any other hall surprised they [fraternities] residents. She also felt that started pledging. I was pissed fraternities were very the administration wasn't concerned with social life, cracking down, If the mentioning that they are administration is going to have always ready to lend a tap or a policy, they should follow donate a keg. And in general through with it; if not, they help out as much as possible. ought to change it." continued on page 4 The Reorganization of Stu-A Cultural Life ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ > by Lori Wri ght j obs are alloca ted to certain While Mepur feels that there The process for selecting Sara Weddington , a feminist ind ividuals , a system which have not been as many cul tural cultura l events begins with lead er and College Campu s The reor ganiz ed Stu-A mak es it difficult for the agents events due to the recen t giving a poll to the Board of Speaker of the Year. Recent Cultural Lif e Commi ttee is of speakers or groups coming restructuring, he f eels that the G overnors and f acul t y events have includ ed a band intended to directl y involve to Colby to unders tand because time at which the off ice members in order to receive par ty on November 13th which more studen ts in the events they are used to deal ing with elections are held also f eedback on the commi ttee's was held in Foss. "Part of the selection process. Althoug h it onl y one person. The contributes to the problem. ideas and pr oposals/ With the college cul ture is having bands has caused some ineff iciency committee is composed of five E lections are held in the f all, events tha t are well responded on campus , so we had a par ty and has spurred d iscontent groups: voting members , leavirl g little time f or the newly to, Mesur intends to distribu te where they could receive about the lack of events , which includes represen tatives elected off icer to become a survey to the student body f or recogn ition," state s Mesur. Chairman Steven Mesur said, from each of the commons, acquain ted with his or her new its input. After findin g out what November 19th sexologist Dr. "Th e office could be more advertising, agency contac ts, job. He states, "I came into events are most popular and in Roger Libby and Roxanne efficient if I did everything department coordination , office not knowing what I was the highest demand , the resul ts Ribbit "the horny toad" myself , but I f elt i t was more which finds out what is doing, and it is difficult to and the schedule of upcoming answered everything you important to get students occurring elsewherc on campus organize events on shor t events would be redistribute d. wan ted to know about sex but involved. " This way ptudents at so that there arc no t notice." Mesur thinks a system Another of the committe e's were afraid to ask . Every any time may become activel y overlapping events , and should be implan ted where goals*ls to "bring a broad view Thursday at 7:00 in the Student involved in the committee and Members a t Large. Mesur elections are held in the , spring of cultural life to Colb y." An Center there is a f orum its decisions about upcoming states , "This structure is like a so the new officers . could exciting debate is expected in featuring a specific pr ofessor events. 7, 7, democracy in that everyone has become familiar wtyh their jobs March between Phyllis who talks about whatever his The committee bas boon a say in the matter , but things and even begin preparing f all Schlaf ly,leader of the Women' s or her special interests are. reor ganized so that specific don't get done as quickly." semester events. Republican Movement and continued on page 15

i Frats staff members because they are legally existed," he said. "desire to foster a positive it was more benenficial for me supposed .to be representatives Toby Bell, a first semester image on campus rather than a to have participated than not of the administration. She said, senior who is not a fraternity group of guys who get together to have joined." continued from page 3 "My primary objective as an member, and the only person to drink beer and rank on And as a freshman, he too Although she added that RA is to create a community willing to have his named used people." denies that pledging was fraternities today are just as and I'm afraid that a fraternity for this article, supported this He admits, however, to forced upon him. "I didn't feel interested in the well being of member who's an RA would attitude. He ran the November hearing about other pledging was forced on me. the school as anyone else, she not be as interested in creating 21 party in the Student Center fraternities pressuring DU's not like that. I think frats identifies two major such a community because his which benefited the Maine freshmen to join. He feels that will continue to thrive. There shortcomings: their allegiance lies with his brothers Hunger Drive. fraternities should not want are large numbers of pledge exclusiveness and their unruly not the dorm. "I don't completely condone pledges who are unenthusiastic classes in every house this behavior when together. But, in general, she does not or condemn frats, but they did because it would detrimental to year," he added. 'Tanya' thinks that some feel fraternities are hurting give us a big hand at the party. the continuance of the house. Overall, he feels that, fraternities take eating Colby. "I do not find them less I was approached by frat 'Fred' is a sophomore RA "Fraternities are an integral together at meals too seriously. cooperative and the problems members who offered to help and also a fraternity member. part of the social life at Colby, And that they often times hold they cause are not linked to out at the party, and since my Although he expressed the wish and that's not going to parties where women and non- fraternity involvement, but are goal was to incorporate as for the commons system to change." brothers are not welcome. personality conflicts instead." many different people as work, he said that without Kevin, a freshman, feels the She also said that 'Gary,' a senior LCA, felt, possible, I enlisted their fraternities he would not be at same way. "Kids in my class occasionally the party situation "Fraternities represent a support. I think the party Colby. think fraternities are a .very can get out of hand because of positive alternative to what is would not have been as Besides feeling that being a important source of social life. the blind loyalty fraternity offered on campus relative to successful without their fraternity member should not They find them present but brothers have for one another. the commons system. It support." blemish him nor anyone else, he without houses." "They often times try to get provides a way for college George, a junior PDT, feels that joining one was his In expressing an interest to away with more since they students to get involved with a also believes that .the most important decision at join a fraternity, he pointed out have the support of all their group that the college does not fraternities are actively seeking college and the friends he has that much of it depends on luck. brothers," she said. offer. an active and helpful role at in the fraternity are his friends He felt, "It's much harder to get Regarding the treatment of "Today Fraternities are £olby. He feels that fraternity for life, not just for four years. exposure to other frats if you women, 'Tanya' said that it has much stronger than they were membership does not oppose But he did voice concerns don't like the specific frat that improved substantially but it five years ago." He attributes involvement in the school. that his sophomore brothers your sport is associated with. has not been abolished. But she this to factors like eliminating Referring to the RA/HR and the freshman pledges find And since there is no open rush, said, "Even if underground blatant sexual harassment, positions as an example, he the purpose of fraternities hard it is that much harder to meet fraternities ceased to exist the trying to improve the image of stated, "They [fraternities and to understand occasionally people you don't come into problem would remain to a fraternities on campus through hall staff positions] are two outside the social context. He contact with constantly." degree because they have been volunteer work in the different things. RA's are there stressed that the fraternities Another freshman, Beth, reduced to isolated incidents." Waterville community, and to enforce the rules, not to be need a clear sense of direction believes that the 'Jane,' a sophomore RA in getting involved in the school, the moral judge of people. They now more that ever because he administration has no right to Johnson Commons, echoed namely extracurricular are there to provide a safe and and others in his class do not rout out fraternity members. some of Tanya's sentiments. activities. fun place to live." know how it was when they She also feels that there is a For she too questioned such He believes that the He argues, "that the dorm were abolished. problem with misleading fraternity attitudes, noting that fraternities are very aware of community creates itself and 'Bob' is a first semester generalizations and the "TACAF" sloga n their image on campus, "I feel the RA's and HR's, through senior, and a member of the stereotyping. epitomized Bison night for that they are making a their privileges , provide the DU fraternity. He echoes She added, "I don't view women. conscious effort to be seen as a means to get things 'Fred's' feelings of fraternity any one better if they are in one Furthermore, she feels very participant, and they don't accomplished." importance as well. "I found or not. But I do wish there were strong l y that fraternity deserve the negative image Like 'Gary,' he too sees my frat experience to be co-ed fraternities here at members should not be hall that was prevalent when they bigger pledge classes, and a definately worthwhile. I think continued on oaee 15 What SOBHU Corner are Governors? by Jennifer Scott what it is," stated SOBHU Colby defini tely doesn't do by Mindy Rohrman they hear the residents views. member Michelle Pinnock. that." The governor is then "From SOBHU' s inception "And it's up to us to make sure In addition to trying to make Wha t are governors? That is a responsible at the Commons we have had one specific goal. that people do know what it is. changes in the number of mi- question that I'm sure most Counsel. We, as an organization, want Exposure is the most important norities on the campus, freshmen asked at the The Commons Counsel, to make the Colby community thing to get before you can do SOBHU seeks to inform stu- beginning of the year, maybe consisting of all the governors more aware and sensitive to anything else. " dents as to the great contribu- even some upperclassmen. I and the commons presidents, the minority presence on cam- Sponsoring events, an artistic tion of minorities. With the idea know it was something I with the commons pu s." This statement b y column in the Echo, a Black in mind that there are numer- wondered. I didn't even coordinators as advisors, SOBHU President James history month in February, are ous people who have con- recognize the names of the meets weekly to discuss issues Reynolds is representative of all signs of SOBHU's attempt tributed to the quality of our people who were running. at the commons level. Here the the determination of Colby's to become more recognized on lives who are not recognized The governors are a bridge governors present the ideas Student Organization for Black campus. They are also trying to for their work, SOBHU is try- between the residents and the and/or complaints that their and Hispanic Unity. It is an work with other organizations ing to make students more Commons Counsel, "a basic residents have brought up at organization that arose out of to become a mpre incorporated well-rounded and knowledge- block in the commons system," town meetings. From this the the radical sixties as a cry for part of the campus life. able by bringing some of these says Steve Byras, one of the issues are then discussed at an minority equality and strove to Sta ted faculty advisor Dean people to Colby. governors at the Heights. all-campus level with the diversify the Colby student Blackwell, "It's trying not to be Currently SOBHU is trying to Governors are elected at the Board of Governors. bod y as well as the faculty. an isolated group, They're got Coretta Scott King to come beginning of the yca'r when The Board of Governors is Originall y, it was simp l y striving to take a more active to Colby and speak, as well as election forms are sent to all made up of 18 governors, two SOEU, but as the awareness role on campus." Once they be- many other influential minori- the resident halls. The elections of whom represent the off- that more minorities should be come more obvious and well- ties. are purposely delayed until the campus students, the four included the H was added. known to students, SOBHU One of the complaints of fall; Dana Hodges and Melissa commons presidents and With roughly 35 members, hopes to get more of a re- SOBHU members is the lack of Bronzino, the commons several executives from Stu-A. SOBHU isn't very big, but with sponse to the major issues it interest in the problems with coordinators, say this is done to Each commons has a different impressive accomplishments to tries to bring to the public's the minority students at Colby. encoura ge freshmen to get way of electing people to back them up and lofty goals to awareness. Bringing about a Sta ted Clerk, "If there were involved. The voting is done at represent them on the Board of keep them going, they have the knowledge and concern of the more minority students, the the dining halls during lunch Governors. Mary Low simply strength of many, much large discrimination going on cur- organization would carry more and dinner, and those elected takes the four governors with student organizations. As rentl y in South Africa is one of weight and it would be a more are notified by 10:00 p.m. that the highest number of votes. Reynolds stated, ""Althoug h thoir far-reaching goals, and, a pressing issue, If you don't night. Chaplin elects their four wc have changed the organi- little close to home, trying to have to deal with minorities on Each resident • hall has representatives at an early zation to fit the times, our diversif y the Colby campus a one-to-one basis, then it's not approximately one governor to meeting. Both Lovejoy and goals remains the same." This with more minority students something most people feel the every 40 students. The Johnson ask thoso interested to year, it is the hope of many that and faculty is an important need to deal with," governor's job is to work give a reason why they want to SOBHU will become a more objective as well. Determination and a fierce closel y with hall staf£ be elected and then four are selected by the other members. visible and more widely felt in Stated member Tyrone Clerk, desire to be recognized are the implementing their budget of fluencc on the Colby campus, "You can make any college a motivating elements that keep $25/somcster with money from The Board of Governors deals "One of the problems with better place by making it mirror SOBHU strong, despite thoir the Commons Counsel, and to with all campus, issues, such as SOBHU is that nobody knows what the real world is like. small numbers on this campus, hold "town meetings" where continued on page 15 Page 5

Colby Swimming & Diving Commences Season with Victories is all part of third year coach Robby MacDonald's rebuilding For the second program. Under his consecutive season, the Colby philosophy, he believes that College swimming and diving every member of the team can teams opened up their season be a contributor, so that success with strong victories. This is a total team effort. year's squad posted wins on However, of particular note Saturday afternoon of 128-82 on Saturday, were the record for the men and 128-70 for the setting swims of Sherry and woman over Brandeis White. Sherry, a sophmore, University, While the victories broke a thirteen year old school were a complete team effort, record in the 200 yard butterfly there were two outstanding with a time of 2:05.4. He performances turned in by currently holds three school Colby swimmers Thomas records, the most of any active Sherry and Sally White. male swimmer. White, a The key to Colby's success freshman, has made her mark can of course be contributed to early, by setting the school overall conditioning and record in the 500 yard freestyle, strength, yet what this year's shattering the old record held team possesses is a relentless by recent graduate, Sue desire to win. This enthusiasm Costello, by three seconds. was demonstrated when Colby White's time was 5:25.0. Her swimmers set the tone for the presence will undoubtedly be afternoon with two dramatic felt throughout New England opening wins in the medley swimming. relays. Right from the start, MacDonlad summed up the both the • men's and and meet by saying, "Of particular women's teams told Brandeis note in the first competition of that they were not here simply the year for the Colby to swim, but to win! And win swimmers and divers was the they did, Colb outscoring the enthusiasm demonstrated y swimmers Rob Young,5 ' Tripr tJohnson and David Untuh. Brandeis "Jud ges" in virtually individually and collectively, by Amy Clowes everv event. continued on page 15 on the clock the game was over. signifigance for Bisbane who Upon taking the puck at the has battled back from knee face off Colby junior Megan surgery to compete this season . Patrick took only six seconds to Pfeiffer describes her ?core the game winner. Good? rehabilitation as remarkable. Solid Performance Nope. Excallent! Consider this: "She's our rock. She directs the NHL record for scoring traffic and seeks out those who by Richard Lasley as well as capture a doubt and keeping up after faceoff is 5 seconds. She's need support," said Pfeiffer. By all indication the Colby championship at last weekend's confidence have been a remarkable player," Pfieffer In spite of the tourney win women's hockey team is not Colby Invitational , , "excellent" something the team has been said of Patrick. "She just Pfeiffer still feels that team spending their time looking is one word that immediatel able to do quite well. After y a decided to take things into her doubt has not been completely behind them. comes to mind. tough 5-1 loss to Dartmouth on own hands and do it." eliminated althoug The team now stands at a According h confidence to Coach Rob November 24 the team bounced Momentum and confidence is higher. Yet if doubt is solid 5 and 1. That's pretty good Pfeiffer, it all involves a degree back to register a win against carried over well into the Colby considered a weakness then when you consider that they are of mental toughness. "Hockey rival Bowdoin. By Pfeiffer's invitational tournament. In hard work is definitely a team only 4 weeks into a season that is a funny game," says Pfeiffer, words the win over Bowdoin three games Colby shut out the strength. In fact "I've seen , Pfeiffer lists a stretches into mid -February. good teams lose on Was something to see. By the opposition 19 - 0. Excellent. To healthy work ethic as the teams Sport, however, is a game of the bounce of the puck. You end of regulation play Bowdoin cap off the championship win, grea test strength. They come excellence and when have to eliminate doubt and had come back to tie Colby 3 to Patrick along with seniors out and work keep very hard," said considering that the team has up confidence. Hockey is a 3 and force the game to a 9 -Tdjaya-Mead and Mia Basbane Pfeiffer. "The ' already recorded as many wins confidence " y ve been ready to game. minute sudden death overtime. received all tourney honors. play every game." as they did in all of last season Apparently, elkninatinc With 8 minutes 54 seconds left This season holds a special "Not Wh ere We Want to Be" by Mike Freret our forechecks, which were not This year the key is good good against UConn, did not defensive hockey, and we just Spirits were soaring after improve much. It's just a haven't played that way." Colby walloped UConn 8-2. question of finding out who But while the varsity squad But despite the lopsided plays best together." tries to regroup, the B squad victory, Coach Mickey Goulet In a much more intense game, opened its season with an was cautious about putting too Colby came back from a 3-0 explosion the magnitude of much stock in one victory, deficit to cut the New England which even eclipsed the especially the first game of the College lead to one halfway varsity's. After having to turn season. As it happened, Goulet through the second period but back from Bowdoin due to poor was right to be cautious, as were unable to come closer and equipment, (the van had no Colby quickly dropped its next drove home 6-3 losers. snow tires) Colby took on Bates two games to fall to 1-2. According to Goulet, Matt at home Monday, The Little Against UMass - Boston last Elders and Dave Loser were Mules embarrassed the "men" Saturday,-the Mules opened the examples for the team to from Bates, scoring 13 goals the game flat defensively, and follow. "They have both been while yielding none. before they knew it, were down playing very well. I hope the After six first period goals, it 3-0 with only ten minutes gone others can learn from them and looked as if Bates should not by in tho first period/While not also be inspired," said Goulet. have wasted the gas to come netting the puck when it could "Wheh we came back from 3- up to Colbyland and will have, Colby gave up two more 0, I thought we were going to probably think twice betore goals on route to a 5-2 loss. win," elaborated Goulet. "But doing it again. "Half our team played well we made some crucial mental Strong play by Ma tty and half our team didn't," said errors wi th the game on the Greenlaw and Scan Luccy, just Goulet. "Our defense was line. We arc simply not where to name two of the plethora of weak and did not play well at we want to be at this point in deserving players, made a all. We didn't capitalize when the season. We can't play open victory that was never in Colby teams up against Boston University. we needed to on offense. And hockey as we could last vcar. doubt. bv Amv Scharbro ueh zs^-a^r^^ , &p€c?^(Sr^S49 ftc-ca r-^^&SJ ssn» ^5^ ^o^iRp^a^ g AN INFORMATIONAL PHONELINE & Giving Tree J FOR PEOPLE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT *} David Shumway, a member of I g LESBIAN AND GAY ISSUES IS PROVIDED BY THE £ Boy Scout Troop 82, is working colbycollege gay WED., Jan. 6 I-Play Volleyball Challenge Wadsworth to complete an Eagle project in H lesbian and S Johnson v. Chaplin Gymnasium Waterville, Maine. Working %s student operated and completely confidential^ Mary Low v. Lovejoy 8:00 p.m. with Mr. and Mrs. Marc & and offers information on social and poutical § Vigue, David has set up a S RESOURCES WITHIN THE COLBY communit y , i "Giving Tree" in Lorimer (Each team will play two games, with the overall MAINE, winner to play a select Dean of Students team.) Chapel here on campus. The \ AND NEW ENGLAND. \ "Giving Tree'! program is THE LINE ' SUN., Jan. 10 3 on 3 Tournament Wadsworth organized to provide a merry iA WILL BE OPEN WEDNESDAY, rf\ (Finals to be played at half-time Gymnasium Christmas to those who might '| 30 SEPTEMBER 7-10PM k of Colby-Bates, Jan. 11.) 7:00 p.m. otherwise go without. Many fi 14 OCTOBER 7-10PM . & thanks to those student and ] 4 NOVEMBER 7-10PM 2 's Meetings for Basketball, Classroom faculty who participated in this 9 18 NOVEMBER 7-10PM Captain " \ Hockey, Box Lacrosse. in Fieldhouse project. A 9 DECEMBER 7-10PM g 9£^~ff trv^gt tr^s^ ¦ ^*"

MON.-TUE. Nine Ball Tournament Joseph Spa > Jan. 18-19 . 9-11 p.m. , ' __ss^^»^^^^ Lots of great last minute gift ideas ! THU., Jan. 21 3 on 3 Tournament Wadsworth (Finals to be played at half-time Gymnasium of Colby-Middlebury,Jan. 29.) 8:00 p.m. J-Lojt a %al& and Hjjujxjuj.HoUda§ Siazum TUE., Jan. 26 Ping Pong Tournament Page Commons > r Room ¦ , | OSEPri S ™ > FRI., Jan. 29 3 on 3 Finals Wadsworth ' tJ CLOTHING & SPORTING GOODS %£T * ' ¦ 453-3324 I ¦ Gymnasium i i

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There seems to something wrong with this picture: CIA Recruiting on Campus "President Ronald Reagan and highest ranking Soviet Official Mikhail S. Gorgachev sitting together in front of a fire laughing." Is it possible that the leaders of the two world super powers have Contradicts Liberal Arts Education found something funny to laugh about. As I look and see American To the editors: Jews protesting the oppression of Russian Jews, anguished campus is a hindrance to government agency has Nicaraguans crying over lost loved ones in a battle that they had no students interested in violated laws. In considering the validity of employment with the CIA. of, young Af hans holding missile launchers, starving people Any gesture of approval for part g some aspects of CIA operations What kind of inconvenience around the world, and finally the Colby dining hall where students overseas, the faculty has voted the CIA on the part of Colby lain about not getting enough cereal variety, I really do not find would it be to recruit in College represents approval of comp to recommend to the Colby Waterville itself? Surely a all that much to laugh at. Board of Trustees to ban the the agency as a whole, its So there must be something wrong with that picture. But how can student able to attend Colby covert operations and its CIA from recruiting on the can make it into town and back. that be when the two men have just made history by signing an arms Colby campus. Two arguments intelligence-gathering deal that would reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world Does a post office interview operations. That the United have arisen in the student body really reflect badly on an as well as ease the tensions between these embittered and hostile against the faculty States requires the gathering of problem with this picture. It is the second interviewing student? What is intelligence information for nations. No, there is no recommendation. convenience and one that 1 described. pride worth national security does not First, the college should not when the legitimacy of certain It is one thing for these two super powers to shake hands and make "play parent" to students of preclude the right of Covert , ( which really would be a picture), but it is quite aspects of the CIA is in Operations to commit human up for old times sake legal age, eighteen, when question? another for these two nations to finally acknowledge the rights violations at home and parental permission is no The CIA, as of this time, can responsibility they have towards the world as a. whole. Neither longer . required for legally abroad. Nor do the atrocities y of one another in the increasingly recruit on campus or it can committed by other nations nations can operate independentl binding decisions. "The college" recruit in the city interdependent world. To many threats have resulted from the arms of Waterville give a representative agency represents what? To say that at a government agency such race, individual economic competition, and military expansion for the faculty is taking on the role of the United States the right to tion. The attitude underl ing these actions are as the post office. Colby, as a commit crimes as well. Such the purpose of protec y of the parent is invalid, for the private college selfish and destructive. The steering ideologies of these different , expresses actions are extremely three sectors of the college are support of the CIA as a whole- cultures have expanded so far in their sphere of influence that the able to voice their opinions. detrimental to the image of the burden to both. legal and illegal operations—by United States overseas, the shoulder rubbing has become an economic The faculty have, as a body, providing These two men are just the beginning. Because they only represent a place to actively Third World in particular. With recommended that the CIA be recruit members of the Colby two ideologies out of the many that exist in the world, every person banned from recruiting on these considerations, can the has the responsibility to open her or his eyes to the world problems. community. Providing college, as a liberal arts campus. The students have recruiting facilities, and Stop thinking about what you can get out of the next person, and had the opportunity to express institution stressing open turn more towards a compassionate view of helping others. possibly financial support, thinking and an understanding their views through their indicates support of this Colby did a spectacular job with Hunger Week, but simply going to ' of humanity, lend its facilities respective governors government agency by a the Spa and buying your meal instead of using the meal card is a very meetings. The trustees are the to the CIA for recruitment? Let small step. People have to become aware of the problems that exist private college. The important the post office provide a actual decision makers. Both factor here is that this in our society. Not the problem of why we do not have Frosted students and faculty can give recruitment center for the CIA. Flakes and Raisin Bran, but the why a ten year old Afghan has a particular government agency Colby should not express their opinions to the Board of has committed atrocities and missile launcher instead of a teddy bear. Trustees. Colby is not a state support for a government has violated laws. The agency that has committed institution; it is a private one, ercen tage of illegal acts by the and this enables its trustees to p violations of laws and human by Paul Beach CIA in proportion to its law- rights. direct the polices of the college. abiding acts is not the issue; the Co-Editor-in-Chief A second argument states that fact remains that this banning CIA recruitment on the Annie DeMaria '&i)t Colbj ? &£$o Editors-in-Chief Paul Beach _ _. . __ CaTOlyn «• Lockwood Production Manager MikeS/nS Diamond ™ 1h ' Susan Kachen News Editor Managing Editor * Betsy FCulIer David Russell Business Manager J Heidi Dill Features Editor Opinion Editor Chris Preston Gerry Hadden Lay-out Editor Mary Thomson Arts Editor ., .. . .. Matthewjvi«uint- w ourKcBurke Advertising Managers _ , Kristcn Dale Assistant Lay out Editor Sports Editor ' Dave Randall Magda Lacharite Lawrence Kocca Lay-out Assistants Dean's Office Should n .. r ... Advertising Design Graphics Editor , kLc„w Lcc Walter Ann-Louise Band Lauren Kossow T _ i,„n pnwn Jon Nash Dianc Pearce Photogra phy Editors Matt Stetson Come Clean on Frat Stance David Coleman . Heidi Meyers To the Editors: whether Colby would be words. However, a March 19 Alexandra Wyle . Laura Vigor justified in imp lementing ' a memo addressed "fraternity The principles for which this policy which overtly sought the involvement and possible Staff Writers: David Scannell, Scott Barkham, Meridith Hart, Mike eradication of underground strategies for 1987-1988." Frerct, Gail Rutherford, Cindy Cohen, Mike Schwartz, college is supposed to stand- truth, honesty, fraternities and the prosecution Furthermore, an April memo Hal Crimmel, Mindy Rohrman, Christine Gilman, Einil y Issacs, Jen freedom and justice et. al. -took an awful of those students whom it discussed the need to review . Riley, Laurie Brown, Jennifer Scott, Mark LePointc, Sue Jacobson, believed to be underground the policy of "benign neglect" Lori Wright. beating in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving recess. The fraternity members. In fact, to war d undergr o un d Typists: Liza Barber, Mark Bcrgstcn, Kaari Busick, Ci ndy Dcmpsky, faculty vote to ban the CIA some make the argument that fraternities. Chris Dixon, Chip Gavin, Jill Moscinski, Gina Rogers, Sarah from campus recruiting has the College has an obligation More upsetting than Tucker. already been discussed at great to get rid of fraternities in Seitzinger's lack of candor Photo Staff: Sam Sharnick, Liz Nord by, Amy Clowes, Amy length. The dean of student's order to satisf y those who surrounding administrative Scharborough, Merric Post. assault on the aforc-mentioned believed they were enrolling in objectives is her lack of candor regarding her contention that Grap hics: Evan Metcalf, Gregory Lundberg, Totn Brown principles, however, has not a fraternity free institution. been as well documented. The issue is the dean's inability her office was uncomfortable Janice Seitzinger ' s or lack of desire to forthfightly launching covert operations The Colby Echo urges students lo write letters tc the editor. All articulate the College's policy. designed to make underground letter? submitted for pu blication should be typed nnd contain the disingenuous responses to questions posed to her three Sei tzinger's comments in the fraterni ty life more difficult. typed name and class of the author as well as the author ' s signature. November 12 Echo seem to - She said she wanted to avoid A telephone number must be included fo r verifi cation . Faculty and weeks ago about administrative strategics for nay, do - lead one to the creating the impression i n the staff must include their fu ll title. Any letter deemed libelous or conclusion that the Colby minds of some students that irrelevant will not be published . Our editors reserve the right to edit dealing with underground fra ternities were administration has never had she and members of her staff letters . correction pun ctuation , spelling, an d redundancy. exposed with for of The Echo' s publication of two any reserva tions about letting were the ."embodiment of evil." Letters should not exceed 300 words. All letters are due to the Echo fraternities die a natura l death. However, she blatantly admits. office by 6:00 p.m, M onday, in Roberts Union. memos which revealed that the dean's off is, in fact, not "Wc wcren t going to stamp to being a Jane Bond of sorts prepared to let fraternities die them out, From the beginning, when she writes in her March The opinions expressed here do not expr ess the views and attitudes we thought thoy were going to of Coll Echo staff. a natural death. }/ The issue at hand is not die out." Those wore hor exact continued on page 15 rage y

Highway Signs

by Jen Riley their high beams on. I can t see Grandpa and Grandma who and I have to slow down. don't see well and their car is Did you know that Maine has Common sensse tells us not to so old it's lucky to be going a Driving Safety Committee? do it - unless someone is so Yup, out there, probably in the forward. obnoxious or clueless that they DO NOT STOP ON THE large booming capital city, don't turn off their brights - Augusta, there is a group of SIDE OF THE ROAD. When then I leave mine on too. I' people who are trying to m on a highway, I'm trying to CHECK BRAKES. You know, get somewhere and I'm usually ensure our safety on the ' I wouldnt be driving 65 mph on trying to get there fairly highways. To perform this a highway if I wasn't sure of incredibly difficult and quickly. Stopping on the side of my brakes. I like to drive fast, a highway is not on my responsible act, they make but I also like to slow down - signs. Safety signs. Safety signs itinerary, unless someone gets it's a necessary action. sick of course. I did not bring a that are located in the middle Checking my brakes at 65 mph of Maine highways in the picnic with me so as to enjoy a would be a little late if they pretty setting either. The only patriotic colors of red, white, didn't already work. What and blue. time I stop is when I see the could I do at that point if they golden arches or a sign that First, from the number of failed? Hope I don't hit signs I've seen, I have this says "Restrooms." anything I guess. STAY ALERT. This sign suspicious feeling that someone PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY. I'm out there doesn't think I can usually appears after you've nineteen. I'd like to at least seen all the other signs. In my drive properly. I wonder if all make it to twenty-one, the time I spent practicing with book, that's a little late. But hopefully a lot longer. I'm not then when I think about it, the Mom and Dad, a very painful stupid so I'm not going to drive experience with Mom or Dad signs make you stay alert like a maniac. I also like my car. because you're either laughing trying to push their feet It's blue and sleek and named through the floor of the car in a at them or moaning about how Arthur. I don't think Arthur stupid they are. The stay alert vain atttempt to slow down or would appreciate having his stop, and in studying the sign must just be a way to tell body bruised and battered if I those who have missed the driving laws handguide was drove carelessly. for nought. I mean, let's take a message (present in all the SPEED LIMIT...MAX 65 other signs) that in order to look at some of these signs. mph, MIN 40 mph. The speed DIM LIGHTS . WHEN have safe highways, you must limit is no longer 55 mph, it's a stay alert. And if you've stayed APPROACHING OTHER speedy 65 mph. But who goes CARS. No, I think I'll blind alert through this article, I 65 rnph now? When the speed congratulate you. I'm sure you them so they can't see the road limit was 55, we went 65. Now and possibly cause an accident. will have no problem driving that it's 65, we go 75. I never on Maine's highways. I hate it when people leave see anyone going 40 unless it is Is it net time tor some real zealots' which led the U.S. it is our entire system which all government to past covert action? According to the The Iran Contra Report , National Security Act of 1947 too often relies on the tactic oi actions - for example, the coup covert intervention to exert its of President Arbenz in which founded the National Security Council, "the function will. It is this system that So What? Guatemala, the "Bay of Pigs" allowed a man like Ollie North fiasco, and the overthrow of of the Council shall be to advise ' to go so far. And thus, it is this from the investigation are not the Allende government in the President..." That s right, a- d-v-i-s-e. So why was an NSC system which needs to be for new laws but for a renewal Chile to name a few. Is it not changed. by Christine Gilman member, a measly Lt. Col., Without reforms, of the commitment to obvious that a system which what's to stop the next power- often making arms deals with Iran The Iran Contra constitutional government and allows covert operations, Repor t came involving disinformation with one had and channeling hungry administration member out two weeks ago sound processes of decision , so what? campaigns aimed at the funds to the Coritras with the from taking similar actions? The report put some of the making." In other words, the The answer is obvious. Without government will just have to Ameican public fosters the other? Obviously there has blame on Reagan. The report occurrence of such happenings been some growth in the role of official reform nothing will blamed most of the learn to stick to the rules laid events on as have been uncovered in the the NSC since its founding. stop the repetition of history, the actions of a "cabal of out on that two hundred year Yet, the Iran Contra Report old piece of parchment. I am Iran-Contra hearings? Perhaps we should take this as zealots." The report said If the presen t system of a signal that '.he NSC needs calls for no such reform and Reagan and other member of sure there will suddenly be a furthur deems it unnecessary. goodwill and government permits actions some redefining? Some official the administration publicly lied. rash of ooundaries? So I say again, the Iran Contra The constitutionality within the which need only be disclosed to report said that the certain members of one branch Yet, simply putting limits on Report, so what? What a waste administration acted federal government because of the NSC is not enough. Again, of money! the recommendations of the of government, how is the unconstitutionally. So what? system of checks and balances Iran-Contra Committee' *»»*'***¦»***********¦*¦¦¦*¦*¦***'*¦'¦*¦» The report also said that the s supposed to work? If there are events of the Iran-Contra report. no reforms made which outlaw THE FAR SIDE By GA RY LARSON dealings "resulted from the So basically, this Iran-Contra covert actions, maybe we Wmmmwma ^mmmmmmmmmmmmm ^mmmmmmmmmmmmm *H^m *mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmuMmmmmmmmm_\ failure of individuals to hubbub only resulted in some should just save the taxpayers observe the law, not from summer television some money and get rid of deficiencies in existing law or entertainment, a few new t- Congress? After all if the in our system of governments." shirt designs, a five hundred President and his That's so what. plus page report by Congress, administration are worthy of According to the The new and a pep-talk for the future. dictating foreign policy maybe York Times ' ' initial article on RAH TEAM! So what? Again, we ought to just give them a the report , "The our government is doing a fine free hand in domes! ic policy as recommendations emerging job of ignoring history. What well. '

The Lame System yr\ uIIAk^ Lh*~— J^jr^tj **"?" NAK ^^% cut Reagan down, Although problems both domestically and *'^ mSv. by Chris Ansley this is perhaps long overdue, it for Washington to show is causing a number of leadership and direction. The After seven years of the "Ron problems. Because of this problem is, no one's there to Dynasty," Americans have by criticism and other factors, receive the message. With tiie and large disposed of their there is a power vacuum at drop on Wall Street, the | J!3£3 Jii-^J cult-of-personality towards esent in Washington. With enormous deficit, the gigantic pr B President Reagan. At last, his the departure of so much of his trade imbalance, new blunders and faulty-at-best staff (including the recently progression in the Central policies are not being ignored. resigned Weinberger) and a American peace proposal, and Rather, with Iran-Contra and hostile Congress, it seems the the Intermediate Range Congressional criticism of the gippor has lost his once Nuclear Weapons Treaty, there def icit, everyone seems to be powerful punch. And with is definitely a need for a strong i. mp , *w ^ « ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ hopping on tho bandwagon to wwpw —w—www i niii m i i^Bli l lP« ^* l^ «**wnear-misses ^ ¦' ______. ¦ »¦ ¦— ¦——.——' ¦.—— . mounting concerns and continued on page 10 " ' From the rou nd file: Another Bowl of Ice Cream

your waist thicker, your chin "Survival?"-what, do they lieve for a moment. What if you folks, I hate to say it, but you re by Emily Isaacs J. quadrupling. The extra tonight think (hope—remember the don't get back to your books? really missing life: the fun, the will double tomorrow and so housing shortage), that we Will the world come crashing thrill and the real meaning. on until by the heart of exams might not make it? Then there's down around you? Will a thun- What's more, if you keep up the you'll be eating for three. donut breaks—sugar is 18 dif- derbolt with your name on it way you're going, you're not Then Christmas-and what ferent flavors. Just what we all strike you in the midst of your going to be able to help but eat do you do at home but eat to need. idleness? Please, let's not think your life away these next cou- Hey You! Put that fork down! relax from the pressure? The And what's the only kind of ourselves so special that our ple of weeks. And then you're Don't eat one more bite of pie, weeks o' Stress and Fatness relief you can get from exam studying or not is really going really going to be sorry. Some reach for another slice of have begun—watch out, you pressure without getting off to make such a terrific differ- say this school is turning into a bread, help yourself to just one and your body are going to live your ass in under one half an ence. To the world or to our grind school—look in the more helping of m&m ice to regret it. Christmas is a time hour? Pizza. Just ten bucks and individual lives. I mean, yes, I library and tell me it's not true. cream~if you do, it's all over. for photos—photos of you with you're satisfied; you have a won't completely negate the Come on, drop the books And exams haven't even your bulging thighs, "filled out" reason to go on, a real and value of the all-nighter, but at tonight and meet me in the pub started yet. But no, the pres- face and pressure induced tangible reason (your bulbous what expense? for a couple drinks. It won't be sure is already on for some of varicose veins. belly) to get back to those I think I've got to say, "Some so bad. Your Calculus book you. You tell yourself you need But wait, maybe it's not our books. Inherent in all these of you people stud y too god- won't burn with desire without that brownie energy, those fault. Mo, society has made us "relief" measures is the idea damn much! " Really. You know you. baked potato with cheese and pressured (and fat), so don't that we need relief. And if we who I'm talking to: the people Oh, but I'd better just stop this sour cream carbohydrates. feel so bad. Why just look at need relief, that means we've who've been in the library right here. Who the hell's got Wrong. You're lying to yourself this school—they give us candy got some serious pressure to every weeknight all semester 7- the time to read a foolish arti- and you're getting fatter. Every in our "survival" kit; oh yes, contend with as well. 11 without fail plus Saturday cle like this? Unless of course, bite pulls your jeans tighter, also a rotten apple. But let's just play make-be- and Sunday ALL day. Listen you're still stuffing your face.

Lame System investigation. Should the figurehead - the president. Is policies of the United States, this a true democracy? Not which considers itself free and really. Would not a system of GARY LARSON democratic, be controlled in government such as the British THE FAR SIDE By be more appropriate - where continued from page 9 whole or in part by people like Washington and a strong Shultz, Weinberger, all of the chief policymakers are Presidency at present. And yet, Poindexter, and Oliver North? elected? Instead of contributing the main topic of discussion on Those people are un-elected criticism to the already the . NBC Presidential officials. The people of the U.S. decaying American presidency, Candidate Debate last week never had the chance to perhaps people should rather seemed not to be how to determine the real discuss how to prevent a lame- change Reagan's policies, but policymakers of this country. duck presidency from occurring how-to get rid of them. With They only determined the again. thirteen months left in the present term of office, a "lame duck" presidency is frightening. This all calls to question the present system of government in the United States. Although the Constitution and the system now in place is held almost sacred to Americans, after the Iran-Contra mess, it \p I men's Casual wear reallv does need serious ^ | PUT , !; W^~ | 129 Main Street rg& |T\ / ft f ^ ^ r^^ s ^ ) j i ( / Waterville, ME 04901 MOOSE [ (nfy Wtf ' j! ^ T (207)873-6681 ^ j v our # %] r ^ W CHRISTMAS y ^s ) \ j Well, here we go, another exciting evening at the L,$T! STORE HOURS: Murdocks , all of us sitting around going, 'Hello , Q/Tfy my name is so-and-so. ... What 's your name? ... I Pe rsona lized Items: 1JJ j Monday-Thursday 1 0am-6pm wanna cracker? Hello, my name is so-and-so. ! B rass Plate $15.00 ^ I Friday 1 0am-9pm Rubber Stamps $3.00 i Saturday 1 0am-6pm Statio nary $12.95 I S unday 1 2pm- 5pm , BjQflula-' L— ' __J* 'A Main St. Watervill i Waterville Driv e-Thru / ' i The Tape Connec tion 270 Kennedy Drive 873-5184 __\\_\__\ i ^^A " j Blank Audio Cassettes We sj pll: ^ S i ^ ^ ^ a aiffScxto MAXELL • TDK • SONY Fresh Doj ^ffl £6- H6t:^ ri^old Sandwiche s "At the prive i^j ^^ li^fT pj ^ r^ is on Sale" "It' s time to tape all the mus ic that Come sd^ ^ doh fe 'Sl^ ^eonBEVERAG, Don , or Matt you 'll want with you over Christmas break " % FOI^ ^ ^AVOFi ^ E SPEaALS j ^ ^ ^M^m UDLIGHT , COORS, COORS UtW^m ^^^ fK, MILLER, MILLER -Checks Welcome LIGHT, AN/^^^^^^JONL K..$5 ,9gffi sssaasgayaaaaaa sasawrasr rai w^ ^ Call j. !. Mark. . 873-0597 -SffiSf^campus^^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^M^mMmtmjmumm.Mmmt^^umAi^ma^mimtmt^ ra ge u

More Tha n Just Good Food in Foss by Carolina Kroon without any problems of student interest in both studio security. and history of art, has forced The week before The actual possibility of Foss many professors to turn people Thanksgiving, November 18- being glassed in is now being away due to the class size 20th, the first Student Art considered by Dining Services. restrictions. Adding to this is Show took place in Foss dining Dan Eusebio, director, could the relatively small number of hall. Sponsored by Mary Low not be contacted by press time faculty versus interested art Commons and organized and to find out more specifics, but it students. . put on by the Student Arts seems the main reasons are for Once the Bixler expansion is Committee, the show exhibited security purposes and the completed, there will be much eighteen paintings and four privacy of any student better facilities, more student sculptures by a selection of functions held there. access to art classes, and student artists within the Colby Although I'm not sure I agree hopefully a space to exhibit community. with it being closed off , there is student art on a permanent A survey taken within Mary a possible positive aspect. If basis. Until the expansion is Low Commons, resulted in fifty glassed in, Foss dining hall completed, which could well be out of fifty people saying they could serve as a permanent more than a few years, a place enjoyed the show and liked the student exhibition space, which where students can show their idea of having would partially remedy the fact work should be available if not more like it or a ; possible that Colby artists do not have in Bixler, at least in an permanent show up any space where they can show alternate space such as Foss. throughout the year. Foss their work throughout the Another factor would be the resident Stacey O'Brien year. After seeing the art role of the Student Arts commented, "I liked it. . .it facilities at Bowdoin and Bates, Committee who would have to really created a nice ambience it was clear that the permanent be more responsible as a whole in Foss." student exhibitions created a in order to maintain the shows The possibility of having Foss definite student presence in the efficientl y. In the Foss show, as a permanent exhibition building. dependability on previously space could happen depending Fortunately, Colby has committed people on the on two main factors: the decided to add another committee was lacking, making willingness of students to building, or more likely, expand the success of it all the .more submit pieces and, more Bixler, to meet the rising difficult for those who were importantly, whether or not demands for space in both the dedicated to the show. At this Foss will "be glassed in so museum and the art and music time I would like to thank all exhibitions can be kept up departments. The increase in continued on page 12 Faculty Art Show: Non-beleiver Better than Ever by Matthew Burke has five paintings on by Matthew Burke display. All express a movement This article did appear last in one form or the other. In * Tonight there will be the week, in the December 5th, "Drykl" I feel the course of 'coming out of the closet* party 1987 issue of the Echo, however nature at work, death and for the Fall Feauod. This event due to printing errors it's form rebirth. will take place at the poetry was jumbled and a bit In Meader's "On Jackson and fiction reading tonight in confusing. Let's have another Pond" cool blues and firey reds the Bixler Art Museum at 7:00 go- compose the rippled pond 's PM. Last night I walked into Foss surface. By associating chilly Whitney Kelting, Heidi Schmidt Hall around 11:30 pm and felt blues with the choppy, sporatic and Cindy Kontulis will be the tense energy all the way to movement of the pond's reading from their selected my feet. No matter what hall surface and then reserving the works. you live in, or get tense in, head firey reds for the calmer, more on over to Bixler in the next seductive areas in the marsh, * Friday night, The Ugly Chair, few days to unstress. the artist is challenging us to a rock and roll style bread, I As of November 22, the Colby decide what these colors mean band, will play in the Pub Faculty Art Show has been up represent to our own senses. from 9:00 PM till the mice come in the Lower Gallery of the Gina Werfel, the painting home. Bixler Art Museum. The artists professor, also has a number of and professors Scbtt Reed, paintings on display. In all her Togetherness * Explore the bowels of your Gina Werfel, Harriett work, particularly "Reflections dorm. Matthews, and Abbott Meader near Jackson Pond," Gina Why is my Soul- here- Werfel makes use of reflections in such Primitive Times? * Go Madly to the Mad Horse have bestowed some very 1 enjoyable works upon our on water as an important part v - Times that are Souless- Theater Company, 50 bright eyes. of the composition. My Soul can not conceive Prejudice- Danforth Street Portland, ME. Scott Reed, Colby ' s At first glance, "Reflections" as it is- in the Hearts of Human Beings- printmaking professor, has a feels very purple, a second look Confusing it is- for Love comes from the Heart, not Hate. * The Maine Acting Company number of engraved prints and reveals much more. The artist Understanding My surface continues their 9th Lewiston felt tip pencil pieces in this asks us to look carefully at her -Misconception of MY Nature- / season with a production for year's show. t]Hs work has an use of browns, greens and reds. Why is my Nature here- the whole family - A explosive (or implosivc) feel to What at f irst seems to be an in such Primitive Times? CHRISTMAS VAUDEVILLE, it, particularly seen in "Francis insignificant red shack nestled For it seems as if, I cannot awaken from this created especially for the MAC and the Golden Theifs." ' in the mid-ground, soon Awful sleep ' by Maine's maestros of becomes, I think, the focus of ' Why is MY Lovc-here- merriment, Dcnise & Benny In it one might see the forms 's Love, ti e the painting. Sometimcs I Fantasize about Nature Reehl. as narra v , telling us the surrounds with Fantastic Forcplay- • t b Harriett Matthews, the that you A 1/2 price preview is s ory of a once vi rant, Lifting your Nature to the Highest Level of throbbing planet now a drifting drawing and sculp ture Thursday, December 3, mass of blackened waste. profespor in Bixler has manifesting our Soul. opening night \b Friday, Whatever, Reed's artistic displayed a series of eight or December 4, and performances nine drawings, enti tled Why arc We -here-? Because the Heavens, also, Know of a continue on Thursdays, concerns obviously include a the way- for others to strict compositional balance "Drawings from Samos.Mike Universal Creator, who prepares Fridays, and Saturdays at 8:00 Gina Werfel and , Atibott come, PM and Sundays at 2:00 PM and the relationship of positive Togetherness becomes space to Meader (and to some extent like Peace will come true, when through December 20. For negative space. UNDERSTANDING. Behind the silvery marsh trees Scott Reed) Harriett Matthews information or . reserva tions of Abbot^ Mcader's "Drykl at uses the land's forms as her please contact The Maine Heald Pond" lurks lush subject. , -Gregory "Sadiq" Ore Acting Company, 113 Lisbon green Uncle Sadiq Ore... vegetation. Meader, the Her use of bold foreground In existing memories of my Street, Lewiston or call 784- foundations professor at Colby continued on poge 12 1616. on Brecht Bre cht predict the future; they are to Appear at Portl and 's people who hold up a plumb line and look at the present, Mad Horse The ate r and hold the present account- able to the plumb line and then The Mad Horse Theater away with some hope and spell out the consequences of Company , of 50 Da nforth some compassion? how that is), old testament Street in Portland, Maine is Perhaps that is the dilemma in prophets, trying to tell us who presenting Brecht on Brecht which Brecht intended to leave we really are, giving the gift of from December 3-20. us. You see, his truth strikes at truth and telling us how bad Michael Dwinell, affiliated the very core illusion that things really are, which is, of with the theater had this to say about the play: In the play, Brecht on Brecht, I see Brecht struggling with a couple things; one of which is: how many different ways can he make this truth plain? . He uses a variety of mediums, but the central theme remain., the same. His focus is more at the sociological level of the ra- paciousness of the collective ego than on the individual ego. Faculty Art Foss And occasionally, he is willing continued from page 11 to hold the worker, the pleas- continued from page 11 form, kept in low value makes ant, the common-man these drawings seem quite accountable for his dim-witted tangible to the viewer. collusion in his own exploita- works and the people who were really committed, because Also interesting to note is the tion, but mostly, he is simply way the graphite marks scathing at the blatant stupid- without them the show would not have been possible. compose to form fields, houses, ity, avarice, and hunger after and trees. A close look at these power of those in authority in drawings and they break down the hierarchy. Student art exhibitions are a into their elements of energized The other question that I see way for students to make line varying in length, interval him wrestling with and this is statements , and show what and value. where the poignancy of the they are doing with their time All the artist are keenly aware play is, I think, is his awareness here at Colby. It is often the of the power of suggestion. If a that he, too, is a human being little things in life that lead to line or color is placed on one and therefore a participant in things, but it's part of the surface how does it the same dilemma. I have this bigger and better just taking that first step that act, or react to the other sense that he can't find his so many people aren't willing elements. Act and react to this place in the human endeavor; • he can't find a to do. exhibition in between study place for himself sessions this week. that feels right. He knows he is called to be a witness to the Western civilization is good, horrors of the truth of ex- course, the first step to r~ David Mathieu Co., Inc.- —\ that there is progress, that it and hatred for himself and the ploitation. He knows he is to be really is for the betterment of Allen St. AutO Bod/ Shop Waterville a prophet calling the collective whole human species. And al- human beings, which is, of though I feel him wrestling B0X 645 ME into account and bringing course, all bull. Established 1928 judgement to their actions, but with that, I don't know how he Maine's Largest Independent Shop Another way put it is this resolves it. he also wrestles with for- way: we are as sick as the giveness or perhaps even love. If we can even dare to ac- secrets we keep; we are as ill as knowledge that what Brecht I walk from the play not hav- the lies we tell, and what restoration, ing a sense of how Brecht re- Brecht would have us look at is renewal. solved the problem of self- this—we daily tell a huge, huge But Brecht leaves us with the 872-5518 'JEn aBoF Res. 872-7226 hatred; that his perception of lie and keep terrible secrets. It rest of the work to do, as per- human beings is very forceful haps well he should. H is also true that we don't get k "THULE Roof-racks for most cars arid all sports a and accurate, and yet leaves well until we've gone to the Tickets are on sale now! Call him ultimately headed in the bottom. There is no recovery, 775-5657 for reservations. direction of having contempt accuses us of is true, are we left no restoration, no healing, un- til we have acknowled to walk away simply hating ged just THE DELIVERY IS FREE — YES WE ACCEPT CHECKS! ourselves or is there some way, how bad things really are. having faced the awful truth So Brecht has done us a great about ourselves individuall favor. Of course, he is in that y long line of : and collectively, that we can prophets (prophets, BH preev ~ v . IT:, *L ^y wSS embrace the truth and walk by the way are not people who t^f Vs» nTFmlmVW*lmm ^^ ¦ 1 " 1 :.' ^~mi*AHtii*• s *Zmmwm »¦ «¦ ' Y*# IHl iTril Hfll is mm; W^Mi ^ ^ il film fl/ b%*^ \ 7 , "Sh oppr-r e" RHBHIIHHa_i- »___—t- <_ • ______>/ «_ Tt«» i j¦¦i iT^h^}i • i i ^^^v i ™%£f*^ ^ jMutSpP,n ^^^*. IP , I ^mKk" ______B_H*_ft_l.JRaBvfjf.ri 1 I Cinema Center I /*• WB^nl t . I - m wJ *l i ' I Kennedy Memorial Drive 1 Waterville FREE M^¦ -qflRBB ^ |^ 9 2<4 hour automatic program service: DELIVERY TO iJHfflMHM P" 11™^ 873- / 300 YOUR HOME H IL I i lH ^ HHH 4/ways a choice of b flfie films OR BUSINESS... ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ I LET US DELIVER TO YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS L CH E S¦UPP ER TIME! -JT5H L, ^NyVmE^ 4:05 7:00 9:05 , THROW______MOMMA OFF THE TRAIN 2:00 ^ H ^L ^L ^L ^L ^m 1 SUST LESS TJIAN ZERO 1:45 4:10 6:50 9:10*9 ^ H rREE™JT" v PLANE TRAIN O SANDWICHES *with " J™fpHJT" „,.__ S, S, AND .AUTOMOBILES 1:50 3:50 5:00 7:15 9M$0| WITH ANY 16" PIZZA m aa with any 12 pizza THREE WEN AND A BABY '2:00 4:25 6:35 8:45 ^ H - FREE DELIVERY - ONLY 3-.99 FREE DELIVERY I^HFATAL ATTRACTION 1:30 1:00 6:30 9;00 ., ^ H LOBSTER SALAD ROLLS • BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! Wc Accept Checks CINDERELLA 1:40 3;20 5:10FL 7:00IN . ^ ^ H THE ATTIC Jj[ OWERS 8:50 ^ ^^ HTHE PIZZA SHOPPE 872-8443 killed in 1983, many fel t that vote was not an intended intolerance, in such a serious parental one. ' Marcos had violated political CIA case as this, where lives and the Phili ppines princip D. The students have the les. Mr. Tiglao said freedom of other govenments because of that act and due to continued from page 1 right to do the same, they just to exist independently on their continued from page 1 have taken the initiative to problems with foreign banks, deprived the students of own is seriously jephardized. American perceptions of the many follow through, on this right in began to withdraw making a " normal choice, " and B. The CIA has even planted Philippine Revolution. Many support for Marcos. The elite the vote of the Board of untrue documents is inappropriatel y 'parental.' domesticaly believe that when the revolt and the non-elite of the E. This decision takes away Governors. for the purpose of foreign occurred to overthrow the E. This vote does not create a Philippines formed a coalition the opportunity and right of propaganda. Marcos regime, the revolution and overthrew Marcos. the student to protest in "any slippery slope ' where the C. Colby would not be had started. However, as he faculty will know no bounds in Rigberto Tiglao believed that way he or she wishes, the " isolated in asking the CIA to stated, that was "only a when Mrs. Aquino came into outside organizations that cencoring groups from the simply not recruit on campus, particular part of the students, this issue where lives power, it was an accident of come to Colby. " Harvard, Williams, as other revolution." The Philippine history." However, she is one are at stake is a unique one. colleges On the side of the argument have done the same- Revolution is a social who "can change Filipino presenting the reasons why the The second question asked this would be a neccessary revolution that has been going that the two sides debate on the history." Her coming into faculty has the right vote to ban statement and ideal on for the past fifty years. Since power played a primary role in CIA recruiting on campus, morality of the CIA itself. In opportunity to sound a voice of the Spanish colonization of the " the drama of Philippine proffesser Bowen and student presenting.their argument no, protest as a college, and try to Philippines, there have been politics. " Proffesser Bowen and student Gilman stated: make an impact on the extreme differences in social After his Gilman stated: presentation, Mr. A. The faculty is not assuming remedying of these illegal and economic classes. Today, Tiglao opened up the a parental role in this issue, actions. the Philippines is classified as a discussion for questions. Many because the purpose of the right A. This a government of laws, The Moss-Whittiker side low to middle income country. issues were raised not a government of men. , such as: the to freedom of speech is so that argued: Yet, 70 percent of the future of the Philippine B. The main issue is the s, U.S. people may take the moral population lives below the involvement in the country, responsibility to protest the morality of the CIA, who, as an -. A. This is not a CIA issue-the most conservative estimate of multi-national organization has proved " time groups themes explicit in the American college is here to teach the the poverty line. Mr. Tiglao occupying the Philippines, and constutution and, namely, the and time again with covert and students. described an image depicting the new Filipino Constitution. unchartered interference and illegal operations, even B. The role of the CIA in current economic extremes. In detruction promoted by the aknowledged by Congress and covert actions is a neccessary the Philippines is a piece of land CIA. the President of the United one to hold our prominent called the "Smokey Mountain." Blake B. The CIA is still allowed to States and governments of position in international The mountain is actually a come to campus to speak, so other nations, " that they are affairs. large garbage dump, filled with continued from page 1 that their freedom of speech is going beyond the limits of their C. Without the CIA and it's waste and debris, where 15,000 constitutional charter and their operations responded that they had not, in not imposed upon. , the U.S. would be Filipinos live. Only 3 or 5 miles , ever been to a responsibility as a' vulnerable and subjected to the fact C. The students should not awa y from "Smokey consciousness-raising session. impose upon the faculty's right tolerance and freedom explicit dissenting policies of other Mountain" are plush hotels countries The discussion consisted of to vote and protest an issue, as in the American Constitution. , putting the U.S. at a where wealthy Filipinos go for individual members of the great disadvantage, politicaly. many are very well informed on C. Subsequently, we have the vacation. group relating their opinions to such issues as these, and so the right to be intolerant towards D. The committment of the Since no land distribution the entire U.S. governmment to emp « group about the role loy actions were ever undertaken their mother had held or still the concepts of the American , in the Philippines, Mr. Tiglao holds, as an influence in their Way in preventing further stated there has always been lives, and the issue of the injustices to other nations and an elite minority and a female role at Colb i RESEARCH I our own, would be subsequentl y. y repressed majority. Through Following the discussion of jephardized. 1930 to 1960, there were many OPPORTU NITIES I At the conclusion of the these issues, the conclusions j passive revolts by peasants drawn by the members of the I if you plan to start a research career upon gradua- H debate, the mediator Dave trying to change economic and ¦ ¦ , stari your job search at Tufts University. session were that the mother, lion Scanell mentioned that social conditions. In the 1960s Sj Boston Campus. President Cotter asked the for a female, is an important and 70$, there were many force of determination in a Tufts' Boston Campus is comprised of tlie Medical Board of Trustees to postpone School, Dental and Veterinary Schools, tlie powerful student movements female's assertion of what she Sacklcr School of Biomedica l Sciences, and the their vote on the issue of which were probabl y U.S.DA. Human Nutrition Research Center. would like to be and become, banning CIA recruitment on mimicking their American and that there are some Wc have an ongoing need for science graduates in campus, and this vote will now counterparts. Then, in the early a variety of exciting medical science .research problems at Colby concerning take place in the spring, after 70s, Marcos stepped in as the role of a woman. areas. the forum in A pril bringing dictator. Rigberto Tiglao said The discussion which December graduates should contact us to be con- together speakers from the sidered for current openings; those graduatin g in that the middle class and followed the issue of solutions the Spring may send lis a resume for future CIA, faculty members, and industrial class embraced the outside experts who are well to these problems, included a opportunities. Marcos regime, for they change in attitudes on the part Tufts offers an excellent sala ry and benefits informed in the questions and believed that martial law could package including tuition assistance. of both sexes, in terms of role issues involved in these two lead the country out of the stereotypes and the means of All i nterested candidates should particular debates. r economic chaos they had fallen personal assertiveness. send a resume to Tufls Driver- "T~'| TIT I , 200 Harrison I II H ^C2 into. But, when Aquino was If you are interested in ' sity Personnel j^ Ave., Boston , M A 02111, or • . , 7jT attending a female UINIVv /n t:l\ >c_-> iv call (fill) 956-6600. An Affir- j ' ' consciousness-raising session, .nati ve Action/T.qual Oppor- ||H'T2?F?5, .unity Employer. ¦___LL_£iL__iki__7Hi_B future meetings will be __Hi promoted via flyers distributed nBB____HBBHnng_atannB__B_ «0 ki Uni # around campus. jjjj^&NRSaS^^ Music Center CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. M/F Summer & Career Opportunities EVER YTHING IN MUSIC (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Bahamas, II x 1 M Main Strut 87MS*» Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW: / " fe ^ 206-736-0775 Ext. 545F I I 1 | I I - 8 **S I I % pftssaas ^^ | | 18 Temple Street | I I Waterville I COLBT1 COLJLEftE SOOJCSTOJIE ¦ JUteEftT'S UNION | | , ¦ &73-S939 | ..i. 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i ; i ' * I impression that they were no some oji their own if they The dangers of including such analogy letters further; Cultural Life where near dying out, at least would like to; he tells them all questions in a hall staff however, the comparison does not in. the immediate future. they have to do is make sure evaluation form should be have some merit, for it Although some fraternity they've checked with either clear. Students who have a establishes the fact that continued from page 3 members I talked to expressed Steve, Carolyn Lockwood or desire to retaliate against hall soliciting ^anonymous certain ideas for allowing frats the hall staff and then staffers who accusations is a practice that Mesur comments, "There are save have beeii back on campus legally but their receipts so they can be unpopular good students of history know students who want to hear a but consistent rule or reimbursed. Steve and Carol enforcers are to be repiignant. professor but are not in any of without charters perhaps yn given the perfect letting them live in off campus Lockwood work closely with forum to take serious (but The administration should his or her classes, so this the Heights hall staff unjustified) give serious consideration provides housing, I do not see this , and they swipes at the good to that opportunity." try to have a weekl coming clean with it's While the happening. y event. reputations of some HRs and position committed has a seeing happening These range from stud breaks on fraternities. Is it really one "pretty big bud , What I do y RAs. The most tragic part of get " according will to pre-party cocktail parties. this of benign neglect? Or is it one to Mesur, if an especiall bi is that fraternities system is that the hall y g stronger over The governors serve as a which endorses the use of event is proposed it can seek continue to grow staffers implicated will not be the next few years and possibly necessary link between the allowed to face their accusers. covert devices, such as fund s elsewhere. Sometimes dominant the social scene even residents and the Commons The questions are also eavesdropping and anonymous specific departments will fund more than they do now in Counsel by being accessible to dangerous because they are accusation? speakers if they relate to the terms of well attended, all students suggestions and also nebulous. One question asks department, plus the Mon- campus functions. by providing functions respondents to gauge whether Dave Scannell Alcoholic fund and other Stu-A In light of these promoting dorm unity. or not hall staffers are (Dave Scannell, a former Echo committees are other money developments, . the "supportive of fraternities." editor, is currently an RA in sources. Interaction between administration is facing a Define "supportive." Although Dana.) Colby and other colleges such challenge that has become Dean's Office it seems logical to conclude that as Bowdoin and UMO could much stronger than when the people who put the also help in cutting expenses. fraternities were first continued from page 8 evaluation forms together did Swimming By setting dates at two of the abolished. There is now a need 19 memo that a "respected not intend friendships with campuses for a specific event for them to define what has member of the soccer team told known Underground fraternity continued from page 5 and using inter-advertising, previously been an ambiguous, a Colby Trustee (sheepishly) members to • be viewed as Certainly, an energy for one's expenses can be shared. uncertain,' and even mystic within my earshot at a Faculty lending support toe the pursuit is a neccessary Although the reorganization approach to the fraternity Trustee Dinner in October that underground system, it must ingredient for success. Without of the committee has caused issue. They need to formulate a his fraternity was still alive." also be concluded that the word question an energy was some delay in bringing cultural clear cut policy that will direct After reading the memo, there "supportive" can encompass generated Saturday not only in events to Colb y this semester, their actions as they try to deal are some who might get the any number of scenarios. These the record setting swims bye more are expected second with the continued existence of impression that Seitzinger was scenarios might have seemed generated Saturday not only in semester. Nevertheless, underground fraternities. . employing the oldest covert far fetched to those who put the record setting swims by reasons for this reorganization Until this happens they are skill in the book- the survey together; however, Tom and Sally but also in the are, vailid, for they allow more powerless to act, and eavesdropping. the evaluations give the preparation and performance students to become actively fraternities will continue to Finally, as one student students who fill them out of both squads." involved. As stated by Mesur, thrive more and more interviewed for the story about room to let their imaginations The womans team will "Everyone is welcome, even if blatantly. underground fraternities that run wild. swim at home next Friday you did not start ai the appears elsewhere in this issue In so many ways, the evening against Salem State at beginning of the year." The Governors pointed out, a concrete evaluations in their current 6:00, while the men travel up to meetings are held every indication of the College's form are analogous to the the University of Maine on Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the top Saturday. The teams then continued from page 4 desire to launch an overt attack infamous "lettres de cachet" floor of the Student Center. on the frats can be found in this which were so feared in 18th eagerl y anticipate their handicap access, snow removal year's hall staff evaluation century France. These lettres training trip to San Diego and student parking, to name a forms. Two questions on the sent people to their deaths on during the Christmas vacation, few. The governors themselves form refer to RA/HR attitudes the basis of anonymous and a successful Jan Plan Fraterni ties work much more closely with continued from page 4 toward fraternities. One accusations that the accused against Clark, Bowdoin, WPI, individual residents. ' question even invites students was an undesirable or had at Connecticut, Middlebury and Colby." Steve Byras says he enjoys Mr _ ru7. (-h It is my personal feeling that ito anonymously finger their least <¦ consorted with being one of the governors at hall staffers as members of fraternities are legally gone for undesirables. Granted it is Trat fey - the Heights. He doesn't always underground fraternities. Yea, we're rollin g out good. However, from the hyperbolic to extend the one mor e isaue... Eleven Jays until organize the events and .... YFSD1I! Mik e - get out your people I interviewed it was my encourages the residents to do _ L latex gloves __ _ Stet-Man - get out pm,, __ j0Di Good luck BARBERSHOP your beer on your exams! DAWS • 1:00 Heidi - It's abo ut time I love y'all Tues-Fr i: 7:30 - 5:00 Sat : 7:30 you put down that wax -Moofs Next Semester , "" 873-1010 block befor you bit lomeone...? *0*' 8 anr party during Jan 45 Main St., Watervi lle Lar ry - leave DJ -¦_ . _¦ __ ¦ _ _¦¦__ ¦ __ ¦-- _ ____ ¦ _— _ — ____¦¦ ___¦¦¦__.. ___. — — __¦ -, ______¦___—. th * p _ Put Out to Sea - - ¦ _-- iaa? Cb psyched |,lone! 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There are still some openings for the cruise starting in February, knitting yarns, and gorgeous wool sweaters from England 1988, but space is limited so act now. Return and Scotland. These include icelandics, lambs wool, the coupon or call (516) 283-4000 ext. 117. Shetland and cotton, as well as wool acrylic pullovers and s J J Southampton Campus cardigans, and in many unique patterns. We also carry ? Send me information about SEAmester for: ? Spring '88 D Pall '88 wool scarves and hats, pewter decorations and many gift ? I'd like to know more about the Marine Science program on the i . and novelty items. Southampton Campus. < , Name ' I . SALE runs from Nqv 27-Dec. 6 ¦ • Address ¦ ¦ SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ! , J City/State/Zi p 2 niiles wost of I-95. nev/ ™»« »J2J?»Sf Intersection of Rto. 23 & 137 Oakla nd Ma)™ »2 ^ i *5£S.:w> Office of Cont. 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" J ustices Marshall and thou gh their names had been which, according to the Boston protection from " unreasonable school should concern itself Blac_kmun were also opposed to deleted. He also felt Globe. " restricts the searches " that adults have with , the learnin g experience the ruling. uncomfortable exposing the protection high school under the 4th Amendment rather than the constitutio nal Two articles in the Spectrum , younger students in the school journalists may claim under the J ustice Byron R. White rights of the students. one dealing with teena ge to " the references to sexual First Amendment. " defended this rulin g, declarin g J ustice William J . Brennen J r., pregnancy, and one dealin g activity and and birth control ," The ruling declared that that while the paper is " owned the liberal leader in the with the impact of divorce on believing that it was " Hazel wood East High School and controlled by the school, " Supreme Court , lead the the students ' lives, provoked unappropriate. " prin ciple in Hazlewood , Mo., the school has the right to dissentin g view on the decision. Hazelwood princi ple Reynolds Reynolds also believed that was not imposing upon the discern which actions are " Accordin g to the Boston Globe. to delete the 2 pages containing the identities of the parents students ' right to free speech reasonabl y related to legitimate he " blasted his colleagues for the articles. Reynolds was whose children had been quoted when he deleted two pages and pedagogica l [pertaining to endorsin g ' official censorsh ip' afraid the identities of the three in the divorce article could be from the high school paper , The a teacher 's] concerns. " The by government officials, " and students who spoke of their continued on page 3 Student Center savvy by Sean Collins reaction being overwhelmin gly I think it is safe to say that one positive. of the factors for which we Alread y, the buildin g has been chose Colby, besides its featured in Architecture excellent reputation , was the Magazine , given a six-page striking beaut y and layout and appeared on the expan siveness of the campus. cover of this distin quish ed Of course , this beaut y is magazine. A mounted copy can transcended throu gh the be found in the foyer of the Georgian-sty le architecture of main entrance to the Student the buildings. Center . Throug hout the years , as the Among other positive needs of the college has grown, reaction from critics , the most new facilities have been recent honor came from an constructed to service the article appearin g in the December 27th issue of The Southeas t facade of the award-winning Student Center . Colby student. David Cole The Garrison-Foster Health Sunday Boston Globe. Center , The Heights and The Globe listed an annual Hillside Comp lex (the newest top five of the closing year. residence halls), and the 1960's Under the category of "be st addition to the Bixler Art and architecture of 1987," the Mellon awards $275,000 Colby Student Center was Music Center are indications of the College's efforts to meet rank ed third , competing these arising needs. against such formidable In fac t, the past two opponents as The Rhowes to Soviet studies have marked the second larg est Wharf building in Boston and construction campaign since edifices throughout the United the move to Mayflower Hill. States , includin g a seaside by Carol yn R. Lockwood receivers, associated equipmen t to other American colleges, and community in Flor ida. to explore The newest addition to the and wiring in order to receive add it ional Colb Communit y Contributin g reporter for the exchan ges which would y is the Colh y College has been Ru ssian-lan guag e television Student Center , located at the Globe , Robert Cam pbell, award ed a gran t from the tran smissions origina ting in the strengthen the teaching of states, "The two new works of Russian at Colby. heart of the campu s to afford Mellon Founda tion of $275,527 U.S.S.R. equal accessibility to all arch itecture that charmed me to expand and upgrade the 4. To brin g distinguishe d 7. To provide fundin g for most in 1987 were both outside Colby' students. Ru ssian and Soviet Studie s Soviet and American lecture r s s share in a join t annual The Student Center was the Boston area. Colb y student /faculty pr ogram over the next four and scholar s-in-residence to conference on commissioned in 1984 as a Student Center in Wa terville , years. The proposal for the the Colby campus. Russian , Chinese, and Japanese result of the void crea ted when Ma ine, is an inventive delight gran t was designed in seven 5. To provide special financial langua ges In conjunc tion with t t that starts with the idea of Bates and Bowdoin " he fra ernal system was parts all of which are essential aid to help fund summer colleges. aboli shed the same year. The ar chi tecture as an infini tely to the growth of the program. language school in the U.S, and The addi tion of the new arch i tec t, efferson varied stage on which to act facul ty member will J Riley, of "1. To create a new, full-time Soviet Union and/or January give the The Cen terbrook Firm of out the drama of student life..." facul ty position in Russian travel to the Soviet Union for departm ent a total of two Connecticut , was finally^ chosen Along with the article , two languag e and liter ature , (which Russian langua ge stude nts at full-time positions and one to design the edifice. He was pho tograph s of the Studen t will go into affect .next fall.) Colby on financial aid. part -time position. Tony accompan ied by a group of Center were shown, one of the 2. To provide faculty support 6. To pr ovide fundin g for new Anemone, curren tly Head of the Colby studen ts who were to Southeast exterior and the funds for releas e time for new initiatives in the Colby Russian Russian Department , hopes represent the student 's other the interior of the Pa ge course developmen t, and for Lan guage and Soviet Are a that Colby will see the persp ective and needs. Commons Room (a facul ty resea rch and travel. Studies program that would importance of the position and Ever since its completion, the theatre /multi purpose space). 3. To purchase and install a enable program faculty to pick up the salary when the Student Center has been Similar praise was awarded satellite video dish antenna. travel to the Soviet Union and continued on page 3 drawin g national attention , the continued on pace 8

*In her Jan Plan course Professor •Read about Mark Reilly's opinion on •Wha t . is the Supreme Court ' s INSIDE : Mannocchi looks at homosexuali ty in the fans at the Colby/Bates game. The decision on Sodomy? Read more literature . Find out more on page , Bates fans fouled out way before the about this controversy on page 6. two. game was over. See page 9. rage z

H ^^______B l tta______aB ^_____k_ ^______k m ^__W "

Discoverin g Homosexuality "Jugular Journalism in Literature vs. Press Suppression '! by Richard Cook nunonty groups in many ways year, fifteen students were btudy. in that it is traditionally turned away because of the Two journalists from Maine Mr. O'Neill, who is teaching This January the English misunderstood." Cotter popularity of the class. "It's a will join a pair of distinguished a seminar on journalism, has department and Professor stressed the importance of first come first serve system," visiting lecturers at Colby directed a number of Phyllis Mannocchi are offering promoting awareness of this said Mannocchi. She attributed College Tuesday evening, outstanding investigative a new way of looking at subject to the Colby community much of the course's success to January 26 for a forum on projects including the Globe's literature in a course entitled by remarking that "we probably its uniqueness, "No one else is investigative reporting. recent series on child abuse. "Art and Oppression: the don't have enough attention oil teaching aobut sexuality." The panelists are Phyllis Mr. Smith, an alumnus of Development of Gay and this issue because a college David Loser, a junior Austin, staff writer for the Colby and of Harvard Law Lesbian Literature in Anglo- education should raise one's English/American Studies Topsham-based arts and School who is teaching a American Society." As conciousness and eliminate major, enrolled in the class muckraking weekly, Maine seminar on free-lance writing, described in the course catalog, prejudices." because "it [sexuality] is a Times; Thomas Hanrahan, city is the co-author and plublisher the purpose of the class is to Professor Mannocchi sees the subject that is not ordinarily editor of the Kennebec Journal , of a controversial guide to the "examine the literary course as "a new and talked about." In addition, he Augusta-based daily in the Guy nation's best lawyers. Ms. response/resistance of gay and challenging way of looking at enjoys the personal Gannett chain; Gerard O'Neill, Austin's recent contributions to lesbian people and their on- a minority in literature." She atmoshpere that Mannocchi who heads the Boston Globe' s the Maine Timeshave included going process of literary self- stated that the goals of this encourages. "It's a chance to award-winning Spotlight an account of the Canadian- definition." course are to answer some really find out what people Team; and Gregory Smith, an based Irving family's In an interview, President fundamental questions such as, think about the issue so that I attorney turned editor and investments in Maine and a Cotter supported the decision "What helps to shape minority can form my own opinion." author who has written 13 city room critique of the to offer the course stating "it is of literature?" and "What are Loser sees this course as an books. Lewiston Sun-Journal. Mr. a subject that students should the results of oppression?' important step for Colby The discussion - "Jugular Hanrahan, formerly a reporter know more about." He When Professor Mannocchi College because "hopefully it Journalism vs. Press for the New York Daily Neses compared Mannocchi's course drew up this course two years will open up opportunitiesfor Suppression: Can the News and member of the jounalism to women's studies and black ago she received tremendous other courses to discuss Media Find a Middleground?" faculty of the University of studies as well, observing that support and the course has subjects that have been - is open to the public and will Maine at Orono, took charge homosexualtiy "shares with been offered ever since. This 'traditionally taboo.'" start at 7 pm in Roberts Union. of the KJ city room in August The forum will be followed by a and has contributed editorial reception in honor of Mr. direction to stories about O'Neill and Mr. Smith, who steroid use by UMO football Service and Speaker Highlight are teaching seminars during players and a sex scandal on January as part of the Colby's the campus of Maine Maritime Martin Luther King Day January Plan of Independent College in, Castin*.. Lorimer Chapel which are free Michael Dukakis. Her father, The bells of Colby's Lorimer and open to the public, should who coached the Boston Celtics Chapel will ring out "We Shall prove particularly fascinating and the Seattle Supersonics Overcome" at noon Monday, for Colby's 440 freshmen. after ending his playing career, January 18 to mark the Ms. Russell's New York is now the caoch and general . beginning of the Colby's Times essay, in which manager of the Sacramento off <**<*& observance of Martin Luther descriptions of her childhood Kins and is expected to The Gar den Club Federa tion of Maine and the Bar Harbor King's Birthday. encounters with racism are eventually become president of Garden Club/St. Croix District of GCFM announce the Highlighting the observances intermingled with a telling the team. availability of two $1,000 scholars hips to a college junior or will be a special analysis of the "new racism" of "The Martin Luther King Day senior , or gra dua te student who is in the field of commemorative and the 1980's, was one of two celebration will be a good horticulture. ""Hor ticulture " is define d in a very broad sense commitment service, led by readings assigned to Colby warmup for what we have to include floricul ture , lan dscape design, conserva tion, Colby sociology professor feshmen last fall as part of the planned for February, Black fores try, botany, agronomy, plant pathology, l Townsen Gilkes, Chery college's orientation program. History Month," said Edward environmen tal control , city planning and/or other followed by a talk by Kar en The other was the Rev. Martin Blackwell, Associate Dean of gardening related fields. Sophomores may apply, as they Russell, who recently penned a Luther King's "Letter From a Affairs at Colby. Intercultural will be entering their junior year the following fall.- revealing reminiscence for the Birm ingham Jail." Each was a The College's schedule thus fai New Yor k Times Magazine focus of discussion during the includes an evening with Applications for the scholars hips and fur ther informa tion titled 'Growing Up With orientation process. outspoken humanist Dick about them may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Steen L. Privilege and Prejudice. " Ms. A graduate of Georgetown Gregory (February 17, 8 pm, Meryweather (Janet), Post Office Box 56, Salisbury Colve, Russell, an attorney, is the University and Harvard Law Lorimer Chapel) and a concert ME 04672; telephone number 288-3709. The deadline for daughter of the basket all star school, Ms. Russell is now of Afr ican Ashan tee drum rec eiving the applications is March 1, 1988. and coach, Bill Russell. working in Boston on the music by H.S. Farel Johnson The service and talk, Presidential campaign of (Feb. 28, 8 pm; Lorimei scheduled to start at 7:30 pm in Massachusetts Governor Chapel). Speaker Karen Russell Lorimer Chape l Monday , Januar y 18 7:30 Censored Article In observa nce of Martin Luther King J r. Day

iHsiuraifininin ^ I Ana fimivfi ftaiitfi©iiii ! . j f©_r j om This is an example of a censored article. What is your Be honest , are you a person wh o falls asleep and dreams that reaction? he pictures you draw In your notebook will some day be hun g i ext to Picasso. Rembran dt and Matisse? Or are you th e type vho envisions themselves as th e next John Steinbeck , Charles Dickens , Danielle Steele? Or perhap s you fall asleep alone , hlnkln g of nothing. If any one or perhaps all of these descriptions describe you , hen ao somethin g about Itl I i The Colby Echo Is publishing one more addition of The Winter Voice ana Is searchin g for new talent. Even If you have yet to DQlnt your first masterpiece , write your first novel , or simply -laven 't any friends , then call 873-0092 or X3348 and leave a Tiessage.

This Is idyour ^t chance , don 't wait like Grandma Moses. * _^ UM h. * Jill From the wire

Anxious to take on his critics in . public, Federal Appeals Judge Robert Bork is resigning from the bench. It was nearly three months ago that the Senate voted 58 to 42 to reject Bork's nomination to . the Supreme Court after liberal groups rallied forces against his conservative views. In a letter accepting Bork's resignation, President Reagan calls the Senate vote "a tragedy for our country." In his letter of resignation, Judge Bork charges that various groups and individuals distorted his record and p hilosop h y, and misrepresented the role of judges in our system, Bork says he didn't feel; he could speak out while he was still serving as a judge on the Federal Appeals Court in Washingtqn- so he wants to place himself where he can speak freely.

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A Federal Appeals Court in Atlanta has uphdld results of this month's election in Keysville, Georgia - the town's first election in 50 years. The voting had been challenged by white voters who claimed a boundary dispute made it impossible to determine who was eligible to vote. Today's action clears the way for a black mayor and mostly black city council to take office THE MOOSE FROM HELL. tomorrow. Soviet exchange journalists. " This ruling will " In conjunction with the grant Censoring turn kids off to journalism,", she If you're overweight, tell 2* is the Middlebury exchange continued from page 1 stated. She added, " We were them you're like other folks in Russia consortium, which has been put identified, and the parents trying to make a change with your state, heavier Americans into its final stages. Two Soviet should have been allowed to the school paper and not just discuss the remarks with their write about school in states such as West Virginia, continued from page l students will be on Mayflower proms, Wisconsin and North ^ children, previous to the football games and piddly stuff. Dakota Hill next September living with ii can rest on that excuse, Mellon grant runs out in four Colby students who are publication. according to the National years. studying Russian. There will One of the students who filed Justice Brennan qualified this Centers for Disease Control. The video satellite dish also be two Russian students at suit after Reynold's deletion, opinion in his written dissent, The agency surveyed the nation antenna would enable the both Bates and Bowdoin. There was, according to The New stating " public educators must and found the widest bodies in language department to receive will be a total of sixty Russian York Times, " extremely accommodate some student those states, while discovering 17 hours each day of live students studying at dissapointed with the high expression even though it the thinnest Americans reside Russian television viewing as twenty-five American colleges. court's decision, because it offends them or offers views or in Hawaii and . we ll as programs from The foll owing year Americans takes away the right to free values that contradict those the numerous countries around the will be able to study in the speech for high school school wishes to inculcate. " world. The broadcasts would Soviet University system CTC-hJ &LtfSQ bring the everyday use of the alongside Russian students. language being studied to the The Russian students will be What do college freshmen Colby campus. allowed to take no more than want out of life - money, an The guest l ecturers will fifty per cent of their coursesin annual study of students by further enhance the study of the their major. The students will Vo UCLA and the American language and particularly the be in their fourth year of a five I #Vj i | »*£. Council on Education indicates culture of the Soviet peoples. year Russian degree. ft "< ^y ' I the freshmen want to be very "Due to Colby's isolated Anemone says, "Both the well-off financially. The college l ocation it is essential that Mellon Grant and the chance to ijftjj Y1 1 freshmen in the survey put l ittle students are exposed to this study and live with Russian I stock in developing a kind of intellectual stimulus," students really strengthens our meaningful philosophy of life. says Anemone. standing with the top schools." 1 ^ 3 1 | | ' 18 Temple Street | gTCfcj KUtf SO — —¦ | Waterville Islraeli soldiers are geared up David Mathieu Co., Inc. f for expected violence in Allen St. AutO Body Shop Waterville I 873-5939 1 Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. * >lc 645 ME Appointments Recommended | Arab fundamentalists have Established 1928 called for a day of mourning Maine's Largest Independent Shop for Palestinians who've been ^ K&V ^Tv. ¦_B^_^Jj Es*>-w4 # killed in rioting in previous t I weeks in the occupied f territories. Cerfews remain in effect at about a dozen refugee 872-5518 ISJ EHk Res. 872-7226 I camps in the West Bank and the g Gaza Strip. THULE Roof-racks for moat cars arid all snorts" | k k Page 4 Features Help f or the Homeless needed her cellar cleared of the We like people to leave us a apartments, and boarding management, are but a few of In our first year at Hospitality debris, two of our customers little better off then when they homes were located while at the ways the staff helps others. House, we provided Shelter (shelter users) spent 3 days arrived. In our first year of Hospitality House. Three We are not governmentally and/or Transitional Services helping her reclaim her home. operation this was persons bettered themselves funded but many help us to stay for over 140 persons. About 35 The trailer park had our accomplished by providing through jobs or job training. It open: churches both locally and of them were children or young customers helping, after the various services; individualized is a great feeling to walk into a nationally, service clubs, people (under 20 years of age). flood. to meet the need of the person local supermarket and have the individuals; some are even Both male and female fro m 2 or family. We provided 7,595 cashier account to you the famous such as Stephen King months (with mother) to 83 Some of the less dramatic meals and 1,825 shelter days. benefits since she used the and Joan Rivers. Corporations years old graced our doors. services provided to the Re-united 7 persons with shelter, such as a job instead of such as Zayres, Sherwin Also, both individuals and community, are those which families, one being a sixteen welfare. Williams help, too; plus many families were offered either help people stay in the year old mother with a two All of these re-location efforts more have donated to help the twenty-four hour services. The homes they have, or provide month old child, who was begin with the first Hello: The homeless here in Maine. main requirements are to needed items, food, pots/pans, re-united with its grandmother. intake interview starts to tell Us Hospitality House is a remain sober and to be able to even a bed to make life a little Re-located 3 minors as we do what may be needed. As well as growing part of the community get along with the people at the better. Referral services can not serve individual minors if the person wants our Helping others to improve their shelter. prevent a family from without a parent or state assistance. 30 persons needed selves, their standing. It is experiencing a Homeless Crisis referral, but helped to place just over-night shelter, while 74 needed to ease suffering and We also extended our services and from needing shelter. these three in foster homes. We stayed with us for more than assist up-grading the to people still in the community. have served over 25 young over-night yet choose to leave community on person at a time. We are located on the border of When preventive measures persons. One 18 year old stayed pretty much the way they came Hospitality House was built on two counties, whose poverty have either not been taken, or with us and worked on to us. Others are referred to the thought EACH LIFE IS OF levels are 12% and 17%, and are have not been effective, people achieving his diploma while in-patient medical, or social VALUE! If only one person mostly rural in nature. We benefit from our with us. We have served people services, half-way houses, or improved each year it would assisted in the offering of shelter/transitional center.- who were in danger of other treatment. All this is improve the community. Our comfort from the worst flood in Most of them are in a Homeless violence, in various ways. The acccomplished through a improvement record is close to 50 years. Clothes and food Crisis, they have not become majority have been referred to dedicated 24 hour staff of 35% so far. were provided as well as "Street People" yet. This is the a shelter 20 miles away, who casemanagers. Who serve in Hospitality House can be shelter. Also, a few of the time the most can be has the training in counseling in many different ways. From reached by mail at: shelter users helped with the accomplished, to get them back this area. making referrals, to running of P.O. Box 62 clean up-from the flood. A to being a useful member of the We provide Transitional the house, transportation to Hinckley, Maine 04944 seventy year old woman community. Services. About 20 rooms or appointments, and Phone: (207) 453-6846

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This is just on illustration of a judgement. account the interests of all the Association it approves all system that is looking out for "The Board of Trustees is a students student appointments to by Jennifer Scott the students' needs and is great group of people who and not solely an elite group college committees. TThe concerned for their rights. remember what it was like to of leaders. Under the earlier members of the various If he had to choose between Headed up by President John be a kid and have the student's system, there was . a seven committees serve as important working full time McNinch and Vice President best interest in mind," stated person executive board which conduits between the Board of , applying to Governors law school, and putting in long Ferris, the Board of Governors Ferris. The rapport between basically wielded all the power and the college," hours as the vice president of is made of up four governors the Board of Trustees and the given to the students. "They stated Seitzinger. the Board of Governors, Tom from each of the four commons Board of Governors is had control of of all the money Among the coups of the Board of Governors Ferris says that his work on the from the Common Councils described as "a grea t allotted for the student activity in recent years have been the board comes first And now, plus two students who relationship" because the fees and they made all of the abolition of the after a long represent off-campus students. trustees are concerned with decisions. That is a lot of power idea of room draw being day at work, he is limited to trying These representatives are how the student honestly view and money in the hands of a commons that one to explain why he feels is so strongly about it without generally elected or are things. They are interested in seven people," said Seitzinger. assigned to. "You can't have four little coming off sounding "I volunteers from the Commons making sure that the student Now, with the power and colleges on one phony. campus," think it is because the students Councils, which represent the government is running as money in the hands of the says Ferris. In reall needs of the members of that smoothly as possible. Because eighteen members of the board addition, the Board was y get a chance to voice responsible for their opinions and be heard and particular commons. Those the Board of Trustees, which plus the student executive extending the meets four hours for the library, can actuall y make a who serve of the Board of times a year, is branch and president and vice- making difference," stated Ferris. The Governors deal with the concerned with the students' president, it seems to be a more sure the the annual room Board of Governors is the campus-wide concerns. The opinions and know democratic system. With the inspections do not overstep the rights of the students and they legislative branch of the Colby various presidents of the that like to be attending Colby board taking into account the government and it is commons sit on the board as today, they have made several concerns of everybod y, all established policies for alcohol , according on to Janice Seitzinger, Dean of well, but as non-voters. The efforts to be more intune with students should feel like they campus. Aside $5000 to be Students, "The group that the chairman of the cultural life the student pulse. The had some part in the deicion used for non-alcohol college turns to when it wants and social life as well as the President and Vice-President making process. Money is a programming. This was in to gauge the students opinions treasurer attend .the meetings, automatically sit in on the problem though. With a budget response to the concern that on anything form social to but they do not vote. The Board of Trustees to insure that does not increase with the some students had they the academic life." "They are the meetings are held every two that the Trustees are gaining rate or inflation or with the social life at Colby revolved "students' voice" weeks and are open to the student input. Also, starting number of clubs, the common around drinking alcohol and as Ferris only ab repeatedly put it. Ideally, public. They rotate the meeting last year, the Board of Trustees councils are finding that they out 25 per cent of the anyone with an idea or laces so as to involve a larger started planning an annual have to spread the money population on campus is of p legal complaint has a chance to be population of the student body. visit to Colby to fraternize with around pretty thin in order to drinking age. heard with the commons Any concern that a student has the students and gain a sense of include everyone. "The clubs One of the goals of the Board system and the board of may be brought up at one of the the real lie goings on that can't are what keep Colby alive. of Governors is to involve Governors wants to make sure town hall meetings or may be be experienced from behind the They are the ones who sponsor everyone in the decision- that this is true not only in discussed at any time with a closed doors of a Board of events, . , speakers and making process because the theory, but in practice as well. governor or any member of the Trustees meeting. The feeling entertainment and they need outcomes affect the students As examples from the past Board of Governors. The of nearly all those involved is more money to do it,", says more than anyone else. The have shown, even a few people problem is brought to the that the system of government Ferris. $140,000 is allotted for students also need to be further with a good idea can make attention of the members of the that now runs Colby through the Board of Governors budget educated in the framework of changes. Such was the case last commons council and then to the commons system is far and must be appropriated the commons system of year when a handful of people the Board of Governors, who superior to the previous one. am ongst the , vari ous government. Said felt that the head residents and make a decision on it, Once a The demise of the fraternities organizations on campus. An Seitzinger/'It's a complex, resident assistants were being decision is made at the Board and the introduction of the upcoming d eicion will three-tiered structure that is a chosen without any real input of Governors level, it goes on commons system has brought determ ine whether or not they little hard to understand at first from the students. The issue to the Board of Trustees, which about what Ferris believes to will receive what they consider and we need to help students was brought to the attention of taken 'into account the be the "best form of to be an adequate amount of get a grasp of it-so they can the Board of Governors and conclusions reached by the government." He attributes money to survive on. become active participants in the H.R./R..A election process governors and faculty, and this to the fact that the In addition to dealing with the student government that's was reviewed. then makes the f inal commons system takes into the finances of the Student looking out for their needs." • ^H^H^^^HBfB ^^m^^. ^^r _a.______^^ _^^^k_ _Jfe_.e______

$1 for water? The Real King force with soul force. Do to us To the editor: King supplied the moral vision from which this movement what you will and we will still Last Wednesday I went to Champion's As we approach Martin love you...Bomb our homes and 's birthday on grew, which gave it shape and for the first time. Now that I was "legal," I Luther King Jr. direction, and which, to its threaten our children, and as thought "why not?" I wasn't drinking for Jan. 18*", and the twentieth leaders, gave the movement its difficult as it is, we will still love / anniversary of his death in ultimate meaning. you...But be assured that we'll a variety of reasons, but I felt that, unlike April, now is a particularly As a Baptist minister, the wear you down by our capacity parties, important time to consider vision that shaped King's public to suffer, and one day we will many Colby alternative beverages what this champion of peace addresses was a Christian win our freedom. We will not would not be a problem. I was wrong. I and freedom had to teach us. one—based, very simply, on the only win freedom for ourselves, Looking recently at a book of basic truths of the gospel. we will so appeal to your heart ended up paying a dollar for tap water, selections- from his many Accordingly,King stressed love, and conscience that we Will win brought with questioning looks, and later speeches and writngs, I was forgiveness, and cooperation you in the process, and our , struck by many facets of King's throughout his lifetime as the victory will be a double on another dollar for tonic water. This character that are often means to achieve the peace and victory." struck me as ridiculous when draft beer forgotten—traits not always freedom he dreamed of King was obviously more evident in his well known establishing. Elemental to than just a dynamic leader of a was being served to my friends with a struggles for human rights. I King's moral vision was the powerful and important was impressed with the range all-powerful nature of love as a movement—though this in itself smile for fifty cents. of issues King addressed and redemptive force. King insisted would be enough reason to brought to le's attention The drunk driving laws in the state of peop on this point, stating: "Love is remember him. His moral throughout his life—from the vision was greater in scope Maine are among the toughest in the morality of America's the most durable force in the world. This creative force, so than the Civil Rights nation. Why was I met with an obnoxious involvement in Vietnam, to the beautifully exemplified in the Movement. King fought war, stare and charged such a high fee for plight of the poor and life of our Christ, is the most injustice, and hatred underpriveleged throughout potent instrument available in everywhere, wholeheartedly something that the state of Maine the world, to the implications of mankind's quest for peace and believing in a fact becoming encourages? If the Maine legislation got life in an increasingly security." Love, expressed more and more evident: technology-centered society. I through nonviolent protest of humankind's interdependence. together with the people and places their was inspired by his intelligence, unjust laws, would be the His statemants about the laws affect knowledge, and his inflaming, means to establish freedom and necessity not only for the perhaps some sort of eloquent methods of speech and justice. King rightly saw that "eradication of war" but for the agreement could be met. Non-alcoholic writing. Mostly, however, I unless a Christian "love of "affirmation of peace" haunts was uplifted by the zealousness one's brother was at the center us today. His unshakeable drinks at bars could be served at minimal of his moral vision which of the Civil Rights Movement, Christian faith and belief in the prices and not discouraged by waiters and framed and was expressed in that the movement's goal to power of "redemptive good all his public speaking and establish "justice and will" to change humankind waitresses. If the government wants to writing. Before being a leader reconciliation—not victory" remind us of the power of a lessen the incident of drunk driving there of the Civil Rights movement, would crumble. King expressed dream that is motivated from a or a conscious-raising the attitude of service that religious faith and tempered in should be some sort of incentive for preacher, King was a spiritual would exemplify nonviolent reality. As we celebrate the life someone to go out, not drink , and not be man with rooted convictions resistance at its purest and of Martin Luther King Jr., let's about right and wrong. Not most effective level when he remember to celebrate the man shunned by bar employees. only was King the leader of a said: "We shall match your who was a moral spokesmen of movement that helped achieve capacity to inflict suffering with our time, as well as the man basic rights for the our -ability to endure suffering. who fought for black civil long-neglected black people; Carolyn R. Lockwood '89 We will meet your physical rights. Bill Deny "88 From the Round File: The Winter Voice This doesn't have a point but

Editor-in-Chief read it anyway: it's- Jan Plan Carolyn R. Lockwood by Emily J. Isaacs "We'd just like to file a report, complaints? ma'am." And he goes on to ask Of course not. Some might Photograp hy Editor News Editor Business Manager The little men are hammering the appropriate questions, kindly point out to me that if I David Coleman Betsy Kuller Heidi Dill inside my brain, hard and fast. after which I ask whether they didn't have a car, it wouldn't Stop! Stop! Leave me alone, I are going to do anything about have been vandalized. If I Opinion Editors Features Editors Lay-out Editor yell and suddenly awake. it now, and add to myself, do didn't have a tapedeck they Todd Pritsky Jennifer Scott Mary Thomson Someone's at the door; my they really think I appreciate wouldn't have bothered. And, if Mike Sulski : Chris Preston watch tells me it's okay to be this immediate report more I hadn't assumed that Camp lt Assistant Lay-out Editor mad-it's 5:00 am. Probably still than sleep? Colby was free from crime I Advertising Manager Arts E °r Magda Lacharite drooling, I open the door and "No, no, just wanted to let might have locked the door like Duncan Gray Sean Collins^ find myself face to face with a you know, ma'am." people do in the real world. Lay-out Assistants Colby secur ity guar d and a I think about saying Perhaps the real message Advertising Design sP°rts Editor Diane Pearce man who repeatedly identifies something really nasty but then here is (get ready) that, as one's Courtney Broderick LarrY R°cca Matt Stetson himself as Sargeant suddenly I know what my material possessions multiply Gretchen Hal unen (Lieutenant) So-and-So from roomate was lip-syncing about: ' ;neces.sarily so do breakdowns, Graph ics Editor All -around Helper the Waterville Police. there's a water-pipe lying break-ins and break-ups. The Traduction Manager Evan Metcalf Liza Barber Not so f ar removed f rom high directly between our locked more you get the more hassle Susan Kachen jchool fears of police breaking eyes. I keep my mouth shut and you get too; a hassle free life is jp parties and dimly recall ing wonder if the water-pipe is a life wthout VCRs, German Contributors. ' Toby Cox, Christine Gilman, Emily Isaacs, Kim ny 2 plus speed ing tickets in probable cause sports cars, Cuisinarts, 5-disc Lynch, Mark Reily, Mike Freret , Mike Schwartz, Richard Cook. Ma ine my stomach knots In the morning I discover that capacity compact disc players, iespite my bleary eyed state. not only have I been cruelly computer operated answering \Ay roommates cower in the robbed but , I have been machines etc. Th e Colby Echo urges stud ents to write letters to the edi :orner while one f rantically victimized by an incredible As you can see, I too am a bit tor. All .ignals to letters sitbmitted for pu blication should be typed and contain the me~unfortunateiy I idiot: surely with my bare bored this month-stop by and typed name and class o e ' ion't know what she's trying to hands, I, with no experience, see mc, I' m always home f the author as w ll as the author s signature. ell me. A telephone number must be included fo r verification. ' Fa culty and could have removed the stereo listening to my stereo, waiting staff must include their full title. Any letter deemed libelous or "Your car was broken into less barbarically and without for the coffee-maker to make irrelevant will not be published. Our na am. The stereo was ripped causing $1,000 damage to my my coffee white I play lode editors reserve the right to edit »ut letters for corr ection of punctuation , sp elling, and redundan cy. and the dashboard's a option-free, basic VW rabbit. runner on my Mac..., Letters should not exceed 300 ttess," the Officer explains, Suddenly, as I write, I haive to i Note: I exercised artistic words. All letters are due to the Echo ' office by 6:00 p.m. Monday rin Roberts Union. he Security Officer nods ask myself what I'm d oing? Do 'license in my quoting. ympathet ically; I sit, relieved I cry (ra ther pathetically) for Iespite The opinions expressed here do not express the , views and att itudes my rising fury. my readers ' sympathy? Do I * of Colby Echo staff. "Anything else? Do I have to actually expect to receive any? lo somethinc? Now?" Am I unusual and sppdal in my Supreme r Court^, by MikeSulsld but his domestic policies have been horrif ying: education, A textbook definition of welfare, and other social sodomy would probably read as programs have fallen in the follows: "the practice of oral wale of the incredible defense and/or anal sex." But there is budget. Not only has Reagan an important and been ignoring things that he commonly-overlooked point shouldn't, he's sticking his nose here - sodomy is not merely the into areas that should be left practice of oral and/or anal sex alone — mandatory drug between homosexuals, but testing, AIDS testing-, between any two people. investigations of pornography Whether they be adults or and rock music; our intelligence children makes no difference; is being insulted and our whether they be married or not privacy is being invaded. makes no difference; even if the Let's take the issue of the participants actually want to be so-called "sodomy laws". Last participants makes NO year, the Reaganite-dominated DIFFERENCE. So yes, a Supreme Court upheld sodomy happily-married couple eager laws as Constitutional by a to participate in such activities narrow 5-4 margin. The laws cannot do so under sodomy ban "deviate sexual behavior," statutes placed in some states even between consenting today. adults! This breach of privacy Sodomy, according to the does not only effect the "gay Supreme Court case decision in community," but anyone; Bowers v. Hardwick, is "any whatever the conservatives deviate sexual behavior." deem "normal" sexual behavior Sodomy is staying banned in ia the only way, according to some states today because a the participants or the public in that such a law would be abortion. And now its sex - these laws. Where will it all few in power, five members of general, in consequence of the invalid, and the permissibility because a handful of people end? As if it wasn't enough to the Supreme Court, believe voluntary engagement by of statutes reflecting moral arrogantly believe that they be subjected to the testing of that certain kinds of sex are adults in private, discreet, choices. know best. Maybe it's time to our bodily fluids, the Supreme immoral. sodomous conduct." Let us look at these reasons: for the people to show them Court supports the states which Prior to the year 1961, all 50 And, on March 31st, 1986, first off, does it mean that that they don't. still cling to the ridiculous idea states (including the District of the Supreme Court decided the because you've always had a that they can tell people how to Columbia) in the U.S. had Bowers v. Hardwick case: certain law in the past mean run their sex-lives. banned sodomy. Since then, Michael Hardwick, a resident that you should always have, it? The If another Ronald Reagan about half of those states have of Georgia, was caught Should I even grace the look-alike, or a Pat Robertson lifted the ban - primarily engaging in sodomous question with an answer? And clone is elected to office, this because of activist groups and activities ; however, the local then no text was found saying President sort of reactionary morality the many court cases involving police chief declined to that you couldn't make such a byToddPritsky will continue to be heaped upon decisions about sodomy in prosecute Hardwick, deeming law, and that statutes could us. We need a leader who will recent years. his offense to not warrant reflect moral choices - who With the end of Reagan's give the people credit for their For instance, in 1976, an arrest. But Hardwick decided gives people the right to create term drawing near, perhaps the intelligence and will leave to effort to decla re a Virginian that such a statute should not moral laws, that others have to liberals of this country can the people decisions that should sod omy statute even exist, and he pushed the follow? No-one should have breath a collective sigh of relief. be made by the people. I unconstitutional, on the issue to the Supreme Court - such a power. If the President continues to fail certainly don't appreciate being grounds that the government was such a statute One might ask questions like, in his efforts to place another told I must prove I'm not a had no right to make such a unconstitutional? "Why does the Supreme Court one of his conservative cronies druggie, or a carrier of the moral decision for the people The statute was upheld by feel that sodomy is immoral? on the Supreme Court, the next plague, or I' can't read certain was rejected by the Supreme the court and, as Justice Byron What does gives them the right President will be responsible for "nasty" things, or I shouldn't Court. In 1980 however, Ne\v White wrote in the majority to push their views of morality the appointment. Should a listen to "hell-spawned" York's highest court held that a opinion for the case, the onto the people they're liberal be elected, the delicate music, similar statute violated one's decision was so made because serving ?" And yet, others' balance will swing slightly in nor would 1 like being told that my wife and I practice constitutional right to privacy, of: the historical ubiquity of morals or ideals are being favor of the liberals. "deviate" sodomy statutes, the absence of pushed onto the people all the Reagan's foreign policies sex illegally. If only Orwell explaining "there has been no could see us now. showing of any threat, either to constitutional text supporting time. Drug use, for instance, or have left much to be desired, WRAP - LP 1987 By Chnshne Gilman discover that they were lied tc dumping it into the next. government, yet sat idly by as which most American's seem and deceived over and over Thanks alot folks! innocent Haitains were very happy with the results of again. Yet that same Congress murdered in the streets by their the recent summit, we see the Let's see, 1987 was a busy year concluded that there was *Lt. Col. Oliver North lied and own military, re-entry on the part of the U.S. for the press. It seemed as if nothing wrong with the system lied and lied and was raised to government into the area of every week brought a new which permitted agencies such the status of national hero. Ex- Locally: chemical warfare (this little scandal or other major news as the National Security presidential candidate Joe •The Colby Coalition for news item was pretty well event. There were wars-overt Council and the CIA to act Biden lied and lied and lied and Political action sponsored a hidden in last Sunday's Nfew and covert, crashes—in the outside the boundaries of U.S. well... protest of the CIA which set off York Times), an area we pulled market and from the sky, law. Perhaps we have not yet what could prove to be atleast out of in the seventies because "bimbettes" --f or tele- learned the lessons of the CIA "Gorbachev was named Time's a year-long debate on the topic even President Nixon thought evangelists and presidential investigations of the 70's. man of the year-- pretty of CI A recruitment. it was immoral. candidates, and of course there strange in a country where were the lies and oh so billions are spent annually to ?Colby's Young Republicans "In closing I'd just like to ask convenient memory lapses. •After the stock market fall, halt the "evil" spread of one question- Are there really Congress told us they would sponsored a protest including I've done a little thinking about communism and convince the such "heart warming" slogans still ten more months until the the events of 1987 and just cut the budget. What exactly American , people that such 1988 Presidential elections? was that big defense cut they as "Reagan, apple pic, and the thought I'd jot down a few spending is imperative, CIA." tidbits which certainly should made? They changed Armed services pay day from the last not be forgotten. "The administration asked for •(This ono is technically 1988 I day of the month to the first, more and more money to help , cutting a couple of billion suppose, but I think it's ?Congress investigated the the Centra's "save" Nicaragua important now) In a period in Iran-Contra affair, only to dollars from one fiscal year and from its democratically elected an6

J^ft^s • . en^eft^ainmene: aturday,Jamiaiy16 , 1988 . , I RealU* B.efraoted "Agnes of God" comes to Colby

"The Physicist" is a play that If not, then be assured that she John Pielmeier s riveting been asked to determine the thesbians will take the leading deals with the eventual is using all her skills as an murder mystery, "Agnes of sanity of the accused novice. As roles. Gretchen Fall, a junior destruction of the world. It may actress to bring off one of God", will be staged in Colby the mystery unravels, both key performing arts and English not seem like an uplifting topic, Colby's more daring plays. The College's Cellar Theatre, characters, as well as the major from Sanford, Maine, but be well assured that there set itself, designed by Len Runnals Union, on the Mother Superior, whose will play Sister Agnes; are elements of comedy, Sciarra, is highly unique. There evenings of January 28, 29, and protectiveness towards Sister sophomore performing arts political . intrigue, and are metal bars that form a 30. Curtain time is 8 pm each Agnes arouses the Doctor's and English major Christine re- surrealism. The story is about a quarter globe and continue evening, and the $2.00 suspicions, are forced to Michaud, a native of physicist who discovers the slightly out over the audience. admission will benefit the examine some harsh realities in Chelmsfrord, Mass., will play Principle of Universal The effect is of cage or a hollow Myesthenia Gravis their own lives and to look Mother Mirianm Ruth, the Discovery, a theory, which in globe. All the action takes place Foundation. hard at the concepts of faith Mother Superior; and Patty its practical applications would within this "case." constructed Set in a convent, the gripping and love. Cirigliano, a senior performing greatly upset the balance of by Andrea Hoffmann, tne tale centers around two main The show is directed and arts and English major from power between the super technical director, and her characters, Sister Agnes, who designed by Craig A. Hane, an Waccabuc, NY, will be Dr. powers. Realizing that his crew. Spirits seemed high at has been accused of murdering intern in colby's Performing Martha Livingstone. discovery could lead to the end Strider Theatre with both the her own baby, and Doctor Arts Department and protege For more information, call of the world, he pretends to be cast and crew. The consensus Martha Livingstone, a court- of well-known director Richard 872-3388; no advance tickets mad. The play begins with the of everybody is that this is appointed psychiatrist who has Sewell. Three of the will be sold. physicist, Mobius, in the mad going to be a play that will house, after a murder has been entertain an audience, and, at hip thrusts than Jim Bakker. committed by one of the the same time, make them His new image, as well as the patients. Oh, did I forget about think. Behind all this album, is a joke. the murders. This play is also a enthusiasm are the play about murder, sorry. The organizational skills of Chris 2.Fore! Huey Lewis: action gets rolling from this Michaud, stagemanager and One Last Review Doing it all for my baby? I'm so point. It wouldn't be fair for me president of the Powder and happy to be stuck with you? by Tob to continue to give away more Wig organization. She y Cox S.Echo and the Bunnymen Hip to be square? This band of the story. Let us instead turn informed me that everything Echo and the Bunnymen: Ian has no musical integrity. They to the production angle of this seemed to be going well. I think McCulloch attacks TV are happy if they sell a lot of Your probably sick and evangelists (All in Your Mind) play. that this play is going to be a records and get rich. It's a Cori Brackett makes her good time for all, from what tired of the year-end best and and a mysterious tease (Lips shame their system works. directing debut here at Colby I've seen. A lot of progress has worst music lists but here's one Like Sugar) in the Bunnymen's with "The Physicist." Some of been made already and there is more for you choke down. It fifth LP. It is tamer than the 3.Invisible Touch has nothing ' you may remember Cori from still a month to the production. to do with sales, Bunnymen s previous albums Genesis: I know it came out in her acting the part of Rosalind I know I'll be there. I hope you surveys, or radio airplay. It is which gives it a slightly '86, but it is such a sickening based entirel in "As You Like It" last January. will too. . . y on my opinion. different sound from their past album it deserves to be on this Now for the good stuff: work. Their live show was the year's list as well. Phil Collins best of the year (so when you wins the sellout award for 1. Kiss Me, Kiss Me. Kiss fill out your concert slips from turning a good band into a pop Me The Cure: Although it's Stu-A, check them off). infested pile of crap. not The Cure's best album, it is HONORABLE easily the most enjoyable and MENTION . New Order 4 . Slippery Cat varied LP of the year. From Substance. INXS Kick. Love Whitesnake Girls Countdown hard edged hate ridden songs And Rockets Earth, Sun. Wet Bon Poison Whitesnake (The Kiss, Shiver And Shake) Moon, The Smiths Louder Motley Europe Jovi: An LP by to irresistible dance tunes (Just Than Bombs. The Grateful the heavy metal teeny-bopper Like Heaven, Why Can't I Be Dead In The Dark band of the year. At least the You?), Kiss Me satisfies the last thing on their minds is loyal Cure fans as well as new Here's the festering dung being filthy rich. Isn't it? recruits. P.S. If a girl is pissing heap: you off, play Shiver And 5. Cloud Nine Gcorgt • Shake. 1.Bad Michael Jackson: Harrison: Although I have not The third solo album from this listened to the album, I've 2. Document R.E.M.: twenty-nine year old wuss heard the single plenty of After five albums and an E.P., turned tough guy is absolutely times and I can only hope that R.E.M. has finally obtained the worst LP of the year. After this ex-member of the greatest commercial success. trying to buy a dead guy's and most influential band of Fortunately, they have done it bones, he releases three horrid all time would not produce an without selling out. Their top singles and a couple ridiculous LP such that this song is a good 20 hit, The One I Love, is not, videos in which he does more representation of it. as many people believe, a love ¦ song. In fact, it is one of the " • » » » w>i w v <«^^ .^v ^^^^ «^^^ v^^ *liii ^jH «_ a^p«u_^^ ua_u_^fa| |fnNW i Patty Ciriglia no and William Spears to n „„„ most hate-filled songs of the by David Coleman year. Every song J DAWS BARBERSHOP The Physicists on die album Tues-Fri : 7:30 - 5:00 Sat : 7:30 - 1:00 is worth listening to yet 873-101 0 many(Finest Worksong, 45 Main St., Waterville | WHO IS GOING TO WIN Exuming McCarthy, It's the THE SUPER BOWL ? End of the World..., Strang e, and King of Birds) deserve to FIND OUT SATURDAY NIGHT be played a plethora of times; y^%.HAIR ETC. fe 3. The Joshua Tree Guess: WHEN BRIAN BATTING , All of you probably have it, all \J} HAS IT ALL ^V i of you probably love it, all of O^P Call Today ^&> j MARK REILLY , you have prob abl y read \^ ¦' 873-2041 \ thousands of art icles praising ' J AND LARRY ROCCA it, so I'll shut up. | • Expert Hai r Care . ; ! I Focus 21 Hair Care Pro ducts ' j GIVE YOU ALL THE FACTS 4.Strangewav8. Here We * ¦ Cojne The Smiths: I t sounds * Color Analysis and Mak eup „. • ! PLUS A LITTLE BIT MORE ON like Morissey, it sounds like Sun Room for your safe year round tan ; j Johnny Marr, it sounds like \ - SIPOlRTSTA ILIKo , The Smiths. If you happen to * Manicures I WM SSm like the Smiths you'll love this J89 Main St., Waterville, Me. S album. It's too bad, their finest SATURDAY AT 6 album since Meat Is Murder is OPEN 6 DAYS Thurs. & Fri. evenings X thoir last; they seemed to be Proprietor: Sandl Noel g WMHB 90.5 FM. heading in the right direction. Student Center Concluding his assessment of the Colby Student Center, continued from page 1 Robert Campbell writes, "And in Architecture Magazine. as new generations of students According to Robert Campbell, arrive at Colby they will surely the building possesses "self- welcome what is one of the best mocking grandeur" in the - and one of the most student- tradition of post-modern sensitive - buildings of its kind architecture. He also anywhere." commented on its "stagestruck With plans for added space to inventiveness." the Bixler Art and Music "Inside," he writes, "the Center, one can only expect Student Center is quite that such an addition "will bVas marvelous and almost entirely student-sensitive as the successful. It has the quality of Student Center. Up for being endlessly complicated, consideration is expanded endlessly explorable; all kinds library space, more studio of devices are used to baffle space, increased exhibition and enrich your experience, but space, and a concert hall. never to the extent of I am sure we all share in the confusion." desire to have this next project He continues, "But within the be as successful and well- overall clarity of the plan there received as has been the are changes of level, layering Student Center. This, after all, of spaces, angling of walls, reflects Colby's commitment to colors, textures, natural light — provide its students with all used to create a varity... like superb facilities for their that of a hill town within the personal and intellectual of Center walls of this small building." growth. Student nestled in a corner the Student W^" TTT^ (^ 17° TTri LL W']11 Il TlTlJLi f?Ly VS? Li V V HH TlLL ^^i^) *U ).

For those of us who need a enthusiasts!!I! There are also lies behind the lives of Jim Anyone Interested in ":Macumba: dealing Cults in few good chuckles to brave Cross Country skiing trips and and Tammy Bakker - not to fantasy? I'm sure we all are In Brazil" In Lovejoy 205 from 1 off the winter cold. Comedy other winter excursions mention what lies behind her some form or another!! to 3 pm on Wed. Videos will be shown in the planned throughout the mascara....? A lecture will Come and Join Istarl, Colby's Spa from 8-1 1 pm every month... be given In conjunction with Fantasy Literature Club, for Wanted: Handel, Mozart, Saturday night. RE 119 at 10:30 am on an Informal and friendly tray Beethove n and Bach... It's Martin Luther King's Tuesday, Jan. 19th. Keep dinner In the Smith Room of Please show up In Given Winter Is upon get Birthday on January 18th! your eyes and ears open for Bob's Union at 5 to 6:30 pm Auditorium every Monday out there folks and enjoy The Come learn more about this a location. on Wed., Janurary 20th. night from 7 to 9:30. If they plethora of winter activities great historical figure and Cathy Stebblns will be can't make it in person. The sponsored by the Winte r pay homage to him on One of my goals In life Is to performing In the Spa from 8 Portland Siring Quartet will Activities Association and Monday night at 7:30 In attend a Gospel Mass, with to 11 pm on Wednesday, be performing for them. This The Outing Club. Ice skating Lorimer Chapel. Karen Gospel Music and all. Well also, one and one half musical on Johnson Pond will be held Russell will be speaking here's something close to session Is In conjunction with on every Thursday and directly following the It... "Say Amen Somebody" Ever wonder how other the string quartet Jan Plan . Saturday nights from 6 to 8. Memorial Service given by and a discussion on Gospel countries medical practices Hot Chocolate , music and Reverend/Prof. Cheryl Music with Cheryl Gilkes will differ from our own? If so, or Finally, various knitting and fire will accompany the Gilkes. be held at 7:30 pm on Wed. , even If you haven't, Virginia quilting workshops will be festivities!!II Get out those January 20th in the Hurd Dersch In conjunction with held throughout Jan Plan.... skates vou winte r Ever wanted to know what Room of Bob's Union. Soc 156 will oresent a film. Keep vour eves peeled! II! Colby College Lesbian and Gay ea /3# mX Community S ortthe Student Center , , \ ^^^ J ^J Colby College, Waterville Maine 04901 207/872-3000 7 ASflffij S^ \ ^ ^Lmmm ^r / 4 f CANCER x ^^ x ? SOCIETY*¦ ¦ . . This^anuary, the CCLGC will be . ; ... ; sponsoring four film presentations f iX are scheduled * and discussions. They j \ /t*\t)lI*" for Thursda y even ings , Jan uary I W | ^ 7th , 14th, 21st , and 28th , at 8:30 A W- ( PM in the Mary Low Coffehouse . I ^ (207)873-6681 Please send any suggestions or : sTOBEhoURS: 'in the J Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm reOUeStS~ tO the CCLGC¦ bOX § .... ,#¦. . .1 I Friday . 10am-9j.m Student Activities office in the I . -tSSS' 5SpS Student Center. Thank you - have a i ¦ ¦ ¦ safe and happy vacation. I : .. • ' .----^ j- Page 9 ¦HIM——— ¦ (¦_¦ ! ¦¦¦ TIMEOUT Sit down, fans by MarkReill y debate about whether Hancock could or couldn't hit a field As I sat and watched the Colb Bates men' goal, it looked like we were y/ s basketball going to have our first fi game last Monday nig ght of ht, my the night. However Safety and mind kept drifting to thinking of the summer and Security, always ready to serve, the Red Sox. was there and cooler heads For some reason I felt I was in prevailed. I don't understand the bleachers of Fenway Park what prompted these two for a Red Sox/Yankees game Colby students to go up there, instead of at the Colby gym. the kid was making a fool of The reason for this was not that himself, that should be enough there were a lot of "baseball punishment. Why not just sit passes" being thrown, but back and enjoy the because of the crowd. The entertainment he was crowds actions and comments, providing? When I talked to most of which were these two about it they said that unnecessary and foolish, were they were just upset about what reminiscent of the bleachers in he was saying and had to go Fenway. (And just think, the protect a friend . I think Matt people in the bleachers have a Hancock is doing a good better excuse, Fenway Park enough job protecting himself During a rare cairn in the crowd, freshman Clint Williams pushes the ball up court. I sells beer.) by the way he has played all by Amy Farmer g Before the game I realized year. If people like the kid in the that this would be an intense balcony cannot enjoy a good game on the court; I knew the player no matter what uniform Colby/Bates players would be they wear, then it is not even Men s Hoop Update going at each other hard, I just worth the time or effort to pay didn't realize the fans would be by Mark Reilly a great season as he has that 'these two guys have had any attention to him. average 12 pts., and 5 rebs. a going at each other and the The last two examples which The Colby Mens Basketball instances of solid play." Some layers so hard. It game. Jamie has also been the of which include Brian p was one of stick out were fans interfering team now stands at 8-2 and is those action-reaction cases that #7 in one New England poll/ #5 defensive specialist for the Connors' 16 points in the first with the game. The first, sociology teaches would dream another Colby incident, in another. They are about to team as he has guarded and game against Tufts, also in the of. I' held in check the toughest m not sure who acted and happened in the first half. embark on a five game "road St. Joe's game with Colby who reacted, however after trip," which will determine if offensive weapon of each of the trailing by 1 with a little over Colby had the ball and one of awhile that was unimportant the people from the front row this team should move up any team's opponents. Coach two minutes left, Brian hit a for soon most Colb "has had y and Bates jumped up near the sideline. I further in the polls. The season Whitmore says Jamie 3-pqinter to put Colby up 82-80 students were involved. I' anyone m not wasn't sure what was going on, is almost half over so here is a as fine a total season as and the game was never tied talking here about the little evaluation of the team so we have had in a long time." again. Rob's solid play was traditional " yet the next thing I knew he safety school" was yelling far. • Center: According to exhibited in the Bates' game as chants and other things at the referee. that go Whatever the call was, The Starters: Fowards: Well, Coach Whitmore, Nick Childs in 34 minutes he had 9pts to go along with that, leasent although they behavior like that is Matt Hancock is Matt "has been a very p with 4 rebounds and aggresive surely were present. On surprise and has come along inexcusable. Initial reactions to Hancock, there is not much defense. On the season he is Monday night things got a little more that can be said. He has well." Nick leads the team in averaging 4.3 rebounds to go more involved and foolish. calls can be one of outrage, witty however this was not an initial had a great all around year so rebounds an average of with 3.1 assists per game. The first and most obvious far, averaging 32 pts., 6.4 rebs., 7.5 per game. He has also Coach Whitmore looks for thing that I saw was the reaction. This person was trying to work on the referees. and 4.5 assists per game. made many valuable offensive more consistent play out of exchange cross court between continues However, stats do not speak of contributions. Nick these two and he says "the the Colby and Bates fans of Although a good strategy for his ability to thread the needle to improve and played his finest more consistent they get the obscene hand gestures. What coaches to employ, even Bobby with passes or his ability to hit game against St. Joseph's. more consistent we get as a purpose does that serve? Does Knight will tell you that it can from anywhere in any position There was one point in that team." doing this to opposing fans backfire if not done carefully. over halfcourt, which has been game were . he made three The Bench: The bench play help your team or show This was not done carefully and ' in any truly amazing. As Coach steals in a row and had St. Joe s has been extremely strong this way that your school is better it would not surprise me if the Whitmore put it, he has "been wondering where he was for year and has been anchored for than theirs? I do not think that ref said to himself, "who the ju st outstanding, and has the rest of the game before most of the season by three the fact that we can match hell is this kid, I'll show him" proved himself one of the fine passing the ball into the post. freshman. Coach Whitmore curses with Bates helps our and the next close call went players in New England." Guards: Coach has also called them "a very basketball team or shows any against Colby. The working on Matt's frontcourt partner is Whitmore says of his gaurds, pleasant surprise." Tom intellectual superiority. the refs should be left to the lamie Arsenault. Jamie has had Brian Connors and Rob Hyland continued on page 11 The next interaction of note person who has been doing it had to be that fool in the for years and who gets paid to Women swimmers return balcony, who throughout the do it - Coach Whitmore. game was yelling at Matt The final thing to mention is Hancock . His favorite line of that kid with the red horn. fro m California the night had to be/Hancock During a Colby timeout in the by Kim Lynch team this year, broke another The second half of the meet ' second half, he stood right school record in the 200 you re not a good basketball After a week of double practices Free brought a winning and personal player" (althoug behind the Colby bench and event with a time of 2:00.45, best 500 Free time of 5:53.6 b h he said it in every day in San Diego, y up different words). I was not able blew it. I stood up in my seat while Lisa Finkelman and and coming freshman Deanna for I thought for sure we might California (not to mention trips to figure out how litis kid could to Disneyland, the San Diego Carolyn Lockwood followed DeRoche. With a strained ankle, have an incident similiar to the with a 2:06.76 and a 2:15.99 freshman Lili Eckhardt finished a not see how stupid he was one with Kevin McHalc going Zoo, and Tijuana!), the Colby making himself look. I'm Women' S i e b respectively. Woods and Farmer strong second, not to mention into the crowd at Milwaukee s w m T am came ack made their second Lisa Troeger's clean in third thouroughly convinced that if East last Saturday, January 9, to appearance in up last year to fight a heckler. the individual 50 Backstroke with place. The final individual event he can say a potential All However, trouble was avoided. carry out an easy win against America "can't hit a field goal" Plymouth State in New another first and second. And the was the grueling 400 Individual But, did the guy that did it think breastroke duo, s i Medley. White was first with a then he doesn't know the Hampshire. Coach Robby en or Mary it was funny, or did he think Thomson and sophmore, Wendy 4:52.22, only one second away difference between a basketball Coach Whi tmore didn't have a MacDonald gave those who and a pencil. Realizing that participated in the California Naysnerski, placed first and from the National's cut-off time. loud enough voice to talk over trip Finkelman was not far behind there are kids like this walking a chance to race, while the others second in the 50 breastroke. The it? Whatever he was thinking, 100 Butterfly and 50 Freestyle with a second place time of 5:03.3 oh the Bates campus makes one it was truly one of the most were resting after their first and Powers finished with a realize just how idiotic their week back to workouts. The fast events were won by Tri-Captains obnoxious acts I have ever seen Sheryl Powers and Kim Lynch. 5:33.3. "safety school" chant is, for if at a sporting event. times at the short distance The Colby Swimmers now have there are 1600 people on this competit ion reflected the Next came the diving which Now, I realize that all the was the highlight of the irieot as the advantage of several home earth with less class.or smarts events happened because it was women's progress on the West Colby e b inning this weekend than this kid, I would be coast. A one-twp win in the 200 swept the 1 Meter event. me ts eg Colby/Ba tes, two*-schools Masscngill, ¦with Middlebury and Norwich. shocked. Medley Relay, led by Kristcn Jen not surprisingly, whose rivalry matches that of won with a score of 177.00. There is a meet today, Saturday, Yet the reaction to this by' the U.S.A. and the U,S.S.R. Woods and Amy Farmer in the Freshman at 12:00PM, for both Women and Colby students had to be the Backstroke i Tamar Snyder ¦ Professor Chip Hauss wisely legs, both with spl ts impressed everyone with a Mon, against Norwich so be sure most foolish action of the night. of 32.4, got the meet off to a recommended to his nuclear second place, 142,30 points, and to come lend your support to a Two Colby students went up to weapons class that thoy go to strong start. From there, Sally Tri-Capta team worth watching this the balcony to quiet this kid White, an oxciHngnddition to tho in Marion Robbins this game to watch tho was a close third with 125.70 season! down. After engaging in a little Interaction of the fans. Men's Hockey drops two Straight

byMike Freret But as the overtime began, Colby started to lose the Colby's hockey team lost two advantage it had gained from games in as many days last two third period goals. North weekend, dropping a 5-4 Adams beat the Mules late in decision to AIC Saturday, and the overtime period to end a a heartbreaking overtime loss fruitless weekend. Sunday to NorthAdams 4-3. "We played a great third Such has been the pattern for period, but we were behind. We the mules, who have been have to play well right from the unable to put together three start. We play Merrimack solid periods. After a strong tonight, and I believe we can opening outing, Colby has been knock them off their game and unable to consistently stop make a game of it." said opponents' attacks. Stable Goulet. goaltending by John Guerrero On its home ice, Colby used has gone largely unsung due to superb goaltending by alienation by his defense. Guerrero to stay in a game "yVe come out playing well, which could just as easily been and can't keep it up," said a rout. AIC constantly was Coach Mickey Goulet. "We given chances which Guerrero keep making mental mistakes consistently thwarted. which should not happen." 'Yes, our goaltending has Against North Adams, Colby been strong. But we have to came back to tie from a 3-1 stop giving away so many deficit, scoring twice in the chances, and play better third period. The Mules cut the defense in front of the net," lead to one halfway through said Goulet. the third on a goal by Venezia Freshman Dan Alto scored at the eleven minute mark. The twice in the first period, and tie came with just over three Mark Smith tallyed in the minutes to play, as Dave second, setting up a frantic Freshma n Todd Urq ha rd t surrounded by the Adams f amily. by David Coleman McCarthy netted a blast from the left point. continued on page 11 Women's Hockey !" Joseph'sTre-Season Ski Sale -.". i | We're Your Ski Headqua rter for: ! R eady to make their Move | selection « service « savings I by Mike Schwartz the RIT vs. Colby match-up. This is where the long I I Top Brand Nam e Skis - I 20% OFF AL L |i Since the beginning of 1988, vacation showed in the play of the women's hockey team has the White Mules. They had | • Rossignol • Irak X-COUNTRY i been showing positive signs. To trouble keeping up with the » pace that RIT had set and lost i • Kastle • Jarvinen | BOOTS j start, the team went to the s^^ Princeton New Years 5-1. Despite this loss there I Boots By- s. SMITH GOGGLES I Invitational from January 2-3. were some bright spots for ^ With only one practice in two Colby. Trish Biros scored her ! - Nordica ^ 20% OFF j weeks, held for one hour the 1st career goal while Dina I . Ra irhto ^ And All Ski Accessories I night before, and with the fact Cloutier turned aside 40 well 1 GAITERS - SKI AND BOOT BAG S j their first opponent in this executed RIT shots. • %*~Hl eenmeawSL * tournament was the Princeton After this tournament the ! | | bindin g covers • fann y packs 11 team, ranked 8th in the team was to play number five WE WILL PACKAG E ANY SKI WE SELL I country, the Colby women took in the country, Dartmouth. j to the ice at noon. Although outplaying and ^ . 25 YEARS IN THEWHAT SKI BUSINESS SELL j Colby out shot Princeton 30- outshooting Dartmouth (25- ^ ^ ^ ^^ E SERVICE WE 10, but found themselves down 19), again a few lapses in _^ j 5-4 with little time left. Colby defensive communication cost ^ B Get Reariv ^ ^ rAND ARE HERE AFTER pressed with an immense Colby two goals. As Jen For The THi: SALE aggressive spirit and an Holsten, a return i ng ^ L Seasoff ^^?" 11 outstanding hustle, while it sophomore, puts it "Once we was evident that the Princeton overcome our lack of JM-mfmm. With A Ski Tune Up team could hardly wait to get communication and mental (^ r^ NOW ONLY $ 9.95 ! 9mfikW^4*gr^^ ^^____T_r*C*T^r r7*2&,Jr ^EJm ^^ttj . .- . ___^_ _ off the ice. errors, we cart develop to reign ' " - However, with all of this all of women's hockey." I I ROSSIGNOL 3&1 PACKAGES offensive effort a defensive As the Dartmouth game l ^ Ef ^ l error was created letting continued, it was this positive l R£5?hv (Includes Skis-Bindings-Poles-Labor) Princeton put the safety goal spirit which carried Colby to into the net. The final score score the next goal. Stefanie I mP7 Beginners Package OM( Y *o 1Q ended up 7-4 meaning Colby Rocknak set up the play by r g $ 2 0NLY 219 was destined to play RIT in the passing to Leigh Jerner. Leigh ' 4 * * "" consolation game. Sixth then continued by assisting on I Intermed iate Pkg.* ranked RIT had lost to third continued on page 11 / Lw 0NLYUINLT S2Bq ranked Providence, setting up I reg$437 v*™*' I ¥^\ "** -»¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦. »¦ .. ¦¦ ...... ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . _. .. . ¦*—^i 'n 'i r^r^r^T ** " "-"-- _- - - 1 High Performance Package y * v2 &\ ' ' mUk STS Skis $ 320 MOW i JmSkzT *y ro,ia 42° Binding S'.GG X±vJ H \, J3 Al Core t /JftS P^ Rossi Poles $ 30 IVLY ^ f*^- Mounting U Engraving $ 27 $ 299. 00 M esic Center k Reguar $ 477 ! EVER YTHING IN MUSIC Main Street Fairfield 453-2234 453-6216I | | mb m STun mm . : „ _ : . I : . ^ - - - -i ii i ii > im

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- -*^ ^ r y Corona Extra Is comin g to Jokes ' ¥

"Ce ntral Maine 's Largest Line Selection '' ' • ¦ . • . : j .. : . n_ri»n__n_VM^ir_i'»no~~~-i _l-t.iH.~r.n .r iiTriirifH -KHi vrr "ni rii nminn * m iiir.ii i . i. 111 i i i i i > 1.1 . • i .1 .««___.__Hi___»___rii.iiin>nrii__*>_«ni«_t___i___.i«.___i n i 1 1 — - - - -' - ._ w DINING SERVICES | ' 1 A * *' DINING SERVICES SPECIAL EVENT S CALENDAR f 1 SECOND SEMESTER - 1987/88 SCHOOL YEAR \ ^Mfc k.

"¦ Mcr. 1/11 B Croissants/ Fruit Bar J/C April,—ISM / H | F Thur 1/14 L Jumbo Hamburger Bar L/J flL_fl ftj| fl | I Tues 4/5 B Fresh Fruit Bar J/C js Fri 1/15 D Taco Bar M/L H ^Th ^ 1 Sat 1/16 D Steak Night, All Halls 1 Thurs 4/7 D Orient Express Dinner M/L H S ^ f Wed 1/20 B Breakfast at Tiffany's J/C Sat 4/9 D Steak Night All Halls H I : Wed 4/13 L Greats A Fruit Plata J/C . HQ Fri 1 /22 D Baked Potato Bar M/L HI Sat 1 /23 D Steak Night All Halls Fri 4/15 D Baked Potato Bar L/J H A M A J ^ ¦ " ¦ ^ j/ Tues 1/26 L Make A Dagwood L/J Sat 4/16 D Steak Night All Halls H T : H T Thurs 1/28 B Pancake Bar J/C Tues 4/19 B Breakfast at Tiffany's L/J I H i Sat 1/30 D Steak Night All Halls Wed 4/20 D Sundae Bar M/L H I H -Tjv- Sat 4/23 D Steak Night All Halls H ff H February. 1988 Mon 4/25 L Hot Dog Bar M/L H I H Thurs 4/28 D Birthday Night All Halls II Tues 2/2 D Vegetarian Buffet M/L Sat 4/30 D Steak Night All Halls | | Al. I P "T7" H Fri 2/5 L Pizza Mania L/J 1*1 m Sat 2/6 D Steak Night " All Halls Mf»y. I99g | I H A/ Mon 2/8 D Seller's' Buffet M/L Hi Sun 5/1 D Sundae Bar M/L H T Wed 2/10 D Pasta/Pasta/Pasta L/J HI Sat 2/13 D Steak Night All Halls Mon 572 B Waffle Bar L/J B | IHH Sun 2/14 0 Ice Cream Bar L/J Fri 5/6 L Foot Long Hot Dogs J/C yw H f ^ B -^k- Thurs 2/18 L Brownies Galore J/C Sat 5/7 D Pasta Bar M/L f V>S | " Mon 5/9 L Cookies Extravaganza L/J H Sat 2/20 D Steak Night All Halls f ^ J ^l Bj I I 4/ Wed 2/24 D Birthday Night All Halls Tues 5/10 L Brownies Galore J/C {aHl vJ-k W H ? H "T" Wed 5/11 D Birthday Night All Halls M VJ H March. 1988 Sat 5/14 D Steak Night All Halls V A H | | ^ H Tues 3/1 L Vegetable Bar L/J Ka£ ! Qvrftf u / I I '\ I HH Thurs 3/3 L Deli Special M/L ^/S ^J ^U B Breakfast C / I I I I Hll Sat 3/5 D Steak Night All Halls ^ \ \ \l I H L Lunch J II dp&pi Tues 3/8 D Birthday Night All Halls V\s I /l I ^ D Dinner I I H ( •• ) I Thurs 3/10 L Mexican Pizza M/L Vvs V // I ' 1 1 I) V Lr \|- Sat 3/12 D Steak Night All Halls \\l / I | | Hj \/^ bJ^S/ Tues 3/15 L Taco Bar L/J L/J Lovejoy Commons Dining Hall \t/ | H C r^ k J/C Johnson/Chaplin Commons Dining Hall H J / j Sat 3/19 D Steak Night All Halls Mon 3/21 L Jumbo Hamburger Bar M/L M/L Mary Low Commons Dining Hall J ill • | ¦ I ¦ I ft j Wed 3/23 B Bagels/Bagels/Bagels J/C H ¦ I ¦ \ / Special Note: All events are subject to change due to scheduling conflicts with \ H ^^-_-^-^ school events. J Dining Hall Hours Semester 12d 1967/68 School Year

Saturdag Monda y thro ug h Fri day f Johnson/Chaplin B 8:00 - 10:00] Johnson/Chaplin B 7:30 - 9:45 s L 11:30 - 1 :00 1 L 11:30-1:45 . D 5:00 - 6:00 • D 5:00 - 7:00 Lovejoy L 11:30 - 1:00 Lovejoy B 7:30 - 9:45 D 5:00 - 7:00 » L 11:30 - 1:45 I D 5:00 - 7:00 haru Low L 12:00 - 1:00 D 5:00 - 6:30 i Maru Low L 12:00 - 1:45 I 5:00 - 6:30 I IDSunday 1 < L 11:30 - 1:00 Johnson/Chaplin J D 5:00 - 7:00 |

- j Lovejoy B 8:00 1 0:00 '" L 1 H30 - 1 :00 D 5:00 - 6:00 S • 12:00 00 | JJSLy"k~naru Lov L " ^ D 5:00 - 6:30

ATTENTION SKIERS: 1 be set up in Dana Dining Hall from 8 to 1.0 a.m. on I 5 A cold cut buffet will Sundays during Jan Plan. These buffets will make it possible for skiers I other outdoor enthusiasts to pack a lunch before leaving.ii Have fun! I tm -n i ¦¦ himiii iii m i _»« Mitrrrtu u U H H " i )t H W m iiiiii. _mi«« m| . f X w h M Et-j . ^ >« " h