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26 THE \\'Ml /.V y-OlITIf AKIIWA APPENDIX V BIBLIOGRAPHY N.B. Those marked (p) are pamphlets. In all cases where the name of the publisher only is given, the place of publication is London. ABBOTT, J. H. M. Tommy Cornstalk (from the point of view of the Australian ranks). Longmans (1902). ABEL, G. Coutroverse transvaalienne. Oand (1900). ABERCROMBIE, H. R, See SooBLE, JOHN. ABORIGINES PROTECTION SOCIETY. The Native Labour Question in the Transvaal P. 8. King. The Native Question in South Africa. P. 8. King (1900). in The Aborigines' Protection ; Chapters its History. P. S. King. ABRAHAM, F. Die Siidafrikanische Republik. Berlin (1896). ACHILLES. Aanleiding tot den Engelsch-Transvaalsuhe oorlog. The Hague (1900). ACKLAND, J. War and Christian Profession. London (1900). ACTON, R. See Du PLKSSIS, C. N. J. ADAMS, BROOKS. America's Economic Supremacy. Macmillan (1900). ADAMS, C. F. The Confederacy and the Transvaal. Boston (1901). ADDERLEY, RIGHT HON. SIR CHARLES (LORD NORTON). Review of ' The Colonial Policy of Lord John Russell's Administration,' by Earl Grey, 1853, and subsequent Colonial History. 1869. AIONER, W. Gedenkbliitter an den Krieg in Sud-Afrika. Gedichte. Leipzig (1903). AIKEN, S. H. A Trip to and through South Africa. Montreal (1900). AITKEN, W. F. Lord Kitchener. (Bijou Biographies.) 1901. Baden-Powell. The Hero of Mafeking. London (1900). AITTON, D. Eene bladzijde uit de geschiedenis van den Oranje-Vrijstaat. 1900. ALBERTI, L. De Kaffers aan de Zuidkust van Afrika. Amsterdam (1810). Description Physique et Historique des Caffres. Amsterdam (Ifell). ALBRACHT, M. J. La Re'publique sud-africaine au point de vue de I'imruigration europ<5enne. Brussels (1890). ALEXANDER, GKN. SIR J. E. Observations in West Africa and of a Campaign in Kallir Land in 1835. 2 vols. 1837. Expedition from Cape Town to Walvish Bay, 1837, with Notes on Cape Colony, Boer trekkers in Natal, etc. AL-HASSAN IBN-MOHAMMED AL-WEZAZ AL-FASI. See BROWN, DR. R. ALLEN, P. Mafeking Day. London (1901). ALLUM, J. Boerne og deres Kampe. Christiania (1901). AMESHOFF, H. A. Ontwerp-Schets voor een grondwet der Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. Pretoria (1898). ANDERS, L. Die Ansiedler in Transvaal. Leipzig (1901). ANDERSON, A. A. Twenty-five Years in a Wagon in South Africa. (1888.) Twenty-five Years in the Gold Regions of Africa. London (1887). ANDRIB8SEN, W. F. Gedenkboek van den oorlog in Zuid-Af rika 1899-1902. Amsterdam (1904). ANGAS, G. F. The Kaffirs Illustrated. (1849.) ANICHKOV, M. V. HrorH H ypOKH TpaiicuaaJbCKOli noiinu. St. Petersburg (1903). ANONYMOUS, KTC. See end of list. AN REP-ALMPT, M. VAN. Geschichte und Selbsterlebtes aus Sud-Afrika. Paris (1903). APELDOORN, . Trouw aan het vaandel. Velp (1900). APPLETON.JL Britain and the Boers. Who is Responsible ? London (1899). ARBEZ, D'. Van Schaapwachter tot President. Het leven van Paul Kruger. Amsterdam (1904). ARCHIBALD, J. F. J. Blue Shirt and Khaki. New York (1901). "ARMY." (p) Organization and Details of Transport. South African Field Force, Cape Town, 1899. Richards, Cape Town. The British Volunteers in South Africa : Extracts from Orders. London (1903). APPENDIX V 27 " ARMY." The Monthly Naval and Military Directory of the South African Command. Castle Printing Press, Cape Town. Intelligence, Organization and Administration (South Africa). (1901.) See also under WAR OFFICE. ARM YTAGE, HON. MRS. Wars of Queen Victoria's Reign, 1837-1881. London (1886). ARON, J. Canada, Transvaal. Paris (1896). ASHE, E. OLIVER. Besieged by the Boers (Kimberley). Hutchinson (1900). ASHE, MAJOR W. (and CAPT. WYATT EDGELL). The Story of the Zulu Campaign. (1880.) ASHMEAD-BARTLETT, SIR E. (p) British, Natives, and Boers in the Transvaal. London (1894). The Transvaal Crisis. The Case for the British Uitlander Residents. London (1896). ASTON, P. E. (Ed.). The Raid on the Transvaal by Dr. Jameson. London (1897). ATCHERLEY, R. J. Trip to Boerland. (1879). ATKINS, J. B. The Relief of Ladysmith. Methuen (1900). AUBERT, V. 8. La Republique sud-africaine. Paris (1889). AYLWARD, A. The Transvaal of To-day. Edinburgh (1881). BACON, A. 0. Remarks of Hon. A. O. Bacon, of Georgia, citing speeches of eminent statesmen in the Senate, May 29, 1900. Washington (1900). BADENHORST, C. C. J. Uit den Boeren-06rlog, 1899-1902. Amsterdam (1903). BADEN-POWELL, MAJOR B. F. S. War in Practice : Tactical Lessons of the Campaign in South Africa, 1899-1902. Isbister (1903). BADEN-POWELL, COLONEL R, S. S. Souvenir of the Siege of Mafeking. London (1901). Sketches in Mafeking and East Africa. London (1907). BAGOT, MRS. Shadows of ,the War. Arnold (1900). ' BAILLIE, COLONEL. L'n Episode de 1'Expansion de 1'Angleterre (Lettres aux Times '). Paris (1893). BAILLIE, MAJOR F. D. Mafeking. A Diary of the Siege. Constable (1900). BAINES, T. The Gold Regions of South-East Africa. (1877.) BAIRD, GEN. SIR DAVID, Life of. (1832.) BAIRD, W. General Wauchope. Edinburgh (1900). BALCK, MAJOR VON. Die Lehren des Burenkrieges fur die Gefechtstatigkeit der drei Waflfen. Berlin (1904). Die Kampfe urn Ladysmith im Oktober 1899. Berlin (1905). BALDOCK, COLONEL T. S. The Raising, Equipment and Performances of the R.A.M.R. in South Africa. In Proc. R.A. Inst. ;1905). BALFOUR, ALICEiB. Twelve Hundred Miles in a Wagon. London (1895). BALFOUR, A. J. (p) Chinese Labour Question. Imperial South African Assoc. BALL, J. I. Lord Kitchener of Khartoum. (1902.) BAR, KARL LUDWIG VON. (p) Der Burenkrieg, die Russificining Filmlands, etc. Hanover (1900). BARAUDE, H. (p) Le Transvaal. Les origines. La Guerre. Paris (1900). BARKLY, FANNY A. Among Boers and Basutos, and with Barkly's Horse on the Frontier, 1879-81. London (1896). BARNARD, LADY ANNE. South Africa a Century ago. 1797-1901. Smith, Elder (1901). BARRETT, H. J. Fifteen Years among the Zulus and the Boers. Hull (1879). BARNES, J. The Great War Trek. With the British Army on the Veld. New York (1901). BARROW, SIR JOHN. Account of Travels into Southern Africa, 1797-8. 2 Vols. (1801-4.) Dutch translation. Haarlem (1805). Six in 1850-1. BARTER, CHARLES. The Dorp and the Veld ; or Months Natal, (1852.) BATTALIOU, H. A. Political Letters on the South African Situation. London (1901). BATTERSBY, H. F. P. In the Web of a War. Methuen (1900). BATTERSEA, LORD. The South African Settlement. Speech, 2nd March, 190L Eighty Club. BATTINE, CAPTAIN C. (p) Some Tactical Considerations arising from Recent Events in South Africa. BATTS, H. J. Pretoria from Within during the War, 1899-1900. J. F. Shaw & Co. (1900). BATY, T. International Law in South Afnca. London (1900). BAYNES, RT. REV. A. H. See NATAL, BISHOP OF. BEAK, G. B. The Aftermath of War. Arnold (1906). BECK, H. H. History of South Africa and the Boer-British War. Philadelphia (1900). BEEN, . De Zwerver in de Tafelbaai. Amsterdam (1900). BEEVOR, SURQ.-MAJOR W. With the Central Column in South Africa. "The King' Office (1903). BEGBIE, CAPT. A. R, G. Letters on the Boer War, 1899-1902. North, Blackheath (1902). BEGBIE, H. Story of Baden-Powell. London (1900). BELL, F. W. The South African Conspiracy. Heinemann (1900). BELL, N. Heroes of Discovery in South Africa. London (1900). BELLAIRS, LADY. The Transvaal War, 1880-1. Edinburgh (1885). BELLEROCHE, E. Letters on the Transvaal War, from ' The Belgian Tunes and News." Brussels (1900). BELLOWS, J. (p) The Truth about the Transvaal War. Gloucester (1900). (p) Conduct of British Soldiers. Imperial South African Assoc. (p) African Concentration Camps. Imperial South African Assoc. (p) An Incident in the American Civil War. Imperial South African Assoc. BELWE, . Gegen die Hereros. Leipzig (1900). BENGOUGH, MAJOR-GEN. H. M. Notes and Reflections on the Boer War. Clowes (1900). BENHAM, Miss. Henry Callaway, First Bishop of Kaffraria. (1896.) BENNETT, E. C. With Methuen's Column on an Ambulance Train. Sonnenschein (1900). BERRY, G. (p) Francais : Boers : Conference. Paris (1900). BERRY, R. P. The King's Guards. History of the Household Cavalry. Nisbet (1903). The Right o' the Line. Stories from the History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. Nisbet (1904). 28 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA BESELER, GENBRALMAJOR B. (p) Der Freiheitskampf Nordamerikas nnd der Bureakrieg. Berlin (1001). BESWICK, F. Outline* of the History of South Africa. Cape Town (1893). BETHELL, LIKUT. L. A. Outpost Duties as Learnt in .South Africa. Clowes (1903). BIGELOW, POULTNEY. White Man's Africa (Jameson Raid, etc.). Harper & Bros. (1898). Au Pays des Boers. Paris (1903). BIGGS, L. V. See under PCRVIS, W. F. BILLINGTON, R. C. A Mule Driver at the Front. Chapman & Hall (1901). BIRCH, J. H. (and H. D. NORTHROP). British and Boers in South Africa. Philadelphia (1900). BIRD, JOHN. The Annals of Natal, 1495-1845. 2 Vote. Pietermaritzburg (1888). BIRD, W. W. State of the Cape of Good Hope in 1822 (edited by H. T. Colebrooke). (1823.) BIRD, LT.-COL. (p) Observations on Letter of Sir H. Donkiu to Earl Bathurst. Cape Town (1827). BLACHFORD, LORD (SrR FREDERIC ROGERS). Letters of (edited by G. B. Martndin). (1896.) BLACKBURN, DOUGLAS. A Burgher Quixote. Blackwood (1903). BLAKE, COLONEL J. Y. F. A West Pointer with the Boers. Boston (1903). BLELOCH, W. The New South Africa. Heinemann (1901). BLEY, F. (p) Der Buren-Krieg in Bild und Wort. Munich (1901). (p) Die Buren im Dienste der Menschheit. ^'ienna (1900). BLINK, H. De Britische Koloniale politick in Zuid-Afrika en de vryheidstrijd der Boeren. Amsterdam (1899). Transvaal en omliggendc landen. Amsterdam (1899). De Zuid-Afrikaausche Republiek en hare bewoners. Amsterdam (1890). BOERSMA, J. De Toekomst van Zuid-Afrika een Nederlandsch belang. Gorinchem (1002). BOGUSLAWSKI, GEN.-LT. A. VON. Taktische Folgerungen aus dem Burenkriege und der Gruppenangriff. Berlin (1903). BOISSEVAIN, CHARLES, (p) Der Streit der Holliindischen Republiken. Amsterdam (1900), Leipzig (1901). (p) The Straggle of the Dutch Republics. Amsterdam (1900). (p) The Law of Nations and the Law of Humanity. Amsterdam (1901). (p) Open Letter to the Duke of Devonshire.