ST. MARYJANE The Marijuana Musical BOOK OF MORMONS meets HAIR–a musical love story, murder/mystery and celebration of the marijuana plant in two acts. Book & Lyrics by Peet Nourjian Music by Bob Mainelli Peter Nourjian 401-864-4898
[email protected] The Players are: JASON, forty, sense of humor, outdoorsy PAMELA, his wife, forty, strongly religious, practical REVEREND BAKER, fifties, charismatic, righteous, sneaky PUTTY, thirty-something, pot grower working for Jason, quirky, GARCIA, forty, another grower, hippie, layback RASTA, forty, dreadlocks, hip-hop dialogue, pot dealer MRS. SHAPIRO, fit ninety-year old, yoga outfit KEVORK , thirty-something, middle- eastern, pensive BUCK BUCHANAN, fifty, large, loud, cowboy boots NARDO, private detective, old school, works for Baker DETECTIVE LAMBERT, plainclothes, investigates a death THE JUDGE, old, humorless, CHORUS 2. ACT ONE 1. The stage is dark before stage left is lit on a pulpit where REVEREND BAKER, an arrogant evangelical preacher, stands. Surrounding him is a gospel choir in matching robes. PAMELA is the lead singer, blond and appealing. REVEREND BAKER (SINGING) Praise the Lord In Bethlehem there was a light That wise men followed through the night It led them to a bed of straw The sight of Him filled them with awe. CHOIR (SINGING) Hallelujah… Hallelujah… Halle-e-e-e-lu-u-u-u-jah. Stage left goes dark and quiet. Stage right is lit by a grow light shining brightly over several pots of bud-laden marijuana plants. Trimming the crop is JASON, forties, wearing blue jeans and a tee shirt. JASON (SINGING) Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew The hell religion puts us through To murder in the name of God Is more than just a little odd.