POLITICAL and Tnformattve REVTEW / Ttr Nr

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POLITICAL and Tnformattve REVTEW / Ttr Nr POLITICAL AND tNFORMATtVE REVTEW / TtR Nr. 5 (241, 1975 / SEPIEMBER- tComtode EflYER HOXHAu picture lin oill by the pointer Zet Shothi. At the Figurative Afi. Exhibition dedicated to fhe 30th onniyetso,tf of the liberotioa ol the homelond end lhe iilumph ol lhe people's revolution lhis woek won lhe liril pfize in lhe gente ol painling" (O}IIEIIIS: A relleclion oI the Morxist.leninisl thinking ond reuolullonory ptqcli(e of lhe ktly of lobour of Albunlo 2 lorlolist stole - orgonised ploleloliot Gs r rullng duss I LUAN oMARt lllgorous deuelopment of socio.list cto_nqnly in the P.R.A, 12 HAsAN BANJA lntelleduolism.o totolily ol tounlerrevolutiongry tontepti ond Prottites 16 MUZAFER AHMAT! The plote ol lolklore ond its tole in sotiulisl ortlslit tullure 25 ALFRED Uqr [rom lhe life ol lhe tounlrY 30 fhe ronfelence ol inseturity of Europe 36 ,,ZERl I POPU[UT" rhe Ms supelpowels - the grealest orms deolets in the world 40 vENTAMTN Togt lDotumentsl fhe ilotionul liberotion Mouemenl SHYOYRI BALLVORA, of lhe Albonlon people und the Antifostlsl tllorld Wor fr4 soTtR MANUSHI lDotumenlsl lhe Gouernment of the PR of Albunio supports the iusl demunds of the deueloping countries 54 RErz MALTLE Press reuiew 58 A REFI.ECTIOil OT THE MARIII THIilKIII G A}ID REUOI.UTIOil OF THE PARTY OF 1ABOUR O fhe works of Comrode Enuer Hoxhu ure prized by Albonion tommunists und 0s 0 greol lreosury ol reuolutionory edurilion. ln lhem they lind onswers lo lhe reuolutionury deuelopment in Albonio, lhey lind the guiding thteod to orie lhemselues in euely siluolion ond honorubly peilorm lhe greut losks lying BY DECISION OE THE CENTRAf, COMMITTEE OF THE Not only is Comrade Enver Hoxha the founder of the PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA, THE PUBLICATION IN FO- Party, but he is still leading it after 34 yearc. For 34 years R,EIGN LANGUAGES OF THE SELECTED WOBKS OF he has always been at the head of the Party. Therefore, the COMRADE ENVER HOXHA, FIRST SECRETARY OF THE works of Comrade Enver Hoxha reflect the entire history CENTRAf, COMMITTEE OE THE PARTY OF LABOUB OF AL. of the Party of Labour of Albania. In them is expressed the BANIA, BELOVED LEADER OF THE PABTY AND THE AL- line of the Party and the successful implementation of this BANIAN PEOPLE HAS BEGUN. THE FIBST VOLUME OF liqe at every stage of its history. THESE WORKS IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, AND In its rich revolutionary activity, the Party of Labour o{ RUSSIAN CAME OUT SEVERAL MONTHS AGO, BEFOBE Albania has always taken a correct stand. Despite the com- LONG TIIE SECOND VOLUME WILL BE AYAILABLE, WHILE plicated national and international conditions, it has always THE THIRD VOT.UME IS UNDEB PREPARATION. THESE remained a Marxist-Leninist party of the new type - the THBEE YOLUMES BRING TOGETHER THE MOST IM- vanguard of the working class. Thus, the works of comrade PORTANT WORKS BY COMBADE ENVER HOXHA DURING Enver Hoxha represent in themselves the creative application THE NATIONAL LIBERATION WAR AND FOI,LOWING TIIE of the universal truth of Marxism-f,eninism, of the immortal LIBERATION OF THE COUNTRY DO'IVN TO THE RECENT teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, in the specific YE.ARS. conditions of Albania. They are the greatest treasure in the fund of the experience of the revolutionary movement in Al- The works of comrade Enver Hoxha are a profound re- banla, and at the same time an important contribution to flection of the theoretical thinking and revolutionary activi- the creative development of Marxism-Leninism and the streng- ty of the Communist Party of Albania (today the party ot thening of the International communist movement. Labour of Albania). Comrade Enver Hoxha himself is the architect of the thinking of the PLA and its revolutionary The prime concern of comrade Enver Hoxha, since the founding Party, line. He founded the Party in conditions of profound illegali- of the has been the elaboration and applica- tion of the Leninist norms in its life. In the works of comrade ty, at the time when Albania was groaning under the heel Enver Hoxha it is clear from the very outs€t that the entire and terror of the invader, when the communist movemeEt inner life of the Party must be built on the basis of the in Albania was represented by a number of different groups principle of democratic centralism, the development of prirr- infected with political, ideological and organisational vierys cipled criticism and self-criticism, rigorous respect for the alien to Marxism-Leuinfsm, views which had taken root espe. principle of collective work in the leadership of the Party, cially in the leaders these groups of who were in fierce the continuous strengthening of the vanguard role of the Par- and unprincipled struggle with one another, at a time when a ty and its members, the linking of the Party members with working class formed as an industrial proletariat stilt did not the masses, the continuous raising of the ideological level of exist Albania, in and when the international situation was the communists, the strengthening of the unity and inner grave very for the revolution and socialism. The founding discipline of the Party, etc. of the Party in these conditions, was very difficult, but it was Although the Party had only a few hundred members an urgent historical necessity, Comrade Enver Hoxha resolved in November 1941, the implementation of these teachings of this historical necessity in a revolutionary way on November comrade Enver Hoxha right from its founding made it possible I, 1941. for the Party to become very quickly, the true representative $.lENllUSr ARY PRACIICE T ATBANIA entire Atrbunion people the mojor problems roised by life ond sheod ol them interests of the of the working class and the people, the sole racter of the Party as the party of the working class. ,In our and incontestable leader of the working masses of the coun- Party", said comrade Enver Hoxha in his report to the try. - first Consultative Meeting of the Activists of the Communist In this way it was proved in practice that, even in the Party of Albania in April 7942,-" the majority must be work- conditions when the working class is in the process of formation ers... Nobody else can lead, fight, and work as whole- as a class itself, in not only is it necessary and possible for the heartedly for the cause of communism as the proletarians, the Party of the working class to be formed with the most revo- workers,. lutionary elernents of the country without waiting for the in- Eut at the same time, in all the materials he devoted to dustrial proletariat to be forrned, but this party must become the composition of the party, comrade Enver Hoxha demands the leader of all the working masses in struggle for national the admission to the Party of the revolutionary elements from and social liberation. other strata of society, especially from the ranks of poor In this direction the Albanian experience can rightly be peasants and other strata of the town, who embrace the considered as contribution a to the enriching of the theory ideology of the working class Marxism-Leninism and who and practice Marxism-Leninism - -, of concerning the creation o1 are ready to fight for its implementation. Through these the vanguard party of the working c1ass. elements the Party would exert its influence and ensure its From the works of comrade Enver Hoxha it is clear that leadership among these strata which are nearest to the work- ing class and its closest allies. Consequently, in the conditions t day it has role, always party of the its correct on that the one of the rnain features of the pLA which finds full people's revolution triumphed Albania, in that the dictatorship expression in the works of comrade Enver Hoxha is the of the proletariat was established here, and that socialist Al- bania has been able to carry the socialist revolution constantiy ahead, while avoiding the emergence of revisionism and the restoration of capitalism. Comrade Enver Hoxha has given great importance to the has never allowed anti-Marxist views to take root its ranks question party in of the composition of the and the increase of and be transformed into an opposite line. It has never allowed its ranks new members. with From the beginning he has coexistence with the ideology of the enemy inside or outside drawn attention party to the importance of admitting to the its ranks. According to decided party norms, it has expelled the most revolutionary elements of the working class first of all. al1 the hostile elements from its ranks. As a result this, And of this is understandable if we bear in mind the class cha- and the consistent principled struggle for the preservation ttWe comtnunisfs, o,nd the entire Albonion people, crre proud ol comrode Enver Hoxha, ol his revolutionory rhinking ond octivity ond his works, All ol us o,re his comrsdes ond pupils, we lesrn Jrom him, and co,rry out his teschings, lor they ore l(lqrxisf-Le ninisfn. MEHMET SHEHU uComrode Enver Hoxho's ideqs, works o,nd ieachings o,re qn involuoble tredsury ol living, Gte,- otive snd acting ltllorxism-Leninism lor our Porty ond people, lrom which every communist and every working mo,n must continuolly leornll, HYSII,, KAPQ 6a51241,1975 ALBANIA TODAY and constant streflgthening of its unity, the Party of tabour the preservation and strengthetring of the leading role of the of Albania has not been destroyed but has always remained Party in the Front Organisation and the marked class dif- a Marxist-f,eninist Party.
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