Making Boreal Work for People and Nature

1 Editors: Heidi Vanhanen, Ragnar Jonsson, Yuri Gerasimov, Olga Krankina and Christian Messier

Contributing authors: Yuri Gerasimov, Lauri Hetemäki, Ragnar Jonsson, Pia Katila, Contents Seppo Kellomäki, Terhi Koskela, Olga Krankina, Tomas Lundmark, Jon Moen, Christian Messier, Kari Mielikäinen, Arto Naskali, Annika Nordin, Olli Saastamoinen and Heidi Vanhanen KEY MESSAGES ...... 4

Chapter I – Forests: the backbone of the boreal region ...... 6 Collaborating organizations: European Institute, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Chapter II – GLOBAL TRENDS IMPACTING ON BOREAL FORESTS ...... 9 Future Forests Research Programme, Swedish Agricultural University and University of Eastern Finland Chapter III – NEW OPPORTUNITIES IN THE GREEN ECONOMY ERA – WEALTH FROM FOREST BASED ENERGY?...... 15

Chapter IV – WELFARE AND HUMAN WELL-BEING FROM FORESTS ...... 18 DESIGN AND layout: Chapter V – MAINTAINING HEALTHY AND FUNCTIONAL BOREAL FORESTS ...... 22 Essi Puranen AFTERWORD...... 26 published by IUFRO’s Special Project on World Forests, Society and Environment

printed by Tammerprint Oy 2012

ISBN 978-951-40-2353-8

2 3 Key messages

● The forestry sector in boreal forest regions has been drastically affected by multiple meta-drivers. Consequently, there is a strong need to shift focus and support towards renewal and diversification through green economy and forest-related services. This could result in forest-based sector that would be a thriving combination of new and traditional activities in the future.

● It is apparent that services related to wood and non-wood forest products, as well as the many other forest services such as mitigation, water provisioning and for recreational and cultural values will play an ever-growing role in the economies and well-being of the boreal region.

● Cross-sectoral policies, coordinated strategies and collaboration among various eco- nomic sectors are necessary to secure these services to meet the future demands and to develop practices to support forests in providing economic diversity.

● Closer collaboration among boreal countries, among governments, stakeholders and international organizations, is needed to support the transformation of the forest sector and to enhance adaptation of the boreal forests to future uncertainties. uomo Wallenius T

4 5 Chapter I – Forests: the backbone of the boreal region

and recreational values − often based on wilderness Historically, all forests in European Nordic countries For Canada and the Nordic countries, the main chal- Chapter I – attributes and conservation of biodiversity. However, were exploited for different purposes, leaving scant lenge for the forestry sector is maintaining their global Forests: the backbone of the social expectations and valuations of the world’s stocks, but significant portions of old-growth forests re- competitiveness and profitability with investments boreal forests differ and are often contradictory as the main in other areas of the boreal zone. These forests serve outside of the region while balancing with production boreal region perception of forests as a resource for industrial use as a critical natural reserve for both biodiversity and car- costs and environmental objectives in the boreal region. and economic development remains strong. bon storage, but only a fraction is legally protected from In Alaska the future of timber harvesting on federal The remoteness and vast extent of the boreal forests logging, mining, urbanization and other development. lands is uncertain as the conflict between environmen- he boreal forests, mainly dominated by conifer present significant opportunities for maintaining their The forestry sector in each of the sub-regions within tal protection and economic development interests Tspecies, extend in a band from the Russian Far East natural state and ecosystem services. Boreal regions the boreal zone faces both similar and different chal- continues to shape the forestry thrust. across Siberia and Scandinavia to Northern Canada nurture some of the world’s last wild rivers and wilder- lenges. Yet future uncertainties arising from changing Russia, on the other hand, is still coping with and Alaska, covering an estimated 1.7 billion hectares ness landscapes and are characterized by large areas of global markets, political interests and climate change are problems of an ageing forest industry, the low value and over one-quarter of the world’s forested area. lakes and wetlands with more surface freshwater than the shared major challenges. of marketed roundwood and under-regulated timber Boreal region countries, although diverse in history, any other biome. Significant practical implications for forestry and harvesting coupled with social problems and lack of political systems and forest administration, ownership Across the boreal zone the intensity of forestry concomitant policies arise from the strikingly differ- coordination between federal and regional authorities. and management, have all built their economies and activities varies greatly. It ranges from timber log- ent ownership characteristics of the boreal forests: from The transition process is ongoing and Russia aims to cultures on the exploitation of various forest resources ging with little consideration for forest regeneration, mostly public (regional,­ provincial and federal) owner- double its wood production over the next 20 years. to a significant degree. through extensive management with simple silvicul- ship of forests in Russia, Alaska and Canada to mainly There are great concerns about the vulnerability of the These forests constitute approximately 45% of the tural approaches, to very intensive management with private (industrial or non-industrial) ownerships in the boreal forest ecosystem to climate change, as the bulk world’s stock of growing timber. Today, their growth frequent management interventions. Most managed Nordic countries. of productive Russian forest is in areas. and yield is larger than ever before. Throughout the areas are used for multiple purposes. region, the net annual increment of timber production is As national and international policies and public higher than that of annual wood harvesting. This timber attitude now place increasing emphasis on green is a much-valued global commodity: about one-quarter economy and biodiversity conservation, boreal forests of global exports of forest industry products derives deserve more attention and comprehensive investiga- from boreal forests. tion as a source of various renewable resources and as Currently, the share of the forest sector in the Gross protection zones. Domestic Product (GDP) of each boreal nation has de- creased − being now approximately 1% in Russia, 2% in Canada and Sweden and 4% in Finland. Even with this small share in the national accounts, the boreal Figure 1. Wide swathes of the boreal forests are forests will continue to provide renewable wood and inaccessible and beyond commercial use now or in the non-wood products and ecosystem services, such as foreseeable future. According to ECE Timber Committee carbon sequestration and storage in forest soils, climate statistics, areas beyond feasible economic logging and transportation in the context of current technology mitigation, various cultural services and sustaining capacity and prices comprise 19% of closed-canopy biodiversity, the latter only rarely accounted in GDP.

forests in Canada, 14% in Norway, 9% in Sweden, 2% uomo Wallenius The fundamental role of the boreal forests is high- in Finland and 32% in Russia. Most Alaskan forests in T lighted by growing public awareness of their landscape the boreal zone are excluded from timber production.

6 7 Chapter I – Forests: the backbone of the boreal region

Exports as % of production sawnwood wood-based paper and wood pulp Table 1. Annual industrial roundwood Thus, the global timber harvest could be 6% greater volume in boreal forest of panels paperboard harvest from the boreal forests is Chapter II – Global trends in 2050 than it might have been without warming about 17% of the global harvest. Canada 67 81 79 44 All boreal countries are strongly impacting on boreal forests effects. Finland 61 80 91 19 dependent on trading of forest However, with exacerbated insect attacks, fires, Norway 22 45 87 26 products. Canada exports most of strong winds and prolonged droughts, future projec- Russia 59 28 40 27 its wood products to the USA, while tions of boreal wood supply are highly uncertain and Sweden 67 27 88 20 Sweden, Finland and China rely lobal and regional agreements and policies are likely to vary considerably from one region to on Russia for industrial roundwood Gaimed at global climate change mitigation, bio- another. Boreal % of global production 16 8 10 16 supply in varying extents. diversity protection and open trade are increasingly The boreal region contains more than 35% of the Boreal % of global exports 33 16 26 21 affecting national policies, legislation and forestry global terrestrial carbon stocks. With proper manage- Source: modified from Burton et al. 2010 (data around 2007) sector development in the boreal zone. For exam- ment the boreal forests can play an important role in ple, all countries in the boreal zone are involved in mitigating climate change through increased carbon negotiations concerning the Legally Binding Forest storage. Carbon can be stored in wooden products Figure 2. Although boreal forest Agreement (LBA), where a focus has also emerged at and wood can also replace material with high embod- have lower aboveground species diversity than Abiotic factors Abitoc damages Biotic damages the pan-European level; all are now members of the ied energy, such as steel or concrete, in order to re- most other biomes, they are intrinsically resilient World Trade Organization (WTO). duce global emissions. In addition, wood can replace to natural disturbances that have shaped these Conventional forest product markets have been non-renewable fossil energy sources directly through Wind Wind Insects forests for millennia. However, many boreal eco- damages Fungi impacted by globalization and increased plantation combustion for energy. systems are sensitive to climate change, which forestry, by structural changes in the global demand Alternative uses of timber and wood result in is likely to increase the risks of abiotic (especially for traditional forest industry products together with substantially different production processes as well fire, but also wind, snow, frost) and biotic (insects Snow Insects technological changes and ICT developments. Rapid as different carbon impacts over product life cycles. and pests) disturban­ces and mortality of trees. damages Fungi Further threats to boreal forests and their economic growth in Asia is leading to major shifts in Methodologies for quantifying substitution benefits biodiversity stem from and con- Precipitation global economics and political powers. and for accounting for the time-value of carbon − Snow tinued forest area fragmentation by anthropogenic Most of pulp and paper production and consump- both physical and economic − are still evolving. processes. For example, it has been estimated Damages tion is growing outside the boreal region and the Long-term carbon storage in wood-based products, due to frost Insects that about one-fifth of Canada’s frontier forests are and drought region is experiencing grave capacity cuts. However, combined with novel forest management that pro- directly threatened by hydropower development, even with the saturated communication paper markets motes carbon sequestration in forests, is often seen oil and gas exploration, mining, peat extraction in Western and North America, the boreal as the most effective way for the forestry sector to and urban development. Temperature Fire Insects forests will remain an important source of many contribute to climate change mitigation. Poor forest governance threatens the quality Drought damages Fungi conventional forest products. For example, there is One driver of global change is the burgeoning glo- of forests through inadequate and sub-standard major potential in expanding the solid wood products bal population, their sheer numbers and essentially, management and planning. Illegal logging and cor- industry and the new fibre-based products sector in their behaviour. Consumption patterns and social and ruption are some reflections of this poor govern- Modified from Parry 2000 ance, distorting timber markets and reducing pub- the boreal region. political behaviour are critical factors for the future of lic income. For example in northwestern Russia in Climate change and associated elevated atmos- boreal forests. the early 2000’s, the financial loss to Russian au- pheric CO2 concentrations, rising temperatures and Rapid urbanization and increasingly sophisti- thorities and legal logging and transport operators longer growing seasons is expected to increase the cated communication technology have resulted in was estimated to be in the range of US$200−270 global growing stock of timber over the this century. fundamental changes in perceptions, attitudes and million as result of lower market prices.

8 9 Chapter I – Forests: the backbone of the boreal region

expectations of forests, sometimes causing local bon-trading brokers and water-exporting companies forests − will depend on the sustainable management contradictions or conflicts. Forests are increasingly will enter the forests; old divisions may subside while of the resource under increasingly uncertain condi- used to symbolize ever-diminishing pristine natural new ones emerge. Flexibility to allow for necessary tions and on the development of novel multi-sectoral state, so forests are being valued more highly for their adjustments during development, and first of all, inno- policies. non-timber attributes such as scenery, recreation and vative approaches to collaboration are needed. Some Indeed, the traditional meaning of “forest sector”, conservation. of the traditional structures may require remodeling. including that of the wood-processing industry and New interests in and uses of boreal forests gener- The future of the boreal forests will depend on the related forestry activities, is changing. For example, ate acceptance issues by society of forest use and development of a multi-cluster strategy that includes the energy industry is becoming ever more involved management. Calls for the social responsibility of all currently competing industries and new ones that will with woody biomass derived from forests. On the forest users, including forest industries, are likely to develop based on new products and forest ecosystem other hand, the traditional forest industry is partly rise. With increasing global population pressures and services. moving towards renewable energy supply, such as ambivalent social attitudes, conflicts over forest use There will be a few larger and many small- and biofuel production. We may even need a new term for and land in the boreal region may reach the levels medium-sized operators receiving inputs from the the evolving sector of economy based on forests – a experienced in Latin America, for example. forest. Their success − and hence the future of boreal name that better reflects this changing pattern. The global trends are at different stages within bo- real region. With high trade dependence, none of the boreal countries can leave these  possibly interacting  trends unattended. The uncertainties related to economic, social Figure 4. China has already surpassed the and political development and power relations will USA as the world’s largest paper and paper- continue in the boreal forest products markets and board producer. With substantial imports of industry, joined with potential impacts on forests by roundwood, Asia acquires 55% of its wood and climate change. It is becoming more difficult and less fibre from non-forest sources, such as recycled profitable to continue business as usual. paper, trees outside forests, non-wood fibre etc. New interests and new players, such as energy companies, recreational and tourism activities, car-

Figure 3. The quality of construction timber from boreal forests is very competitive. However, future demand is mostly dependent upon consumer preferences and building legislation. Plantation forestry in Asia, Latin America and Oceania is

focused primarily on pulp wood, releasing some of H annu O inonen the market for boreal solid wood. Erkki O ksanen 10 11 Chapter II – Global trends impacting on boreal forests

sequestration. No major innovations have taken place in the energy sector, and fossil fuels dominate. Rural Box 1. Scenarios as inspiration for discussion about Step 2. Identifying critical uncertainties development in Sweden is weak. There is a relatively possible futures of forests in Sweden weak demand for forest products, and forest manage- These reviews constituted the empirical basis for the ment focuses on carbon storage. Forests are not man- scenarios. Next, critical uncertainties were identified aged intensively, but in many cases as closed-canopy One way of approaching the new demands and large- in a workshop with the research team in an iterative forests with long rotation periods. Biodiversity is doing scale challenges and trends in the forestry sector process where smaller groups produced suggestions well and the risk of infestations by pests and diseases and the potential conflicts between opposing goals, is that were discussed in the full team until consensus is relatively low. However, the risk from storm damage through scenario analyses. The Future Forests scenar- was reached. This step is by definition a very subjec- has increased. ios were developed as qualitative narratives of possible tive step, where the uncertainties chosen reflect the The Carbon Substitution scenario describes futures. The scenario team consisted of 21 researchers interest of a particular group of people at a particular a world with growing tensions between states, and from different disciplines, ranging from natural sciences period in time. Our research team agreed on the weak political institutions. However, the economy is to social sciences and the humanities. In addition, 15 following two uncertainties, which by themselves are fairly strong because the green economy has made stakeholders from private and public forest companies, aggregates of several drivers: 1) the role that strong a breakthrough in step with new innovations focusing government agencies and NGOs (conservation and political institutions could have in achieving transna- on renewable energy and reduced energy consump- reindeer husbandry) were involved in step 1. tional agreements on forest use, and 2) the role that tion. A strong demand for bioenergy has resulted in renewable energy, and bioenergy in particular, could severe land conflicts. Rural development in Sweden Figure 5. have in society. These two uncertainties constructed is good. Demand for forest products is strong, with a Step 1. Extracting external trends and drivers our scenario cross (Fig. 5) focus on bioenergy and biomaterials to replace fossil The Balancing Act describes a stable world with a energy sources and materials. Forestry is intensive The process was started by identifying external trends strong global economy and strong political institutions with short rotation periods. Market-driven certification and drivers that the Swedish forestry sector cannot Step 3. Constructing scenario narratives (such as the United Nations and European Union) that schemes have resulted in voluntary reserved forests, influence itself. Any internal structural changes, such can achieve international agreements on forest use. and these are the only areas where any form of old- as the relative proportion of different forest products, These two uncertainties defined four different possible Breakthrough innovations have led to reduced energy growth forests remains. Landowners’ rights have been were seen as a response to these external drivers. futures (Fig. 5): the Balancing Act, the Carbon Sink, consumption, and renewable sources of energy are strengthened and the right of public access is weak- Two brainstorming workshops, one with the research the Carbon Substitution and the Free-for-all. These important together with nuclear power. The high ened. Biodiversity is not developing well, and the risk team as an expert panel, and one with our group of futures were fleshed out in several ways. First, we demand for bioenergy has resulted in significant land of pests and diseases has increased. stakeholders, produced 81 different suggestions on extracted relevant information from our literature re- conflicts. Rural development in Sweden is good thanks The Free-for-all scenario describes a highly possible trends and drivers, later aggregated into 11 views in step 1. Second, we used the research team to more job opportunities in the forests. A strong de- regionalized world with a high risk of conflicts (such as themes by the research team: climate change, climate as an expert group to comment on, add or change the mand for forest products has led to intensive forestry trade blockades and currency wars). There are weak change politics, alternative land use, demography and information to better suit the different futures. Finally, with short rotation periods. As a result of political deci- political institutions and a weak global economy. There migration patterns, energy and bioenergy, environmen- we disaggregated the information into bullet points, sions, efforts are being made to also take into account have been no major innovations in the energy sector, tal disasters, markets for forest products, geopolitics, and also constructed a fictional letter from the future other considerations in the forests, leading to a mosaic and nuclear power and coal are the dominant sources forest governance, scientific and technological develop- for each scenario. landscape where intensively-cultivated forests are of energy. There are serious land conflicts due to a ments and attitudes and values. These themes were interspersed with protected areas, leading to positive strong demand for traditional forest products for the analysed and developed through literature reviews by Together, the bullet points and the fictional letter effects on biodiversity. local market in northwestern Europe. Rural develop- the research team. serve as a basis for discussions The Carbon Sink describes a less stable world ment in Sweden is good in regions with an active for- with a weak global economy. Strong political insti- est industry. A high demand for timber and pulpwood tutions have some influence, however, and have creates intensive forestry with short rotation periods. agreed on mitigating climate change through carbon Biodiversity shows very poor development.

12 13 Chapter II – Global trends impacting on boreal forests

Chapter III – New opportunities all levels for efficient use of material and in ensuring a level playing field in the markets between different in the green economy era – products and/or regions. Wealth from forest-based energy? Boreal forests can continue to be used for paper and pulp production and for diverse wood products. At the same time these forests can provide income and employment in forest-based services, when oreal forest resources can increase the welfare supported by judicious policies and wise forestry Bof societies and well-being of people and nature prac­tic­es­. Non-wood uses of forests, such as for only when they are combined with appropriate hu- recreation, health, wildlife, protection of groundwa- man capital and knowledge. The green economy ter, landscape and cultural values, are more important concept brings together sustainability issues into than wood in some parts of the boreal region, and a comprehensive framework, including resources, their importance will continue to grow. skills, people and the environment. Forest-based energy is a lucrative and potentially New technologies and innovations are needed big business activity both for the private and public for more efficient and diverse use of wood and for sectors and for forest owners, with a few major play- biomass-based products, such as for example fibre ers, many being outside the forestry sector. packages, biodiesel, composites, biopolymers, phar- maceuticals and cosmetic products. An enabling business environment is essential to put these innovations into practice. Growth strate- gies need to be flexible enough to take advantage of Box 2. Most bioenergy investments would the unexpected opportunities, and to be able to aban- not be undertaken without some form of government support don an approach if a better one becomes available. Green markets can expand through raised The share of fossil fuels in global primary consumer awareness and increased willingness-to- energy consumption is currently at 81%, with pay for green products and services. Consumers’ an anticipated slight decrease in the dominance awareness is beneficial, but awareness is needed at of fossil fuels to 75% in 2035. The growth of all renewable energy sources is underpinned by policy measures, particularly subsidies − globally US$64 billion in 2010. However this is much lower than the subsidies for fossil fuels Figure 6. The new wood energy processes and products of US$409 billion in 2010. The growth in global will be based on sophisticated technology that does subsidies for renewables is expected to rise to not exist today on a commercial scale. The biorefinery US$250 billion in 2035. concept offers some of the most promising emerging options for the transformation of the forest industry.

14 Pekka Saranpää 15 Chapter III – New opportunities in the green economy era – Wealth from forest-based energy?

There is an urgent need to define the objectives sawmills and the logging residues such as branches activities due to environmental or market considera- Box 3. Bioenergy development in Russia and strategy for the future energy agenda before and tree tops, which are currently gathered from tions, less wood-processing by-products and logging calls for new technology and expertise decisions are made on the policy instruments. In around one-third of the area that is clear cut each year residues will be available. Also, a much closer look is forests this includes valuing the necessary trade- in Northern Europe. In USA and Canada the current warranted, including a critical assessment of high- Boreal forests in Russia have large wood offs among long-term site fertility maintenance and low cost of fossil fuels is a barrier to investments in value products, such as biochemicals. energy resources in the form of non-industrial roundwood, logging residues, stumps and biodiversity protection, carbon emission mitigation woody biofuel production capacity. With the existing technology and wood procure- roots, small trees and by-products from solid and energy security and independence. Forests as a source of biomass for energy may ment logistics, the cost of transport often restricts the wood processing. However, there are large In Northern Europe the use of forest-based allow a win-win situation when wood products and use of boreal woody biomass to local use only. At the differences in the potentials to supply wood energy has almost tripled over the last decade. biofuels are jointly produced from the same forest- same time there are increasing numbers of players energy among the boreal regions in Russia due The main feedstock has been side products from land. Yet, if decreased clear-cuts or lower sawmilling competing for wood fibre, with varying ability to pay to differences in forest resources and their uti- for it. There will be competition from other renew- lization, as well as the availability of infrastruc- able sources as well; the unit costs of many sources of ture and limitations on logging, such as bans renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, are and other restrictions on cutting in old-growth In Northern Europe the use of forest-based energy has Figure 7. coming down as is typical in many emerging indus- forests. almost tripled over the last decade. Main feedstock has been side Locally available infrastructure may allow products from sawmills and the logging residues such as branches tries. There is good biological production potential for increased use of wood for energy through and tree tops, which are currently gathered from around one-third reconstruction and modernization of the – often woody biomass for energy use, but it needs to be set of the area that is clear-cut each year in Northern Europe. In USA aged − residential district heating systems. and Canada the current low cost of fossil fuels is a barrier to invest- within the abiotic and biotic limits of the boreal forest Support is strong from the regional and federal ments in woody biofuel production capacity. ecosystem. When logging residues are used as feed- authorities who expect forest energy to provide

Erkki O ksanen stock for energy, more research and new standards are many benefits, such as employment and in- needed on the impacts of biomass removal on future come in the energy supply chain. There are re- tree growth, forest productivity, the nutrient cycle, gional energy programmes, for example in the biodiversity and carbon balance during the full cycle Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Novgorod and Leningrad of management, wood processing and transport in regions that aim to increase the utilization of order to guarantee the sustainability of the operations. local renewable energy sources. In most cases For the next few decades the fastest growth in this would be woody biomass. use of boreal wood may well be for energy, possibly The development of technology for the sup- ply and utilization of wood for energy produc- replacing some of the diminished demand for pulp- tion in Russia would thus provide new markets wood, but not endangering the possible expansion of for technology and expertise. The conversion of wood products industries. boilers currently using oil and coal, to biomass Under all optional futures, the boreal forests need from wood, would also reduce the region’s net to be managed and used with due consideration to greenhouse gas emissions. The current policy energy needs; sufficient flexibility is warranted to of subsidizing prices for oil, coal, and natural grasp other uses when the problem of energy supply gas may change, and would make energy wood is solved by new technologies and innovations. more competitive.

16 17 Chapter IV – Welfare and human well-being from forests

Chapter IV – Welfare and industrial society many jobs are disappearing from services, in maintenance and in value trading − Nature tourism is the fastest growing sector in the industrial sectors and an increasing share of those maybe in carbon trade. thriving global tourism industry and the boreal forests human well-being from forests employed is found in the services sector, in both Many new jobs in services sectors are associ- are increasingly being seen as an exotic destination, private and public businesses and diverse services. ated with low labour productivity and low pay. New possibly furnished with local cultures, both for local With new investments generally directed outside of skills are needed in forest-related research, consult- and foreign visitors. However, success in promoting ven if most of the boreal population is concen- the boreal region and with increased labour produc- ing and educational services, and in developing this activity often depends not on what the forests Etrated in cities and towns, forests are still a very tivity in the remaining units, fewer jobs remain in incentives for producing and maintaining the many have to offer but on entrepreneurial skills and an important part of landscapes and lifestyles with “old” forest industries within the boreal zone. non-wood products and services of the forests. enabling business environment. strong cultural and spiritual meaning and values. New, perhaps more intense forestry activities Urban forests and natural forests within reach of the in some locations and possibly increased use of major population centres are being used to combine wood − for energy − and non-wood forest products recreational, health, environmental and productive (NWFPs) could provide more jobs, if and when the Box 4. The roles of forest berries and mushrooms Sales tax and income tax exemptions on selling in providing income, food and recreation in the berries and mushrooms picked by an individual con- functions in the integrated and changing land-use opportunities for the new openings are fully seized. Nordic countries tinue to be key incentives for commercial picking. mosaic. Potential new markets are arising in forest-based Approximately one-third of berries and some one- Jobs and work should distribute prosperity to all services, in health, in various activities related to Multiple forest use is reflected in the Nordic common tenth of mushrooms picked in the Nordic countries members of an equitable society. In an evolving post- recreation and tourism, in nature and landscape rights of access for picking berries and mushrooms and enter the market for sale. Lately engagement in picking other NWFPs, even from private forests. This free ac- berries for sale has decreased, due to urbanization and cess, facilitated further by the dense network of forest aging of rural people as well as low berry prices. That is roads, makes berry and mushroom picking an essential why in the Nordic countries, commercial berry picking Forest sector employment in Russia part of the way of life Nordic countries. has during the past decade relied largely on migrant 2000 Figure 8. Today forest sector employ- According to an extensive national field inventory, pickers, first from neighbouring countries but nowadays Pulp&paper Woodworking Forestry incl. logging Swedish forests produced 255 million kilograms of bil- largely from Thailand. For example in Sweden foreign 1800 ment has radically decreased in most of the boreal region, and more specifically, berries (Vaccinum myrtillus) and 155 million kilograms pickers have picked some 95% of forest berries enter- 1600 in the forest industry. In Canada and of lingonberries (V. vitis-idaea) in 1975 to 1977. As ing the market. As a consequence, in the last few years Finland, one-third reduction was expe- estimated in Finland, only 5–6% of the annual bilberry conflicts have arisen in picking areas with local people 1400 rienced in direct forestry sector employ- resources and 8–10% of lingonberries are collected. who consider certain areas as their traditional land 1200 ment between 2000 and 2010, and over Opportunities in the sale and processing of NWFPs right. There is high public sensitivity to any changes in 50% in Russia during the same period. to provide additional income vary widely between traditional, possibly unwritten or even official usufruct, 1000 However, at least in British Columbia, products, regions and seasons. Earlier interventions tenure and ownership rights. to promote NWFP utilization have included training Any successful policy towards enhancing the sup- 800 Canada, employment in forestry is projected to continue more or less at in identification, picking, processing and marketing of ply of multifaceted NWFPs calls for a better clarifica- 600 the present level in the near future natural products. For example, since the early 1970s tion of rights and duties of organized foreign pickers, mainly due to needs in maintenance in Finland 55,000 commercial mushroom pickers have and coordinating spatially their picking activities. Also 400 and landscape services, also included been trained. A recent boom in increased commercial innovations to better organize the participation of urban 200 under “forestry” together with logging, picking of ceps (Boletus edulis) has, however, been people in commercial picking are needed; hopefully hauling and silviculture. more driven by the higher picker prices caused by an in future better picking prices of common but currently Average of employees (excluding part-time external workers) external part-time (excluding employees of Average 0 effective purchase organization, largely created by a underutilized crops of wild berries and mushrooms will 1990 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 company belonging to an Italian immigrant. serve as further encouragement.

18 19 Chapter IV – Welfare and human well-being from forests

Figure 9. Many forest-based industrial products in the future may be highly capital-intensive and their development, research and marketing require advanced skills and training  and less wood. Wood harvesting operations will become even more demanding due to advanced technol- ogy and possibly with integrated harvesting for forest-based energy. In other rural forestry activi- ties, labour productivity, even with mechanization of some operations, such as planting, will remain low. For rural development, new professional, skilled jobs are badly needed, with higher pay as opposed to generally low-paid jobs in many services. As to the future, this urban-rural divide may slowly get more blurred with commuting and telework in knowledge professions enabling

Erkki O ksanen increasing residence in rural areas.

Box 5. Building up markets for recreational or access. The contract is made for a fixed period of time, scenic value trading and the payment is freely negotiable. The main aim is to create new economic incen- In the Nordic countries, based on the common tives by introducing a contractual mechanism to provide rights of access to nature, all citizens have equal improved recreational environments and to maintain or rights to relax and enjoy nature in undeveloped improve scenic quality. Examples include delaying of areas whether or not they are owners of the area. final felling or avoiding clear cutting; maintaining certain Consequently, private landowners usually have no tree species or mixed forest in a specified area; keeping incentive to provide recreational facilities or to take a certain area open; maintaining within-stand visibility Erkki O ksanen recreational needs and scenic values into account and accessibility; opening remote distance views; pre- in forest management decisions. As a result, a serving buffer zones along walking or skiing paths and scheme for creating new markets for recreation tracks; and establishing and managing facilities such as benefits has been developed in the EU-project campfire sites. Figure 10. The value of biodiversity extends to indirect but “NEWFOREX”. Funds for compensation payments would be col- essential life-supporting functions, such as nutrient cycling, soil In this scheme, in a jointly agreed compensa- lected from tourists as a part of their accommodation formation, erosion regulation and insect pollination of forest tion or payment, the landowner gives up rights of payments, from the owners of holiday homes or from flora or nearby crops. Even if no exact value can be estimated, use to his/her property, and grants certain recrea- local people as taxes on real property. degradation of biodiversity in the boreal ecosystem could tional use rights to the buyer, such as for commer- Practical experiments to prove the viability of the represent enormous social and economic losses. cial use of tourism, beyond the common rights of scheme will be the next step.

20 21 Chapter V – Maintaining healthy and functional boreal forests

Chapter V – Maintaining forest structure, the number of species, connectivity and function to facilitate the forest to reorganize itself healthy and functional to better adapt to change at both stand and landscape boreal forests levels. For example: At the stand level forest management systems can em- ulate the long-term retention of structures and organisms following natural wild fire or selection cutting emulating lear-cutting, often followed by planting, brush- the partial natural mortality of trees in boreal stands. Cing, pre-commercial and commercial thinning, At the landscape level, the management approach used has been the main silvicultural system used in many can reproduce over a certain region the natural proportion parts of the boreal forest. The end result has been to of forest stands at different successional stages or possibly greatly increase the productivity of the boreal forests divide the landscape into different zones with different in terms of timber, but at the cost of biodiversity and but complementary management objectives, such as a other ecosystem services. conservation zone, an extensive management zone and an Systematically conducted over large tracts of Swe- intensive management zone. den and Finland’s boreal forests, this approach has resulted in a simplification of the structure and com- position of the forests and thinning of dead woody debris. Similar practices have been used in Canada and more recently in Russia, but with much less ef- Figure 11. Old forests in the boreal zone possess ficiency so that the forest has not been as simplified. unique characteristics, such as a more varied struc- Integrating environmental considerations within ture, greater compositional diversity and multiple dy- the mainstream of economic decision-making is at namics not observed in younger even-aged stands. Current forest management practices that use short the heart of green economy. Recent studies have even-aged rotations do not reproduce the historical shown that there is a link between forest productivity age structure, potentially affecting biodiversity. and tree diversity and resilience. Natural disturbances such as fire, wind, insects Halting the loss of biodiversity and degradation and pests have played, and continue to play, a of ecosystem services requires a re-evaluation of the major role in the boreal forest’s development and forestry practices used. Based on the understanding renewal. Fire is still today an important driver of the that the extant biodiversity in the virgin boreal forest natural dynamics of boreal forests in the continental is the direct consequence of the frequency, inten- parts of Eurasia and North America. Historical fire sity and extent of the natural disturbances that have cycles for example in Canada range between less occurred in this biome, various natural disturbance- than 100 years up to more than 500 years, depend- based approaches have been developed and imple- ing on the ecozone. Due to the longer natural fire intervals, a significant proportion of the Canadian mented in boreal forests. land base is occupied by old-growth forest. This New management approaches are evolving aim- holds true also for large areas in Siberia and the ing at maintaining as far as possible the diversity of Russian Far-East. Erkki O ksanen

22 23 Chapter V – Maintaining healthy and functional boreal forests

There is an urgent need for novel adaptive forests ecosystem services, and various social demands. The strategies, which could respond rapidly to risks and boreal forests are a vast renewable resource for green uncertainties arising from changes in economies, economy, where economic prosperity can be juxta- society and the environment. The strategies would posed by ecological sustainability. also enable identifying the best market compromises With the recent move in many regions of the boreal among wood harvesting, biomass capture, ecosystem forests towards meaningful multi-stakeholder strate- functions and ecological reserves. gies, better emulation of natural disturbances and with With wise management, the extensive boreal new emphasis on maintaining forest complexity and biome can meet multiple demands, such as wood ecological resilience, the boreal forest might be the production, maintenance of biodiversity and other biome in which forestry is near true sustainability.

Box 6. An integrated approach for maintaining the biological diversity – The case of Finland

The current forestry sector approach in Finland The challenges for protection are most pressing suggests that biodiversity conservation targets in southern Finland due to prolonged human influ- can best be reached via the integration of segre- ence on forests, fragmented landscapes with other gated protection areas with “close-to-nature” forest land uses, forest management practices in the past management. The main methods for safeguarding and forest ownership structure  more than 80% of biological diversity in commercial forests are the forests in Southern Finland are privately owned. The protection of valuable habitats and biotopes, nature Forest Biodiversity Programme (METSO), initiated management practices to enhance the biological in 2008 and running until 2020, enhances southern values of the forest and increasing the amount of Finland’s network of protected areas and safeguards decaying wood. forest biodiversity in privately and state owned for- The new forest management policy has brought ests across the whole country, focusing on southern measurably positive changes to commercial forests. Finland. The rate of decline of certain forest species has The METSO programme offers an innovative slowed down, or in some cases even stopped since and bottom-up approach where the private forest the 1990s, although it has not been possible to halt owners can voluntarily propose biodiversity oriented the decline in forest species overall. An evaluation management practices and temporarily or perma- of threatened species conducted in 1990, 2000 and nently based protection of the forest biodiversity. If a 2010 by the IUCN’s Red List Species classification site is approved as a METSO target, the forest owner showed that decline had decelerated or stopped will be compensated for the costs of nature manage- for 81 forest species but continued for 108 species. ment on the site and for loss of income in conserva- Retention trees and dead wood at felling sites have tion. The voluntary approach has raised the interest been particularly important in curbing the declining of private forest owners and increased the social uomo Wallenius

trends. acceptability of forest biodiversity conservation. T

24 25 Afterword Key references

Burton, Philip J. et al. 2010. Sustainability of boreal forests ACACIA Project. Report of concerted action of the and forestry in a changing environment. In G. Mery et al., environment programme of the Research Directorate he forests of the boreal region have supported Preparation of this brief was a joint effort of eds. Forest and Society – Responding to Global Drivers of General of the Commission of European Communities. Tthe livelihoods and well-being of local people IUFRO’s Special Project on World Forests, Society Change. IUFRO World Series Vol. 25 Tampere 1465-458X, Jackson Environmental Institute, University for thousands of years. People have lived in wooden and Environment (IUFRO-WFSE), the European Mantau, U. et al. 2010. EUwood – Real Potential for of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. 320 p. houses, used wood for heating and energy and un- Forest Institute (EFI), the Finnish Forest Research Changes in Growth and Use of EU Forests. EUwood final Roberts, Don. 2011. Hot Spots in the Bioenergy Space. BC counted other purposes, picked berries and hunted for Institute (Metla), the Future Forests Research report. EUwood: Hamburg, Germany. Online at: http:// Bioenergy Network Conference, Vancouver, May 12, furs and meat. Industrial forestry has provided work Program (FF), the Swedish Agricultural University 2011. Online at: and income and through trade the economic impor- (SLU), University of Eastern Finland (UEF) EUwood_final_report.pdf tent/uploads/2011/05/Roberts-BC-Bioenergy-Network- tance of boreal forests now extends well beyond the and Canadian and American collaborators. This Moen, J., Nordin, A. & Larsson, S. 2012. Future Forests May-2011.pdf (accessed Nov 10 2011) region. In today’s national and international policies publication is a part of a series of policy briefs Scenarios 2050 – Possible Futures, Future Possibilities. United Nations. 2011. The European Forest Sector Outlook and public attitudes there is greater than ever empha- produced by IUFRO-WFSE on major regions of the European Foresight Platform, EFP Brief No. XX. Online Study II 2010-2030. UNECE/ FAO, Geneva, Switzer- sis on nature protection and the promotion of biodi- world (on Europe in 2005, on Latin America and Sub- at: (in preparation) World Energy Outlook. 2011. International Energy Agency and services provided by the boreal forests. Yet wood Several scientists in the boreal region reviewed the Parry, M.L. 2000. Assessment of Potential Effects of (IEA) web page products can continue to be an inherent part of the draft manuscript. We sincerely thank all those who Adaptations for Climate Change in Europe: The Europe asp?PRESS_REL_ID=426 (accessed Nov 14, 2011) same values and services. have contributed to this publication. Support for this This brief highlights some of the key issues in activity was provided by the Ministry for Foreign securing the continued function of the boreal forests Affairs of Finland. to work for people and nature. Future uncertainties certainly increase the demands for their innovative The editors: use and sustainable management. Heidi Vanhanen Ragnar Jonsson Yuri Gerasimov wfse Olga Krankina Christian Messier

January 2012

This and the previous WFSE policy briefs can be found at the IUFRO-WFSE website:

Cover photo: Erkki Oksanen

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