A publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Toward the Beloved Community

Holy Conversations About Race

SUMMER 2016 From Bishop Fisher Racism: We Have Breathed It In

This fall our diocese will begin offering days of reflection called TOWARD THE BELOVED COMMUNITY: HOLY CONVERSATIONS ABOUT RACE. I am grateful for the team formed from the Social Justice Committee that created the framework and gathered the resources for these days. I look forward to participating and having my vision expanded and my soul engaged.

When I reflect on my own journey of race relations, I can see how my understanding has evolved. When the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s was changing our country, I was too young to appreciate what was going on. It was later, in college and seminary, that I developed a passionate interest in the Movement, studied it in-depth, and spent several summers working with the southern poor.

My admiration for the great men and women that made history working for justice continued to grow through the years. With the cadets at West Point and the youth groups of Grace Church, Millbrook, I placed great emphasis on the witness of Jonathan Daniels – the young Episcopal seminarian who gave his life in the struggle. Underlying this was a belief that if we could all just follow in their footsteps, racism would end.

Left Right: The four little girls killed in the 16th Street church bombing in Birmingham; the Edmund Pettus Bridge - site of “Bloody Sunday”; Jonathan Myrick Daniels, d. 1965 While continuing my deep appreciation for all that has been done for racial equality by so many – the famous and those unnamed in the great cloud of witnesses - my understanding of racism has been expanded by a fable I heard a year ago. Here it is:

A long, long time ago there was a place where people were very poor. They were farmers and their tending of the land produced very little. Life was hard. But then someone discovered a fertilizer that made all the difference. The crops grew and grew. The society became prosperous and remained so for hundreds of years. Then one day it was discovered that the fertilizer was, and always had been, toxic. The food people were eating, the air they were breathing, was poisonous. It was actually killing them slowly.

2 ABUNDANT TIMES “Slavery has ended but the racism that comes with it remains. It is not just past history. It is part of us. We have breathed it in.”

Right: “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop,” The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speech delivered 3 April 1968 Memphis, Tenn.

Here is the insight. For hundreds of years we took human beings from Africa and enslaved them. They worked on our farms and America became prosperous. Slavery and the racism that comes with it is a big part of our story. The struggle with racism is not about “helping black people.” It is about understanding and addressing the toxic atmosphere that makes all of our lives less than what God intends.

Professor Ryan Williams Virden explores this further in writing about racial justice.

“The first step to creating this justice is to understand how it was sidelined in the first place. We must understand the way that whiteness — fitting into the Anglo-Saxon archetype – has been valued historically via formal avenues such as legislation and school curriculum as well as informal ones such as social customs, traditions and practices. Because much of this is passed down through generations, or happens away from public scrutiny, or is largely implicit, it is necessary to learn and then unlearn this sordid history and way of being. Once we can come to grips with the ways whiteness keeps us from our own humanity and strangles our souls there is no other choice then to struggle for this justice. We won’t struggle because we are trying to help anyone else, or feel bad for them; we will struggle because our own freedom, our own humanity, is tied up with everyone else’s.”

I’m going to reflect more on this statement and I invite you attend TOWARD THE BELOVED COMMUNITY: HOLY COINVERSATIONS ABOUT RACE - because “our own humanity…is tied up with everyone else’s.”

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).


ABUNDANT TIMES 3 Toward the Beloved Community: By Victoria Ix We have experienced a summer of violence and grief unmatched by any time in recent history with the possible exception of the summer of 1968. The deaths of police officers in the line of duty, the deaths of African Americans on our city streets, in police custody, or resulting from the process of arrest, confront us with several troubling questions:

• How do we unequivocally and gratefully support law enforcement and, at the same time, express concern about practices and perceptions that may need to change? • How do Black Americans manage the pain and the anger provoked by these events? • How deeply are white Americans affected by unconscious racism? • How is white privilege understood? What does it look like? • How does the lens of Christianity change how we see these events? upcoming year: September 24, 2016 of the deeper waters of systemic • How does the Baptismal (Pioneer Valley Corridor); April 1, racism and white privilege. Our day Covenant challenge and guide 2017 (Worcester Corridor); May us to a better world – toward 20, 2017 (Berkshires Corridor). will include prayer, presentations, the Beloved Community small group discussions, short envisioned by Jesus? Facilitated by the Rev. Lisa videos, lunch, and Holy Eucharist.” Green and Ms. Lee Cheek, these The Social Justice Commission, “holy conversations” will enable Bishop Fisher endorsed the new under the direction of the Rev. Lisa participants to speak to one another process in a direct communication Green and the Rev. Dr. Harvey using the language of faith to to clergy and parishes. “The Church Hill, has created a process by which express what is happening around has a history of talking about race individuals can approach these us and inside of us, with regard to and we really do need to keep that questions: “Toward the Beloved race. This formation day, according going, in some ways now more than Community: Holy Conversations to the description provided by the ever. ”Anti-racism Training” has had About Race.” Social Justice Commission, will lean its place in our collective effort to into the tradition as a framework walk together as children of God. This is not a required program for envisioning a hopeful future. But we want this to be about what like Safe Church, but the hope is “We’ll share the sacred stories, we are for, not what we are against so that everyone – especially those Biblical and personal, drawing us it is time for us to restructure those in leadership in our congregations toward transformation; explore the holy conversations and imbue them – will take part in one of three Episcopal Church’s complex history with all the positive energy we can conversations scheduled during the on racial justice; and navigate some mu s t e r.”

4 ABUNDANT TIMES Holy Conversations About Race

Lee and Lisa have completed the the one we so admire. Here is her Province I training for facilitators. “It Meet the Artist explanation of Make Your Mark; was powerful to come together with Be an Everyday Hero story quilt: people from all the New England dioceses who are involved in anti- “The handprint is a universal racism and social justice work. And symbol of spiritual power, signifying I think it gave all of us a wider sense action, strength, and protection. of what this offering could look The handprints found throughout like,” Lisa said. “As a participant in time, in every culture, transmit previous versions of anti-racism the spiritual power of the person training (in seminary and in my who has ‘made their mark’ on former diocese), I think there the world. This image celebrates was more of a focus on the ethics, the often hidden contributions of history, social process dynamics-- direct support activists who hold which are all important. But we're the potentials of so many others in The diocese has secured permission clear that growing in our ability to their hands and have the courage to to use Make Your Mark; Be an have these holy conversations is practice the art of inclusion.” Everyday Hero, by Beth Mount, as spiritual development, an evolving the logo for “Toward the Beloved openness to the movement of the This is folk art as instrument of Community: Holy Conversations Spirit to heal, encourage, transform. justice. While her artistic process About Race.” It's equipping the saints for the work engages persons with disabilities, of ministry, as Ephesians says--and her vision of the world is expansive, Mount’s quilts are renowned for at a time when such ministry feels inclusive and characterized by right their beauty and social messaging. particularly urgent. But speaking relationship. Mount cites her own Her designs are created by a “beloved the truth in love, we must grow historical and geographical context community” of persons with up in every way into him who is as formative in her approach to art: intellectual and physical disabilities, the head, into Christ, from whom their allies, family members, and the whole body, joined and knitted Continued page 23 support staff. together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is “My life work of four decades is working properly, promotes the body's devoted to the possibility that all growth in building itself up in love.” people, particularly those with disabilities, are seen in the light of their capacities and potential. My Registration for “Toward the Beloved community works steadily on many Community” is online. See the icon on aspects of personal, neighborhood, the homepage of the diocesan website organizational, and cultural change or in Mission Matters, our digital so that the hopes expressed by news source. people and their allies have some concrete impact on the structures of society.” Make Your Mark; Be an Everyday Hero; Quilt, 86 wide X 88 high Mount’s most recent exhibit, Artist: Beth Mount “Journey to the Beloved Community,” featured several quilts including

ABUNDANT TIMES 5 Transitional Deacon “breaks the sound barrier”

Deacon Mahaffey dismisses the WMA’s First Deaf Candidate assembly in ASL for Holy Orders

On Saturday, May 28, Bishop Fisher ordained the Rev. Richard Mahaffy to the transitional diaconate - a step in the process of becoming a priest. The celebration of this ancient liturgy was made especially beautiful by the addition of ASL (American Sign Language.) The entire rite was signed by two interpreters - one for the benefit of the ordinand and the other for the assembly. The ordination took place at St. John’s, Northampton - Dick’s sponsoring parish. Brother David Vryhof, SSJE, preached the sermon. Dick’s husband, Mr. Douglas Woodworth, placed the stole on his shoulders. The Rev. Mahaffy is the first deaf candidate for the priesthood in the diocese, but one of many ordained in the Episcopal Church. According to the Episcopal Conference of the Deaf, the first deaf priest was ordained over 150 years ago. Along with the Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, the Rev. Henry Winter Syle is remembered on August 27.

Dick was awarded the M. Div. from Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge in May. As a transitional deacon, Dick will serve in an Episcopal congregation for a minimum of six months and then be ordained to the priesthood. Dick’s ministry will uniquely address the spiritual needs of the deaf - both within and beyond the Church. As in every mainline denomination, the challenge is reaching out to those who have never attended church. Episcopal deaf ministries are evolving to meet that challenge in new ways. The Episcopal Conference of the Deaf announced Dick’s ordination with great joy.

6 ABUNDANT TIMES Living in the Lord’s Time DOK Retreat Fosters Prayer and Creativity

By Mariana Bauman

Living in the Lord’s Time was the Throughout the Retreat, we were Everyone enjoyed the hospitality of title of the annual Province I Retreat centered in the concept of transitions, Genesis, the thoughtful discussions, for The Order of the Daughters of when we are in ambiguous and often fellowship, and the relaxing the King, April 29 - 30 at the Genesis confusing periods of our lives. We coloring time included! There was Spiritual Conference Center in even learned a new word, ‘liminality’, a consensus that although we are Westfield, MA. which refers to a ‘threshold,’ to that so often caught up in the calendar period when we are not yet at our and clock time of our lives, we are Eighteen women from , destination or goal, but cannot return also still in God’s time, eternal Vermont and Western MA gathered, to our previous status. We discussed time and we can take advantage including two guests from outside of how that uncomfortable time could of that. We just need to pause to Province I. Susan Keith from The be the pause we need to connect remind ourselves - whose we are. Order’s National Council (and the and rest in the strength of our Lord. Diocese of Western North Carolina) Mariana is Province I President, The and Marge Rogers (a former Loosely based on Esther de Waal’s Order of the Daughters of the King® member of National Council) from book, To Pause at the Threshold, the the Diocese of Long Island joined us. Retreat, led by Mariana Bauman, included Bible study, meditations and prayers. A closing Eucharist was celebrated by the Rev. Michael F. DeVine, DOK Chaplain for the “...although we are Diocese of Western Massachusetts. so often caught up in the calendar and clock time of our lives, we are also still in God’s time, eternal time and we can take advantage of that.”

ABUNDANT TIMES 7 Summer Means Hungry Kids

Churches in Milford and Wilbraham Are Addressing That Need

MILFORD By Dave Scott Trinity-Milford has been very busy organizations such as the Rotary (Trinity, Memorial Elementary over the last few years forming and YMCA, the housing authority School and the Milford Youth the Milford Area Humanitarian of Milford and SMOC (the Southern Center) are all located in the lowest Coalition. The MAHC has four Middlesex Opportunity Council). income area of Milford: allowing us main goals: SMOC’s mission is to “To improve to have “open” lunch sites, where the quality of life of low-income any child or teen, irrespective of • To improve food security and disadvantaged individuals and economic circumstances, will be • To provide transportation families by advocating for their provided a free nutritious lunch. We • Focus on elder concerns needs and rights; providing services; have contracted with the Director of • Maintain and publicize a educating the community; building a Nutrition for the school system to resource guide. community of support; participating prepare the meals. Over a hundred in coalitions with other advocates volunteers from Trinity and our The MAHC was formed under the and searching for new resources and partners throughout the greater leadership of Father Mac Murray partnerships.” Milford area are involved. Meals are and two parishioners, Jim Thayer served five days a week from 11:30 and Dave Scott. The Coalition The Milford School System, to 1pm. The Wal-Mart Foundation meets once a month at Trinity. particularly their Food Services helped finance the program, along Sub-committees were formed to department, have been a great with a grant from the Diocese of oversee specific concerns. The partner. Many other Trinity folks Western MA, Project Bread, The MAHC has grown to include many also have joined including Beth State of MA, a federal subsidy, and churches, the medical community Washburn and Mary Johnson. many individuals and businesses. (we have a great Regional hospital), Our efforts in food security have law enforcement, many service yielded success. In the summer of 2015 we started a pilot summer Left and Below: lunches prepared in two of lunch program for children who the locations served by MAHC normally receive free lunch during the school year. Approximately 2,200 meals were served with money raised from individuals and local businesses. This summer we have three lunch locations and have partnered with the YMCA to provide logistic support. The three locations


Every summer - for over twenty years - “Food, Friends and Fun” has taken over the kitchen at Christ the King-Epiphany Churches.

Each day a staff of 30+ makes 2,000 healthy lunches that are delivered to children all over Springfield and West Springfield. The deliveries go to over 40 places - VBS programs, summer camps, housing projects. Without this ecumenical effort, Above: Yes, that’s Bishop Fisher in the second row packing lunches into many children in our community brown paper bags. He volunteered a morning with the team in July. would go without a noon meal. This Left: FF&F team meeting; the Rev. Nathaniel Anderson, far right. program also receives a grant from the diocese.

The two who make FF&F happen in Wlibraham: Joy and Bele. Joy Ross is the daughter of Utako and the late Rev. Bill Dwyer.

MAHC Summer Lunch data through Week 6

• A total of 4,010 meals have been served which includes: • 932 meals served to kids at the three open (drop-in) sites • 388 meals served to Milford Youth Center campers • 2,306 meals served to students during the Milford Public Schools Summer Success Program • 384 meals served to adult caregivers attending one of the meal sites with their children • 332 total snacks served Above: Volunteers at the Milford Youth Center; far right: Shannon • 170 volunteers of all ages recruited and trained Nisbett, Healthy Food Access Coordinator Hockomock Area YMCA • Over 550 volunteer hours contributed by dedicated volunteers of all ages

ABUNDANT TIMES 9 Young Choristers Travel to DC and Beyond By David Pulliam

Stunning Services, Glorious Singing The Bishop’s Choir School had quite a busy and remarkable first year, and as the season wound down, the most exciting and educational moments were yet to come. In May, the choristers had the opportunity to sing Evensong in the Royal School of Church Music Choir Festival at historic St. Bart’s on Park Avenue in City. In July, the older singers in the Choir School joined the Christ Church Cathedral Choir and eleven singers from the Choir School of Newport, RI, for a singing tour to Washington, DC. They departed Springfield for four days full of fun, history, memory making, and beautiful singing and had the opportunities to visit the Capitol Building, the National Zoo, the Smithsonian museums, the National Archives, the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials, and other historic sites. But the heart of the trip was the singing: rehearsing and singing Evensong and Benediction at St. Paul’s Parish on K Street and Evensong at the Washington National Cathedral. The services were stunning, the singing was glorious, and memories were made that will last a lifetime.

Mr. David Pullium is the founding director of The Bishop’s Choir School.

Above: Choristers, The Bishop’s Choir School at The National Cathedral.

10 ABUNDANT TIMES Above: Choristers from Christ Church Cathedral and The Bishop’s Choir School at The National Cathedral in Washington, DC for Evensong.

Clockwise from right: On the National Mall, visiting our national monuments.

ABUNDANT TIMES 11 Cartoonist-Turned-Priest Creates Process for Congregations to Grow Spiritually

An interview with the Rev. Jay Sidebotham Founder of RenewalWorks™ The Rev. Jay Sidebotham

Editor: Why is RenewalWorks™ a process and not a program?

Jay: We really view it as a discernment process – I would say in many ways - this is a helpful way to think about it – it’s like spiritual strategic planning. And I guess one of the things I would say about it, it’s led by people within the local parish. And we find, after we’ve done about 140 Episcopal Churches, we find that there is great variety in the ways that people respond and that that response comes as reflective of who that congregation is, and where they are in their own spiritual journey and their history - as opposed to somebody just dropping a program on a parish in a cookie-cutter way. It’s really about the parish using the tools of discernment and strategic planning to figure out what God is calling them to do, and where they’re called to go.

I have found after being a priest for 26 years, that those kinds of conversations don’t always readily happen in the Episcopal Church. We have glorious worship. We do great outreach. We don’t always have the opportunity in our congregations for people to talk in an authentic way about their own spiritual experiences - what God is doing in their life, what the struggles are, what the challenges are, what the joys are. This process, among other things, allows for that to happen. We say that this work is as much about culture change as it is about introducing program, about making spiritual growth the priority in a congregation.

Coming out of the research that’s been developed, there are certain best practices that congregations are invited to explore and that’s part of the For more information about RenewalWorks™ in WMA, visit report that they get - based on the wider database of churches and what the homepage of the diocesan churches have found is helpful – principles like embedding Scripture in their website and click on the icon. common life, having people have a sense of ownership for their own life in the Contact the Rev. Canon Pamela church, having a sense of outreach which we call, “pastoring the community.” Mott at Diocesan House if you Sometimes, those will lead us to suggest a program like, for instance, some of have questions. the things FM offers, but it’s not what our primary focus is. It’s really about inviting churches discern where they feel called to go, and what would be the steps that they think might take them there.

Editor: It sounds immensely satisfying – a four-step clear process that you engage in that has an outcome that yields future plans.

12 ABUNDANT TIMES For nearly fifteen years, Jay has created the cartoons for the CPG (Church Pension Group) calendar.

Copyright © 2016 Church Pension Group

Copyright © 2016 Church Pension Group J: It’s about next steps.

It’s very biblical kind of Exodus stuff. How do we move together? How do we get to that next place to which we feel called? How do we get there together? How do we deepen individually?

Editor: Especially helpful in a parish that may feel like it’s wandering right now.

J: We have a lot of places that seems somewhat spiritually inert. Part of what this process is hoping to do is to be provocative and evocative, in a way of getting people to take some next step that would strengthen their spiritual growth and deepen love of God and neighbor.

Editor: It’s caring for the soul of the community first.

J: Yeah. People dispute this, but I’ve really come after all these years of working in parishes, to say that a healthy, vital congregation – its key - is that it’s constituted, it’s made up, it’s filled with people who are spiritually vital or spiritually healthy. It’s sometimes called the cellular model - it’s as healthy as the cells in it. There’s a great emphasis – not the only emphasis – but a great emphasis on personal spiritual practices and where people are experiencing God in individual life and then the worship and service of the community as an outgrowth of that.

Editor: Are you sick of people asking you about “Schoolhouse Rock?”

J: It is “the thing.” That was fun to do and I did that for about three years. It’s not work I could do now. I did it the old fashioned way. ------Jay traced the origin of “SchoolHouse Rock” - an ABC educational cartoon that ran from 1971-2008 - to a conversation among cartoonists of which his father was a part. Lamenting a son’s C+ in Math, one of the creatives said, “He can’t remember the multiplication tables, but he knows every song on the radio.” The group got to work creating education cartoons with music. An entire generation of Saturday morning viewers can still sing, “I’m Just a Bill,” and “Conjunction J u n c t i o n .” ------Jay: I think there’s something in there that’s a preaching moment. I think there’s something in there about what the Church needs to do - to find ways to be teaching the stuff that’s engaging and memorable, and brings old stuff to new life.

For more information about RenewalWorks™ in WMA, visit the homepage of the diocesan website: diocesewma.org.

ABUNDANT TIMES 13 Cathedral Raises Funds to Build a School for Displaced Syrian Children Partnership with NuDay Syrian Deepens By Donna Barten A truly collaborative, interfaith a major focus of the UN this year effort involving multiple churches as well. It is estimated that at least in Springfield and the Islamic 400 children will benefit from this Center of Western Massachusetts, school, which will be built in a new has yielded sufficient funds to build hillside community with 90 new a simple brick eight room school homes built for $750 each (several for displaced children inside Syria. congregations in the diocese raised funds to build houses with Canon On Sunday, June 5, 2016, Christ Steve Abdow’s encouragement). Church Cathedral and NuDay Syria co-sponsored a dinner and silent Donna Barten - inspired by the work of Last week Liz Stevens delivered a auction to help raise funds for the new NuDay Syria - spearheaded the project. check for $13,650 to Nadia Alawa, Photo: Donna and Nadia Alawa school. Additional co-sponsors and Founder of NuDay. She also brought contributors included: The Islamic a number of school supplies, Center of Western Massachusetts, medical supplies and clothing, St. Anthony Maronite Catholic “Thirty-five that will go by shipping container Church, Zion Community Baptist to Syria. Also included will be a Church, Orchard Covenant Church thousand people handmade quilt and a poster made Holy Cross Just Faith Community, reside in this camp during the fundraiser dinner, and Trinity United Methodist. to be hung in the school upon in tents and 70% are completion. St. Peter’s Episcopal NuDay Syria is a highly effective children.” Church, Springfield, collected NGO started by Nadia Alawa, a and donated the school supplies. mother of 8 from New Hampshire. Nadia is an impressive woman children affected by the conflict, and The funds included a $2,500 grant who could not stand watching the because they work with local leaders from the Diocesan Global Mission events of the news in Syria without who tell them what the greatest fund, and a $1,000 grant from doing something. Recognized on needs of the refugee and displaced Christ Church Cathedral Outreach the national stage for her activities persons camps are. The leaders Committee. Sponsorships, private (Ted X Talk, James Foley Freedom of the Jissr Shughur Displacement donations and funds from the benefit Award recipient,), her unrelenting Camp asked for funds to build a dinner (100 people) and silent efforts highlight the power of one school for their children. The camp auction made up the remainder. person to make a difference in the is in a mountainous region along the world. Also, as a devout Muslim Turkish border in the Idlib province Christians and Muslims working woman who chooses to wear a and is considered a relatively safe together for the innocent victims hijab, she strives to dispel some of refuge within the country. Thirty- of war – this models the world as the stereotypes of Muslim women five thousand people reside in this we wish it to be. Bishop Fisher, as being passive and submissive. camp in tents and 70% are children. in his note of gratitude to all who The parents are concerned about a worked to reach the goal, said Christ Church Cathedral also chose war that has already lasted 5 years to work with NuDay Syria because having a permanent effect on the “You are engaging the they focus on helping women and next generation. This has become nightmare that is the greatest

14 ABUNDANT TIMES Above: Homes being built in the camp in Jissr Shugur in Syria. The new school built with the funds raised in WMA will look much like this structure. Photo: NuDay Syria

refugee crisis since World War II, and you are offering hope. For More About You are making a powerful NuDay Syria statement by building a school. Building a school http://www.nudaysyria.net/ means we know there is a future for refugees and that NuDay Syria is sharing in God’s Dream. P.O. Box: 4521 … [You are] helping Syrian Windham, NH 03087 children become a New (857) 244-1695 Generation, and not a lost generation. God bless you.” Amazon “wishlist” for direct donation on the NuDay Syria RIGHT: Nadia Alawa accepts the website school funds from Liz Stevens. Photo: NuDay Syria


Old Worcester , 248 East Mountain St, Worcester, MA West Springfield Mosque, 377 Amostown Rd, W Springfield, MA

Please sort things into labeled boxes or strong, white labeled trash bags

• Rice, beans, powdered and liquid infant and regular milk, tuna, protein bars, flour, sugar, cooking oil • New to like-new clothes, bedding, shoes • Soccer balls, stuffed animals, colors, non-battery operated toys • Diapers, feminine supplies, soap bars, powdered detergent, toothbrushes, Tylenol, vitamins • Hospital equipment, walkers, wheelchairs, medical supplies

ABUNDANT TIMES 15 Your Invitation to Emergency Mode

By the Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas

Imagine there is a fire in your house. What do you do? What do you think about? You do whatever you can to try to put out the fire or exit the house. You make a plan about how you can put out the fire, or how you can best exit the house. Your senses are heightened, you are focused like a laser, and you put your entire self into your actions. You enter emergency mode.

Thus begins an essay that every faith leader should read.

“Leading the Public into Emergency Mode: A New Strategy for the Climate Movement” recognizes that when we face an existential or moral crisis, we can fall into inertia or rush about in a frenzy. But choosing between paralysis and panic is not our only option. Instead, we can enter a state of consciousness in which we become highly focused and purposeful, pour our resources into solving the crisis, and accomplish great feats.

Margaret Klein Salamon, the article’s author and the Founding Director of The Climate Mobilization, calls this “emergency mode.” When we enter “Instead, we can enter a emergency mode, inertia or panic is replaced by focused, productive action toward a few critical goals. Non-essential functions are curtailed. People state of consciousness in work together because we face a shared and urgent threat. which we become highly Salamon accurately calls the climate crisis “an unprecedented emergency.” focused and purposeful, She writes: “Humanity is careening towards the deaths of billions of people, pour our resources into millions of species, and the collapse of organized civilization.” Most faith communities don’t recognize the climate crisis and are not in emergency solving the crisis, and mode. Yet when faith communities enter this heightened state of awareness about our planetary emergency, we have significant gifts to offer. accomplish great feats.” For instance, congregations can…

• Address helplessness People worried about climate change often don’t take action because they feel helpless and overwhelmed (“What difference can I possibly make?”). Faith communities address helplessness in multiple ways, both directly and indirectly. For instance, during worship we turn to God, who renews our strength. Entrusting ourselves to God can release in us unexpected power “to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

• Face facts Science has established that climate change is real, largely caused by human activities, already inflicting widespread damage, and, unless we change course fast, on track to make it difficult for civilization to continue to exist. We know that 80% of known fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground. Such facts are difficult to face. But congregations have the capacity to face facts, tell the truth, and dismiss denial. Accountable to a sacred reality that includes and transcends the material world, we’re uniquely positioned to pierce the lies of climate denial.

• Provide vision Facts alone don’t persuade people to take meaningful, concerted action. For that, we need vision – a shared purpose and values. This is what faith communities offer: a vision of people living in just and loving relationships with God, each other, and the whole Creation. 16 ABUNDANT TIMES • Offer hope The climate crisis challenges the future of the human enterprise. Faith communities provide contexts in which to explore and take hold of the kind of hope that doesn’t depend on outward circumstances but emerges from a “Humanity stands deep, irrepressible place in the human spirit. Animated by a radical, God- given hope, people of faith throw themselves into healing the Earth and its at a crossroads. As communities, human and other than human. individuals and as • Renew love a species we face a Racism, militarism, and xenophobia – the fear of what seems foreign or strange – may increase as the planet warms and as various groups battle decision of ultimate over depleted resources, such as arable land and clean drinking water. Like importance to our every other group, religious groups can be hijacked by fear and become sources of discord and violence. souls and to the Yet the deep message of the world’s religions is that we’re interconnected with each other and with the Earth on which all life depends. future of life.” Faith communities can restore our capacity to respect the dignity of every human being and to cherish the sacredness of the natural world.

• Inspire bold action Faith communities have a long history of leading movements for social and environmental justice. Faith communities tap into our capacity to dedicate ourselves to a cause greater than personal comfort and self-interest. Faith in God can inspire us to take bold actions that require courage, compassion, and creativity. ………………………………………………………… Humanity stands at a crossroads. As individuals and as a species we face a decision of ultimate importance to our souls and to the future of life. “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19).

This is not a fire drill. This is an actual emergency. Martin Luther King, Jr. got it right: we face “the fierce urgency of now.” “See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation!” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Please join in celebrating our diocese’s third annual Season of Creation, from October 4 (Feast Day of St. Francis) through the end of Pentecost (November 26). Resources for prayer, preaching, and action during these seven weeks are posted on the Season of Creation page on the diocesan website. We have a vital role to play in inspiring action to safeguard the world that God entrusted to our care. Now is the time to enter emergency mode.

NOTE: This is an excerpt from a longer article. To read and download the full article, visit our diocesan Season of Creation Webpage [https://www.diocesewma. org/vision-ministry-statements/creation-care/season-of-creation. Visit RevivingCreation.org [http://revivingcreation.org/] to sign up for Margaret’s blog posts, and to read sermons, articles, etc. If you’d like to invite Margaret to preach or speak in your congregation, email: [email protected]. Please let her know if you wish to join our diocesan Creation care network.

ABUNDANT TIMES 17 The hands of Kyle Durant (17) volunteer instructor “Afternoon Tunes” “Afternoon Tunes” Makes Beautiful Music in Worcester Church Community Outreach Matches Talented Teens and Local Students

By Victoria Ix When I was in high school, I couldn’t wait to get off the bus at the end of the day. The fake lunch I ate in front of my friends had long worn off and I needed a real meal. A sub sandwich, General Hospital and homework constituted a normal afternoon. Times have changed. Many young people are doing things after school every day – sports, lessons, tutoring. Some teens are volunteering their time after school and doing things that make a positive difference in the lives of people in their community. Actually, this happens every Friday afternoon during the school year at “Afternoon Tunes,” an outreach of All Saints Church, Worcester.

“Afternoon Tunes” matches gifted teen musicians with students from the Greater Worcester area for weekly, low cost, private music lessons. High school virtuosos teach for free and on their free time so that little children can learn piano, flute, clarinet, violin, guitar, saxophone and drums. According to All Saints website, Afternoon Tunes “loans each student an instrument, cleaning supplies, music, a music stand, and a metronome/tuner.” Under the direction of the program’s paid Music Education Coach and Consultant, Mrs. Nike Mavodones Beaudry, the volunteer “instructors” learn how to teach music, how to encourage little people as they master the fundamentals. Mavodones Beaudry teaches music at Venerini Academy School. She invited Kyle Durant (17) to consider teaching piano.

For the past three years this high school senior has volunteered his Friday afternoons to teach eight different children. He always thought about being a teacher, but this program gave him the chance to find out. When I asked him why he agreed to be a volunteer instructor, Kyle said he thought, “I have a passion for music and a passion for teaching so let’s put them together.” Kyle credits the program with confirming his desire to teach. He will begin studies this fall at Assumption College in English and Secondary School Education. “The kids really have taught me a lot of skills. It 18 ABUNDANT TIMES takes a lot of patience.” “I’m so grateful that they let us use the space,” Kyle says of All Saints Episcopal Church. It’s amazing that they do this for us, they do this for this community.”

I was given the opportunity and parental blessing to speak with one of the “Afternoon Tunes” students, too. Nicole Stephanie Sarmiento (12), started coming at age 7 at the same time she joined the choir at All Saints Church. She credits the church choir with teaching her how to read music. In addition to piano, Nicole also studies the flute, the guitar, and the recorder. “Adults usually expect more from you, but they don’t,” Nicole said of the teen teachers. It takes a little bit of the pressure off. I asked her what she wants to do when she grows up. “I want to create music.” Her favorite musicians? “Classical, I like Mozart and then, with like modern stuff, I like this band, Panic at the Disco.” Nicole Stephanie Sarmiento (12) is a member of All Saints’ Nicole’s proud mother looked on as we spoke in the Episcopal Church, Worcester and an accomplished musician courtyard at All Saints. When asked how this church thanks, in part, to “Afternoon Tunes.” outreach program made a difference in her life, she looked at her mom and said, “I would have to pay a lot of money for private lessons.” Nicole is going places. She is a gifted musician, singer, dancer and actress with a few really exciting credits already. She was an extra in the film, “Joy” starring Jennifer Lawrence and had a part in “A Christmas Carol” at the Hanover. Nicole was in a show with Debbie Allen and sang with Kenny Rogers, but on Sunday morning Nicole is just a member of the choir in her parish – the place where the music began and where music is nurtured as a gift from God - for every child.

Families enjoy the annual end-of-year concert held inside All Saints’ Church.

ABUNDANT TIMES 19 From the Archives Archive…Archives? Either is correct! Does your parish have one? By Karen Warren Either way you spell it, singular or plural…it’s still the same question: Does your parish have an archive or records management program? Do you have an appointed parish historian or archivist? Points to consider on this topic include: What records should be preserved, and why? Where and how are they preserved? What constitutes a historical record? Who is in charge of maintaining your parish records? Who has access? What physical shape will they be in 50 years from now? How will they be accessible to future rectors, vestry, or persons interested in researching the history of your parish—do you have finding aids?

While forward-thinking people see the present and the future of our parishes and congregations certainly of greater importance than maintaining records of ‘yesterdays,’ there are legal as well as historical reasons for documenting and preserving the past. Since the creation of our Diocesan Archives in 2011 there have been 36 inquiries for information—15 of these alone have been in the first six months of 2016. Most inquiries have been on legal matters.

What to save? ‘Records’ are defined by the Archives of the Episcopal Church as documents and data pertaining to the operation and administration of the parish. This includes personnel records, vestry minutes, reports of committee meetings, contracts and other legal documents, parish sacramental registers, financial and property records. Recommendations from the Archives of TEC in Austin, state that parishes should have a policy for the custody and retention must be respected. Accessibility must acid-free files and file boxes. Please of records, approved by the vestry. also be considered. Vestry, finance note: metal paperclips, staples, and Documentation of records is also an officers, and rectors must be able to transparent tape are the enemies! important consideration—dates and access parish records as necessary, Remove these when archiving your authorship are of great importance, but access needs to be restricted. A records. Plastic clips are available. particularly when looking at the controlled environment is crucial Newspaper clippings should be historical perspective. The National to the integrity of paper records. photocopied on acid-free paper, Episcopal Historians and Archivists Fine papers used to create records and the newsprint tossed away. The (NEHA) publish a clear and in the 19th century tend to hold up storage area you choose should have concise booklet titled Archives for very well. However, more current less than 5 degrees of temperature Congregations: An Introduction and papers over the past several decades fluctuation, very little fluctuation in Guide, which I recommend. See contain high concentrations of acid, humidity level, and be maintained listing of ‘Resources’ on the next which cause the paper to deteriorate at 65 degrees Fahrenheit or less. page. much more quickly. Solutions to the If off-site storage is necessary, the delay or prevention of deterioration parish should retain title, ownership Where/how to save? include: photocopying records and priority access to the records. Records should be kept in a secure onto acid-free papers; microfilm Electronic records should be stored area on parish property—never in or microfiche the documents; or on a server and backed up regularly. someone’s home. Confidentiality simply transfer the documents into

20 ABUNDANT TIMES How long to Retain Records? For information on the retention and disposition of records, see the Archives of TEC’s Records Management for Congregations, listed in ‘Resources’ below.

How to organize records: When I began creating an archive for the Diocese (I am not officially an archivist) I consulted often with Diocesan Archivists in Province One—in particular Meg Smith in CT and Mary Brundett (now retired) in NH. Meg often used the term ‘finding aids’ long before I understood what she was referring to. In time I came to understand that piling historical documents in a special room without a way to Records of Parishes & Missions, Karen Warren is Diocesan Archivist, find what you’re looking for…is etc. Meg, an experienced Archivist, provides Administrative Support to pointless. After consulting with Meg offered kudos for this system. I owe the Canons to the Ordinary, to the and Mary often, and reviewing the her a great deal. Board of Trustees and to Diocesan journals and documents that our Council. She enjoys sharing some of Diocese had preserved, I developed Archival Materials: our treasured history in this quarterly my own ‘finding aid’ system, built Archival materials such as acid-free column. on a hierarchy that made sense for folders and boxes (in all sizes and our records, in descending order of shapes), book tape, cloth string, importance, such as: Governance, labels, and many other items are Official Acts of the Episcopate, available from several sources, Bishops Papers, Diocesan Officials, including: Hollinger Metal Edge, Diocesan Missioners, Diocesan Inc., and Demco. Affiliations/Organizations, Diocesan Publications, Diocesan Histories,

Further resources:

I hope some of this information is helpful to our congregations—I know many parishes are short-staffed. The Archives of TEC website has abundant information to help you get started or maintain what you have. If I can be of any help, please contact me at: [email protected]

Resources for parishes: • Records Management for Congregations: An Archives Manual for Episcopal Parishes and Missions – published by The Archives of the Episcopal Church, downloadable at: http://www.episcopalarchives.org/collaborate/diocesan- and-parish-resources • Archives for Congregations: An Introduction and Guide, published by the National Episcopal Historians and Archivists, available at: http://www.episcopalhistorians.org/booklets.html • Guidelines for Creating Parish or Diocesan Archives with Limited Resources, published by The Archives of the Episcopal Church, available at: http://www.episcopalarchives.org/collaborate/diocesan-and-parish-resources • Writing a Congregational History, booklet published by the NEHA, available on the above website

ABUNDANT TIMES 21 From the Editor Abundant Times is the official quarterly What makes a conversation “holy?” news publication of The Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts. The diocesan offices are located at:

37 Chestnut Street Springfield, MA, 01103-1787

Call us: (413) 737-4786 Visit us: www.diocesewma.org Follow us: @EpiscopalWMA

We welcome the submission of articles via email to the editor, Victoria Ix, We talk to each other all the time – in the car, on line in the grocery store, Communications Director/Missioner. at the dinner table. Conversations between spouses, parents and children, [email protected]. friends and co-workers – these interactions make up the stuff of life. They can be infrequent yet significant or happen every day with little benefit or At Diocesan House blessing. The Rt. Rev. Douglas J. Fisher, IX Bishop of Western Massachusetts Even when I was in the convent, there was plenty of time to talk – even with The Rev. Pamela J. Mott, designated places and times for silence. Conversations between the sisters Canon to the Ordinary could be truly life-giving or, as in any human community, words exchanged The Rev. Dr. Richard M. Simpson, could be the cause of misunderstanding and hurt. I knew a monk who referred Canon to the Ordinary to our verbal sins as the result of the “slippery slope of saliva.” Once our lips Steven P. Abdow, start moving, there is the possibility for blessing or curse. Canon for Mission Resources More recently I have been thinking about conversation with my father. He’s Missioners only been gone four months. I miss him in all kinds of ways, but find myself Bruce A. Rockwell, longing to pick up the phone and just talk. Our phone calls were never long. Assistant to the Bishop for Stewardship & Getting my Dad to talk about his world was as productive as milking a bull. Interim Missioner for Legacy Stewardship But when the conversation was really important, he never missed a beat. If we The Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, were talking about my life, my happiness or my search for God, time would Missioner for Creation Care stop. Our words would be measured and the space between sentences allowed The Rev. Hilary Bogert-Winkler, grace to carry us someplace important together. I miss these conversations Youth Missioner most of all because they were luminous – filled with God’s light and wisdom. The Rev. Jennifer Gregg, Those soul-stirring moments with my Dad give me some clues as to what Missioner for Servant leadership makes a conversation “holy.” The Rev. Meredyth Ward, Urban Missioner for Worcester • awareness of the presence of God in the other Robin Carlo, • willingness to listen deeply Missioner for Spiritual Formation • absence of a defined agenda other than to speak the truth in love The Rev. Christopher Carlisle • willingness to say, “I don’t know.” Director, “Building Bridges” Veterans • capacity for silence in between the words Initiative • acknowledging the limits of what I know about the other • allowing for the possibility that what will be said has never been said On the Cover: Quilt by artist, Beth before Mount; see page 5. • willingness to be changed by the encounter

22 ABUNDANT TIMES Continued from page 5 This issue of Abundant Times has been focused on the movement of the world from brokenness toward God’s vision of the beloved community. Of “Growing up in Atlanta during the the many reasons why we are not there yet, racism is one of the most difficult 1960’s civil rights movement I was to speak of. We fear being misunderstood. We fear our own unconscious influenced by Martin Luther King, racism becoming more conscious in the midst of the assembly. We fear our Jr. calling us to remember that ‘we feelings – frustration, sorrow, anger, shame. All in all this is a complex and are all tied together in the single daunting undertaking. It would be much easier to stay home on September garment of destiny, caught in an 24 and watch a film about the Civil Rights Movement, or read a book by Toni inescapable network of mutuality.’ Morrison. But I’m not going to do that. I am going to the first “Toward the Dr. King’s Beloved Community Beloved Community” event – not to “cover” it for the social media feeds, but is a global vision, in which all to be part of this important conversation. Our world is hurting. Our nation people can share in the wealth of is hurting. My discomfort is nothing compared to the sorrow I have felt. God the earth. Racism and all forms will be with us - the One who has promised to be wherever two or three of discrimination, bigotry and are gathered. God’s presence, God’s participation will make up for what we prejudice will be replaced by an all- lack. God never misses a beat either and, like my Dad, delights in the timeless inclusive spirit of sisterhood and wonder of a holy conversation. brotherhood.”

More information about Beth’s art Vicki is the editor of Abundant Times can be found on her website: magazine - a most enjoyable part of her www.bethmount.org ministry as Communications Director / Missioner.

The 115th Annual Diocesan Convention Return to Purpose The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright

Since becoming bishop, Wright addressed the Georgia legislature about gun control, spoke up for Medicaid expansion and has been a vocal and active opponent of the death penalty in Georgia. In commemoration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, he prayed with a City of Atlanta sanitation crew before taking an Marriott Springfield early morning shift on the back of a city garbage truck. In January 2015, he was named among the Friday & Saturday 100 Most Influential Georgians by October 28-29 GeorgiaTrend magazine. ABUNDANT TIMES 23 The Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts NONPROFIT ORG 37 Chestnut St. Springfield, MA 01103-1787 U.S. POSTAGE PAID TIGERPRESS

Racism: Your Call to Emergency Priest-Turned-Cartoonist: We have breathed it in. Mode The Rev. Jay Sidebotham

Pages 2-3 Pages 16-17 Pages 12-13

Donations for the cost of Abundant Times are being accepted this year. The cost per household per year is $10. Gifts can be mailed to Diocesan House at 37 Chestnut St., Springfield, MA 01103-1787. Address corrections or deletions may be sent to the same address attention: Carol LaPlante.