JULY 13, 1939 VOLUME Xxxviil NUMBER 247 Fair Parachute Jumpers ~Ide Again
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, 1931 ~ , Bue. Beat Dod,er, Fair Mace Brown Bests W,aU in Duel IOWA - GeneraUy lair, not ao To Give Pirates 3-0 Win I' warm extreme west por1ion &oda)': See Story, Pare 3 tomorrow fair and cooler. - t BallI Iowa City', M ornin, Ne""paper FIVE CENTS row A CITY, TOW A THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1939 VOLUME XXXVIIl NUMBER 247 Fair Parachute Jumpers ~ide Again,.,. This Time Safely -------- Socialites Land In Safety On Second Trial Rathhornes Swayed STARDUST? u. S, WILL PAY In Mid·Air 5 HouJ'8 General Motors AFL Unions Asl Congressmen, Poot Directs Picl~ets Fight On Earlier Ascen t 6th Round Table Canadians Find Parts Negotiates In F D R T R Judge Refuses Offer Guardsmen At NEW YORK, July 12 (AP) Of Meteor Detroit Strike • • • 0 estore WP A Wage Session oday For New Rag The socially prominent J , Corne '! The A!iSOCla~d lius Rathbornes returned to the DETROIT, July 12 (AP)-Gen· By Press "Literature Today" will be dis- PHILADELPHIA, J u 1 y "12 Harlan Field New York world's fair late today DRESDEN, Ont., July 12 (Ca- Leaders of American Federation ing for similar private employ- and made a parachute jump from nadian Press) - Four chunks of eral Motors corporation, facing a of Labor unions, divided as to ment. cussed by John G. Neihardt, noted (AP) - A surprised federal the same tower from which they molten stone, beUeved to have prolonged tie-up of preparatory Just before the conference voted poet, when he conducts the sixth court jurist rejected with thanks CIO Union Orders work on its 1940 model automo. whether they should encourage today an offer by six n wly hung helplessly' 125 feet above been parts of a meteor that unanimously to petition congress writers' workshop round table at Picketing Stopped ground for five hours overnight streaked across southwestern biles, opened negotiations today stl'fkes on WPA projects, got to for repeal of this requirement, 4:30 this aftel'noon in the senate naturalized citizens to buy a in a disabled 'chute. intended to settle a strike of skill- gether yesterday on an appeal to and to lay its demands before chamber of Old Capitol. flag for his courtroom, and told In Trouble Zone Their second descent was made Ontario last night, were found today within a radius of a mile ed employes who are members of congress and President Roosevelt President Roosevelt as well, Harry Among the poet's best known them: in the usual 15 seconds, as com HARLAN, Ky" July 12 (AP) pared with the long siege that the CIO United Automobl'le Work- that pJ'evailing wage rates be re- ElectricalVan Andale, Workers a spokesman brotherhood tor thein books 0f poe t ry are "Th e S ong of "I hardly feel it is proper for of Dresden. Orders for "no picketing" tomor started last night when a cable The hirgest missile, weighing ers. stored to WPA workers. New York shouted: Hugh Glass," "The Song of Three a rich nation to allow you to jammed and a guy wire fouled to row went out tOnight In Harlan 100 pounds and measuring 15 The conference between offi While thousands of work relief "If cong~ess deserts the building F,riends" a~d "Song o,f t.?e In· spend your money for some hold them aloft until rescue ettorts cials of corporation and union got employes who had been on strike trade unions, I suggest we strike dl~n Wars, Nelhardt, IS htera~y thing it should buy," county, scene of a "pitched battle" tinally succeeded early this morn by 12 inches, landed in the beet enrlier between national guards under way as UAW-CIO leaders !lve days or mOI'e were being every government job in the editor of the St. LOUIS Post-DIS' After they left, Judge Harry ing. field of Mrs. Dan Solomon's at Pontiac called "all available dischaxged under orders from (:ounlry and not let a wheel move patch: men and coal mine pickets In Dlfferent 'Chu~ farm, within 200 yards of where pickets" in that city to report at WPA headquarters, officials of on any job in which the govern- Nelhardt ~as I~ctured at colleges Kalodner directed the building which a mIner was killed, a militia Although they returned to com she stood with her four chil 5 a.m. (CST) outside the Fisher the AFL unions met in the na- ment has an interestl" univerSities m :.11 parts of the custodian to get 0 new flag - ofIicer wounded seriously and six I an~ at Uncle Sam's expense. plete their jump - just as flyers dren. Body cotnpany plant there, tiona] capital and discussed heat- William Green, president of the ~ruted States. other persons hurt. go aloft again immediately after Edly what should be done about federation, declared at the outset ---------------------------- Paul Reed, representative of the a crackup to steady their nerves- _ C.I.O. United Mine. Workers of the new relief luw's requjrement of the Washington meeting that Mussolim· Orders Forel·gners America said "runners" had been ~~~~~!d ~~!b~!~ t~~d'c~~~.~c~~iC~, PIttman Suggests Congress that WPA workers put in 130 tbe remedy :tor the new WPA dispatched to notUy all points hours a month lor a "security wage regulations lay with con- • where picket lines had been great crowd last night. R .. S · U -I Fall it Because of ve;rmg win~s, ~ey emam In esslon ntl wage" instead of working out gress "rather than through strikes To Evacuate Frontier District maintained or were to be formed ' took a 'chute on the oPPosite Side, at the same hourly rates prevail- on WPA projects, .. not to organize tomorrow. where rour of the 11 "umbrellas" -----...:.-.- Troops Go To Releue were operating on the 250-toot Political, Military Meantime, troop reinforcements tower, Thinks 'Best To Wait were being l'ushed to "Bloody First they thanked the two For Developments In Strange Explosion DaInages Navy Craft Rea ons Cause New Harlan's" soft coal field, mechanics who rigged up the ap Anti"lFascist Move While the troops were bringil'li paratus by which they were low European Situation to jail 250 men arrested at the ' ~r ed to safety over a precaution .-- ROME, July 12 (AP)- Com scene of the clash. between pickets NORFOLK, Va., July 12 (AP) ary police safety net spread below WASHINGTON, July 12 (AP) and soldiers, 8 second outburst of this morning, Then they were Chairman Pittman (D-Nev) of the A mysterious explosion followed 'Torso~ Slayer Denies Crime; pulsory departUre of aU foreign by a solid sheet of flame, engulfed New Faith bullets from the weapons of the hauled aloft in the customary 58 senate foreign relations committee (,I's fl'om theIr homes and vaca soldiers wounded Hubert Green, seconds and dropped without Inci the navy's aircraft carrier Ranger proposed today that congress re- from water line to flight deck to 'Forced' Confession Suspected Wife 'Healed' By tion residences in Bolzano, Italy's a high split miner, and his moth-· dent. er, Mrs, Kizzie Green, on a Har Business Good main in session until fall to await day and left in its wake a tangled Holy Miracle i ...· ontier province bordering G r mass of burned machinery and a mnny lit the strategic Brenner lan street. The lower management found developments in the European sit CLEVELAND, July 12 (AP) before charging him with the de- Gov. A. B, Chandler, at Ash-" business booming rather than di black-charred hull. pass, was in full 'swing today on uation - whether or not it acts in Frank Dolezal denied tonight that capitation of Mrs. Polillo, the NEW YORK, July 12 (AP) land on 0 tour of the eastern minishing in the wa k e of last Narrowly escaping death or he killed Mrs. Florence Polilo, or ol'der of Premier Mussolini him. night's mishap. Soon after the the meanwhile on the deadlocked sedous injury were seven navy that he is the long-sought "torso sheriff appeared today before a Anthony Geraci went to church self. Kentucky mountain flood area opening of business today, which question of revising the neutrality enlisted men who, warned by the closed session of the Cleveland today for the firsl time in 31 A communique Issued today, where 71 were drowned last week, explosion scurried to safety with- slayer" pf 12 persons, hi~ attor- was delayed during repairs and Jaws. Bar association's civil liberties years, his folth-Iost in 1908 when three days artel' the first expul immediat Iy ordered 300 addition in the hU'u of the $30,000,000 ves- ne~, .Fred B .. Souk.up, sBl,d after al national gunrdsmen here, tests", the cashl~r said four times He made lhis suggestion \Is he, committee. an earthquake in Italy wiped out sions were ordered, stated tha\ U . lIormal number of customers el, noW at No ,folk yard under- a . )::ul cell mtel'V lew With the ., 1 liticaJ and military" .reaBon!.'! doubllng the strength of the with other admInistration leaders, s , . I , brawny bricklayer Thomas E. LIpscomb, chairman, his enUre farnHy-restor~d by were waiting to jump. gomg mmor reprurs and overhaul. ' J)l'om ptedthe move in a light troops. The governor1s order in The upturn was partly attribut canvassed all possible methods of The seven men apparently were "He den.les ,.the Pol!llo kl~Ung," said the committee would draft a what he called "a miracle ot agai nst anti-fascism. The com. cluded tanks . and machine gun getting the neutrali ty legislation not seriously injured by the ex- Soukup s8Id, He demes he IS the God" able to reduced prices on chil later.