
_» -___P-5_3i*TJ il^Ow f-« V •-> ^_. IRo^ai (5a3ette an6 Colontet 3)ail£ INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE sEsta.~H.hec. 23) and THE C 3LONJST (Established 1866;.


EMPIRE EXHIBITION BERMUDA WAR VETERANS PERSONAL. THEY SAY CLOSES TODAY. ASSOCIATION. That the Conservatives have ROUND THE JOklLD BY CABLE Mr. and Mrs. Blackiston and their Today the British Empire Exhibi­ Naval and Military Rifle Meeting. guests, Mr. and Mrs. Love and made no mistake this time. tion closes, and tbe curtain will be Mr. A. J. DarreU leave by this * * * rung down witb a great ceremony Information has been • received CONSERVATIVES OBTAIN morning's boat. Mr. and Mrs. Tnat the liberals may soon make whicb will rival in magnificence the from Col. §. P. Mostyn., president R.C. Parton, who have been at the the compact a permanent one and opening proceedings of six months of the committee arranging the Inverurie, are also leaving. leave the country to its favourite ago. annual Navy and Army Rifle Meet­ j HUGE MAJORITY. .mm political sport—two parties. .mm In almost every case tbe great Ex­ ing on Nov. 12th and 13th at War­ Amongst the passengers arriving That we can now look for stability hibitions of tbe past in the Old wick, tbat seve al competitions are yesterday morning by tbe Fort St. and security. Country bave closed witb a musi­ open to membe: • of the B.W.V.A. George from New York were:— cal service of thanksgiving, and this They are:—In_. **tdual cnampion- Russian Plot Destroys General R: B. Oliver, Mrs. Oliver That it is one of the privileges of precedent will doubtless befollowed si-jpforthe Hamilton Cup, 200 and and Miss Oliver who will occupy the Conservative Party to reap at Wembley today, the ceremony 500 yards, 7 rounds, entrance fees their winter home, " Trelone " Labour Party* what others have sown. taking place in the Stadium. 5/- for officers and 2/6 other ranks. Paget, for the season. With the * * * Although the attendance through­ Bermuda team championship, six arrival of the winter residents Ber­ Tnat the confab over Subsidy out the six months did not come up all ranks, 300 yards rapid, lOrounds, muda already looks brighter and is ended. to expectations, and the exhibition 300 yards snapshooting, 5 rounds, MACDONALD MAY CONTINUE as everyone expresses their satis­ * * * has proved to be a financial failure, 600 yards deliberate, entrance fee faction in coming back, the winter IN OFFICE TILL DEFEATED That the result is a deeuf the benefits to be gained by the com £1. Rapid Fire Competition .teams will probably be full, as we have 1 merce of the Empire are beyond of six with a who will said before, of the most sociable known only to 131 peon doubt. not fire, 200 yards entrance fee £1 ON ADDRESS aspect of Bermuda life. . . . Th-**-- 00 a team. but The thanks of the Association Coolidge will Press for Disarmament ' Sir Arthur and Lady Harris also THE . are due the committee for their 3_T_*f5ti and—are at the upper flat courtesy, and every effort will be in Miss Seon's fr__-a_:mmg residence made to supply enWies. nfere pro Ten years ago today was fought .on nee* on East Broadway. Thf nave oc- the Battle of Coronel, in wnich th_ * cupied it before, but last year were H. M. S. "Good Hope," Monmouth* The A. G. Tear Fund. PRINCE PLAYS GAMES WITH CHILDREN That the event of next week is 1 not in Bermuda as they were mak­ the opening, of the Central Rest­ "Glasgow" and the armed liner ON BOARD OLYMPIC. ing a continental tour. "Otranto" engaged five of Amount acknowledged to aurant. . . . the German fleet and date.... £127 14 0 Norcross Retires from Canadian Steamship Company. Mrs. Weston has arrived at "The That some notable enterprise with not one advantage in Capt. G. H. Gray 10 0 Chimneys", Paget and. for the pre­ has been shown at this place. their favour witn the exception sent, will not have the company of * . m of the long tradition of seamanship 128 14 0 CONSERVATIVES Miss Winifred Weston who was one UMB.-R c nances strongly favour the That a new form of amusement of the , and the person­ Balance to be raised. 21 6 0 j OVEK 400. of the most popular members of mmediate resignation of the Min- is popular at the club. nel of the Biitish ships drawn from the younger set in Bermuda society is'try. * * * the Island race to whom the sea is £150 0 0 Special to R.G & C.D.) two years ago. Last year she and Liberals Submerged. That politicians are making up a second home. her mother were travelling in Eu­ the new cabinet and wagering on The German vessels in the fight ). The Con­ Next to the tremendous success rope during the winter and this Although £21 remain to be raised, London, October _ the result. off Coronel were Scharnhorst, the last £5 is ; *>>ured provided the servatives will have more than f cur -f the Conservatives who gained year she lias taken up a course of Gneisenau. Leipsig, Dresden and other £16 can be obtained. It is hundred members out ot a t< joproxiniau'K 159 seats and lost special study and will not be lie re Nurnberg, ships of later build than •o.uething under t^u to the other at any rate, until Christmas. That the best bet no one is hoped, therefore, tbat the Fund membership of 615 in the House of 39% right. those uuder the command of will shortly be completed. Commons. Tnat s the startling j Parties the most striking thing is * # A) Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock, outcome of the third app.al to the j thc submergence of the Liberal Colonel Sir Arthur Holbrooke, That how Winston will fare is w ho after a most gallant struggle, Country within two \ ars. The j Party. When H. H. Asquith an- Other Notices. whose son, L. S. Holbrooke, the puzzle. went down"at set of sun" with 1,600 exact figures cannot n.-t be given I no.meed a bare two months ago. R.N., is Commander of H.M.S. Cur­ . . . officers and men. The "Mon­ i his intention to move a censure The attention of members is because in the Universities and lew, now on this station, has been That the turtle feast was a great mouth" was sunk by the Nurnberg notion to the Government's Rus- called to the date of the annual other outlying Scottish Islanrls the returned to ParUament in the Con- success. two hours later. The "Otranto" counting will not be complotel for ian policy he could not possibly meeting—Tuesday next, Nov. 4th, Continued on page 8 * * * and "Glasgow" escaped after a at 8 o'clock at the B.V.R.C. another week. J have envisaged the fate whicb sharp encounter with the enemy's Armoury, Hamilton. i has over taken his old and respect- oo That the Rotary Olub has taught fire. 7 everyone that he can sing if he likes. Officers have to be elected for Will Mcionald Resign i ed Party that now sees itself faced QUEEM MARY'S NEEDLEWORK Those who would read the details j w'tb extinction, its leaders, in- the year, tbe accounts received, and Because of this astom GUILD. That tone deaf males of a year of this gallant encounter should there is other business to be trans­ ing Conservative ri.tory it eluding himself, routed, and its ago now sing in harmony. turn to Commander Spencer Coop- acted. It is hoped to see a full expected that Premier Macdonald J ~j. '.libers in the new House reduced Lao-,, Asser, President of the * . . erV'Battle of the " attendance. who returned to London tG-i_ig;_t m ;v- tenth those of tie Con­ Bermuda Branch of Q.M.N. Guild, That Armistice Day will not see where the story adds one more leaf At this meeting the programme will call an immediate Cabinet servatives. The Liberals suff • a Uxs kindly arranged th# the first the Memorial completed. to England's sea laurels. for Armistice Day will be an­ Council io consider the Govern­ disaster in the so'-called Khaki iheeting of tins season will be held * . . The fact that the "Good Hope" nounced. The Association was ment's position. This may quite Election of 1918 but nothing com­ at Government Bouse on Monday, That perhaps tbe most appro­ and the "Monmouth" were part of represented by Col. C. H. G. Collins possibly prove to be the last meet­ pared to this and the question Nov. 3rd at 3.30. After the meeting, priate day now is the anniversary t he North Atlantic Squadron and at a meeting held recently with ing of a Labour Cabinet in England forces itself upon political inquirers the members of the Guild are in­ of t he departure of t he first conting­ that their personnel was weU known the Colonial Secretary regarding for t he next five or more years. The as to what can have induced the vited by Lady Asser to rt•;: . for ent. to Bermudians, also that it was on experienced Liberal leader thus to the service in the morning at tbe expectation to-night is that the afternoon tea. oo this station that Admiral Cradock site of the War Memorial. In the Macdonrld Cabinet will decide to rush upon his fate. The Liberal The regular weekly sewing meet­ transferred his flag from the "Mon- organs are persistent in accusing evening, of course, the annual resign forthwith thus making way ings will commence; on Tuesday F£RN ISLAND CLUB. mouth"to the"Good Hope," caused dinner takes place at tbe Point for the Baldwin Ministr. . Tlrre is Ramsay Macdonald of forcing an morning. Nov. 4th at the City Hall. the outcome of the battle of Co­ Pleasant Hotel. however, another alternative, to unnecessary election but the Lab­ when the members will as usual Annual Turtle Feast. ronel to be of pecuUar interest and A few tickets remain in tbe raffle, folio w t he ..recedeni set b> our reply to this contention is that regret to the people of this Island. After a postponement of a week, and this may be drawn at the din- { Baldwin Ministry after the lust the Liberals had entered into an Memorial Hospital. It was this feeling of regret and owing To bad weather, the annual ner^ though nothing definite has-j general el_cci«-__, meet Parliamem understanding with the Conser­ Members are reminded that the admiration t hat induced t he Imper­ vative's to bring Labour's reign turtle feast of the Fern Island Club been decided. j and wait tor defeat on the a.ddrsss •.early dues are payable to Miss ial Order of the Daughters of the to and end. Liberalism has been a successfully took place on Thurs- These tickets, and for the dinner, { t l-m Simpson, Hon. Treasurer. Empire (Bermuda Branch) to found om On strom dwindling force in all recent elec­ I day at the Club's headquarters. may be obtained from Capt. R. C tion foi following tnis .oui>~ • >vou Julia Wainwright, Jealous wives many years ago the "Sir Christopher Cradock" Earl and Mr. Hal Butterfield at tions and by-elections in as rapid Scholarship for Bermuda boys to be that Premier Macdonald ha: Hon. Sec. dubbed the Island "Sin Island," Butterfield's Bank. ratio as Labourism has been a be trained as officers of the British declare.! his intention to probe t< growing force, and, while no pre­ oo because the festivities on these —oo — roots of the Zinovi-'ff affair an< { occasions were prolonged, and per- Mercantile Marine. They felt tbat dictions could have been made re­ SUCCESSFUL DANCE AT RUGBY. tni-~ he would be in a position to :b I haps strenuous. But the Club has no more appropriate tribute could garding the possible future of the WHITNEY INSTITUTE. be offered to the memory of the effe;ti\ A\ onlv wr.ilo he ietained Unionist or Labour Parties, it I changed with the times, and while Admiral and his officers and crew Today's Match. the Foreign Secretaryship with seemed hopeless to expect any con­ Large Crowd Enjoys \ «*• name stays the proceedings than to further the training of those acess to all departmental <_.o_u- siderable revival of Liberalism >clif.htful Entertainment. | nowadays are conducted witb all who would follow the same glorious Inquiries are constantly being mem . In the fa*e ot sujh st mi­ which occupies a middle position possible decorum. traditions. made at this office as to Rugby nim defeat as the Government has fearing to commit itself to e ex­ There were not so many present suffeied at the polls, however, On Thursday evening one of tl The Chapter in the book by Com­ matches. treme planks of Labourism or to t he most successful entertainments j as is usually the. case, but never­ For tbe information of all con­ it is general 1;. thought that even reactionary policy of the Conser­ theless everyone had a very enjoy­ mander Spencer-Cooper to wbich the investigation of the affair ever held at the Whitney Institute we refer is entitled, 'The Action cerned we are asked to sta. • that vatives. was arranged by Mrs. A. W. West • able time. Early arrivals in the there will be a game on the B.A.A. would not justify the Cabinet in morning took a hand in decorating off Coronel" and is headed by a quo­ carrying cm until ParHf 'rent meets and a number of willing helpers. tation so appropriate to tbe fate Ground every Wednesday after­ It took the form of a subscrip- J t he club room, while Mr. H. Vilbers When J. Thomas __ t! DID THE LIBERALS and spirit of toe action that one noon, and probably Saturdays also, DELIBERATELY COURT tion dance in aid of the Institute ! Smith, the only man in Bermuda Colonies,re-.eh tli •leclai • ii feels that no more fitting words can but tbe latter will be specially an­ DEFEA' where important improvements j who knows how to cook turtle as it be used in writing of this day. nounced. Government would await defeat in are being effected, but many other j s hould be cooked, took charge of tb*. House, he had in mind un- Rain prevented Wednesday's (Special to R.G. & c.D. the kitchen. A little after midday Then let him roll game again with the Constance, doubtedlv a future, pjsitioa in j t he party was increased in numbers, His galleons round tbe little "Gold­ which it would require the com­ during the evening and the fun but it is hoped to get it off next [ Rush Bulletin.—The existence j and 1.30 lunch was served. en Hynde'', bined votes of the Consaivatives and enjoyment were continuous. week. of any official pact between the No attempts at record breaking Bring her to bay if he can, on the and Liberals to overthrow the Min­ By the courtesy of the New Wind­ Tbe new goal posts have been J-iberal aud Conservative parties for sor Hotel the famous Woodgate were made, the maximum number high seas, istry and not a position in whica of plates of soup disposed of by one received, and wiU be put up for purposes of election is still denied orchestra furnished the music for Eing us about witb thousands, we'll the Conservatives would command individual being four! But the next week's matches. by the leaders of the respective dancing and this was voted the not yield. an absolute majority over aU Par­ diner being a member of the medi- This afternoon there are two patties, but there were evident es finest dance orchestra in Bermuda. I and my Golden Hynde. we will go matches on the B.A.A. Ground. ties. Under these circumstances down, of the existence of something of the . programme lasting from 8 pan. ' ^ profession, no doubt he knew Tbe first is between H.M.S. Cur­ kind when the Liberals in a large was not enough to satisfy k Us own capabilities much better With flag still flying on the last to 1 a.m. \ than anyone else. The turtle, a lew and H.M.S. Constance, and the number of Constituencies stood stump left us the indefatigable dancers and sing­ 90 poinder, was in the pink of con­ kickoff is at 2 o'clock. This should down to help the Conservatives And all my cannon spitting tbe fires EMPLOYMENT ers. dition, and the cook was heartily attract a large attendance of spec­ in otherwise triangular fights, anti Of everlasting scorn into bis face. tators. Supper was served and proved a toasted for his culinary success. Young man just out from Canada, bountiful repast, provisions being oo • At 3.30 the B.A.A.will be at home Mr. 3. Hartley Watlington, as to the Bermuda Command XV. experienced clerk in office or store, Continued on page 8 { supplied by the many friends of usual, made the arrangements, BERMUDA ROTARY CLUB. As previously stated, Captain would like position. Write Box the Whitney Institute from near and the day was one of the best and afar. Several raffles took place Churcher, R.A., is the sponsor of ".548, Bermuda Press. oo On Monday, November 8, the tbe team, and It will be interesting leniuea and lucky winners proved generous meeting of the Rotary Club wiU to see how they shape. WANTED: — Experienced Hole! ,,» , j ones for they presented them again MAIL NOTICE. be held in the Central Restaurant, bookkeeper, front office cashier so added to the funds A good Reid Street, Hamilton, at 6.15 p.m. and stenographer desires position Uir.si__a Ss.eaee 3e..e_y -*»» * Mails per S.S. Fort Victoria will when dinner will be served. in hotel in Bermuda. Several years' Sunday. sum was realised but, even better close at the G-P.O.on Monday next LOST entertainment proved so keen on experience in hotel work and Sunday School 9,45 a.m. than this, the participants et the as follows:— Afterwards the places for the tite welfare of the Institute that LOST—On 30th October Mackin­ thoroughly understands EngUsh Morning Service 11 a.m. Registered Mail and Parcel Post forthcoming season will be dis­ more of these pleasant gatherings cussed in full and plans made for tosh, marked W. A. Moore, between Exchange. Would also consider Wednesday. 6 p.m. position in office outside of hotel, Will be held and the support given tbe charter night in January and T R. ____ghtbour_-*8 Store, Paget, Testimonial Meeting 8 p.m. Ordinary Mail. 6 p.m. Address S. H. Bda Press. is highly appreciated by this de­ for the reception of the many visit­ and E. I*. Bridle's Store, Hamilton. READING ROOM Letters with double postage at 2531fw.s.m serving institution. 7 on Tuesday morning. ors expected during tbe winter Reward em return.to Fred Frith's and months. FREE CIRCULATING LIBRARY Store, Hamilton. WANTED—Lady help to assist in His Excellency the Governor, who Of FOR RENT g578*7689.f_t. . . _ the care of three small children. has honoured the club by becoming Authorised Christian Science FURNISHED COTTAGES ~FOR SALE Please apply as soon as possible to an Honorary Member, has signi­ LOST—A Package from Me.Oreary, Literature. Mrs. Bowman, The Rectory, AUD HOUSES fied his intention et being present containing a lady*- suit. Return FOR SALE—3 Piece Chesterfield Devonshire. Telephone number I Complete List and information and a large number of members to Point Pleasant HoteL Liberal Open daily 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Suite £25. Apply 2 Prince Alfred 638. j THE BERMUDA REALTY AGENCY and guests will assemble to make Reward, ask M. Nackbar. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME. I Front Street. Phone 630 'Terrace, Ireland Island. -.590tS.rn.tH. tbe occasion a memorable one. 2483»7639.s. 939|S,tp. 155 JV-^-t-O- 2600ts.

Clause a Celery Seed just received—WADS0NS ,(N« ^SS^om^

aWMi r.


Colonies always preferred tbe Con- ! comes a habit. The Rambler, a Creditors of the late servative who said of the overseas 1 driver of a car for some yeara, thinks dominions "We knows -____*"• to tbe I that probably the greatest bleesing What's On, When and Where radical who says "We disowns 'em" enjoyed by permudians is tbe ab­ G. R. Tbe Conservative patronised, the I sence of automobiles on tbe high­ Edward Douglas Cass Radical misunderstood. ways. mmm _ * * are asked to present their bills to • But all tbis has been changed and The Editor of Tbe Montreal Thomas A. Douglas, Palm Villa, | tbe Labour Party bas been robbed Daily Star flies into praise of France of much of its truculence and tbe for a reported discovery of synthetic Serpentine Road, Pembroke, __>e_Orc "MAMIIIIJI OF J, Conservative Party of much of its gasoline. He says "nothing has im. December, 1924, after which j GOVERNMENT indolence. The one learned that held such high promise for human­ date no claims will hi considered, j power brings responsibiUty the THE STREETS" ity as synthetic gasoline, whieh Debtors are asked to settle all NOTICES other that tbe feudal system is as her(France's) chemists beUeve they FIRST RUN PICTURE dead as mutton. accounts by the same date. ( vrill shortly be able to produce on a I AT * * * paying commercial basis." Sir Joseph John Asser, I With a Conservative majority The Rambler would much rather K.C.B.. K-C.1I-G..K-C.V.O. the strongest in history there think that tbe ultimate automo­ THOMAS A. DOUGLAS. Governor and Commander- Mechanics HaU should now be an era of prosperity bile fuel will be crude oil at 8 cents in-Chief in and over the ISAAC HILL, i unequalled for many long years. a gaUon, and that steam will be the Executor; or Somers Is­ Europe is nearer re-construction driving power. This" medium will lands. tban art first seemed possible. Ou.~ tio away with noise, and, to a cer­ TONIGHT I, the Governor and Commander- j 2572js. relations with foreign powers arc tain extent, witli blackened roads. in-Chief aforesaid hereby grant a Presenting warmer and apparently more stable t will also eliminate the foolish­ special and temporary authorisa­ tban is sometimes the case. We ness of gearshifts, and the term tion under the provisions of The D Nazimova and Milton Sills, in' are practically allied with the U.S. horsepower" of a car will mean Aerial Navigation Act, 1914, for Preliminary Notic A. in the determination to main­ • omething. At present, the horse- the flight between the dates of tbe tain peace. Ireland is, except for powt i _ a car wiU mean attaining 20th and 28th days of October, 1924 the Boundary question, so quiet . peed sufficient t o knock a citizen of Christ Church, within the limits of the Islands that one wonders why a Conserva­ "MADOMo! the STREETS" ."orty yards, at which point 7.i ni- aforesaid of a two-seater observa­ Devon cing preps tive party should have hesitated so _ orsepower is said to be ' "dc velop2d.'' for holding Drama in 8 Reels tion hydroplane accompanying the long in granting Home Rule, and U.S.S. Cincinnati subject to tbe embittered political life in England **_ f\ n - "J _fili if Adapted From the story "The Ragged Messenger" Margaret Currie, Thmee -vioMontrean l il? "•"•udition" that the said hydroplane to a degree unheard of before. By W. B. MAXWELL z.aily Star's ansv woman for ali- **m crew shall be liable to all Trade, though not favourable at the > imeis, publish ^^tii^e following Articles table for Christm. Also ' "RUTH OF THE RANGE** last Episode obligations which arise present moment, will undoubtedly * legislation, from Cus- jdvice to "D.L." Gifts revive in a short time owing to the "With regard to getgettin] g a posi- "STOLEN GOODS** Pathe 1 Reel Comedy *'-_."-._-.on, and stability of the new Government, in Cavendish Hall and tion as waitress in a hotel in Ber- . COMIC CARTOON and PATHE NEWS and the prospects for a new era of muua, the best thing _,_ dcwoTxid j aid prosperity are exceedingly bright. boJiQ __-_7'-- else in The Royal Gazette f n Thursday Doors open 7.00 Show 7.30 as A lesson that should----_-_ld-(--ie_. Hamilton, Bermuda." ADMISSION 2 - and 1/6 a- by those who see in every change in You never said a truer word, iOOl* ...... ihe Eliglisil pclitiGs a deadly blow at Margaret, and the office force here- j MATINEE TO-DAY, at 3 p_m. islands aforesaid. the future of the race is that deep by doffs its several hats. \ovem'K-r in the heart of the nation is an .We find jobs for every guy th First Run First National Picture presenting Dated this 19th day of October, abiding love for security and per­ __rifts along. Tea will bo served and the proceeds 1924. manence. Governments are acces­ of the sale devoted to the Rectory BETTY COMPSON, in sories not essentials to the life of Fund. (Sgd.) J. J. ASSER. tbe people. Unlike almost every Woman's ruling passion is to The Devonshire Branch of the "THE FAST SET" Lieut-General. Governor and Com­ other country the people govern keep thin. Hubby does not ap­ 1 I.O.D.E. will also have a stall, part Comedy Drama in 8 Reels mander-in-Chief. and ministries carry out functions. prove of a billowy figure, to say nothing of the demands of the fox­ of the proceeds of whicb wiU be Also "RUTH OF THE RANGE** last Episode trot and tennis.. In tbe race for a used to provide a Christmas Tree And PATHE NEWS —oo perfect figure the gentle sex has for the Scholals of Cavendish Hall ADMISSION—1 6 and 9d. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC School. THE HUMANOPHONE CO. Continued on page 8 2591ts.tu. WORKS. ; 8-C vsrii?- -1 2580 % «fs. Vacancy. Samuel Pepys Teucer Applications are invited for the TOWN HALL, ST. GEORGES appointment of Road Foreman, Sandys Parish. Oct. 30. Victory Theatre, Queen St* TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT To the Turtle Feast this day and For further particulars apply Ato Show from 7.00 to 10.30 the Director of Works on any week a great day in the history of my be­ First Run Paramount Picture presenting day between the hours of 10 a.m. loved island. "INTERNATIONAL NEWS No. 78 and 4 p.m. And the manner of it being e* The world before your eyes ANTONIO MORENO, in Applications to be in by noon, ful is for that I did break all r 13 11 24. cords. I am the only man who did 'THE FLAMING DISK" ZANE GREY'S G. E. HOLDING, ever go to one of these historic ga­ Universal Mighty Serial o. a Thousand Thrills Acting Clerk to the Board of Works. therings and not partake of the EPISODES 3 and 4 4 REELS. turtle soup or turtle steak, neithar 10 LINCOLN did I imbibe of the famous rum "THE BORDER LESION" punch or sip of any beverage at all "AN YEFUL" Drama in 7 Reels ;eel Uni - I Action Drama save one cup of tea. By Command, Sla-.-inf! BILLY- SULLIVAN Also YOUNG OLDFIEItD And when all did express aston­ Pathe 1 Reel Comedy JOHN TRIMINGHAM, ishment at my unwonted restraint "THE WESTERN WALLOP" And COMIC CARTOON Acting Colonial Secretary. I was perforce obliged to be silent, Doors open 7.30 Show 8.0C for how could I tell then I was in Universal Latest Western Picture (five parts' Starring JACK HOXIE Colonial Secretary's Office. training for a dinner tbat might The Humaiiophoiie Co 31si October. 1924. at tbe home of my dear American "HERE HE COMES" .79" friend, she of the gooey-dessert. t's a two-reel Ccatury Comedy, released by Universal Starring BUDDY MESSIMGER Royal Gazette & C. D. Nov. 1st, 3rd, Yet I fear I was a spectre at the feast and not even my very dear friend and 4th. Royal Naval Canteen, Ireland Island and mentor, he of high posi­ ADMISSION ':.'- and 1/6 Mid-Ocean, copy Nov. 1st, 4th, tion and cherry optimism, could TO-NIGHT and 6th. Universal lias the Pictures remove my gloom and enhearten "INTERNATIONAL NEWS" No- 76 my low spirits. TH1? BERMUDA MOVING PICTURE CO. Covers the world Royal Gazette & Colonist * • * 1 i 111 Daily. But—the dinner was worth it o-q% _; «'. We did not have the old dessert that "THE FLAMING DISK" Published by laid me low for days but we had Universal Serial of a Thousand Thrills HI 18 EPISODES The Bermuda Press Ltd. everything else save that. I began ? l with luck for two guests would not ^^iislril-^l^-^^JT SA&i_a__&-li.i?_lffc -l Episodes 1 and two 1 reels'! THIS ISSUE CONSISTS OF drink cocktails and I am a hater of Starring ELMO LINCOLN EIGHT PAGES waste. Then, since my friend occupies a "KINGDOM COME" THE ENGLISH ELECTION. furnished house, the soup prates Two-reel Universal Western were of varying sizes and I got a TIIE MANAGEMENT Starring FETE MORRISON News of the overwhelming success tureen instead of a tea-cup without "SOME TOMBOY" Or* TKE of the Conservative Party at the a handle. The chicken was serv- It's a Century Two-reel Comedy polls will be welcomed not only in ea m a new lasmo Again *»\ aar—, •""J _"•*"•*_ ***_ _i_a F""*"- &d m\M Starring WANDA WILET England but, if we mistake not. I was in luck for mod myself ~_.r_. Do< rs open 6_30 Commence 7.00 throughout the Empire and in liberally to what ft t_? m V-d mVm ;>5IT, _-&• -____-s?*t"_ - __. L ^%^ -Ml"? All THE BERMUDA MOVING FICTURS CO. foreign Countries. bird but which tu to be Without depreciating the work of mushroom. Reid Street Hamilton, the Labour Party (it never was a Now a mushroo.: ' an advan- Government) it was little short of i age over a chickr A mushroom disastrous that it was only possible grows overnight b~.~ chicken takes to remain in office by the conces­ begs to announce the opening COLONIAL OPERA HOUSE years. I dearly mushrooms, sions of the Opposition. Such a con The dessert was &< ribed as a fruit HAMILTON dition was inimical to the prestige massage. Certainl. ill the fruits of this high class esta of England as a great Power, un­ of a Continent were contained in a Starting Wednesday, Nov* S settling to the commercial and lovely colour scheme and welded tneni on financial world, and boded no great together with a creamy cheese. I THE FAVOURITE good even to the domestic affairs chuckled as I remembered gour- with which the Labour Party had nands gloating o~ turtle soup an W. S. HARKINS* associated themselves. inny steaks. _ uestiay U924 England has again asserted its My dear boste: is a keen Mali — PLAYERS — love for a Government that can ongg player so s undersl ood me Under Personal Direction MR. 3. E. BALFOUR. rule as well as govern. Though tbe when I saiol --Pi'.ng' when tho wait- exposure of the alleged Russian ress was about to take .ui> plate Tea will be served to intending WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHTS plot was probably the reason for away. That was ny ___ly piece the disastrous defeat of the Labour oi bad luck. I ouj bt to bave said Patrons from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. THE FUNNIEST OF ALL COMEDIES Party, yet tbere is little doubt that "Kong"- 'Twas a. reat dinner and the average voter was influenced I would not bave mi ed the turtle | "THE FIRST YEAR" by the fact tbat it was little use feast (or worlds. returning a party that could only By FRANK CRAVEN oo I The Restaurant is prepared to conduct remain on sufference. Those who are married and those who are not had bettor soe this play. England loves the two party sys­ NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE. I a high class business at reasonable tem. It hates coalition and any semblance of connivance at A Montreal citizen complains FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS power. The moment the Lib­ I tbat automobile drivers are ex­ rates, and its motto is THE WORLD FAMOUS MYSTERY PLAY erals split lt was only a question of tremely reckless, outside his own how long an experiment of Labour city, and t ba t be was thankful to "THE CAT AND THE CANARY" would last. get back ho.ne alive af .or a journey SEfttidE ay QHflsJlY. We are not among those who to Quebec. Full of Thrills. Ghosts, Voodo, Theft, Murder, Mystery and count tbe advance in influence^of The most careful driver will Romance.—N.Y. American. tbe Labour Party as a erime^or eventually change his mind about Meals served daily, including Sundays, at all hours, arrant foolishness. We welcome it speed after -driving a car for six a la carte and table d'hote* Picnics catered for and if for no otber reason that it has months. He becomes, almost un­ MATINEE, Saturday 3 p.m. opened the eyes of tbe older parties consciously, a better and a faster [amiiies supplied with cakes, bread and confec­ to some of their own weaknesses. driver at tbe same time, ,ho co­ tionery- DDTfflQ. NIGHT: 5/-, 4/-, J/-, 2/-. 1/6 The older Conservative claimed ordinates perfectly. Twenty miles Experienced Chefs and a Trained Staff will assist rlllV.__0* Matineer Adult 2/-, Children 1 /6 privileges witb an arrogant air an hour on bis speedometer be­ whicb was as distasteful as thc dis­ comes thirty-five. Tbis is particu­ its in supplying a long felt want lor a first class regard of the Communist for trad­ larly true out on the "road", away Restaurant at moderate charges. Seats now on sSalc^ Phoenix Ifrug Store. from traffic congestion. Plenty of ition. It bas always been puzzling PH....K 719 to the student of history that the room begets speed, and speed easily .588tsm 258-.ts.eitp Will youAowivia THERMIODYNE? *_*•_*•*_•


of the Colony more readily under- J On motion of Mr. Hand the"House I SIR R. GRAY. - Mr. Chairman, I quite true it is unfair to ask that stood. Provision will be made for wentJLatoa Committee of the^whole « should Uke to sa> teat the sug- Colonial Parliament officer to receive pay which is- such supplementary appropriation House^to consider the Governor's gestian, as I u n d e r s smaller than the officer next be­ as'maylbe required for the current Message No. 23 relatiye to reor­ PROCEEDINGS OF HOUSE tand it is that tne new low htm. That came about this year.Wj ganization of Staff of Department OF ASSEMBLY officer shaU receive a salary of way. His salary was fixed at £20 jftOurtiurther attention will be of Agriculture. 20, - a day.^ I am not aware of any givenfto^matters referred to as not a month, and the next assistant other public officer who is paid a below him it was contemplated OFFICIAL REPORT. yetidisposed of viz: the question MR. J.H. P. PATTERSON in the daily rate°*of salary, and I sbjuld relating£tofpensions*offpublic offi­ would be employed only from day Chair. ike to enquire from tne hon. to day when required -to inspect cers and their widows and orphans, member in charge why it snould be SESSION OF 1924-25. tops, and the Legislative fixed his the appointment of a Colonial HON. J. P. HAND: (Having read proposed in this case? As I under­ Auditor and the problem of juve­ stood the papers when read, the lay at a rate not exceeding 20'- a tbe Message). Mr. Chairman, the lay. It^was never contemplated | DAY NO. 4. nile delinquency. recommendations ef the Board of suggestion was that instead of the assistant inspector havina £25 a vhen that passed that the Board i Monday, October 27th, 1624. Agriculture are four, namely: ___• of Agriculture would fix the rate so J We trust that the difficulties appointment of an agricultural month he should eet £30. Wh_. £1 a day? high .which would result in the Continued from Thursday's issue. which are being experienced in fill­ superintendent at £450 per annum, junior officer receiving higher pay THE THE REGISATION ACT (NO. 2) ing the appointment mt Colonial without house allowance; that the than liis immediate superior. It fltift- Secretary may be successfully over­ clerk's salary should be raised by HON.J.P.HAND.-Mr. Chahman is an anomaly which ought to be 2nd. Reading. come and we are prepared to give annual increments of £10 to £250; in reply to the hon. and learned corrected. I would prefer a fixed ti 1 ANSWER careful consideration ta represent­ that the Department should have member, his present 'salary under pay definitely rather than leave it . On motion af Mr. Conyers the ations madej^by thejsecretary of a stenographer and junior clerk at The Agricultural Inspection Act oi to be an indeterminate amount. £175; and whereas at the present Bill entitled "The Registration Act, State for the Colonies with regard 1921 is £20 a montn, and he is em­ We shall then know what .he will 7/u an >wer t< (No. 2), 1924" was read the second to the customs duties on aircraft time the salary of the assistant in­ ployed for a period of six months. get. I think that is better than time and committed. and to the representations made by spector or produce is 120 it should He does not come under the Civil h-aving it to the discretion of the baking problem is I tbe Board of Agriculture with re­ be £25 a month; and lastly, that Service EstabUshment Act, be is a Board. With regard to the sub­ n the inspector ef produce should MR. W. S. PERINCHIEF in the gard ta tbe duty on bananas. part time officer. Originally, tbe sistence allowance, I feel that »ers.Bfa Bakery Bread. have such subsistence allowance recommendation of the Board of Chair. should not be left just as the Carefully made of the best materials We shall gladly avail ourselves as in the view of the Board he is --..riculture through the Message Board y from time to time de- | obtainable, delivered to your grocer MR. CONYERS moved the first of the opportunity to give practical entitled to from time to time in­ was that the salary be increased termine without limit. I lea | onlfresh daily, • . Bread ^JJ noj. clause which was agreed to. expression to the sympathy we fee stead of havingit fixed a.s itis now to £25. T.he motion I have sub­ from the Director himself t s week ! y kelp you under the Act at 25/- a day. With to avoid the di ap- for the inhabitants of the Leeward mitted wiU provide that he be put that he felt t.he Board was norot alai - . P°*ntments id labour inseparable regard to the first recommenda­ The House resumed. Islands, who have suffered loss of ij oc n the same fcasir- as^the sub-in­ ways wise in the amount of sub- ; from home baking but will enable life and property by reason of the tion, as far back as 1913 the Legis­ sspectors , the men working under sistence allowance it allowed offi- j you to effect satisfying economy. MR. E. R. CONYERS:—(Having hurricane which recently ravaged lature approved of the idea of mak­ . I That is to say," he will be cers to travelling, that they did . read tbe Message with which the j those Islands. ing provision for an assistant to.the paid at|a rate not exceeding 29 - a BSft- always distineuish between j Bread-Your Best Food Bill was forwarded.) Mr. Cl all- j Director who might help him to day. He does not work on Sundays, the expenses of an officer travel- I * MALrE BY man, perhaps bon. members will I j connection with the demonstra­ The importance of maintaining and th< i most he .i d 11 work in one ling to Nova i tia and an officer j remember that last session an Act j tion work of the Station and his md his an efficient and regular Steamship month wiU be 27 days. f traveUing to Now York, and that ! was introduced entitled The Re- j Department, and later on the House The service between this Colony and average salary will be £26 oi r £27 a subsistence allowance was allowed : fieFmuda Bakery gistration Act, 1924, for the pur- < made provision for a first or second New York is fully realized and we month. sometimes inadvisedly. I think • pose of increasing the fees of dis- j agricultural assistant at £350 for will use our best endeavours to in­ a limit should be put on that. { Ltd. trict registrars. Tbat Act amend- \ the first and 1250 for the second. sure both that the general interests SIR R. GRAY: I Generally I feel that as there is J ed the Registration Act of 1899, j The Department lias not been able Tel. Ml of the Colony are protected and with the explanation, and I ii a committee at the present mo- j section 19, and in addition there'! to get suitable men to take these that the efficiency of the service understood t.he officer referred ment going i the question of J '49•. % should have been a further amend- j positions, and in consequence are is in no way impaired. We also as getting £1 a day. the Civil Service with a view of con- j ment to section 16 which autho- very much handicapped. The Di­ learn with especial satisfaction rector,due to the fact tbat he bas sidsring whet hi r it is desirable to j the Receiver General to j of tbe re-establishment of the been short of clerical assistance for S. SPURLING:—Mr. re-grade the Service, this matter •, pay to each district registrar the ! HON. S. had much better be threshed out by CONFIDENCE direct Jpassenger service with the some time, has been compelled am rather inclined to ee of 2 - for eacb original entry. { ^t"her country Chairman, I ,^_. them, otherwise the House is apt to ^^^^^^^^^ and concur with to devote a great deal of his time think that the matter had better toe This Act is introduced for that Your Excellency with respect to to ordinary routine matters and make decisions which would prac­ specific purpose. threshed out by the committee on tically subvert t.he whole of the I 1 the desirability of fostering and to consequence has not been able lt we ha -*e fh e sli £h test salaries, because there are several Civil Service. improving this service. to get thebest out of himself be­ things with regard to tins which su spici on th;it . my art uric The Chairman reported the Bill, cause he has not been able to give and it was adopted, and ordered to I think want careful study before 11 notp i ro\ -e t hon n\'c .hly j We recognise the fact that owing his attention to the larger questions MR. J. D. B. TALBOT: -Mr. wi be engrossed. they are agreed to. For instance, Chairman, I should like to ask the sar o aecoun Reid St. p.m. tbe House attended His Ex­ - committee on the salaries of public ing 20/- a day which it provi sxce ed - Department is suffering from cellency tbe Governor at tbe Coun­ His Excellency tbe Governor made •tisease which the late Mr. C. A. V. officers have got their hands full sub-inspector shall be pa ies e • cil Chamber, and presented the the following reply thereto: Frith described once as "niinuti anyhow to report to us in any sort j connection with tbe subsiste id. I)a following. tis.** He applied that phrase to of fashion between no _ lowance for the inspector, nee ai - ADDRESS. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the an appUcation made by the then end of the year with regard to what a <• been limited under tho sa_ be ha s £ •__/ --./a ROCER Honourable House of Assembly. Colonial Secretary for an increase hout being concerned j - -__ ne Ac t to d TO HIS EXCELLENCY LIEUTEN­ of pay, and hon. members in t.he the desirability of creating j mc •ii' with lie ANT-GENERAL . SIR J. J. I thank you for your Address to to 20 - per day, which hon. - House will remember t.he lengthy vhich is the sub- | in new officer ASSER, K.C.M.G., AND COM­ reply to the Speech which I had the I bets will readily recognise is • 'ocument dealing with despatches MANDER-IN-CHIEF IN AND honour to deliver to you on the oc­ I sufficient for a man who has 0 stance of at least two recommenda ' ''ceivedand sent out and the letters tkms here. I think that commit OVER THE BERMUDAS OR casion of opening Colonial ParUa­ Uve to New York dm. IM gr. •at iealt with and so on. It received SOMERS ISLANDS: ment on the 15th instant. er part of the crop season. No mat­ tee has its hands full without ba­h very snort consideration by the te concern themselve Wi ter how modest bis hotel may be House. The argument used then ing and bis meals, as to costs, it is this, and this House has sufficient May it Please Your Excellency:— CouncU Chamber, was that an officer-who could de- have, 27th October, 1924. i absolutely impossible for him to facts before it. or should, vote^valuable time to tabulating to enable us to decide whet her or We, His Majesty's most dutiful I subsist on that money without be­ the number of documents v : ing out of pocket which he has been not it is in the public interests ttoo and loyal subjects, the General On the return of the House His passed through his fingers was or for the last two years.It is possible accept these recommendations Assembly of the Bermudas or Honour the Speaker read the reply wasting time which ought to he one from the Chair. that I may have missed some point, reject tbem. There are just Somers Islands, thank Your Ex­ employed in more useful occupa­ ; raised by the hon. cellency for the Speech with whicb but in the meantime, to order to or t wo--point tion. I reaUy think that applies to Ir. Spurling that I will you were pleased to open tbe pre­ GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE NO. 9. get some sort of decision on tbe member t.he present case, to the application ' is very frivolous, sent session of the Legislature. CONSIDERED. Message of the Governor, I move refer to. One dealing with the necessity of addi­ that this Department is suffering that it be recommended to the tional clerical assistance in this House to make provision for t ho fol­ he termed '•minutitis We recognise that there is an ex­ Re reimbursement to Ministry of Department. T.he application has froi what Pensions. lowing : I may say that to the best of my re- tensive programme of legislation in it the number of letters received is the first letter already to contemplation and de­ and despatched, and I think collection thi- On motion of Mr. Spurling the from the Boa ~d which has come sire to assure Your Excellency (1) An Agricultural Superin­ myself his time could be better consideration that our earnest and prompt House went into a Committee o tendent at a salary of £450 (no house occupied in t.he public service th"m before tit; use for attention will be given both to the whole House ta consider the J allowance) to -1 ilia Re reorganisation of Staff ant Inspector shall be su-b as the I ^ tViem Wttfc regard to tbe remains that the Director has for •OLD IT L-U-Din_en_mT*. mn ia tmmusmmmm sible, simplify administration and at Dli.lCLIICMM_K-ilrnntt_.R4N Wii_•___> Agricultural Department. Board may from time to tim. de JJ^j inspeetor of produce, tt to Cont nued on page 9 •» --_-• UIIM -HI W-MM-'W

ELECTION RESULTS. cestershire, Eye, Conservative gain t from Liberal. Derbyshire, Hill Wood, Conservative, unchanged. G. R. London, October 30.-—Carlisle Warwickshire, Hope, Conservative, Watson, Conservative, Conserva­ gain from Liberal. Surrey, Richard­ tive gain from Labour. Derbyshire son, Conser.vative, unchanged. teh-Boad (Chesterfield) Kenyon, Liberal, Berkshire, Brown, Conservative unchanged. Wiltshire (Salisbury) gain from Liberal. Glasgow (Sbet- Will Son Take (J Morrison, Conservative, Conser­ tleston) J. Wheatley, Labour, un­ vative gafn from Liberal. Stafford­ changed. Hun (East English) Lam- shire (Stafford) Hon. W. N. Ormsby ley, Conservative, unchanged. Is- j GOVERNMENT Gore, Conservative, unchanged. lington North. Cowan, Conserva- I tive, unchanged. Ayr and Kil- Wiltshire (Swindon) Banks, Con­ TF an3 t ing happened to yom, would he NOTICE servative, unchanged. Hampshire marnock, Macandrew, Conservative 1 I-jr. z x' leave school and take the first job (Basington) Holbrook, Conserva­ gain over Labour: Staffordshire ! red in order to help his mother tive, gain from Liberal. Cumber­ Adamson, Labour, unchanged, i BUNDAUCY which of. DEPARTMENT OF land (Penarth and Cockerrnouth) Derbyshire North, Lee, Labour, un- ! *£-__? keep the -tome together? PUBLIC WORKS changed, Derbyshire Wragg, Con- • ** Dixey, Conservative, unchanged. "Blind Alley" jobs require little education Northamptonshire (Kettering) But­ servative, unchanged. Bedfordshire ' Notice is hereby given that a v and oftei good pay to start. **Success" jobs ter, Conservative gain from Lib­ (Luton) O'Cpnnr, Conservative i vacancy has occurred in the position eral. Cheshire (Chester1 Gayzer gain from Liberal. Worcester Stour- • ^ demand! education and a period of service of Swing Bridge Keeper, St. Conservative unchanged. North­ bridge, Pislon, Conservative, un- . §&\ at a srar 11 remuneration. George's. amptonshire (Daventry) Fitzroy, changed. Surrey (Guildford) Buck- ' Conservative, unchanged. Essex, ingham, Conservative, unchanged, j xO&\ Your responsibilities should not be Particulars of the Appointment (Romford) Rhye, Conservative, un­ Nottinghamshire, Botterton, Con- j ^^^j^v transferred to your can be obtained from tbis Office changed. Perth and Kinross, Skel- servative, unchanged. Aberdeen j on any week day between the hours children. , ton, Conservative gain from Lib­ (South Scottish) Thomson, Con- | of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. eral. Cumberland (Northern) How­ servative. unchanged. Lesgown, ! ard, Conservative unchanged. Cam­ Bridgeton, Maxton, Labour, un- i Candidates for the Post should send bridge, Sir D. Newton, ConServa- changed. Durham (Blaydcn) White- j to their appUcations accompanied ard, Conservative unchanged. -lay, Labour, unchanged. Dorset, j THAT COMES NigS^-J: by fuU personal particulars as to Cambridge, Sir D. Newton, Sir D. East, G. E. Hall Caine'. Conserva- v age &c, together with any testi­ Newton, Conservative unchanged. tive, unchanged. Lancashire, m tit. " '*' ^ ' ~ monials from responsible parties, Rotherham, Lindley, Labour, un­ BlU-Udell, Conservative, unchanged. I by'noon "Monday the 10th of No­ changed. Leeds (Central) WUson, Glasgow Gorbels, Buchanan, Lab- ! vember, 1924. Conservative unchanged,^, T.ppfis, ojuXr tu-jchaii^eo.. 3___,f fords hire. (N. E. BirchaU) Conservative, un­ Lamb, Conservative, unchanged. P. N. H. JONES. changed. (Hornsey, Wallace, Con­ Aberdeen Nortti. Rose, Labour, un­ Director of Works. servative unchanged. Suffolk (East changed. Flintshire, Roberts, Con­ Rye) Lord Huntingfield, unchang­ servative, Conservative gain from Director of Works' Office, Vm- ji. ed. Cheshire (Stalybridge and Liberal. Stockport, two seats. HamUton. Hyde, Wood, Conservative, Conser­ Greenwood. Conservative and Ham- October 29th, 1924. ersley Conservative, one gain from vative gain from Liberals. Lan­ *i%k< cashire, (Heywood and Radcliffe) Liberal. Lanarkshire. MitcheU, Royal Gazette & C.D. Oct. 30tn, Conservative gain from Labour. England, Liberal unchanged, Cam­ ______31st. and Nov. 1st. bridge, Newton, Conservative, un­ Fife Western, Adamson,'Labour, Mid Ocean copy October 30ta, Nov. changed. Rotherham, Lind#y, unchanged. Carmarthen Sir Al­ 1st. and 4th. Labour, unchanged. fred Nonro Liberal 17,281,'JEtev. E. **"__:! '.f*. *___._\ "SP '**-!. '•P*' Nottinghamshire (Newark) Lord Owen, Labour 7,963, unchanged. •* m Mil I Carnarvon District, David Llojd r *^m>¥ Titchfield, Conservative, unchang­ •_*•-__. /__-t_=__y. __•** '"u_BJ na. : ed. Stepney Mile End, Scurr, Lab­ George, Liberal, 16,069, Prof. Zim- S-#^-_l'# *w0 By Command, our, unchanged. Stepney (White- mern, Labour, 3,401, unchanged. chapel and St. George's, GosUng, Yorkshire Colne VaUey, Philip HttA_> QPFltK, 1bMNn«p0i_MAfiA_. JOHN TRIMINGHAM, Labour, unchanged. Somerset, Snowden, Labour, 11,216, Thorpe, Acting Colonial Secretary. Wells, Sandars, Conservative, gain Conservative, 10,972, Walker, lib­ M. A. GIBBONS Hamilton and St. Georges over Liberal. Hertfordshire (Horn- eral, 8,631. unchanged. HuU Cen­ At present I carry $ insurance on the plan. I have a wife and Colonial Secretary's Office, tral. Kenworthy, Liberal unchang­ el Hempstead) Davidson Conser­ .children depci : on me tor support. it poli y would you suggest my purchasing? 29th October, 1924.—V.109. vative, Conservative gain over Lib­ ed. Cumberland (Whitehaven) eral. Yorkshire (Thirsk and Mel­ Hudson, Conservative gain from r , ton) Turton, Conservative unci Labour. Surrey Mitcham, Meller, e9___a_E233_r__a-a__-_i?_M_E-' «_w- *-TJ*-*oiaiir a ed. Leeds (Southeast) Conservative, unchanged. York­ Labour, unchanged. Herli -hire shire (Barkston) Lane Fox, Conser­ (Hertford) Suetor, Conservative, vative, unchanged. Glasgow (Cam- unchanged. Hertfordshire St. lac hie) Stephens, Labour, unchang­ ed. Essex Epping, Winston Church­ Albans) Freemantle, Conservative, unchanged. Kent (.Grave...; Al- ill. C 301 19, T> In _^____p^ '/s^-WrfcA _• bery, Conservative gain from il. S.ipiit*, .Labour, l Attractively our. Hampshire — (Pet ersfield) unchanged. Lambeth, Brix- , lib and /<2 ™°' Nicholson, Conservative, unchang­ ton, Dalziel, servative gain ] THE CNU LIQUEUR packed ed. Hertfordshire (Hitchin) Kind- from Liberal. Westham Upton, i boxes FULl-STM-NGTH L<___3 CHOCOVATE. erslay, Conservative, unchanged. Cc.pt. H. P. Holt, Gonservativer { Sussex (East Grtostread) Cautley, 13,416, R. W. Gardner, Labour, ; Conservative, unchanged. York­ 11,443 gain from Labour. Derby- ' shire (Skipton) Bird, Conservative, shire (Clay Cross) Duncan Labour,•• unchanged. Nottinghamshire unchanged. Edinburgh (Centrali j We have these renowned (Mansfield) Verley, Labour, un­ Graham, Labour, unchanged.Dur- J Automatic changed. Kent (Asbford) Steel, ham (Bishop Auckland; B. C. Spoor, \ Conservative, unchanged. Shrop­ Labour ir.,785, Baitibridge, Liberal.* j Refrigeration shire (Oswest, R.Y.) Bridgman, 12.868 unchanged. Leith, W. Benn, { Liberal, unchanged. LIQUEUR CHOCOLATES Conservative, unchanged. Kent Electric Re.rigt.ation—that is, (Canterbury) McNeUl, Conserva­ Yorkshire (HoMerness. Savery, Kelvinator—is as inevitable in Conservative, unchanged. Armagh your home as was the electric tive, unchanged. Kent (Seven Oaks) vacuum cleaner or the electric Stiles, Conservative gain from Lib­ TJlste.r, Allen, Conservative, un­ Freshly in stock washing machine. It pays for eral. Kent (Dover) Hon.-J. J. Astor changed. Aberdeen, Smith, Con­ itself by keeping food much servative gain from Liberal. Bre­ better and longer—and by elim­ Conservative, unchanged. Renfrew inating ice bills Fits any • Eastern) Macrob, Conservative con and Radner, Derey Hall, Con- standard refrigerator. See it et gain from Labour. Westham Sil- ain from Liberal, Stir- our showroom. verton, J. Jones, Labour, un­ ling. Murning, Labour gain from aosurva BROTHERS changed. Westham Stratford, Lib- - !. Melton, Everard, Con- !4ol f tJ-LS.tU.tp. M. J. K. HOLDER—Distributor. Groves, Labour, unchanged. Wands serva ive, unchanged. Barnard 2510-ff-Ftu.th.s.tp. worth Clapham, Leigh, Conserva­ Castl HOE Conservative 1 PI tive, unchanged. IsUngton (South) gain from Labour. West BeUast, Clause, Labour, unchanged. Glas­ Lynn. Conservative unchanged. Scizzor Brand gow, ElUott, Conservative, un­ Kidderminster, Milne, Conserva­ IS-* C. changed. Glasgow, Govan, Mac- tive, unchanged. Northwyeh Chrich R. Lean, Labour, unchanged. Myrthyr ton, Stuart, Conservative, unchang Tydvil Aberdare, HaU, Labour, un­ ed. Mossley, Hopkins, Independant, LAGER BEER changed. Hampshire (Farnham) unchanged. East fe, Cochrane, For Sale Davidson, Conservative, unchanged Conservative gain from Liber;; 1. SHake TourComplexicn Wandsworth Central, Jackson, Ilford, Wise, Conservative, un­ Quality Tells as "Smooth as a % BY TENDER Conservative, unchanged.Wands- changed. Kingswinford, Stitch, Worth Sti eat ham, Mitchell, Con­ Labour, unchanged. Pembroke, That's Why Baby's Skiti"-* servative, unchanged. Glamorgan The War Department Motor j Price, Conservative gain from Lib- j Take care of ynur sib, r/oid Launch "GENERAL COWANS" Gower, Grenfell, Labour, unchang­ I eral Major G. Lloyd George was j the use of hirsh soaps and fitted with a four cyUnder, 14 hors. ed. Glasgow Patrick, Lindsay, Liberal Candidate. East Down, ) .5SCIZZO R BRAND SELLS your complexion will soon power Kelvin engine, in good run­ Conservative gain from Labour. j Reid and Simms, both conserva­ merit this compliment. The ning order. Ayr and Bute, and Northern, West­ tive, unchanged. Camborne, rou ghness, the littte blemishes, The vessel is moored at Boaz and on, Conservative unchanged. Ren­ Moreign, ConstitutionaUst gain tiie coarseness of texture can be viewed on week days from frew Western, Shc>. Conservative j from Liberal. CaerphiUy, Jones, J. -JGHTBOURN & CO. **__ch mar v girls try to cover the 3rd: to the 10th. of November. gain from Labour. Labour, unchanged. Burton, Grot- up with powder can be trans­ Glasgow (Spring!: arn} Hardie (Lab­ formed into alluring freshness 1924 between the hours of 9.00 a.m. ton, Conservative, unchanged. Sun­ !979*I "tfs.eitp and 1.00 p.m., and 2.00 to 4.00 p.m., our i unchanged. Edinbtigh derland, Thompson and Raine both and delicacy. on appUcation to t.he Ordnance (South) Chapman, Conservative Conservative, unchanged. Nor­ Use Vatiiolive Soap Officer, Ireland Island, at Boaz, unchanged. Lambeth Norwood, folk, Maclean, Conservative un­ from whom forms of tender can be Greaves, Conservative, unchanged. changed. Sodgefield, Ropner, Con­ Once esray day your skin obtained. Perth and Kinross, Kinross and servative, unchanged. Shorediteh, Boys' Cloth i si g Sale. •ast be 'ik-'nighty cleansed Western, Duchess of Atholl. Con­ Thurtle, Labour unchanged. Bos- with - _nik_, soothing soap. TENDERS TO BE RETURNED BY servative, unchanged ' Lambeth worth, Captain Gee, V.C., Conser­ _^-_-_-_ '~e will remove all cat- 12 NOON ON 12th. NOVEMBER, Kennington, Harvey, Conservative vative gain from Liberal. Keighley cess oi; seer - tions, cosmetics 1924. Our entire Stock of Boys' Clothing gain over Labour. Cornwall North, (Lees) Smith, Labour,, gain from and _;rt, permitting the cells Williams, Conservative gain from Intending purchasers may travel Liberal. and tores to .• action prop­ Liberal. Herefordshire, Shopperton, REDUCED. to Boaz by W.D. Vessels on their erty. A health/ skin is a Conservative, unchanged. Devon­ normal duty trips, if in possession w______F_iI skin. ! shire, Troyts, Conservative gain CONSERVATIVES WIM of a permit, which can be obtained over Liberal. North Lanarkshire, from the O.C, R.A.S.C, Prospect, OECISIVK VICTORY. The Palmolive Co. of Canada, Ltd. Sprot, Conservative gain over Lab­ Suits from 3 to 8 years "*_ Toronto., n_On. t or in cases of urgency from the our. Yorkshire and Whitby, Her­ (Special to R.G <_-_ Head PUot, R.A.S.C, Wharf. & CD.' i-__- bert, Conservative unchanged. at 1/3 off Regular Prices- Leicester, Winby, Conservative gain ; London, October 30.—The people H. B. WARWICK, F. J. G. "F«aff from Liberal. Staffordshire, R. R. "f Great Britain have put a crush- Suits from 9 to 17 years AOENX < Wilson, Conservative 14,588, Frank iug end o their first experiment Lt.-Colonel, i Hodges Labour 12,512. gain over with a Labour Government by re­ D.A.D.O.S., Bermuda. at i /4 off Regular Prices. j Labour. Middlesex, Burney, Con- luming the Consarvative Party to Prospect, j servative unchanged, Notting- power in ParUament with ont* of 88th Oci ib. 1924 j hamshire,, Hume WiUiams, con- I the strongest majorities recorded Entire Stock of Boys' Hats at 2/6 each, t'560ff.s.m. j servative unchanged. Sussex, West. I during tl a last century. In this , Courtsold, Conservative gain from J sweeping political change. the I Liberal. Hampshire, Ashley, Con- j Liberal Party has sunk to the wcak- MISTS' SECRETARY DEFEATED. I servative, unchanged.. Woreester- ji est position it lia1. experienced since SALE NOW ON ! shire, E. Honzell, Conservative, un- J the re-arrangement of British poli- (Special to R.G. & CJ>.) ; changed. Cheshire, Barneston, I tical parties more than ninety years London, October 80.—Emanuel ' Conservative, unchanged. Glasgow, ago at the time of the reform Bill. and continues for one week. Shin weU, Labour, Parliament ai; Central, Alexander, • Conservative • 561 out of the 615 seats in the House Secretary for Mines, was defeated unchanged. Buckingham shire,-1j of Commons accounted for at 4 at Linlithgow, Scotland by the Con­ ; Knox, Conservative gain over Lib- I[ o'clock this afternoon the Liberals servative candidate J. Kidd who oral. Lancashire, Lord Balniel, Con- J lad won only 38 and the Conser- poUed 14,765 votes to l _. ,123 for servative gain from liberal. Lei- YOUNG BROS. Shinwell. Continued on page g -376*_1If.s.*-_i.W.f. 60. i| fs.

'-;-__ife_ THE KOYAL GAZKTTI AND COLONIST DAILY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1024 Page S | CONSERVATIVES WIN , Chelsea. Mrs. Mercer, Labour, | DECISIVE VICTORY. | Liverpool. Fairfield. Miss J. Ste- INTER GOODS { P-on, Labour, Portsmouth, Sout li. j Mrs. Elias, Liberal. Southwark, .»*£. _?_5--_.___••!_ t_i i -S--I ~<29 ten if) FIRE WORKS AT THE Continued from page ! Southeast. Mrs. Hulse, Conser- j I | vative, Derby. Miss Pendlistor, 1 vatives had already captured 373 I labour, Bournemouth. Mrs. M. j ram amous English also Best and were increasing their lead con- I Hamilton, Labour, Blackburn. ^^ OMANS SHOP stantly as the returns came fa j American from the Country Districts. Lab- j oo 5 our had won 138 seats and was thus | ELLIS ISLAND HORRORS- FOR SA1 | AT THE TOWER assured of being the official Oppo ENGUSH BLANKETS sition Party in the new Parliament | London Specialist's A SPECIAL OFFER Other Parties had elected 12. This Exposure. leaves 54 seats stiU to be reported. Our 3/- assorted rackage for 1/6 Of Pure Wool Even If they should lose all of these (From The "Daily Sketch* remaining seats the Conservatives Correspondent) would have a clear majority in ex­ WHILE THEY LAST Delightfully Warm cess of 130. In fact the ultimate Liverpool, September 2 majority bids fair to be the great­ S. NELMES Soft and Comfy est the Conservative Party has ever Never has a more bitterly Octob. 192 enjoyed in all its life. Unlike the denunciation of the horrors of Ellis I 2589 TS. Labour Government which has just Island been uttered than I heard j fallen, the Conservatives wiU be today from the lips of Dr. William DBI.IV-SRY From those very small cosy ones for able to rule as well as to govern and McKim McCullagh, the Harle.. I perhaps thus to stand fixed in the Have you considered how yoa will take care of this very children Street Specialist, when he returned important Question? Governmental saddle for the full to England after weeks of incarcera- j I regal period of five years if they tion in the immigration detention Let a "NEW HUDSON CARRIER BICYCLE" want to,so strong was the tide that camp on America's "Isle of Sorrow" SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM. has carried them to triumph. at 4/6 Dr. McCullagh crossed the Atlan­ The New-Hudson Carrier enjoys the same supremacy in its tic to see Miss Fay Furbeck, the I field as is universally conceded to LATE RETURNS. daughter of a wealthy American Hudson Bicycles. model of New- stockbroker, with whom he had I up to a full size all wool blanket .Special to B.G. & C.D.) fallen in love while she was on a j WE HAVE THE BICYCLE YOU REQUIRE. visit to England. "J. A CWCOB'i London, October 30.—The stand­ When he reached New York he J 53 Front Str -W« JO.. ing of the Parties at six p.m. was was told that Miss Furbeck had f 1253? fTth.eitr. rnder E.B.Y. Club at 20/- I Conservatives 387 (gain 144. Labour changed her attitude towards him. j 148 (loss 41.) Liberals 40 (loss 104.) and he was sent to Ellis Island. He j Other Parties 13 (Gain 1). Total instituted habeas corpus proceed­ 588. ings, but withdrew them on the MORRIS A. GIBBONS understanding that he would be London, t. Flash Bulletin, Octo­ granted an interview wit h Miss Fur- j Children's Unshrinkable THE WOMANS SHOP ber 39.—Only 20 seats unaccount­ beck. ed for at seven this evening the I This pledge was broken, and even- | standing of the Parties was: Con­ tually he left, under protest, for WOOL COMBINATIONS servatives 393 (gain of 149) Labour Liverpool in the Cunard liner Fran- Reid St. im (loss of 40) Liberals 40 (loss of conia. IM) Other Parties 13 gain of out. . "Miss Furbeck is the only girl I Ail sizes from 7 6 pair 2381" "s. Total 595. want to marry," said Dr. McCullagh to me in a interview when the liner J THE GEORGE. STORE THE NEW HOUSE OF COMMON-*,. arrived in the Mersey today. "But I understand she does not Did it ever occur to you (Special to R.G. & C.D.) reciprocate my feelings, as she has -been told so many lies about me. that there is a reason why London. October 30. When the If I could see her by herself I I counting of all the election re­ think her reported attitude would turns with the exception of a few change, but the future is in the si ^ outstanding returns from the Uni- hands of Fate. !9 -t i versities and Scotland was conclud- I shall return to America at the { ed to-night the composition ofthe expiration of 12 months. new House of Common" was as fol­ "The quarrel in which I have been lows. Conservatives 3S8, Labour 149 involved has been a personal one, UPTON'S 9 £• 33, p tzr-f*. ***t Liberals1J40-_Llndependeiits *• Co­ aid they have been very unfair to P :"%K operatives 5, Constitutionalists 3. me. The matter went so far that [-ram- r*_ c &3__ Communists 1. •W •*__£_» "- __fr «*__.' W~ 53 IM I was offered my liberty if I would « *_» *•-*-** # *ff give up Miss Furbeck. This I would CONSERVATIVES PROBABLE not do." TEA LARGE MAJORITY. For five years Dr. McCullagh served in the war, and was awarded London, October 30.—Ii tne the D. S. O. and M. C. He was form­ has the largest sale not suits continue this evenin to erly resident Medical Officer a Will you own a low the tendency shown through­ Samaritan Hospital for Women in merely in England,—not out t he early portion of the day and London. this afternoon the followers of the "A dark hell of sorrow." was Dr Conservative leader and former 0 only in America,—but McCullagh's description ot Ellis a Premier Stanley Baldwin will have Island that stronghold of bureau­ E^MIODYNE the largest sale in the world? a heavy majority when Parlia­ cratic tyranny which lies almos: ment reconvenes November 18th. is. the shadow of the Statue of Lib­ The Conservative spokesman pre­ erty. Due J. V\\ For One Week Only Those marked 'medically held up English Staffordshire Wedgewood Bulletin. are seen by the doctors alter be: and Spode China. Rugs, Mats. Carpets, and several lines of fine ordered about and drilled by order­ New Market, England, Octob.r 30 lies who have no concept i< Chairs, at a reduction of 33*i % —"Twelve Pointer" by Royal Realm % JUST ARRIVED ility. 1 and in some cases more. out of Finglen, owned bj the Duke "Many passed medically 10 i ii! Great Variety of Westminster, won the Cam­ this side are marked "heart 1 rouble" There are a few very fine rugs offered in this sale. bridgeshire Stakes of £1,000 (with and detained at Ellis Island pend­ Advance Window Display of extras) run here to-day. A. Low- ing an appeal to Washh Christmas Cards and Booklets iy*s "Bachelors Point" was second Those suspected of certain diseases and Lor i Coventry's "VewHet** are sent to the hospital and subject­ ON SALE Tbe Bermuda Famishing & Supply Go. third. Twenty-seven ran. ed to severe bodily discomfort to prove t heir freedom. Salurdau, November Sth 24041 Urn el to s. VOTING FOR CHURCHILL. - _ *™-- •Third Degree Tlureats. ' Jm.fi*.. .-_*_:_.!.*.'-__- I Bullet: n. •__•*_ . O -__SIi r i SHOP ul' Bermudiana Building "Apparently any citizen can CHILDREN'S TAN LACE BOOTS London, October 30.—TUe vot­ frame up* an incoming individual ing on Mr. Churchill was 19,843 by accusing him of such thi G.G. Sharp, Liberal 10,080. E. R. drug-taking and insanity, as in the FOR SALE A real bargain in these and an ideal shoe for school Mcphie, Labour, 3,268. case of myself. Just arrived from Prince Edward Island wear. Stout tan calf uppers and heavy sole. "These allegations caused me a MR. ASQUITH UNDAUNTED. j 11 Horses, 4 Cows, 2 Calves, Geese, Ducks and Natural form fitting shape assuring an easy fit. certain amount of amusement. The 'third degree' threats of not Plymouth Rock Fowls. Turnips, Green Mountain Good alike for either Boys or Girls. Mothers get Glasgow, October 3ft.- former being aUowed to land forced me to Potatoes 20 - a bag (180 lbs.) these for your children for school wear. Premier Asquith who was defeated speak of purely personal things, and 1 car load extra quality Hay by the Labourite candidate in the this caused a certain amount of Paisley Constituency in yester­ 'emotion* which was their medical 5 8 8H H ll 2 day's Parliamentary Election said diagnosis in my case. H. C. OUTERBRIDGE on leaving Glasgow for London to­ "Those held up for any cause are 8/- wi­ 10/6 day that he did not intend to re­ East Front Street seen by a board of three, who act as 352Cjtu-citp. tire from public life. *T wiU stand if they were the supreme tribunal again" he declared. of Judgment Day. Their victims are question-id most -minute , as T. J. PEARMAN & SONS WOMEN CANDIDATES HAVE to their intentions, and also regard­ Clergy-Ts;*ii Relieved 2568 f .f -eitp DONE BADLY SO FAR. ing family relai ions: "The decision of the board, if un­ ot iervoys Prostration London, October 30. —Women favourable, can be appealed against Rev. Joseph Campbell, Bermuda Mount, tiordontown, have fared rather badly so far in the and the decision is give. - in Wai Jamaica, B.W.I., viitr.s:— Constituencies making declara­ ington*. Many people await this "I am a clergyman who suffered from nervous prostration. Best Quality English tions. To be sure tbe "inevitable" There was no doctor that could relieve me. I couldn't do the least decision for weeks, and sure men bit of writing, nor hold a book. Lady Astor added another' victory told that the appeal has failed, or r—£'//"?—. ~T^--^Il-"~>__ *~^y head ached terribly and I had as candidate for tbe Sutton Divi­ that they will be allowed out on a \W~-% i|, ^°*_^i--_ pains-BB-nyback. If it had sion of Plymouth but Miss E. Wil­ £100 bond. Those who are too poor , M\\ ___£_MSTi\ not been for Dr. Chase's kinson the Labourite from Mid- '" i's^^'lll1! !W»i.M!i Nerve Food, I thinkl would CORRUGATED IRON tm raise tbe bond\ba**«e_to return jjPT 111 r'l '^'•v^fJ If have died. I cannot help dleboro East, is-the only wonfan home. so far among the elected. In addi­ ft n i*>_-__--KW "*"ritingtoyou,asIwant JLJ-J-_S3^-S^|S®I you to know what a tion to Miss Margaret Bondfield, The Saddest Thing. member for Northampton and also B^---___A ^l-ltsa blessing it was to me. Heavy Grade -""•'" ~* -o--5^ Before using it I was a a member of the Ramsay Mac­ •The saddest thing is to sec wives mere skeleton, weighing donald Government, the female or fiances turned ba_k from their only IIS pounds. After group te the last House suffered present ex future husbands. Hus­ . x using six boxes of Dr. the loss as members of the new Par­ T. Chase's Nerve Foodand bands are torn between two duties w three of the Kidney-Liver Pills, I am MASTERSIAMWARE CO. liament of Miss Lawrence defeat­ and become seriously affected by • perfectly relieved and will recommend ed in East Ham North by c the strain. these wonderful medicines to all." W. Crook, Conservative. Other "AH those detained are herded Front St., Phone 1*2 women candidates who failed to DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD together, men in certain rooms and At all dealers or Ed-Hanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto, Canada attain a place in the new House Mr. J. S. Vallis, Hamilton, Agent for Bermuda, carries a large ig«a-._r. , were: Mrs. Russell, Labour Continued on page 8 Stock of Dr. Chase's Medicines and will supply the trade promptly. Page 6 THE ROTAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1924

But, of course, that is not recog­ r ACCOMMODATION Colonial Parliament nised here by a certain few in the House: they look on the tourist business as abslutely exactly the ELECTRICITY thing to be bolstered up and the Continued from page 3 farming interests can take care of 1 themsleves. I am sorry to have to I a long time been handicapped by THE NEW WINDSOR HOTEL say that. I think myself that the IN YOUR HOME I lack of assistance, and he has had question could be fuUy debated-In ! no assistance for a year. The last e & PALM GARDENS this House. It is all very well to I assistant, Mr. J. 3. Outerbridge, appoint a committee, but what is _.-____?• LIGHT when wanted left in October 1923. The Director that committee composed et? The No bother with lamps, wicks, or candles. ! has been frightfully handicapped, hon, member may say they are in delightfully cool and ' and members of the Board will sup- not composed of farmers at all, i port me in this, by lack of clerical irW° HEAT when wanted picturesque gardens or in and therefore would not be in the DINE AND DANCE i assistance. He is doing work For cooking. Ironing, toasting, washing, etc. quaint and charming Flemish rooms. ; position to give this question due which a clerk paid at the rate of consideration. I do not know, I No bother %vith oil, coal, or ashes. ; £200 a year could easily do, he is do not suppose it is worth while Unrivalled reputation for Shore Dinners and Local Dishes doing work which a younger man to object to his being referred to the t_T POWER when wanted ; might do when he should be doing committee, but at the same time I Special facilities Orchestra in American and problems of the country. I am feel it is a mistake not to go on Te pump water, drive sewing machines, for parties Attendance nightly European 1*1 a i operate vibrator, etc. I asking the House this afternoon with it and thresh it out in the • whether or not they approve of the No trouble, no effort, no fatigue. : House. A real Country Olub with City Hotel Service recommendations, and _if some • members do not approve of them MR. H. V. SMITH:—Mr. Chair­ wwr ICE when wanted ! they canjmove to strike them out, 1447ftn.ei to 2/8/25, man, I shall vote for the amend­ Constant dry oold air in your refrigerator. j but we certainly should not put ment of the hon. member Mr. this matter over for thecommittee I « *• ~v ' Spurling, for the simple reason - THE PENSION RESOLVE, 1924. M. A. GIBBONS, appcars they are entitled to. Now the hon. member Mr. T. H. H. 1st. Reading. The Arcade Furniture Oueen Street, Hamilton Outerbridge says the Board Is -.470is25.tu28.sl. composed pricipally of merchants. MR. SPURLING moved for leave 1. Ct. I happen to know these merchants : o introduce and read the first time 19".8fs.tp. FOR RENT UI-FURHISHI E One are very closely associated with the a Resolve entitled "'The Pension or more years.''IVIiddielons, * Paget FOR RENT interests of the farmers, conse­ Resolve, 1924," which was agreed West, overlooking Beach, Modern quently they do know the require- to. Plumbing, Elec .tie Light Vege- iI ments of what they have been ask- table Garden, Ampla Water Suppty. For the winter season—the attract- ; | ed for. They are in touch with ***** The Resolve wa­ then read the FIREWORKS Apply A. B. Smith, Queen Street. ively furnished country- house [ Department of Agriculture—they first time by its title. known as 2554*7680.th.f.s. | have their meetings there occa- 9i ' sionally—and they carefully deli- MOTIOM TO ADJOURN. "Moreland j l berate on questions appertaining Special Prices To Trade J to the welfare of agriculture in Ber- MR. SPURLING moved that the in Hamilton Parish, overlooking j ' muda. With regard to the re­ the waters of Harrington Sound House at its rising do adjourn to marks which have fallen from the and the North Shore. Water Front . BEAVER Wednesday the 5th November hon. member Mr. Loblein, he CHESLEY E. WHITE on Harrington Sound is only 5 proximo, which was agreed to. BOARD speaks of this office as b

HSllftu ; t~!M5__fi i'«..l&lm _-_---_---_----_- THE ROTAL GAZKTTI AMD COLOSIST OAILT, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 lfc.4 Page f rnXXi will be very much decreased if not "B" BATTERY CONTROL. nold Janser, cellist; Lloyd Stone- Round Tbe World entirely spoiled. man, pianist. If this type of window lead in is | Usually insufficient attention 8_15 p.m.—Program by the Welt- THE BERMUDA anticipated, it should be placed at is paid to the voltage applied to the man Conservatory Junior Orches­ By Radio. the TOP of the window where the I plate of both the detector and am- tra from the Hotel Brunswick weather is least likely to affect it. nlifier tubes. All tubes have dif­ studio, Boston. THE USE OF CRYSTALS IN Perhaps it would be better however, ferent characteristics. Some re­ 9:15 p.m.—Concert by W. Leo REFLEX CIRCUITS. not to use it at all. If a sat is used quite a higher filament heat Chestnut, trombonist, Alice New- ALMANACK WITHOUT a condenser in series .ban others but in most cases the hall Cook, organist, from the Estey ( The Radio Editor, ia the course of with the aerial an excellent means difference in the tubes is noticed • Organ studio. i experiments carried out recently of "leading in" is to paste a square when different plate potentials has found that, to get the maxi­ 9:55 p.m.—Arlington time sig­ GUIDE AND DIRECTORY of tinfoil on both sides of the win­ .ire applied. A detector tube usual­ nals; Official U.S. Weather reports. mum efficiency from a reflex cir­ dow glass, (size of sheets approxi­ ly requires from 16 to 45 vclts and cuit that uses a crystal rectifier, it mately 6x6 inches,) the aerial to an amplifier from 22 to 90 volts, to ' SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1924. is necessary to take considerable be connected to the outside sheet work efficiently. T his is due to t he trouble in the selection of crystals and the set "Aerial** post-to the in­ hardness of the tube. Without Galena, goldite, silicon were tried i K.D.K.A.--920 Kilocycles, Westing- 1925 side sheet. This will have the ef­ special arrangement in the set, j house Electric, East Pitts­ out in the "catswhisker" type of fect of a small capacity condenser the plate potential can only be burgh, Pa. detector. This detector when test­ in series with the aerial and will varied by moving the battery leads. ed outside of the set appeared to consequently slightly reduce the This is very often found most in­ Eastern Standard Time. work very satisfactorily, but upon natural wave length of the aerial convenient and a better means placing it in its appropriate position and set tuning. This can be over­ is to provide for tnis when build­ in the set. usuallj insufficient con­ 1*90 a.m.—Services of the Sixth come by increasing the capacity ing the set, or if the set is of the Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, READY SOON trol was experienced. Fairly good (by turning the condenser furthei manufactured type to make a spe­ signals resulted, which would, per­ Pa., Rev. B. F. Far ber. Minister. in) of the condenser. The best lead cial "B" Battery panel. 2:45 p.m.—Concert. haps have mislead many amateurs. in is with either a bakelite compo­ A small panel approximately 6 A "Goldgrain" crystal and an 4:00 p.m.—Organ Recital by Dr. sition or porcelain tube. x 7 should be used upon which is Charles Heinroth, Director of Music "Erla" fixed crystal were used with oo mounted two switch arms and the *£ exceptionally good results. Ti.e Carnegie Institute, from the Car­ RADIO DEALER'S REPORTS. necessary switch points and stops. negie Musie Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa. Goldgrain, which has a rotating Taps should be taken from the "B" "ball** was not quite as efficient as 4:45 p.m.—Vesper Services of the We only receive a report from one Battery from 16, 18, 19, 21, 22 volts Shadyside Prebyterian Church, the "Erla". 9out of 10 of the "Erla" tor the detector tube, and upon the type proved very satisfactory. Radio Dealer of the business trans­ Pittsburgh, Pa., Rev. Hugh The Revival of this reliable acted in this line; others ere in­ second series of switch points Thomson Kerr, Minister The "Diode" tube (twa element) tor the Amplifier, at 22,38,45,61,67 6:30 p.m.—Dinner Concert by was tried out with good results, vited to give us some idea of how the and popular publication, after Radio business is progressing, as it and 90 volts. These switches are Scalzo's Orchestra playing at the although it is very critical in fila­ connected in series with the "B" Pittsburga Athletic Association, a lapse of nine years, will ment adjustment, and It appeared is a matter of genera! interest to the public, it being a new industry Batteries and the set and by ad­ Pittsburgh. to require a slight plate bias of justment of the switch, any de­ 7:30p.m —Services of the Calvary constitute the 73 rd Edition. from 4 to _• volts Tbe conclusion here. The Radio Shop reports that their business is progressing very sired voltage may be applied and Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., arrived at was, either the "Erla" the maximum efficiency of the tube Rev. E. J. Van Etten, D.D., Minis- ox the "Goldgrain". satisfactorily both in sets and parts Their transactions this month have obtained. It is as well, when over August, and mounting t he switch points, to oo APPLICATION FORMS FOR increased 800 J 80-Ji over September. leave a spare point between each RADIO LICENCES. November to March should prove connection, so as to prevent short MONSTER METEORITE FOUND really good business months for circuiting of the batteries when the IM MIDST OF DESERT. By special arrangement with thc switch is moved. Radio Shop Bermudiana Cycles.) the Radio dealer. By Science Service). we will forward to all Applicants —oo- - oo— during this week an Application i THE BERMUDA ALMANACK Paris, Oct.—What is daseribed Form for Radio Licence made out i RADIO QUERIES. FOR RADIO OPERATORS. and ready for signature. The foi- j as the most important visitor from { lowing particulars ere required. the skies ever to fall to earth has FOR 1925 Q Loop Aerials. Program—Saturday-—November 1, been discovered in the North Full name of Applicant. How many turns of wire, and 1924.—Station W. J.A. R.—360 African desert. It is an enormous Address. Meters.—The Outlet Company- mass of meteoric stone, with a Type of set, (If manufactured set what size frame is required for a whilst maintaining some of its loop aerial. Providence, Rhode Island.—833 volume inthe neighbourhood of state make, if home made state Kilocycles.—500 Watts. 160,000 cubic meters. M. La Croix old features, has undergone circuit). Number of tubes. A.—A frame 18" square with 16 French geologist who studied the to 20 turns of wire should be suffi­ 1.05 p.m.—Studio program. meteorite, says it contains some many changes, and some new RADIO WEATHER AND cient. The loop should be tapped 7:05 p.m.—Musical program. rare metals. RECEPTION REPORT after the 10th turn, at the 12, 14, Voctp. Muberg, baritone and and up-to-date material has W.E. 31st. OCT. 1924. trumpter. Program selected. 16, 18 and 20th turn. This will give Colleges and museums in the been introduced, also greater selectivity. 7:15 p.m. Programme under the Saturday, Reception Good, Static direction of Miss Marie G. Pearsall,. United St*tes desiring to secure specimens of petrified wood for fair. Q. Amperemeters. contralto. Sunday, Reception Good. Static exhibition and study may obtain How does one test the amperage them by applying to the National fair. of a dry cell. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st- Interesting Illustrations Monday. Reception fair. Static Park Service of the Department of bad locally. the Interior. OF A.—Use an Ampnicter. It should 11:55 a.m.—Arlington Time sig­ Tuesday. Reception rood. Static b<~ applied only momentarily. If held nals; weather reports. fair. in circuit for more than a few 6:00 p.m.—Leo Reisman Hotel Wednesday, Reception good. Static seconds it will be spoiled. Lenox Ensambla. BERMUDA SCENERY. lair. 6:30 p.m.—Copley Plaza Orchestra Thursday, Reception fair, Stati- .}.—Text Books. under direction of W. Edward 3k intermittently bad. What book is recommended for Boyle. Friday, Reception fair. Static fair. t he beginner, knowing nothing of 7:00 p.m. -Market report fur­ —oo Radio. nished by the United States De- RADIO LICENSES. partment o Agriculture Bos- AT J.TER KE*f RADIO A.—There are several good books ton. Tiie "'a i tent ion of all Radio Set "How to tune your Radio Set" l 6 7:05 p.ii'. Bedtime story for the THE RECEIVER BY WHICH users is called to the fact that a "Radio Simplified" (price un­ Kiddies, from the Hotal Kimball ALL OTHERS ARE JUDGED Among the numerous Subjects Receiving Licence is necessary for known) For the mere or less ad­ studio, Springfield. vanced amateur "The Radio New; E. L. FALSER i SONS the operation of sets. There is no v 7:30 p.n . concert by the Hotel treated are: charge made by the Governmenl Handbook" is recommended, Kimball Trio, direct from the Sole Agents and they can bo obtained iipon ap­ price Ef-. These can allbe pur­ Hotel Kimball dining room; Jen Phones 456 & 520G plication to the Hon. The Colonial chased locally. Goerts. violinist and director; Ar- 2583ffs. POST OFFICE GUIDE Secretary.

EDUCATION IN BERMUDA A NOTE ON DRY CELLS. Temperature and BERMUDA'S PART IN THE Batterv Amperage. GREAT WAR Dry battery amperage is depend­ HOP. ent on the occurrence of certain chemical reactions within the bat­ GARDENERS' CALENDAR teries . whic i are influenced by heat. We have received a selection of English Type Wireless (Radio) Cold B?.tterias cause the reactions Apparatus which we invite yon to inspect. This includes valve to become sluggish and conse­ holders, condensers, coil mounts, coil plugs, etc. CLUBS, SOCIETIES AND quently a decrease in the short cir­ cuit amperage results. On the ORGANISATIONS. other hand, as the batiaries be­ come heated the reactions aie Another new shipment of Radio parts has just arrived from the quickened and thc s'.~.ort circuit U.S.A. and Canada. We have a complete stock of parts and amperage increases. complete sets. -5- Short circuit amperage will IC- t urn to normal values when the tern perature reaches the normal range THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL BARCEAINS. which is from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, For example the Size A. "Red Seal" Dry battery and "Sterling" Voltmeters .0 to 50 volts for testing "B" Batteries _lt/» tor that matter practically all dry "Sterling" . oltampmeters, 6 to 1© votes, © to 35 amp. for TO ADVERTISERS: cells, will show 25 to 30 Amperes on testing dry batteries for voltage and amperage __ 5/6 short circuit under these condi­ "Na-ald" solid bakelite standard type sockets — 2/3 tions. All are new stock and. are guaranteed. Dry Batteries whether in service or not, will not have their capacity THE BERMUDA ALMANACK permanently affected by being COMPLETE SETS with all aerial apparatus cold. Overheated Dry Baiteties tubes, batteries and one pair Headphones. has always been regarded as are certain to lose a portion of their an excellent medium for service capacity to an extent de­ "Bermuda" 1 Tube set in finished cabinet, with either pendent on the temperature and Meyers tube or Radiotron UV199 tube .... £ 8 5 0 advertising. the length of time they are over­ heated. Without cabinet „ _JE 710 0 Dry Batteries should always be Radiola III Two tube set __ _£11 0 0 You will be well advised -to stored in a cool place to conserve Radiola I HA Four Tube set, will operate loud speaker ....£19 0 • send in, as early as possible, their Ufe and efficiency. (Loud speaker extra). your business or professional LEADING IN THE AREIAL. Other types "Regenofiex" and "Super-Hetrodyne.** There is upon the market at Special time payments upon application. card for insertion in present a small copper strip to When making a purchase see that you obtain a Christmas which the aerial is supposed to be Prize Draw Ticket for every 5/- you spend. connected at one end and the wire leading to the set inside the room OUR GUARANTEE: Your Satisfaction or Your Money Refunded. THE j* to the other end. The strip is placed under the window frame "We brought Radio to Bermuda.'* so that it may close properly. This arrangement is xmxj convenient and no doubt saves considerable BERMURA ALMANACK trouble in drilling holes either through the wall or ___*ough the THE RADIO SHOP window frame, but at the same The Bermuda frees: Publishers. time fit must be realised that, dur­ (Bermudiana Cycles) [ ing wet weather, the aerial is prac­ tically short circuited to ground, . Corner Reid and Burnaby Streets - Hamilton 2856. fs. 25Wfs- and that consequently the signals Radio at i all prices—WADSON'S Page 9 THE ROYAL GAZETTK AKB -Ol-ONl.il DAI1.Y, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER =*-.-__ CHURCH SERVICES. Round The World. PERSONAL. TO-DAY Sunday, Nov. 2nd. Continued from page 1. Continued from page 1 servative interest for the Basing­ The Cathedral. it would seem impossible to avoid stoke Division at Hampshire. He is — SEVENTY-MINB YEARS OF LEADERSHIP IN WEAKING APPAREL Mechanics Hall, Nazimova in 8 a.m. Holy Communion. the conclusion tnat there was some the proprietor of several well-known "The Madonna of the Streets" in 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon. sort of understanding, for coalition newspapers in the Southeast of Eng­ 8 reels also "Ruth" and Pathe 12.15 p.m. Holy Communion. tactics in the new Parliament. Any land. Weekly. Matinee at 3 p.m. 7.30p.m. Evensong and Sermon. I such coalition is not needed now, Another son of the new member * * * * * * I and consequently nothing more is Captain N. D. Holbrooke, R.N., Fadism is not style Town Hall St. George's "The St. Paul's, Paget. I will be heard of it. The Conserva- who earned the V.O. for his splen­ did feat when in command of sub­ Border Legion" also "Young Old- j tives have in fact s majority so un- marine B.ll and in December, Each season sees a certain style field", Comedy and Comic Car­ 10.30 a.m. Matins. wieldly as to be almost embarrass- 4.00 pjm. The Catechism. i ing to them. It is a commonplace 1914, dived under five rows of fad slide enthusiastically down toon. mines in the Dardanelles and tor­ the ways—for a short and merry * m m 7.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. , of polities in England t hat no really Victory Theatre, Queen Street, * * * j strong Government is possible wit h- pedoed the Turkish Battleship cruise. St. Mary's, Warwick. i out a strong opposition, when a "Messudieh." International News, "The Flaming Those ideas which are not Disk" a Western film and a Come­ | Government commands such * "a * * * | large majority as to be independent dy. 8.00 a.m. Holy Eucharist. The Rev. A. C. Jenner, who will fundamentally sound fade out 11.00 a.m. Ma ins, Litany ! of any possible opposition it tends assist the Rector of Paget and War­ rapidly. —oo Sermon. j to become heedless, listless, and wick, the Rev. G. B. Cooley, I WIRELESS EXPERT WILL RESIDE 7.30 p.m. Even I lacking in discipline, and is mqre some months arrived by the Vic­ With such fads this organization PERMANENTLY IN BERMUDA j easily liable to snap divisions hap- toria. Mr. Jenner came from Eng­ has never been identified. Pembroke Parish Church. j pening in sparsely attended sittings. land to America—and has been ir Major Cookson Sets Up Studio. The view at Conservative head- charge of the parish of Port Eliza­ It has always been our purpose 1 8.00 a.ir . Holy Communion. quarters tonight is that should the beth for some time before coming to provide only those styles which All our radio enthusiasts and | Ministry resign and make the King to Bermuda. many personal friends will be glad 11.00 a.n . Morning Prayer, Ser- meet the test of a gentleman's mon. Holy Commumon. send for Mr Baldwin a new Govern­ approval. to learn that Major CooksoD; who Mr. Herman Walker arrived by has been our Radio Editor for some 4.00 pun. Children*: Service. ed before Preaeher, Mr. F. W Copeland, Parlit! lent meets. this boat having been cabled for on time and whose articles have given account of the serious illness of his M.A. At 1 iboi*r l-orri0i, so much pleasure and instruction, nd father, Mr. S. D. Walker, who we ENGLISH SUITS such as these has decided to reside in Bermuda 7.30 p..-i Prayer : disappoir Sermon. 'On„l. iding offkicl "It waste are glad to learn is somewhat in an abundant value of depend- permanently and continue his work better but still in a serious condi­ on wireless. intention f . the Coi Devonshire. , and tuey tion. Every sympathy will be felt wollen Greys, Browns, He has taken Walford Cottage, r.iv( for Mrs. Walker and her children Paget, where he has installed a i-eeued at the cost of what ^^^^^^^^ -Morning Prayer by her large circle of friends, with Blues, thoroughly equipped studio for 11.00 a. Hy their own extinction." mon and Holy Communion. P bt has operated to the ;.'- sincere wishes for Mr. Walker's experimental work, reception, re­ speedy recovery. pairs, and testing, and may be 7.30 p.m.-—Evening -Prayer vantage ot the Conserv tives who £4 to £10 Sermon. have also won many seats In min­ consulted by arrangement with IT Kitchener a~ ad Mi the Radio Shop (Bermudiana ority votes in three cornered con­ Smith's Parish. stituencies; most of the Liberals Kitchener we re -passengers by ti sa*nrnwuiii.iwui_i__-mT**rr_Tn Cycles). 11.00 a.t rning Pra; ind | who have been elected owe their boat yesterda y. returning from oo Sermon. success to the Conservatives sup­ \ isii to tiie St ates. O O CENTRAL RESTAURANT 12.00 H ly Communion. port. Our aggregate vote has mark * * * TO BE OPENED 7.30 p.m Flatts Mission Service. edly increased, but the luck of the Dr. W. is. JtiariowHarlow,, ononee of BerBe - ON TUESDAY. election has been against us in re­ ! muda's most constant visitors came Hamilton. spect of representation." The deba­ • back for his annual stay yesterday. Eip©if]heip§ So well does Dr. Harlow know - As will be seen from our adver­ cle which overwhelmed the Liberal rail l ._.-•: Ih- -—- tfllll'lM!lll!l|l'llll.lllll;l IMMiHH''i tisement columns this new and 4.001 Evensong and Sermon. party has not been confined to any . and appreciate Bermuda that his __*rir, TIMIIilllllllllHl'IIIMIIMHiMllHirilriil l___-_- high class restaurant will be opened 5.00 Holy Baptism. particular section of the country j knowledge of it may almost be said 2582 *ffs-th . on Tuesday when t.he manage­ or community. Even in Scotland to rival that "of the oldest inhabit­ ment will entertain friends and in­ St. George's Parish Church. I the home of Liberalism for the past ant." tending patrons to tea. half century, not excepting Middlo- * * * On Monday evening the Rotary l.J;00 a.m. Mai and Hoi. than which Gladstone made famous Mr. P.T. Bodge, the leader of, the ' Garden Tools Of All Kinds Club will hold an evening dinner Communion. b.< his electorate campaigns. Princess Hotel Orchestra, Mrs. meeting by way of inaugurating the 7.00 p.m. Evensong. Coli ectioj; Liberalism has succumbered to Bodge and their two chUdren were establishment and " trying out " for Organ Fund. Toryism. passengers on the Fort St. George Our complete stock of high grade garden tool- the staff. * • • Mr Asquith suffered defeat for and will be at "Aireigh" for the contains the very .thing that you will require The aim of the proprietors is to St. David's. the second time in his political winter. cater for a first class trade at mod­ career for forty years,. Other well- oo erate charges and to provide ser­ 5.00 p.m. Evensong. i known Liberal figures to disappear ELLIS ISLAND HORI. ORS. vice and quality for patrons in a arc Sir Donald MacLean, the Right YOUNG'S HARDWARE STORE well conducted and comfortably Garrison Churci h. Hon Charles Mastcrman,. the Right Continued from pas'* *i Hon T. J. MacNama Henry V. equipped establishment, and also .hers. Over 200 men. 7.30 a.m. Holy Com min Phillips, Mr. Asquith's Secretary wo men to furnish aid for the housekeepers speaking IT different languages and 2525-f *.w.th.f. 9.30 a.m. Parade Ser vice. Sir John Brunner, William M. and entertainers. ! of 30 different nations, were crowd- Pringie, The Right Hon Francis A visit to this new restaurant , ed into a confined room with my­ Garrison Church, Prospect. T>.\\e Ackl•'.:__!, Major Genl Seely, will convince all that no pains have self for several hours each day. "=*. FOR SALE been spared to provide just such a James M. Hogge and Mrs Wither- "We were allowed out on a caged- *•*.. ingha -i. On tne other hand with central place that so many have 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. in balcony, one side of which faced curious inconsequence Kit Arthur been looking for. 11.00 a.m Parade Service. New York. feeling of being By Tender Mond doubled his majority in Car­ Ofr 7.30 p.m. Evening Prayer and trapped in such a prison is indes- marthen over his Liberal opponent. Service. ; cribable. The strongest of men POLICE COURT PROCEEDINGS. London itself, whose Liberal repre­ j break down and the women weep tT- sentation in the last Parliament -0* ;t St. James' Church, Hidys. | for days. 9 ROOM HOUSE Hamilton Court. Was reduced to eleven seats, now j "Nothing shocks and hardens one 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. has only three. and 3 lots land (Before the Wor. W. R. Appleby). so much as the injustice of minor 11.00 a.m. MatinS and Sermon. Of the 41 women eami- j officials who pass judgment on their A fine of 10/- was imposed upon 7.30p.m. Evensong and Sermon. four have be< a returned. Tims the own initiative before board meet- On Serpentine_Roadj in Pembroke Oswald Simons (coloured) for being won I'S representation has been J ings have been held, or the cruelty Paris li drunk and incapable on a public Catholic Services. i-d'-tced from eignt in the last I of some of the wardens. highway. He was found by a to four in the new Houst In view i T.he Tender is not bound to ac-.ept "An assistant commissioner, be­ Police Constable lying on the foot­ St. Edward's. ofthi number of q lite prom- the highest or any temder path outside the Hamilton Bar, i.ne~itSH among the candidates fore my board met, said in im- hear- FLOWER PLANTS Reid Street at 10.30 p.m. on Thurs­ ing thai ' I was 'like a Chicago j 9 a.m. Mass. this s to be a severe set back muderer' and that 'I should be _ A. D. HILL, day evening. This was the only 8.00 p.m. Rosary nd Benedic to the women's movements, and is Selected named varieties C,o The Grocen Coy case before the Court yesterday chaine 1 up and sent out of t he tion. all t he more extraordinary because country.' Stocks ten weeks. morning. it is as: led that the women voted j 2573-7684.s. "I junij i up saying I was not Ccntaurcu Cya'ies oc St. George in lar jernumbers than ever before. that kind of man, but his reply was NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE. 11.00 a.m. Mass. Phillip Snowden interviewed to- Balsam Lady slipper. 'I refuse to speak to you,' and he Calendula ight, professed not vo be greatly walked out of the room. downhearted. He asserted t hat the Candytuft impress cot nufK rom page 1. Si. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. "A young French student, who Canclyt.ufi Mixed Conservative Government would has been at Ellis Island for 60 days .•pen* iortunes, nd quacks reaped in a short time bring about a reac­ C?!osia Cockscomb ^^^^^^^^^^:;oic.<__- harvests^. But the Rambler The Rev. Dr. Marsh will taka both was brutally assaulted for an un- African Mangold service tion and labour might reasonably t reason, and had to be sent to often hears women groaning over hope for a majority at the next elec­ Cosmos the fact that they have tried every­ hospital suffering from wounds on Painted Daisy Wesley Church. tion. The Labour party, he said, the face. To strike an official thing, and failed. His latest Bul­ was working for permanent results, Gaillardia letin is from a lady who succeeded would mean five years in the ceUs English Daisy 11.00 a.m. Sacrament of the and t heir experience in Government of Ellis Island. by using skimmed milk as her only would equip t Item for effective work Ally sum food for six weeks. He offers the I word's Supper. "The French seem to be the most Helichrysum Ever 3.00 p.m. Sunday .heal. in opposition. Returns from the Uni- neglected of thc immigrants, in suggestion to all and sundry. \ ersities available will bring t he Con 7.30 p.m. A 3a ment Service spite of their forefather's help in * * . servative strength to 400 or more. I /6 per doz. 10, - per 100 en the Mount Olives. gaining America its independence Miss Isabel MacDonald is report­ Following arc the gains and losses. •>-*___ :^__U\^f -co and their enormous sacrifices in ed as admitting that she does not Gains. Conserva Li vs 119. Labour foi*W%m\iW MILITARY BAND CONCERT. what the Americans e-.'.ithe "World THE mw%*Wm/ ' care for electioneering. "My line 24. Liberals 9. Losses, Conser­ By permission < ' -Col. J. P. L. War of 1917-18.' ; . • ^^..••^••-as-^-c is social work Uke my mother's, vatives 6. Labour 65. Liberals 120. The but I am doing this because I want Mostyn aud C::i the Band of Roughly in the new House the Con­ E, Wo_Ti.il Outerbridge Worse Than A Prison. to do all I can to help the Govern­ the 1st. Ba.tn. th Jorfolk Regi­ servatives will number doubl CO. . ^®it-.!8_fi3H oung ment." Is there a Government ment (Mr. H. J. Co .iibes, Band­ other parties combined. A Cabin­ 2547 _ .th.eitp present that wouldn't like to be master) , will play f•>! lowing pro­ et Council has been summoned to 'In is prison, which is worse Wife helped by such a girl? Somehow, gramme at the Pa: Prospect .Sun­ meet at Downing St. tomorrow at than a prison one is forbidden the slioii M, aho ve a: I, | the Kfambler likes this little speech. day, 2nd November 1921. 12 Noor which the Government will consid­ use of the telephone and can only keep herself in | It has a sweet sound, and recalls after Parade Service. er the situation, and decide upon receive one visitor th rice weekly for _.. ."cnt health. an old time when our women stood its corse of procedure. loss than two hours, One is allow- on street corners and pelted march­ -Huldigangsmarsch ... Wagner. ed open air exercise for only two I i _ r mind should ing regiments with roses.—(The -Overture ,...-C_eonor>: No. 3 hours two or three times a Week j Ix fee from de­ Rambler) Beethoven. "One is herded into a dark room pression and that '-tired feeling.** 00 -Valse La Barcarolle W Udleufel. ' each night with rows of double Abnormal pains ar.d aches should THE HARKINS' PLAYERS. -Suite Keltic . Faulds. LABOUR LEADERS { decked, wire-cased beds, and has l~c -iieTred with genaiae alarm. -Prasludium . .. Ja fhufeldt. j to sit on forms at long tables ATTRIBUTE DEFEAT TO Nathing is so really helpful in such The reserved seat plan for the -Selection Faust... Gounod. RUSSIAN LETTER. I besides representatives of all engagment of the W. S. Harkins nations for meals. - cases, as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. v players at the Colonial Opera House Regiments 1 March :—"Rule (Spec al to R.G. & C.D. The feeding is good, considering the starting Wednesday Nov, 5th, opens Britannia. numbers, but the sanitation is most L'.-dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable to day at the Phoenix Drug Store. London, October 30. —The Lab­ unhealthy. Compound tones np the whole The play selected for the opening GOD SAVE HI: our Party, unlike the Liberal Party, "The island is surrounded by a system. By restoring and keepisw is the famous comedy "The First did not suffer the loss of any of its damn vapour, and the darkness cf the body healthy and normal, if Year." "The First Year" is known oc the room, the overcrowding, and IRELAND FOLLOWS SUIT. generals. Premier Ramsay Mac­ COLDS __>. rees the mind from depressi--. and as a "comic tragedy of married Donald, Lord Privy Seal, 3. R. the habits of some of thc j mmigrant » . lows genuine happiness. life," and the title has something would be the cause of real physi­ (Special to R.G. & C.D.) Clynes, Colonial Secretary, Jf. H. to do with the birth of the now Thomas, Chancellor of the Ex­ cal ill-hea 11 h in a short time. H&NCHITIS I Jf is Sold at All CZLzmists familiar adage, that, "the first chequer Philip Snowden, Minister "I believe that phthisis is sown I ..oar is the hardest," so far as London, Oct 31st.—Fermanagh by a stay in this dark island of un­ i and Tyrone. Sir Charles Falls, and of Agriculture Buxton, President --Mv mother recommended LvdiaE. newlyweds are concerned. It tells rest. PinJ-_iam*s Vegetable Compound to E. Pringie (both Conservatives) of the Board of Trade Sidney Webb, me before childbirth. 1 was irritable a simple, human, straightforward and Minister of Health, John "Failing an appeal to Washing­ The bones of a mastodon wore re­ story, without any thrills or fur- gain from Republican and Nation­ t and easily worried. 1 lost my nervous- alist. Wheatley, wero all returned al- ton, one can turn to the law, but cently unearthed in a street ex­ i - -rs, had a better appetite and felt like bilows. It is the story of people j though they lost some of their the immigration authorities, back­ cavation in Denver. • a dil-eiei.t person entirely. 1 hope this you know perhaps, it may be your j I principal lieutenants. Mr. Thomas ed by Washington, are now on their I ..tter /*~*1 help other women.** .leighbours, or members of your dramatic sensation "The Cat and the Canary". One of the many 1 and Mr. Clynes expressed the opin- mettle, and it is a wealthy md An airplane ambulance service j I Mrs. I.. Rockoven own family, and it may be that ' I ion that the trouble caused by the strong-minded man who will win has been established for the benefit I : 38 Kirlcbride Ave..Tl-Bton, N. J. other people in the audience will uniquely original features -which make "the Cat and the Canary" j alleged Zinovieff letter and the through, because during the pro­ of the workers in the isolated dia- { think that they see you, yourself, attempts to frighten the Electorate longed court proceedings one is still mond fields in British Guiana. I depicted by one of the actresses or stand out as the greatest thrill— and—laugh success that the world away from the Socialists because under detention." 'Lydia E Pinkhams actors on the stage. "Ths First of it, were material factors in Lab- About one third of the world's ' Xemt" will be followed by the has ever known, is the fact that (Trinidad Guardian.) there is no hero in it. l our's loss of strength. supply of tin is produced in Malaya. | vegetable Compound -*•*