RESEARCHlLN MACHINES RM Nimbus VX-386, VX and AX Release lnformation Note (Edition 4)

PN 24138

This note updates the information in the Handbook, How to Use manual, and the Windows 2 and t#indows /386 manuals. It covers: r factory settings and software version numbers r I Mb VX and AX models r EMS on VX-386 r EMS on YX and AX \- r running XCONFIG r using RM Mode r RM Mode and SmartDrive r Memory parity checking r "How to LJse" manual additions/inaccuracies r Windows 2 manual r Windows/386 Release Inlormation Note

Factory Settings and Software Version Numbers

Firmware (VX-386)

System firmware 3. l98 8042 firmware I.55A PVGA BrOS 003056-004 (4/s/88)

Firmware (VX and AX)

System firmware 2.63A 8042 firmware 1.55A PVGA BrOS 003056-004 (4/5/88)

System software

Installed on the winchester: r MS-DOS 3.3 release 2.40L (VX-386) or 2.40H (YX, AX) r Microsoft t#indows 2.03 RM UED 2.03

When you switch on, MS-DOS is automatically loaded from the winchester.

MS-DOS 3.3 is supplied on a system (see 'MS-DOS disk contents" at the end of this section) from which you can load the if anything goes wrong with the winchester. Windows 2 is also supplied on three disks.

In addition, VX-386 and VX models have Windows /386 packaged separately. Instructions for installing Windows /386 are included in the "Windows/386" section of this note. Release Inlormation Note


XANSI.SYS 1.00H NIMBUS.SYS 2.20U- MOUSE.COM 1.30F (equiv. to Microsoft v6.02) EMM386.SYS 4.00 XEMM.SYS (VX & AX) r.00F XDISK.SYS l .l0c RAMDRIVE.SYS 2.0t SMARTDRV.SYS 1.05



XSETUP settings

Primary display adapter PVGA Serial port enabled Parallel port enabled Mouse port enabled Mouse interrupt 5 VGA BIOS copied to RAM Parity disabled AT bus speed (VX-386) high Sub BIOS (vx & Ax) e0000 EMS (VX & AX) d0000 Release Inlormation Note

Contents of the CONFIG.SYS file on winchester disk vx-386

buffers=10 tastdrive=z fi Ies=20 device=ansi.sys device'smartdrv.sys 1024 (Disk cache)

(Note: The line 'lastdriv a=zn should be removed from CONFIG.SYS when using a Novell network).

YX and AX

h,.rf f ers=20 Iastdrive=z fi tes=20 devi ce=ni rlrus . sys devi ce=xansi . sys device=xerm.sys (Elis) devi ce=xdi sk. sys (Si ticon disk)

(Note: The line nlastdriva=2" should be removed from CONFIG.SYS when using a Novell network).

Contents of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file

echo off path \dos;\ prorpt 3p3g Release Information Note

MS-DOS disk contents

The MS-DOS system disk is provided for emergency booting. \- Its CONFIG.SYS contents are the commands to load the basic drivers only: h.rf f ers=20 Iastdrive=z fi tes=20 devi ce=ni rtus. Eys devi ce=xans i . sys

Commands to load the drivers for disk caching (VX-386) and EMS and silicon disk (VX and AX) are not present. However, the system disk contains two files, CONFIG.0OI for VX-386 models and CONFIG.002 for VX and AX models, which do contain commands for these drivers. These files are backup copies of the CONFIG.SYS on your winchester. If required, the appropriate file can be copied onto your winchester and renamed as CONFIG.SYS.

1 Mb VX and AX Models

If you have a I Mb VX or AX and you want to use OS/2, Windows/386 (VX only), or other software which can make use of memory above I Mb, we advise you to contact your supplier for details of memory upgrades.

EMS on the VX-386

EMS on the VX-386 is provided by installing an EMS device driver called EMM386.SYS which conforms to the Lotus, \-. Intel, and Microsoft (LIM) Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) 4.0. Release Information Note

EMM386.SYS is a device driver which allows MS-DOS programs on 80386 systems to emulate expanded memory in extended memory.

Installing EMM386.SYS

Make sure that EMM386.SYS is loaded before any other programs that use expanded memory, such as Microsoft RAMDrive.

To install EMM386.SYS, include the following command line in your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=td:I tpathlem3S6.sys [size] [X:rnnm'nnrn] tl{xl


Specify the amount of extended memory (in Kb) for EMM386.SYS to use. The recornmended amount is 512 Kb and the default is 256 Kb.


Specify a range of memory which is not to be used for locating the EMM386.SYS page frame or other mappable pages.

Only use this option if a conflict occurs; for example, if another card is using addresses between A0000 and E0000.

A conflict is not likely to occur as the EMM386.SYS driver automatically searches through addresses 40000 and E0000 and can detect most cards which are using memory between these addresses. EMM386.SYS excludes the memory addresses used and does not load the page frame at these addresses. Release Information Note

When EMM386.SYS finds a contiguous block of 64 Kb of free memory, it loads the EMM386.SYS page frame segment. Free memory is memory not occupied by BIOS, EGA adapters, or cards. lMxI

Specify where the page frame is to be placed in memory.

Only use this option to place the page frame at a specific address. EMM386.SYS automatically places the page frame for you.

If EMM386.SYS detects a conflict between itself and an option card at the address you specify, a message appears.

To select an address, choose a value from the following list that does not conflict with any cards that you have previously installed:

Value of x Start address

0 c0000 I C4000 2 C8000 3 CC000 4 D0000 5 D4000 6 D8000 7 DCOOO E E0000

When installation finishes, a message displays the amount of expanded memory available and the address where the EMM386.SYS page frame is located. The amount of expanded memory available is the sum of the extended memory and the system memory EMM3E6.SYS has reclaimed. Release Information Note

If installation is unsuccessful, EMM386.SYS displays messages describing what has happened as follows:

'Invalid parameter specified'

The command line contains an option which has not been accepted. Check that you have entered the correct options (see earlier). nSize of expanded memory pool adjusted'

You have requested more than the available memory using the [size] option.

'WARNING - Option ROM or RAM detected within page framen

A card is using the address you have specified with the [Mx] option.

'EMM386 not installed - insufficient memoryn

You need more extended memory to install EMM386.SYS.

'EMM386 not installed - unable to set page frame base address"

EMM386.SYS cannot find a range of 64 Kb of free memory in the 640 Kb to I Mb range to load its page frame.

'EMM386 already installed'

You cannot install EMM386.SYS twice.

I Release Information Note

EMS on the VX and AX

YX and AX computers have built-in EMS (LIM EMS 3.2) and the driver XEMM.SYS. (Future versioni of XEMM.SYS will conform to LIM EMS 4.0.)


When running the XCONFIG utility and you select the Disk parameters help text, be aware that: r You should ignore the reference to MEMM.SYS and refer to the Handbook and this release note for details of the EMS driver. r Setting the size of the silicon disk applies to XDISK.SYS and does not apply to a silicon disk created using RAMDRIVE.SYS.

Using RM Mode

You may see the following error message when attempting to switch your computer into RM Mode: xirhs Pc rDode driver linh,rs.sys rrct instatted or invatid driver version.

This message can be produced in one of three ways: r The line ndevice=nimbus.sys'or the line ndevice=xansi.sysn is missing from CONFIG.SYS. r You are using an old version of NIMBUS.SYS which was not supplied with your computer. Release Information Note

r You have attempted to enter RM Mode with your computer's built-in PVGA display adapter disabled.

RM Mode and SmartDrive

You are provided with the Microsoft SmartDrive disk cache utility SMARTDRV.SYS. This significantly speeds up the performance of applications by caching frequently-used data from disk into RAM and reducing the number of disk accesses required.

Howevcr, you rhould rct up a diel cachc uring SmartDrivc only if you intend to opcratc your computer in IBM Mode. Do not uae SMARTDRV.SYS if you intend to urc RM Modp rincc{ Modc docc not rupport disk caching.

Also, it is possible for you to damage or lose data on disks if you switch from IBM Mode to RM Mode while the SmartDrive disk cache is set up. If you wish to use RM Mode, first disable the disk cache.

Note: VX-386 models are preconfigured with a I Mb disk cache. If you have one of these and wish to use RM Mode, delete the line:

devi ce=smartdrv. sys I 024

from CONFIG.SYS before adding the commands to load the RM Mode drivers NIMBUS.SYS and XANSI.SYS.

rc Release Information Note

Memory Parity Checking

ln XSETUP, if you select "Memory options' (F5) this allows you to set nMemory Parity' (Fl0) as enabled or disabled. Your computer, however, does not support parity checking. Make sure this option is set to "disabled'. If enabled, it may cause your computer to slow down and a message will appear when you start up saying your computer is unreliable.

"How to Use" Manual: Additions/lnaccuracies

Windows 2

Starting Windows

\- Start Windows from IBM Mode (the default), not RM Mode.

Problems with some programs

Some programs (including programs written for the Nimbus PC-186) will not run under the current release of Windows 2. When you try to run them, the message "Error in EXE file" appears. To run a Nimbus PC- 186 program, quit Windows, change to RM Mode, and then start the prograrn from the MS-DOS prompt.

Changing your Windows display

Chapter 8 tells you about the WIN.INI file which you can use to select display options. \- By default, the [display] section of the file shows: l?l:[;' :otours=? II Release Information Note

\Yindows automatically replaces the question marks with the appropriate resolution for the display adapter/monitor configured in XSETUP. Defaults for PVGA are 640x480x8.

You can replace the question marks with numbers to select a specific set of display options: r You can specify 2, E or 16 colours. r If you have a VGA colour enhancement card and a Multi-standard monitor, you can select nheight=80O' and nwidth=600'.

To display 256 colours, re-install Windows as described in chapter 8. Select 'RM Nimbus X Series 256 Coloursn. A system with a VGA colour enhancement card displays 256 colours at 640x480 resolution by default, while a standard system can display only 640x400 resolution.

Location of PIFEDIT.EXE

Note that PIFEDIT.EXE is in the main Windows directory and not in the PIF subdirectory as How to Use suggests.

Windows 2 Manual

Specialist monitors

To use a specialist monitor in high resolution with Windows 2 you need a special screen driver. Your monitor supplier will tell you if a driver is currently available.

t2 Release Information Note

Avoiding problems

You may have problems when trying to format disks within \- Windows 2. lf this happens, quit Windows and use the MS-DOS FORMAT command.

To avoid problems: r Do not use the APPEND command before running Setup. r Do not use the JOIN command from Windows. r Do not use Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) programs such as Sidekick with Windows. (If you do use a TSR program, start it before starting Windows 2.) r Never have more than 40 fonts installed. I Delete fonts by deleting the whole line for each font from WIN.INI. r Never have more than l0 printers installed. r Delete printers by deleting the whole line for each printer from WIN.INI. r If you have different versions of Windows on your winchester disk, include the path to only one version in your PATH variable.

The README.TXT file provided with your Windows software gives more information about this version of Windows and advice on avoiding potential problems.

Applications designed for earlier l#indows versions

Some Windows applications (such as Aldus Pagemaker version l.0A) provide versions of SPOOLER.EXE, CONTROL.EXE or CLIPBRD.EXE. These were not designed for use with this version of Windows. Do not install them in place of the versions provided with your l#indows software, even if the application's manual instructs you to do so.

t3 Release Inlormation Note

Font files designed for earlier versions of Windows will not work with Windows 2. Use the NEWFON.EXE program to convert fonts to the new format. Place your copy of Windowt Disk I (Setup) into drive A or B and type: tdrivenane:ll{EllFOll [otd font f i tenaml

For example, if you are working from a copy of Windows Disk I in drive A, to convert the Pagemaker l.0A font PMFONTE.FON, type:

A : llEuFOl PlltOlTE . F0ll

You can change the name of the font by adding a new font name after the original one: A:llEtlF0ll totd f itenaml [ner f itenanel

The Windows 2 Paint file format is different from the format used by earlier versions of Paint. Windows 2 Paint can read old and new format files, but some applications can read only the old format. To convert new files to the old format, use CVTPAINT.EXE provided with your Windows software. When the CVTPAINT dialogue box prompts you for the name of the file to convert, use the full filename including the .MSP file extension.

New features

If you select the 'Minimize MS-DOS Executiven option in the File Run dialogue box, the Executive automatically reduces to an icon each time a new application is started. This frees up memory and reduces screen clutter. The option becomes the default until you turn it off.

If the spooler is running as an icon, it terminates when printing is finished, freeing the memory it was using.

I4 Release Information Note


You rhould ure thig note as your reference to Windowr/3t6 and ignore any other releare notcs rupplied with your Srindowr/3t6 package.

Windows/386 is a special version of Microsoft Windows which can be used on standalone Nimbus VX-386 and VX computers. It is described fully in Using Microsoft Windows/386 and the Windows Users Guide.

This release of Windows/386 is the standard Microsoft version. Unlike earlier RM versions of Windows, it has not been specially tailored for Nimbus computers. If you do not require the new features offered by Windows/386 you may prefer to use Windows 2, which offers RM enhancements such as special display options. Windows 2 is already installed on the winchester disk of most Nimbus X Series computers.

Installing Windows/386

See chap ter 2 of Using Microsoft Windows/386 for setting up instructions. These are the options to select: r COMPAQ 80386-based Personal Computers and compatibles r VGA Yideo Graphics Array 640x450 r British Keyboard r Microsoft Mouse (Bus or Serial) r United Kingdom

I5 Release Inlormation Note

When you set up Windows/386 you are asked whether you want to view a file containing information. This includes details of new features, corrections to the manuals and detailed advice. We recommend that you read it. You can refer to the information file after installing Windows/386 by running NOTEPAD and opening the file README.TXT.

In particular, note the information in README.TXT about the \Mindows/386 version of RetvtDRIYE which should be used in place of any other silicon disk driver.

Before starting t#indows 1386, disable EMS.

Points to note

This version of Windows/386 will only run on your computer in IBM Mode. For this reason, you cannot run Nimbus PC- I E6 applications.

Windows /386 should not be used on an RM Network 2.

You cannot display Windows/386 on a High Resolution Graphics System unless you have a screen driver especially written for it. Contact your supplier for the latest information on availability of Windows /386 screen drivers.

Windowsl3S6 will cause a YX to crash if the sub-BIOS location is set to 90000H or 94000H.

Drive B cannot be formatted from the Executive option to format a disk.

XSETUP should not be run within a window.
