Management of Green Space in Heath Portfolio: Business - including Sports facilities and Community Gardening Ward(s) Affected: ALL


To inform the Community Services Scrutiny on the current position with Greenspace and Sports Pitch management and future plans.

Current Position

1. The Greenspace Team are currently responsible for over 600 acres of open space and countryside. This includes formal parks, sports fields, countryside sites and amenity open space.

2. There are 32 play areas within the landholding. Sports pitches consist of 28 football pitches, 4 rugby pitches and 5 cricket squares. Large areas of heathland at Country Park and Turf Hill are designated as Special Protection Areas (SPA) under the European Habitats Directive.

3. The Greenspace Team are responsible for management of the area on a day to day basis, including contract monitoring, events, education and minor repair and maintenance works. The team consists of a Team Leader and 3 Officers, specialising in countryside, parks and project management. Further support is provided through the Business team who provide pitch booking, event development, income generation and other support activities.

4. The routine grounds maintenance is carried out by contractor. This is currently Glendale Landscape Management under contract until February 2016. We are considering options for the future tendering process at the moment.

5. Income generation has risen up the agenda in recent years and a number of new initiatives are in place which both earn income and provide an enhanced service. Lodge Park Golf and café concession was previously included within the grounds contract delivery. In 2011 it was removed from the contract and tendered separately with rent and income going directly to the Council. Hire of barbeques, community and private function spaces and additional equipment has also been introduced at and a range of new events including Frimley Lodge Live, Theatre in the Park, Monster Trucks show etc. Contacts with Billy Smarts Circus and other providers are also being explored, whilst the traditional funfair continues to earn an income. Funfairs are also now held periodically at Old Dean and Heatherside Recreation Grounds. Overall income across parks has increased by circa £60k pa with these initiatives.

6. Grant funding, Commuted sums and Section 106 funding has allowed for a running programme of investment in play areas over the last few years. This has seen refurbishments take place at Frimley Lodge Park, Heatherside, Rec, Southcote Park, Old Dean Rec, Burrell Road, Wellington Park, Town Park and others. 7. Grant funding from Marks and Spencers allowed the development of a Community Garden at Frimley lodge Park. This led to the project with the Army Wives to create a Garden at Hampton Court Flower Show in 2013. Earlier in 2014 we received funding from Supra ( the Key Box providers) to create a dementia friendly garden at the newly refurbished and extended Windle Valley Day Centre. This project is well underway, being delivered by the Community Gardener working with the Greenspace Team and clients at Windle Valley.

8. The Council approved the construction of a 3G Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) in July 2014 with work commencing in October 2014. This should be completed in January 2015 and will provide a much needed facility. The project includes refurbishment of the toilet facilities in the park and conversion of a changing room in to a meeting and teaching space to support the pitch and provide wider community use.

9. The first Football Forum was held in September 2014, with over 20 representatives from local football clubs in attendance alongside Glendale and the Portfolio Holder. Very useful feedback was received to help shape how we manage facilities in to the future. Generally users felt our budget should be used for fewer, better quality facilities over a traditionally timed season rather than a higher amount of poorer quality pitches for 9 or 10 months of the year.

10. Moving forward, the aim is to continue to improve our parks at no net cost to the Council through innovative working – using income generation, grants, developer contributions and creating business efficiency via savings and consolidation.


That the committee notes the report.

Resource Implications

Future cost implications of contract renewal unknown. However it is aimed to keep costs within existing budgets.

Recommendation That the report is noted.

Background Papers: None

Author: 01276 707163 Leigh Thornton e-mail: leigh.thornton