Hockey Limited

State Team Selection Policy

Field and Indoor

Updated October 2019


1. Introduction 1.1. Application 1.2. Responsibility 1.3. Purpose and operational guidelines 1.4. Application of the policy and process 1.5. Definitions 1.6. Preamble 1.7. Selection objectives 1.8. Situations outside of selection policy

2. Selection Panel

3. Confidentiality Requirements

4. Player Eligibility 4.1. State Team Eligibility 4.2. Country Eligibility

5. Exemption Requirements

6. Criteria - Field

7. Criteria - Indoor

8. Selection Process 8.1. Assessments 8.2. Extenuating Factors 8.3. Selection Events

9. Squad Selection 9.1. League – NSW Pride 9.2. U21 Men and Women 9.3. U18 Men and Women 9.4. U15 Boys and Girls 9.5. U13 Boys and Girls 9.6. Additional Squad Selections

10. Team Selection

Page 2 of 18 10.1. Hockey One League – NSW Pride 10.2. U21 Men and Women 10.3. U18 Men and Women 10.4. U15 Boys and Girls 10.5. U13 Boys and Girls 10.6. Country Men and Women 10.7. Indoor Team Selection

11. Approval and Announcement of State Squads

12. Approval and Announcement of State Teams

13. Replacement of Selected Athletes 13.1. Grounds for Replacement 13.2. Process

14. Request for Appeal

Page 3 of 18 1. INTRODUCTION

1.1. Application

The selection policy, process and procedures outlined in this document apply to all Hockey NSW field and indoor hockey athletes, (with the exception of the Master’s age group), who are participating in any selection process for a NSW Squad or Team, and any other group specifically targeted to represent Hockey NSW in some capacity.

1.2. Responsibility

1.2.1. Hockey NSW is responsible for overseeing the application of the selection policy and due process.

1.2.2. Hockey NSW is assisted in this responsibility by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager. It should be noted that all times the Player Pathway Manager is responsible for overall compliance by coaches, managers and selectors.

1.2.3. Hockey NSW and the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager are accountable to the Hockey NSW Board, through the Chief Executive Officer of Hockey NSW.

1.3. Purpose of the selection policy and operational guidelines document

The purpose of this document is to clearly outline the policy, operational process and procedures that apply to the selection of hockey athletes to participate in a specific event. This includes both male and female field and indoor hockey athletes, of all ages, excluding any specific masters age group selections. These athletes could be selected for a Squad or Team group, or they could be selected as a special invitee for a special event for example - training camps, special coaching events, special tournaments, ‘one-off’ opportunities to play against visiting international teams.

1.4. Application of the policy and process

Consistent and conscientious application of the policy, operational process and procedures outlined in this document will help ensure the following:

1.4.1. Transparency for all stakeholders who are involved in the selection process

1.4.2. Improved communication and understanding between stakeholders

1.4.3. Improved planning and execution associated with all aspects of selection

1.4.4. Flexibility to respond to selection situations in a fair manner

1.4.5. Facilitation of analysis and review of the selection process to ensure quality, consistency and stability between all the selection events that are undertaken by Hockey NSW in a given season.

Page 4 of 18 1.5. Definitions

1.5.1. The word ‘selection’ refers to the process that is undertaken and the procedures that are followed within the constraints of the policies outlined in this document, which allow Hockey NSW to identify a limited number of individual athletes, capable of performing to a certain standard, and capable of performing in the team-based environment of hockey.

1.5.2. The word ‘best’ is often used with respect to selection – for example ‘the best player’. Please be aware that in this example the word ‘best’ is a subjective estimation of the worth of a player, against a set of criteria that relate specifically to hockey. It may also relate to an athletes ability to undertake or fulfil a specific role in a team environment, or to perform to a specific standard, at a specific hockey event.

1.5.3. ‘Selection Event’ refers to any formal hockey event that is observed by a member of the selection panel, which can be utilised for the purpose of making an informed selection decision. Where possible selection events will be identified prior to the commencement of the formal selection process. A selection event will include the relevant age State Championships, and may include other events, for example High Performance Clinics, Selection trials etc. This list is not definitive but is intended as an example only.

1.6. Preamble

1.6.1. Hockey is a complex, multi-faceted game, with a variable game environment which impacts on performance. Although the type of attributes that affect performance can be defined (as selection criteria), it is impossible to objectively define a set ‘standard’ for these criteria, relative to successfully performing in a specific event. Consequently the process of selection requires a selector to subjectively weigh up, assess and define what they believe the standard of an individual player is, against the criteria. This is a subjective decision tempered by the experience and expertise of the selector.

1.6.2. Consequently, subjectivity will always remain an unavoidable element of selection. However the processes and procedures outlined in this document aim to help overcome any of the more undesirable elements of subjectivity in selection, such as bias, prejudice or lack of expertise. Many layers of procedure have been identified to ensure that the negative impact of these elements will have been counteracted prior to a final selection decision being made.

1.7. Selection Objectives

1.7.1. The primary selection objective is to select the best available athletes.

1.7.2. The secondary selection objective is to recognise the potential of athletes to participate at national competition level standard and to assist those athletes to achieve their individual potential at national and international level.

Page 5 of 18 1.8. Situations outside of Selection Policy

Situations outside of this selection policy are to be on application. Any requests for exemptions outside this policy can only be approved by the Chief Executive Officer of Hockey NSW.


The State Teams Appointment Panel shall be responsible for the selector appointments. The appointment panel shall be chaired by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager and include one other expert in the field of high performance.

2.1. The Appointments Panel will review the selectors/Coaching applications and make appointment recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer, including a minimum of one independent selector for each squad/team

2.2. It will be a requirement for selectors to attend Hockey NSW State Championships and selectors will be encouraged to attend other events including high level matches held by Associations and other premier competitions held throughout Hockey NSW.

2.3. For Hockey One League and U21 State Team selection trials the selection panel will consist of a minimum of four selectors including Team Coaches and Assistant Coaches.

2.4. For U18 and U15 State Team selection trials/events, the selection panel will consist of a minimum of four selectors including Team Coaches and Assistant Coaches.

2.5. For U13 State Team selection trials/events, the selection panel will consist of a minimum off four selectors including Team Coaches and Assistant Coaches.

2.6. For Country Team selection trials, the selection panel will consist of a minimum of three selectors including Team Coach and Team Assistant Coach.

2.7. For all Indoor Teams, the selection panel will consist of a minimum of 3 selectors including Team Coach and 2 Independent selectors.

2.8. When necessary, the coach will have the final approval on team selection (except where there is an acknowledged conflict of interest). If there is a conflict of interest as declared relating specifically to the coach, the selection panel will have the final vote.

2.9. These panels may change dependent on the number of teams Hockey NSW is entering in the National Championships/Carnivals.


3.1. All members of a selection panel will be required to sign a Hockey NSW Confidentiality Agreement.

3.2. Selectors and Coaches will not discuss selection matters outside official selection meetings, without the express permission of the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager. Contravention of the Confidentiality Agreement will lead to removal from the selection panel and possibly from the selection pool.

3.3. Selection panel members will be required to declare any conflict of interest in relation to the player selection process they have been assigned to. A register of conflicts will be managed by the Hockey NSW State Team Coordinator. This conflicts register will be available for review by Hockey NSW selectors and the Chief Executive Officer.


4.1. State Team Eligibility

To be eligible for selection in a Hockey NSW State Team, the following conditions apply:

4.1.1. The player must be a currently registered and financial playing member of a Hockey NSW affiliated Association.

4.1.2. Attendance at the relevant State Championship is compulsory for selection unless an exemption has been granted by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager (for exemption requirements, please see Clause 5).

4.1.3. If any state championship or selection event comprises of more than one weekend or session, athletes are required to attend all weekends or sessions, unless an exemption is granted.

4.1.4. Athletes must comply with any rules of eligibility applied by Hockey Australia and relating specifically to the tournament or event that they are being selected for i.e. gender, age restrictions, performance or specific skill parameters.

4.1.5. A player who is eligible for more than one Hockey NSW State Team must attend, unless otherwise approved by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager all training

Page 7 of 18 sessions of the team whose national championship is to occur first. Any clash of priorities shall be referred to the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager.

4.2. Country Eligibility

To be eligible for a country team a player shall:

4.2.1. Be a currently registered and financial playing member of a country association. To remove doubt, Country Associations will not include Nepean Hockey Association, Metropolitan South West Hockey Association, North West Hockey Association, Sydney South Hockey Association, Northern Sydney and Beaches Hockey Association and Sydney East Hockey Association. 4.2.2. Comply with rules of eligibility in accordance with the relevant Hockey Australia policy in place from time to time.


5.1. If a player is unable to attend the relevant State Championship and wishes to stand for selection they must request an exemption. The requirements for requesting an exemption are:

5.1.1. All requests for exemption must be in writing and received by the Hockey NSW State Team Coordinator no later than 5.00pm, one working day prior to the commencement of the State Championships and or Selection Event.

5.1.2. If unforeseen circumstances preclude a player from fulfilling requirements of clause 5.1.1. , the player should notify the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager and/or Hockey NSW State Team Coordinators soon as possible of these circumstances and submit a subsequent written request for exemption.

5.1.3. Requests for exemption must include evidence of the reason for the absence. In circumstances where a player is injured or suffering an illness, a doctor’s certificate is required. In circumstances where a player has a work commitment, a letter stating such from the employer is required. In circumstances where a player has exams during the state championship, evidence would need to be provided of these compulsory exam responsibilities. In the event of bereavement or other extenuating circumstances, the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager will make a decision on an individual case basis.

5.2. All athletes who are unable to attend the relevant State Championships or selection event due to a commitment with a national hockey program will be granted an automatic exemption.

5.3. Attendance at all selection trials and official training sessions is essential. Australian Squad athletes’ attendance at selection trials and official training sessions will be subject to the discretion of the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager in consultation with the convenor of selectors.

Page 8 of 18 5.4. If a player is unable to attend or participate in all aspects at selection trials or training sessions, they must request an exemption in order to remain eligible for consideration in the selection of the Squad/Team. Requirements of an exemption are as in 5.1, with evidence to be provided to the State Teams Coordinator.

5.5. Other special circumstances for non-attendance at the State Championships, selection trials or training sessions will be considered by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager on application.

6. CRITERIA - Field

6.1. The selection criteria are determined by Hockey NSW in consultation with the national program where appropriate.

6.2. The following criteria will apply in the selection process used by the selectors and coaching personnel appointed by Hockey NSW in respect to Hockey NSW State Teams.

6.2.1. Performance at events, selection trials, Field State Championships, AAP, AAAP and other Hockey NSW programs (within the twelve months prior to selection to the Squad) and any formal event observed by the state coaching staff or selectors.

6.2.2. Physical Capacities – includes anaerobic (0-10m & 40m), aerobic, strength and agility. Formal testing for all these attributes may not necessarily be performed. All athletes may be fitness tested during Squad training for all State Teams as part of the overall selection criteria. Fitness testing will be used a guide only during selection. Guidelines can be found at our website (

Page 9 of 18 6.2.3. Technical Competence – core skills include receiving, possessing, hitting, pushing, dribbling, tackling, intercepting, overheads, marking, leading, eliminating, goal shooting, and set plays (penalty corners/strokes/1 v 1 shootouts/goalkeeping).

6.2.4. ‘Tactical Nous’ – Tactical Ability – includes reading the play, involvement in the game, on field decision making and positional flexibility. Ability to apply and utilise information provided by coaching staff and related to team or individual performance.

6.2.5. Potential to Improve – present performance level relative to past performances.

6.2.6. Competitive Ability – mental toughness, strength, temperament, determination, commitment, performing in adverse conditions, coping with setbacks/criticism and persistence.

6.2.7. Attitude – individual application in training and competition. Attendance, availability and ability to rehabilitate from injury.

6.2.8. Team/Squad Orientation – an individual’s ability within a team sport, to ‘fit in’ and influence the Squad/Team in a positive manner.

6.2.9. Communication – the ability of the player to communicate positively with staff and be open to accept suggestions from coaching staff regarding performance improvement. Athletes should be able to verbalise concerns regarding coaching and team issues in a calm, mature and non-emotive manner to allow for positive discussion to resolve problems.

7. CRITERIA - Indoor

7.1. The following criteria will apply in the selection process used by the selectors and coaching personnel appointed by Hockey NSW in respect to Hockey NSW Indoor State and Blues Teams.

7.1.1. Performance at events, Indoor State Championships, IDP and other Hockey NSW programs (within the twelve months prior to selection to the Squad) and any formal event observed by the state coaching staff or selectors.

7.1.2. Physical Capabilities – Have an expected base level of fitness, including anaerobic, aerobic, strength and agility. Greater emphasis is on speed and agility as the game is high intensity.

7.1.3. Technical Competence - High level of core skill execution including receiving, distributing, possessing, push passing, defending, protecting feet, tackling, ball carry, deflections and goal shooting.

7.1.4. Tactical Nous – Tactical ability includes implementing coaches’ tactics, understand their positional role and responsibilities, decision making, positional flexibility and adapting to oppositions changing scenarios/tactics.

7.1.5. Specialist skills - At least 2 options for corners i.e. inject, trap, quick release flick with high level accuracy, slip shot.

7.1.6. Competitive Ability – Mental toughness, strength, temperament, determination, commitment, performing in adverse conditions, coping with setbacks/criticisms and display persistence. Page 10 of 18

7.1.7. Attitude and Behaviour (on and off the court) - Adherence to coaching directions. Accepting decisions. Good attitude. Follows instructions. Disciplined & controlled in implementing game plan. Communicate with staff and fellow athletes in a positive manner.


8.1. Assessment

The selection of State Teams representing Hockey NSW at National Championships/Carnival, and special events is based on:

8.1.1. Performance at the State Championships, selection trials and/or High-Performance Clinics and Programs.

8.1.2. Assessment by State Team Coaches and Hockey NSW Selectors

8.1.3. Selection criteria outlined by Hockey NSW.

Page 11 of 18 8.2. Extenuating Factors

When considering the selection or non-selection of a player into either a State Team or Squad, or for any event sanctioned by Hockey NSW, the selection panel or Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager may, at their discretion, give weight to extenuating factors or circumstances not specifically outlined in this document. If something unforeseen does arise, the selection panel will make recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer for consideration and if warranted, an exemption may be given. Refer to Exemptions 5.1

8.3. Selection Events

8.3.1. The selection process may be conducted over a number of events, and performance at a number of events may be taken into consideration by the selection panel.

8.3.2. Attendance at selection trials and all nominated team training events is compulsory. In special circumstances an exemption may be granted to a player by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager

8.3.3. Trial dates and times for all age groups will be set through liaison between the State Team Coach, Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager and State Team Coordinators.

8.3.4. Trials should be completed, when possible, 8 weeks prior to the start of National Championships.

8.3.5. All trial formats are subject to budgetary constraints and must be approved by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager.

8.3.6. Trials for all age groups should be a maximum of six hours in any one session.

8.3.7. Trials for U15, U18 and U21 will be conducted over a 3 month period when possible, in lead up to the event. AAP clinics will be regarded as a part of the selection trial for U18 athletes.

8.3.8. Trials for the U13 will be conducted during a two-day U13 Selection Trial.

8.3.9. Where late changes are necessary the selection panel will be authorised to make the necessary adjustments. The adjustments will be subject to final approval by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager and the Chief Executive Officer.

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8.1 Hockey One League – NSW Pride

A squad with a maximum of 35 athletes will be selected at a date determined by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager on an annual basis and subject to the Hockey Australia Event Calendar.

8.2 U21 Men and Women

A Squad with a maximum of 45 athletes will be selected at a date determined by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager on an annual basis and subject to the Hockey Australia Event Calendar. U18 athletes will have the chance to be included from the U18 Hockey Australia National Championship.

8.3 U18 Men and Women

Up to 45 athletes will be selected from the previous year’s U18 Hockey NSW State Championship. No U15 athletes will be selected at this event. Up to 20 top age athletes will be selected from the Hockey NSW U15 State Championships and added to this group of 45 athletes. The total number of athletes selected for the U18s Squad is 65.

8.4 U15 Boys and Girls

Up to 35 athletes will be selected from the previous year’s U15 Hockey NSW State Championship. No U13 athletes will be selected at this event.

Page 13 of 18 Up to 32 top age U13 athletes selected in the State and Blues Team can be added to the Squad at the conclusion of the U13 National Carnival.

8.5 U13 Boys and Girls

A final Squad with a maximum of 45 athletes will be selected from the U13 Hockey NSW State Championships. The Squad will then attend a U13 Selection Trial.

8.6 Additional Squad Selections

Under extenuating circumstances, the above squad limits can be exceeded with the formal approval of the Hockey NSW Chief Executive Officer.


9.1 Hockey One League – NSW Pride

Final selection of the team will be made after Squad training sessions and matches and announced (where possible) 6 weeks prior to the start of the Hockey One League and be approved by the Hockey NSW Chief Executive Officer. The number of athletes selected will be as per Hockey One League guidelines.

9.2 U21 Men and Women

The final teams of up to 18 athletes in each will be selected when possible 8 weeks prior to the start of the Australian U21 National Championships approved by the Hockey NSW Chief Executive Officer.

9.3 U18 Men and Women

The final teams of up to 18 athletes in each will be selected when possible 8 weeks prior to the start of the Australian U18 National Championships and approved by the Hockey NSW Chief Executive Officer.

9.4 U15 Boys and Girls

The final teams of up to 16 athletes in each will be selected from the U15 Selection Event/Clinic/trial, when possible 6 weeks prior to the start of the Australian U15 Championships.

9.5 U13 Boys and Girls

The final teams of up to 16 athletes in each will be selected from the U13 Selection trial, when possible 6 weeks prior to the start of the Australian U13 Championship.

9.6 Country Men and Women

A final team of up to 18 athletes will be selected from the Hockey NSW Open Men’s and Open Women’s State Championship.

Page 14 of 18 9.7 Indoor Team Selection

The final teams of up to 12 athletes in each will be selected from the Hockey NSW Indoor State Championships for each age group. Selections will be made where possible a minimum of 8 weeks out from their respective National Championship.

9.8 Athletes can seek feedback for non-selection from squad to team only. This can be done by emailing Hockey NSW State Teams Coordinator. For further clarification, Hockey NSW does not provide feedback from State Championships.

9.9 Additional athletes can be included to the above teams if approved from the Hockey NSW Chief Executive Officer.


10.1. Squads are selected by the selection panel and will be announced on the Hockey NSW website ( where possible within 48 hours after the State Championship or selection event. All Squads are subject to final approval by the Chief Executive Officer and the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager. If selection announcements are to be made after 48 hours, athletes will be notified prior to the selection event.


11.1 Teams as selected by the selection panel are subject to ratification by the Hockey NSW Chief Executive Officer and the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager.

11.2 State Squad athletes not selected for the Hockey NSW State Team may have the opportunity to participate and gain experience playing at National Championships as a member of another State or Territory Team that is in need of athletes for a particular tournament. The release of these athletes will be determined by the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager and team selectors. Please refer to the Athlete Release policy on the Hockey New South Wales website (

11.3 Hockey NSW reserves the right to recall any player back into a NSW State Team to cover athletes who may be forced to withdraw up until fourteen days before the Championship and allow the state adversely affected by such a requirement to request another state Squad player.

11.4 Athletes will not be granted exemptions from any of the Hockey NSW Selection Eligibility Conditions to attend selection trials with another state or territory.

11.5 If there is a conflict of interest with respect to dual ‘state’ commitments, the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager will be asked to make a recommendation to the Chief Executive Officer for approval.


12.1 Grounds for Replacement

12.1.1 Injury or Illness: A player who is injured or ill may be assessed by a doctor/physio nominated or agreed to by Hockey NSW, the Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager and the State Team Coach.

Page 15 of 18 12.1.2 Loss of Form: A player being considered for replacement due to loss of form shall be counselled by the relevant State Coach to give them the opportunity to rectify the situation. The Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager will be advised of the situation and a mutually agreed time frame will be set by the State Coach and player for the situation to be reassessed.

12.1.3 Breach of Discipline: A player being considered for replacement due to a breach of discipline, including failure to observe any relevant Hockey NSW policy, the Hockey NSW Code of Conduct, Hockey NSW Player Contract or the Hockey NSW Player Handbook, will be counselled by the relevant State Coach to give them an opportunity to rectify the situation. The Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager will be advised of the situation and a mutually agreed time frame will be set by the State Coach and player for the situation to be reassessed. The Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager will report such breaches to the Chief Executive Officer in a timely manner.

12.1.4 Breach of Anti-Doping Policy: Any player who breaches the Hockey Australia Anti- Doping Policy will automatically be removed from the relevant State Squad or State Team and will be replaced. All penalties relating to these breaches will be as per the Hockey Australia guidelines. The Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager will report such breaches to the Chief Executive Officer in a timely manner.

12.1.5 Ineligibility: Any player who is deemed ineligible or becomes ineligible for the State Team or Squad will automatically be removed and replaced. The Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager will report such breaches to the Chief Executive Officer in a timely manner.

12.1.6 Administration: Any athlete who does not complete the required paperwork sent out by Hockey NSW by the due date may be removed from their respective team. This will also be the case if any athlete does not pay the required team levy by the due date.

12.2 Replacement Process

If a selected player is unable to continue or is removed as a representative of a State Team, the procedure for a replacement player is as follows:

12.2.1 The Hockey NSW Player Pathway Manager will be consulted.

12.2.2 Consideration will be given first to Hockey NSW State Squad athletes.

12.2.3 Consideration will then be given to other identified athletes from the selection process should this be necessary.

12.2.4 The selectors will then fill this position with the player judged most suitable; possessing the required degree of skill and showing consistent performance.

12.2.5 Any player replaced will not be eligible to participate with any other State Team or Territory Team in the same event.

Page 16 of 18 13. REQUEST FOR APPEAL

13.1 A player may request a review of any given selection decision by submitting a request for an appeal including the grounds for a review to the Chief Executive Officer within five working days of the announcement of the relevant selection decision.

Page 17 of 18 13.2 The sole ground for any appeal is that the Hockey NSW Selection policy was not properly followed and/or implemented.

13.3 Each request for appeal shall be accompanied by a fee of $150. The Chief Executive Officer on reviewing the appeal has discretion to waive the appeal fee.

13.4 The Chief Executive Officer shall appoint an Appeals Panel to determine the appeal.

13.5 All requests for appeals must be submitted in writing, and may be submitted by post or email.

By post to:

The Chief Executive Officer Hockey NSW PO Box 440 SYDNEY MARKETS NSW 2129 By email to: [email protected] Subject line: Request for appeal/Surname

13.6 Requests for appeal via post need to ensure they are post marked no later than five working days following the official announcement of the relevant selection decision of the Squad or Team. Requests for appeal via email must be received within five working days.

13.7 Each request for appeal shall be accompanied by a fee of $150 which shall be forfeited to Hockey NSW if the request for appeal is held by the Appeals Panel to be frivolous or groundless.

13.8 If a request for appeal is lodged via email, contact should immediately be made with the Chief Executive Officer to confirm receipt of the email and to confirm how payment of the $150 fee will be made within the next five working days. If the fee is not paid by the due time, the request for appeal shall be deemed to be withdrawn unless the Chief Executive Officer has agreed to extend the time for payment of the fee.

13.9 Prior to the hearing, the Selection Panel will provide the Hockey NSW Appeal Panel and the player in question with a written statement as to the reasons for the decision against which the appeal is made.

13.10 The Hockey NSW Appeal Panel will convene a hearing as soon as possible after the submission of the grounds of appeal. The hearing may occur in such a manner as the Chairman decides.

13.11 The Hockey NSW Appeal Panel will give its decision as soon as practicable after the hearing and will provide the Chief Executive and the appellant with a statement of the reasons for its decision. The decision of the Hockey NSW Appeal Panel will be final.

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