About Vermont History
More About Vermont History ........................................................ Recent Additions to the Vermont Historical Society Library BOOKS Allen, Will, Nancy Bell, et al., Where Our Four Towns Meet: The Pros- per Valley of Barnard, Bridgewater, Pomfret, and Woodstock: A “Place Too Important to Be Left to Chance.” Woodstock, Vt.: The Conservation Fund and Marsh–Billings–Rockefeller National Historic Park, 2007. 40p. Bellamy, John Stark, II, Vintage Vermont Villainies: True Tales of Mur- der and Mystery from the 19th and 20th Centuries. Woodstock, Vt.: Countryman Press, 2007. 226p. List: $13.95 (paper). * Bisbee, Richard M., History of the Town of Waitsfield, Vermont: 1789– 2000. Barre, Vt.: L. Brown and Sons, 2007. 524p. List: $50.00. Bishop, Anne Warner, Silver: The Life and Art of Sylvia Beckman Warner. Sausalito, Calif.: The author, 2007. 189p. List: Unknown (paper). Biography of former Vermont State Representative Sylvia Wright of Rupert. ..................... * Indicates books available through the Vermont Historical Society Museum Store. Vermont History Vol. 75, No. 3 (Winter/Spring 2008): 85–89. © 2008 by the Vermont Historical Society. ISSN: 0042-4161, on-line ISSN: 1544-3043 86 ..................... Book, J. David, “It Is Sweet and Honorable to Die for the Fatherland”: Civil War Soldiers from Cabot, Vermont. Newport, Vt.: Vermont Civil War Enterprises, 2007. 170p. Source: The publisher, 93 Leo Lane, Newport, VT 05855. List: $40.00 (paper). Brooks, Ralph Edison, Eben and Catherine Joy at the Dog Team Tavern. Foxboro, Mass.: The author, 2007. 189p. Source: The author, 214B Main Street, Foxboro, MA 02035-1321. List: Unknown (paper). Brown, Robert Goodell, Reconstruction of the Covered Bridge in Union Village. Thetford Center, Vt.: The author, 2002.
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