299 Abelson, RP, 66 Abductive Argument Argumentation Scheme For
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03930-8 - Methods of Argumentation Douglas Walton Index More information Index Abelson, R.P., 66 Anchored narrative, 137 , 163 Abductive argument Appeal to authority, 216–17 argumentation scheme for, 162 Appeal to expert opinion, 216 , 221 critical questions for, 162 Appeal to the people, see Fallacy of Abductive reasoning, 111 , 160 , 187–88 argument from popular opinion argumentation scheme for, 84 , 206 Araucaria, 15 , 16 , 99 critical questions for, 84 compared, 19–20 modeling with, 160–61 described, 12–13 Abortion case, 143–44 , 148 ArguMed, 16 , 17 Abstract argumentation framework, comparison, 20 35–36 Argument defi ned, 33 attack, 27 , 42 , 53 , 55 , 78 Action-based alternating transition back and forth exchange, 92 system, 156 composition, 46 , 48 , 90 ACTOS example, 1 , 20 defi nition, 48 , 88 , 89 critical questions, 15–16 defeasible, 7 , 30 , 227 , 229 , 246–47 explained, 14 open-ended, 238 Ad hominem argument, 50 , 159 , 234 evaluated, 33 defi ned, 96 identifying, 94–97 requirements of, 97 requirements for identifying, 89–90 types of, 118 Argument diagram, 72 , 255–56 , 259 Ad hominem attack, 235 composition of, 10 Ad verecundiam fallacy, 274 Argument from analogy, 42 , 114 , 139 , Affi davit example, 44–45 143 , 146 Agent argumentation scheme for, 122 , 145 described, 101 core, 126 , 130–31 , 149 desires and beliefs, 5 derived scheme, 130–31 Aiken, S., 281 simplest, 126 , 147–49 , 151–52 Airline fl ight schedule, 244 single respect scheme, 128 , 149–50 Ali, S., 104 version 1 , 141 , 142
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