Epitect® Chip Qpcr Array Mouse Cancer Drug Targets

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Epitect® Chip Qpcr Array Mouse Cancer Drug Targets EpiTect® ChIP qPCR Array Mouse Cancer Drug Targets Cat. NO. 334211 GM-507A For chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis Format For use with the following real-time cyclers EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array Applied Biosystems® models 5700, 7000, 7300, 7500, Format A 7700, 7900HT, ViiA™ 7 (96-well block); Bio-Rad® models iCycler®, iQ™5, MyiQ™, MyiQ2; Bio-Rad/MJ Research Chromo4™; Eppendorf® MasterCycler® ep realplex models 2, 2s, 4, 4s; Stratagene® models Mx3005P®, Mx3000P®; Takara: TP-800 EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array Applied Biosystems models 7500 (Fast block), 7900HT (Fast Format C block), StepOnePlus™, ViiA 7 (Fast block) EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array Bio-Rad CFX96™; Bio-Rad/MJ Research models DNA Format D Engine Opticon®, DNA Engine Opticon 2; Stratagene Mx4000® EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array Applied Biosystems models 7900HT (384-well block), ViiA 7 Format E (384-well block); Bio-Rad CFX384™ EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array Roche® LightCycler® 480 (96-well block) Format F EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array Roche: LightCycler 480 (384-well block) Format G Sample & Assay Technologies Description The Mouse Cancer Drug Targets EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array profiles the histone modification status or “histone code” of 84 actively sought targets for anticancer therapeutics and drug development. Histone modifications define chromatin structure, and some correlate closely with the transcriptional activity of associated genes. In vitro screening of therapeutics for a given cancer type increasingly depends on not only the activity, but also the expression and epigenetic status of oncogenes. For example, histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors induce tumor suppressor gene expression, slowing growth and proliferation, but could also increase oncogene expression. The choice to add HDAC inhibitors to a drug regimen can depend on the histone codes of the two gene classes. Cancer cells with oncogenes in a heterochromatin state may respond better to HDAC inhibitor treatment because these genes would not be expressed or easily induced. Comprehensively understanding how oncogenes contribute to tumor growth and survival on the molecular level requires a determination of the epigenetic mechanisms regulating their expression. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation and this qPCR Array, you can easily and reliably analyze the histone modification patterns associated with a focused panel of important cancer-related genes. For further details, consult the EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array Handbook. Shipping and storage EpiTect ChIP qPCR Arrays are shipped at room temperature (15–25ºC), on dry ice, or on blue ice depending on the destination and accompanying products. They should be stored at –20°C. Ensure that you have the correct EpiTect ChIP qPCR Array format for your instrument before starting the experiment. Note: Open the package and store the products appropriately immediately on receipt. Array layout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A Abcc1 Akt1 Akt2 Atf2 Aurka Aurkb Aurkc Bcl2 Birc5 Cdc25a Cdc2a Cdk2 B Cdk4 Cdk5 Cdk7 Cdk8 Cdk9 Ctsb Ctsd Ctsl Ctss Egfr Erbb2 Erbb3 C Erbb4 Esr1 Esr2 Figf Flt1 Flt4 Frap1 Grb2 Gstp1 Hdac1 Hdac11 Hdac2 D Hdac3 Hdac4 Hdac6 Hdac7a Hdac8 Hif1a Hras1 Hsp90aa1 Hsp90b1 Igf1 Igf1r Igf2 E Irf5 Kdr Kit Kras Mdm2 Mdm4 Nfkb1 Nras Ntn2l Parp1 Parp2 Parp4 F Pdgfra Pdgfrb Pgr Pik3c2a Pik3c3 Pik3ca Plk1 Plk2 Plk3 Plk4 Prkca Prkcb1 G Prkcd Prkce Ptgs2 Rhoa Rhob Tert Tnks Top2a Top2b Trp53 Txn1 Txnrd1 H Gapdh Gapdh Gapdh Actb Rpl30 Myod1 Serpina1a IAP Minor_sat IGX1A PPC PPC Gene table Gene Position UniGene GenBank Description Primer Catalog No. Symbol ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), A01 Mm.196634 NM_008576 Abcc1 GPM1032369(+)01A member 1 A02 Mm.6645 NM_009652 Akt1 Thymoma viral proto-oncogene 1 GPM1044734(+)01A A03 Mm.177194 NM_007434 Akt2 Thymoma viral proto-oncogene 2 GPM1038783(+)01A A04 Mm.209903 NM_009715 Atf2 Activating transcription factor 2 GPM1048723(+)01A A05 Mm.249363 NM_011497 Aurka Aurora kinase A GPM1049426(+)01A A06 Mm.3488 NM_011496 Aurkb Aurora kinase B GPM1029562(+)01A A07 Mm.261572 NM_020572 Aurkc Aurora kinase C GPM1038476(+)01A A08 Mm.257460 NM_009741 Bcl2 B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 GPM1042316(+)01A A09 Mm.8552 NM_009689 Birc5 Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5 GPM1030084(+)01A A10 Mm.307103 NM_007658 Cdc25a Cell division cycle 25 homolog A (S. pombe) GPM1041032(+)01A A11 Cdc2a GPM1042918(+)01A A12 Mm.111326 NM_016756 Cdk2 Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 GPM1043270(+)01A B01 Mm.6839 NM_009870 Cdk4 Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 GPM1029124(+)01A B02 Mm.298798 NM_007668 Cdk5 Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 GPM1051112(+)01A B03 Mm.259718 NM_009874 Cdk7 Cyclin-dependent kinase 7 GPM1045273(+)01A B04 Mm.260576 NM_153599 Cdk8 Cyclin-dependent kinase 8 GPM1037655(+)01A B05 Mm.27557 NM_130860 Cdk9 Cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (CDC2-related kinase) GPM1048574(+)01A B06 Mm.236553 NM_007798 Ctsb Cathepsin B GPM1031687(+)01A B07 Mm.231395 NM_009983 Ctsd Cathepsin D GPM1053898(+)01A B08 Mm.930 NM_009984 Ctsl Cathepsin L GPM1045101(+)01A B09 Mm.3619 NM_021281 Ctss Cathepsin S GPM1035741(+)01A B10 Mm.8534 NM_007912 Egfr Epidermal growth factor receptor GPM1029266(+)01A V-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene NM_00100381 B11 Mm.290822 Erbb2 homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene GPM1029886(+)01A 7 homolog (avian) V-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene B12 Mm.373043 NM_010153 Erbb3 GPM1043263(+)01A homolog 3 (avian) V-erb-a erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene C01 Mm.442420 NM_010154 Erbb4 GPM1042163(+)01A homolog 4 (avian) C02 Mm.9213 NM_007956 Esr1 Estrogen receptor 1 (alpha) GPM1042706(+)01A C03 Mm.2561 NM_010157 Esr2 Estrogen receptor 2 (beta) GPM1044534(+)01A C04 Mm.297978 NM_010216 Figf C-fos induced growth factor GPM1041892(+)01A C05 Mm.389712 NM_010228 Flt1 FMS-like tyrosine kinase 1 GPM1051798(+)01A C06 Mm.3291 NM_008029 Flt4 FMS-like tyrosine kinase 4 GPM1029390(+)01A C07 Frap1 GPM1036777(+)01A C08 Mm.439649 NM_008163 Grb2 Growth factor receptor bound protein 2 GPM1044218(+)01A C09 Mm.299292 NM_013541 Gstp1 Glutathione S-transferase, pi 1 GPM1047950(+)01A C10 Mm.202504 NM_008228 Hdac1 Histone deacetylase 1 GPM1050764(+)01A C11 Mm.206218 NM_144919 Hdac11 Histone deacetylase 11 GPM1038125(+)01A C12 Mm.19806 NM_008229 Hdac2 Histone deacetylase 2 GPM1028648(+)01A D01 Mm.20521 NM_010411 Hdac3 Histone deacetylase 3 GPM1047760(+)01A D02 Mm.318567 NM_207225 Hdac4 Histone deacetylase 4 GPM1042284(+)01A D03 Mm.29854 NM_010413 Hdac6 Histone deacetylase 6 GPM1055271(+)01A D04 Hdac7a GPM1046414(+)01A D05 Mm.328128 NM_027382 Hdac8 Histone deacetylase 8 GPM1055710(+)01A D06 Mm.3879 NM_010431 Hif1a Hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit GPM1030367(+)01A D07 Mm.334313 NM_008284 Hras1 Harvey rat sarcoma virus oncogene 1 GPM1053866(+)01A Heat shock protein 90, alpha (cytosolic), class A D08 Mm.1843 NM_010480 Hsp90aa1 GPM1044715(+)01A member 1 Gene Position UniGene GenBank Description Primer Catalog No. Symbol D09 Mm.87773 NM_011631 Hsp90b1 Heat shock protein 90, beta (Grp94), member 1 GPM1043076(+)01A D10 Mm.268521 NM_010512 Igf1 Insulin-like growth factor 1 GPM1028975(+)01A D11 Mm.275742 NM_010513 Igf1r Insulin-like growth factor I receptor GPM1039101(+)01A D12 Mm.3862 NM_010514 Igf2 Insulin-like growth factor 2 GPM1053902(+)01A E01 Mm.6479 NM_012057 Irf5 Interferon regulatory factor 5 GPM1037769(+)01A E02 Mm.285 NM_010612 Kdr Kinase insert domain protein receptor GPM1051307(+)01A E03 Mm.247073 NM_021099 Kit Kit oncogene GPM1037166(+)01A E04 Mm.383182 NM_021284 Kras V-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog GPM1052533(+)01A E05 Mm.22670 NM_010786 Mdm2 Transformed mouse 3T3 cell double minute 2 GPM1043184(+)01A E06 Mm.426531 NM_008575 Mdm4 Transformed mouse 3T3 cell double minute 4 GPM1042387(+)01A Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene E07 Mm.256765 NM_008689 Nfkb1 GPM1050113(+)01A enhancer in B-cells 1, p105 E08 Mm.400954 NM_010937 Nras Neuroblastoma ras oncogene GPM1035803(+)01A E09 Ntn2l GPM1047125(+)01A E10 Mm.277779 NM_007415 Parp1 Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 1 GPM1028483(+)01A E11 Mm.281482 NM_009632 Parp2 Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 2 GPM1031514(+)01A NM_00114597 E12 Mm.213013 Parp4 Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 4 GPM1031649(+)01A 8 Platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha F01 Mm.221403 NM_011058 Pdgfra GPM1037164(+)01A polypeptide F02 Mm.4146 NM_008809 Pdgfrb Platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide GPM1033712(+)01A F03 Mm.12798 NM_008829 Pgr Progesterone receptor GPM1040396(+)01A Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, C2 domain containing, F04 Mm.3810 NM_011083 Pik3c2a GPM1053676(+)01A alpha polypeptide F05 Mm.194127 NM_181414 Pik3c3 Phosphoinositide-3-kinase, class 3 GPM1033503(+)01A Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, catalytic, alpha F06 Mm.260521 NM_008839 Pik3ca GPM1035429(+)01A polypeptide F07 Mm.16525 NM_011121 Plk1 Polo-like kinase 1 (Drosophila) GPM1039450(+)01A F08 Mm.380 NM_152804 Plk2 Polo-like kinase 2 (Drosophila) GPM1031130(+)01A F09 Mm.259022 NM_013807 Plk3 Polo-like kinase 3 (Drosophila) GPM1050650(+)01A F10 Mm.3794 NM_011495 Plk4 Polo-like kinase 4 (Drosophila) GPM1035463(+)01A F11 Mm.222178 NM_011101 Prkca Protein kinase C, alpha GPM1044164(+)01A F12 Prkcb1 GPM1039452(+)01A G01 Mm.2314 NM_011103 Prkcd Protein kinase C, delta GPM1045530(+)01A G02 Mm.24614 NM_011104 Prkce Protein kinase C, epsilon GPM1033382(+)01A G03 Mm.292547 NM_011198 Ptgs2 Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 GPM1028298(+)01A G04 Mm.757 NM_016802 Rhoa Ras homolog gene family, member A GPM1041002(+)01A G05 Mm.687 NM_007483 Rhob Ras homolog gene family, member B GPM1044334(+)01A G06 Mm.10109 NM_009354 Tert
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