
General/Surveys Camarero Ernesto Garcia, L' ordinateur et la aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft, no 2, creativite. In: L'ordinateur et la creativite, p 5 1962 Adrian Marc, Computer Texts. In: Cybernetic Ceccato S, Cibernetica e Arte. In: D'Ars Agency. Dandrel Louis, Les compositions 'inhumaines' Serendipity, p 53 Vol 4, 1963 par ordinateur. In: Le Monde, 13.2. 1970 (Sup• Alsleben Kurd, Asthetische Redundanz, Quick• Cheng GC, Ledley RS, Pollock DK, Rosenfeld A plement au numero 7803) born 1962 (ed), Pictorial Pattern Recognition, Washing• Digital Plotting Newsletter, Magazine of the firm Alexanco U, Generation automatique d'un pro• ton 1968 of California Computer Products Inc. (Cal• cessus de transformation de formes tridimen• Citron Jack P, Computer Assisted Movie Produc• Comp). All volumes sionelles. In: L' ordinateur et la creativite, p 117 tion. In: Los Angeles Scientific Center. IBM Di Leonardo DJ, Isometric View of Neutron Dis• Appel A, Some Techniques for Shading Machine Data Processing Division. Publication 320- tribution. In: , p 98 Renderings of Solids. In: AFIPS, Fall Joint 2624, July 1966 Donow Herbert S, Concordance and Stylistic Computer Conference Proceedings, Vol 33, - MUSPEC. In Los Angeles Scientific Center. Analysis of Six Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences. 1968, p37 IBM Data Processing Division. Publication In: Computers and the Humanities, Vol 3, no Baldeweg J. Navarro, Architecture informatique. 320-2623, June 1967 4, 1969, P 205 In: L'ordinateur et la creativite, p 41 - An Algorithm for Curve Generation. In: Los Efland Arthur, An Interview with Charles Csuri. Balestrini Nanni, Tape Mark 1. In: Cybernetic Angeles Scientific Center. IBM Data Process• In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 81 Serendipity, p 55 ing Division. Publication 320-2625, July 1968 Encarna~o Jose Luis, Computer Graphics, Mu- Ballard Dana H and Christopher M Brown, - and John H Whitney, CAMP - Computer As• nich, Vienna 1975 . Computer Vision, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1983 sisted Movie Production. In: AFIPS, Fall Joint Encarna~ao Jose Luis and Ernst G Schlechten• Barbadillo Manuel, Matiere et vie. In: L'ordina• Computer Conference Proceedings, Vol 33, dahl, Computer Aided Design, Heidelberg teur et la creativite, p 57 1968, p1299 Berlin New York Tokyo 1983 Baudot Jean A, Automatic Sentence Generation. Cohen John, Menschliche Roboter und Compu• Fetter William A, Computer Graphics in Com• In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 58 ter-Kunst. Lecture on the exhibition 'Compu• munication, New York 1966 Bense Max, Aesthetica. Vol 1-4, Stuttgart/Kre• ter-Kunst' in the Kubus, Hanover 1969 Finkle Ivan L, Recording Lissajous Figures. In: feld/Baden-Baden 1954-1960 : Ergebnisse einer Umfrage. In: Science, Vol 148, no 3677,1965, P 1541 - Asthetik und Programmierung. In: IBM News, magazin KUNST, no 39,1970, P 1902 - Recording Lissajous Figures, Publication of no 180, 1966 Coons Steven A, Computer-Aided Design. In: the firm of Rand Corporation, P-3003. Santa - EinfUhrung in die informationstheoretische Design Quarterly, 1966/67 Monica, California 1964 Asthetik, Reinbek 1969 - The Uses of Computers in Technology. In: Frank Helmar, Grundlagenprobleme der Infor• - Projekte generativer Xsthetik. In: rot, no 19, Scientific American, Sept. 1966, p 177 mationsasthetik und erste Anwendung auf die 1965 Cordeiro Waldemar and Giorgio Moscati, Deri• mime pure. Dissertation, Technical College, Berkeley EC, Computer Art: Turning Point. In: vadas de uma imagem, 1969. Transforma~o Stuttgart, 1959 Computers and Automation, Vol 16, 1967, em grau 0, 1, 2, e 3, mediante derivadas mate• - Informationspsychologie und Nachrichten• n08,p7 maticas. Computator IBM 360/44 da U. S. P. technik. In: Nerve, Brain and Memory Mod• BerJyne DE, Aesthetic Behaviour and Explorato• In: Diario de S Paulo. Journal de Domingo, els, Amsterdam 1963 ry Behaviour. In: Proceedings, 5th Internation• Sao Paulo, 15.3. 1970 - (ed), Kybernetik, Frankfurt 1970 al Congress of Aesthetics, Amsterdam 1964 Cousins N, The Computer and the Poet. In: 'Py• - Kybernetik und kybernetische Technik: Signal - Measures of Aesthetic Preference. In: Proceed• Iyshyn, Perspectives on the Computer Revolu• und Zeichen, Informationen und Codierun• ings. First International Congress on Experi• tion', pp499-500, Englewood Cliffs 1970 gen. In: Kybernetische Maschinen, Frankfurt mental Aesthetics, Paris 1965 Csuri Charles and James Shaffer, Art, Computers 1964 Bernholtz A and E Bierstone, Computer-Aug• and Mathematics. In: AFIPS, Fall Joint Com• - Kybernetik und Philosophie, Berlin 1969 mented Design. In: Design Quarterly, 1966/67 puter Conference Proceedings, Vol 33, 1968, - Kybernetik - Wesen und Wertung. In: Ky- Birkhoff GD, A Mathematical Theory of Aesthet• p1293 bernetik und Organisation, Quickborn 1962 ics. In: The Rice Institute Pamphlet, Vol 19, Cube F von, Die Redundanztheorie des Lernens - Kybernetische Analysen subjektiver Sachver• 1932 und ihre Anwendung bei Lehrmaschinen. In: halte, Quickborn 1962 - Aesthetic Measure. Cambridge, Mass, 1933 Lehrmaschinen in kybernetischer und padago• - Kybernetische Grundlagen der Padagogik, Bodack Karl-Dieter, Modell zur Beurteilung der gischer Sicht, Vol 1, Munich 1963 Baden-Baden 1962 asthetischen Realitat technischer Produkte. Di• - Entwurf eines Lernmodells auf der Basis der Uber das Verhaltnis zwischen kybernetischen ploma Thesis, Technical College, Stuttgart, 1966 Informationstheorie. In: Grundlagenstudien und philosophisch-geisteswissenschaftlichen

169 Disziplinen. In: Grundlagenstudien aus Ky• Hilfe programmgesteuerter Ziffernrechenan• Land Richard I, Computer Art: Color-Stereo bernetik und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 6, 1965, lagen. In: MTW, Vol 10, 1963, p4 Displays. In: Leonardo, Vol 2, 1969, p335 n02, p45 Halas John (ed), Computer Animation, London, Langdale Sharry, The Sixth Annual Computer - Uber die Kapazitat der menschlichen Sinnes• New York 1974 Art Contest of Computers and Automation. In: organe. In: Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik Hales Wayne B, Recording Lissajous Figures. In: Computers and Automation, Vol 17, 1968, und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 1, 1960, no 5, J Accoust Soc Am, Vol 16, 1945, p 137 no 8, p8 p145 Hannon Leon D and Kenneth C. Knowlton, Lansdown John R, The Use of Computers in Art; - Uber einen abstrakten Perzeptionsbegriff. In: Computer Generated Pictures. In: Cybernetic A Review of Demands on Graphic Facilities. Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Gei• Serendipity, p 86 In: International Symposium Computer Graph• steswissenschaft, Vol 2, 1961, no 3, p 86 - and Kenneth C Knowlton, Picture Processing ics. Brunei University 1970, p 71 - Ober grundlegende Satze der Infonnations• by Computer. In: Science, Vol 164, 1969, Laposky Ben F, Oscillons: Electronic Abstrac• psychologie. In: Grundlagenstudien aus Ky• no 3875, p19 tions. In: Leonardo, Vol 2, 1969, p 345 bernetik und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 1, 1960, Hayashi Hideyuki and Sheila Duncan, Susuma Leed J, The Computer and Literary Style, Kent, nol,p25 Kuno, Graphical Input-Output of Non-Stan• Ohio 1966 - Zum Problem des vorbewuBten Gedacht• dard Characters. In: Communication of the Levin SR, On Automatic Production of Poetic Se• nisses. In: Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik ACM, Vol 11, 1968, p 613 quences. In: The University of Texas Studies in und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 2, 1961, no 1, p 17 Hazeltine JL, The Computer and the Artist. In: Literature and Language, Vol 5, 1963 - Zur Mathematisierbarkeit des Ordnungsbe• Utah Architect, 1966 Liebennann Henry R, Art and Science Proclaim griffes. In: Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik Heidsieck Arnold, 'Filmsprachen' fUr den Com• Alliance in Avant-Garde Loft. In: The New und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 2, 1961, no 2, p 33 puter. In: Sprache im technischen Zeitalter, York Times, 11.10. 1967, p49 Franke Herbert W, Die kybernetische Asthetik no 27, 1968, P 252 Limbeck Lothar and Reiner H Schneeberger, als Voraussetzung fUr die Herstellung von Hennes H, Die Rolle der Wahrscheinlichkeit im Computergrafik, Munich 1979 Computerkunst. In: Conference Report 'Der LernprozeB. In: Lernende Automaten, Munich Lindsay KC, Art History and the Computer. In: Computer in der Universitat', Berlin 1968, p 53 1961 Computers and the Humanities, November - Die kybernetischen Grundlagen der program• Hyde Gordon, A New Sort of Computer. In: 1966 mierten Kunst. In: bit international, Zagreb PAGE 11, London 1970 Lolers PA and M Eden (ed), Recognizing Pat• 1968, no 2, p 9 Jarnagin William Spencer, The Colourful World terns: Studies in Living and Automatic Sys• - Einige Bemerkungen zur neuen Situation der of Cybernetic Art. In: Science Journal, Sep• tems, Cambridge, Mass, 1969 Kunst. In: Conference Report 'Der Computer tember 1969, p 32 Lourie JR, The Textile Designer of the Future in der Universitat', Berlin 1968, p 108 Johnson TE, Sketchpad III, Three-Dimensional Will Find New Freedom in the Use of Com• - Ein kybernetisches Modell der Kreativitat. In: Graphical Communication with a Digital puters. In: Handweaver and Craftsman, 1966, Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Gei• Computer. In: Spring Joint Computer Confer• p8 steswissenschaft, Vol 9, 1968, no 3, p 85 ence,1963 Loutrel P, A Solution to the 'Hidden Line' Prob• - Ein Regelsystem fUr Wahrnehmungsprozesse. Kawano Hiroshi, The Aesthetic for Computer Art. lem for the Computer-Drawn Polyhedra. In: Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und In: bit international, Zagreb 1968, no 2, p 19 Techn. Rep. no 400-167 of the Dept. ofElectri• Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 10, 1969, no 2, p 43 Knowles Alison and James Tenney, A Sheet from cal Engineering, New York University 1967 - GrundriB einer kybernetischen Asthetik. In: 'The House', a Computer Poem. In: Cybernet• Lutz T, Stochastische Texte. In: Augenblick, Infonnation und Kommunikation. Reviews ic Serendipity, p 56 Vol 4, 1959,nol,p3 and Reports of the 23rd International College Knowlton Kenneth C, Computer Animated - Uber ein Programm zur Erzeugung stocha• Week, Alpbach 1967. Munich, Vienna 1968, Movies. In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 67 stisch-Iogistischer Texte. In: Grundlagenstu• p137 - Computer-Produced Movies. In: Science, dien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft, - Kunst und Konstruktion, Munich 1957 Vol 150, 1965, p 1116 Vol 1, 1960, no 1, p 11 and Gottfried Jager, Apparative Kunst, Co• - Computer Technique for Producing Animated Malina Frank J (ed), Visual Art, Mathematics logne 1973 Movies. In: AFIPS, Fall Joint Computer Con• and Computers, Oxford New York Toronto Fucks Wilhelm, Mathematische Analyse von ference Proceedings, Vol 25, 1964, p 67 Sydney Paris Frankfurt 1979 Werken der Sprache und der Musik. In: Physi• Krampen Martin, Computer fUr Kunst und visu• Manheim ML, The Role of the Computer in the kalische Blatter, no 9,1960, p 452 elle Kommunikation. In: Fonnat 1967, no 11 Design Process. In: Building Research, 1966 - Mathematische Musikanalyse und Random• - Computer im Design. In: Exakte Asthetik, Mann RW, The Design Process and the Comput• folgen. In: Gravesaner Blatter, nos 23124, 1962 1967, no 5, p38 er. In: IFIP, Vol 2, 1965 - Nach allen Regeln der Kunst, Stuttgart 1968 - Computers and the Future of the Design Envi• Markoff AA, Essai d'une recherche statistique - Uber mathematische Musikanalyse. In: Nach- ronment. In: Print, Vol 20, 1966 sur Ie text du roman 'Eugene Oneguine' illus• richtentechnische Zeitschrift, no 1, 1964, P 41 - The Designer and the Computer. In: Print, Vol trant la liaison des epreuves en chaine. In: Bull - Unterschied des Prosastils von Dichtern und 20, 1966 Acad imper Sci, Vol 7, St Petersburg 1913 anderen Schriftstellern. In: Sprachfonn, nos Kummer Max, Das urheberrechtlich schiitzbare McCartan Edward F, Creativity, Computers and 3/4,1955, p 234 Werk, Berne 1968 Copyright. In: Computers and the Humanities, Glusberg Jorge, Art and . In: CAYC, Lahr J, Computer Graphics at Fortune. In: Print, Vol 3, 1969, no 4, p 193 p4 Vol 20, 1966 McGovern Patrick J, Robot Becomes Popular Greenburg Donald, Marcus Aaron, Schmidt Al• Lamont Austin, A Discussion with John Whitney. Greenwich Village Artist. In: Computers and lan H and Gorter Vernon, The Computer Im• In: Film Comment, Vol 6, 1970, no 3, p 34 Automation, Vol 11, 1962, no 9, p 6 age, Reading, MA 1982 - An Interview with John Whitney. In: Film Mendoza E, Computer Texts or High-Entropy Gunzenhauser Rul, Zur Synthese von Texten mit Comment, Vol 6, 1970, no 3, p 28 Essays. In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 58

170 Metzger Gustav, Five Screens with Computer. In: der Kunst. In: Exakte Asthetik, 1967, no 5, p 16 Movies. In: Computers and Automation, Cybernetic Serendipity, p 31 - Uber konstruktionelle und instrumentelle Vol 14, 1965, no 11, p20 - Five Screens with Computer: Computer Komplexitiit. In: Grundlagenstudien aus Ky• - Stereograhic Projections by Digital Computer. Graphic Aspects of a Sculpture Project. In: In• bernetik und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 1, 1960, In: Computers and Automation, Vol 14, 1965, ternational Symposium Computer Graphics no 2, p33 noS, p32 70. BruneI University 1970, p 267 - Kunst und Computer, Cologne 1973 - The Digital Computer as a Creative Medium. Mezei Leslie, Artistic Design by Computer. In: Morgan Edwin, Note on Simulated Computer In: IEEE Spectrum, Vol 4, 1967, no 10 Computers and Automation, Vol 13, 1964, p 12 Poems. In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 57 Oettinger Anthony G, The Uses of Computers in - Canadian Graphics Conference: Report on the Moses Joel, Der Computer als mathematischer Science. In: Scientific American, September University of Waterloo's Design Conference Assistent. In: Conference Report of'Der Com• 1966, p161 on Computer Graphics. In: Datamation, puter in der Universitat', Berlin 1968, p 74 Parrish SM, Computers and the Muse of litera• Vol 12, 1966 Mott-Smith John C, The Luminous Art of the ture. In: Bowles EA, 'Computers in Humanis• - Computer Art: A Bibliography. In: Computer Computer. In: Life Magazine, 8.11. 1968 tic Research', pp 124-133, Englewood Cliffs Studies in the Humanities and Verbal Behav• Mueller Robert E, The Science of Art: The Cy• 1967 iour, Vol 1, 1968, no 1, p48 bernetics of Creative Communication, New Parslow Rand M Pitteway, Computart Panelling. - Computer Art. In: artscanada, Vol 25, 1968 York 1967 In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p90 - Notes on the Computer and the Arts. In: Com- Muljevic Vladimir, What are the Points of Con• Pfeiffer Giinter, Exakte Kunstkritik. Zur Infor• puters and Automation, Vol 15, 1966, no 5, p 8 tact between Computer and Artist? In: bit in• mationsasthetik von Max Bense und Herbert - Review of Michael A. Noll's 'The Digital ternational, Zagreb 1968, no 3, p 59 W. Franke. In: magazin KUNST, no 34, 1969 Computer as a Creative Medium'. In: Comput• Nake Frieder, Die Kunstproduktion als Entschei• - Kunst und Computer. In: magazin KUNST, ing Reviews, Vol 9, 1968, p 128 dungsprozeB. In: bit international, Zagreb no 39, 1970, P 1883 - SPARTA. A Procedure Oriented Programming 1968, no 2, p 45 - Programmierung des SchoI).en. In: Frankfurter Language for the Manipulation of Arbitrary - Erzeugung asthetischer Objekte mit der Re• Allgemeine Zeitung, 3.11.1969 Line Drawings. In: Proceedings of the IFIP chenanlage. In: Rul Gunzenhiiuser, Behand• Pierce JR, The Arts. In: Taviss I, 'The Computer Congress, 1968. Software 2, Vol C, p 96; bit in• lung nichtnumerischer Probleme mit Hilfe Impact', Englewood Cliffs 1970 ternational, Zagreb, 1968, no 2, p 81 digitaler Rechenanlagen, Vienna 1968, p 456 Pollock DK. Raddock B, Stevens ME (ed), Opti• - The Electronic Computer: A New Tool for the - Herstellung von zeichnerischen Darstellungen, cal Character Recognition, Washington 1962 Artist. In: Arts, Vol 14, 1967 Tonfolgen und Texten mit elektronischen de Prada-Poole JM, Actions gravitatoires dans la - Trends, Prospects and the Future in Computer Rechenanlagen. Deutsches Rechenzentrum composition. In: L' ordinateur et la creativite Assisted Insight. In: Special Interest Commit• Darmstadt - Introduction a l'esthetometrie hypothetique. tee on Artificial Intelligence of ACM Newslet• - Informations-Asthetik und Computergraphik. In: L'ordinateur et la creativite ter, no 9, 1968, p 19 In: Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik, Prince MD, Interactive Graphics for Computer - and Arnold Rockman, The Electronic Com• 1968, no 6, p 177 Aided Design, Reading, MA 1971 puter as an Artist. In: Canadian Art, Vol 11, - Teamwork zwischen Kiinstler und Computer. Puckett HR, Computer Method for Perspective 1964, no 6, p 365 In: Format, no 11,1967, p 38 Drawing. In: Journal of Spacecraft and Rock• Milic LT, Making Haste Slowly in Literary Com• - Notes on the Programming of Computer ets, Vol 1, 1964 putation. In: Bowles EA, 'Computers in Hu• Graphics. In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 77 Quejido M, Generation d'un champ de structures manistic Research', pp 143-152, Englewood - Wie ein Computer ein Bild errechnet. In: Stutt• concreto-cinetiques planes. In: L'ordinateur et Cliffs 1967 garter Zeitung, 24.4.1968, p92 la creativite, p 105 Milojevic Petar, Some Thoughts on the Art/ - Asthetik als Informationsverarbeitung, Vienna Rase L, Computerkunst - Ein Teil der konstruk• Computer Relationship. In: Magazine of the New York 1974 tiven Kunst. Lecture in Technical College, Es• Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, no 6, Nash K and RH Williams, Computer Program sen, on 2.4. 1970 1968, p16 for Artistis: ART 1. In: Leonardo, Vo13, 1970, - Computer und Kunst. In: Elektronische Da• - Dynamic Design. In: bit international, Zagreb, p439 tenverarbeitung, Vol 12, 1970, no 9, p 390 1968, no 2, p 95 Nees Georg, Vom Bit zur dritten Dimension. In: - Konstruieren mit Hilfe des Computers. In: Mitchell RK, Computer Art. In: New Scientist, Data Report 4, no 1,1969 Deutsche Bauzeitung, 1970, no 10, p 848 September 1963 Nelson TH, Computer Indexed Film Handling. Reichardt Jasia, Computer Art. In: Cybernetic Moe Ole Henrik, Computer Art. In: Prisma (Nor• Society of Motion Picture and Television En• Serendipity, p 70 way), Vol 3, 1970, p 3 gineers, 98th Technical Conference 1965 - Computer Art. In: CAYC, p 10 Moles Abraham A, Informationstheorie in der Noll A Michael, Art and the Computer. In: Bell - Cybernetics, Art and Ideas, London 1971 Kunst. Hochschule der Bildenden Kiinste, Telephone Laboratories Report, nd - The Computer in Art, London 1971 DUsseldorf 1965 - The Digital Computer as a Creative Medium. Resch RD, Experimental Structures. In: Secrest - Kunst und Maschinen. Hochschule der Bil• In: Pylyshyn Z, 'Perspectives on the Computer D and J Nievergelt, Concepts in Computer denden Kunste, Dusseldorf 1965 Revolution', pp 349-358, Englewood Cliffs Graphics, New York Amsterdam 1968 - Manifeste d'Art Permutationnel. In: rot, Vol 8, 1970 Robbins Donald K and Leigh Hendricks, Bugs 1965 - Choreography and Computers. In: Dance and Patterns. In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 80 - Peut-il encore y avoir des reuvres d'art? In: bit Magazine, January 1967 Rockmann Arnold and Leslie Mezei, The Elec• international, Zagreb 1968, no 1, p 61 - Computer Animation and the Fourth Dimen• tronic Computer as an Artist. In: Canadian - Theorie de l'information et perception esthe• sion. In: AFlPS, Fall Joint Computer Confer• Art, Vol 11, 1964, no 6, p 365 tique, Paris 1958 ence Proceedings, Vol 33, 1958, p 1279 Ronge Hans (ed), Kunst und Kybernetik, Co• - Uber die Verwendung von Rechenanlagen in - Computer Generated Three-Dimensional logne 1968

171 Schemer Peter, Ordnung ist unvenneidlich. In: Thie Joseph A, Computers in the Arts. In: Com• Brooks FP Jr, Hopkins AL Jr, Neumann PG, Pyramide, no 4,1959 puters and Automation, Vol 10, 1961, no 9, p 23 Wright WV, An Experiment in Musical Com• Schmitt Alfred, Graphik vom computergesteuer• Thompson Michael, Questions for a 'Proper Ma• position. IRE Transactions on Electronic Com• ten Bildschinn. In: Umschau 1970, no 1, p 15 thematician', p 16, London 1971 puters. In: EC, Vol 6, 1957 Schmitt Sam, Cubic Interpolations. In: Cybernet• Valoch Jin, Computer als Schopfer oder Werk• Briin Herbert, Uber Musik zum Computer, Karls• ic Serendipity, p 97 zeug. In: bit international, Zagreb 1968, no 3, ruhe 1971 Schrage Dieter, Der Computer als kiinstlicher p91 Chamberlin Hal, Musical Application of Micro• Kiinstler. In: Summa, no 4, 1969, p55 Warnock JE, A Hidden Line Algorithm for Half• processors, Rochelle Park, NJ 1980 Schroeder Manfred R, Grafik aus dem Computer tone Picture Representation. In: Tech Rep Cohen JE, Infonnation Theory and Music. Be• - Kunst oder Wissenschaft? In: Kulturstadt no 4-5, Computer Science Dept Univ of Utah, havioral Science, 7, 137, 1962 Gottingen, 25.9. 1970, P 3 Salt Lake City 1968 Cohen John, Componereende Computers. In: - Images from Computers. In: bit international, Watanabe Satosi (ed), Methodologies of Pattern Bull Berichte, no 12,1964, P 14 Zagreb 1968, no 2, p 63 Recognition, New York 1969 Divilbiss JL, The Real-Time Generation of Music Secrest D and J Nievergelt (ed), Concepts in Weeks John, Indetenninate Dimensions in Archi• with a Digital Computer. J Music Theory, 18, Computer Graphics, 1967 University of Illinois tecture. In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 69 99, 1964 Conference. New York Amsterdam 1968 Weiner D and SE Anderson, A Computer Ani• The First Ballad to Be Composed by a Computer. Segui de la Rive J, Composition automatique mation Movie Language for Educational Mo• International Musician, 55, 21, 1956 d'espaces architectoniques. In: L'ordinateur et tion Pictures. In: AFIPS, Fall Joint Computer Foerster H von, Music by Computers (includes la creativite, p 13 Conference Proceedings, Vo133, 1968, p 1317 four records), New York 1969 Seitz Peter, Design and the Computer. In: Design Whitney John, Pennutations. In: Cybernetic Ser• Gill S, A Technique for the Composition of Mu• Quarterly 1966/67 endipity, p 65 sic in a Computer. In: The Computer Journal, Shulman Arnold Roy, Optical Data Processing, - Digital Hannony - On the Complementary of July 1963 New York, London 1970 Music and Visual Art, New York 1980 Grossmann GR and JW Beauchamp, A Provi• Siders RA et aI., Computer Graphics - A Revolu• Winkless Nels and Paul Honore. What Good is a sional Sound Generation Program for the tion in Design. American Management Asso• Baby? In: AFIPS, Fall Joint Computer Confer• ILLIAC II Computer and D/A Converter. ciation, 1966 ence Proceedings, Vol 33, 1968, p 1307 University of Illinois Experimental Music Stu• Simmat E William, Kunst aus dem Computer. In: Worsley Beatrice H, Is it Art? In: Quarterly Bul• dio Technical Report no 14, Urbana, 1966 Exakte Asthetik, no 5,1967 letin of the Canadian Infonnation Processing Heckmann H, Elektronische Datenverarbeitung Sinden FW, Computer-Made Motion Pictures. Society, Vol 8, 1968, p 4 in Musikdokumentation und Musikwissen• In: Bell Telephone Laboratories Report Youngblood Gene, Expanded Cinema, New schaft. In: Heckmann H, Elektronische Daten• Skinner Frank D, Computer Graphics - Where York 1970 verarbeitung in der Musikwissenschaft, Re• Are We? In: Datamation, May 1966 Yturralde Jose Maria, Exemple d'une applica• gensburg 1967, p 7 Stachowiak H, Denken und Erkennen im Ky• tion methodologique a la suite d'un travail sur Heike G, Infonnationstheorie und musikalische bernetischen Modell, Vienna 1965 les structures geomHriques. In: L'ordinateur et Komposition. Melos, 28, 269, 1961 Stickel Gerhard, Automatische Textzerlegung un• la creativite, p 127 Hijman Julius, Elektronisch componeeren? In: ter Registerherstellung. In: Programm-Infor• Zajac EE, Computer Animation: A New Scientif• Mens en Melodie, 1961, p 141 mation PI -11. Deutsches Rechenzentrum ic and Educational Tool. In: Society of Motion Hiller LA Jr, Computer uusic. In: Scientific Dannstadt, 1964 Pictures and Television Engineers Report, No• American,no12,1959 - Computer-Dichtung - zur Erganzung von Tex• vember 1965, p 1006 - Infonnationstheorie und Computennusik. In: ten mit Hilfe von datenverarbeitenden Anla• - Computer-Made Perspective Movies as a Dannstadter Gesprach, 1960 gen. In: Der Deutschunterricht, Vol 18, 1966, Scientific and Communication Tool. In: Com• - and RA Baker, Computer-Kantate 1963. In: no 2, p120 munications of ACM, Vol 7, 1964, P 169 Dannstadter Beitrage zur neuen Musik, 1963 - Monte

173 Herzog B, Computer Graphics for Designers. In: Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 5, und Computer, Exhibition Catalogue, Central Secrest D and J Nievergelt, Concepts in Com• 1964, nos 3/4 Savings Bank, Vienna 1969 puter Graphics, New York Amsterdam 1968 - Computer-Grafik. In: rot, no 19,1965 Argentina Inter-medios, Exhibition Catalogue, Ives R, Computer Aided Sculpture. In: Comput• - Programming Stochastic Computer Graphics. Central Savings Bank, Vienna 1969 ers and Automation, Vol 18, 1969, no 8, p 33 In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p79 Argentina Inter-medios, Exhibition Catalogue, Jacks EL, Design Augmented by Computers. In: - Statische Graphik. In: Grundlagenstudien aus Centro de Estudios de Arte y Comunicacion, Design Quarterly, 1966/67 Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 5, 1969 Malina FJ, Comments on Visual Fine Art Pro• 1964,p67 Auf dem Wege zur Computerkunst, Exhibition duced by Digital Computers. In: Leonardo, - Variationen von Figuren in der statistischen Catalogue, Fachhochschule rur Gestaltung, Vol 4, 1971 Graphik. In: Grundlagenstudien aus Kyberne• Kiel 1970 Mallary R, Computer Sculpture: Six Levels of tik und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol 5, 1964, p 121 CAYC, Exhibition Catalogue, Centro de Estudi• Cybernetics. In: Artforum, May 1969 Noll A Michael, A Subjective Comparison of Piet os de Arte y Comunicacion, Buenos Aires 1969 Martin Henry, Computer Paintings of Lowell Mondrian's 'Composition with Lines' (1917). Computer Plotter Art, Exhibition Prospectus. Mi• Nesbitt. In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p63 In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 74 ni galeria da biblioteca do USIS, Sao Paulo Mason Maughan S, Computer Generated - Computers and the Visual Arts. In: Krampen 1970 Graphics. In: Cybernetic Serendipity, p 92 M and P Seitz (ed), Design and Planning, New Cybernetic Serendipity, Exhibition Catalogue, Mezei Leslie, Computers and the Visual Arts. In: York 1967, Vol 2 Studio International, Institute of Contempo• Computers and the Humanities, Vol 2, 1967 - Human or Machine: A Subjective Comparison rary Arts, London 1968 - The Electronic Computer - A Tool for the Vis• of Piet Mondrian's 'Composition with Lines' Event One, Program of Performance, Computer ual Arts. Computer Society of Canada, Nation• (1917) and a Computer Generated Picture. In: Arts Society, London 1969 al Conference, 1966 The Psychological Record, Vol 16, 1966, pi Formas computables, Exhibition Catalogue, - The Visual Arts. In: Computers and the Hu• Oil Paintings with Aid of Computer. In: Comput• Centro de Calculo de la Universidad de Ma• manities, Vol 1, 1967: Vol 2, 1968: Annual Bib• er and Automation, Vol 17, 1968, no 9, p 56 drid 1969 liography Palyka Duane, Computer Prints. In: Cybernetic Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Computerkunst. Nake Frieder, Bemerkungen zur Programmie• Serendipity, p 92 In: Auf dem Wege zur Computerkunst, Exhi• rung von Computer-Grafiken. In: Programm• Parkin Alan, How to Draw a Ball. In: Cybernetic bition Catalogue, Kiel1970 Information PI-21, Deutsches Rechenzentrum Serendipity, p 84 Generacion automatica de formas plasticas, Ex• Darmstadt, 1966, p 3 Putar Radoslav, Cybernetic Serendipity: Exhi• hibition Catalogue, Centro de Calculo de la - Computer Grafik. In: Futura, no 13,1966 bition in the Institute of , Universidad de Madrid 1970 - Computergrafik an der Universitat Stuttgart. London. In: bit international, Zagreb 1968, Impulse Computerkunst, Exhibition Catalogue, In: Techn. Mitteilungen AEG-Telefunken, 2nd nol,p91 Art Club, Munich 1970 supplement to Datenverarbeitung, 1968 Rosenfeld Azriel, Picture Processing by Comput• Kunst und Computer, Exhibition Catalogue, - Die Herstellung von Computer-Grafik, Con• er, New York 1969 Central Popular Savings Bank, Vienna 1969 ference Report 'Der Computer in der Univer• Van der Wolk J, Performulated Art: On the Phi• Laposky Ben F, Electronic Abstractions, Exhi• sitat', Berlin 1968, p 76 losophy and Generation of Visual Computer bition Catalogue, Cherokee 1953 - Klasifikace komputerove grafiky. Eine Klassi• Art. In: Simiolus, Kunsthistorisch Tijdschrift, L'ordinateur et la creativite, Exhibition Cata• ftzierung der Computer-Grafik, Czech. In: Vol 4, 1970, no 2, p 115 logue, pUblication of the Centro de Calculo de VYtvarna prace, Vol 16, 1969, nos 12/13 Wylie Chris, Rommey Gordon, Evans David, Er• la Universidad de Madrid 1970 - Kiinstliche Kunst. Zur Produktion von Com• dahl Alan, Half-Tone Perspective Drawings by Nees Georg, Computer-Grafik und visuelle putergrafiken. In: Kunst und Kybernetik, edit• Computer. In: AFIPS, Fall Joint Computer Komplexitat. In: Auf dem Wege zur Compu• ed by Hans Ronge, Cologne 1968 Conference Proceedings, Vol 31, 1967, p 49 terkunst, Exhibition Catalogue, Kiel 1970; bit On Generative Aesthetics-Two Pictures Gener• international, Zagreb 1968, no 2, p 29 ating Programs. In: International Symposium SchrOder Klithe (ed), On the Eve of Tomorrow. Computer Graphics 70, Brunei University Catalogues In: Computerkunst, Exhibition Catalogue, 1970, p89 Hannover 1969 Nees Georg, Generative Computergraphik, Mu• Wallach George, Computer-Animated Movies. nich 1969 Adrian Marc, Computer und die Demokratisie• Program of 'Festival Internazionale del Film di - Computer-Grafik. In: Grundlagenstudien aus rung des listhetischen BewuBtseins. In: Kunst Fantascienza', Trieste 1970

174 Name Index

Adrian, Marc 67 f., 140, 166 Catmull, Edwin E. 150 Giorgini, Aldo 34, 121 Kage, Manfred 95 Albers, Josef 110 Cavadia, Christian 74, 120 Giugno 139 Kakizaki, Junichiro 115 Alexanco,J.L. 115,127 Charbonnier, Janine 139 Glusberg, Jorge 106 Kammerer-Luka, G.F. 145 Alsleben, Kurd 97 Chen, Wei-Chung 34 Goldberg, Theo 139 Kawano, Hiroshi 126 Anderson, Lee 87 Citron, Jack P. 131 f. Gonauser, M. 16 Kelemen, Boris 105 Auger, Boyd 142 Cohen, Ephraim 150 Graf, Klaus Dieter 150 Kempf,J.B. 147 Cohen, Harold 120, 123 Grassl, Alfred 110,115 Kennedy, John F. 113 Badler, Norman I. 87,140 Colonna, Jean-Fran~is 61 Gravenhorst, Hein 93 Kitching, Alan 133,149 Backstrom, Holger 106 Coqart, Roger 10Sf., 126 Graves, Michael L. 118 Klee, Paul 158f. Baker, Robert 138 Cordeiro, Analivia 140 Grossi, Pietro 139 Knowles, Alison 135 Balestrini, Nani 135 Cordeiro, Waldemar 106,116,118, Guest, Julius 35, 121 Knowlton, Kenneth C. 23,55,77, Bangert, Charles J. 123, 125 140 Gunzenhauser, Rul 67,133,155 81,129,157 Bangert, Colette S. 123, 125 Csuri, Charles 53 f., 105, 110, 129, Guttman, N. 139 Koenig, Gottfried M. 65, 139 Barbadillo, Manuel 38 f., 105, 115 131,133 Koetsier, H. 115 Barbaud, Pierre 138 f. Cuba, Larry 133, 150 Haeckel, Ernst 95 Kolomyjec, William J. 118 Basset, Klaus 94, 123 Cube, Felix von 155 Hales, Wayne B. 14 Komura, Masao 115 Baudot, Jean A. 135 Hamm, Helen 138 Krause, Manfred 137 Beaman, Jeanne H. 140 Debiasi 139 Hansmann, Georg 158 Kreis, Peter 118 Beckmann, Oskar 115 DeFanti, Thomas A. 88,118 Harmon, Leon D. 55 Kubrick, Stanley 133 Beckmann, Otto 110,115,127,131, Deira, Ernesto 115 Harris, Jeff 137 Kummer, Max 163 134 Delgado, Gerardo 105 Harrison, Paul R. 103 Benedit, Luis 115 Dietrich, Frank 119 Hartung, Hans 158 Lansdown, R. John 135,140f. Bense, Max IX, 1, 105, 107f., 155 DiFrancesco, David 150 Hartwig, P. 97 Laposky, Ben F. 95, 97 Berlyne, D. E. 156 Dombrower, Edward 140 Hashimoto, Sozo 127 Laske, Otto E. VII, 139 Berni, Antonio 115 Duca, Alfred M. 127 Havlik, Ernst 126 Leavitt, Ruth 75,109,123 Beyls, Peter 107,126 Durer, Albrecht 94 Helbig, Horst VII, 31, 53, 59, 79, Lecci, Auro 110,116,118 Biesele, Igildo G. 109 Dunker, Kenneth F. 123, 125 123,147 Le Corbusier 94 Biggs, W. Gale 103 Henne, Peter X, 118 Lehner, Manfred 123 Bill, Max 110 Eikelenbloom, A. 115 Hertlein, Grace C. 106,118f. Le Vasseur, Paul 140 Birkhoff, George D. 155f., 158 Em, David 89, 150 Hille, G. H. 97 Levin, D. 139 Blanchard, Roger 139 Enschede en Zonen, J. 94 Hiller, Lejaren A. 138 Lieske, Barbel 158 Bleicher, Wilhelm 110 Escher, Maurits C. 62, 118 Hoglund, Sven 106 Lifton, John 140 Blinn, James 50,69,89,150 Eusemann, Stephan 109 Hoerbst, E. 16 Limbeck, Bernhard 33 Bottger, Frank 109 Honegger-Lavater, Gottfried 129 Limbeck, Lothar 108 Bonacic, Vladimir 107,129 Fetter, W.A. IX, 95, 102f. Longson, Tony 123 Boreham, Dominic 108,121 Finkle, Ivan L. 14,95 Ihme, Hans Martin 129 Lopez, Mike 140 Bosche, C. 55, 158 Foldes, Peter 133 Ihnatovicz, Edvard 129 Lucas, George 150 Boulez, Pierre 139 Frank, Helmar 155f., 158 Ingerl, Kurt 129 Lutz, Theo 133 Brock, Fred V. 103 Franke, Herbert W. 16,31,53,59, Isaacson, Leonard 138 Bruckner, Anton 72 71 f., 79, 99, 147 MacEntyre, Eduardo 115 Brlin, Herbert 138 f. French, Chris 121, 123 Jager, Gottfried 93, 120 McKeown, Kathy 87 Brys-Schatan, G. 107 Fuchshuber, Roland 118 Jenny, Hans 95 McKinnon Wood, Robin 135 Buckminster Fuller, R. 142 Fucks, Wilhelm 40, 155 Johnson, Nigel 129 Malina, Frank J. 108f. Burnett, C. 95 Fujino, Koji 115 Jones, Kerry 122 Malina, Roger F. 108 Julesz, Bela 55,97,103,121,158 Mallary, Robert 46,119,142,148 Cage, John 138 Geitz, G. 16 Jungberg, Bo 106 Mallen, George 140 Camarero, E. Garcia 105,109,115 Gerngross, Heidolf 138 Mandelbrot, Benoit B. 78, 121, 123, Carpenter, Lauren C. 150 Gibbons, Orlando 139 Kaegi, Werner 139 150 Casey, Susan 76 Giers, Walter 129,140 Kafka, Franz 133 Maser, Siegfried 155f.

175 Mason, Maughan S. 95,103 Palumbo, Jacques 126 Schaudt, Gotz F. 137 Teicholz, Eric 142 Masterman, Margaret 135 Passow, Cord 97 Schemer, Peter 40,158 Tenney, James 135, 139 Mathews, Max V. 77,121,150 Peitgen, Heinz-Otto 78 Schinner, P. 16 Thomas, Klaus 164 Mation, Helvio 142 Perales, J. L. Gomez 105 Schlemmer, Gottfried 140 Triendl, Ernst E. 123 Maurer, Gerhard 154 Peterson, H. Philip 56 f., 110 Schmaltz, K-L. 129 Tsuchiya, Haruki 115 Mavignier, Alvir 94 Pfeiffer, Gunther 108 Schneeberger, Reiner 108f.,120f. Mendoza, E. 135 Pierce, J. R. 139 Schott, Ernst 122 Vanderbeek, Stan 129 Metzger, Gustav 108 Platt, Stephen M. 150 Schott, Milada 122 Vasarely, Victor 94 Mezei, Leslie 23,30,53,97,103, PlOchl, Willi 123 Schrack, Antje VII Vidal, Miguel Angel 115 107f. Poppe, Christoph 36, 121 Schrack, Gunther F. VII, 108, 139, Vilder, Roger 126 Milojevic, Petar 162 Portmann, Adolf 95 145 Villiers, Charles 131 Mitchell, R. K 95 Pritchett, Tony 131 SchrOder, Kathe 105 Vinci, Leonardo da 94 Mohr, Manfred 109,111,115,118, Prueitt, Melvin L. 109 Schroeder, Manfred R. 51,56,73 Vogel, Peter 129 123 Schwartz, Lillian F. 77,129 Volli, Ugo 109 Moles, Abraham A. 108,156 Quejido, M. 115 Sempere, Eusebio 105 Molnar, Vera 42,109 Seville, Soledad 105,115 Wallen, Graham 137 Molnar, Zsuzsa 119 Raimann, Franz 97, 99 Shaffer, James 53 f., 105, 110, 129, Warnock, John 49 Mondrian, Piet 94,158,161 Randall, J. K. 139 131 Warszawski, Aron 109 Moore, Dick 129 Rase, Ludwig 142 f. Shannon, C. 156 Weeks, John 142 Morgan, Edwin 135 Rathsmill, Gary 87 Shao,Paul 123,125 Wegscheider, Horst 140 Moscati, Giorgio 116 Raymond, Richard C. 129 Shimomura, Shihaya 126f. Weinberg, Richard A. 87 Mott-Smith, John C. 80,95,131 Reichardt, Jasia IX, 105 Shirley, Robin 137 Weiss, Gerold 109 Mozart, w.A. 37 Resch, Ronald 130 f., 142 Simmat, William E. 108 Weiss, Johann VII Myhill, John 138 Reumuth, Horst 95 Smith, Alvy Ray 150 Whitney, John 110, 13Hf., 153 Rich, A. P. 97 Smoliar, Stephen 140 Whitney, Michael 131 Richter, Peter H. 78 Sonderegger, Bruno 94 Wikstrom, Bror 106 Nahrgang, Christoph 120f. Riddel, Torsten 106,109 Speeth, S. D. 139 Willoughby, Lynette 137 Nake, Frieder X, 23, 37, 42, 55, 70, Riedl, Josef Anton 141 Stampfli, Peter 164 Willsberger, Johann 109 97, 107 f., 110, 155, 158f. Risset, Jean Claude 138 Starr, Norton 32,121 Wolk, Rolf 109 Nees, Georg VII, 23, 37, 40ff., 62, Roads, Curtis 139 Stickel, Gerhard 107,134 97,101, 108ff., 129, 131, 142 f., 155, Roehreke, Imai-A. VII Stiegler, Hermann 94 161, 166 Xander, Paul 150 Roh, Franz 95 Strand, Kerry 11 Negroponte, Nicholas 142 Xenakis, Jannis 65, 138f. Romberg,Osvaldo 115 Strang, Gerald 139 Niwa, Fujio 115 Ross, Robert 145 Struycken, Peter 115 Noll, A. Michael 29,37,64,97,99, Roubaud, Sylvia 109 Sturmer, Wilhelm 95 Yamanaka, Kunio 115 103, 129, 140, 158, 161 Runge, Ferdinand 95 Sumner, Lloyd 33,108,110,131 Yturralde, Jose M. 105 f., 115 Sutcliffe, Alan 67,108,137,140 Ohtake, Makoto 115 Sagan, Carl 50 Sutherland, Ivan E. 27 Zajac, E.E. 129f. Ostwald, Wilhelm 95 Sandin, Daniel 118 Sykes, B. 88 Zajec, Edvard 9,109,120 Oxenaar, R.D.E. 115 Schaeffer, Pierre 139 Sykora, Zdenek 112,115,118 Ziljak, Vilko 126

176 Subject Index

adaptable design 45 105ff., 115, 118ff., 125 f., 129, 131, information aesthetics 155, 161 plotter 8, 11, 20 alienated science 95 133,139, 141f., 144, 148ff., 153ff., - psychology 156ff.,161 process supervision 49 analogue computer IX, XI, 1, 13 157f., 161 ff., 166 - theory 155 f. programming languages 23 f., 109, animation VI, 50, 59f., 133, 144, cybernetic aesthetics 155 ink jet plotters 22 132, 140 148ff.,166 - art theory 156f. input devices 4 ff., 25 pseudo-random 40 Apperzepteme 1,157,162 interactive operation 25 punched cards V, 2 ff. artificial intelligence 53 dance 64,115, 140ff. - tape 3f. joystick 6, 25 digital computer IX, XI, 1 f., 13, 22 behavior 156,158 random 37, 161f. digitizing table 5, 28 laser printer 22 binary system 1 dynamic pictures 59 - number 37ff.,66 business graphics 45 light pen 5 - processes 28, 37 Lissajous figures l1ff. representational pictures 53 CAD, CAM Vf., 18, 45 f., 50 f., 133, environment 68 literature 66,107 f., 133 ff., 140, 153, sculpture 62,64, 127f. 141 f., 144ff. exact aesthetics 153 ff. 155, 163 semiconductor electronics V calculation graphics 94 experimental aesthetics 157 locator operation 27 simulation 49 f., 144, 148, 162 calligraphic display 13 extrapolation 37 software XI, 2, 22, 25, 27 f., 44, 49f. cathod ray oscilloscope 11, 13 Marcoff chain procedure 66 storage tube display 16 matrix calculus 37 chance 162 film 110,115, 129ff., 144, 148ff., subjective information 156 medical diagnostics 50 color graphics 16 supervisor 22 153 f., 157 f., 166 memory XI, 2 f. - hardcopy 20 support of attributes 27 floppy disk 4,166 microcomputer XI, 3, 148, 164 - output 18 symmetrization 28 microprocessor 148,164 - tubes 18f. Moire effect 33, 37 colored analogue graphics 97 gestalt psychology 158 - pattern 19,29 theater 140 ff., 166 compiler 23 f. graphic data processing 44 multi-media 68,137, 140ff., 153f., thumb wheels 6 computer architecture 141 ff., 155 - documentation 19 167 tracking ball 6, 25 - art IX f., 28, 37, 40, 42, 46,55,59, - output 7,18,20,49 music 37,42, 59, 64 f., 66 f., 93, 107 f., transformation 28, 44f., 50, 53, 55, 64f., 93, 95, 97, 105f., 107 f., 110, - representation 7 graphical processing 29 110,131, 138ff., 153ff., 158, 162ff. 61,65,79,131 115,118, 120 f., 123, 131, 142, 144, translation 27,45 153 ff., 158, 161, 163 ff., 167 - programming 24 graphics oriented system 27 f. order 155f.,162 - assisted art 129 output devices 6 ff., 25 - games VI, 6, 40, 67, 133, 144, 148, - systems V, 3, 27 vector display 13 150,164,166 grid display 13 pattern recognition 6,44,51,53,151 video 60,66,144, 149 f., 166 - graphic art 16,28,121 photography 93,131,163 visualization VI, 28, 121, 144 - graphics Vff., IX f., 2, 7, 16, 18, hardware V, 2f., 22,25, 27 f., 44, 148, pick operation 27 vocoders 65 24 f., 27, 37, 40, 42, 44f., 51, 53, 59, 164 picture processing 6,18,44, 50f., 53, 62,64,66,71,74,80,93,95,103, holographic memories 4 55 f., 59, 69, 72 f., 82f., 126, 151 word processing systems 45