radical news and views from aotearoa $3 a copy; free for those kidnapped by the state

Liberateautumn 2008, vol 1

Changes: How they effect your underground investigation Layer Hen Code pig liberation suzanne carey see you in the streets

April be giving attention to 7th Wednesday justifying animals 19th Saturday Indymedia Screening; in science? Save the Beagles and this months focus is ani- 3.30pm: Grief Man- SAFE Walk for the Animals mal rights. Kfm on K’Road agement for those in in Napier Town Centre (Auckland) @ 7 pm. Entry volved in Euthanas- by Koha. ing Animals 21st Monday to 27th Sun- 6.45pm: Conference day: World Lab Animal June Dinner Week 27th Friday July 24th Thursday: World Lab ANZCCART Benefit Gig Animal Day (R18), Kings Arms, Auck- 1st Tuesday land. For more details ANZCCART Last Day 25th Friday – ANZAC Day: contact Auckland Animal Demos for this day Demonstrations through Action on aucklandanima will be advised at a later out Aotearoa, stay tuned [email protected]. date to Indymedia for details. www.indymedia.org.nz 28th Saturday Please note there will ANZCCART Benefit Gig be other events planned 25th Friday to 27th Sun- (All Ages), venue to be through out ANZCCART day: Anarcha-Feminist confirmed, Auckland. stay tuned for these. Gathering, Otautahi. If For more details contact you would like more de- Auckland Animal Action tails please email anarch- on aucklandanimalaction Regular Events: [email protected] @yahoo.com. Auckland Animal Action May 29th Sunday Meetings - First Sunday of ANZCCART (see page 22) every month at the Vege- 1st Thursday – May Day : 1.30pm: Welcome tarian Cafe, 50 High Street Demonstrations through 4.45pm: Wine and Auckland Central out Aotearoa, stay tuned Cheese to Indymedia for details. Indymedia Screening www.indymedia.org.nz 30th Monday Auckland - First Wednes- ANZCCART day of every month, for 3rd Saturday: Duck Hunt- 12.15pm: Lunch- more details stay tunded ing Season Opens through time Demo to Indymedia. out Aotearoa. 1.45pm: Should we contents

Mission Statement contents

Liberate is a magazine written by and for the Features animal liberation commu- nity in Aotearoa. It aims Suzanne Carey 6 to encourage discussion Understanding Newbies 10 amongst the community Talking Tactics 12 about animal abuse is- Hit and Run 13 sues, strategies, tactics Live Sheep Exports from New Zealand 14 and goals. In no way does Liberate aim to create a homogenised centralised Regular Pages approach to animal libera- tion but rather we wish to See You in the Streets 2 acknowledge our diversity Editorial 4 of though, action and col- Letters to the Community 4 lective experience, knowl- The Underground 16 edge and passion. On the Job Security 21 Know Your Enemy 23 We acknowledge that in- Activism and the (in)Justice System 24 dustrialised animal abuse Books not Bombs 27 is the result of an oppres- Activities Page 30 sive global regime that puts From Behind the Barricades 31 power and profit before the preservation of life, wheth- er it be that of an animal, human or mother earth. This system not only en- courages and legitimises animal abuse but also rac- on the cover: ism, sexism, homophobia, colonisation and environ- mental destruction.

Liberate draws links be- tween the struggle for ani- mal liberation and the lib- On Jan- eration of our communities uary 1st 2008 and mother earth with the changes aim of creating solidarity to the Act Codes between movements. One of Welfare for Layer Hens came into effect. F o r Struggle, One Fight! an outline of these changes and to see how this could effect your battery hen farm investigation With Love and Solidarity check out page 18. The Liberate Editorial Collective The festive sea- son saw releif from

suffering for bat- three page tery hens fortunate enough to be visited by both Open Res- cue and the . For their story and other recent res- cues see Updates from Underground on page 16. editorial

Kia ora

So here we are, the first volume of Liberate. YAY. It feels pretty weird to have actually completed this after flippantly deciding to undertake this new proj- ect and not really knowing what it entailed.

Thank you to all those who sent us contributions and well wishes; we could not have done it with out you.

Over the last year or so the passion, drive and action of the animal liberation movement in Aotearoa has been dwindling. Personal issues, increased repression and burn out seem like key contributors. Bitchiness, dis-organisation, a lack of enthusiasm and division are getting in the way of animal libeation. The Meat Conference last year highlighted this. We are a movement that has lost its way and it is time we get ourselves out of this rut.

Right now animals are imprisoned, suf- fering and dying; they have no one but us. It would do us (and them) well to re- member that. It is time to sort our shit out and remember who the struggle is about.

We hope that Liberate can help to re-direct our engery into standing along side each other in the struggle for the animal libera- tion and that we can re-kindle some sense of community.

For freedom and liberation.

The Liberate Editorial Collective

Submissions Subscriptions

Please send us your submissions, If you would like to have a copy of Lib- thoughts, art and/or ideas. We will try erate mailed to you every six months not to edit your writing but it may from you can subscribe for $8 per year; this time to time be necessary if it is too includes postage. Please send sub- long. scription requests to liberate@yahoo. co.nz or via snail mail to Liberate, PO Maximum Length for Submissions: BOX 7523, Wellesley Street, Auck- Features (A3): 1,300 words land. Opinions: 500 words Letters: 100 – 250 words Contact Details

Liberate page Deadline for next issue: 1st August PO BOX 7523 Please send all submissions to Wellesley Street [email protected] or via snail mail Auckland to Liberate, PO BOX 7523, Wellesley four Street, Auckland. [email protected] www.liberate.org.nz

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Liberate Editorial Collective. We do not intend to encourage any unethical/illegal activity or behaviour. The information herein is solely intended for entertainment, education, research and other lawful purposes and is from sources independent of Liberate. letters t letters This section would usually be reserved for ‘Letters to the Community, however as this is the first issue we

have none. So here is a poem and reminder of who we are fighting for.

o the community the o

What is scary in this world is oppression and injustice

When people hurt people, animals and nature

What is beautiful in this world is resistance

When people say ‘enough is enough’ and act

Oppression and injustice are everywhere

But so is resistance five page

Because there are people who know that if you fight you might lose

But if you don’t fight you’ve already lost

a poem by Niklas Ansth suzanne carey

‘actions speak louder than words’

September 10 1973 - February 24 2008

It was hard to know how to go about writing A life cut short, so much left to give this article and we realised that we actually yet so many things to remind me of you couldn’t do one. Many of us have shared dif - ferent experiences with Suzy and to limit this so many hearts set free to a purely Animal Action perspective would be to disrespect what other have shared with when I see the exultant smile Suzy but also the other aspects of Suzy’ s life. What follows are peoples thoughts, feelings on the face of a dog, once beaten and chained and memories of Suzy, these have been taken now running through fields, loved at last from Indymedia and some have been emailed to AAA. when I hear the soft sounds made by hens in the evening Communiqué from Auckland Animal Action . . . fully feathered now, eyes shining with health In the early hours of Sunday the 24th of Febru- ary our little Suzy gained entry to another world when I feel the soft paws, gentle purr and sadly left ours. of a kitten, unwanted, abandoned For nearly ten years, Suzy has been an ac - now with a loving home for life tive and essential component of Auckland Ani- mal Action, working tirelessly for the animals. and when I speak to others There was not a day that she was not plotting, checking things out or taking action. She truly voice strong and certain understood the saying ‘actions speak louder spreading your message of love and compas- than words’ and dedicated her life to animal sion liberation. Where many people limit their involvement these are the things that remind me of you to group organising, stalls and demonstra - tions Suzy always took it that step further . Not my heart full of grief, shell-shocked by the only was she always bringing home injured animals she had found but she would always loss be keeping tabs on animals in the neighbour - yet blessed am I hood who seemed to be being mistreated. She to have known your friendship was always on hand to step in and find them a new home. And then of course there were the seemingly endless trips into the country driv - though the world may seem bleak today ing around just to see what was happening. On page six time will help to heal the pain the odd occassion these would last days rather than hours. and I will always be a better person for knowing you While she has been unwell for years Suzy we live in a better world never let this get the better of her and pushed for having you and we will never forget the gifts you gave us. Suzy was a deeply compassionate person and a tireless struggler against cruelty and Poem by Emma 4 Suzy injustice. Thanks suzy for all of your hard work. To all of her family, suzy was a much loved and treasured mem- ber of our community. in our next action, she will be remembered.

herself to do all that she could. It has only been in the last year that she had been forced to take a less involved role in AAA actions. It should be said that she was still highly involved in organising and even when she was at her mum’s supposed to be resting, there would always be a number of text messages and phone calls at all hours of the day with instructions, ideas and opinions. It is safe to say Suzy could not sit still for long.

Some of us in AAA were also lucky enough to not only call Suzy our comrade but also our friend. Those of you who know Suzy will know that this is not an easy feat, but Locked on the door at Hartley’s as part of when you finally managed to get her to open up she was so much fun. Hanging out with Suzy there was nothing the Fur Free Auckland campaign in 2003. but laughs, oh and lots of food. How else would Suzy spend a Saturday with friends? Suzy was also a mother to four beautiful puppies all of whom owe their lives to Suzy. Abbey, Zoe, Zarah and - Daisy meant everything to Suzy and it is obvious in the S u z y way that they get so happy when they see her that they was one of my best love her too. mates, I think about her every day, she reminds me of what I should be It is hard to imagine life with out Suzy and it would be doing with my life, what my priorities should easy to curl up in a ball and shut out the world but Suzy be. She inspired so many people with her values would have a fit. You just know that she would emotion - of love for all creatures. She was a fantastic ally blackmail you with ‘but what about the animals?. For- tunately, Suzy has been a great mentor to many of us and person that will be missed by so many people has empowered us with the skills, initiative and dedication and animals alike. No one can ever replace her, to continue the fight. She now has many of us blackmail- but we can all try and continue the beautiful ing ourselves with ‘but what about the animals?’. work she was all about. love you heaps! and miss you enormously xxx I have known Suzy for 6 In every action we will remember Suzy; her passion, her years while fighting along side courage and her commitment. her for when ever possible. She was a great in With love and great sadness, spiration and always encouraged me to keep standing up for the ani AAA mals. - - I am going to miss you. -

page seven

Disrupting the Vivisectors day off by sitting on train tracks at ANZCCART in Otautahi, 2003. This is potentially the worst news I have ever received. This is a major loss for the animals. I think it may be fair to say that she directly saved more animals from conditions of suffering than anyone else in New Zealand thus far. I have many fond memories of late night missions into factory farms with Suzy, leaving many cages empty. Who can ever take her place? I’m incredibly saddened by this news.

You get a good feeling from some people. We met once soon after I was released from prison in 1999 and I got that feeling. It was clear zing zong zoe number one super girl to me she was here to make a difference. Suzy, if you get the chance to do some haunting I have a list. With the greatest respect While Suzy and I never forged a close friend - ship, nor was she a strong ally of SAFE, I still recognised her as someone who was dedicated and Miss you heaps. You got me active when I was looking loyal to advocating for the right of animals. She for something more direct. I remember arguing with demonstrated her personal commitment to the you over direct action of all things, didn’t take long movement and running AAA for many years for Suzy and AAA to expunge that one out of me! A and that she was responsible for making sig - loss for animals, planet and people. nificant achievements in Auckland under AAA. While she will be sorely missed I know she will be Bieuuuw! remembered by those who admired and respected a quite andAlthough reserved always front, herdisplaying person her forever. ality was actually strong and practi cal but loving once she let you in, and that was only reserved for those who were Suzy was also our friend. We watching far too ‘cool’ in her eyes. And she would drop many movies and too much TV together, we got - you if you ever disrespected that inti sick stuffing our mouths with fake meat made- - mate trust. She always had a simplicity of-who-knows-what at the vegetarian cafés in in her ideas that appealed to me and her Auckland City and Penrose. We often went on results were always tangible. missions to find Long John Silver vegan chip - - pies, but if closed, we would go to the Burgerie for fatty vegan fast food on K’rd.

One funny story I can relate now about Suzy was how she got a small scar on her face. One night bricking shops in West Auckland a friend hiffed a large brick that bounced because it was aimed at the middle of the window rather than the edges and hit Suzy in the face. Seriously funny later but a little difficult to explain to A&E that night when she was bleeding badly. page eight If it wasn’t for Suzy I wouldn’t be Vegan, I wouldn’t have got out of bed to do stalls and I wouldn’t be a direct actionist in fact I might not even be here. I know you didn’t have a concept of a higher power Suzy, you and I talked about this over chips and chocolate many times late at night. Because what sort of god would create hell on earth for earths most gentle creatures? But your karmic points or ‘vegan points’ were off the scale, you would be in a better place or reincarnated as a higher being. Of course thats bullshit and you want better for the on earth. So I hope people take your life as example of how to live and as you would have said “shut up and start smashing shit.” abbey I first met Suzy in the early 1990s. At the time Auckland was quite active with demos every weekend. Suzy was Auckland coordinator for Save Animals From Exploitation until late 1996 but after that she preferred to work on her own.

In 1998 and 99 she lived in the UK for a year, causing all sorts of bother for shops selling fur coats in London.

One day Suzy and a couple of others were in her car driving around checking out factory farms around Auckland. We got to a turkey farm and she drove right daisy doo doo up the driveway past the farmers living room. We could clearly see Mr and Mrs factory farmer watching TV on a Sat- After meeting Suzy I was soon doing things I never dreamed urday afternoon. Are you sure this is a of; running into fur stores masked up throwing fur around, good idea Suzy? Shouldn’t we wait un- waking up animal abusers at all hours of the night with an air til the farmer is gone? or maybe at night horn and locking on to the door of a fur store. Not only did we time? Too late, we are already here, stop seem to be achieving something we were having a blast doing asking questions and grab a turkey! it. Suzy was always in control of the situation and even if we got caught the penalty would be nothing compared to what the We waved at the farmer as we drove back animals endure, right? down the driveway with two enormous turkeys on our laps! Suzy was like It is safe to say that Suzy has had the biggest influence on that, when it came to rescuing animals, my life to date and is the main reason I am the way I am to- careful planning and thinking ahead day. She has opened my eyes to the suffering of animals, to just slowed her down! I was constant- the joy of abused animals being placed in loving homes and ly amazed at how much she got away the motto of ‘no fucking compromise’. with...

Most of all she has taught me that if you see a problem fix it In November 1999 while traveling back to yourself because no one else is going to. This is the same as Auckland after a demo, she was arrested saying if you see a neglected dog in someone’s backyard don’t at 3am in Bulls and accused of trash- politely ask the abusive person to untie the dog and feed him ing several butcher shops, a meat ware- every day. Rather use your belt as a lead and within in min- house and a bacon factory as she passed utes you will have a new furry friend in your car. through Levin and Bulls. (She eventu- ally got off most of it but was convicted for the meat warehouse)

In 2000 Suzy started the Fur Free Auck- land campaign and became the main organiser of Auckland Animal Action. I didn’t see her much after that as we ended up in different towns working on

page nine different things, but I still remember the old days when we would all pile into Su- zies car for an expensive night out (well, expensive for animal abusers anyway!), almost every weekend, way back in the day.

good times daisy and puppy (zarah) M@x Understanding Newbies: For an Inclusive and Effective Animal Liberation Movement

Animal rights activism was probably cruelty of the first grassroots activism I be- the fur came involved in when I first became industry. politically active. As someone that Many pe- has been involved in animal rights destrians activism for three years, I have seen w o u l d some of the ups and downs of the s u p p o r t will be even less if we don’t make an pression in their quest to popularise rights activism. They serve as the movement. I have deep admiration us, some- effort to be inclusive of all people in- animal liberation ideas (e.g. sexist bridge between mainstream apathet- for many of the people within the t i m e s terested in fighting for animal libera- advertising). ic society to radical activism. They movement and the work they have j o i n i n g tion. We simply cannot win this fight For new people who’s only experi- have more money and resources done and are still doing, but there in or en- with small cliques and affinity groups ence of animal rights is from volun- than us. They can reach more peo- are a few criticisms I have to make gaging in alone. Essentially, for all animals in teering or working with those bureau- ple than us. Those who are involved just based on personal experience. h e a t e d this world to be free, we need ma- cratic organizations, it’s important in grassroots activism and work for The personal conflicts, personality debates jor social, political, economic and to not think of us radical activists liberal NGOs can aid the process of clashes, political splits that exist in a b o u t cultural change. It requires a major as somehow superior to those who radicalizing new people, introducing virtually every socio-political move- p o s s u m nizing in daily life. From school to shift of values and worldviews par- may not have read the right books, them to other groups and bring more ment is a challenge for us all. But fur. Eggs have been thrown at us work, you are constantly given or- ticularly in the western world where or have the right ideas. Most people people into grassroots activism. In we cannot forget that beyond all the (although some missed and hit the ders and being told what to do. So it people view themselves as separate have an emotional response rather that sense, liberal organisations can personal shit, we’re all in it for the shop windows), water spilt on us, takes a while to adapt to grassroots from the environment and animals. than an intellectual response to ani- play an important role in strengthen- animals. We’re in it for the animals aggressive shop owners threaten- consensus decision-making, to feel We need a revolution that liberates mal suffering and that’s a very hu- ing the radical animal rights move- that are killed, tortured, caged, en- ing to murder us and hit us with confident enough to participate and all living beings, which is extremely man response. So we can only real- ment and potentially other radical slaved, milked, skinned, abused metal bars. It’s all part of the fun. to feel like your point of view is val- difficult to achieve as a minority in ly expect people to be liberals when movements as well. and exploited everyday because of Can’t forget the regular harassment id enough for consideration. It can the global population. We need a big they first get involved. Radicalisation the profit-driven industrial capitalist from cops or security guards telling take a while for new people to start and inclusive movement that allows and politicisation of new people is a A lot of us radical animal rights activ- system we all live under. us to stop using whistles. I learnt taking on responsibilities, to think for diversity of tactics. While ALF- process that might need some pa- ists are also involved in other forms my rights with the police and the im- about strategy, tactics and the direc- style direct action done by a small tience. It’s usually easier when the of grassroots activism for social and/ When I first got involved in animal portance of security culture through tion of the group. group is important and effective in people are younger and open to new or environmental justice. Most of us rights activism in Auckland, it was animal rights activism. directly saving lives and exposing and more radical ideas. are for human equality and fight op- through Auckland Animal Action. The elitism, the personality clashes, the industries of death, we also need pression based on gender, ethnic- And I realised that it was one of the The longer I’d been involved, the the political disagreements and ego engage with the public in the streets Despite the liberal politics and bu- ity, class, sexuality, age etc. Some few groups in Aotearoa that con- more I noticed the underlying hierar- battles isn’t just a problem with the to bring more people, thus more reaucracies of organisations such as of us may not be interested in fight- stantly used direct action in cam- chy within the group and the elitism . It happens ideas and resources to build an ef- SAFE and Greenpeace who seem to ing other forms of oppression be- paigns. It was empowering to be and clique-ness within the animal in pretty much all social, political and fective movement. be more worried about public image cause we are privileged by them – if part of a group that was actually ef- rights movement. Part of it is under- environmental movements around that getting shit done, they do play you’re a rich, white, heterosexual, fective and organised. The weekly standable, considering the nature of the world. It’s a problem with the in- As radical animal rights activists, we a useful role in animal middle-aged man, you’re the most demonstrations outside of fur shops direct action and the constant state dividualistic, patriarchal, competitive perhaps have fundamentally differ- privileged of us all. If you can em- would achieve immediate results and corporate surveillance of activ- and hierarchical culture we all live ent views to “liberal” advocates pathise with animals, you should and we would have minor victories ism that threatens their profits and in. But we cannot let this get in the of animal rights, which tend to be able to empathise with the along the way. It didn’t just stop power. Of course new people can- way of animal liberation and social be most new people. I’m sure poor, the colonised, the raped, shops selling fur; it also raised pub- not be trusted immediately to en- revolution. I don’t have any answers we’ve all been there. Having the abused and exploited and lic consciousness about fur and the gage in illegal direct action. But it as to how to deal with these issues been exposed to animal likewise the people who can is important to be as as I’ve mainly observed it from the suffering and wanting to empathise with oppressed inclusive as possible sideline. I guess it’s something do something about it, humans should also be able in meetings and de- the people involved need to work most people go to lib- to empathise with suffering cision-making to plan through. But if it is a question of tac- eral NGO-type organiza- animals. It’s useful to make public actions. I can tions such as SAFE with those links not only to gain page ten tics and strategy, people can always however understand work on something different. the genuine intention of support for the AR move- if new people want wanting to help the ani- ment but because we are to abstain from deci- We have to be careful that our move- mals and make a differ- all fighting the same sys- sion-making if they ment doesn’t become so fragmented ence. Like most people tem that oppresses most of are completely new to that we can’t be effective anymore. in the radical AR move- the earth’s inhabitants, human activism altogether. It We ultimately need each other to be ment, I got frustrated with and non-human. We need to can be a really intimi- as effective as we can, because if the bureaucracy and the lack build solidarity between human dating atmosphere if you look around, there aren’t that of real action for animals and struggles for liberation and ani- you are new because many of us. And there won’t be that the single-issued nature of such mal liberation because it really is grassroots activism is many more left if people drop out organizations that don’t take into “One struggle. One fight. Human very different to orga- because of personal issues, there consideration other forms of op- freedom. Animal rights!” Understanding Newbies: For an Inclusive and Effective Animal Liberation Movement

Animal rights activism was probably cruelty of the first grassroots activism I be- the fur came involved in when I first became industry. politically active. As someone that Many pe- has been involved in animal rights destrians activism for three years, I have seen w o u l d some of the ups and downs of the s u p p o r t will be even less if we don’t make an pression in their quest to popularise rights activism. They serve as the movement. I have deep admiration us, some- effort to be inclusive of all people in- animal liberation ideas (e.g. sexist bridge between mainstream apathet- for many of the people within the t i m e s terested in fighting for animal libera- advertising). ic society to radical activism. They movement and the work they have j o i n i n g tion. We simply cannot win this fight For new people who’s only experi- have more money and resources done and are still doing, but there in or en- with small cliques and affinity groups ence of animal rights is from volun- than us. They can reach more peo- are a few criticisms I have to make gaging in alone. Essentially, for all animals in teering or working with those bureau- ple than us. Those who are involved just based on personal experience. h e a t e d this world to be free, we need ma- cratic organizations, it’s important in grassroots activism and work for The personal conflicts, personality debates jor social, political, economic and to not think of us radical activists liberal NGOs can aid the process of clashes, political splits that exist in a b o u t cultural change. It requires a major as somehow superior to those who radicalizing new people, introducing virtually every socio-political move- p o s s u m nizing in daily life. From school to shift of values and worldviews par- may not have read the right books, them to other groups and bring more ment is a challenge for us all. But fur. Eggs have been thrown at us work, you are constantly given or- ticularly in the western world where or have the right ideas. Most people people into grassroots activism. In we cannot forget that beyond all the (although some missed and hit the ders and being told what to do. So it people view themselves as separate have an emotional response rather that sense, liberal organisations can personal shit, we’re all in it for the shop windows), water spilt on us, takes a while to adapt to grassroots from the environment and animals. than an intellectual response to ani- play an important role in strengthen- animals. We’re in it for the animals aggressive shop owners threaten- consensus decision-making, to feel We need a revolution that liberates mal suffering and that’s a very hu- ing the radical animal rights move- that are killed, tortured, caged, en- ing to murder us and hit us with confident enough to participate and all living beings, which is extremely man response. So we can only real- ment and potentially other radical slaved, milked, skinned, abused metal bars. It’s all part of the fun. to feel like your point of view is val- difficult to achieve as a minority in ly expect people to be liberals when movements as well. and exploited everyday because of Can’t forget the regular harassment id enough for consideration. It can the global population. We need a big they first get involved. Radicalisation the profit-driven industrial capitalist from cops or security guards telling take a while for new people to start and inclusive movement that allows and politicisation of new people is a A lot of us radical animal rights activ- system we all live under. us to stop using whistles. I learnt taking on responsibilities, to think for diversity of tactics. While ALF- process that might need some pa- ists are also involved in other forms my rights with the police and the im- about strategy, tactics and the direc- style direct action done by a small tience. It’s usually easier when the of grassroots activism for social and/ When I first got involved in animal portance of security culture through tion of the group. group is important and effective in people are younger and open to new or environmental justice. Most of us rights activism in Auckland, it was animal rights activism. directly saving lives and exposing and more radical ideas. are for human equality and fight op- through Auckland Animal Action. The elitism, the personality clashes, the industries of death, we also need pression based on gender, ethnic- And I realised that it was one of the The longer I’d been involved, the the political disagreements and ego engage with the public in the streets Despite the liberal politics and bu- ity, class, sexuality, age etc. Some few groups in Aotearoa that con- more I noticed the underlying hierar- battles isn’t just a problem with the to bring more people, thus more reaucracies of organisations such as of us may not be interested in fight- stantly used direct action in cam- chy within the group and the elitism animal rights movement. It happens ideas and resources to build an ef- SAFE and Greenpeace who seem to ing other forms of oppression be- paigns. It was empowering to be and clique-ness within the animal in pretty much all social, political and fective movement. be more worried about public image cause we are privileged by them – if part of a group that was actually ef- rights movement. Part of it is under- environmental movements around that getting shit done, they do play you’re a rich, white, heterosexual, fective and organised. The weekly standable, considering the nature of the world. It’s a problem with the in- As radical animal rights activists, we a useful role in animal middle-aged man, you’re the most demonstrations outside of fur shops direct action and the constant state dividualistic, patriarchal, competitive perhaps have fundamentally differ- privileged of us all. If you can em- would achieve immediate results and corporate surveillance of activ- and hierarchical culture we all live ent views to “liberal” advocates pathise with animals, you should and we would have minor victories ism that threatens their profits and in. But we cannot let this get in the of animal rights, which tend to be able to empathise with the along the way. It didn’t just stop power. Of course new people can- way of animal liberation and social be most new people. I’m sure poor, the colonised, the raped, shops selling fur; it also raised pub- not be trusted immediately to en- revolution. I don’t have any answers we’ve all been there. Having the abused and exploited and lic consciousness about fur and the gage in illegal direct action. But it as to how to deal with these issues been exposed to animal likewise the people who can is important to be as as I’ve mainly observed it from the suffering and wanting to empathise with oppressed inclusive as possible sideline. I guess it’s something do something about it, humans should also be able in meetings and de- the people involved need to work most people go to lib- to empathise with suffering cision-making to plan through. But if it is a question of tac- eral NGO-type organiza- animals. It’s useful to make

public actions. I can page eleven tics and strategy, people can always tions such as SAFE with those links not only to gain however understand work on something different. the genuine intention of support for the AR move- if new people want wanting to help the ani- ment but because we are to abstain from deci- We have to be careful that our move- mals and make a differ- all fighting the same sys- sion-making if they ment doesn’t become so fragmented ence. Like most people tem that oppresses most of are completely new to that we can’t be effective anymore. in the radical AR move- the earth’s inhabitants, human activism altogether. It We ultimately need each other to be ment, I got frustrated with and non-human. We need to can be a really intimi- as effective as we can, because if the bureaucracy and the lack build solidarity between human dating atmosphere if you look around, there aren’t that of real action for animals and struggles for liberation and ani- you are new because many of us. And there won’t be that the single-issued nature of such mal liberation because it really is grassroots activism is many more left if people drop out organizations that don’t take into “One struggle. One fight. Human very different to orga- because of personal issues, there consideration other forms of op- freedom. Animal rights!” are doing things and that company’s ability to carry out to prevent a needless business as usual. Whatever the ‘militant for the sake of goal, tactics should be chosen it’ culture developing. based on the target. Mounting a media-friendly campaign against a The public has an company which makes most of its aversion to in-your- money from torturing animals may face activism and it result in donations but will do little to can be much easier help the animals. Above all, activists to sympathize with need to be dynamic and able to Talking the guy in the suit collaborate and work on multiple than the protester. levels simultaneously. Movement Unless managed, building and awareness raising Tactics this aversion can actions should not be disparaged but leave our movement it should not be forgotten that those vulnerable to attacks tactics will not defeat companies by the media and which make a significant portion the companies we of their profits from animal abuse. ‘Whistles-blaring-people-screaming are opposing. Tearful Where companies make all or almost animal rights’ is one of the few store owners describing mean all of their profits from abusing movements that doesn’t hold back. callous activists can effectively shift animals, tactics are probably going The animal rights community has sympathy for abused animals to to have to become very militant been far more willing to accept in- sympathy for animal abusers. Making before they begin to be effective. your-face confrontational tactics it clear that it is the protesters that than most other movements. This are usually attacked and dressing I believe that no matter what tactics acceptance of militant tactics has sensibly when media are present are chosen, the key is to continually made the AR movement a real threat may go some way to balance the focus on animal suffering. When to multi-nationals and governments situation. I have never seen a faced with the sheer scale and across the globe. As with any protester attack a store owner but I, nature of the ongoing animal abuse struggle, the tactics we choose the protester, have been punched, in our society the tactics used by AR should be used carefully and always kicked and assaulted in several activists seem incredibly reasonable, in the context of the animal abuse other ways in my time. Conveying even tame. On protests clear images we are fighting against. We should the vulnerable position animal rights of animal suffering can be highly continually assess the success of activists are in and the fact that we effective. When talking to the media the tactics we are using and make receive no material benefit from our spokespeople should come across sure that we are being as effective actions may also h e l p . professionally and constantly tie as we can. Amidst the balaclavas, If you are being h i g h l y individuals and companies to the the suffering of animals and the effective and h a v e abuse they are responsible for. caring nature of the AR movement little need for p u b l i c should not be lost. support in t h a t particular Sirens and horns shattering the campaign silence of suburbia announce to t h e n the neighbors that a vivisector n e g a t i v e lives on their street. In-your-face portrayal of activists high volume methods have been may be a completely used effectively around the globe, acceptable cost. as SHAC internationally and AAA locally have demonstrated. These Before going into a tactics, effective as they may be on protest or action, the a case by case basis, are unlikely to target should be clear. attract much public support and can If it is to publicize page twelve alienate those who are not already animal suffering committed to the cause. New and raise public activists may be challenged and put awareness then tactics off by confrontational tactics and find should be chosen that it hard to get involved. It is easy to emotionally connect forget that many activists only come people to the suffering to accept the need for radical action and that will attract rather after experiencing the futile nature than threaten people. If of acceptable protest tactics. When the aim is to shut down using militant tactics, the reason a multinational company for their use should be clear to all then tactics must be chosen involved, so people know why they which seriously threaten HIT AND RUN

The keys to using hit and run tactics are:

A high level of mobility (good running shoes) Good knowledge of the terrain (scope the area well) Ability for fast decision making (oh shit cops run!) Knowing when to disengage and disperse (hmm will the security guard notice us)

An interesting example of swarm would have kept an eye on the po- everyone hops back in their cars came when activists decided to lice numbers and would have left and heads home. hassle the Queen St McDonalds in the restaurant as soon as police 2005. At a prearranged time, dozens began massing. They could have Working in our favor is the fact that of activists converged almost simul- then moved on to do other protests radios and scanners are cheaply taneously on the McDonalds and around Auckland, as the group had available and easy to use. With the began a rowdy occupation – yelling decided. This ability to disengage use of one or two well disguised and generally having a good time. far before the battle turns against lookouts it is possible to carry out Unfortunately, the police turned up the activists frustrates the police actions right in the heart of the after about 20 minutes and began and helps everyone get away. For city and still have no arrests. Note arresting people on sight. Clearly, it to work, everyone has to leave at though that cell phones while useful knowing when to run away could the same time so stragglers can’t for organizing meetups and warning have been useful in these circum- be picked off one by one by cops. people are incredibly easy to moni- stances. tor. Don’t make the cops jobs any Another example is the home demo. easier and avoid cell phones wher- If swarm Activists all turn up outside and an ever possible. t a c t i c s animal abusing scumbag’s house at were be- an early hour of the morning and in- So re- member move fast, act ing used form them and their neighbours that d e - cisively and look for the the activ- torturing animals for a living is evil. eas- i est place to ists Then before the c o p s t u r n strike. With u p any luck you should

be able to page thirteen carry out your action before the police are even able to decide how to respond let alone get enough police to arrest the activists in- volved. Live Sheep Exports from New Zealand?

The live export trade is one of the sheep are packed 3 or 4 per square to walk properly. The sheep are most sickening forms of animal metre in metal pens. The layers are often distressed and panting in abuse. In Australasia the live export stacked 11 or higher with upwards temperatures in excess of 40 of sheep has a long and bloody of 40,000 sheep per shipment The degrees They are mercilessly forced history. Since the 70s Australia and sheep are completely exposed to the off the boats before being dragged New Zealand have been exporting elements with those on the sheep to the Middle East and more side exposed to rain and recently Asian countries. Once breaking waves and those sheep are too old to produce wool in the center suffering from they are shipped overseas for live extreme heat. Throughout slaughter. The trade satisfies not the three week journey only a cruel demand for animal flesh hundreds of sheep die but the customary practice known as from starvation, heat Halal killing in which animals must exhaustion, broken bones be killed with a single cut across the and trampling with around neck. 40,000 sheep diying in transit from Australia every The horrific journey often begins year. weeks before shipment when sheep are confined to feedlots to fatten Those that survive the journey to trucks or car boots to have their them up and get them used to dry are no better off as five Australian throats slit while fully conscious. pelleted food. The sheep are then undercover investigations over transported by truck to ports where the past few years have shown. In Australia and across the world thousands are forced aboard the Those that survive the journey are live exports have met with fierce death ships. On board the boats the often injured, dazed and unable resistance. Ports have been

page fourteen blockaded, animal feed tainted and activists regularly lock down to or throw themselves in front of trucks attempting to get into port. In Britain ,Jill Phipps died after being run over by a truck carrying veal calves for export to Europe, when veal crates were still legal. There have been many close calls across the world, as truck drivers often escorted by police drive through lines of protesters. Live exports are generally opposed by the public due to the clear suffering involved.

New Zealand halted live sheep exports five years ago after a Australian Police acting as private security for shipment of sheep on the MV Cormo Express were turned away from animal abusers; as per usual Saudi Arabia as many were sick and diseased. The 60,000 sheep were allow live exports of sheep to go ahead. Unsurprisingly, federated farmers have come out behind Awassi NZ and are completely supporting a resumption of live exports.

Awassi New Zealand’s farm appears to be located on Smedley road Tikokino near to Hastings. They are thought to have around 300 cattle and 7000 sheep. The sheep have distinctive brown heads and legs. Apart from this, little is known about Awassi New Zealand or their plans to resume live Exports from New Zealand.

While it may seem reasonable to blame the destination countries for this sick trade, much of the blame Slaughter conditions in the Middle East lies at the feet of export nations. It is countries like Australia and New Zealand which profit most from this stranded for 8 weeks at sea during banned live exports pending a trade and it is our responsibility to which 6,000 died from starvation, legislative review. This was welcomed end this once and for all. heat exhaustion and illness. This by Animal Welfare created international controversy organizations and and a shocked public was led to it was hoped that believe that the sheep would be a permanent ban returned to Australia. The Australian would be put in government desperate to avoid place. Despite this

bringing the sheep back to Australia the man behind the page fifte where the public would be able to Cormo shipment in see the state they were in, instead 2003 is confident paid Eritrea 11 million dollars to take of resuming live the sheep. After this, Australia and exports from New New Zealand temporarily halted live Zealand to Saudi exports for slaughter, although New Arabia in June. Zealand continues to export animals Awassi NZ limited for breeding purposes. Australia is breeding desert

resumed exports shortly after and sheep in Napier en continues to this day. and has applied for a special export HELP ME!!!! In October last year, Jim Anderton permit which would the underground the updates from the underground

Our troops in both Open Rescue and the ALF have been busy the last 6 months expos-

ing the conditions on poultry and pig factory farms throughout Aotearoa and placing just

over 300 abused animals in loving homes.

13th October ’07: 25 pullets from a Northland Farms 37 Pullets Rescued part of an investigation into Battery Hen Farming. This action saw the emergence of 23 December ’07: Christchurch Open Rescue and the Santa’s Little Helpers visit Emaci- rescue of 37 pullets destined for a ated Hens miserable life as an egg machine on a battery hen farm. Open Rescue members, coined San- ta’s little helpers, rescued 15 emaci- “ T h e ated caged birds from an Auckland Ducks from Factory Farm Misery c h i c k - egg factory. ens are The communique from the ALF stat- now hav- The group released a Christmas ed ‘30 beautiful ducks have been ing dirt DVD appealing to New Zealanders rescued and are now free to spend b a t h s , boycott battery eggs for 2008; this the rest of their natural life playing in e a t i n g can be viewed at http://www.you- the water, where they belong. f r e s h tube.com/watch?v=9wgRCKIrfKk greenery Sadly the thousands we left behind and will soon be laying eggs for the will have long been murdered, pack- New Years Eve: first time, free from the battery farm aged and shipped off to be con- Animal Rights Activists visit conditions, where they struggled to sumed. Like other factory farmed Battery Hen Farm even have enough space to turn animals, ducks are not treated as around” said Rebecca McCready, On New Years Eve while many were thinking, feeling beings, but as com- Christchurch Open Rescue mem- modities to be turned into profit.’ ber. Footage from this investigation de- For footage from the rescue tailed a worker visit: http://www.youtube.com/ punching a duck in the head. This watch?v=SDJlWNF1gPQ was referred on the Auckland SPCA and the worker was charged with 5th November ’07: offenses under the Animal Welfare Liberation dedicated to Barry Act. Horne A documentary detailing the life of Six battery hens rescued as part of page sixteen ducks on a factory farm was produced an Open Res- this can be viewed at http://www.you- cue investiga- tube.com/watch?v=3GCoZt4VIAo tion into an (part one) and http://www.youtube. Auckland bat- com/tch?v=9GgQBN44xAk (part tery hen farm. two). “Our wish for Christmas is that

New Zealanders stop buying fac- 17th Novem- Early December ’07: tory farmed eggs and that they no ber ’07: Pullets Rescued longer support caged cruelty” says Animal Lib- Open Rescue spokesperson Deirdre eration Front The Animal Rights Activists liber- Sims. Rescue ated the underground the partying Animal Rights Activists were seeing in the New Year by entering a battery hen farm in South Auckland. from the communique: Thirty hens were rescued from this farm and the conditions documented. “Every year throughout New Zealand, hundreds of thou- Footage of this and other raids was com- plied as a documentary ‘The True Cost sands of pigs are confined of Eggs’. This can be viewed at http:// to sow crates, farrowing www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sd4ikC- crates and fattening pens. tBI Males in the fattening pens live in their own ex- 17 January ’08: crement in cramped pens where they Open Rescue Solidarity Rescue await slaughter. The females Christchurch Open Rescue has an- are treated as machines, being constantly confined to sow nounced the rescue of 31 hens from a or farrowing crates where they cannot turn around, comfort- farm south of Chirstchurch. ably lie down or properly care for their young. Before long “The action was carried out in solidarity their babies are ripped with Mark Eden, an Open Rescue mem- away from them and ber in Wellington who is currently facing they are impregnated charges for his role in a rescue at a Fox- again. They are treated ton farm,” the group said in a statement. as though they do not “The birds have all been provided with new homes where they can live out their feel pain, as though they lives free to exhibit their natural behav- do not matter, as though iours.” they are profit.

Mid – February ’08: We recently entered a Strawberry Saved From Slaughter shed containing farrowing crates on ALF liberate piglet, nicknamed Stawber- an intensive pig farm in Auckland. ry, from factory farm. Along with documenting the heart breaking conditions these mothers are For footage visit: http://www.youtube. forced endure, we also liberated one com/watch?v=psVUHhr-_yg sweet little piglet. He has been nick- Early March ‘08: named ‘Strawberry’ after his fond- ALF Liberate 130 Hens and ness of the fruit. He was a third of the dedicate to Suzanne Carey size of his littermates and would cer- tainly have not survived much lon- The ALF liberated 40 battery hens from a convicted Animal Abuser in South ger on the farm, though if he had he Auckland. was destined to be slaughtered. He has since been placed in a new home where he is free to be a pig; to Later that run, play and forage. week they also en- tered a Pigs are not page seventeen pullet farm profit and they in South are not food; A u c k l a n d they are think- liberate 90 ing feeling lov- young pul- lets com- ing beings that plete with deserve to be fluffy yellow free! heads. Viva ALF!” The ALF dedicated this action to Su- zanne Carey who passed away in late February. the underground the Layer Hen Code Amendments: How these effect your underground investigation

Next time you plan a trip to a local battery hen farm you should remember to pack yourself a tape measure (unprinted of course : - ). On the first of January this year new ‘minimum standards’ for the stocking density of birds in battery hen cages came into effect. These stan - dards are issued under the Animal Welfare (Layer Hens) Code of Welfare 2005.

Codes of Welfare are issued under the Animal Welfare Act (the Act) for some animal abusing industries. They set down minimum standards and recommended best practices; only the minimum standards are legally enforceable. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the SPCA and the Police are inspectors under the Act and are responsible for enforc - ing the minimum standards.

As of the first of January the space per bird on a battery hen farm was meant to increase by 50cm 2; this is an area approximately the same as an eftpos card. The standard area allowed to each bird prior to this new minimum standard was 450cm2; this is approximately the size of an A4 sheet of paper. There is another standard for all cages built af- ter the 1st of January 2008; these cages are supposed to allow each bird 550cm2 (this is an increase equivalent to the size of two eftpos cards). By 2014 all cages are supposed to allow each hen 550cm2.

What does all this mean? you ask. To be honest not a whole lot for the animals actually. It is my opinion at least the Animal Welfare Codes are not worth the paper they are written on; the animals want freedom not a little bit more room so they can almost stretch one wing at a time (provided their cage mates aren’t trying to do the same thing of course).

To measure the cages use your tape measure and measure the length of the front of the cage and then the depth of the cage. When doing this you should also film:

- the activist/s measuring the cage - the entire length of the tape measure against the cage to show that it is only measuring one cage page eighteen eighteen page and in one shot zoom in on the tape measure to revel the measurement. Do the same for both the length and depth as this will be useful evidence - the number of birds in the cage that you measured

Other tips:

- Film a few cages and check the number of birds in each cage incase this varies. - When filming the depth of the cages do this at the end of the row so that you can clearly show that you are measuring correctly. - The actual calculations can be carried out at home, rather than in the sheds. - To calculate the area per bird us the following formula Length x depth / the number of birds = area per bird - If your tape measure only has inches the conversion to centimeters is 1 inch = 2.54 cm the underground the Cages existing New cages built All cages exist - All cages from prior to the com - after the com - ing prior to the 0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 4 mencement of mencement of commencement this code this code of this code from 01/01/08

Sq cm/bird (mini- 450 550 500 550 mum)

While these increases are insignifi cant, they were hailed by NAWAC and the Minister as great changes for the welfare of battery hens and were in some way meant to make up for the fact that they did not recommend banning this cruel practice as other countries have done. In light of this to catch farm - ers not even being able to meet these changes could result in prosecutions of animal abusers and would also result in NAWAC, the Minister of Agriculture and Industry Officials looking bad.

If farms are found to be breaching these new standards a COPY of the evidence should be sent to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) with a covering let - ter detailing the farms location and what the evidence shows.

MAF can be contacted through the following means:

Snail Mail: MAF Email: [email protected] PO BOX 2 – 526 Telephone: 04 – 819 – 0100 Wellington

A disclaimer/cautionary note: It is not being suggested that missions should be for the sole purpose of checking compliance with these new regulations it is simply another angle to look at during farm visits, investigations and liberations. We do not want to get too hung up on compliance with the Welfare Code stan - dards because to do so would validate them and could lead to us being seen as possibly supportive of the industry if the codes were followed.

page nineteen the underground the Introducing the Mexican ALF For those of you who have been Mexican comrades. In this global corporations. And they have not following ’s Diary of Ac- struggle for liberation the actions stopped there. tions over the last few months, of others help to inspire and en- you will have no doubt noticed the courage and the Mexican ALF are Despite the big actions and militant many actions bought to you by the certainly doing this. communiqués they have reminded good people of the Mexican ALF. us that it is not all about the militant Since they have arrived on the attitude, designer camo and most The day after we thought about scene there, there thankfully, animals rescued. With rescue of writing this piece an article ap- seems to be no slowing these AL- four puppies, a turkey and two doves peared t h e y on In- “If they do not close, we will close them. If they do not stop, neither will we!” have re- dyme- minded

Animal Liberation Front - Commando Green Black (FLA-CVN) [MEXICO] dia UK us that t i t l e d ‘ e v e r y ‘Mexican ALF – History in the Mak- Fer’s down. In one of their busiest animal is important as we contin- ing’, since then other independent months, 26th December 2007 to ue the fight’. There is something media have also carried com- 23rd January 2008, they carried about their words, their actions and ments and articles full of admira- out no less than ten actions, in- their images that comes across so tion for the Mexican ALF and most cluding liberating animals, painting humble and straight from the heart; recently an ALF cell from the UK a furrier and planting incendiary feelings that are too often lost in has dedicated an action to their devices at multinational fast food the macho stereotype of the ALF.

‘Ask the Duck’ a recent communiqué from the Mexican ALF:

“It is already known that the Fr- to avenge and give freedom to oth- The duck, watching through the ente de Liberacion Animal (FLA/ er living beings victimized by the holes in the box, did not know what ALF) has as its objective (in ad- ego-centrism and the degenerated was passing before his eyes, but dition to causing economic dam- feelings of the human animal in- surely it was something good, so he ages to animal abusers) the rescue fluenced by capitalist, neo-liberal wasn’t nervous. Soon the cage was and liberation of animals from the globalization. opened and he saw the great sun clutches of the speciesist murderer. which he always watched, look- Lamentably the tools that are used The sun has already been hidden ing at the rest of his brothers and by the FLA are illegal by law and a thousand times, said the duck, sisters flying, feeding himself on by the established order that con- while he watched the cars pass. He what they had around them. He siders animal liberation activists watched the people stop and with saw water in a much greater quan- to be terrorists. feelings of pity say: What a pret- tity than the little that he saw be- ty imprisoned duck; the sad duck fore in his dirty plate of food. The As the Frente de Liberacion Ani- sleeps with no one for company, environment had a distinct aroma, mal Mexico (FLAM) we feel that if without knowing what it is to be the air moved his feathers, his legs to save animals from being mis- truly free, waking every morning touched the moist earth and at last treated, tortured, persecuted, hunt- and looking at the sky, admiring he felt free. He fluttered his wings ed, imprisoned and murdered is to his bird brothers and sisters fly- with great force, vigor and happi- be a terrorist, then that is what we ing from one side to the other. They ness and now this duck, hoping to are and we love it! stop in the trees and look for food; be rescued and released, that had he listens to them singing happy been disappointed by the cowardice page twenty Throughout history all the prog- songs; he dreams that some day of those who shout ‘Animal Libera- ress of civilization has come from freedom will arrive and pining to tion’ and do nothing for them, is attacks against laws and each lib- go from the cage where he is shut free at last. Is direct action useless? erator has been listed as an illegal; away, the body will mend itself Ask the this is from this monotony. duck. why as FLAM” a mili- On the night of March 2, while he t a n t , was sleeping, he heard noises. Some c l a n - humans dressed in black, with ski destine masks covering their faces ap- group, proached. They jumped a gate; the we put duck quacked saying Free me im- o u r mediately I don’t want to be here! f r e e - The humans wrapped him with a dom at blanket, put him in a box and they s t a k e carried him away. on the job security on the job Loose Lips Sink Ships a quick look at security culture security (or lack of) within our community

have been revealed and it is not pret- for the Police to intercept and store ty. However, hopefully it will serve as these; why are we making their job O v e r a wake up call for many of us who easier for them? Meeting up face to the last have become slack when it comes face in a public location may be a year, our wid- to security. Surveillance from Police little, or even a lot, more effort but er community has included, but was not limited to, in- surely spending a little time in the been subjected to infil- tercepting text messages, bugging beginning is better than spending a trators from the private in- cars, bugging one building (though long (or any) time in jail. The same vestigation firm Thompson and as far as we know not anyone’s can be said for anything you do on Clark and widespread Police sur- house), looking into people’s bank your computer; if you need to do veillance. Among other things this accounts, breaking into and search- something you would rather the Po- has raised very serious security ing (and photographing) someone’s lice did not find out about spend the concerns. The efforts of Thompson car, evesdropping on conversations $2 and go to an internet café (with and Clark and the Police this year at a café, looking at people’s inter- out cameras of course). should not surprise us, after all this net accounts (particularly Trade Me is common practise overseas how- in this case), following people using It is important to also watch what we ever for some I would suspect this multiple cars, filming peoples front say, even if we think we have noth- has come as quite a shock. I do not doors and photographing people ‘in ing to hide. As my friend quite nicely think that these events are isolated action’. it in his post on Indymedia this is not and I would suspect that they will a game; and talking to Police and become the norm from now on. It While some of this is beyond our the media are risking the liberty of is for this reason that we, as a com- control, we can adopt practices and themselves and those they claim to munity and as individuals, need to behaviour that would limit ‘their’ in- call friends. During the raids, people properly adopt security culture. This terest in us or at least their ability to have been known to have invited article will briefly address what se- gather evidence. One of our weak- Police on to their property when curity culture is, why we need it and est links is communication; while they did not have a warrant and what this means practically. we should all know text messages, talked with them and the corporate emails, talking in peoples cars and media; this is not ok and can put . . Having a security culture is where houses are not good places to or- people know their rights and, more ganise for anything, even in codes Continues on page 22 . . . . . importantly, assert them. Those (we might who belong to a security culture hate them also know what behaviour compro- but the Po- keys, wallet, balaclava? mises security and they are quick to lice are not Whether you are on a farm in the middle of the night educate those people who partake stupid – well or in the middle of a black bloc there are some things in insecure behaviour. This security not that stu- that you need to remember; unless of course you consciousness makes security vio- pid) we want lations socially unacceptable. to keep a se- think you are more effective in police custody? cret (whether 1. Gloves – prevent finger prints, need we say Security culture is about more than it be for a fur more? just targeting specific behaviours lock on or a 2. Generic Clothing – this means free from in individuals such as bragging, Camp in the labels, distinctive patterns and style. page twenty one gossiping or lying. It is also about U r e w e r a s ) 3. Cover over tattoos, piercing, skin colour, face checking that movement behav- but many of (including eyebrows) and hair. iours and practices don’t feed into us are very 4. Pockets/Bags – make sure that there is intelligence operations being car- busy trying nothing in your pockets or bag that should ried out against our community. to make the not be there (eg. receipts, business cards and world a bet- ID cards). If you must take your key safety pin As the events this year highlight, we ter place and this into your pocket. are under increased surveillance. If it is naturally 5. Shoes – shoe prints are just like fingerprints we want to be successful we need easy to be- and can be traced back to the store they were to seriously adopt security culture, come lazy. purchased from; use generic shoes from big stay smart, in control and out of With regard retailers with many stores and throw away jail. to emails and regularly. text messag- 6. Remove anything that could potentially fall From sitting in court and reading es it is little off; this means things like jewellery. the paper many of the Police tactics to no effort on the job security job the on Loose Lips Sink Ships continued.. ways know who they are and there dustry through to State Owned is likely to be some still within our Enterprises (Government Owned media; this is not ok and can put midst. These people are coming Businesses) such as Solid Energy. many people in compromising situ- from a different place to the Police They are a threat to our effective ations with out you even realising it. in that they are not trying to convict campaigning and we need to re- If the Police are unwarranted and us but rather gather information member this. want to enter your property, don’t to weaken our campaigns against ever let them in and do not leave their clients. Seemingly irrelevant We need to remember that we are them alone, follow them until they information such as who is sleep- fighting for justice and liberation have left. If they have a warrant, ing with who can be used to create and our resistance to the current you have to let them in but be sure in fighting and divert attention away systems of oppression is on the to watch exactly what they are do- from the real issue. In the case of rise. With this comes increasingly ing, silently of course. The Police Save Happy Valley, information more radical ideas and tactics; the are always gathering information Ryan (the spy) obtained would have more we organise and start to make on us and no conversation is ever been useful for the many court cas- change the more the Police and innocent. They will always pretend es between the group and Solid En- business will escalate their repres- to be your friend and start off with ergy and to also gage how strong sion. Security is becoming more friendly chat as this makes you the campaign was. This is valuable and more important and should be comfortable and makes it hard to information and big companies are taken seriously. know when to stop; the golden rule willing to pay for it. Thompson and here is to never start. Clark, and their security firm ProVi- This is not a game and it would sion, specialise in activists and their do us all well to remember this! Infiltrators are harder to deal with clients have been known to range because as we know we do not al- from Tegel and the In- ANZCCART 2008 Stand up for all the animals suffering in labs throughout Aotearoa This June, Auckland will play host The venue will be advised closer from out of Auckland and need a to vivisectors from both New Zea- to the date so stay tuned. In ad- ride or can offer a ride to anyone land and Australia. As in previous dition to these publicly advertised please let us know. years we will be there to greet demonstrations there will be other them. activities to keep everyone occu- For more information and to keep pied. Details of these will be re- informed about ANZCCART 2008 The demonstration times are as leased closer to the time. check out www.indymedia.org.nz; follows: www.aucklandanimalacton.org. Accommodation will be organ- nz; www.rsnz.org/advisory/anzc- Sunday, June 29th ised for those traveling from out of cart/conf2008. Auckland. Please contact Auck- 1.30pm: Welcome land Animal Action on aucklanda To view a video from ANZC- 4.45pm: Wine and Cheese [email protected] well in CART 2003, Christchurch, check advance if you require accom- out: http://www.youtube.com/ Monday, June 30th modation so that we can cater for watch?v=kK4Ax5tg8uM

page twenty two everyone. More information about 12.15pm: Lunchtime Demo this will follow. If you are coming SEE YOU THERE!!!!! 1.45pm: Should we be giving attention to jus- tifying animals in sci- ence? 3.30pm: Grief Manage- ment for those involved in Euthanasing Ani- mals 6.45pm: Conference Dinner

Tuesday, July 1st

To be advised KNOW YOUR ENEMY enem your know Your guide to animal abusing scumbags and those protecting them. Be sure to keep your collector cards; these are people that it is in your interests to recognise. Bunny Butcher Simon Malpas

Simon is responsible for the ‘severe suffering’ of many rabbits whom he uses to research the role

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is an interna- of the renal nerve in feedback control of blood y

tional company who have offices all pressure. These experiments involve painful and over the world. Not only do they make cruel operations to implant electrodes and can- dodgy Ribena, they are also - nule (Flexiable tube). Apparently he is trying to find out what hap- don Life Sciences (HLS) single largest pens when you drain over 60 per cent of a rabbits blood. I thought customer. They use HLS for experi- that would have been obvious. ments every single day and are re- sponsible for the pain and suffering of Word has it Simon is now sporting bonde tints in his hair and can thousands of animals every year. be found speeding round Titirangi in a red convertable (mid - life crisis?). Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) have been targetting GSK as Keep your eye (fist or foot) out for him at ANZCCART. part of their campaign to shut down HLS. It is about time this campaign came to New Zealand. know your enemy collector card When you have a few moments, why not call the office, or better yet Michael Bryant - GSK Director) and let them know that there is no excuse for animal abuse.

New Zealand Office 8th Floor, Quay Tower Cnr Customs & Albert Sts Auckland

0800 808 500 or 0800 804 040

Michael Bryant (NZ Director) 162 Millhouse Drive, Howick 0-9-535 4116 (Michael is usually home

late so calls are preferred after 10pm). page twenty three

Paul Rose (NZ Director) 4 Flagstaff Terrace, Devonport No.1 For more information visit: www.shac.net/ Nicholas Thompson Nicholas is one half of Thompson & Clark Private Investiga- tions Limited, an Auckland firm that specialises in “covert phys- ical and electronic surveillance” and “political activism”.

They are best known for planting Somali Young and Ryan Pa- terson-Rouse within our movement.

Nicholas is also one of the Directors of ProVision a security firm owned by Thompon and Clark. activism and the injustice system injustice the and activism why support prisoners?

“If they haven’t got prisoners, we have stopped fighting. If our prisoners are forgotten about, they have beaten us.” — Keith Mann, ALF activist and former prisoner

It’s no exaggeration at this point to energy and resources. And as this It’s also one of the main things say that our planet is in the midst cancerous MegaMachine blindly that makes the Irish independence of a serious ecological crisis. All pursues its “scorched Earth policy”, struggle a real struggle, and that over the globe, every day, the om- entire species are going extinct and separates it from other less- orga- nicidal plague of industrial civiliza- entire societies are disappearing, nized movements. We have to start tion continues to spread, driven by and it’s all happening so quickly viewing prisoner support work as economic greed and an insatiable, that there hardly seems time to re- a revolutionary act and as an in- constantly accelerating demand for act. dispensable part of any real revo- lutionary struggle or else the State Yet react we must, assertively and will crush us while our movement immediately, before the biosphere is still in it’s embryonic stages and is poisoned and fouled beyond re- we will lose the momentum we now pair and while we still have some- have. The purpose of this news- thing worth fighting for. It is in re- letter is to spread the word about sponse to the severity of the global certain individuals who have acted environmental crisis that more and in defense of the Earth and our col- more people are starting to step lective future and who have fallen outside the system of Man-made victim to state repression. We will laws and take “illegal” direct action not allow these comrades to be in defense of the Earth. Of course, forgotten about and we will do ev- in this context, legal and illegal are erything in our power to bring atten- meaningless terms; if we accept tion to their situation. But beyond that certain strategies ( like eco- publicizing their plight, we want to nomic sabotage ) are necessary build up a reliable and consistent to put the brakes on the industrial support network for them, both to death machine, then we have to be honor their heroic acts and to send prepared to support those individu- a clear message to the State that als who are risking their lives and we are organized enough to take freedom to carry out these acts. care of our own.

What we are starting to see is the If there is one thing we ask of any- emergence of a truly radical, de- one who comes into contact with centralized, international environ- this newsletter, it’s that you take mental movement and an integral the time to write some of these pris- page twenty four twenty page part of building such a movement is oners, not just once but regularly, going to be the creation of a solid, because in the final analysis this well-organized prisoner support is the best support we can provide network. Our movement will not them with. We also need to actively continue to grow unless we are able counter the State’s propaganda to provide this level of support to and their attempts to portray these our comrades who are unfortunate individuals as “terrorists”. The ter- enough to become prisoners of the rorists are those who wage war in State. Regardless of what one may pursuit of political power and eco- think of the I.R.A. and their nation- nomic gain and who build prisons alistic independence struggle, it’s to house the ever growing number clear that they’ve done a phenom- of people who choose to speak out enally good job taking care of their against this insanity. P.O.W.s and that’s one of the main reasons their movement has been Copied from: so hard to defeat. http://www.spiritoffreedom.org.uk activism and the injustice system injustice the and activism a guide to writing to prisoners

One of the main problems that puts the choice to stay in contact with get you or anyone else in trouble people off getting involved in sup- you or not. with the cops. porting prisoners is a feeling of be- ing intimidated about writing to a Say where you heard about them THEY’RE IN THERE FOR US, prisoner for the first time. It is very and their case. The first letter can WE’RE OUT HERE FOR THEM hard to write a letter to someone be reasonably short, maybe only you don’t know: people find that a postcard. Obviously when you For people imprisoned from our they don’t know what to say, they get to know people better you’ll movements and struggles it’s vital feel there are things they can’t talk have more to talk about. If you are to keep them involved in the ongo- about, or think that prisoners won’t writing to a “framed” prisoner, and ing resistance - telling them about be interested in what they have to you believe them to be innocent, it actions, sending them magazines say. Well this is a problem most of helps to say so, as it gives people if they want them, discussing ideas us have had to get over, so we’ve confidence to know that you be- and strategies with them. Use your drawn up some suggestions to help lieve them. head though. Some people will just you. Obviously these aren’t rigid want to keep their head down till guidelines, and we don’t pretend to Some people when they write to they get out. have solved all problems here. Dif- prisoners, are afraid to talking ferent people will write different let- about their lives, what they are Adapted from a leaflet by the ters. hopefully they will be of some up to, thinking this may depress Anarchist Black Cross. use. people banged up, especially pris- oners with long sentences, or that

International Prisoner Support FIRST THINGS FIRST they are not interested in your life. Although in some cases this may Groups Some prisons restrict the number be true, on the whole a letter is the of letters a prisoner can write or highpoint of the day for most prison- - http://www.directaction.info/ receive, and they may have to buy ers. prison life is dead boring, and prisoners.htm stamps and envelopes: and pris- any news that livens it up, whether - http://www.spiritoffreedom.org. oners aren’t millionaires. So don’t it’s about people they know or not, uk/index.html necessarily expect a reply to a is generally welcome. Especially if - http://www.ecoprisoners.org/in- card or letter. A lot of prisons allow you didn’t know them before they dex.html stamps or an s.a.e to be included went to prison, they want to know - http://www.vpsg.org/ with a card or letter, but some don’t. about you, what your life is like etc. - http://www.anarchistblackcross. Letters do also get stopped, read, Use your sense, don’t write about org/ delayed, ‘diverted’. If you suspect anything that is has been or will be nicked by the l i k e l y screws, you can send it Recorded to delivery, which unfortunately costs a lot but then they have to open it in the prisoners presence. Also you should put a return address, not five twenty page just so the prisoner can reply (!), but also because some prisons don’t allow letters without a return address. Of course it doesn’t have to be your address, but be careful using PO box numbers as some prisons don’t allow these either! get a WRITING FOR THE FIRST TIME prison- er in shit Say who you are, and if it’s relevant with the that you’re from such and such a screws, or group. Some people reckon it’s better to be up front about your politics as well, to give prisoners activism and the injustice system injustice the and activism October 15th Solidarity Update

After the Police “anti-terrorism” From here, there will be at least two The October15thSolidarity.info crew raids in Aotearoa / New Zealand more “call-over” hearings, which only have an infopack available for any on October 15th, 2007, where 17 the lawyers will attend, before the individuals or groups wanting to Tino Rangatiratanga and anarchist two big dates by July 5th, the Crown organise solidarity activities. If you activists were arrested and must submit all “briefs of evidence” email info@october15solidarity. threatened with terrorism charges to the court, detailing the evidence info, they will mail you a CD with a (see http://www.october15solidarity. they hold against each arrestee, Powerpoint presentation, films and info), activists across the country allowing the arrestees to plan their fliers you can use. There is also braced themselves for further defence. Then, on September 1st, a benefit CD available, called Tu

raids and arrests. While these the depositions hearing will begin. Kotahi – Freedom Fighting Anthems, took some time to manifest, on During depositions, the Crown from http://freedomfighterscd. February 19th, Police made presents their evidence, after which org.nz. The CD contains music three further arrests and brought the Judge will determine which, if donated by some of Aotearoa’s more people in for questioning. any, of the charges have sufficient top musicians, and spoken word evidence to require a trial. This is from Tame Iti, one of the arrestees. 19 people now face charges of currently set down for the entire unlawfully possessing various month of September, although October15thSolidarity.info is also firearms and molotov cocktails, some of the lawyers believe it could attempting to have the articles and while 1 faced cannabis charges, take anything up to 10 weeks. background information on the which have already been dealt with website translated in an effort to in court. 18 of the Arms Act arrestees Solidarity Is Strength! broaden the connection between appeared in the Auckland District all of our struggles internationally. Court on March 5th, while the 19th Significant financial support is Some German and French has successfully managed to have his needed for the arrestees. Just 5 of translations are already available, case heard in his home town rather the 19 Arms Act arrestees live in but if you can help out with these than it being heard in conjunction Auckland, meaning that the other 12 or any other languages, please email [email protected]. with the others in Auckland. (and their whanau and friends) need page twenty six to pay extensive travel, food and The purpose of the March 5th hearing accommodation costs for the length Background was primarily to set dates and adjust of the hearings, during which time bail conditions, and in this, some they will obviously not be able to work. For more information on the raids small victories were accomplished Additionally, some of the arrestees and aftermath, see: by the defence team. All 18 arrestees have got back little to nothing of had their bail conditions adjusted so what was confiscated by Police as State Repression in Aotearoa that they only have to report to the potential evidence from their homes, / New Zealand http://www. Police once a week instead of twice, and some came out of jail with little october15solidarity.info/node/218 although this is still a huge financial more than the clothes on their back. hardship for some who live in rural Land of the Long White Lie: The areas and have to pay around NZ$40 Bank account details for donations New Zealand Terror Raids (by one in petrol each week to drive to the can be found at http://www. of the arrestees) nearest station. Some arrestees october15solidarity.info/en/donate. http://www.october15solidarity.info/ also had oppressive curfews and node/254 non-association orders dropped.

books not bombs not books

books not bombs Need some inspiration, ideas or a tune for a mission out to the countryside? Check out the lastest music, books and zines and see what the Liberate Editorial Collective are reading. Prisoners of War – A benefit for Peter Young Various Artists

For those who don’t know, Peter Young liberated thousands of mink from certain death. The fur farm raids he was involved in resulted in at least one farms’ closure and caused massvie economic loss to several farms in Midwest America. This was in 1997 and after seven years he was ar- rested for what he had done. He was also released last year.

The first thing I want to comment on is the cover art. The front shows Peter Young liberating the mink and the back of the cd shows him in a cell and the mink coming to liberate him. Awesome.

All the usual bands are here on this benefit CD. There’s a good mix of hardcore and punk. Overall it’s a good listen, it is aggressive but positive with motivating lyrics.

My favourite tracks were by Propaghandi and Good Clean Fun. Also there are eight previously unreleased tracks by various artists. It’s well worth checking out. Rating:

Striking at the Roots: On the Collective’s Bookshelf A Practical Guide to Animal Activism As the World Burns: 50 simple things the world can do to stay in denial By By Derrick Jensen and Stephanie McMillan (Graphic Novel) Striking at the Roots moves through the different tactics em- From Dusk to Dawn ployed by animal rights activ - By Keith Mann ists throughout the world from For a review see: http://meatfreemedia.com leafleting and holding stalls to direct action and the legal sys - Igniting a Revolution: voices in defence of the tem. earth page twenty seven By and Anthony J. Nocella After reading this book I could not help feeling a little disappo - Cunt: a declaration of independence nited. While the book clearly details the way in which to By Inga Muscio carry out these different tactics, it does not really discuss the pro’s and con’s of using such tactics or what the activ- DamNation - dispatches from the water ist is trying to acheive. Furthermore, the author did not underground push the reader to do more and often made comments By Cleo Woelfle-Erskine along the lines of leafl eting for an hour a week is enough. End Game Vol II Even so this book is a useful resource for those new to By Derrick Jensen the movement. For those who has been involved in or - ganising for a while, I don’t think that you would really get Striking at the Roots: a practical guide to anything out of Striking at the Roots. animal activism By Mark Hawthorne For a more indepth look at this book visit: http://www.strikingattheroots.com/ books not bombs not books

Christchurch Open Rescue presents...... Took a Chook Book: A Brief Look at Life for Liberated Chooks

The following are excerpts from a new zine to help you care for your liberated hens. If you don’t have any liberated hens this zine

also covers how you might go about getting some.

The Safe House We used old broomsticks, however these I just read This is something that needs sort- are maybe not big enough, ing, basically the birds need a a perch ought to be about quiet and safe place to chill for 5 cm thick, it ought not the time being until they are re- be roughly cut as this can homed....also it need to be safe for cause splinters in their feet, the people. Food and water ought also try to avoid bark cov- to be out already, keep the birds ering as this can be a home separate from any others already to little nasties that will love there. to get at the chooks like mites and fleas etc. Each In the morning you will most like- bird needs at least 20cm of ley find a few eggs but the chooks space at night and a perch backyard ...... so were they. I will take a break for at least a few ought to be around 30cm-ish off had attempted to keep them out weeks, maybe up to a few months the ground. If it is higher keep an with a fence but this was a joke. befor laying again. eye on the birds’ feet, as constant- At first they could simply fly over ly jumping or flapping down every it. Eventually I think they actually You can use earlier lists for check morning can cause injury. teamed upon it and systematically up of chooks. It is up to you how attacked the weak spots (of which open you are, whether people We do not feed our birds in their they had a few choices). They are come to you to pick up birds or house ‘cause it always gets messy, now restricted which makes green they are dropped off etc.. Maybe they stand on the tray and feed or even more important. it is best for the people at the safe water goes all over the floor. Then house not to be involved in rescue as the scratch up the feed all the As you wander about town or visit but that is a hard call to make. straw goes out the door. friends keep the chooks in mind, chick weed and doc are a couple If you were to be caught by the filth Chooks do not like to go to bed of favourites, try all sorts of stuff there is a chance they will charge with wet muddy feet and it is not and see. Simple lawn clippings you with receiving stolen property good for them. It would be good are good, just mix it up. Be care- on top of any other charges from if you are able to try to have their ful not to import nastiness like tra- discantia or convolvulus or any of

page twenty eight twenty page rescue..... Fuck them though the home in a well drained area. If you guilty ones are the farmers, the in- happen to live in an area that was the numerous other weeds around dustry and all thoes who hold the once a massive swamp like me that want to take over like the day continuation of this capitalist profit then having something at the en- of the triffods. driven society above the welfare trances may be a good idea, gravel of planet, animals and people... or bricks etc. They will send gravel When collecting kai another thing all over the place but it would still to keep in mind is that nasty pes- The Chooks House help. Straw is also good as they ticides unfortunately get sprayed scratch it up and clean their feet freely about as if they were fine Perches are what the chooks will on their way in. and non risidual poisons! sleep on, as they have been res- cued from cages this will be a new Kai Time experience for them so you may Copies available in all good infos- have to go out at night and gently Green stuff, this is one area that hops or from http://katipo.net.nz/ pick them up and try to encourage me and the chooks came into a them to chill on the perch. bit of conflict. I was quietly stoked that some stuff had grown in the books not bombs not books Tu Kotahi – Freedom Fighting Anthems Voices against the wind : Various Artists a history of ethical This two disc and animal rights in CD set is full of surprises. Aotearoa Don’t be fooled by the first few To refuse to eat meat or drink milk in a country where tracks of disc the economy relies heavily on the beef and dairy in- one, it’s not a dustries, and where the national dish is roast lamb, throwback to is to be a dissident and a rebel. To campaign for the bad 90s hip

hop in NZ. On rights of animals, is to go one step further. This year the contrary, I began working on Voices against the wind, a his- there is a mix tory of vegetarians, anti-vivisectionists, and ani- of genres and mal rights activists in Aotearoa from the time of the artists, mostly reggae inspired with some 70s vegetarian tupuna Toi-Kai-Rakau of Te Tai Rawhiti funk sound, punk, ska, hardcore and even some spoken word. up until the early twenty first century. I’m planning a 2-year project, to be published by Each of the tracks have challenging, politically Rebel Press in early 2010. motivated lyrics which are relevant to the strug- gles of the people of Aotearoa. Drawing on print and oral history sources, The best tracks have to be ‘Danger’ by Verse this project will acknowledge the hard work Two with it’s haunting female vocals and soul- and courage of activists (many of them wom- ful sounds. en) who have dedicated their lives to creating a more just world for all living beings. I hope to As well as the ever funky Olmecha Supreme record the tales and celebrate the lives of a diverse track “Black and Gold.” group of animal activists. I also hope to show the Also listen out for Cornerstone Roots, The linkages between political movements. Early Managers and the Capitalist Cheerleaders. vegetarians spoke out on a wide range of issues — from peace and labour rights to prison reform, http://freedomfighterscd.org.nz/ and feminism. Today animal activists work on Rating: a comparable range of issues.

So it’s about telling unheard stories and recording the history of our movement! Please get in touch if you have stories you would like to contribute to Voices against the wind. I’m particularly interest- ed in contacting or learning about people who are

known as activists in other movements, but are also nine twenty page vegetarian or vegan animal rights supporters. Also, I am looking for tales on what it was like to be a veg- Can’t Hear Me Scream etarian/vegan before the nineteen-eighties. (I’m still By Valerie Morse trying to find the first vegan in Aotearoa!). I’m a little worried that the book will be largely made up of “They can imprison our bodies but our Pakeha perspectives, so any stories that challenge the hearts and minds will always be FREE.” stereotype of a white middle-class movement would be extremely welcome! An account written while inside prison from Val- erie Morse — one of the ‘Urewera 16’ — of life in prison, the bureaucracy and arbitrary exer- Please contact Catherine at [email protected]. cise of power, and how those on the outside can support those trapped within.

Can be downloaded from http://www.rebelpress. org.nz/ activities pages activities activities page

colouring in competition

page thirty page

All of us need to take a break from time to time to remain effective and avoid burn out. In light of this we would like to introduce you to the the activities page. This volume we have a colouring in competition. The best entry will recieve a copy of ‘Striking at the Roots’ by Mark Hawthorne. Happy colouring.

Name: ...... Address: ......

The deadline is June 30th 2008. Please send completed entries to Liberate, PO BOX 7523, Wellesley Street, Auckland. behind the barricades the behind Your Directory to Animal Liberation in Aotearoa

ARLAN street stalls and (Animal Rights Legal Advocacy Network) protests, including major national anti Behind vivisection protests. ARLAN is New Zealand’s premier organisa- the tion. ARLAN works to promote and protect the interests http://www.stopvivi- of those who cannot speak for themselves. section.org.nz/ Barricades about.htm www.arlan.org.nz/Homepage.html Email: [email protected] E m a i l :

navc@animal-lib- eration.org.nz Auckland Animal Action

NZ Open Rescue Collective Auckland grassroots animal liberation group; the primary campaigns are Fur Free Auckland, factory farming and SHAC support as well as helping with re-homing abused New Zealand Open Rescue is a collective of animal animals. rights activists from cities all over the country who openly investigate animal abuse industries and rescue animals. www.aucklandanimalaction.org.nz Email: [email protected] www.openrescue.org/ Email: [email protected]

Meat Free Media SAFE (Save Animals From Exploitation) A major focus of Meat Free Media is to generate various forms of media in order to educate people on what hap- pens to animals. SAFE is a national animal rights organisation that is ac- tively involved in campaigns to protect the welfare of all www.meatfreemedia.com animals. Email: [email protected] www.safe.org.nz Email: [email protected] NAVC (National Anti – Vivi- Save the Beagles section

page thirty one Cam- paign) Save the Beagles aim to highlight the continued suf- fering of the VARC (Valley Animal Research Centre) beagles and to call for a ban on scientific research using cats and dogs.

www.varc.org.nz Email: [email protected] NAVC investi- gate and WARN expose the (Wellington Animal Rights Network) activities of the vivisection industry in New Wellington based grassroots animal liberation group. The Zealand. We hold primary campaigns are vivisection and factory farming. public meetings, ‘Animal liberation is not a campaign, not just a hobby to be put aside when it be- comes tiresome or a new interest catches your eye. It’s a long war. A long hard war in which all the countless millions of its victims have been on one side only, have been defenseless and innocent. Whose tragedy was to be born non – human’

Robin Webb