Euronext historical presence 7 local markets, with CEOs of each country Euronext Tech hub expansion 2) Regulated markets seating at the Group Managing Board Technology center Sales office Headquarters A multi-national team in 14 countries of 848 people

Largest liquidity pool as #1 cash trading venue Oslo2) in Continental Europe with €8.1bn traded on average /day

1,300 equity issuers - #1 listing venue in Europe Amsterdam London1) Brussels #1 exchange for SMEs in Europe with 950+

Munich Paris SMEs listed Zurich

Milan €3.4tn market capitalization on our markets Porto

Lisbon Madrid Best-in-class in regulation compliance

All data are provided at year end 2018 and thus do not include the contribution from Oslo Børs VPS Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 1) Euronext London is recognised as a Recognised Investment Exchange (RIE) by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)June 2019 |3 2) Euronext completed the acquisition of 97.8% of Oslo Børs VPS on 18 June 2019, the integration is ongoing and appointments subject to regulatory and shareholders approvals will occur in due course EURONEXT’S DEVELOPMENT SINCE 2000



Recent developments

Corporate services FX trading Corporate services Multi-asset clearing Tech Hub Initiative Corporate services Research services

September 2017 • Launch of a February 2017 May 2017 July 2017 August 2017 European Tech SME January 2018 December 2018 • Acquisition of 80% • Acquisition of 78% • Acquisition of 51% • US electronic • Acquisition of 60% • Acquisition of an initiative beyond • Management of • Research and • Comprehensive communication • Dematerialized 11.1% stake in LCH core domestic insider lists commission range of webcast, network platform board portal SA markets, opening management for buy webinar and for spot FX solution and • Renewal of 10-year offices in four new side/sell side conference call • Acquisition of a 90% decision making tool clearing of financial countries – services for Investor stake in FastMatch for corporates and derivatives contract Germany, Italy, Relations and public organisations Spain and corporate events Switzerland



Equity and debt issuers LISTING (large caps, SMEs)

CASH & DERIVATIVES Brokers , traders and retail €1.0trn Single Order Book raised on our & institutional Investors1) TRADING markets in 2018 Investors Banks (securities services), POST TRADE Optiq issuers

Index users, Data MARKET DATA providers, banks Home of the: Issuers CAC 40 BEL20 Harmonized rule book TECHNOLOGY Exchanges, banks AEX PSI20 ISEQ20 2) Brokers, traders & SPOT FX TRADING 1) institutional Investors • A unique gateway for investors to access our markets Listed & non-listed issuers, • State-of-the-art new trading platform Optiq® CORPORATE SERVICES corporates • Transparent cross-border trading of securities on one single trading line Broker dealers, • Ability to easily integrate and support local products and specificities INVESTOR SERVICES institutional Investors • Enabling issuers to remain multi-listed more efficiently

Excluding Oslo Børs VPS 1) Indirect users Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 2) Spot FX trading on FastMatch trading platform 5 June 2019 THE LEADING PAN-EUROPEAN EXCHANGE IN THE EUROZONE

LISTING TRADING ▪ Largest listing franchise in continental Europe, as of March 2019, with Cash ▪ 1,300 issuers worth ▪ Q1 2019 Cash Equity Market Share: 66.1% ▪ €3.5trn in market capitalization ▪ Q1 2019 Cash ADV: €7.2bn on five regulated markets ▪ Largest centre for debt and funds listings in the world Derivatives ▪ Over 37,000 corporate, financial and government listed securities ▪ Q1 2019 Derivatives ADV: 586k lots ▪ Strong presence within the Morningstar® Eurozone 50 Index℠ , listing 24 out of 50 ▪ Large range of options on stock and derivatives on indexes companies such as the CAC40, AEX, BEL20 and PSI20 ▪ CAC40 futures contract, Europe’s second most heavily traded index future overall ▪ Strong offer of commodity derivatives: Milling wheat contract, European benchmark for physical milling wheat Spot FX ▪ Q1 2019 spot FX ADV: $19.8bn ▪ Leading edge technology MARKET DATA & INDICES POST-TRADE ▪ Pan European Market Data offering Clearing INVESTOR SERVICES ▪ ~120k screens ▪ Cash equities clearing: user preferred ▪ Saas provider of research evaluation and commission ▪ >400 vendors model with LCH S.A and EuroCCP management solutions for financial services firms ▪ Derivatives products clearing through ▪ Complete market data for over 300 LCH S.A TECHNOLOGY real time Indices compiled by Custody & Settlement Euronext including the key national ▪ Interbolsa: the Portuguese Central ▪ Proprietary leading-edge trading technology Optiq indices for the Euronext markets: Securities Depository, connected to ▪ Innovative projects: AEX, CAC40, BEL 20, ISEQ 20 Target 2 Securities, and licensed to ▪ Blockchain initiative with LiquidShare and PSI 20 operate under new CSDR ▪ Big Data platform


• The Single Order Book, a unique gateway for investors and Issuers liquidity to access our markets • >5,000 active institutional investors • ~180 market members,

Investors • Powered by the most advance trading technology, Optiq® Single Order Book • €8.1bn daily average value traded in 2018 on cash markets

• Ability to easily integrate and support local products and Investors specificities Investors Issuers • Enabling issuers to remain multi-listed more efficiently

Key benefits for issuers:

Access to more Visibility to Easier capital Enhanced industry-specialised international increases or liquidity analysts and investors operations investors

Excluding Oslo Børs VPS Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox June 2019 |7 A STRONG AND DIVERSIFIED COMPANY: AT A GLANCE

Cash trading 210.9 Client flow origins1) €615.0m (ADV as of 31/12/2018) Derivatives Cash trading Revenue in 2018 trading 43.9 2.7% 2.1% 0.3%

Listing 106.5 FX Spot trading 21.7 7.9% 3.9% 9.4% USA 45.4% Euronext France Technologies Advanced 10.8% and others data services Switzerland 118.3 16.6% 36.1 Custody & United Kingdom Settlement 22.1 Clearing 55.3 The Netherlands Germany Derivatives trading Ireland 1.7% 0.4% 0.1% Belgium 6.7% Portugal EBITDA NET PROFIT EURONEXT HEADCOUNT Others MARGIN MARKET CAP. 28.0% €216.0m 848 29.5% Japan 2) 57.6% €4.5bn (as of 31 Dec. Italy 2018) 14.7% 12.9% 5.7%

2018 financials are audited and include Euronext Dublin for 9 months of consolidation. Oslo Børs VPS not included in this slide Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 8 1) Both legs of the transaction are counted (double counted) June 2019 2) As of 07/06/19 A STRONG AND DIVERSIFIED COMPANY: REVENUE DRIVERS

% of 2018 Group Revenue drivers % of non-vol. related revenue ▪ Initial admission fees based on market capitalization / money raised (capped), fees on money raised for follow-ons (capped) LISTING ▪ Annual fees based on market capitalization / outstanding securities 17% 90% (capped) CASH ▪ Transaction-based fees charged per executed order and based on 34% 0% TRADING value traded DERIVATIVES ▪ Transaction-based fees charged per lot 7% 0% TRADING SPOT FX ▪ Transaction-based fees charged per executed order and based on 4% 0% TRADING value traded INVESTOR ▪ Based on recurring software licence fees n/a 100% SERVICES1) ▪ Fees from the settlement of trades/instructions and the custody of securities at Interbolsa (Portuguese CSD) POST TRADE ▪ Clearing revenue from treasury services and cleared derivatives 13% 28% trades cleared through LCH.Clearnet S.A ▪ Fees charged to data vendors and end users, based on the number of screens MARKET DATA ▪ Licenses for non-display use and historic data and for the 19% 100% distribution to third parties. ▪ Software license fees MARKET ▪ IT services provided to third-party market operators 6% 100% SOLUTIONS ▪ Connection services and data center co-location services based on the numbers of cabinets and technical design All proportions are based on 2018 annual audited figures. Volume-related businesses include IPO fees, cash and derivatives trading and clearing revenue. Follow-ons, bonds and other listing revenues are considered as non-volume related due to their lower volatility. Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 9 Euronext Dublin contribution – consolidated from Q2 2018 (9 months in 2018), Excluding Oslo Børs VPS June 2019 1) Accounting for Commcise acquired in December 2018, thus not reflected in 2018 figures Capital and Governance EURONEXT SHARE AND CAPITAL STRUCTURE

Share price Board of Directors

70 € €64.00 ENX SBF 120 rebased 65 € +227% ▪ 8 seats o/w one third appointed by Reference Shareholders 60 € 55 € ▪ Stéphane Boujnah serves as Chairman of the Managing Board 50 € ▪ More than 63% independent members at the Supervisory Board 45 € ▪ Number of female members in line with AFEP MEDEF guidance 40 € 35 € 30 € Price at IPO 25 € €20.00 Company and Share Information 20 € +19% 15 € Jun-14 Dec-14 Jun-15 Dec-15 Jun-16 Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 ▪ Created on 15 March 2014 ▪ Headquartered in Amsterdam, NL ▪ Market Capitalization as of 07/06/2019: €4.5bn ▪ Listed on Euronext markets (Paris, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Belgium) in 2014 ▪ Bloomberg / Reuters: ENX:FP / ENX.PA ▪ Indices presence: SBF120, NEXT 150, CAC MID 60 ▪ Market cap. EUR 4.5bn as of 07 June 2019

Shareholding structure (Ref Shareholders Locked up until June 2021) Reference Shareholders

Reference % ownership Shareholders Euroclear Plc 8.00% 23.27% BNP Paribas SA 2.22% SFPI-FPIM 4.50% Treasury shares Caisse Des Dépôts & Consignations 8.00% 0.52% ABN AMRO Bank NV 0.55%

Employees Total reference shareholders 23.27% 0.21% Free Float 76.00%

11 Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 11 June 2019 EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT TEAM

SUPERVISORY BOARD 8 seats o/w one third appointed by Reference Shareholders MANAGING BOARD Extended Managing Board Catherine Langlais Stéphane Boujnah General Counsel Group Chief Executive Officer

Amaury Houdart Chief Talent Officer Anthony Attia Chris Topple CEO , CEO Euronext London, Head of Global Listing Head of Global Sales Giorgio Modica Chief Financial Officer Vincent Van Dessel Maurice van Tilburg CEO Euronext Brussels CEO , Head of Market Operations Alain Courbebaisse Chief Information & Technology Officer Isabel Ucha Daryl Byrne CEO of CEO Euronext Dublin, and CEO of Interbolsa Head of Debt and funds listings and ETFs Simon Gallagher Head of Cash & Derivatives

Excluding Oslo Børs VPS Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 12 June 2019 REGULATION GOVERNANCE: A FEDERAL MODEL

One Holding Company (Euronext Group N.V.), with separate legal entities in each of the jurisdictions, having a national licence to operate markets

College of Regulators (COR)

Local Regulator Local Regulator Local Regulator Local Regulator Local Regulator Local Regulator AFM FSMA CMVM AMF FCA CBI

Euronext Group N.V.

Euronext Euronext Euronext Euronext Euronext Euronext Amsterdam Brussels Lisbon Paris London Dublin

Objectives of the MoU between the Euronext Regulators (updated MoU, June 2015)

▪ Co-ordinated supervision of the Euronext group

▪ Co-ordination with regard to approval of rules and regulations (dedicated working groups, Steering and Chairmen committees)

▪ Co-operation between Regulators enhances harmonization in the context of the E.U. directives implementation

In addition, in the continental jurisdictions, also supervisory role and powers of the Ministries of Finance

This slide does not include yet the impact of the completion of the acquisition of Oslo Børs VPS Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 13 June 2019 Corporate Social Responsability EURONEXT CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY MISSION STATEMENT




Deliver a high integrity ecosystem, for all its global stakeholders and its community, thereby contributing to enhancing the security and transparency of Euronext’s markets

Respect and develop its human capital which is critical to its business success and equip it with appropriate Human Resources policies

Drive and facilitate sustainable finance, foster the dialogue between the various actors in the industry and contribute to the financing of the real economy in its transition to a sustainable society

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 15 June 2019 EURONEXT COMMITMENT TO ETHICS

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Training and awareness ▪ Reinforcing business integrity, policies and procedures. ▪ Staff training and awareness sessions regularly Notably around following themes: conducted in all company locations to promote o conflicts of interest compliance and ethics standards. o inside information and personal trading ▪ Training for each new employee is shortly after joining by o confidential information and privacy the Euronext Compliance department. o anti-money laundering, sanctions and anti-bribery ▪ Specific training for teams identified as more exposed to o fair competition certain risks.

Euronext’s commitment to high ethical and legal standards of conduct remains a top priority, and the Group aims to be a model for the industry by supporting the highest ethical standards in its dealings with its colleagues, employees, business partners, customers and in its communities.

Compliance policies Whistleblowing program ▪ Ensuring compliance with the laws and promoting best ▪ Whistleblowing Policy, allowing Employees to report in practice as well as the higher ethical standard: confidence alleged breaches of the laws or Company ▪ anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Policy and policies, and protects anyone who reports in good faith, Guidance according to the 4th European Union AML ensuring that they shall in no way be put at a Directive disadvantage by the Company as a result of the report. ▪ Market Abuse Regulation ▪ anti-bribery policy and a conflict of interest policy

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 16 June 2019 COMMUNITY

As a operator, acting at the center of financial markets and communities, Euronext is committed to financial capability. Euronext strives to improve financial capability far beyond its own company—seeking to reach employees at its broad community of companies, as well as teachers, students, and people in its communities.

Volunteering ▪ Euronext’s employees volunteer for several organizations in all its European locations, Euronext helping to identify and select the themes and institutions with a wide offer of company sponsored initiatives, that most suit its employees wishes and abilities.

Giving Visibility ▪ Putting Euronext resources, great visibility and business ecosystem relations to raise awareness and promote leadership and best practices in this field. ▪ Companies, NGOs, non-profits, associations, foundations invited into Euronext’s opening and closing stock markets bell ringing events, conferences and seminars.

Sponsoring and Donations ▪ Supporting staff to volunteer in the financial literacy field ▪ Sponsorship or donations in Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Porto and London to support NGO, associations and scholarships

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 17 June 2019 STAKEHOLDERS

Shareholders 280 investors meetings in 2018 8 investors conferences attented 8 countries visited through roadshows Suppliers 1,300 new suppliers screened in 2018, no rejection Clients All subcontractor agencies in France screened Over 1,500 client meetings in 2018, over 27,000 e-mails exchanged and 10,000 calls with clients Employees 848 people in 14 countries Regular leadership training Regulators 16% of the annual salary increase budget spent on gender equality salary situations 6 national regulatory authorities coordinating their regulation and supervision of Euronext Coordinated approach to the exercise of their respective national supervision NGOs UN Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative Membership Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures


Be the Spokesperson of the Sector ▪ Dedicating considerable time and resources to engaging with policymakers and regulators with a view to shaping positively the regulatory framework which governs our activities.

▪ It is also complemented by engagement of trade associations of which Euronext is a member, notably FESE at European level, as well as via various national associations

Financial and Regulatory Education of Issuers and Fostering Issuer-Investor Dialogue

▪ Euronext Corporate Services offering assists companies and organisations in reducing their environmental impact

▪ Euronext Corporate Services supports the adoption of best practices in terms of good Corporate Governance and favors greater transparency and clarity in the way companies and organisations communicate

▪ Assisting family-owned businesses to familiarise with capital markets, both equity and bonds, giving them the information they need to bring their companies to the market.


Euronext ▪ Continuous expansion of ESG indices franchise for more than a decade. ESG Indices ▪ Indices offering covering the full scope of ESG thanks to Euronext’s strong partners expertise: Vigeo 28 Eiris, CDP, Carbone 4 and Mirova/ISS-OEKOM

▪ 15 ESG-related ETFs at the end of 2018, with the listing of 4 new ESG ETF, adding €818m in AuM €4.1bn ▪ Recent academic research show correlation between ESG ratings and lower cost of capital, market- AuM linked to ESG- based outperformance and accounting-based outperformance. related ETFs

▪ Partnership with the Finance For Tomorrow initiative, campaigning for the Paris ecosystem to play a €15bn leading role in the transition to a more sustainable finance Raised in green ▪ Partnership with the Climate Bonds Initiative to provide support to green bond issuers. bonds in 2018 ▪ More than €38 billion worth of green bonds issued from corporates through 83 deals since 2012.

▪ Leading Cleantech SME franchise in Europe representing a total of €6.4bn in combined market cap. Cleantech ▪ Dedicated initiative supporting the financing of a greener economy: 47 SMEs listed o TechShare: 23 Cleantech SMEs part of the community learning how to leverage capital markets o Tech40 Index: 20% of the index is made up Cleantech SMEs

As of 31 December 2018, excluding Oslo Børs VPS Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 20 June 2019 ENVIRONMENT … WHILE CONTINUOUSLY SEEKING TO IMPROVE ITS ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT

Building ▪ Rolls out of water-saving initiatives across the Group’s locations ▪ Relocations of some offices to sustainable certified premises ▪ Eco-friendly initiatives such as hosting bee hives on the roof

Green IT ▪ Project launched aiming to be able to move IT infrastructure in the cloud. ▪ Reducing hardware and datacenter footprints by decommissioning old hardwares and switching to new servers consuming 50% less than before

Ethical supply chain ▪ Screening of all new vendors for any past or current sanctions and request to commit to Euronext Supplier Code of Conduct, notably including provisions for environmental protection

Sustainability ▪ Recycling policy across all European premises ▪ Upgrade of light and emergency power supply in Amsterdam premises ▪ Promotion to employees of campaigns with environmental and solidarity purposes (“Paper for Food”)


22 nationalities 48 work councils HUMAN RIGHTS New Diversity Policy in 2018 to over 2018 in France, the No exposure material to Labor ensure an inclusive work Netherlands and Portugal, / Human right risks environment supporting a culture of social Code of conducts for Suppliers dialogue

GENDER EQUALITY One Euronext Team 26% women in Senior Leadership, Roadmap composed of 4 main pillars: 98% 33% at Group level - Engagement of employees received an Dedicated envelope to gender - Performance annual performance review equality salary situations - Talent in 2018 - Human Resources transformation

WELLNEXT 70% 4 ExchangeLab Encouraging Health and Safety at of employees campaigns for employees Work through fitness class, free received training over to express and develop fruit and regular health 2018 new ideas assessment

As of 31 December 2018, excluding Oslo Børs VPS Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 22 June 2019 RISK

Social Maintaining highest standards & integrity Ongoing training and re-assessment •Personal trading, Confidential and Insider •Regular training session for employees Information, Insider traind and Conflicts of Interest •Wellness programs proposed in most locations Policy; •Succession planning •Anti-Fraud, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Money Laundering •Limited exposure to labor / human rights risk and Sanctions Policies •Employee and suppliers codes of conduct •Whistleblowing policy Environmental Impact & Green IT Improving environmental credentials Reducing footprint •Continuously reducing hardware and datacenter •Management of greenhouse gas emissions primary footprints. arising from energy, waste and water in offices and •New trading platform less hardware consuming data centres, from staff travel, and indirectly from •Use of cloud capabilities to increase level of supply chain. virtualization in the future.

Governance Highest standards of Corporate Governance Remuneration •Euronext’s two-tiered board structure ensures strong •Ensuring that executive remuneration and non- oversight over management. executive director remuneration are not excessive •Euronext maintains a majority independent with respect to market and sector peers Supervisory Board in order to ensure all shareholders •For executive directors, variable compensation is are appropriately represented aligned with Company performance


Amsterdam Brussels Dublin Lisbon and Porto Paris London

2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017

Gas (m3) 124,295 123,010 5,096 14,552.7 7,954 8,314 4,543.5 42,541

Water (m3) 4,842 4,943 337 1,408 86 301 1,169 2,125 4,270 2,925.8

Frozen water (m3) 243,188 233,219 Cold water production (mWh) 860 829

Electricity (KWh) 3,330,030 3,533,369 129,465 133,277 64,386 29,570 451,105 465,133 1,881,761 1,915,119 518,938 433,044

Oil (Diesel) (L) 4,500 4,500 90 90 550 550

Amsterdam Brussels Lisbon and Porto1) Paris London

2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017

Recycled paper (kg) 10,138 14,200 520 1,386 208.76 238.6 11,276.1 26,080.7 480

Ink cartridges (kg) 58 136 5.9 339.23 565 3.5 5

Batteries (kg) 29 26 12 15 50

1) These figures only concern Porto. There are no available information for Lisbon but 100% of paper, cartridges and batteries are recycled.


Net Promoting Score 2018 2017 Issuers +15 +9 Market Data +3 +15 Interbolsa +33 +47 Members +13 -15

Clients and suppliers 2018 2017 2016 Transactions client meetings 1,500 1,400 750 Exchange of emails with clients 27,000 e-mails 28,000 e-mails 8,500 emails Calls with clients 10,000 calls 13,000 calls 12,000 calls Number of new suppliers screened 1,300 900 /

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 25 June 2019 Agility for Growth strategic plan ACHIEVEMENT ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE OF MOST OF THE 2019 TARGETS

~€340m Deliver value to 61.6% EBITDA margin 50% pay out For core business and selected capital deployed since 2016 shareholders with a floor at €1.42/share growth initiatives1) of which ~€100m for bolt-ons

Vs. 61-63% target Vs. 50% target

€23.8m achieved €14.6m Optiq® live Enhance Agility for Euronext cash markets and Gross cost savings Restructuring costs market data

Vs. €22m target Vs. €33m expected

Strengthen +2.0% >65% >50% resilience of the Average market share on cash Average market share on French CAGR core business growth core business 2015-18 trading since 2017 equity options

Vs. +2.0% CAGR2015-19 Vs >60% and 50% target targets

Grow in selected Good progress on Clearing optionality for cash €17.6m Corporate Services, equities with LCH SA and EuroCCP segments incremental revenue traction on Tech SMEs initiative, Renewed 10-year contract with generated in 2018 ETF MTF to be live in 2019 LCH SA for derivatives Vs. €55m target in 2019

1) Scope used for the 61-63% EBITDA margin 2019 target of Agility for Growth strategic plan (see press release published on 13 May 2016 available on www.euronext.com). Including IFRS 15 impact Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 27 June 2019 2019 COST GUIDANCE

In 2018, Euronext has extended its scope of activity through acquisitions ✓ (€62.9 million revenue in 2018)

Most of the 2019 targets of the Agility for Growth plan have been achieved one ✓ year in advance

To simplify and improve the tracking of its performance, Euronext will now report only group performance (including selected growth initiatives and new ✓ perimeter)

New mid-term targets will be presented in October 2019 as a part of the new ✓ strategic plan Euronext provides for 2019 a Group cost guidance In 2019, Euronext expects to limit the growth rate of its operating costs to a low single digit, despite the consolidation of Euronext Dublin for the full year of 2019

Compared to Group operating costs excluding D&A for 2018 of €260.8m. For 2018, Euronext Dublin costs were only consolidated for 3 quarters. As a reminder, the operating costs for Euronext Dublin for Q1 2018 were €5.8m.


Optiq® reinforces Euronext as an industry technology leader, and creates long-term and sustainable value…

▪ Operational cutting-edge proprietary technology with immediate benefits on performance, capacity and scalability • Order roundtrip latency as low as 15 micro-seconds … for our • Capacity multiplied by 10 vs. UTP Clients ▪ Co-designed with market participants, harmonized access through all asset classes, supporting rich market models ▪ Agility and time-to-market for the launch of new products and new services ▪ Enhanced clients interaction capabilities, enhanced resilience, particularly during high volatility periods

▪ Reinforcing Euronext as an industry technology leader … and Shareholders ▪ Enhanced value proposition to new exchanges joining Euronext and/or using Optiq® ▪ Optimized hardware footprint

H2 2017 H1 2018 Q1 2019 Next steps July 2017 April 2018 June 2018 February 2019 ▪ Planned migration of Euronext Derivatives Market Data Gateway Migration to Order Entry Migration to Order Entry Gateway Migration of markets for Cash and Derivatives Gateway and matching and matching engine for Euronext Dublin engine for fixed-income all Cash markets ▪ ETF MTF products

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 29 June 2019 WHAT IS OPTIQ AND WHO BENEFITS FROM OPTIQ?

Euronext has launched Optiq, its new generation trading platform across Cash and Derivatives markets PREMIUM LEVEL PERFORMANCE INCREASED STABILITY

Leverage state-of-the-art technology to ensure reliability, enhanced throughput Enhanced efficiency and performance and predictable latency. through improved connectivity and protocols, and optimised messaging model.


Trading Members on Euronext Cash Technology providers offering software Data vendors consuming Euronext and Derivatives markets and access to Euronext markets Market data Optimised order entry protocols, higher One single way to access Euronext Harmonised and faster market data throughput through new connectivity markets, flexibility in developments for across Cash and Derivatives markets models and more transparency new Euronext services depending on customers’ needs CLIENT MARKET STABILITY LATENCY CAPACITY DEPLOYMENT CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT 50% 45 min 0 impact Unlimited 15 µs Hardware 99% vs. 96 hours on on optional vs. 132µs on UTP footprint on Equities UTP changes scalability reduction

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 30 June 2019 Expansion strategy EURONEXT CAPITAL ALLOCATION POLICY

Key principles of capital allocation Targets

▪ Preserve Euronext financial and strategic agility and create ▪ Investment grade profile value for investors ▪ Investments / M&A thresholds: ▪ Disciplined and focused approach to capital allocation • ROCE > WACC in year 3 ▪ Flexibility to take advantage from selected strategic opportunities ▪ Capital return to shareholders: • Dividend payout: 50% of reported net earnings or floor as ▪ Proactive and periodic re-assessment of Euronext financial in 2017 structure • Possibility to consider extraordinary capital return to shareholders should material M&A not materialise

Disciplined approach to capital management

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 32 June 2019 EURONEXT, A GROUP IN TRANSFORMATION

Corporate services Corporate services Corporate services Tech Hub Initiative Research services September 2017 • Launch of a European Deployment Tech SME initiative February 2017 July 2017 January 2018 beyond core domestic December 2018 of Agility for • Acquisition of 51% • Acquisition of 60% • Acquisition of 80% markets, opening • Acquisition of 78% Growth • Comprehensive range of • Dematerialized board • Management of insider offices in four new • Research and webcast, webinar and portal solution and lists countries – Germany, commission initiatives conference call services decision making tool for Italy, Spain and management for buy for Investor Relations corporates and public Switzerland – side/sell side and corporate events organisations

Equity clearing Multi-asset clearing Blockchain

LIQUIDSHARE Euronext historical presence

December 2016 December 2017 July 2017 Euronext Tech hub expansion Post-trade • Acquisition of a 20% • European post-trading • 11.1% minority stake in Regulated markets Oslo development stake in EuroCCP LCH SA blockchain Stockholm • User Choice Clearing • 10-year agreement for infrastructure for the Technology center Model for Equity the clearing of Small and Medium Sales office Markets derivatives products Enterprise (SME) Headquarters market

Dublin Asset class Amsterdam Expansion of the federal model diversification London* Brussels FX trading Irish Stock Exchange Oslo Børs VPS Munich Paris Zurich August 2017 Closed in March 2018 Closed in June 2019 • Fastest growing • Acquisition of 100% of • Acquisition of 98% of the Milan electronic the shares shares communication network • Expansion of Euronext • Expansion of Euronext in the spot FX market federal model and debt federal model and post Porto • Acquisition of a 90% franchise trade franchise stake Lisbon Madrid

1) Euronext London is recognised as a Recognised Investment Exchange (RIE) by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 33 June 2019 2018 Financials STRONG INCREASE OF EURONEXT PERFORMANCE THROUGH 2018

Strong revenue growth thanks to good performance of core businesses notably cash trading and advanced data +15.5% Revenue 1) €615.0m services , recent acquisitions and growth initiatives +€83m Q4 revenue of €157.3m (+12.6% vs. Q4 2017)

Core business costs down (-4.3%) while Group costs up (+11.2%) mainly due to change of perimeter (Euronext +19.0% EBITDA Dublin, FastMatch and InsiderLog) €354.3m EBITDA to cash flow conversion rate at 63% +€56m Q4 EBITDA of €86.9m (+10.5% vs. Q4 2017)

Core business and selected growth initiatives, excluding 2) EBITDA clearing, EBITDA margin at 61.6% €23.8m costs savings 57.6% +1.7 pts Margin Q4 2018 Group EBITDA margin at 55.3% (-1.1pts vs. Q4 2017) Double digit increase in Adjusted EPS3) of €3.44, up +11.2% Reported net income impacted by exceptional items and Proposed Adjusted net financing expenses, and negative base effect due to €3.44 Dividend4) EPS 2017 positive one-offs +11.2% €1.54/Share Q4 adjusted EPS of €0.81 (-16.6% vs. Q4 2017)

In 2018, Euronext has adopted IFRS 15. Unless stated otherwise, percentages compare FY 2018 and Q4 2018 data including IFRS 15 to respectively reported FY 2017 and Q4 2017 data (excluding IFRS 15). For further details, please refer to the appendix 1) Formerly called Market Data and Indices Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 35 2) Scope used for the 61-63% EBITDA margin 2019 target of Agility for Growth strategic plan (see press release published on 13 June 2019 May 2016 available on www.euronext.com). Including IFRS 15 impact 3) Definition in Appendix 4) To be proposed to the 16 May 2019 General Meeting of Shareholders 2018 REVENUE UP 15.5% TO €615.0M STRONG PERFORMANCE AND SUCCESSFUL INTEGRATION OF HIGHLY ACCRETIVE ACQUISITIONS 2018 revenue up 15.5% to €615.0m (+€82.7m) +15.5% ▪ Strong increase in listing revenue thanks to the 615.0 consolidation of Euronext Dublin and the good performance of Corporate Services 106.5 +26.4% 532.3 ▪ Good trading performance across asset classes:

Listing 84.2 ▪ Cash trading revenue +€20.7m ▪ Derivatives trading revenue +€3.6m 210.9 +10.9% ▪ 1st full year contribution of spot FX trading revenue

Cash trading 190.3 for €21.7m 56% 56% ▪ Strong post trade revenue up +€5.7m resulting 43.9 +8.9% from increased settlement and custody activity

Derivatives trading 40.3 21.7 FX trading and good performance of the clearing business 7.2 55.3 +8.2% ▪ Clearing 51.1 Strong performance of advanced data services Custody, Settlement 22.1 +7.2% with revenue up +€13.6m thanks to new market 20.6 and other post-trade data agreement Advanced Data 118.3 +13.0% Services 104.7 ▪ Stable non-volume related revenue at 44%, in an Euronext Technologies environment of increased trading volumes & Other revenue 33.8 36.3 +7.3% ▪ Operating cost coverage ratio2) at 104% in Q4 2018 2017 Vol 2018 Related1)

Euronext Technologies & Other revenue also include €0.2m of other income in 2018 and €0.4m in 2017 1) Volume-related businesses include IPO revenue, cash, derivatives and Spot FX trading and clearing revenues. Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 36 Follow-ons, bonds and other listing revenues are considered as non-volume related due to their lower volatility June 2019 2) Non-volume related businesses revenue divided by operating costs (excluding D&A) LISTING REVENUE UP 26.4% TO €106.5M IN 2018 CONTRIBUTION OF EURONEXT DUBLIN AND CORPORATE SERVICES

Listing revenue In €m +26.4% ▪ Contribution of Euronext Dublin +€16.7m

106.5 +4.1% ▪ Continued clients traction from Corporate Services 84.2 23.7 recording €16.6m of revenue Equity 18.4 -14.4% Annual fees 22.8 Follow-ons 10.6 +35.5% 21.5 ▪ Lower primary market activity in a tough IPOs 20.1 Debt 7.8 environment ETFs, Funds 6.8 12.6 +18.7% & Warrants 10.6 ▪ 33 new listings (29 in 2017) Others 9.1 16.6 Corporate Services 5.6 4.4 -21.8% ▪ Strong traction from SME deals 2017 2018 Money raised In €bn # of 29 33 +26.71% listings 1,000.3 789.4 ▪ Stable secondary market activity supported by:

993.2 ▪ SME projects raising financing for their Large Caps 779.9 development SMEs ▪ Large M&A activities in Europe (Unibail 9.5 7.1 Rodamco, Essilor, Worldine) 2017 2018

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 37 June 2019 CASH TRADING REVENUE UP 10.9% TO €210.9M IN 2018 IMPROVED REVENUE CAPTURE AND VOLUMES Cash trading Revenue per trade1) Market share for Q4 2018 Cash trading: revenue up +10.9% to €210.9m In bps, single counted ▪ Strengthened cash equity market share at 66.1% +4.9% 66.1% ▪ Cash ADV up +5.7%, supported by volatility peaks 0.49 0.51 through the year ▪ Strengthened yield at 0.51bps, up +4.9% compared to Vs. 64.4% in Q4 2017 2017, in an improved volumes environment, thanks to effective yield management 2017 2018 ▪ 1,150 ETFs listed at end of December 2018 Average daily turnover2) In €m, single counted ▪ ETFs on-exchange volumes up +7.0% to €266m in 2018, supported by market volatility +5.7%

8,109 23 42 Bonds 7,671 323 Structured 40 26 Products 473 ETF

7,132 7,722 Equities

2017 2018 1) 2017 revenue per trade excluding Euronext Dublin 2) On and off book transactions, 2017 restated to include Euronext Dublin ADV Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 38 June 2019 STRONG DERIVATIVES TRADING AND SPOT FX TRADING REVENUE IN 2018

Derivatives trading Derivatives trading: revenue up +8.9% to €43.9m Average daily volume Revenue per lot Financial derivatives In ‘000 lots, single counted In €, double counted ▪ Volumes supported by volatility +6.4% ▪ Increased revenue capture 585 +2.3% 550 Commodities 0.29 0.29 ▪ New Market Participant programme continuing to EQUITY OPTS. 275 293 EQUITY FUTURE attract new flows and fuel volumes INDEX FUTURES 2 4 156 INDEX OPTS 164 COMMODITIES 58 75 52 57 2017 2018 2017 2018

Spot FX trading FastMatch: €21.7m revenue from spot FX trading in 1) Average daily volume Revenue contribution 2018 In $bn, single counted In €m ▪ Spot FX ADV up +9.3% to $20.1bn supported by continuing markets volatility through the year +9.3% 21.7

18.4 20.1


2017 2018 2017 2018

1) TheFastMatch plannedconsolidated non-recurringfor migration 1.6 months of inopen 2017 interest from TOM to Euronext over June 2017 took place at marginal rates due to the exceptional circumstances of the TOM closure Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 39 June 2019 OTHER BUSINESSES GOOD PERFORMANCE OF ADVANCED DATA SERVICES AND NON TRANSACTIONAL BUSINESSES Advanced data services In €m +13.0% ▪ Positive impact of new market data agreements in 2018 118.3 104.7 ▪ Good traction from indices business ▪ Incremental contribution from Euronext Dublin activities

2017 2018 Euronext technologies & Other revenue In €m ▪ Continued delivery of the first commercial releases of +7.8% Optiq® for international clients

33.5 36.1 ▪ Increased activity from Managed Services solutions ▪ Increased activity from SFTI/Colocation services

2017 2018 Post trade In €m +8.2% ▪ Increased clearing revenues resulting from dynamic +7.2% 51.1 55.3 commodities activity during the year and higher treasury 2017 income 20.6 22.1 2018 ▪ Interbolsa benefiting from increased equities and public Clearing Custody, debt under custody and settlement activity in 2018 Settlement & other post-trade


In €m +19.0%

-14.1 354.3 -3.9 -1.5 -4.4 -2.4 82.7

297.8 EBITDA 57.6% margin 55.9%

EBITDA 2017 Revenue Staff Systems & Coms Professional Other expenses Other EBITDA 2018 Services

EBITDA up +19.0% to €354.3m (57.6% margin), due to the consolidation of new businesses ▪ Impact of consolidation of Euronext Dublin, combined with the development of selected growth initiatives ▪ Cumulated Core costs savings: €23.8m (vs. 2019 target of €22.0m)


In €m -10.5%

-6.5 -6.7 -1.7 56.5 -41.0 241.3

-25.2 216.0 -0.8

Net Income EBITDA D&A Exceptional Net financing Equity Inv. Income tax Share of non Net Income 2017 items exp. controlling 2018 interests Net income down -10.5% to €216m, impacted by higher exceptional items, financing expenses and negative 2017 base effect ▪ Exceptional items increased mainly due to contract terminations, restructuring costs and impairments ▪ Net financing expenses up, at €5.3m, primarily impacted by revaluation of some earn-outs ▪ Equity investments down mainly due to the 2017 one-off LCH stake swap capital gain (€40.5m) ▪ Income tax rate at 30.1%, increasing from 2017 marked by the release of a tax provision (€20.4m due to the lapse of the statute of limitations)

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 42 June 2019 Appendix


2015 2016 2017 2018

-15.3% +5.7% +9.4% 8,282 8,109 ▪ Improved volumes: ADV 7,671 (in €m) 7,012 ▪ Best of Book ▪ Non-member

2015 2016 2017 2018 Omega pack Cash ▪ Optimisation of 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.51 the SLP trading Yield programme 2015 2016 2017 2018 ▪ Efficient yield 66.1% Market 63.6% 60.9% 64.4% management Share ▪ Market share > 60% on

2015 2016 2017 2018 equity

+12.0% +6.3% ADV -7.2% 550 585 (in ‘000 529 491 Derivatives lots) ▪ Improved competitive landscape trading 2015 2016 2017 2018 Yield 0.33 0.32 0.29 0.29

2015 2016 2017 2018

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 44 June 2019 CASH – MARKET SHARE

2018 market share: 66.1% / Q1 2019 market share: 66.1%


Euronext MTFs







Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 45 June 2019 SUMMARISED P&L

Organic growth Unaudited, In €m Q1 2019 Q1 2018 % var (like for like) Revenue 152.6 150.5 +1.4% -4.7% Listing 28.0 21.8 +28.1% +2.7% Trading revenue 64.5 71.5 -9.8% -11.2% Cash Trading 48.3 55.7 -13.3% -15.1% Derivatives Trading 10.4 10.6 -1.5% -1.5% Spot FX Trading 5.8 5.2 +10.4% +10.4% Investor Services 1.1 - N/A N/A Advanced Data Services 30.8 29.7 +3.8% +0.6% Post-trade 18.7 18.5 +0.9% +0.9% Clearing 13.2 13.0 +1.4% +1.4% Custody, Settlement and other post-trade 5.5 5.5 -0.1% -0.1% Euronext Technology Solutions & other revenue 9.3 8.9 +4.4% +0.2% Other income 0.2 0.1 +279.6% -4.2% Operational expenses excluding D&A -63.3 -58.5 +8.2% -2.1% Salaries and employee benefits -33.1 -24.4 +35.6% +20.5% Other Operational Expenses -30.3 -34.2 -11.4% -18.1% System & Communication -6.3 -6.1 +4.1% -5.9% Professional Services -9.2 -11.8 -21.5% -30.4% Clearing expense -7.2 -7.2 +0.8% +0.7% Accommodation -1.0 -2.6 -61.1% -65.9% Other Operational Expenses -6.5 -6.6 -1.4% -9.1% EBITDA 89.3 92.0 -3.0% -6.4% EBITDA margin 58.5% 61.1% -2.6 pts -1.1 pts Depreciation & Amortisation -8.8 -5.2 +69.0% +53.4% Operating Profit before Exceptional items 80.4 86.8 -7.3% -10.0% Exceptional items -3.3 -1.0 +227.8% Operating Profit 77.1 85.7 -10.1% Net financing income / (expense) 0.8 -0.4 N/A Results from equity investments 2.0 1.5 +40.1% Profit before income tax 80.0 86.8 -7.8% Income tax expense -23.2 -26.3 -11.8% Share of non-controlling interests -0.7 -0.4 +68.9% Profit for the period 56.1 60.0 -6.6%

EPS Reported (in € per share) € 0.81 € 0.86 -6.6% EPS Diluted (in € per share) € 0.80 € 0.86 -6.6%

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 46 June 2019 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE SINCE IPO

rd in €m 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Revenue (in €m, 3 party revenue only) 615 Listing 61.7 70.5 68.7 84.2 106.5 Trading 212.0 241.7 220.8 237.9 276.6 532 519 of which Cash trading 165.6 197.2 180.7 190.3 210.9 496 of which Derivatives trading 46.4 44.5 40.1 40.3 43.9 458 of which Spot FX trading 7.2 21.7

Advanced Data Services 93.3 99.8 105.7 104.7 118.3 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Post trade 57.3 71.7 67.6 71.7 77.4 EBITDA (in €m, based on 3rd party revenue) Euronext Technologies and other revenue 33.4 34.1 33.0 33.5 36.1 41.7% 54.7% 57.2% 55.9% 57.6% Other income 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.2 354 Total revenue and other income 458.5 518.5 496.4 532.3 615.0 298 Staff expenses -124.0 -112.2 -99.8 -104.4 -118.5 284 284 Other operating expenses -143.1 -122.5 -112.8 -130.1 -142.3 191 EBITDA margin 191.4 283.8 283.9 297.8 354.3 EBITDA margin 41.7% 54.7% 57.2% 55.9% 57.6% Depreciation and amortisatio -16.6 -17.1 -15.1 -16.9 -23.4 Operating profit before exceptional items 208.8 266.8 268.8 280.9 330.9 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Exceptional items -44.6 -28.7 -10.0 -14.8 -21.5 Reported earnings and dividend per share Other items -1.9 0.5 5.2 45.0 2.3 3.47 3.10 Profit before income tax 162.3 238.6 264.0 311.1 311.7 2.83 Income tax expense -44.1 -65.9 -67.0 -68.9 -94.1 2.47 Non-controlling interests 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 1.7 1.69 1.73 1.42 1.54 Profit for the year 118.2 172.7 197.0 241.3 216.0 1.24 0.84

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

2018 figures are unaudited and include 9 months of consolidated revenue from Euronext Dublin 2014 Total revenue and other income do not include ICE transitional revenue for an amount of €34m Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 47 June 2019 BALANCE SHEET

in €m 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total equity (in €m) 802 Assets 729 548 447 Goodwill and other intangible asset 321.3 321.4 321.2 515.1 705.6 342 Other non-current assets 151.0 163.2 172.6 266.2 360.4 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total non-current assets 472.2 484.6 493.8 781.4 1,066.1 Total debt (in €m) 505 Other current assets 143.2 106.7 89.2 96.4 134.4 248 Cash and cash equivalent 241.6 158.6 174.5 187.8 398.0 165 108 Total current assets 384.8 265.3 263.7 284.2 532.4 69

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total assets 857.1 749.9 757.5 1,065.6 1,598.5 Dividend paid (with regards to fiscal year, in €m) 121 108 Equity and liabilities 99 86 Total equity 341.8 447.2 548.0 729.5 802.3 59

Borrowings 248.4 108.2 69.0 164.7 504.9 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Other non-current liabilities 49.3 15.8 20.3 46.6 97.0 Cash and cash equivalents (in €m) Total non-current liabilities 297.7 124.0 89.3 211.3 601.9 398

Total current liabilities 217.6 178.7 120.2 124.8 194.2 242 188 159 175 Total equity and liabilities 857.1 749.9 757.5 1,065.6 1,598.5

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 48 June 2019 ADJUSTED EPS DEFINITION

In €m unless stated otherwise Q1 2019 Q1 2018 FY 2018 FY 2017 Net Income Reported 56.1 60.0 216.0 241.3 EPS Reported (€ per share) 0.81 0.86 3.10 3.47 Intangible assets adj. related to acquisitions (PPA) - 2.2 - 1.5 - 7.4 - 2.4 Exceptional items - 3.3 - 1.0 - 21.5 - 14.8 Results from Equity Investments (LCH swap capital gain) - - - 40.6 Tax related to those items 0.8 0.7 5.6 2.7 Adjusted for intangible assets related to acquisitions, capital gains or losses and exceptional items, incl. tax Adj. Net Income 60.8 61.9 239.3 215.2 Adj. EPS (€ per share) 0.87 0.89 3.44 3.09

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 49 June 2019 DISCLAIMER AND CONTACTS

This presentation is for information purposes only and is not a recommendation to engage in investment activities. The information and materials contained in this presentation are provided ‘as is’ and Euronext does not warrant as to the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information and materials and expressly disclaims liability for any errors or omissions. This presentation contains materials (including videos) produced by third parties and this content has been created solely by such third parties with no creative input from Euronext. It is not intended to be, and shall not constitute in any way a binding or legal agreement, or impose any legal obligation on Euronext. All proprietary rights and interest in or connected with this publication shall vest in Euronext. No part of it may be redistributed or reproduced without the prior written permission of Euronext. This presentation may include forward-looking statements, which are based on Euronext’s current expectations and projections about future events. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future whether or not outside the control of Euronext. Such factors may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, no undue reliance should be placed on any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as at the date at which they are made. Euronext expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update, review or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this presentation to reflect any change in its expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which such statements are based unless required to do so by applicable law. Financial objectives are internal objectives of the Company to measure its operational performance and should not be read as indicating that the Company is targeting such metrics for any particular fiscal year. The Company’s ability to achieve these financial objectives is inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the Company’s control, and upon assumptions with respect to future business decisions that are subject to change. As a result, the Company’s actual results may vary from these financial objectives, and those variations may be material. Efficiencies are net, before tax and on a run-rate basis, ie taking into account the full-year impact of any measure to be undertaken before the end of the period mentioned. The expected operating efficiencies and cost savings were prepared on the basis of a number of assumptions, projections and estimates, many of which depend on factors that are beyond the Company’s control. These assumptions, projections and estimates are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and actual results may differ, perhaps materially, from those projected. The Company cannot provide any assurance that these assumptions are correct and that these projections and estimates will reflect the Company's actual results of operations

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Website: www.euronext.com/en/investors

Contact: Aurélie Cohen, Euronext Head of Investor Relations - [email protected] - +33 1 70 48 24 17

Euronext CSR Investor Toolbox 50 June 2019