Surprised Life iv made up of sobs, In nature there are neither e Party sniffle, and smiles, with gfiE rewards nor punishments-- of Post 43 AMVETS snail, predominating. njoyed a lobster cook- there are consequences. afternoon at North —O. HENRY —R. INGERSOLL each. The party was honor Mr. and Mrs. tte who are moving to NUOVER ICWNSikiAN VOLIIME 60, NUMBER 51 ut the Sttrotte's took ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 PRICE, 5 CENTS new home on Satur- issed their "Surprise get-together was held VIEW ter camp of Command- $30 MILLON 'lichen with over 20 QUESTION ON BALLOT NOVEMBER 2 tendance. OF tt New Clerk p will enjoy a weenie River Valley lay night at the sum- THE f Wilfred Moriarty and Named For Project Up lk. Members are re- NEWS notify Wilfred, tel. ley plan to attend and By LEONARD F. JAMES Police Dept. To Voters need transportation. Francis X. Beirne, of Cities and Towns Along eating Last Friday the Union of dropped into the United 14 Bartlet Street, to Merrimack To Decide on sing busive:A meeting Nations Assembly what might be Take Up Duties Monday Queston of Sewage in will be held at 8:00 regarded as a hand grenade. For Francis X. Beirne of 14 Bartlet Voters of Andover, and those in 1day night, October 4, the first time since the formation street has been named as clerk for other Massachusetts communities rooms when new mem- of the organization, a member the Andover Police department and bordering the Merrimack river, will t welcome. A report of state delivered an implied threat will assume his new duties Monday. have a $30-million question to con- iixecutive meeting and of reconsidering Its membership. e State AMVET publi- Mr. Beirne is well qualified for sider when they go to the polls next Naturally the blame for such a pos- the position he is to fill, Police ie issued soon will be sibility was attributed to other November. members are requested Chief George A. Dane states, and The question will appear on the members, and in vague terms his presence at police headquarters nt. about whether "national interests ballot like this: "Shall an act from 9 to 1 daily will mean that the passed by the General Court in the are compatible with continued station will not have to be left un- membership." Such a phrase is a year 1947, entitled 'An Act estab- UP TO DATE manned as it has been many times good catch-all, and will probably lishing the Merrimack River Valley POPULAR PIANO in the past. be used by others when they Sewerage District for the purpose The new appointee is well known and Advanced Student, strongly dislike proposed action of constructing, maintaining and In Modern Harmony in Andover. He formerly served as by the Assembly. Stich a device is operating sewerage works In the clerk for the W.P.A. board and is TER SLOCOMB a convenient method of saving Merrimack River Valley' ho ac- face, it places a politician on rec- at present employed with the James cepted?" N 18 Summer St. W. Daly, Inc., candy business in ord for home consumption, and it The question is the result of a Lawrence. provides a good bargaining point study made by the Joint Board es- For many years practically all of Established 1854 for future negotiations. tablished to investigate anti pre- the office and clerical work of the Racial Problem Miss Margery Kern of West Andover climbs a 110-foot ladder to paint huge "her" signs on the pare plans for the disposal of sew- police department has been per- barn of the Craft-Woods Products on osig CO. Mr. Louw, head of the Union I street. (Surette Studio) age in the river. delegation, knows better than to formed by Chief Dane. Such work lu its report the Joint Board says believe that his country can really has been piling up steadily until that in its investigations it came CET METAL WORK 'Hex' Signs Adorn afford to go its own way down the installation of the new parking ANIMALS KILLED EVENING STUDY to the conclusion, after several meters brought an additional bur- TINGLING the rough road of international months' study on the mutter of the (len which required the presence of Ballardvale Barn (Continued on Page Eight) AT R. R. TRESTLE CLASSES OPEN construction of a trunk sewer from someone in the police station at all Large "hex" signs of blue, yellow, black and white now ap- Lowell to the sea, that a more eco- times. IN BALLARDVALE AT P.A. OCT. 18 Three calves and a cow were pear on the Craft-Wood Products (Continued on Page Ten) Want 'No Fix' Tags (Continued on Page Seven) barn on Osgood street, Ballard- The 12th annual session of the killed outright, another calf had Andover Evening Study groups for to be destroyed, and a cow so vale, which are striking enough in Returned Locally daylight. but which at night look adults will open at Phillips Acad- badly injured that it died from in- emy, Monday. October Is, and con- Noted Educators A movement to provide some Punchard Triumphs like large cats' eyes. juries received Saturday morning tinue through December 9. local office for turning in "no fix" To Attend Inaugural when struck by a locomotive at Miss Margery Kearn of Hack- In the 11 years of its existence tags for parking violations in- Over Chelmsford One week after the issuance of the dry bridge trestle on Tewks- etts' Pond road, secretary and the adult education program has stead of having to bring them to jack-of-all-trades for the Craft- invitations to the inauguration of By JACK McCARTHY bury street. Ballardvale. near given 168 courses and with an Lawrence. appears to be growing wood Products, climbed a 60-foot John Mason Kemper as the elev- Lowell Junction. average enrollment of 500, it has enth headmaster of Phillips Acad- here in town since the installation Tallying three touchdowns to ladder and swung her brush like The animals, owned by George given courses to 3214 different in- emy, Friday, October 15, over 250 of the new parking meters. over-power Chelmsford last Satur- Kaulen of Shawsheen street. a professional to place these dividuals in Andover and sur- Many residents who have re- unique markers on the barn. acceptances had been received, ac- day, by a score of 20 to 0, the Blue Tewksbury, got out of the poste rounding communities. cording to M. Lawrence Shields, ceived tags have voiced their dis- and Gold presented its Coach, Wal- near the Andover-Tewksbury line "Hex" signs are found on The adult school is open to all pleasure at the police station over Pennsylvania Dutch barns painted alumni secretary of the Academy, ter Roberts. his first victory since and wandered down the tracks men and women. Conducted in- and chairman of the inauguration the necessity of taking their part becoming coach here. sometime about 11:20 o'clock. on the sides of barns for various formally, in attractive surround- of the numbered committee. Of these. 82 are heads "no fix" tags to Punchard displayed the great according to a report made to "hex" purposes, such as to keep ings, the courses offer consider- the office of the District court. lightning from striking, or cows of schools and colleges, some of power and defense as was shown police. able variety of subject mater. The them from the Pacific Coast. Other citizens, concerned about As they walked along, an from falling sick. teachers of this program 90 per- against Concord a wek ago. A num- Among the college heads who this inconvenience, have asked extra passenger train running The modern Dutch farmers keep cent of them members of the fac- ber of severe penalties were will take part in the academic pro- why some arrangement could not from Worcester to Portland bore the signs on their barns as an ex- ulty of Phillips Academy, give charged against the home team cession are Presidents Seymour of be made to have them turned in down on them and they started to pression of their great love for their services without renumara- however, lessening their chances of Yale. Dodds of Princeton, Baxter locally. run toward the trestle. Two got bright color and design. tIon. Proceeds are donated to ed- rolling up many more points. of Williams, Muter of Colby, Cola Discussing this question, Police caught in the trestle and were ucational and charitable organiza- Punchard made its first touch- of Amherst, Carmichael of Tufts Chief George A. Dane said that badly mangled. The tracks were tions of Andover and surrounding down late in the first quarter, when and Ciuverius of Worcester Poly- the local department cannot tied up for some time until sec- communities. Charles Dwyer intercepted an op- Plan Evening Study technic Institute. The principal change the procedure as the law tion crews removed the dead The charge includes a registra- ponent's pass on his own 35-yard speakers at the exercises will be specifically states that the tags bodies. Police Sergeant Hickey Groups At Library tion fee plus $1 for each course must be returned to the clerk of line and raced back to Chelms- Headmaster Kemper and President and Officer Roy Russel investi- Questionnaires are being sent to taken. On or before October 1 the the District court of the district, ford's 45 before being hauled down. Emeritus James Rowland Angell gated. those who have attended an eve- registration fee is $1. After Octob- and Lawrence is the District court Co-Captain, Herb Deveaux, then on er the registration fee is $2. of Yale. ning group at the Memorial Hall for Andover. a reverse from Dwyer scooted Enrollment may be made now. The luncheon before the inaug- Library. For yearii there have been around his left end to the Chelms- Blanks may be obtained upon re- uration ceremony is for members Housing Chairman February and March sessions of ford three, before being grounded. quest from Phillips Academy—tel- of the academic procession only Two-Hour Parking Raymond Collins ploughed through To Address Legion study groups, some under the spon- ephone Andover 720--or at the but all those receiving invitations to a touchdown. Sid Watson's place- sorship of the Division of Univers- libraries in Andover, Lawrence, are invited to the tea and recep- Atty. Frederic S. O'Brien, chair- ity Extension of the state, others For Chestnut St. ment kick made the score 7 to 0. man of the Andover Housing Au- North Andover, Methuen and Hav- tion following the exercises. arranged by the library. Very little action was seen until thority, will be the speaker at the erhill. Parking meters on Chestnut Several subjects seem to repeat Deveaux carried a Chelmsford punt meeting of Andover post, 8, Ameri- street will he changed to give two themselves In the answers to ques- ARE YOU A 26 yards to his own 41, and on the can Legion. to be held next Thurs- hours parking at the rate of five out each year., Appreciates Aid Given cents an hour. day evening, October 7, at the post tionnaires sent REGISTERED VOTER? (Continued on Page Five) among them "Conversational Span- In Draft Registration This action follows a vote taken rooms in the Barnard building. ish" and "Personality Develop- Town Clerk George H. Winslow, at last week's meeting of the se- Atty. O'Brien has been invited Who May Vote: ment." Last year a very sucesaful chief registrar for Andover during Selectmen Proclaim by Commander Kenneth L. Sher- Citizens over 21 years or lectmen after a study of the park- the recent registration under the man to address the members on course was held in "Pencil Sketch- older by election day; and ing situation. Very few cars use Week For Handicapped selective service system, has re- the work being done by the local ing For Beginners." It is planned Residents of Massachusetts Chestnut street at the present time Officially designating the week ceived from Atty. Raphael A. A. authority and explain the provi- to give this one again this year, for one year, 6 months in and it is felt that some space near of October 3 to 9 as "Employ the Comparone, chairman of Local sions of the law under which the probably in February and March, Andover immediately pre- the business area is required for Physically Handicapped Week," Board No. 8, a letter thanking local board is operating. it is designed for beginners, al- ceding voting day. Persons who may need to park over the Board of Selectmen calls upon him for the services rendered dur- All veterans of Andover are in- though the instructor is willing that the established one-hour limit. all local officials, employers, arga- ing the registration period. vited to attend the meeting and to those who attended last year enter Where and when to Register The change will be made just as nizations, and all citizens to as- "The assistance which you so take part in the question period the class, provided that they have At Town Clerk's Office any time soon as the meters can be changed sist in every way possible to the generously gave," wrote Atty. which will follow the remarks of done some kind of sketching work during business hours and until and new instruction plate secured end that all attention of the com- Comparone, "contributed immeas- the speaker. There are about 2000 this season and have sketches or a 10:00 P. M. on October 1st. to notify parkers of the new time. munity will be focused on the fact urably to the fu1111ntont of the task veterans in Andover. Any who single sketch to bring into class for The meters in front of the two that disabled veterans and handi- dO successfully concluded." Last opportunity to register would like to know what the board further study. 1st. banks and the post office, which at capped civilians fully capable of Mr. Winslow very graciously for election is October has done and what it is attempting It is possible that course in per- first were limited to a 12-minute productive work in many different gave all credit for tile success of Mary G. Bailey to do for the future, can take this sonalty and personal appearance (Signed) Period, have been changed to give occupations. the local registration to the vol- Registration Chairman, one hour parking. The Board of Selectmen further opportunity to get first-hand in- will be offered this year. The teach- unteer workers who gave their urges all employees to place their formation from the chairman of time and assistance to the com- Republican Town Committee job openings with the State Em- the board. (Continued on Page Six) 1111 As seen in pletion of the task here. TAL t/2 ployment offices, Canal street, Mademoiselle, R U G ZSGTIC CtUNEO—M0 114110011G--4111PAIR Lawrence, so that all handicapped IIXPIRVLY workers may be given an oppor- Seventeen. IICPHP(Mr: CIPOURDS tunity to prove that when placed HANDLE WITH CARE! 1 1 --ORIENTAL RUGS A SPICIALTY— in the right jobs they are not hand- Otash Rug Cleaning Co. icapped, but instead are safe work- $5.00 Trade In ter as it is S moos STRUT — MITNURN ers and make good production rec- w bracket Lo.r.nce 22294 or Lawrence 4372 ords because they stay on the job. The waistline, For Your Velveteen OPENING — SCHOOL of DANCING PRESCRIPTIONS Sizes 9 to 15. BROUGHT HERE • by ARE COMPOUNDED WITH KNOWLEDGE, SKILL OLD BATTERY CHARLES BISSETT AND THE BEST OF DRUGS ALL STYLES OF TAP TAUGHT REGISTRATION FOR CLASSES 11:1:::;1 1—• Green's 1 Service MONDAY, OCTOBER 4 — 2 TO 5 P M. DALTON PHARMACY 205 No. Main St. Tel. 8843 SQUARE AND COMPASS CLUB HALL - ELM ST. 16 MAIN STREET TEL. 107 : Floor ANDOVER, MASS THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — SEPTEMBER 30, 1948

of the class elections. These officers will serve throughout the year. Groundareaking for U.N. Headquarters Legion Auxiliary PUNCHARD HIGH In the senior class those so far Officers Installed elected are: President, Robert SH AW By PATRICIA PETERKIN A large gathering was present Mrs. G. Ed Deyermond; vice-president, Herbert to witness the Deveaux; secretary, Betty Jane ceremonies connect- PUNCHARD GRADUATES ed with the installation of officers de Costa is very versatile and plays O'Connor. PRESENTATION During the past few weeks 32 all the instruments in the band. of the American Legion Auxiliary The sophomore class has elected to Post No. 8 The DeMolay Cr Punchard graduates, class of 1948, November 4th, Elwin Shaw, a Thursday night at their president only, Clifford Law- the post rooms in was presented to Ste have been signing up and making mental genius, will come with mem- the Barnard rence. building. say of 6 Argyle stri plans to enter the various schools ory feats and mental telepathy. Concert Mrs. Eunice Cher and Son bang and colleges of their choice. Your December 2nd will find Ben Fer- A concert will be held Sunday, Lowe, director of the Essex County Auxiliary, con- Saturday evening a schoolmates of past years wish you rier with us to tell about the white October 3, in the Memorial audi- Temple in Lawrence the best of luck. water exploration, a trip made in a ducted the exercises, and address- torium by the young composer- ed This honor has b Assembly Programs canoe from Hudson Day to Alaska. the gathering. Commander Ken- pianist, Cecille Leville. Punchard neth to only three other A widespread variety of assem- January 13th, David E. Starry will L. Sherman of Post No. 8, girls will serve as ushers. and Arthur retire men during bly programs has been planned for come to talk about voodooism in L. Coleman of the Rally county council years and the awa the year ahead. The first will be spoke briefly. Miss the West Indies. He will speak on A. rally was held last Friday af- Genevieve Murray, medal, set with seed held October 14th. The guest stars tile native customs and beliefs of soloist, assist- ternoon on the playritead in prep- ed in the entertainment program. engraved certificate will he Andrew de Costa and Lenore that country. aration for Saturday's football She was accompanied by her Mr. Lindsay has t Ferrari, who will present their March 17th, the Royal Jubilee aunt, game with Chelmsford. The cheer- Miss Katherine A. McNally. of the Advisory boar "matchless musical moments." Mr. Singers will come to perform for us leaders led the students in a num- Mrs. Margaret and during that p with songs of the Old South, Negro Cilley, president ber of cheers. Co-captains Herbert of the auxiliary, served as Ritual Ad spirituals, and folk songs. received a gift Deveaux and Phil Gaudet were and a bouquet of flower:: visor and Chairmar * MP BUYING BONDS -tr Both Punchard and the Junior from the called on for speeches and each said auxiliary. Mrs. Cilley sory board. High school will attend these as- presented all a few words. her officers with a gift. Secretary Besides being v semblies. The game this Saturday will be Mrs. Arthur Excavation work in preparation for the construction of the permanent, Jowett, treasurer, DeMolay, Mr. Lindst Class Meetings played with Danvers on the An- Mrs. John Keith, sergeant-at-arms, of the Committee LOUIS SCANLON'S The seniors and the sophomores headquarters of the United Nations in New York City is now under- dover Playstead, at 2:30. Student Mrs. Margaret Wood and install- and is Iso the Ch: * ON THE ANDOVER LINK ' have held class meetings already tickets will be on sale in the home way after a brief ground-breal:'r g ceremony. Here a group of officials, including New York's Mayor 'William O'Dwyer and U.N. Assistant ing Officer Mrs. Eunice Lowe also Forty a., ,l Eight Ch this year, and have completed part rooms for 25c. No student tickets Secretary-General Benjamin Cohen, take part in the ceremony. received gifts. Massach usetts. The will be on sale at the game. Officers installed included: Mrs. Club THINK NOW price for adults will be 65c. Margaret Cilley, president; Mrs. The first meeting BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Joseph Rayball First in Gertrude Wilson, senior vice-presi- sheen Village Worn ARE YOUR YARDS, ATTIC AND CELLARS FISH STORY The Womens Union of the Bap- dent; Mrs. George Napier, junior be held October 4 Hal Wennik of Summer street tist church is holding an all-day Cross Country Trials vice-president; Mrs. John Keith. the auditorium of t CLEAN FOR and John MacLeish of Washington sewing meeting today in the ves- The Punchard High school Cross treasurer; Mrs. Arthur Jowett. School. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK? returned one evening last week try. The next meeting, to be held Country team held a time-trial run secretary; Mrs. Ethel Buchan, his- A fashion show w from a fishing trip off Plum Island in two weeks, will be devoted to Friday afternoon, September 24 torian; Mrs. Mary Murray, chap- sponsored by A. B. Why Not Have This Done Early? with two large striped bass. A 21- missionaries. with 18 participants at the starting lain; Mrs. Margaret Wood, ser- and the latest in fi pounder was Mr. Wennik's cap- —Let Us Do It For Yo Senior choir Thursday at 8 p. m. line. The course covered a distance geant at-arms; executive commit- fashions will be ma ture and a 22-pounder was the Free Estimates — Reasonable Prices in the vestry. of two and one-half miles, beginning tee, Mrs. Paul Cheney, Mrs. Agnes hers of A. B. Suthe prize exhibited by Mr. MacLeish. The Philathea class of the Bap- with one lap around the track, then Waldie, Mrs. Eva Melee and Mrs. Mrs. Ella McQuade two companions on the trip, HANDY DANDY BOYS Their tist church will meet in the church proceeding around the school Irene Judge. mentator for the evi Charles Hajj and Carl Wetterberg, parlor Friday at 7:45 p. m. They grounds until the charted route was Officers of local patriotic and 60 MARSTON ST. Tel. LAW. 32632 of Summer street "just went along Miss Claire Anne Hrs.: 8-6 have invited the Philatheas, from completed. Coach Donald Dunn ex- fraternal organizations, and town for the ride." well known and the North Tewksbury Baptist pected the tricksters to complete officials were among the invited pianist, will be th church, to be their guests. the course in 16 minutes, but was guests. for the evening. The first meeting of the Chil- happily surprised when fleet-footed CRYSTAL BALLROOM Crystal ballroom, at Shawsheen Prior to the far dren's World Crusade, of the Bap- Joseph Rayball was clocked at business meeting tist church was held Tuesday in 13:32.7 seconds. Village, Andover, is off to another splendid dancing season and, in with Mrs. Norman the vestry. Miss Beaulah Dennison Eighteen started in the race. ing. Mrs. Miller ha At the end of the month your is the leader of the group. Thirteen completed in the follow- addition to returning to a policy of travelling bands each week, will aced as President of The Pioneer Girls' meeting was ing order: Joseph Rayball, Anthony Village Woman's clt held Wednesday in the vestry. Medolo, Fred Lloyd, John McCar- very shortly bring something brand new to Greater Lawrence. nating Committee d A special meeting of the "Dia- thy, Herbert Nightingale, Hilton nation of Mrs. Edo budget says..milk gives you conate," of the Baptist church, was Cormey, Richard Monroe, Phideas For popular square dancing is coin- ing to Crystal next Tuesday eve- because of ill healtl held Wednesday evening at the Dantos, Joseph Ratyna, William There will be a ri ning, Oct. 5. home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Ward, Svenson. Russell Doyle, Donald new members of th on Summer street. Lawson and William Johnson. That evening, Al Gauthier of more for your money than Worcester, King of the Squares, freshments will be will lead his famous five-piece close of the eveni RED CROSS MEETING GIRL SCOUTS ELECTION modern and old-fashioned orches- Charles A. Currier The annual meeting of the An- Girl Scout Troop 23 met at the Liam Edwards as 1 tra for the first time in the Great- — dover Red Cross will be held at Free church Thursday, with their men. any other food er Lawrence area. It is planned to 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, leader, Mrs. Merrill Burnett, and Women's Bowling make this a weekly feature every I. October 13. in the office of the Vet- elected the following officers: The Shawsheen Tuesday night. se SURE IT'S erans' Service Officer, at the Town Treasurer, Margaret Madden; day night bowling Is Other Crystal attractions, this House. scribe, Anne Lancaster; reporter, night at the Shawsh week, are Roland Russell Friday Florence Golden; scrapbook, Doro- league is organized night and Gene King on Saturday. thy Walsh; bulletin, Gail Griffin; president; B. Todd, King's band is without question patrol leaders, Geraldine Sheard, N. Hinlmer, secrete Chris Muller one of the finest dance orchestras Josephine Collins and Patricia The teams are w in all New England. Next week, CARPENTRY O'Neill; assistant scout leader, lows: following Al Gauthier's debut 125 HIGH PLAIN ROAD Mrs. Margaret Greenwood. Marines—C. Fie Tuesday night, Roland Russell will The girls are working on their W. Gerrish, I. Kil: HOOD'S TEL. AND. 1145-W be featured Friday, Oct. 8, and sewing badge and clothing kits. and L. Littlefield. Ted Herbert and his band on Sat- Air Corps—B. Oct. 9. Herbert's orchestra B FOR QUALITY urday, Si. Fowler, J. Dear has been the all-season attraction E. Briggs. at Hampton Beach the past three C. B.'s—M. Jane AT TONER'S years. Rielly, G. Bianlire, ti I. Briggs. COMPLETE 1200-MILE TRIP Coast Guard—N Mr. and Mrs. George G. Brown GENERAL 46, ELECTRIC lain; N. Himmel-, II of 422 Andover street have re- Reed and E. Schabi turned from a 1200-mile trip Army—B. Clan SPECIAL OFFER through Maine, New Brunswick Petrie, E. Dodge, and the White Mountains. Vaughan. Their itenerary included a drive STANDARD MODEL Navy_ai, along the costal areas of Maine and Powers, L. Leight New Brunswick to St. John, thence and E. Freeman. up the St Johns river for several General Electric Cleaner P. T. A. Executive hundred miles. Back through nor- thern Maine they reached Show- A very succes Plus DeLuxe Set of Board meeting war hegan where they visited Mr. and evening at the :tor Mrs. Foster Matthews, former res- General Electric Attachments dent of the Shows idents of the 'Vale, who have re- T. A., Herbert Orts cently purchased a poultry farm street. The year': there. We can now offer our customers programs were re LODGE INSTALLATi. I's a G-E Upright Cleaner and a Set TO BE HELD MoN 911* The Lee-C Officers of Indian Itidge Rebekah of DeLuxe G-E Attachments at a Upholster lodge will be installed Monday All types of furnll night, October 4th, at the rooms and r, finished—Cos tare and substantially reduced price. in the Musgrove building. Elected slipcovers. hill iii:411 Street for the coming term were: Noble ASK YOUR HOOD ROUTE Model AVF-28 Cleaner for only Grand, Miss Doris Gates; vice- Tel. 3 - SALESMAN for your FREE copy of grand, Mrs. Muriel Fisher; record ing secretary, Mrs. Arthur Smith; "20 BUDGET-SAVING DISHES" $54.95 financial secretary, Mrs. William Faulkner; treasurer. Mrs. John This new recipe Stock. Model AVA-180 DeLuxe booklet tells you Ivory is a whitish bony' how to prepare Attachments from elephant's tusks. 20 delicious, FORMERLY $14.95 nourishing, eco- nomical main AUTO GLASS INSTALLED course dishes WHILE U WAIT and desserts. 0' FORMER TOTAL PRICE doe $69.90 selected farms • healthy herds BOTH FOR scientific feeding • regular farm and inspections • laboratory control $57.95 Jl Channe 8, Regulate' ,ide modern plant control • efficient outside door and tr handles , ,. Mirror delivery service 10% Down — $1.25 Weekly — Liberal Allowance on Mirrors, Furniture T. Your Old Vacuum Cleaner — Free Home Demonstration resilvering.

425 MARKET STREET CITY GLASS CO. TOHERIS INC. 311 COMMON ' Lawrence, Mass. Tel. Law. 5167 LAWRENCE 215 Essex Street, Lawrence Tel.: LAW. 31641 TELEPHONE ST'- if ANDOVER, M

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN - SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 3. Auxiliary V. F. W. Auxiliary Plans SOUTH CHURCH NOTES Plan Football Game s Installed September 30, the new address Plan Boosters' Day sHAWSHEEN Penny Sale October 22 for the Rev. Frederick 13. Noss and For Hospital Fund athering was present Mrs. (1. Edgar Best, Correspondent, Telephone 171 Plana are being completed by the family will be 31 Bartlet street at For Punchard High Lawrence Council 67, K. of C., Is e ceremonies connect- Ladies' Auxiliary to Andover post, the home of Miss Harriet Carter. Plans for a "Boosters' Day" to sponsoring a charity football game Installation of officers V. F. W., for a monster penny sale PRESS TA TION all the promises of being very en- The telephone number will be the purchase equipment for the Punch- between Villanova and Boston Col- Ican Legion Auxiliary to he held in tire Memorial Audi- The DeMolay Cross of Honor tertaining as well as instructive. same as now, Andover 1229. aril High school eleven will be made lege Freshmen team, to be played 8 Thursday night at torium, Friday evening, October 22, was presented to Stafford A. Lind- Plans were discussed for an- The Sunday Morning Men's tonight at a meeting of interested in Lawrence Memorial stadium the oms In the Barnard at 8 o'clock. say of 6 Argyle street at the Fa- other "Fun Nite" which will be group will hold its first meeting persons to he held at the Town night of October 22nd. The game ther and Son banquet held last under the supervision of Mrs. There will he numerous prizes as of the season at 9:30 o'clock Sun- House at 7:30 o'clock. will be played under flood lights, ice Lowe, director of Saturday evening at the Masonic well an door prizes. Admission is day. October 3. Calvin Metcalf is ounty Auxiliary, con- Byron Weiner, first vice-president All former high school athletes the entire proceeds of the game to Temple in Lawrence. free. Proceeds of the sale will be the leader for the group this year. otereises, and address- of the association. Mrs. Weiner and the fathers of boys on the pres- he donated to the Bon Secours Hos- used for the auxiliary's hospital and The South Church Calendar for ring. Commander Ken- This honor has been presented will select her committee later in ent football squad are being in- pital Fund. Lawrence Council has charitable work. the next few weeks will include irman of Post No. 8, to only three other greater Law- the season. vited by Selectman J. Everett Col- taken the Initiative in raising funds rence men during the past 20 Mrs. Gerard Pelletier, second Mrs. Yvonne Hines, president of October 3, "World-Wide Commun- lins and a group behind the move- to supply the additional $500,000 L. Coteau's of the ion Sunday" at which time a spe- ,c11 spoke briefly. Miss years and the award includes a vice-president, will be chairman of the auxiliary, and her committees ment. needed to defray the cost of the medal, set with seed pearls, and an are planning an evening of fun and cial offering for War victims and durray, soloist, assist- the Hospitality committee and will Saturday, October 16 has been erection of the hospital building. engraved certificate. greet the new members to the as- amusement for all who attend. reconstruction will be received; ntertainment program. October 17 will be observed as selected as "Boosters' Day" for it Tickets have hen placed on sale ompanied by her aunt, Mr. Lindsay has been a member sociatiots at the first meeting, will be upon this afternoon that Sol at various points throughout the FREE CHURCH NOTES "Loyalty-Sunday" when members rine A. MeNally. of the Advisory board for ten years which will be held October 13th at Walker, a Punchard High grid star Greater Lawrence area and 7,500 A 'sleeting of the Women's and friends of the South church and during that period, he has 8 o'clock. of 30 years ago, will bring his Ash- seats in the stadium will be re- garet Cilley, president Union of the Free church will be will gather at 10:00 o'clock for a diary, received a served as Ritual Advisor, Dad Ad- State Bulletin subscriptions will served. Reserved seats will be sold gilt held Wednesday, October 6, at reception in the vestry followed by land High school team here to meet net of flower:: from the visor and Chairman of the Advi- be on sale before and after the first for $1.80 and seats for general ad- 7:45. Guest speaker will be Mrs. a special service at 10:45 o'clock, Punchard. sory board. meeting and the secretary, Mrs. mission will he $1.50. Tickets for ire. Cilley presented all Manley F. Allbright, who will October 24, the 300th anniversary The school provides no funds to Besides being very active in Allen Flye, will be in charge. reserved seats may be procured by with a gift. Secretary speak on the Ryder Memorial of the "Cambridge Platform" will buy athletic equipment. This is DeMolay, Mr. Lindsay is Chairman Room mothers for the year were it Jowett, treasurer, Hospital of Puerto Rico. The Oc- be celebrated with a special service bought by receipts from games, do- mail orders addressed to P. O. Box of the Committee on Recreation chosen and are as follows: Zeith, sergeant-at-arms, tober circle will be in charge of and sermon; November 9, after- nations and contributions that are 911, Lawrence, or by calling Law- and is Also the Chairman of the iret Wood and install- Kindergarten, Mrs. Norman Mil- refreshments. Mrs. Bessie Myles la noon and evening meetings will be made from time to time. rence 22563. Forty tied Eight Child Welfare of Mrs. Eunice Lowe also ler, Mrs. Frances Mooney; First the chairman. held with Dr. Frank Laubach as A good turn-out is looked for to- Its. Massach usetts. grade. Mrs. James Batterbury, All girls working on Art Merit speaker. night. All interested in the team are William "Bill" Barron, Jr. nstalled included: Mrs. Club Mrs. Gerard Pelletier; Second Badge will meet Miss Jordan Oc- The churches of Andover are in- welcome to attend. A committee OIL BURNER Miley, president; Mrs. The first meeting of the Shaw- grade, Mrs. John Calnan, Mrs. tober 2, at 10:00 a. m. at the Free vited to attend these meetings and will be chosen from those present SALES AND SERVICE rilson, senior vice-presi- sheen Village Woman's club will Raymond [leaven; Third grade, church for inure instructions on the churches in the Merrimack to further plans for the event. George Napier, junior be held October 4 at 8 p. no. in Mrs. Leo Daley, Mrs. Paul Gold- this badge. Valley are cordially invited to Domestic Heating Systems the audilorium of the Shawsheen man; Fourth grade, Mrs. Frank participate. The afternoon will be ant; Mrs. John Keith. The Scottish greyhound stands Tel. And. 1987 Leone, Mrs. John Winters; Fifth devoted to a woman's meeting and 4 Virginia Rd. Mrs. Arthur Jowett. School. home of Mrs. Frederick Higgins, about thirty inches high. Mrs. Ethel Buchan, his- A fashion show will be featured, grade, Mrs. Richard Quint, Mrs. the evening meeting to all who are 17 Quincy street, Methuen. interested in the privilege of hear- s. Mary Murray, chap- sponsored by A. B. Sutherland Co. Robert Walters; Sixth grade, Mrs. Fires Martin Finnerty, Mrs. Francis ing such an outstanding Christians Maytag - Spartan - GM Frigidaire - Eureka - Bendix Margaret Wood, ser- and the latest in fall and winter People have been asked to co- 'ms; executive commit- fashions will be modeled by mem- Henrick. as Dr. Laubach; November 28, the operate in this vicinity and not South church will celebrate the aul Cheney, Mrs. Agnes bers of A. B. Sutherland Co. with Those present at the board meet- light any fires until the dry spell F. J. LEONE CO. rs. Eva Muise and Mrs. Mrs. Ella McQuade acting as com- ing were: Paul McKinnon, Austin 200th anniversary of the great has been relieved. hymn writer, Isaac Watts. Special e. mentator for the evening. O'Toole, William McCarthy, Mrs. -5 FLOORS- Personals music including many hymns writ- of local patriotic and Joseph Tangney, Miss Barbara Miss Claire Anne Archambault, Mrs. Kurtin of 8 William street ten by Isaac Watts will be a fea- FAMOUS BRAND NAMES irganizations, and town Eldridge, Mrs. Byron Weiner, Miss well known and accomplished left Saturday on a two months' trip ture of the service and the sermon ere among the invited Anne Harnedy, Mrs. Allen Flye, pianist, will be the accompanist to Florida. En rodte, she will visit on his life and work. These dates Radios - Aptalia,seas for the evening. Herbert Ortstein, Mrs. G. E. Best. many places of interest. BALLROOM are commemorating great days Prior to the fashion show, a Refreshments were served at Charles Schulze, son of Mr. and and a cordial invitation is extended 430 ESSEX ST., LAWRENCE, MASS. ballroom, at Shawsheen the close of the meeting by Mrs. Mrs. Carl Schulze of 23 Enmore ['clover, is off to another business meeting will be called to all to join with 'is in their cele- TELEPHONE 7637 with Mrs. Norman Miller, presid- Herbert Ortstein. street has entered Phillips Acad- bration. lancing season and, in Birthday Party emy this year with the Freshman o returning to a policy ing. Mrs. Miller has been nomin- Stromberg Carlson - Television - Domestic Sewing Machine ated as President of the Shawsheen A birthday party was held re- class. He is living at Williams Hall. 3IARGARET SLATTERY CLASS sg bands each week, will cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Christison, son of Mrs. rtly bring something Village Woman's club by the nomi- The Margaret Slattery class Leo Daley, 8 Canterbury street in and Mrs. Leslie Christison of 100 held its first meeting of the year v to Greater Lawrence. nating Committee due to the resig- honor of Agnes Daley. Burnham road has commenced his Tuesday evening at the Free it square dancing is com- nation of Mrs. Edward O'Connor • SUTHERLAND'S Games were enjoyed during the Junior year at Princeton. church. A covered dish supper pre- ystal next Tuesday eve- because of ill health. There will be a reception to the afternoon and refreshments were Miss Barbara Shulze, daughter ceded the meeting. 5. served by Mrs. Daley. of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Shulze of The class leader, Mrs. Levering vening, Al Gauthier of new members of the club and re- The guests included: Mary Anne 1 Carisbrooke street has left to Reynolds, installed the following gifaid eficTIIZET King of the Squares, freshments will be served at the Faggiano, Mimi Ganem, Jackie take up studies at Simmons Col- officers: President, Miss Irma his famous live-piece close of the evening with Mrs. Weiner, Joan White, Phyllis Mc- lege. Miss Shulze has enrolled in Beene; vice-president, Mrs. Ken- rid old-fashioned orches- Charles A. Currier and Mrs. Wil- Kinnon, Gail Titcomb. Cynthia the five year nursing course. , neth Mozeen; secretary, Mrs. Clin- _rittlictl2a e first time in the Great- liam Edwards as Hostess Chair- men. Vaughan, Faith Kenny, Dorothy Earl Baker of 10 Stirling street ton Moore; treasurer. Mrs. James L ice area. It is planned to Women's Bowling League Byrne and Agnes Daley. has returned to Bergen College, Foster; remembrance. Miss Gladys a weekly feature every The Shawsheen Women's Thurs- Mens Bowling Teaneck, N. J. for his sophomore Gill; press, Mrs. Thomas Chad- night. day night bowling league opens to- The Monday night men's bowl- year. wick. Crystal attractions, this ing league met and the following John King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Russell Friday night at the Shawsheen alleys. The league is organized with M. Reilly, scores were made, Arundle, F. Kef- R. C. King of 4 Sutherland street The Andover Garden club will Gene King on Saturday. ferstan 295, Warhurst 252, Mor- has resumed his studies at Merri- hold its first meeting of the season and is without question president; B. Todd, treasurer; and N. Rimier, secretary. Harty 298, Puister 277, Dickson mack College. at 10 a. m., October 5 at the An- e finest dance orchestras Miss Gladys Payne of Watchill, The teams are made up as fol- 289; Balmoral, R. Parsons 272, dover Inn. Miss Brenda Newton, lw England. Next week, lows: Driscoll 298, Brent 281, DeClercq R. I. is visiting with her cousin, secretary of the Horticultural So- Al Gauthier's debut Mrs. Albert Carpentier of 7 Dun- Marines-C. Fiedler, Captain; 303, Armitage 312; York, Himmer ciety, will speak on garden design. tight, Roland Russell will 270, F. Reilly 276, Inner 263, Neil barton street. .ed Friday, Oct. 8, and W. Gerrish, I. Killelea, G. Allen and L. Littlefield. 299, Best 346; Enmore, Caliri 277, ert and his band on Stit- Allen 289, Sweeney 271, Svenson t 9. Herbert's orchestra Air Corps-B. Byrne, Captain; M. Fowler, J. Dean, B. Todd and 291, Thompson 283; Carisbrooke, the all-season attraction E. Briggs. Mosher 276, Sughrue 265, A. RUTH HAMMOND on Beach the past three C. B.'s-M. Janes, Captain; H. Greenfield 305, J. Reilly 315, DRESSES BLOUSES SPORTSWEAR Rielly, G. Blamire, R. Dolan and O'Connor 312; Argyle, J. Keffer- OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9-5:30 I. Briggs. stan 265, Schmitt 291, Davis 282, TE 1200-MILE TRIP EXCEPT WEDNESDAY 9-12 NOON Coast Guard-M. Butler, Cap- Chalk 275, N. Parsons 284. d Mrs. George G. Brown Ways and Means-Club 14 Park Street Usclover street have re- tain; N. Hitnmer, M. Anderson. E. Reed and E. Schaberg. The Ways and Means Committee rons a 1200-mile trip of the Shawsheen Village Woman's Maine, New Brunswick Army-B. Clark, Captain; J. Petrie, E. Dodge, G. Carr and A. club met Tuesday with their Chair- Vhite Mountains. Vaughan. man, Mrs. Walter Caswell to dis- tenerary included a drive Navy-M. Rielly cuss plans for the coming club THERE'S ONLY costal areas of Maine and . Captain; A. year. uswick to St. John, thence Powers, L. Leighton, L. Proctor and E. Freeman. A rummage sale has been ar- t. Johns river for several P. T. A. Executive Board ranged to be held sometime dur- miles. Back through nor- ing the second week in October in tine they reached Skew- A very successful Executive Hoard meeting was held Thursday the grey atone house on the Sacred 'ere they visited Mr. and lleart school grounds of the Vil- er Matthews, former res- evening at the home of the Presi- dent of the Shawsheen Village P. lage. the 'Vale, who have re- Plans for other events were dis- trchased a poultry farm T. A., Herbert Ortstein of 9 Binney street. The year's business and cussed and this committee promis- Programs were reviewed and has es a very successful and entertain- modwoot - - - ing year. NSTALLATI... Refreshments were served by fIELD MOND X I The Lee-Chalmers Mrs. Walter Caswell at the close $29995 of Indian Ridge Rebekah Upholstery Shop of the meeting. BUDGET TERMS 11 be installed Monday All types of furniture re-upholstered Club Board Meeting IF DESIRED and Loiter 4th, at the rooms r efinished-Custom made furni- ture There will be an Executive usgrove building. Elected and slipcovers. IBo iii:411 Street Board Meeting of the Shawsheen oming term were: Noble Andover Tel. 301M Village Woman's club, Friday, fuss Doris Gates; *e- October 1 at 1:30 p. in. at the ra. Muriel Fisher; record- tary, Mrs. Arthur Smith; secretary. Mrs. William treasurer. Mrs. John YOUR FALL SUIT

8 a whitish bony malaria! phant's tusks. Is Now In Stock

GLASS INSTALLED Grand for studying and NHILE U WAIT THE LEOPOLD - MORSE just right for dormitory "WOLVERINE" SUIT . . . . sessions when the lights are $67.50 low! A beautiful JULIANA housecoat Westinghouse AUTOMATIC WASHER... wills raglan shoulders, three-quarter Famous BOTANY "500" . . $60 Its the talk of the town! See how you simply put the soiled sleeves and a deep ruffle doom,. Washable broAdt•lotli ALL-WORSTED SUITS . $49.50 clothes in - set the dial - take clean clothes out. Watch as in assorted multicolored plaids. Sizes 12 to 20. they are washed spotlessly clean, rinsed thoroughly, fluffily Is, Regulators, ,,side and damp•dried...without a hand touching water. Come in - see door and truck handles a Laundromat demonstration -- today! , Furniture Tops, Mirror HOUSECOATS Open Friday 'Til 9 ring. Second Floor LAWRENCE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY



CLAN JOHNSTON JUNIO Outing Club Plans (Recreation Alleys) PERSONALS... Coming Events 0/47/2 DO/21a1 The many friends of Dr. Malcolm Robert Moss, son of Mr. and CAMERONS Tot. McTernen of Wolcott avenue will Mrs. Irving Moss of Andover Many Activities Name Classes began at Kenyon College, Campaign Phillips Academy Outing W. White ..114 101 103 318 Gambler, Ohio, be very pleased to know that he street, left Tuesday to attend Oct. The where Michael This is eampalP has recovered and has resumed of- George Washington University at Club this year expects to offer a Maitland .. 94 95 94 284 Goriansky, 148 Main street, is en- Coll 1 Registration, Precinct 1, school is very fice practice. Washington, D. C. great variety of outdoor activities W. Watt .. 98 97 84 279 rolled as a member of the freshman any posters de Town House, noon to 10 m Joseph W. McNally, of Buchan to the student body in sight of Dummy ... 71 79 76 226 class this year. and the cal Mrs. John Denholm of Summer p. m. mom street recently re-entered the em- and McNally, and who resides at 28 greater membership and interest. Caldwell ..110 84 108 302 Miss Ann Caspar, daughter of which bedeck each 2 Danvers High at Punchard, ploy of the Merrimack Mutual Fire Park street, is a patient at the Headed by Buzz Tilton as presi- 3 Points 487 456 495 1409 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Caspar 'Chose running ft 2:30 p. m. Insurance company. Lawrence General hospital. dent, and Epler, Hardy, Esmiol, SEAFORTIIS of William street, has returned to follows: and Baldwin as directors and M188 Grace Lake of Main street Miss Emma Stevens of Summer 2 Yale Fresh at Phillips Acad- Name Tot. her studies at Westbrook Junior President, Raebt returned Saturday from the Law- street is enjoying her annual vaca- emy. with Mr. Sanborn as faculty ad- Vannett ... 90 86 112 288 college, Portland, Me., where she Lyman Gale, Betty viser assisted by Mr. Minard and rence General hospital, where she tion from the office of Smart and 2 Historical Society bakery sale Caldwell, Jr 89 79 100 268 Is a second year student. Vice-president, Dr. Hasenclever, the club will has been a patient for several Flagg, Inc. on grounds, beginning at 1 Nicoll 71 94 76 241 John Batal, son of Dr. and Mrs. Frances DunlavY, sponsor mountain climbing, ski- weeks, following a major operation. Mrs. James J. Murray of 29 Bart- p. m. Anderson 105 93 100 298 John T. Batal of William street, Richard Brantley. ing, deep sea and trout fishing, let street, is a patient at the Law- Ferrier 84 120 106 316 was among the 200 new students Secretary, Barba. Miss Lake Is improving nicely and 2 Marjorie Sheppers, monolog- camping, sailing, big feeds, and, rence General hospital. 1 Point 439 472 494 1511 to register at Bates college, Lewi Thompson, Karolyn is at the home of her aunt, Mrs. ist, at Abbot, public invited, probably, cycling. s. Mrs. Mary O'Neil of North Main ton, Me., for the fall term. He is a Treasurer, Eileet Donald Laurie of Whittier street. 7:30 p. m. Although nothing is definite, at street, is a patient at the JOHNSTONS graduate of Browne and Nichols Alice Shea, Robert Miss Gladys Gill of Shawsheen Lawrence 4 AMVETS opening meeting, least one mountain trip will be Name Tot. where he was a Campaign sPese road, has returned from a two General hospital. post rooms, 8 p. m. made before the rating, probably member of the bas- G. Gorrie ..122 100 98 320 ketball and baseball teams. Wednesday, last pe weeks' trip, to Kentucky and Ohio, Mrs. Edward C. Nichols, of Wol- 4 Courteous Circle observes at North Conway; and there will Determond 82 93 95 270 itorium Friday is traveling by plane. cott avenue, has returned to her 60th birthday, South church, also be one or two after the rat- The Rev. A. Graham Baldwin, Thomson, Sr., 94 80 78 252 School Sung Mrs. William Ledwell of Chicago, home, following an operation per- 6:30 p. m. ing, all depending upon the num- minister at Phillips Academy, last Thomson, 108 119 138 365 Next .\londay in formerly of the Maywood Inn on formed recently at the Lawrence 4 Indian Ridge Rebekah lodge ber of boys interested. If a good Sunday evening preached at the Gorrie, Sr. 106 96 1 Oe 308 the music appreeb Main street, is visiting in town, General hospital. installation, Musgrove build- snow comes around December 1, a Evening service conducted in the 4 Points 512 488 515 1515 learn the school 5( staying at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds and ing, 7:45 p. m. ski trip may be organized. ,Milton Academy, Milton. Mater," which was Mrs. Charles Bowman on Park family are residing temporarily at 4 Girls' Friendly society of In the winter, there will prob- GORDONS Panos Ghikas of Winchester, a year's Poetry Clul street. 41 Washington avenue, awaiting the Christ church meets at Log ably be a ski trip to Laconia, Guil- Name Tot. graduate of the Massachusetts Mrs. Addle Trow of 50% Whittier completion of a new home on Sum- Cabin with supper at 6:15 ford area, and to Sunapee, New Starchan 105 92 76 273 School of Art and of the Yale Miss Bantu's Floga street has returned from a two mer street. p. m. Hampshire. On the Prom week- Kinear .... 80 82 91 253 School of Fine Arts, has just been 'rhe student hot weeks' vacation with relatives In 4 Shawsheen Village Women's end, there will be a long trip to a Gorrie, Jr. 105 112 94 311 appointed Instructor in Art at e xtend its best wi Burry, Me. MR. NOSS APPOINTED club meets. Shawsheen school, large ski area (last year, Ascut- Dummy ... 82 80 78 240 Phillips Academy, Headmaster happiness to Miss Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone of RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTOR 8 p. m. ney, Vermont). Unless a large Denholm ..104 122 105 321 John M. Kemper has announced. 12:1 Elm street, et 5 Evening classes open at Mer- 0 Points 476 488 454 1398 Ghikas, who is a native of Boston, occasion of her High street has returned from a The Rev. Frederick B. Nose, min- enough group (ten or more) rimack College. will assist Patrick Morgan in the Dianesious Econ week's stay in Ellsworth, Me. ister of the South Church, Andover, thinks of any other activity, ski- 5 Library broadcasts over ing will be the only one this teaching of studio art. Nashu:, N. H. has been appointed instructor of CAMPBELLS WCCM, 10:30 a. m. winter. Name Tot. Miss Joan Blanchetts, daughter Voting Author religion and philosophy at Bradford Andover Welding Co. 6 Littlest Listeners program at In the spring term there will be Pattullo .. 86 97 127 310 of Mr. and Mrs. M. J Curran, Jr. Leslie Jane Junior College, Miss Dorothy M. library, 10 a. m. mountain climbing, sailing, fish- Bissett .... 82 92 100 274 of South Main street resumed her seventh grade has GAS AND ELECTRIC Bell, president, has announced. 7 Andover post, 8, American ing, and cycling depending on the A. Meek ...118 85 82 285 studies at House in the Pines, Nor- thor! Iler story, Shop Hours 8- 12 Mr. Noss succeeds Miss Harriet Legion meeting, 8 p. m. demand. Caldwell, Sr. 90 100 96 286 ton, when the school opened re- day." appeared on M. Taylor, a student at Andover Tel. And. 2029- R 9 Punchard High at Reading, A. Holden 106 91 108 305 cently for its 39th year. This year Page of last Sunda 40 PARK ST. ANDOVER Newton Theological school, who re- 2:30 p. m. 1 Point 482 465 513 1460 she is the president of the glee aid. signed in order to study at Yale club. 9 Punchard cross country team Pembroke Alumni BLACK WATCH University for her doctor's degree. The first in a series of square Last Priday, d' vs. Essex Aggies, here. Name Tot. Phone 9-4000—Rea. 9088 A graduate of Princeton and of dances will be held at West Parish, Miss Ruth Weetc 9 Tilton vs. P.A. soccer, here. Elects Officers G. Chaig ..107 90 122 319 the Reformed Church Theological Friday evening, October 1. teresting account 11 Listening to Music evenings The Merrimack Valley Pembroke D. White .. 81 104 96 281 Seminary in Lancaster, Ja., Mr. St. Augustine's Men's club win the Dr. Grenfell opens at library, 8:30 p. m. Alumnae club held its first meeting R. Ferrier 95 126 99 320 Dr. Joseph B. McCavitt Noes also did graduate work at the open its new season with a dinner foundland. She s 11 Court St. Monica meets, last week at Fieldstone. Mrs. Mac- Dummy ... 82 85 82 249 CHIROPODIST - PODIATRIST Harvard Divinity School for two meeting in the school hall Monday souvenirs which s School hall, 8 p. m. Connell, Alumnae secretary, was Henderson 99 105 94 298 years. He has been minister of the evening, October 4, at 6:30 o'clock, natives there. Ali 951 Essex St., Lawrence, Mass 12 Columbus Day. present at the meeting and in- 3 Points 464 510 493 1467 South Church in Andover since 13 Annual meeting. Andover formed the group of the activities when plans will be announced for shown on the hist 1929. Red Cross, Town House, the winter. fell Mision. being carried on by the college. FIRE RECORD 7:30 p. m. The following members were .1T TEACHERS' Sept. 25-9:25 p. m., still for fire Mrs. A111111 F. ALL WOMEN'S POST 13 Junior Women's Union, West chosen officers of the group: Mrs. For the Political News read t he • in shavings on property on Andover Mary Donahue at The Andover All Women's Post Parish church, sponsors Ned Brody of Haverhill, president; Boston Globe. Item] it Daily. Read street owned by W. K. White. itt, fall mooting No. 427, American Legion, is repre- monologist at Memorial audi- 'Mrs. Carleton Shulze of Shawsheen, it S lay. :Slake the Globe your Roston newspaper. (Adv. sented on the State Legion Christ- torium, 8 p. m. vice-president; Mrs. Ferguson of Sept. 26-12:15 p. m., still for FUEL 14 Andover Service club at An- mas fund by the commander of the Reading, corresponding secretary; grass fire at residence of Joseph dover Inn, 6:15 p. m. IV. SH11111i local post, Mary G. Bailey, who has Miss Katherine White of Andover, Hebbo, Webster street. Here To Serve been appointed vice-chairman of 15 John M. Kemper inaugura- recording secretary; Miss Mary Sept. 26-5:05 p. in., still for fire Real Estate a the committee. tion exercises at Phillips at town dump, Chandler road. John M. Murray Eliot of Lawrence ,treasurer; Mrs. Gulf —: a Commander Mary G. Bailey and Academy. Sept. 27-9:25 a. m., still for M. L. Currier of Andover, chairman Super Service \tam and Lia, OIL Vice-commander Dorothy M. Volker blaze in motor of washing machine of hospitality. COURT ST. MONICA NOTES Cor. Main and releph of All Women's Post, American Le- After tentative plans for future at home of C. P. Gabler, 25 Central A Hallowe'en dance in St. Augus- Chestnut Stroes gion, attended the installation of meetings were discussed, the meet- street. tine's school hall the night of Oc- the Danvers post Tuesday night, ing adjourned. CESSPOOLS F Sept. 28. tober 21, is being planned by Court —Al PHONE 365 Mrs. William Wolfenden, chap- St. Monica, C. D. of A. Harold GET YOUR PERSONALIZED XMAS CARDS NOW Cesspools and Phinney will he master of ceremon- lain of the local post, represented The books are in — Make your selection Eurly I not her organization at the installation ies. The public is invited. Births of the North Andover American Le- The State Communion Breakfast Koza—A daughter, Saturday, CHARLES TEL. LOV i gion Auxiliary, Tuesday evening, of the C. D. of A. will he held in September 25, at the Lawrence ANDOVER ;Sept. 28. Boston, October 24. Members plan- General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. AT ning to attend are asked to make Frank Koza (Helen Martinson) of reservations with Grand Regent 85 Main street. TELEV 194$ PLATES AT ONCE Marguerite Barton. McGrath — A son, Saturday, THE ANDOVER GIP Coal Co., Inc. $10 TO $30 DOWN September 25, at the Lawrence New or Old Caro—No rim That. Property D.A.R. NOTES General hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. D. HARDY DiatlaWREY Members of Priscilla Abbot Edward McGrath (Clare Addison) 27 Main Street OPEN £VLNINGS chapter, D.A.R., are planning to of 96 Main street. Open until 9 P. M. on Tuesdays and Fridays WAL' 141 Mk It. 1030 Maar. Ave. attend the annual fall meeting of Spencer—A daughter, Monday, Pa rk Street Telephone 1K32 NI Libely 2-3070 &List 41-0112 the Massachusetts D.A.R. to be September 27, at the Lawrence MAIL AND REGISTRY SILIEVICE held in Stockbridge, Tuesday and General hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Drop in for Wednesday, October 5 and 6. Murray Spencer (Virginia Mc- An elaborate and interesting Donough), 2 Arundel street, SANDWICE A NEW LOT OF program has been arranged for Shawsheen Village. the sessions and there will be a LIST Your Property HAVE Klos—A boy, Tuesday, Septem- reception Tuesday evening for ber 28, at the Lawrence General 5 Par FLAGSTONES ARRIVED national and state officers and hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. John For Sale With distinguished guests. ossoRTED ('01,0115) Klos (Agnes Wrigley) of 55 Elm 1-••••••,....•• The summer schedule at the An- street. Stott—A son, Frederic Sander- dover Post Office will end Satur- CHRYSLER AIRTENIP HEATING AND AIR son, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A. day, October 2. After that date, E. CARLETON BEMIS CONDI'T'IONING — (It'll ItEcmmo EN DAT loN Stott. September 29, at Pasadena, stamp and money order windows CURR) Calif. The father is a former An- OVER FIFTY INSTALLATIONS IN HOMES will be open until 1 o'clock on Sat- dover resident, and a graduate of THIS YEAR. Phillips Academy and Amherst Realtor College. COMPLETE HEATING SYSTEMS— "Five-Room Apartment in ideal 14 Park St. Tel. Andover 1295 Opinions Vary FREE ESTIMATES c try location, for rent. Im- "What did the audience do when mediate occupancy. Call An- you told them you never paid a 64. ttot,er 9:12, ring three; after dollar for a vot3?- a COMPLETE p. nt. Friday". "Well some of them cheered, IF YOU NEED VITRIFIED CLAY TILE and some of them got up and left!" Fireplace Dampers G: Cleat ttttt Doors SEPTIC TANKS ARE YOU Thimbles Lampblack 1 • , Mortar Color %Vali 'tile $49.95 Ir.-- Insulating ltlankets Your'e SCOTT Free Itockwool Delivered READY FOR '1-.1t-499-..1 .4 .-- S111,1 l'Ork %Vail itoard to purchase any quantity of the nationally-known "* limier and l'ement Mocks ENDURING A; rroducts of the Scott Paper Company — We call your II.%VE Tli ENI THE EA ICI H ITSELF- attention to the medium package of SCOTTIES (cleansing tissues) attractively priced at 2 for 23c — put away 6 or 12 packages. FREEZING 4('-gss HAVE FUN YOUR FIREPLACE! )lake it a source of heat • At Home SCOTT'S SOFT WEAVE - - 15c pkg. $1.75 doz. WEATHER and comfort rather than • At Camp Just an mitt lllll 41( SCOTTOWELS 17c pkg. $1.98 doz. Install an Outdoor Install Heatilator or SCOTT'S LARGE SCOTTIES - 25c pkg. $2.89 doz. Oven Fireplace Order Your Bennett-Ireland SCOTT'S MEDIUM SCOTTIES - 12c pkg. $1.35 doz. $39.45 Delivered WARM AIR UNIT SCOTT'S CUT RITE PAPERS - - 25c 2 for 47c Coal or Coke NOW! 1011413 It Broils and Bakes All Sizes Available SCOTT'S PAPER HOLDERS (White Enamel) - - 69c BUILDING MATERIALS AND SPECIALTIES Your Independent Grocer in any town or city in COAL — COKE FUEL OILS CROSS COAL CO these United States of ours is a credit to his community. SERVING GREATER LAWRENCE FOR OVER 84 Yt B. L. McDonald Coal Co. , The Rockport Market Main Office: 26 Railroad Street ANDOVER OFF' 58 MAIN STREET, ANDOVER TEL. 234 Lawrence — Tel. 5153 1 MAIN STREET TiL 119 14 Broadway, Lawrence, Tel. 5915 T.I. Andover 1234 Accommodetism Service Branch Office: 270 Essex Street, Lawrence


Punchard Triumphs Books Give Insight it NIOR HIGH Over Chelmsford To UNESCO Subjects

rz 8,, %NET THOMPSON, Roots of Culture YOURAND 173' 8"1 MEAN/NC"5"Aft (Continued from Page One) For those who attended the Dopial panel discussion on the opening next play, Dwyer lilt pay dirt, on a can at Kenyon College, evening of the three day UNESCO l'ampaign cation Teachers at the Copley 7Z--OPAL OR TOURMALINE 59-yard for a touchdown. Sid Wat- meeting, held In Boston from Sep- 111;:), where Michael This is campaign week! The Plaza in Boston last Saturday. SOWS placement WIIS wide of the tember 27 through 29, the Memo- 48 Main street, is en- school is very colorful with the — ROMANS CALL ED THE Red Cross mark. The score was 13 to 0 in rial Hall Library has prepared n ember of the freshman many posters decorating each DID, FLASHING OPALTHILD Recently Miss Hird received I. fa cur of Punchard at the half. brief reading list of titles which ar. room and the campaign tickets letter from the Bedford Veterans' BEAUTIFUL AS LOVE."' No further scoring occurred until will give further insight and un- which bedeck each student. Caspar, daughter of Hospital, thanking her, in behalf THEY CONSIDERED IT AN late in the last period when Dwyer derstanding in those subjects ills. Those cunning for office are as t. Frederick G. Caspar of last year's Red Cross members, AMULET AGAINST ILLNESS. unleashed a long pass, into the cussed by the panel members. street, has returned to follows: for the miniature golf game pre- arms of Alan Chetson, who lugged at Westbrook Junior President, Raeburn Hathaway, This meeting of the national sented to them. The patiens at the the oval to the rivals' 15-yard mark - commission. appointed by Presi- tland, Me., where she Lyman Gale, Betty Born. hospital have thoroughly enjoyed MARK ANTONY (83 -30 B.C) er. On the following play Deveaux dent Truman to be an information year student. Vice-president. Alan Parker, playing the game which consists II spun loose from several would-he Frances Dunlavy, Judy Maddock, PROSCRIBED ROMAN SENAroR agent between the United States 1, son of Dr. and Mrs. of tossing rubber halls into cans tacklers to cross the goal line. Lit- delegation to UNESCO and the tal of William street, Richard Bramley. of different sizes and colors. NON/US, TO OBTAINNIS GLO- tle Sid Watson added the final Secretary. Barbara Folley, Janet 41\1iPleq's; people of America, Is the first to the 200 new students Miss Grover's Return RIOUS OPAL, *LARGE AS A point by a placement kick. he held In New England, and the It , Karolyn Eider. Bates college, Lewis. Thompson The school is glad to welcome Chelmsford never threatened. Treasurer, Eileen Skeirik, Mary HAZEL NUTI *BUT NON/US fifth of its kind since its institn- • the fall term. He is a back Miss Ida Grover who has re- Time after time they were repulsed Alice Shea, Robert Vaughn. tion. Browne and Nichols turned after her recent illness. She ESCAPED-WITH MIS GEM. by the strong Puncher(' defense. Campaign speeches were made is a member of the bas- has resumed the teaching of Latin — • Punchard registered four first Wednesday, last period in the aud- baseball teams. and Mythology classes in the THE OCTOBER BORN INCLUDE CELEBRATED LAWYERS, dOWIISI to Chelmsford's 2. The homs Recreation Committee itorium. Friday is election day. A. Graham Baldwin, Junior High school and French in JUDGES, A 12..S; DANCERS, ARTCVNNOISSEURS: club also received penalties which Thanks Jerome Cross Phillips Academy, last School Song the High school. totaled a loss of 80 yards. Jerome Cross. president of the Next Monday in the auditorium, A INTER/OR DECORATORS fining preached at the ('hisses The line-ups: Cross Coal company, has received the music appreciation class will rvice conducted in the The seventh graders are doing TWO YOUNG MAINE MEN DISCOV- PCNCHAR:D — Ross, P. 'Fisher!, letter of thanks from the Town learn the school song, "Our Alma lemy, Milton well in their English classes. Their le; Whyte, Frederickson. 1g; Mau- Recreation Committee for the co- Mater," which was written by last FRED A FORTUNE IN BEAUTIFUL, ilkas of Winchester, a main objective at the moment is 7:L7-I-COLORED TOURMALINES cert. Medolo, c; Guertin, rg; Curiti- operation given during the sum- )f the Massachusetts year's Poetry Club. ba°. R. Brennan, rt; Chetson. Brim. mer season in providing a truck to learn to write interesting and 0 Art and of the Yale Miss Bonito's Engagement accurate sentences. They are also 8202.500N SCATTERED BY cato. re ; Lawrence. F. Brennan, for the transportation of young- 'ine Arts, has just been The student body is pleased to learning spelling rules. NEIGHBORS IGNORANT OF Watson. Tanoian, Dwyer, Otis, Ihir sters to and from Pomp's pond Instructor in Art at Extend its best wishes for future Art classes have started on the THEIR VALUE. Deveaux, Otis, rhb; Collins, Fraser, every day. Leadenly, Headmaster happiness to Miss Angie Dantos of program of the year. They average Di. "lt was only through this en- emper has announced. 123 Elm street, Andover, on the about 30 pupils in the seventh and 5 ,,, CHELMSFORD—Picker, Hoyle, operation," wrote Stafford A. Lind- o is a native of Boston, occasion of her engagement to eighth grades where Art is requir- re; Welch, Guiney, rt; Reia, Pelle• 80TH THE GLORIOUS OPAL say, chairman of the committee. Patrick Morgan in the Dianesious Economopoulas o f ed and are smaller in the ninth tier, rg; Oliver, c; Kelly, 1g; Buz- "that we were able to teach 110 studio art. Nashua. N. H. grade where Art is elective. The AND THE LOVELY cell, It; Hayward. le; McHugh. children how to swim. n Blanchetts, daughter Young Author general program for the year in- TOURMALINE SIGNIFY Kidd, qb; Tatisey. Spanos, "This cooperation is appreciated Mrs. M. J Curran, Jr. Leslie Jane Westfall of the cludes design, portrait drawing, HOPE AND PURITY. canipbell. Burns, Bishop, Mar. even more when we realize the ain street resumed her seventh grade has become an au- water color in both transparent shall, Its. cost, under present day conditions, -louse in the Pines, Nor- thor! Her story, "Happy Birth- water color and tempera paint, The score: of donating the services of a the school opened re- day," appeared on the Good Sport' composition, pen and ink tech- Periods 1 2 3 4 R trunk and driver for seven days a its 39th year. This year Copy440/e. /948 Page of last Sunday's Boston Her- nique, posters, and a short study Punchard 7 6 0 7-20 week throughout the summer president of the glee .7 ald. of the Great Masters of painting. Chelmsfor 0 0 0 0— 0 months:* Assembly The art work is carried on under Touchdowns: Collins, Dwyer, De- t in a series of square Last Friday, during Assembly, the direction of Mrs. Dorothy San- veaux; Points by goal after touch- be held at West Parish, Miss Ruth Westcott gave an in- born and Miss Frances Dalton. down, Watson 2; Referee, Harper; ming, October 1. teresting account of her work in BALLARDVALE Umpire, McGuane; Linsman, Gaff- Back to School Istine's Men's club will 311, Hazel !Schofield, Corn,' lent, Telephone 898-11 the Dr. Grenfell Mission in New- AT NIERRIMACK COLLEGE ney. Time, of periods: 4 -10s. sw season with a dinner foundland. She showed us many A recent visitor at Merrimack Scoref by clse2;'yhl ?vu... IN STURDY SHOES the school hall Monday souvenirs which were made by the i Next Sunday World Wide Com- College was the Most Rev. Joseph Enrolled at B. U. This week Punchard is host to ctober 4, at 6:30 o'clock, natives there. Movies were then Sundial A. Hickey, 0. S. A., D. D., LL. D., Miss Margaret Hadley, daughter minion will be observed with a Danvers. Game time, 2:30 p. m. s will be announced for shown on the history of the Gren- s Prior General of the Augustinian of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hadley of special collection being received Nature Footwear fell Mision. Order, who made a tour of inspec- Chester street, has enrolled at the for the Fellowship of Suffering and Young Steppers .%T TEACHERS' MEETING Courteous Circle tion, September 24. He was ac- graduate school of Boston Uni- Service. Mrs. Anna F. Walsh and Miss To Observe Birthday — — Political News read the companied by the Very Rev. Ig- versify where she is studying for Church Service League the. Read it Daily. Read Mary Donahue attended the open- '('lie members of the Church Ser- The Courteous Circle of the "SHOES THAT SATISFY" natius Araniburu, 0. S. A., D. D., her M. A. degree In English. Make the Globe your ing fall meeting of Special Edu- vice League of the Union Congre- King's Daughters will meet in the secretary of the order. Dr. Hickey After receiving her B. S. degree ivspaper. (Adv.) gational church held their meet- South church vestry Monday, Oc- is the first American ever to hold from It. U., Miss Hadley taught for ing Wednesday at the home of tober 4, at 6:30 p. m. * X-Ray Fitting * the office of Prior General. two years at Baxter Seminary in Mrs. Walter Curtis of Cedar road, At this meeting the Circle will Here To Serve W. SH1RIIEY BARNARD Sunday, September 26, the Very Baxter, Tenn., and for the past two years was on the Hampstead, N.H., Andover. ..elebrate its 60th birthday. There John M. Murroy Real Estate and Insurance Rev. Mortimer A. Sullivan. O.S.A., Mrs. Michael Mullaney presided I.L. D., provincial of the order, faculty. will be supper with a Birthday cake, Gulf — at :- at the business session. A social paid a visit to Merrimack Col- a devotional service led by Mrs. L. Super Service 0 ;on Ind Barnard Streets Miss Hadley is now serving as hour was enjoyed and dainty re- D. Pomeroy, a business meeting Cor. Main and lege. Two new Augustinian col- organist and choir director of the REINHOLD'S Telephone 66 freshments were served by the hos- and a "play" in charge of the STREET Chestnut Streets leges have been opened during his Trinitarian Congregational church 49 MAIN tess. The members are working dil- council. regime, the Augustinian college at in North Andover. igently on articles for the fancy The Junior Circle members are CESSPOOLS PUMPED OUT Havana. Cuba, and Merrimack in Friendly Guild Notes work table for the church fair to invited guests. —ALSO— Andover. lie held November 5. ,S CARDS NOW The next meeting of the Friend- I Cesspools and Septic Tank. Construction of the new science P. T. A. MEETING SUNDAYS Installed building on the Salem turnpike at ly Guild will be held at the home DAILY selection Eurly The first meeting of the season fr $1.15 AND HOLIDAYS Wilson's Corner was started Mon- of Mrs. Randolph Perry Friday Luncheon: CHARLES CORPEIL evening, October 8. Mrs. Pauline for the Ballardvale P.T.A. will be Buffet Lunch 12:00.2:00, $1.50 ni„„s.t., 12:00.8; 00 day. September 27. This is the held Thursday evening, October 7, TEL. LOWELL 7236 first structure in the proposed MacFarlane will have charge of Dinner: 5::t0-14:00, Yr $1.05 Buffet Supper: 5:30-8:oo the devotional period. Mrs. Frank at 8 o'clock in Bradlee school. quadrangle of six buildings to be CIANED Til'ESDAYS Green will preside at the business Mrs. John Wilson, the president, erected. It will be ready for oc- will preside. The new committees cupancy in September, 1949. meeting at which time the mem- Glfi {1g TELEVISION bers will present their talent dol- have been appointed and everything lars. All ladles of the parish are has been planned to make this year at Enroll at Wheaton invited to join this group. a banner year at Bradlee. Everyon, f teldstones Miss Nancy Ballantyne, daughter in the community, interested in Baby Shower Held end Fridays of Mr. and Mrs. Allister R. Bal- children is invited to attend these Telephone 5522 Ili WALTER'S lantyne, 207 Middlesex street, A family party was held Sun- meetings which* are held the first by SALLY BODWELL North Andover, and Miss Eleanor day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thursday of every school month. SOUTH MAIN sirttErr — .‘Nuovi.:a — TEL. loon Ralph Greenwood, Sr., of Tewks- Drop in for Your Favorite M. George, daughter of Mr. and Observed Silver Anniversary Mrs. From George, 360 Andover bury street in honor of baby Linda Because of the illness of Peter street, North Andover, were among Lee Greenwood, daughter of Mr. Quinn the silver wedding of Mr. SANDWICH or DRINK the 147 students enrolling in the and Mrs. Robert Greenwood of and Mrs. Quinn was celebrated r Property entering class at Wheaton College Harding street, Andover. Baby Lin- quietly Wednesday, September 22. Andover Craftsmen 5 Park Street at the opening of the college's da received many beautiful gifts. The couple received many cards RE-UPHOLSTERING Sale With 115th academic year this week. Refreshments were served by the and lovely gifts, Including a purse hostess. of silver dollars from relatives. —and — Celebrates Birthday I'ers is Little Margo Lanphier daughter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kibbee of CUSTOM BUILT FURNITURE of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Lanphier of Quincy, visited Mr. and Mrs. James )N BEMIS BEAUTIFUL FABRICS CURRAN & JOYCE COMPANY Niarland street celebrated her sec- Nicoll of Clark road, Sunday. and birthday Tuesday afternoon. Personals Specialising in Plastics Guests were preant from Lowell, Mrs. Frances Benson is ill at her tr home on Mariand street. —MANUFACTURERS— Andover and the Vale. Margo re- Musgrove Bldg. Tel. And. 1820 ceived many lovely gifts. A social Peter Quinn is improving in gmerammemmeno6 A. Andover 1295 hour was enjoyed and a beautiful health at his home on River street. 1M. birthday cake was served with ice Frank Petty of Center street is enjoying his annual vacation. SODA WATERS cream by Mrs. Lanphier. John and Alan Petty, sons of TEL 11 -NA, Methodist Church News FREE PARK and GINGER ALES Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petty, have —ANDOVER Rally Day was observed at the left for the University of Vermont Methodist church last Sunday. where they are sophomores. Alan There was a large congregation to Petty attended the school last hear the Rev. William Crawford season. John Petty has transferred PLAYHOUSE Preach. He stressed the respons- from Northeastern University. 1.111 1 DA V, S.5'IT1111.'1V — October I, 2 RADIO REPAIR ibilty of the parents and teachers Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mears, Miss Jaime ell Elizabeth Taylor of the Sunday school pupils on at- Ruth Mears and Miss Ann Mucloar• A Date With Judy 2:1, 5 5: 2t1 g:10 tending church with the children. lane spent the weekend at Plym- Robert 'Feats. Loring SERVICE Special music was part of the outh, N. H., and Newfound Lake. Fall Guy T.:. 7:10 service with an instrumental trio, James O'Brien is ill at his home sus 1).‘r 51051).55. tictolwr 3.-1 Miss A. It. Crawford, violin; Miss on Andover street. , TEMPLE'S Ituth W. Crawford at the organ lobo (:firfaviii P:111111.1. betty Ann Gillis celebrated her Body and Soul 2 . 815 5:25 and Lewis Nason, saxaphone. Miss tenth birthday with a party at her 66 MAIN STREET TEL. 1175 yliioSi1111111.)' .14illIl 11.11110k Ruth Crawford sang and she was day. She had as her guests Marilyn ti Love From A Stranger 3,45 T:111 accompanied by her sister at the home on Center street last Thurs- piano. Ness, Janet and Margaret Bouleau. TUE1411).%Y, WEDNI.NDAT, October 5, S. 7 uvaame Durbin uifk Huy list's Up In Central Park 3:200 5:29 9:211 YOUR ANDOVER FURRIER .1111111, NI11.1111 litosisiliWitl Joliet The Upturned Glass I: 7:15 VERY FINE COLLECTION OF 1949 STYLES it boner ;11 tt tt 101111/.11', S.5.11'1111.1,1* octoln; n, 0 We Will Restyle Your Old Tuxedo Coat Ruud) Stun, Nlargusirlte Chapuuni

"A Treadway Inn" with Peter Pan Collars and Cuffs, $221.50 Coroner ('reek 3:15 a:15 9:15 th.t .ftruovii. 1.a..1114. Ilremer Located on Campus of Adventures of Casanova COME IN AND SEE THE L %TEAT STYLES IN FURS 1'15 4:45 7115 Phillips Andover Academy SL \ I. CHILDREN'S N10V114 CO. Inviting all to enjoy its facilities. VSUAL MOH \ R OVER 84 YE7 RS .1'1' 111 0'1 1,01 Rooms -- Meals — Functions ROBBIE'S FURS "141.'1. Ir:MI.V.S"— I Serial) 11 Villa: wEsTEtt. C.111111055 P.)111111'1 mit,:("rs DOVER OFFICE: Visit Our Newly Installed Gift, Shop I sits 1811 STREET, a1IOVrat TELEPHONE 10511 Tel. And. 903 STREET TEL 219 • Edward A. Romeo, Mgr. t, Lawrence

6 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 Memorial Gift SWARMS OF INSECTS WEDD Haddock "Birds" With Bacon PREVALENT THIS FALL wADE—ALVINC Made To Abbot Clouds of tiny insects often The Rev. L WEST PARISH O.S.A.. officiated elre. SI11111i Idt%%im, Correepondent, 'eelepl 3141-,1 Abbot Academy's first formal millions in a single swarm-- ceremony in tit faculty meeting of the year was swoop down on towns and cities church. Lawrence :Seth Anniversary eenior Women's Union held Monday evening at which this time of year to startle and an- tember 26, when time Miss Hearsey announced a Mr. and Mre. Leon H. Thomp- The October meeting of the noy an unsuspecting public. Alvin". daughter son of River road observed their Senior Womens' Union will be heel gift to the school of a beautiful Joseph .T. Alvin( memorial to Frances Caroline Several years ago a horde of fiftieth wedding anniversary Sun- Wednesday afternoon, October 6 at street. Lawrence day by holding open house from 2 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Flint who died on November 25, green aphids settled down in Eb- bride of Elroy I to 5 o'clock They wore married in Joini Gaskill, 185 Lowell street. The 1947. Miss Flint was the daugh- bets Field, Brooklyn, while a Mrs. Alice H. la ter of the late William W. and night hall game was under way. St. Albans, Vermont. but have liv- Rev. John G. Gaskill will be the street. Mrs. Flint, formerly of Concord. Some of them crossed to lower ed In title vicinity for the past 49 speaker. Escorted by hi years. They are members of the N. H.. where Mr. Flint was one Manhattan and (swarmed over altar, which was Miss Virginia Stevens of Virginia of the masters at St. Paul's marked autos and store fronts. ('race Church, Lawrence and are road has resumed her studies at the palms and gladio school. She was graduated from Again, they will completely active in the affairs of the church. Massachusetts institute of Technol- gowned in white Abbot in the Class of 1942. and cover a tree in the (suburbs or make They have three children H. ogy. She is a member of the Senior filly lace with entered Vassar College that year. a terrific nuisance in front of a marquisette yoke Cedric Thompson of Methuen, class. Leon M. of West Andover and Mrs. After graduation in 1945 she was general store in some small town, bong, lace (rime Mrs. Edward Kreiger of High A. R. Thebage of Lawrence. There employed for several years at reports Dr. S. W. Bromley, ento- fingertip veil of i Plain road is enjoying a vacation are six grandchildren. Radcliffe College in the Appoint- mologist of the Bartlett Tree Re a crown or orate Church Notes with relatives in Syracuse, N. Y. ment Bureau, and in 1947 she be- search Laboratories at Stamford, she carried whit, Miss Isabelle Fraser has returned gan work in the Radcliffe Grad- Conn. The Rev. and Mrs. John G. Gas- orchid center. to Arlington after spending the uate school. Her death occurred Insects that migrate like this, Her cousin an( kill were in Kennebunk, Maine, a few months later. The memorial where they attended the Installa- summer months with her sisters on the scientists said, are usually Miss Phyllis Di Haggetts Pond road. at Abbot Academy has been estab- aphids, leaf-hoppers and small rence, wore a br tion Service for the Rev. Joseph lished by Mrs. William W. Flint, Rodney Newton of the Congre- Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop Merrick of plant bugs. Some of them bite hu- American Beauty her mother. gational church. The Rev. Mr. Gas- ehawsheen road, enjoyed a week• mans with the sting of a mosquito, her satin gown The gift is to commemorate a kill took part in the ceremony. Aid vacation at the Ravine House, but leave no welts. Several weeks with (1 V neckl love of music which was an out- Randolph, ago clouds of locusts, too, swooped peplum, and at .111-Girls' Choir standing interest in the life of Mrs. Fred Thresher has returned down on Watertown, N. Y. chrysanthemums. The recently formed All-Girls' Frances Flint. Miss Hearsey said. to her home in Braintree, Vt., after They migrate, Dr. Bromley ex- Mies Carol Al' Choir of the West church met and is designed to give additional enjoying a visit with her (laughter. plains, because of their sudden sister. wore a Wednesday evening at 6:45 at the opportunity for Abbot girls to frock with a shee home of Judith Marland. Mrs. Carl H. Stevens. numbers—the hot weather has foster and develop a similar love kept them in check by their natu- shoulder effect The Visitors for the Friendly Kenneth Hilton, Jr., is convales- IN HAND FISH BIRDS KEEP THE BUDGET WELL and appreciation for music. In- ral enemies, but with the first flower girl. Her Visitation which is to be held from (-log at his home, following an op- cluded in the gift is a fine record cool si,ell the natural enemies crown of blue floe October 3 to October 17 met in eration performed recently at the Tasty and tempting—delicate, more wholesome variety in your white-meated haddock fillets main-dish menus! player machine. funds for dec- loose interest. tied a colonial Grange Hall on Wednesday eve- Lawrence General hospital. orating the room where the ma- roses and blue chi wrapped around a savory dress- HADDOCK GIRDS WITH BACON A second reason is that ning. At this time instructions and Fred Doyle, Jr., of Chandler road ing, and skewered with flavory chine is to stand and which is to with the Another memb G small haddock fillets or harvesting of crops their food sup- matet ial were given out to the left recently to resume his studies bacon! Serve haddock birds 3 large fillets, halved be called the Listening Room, and family, her brot ply has been depleted and they visitors who are to make the calls. at Princton University. with fresh steamed asparagus strips ham. finally additional funds which are best man and 2 cups favorite bread still-fin,. must be on the move. Winds carry Bus service to the West church William Christensen of Burnham and baked stuffed potatoes . . . to form an endowment, the inter- Samuel and Jos( cranberry sauce for a relish ... Remove skin from fillets. them into the city—like those from the outlying districts will he road, has again resumed his studies est from which is to be used to brothers of the strawberries and cream for des- Place about 2 tablespoons of insects in Brooklyn—they were matinee] next Sunday, October 3. at Princeton University. build up a library of records. cousins, Peter D sert. There's a meal elat's light stuffing on each piece of fish. potato aphids carried on the Send Off Party Joseph Buckley of Chatham. re- Roll fish around stuffing and Work is already progressing drew Alvin". all but satisfying, perfect to tense breeze from Long Island. Over is friends and former neigh- cently visited his classmate, Thom- the family's faltering appetite wrap with strip oZ bacon. Fas- rapidly toward making the Listen- Gene and Peter hors of Mrs. Adele Savage gathered as Curter of Lowell street. Both on a hot, sunny day! ten with toothpicks or skewers. ing Room ready for use. The "The most common clouds of ford. Place "birds" in baking pan or Saturday evening at the home of are students at Northeastern Uni- A perfect meal. too, because entire school is looking forward such aphids," Dr. Bromley says, Irene R. Zann versity. fish supplies such abundant pro- oven platter, and bake in a "are the birch tree aphids, willow Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haartz, Hige moderate oven, 375°F., for about with eagerness to the pleasure and Joseph Con tein, minerals, vitamins and aphids and the apple aphids. Plain road to tender her a testi- Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Stevens and amino acids your family needs 30 minutes. Take out fasten- to be derived from this appro- presented a pro monial farewell party. It was a their daughter, Virginia, of Virginia in hot weather as much as ill ings, garnish and serve with priate and stimulating gift. Some are pink, others green, still wedding selectio complete surprise to Mrs. Savage. road, have returned from an ex- cool. Serve fish often in thes2 asparagus and baked stuffed po- Several changes have taken others grayish. ceremony. tatoes. Serves 4. _1 buffet baked bean supper was tended automobile trip through days of high prices, and enjoy place in the fall calendar. Satur- "Often they will alight on their The young cou served. During the evening a trea- Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and day evening, October 2, Marjorie favorite host tree. But the damage at 16 Morton str does not occur this Fall because York and Cana( sure hunt was held and various home via the coast of Maine. They Plan Evening Study Shepherd, monologuist, will give other games played. On behalf of report that the scenery all along the Giles Remains Winner a program in Davis Hall at 7:30 the life processes of all trees are reception at Hite the gathering Mrs. Savage was pre- way was very picturesque. In 5th Essex Recount Groups At Library p. 111. The public is cordially in- slowing down. The tree is storing The bride is a Mrs. Elizabeth Simonds has re Only a few votes were changed vited to come. There is no charge up its sugar and carbohydrate sup- rence High echo sented with a purse of money. (Continued from Page One) htlfalot Club turned to her home in Worcester, in the recount just completed in for admission. The Christmas ply. The danger lie in the eggs, band graduated which clouds of such aphids de- High school. The October meeting of the Lafa- after visiting her sister, Mrs. Grace the Republican contest for repre- er, if plans go through, will he a holiday dates have been shifted, Fiolt, of Lowell street, for the past sentative in the Fifth Essex Dis- the recess beginning Thursday. posit. And that danger becomes lot club will be held next Monday woman just returned from Paris several weeks. trict at the recent primaries, but December 16 at 8 a. nt., and end- evident next Spring when these In most cases at the home of Miss Ruth Kilburn. who has done very successful work Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright and the result remained unchanged. ing Thursday, January 6, at 6 eggs hatch out." ens are plated fire Union street. al this field. their son, Robert, have returned to giving Rep. Frank S. Giles, Jr., of p. m. If you notice swarms of such then chromium f their home on Shawaheen road, Methuen, the third nomination The music appreciation evenings Dr. J. Allen Park will be the insects in your vicinity this Fall, well as resistance ibrasion. after spending the summer months over Selectman Roger E. Ingalls will be resumed in early October, speaker at the regular Sunday Dr. Bromley says home owners CRYSTAL at their cottage at East Bluehill, of Methuen. and are open without charge to Vesper service. must be sure to spray their trees BALLROOM — ANDOVER Maine. The recount. held at the request music lovers who enjoy listening to well next Spring to avert real "IT'S TN COME, SEE AND HEAR HIM! Mrs. John Entwistle is reported of Selectman Ingalls, gave Giles recordings and hearing them dis- trouble ahead next Summer. Whore there's the THEN REMAIN TO ENJOY 2953 votes to 2876 for Ingalls, a cussed. atmosphere and go, to be quite ill at her home on Os- Sentence Youths pared and In alaatoll SQUARE DANCING WITH good road. margin of 77 votes. The original As requests conic in or interest is Mutt and Jeff, Li'l Abner, Mars —SpreriollzIng In La count was Giles 2556, Ingalls Worth, Hex Morgan, The Berrys, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns and shown, Spanish courses, Home Gar- In Break At 'Vole Little Red S 2888. dening courses and homemakers' and many other gaod cientes in AL GAUTHIER Nnilly, formerly of Boston, have Route 125 Rep. J. Everett Collins led the courses will be considered. Fur Suspended sentences of one year the Boston Sunday Globe's Comir The Singing, Yodeling Prompter purchased the Hill house on Lowell each were imposed on ofur Law- He sure to read it. ticket in this contest and William further information call 314. Most supplement. -KING OF THE SQUARES" street, and are now occupying it. rence youths in Superior criminal All s family will enjoy met Longworth of Methuen won the classes are limited in number. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill and family court at Lawrence Monday when Sunday's Globe. Make the Sunday BE UP " ;econd nomination. Sarly registration is desired. have moved to Chapman court. they pleaded guilty to charges Globe your Boston newspaper. STUDY POP The Andover figures were as Ado.i Mrs. John G. Gaskill of Lowe!' growing out of the theft of silver Beginners and follows: Irrigation has been highly de- A street, attended the first fall meet and other valuables from the home Class In Moi Original Recount Mg of the Greater Lawrence Min- veloped in Montana. of 'Marion Dyson, 392 Andover Collins 1437 1435 WALTER isters' Wives Association, held last Giles 898 893 street, Ballardvale. FORCAYROIIIR Friday at Fieldstones. The meetite Tel. 2131-W Ingalls 609 611 Legal Notices The youths were captured after was preceded by a luncheon. Longwort 742 741 BEST they emerged from the house early Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis via valth of eMassachusetts Nicholson 455 459 one morning and walked into the ited Saturday in Salem and Marble Masks 914 916 PROBATE COURT 'trios of six police officers, who 'read. Docket No. 225,208 Essex, ss. had surrounded the dwelling after Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Bolwell of Los To all persons interested in tile the four had been spotted going in Consolida thgeles, Calif., visited with Mr. awl estate of Oliver B. Howe late of there.. GET YOUR Airs. Earl Slate of Argilla road over Andover in said County deceased. One was sentenced on a charge the weekend. A petition has been presented to of breaking and entering in the In Bishop Raymond Lane, M.M.D.D., said Court for probate of a certain night with the intent to commit AMERICAN GREEN SHEET superior General of the Maryknoll •nstrument purporting to be the last larceny. Sentence in the other rider, Ossining, N. Y., spent the will of said deceased by Windsor three cases was imposed for break- Herbert Howe of Reading in tile and other weekend with his brother, Lewis ing and entering and larceny in .,144/44 With His Modern and County of Middlesex and praying the night. RACE NEWSPAPERS ..ine of High ('lain road. Bishop that he be appointed executor there- Old-Fashioned Orchestra Patrolman Robert Deyermond He's More Than a Hit— .one last Sunday attended the 25th of. told the court that dress pins, re- He's a Veritable Sensation! at the 'Mei' Jubilee given in St. Mary's If you desire to object thereto you :ors, four pieces; of a silver tea set, Coming to Crystal Ballroom .uditorium in honor of the Very or your attorney should file a writ- • LETT TUESDAY, OCT. 5, and THEN Itev. John B. Martin, O.S.A. ten appearance in said Court at silver dish, and other articles, SHAWSHEEN Andover News Co. 'ill to the value of $350 were sto- EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Mre and Mrs. Raymond Coedit Salem before ten o'clock in the fore- MOTOR MART • PROC the 'en front the unoccupied Dyson Admission 60c, Tax Paid MAIN STREET TEL. 142 !sive returned to their home in noon on eighteenth day of Oc- Your Andover Ford Geneva, N. V., after spending their tober 1948, the return day of this residence August 25. Other breaks 47 Haverhill St., Shat,heen citation. • BILLI vacation with the former's parents. were made at the dwelling on May Tel. 5635 Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, 15 and June 25. he said. Mr. and Mrs. John (loads of Beech First Judge of said Court, this • BOO twenty-eighth day of September hi Robert Butcheller of Lowell the year one thousand nine hundred • CAD ..tieet, commenced his studies Mon- and forty-eight. COLORS lay at the Bishop Lee School of RICHARD J. WHITE, JR., NEW audio and Theatre, Boston. Register 4 Pork St. Miss Mary Putnam of Lowell Rowell, Clay & Tomlinson 1. street, is spending the week with 301 Essex Street Hand Knitting Yarns tier sister, Mrs. John Newell of Lawrence .Mass. 1:10417-11 SOP GLOSVASI .. for GREATER KNITTING Newton. PER11401101t ciod IXIER1OR PLEASURE AT GREATER Robert Simon of Arundel street, Agent for Airplane Reservations SAVINGS! has entered the Engineering course Hotels and Steamship Lines *de at Tufts College. He is the son of Andover Travel Bureau I000 ,, THIS WEATHER RESISTANT Pure Virgin Wool Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simon. FREI) E. ('ilEEVER Mgr. The first watch used was called Also REAL ESTATE 4, ( 'FAMILY' ENAMEL 21 Main St. Tel. 775 or 1098 a "portable clock." Sweater Yarns It's so easy to apply on tables, chairs, cupboards and woodwork. Also 2 oz. skeins 59c HAVE YOU SEEN for exterior surfaces, autos, porch The very lovely Curly Maple Antique Chest Knitting orsteds and Old Maple Comb Back Rocker in the Window of furniture. Leaves no brush milks of national FLORENCE S HANDY'S YARN SHOP) $ 1.97 to fit ever) 1 oz. skeins 79c THEY ARE FOR SALE THRU FAST PRYING • NIGH GLOSS QUART MARUM'S RETAIL PER Stop b1 The Popular Factory Store 15 UNION ST. EVERETT MILL BLDG. Craft-Wood Products W. R. HILL J( VISIT OUR SHOP OPEN DAILY - TEL. 2129-W . Open Tuesday Evening Until 9 TEL. 102 45 MAIN ST THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 7

OF INSECTS WEDDINGS • • • Alumni Association NT THIS FALL WA DE—MNINO POTTER--CA RICOP The Rev. Lorenzo Andolfl, f tiny insects—often Delicate orange blossoms caught Plans For Dances 0.S.A., officiated at the 1 : 30 the blush pink illusion veil to the The first fall meeting of the a single swarm— ceremony in the Holy Rosary cap of heirloom lace once worn Punchard Alumni Association was f\SCOUTI ' on church. Lawrence, Sunday, Sep- towns and cities by the great, great aunt of held Tuesday evening, September tember 26, when Miss Phyllis M. Miss JACK CASWELL year to startle and an- Carolyn Gail Caricof, who wore 25115, at Punchard High School Amen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a Scribe meeting public. period gown of blush pink satin with the following members pres- Joseph J. Alvino of 60 Walnut with long sleeo es and skirt en ent. DISTRICT NEWS meeting at the New Ocean House, 'ears ago a horde of street, Lawrence, became the s settled down in Eb- train when she became the bride John W. McGrath, president Chairman Calvin Metcalf of the Swampscott, at 9:00 a. m., Oc- bride of Elroy D. Wade, son of David tober 2. Group discussion will be Brooklyn, while a of Nathaniel R. Potter, Jr., in MacDonald, Ruth MacDon- Andover District is planning a Mrs. Alice H. Wade, 16 Morton held on Cubbing, Scouting, and game was under way. Cochran Chapel, Saturday, Sep- ald, Angie Dantos, James Doherty, day at Camp Sargent in October street. tember 11. The Rev. A. Bessie Dantos, Mabel Broughton, senior unit problems. tern crossed to lower Escorted by her father to the Graham for Scouts who wish to complete Baldwin of Phillips Academy offi- Elizabeth Buchan, Carolyn Bowen, second and first class tests in and swarmed over altar, which was decorated with Troop Meetings ciated at the 4:30 ceremony Maurice Krinsky, Henry Alders, cooking and nature. It is hoped of Christ church met no and store fronts. palms and gladioli, the bride was and Troop 70 B. Emmett Finucane of Rochester, Evelyn Foster, Harold Bendroth that an examiner will be available Friday evening, September 24, :hey will completely gowned in white satin and chan- N. Y., gave the bride in marriage. and Barbara Greenwood. for cooking merit badge tests. under the direction of Scout- in the suburbs or make tilly lace with an off shoulder Miss Barbara Edwards of It was voted to hold three A meeting is planned for the master George Luedke. misance in front of a marquisette yoke, full skirt and dances, the first one Friday, Octo- Schenectady, N. Y., maid of honor, near future to choose a nominat- Troop 71 of the shay/sheen re in some small town, long, lace trimmed train. Her ber 8th, to be called wore a gown of rose beige and the "Annual ing committee for new District P.T.A. is again without a Scout- S. W. Bromley, ento- fingertip veil of illusion fell from Fall Frolic." lavender changeable silk taffeta. officers. master, and has not yet started the Bartlett Tree Re- a crown or orange blossoms and Series tickets will be sold for The bridesmaids, Miss Constance All Scout leaders In Region I meetings this fall. Several former oratories at Stamford, she carried white roses with an Helen Hayes the dances, three for $1.25 or 50o Terhune of New Canaan, Conn., are invited to attend a Scout leaders have been approached by orchid center. per dance. The committee for the and Miss Ursula Keller of Wilm- the Troop committee without suc- hat migrate like this, Her cousin and maid of honor, first dance will be headed by David ington, Del., wore identical gowns New Radio Show cess. Any man interested in the sts said, are usually Miss Phyllis Di Pippo of Law- MacDonald. Assisting him will be of moss green changeable Registration Oct. 1 position should call Walter Cas- af-hoppers and small rence, wore a braided coronet of silk Ruth MacDonald, Bessie Dantos, taffeta with bands of ivy in their To Open Sunday Last Before Election well, telephone And. 6!. Some of them bite hu- American Beauty satin to match Henry Albers, Evelyn Foster, John gown which was styled hair. All three attendants car- The new Electric Theater radio in 1946, the United States Senior Unit the sting of a mosquito, her satin McGrath and Mabel Broughton. The first meeting of the new neckline and double ried bouquets of pink sweetheart show will make its debut Sunday, Bureau of the Census estimated to welts. Several weeks with a V Miss Elizabeth Buchan and Miss was held Wednesday and she carried blue roses. October 3, over CBS stations from that there were more than 91,- Senior unit of locusts, too, swooped peplum, Barbara Greenwood were put in at the Free Church at 7:00 p. m. chrysanthemums. The bridegroom, who is the son coast to coast. It will be broad- 000,000 Americans eligible to fatertown, N. Y. charge of publicity for the coming The unit Is just organising and Miss Carol Alvino, the bride's of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Potter of cast locally at nine o'clock over vote. Yet. In the elections of that grate, Dr. Bromley ex- year. any boys fifteen to eighteen are a full-skirted blue 156 Canterbury road, Rochester, Station WEFT. year, only 35,000.000 persons !ause of their saddest sister. wore Committees were appointed to to join. a drop N. Y., had John H. Moore, also of bothered to do so. To put it an- invited the hot weather has frock with a sheer yoke in Electric Theater will feature work on revision of the Constitu- Meeting Thursday Night Rochester. as best man and ushers other way, just about one Amer- in check by their natu- shoulder effect for her role of Helen Hayes in adaptations of tion, and revision of the statistical District Chairman, Calvin E. flower girl. Her headpiece was a were Ted G. Walker, III, of West- favorite stage and screen plays data. Henry Albers will be ican in three was interested as, but with the first the Metcalf, announces that the An- crown of blue flowers and she car- port, Conn., and Kirk Munroe of plus entirely new scripts. For the chairman of the Constitution com- enough in the welfare of his com- the natural enemies munity, state and nation to vote. dover District, Boy Scouts Com- est. ried a colonial bouquet of red Longmeadow. first few broadcasts, other drama- mittee, with James D. Doherty, mittee will meet Thursday night, roses and blue chrysanthemums. Following the reception at the tic stars will substitute for leading Miss Bessie Dantos. David Mac- In totalitarian states, every per- reason is that with the son votes—or else! in Great September 30, at 8 o'clock in the Another member of the bride's Andover Inn, attended by guests lady Helen Hayes who is complet- Donald. Mrs. Ruth MacDonald and Memorial Hall Library director's of crops their food sup- family, her brother Albert, was from Buenos Aires, Philadelphia, ing the run of "The Glass Men- Miss Mabel Broughton. William A. Britain, about two persons in een depleted and they three vote. In Italy, during the room on the second floor. This best man and the ushers were Buffalo, New York City, Westport agerie" In the Globe Theater in Doherty will be the chairman of meeting is open to any adult in- the move. Winds carry Samuel and Joseph Alvin°, both and New Canaan, Conn., Roches- London. Miss Hayes will join the the Statistical Data committee, recent election, practically every the city—like those eligible citizen voted! terested in Scouting. Please plan brothers of the bride, and her ter, N. Y., Bennington, Vt., and show immediately on completing with Miss Angie Dantos, Maurice to attend this meeting if only to Brooklyn—they were cousins. Peter Di Pippo and An- Amherst, Mass., the bridal couple her London engagement. Krinsky, Miss Elizabeth Buchan, What is the matter with Amer- bids carried on the aid and advise the District Com- drew Alvino, all of Lawrence, and left for New York where they em- Miss Barbara Greenwood, Miss ica; this motion where we fought a Long Island. From CBS Playhouse Number mittee. Any suggestions at this Gene and Peter Grillo of Brad- barked on their wedding trip to Evelyn Foster, Miss Carolyn the Revolution so we could vote Two on West 45th street, New and we have juat fought and won time will be helpful. .ost common clouds of ford. Europe. York City, the Electric Theater Bowen and Harold Bendroth. ds," Dr. Bromley says, Irene R. Zannini at the organ Mrs. Potter. who is the daugh- President McGrath reported that two great World Wars so that will open October 3 with Henry democracy could survive. Ts not GOOD MEDICINE irch tree aphids, willow and Joseph Comparone, soloist. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. unusual expenditures were being Fonda in "One Sunday After- our apathy a national crime? "Well, I do say," said the sweet id the apple aphids. presented a program of special Caricof of 4825 Kahala avenue, encountered for repair of musical noon." "The Amazing Dr. Clitter- You cannot vote in the Novem- old lady upon tasting her first pink, others green, still wedding selections prior to the Honolulu, T. H., attended Hana- instruments for the Girls' Band. tastes exactly house" will be aired October 10, ber election unless you are regis- glass of beer, "It oyish. ceremony. haoule, Punahoe and Bennington After discussion of the matter the starring Basil Rathbone. tered. Last chance to register be- like the medicine my husband has they will alight on their The young couple, who will live College, Vt., and her husband, who Alumni voted to support the Girls' The Electric Theater will he fore November 2 will be next been taking for the last 30 years." mst. tree. But the damage at 16 Morton street, left for New was a pilot in the Army Air Forces Bad by contributing $125 towards sponsored by America's Business- Saturday, October 1, at the Town occur this Fall because York and Canada following the during the war, is a graduate of this expense. Managed Electric Light and House from noon to 10 p. m. rocesses of all trees are reception at Hibernian hall. Amherst College and a member of Power companies, which include The next meeting will be held DONALD L. AMY 3wn. The tree is storing The bride is a graduate of Law- Psi Upsilon fraternity. New England Electric System Monday, October 4th at 7:15 in or and carbohydrate sup- rence High school and her hus- companies. the high school. Miss Ruth E. Glennie TEACHER OF PIANO ROCKWELL—PE ERSOL danger lie in the eggs, band graduated from Punchard On Skidmore Honor Roll Beginners — Intermediate — Advanced uds of such aphids de- High school. The marriage of Miss Suzanne PIKE SCHOOL NOTES New Clerk Named Miss Ruth E. (Bennie, daughter STUDIO 35 ELM STREIT that danger becomes Peirsol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pike School opened its is, sea- For Police Department TEL. 2079 Thomas Reardon Peirsol, of Ann of Mr. and Mrs. George W. (Bennie ext Spring when these In most cases automobile.bump- son with an enrollment of 169 chil- Arbor, Michigan. and Frank W. of 21 Wolcott avenue, was on the I out." ers are plated first with nickel and dren from Andover, Lawrence, (Continued From Page One) Rockwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Honor List of Skidmore College as notice swarms of such then chromium for appearance as :Methuen, Georgetown, Topsfleld, 18 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Julius Rockwell of Andover will During the times that the chief announced by Dean Margaret your vicinity this Fall, well as resistance to corrosion and lioxford and North Andover. IN hrasion. take place Saturday. October 2. and other police officers were in Bridgman at the Convoention Exer- .ley says home owners Additions to the teaching force in Ann Arbor, Michigan. court at Lawrence, or at any ses- cises Monday. Miss Chenille re- DRESSMAKING sire to spray their trees this yeas' include Miss Nancy Ash- ceived honorable mention 011 Miss Peirsol will have her two sion of superior criminal court, the the REMODELING Spring to avert real "IT'S burn, who is assisting in the first THE FOOD" sisters, Mrs. Klein of Buffalo, N. station would frequently be unat- basis of her work during the college ALTERATIONS mad next Summer. Where there's the rime combination et grade, and Mrs. Karl Haartz, who Is year 1947-48. atmosphere and good toed, tastily me- V., and Mrs. David Matthews of tended. The saute condition existed wed and in sizable Piltrthing• taking some of the work of the at tittles when the chief and some LADIES' SUITS, COATS, JefT, 1,i'1 Abner, Mars Ann Arbor, as her matrons of td —Specializing in Lobster and Chicken— higher grades. of the officers were called out on DRESSES MADE TO ORDER Morgan. The lit.rry., honor and her young niece, Mar- STRAPPING YOUTH cx Little There are a number of new pupils i• other gottil comic. in Red School House tha Klein, will be flower girl. local investigations. John Stainers was explaining ill the grades this year, as well as n Sunday loity's ('omic Route 125 North Andover Julius Rockwell, Jr., of Seattle, A person having business at the why he always got up for a lady it. lie .1111, to read ii. Alaska who is flying on from ill the nursey school, kindergarten station at times when it was unat- standing in a bus. Said he: PAUL'S Tastily kill i•itioy nest Alaska for the ceremony, will be and first grade. T.ucy Kemper and tended, would have to press a but- "Ever since 1 was a kid I've had CLEANERS AND DYERS Globe. Maki, the Sunda) BE UP TO DATE his brother's best man and the Betty Jane McEvoy have joined the ton summonsing au officer from a lot of respect for a woman with 127 MAIN STREET TEL. 2125 it Ruston ni•ss STUDY POPULAR PIANO ushers will be William H. Rock- second grade; Abthea Thompson traffic duty in the square. This was a strap in her hand." .ktly Beginners and Ad d Students well of New York, another brother, the fourth; David Tomlinson, the unsatisfactory, from a safety point Class in Modern Harmony E. F. Leland, II, and Frederick fifth; Gayton Osgood, the seventh; of view, as Chief Dane pointed out McDuffie, both of Andover, John William Bride and Patricia Eveleth that when an officer is away from WALTER SLOCOMB Suter of Detroit and John Peirsol, the eighth,. his post in the square someone is T FOR YOUR Tel. 2131-W 18 Summer St. brother of the bride. A new stairway, a gift of a very apt to he killed. POLLARDS CAR!' Mr. Rockwell is attending the loyal parent, has made possible the Besides the daily clerical work to University of Michigan at Ann use of another much needed room. be done, monthly records of all IN LOWELL Arbor where they will make their A check for $225, the net amount police activities had to be prepared The home for the winter. made on the play given by the pu- for the state Public Safety depart- pils last year, is to he sent to the ment, the F.B.I., and the National Consolidated Press MARRIAGE RETURNS Happy Health camp to aid those Safety Council. At the end of the Warm, two-piece The following marriage returns who might otherwise he unable to year an annual report had to be Inc. have been filed at the office of attend camp next summer from the made up for these departments. Town Clerk George H. Winslow: Greater Lawrence area. Some years ago the Taxpayers' • Joseph Cronin, 53 Brookfield Horseback tiding under the su- Association recommended a clerk KNITTED SUITS street and Mary Leach, 7 Fletcher pervision of Mrs. Richard Simmers for police headquarters so that the street, married September 26 in is being enjoyed by many of the chief could give his time to the su- St. Augustine's church by the Rev. older children, and tennis lessons pervision Of the departin ,nt. Matthew F. McDonald, 0. S. A. for that group are to be started • Edward Anthony Palenski, 16 shortly. School Broadcasts for Dale street and Olga Kazuna, 343 HAWSHEEN • LETTERHEADS Park street, Lawrence, married On WCCM Fridays September 19 in Grace church by Publicity Committee The Andover School department OTOR MART • PROGRAMS the Rev. Archie H. Crowley. For Legion Appointed will resume its weekly broadcasts beginning to- the Andover Ford Dealer .. Kenneth L. Sherman, command- over Station WCCM sheen morrow morning at 10:30 and con- verhill St., Shuts • B I LLH EADS MARRIAGE INTENTIONS er of Andover poet, 8, American 1. '767—Law. 5635 every Friday morning at The following marriage inten- Legion today announced the ap- tinuing • BOOKLETS tions have been filed at the office pointment of a publicity commit- the same hour. Little On this first broadcast Supt. of Town Clerk George H. Winslow: tee to serve the post during the • CATALOGS Donald Stout, 178 Elm street Kenneth L. Sherman will intro- 1948-1949 term. duce the new personnel of the and Bernadette T. Amatisto, 178 Members named to the new com- department. Interesting • mittee are: Frank J. A. Hum- school Fella' Elm street. programs are being arranged to A. Nelson, 66 Vine phrey. chairman; James D. Doher- 4 Pork Richard show various phases of school ac- St. Tel. 1943 street, Saugus and Glenna F. Dra- ty, Irving J. Whitcomb and Thai- F AS1 tivities and the work being accom- per, 27 Bartlet street. ter Eaton. Soft, warm two - piece ittOg 1"At41 plished by the pupils. knitted suits for the little feller . . . . suspender PREPARE FOR THAT 0 A. In E. E.( E LI pants, long sleeves, but- RESISTANT toned shoulder top . . . . ALL-IMPORTANT 0f t fiE 172t: 100% all wool, in won- AMEL derful color combinations. DAY! i tables, chairs, That added touch of beauty given Blue and Navy, Tan and by a necklace or bracelet . . . is Green, or Yellow and Also Select your Silverware odwork. precisely the same decorative Brown. Sizes 3, 4 and 5. autos, porch from the the fine displays effect that a new lamp or table will give your home. We now have ks . brush mar of nationally famous silver at JOHN H. GRECOE'S! Silver many such pieces . . . each one a $ .97 to fit every purse . . . . silver of enduring loveliness! superb appointment in the most 4.98 discriminating home. :ass PER QUART Stop by this week and select your silver pattern! THE FURNITURE BARN POLLARDS' CHILDREN'S DEPT. — THIRD FLOOR LL JOHN H. GRECOE WILSON'S CORNER NORTH ANDOVER 45 MAIN ST.

0, 1948

EDITORIAL THOUGHTS Views of MILT Down the Years Elect Co-C MOP with For P.A. El LET'S ALL ENLIST The News Continued From Page One) The Townsman Center Mort C( There is one kind of war which everybody, man, woman back "Bo" Polk v politics. What he to up to is to captains of time and child, should be willing to fight, and fight to a finish. It is 50 Years Ago—Sept. 1898 suggest with some force that he ni a special Henry .1. Newman is drawn as s the war against fire. Every reasonable property owner carries doesn't like criticism of racial dis- Phillips Academy fire insurance, thus protecting himself from a loss that he crimination in South Africa. He a juror. e . liese two By SEN. t:.ek has much in common with many The new Republican Town Com- PHILIP K. ALLEN Sorota's team ag hopes he will never suffer. He insures the property just in case. of our own Southern gentlemen mittee is made up of John N. Cole, iiergsinmaaalnledysachusetts Reformatory Freshmen in the of But however low the cost of fire insurance may be, it is a who deny that the passage of a H. A. Ramsdell, H. Bradford Saturday. The first law will solve the racial problem. Lewis, Alexander Lamont and at Concord is a maximum security, definite annual cost just the same. The cost could be reduced probably start ag Sir. Louw and some 2,375,000 Allen Simpson. cell block, type of institution with been decided by th substantially if fire losses were decreased sufficiently. Insur- more whites in the Union of South All but $12,000 of the $50,000 a capacity of 950, with an additional half weeks of pra( ance companies would be just as glad to accept lower premiums Africa feel the breath of 9,000,000 needed for the new gymnasium at 100 housed in the Farm dormitory faces will appear from you, as you would be to pay less, if they knew that they non-Europeans who demand racial Phillips Academy has been sub- as "trustees." Its present prison the backfield this equality. And the whites in South scribed. population is approximately 900 and Pete Gardere auc would be called upon to pay out less to owners of burned prop- Africa don't care to visualize their A few orders at the Machine the institution is run by the Super- Collins are sure I erty. future in an immediate political intendent, Jo Shop have created a flurry of ex- hn C. Doinn, and 200 respective spots and economic world where they ofi.oire I citement among the workmen who ebnit tloyees Polk vvI I l take qC,E Next week, beginning Sunday, is Fire Prevention Week. are outnumbered by three to one. CHARLES (1. sy,.cuy,y,om I have been idle for some time. The uopl in 878 a bbackack „i ()t1 It always comes during the week in which October 9 falls, that It is all very well for idealists to , wa8 A man with a truly worthwhile shop has now adopted a 54-hour used for six years as the State Is an abundance criticize the situation in the Union, being the anniversary of the famous Chicago fire. If there is purpose is Charles 0. McCullom schedule. Prison, but in 1884 its name was ing is yet definite but the whites have to live there whose desire it is to bring to the changed to the Massachusetts Re- but Eddie Ryan, a anyone who does not realize how serious the fire menace is, and they figure, rightly or wrongly Principal Bancroft of Phillips youth of this town all the finest in formatory, although in no tense can last year, might g now is a good time to do a little thinking. that it's their problem. So they are Academy is granted a three- recreational and health facilities months' leave of absence. This is it be called ledarefor matory Gil O'Neill. The directing Mr. Louw to say, in dip- practice It is everybody's job to prevent fires. It is YOUR job as aand i this connectimi, h his 26th year as principal. To th institution ai e much in lomatic language, "Hands off the committed will not necessai much as it is that of the fire department. In fact, if everybody served on the Pomp's Pond coin- males not over 30 who have not race question." Now, maybe we The County Commissioners slaying for mud think that this is our business, mittee. is at present in ais second previously been sentenced for a were more careful, there would be less work for the firemen meet in the Town Hall to adjust the two should be to do. but before we become too moral on term at a member of the Board of land damages in connection with felony more than three times. Most of them have been given sentences The probable s * * the issue, let's look at a few facts.part Health, in the and Inter-Church has taken an basket- active the widening of North Main street. * * * of five years indefinite, or five years be built around RaceLast Issue May, Defeated Field Marshal Smuts Smuts, ball league banquets. Junior High and a day definite. For men who veterans of last MERRIMACK COLLEGE to the surprise of many people school Booster days and the ()r- 25 Years Ago—Sept., 1923 have been given the latter sen- At center for the Work was begun this week on the first unit of a planned The new recitation hall at. Phil- Co-Captain, "GM and his own, lost out in the general ganization of the Andover town tence no parole may be obtained. quadrangle of six buildings at Merrimack College. It is ex- baseball team which brought An- lips Academy is being hurried to can he expected ti election to Dr. Malan of the dover fans so much pleasure dur- completion. To Concord also come transfers tion this year. pected that Nationalist Party. Smuts has been ing the war years. the structure will be ready for occupancy when the Irving Humphries of Wolcott form the Shirley and Lyman train. Bons have been ti in politics for inure than forty next school year opens in 1949. Born in Ogden. Utah. in 1905. avenue accepts a position with the ing schools for boys. These boys are underclassmen. U years in Africa and was virtually Phoenix Utility Company in North the incorrigibles who cannot he It seems almost no time since plans for the college itself synonymous with the country. But he came here in 1940 as sales rep- will lie the starter Carolina. haudled in those "open" institu- of the center w his liberal policy of gradual assimi- I resentative for the Abbott Lobora- were first discussed, and now it is in full swing, and rapid The Andover Historical Society tions. Anderson has oh( lotion of Negroes, half-castes and tortes. A graduate of Nashua. N. has a notable collection of anti- into the startini progress is being made to make it a thoroughly modern and Indians into the economic life of H. High school, where lie was a Also at the reformatory are auto ques and historical relics on dis- right side of the up-to-date institution of learning. the Union ran against the fear of prominent athlete. St. Mary's col- repair, cloth avl ng,furntt there play in the Town Hall. has a fine pair o the minority whites, a fear exalt- lege in Lacey, Wash., and the p In addition How fast the other buildings of the quadrangle will be About 2000 dead fish are seen are classes in the evenings, and Wight and Mac I Berated by United Nations support Massachusetts College of Pharma- floating in the Shawsheen river. built we do not know, but it goes without saying that the out- correspondence courses are pro- with Collins, Est of racial equality and by the course cy, lie managed a drug store for According to the Andover Fish look is very promising. Andover, always famed as a of events in India. So against a short time prior to accepting a vided. son, these two town of and Game club it is thought that tough going for a: Malan's platform, and rather to position in 1930 as pharmacist and The Massachusetts Reformatory good schools, is becoming more and more important as an dyes and chemicals from the mills lag to run the it the surprise of Malan himself, the laboratory assistant, at the same Sherborn was built have polluted the water, causing for Women at To protect the f educational center. United Party lost. time instructing in the Nurses' the wholesale slaughter. in 1877 and was one of the first will Issue starting * * * * * Nationalists Want White Republic Training school at the McLean Forty members of the Andover separate prisons for women in the Al Toole, who it The Nationalist Party stands for hospital in Belmont. AT THE GOING RATE Historical Society have a jungle United States. Under the superin- Augie Johnson. what the name might suggest, Active in the South Church feast at Berry pond. tendent, Miss Miriam Van Waters, This is not the "Traffic World" recently ran an exceedingly interesting severance of all ties with the Brit- Men's club and a member of the Committees of the Shawsheen there are 90 officers and employees. editorial on the rate increases which have been granted to the ish Commonwealth, and the set- Board of Directors of the Andover as far as the Vs Women's club are entertained at There is at present a prison pop- competition ove ring up of a republic excluding the Service Men's Fund association, he railroads, and the probable course of rates in the future. In it, the home of Mrs. George H. Wins- ulation of 480, including 60 babies. boys have won th non-European vote. The victory of belongs to the Andover Country low on York street. All women who have been sett• dons has been ye it made these telling observations: this party means very decidedly club and is a member of the na- Work is started on the new ce- tenced by the courts to serve a year hack field much the maintenance of the traditional tional fraternity, Kappa Psi. "The inevitability of a succeeding increase in rates to pro- ment road on Haverhill street. or more are committed here. The other backs such policy of permitting only whites He and his wife. the former duce the needed revenue is conceded . . . . A card party for the benefit of intimates are employed in general lace, Kimball, Lit in parliament, in the higher and Edith Jackson, and his four ehil- the Knights of Columbus building farming, knitting, sewing, flag- Osgood. Also, "Obviously, our economists cannot look to transportation must of the lower posts in public dren. Charles. Sally-Ann, William Fund is given by Mrs. Marie making, and poultry farming. strong as those as the field in which the brakes can first be applied against service, and in effect reserving and Thomas, reside at 26 Summer Daley's committee. The State Farm at Bridgewater, understudying, E runaway inflation. Indeed, there is no real reason why higher opportunities in business street.. MacTeyre, Gaml they and the professions to whites. Al- the largest of the five institutions, should do so. Accepting the Commission's calculations . . . . 10 Years Ago—Sept., 1938 has a total population of over 2000. lough, Chase. an though minor gains have been won and Swaziland inhabi- quite a bit of act freight rates under the decision will he 42.8 per cent higher by non-Europeans, the color bar ted essentially by natives and still Numerous faculty changes are The prison department, made up for announced at Abbot Academy as the most part of inmates sentenced the first ends th ilauains• and the colored person is run by British, perhaps in part ance of boys q than they were a little over two years ago. That percentage is the new school year starts. for drank !less, non-support, larceny, regarded as an inferior citizen. because of the Union's doubtful Tilton, O'Reilly, . . . . not high when price increases in other fields are con- The Catholic Daughters have in- and vagrancy, has at present under Rumor has it that Dr. Malan is record in the treatment of natives. he counted on Po stallation exercises in Parochial its jurisdiction some 800 prisoners. sidered. a Nazi, that he advocates Nazi Geographically and economically, The spirit of t "Transportation cannot be lifted out of our general econ- methods. What Dr. Malan advo- and yet the racial issue is a strong School hall. The new officials are To the defective delinquent depart- fine throughout cated before the election and what one, particularly to the natives. inducted by the District Deputy. ment separated into male and le- omy for special treatment. It must trend as the rest of our to this and he lie may do as the nation's leader Between Britain and the Union the Mrs. Anna Murphy. male sections go males and fe- Coaches Sorota Mrs. John Keith is elected presi- economy trends, so long as it competes in the commodity mar- may well be two different things. situation becomes delicate, for males who have been adjudged de- Leete will be re ket for its supplies and equipment, and in the general labor He disavowed so-called Nazi and Britain has given certain guaran- dent of the American Legion Aux- fective deliquents by the courts cessful season. Fascist support in his campaign, tees to the natives. Yet should the Mary. and who, therefore, are under the market for its workers." The Ways and Means committee hut extremists among his follow- Union insist upon action, Britain'a control of correction authorities Betsy Ross, n of the Shawsheen Women's club Rate increases were asked by the lines and granted by the er include some "generals" of the refusal to accept the change could for life or until discharged by Pro- American hag, w holds a rummage sale. Mrs. Fred- ICC after exhaustive investigation solely because they were , a secret society seriously endanger relationships. bate Court. In that department now and carpet make not only based on Nazi ritual but White Dictatorship? erick C. Smith is chairman. there are 380 males and 180 fe- necessary to the solvency of the industry. If and when future prepared to use direct action—a The Nationlist program becomes Miss Ruth B. Stott, daughter of males. rote increases come into being the reason for them will be polite term for force —to establish a serious threat to the few rights Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. H. The Bridgewater State Hospital, precisely the same. The railroads must buy their materials and a white dictatorship. For the too- enjoyed by non-Europeans, since Stott of Williams Hall, is the bride R 0 0 anent Malan's very small majority it proposes to take from natives, of Lovett C. Peters. The ceremony which is a part of the State Farm, their labor at the going rate. In turn, they must make a charge in Parliament affords him the op- . mulattoes and Indians their right is performed in Cochran chapel by houses the criminally insane. This ROOF RI for their service which is based upon that rote. portunity to restrain them, for he , to vote for white representatives the Rev. William Weston Patton hospital is under the supervision OF ALL and control of the supervisor of the * * * * * appears to be a constitutionalist , in Parliment. Land ownership by of Glen Ridge, N. J. 25 Years o' and not a potential dictator. But native blacks is already limited to State Farm, James Warren, but the THE MEAT PROBLEM if his followers become more nu- overcrowded reservations, but ex- treatment of the patients is super- All Worl A Purdue University news service recently issued a bulletin merous in due course, they may tension of land ownership is op- IDo You Enotti vised by the Department of Mental By In' on the meat situation, quoting marketing specialist M. Paul force him to drive faster or be posed by the Nationalists. Segra- are over 900 such pushed from the driver's seat. gation of non-whites may go to patients. Mitchell, which objectively summarizes some of the reasons HENRY Greater South Africa the extreme of forcing some 2,000- Massachusetts ? Next week we will continue with HAGGETT'S for present prices. It is possible to understand if 000 blacks out of native quarters the State Prison at Charles town WEST / "We are hearing much about the high price of meats not accept the arguments of the in cities back to the reservations. 1945 the ratio of property taxes the State Prison Colony at Nor- to total taxable valuation in Mass- anrl Telephone L minority whites. What may be Skilled trades are already closed fotk. these days," Mr. Mitchell said, "but the situation could just as more difficult to fellow is the ar- to blacks, and the present govern- achusetts has increased from appropriately be described by calling attention to the tremend- gument about breaking away from 'tient proposes to offer further pro- $35.78 to $45.53 per $1,000, a rise 1',EorRdS.ONALITIES PLUS ous demand generated by full employment at high wages." And the British Commonwealth. For tection to white labor. Already of 27%.... In the same period fol- the is vir- natives must possess permits to lowing World War I the rate in- Two Englishmen bound for this, he went on, has been accompanied by a reduction in live- wally an independent nation with- 1 travel, to enter a town or be out creased by identically the same New York had sat side by side on LAI stock numbers in the corn belt, resulting from last year's short in the British Commonwealth of I after dark. If a native cannot show percentage, from $21.04 to $26.64 deck-chairs without exchanging a feed crops. Marketing of beef cattle during 1948 has been Nations that includes the United a head-tax recept he can be arrest- or 27%, and it continued on to „, $30.34 in 1926 for a total rise of On the third day one of them LUN about 20 per cent below 1947. As Mr. Mitchell puts it, "For Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New ed and forced to work off the $4 Zealand, India, Pakistan, "in no tax. 44%. .. . Dr. Ellsworth Hunting- fell asleep, and his book fell with almost three years we have been eating our beef cattle faster way subordinate one to another in The issue is a serious one, and ton in his work "Climate and civ- a thud. It broke the ice The than we produce them." So long as we have an enormous de- any aspect of their domestic or can lead to a very tense situation. ilization" rates Boston as nearer other man picked up the book and climatic perfection for work and the following dialogue took place: BUILDING mand competing for a limited supply, we will have high meat external affairs, although united The natives are to form a supply by a common allegiance to the I of cheap labor upon which business health than other large city in the "Thanks very much." prices. And that is true of all other commodities as well. Western Hemisphere .... Massa- OF ALI Crown." Why then, if the Union is is dependent. Very obviously Mr. * * * * * chusetts leads all states in the pro- "Going across?" in effect an independent nation Louw speaks not out of fear of the ,,y portion of its residents listed in If you must start a fire be sure it is in your stove, or your does the Nationalist party make general policy of the United Na- ,tich an issue of "breaking away"? tions, but in direct protest against "Who's Who in America.".... "So am I." furnace, or in some other proper place. Fire is a fine servant, Look at a map of Africa, and part I any suggestion of outside interfer- There are approximately 168,500 but if it is not controlled is becomes a very dangerous enemy. of the answer may become upper- ence with the domestic racial issue. or 18% more motor vehicles regis- Established 1887 J. E. Pii tered in Massachusetts than at this THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN * * * * * ent. To the north-west of the Those who may criticize the United by Union is former German West Nations for failing to solve such time a year ago ....The first rec- Published every Thursday TEL Falls were the commonest type of accident 35 years ago, Africa, now run by the Union but problems would do well to remem- ord of apple picking in America The Consolidated Press, Inc. with railroad accidents running second. Lost year motor still technically a mandate. Geo- ber that good intentions must was the harvest of 1640 on Gov- 4 Pork Street, Andover, Mass. 63 PAR ernor's Island in Boston Harbor vehicles headed the list, falls had taken second place and the graphically it should be part of sometimes be comprised with un- Entered as second class matter of the the Union. East of this and north pleasant brutal facts, and that the ....Most of the Boston stores Andover Post OH k.. year railroad type has gone far down on the list, dropping as low as Price 5c par copy $2.50 Per of the boundry line is another area U. N. is no stronger nor more et- maintain free delivery service to a KARH fifth. The human element, it would seem, is partly the cause which the supporters of Greater fective than its members permit total of 50 surrounding cities and J. K. Lilly, tit Publisher L. A. iiur, gez South Africa hope one day to in- it to be. towns.... Boston is 1200 miles editor Frank T. , and L of the two leading types of mishaps. Are human heings always Associate Pilaw. corporate, the protectorate of I nearer than San Francisco to Pan- b Leah (Vest Parish Lois Smith Imported A going to be careless? Bechuanaland under direct Brit- Current Guests ama. 100 nines nearer than Balti- Women's News Hazel Schofield * * * * A woman guest, possessor of more to Rio de Janeiro, and 300 It alto Mildred Beet ern ham ish rule and kept us a haven where an Shawsheen Rath It. Trott -tor the natives may live unmolested electric iron, approached the clerk miles nearer than New Orleans to Advertising Assistant A friendly tip to Headmaster John Mason Kewper of selection of and under their own institutions, at a hotel. Buenos Aires ....The Massachu- 4410° Phillips Academy! Invite the Weather Man to the ceremony on Incidentally, is I "liave you AC or DC current setts Federation of Planning Fall weddin October 1'5! a self-governing colony which does here?" she asked. Boards will hold its 14th annual not choose to be incorporated into "I'll find out," said the clerk. In meeting in Northampton October NA EDITORIAL_ the Union. a moment he was 22-23. All sessions are open to the :0141 Nice to get back to normal, isn't it — meaning, of course, back, "Sorry, 550(1A-1 ST Inside the boundaries of the madam," he said, "but neither is Public. 198 ,tundard time! Union are the two territories of registered." Compiled by State Planning Board


Elect Co-Captains 1,04/THA Coaches: S. Sorota, It. Leete, Miracle Hat Start of Passing For P.A. Eleven T. Meany. Co-Captains: lio The passing game in collego reached its peak last fall. The col Center Mort Collins and wing Polk, Mort Collins; Manager, Bob Sweeney. leges had Bobby Layne of Texas. back "Bo" Polk were chosen co- The schedule: Chuck Conerly of Mississippi, captains of the Varsity football Harry Gilmer of Alabama, Johnny team In a special election held toy Oct. 2—Yale Freshmen, home. Oct. 9 --- Harvard Freshmen. Lujack of Notre Dame, Tony Minis' Phillips Academy lettermen last away. of Penn, Ray Evans of Kansas, Boob week. These two will lead Coach Oct. 1 6-- -Iirewste.r. here. Chnppius of Michigan and many 'HILIP K. ALLEN Sorota's team against the Yale others. Oct. 23--Springlield .IV's, here IATHAT is the ruling factor in chusetts Reformatory Freshmen in the opening game this Oct. 30—Tilton. here. These have n11 moved over Into Saturday. The first team, which will • • sport? There can be only one the pro group. With Paul Governali, a maximum security, Nov. 6--Tufts Freshmen, here answer. It isn't the manager or proloolloty start against Yale, has Nov. l3—Exeter, here. Sammy Baugh, Sid Luckman, Otto pe of institution with the coach, who too often picks up Graham. Glenn Dobbs and others been decided by the past two and a SOCCER 950, with an additional entirely too much credit. It is al- , at work. the passing game will half weeks of practice. A few new Coaches: F. DiClementi, F the Farm dormitory ways the material. It is the fighter reach another peak this fall. faces will appear for the Blue In A. Allis. Captain, J. E. Rose; " Its present prison -the football player-the baseball the Imckfield this year. Tailback Manager, Ted Torrance. Who started the passing game? player. It is the fellow up front on contribution from Buck approximately 900 and Pete Eardere and fullback Dick Oct. 9—Tilton, here. Here's a n is run by the Super- the firing line. O'Neil, a lusty old-timer: Collins are stare to start in their Oct. 13 — Governor Milliner, hn C. Dolan, and 200 During the recent winter season, "Dear Grant: respeodive spots while Co-Captain here. employees. Polk will take care of the wing football went on a wild rampage in "I was interested in your column Oct. 1 0—Tabor, away. the shift of coaches. There were built in 1878, it was back slot. At quarterback there Oct. 20—Medford, here. on Merrilat, end at West Feint In shifts all over the map-Navy, the decades purpled by time. You years as the State is an abundance of talent. Noth- Oct. 23—Tufts Freshmen, here. Michigan, Harvard, Yale, Washing- spoke of Chicago and Michigan n 1884 its name was ing is yet definite as to the starter, Oct. 30—Deerfield, here. ton and Kansas. but Eddie Ryan, a letterman from using the forward pass back in 190(1, be Massachusetts Re. Nov. 3—New England College, Then, in the middle of the base- last year, might get the nod over the year that the play was intro- though in no sense can here. ball season, there was another Gil O'Neill. The two have shown duced into football. • reformatory. Nov. 6 — Harvard Freshmen, wild upheaval with much in practice and the starter Mutton are committed away. Durocher going to "Chicago had a pretty fair will not necessarily do all the sort of quarterback that year, ver 30 who have not Nov. I0—Exeter, away. the Giants, Shotton playing tor much alternating of Fellow named Walter Eekersall. een sentenced for a back to the Dod• the two should he seen. He was 145 pounds of wildcat, than three times. Most gems, Dusty Cooke The probable starting line will Stage, Boxing Share In the Phillies-the and he Is the man-I believe- t been given sentences %%Ito caught Willie Heston from foe built around letter-winning earlier rumors that Indefinite, or five years Art Gallery Spotlight In one game between veterans of last year's campaign. Joe McCarthy woos lefinite. For men who At the head of the stairs on the Chicago and Michigan. given the latter Ben- At center for the Blue will be the second floor of the Addison Art through - reports Co-Captain, "Gins" Collins, who of a family fric- "No matter about that, but Eckie •ole may be obtained. Gallery the first thing one sees is ran be expected to see a lot of ac- what apparently is little more tion with the Ath- threw passes to Fred Walker, a d also come transfers tion this year. The guard posi- than a hunk of bronze. A closer letics - trouble in fine end of the Maroon, and beat irley and Lyman train- LEAHY tions have been taken over by two examination reveals such ele- St. Louis - trou. the vaunted Minnesota team through or boys. These boys are Eckersroll to Walker was underclassmen. Upper Pat Esmiol mentary features as two eyes, two ble in Chicago - too many reports the air. one of the great pass combinations ibles who cannot be will he the starter on the left side ears, a nose, and a mouth. This to follow. For only two dollars any woman con have as many hats as she of their day and time. those "open" institte of the center while Lower Tim piece of sculpture is the result of What too many people over- Anderson has shouldered his way has scarves, thanks to the 'itoololo, n" shoe n above as presented the efforts of one Ahron Ben- exclusiaely in the October issue ol soneopolitan magazine. look is this: It is the material, Ahead of His Time e reformatory are auto into the starting berth on the Shtnuel entitled "The Pugilist." not the coach or the manager, A patented invention, the "Bobbin" is a roiling frame, double at "Glenn Warner had some great weaving, furniture and right side of the line. The Blue It is part of the latest exhibition front, single at back. that has the final say. Cer- experts at Carlisle, and one of ops. In addition there has a fine pair of tackles in Dan at the gallery. With the "Bobbin" in her wardrobe, any woman can have as many tainly, the manager and conch pass the earliest combinations was Mt In the evenings, and Wight and Mac Beatty. Combined This exhibition, called "The hats as she has scarves. She doesn't have to he ingenious. She just have roles to play-often impor- ii kola Pleasant to Exendine and Gardner. ice courses are pro- with Collins, Esmioi, and Ander- Ring and the Glove," consists of a scarf around the "Bobbin" as shown at lower left. Top shoes tant roles. But not even a son, these two ought to make the "Bobbin' with a sequinned scarf, is inch makes it the perfect hat Frank Leahy or a Fritz Crisler Warner, always ahead of his time a collection of 18th and 19th cen- the teete tough going for any team attempt- for dancing. Lower right shows the "Bobbin" adorne.: With a bold was ever as Important as the In coaching, developed achusetts Reformatory tury prints lent by Paul Magriel. plaid scarf, which makes an ideal out-door hat. Designed by janote of sending linemen down the ing to run the inside of the line. material. No Leahy, a great nique at Sherborn was built It was formerly on display at the Ballard, it is expected to make hat history all over America this fall. field with his ends to block out the To protect the flanks, Mr. Leete coach, was ever up to a latjark, was one of the first Museum of the City of New York halfbacics. The Indians were ter- will issue starting nods to left end a Connor, a Fischer, or a Con. last spring. rific on the air and, of course, their sons for women in the Al Toole, who is an Upper, and robski. es. Under tile superin- Two rooms are devoted to 18th Track Hopes High skill was attributed to some rollout- Augie Johnson. SOCCER SQUAD a man. is Miriam Van Waters, and early 19th century pugilism As Season Opens Of course, a big part of tic bridge between the Indian anti This is not the complete picture ager's job is to get the best mated. officers and employees. when bare knuckles were the the occult. as far as the Varsity goes. The HAS HARD JOB Inasmuch as Fall Track has al. That is also a big part of the present a prison pop- fashion. The only objects of any just started, Coach Shepard has -There was nothing mystic competition over which these great interest as the prints of Led by Captain Ev Rose, sixty- coach's job in football- and this 80, including 60 babies. boys have won their starting posi- not yet been able to look over the about the skill of the Indian,. Daniel Mendoza, the English- six boys reported to Coach Di- goes for the colleges as well as the who have been smi- tions has been very keen. In the squad. Because of this. "Shep" although guys like Exendine Jewish boxer. and Humphrey, his Clemente for the opening soccer pros. te courts to serve a year does not feel that he can make a A winning baseball team needs and Gardner, and that great back field much will be heard from most consistent opponent (they practice. Of this number, only a committed here. The other backs such as Finney, Wal- prediction as far as the season is that pitcher or that hitter -more lineman of the era, Newashe, fought four times) and a "Behan- Rose and Bruce Bates have had who played end and tackle with o employed in general lace, Kimball, Linn. Davidson. and concerned, but has hopes of a than one of them A winning college Wick account" of one of their any previous varsity experience. equal skill and aboriginal fero- nitting, sewing, flag- Osgood. Also, although not as pretty fair season. football team needs that passer. fights which, incidentally, went to However, several promising mem- were really out of this I poultry fanning. strong as those whom they are Coach Pen Hallowell will assist ball carrier and blocker. city. 72 rounds. Also of interest in bers of last year's undefeated J.V. In cross country with Dick Hard- world. The foundation of Car- o Farm at Bridgewater, understudying, such linemen as The coach gets far too much cred• that era are the pictures of Ben team will no doubt be of great ing doing the coaching in the success was laid on block- of the five institutions, MacTeyre, Gambill, Smith, Kil- Caunt, one-time English champ, help to the squad. This group in- It for victory and far too much ing the halfback. field events as well as many of blame for defeat. The same is true population of over 2000. lough, Chase. and Seney will see and the advertisement of his fight cludes Willie Lee, Wally Kohler, the others to be run off winter of a pennant race. They pile two lepartment, made up for quite a hit of action. As subs for with Charles Freeman, the 300 Nick Neville, Bill Nichols, Dick track. As usual, the regular many olive blossoms on the winner King Richard never would it of inmates sentenced the first ends there is an abund- pound American freak, in Liver- Suisman, George Webb, Charlie ance of boys qualified. Moran, cross country schedule of four or and too many strands of poisom ivy have had to scream "My so, non-support, larceny, pool. Platt, Kip Beatty, Pat Chak- five meets with outside schools is has at present under Tilton. O'Reilly, and Brown will Things begin to pick up in the on the loser. Kingdom for a Horse," if kaphak, and Steve Joyce. being followed this season. Many a big league manager has ion some WI prisoners. he counted on for much support. rooms dedicated to late 19th and he'd breakfasted, lunched The spirit of the team has been Most of the opening practice Although a good number of been made - and many a one ctive delinquent depart- early 20th century boxing. In the session was consumed by a rather trackmen are out for football, wrecked-by the mattrial he hood and dined from my Hadley ated into male and le- fine throughout practice and due middle of one room sits a rather to this and heavy competition. ragged scrimmage in which only those who are not, are concentrat- Don't forget this in the build up sm. ins go males and I. makeshift ring with a life-size Ware with the hand-painted Coaehes Sorota, Meaney, and one goal was scored. This was ing mainly on getting in shape for the knock-over. have been adjudged de- statue of Joe Gans by Mahonri made on is play climaxed when the winter. All new boys who are prancing blue horse. Leete will he rewarded by a suc- Young. On the walls hang such iquents by the courts cessful season. Nick Neville headed the ball past planning to go out for winter or 'iniitlier Great Scsv.patper 111`,1 herefore, are under the famous pictures as "The Dempsey- goalie Suisman. spring track, and are not out for Salida). 111111 .1 lidos i III• The McClellan Gift Shop Firpo Fight" by George Bellows. 111, neigh- correction authorities The practice session was run by football are finding out what SI11111113 South Main at Orchard Street Betsy Ross, maker of the first Also the well-known "Stag at bors lit wake the laulte intil discharged by Pro- Mr. Allis, as Coach DiClemente, events they are best suited for. TEL. 1724-M Anierit•an flag, was an upholsterer Sharkey's." There are innumer- cii 111,1 Npatiovr. .511 Nom. family In that department now still slightly bothered by a recent The main track season begins NO MORE CROSS DOG! and carpet maker. able prints of such old-timers as us ill o-mujo'3 tIm,' It1,11111 1;10111'. 380 males and 180 fe- leg operation, stayed through only immediately tarter the football ,Ndv Terry McGovern. Kid McCoy, Bob the beginning of the practice. season. whieh ends on November Fitzsimmons (also a statue of him 13th, when Andover opposes gewater State Hospital, With only two veterans rehiring by Mahonri Young), and, of Exeter in that annual chaotic. part of the State Farm, ROOFING course, the great John L. Sullivan. from last year's varsity, the coaches criminally insane. This ROOF REPAIRING Given some prominence on the have a large rebuilding job. BECAUSE YOU'RE THE under the supervision OF ALL KINDS wall is a silk print proclaiming of the supervisor of the Jake Kilrain "Champion Pugilist Li ST EN-T( -M UNIC SERIES CENTER OF ATTRACTION , James Warren, but the 25 Years of Experience of America" given him by Richard The first of the listening-to-mu- of the patients is super- All Work Covered Fox. Right beside it is the writ- sic evenings will he held at the Department of Mental By Insurance ten challenge by John L. who, it Memorial Hall Library Monday ere are over 900 such appears, seemed rather skeptical evening. October 11, at 8:30 HENRY E. GOSSE of Kilrain's right to this flashy o'clock. The program will be un- k we will continue with title. The terms included a $10,- HAGGETT'S POND ROAD der the direction tot Donald L. 'risen at Charles town 000 purse. Both items are really Amy and the recordings to be WEST ANDOVER worth seeing. te Prison Colony at Nor- Telephone Lawrence 38805 played will develop the theme of In two showcases are the photo- the piano concerto. 'lime public is graphs of more ring greats such cordially invited tto intend. No as Dempsey (one picture shows LITIES PLUS pre-registration is necessary, and him clean shaven and quite pre- there Iii no charge for any or all aglishmen bound for sentable, for a change), Carpen- programs. had sat side by side on LARGE tier, Stan Ketchel, and many without exchanging a others. There is also a collection of colorful picture cards of fight- LIAM day one of them LUMBER ers in the 1 9 00's. These cards and his book fell with were enclosed in packages of t broke the ice The Meeca cigarettes and were appar- picked up the book and ently collected by avid followers POWS Yon TA * rag dialogue took place: BUILDING MATERIALS of the sport. In this latest display the Art very much." OF ALL KINDS Gallery has an exhibit that should ? across?" appeal to sports minded people as well as to art lovers. The exhibit That depends on you— I " will be there until Nov. 14, ample . and how up-to-the-minute time for all interested to see it. Fall's leading classic . . . . Established 1887 J. E. Pitman Est. your wardrobe is. NDOVER TOWNSMAN itomehead If you'd like more clothes double duty crease-resistant, id every Thursday by TEL. 664 Son: "1 want too be a bone spe- onsolidated Press, Inc. cialist." why not make them yourself? rayon gabardine . . . . long Street, Andover, Mass. 63 PARK STREET Father: "Well, you've got the It's fun ... it's easy to learn sleeve with the new French head for it." secon—d class matter at the —and easy on the budget, too. Cuffs . . . . flared skirt, darer Post Office. Enroll today for your Special ' copy $2.50 per WI accented lines . . . . serves J. K. Lilly, no KARHULA Crystal from Finland—in hand-engraved Teen-Age* Sewing Course— Frank J. A. Nuattilaey bring your friends ... form noitor man class. fashionably both daytime Byron T. Ba ler vases and bowls available in sea-green and clear crystal. and limo, Sarah Lora and evening. Talon --zip• Smith while learning to sew. C11/5 Imported ARO Ceramaics, famed for their pleasing mod- You will make a dress Hazel ti,hofield pered for extra trim smooth Nt il41,4 ern harmony of color and design are now on hand in a Assur,,,,t Ruth B. Trott Complete 8 lesson course ness. In a choice of colors. selection of shapes, for decorative and utility use for the for girls aga 12 to 17—$8. Fall wedding. 14.95 510 ESSEX ST. AL EDITORIAL— SEWING 6 SSOC IATION STRATFORD SHOP Lawrence Open Daily. Also Wed. 9 SINGER CENTER TELEPHONE 057 Tues., Fri., Sat. 'till g 50-A MAIN STREET 1 6

10 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 $30-Million Question Little Classic Census Studies Show Migrations On Ballot November 2 The traditional restlessness of AT TH (Continued front l'age One) which would be 10 percent greater the American people, dating back at today's costs.) to the earliest colonists along the nomical measure might well be the BAPTIST I The Joint Board, according to its Atlantic seaboard and their suc- 'instruction of sewage treatment REV, WENDELL L report, made a sanitary survey cessors who moved westward to Friday, 7:45 11 works along the river in the Lowell, which was limited to that portion settle and build up the nation, meeting in Chard Lawrence. Haverhill and Newbury of the river between the New manifested itself as never before these from North port areas. These would treat mu- Hampshire boundary line and the in the seven-year erloti. 1940- be guests. nicipal sewage and industrial sea, and did not include large hio. 47, according to Government Sunday, 9:30 wastes, before they are discharged utury streams such us the Nashtu studies. Graduati into the river, by means of inter- School river, the Concord river, the Shaw Figures Just 10:45, Morning NI ceptors for all existing and future made public by the sheen and Spicket rivers. Bureau of the Census show that mice of World-wi Hewer outlets. The report continues: "Careful 70 million Americans, the equiva- Sunday. In the Lawrence area, which in- surveys and studies were made o: lent of around half the popula- Wednesday, 1:2 cludes Andover, Methuen and North the sewerage systems and huh', tion, moved about in this period mac River Bapt Peters roans hero Andover, land off Marston street is trial waste outlets in tile following and lived in a different house in Annual Meeting proposed as a suitable site for the cities and towns, which, in the clot 1947 than they did in 1940. Of Church. Haverhi sewage treatment plant. opinion of the joint board, are the this group, an estimated 25 mil- 6:00; Evening a The Joint Board recommends that m.; 2:30 p. m only municipalities which at the I lion were classed as migrants be- p, legislation be enacted to re-estab- prevent time should comprise a I Bedroom II cause they changed counties meet in the vestry . lish the Merrimack River Valley sewerage district in the Merrimack 11.0,16 6' within a state or moved from one Thursday, 7:06 Sewerage District, comprising the Valley: Tyngsboro, Lowell, Dracut, state to another. Except for a Ambassadors meet 18 municipalities along the river in Chelsmford, Billerica, Tewksbury, 4 A relatively limited number under vestry; 8:00 p. m. Massachusetts. Recommendations Andover, Lawrence, Methuen. wd• special classification, members of the Church parlor were also presented us to policy, North Andover, Groveland, Haver- norrl, the armed forces are excluded. Notes: On F method of financing and methods of hill, %Vest Newbury, Merrimac, Here is a little house with a Job opportunities are usually October 8, the PI A assessment of the annual cost. As kinesbury, Newituryport. Sallsbury classic, unhurried spirit — a the mainspring of migration, and Wien of the the works proposed would have an and Newbury." This district in- house for those who mind the war and subsequent recon- Church will spon Dining Room the Chi average life of more then 50 years. _dudes approximately 343,000 resi- their manners and sometimes version period with their far- Supper in 12' 0-‘13•0" ginning at 6:30 p. It recommended that the proposed lents, of whom 127,000 live in tip like a touch of formality. the reaching effect on industrial pro- legislation permit the District to Mg and varied pro Greater Lawrence area. house, as featured in the Sep- duction and location of new finance construction by the issuance for all, under tl The report goes on to say: "An tember issue of Good House- plants accentuated this influence. of 40-year bonds. Imo Mrs. Kenneth Tho examination of available data keeping magazine. is bright, However, there were other mi- The Joint Board recommends the shows that the Merrimack Rivet curb mom gration factors as well, including CHRIST C =MK original, and very elegant. It following specific construction prof- the large number of wives who REV. JOHN S. A and its tributaries above the New lends itself readily to addi- ects with their estimated costs: Ilampahlre4Massachusetts' line re San Hill moved about the country to be M=1 Living Boom tional rooms. Friday, 6:45 p. Lowell region $7,650,600 ceive considerable pollution in the Garage WIN (arched near their husbands in the armed IMMO cents, 17•0's21.0. Troop 70; 8:00 1 Lawrence region 14,080,500 form of raw sewage, treated sewage 21'4- 11 forces, the many veterans who Radio Hour, "Ore Haverhill region 4,164,500 and industrial wastes The re- couldn't "stay put" in their origi- Great Playa" WN. Newburyport Harbor 1,885,500 sults of the analysis as contained II nal environment after demobili- Sunday, 8 : 00 a. in the engineer's report will show II zation, and the housing shortage minion; 9:30 Total $27,581,100 that through the processes of self- in so many parts of the country. Relative to the population, the School; 11:00 a. (These figures are based on purification the river has replen- nter Here number of migrants in the 1940- munion and Berm prices of materials, etc., when the ished its oxygen content to a con- 4.3%te Communion Sundt report was filed in December. tem siderable extent as it enters the 47 period was more than halt as great again as in the prewar 1935- Monday, 6 : 3 0 State of Massachusetts and is in Friendly Society, I I- quote treatment for drinking and flow into the river of mixed sewage ordinarily possible if the manu- 40 period. relatively good condition. Bird Sanctuary. UPHOLSTERING other domestic purposes. and storm water. This is also true facturers were to build their own From a geographical point of "However, the bacteriological Thursday, 10:1 Choirs — Refinished — Cane Seating if a trunk sewer were constructed treatment works, and the assess- view, the West was the principal Venetian Blinds --- Window Shane, condition of the river as it enters "At Lawrence and in the neigh- Communion. instead of treatment plants ments will be less because it is gainer, showing a net increase of High Geode CoverInos for Davenports the State of Massachusetts is such boring towns of Niethuen, Andovet Linn kegs — Mattress*. Ramada The only feasible way to avoid bac- cheaper to construct and operate 2,000,000 in population front mi- ce,raine — stamina — Crating as will require additional treatment and North Andover the quality of domestic sewage and putrescible terial pollution by overflow into the joint treatment works than individ- gration. The South, on the other FREE C] of sewage above that point if the REV. LEVERING REY ROWLAND L. LUCE river is to separate the sanitary ual works. In view of these con- hand, showed a net loss of 1,500,- water is to be of good quality for ndustrial wastes discharged into Friday, 7:00 p. lFormerly Buchan's) sewerage systems from the storm siderations it is recommended that 000 persons. The Census Bureau to Barnard Street Tel. 11140 bathing and recreational purposes his stream is estimated to amount 7:30 p. m., Cub E water drains in the cities. and the the manufacturers who produce study found that the majority of .1 "In its passage through the city o 47.5 million gallons a day. meeting. Joint Board recommends that the putrescible liquid wastes be asses- migrants from the South were of Lowell and neighboring towns, "The effect of this discharge is Sunday, 9 : 30 cities of Lowell, Lawrence and Hav- sed an equitable share of the cost whites rather than nonwhites, and the river receives pollution by sew- nd:cated in the result of anaylses school; 11:00 a. n erhill inagurate a program of sep- of the pollution abated." that for the country as a whole age and industrial wastes amount- which show the river to be grossly for children whol You Have aration so as to accomplish this there was little difference between ing in the aggregate to approximate- polluted below the city of Lawrence "It is recommended that all as- to attend chore end in the future." tnigration rates of whites and for a considerable distance, anti sessments be made against the Morning Worship, Something to ly 21.5 million gallons a day. At nonwhites though the latter times of extremely low flow in the at times not only deficient its oxy- "The total estimated cost of con- municipalities for both municipal of World-wide C moved longer distances. river, the pollution load added a' en so as to make fish life impos- struction of the regional treatment sewage and the industrial wastes, day; 6:30 p. m., Souse of the other highlights Worry About Lowell results in reduction of the sible, but also at times entirely de- play," according to the engineers and the the municipalities be ship. from the Census Bureau migra- Monday, 8:05 when some member of the pub- dissolved oxygen content just down• .•old of oxygen resulting in odor report, "is $27, 581,100, of which be charged with the responsibility tion study are: Reynolds lic is injured around your home stream from Lowell to values too nuisances $11,957,600 is for interceptors and for the payment of the entire as- will at station WCCM, mi or place of business. Such ac- low to sustain fish life. Occasional "In its passage through Haver- $15,623,500 is for treatment works. sessment. Re-assessment by the Migration and youth seem to program. cidents are the bash; for many ly the oxygen is completely exhaust• hill additional polluting sewage and The total estimated cost of the municipalities against the Indust- go together, with the highest Wednesday, 7: damage sults that run into big ed. Because of the purifying power wastes are contributed amounting trunk sewer plan is $56,392,800, of ries within the municipalities may rates found among those in their twenties and early thirties and ly meeting of the money. Yet liability insurance is of the stream much of the effect of o about 12.3 million gallons a day. which $45,117,100 is for the trunk be made at the option of each inexpensive. For instance. you the lowest rates in the 45 and up Thursday, 3:41 the pollution received from the city this additional pollution reaches ;ewer and appurtences, $5,5558,100 municipality and in a manner to and your family can he insured choir; 7:00 p. z of Lowell and its neighboring townr the stream before it has recovered Is for interceptors, and $5.717,600 be determined by the municipality." age groups. for all personal liability tip to is for treatment works. Tile migration rate for veteran, 7:30 p. m., Senior $10,000 for as little as $10 per is eliminated before it reaches the ,Ppreciably from the pollution con- intake works of the water supply ributed at Lawrence. Hence the "The estimated total annual 18 years and over was about one- + 4 year. Market Gardeners Offer of the city of Lawrence. However vorst section of the river, from the charges based on 40-year bonds at half greater than for nonveterans METHODIS , the bacteriological condition of the standpoint of depletion of dissolv- 1 3.4 per cent, with a credit in both U. of Mass. Scholarships and they moved longer distance (Ballar SMART & FLAGG INC. on the average as well. Only REV. WILLIAM CR water as it reaches the Lawrence ed oxygen content, is just down- plans of $929,460 from the sale of The Boston Market Gardeners' Sunday, 'Tile Insurance Ottice about 3 out of every 10 veteran, 10: 3 0 intake works has been such as to Amain front Haverhill. At New- grease, amounts to $1,339,020 for Association offers to any worthy Worship and 'A Bank Bldg. Andover 870 were living in the same house in make this water difficult of tide. buryport Harbor the bacteriolog- the regional treatment plan and boy or girl who has satisfied the munion Service; 1947 as in 1940. .c.t1 condition of the water has been $1.905,930 for the trunk sewer plan. entrance requirements ill either Church school. Telephone 7339 Established 1854 found to be such as to necessitate "The Department of Public the two-year or the four-year agri- Approximately 2 out of ever ± the Department of Health closing ilealth .... has established rules cultural course at the University of 5 persons living in the West ill this harbor for the taking of shell- and regulations to prevent the pol- 1947 were migrants, a rate about ST. AUGUSTH Massachusetts, $100.000 to help de- REV. THOMAS P. GEO. W. HORNE CO. twice as high as that for the fish even though the shellfish were lution or contamination of the pub- fray expenses at that institution. Friday, 7 : 45 LAWRENCE, MASS. South or the North Central State, ubjected to purifleation before lic waters within the Common- The award will be paid at the be- devotions. TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK and three times that for the marketing. The unsanitary condi- wealth. Under the law of Depart- ginning of the second semester of Confessions. SPECIALIZING IN ASPHALT SHINGLING Northeastern States. tion is undoubtedly due to a con- ment must proceed against those the student's first year at the uni- Saturday, 4 to siderable extent to the discharge who are found in violation of the versity. More girls leave home between Sunday, Mass of swage into that harbor from the regulations to compel the removal the ages of 18 and 24 titan boys. Applications must be received by 9:45 and 11:30. city of Newburyport. of the polluting wastes or their partly because they marry a: November 1, 1948. For particulars "The engineer's report shows treatment by the best practical earlier ages. as to procedure, write to B. Frank- The Equitabl that in order to maintain the oxy- method. In the enforcement of the Education may have sometlino: lin Trull, president, Boston Market once Society en content in the river at a suf- rules and regulations, actions will to do with people's moving about. Gardeners' Association, 240 Beaver LOCAL REPS "ciently high level to protect fish be brought separately against the For each age group above 24 the street, Waltham 54, Mass. :!fe, complete treatment of sewage municipalities for the discharge of educational level was higher HARRY E. - And industrial wastes is required untreated of municipal sewage and among migrants than (Immi 117 CHEST) TEL. AND for both Lowell and Lawrence met- .7.gainst the industries for the direct ONE AT A TIME grants ropolitan regime, and primary discharge of untreated industrial Juror: "Your honor, I beg to lie For both males and females. l treatment is required at Haverhill. wastes. Such actions would compel excused from jury duty on the Professional and semiprofessiona "The report further shows that the munufacturers to construct and ground that I am deaf in one ear." workers were the most mobile in order to maintain the bacterial maintain their awn waste treat- Judge: "That doesn't matter; we and tended to move longer dis- Imlay of the river water satisfact- ment works and would result in listen to only one side at a time." tances. ory for bathing and recreational a substantial outlay of capital by IIrpo.,es wiring dry weather, and each manufacture who produces -,iesfactory for the taking of shell- putrescible liquid wastes. Consid- ' sh ut Newburyport, the effluents of erable savings will accrue to the ''IC proposed treatment works at manufacturers in the District if the INC. Lowell, Lawrence and Haverhill District treats their wastes as pro- Paparella Bros., must be chlorinated, and primary posed in this study. No capital out- LAWRENCE treatment and chlorination is re- lay will be required of the manu- 17 UNION STREET quired at Amesbury, Newburyport facturers since the District will ALL 1 :11:d Salem. own the works, and the annual as- Our isle of pi "The report further shows that sessment against the manufact- semi, to show That new bathroom you've been waiting for ' athing will not be safe in the Mer- A STEP IN THE urers may be shown on tile books C0111111 llllllled n will really stand out with VIKON tiled walls !meek river during and immediate- as operating expenses. Tile portion VIKON Tile is easily RIGHT DIRECTION or medicine k and ceiling. For VIKON TILE'S twenty-odd - v following rain storms, even with of the assessments associated with and quickly installed pastel, solid and two-tone colors have been medical pracl ill these works constructed and in the capital costs will be spread over over existing walls. scientifically developed to harmonize with .... is a step to your Phone that have cum No costly alterations tell operation, beettuse of the over- a longer period of five years than is the newest equipment and accessories. You'll the centuries, or disconnection of to Call Andover 110. find just the right shade and lasting beauty uf this retort fixtures VIKON TILE. evidence it bt Convenient Credit Arrange today to have us and faithful Accommodations pick up your family wash community. weekly — Return it to you mini of unet pro the Linen Closet. yen dew:. VIK iN Spotlessly Clean, Ready for compounding CUSTOM MADE MILLINERY .SAY T • ICONOMY Telephone 31306 ANDOVER STEAM LAUNDRY HAR'

LE i .1i St. 1)172 134 JACKSON STREET -- LAWRENCE, MASS. TEL. 110 • 111111A1111,11T PHAI 66 MAI

Studies THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 11 Aigrations Parking Violators Woman Observes tional restlessness of AT THE CHURCHES OBITUARIES... n people, dating back In District Court MRS. FRANCES LAMONTAGNE !Barbara M. Gurski of Boston and 90th Birthday let colonists along the Mrs. Frances (McGrath) La- Rose M. Jacobson of West An- BAPTIST CHURCH ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Four persons appeared in District Mrs. Elizabeth Eva McGhie, .board and their Inte- REV. WENDELL L. BAILEY, Pastor montagne, wife of Wilfred Lemon_ dover; three sons, First Lieut. (Ballardvale) ((flirt at Lawrence earlier this week widow of James McGhie of Clark 1 MOM, westward to Friday. 7:45 p. m., Philathea John P. Jacobson, Engineers' Sunday, 9:00 a. m., Mass. to answer charges of parking viola- tagne, who had gained a wide road, Ballardvale, celebrated her build up the nation, meeting in Church parlor; Phila- Supply Section, Fechemheim, Ger- tions, the first prosecutions of this circle of friends in her 40 years 90th birthday Tuesday with open itself as never before theas from North Tewksbury will many; Jacob, of West Andover, SOUT nature since the installation of the residence here, died Friday morn- house. During the day many en-year eriod. 1940- be guests. ▪H CHURCH ing, September 24, after a long and George Jr., of Boston; four RP,' FREDERICK B. NOSS, new meters. One was fined $3, the neighbors and friends called to ing to Government Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Church Pastor illness. grandchildren and several nieces Friday, 10:30 a. m.. Pilgrim other three $2 each. offer their felicitations and to School Graduation exercises: and nephews survive him. Hall Women's Meeting, 14 Beacon Meanwhile, police are issuing She was born in Ireland, com- present gifts of flowers and cards. ust made public by the 10:46, Morning Worship; observ- The funeral was held from the street; 7:15 p. m., Troop 73, Boy "no-fix" tags daily, the number to ing to Andover as a child, and for Highlights of the day were a the Census show that ance of World-wide Communion family home Monday at 2 o'clock, Scouts. date running up to 300. The new many years was employed in the large bouquet of flowers from Americans, the equiva- Sunday. Tyer Rubber Co. office. Her home with services in Holy Cross Wednesday, 1:30 p. m., Merri- Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Church meters were officially placed in op- relatives in England. and a shower mnd halt the popula- here was at 101/2 Armenian Apostolic church, of School and the Junior Church; eration August 30, but as a week's Morton street. bouquet of dollar bills. I about in this period mac River Baptist Association which he was an active member. 9:30 a. ne, High School classes; period of grace was allowed by Po- Besides her husband she is sur- Mrs. McGhie was born in Aig- n a different house in Annual Meeting at First Baptist The Rev. Hovannes Kavookjian 9:30 a. to., Sunday Morning Men's vived by three sisters, Mrs. Birdie burth, England in 1858, the they did in 1940. of Church. Haverhill; Supper at lice Chief George A. Dane, for mo- conducted the services there and group, Leader, Mr. Calvin Met- Moynihan of Andover, Mrs. James daughter of Richard and Elizabeth an estimated 25 mil- 6:00; Evening session at 7:30 torists to become acquainted with also officiated at the cf,mmittal calf; 10:45 a. m., Morning Wor- Dempsey of Boston and Miss Nell Gerrard. She came to the 'Vale laseed as migrants be- p. m.; 2:30 p. m., Pioneer Girls them, the "no-fix" tags were not services in Spring Grove ceme- ship. Sermon and World-wide McGrath of Lowell; a half sister, in 1905 and has resided there y changed counties meet in the vestry. Issued until September 7. tery. Thursday, 7:00 p. m., Royal Communion; 10:45 a. m., Church What motorists may not know is Mrs. Frank Casey of Lawrence; Attlee. Mr. and Mrs. McGhie had ate or moved from one two brothers, Michael and Pat- The bearers were: George seven children, four of whom are Ambassadors meet in the Church Kindergarten; 11:15 a. m., Edu- that parking tags in Andover are other. Except for a rick McGrath of Lawrence; a half Jacobson, Jr., Jacob Jacobson, still living. They are: a son, vestry; 8:00 p. m.. Adult choir in cational motion pictures. cumulative with those in Lawrence. limited number under brother, Augustine C. Reilly of Walter Gurski, Donahed Bolonian, Garvin, and two daughters, Helen the Church parlor. Monday, 6:30 p. m., Courteous Both come under the jurisdiction of isification, members of Washington, D. C.; and several Martin Takesian and Setrak and Anne, at home, and another Notes: On Friday evening, Circle of The King's Daughters the Lawrence District Court. Tags forces are excluded. nieces and nephews. Parvanian. daughter, Mrs. Lewis B. Jackson October 8, the Philathea organi- 60th Anniversary Meeting. Junior for violations either in Andover or ortunities are usually of Springfield, Vt. zation of the Andover Baptist King's Daughters as guests. Lawrence go to the clerk of the Dis- The funeral was held Monday MRS. JAMES BLAMIRE ring of migration, and Mrs. McGhie is enjoying good Church will sponsor a Calendar Tuesday, 8:00 p. m., Ping Pong trict court. The first means a warn- morning from the M. A. Burke The funeral of Mrs. Agnes end subsequent recon- health and is quite active every Supper in the Church vestry, be- club. ing; the second a fine of $1; the funeral home, with a high Mass (Armitt) Blamire, wife of James niod with their far- of requiem at 9 o'clock in St. Blamire, of 93 Haverhill street. day. She greatly enjoyed her ginning at 6:30 p. m. An interest- Wednesday, 1:15 p. m., Week- third a fine of $2; and after that ffect on industrial pro- Augustine's church. The Rev. who died Wednesday afternoon, celebration and was delighted with ing and varied program is punned Day school of the Christian re- the offender goes into court. If a nd location of new John V. Casey, O.S.A., of Law- September 22, was held from the the opportunity of meeting so for all. under the direction of ligion; 7:45 p. m., The Church motorist gets one tags here and an- mtuated this influence. rence was celebrant. A delega- Lundgren funeral home Saturday. many of her old friends. Mrs. Kenneth Thompson. choir. other in Lawrence, that is consid- there were other mi- Thursday, 10:00 a. m., All-Day tion from the Sacred Heart September 25, with services at 3 ered a second offense. ItE( 'El VES SCHOLARSHIP dors as well, including CHRIST CHURCH sewing meeting of the Women's Sodality attended the service for o'clock. The Rev. George E. REV. JOHN S. MOSES, Rector Fines imposed on motorists un- The Chicopee Manufacturing Co. number of wives who union; 4:00 p. m., the Junior their fellow member. Brown, D.D., pastor of the South -I- -1- -I- der this law are returned to the of Manchester, N. II., a branch of nit the country to be choir; 6:30 p. m., A.P.C. Sorority Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy was Congregational church, Lawrence. Friday, 6:45 p. m., Boy Scouts, treasurer. the Johnson and Johnson Co., has husbands in the armed opening supper and installation of organist, and James Sheard sang officiated and conducted the com- Troop 70; 8:00 p. m., Episcopal Total collections from the meters announced the award of a two- e many veterans who officers; Speaker, Rev. Frederick "Miseremini Mei" at the offertuy mittal services in West Parish Radio Hour, "Great Scenes from from August 30 up to September 27, year scholarship for study at Lo- stay put" In their origi- B. Noss. and "Let a Pious Prayer Be Said" cemetery. Great Plays" WNAC and WLLH. amounted to $871.70, the latest tab- well Textile Institute to John S. inment after demobili- as a recessional. The bearers were: Warren and Sunday, 8:00 a. m., Holy Com- ulations made by Town Treasurer Howard Dyke. James Dickson. Peterson, Husband of the former d the housing shortage Burial was in St. Augustine's munion; 9:30 a. m., Sunday UNION CONG. CHURCH Thaxter Eaton show. This contin- Donald GlIcrest, Alex Blamire. Kathleen Marie Stowers of An- Y parts of the country. ▪ cemetery, where committal pray- School; 11:00 a. m., Holy Com- (Ballardvale) ued the daily average of approxi- Jr., and Leonard Blamire. dover. to the population, the ers were said by Fr. munion and Sermon (World-wide REV. PHILIP M. KELSEY, Minister mately $37 which the meters have Casey, the ' migrants in the 1940- Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Sunday Very Rev. Thomas P. Fogarty, was more than half as Communion Sunday). shown since being installed. MASON GOULD HERBERT LIVINGSTON Monday, 6:30 p. m., Girls School; 11:00 a. m., Morning O.S.A., pastor, and the Rev. n as in the prewar 1935- Worship with Communion; Ser- Henry B. Smith, O.S.A. Private funeral services for Friendly Society, Log Cabin in the Mason Gould, 154 Salem street, PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Bird Sanctuary. mon, "Betting on a Sure Winner." Bradford College Lists The bearers were: William . geographical point of who died Wednesday, September REASONABLE RATES Thursday, 10:00 a. m., Holy Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Choir Varied October Events McGrath, Frank Casey, John C. West was the principal rehearsal in the church. 22, were conducted Friday at the Communion. The following events at Brad- Moynihan, Frank Dudley, James 7 Walnut St. Tel. And. 848-W owing a net increase of Note: This is World-wide Com- Lundgren funeral home by the ford Junior College will be open Dempsey, Jr., and William P. in population from mi- + + + munion Sunday. The Communion Rev. Frederick 13. Noes, pastor of to the public during October: Cox. The South, on the other FREE CHURCH offering will go to our Postwar the South Congregational church. Friday, Oct. 1, Illustrated Lec- wed a net loss of 1,500.- REV. LEVERING REYNOLDS, JR., Pastor Emergency program. Burial wee in Spring Grove ceme- Friday, 7:00 p. m., Boy Scouts; ture: "The Charm of Old New GEORGE JACOBSON ns. The Census Bureau tery. SUMMER COURSES 7:30 p. m., Cub Scout Committee England," Philip Noble, traveler, George Jacobson, who was born nd that the majority of meeting. WEST PARISH author. 64 years ago in Armenia, died Fri- MRS. ESTHER L. BROWN For Beginners — Intermediate from the South were REV. JOHN GILBERT GASKILL, Minister Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Church Friday, Oct. 8, Recital by the day afternoon, September 24, at Funeral services for Mrs. And Advanced Students :her than nonwhites, and Friday, 10:30 a. m., Pilgrim school; 11:00 a. m., Nursery Class Don Cossack Chorus (admission the family home, 99 River road, Esther Lincoln Brown were con- the country as a whole Hall meeting at 14 Beacon street, • Accordion • Clarinet for children whose parents wish charge). after a long illness. He had ducted at the Cochran Memorial little difference between Boston. • Saxophone • Trumpet to attend church; 11:00 a. m., Sunday, Oct. 10, Vesper Serv- owned and operated a farm chapel, Phillips Academy, Satur- rates of whites and Sunday, 10:30 a. m., Children's Morning Worship, with observance ice: Dr. Edward H. Hume, retired which he purchased in 1918 when day, by the Rev. A. Graham Bald- •Piano •Bass Viol *Drums though the latter Service of Worship; Special Mu- of World-wide Communion Sun- medical missionary. he first came to West Andover and sic; Sermon, "A King Who win, D.D. Mrs. Brown, a resident •Electric & Spanish Guitar age!' distances. day; 6:30 p. m., Pilgrim Fellow- Friday, Oct. 15, Lecture: "The was a member of both the Massa- Cared; ; Church School classes for of the Andover Inn, died Wednes- • Vibraphones of the other highlights ship. Seizure of Czechoslovakia," Dr. chusetts and American Farm Adults, High School, and Junior day, September 22. She was the Census Bureau migra- Monday, 8:05 a. m., Rev. Mr. JuraJ Slavik, former Czechoslovak Bureau Federations. widow High School ages in the Grange of William L. Brown METRO MUSIC CENTER y are: Reynolds will speak on Radio ambassador to the United States. Cremation took place at Har- Hall; 11:00 a. m., Morning Serv- His wife, Rose (Peterson) 420 COMMON ST., TEL. 20282 station WCCM, morning devotions Friday, Oct. 22, Lecture: "Cur- Jacobson; two daughters, Mrs. mony Grove, Salem. ion and youth seem to ice of Worship; Special Music by her, with the highest program. rent Trends in Literature," Pres- the West Parish Church choir; nd among those in their Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., Month- ton Schoyer, author, traveler. observance of the World-wide and early thirties and ly meeting of the Woman's Union. Sunday, Oct. 24, Vesper Serv- Communion service with special up Thursday, 3:45 p. m., Junior ice: Rev. Boynton Merrill, D.D., it rates in the 45 and offering for the Committee on War choir; 7:00 p. m., Girl Scouts; Minister, The First Congrega- Ps. Victims and Reconstruction; 7:00 7:30 p. m., Senior choir. tional Church, Columbus, Ohio. lgration rate for veteran, p. m., Young Peoples' Fellowship • Friday, Oct. 29, Illustrated Lec- and over was about one- will meet in the parsonage, ture: "Gothic Cathedrals," Dr. ter than for nonveterans METHODIST CHURCH Leader, Miss Dawn Dunn. Clarence Ward, professor of art, moved longer distance, (Ballardvale) Wednesday, 2:30 p. m., The Oberlin College, Elyria, Ohio. average as well. One REV. WILLIAM CRAWFORD, Minister Senior Women's Union will meet Sunday, 10:30 a. m., Morning Lectures are at 8:15 p. m. and out of every 10 veteran, at the parsonage; 6:45 p. m., Worship and World-wide Com- vesper services at 5:15 p. m. ng in the same house in Senior choir rehearsal. munion Service; 11:40 a. M., n 1940. Church school. ALPHI PHI CHI SORORITY cimately 2 out of every Miss Stott Continues The Alpha Phi Chi Sorority of s living in the West in the South church will hold its first re migrants, a rate about ST. AUGUSTINNE'S CHURCH Career In Music Miss Helen Stott, daughter of Mr. the fall Thursday, Oc- high as that for the REV. THOMAS P. FOGARTY, Pastor meeting of Friday, 7:45 p. m., Novena and Mrs. Frederick W. Stott, of tober 7, at 6:30 o'clock in the the North Central States devotions. Phillips street, whose talent has Church Vestry with a supper and ee times that for the Confessions. lead her into many fields of the installation of officers. This will be tern States. Saturday, 4 to 6, and 7:30 to 9, musical world, is now associated followed by a business meeting girls leave home between Sunday, Masses 6:30, 8:30, with Ten Acre and Dedham Country with plans for the bazaar which is "Season's Switch" of 18 and 24 than boys. 9:45 and 11:30. Day schools, where she is doing all to be held in the Church vestry )ecause they marry at the choral conducting work with Saturday, November 20. After the ges. The Equitable Life Assur- the choirs and glee clubs. Priv- business meeting, the Rev. Fred- tion may have something ileged to attend the Music school at erick B. Noes will speak on "Our th people's moving about. ance Society of the U. S. Destiny." LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Tanglewood, N. J., during the sum- age group above 24 the mer months, where she sang with The supper chairmen are, Mrs. ual level was higher HARRY E. CLOUGH the renowned Festival Chorus un- Elven W. Gilfoy and Mrs. Frank- migrants than nonne- 117 CHESTNUT STREET der Robert Shaw, Miss Stott is lin E. Ellis. ZIP-LINER TEL ANDOVER lll soloist at Emmanuel church in loth males and females. l Boston where she is also studying DAMPHOUSSE inal and semiprofessiona organ under the eminent organist, were the most mobil, SIDING — INSULATION Mr. Oberle. ded to olive longer di, The brilliant young musician was' ROOFING a pupil of Miss Friskin at Abbot Telephone 29488 Any Time at a money-saver price STREET Academy, where she majored ill 200 MT. VERNON at B'way piano and continued her work in 594-13 ESSEX ST., this medium at Smith College. INC. CIOS.1 IT'S LAWRENCE ALL THERE LUNDGREN '59.95 Oar tile of prescriptions will c T14.121'lat 0112E serve to show that we have An all - season, all - occasion compounded nearly every type of medicine k n to lern zip-lined coot with detachable medical practice, I some MALCOLM E. LUNDGREN hood. Tailored by a top maker that have c down through the centuries. We are pr I DONALD E. LUNDGREN ; in 100M, wool suede, with flare of this record—proud of the back and novel stitched yoke. evidence it bears of our long • and faithful service to our New Talon quick-release zip- community. And it is this rec- ord of unerring skill and Personal Service per to zip in or out its new ex- proven dependability that rec- in clusive Chami - Fab Dupont oin:,lenthe our prescription lining for warmth against win- compounding service to you. Any City or Town try winds. Gray, Green or Wine.

LAUNDRY HARTIGAN Sizes 10 to 18. Telephone 2073 PHARMACY 18 Elm Street 66 MAIN STREET Andover, Moss.

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 BUSINESS PERSONALITIES AND SERVICES T ou read recent l You Should Know and Patronize d litany rrea11 aderey r. Ytlil-d onoen ug' h' 7'o otaoaha ,gu have syiebt or TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFS n m City Cleaners aa mlusr , tb y New Roofs Installed and Repaired J. A. Peros & Sons in Demand 48 HR. SERVICE 1 eean eerb wudh J. A. PEROS & SONS Most Obliging WOOL DRESSES 59.. often ) luoea . t a t INSULATION AND GENERAL For Re-roofing, Gen. Contracting City Cleaners, Launderers and (Plain) 1have to Dyers at 36 Main street, have a things as stop woi CONTRACTING EXPERTLY DRY TEL. LAW. 4931 thought for the customer, as can be CLEANED rine pictures, mill seen by the volume of business they' AND PRESSED those questions the do, and the number of satisfied cus- er, why do I have tomers who have taken their laun- raise begonias, w: It's The Old Story, dry and dry cleaning problems manage your homt You Cannot Tell a Book there year after year. make cartoons, at pastimes. The libri Many Andover boys, as well as by its cover. and many more: townspeople, take their clothes to MAIN ST. Scott !I. Black Frederick S. Black 35 ANDOVER HOW TO STOP IV City Cleaners, and are well satis- BLACKIE'S SERVICE STATION AND START LI fied with the results. Dale Carnegie Ii City Cleaners have a tine launder- PURITY CLEANSERS, Inc. in which his book ing service and it is well patronized find new peace of T. J. SCANLON CO. here in Andover. Men who are Home of Quality deal in its suggest fussy about their shirts, say that Building Materials, Hardware 3 HOUR SERVICE trated by cases of LAW. 9018 - 5004 City Cleaners use just the right, have had problem amount of starch for comfort and RES. AND. 1529 13 ESSEX ST. TEL. 1951 that yielded to tre ESSEX ST. COR. BROADWAY good appearance. If you can't starch thor of "Ilow To 11 LAWRENCE, MASS. shirts to the satisfaction of the Influence People" man of the house, send the shirts has worked out hi to City Cleaners — keep him happy N. E. Milk Producers Assn, end to worrying. PHILIP I. GAUDET and save yourself work. EFFECTIVE LET Building Contractor-Remodeling FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS This is a convenient place to IN BUSINESS FOUNDATION and HOT-TOP store your furs, too. City Cleaners MEAT — Processed Clear, concise Cement Bind, Stone, Brick and fundamental print Cement Work do a big business in fur storage— Frozen — Stored Sand. Loam and Gravel don't forget this next spring. AND. 709 letters, the point which letters are For Free Estinwtcs Tel. 15I9•W Are the children's snowsuits application of t ready to wear? One of these days supported by numt you'll want to zip the youngster M. T. WALSH into his snowsuit, so let City Clean- ANDOVER KNOW YOUR RE ers clean and press them while the ABILITIES EST. 1885 This book o: J. A. Peros & Sons of Lawrence They have done considerable fine weather lasts. PLUMBING AND HEATING Community Orchestra Sales and Service and developing n CONTRACTORS are experts at repairing and instal- work on the Locks and Canals in Plans Two Concerts City Cleaners are noted for their is the product of I ling new roofs. They also do insula- careful cleaning and pressing lf Lowell, and have re-roofed St. Going into its 10th season with General of research wo e AIR CONDITIONING delicate evening gowns, and after tion work and general contracting. Mary's Auditorium in Lawrence. rehearsals beginning Tuesday eve- O'Connor's Hum SHEET METAL WORK the wedding, they can make that AUTO REPAIRING Though J. A. Peros & Sons have The local mills have called on ning, October 5, the Andover Com- laboratory, where satin and lace wedding dress look 28 ESSEX STREET been in this business for only a munity orchestra announces plans 'Eddie' Ellis 'Hank' Brearly sons are now tea Peros & Sons for Tar and Gravel too beautiful to pack away in moth- TEL. AND. 201 year and a halt, the firm already for a Fall Youth concert and a 61 PARK ST. TEL IA of the book is a m work, as has the Little Fawn Clean- balls. porting of vaious has an enviable reputation. Spring Pops concert to be held in ers in Lawrence. PARENTS' QUES the High school auditorium. J. A. Peros & Sons have the most Child SI modern equipment north of Boston, During the season there will also GOLD STRIPE PAINT BRUSHES Weston F. Eastman and their new machinery elimin- be performances of chamber music Tried and prow ates all hand labor on built-up roof- by a smaller group in the Addison A Product of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company intelligent manai Art Gallery. INSURANCE ing. Pure China Bristles, Expert Workmanship dren on a wide va Good business sense, plus the The orchestra, which is expand- havior problems. REAL ESTATE ability to understand and please ing for the coming season, is ex- ADVENTURE IN PAINTING the customer is a Peros family trait, pected to be a larger and more LAWRENCE PLATE and WINDOW GLASS COMPANY Bay State Bldg. If you wonder 1 as can be seen also at that popular competent group of players than 417 CANAL ST. LAWRENCE, MASS. gins, works and eating place, the "Yankee Doodle," ever before. of the coast and RES. AND. 1775 LAW. 3 - 2149 which is operated by the father of TELEPHONE 3-7151 Plans are also underway to reach book. Woodward J. 0. Peros, a larger audience than ever before the beginner and Re-roofing has been a necessity by presenting programs that ap- student. Has eight ERNEST L. WILKINSON this year for many business houses, peal to all tastes. JOHN M. MURRAY and thirty-one ha Real Estate — Insurance factories and homes, as the result Generous patrons have supported SHATTUCK'S EXPRESS Lions of paintings of last winter's heavy snow and ice. the orchestra in the past years, but EST. 1911 CERAMIC SCULI RES. AND. 1653 SUPER SERVICE If you haven't had your leaky roof supplementing this, the directors lR,ily Dependabli, > • ice Excellent for LAW. 4762 EXPERIENCED OPERATORS repaired, call J. A. Peros & Sons hope to profit from the sale of ginner the essen 92 Park St. rel. And. 577 311 - 312 BAY STATE BLDG. ELITE BEAUTY SHOP for an estimate. You'll get fine tickets which will be available for MAIN AND CHESTNUT STS. TEL. 8484 work, using mot 3 MAIN STREET TEL. AND. 867 1st Line Tires $13.95 16.00x161 Plus Tax workmanship and satisfaction for both concerts. COME SEE US FOR YOUR TIRE NEEDS rolls than actua your money. A factory or home in principles could which you have invested your sav- CENTRAL P. T. A. TEA DISTINCTIVE young children AUTO LOANS DIANA ings is only as good as its roof. The Central Parent Teachers' As- SERVICE plasticine. BEAUTY Let J. A. Peros & Sons increase its sociation will hold a tea for the par- Lady Attendant EQUIPMENT LOANS value with a new root, or do that ents and friends for the the Kin- COLES' SALON M. A. BURKE PLUMBING a All Types Of insulation job before cold weather dergarten children, Wednesday, Oc- NURSING HOME PERSONAL LOANS catches up with you. Tel. Lawrence tober 6 at 3:30 p. m., in the kin- FUNERAL HOME PERMANENTS "A Home of Helpful Service for Chronic 383 No. Main St., And. 2 Deposits — $7,407,090.97 DIANA LANE, Prop. 4931. dergarten room of the John Dove Convalescents, and Bed Patients" Musgrove Bldg. school. Elm Sq. Tel. 164 10 Summer St. And. 1389 Miss Louise Sherman, teacher Wesley E. Rich Playing and supervisor of all kindergartens WALNUTHURST DAIRY On Hobart Fresh Squad in Andover will speak informally on Wesley E. Rich II of 57 Central Serving Andover the activities of the kindergarten ^3- Y OUgt street, is a member of the 23-man and the part the parents may play LOANS For Over freshman football squad working / in helping their children through , OT n 35 YEARS out at Hobart College, Geneva, the kindergarten experiences. Tea .. DAIRY $50 to $2,000 N. Y. in preparation for its four will be served by Mrs. Henry Dolan :r;:, - t= GABARDINE JUMPERS B. A. JENKINS, PROP. AND. 994 game schedule. Rich, a graduate of and her committee. W. H. Button-Front St. George's school played for five ANDOVER CLEAN — WHOLESOME — DELICIOUS TEL A COLORS years with the varsity squad, and PRORATE COURT Grey - Green - Black - Blue - Brown Baker Refrigeration Co. also earned letters for soccer and Oliver M. Howe, a resident of FINANCE CO Sizes 18 to 44 Price $5.98 COLOMBO & SONS APARTMENT SIZE WASHERS hockey. The 5-foot 8-inch 160- Andover for 16 years before his License $93 Reduced to $35.50 pounder is a candidate for quarter- THE IRMA BEENE SHOP APARTMENT SIZE MANGLES death September 16, left the bulk DAIRY 2nd Floor — MUSGROVE BLDG. GOOD SI 8 MAIN STREET 795-M Reduced to $45.00 back. mawwwwwm.....— of his $10,000 estate to his broth- DELIVERIES IN GREATER LAWRENCE 8 ESSEX STREET er, Windsor H. Howe of Reading, ANDOVER SQUARE AND. 1934 LAW. 22221 COURT ST. MONICA according to the terms of his will ARGILLA RD. TEL. AND. 1744 TEL. ANDOVER 1998 Court St. Monica, No. 783, C.D. filed last week in Probate court. USED THATCHED ROOF of A., met Monday evening in the Bequests of $100 each were made "An loving Ilia<• at 0111Inclion" Polly Prim Beauty Shop school hall with a good attendance. to two sisters, Mrs. Dora E. Frost AT AL TEL. LAW. 27732 Specialist In all Sewing for the bazaar was the of Andover and Mrs. Edith It. Blue Bird Beauty Shoppe NO. ANDOVER project of the evening. The next Greene of Boxford. Branches of PERMANENTS — TINTING business meeting will be one week Estimated value of the estate of ROUTES 126.03 Beauty Culture TOMI from Monday. Elizabeth B. Henderson was $10,- VERRETTE'S CARRIE P. BACON 00 MAIN ST. sERVIC1 Tel. 970 025 according to the letter of ad- Restaurant FOOT TREA I MI .', I S GIRLS FRIENDLY SOCIETY ministration allowed at Probate 'N, Musgrove Bldg. And. ,004W itoi 0. Main The Girls Friendly Society of the court in Salem last week. Atty. 1., 4" In The LORIS DI STEFANI Christ church will hold its first Clover J. Stone was named admin- ...„ meeting of the year Monday eve- istrator. t•ttgia Square PAINTER and DECORATOR ning, October 4, at the Log Cabin, with supper at 6:15 p. m. Where carbide is present in iron ON THE Andovt RESIDENTIAL—INDUSTRIAL—SCHOOL The girls will meet at the church it is hard and brittle. Mortgage 244 SO. MAIN ST. TEL. 1438-W and go in a group. SQUARE OPEN MOTOROLA ANDOVER LOANS Repeated heating of iron in- 6:0') A. M creases its hardness. . THE GARDEN SHOP SIIAWSIIEEN MARKET TELEVISION Stedman & Son Martha anti Frank Robinson, Now Sensationally Andover Say .igs ' Flowers, Proprietors THE LOW PRICED! FRENCH KETTLE Plants. Shrubs, DELIVERY HOURS Evergreens MON., WED., FRI. MORNINGS ONLY SHAWSHEEN LAUNDRY Bank DAILY L SATURDAY ALL DAY $179.95 Tel. 270 ONION SOUP 2 RIVERINA His. TEL. 501/ CO., INC. NOW — 61 MAIN ST. TEL 103 so LOWELL ST. FUl L COU The Finest Laundry and EVERYONE can afford this 3 CANS FOR 29c CLEANING SERVICE new Entertainment for the RANGE AND FUEL OILS ENTIRE FAMILY Fraser's Service Stationi NUS AVAILABLE - O L TROMBLY BROS. EVIIII OCCR51011 ,s1111*-, GAS G001 AND SEE FOR AN DOVER ,t 40 RANGE OIL SERV (CENTERS WOWS. r TRY US ::- t. ACME TIRES TEUIAIWW DU/ kt •Y GIL4"1i Andover Consumers Co-op EASON, Ignition - Carburetor and Brake Repairs YOURSELF HOME SERVICE AND BATTERIES TEL. 31031 or 22582 J. H. PLAYDON 68 MAIN ST. ANDOVER 12 No. Main St. Tel. 155 147 Sutton St. Hilisid• Rd. By-Pass 60 MAIN STREET AND. 70 '1'I,11.. (920 AND. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN -- SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 13

Commonwealth of Massachusetts ANYTHING OLD FASHIONED OR AN- 11 Lauds Crews Flying Legal Notices PROBATE COURT TIQUE. Guy N. Christian, S Union St., Docket No. 219,381 Georgetown, Mass. Write or Phone MD. AT THE LIBRARY Essex, ss. Supplies To Berlin Commonwealth of Massachusetts We will call. (If) To all persona interested in the estate of I A vivid and stirring picture of Lawrence, September 24, A. D. 1948 Williatn E. Burke late of Andover in said LOST :ES If you will read over the list of County, deceased. Essex, ss. RADIO NEWS WRITING Brooks and task confronting the young The administratrix of said estate has pre- recent additions to the Memorial The author is instructor in radio American airmen flying supplies By virtue of an execution which issued sented to said Court for allowance her first SHORT PEARL NECKLACE LOST Hall Library you will discover that on a judgment at the District Court, holden and final account. Around Andover Square, Sept. 24. Re. news writing at Columbia at Cambridge, If you desire to object thereto you or a good many books telling the Univer- to Berlin in the face of the Rue- within said County of Mid- turn to 63 Salem St., or Phone UM. Rs. 'Mani blockade was presented dlesex, on the second day of September in your attorney should file a written appear- ward. reader "how-do" do something or sity, and is in charge of news writ- to favor of Harris A. Reynolds against Bar- ance in said Court at Salem before ten other have been published lately embers of the Andover Service bara R. Hart, of Lawrence, I have taken o'clock in the forenoon on the eighteenth ing for the National Broadcasting club at the opening meeting of the all the right title and interest which the said day of October 1948, the return day of this FOR SALE and may be borrowed for home Company. Barbara R. Hart had on the 24th day of citation. amusement, study or application. season last Thursday night at the September A. D. 1948 at 9:45 o'clock, A. M. Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, First IR. SERVICE DAIRY ENTERPRISES McDowell Andover Inn. the day and time when thS same was at- Judge of .id Court, this twenty-third day SEVERAL KINDS OF FLOWER Pleats You can see what other people, tacked on Mesne Process, in and to the of September in the year one thousand nine in bloom for your garden at S cents eagle, A revised edition of an excellent The club's new president, Frank following described real estate, to wit: hundred and forty-eight. for sale. Peter S. Myatt, 3 Highland Ave., often authorities in their fields, RICHARD J. WHITE, JR., Register Andover. (Mo•S) MESSES 59r handbook that gives detailed anal- L. Brigham, occupied the chair The land with the buildings thereon situ- have to say about how to do such ated in Andover, Essex County, Massachu- From the office of: (Plain) for the first time with a large setts, on the easterly side of Salem Michael A. Flanagan, Esq., BELKNAP REGION, GILMANTON, N.H. things as stop worrying, paint ma- ysis of various farm jobs, mana- Street, Attractive small house, stable, acre land. number of old and new members being lot numbered one on a plan entitled 406 Itay State Bldg., _Y DRY CLEANED rine pictures, milk a cow, answer "Plan of Land belonging to Lena S. Scher- Lawrence, Masa. (30.07.14) electricity, on North Route; excellent for gerial and operative. summer place. Price reasonable. W. D. D PRESSED those questions that begin, "Moth- in attendance. net. Andover, Mass., D. W. Clark, C. E.", BEGONIAS FOR AMERICAN being recorded in the North District of Commonwealth of Massachusetts Berry, 26 Virginia Road, Reading. Tel. Essex Reading 2.0571. er, wh:. do I have to ," or to Colton "Chick" Morris, direc- Registry of Deeds as plan No. 478, bounded PROBATE COURT HOMES AND GARDENS Krauss and described as follows: Beginning raise begonias, write radio news, tor of special events for WB's at the Docket No. 143,769 1946 FORD DELUXE BEACH WAGON southwesterly corner of said lot No. 1 on Sixty-five photographs illustrate Essex, ss. R & H. Can be seen throughout day at I Tr 3/ your home with less work, radio stations, was guest speaker said Salem Street and land now or formerly mating, To all persons interested in the trust es- 102 So. Broadway. Evenings at 357 Salem this fascinating book on the art of of Gray, thence north 34 degrees 30 minutes f=1 NJERS) make cartoons, and several other of the evening. He had just re- tate under the will of John Standish Foster Street, Lawrence. (30.07) growing American begonias as east by said Gray land one hundred eightptwo Bush otherwise known as John Foster Bush eves and DYERS ' pastimes. The library has all these, turned from a flight to Berlin, (182) feet to a point; thence north 37 de- and J. Foster Bush late of Andover in said PERENNIAL CHRYSANTHEMUMS sad window and house plants. The wo- greet 15 minutes west by land now or form- and many more: talked with many of the airmen, County, deceased, for the benefit of Ella Phlox, various kinds and color for We. man who has never given her erly of ward one hundred thirty-six (136) Agnes Von Srendeffy and others. Also Oriental Poppies and other hardy IT. observed first-hand the conditions feet; thence south eighty three degrees 50 ANDOVER 110W TO STOP WORRYING plants serious study will The trustee of said estate has presented plants at 10 cents each. Peter S. Myatt, 3 be minutes west forty nine (49) feet to Salem underwhich they were operating, to said Court for allowance its nineteenth to Highland Ave., Andover. (klo-S) ANP START LIVING Cornegie amazed at the number and beauty Street: thence south 6 degrees 10 minutes and came back with the self-im- twenty-second accounts, inclusive. Dal' Carnegie lists sixteen ways of the plants available in this east by said Salem Street two hundred fifty If you desire to object thereto you or your in which his book can help you to posed mission of spreading word three and nine tenths (253.9) feet to the attorney should file a written appearance in FOR RENT CLEANSERS, Inc. family. Point of beginning; containing seventeen said Court at Lawrence before ten o'clock in peace of mind. It is prac- of their heoric undertaking just thousand eight hundred and two (17,802) the forenoon on the eleventh day of October find ne, INTRODUCTION TO FOR AN F.I.DERLY LADY WHO DE- le of Quality tical in its suggestion and is illus- as far as he and the means of square feet. 1948, the return day of this citation. SIRES • warm, cheerful, comfortable CARTOONING Taylor modern communication could go. And on Saturday, the thirteenth day of Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, First home at 525.00 per week. Write Box W, trated by cases of real people who A practical guide for the student November A. I). 1948 at It o'clock in the Judge of said Court, this thirtieth day of care The Townsman. References. )UR SERVICE have had problems and worries Mr. Morris had great words of forenoon, at the office of Frank Marshall I August in the year one thousand nine hun- who seriously intends to become a 725 Ilay State Building in said Lawrence, dred and forty eight. that yielded to treatment. The au- praise for the young men who fly RICHARD J. WHITE, JR., Register WANTED—Miscellaneous ST. TEL. 1951 professional humorous artist. The shall offer for sale by public auction to the thor of "How To Make friends and the ships and who make up the highest bidder, all the aforesaid right, title author stresses the point that car- ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK BADLY NEEDED TO HELP influence People" is the man who crews connected with their opera- and interest to satisfy said execution and DOGS ARE tooning is not a "slap-stick" pro- all fees and charge!' of sale. The following pass book issued by the in the search for a better medicine for the has worked out his way to put an tion. FRANK MARSHALL Andover Savings Bank has been lost and relief of high blood pressure. These dogs cess, as so many courses seem to receive humane rare in a University Iedi. end to worrying. He told his audience that ships Deputy Sheriff. application has been made for the issuance k Producers Assn. assume, but is the outgrowth of of duplicate book. Public notice of said ap- cal Laboratory. Aged dogs are especially hearing 10 tons of supplies took Terms: Cash. (30-07-14) plication is hereby even, in accordance with valuable since a certain percentage of EFFE' , I VE, LETTERS long training, serious study and these have high blood pressure. These (logs FOOD LOCKERS off for Berlin every three minutes, Section 40, Chapter 590, of the Acts of IN BUSINESS Shorter hard work. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1908. suffer no discomfort beyond that involved Payment has been stopped. in being anesthetized. Any doffs over 5 — Processed Clear, concise style show the 24 hours a day, every day in the PROBATE COURT MANAGEMENT IN HOMES Book No. 48,136 months of age can serve in this cause. If fundamental principles of business week and have been doing it Docket No. 225,084 you will give one or more dogs for this n — Stored Cushman LOUIS S. FINGER, T letters. the point of view from since the air supply started June Essex, ss. (30.07-14) pogo, will you write to Box M. this \ND. 709 This book deals with actual To all persons interested in the estate of paper. Only Isinafide dog owners should which letters are written and the 26. apply. homes in which real people live. Marianna Giaimo late of Andover in said ANDOVER NATIONAL BANK application of these principles, This is done day and night in County, deceased (wife of Natale Giaimo). It shows how families have used all kinds of weather. The flight A petition has been presented to said The following pass books Issued by the BEAUTIFUL SCENERY supported by numerous examples. Court praying that Natale Giallo° of An- Andover National Bank have been lost and what they had to get the kind of application has been made for the Issuance Mountain Guide: "Don't go too KNOW YOUR REAL that he "thumbed" was at night, dover, in said County be appointed adminis- homes they wanted. Originally in tog, to an unlighted airdrome trator of said estate without giving a surety of duplicate books. Public notice of ouch near the edge of that precipice; WS 4 DOVER ABILITIES Broadley written for college students of on his bond. applications are hereby given in accordance This book on understanding surrounded by high buildings and If you desire to object thereto you or with Section 40, Chapter 590, of the Acts dangerous. But if you ao fall, re- home management, it may be used tall chimneys, to which the three your attorney should file a written appear- of 1908. member to look to the left, you'll and Service and developing natural aptitudes ance in said Court at law mice before ten Payment has been 'topped. is the product of twenty-five years by study groups, women's clubs minute flight of planes was main- o'clock in the forenoon on the 11th day of lbok No. 3041. get a wonderful view." and teachers, as well as hotnemak- twined at all times. The Russians October 1948, the return day of this cita- CHESTER W. HOLLAND, Trsansror. General of research work in Johnson ers. All homes described are in tion. (16.23-301 O'Connor's human Engineering refuse to light the airdrome at Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, First 0 REPAIRING New York State; all names are fle- night. When he saw the place at Judge of said Court ,this 15th day of Sep- WANTtD TO BUN' ASSISTOS SIDING laboratory. where over 18,000 per- tember in the year one thousand nine hun- titious. For those who like to plan daylight he wondered how the air- New lostusty in lass Manville Tin Ilia 'Hank' Brearly mins aro now tested yearly. Most changes, cut corners, budget and dred and forty-eight. ntatone Colored Asbestos SIdesrsdls. men ever landed there at all, even RICHARD J. WHITE, JR., Register. WANTED ANYTHING OLD—Marbletop, Aloe !maimed Brick sad Stems. ST. TEL. 24 of the book is a narrative form re- renovate, this is good material. Attorney Mario J. Lucchesi Walnut, Grape and Rose-carved Furniture, Rotting. Estimates Fr.. porting of vaious cases. sunder the best of conditions in Bay State Bldg. Glass, China, Silver, Jewelry, Clocks, TECHNIQUE OF GETTING Lawrence, Mass. (S23.30-07) Guns, Coins, Furniture, PARENTS' QUESTIONS broad daylight. Prints, Frames, WILLIAM P. DOYLE THINGS DONE Laird Etc. William F. Graham, Jr., 165 Golden Those members of the command TOWN OF ANDOVER Ilill Ave., Haverhill, Mass., Telephone Foster Circle, And.--Tel. 140$ Child Study Association Good, clever and intelligent sug- of Amecia to whom he talked were anxious PUBLIC HEARING Haverhill 7010-W. OF 26) USHES gestions on how to turn out a great- Tried and proven advice on the to know if the people back home Notice is hereby given that the Board of er amount of work in a given time, knew and appreciated what they Survey of the Town of Andover will hold lass Company intelligent management of chil- a public hearing on Friday evening, October REOPEN FOR SEASON dren on a wide variety of child be- how to develop faculties of planning were doing. 1, 1948 at 7:30 P. 111., at the Town Hall on orkmanship and executing, how to avoid the Mr. Morris also saw elderly men the petition of Lilla A. Barton, for the ap- havior problems. proval of a plan of land on Elm Street for ADVENTURE IN MARINE consequences of indecision, fear and women, and scrawney chil- the purpose of subdivision and opening for LASS COMPANY PAINTING and lack of discipline. dren scavengers in the streets of public use, a private way as shown thereon. THE BOOK ROOM Woodward BOARD OF SURVEY If you wonder how an artist be- CAMPING CAN BE FUN Weaver the ruined city. By SIDNEY P. WHITE, 14 Park Street Tel. 2010 If the few minutes he talked on Chairman WRENCE, MASS. gins, works and finishes paintings A very readable book, although (23-30) of the coast and sea, this is your a bit late in the season. It is packed television he said that programs book. Woodward writes for both with advice on all the things needed would be improved and that in the the beginner and more experienced by campers--equipment, food, ani- near future the whole country would he studded with 100-foot student. has eight full color plates mals, insect repellents, menus, etc. masts carrying television pro- and thirty-one half-tone reproduc- BobWeaver, the author, was the FUCK'S EXPRESS tions of paintings. grams everywhere. Air Forces authority on jungle sur- At the next meeting. October EST. 1911 CERAMIC SCULPTURE Randall vival. 14, Col. Charles P. Iloward will Dependa1,10 r ,:ce Excellent for showing the be- WOMAN'S INSIDE STORY be the guest speaker. ginner the essentials of ceramic St. rel. And. 177 Castello work, using more the coils and Written by a gynecologist and a REALTY TRANSFERS rolls than actual sculpture. The professional nurse, this is the type Chester A. Ellison to Harold M. principles could be used with of hook that comforts the reader Turner. young children who work with et DISTINCTIVE who wants to know Why she feels William J. Myatt to Joseph SERVICE plasticine. Ore? the way she does, when she does Mullen et al, Highland road. Lady Attendant ' ....and what to do about it. John K. Hill et ux to Thomas Opre M. A. BURKE PLUMBING and HEATING D. Burns et ux, West Pariah FUNERAL HOME LITTLEST LISTENERS Lowell street and Geneva avenue. Ruth T. Stevens to Maria B. 383 No. Main St., And. 2 TO MEET Wednesday morning, October 13 Livingston et conj.. West Parish, To You... at 10:00 o'clock, the first meet- Virginia road. ing of the Littlest Listeners will Clarence E. O'Connell et ux. be held at the Memorial Hall Li- Mary A. O'Connell, Chestnut fe brary. All little people. aged three street. WITH OUR SPECIAL 4-WAY OANS four or five years are invited to Tom Leone to Francis P. Arcari. come with their mothers to a Maple avenue. story hour at the library. At the William C. Sully to Ralph L. FORD SERVICE! D to $2,000 same time, mothers will meet to- Conway et ox, road leading to Salem road and road from North O W. H. Welch gether and discuss child care. CO. These meetings are held on alter- Andover to North Reading. Ford-trained Mechanics (DOVER TEL AND. 128 nate Wednesday mornings Get a Genuine Ford throughout the school year, ex- GARDEN PLOWING know your Ford best. They have the ANCE CO cept when those Wednesdays oc- Fall Tune-Up Now! know-how to make repairs last ... to save License #93 cur in vacation weeks. RUBBISH REMOVED you money. — MUSGROVE BLDG. GOOD SELECTION GENERAL TRUCKING Don't let a sluggish engine spoil your driving. Let us give your Ford a Fall )OVER SQUARE LIBRARY BROADCAST HOUR —: of :— The next broadcast of the Me- BATESON & SON Tune-up. Then you'll enjoy the lift of .. ANDOVER 1958 morial Hall Library over WCCM TEL. 1467 -W easy, smooth acceleration. You'll get 0 =INIMN11111111.11.11111.1 USED CARS will be Tuesday meriting, Octoberl better economy, too, with this 4-Way 5, at 10: 3o o'clock. Miss Miriam , Ford Service advantage: Genuine Ford Parts AT ALL TIMES Putnam, Milian, will speak on WALLPAPER are made right, tit right and last ird Beauty Shoppe BOOK SELECTION FOR A PUB- longer . . . That means fewer N7-s — //Aim r/NTiNG LIC LIBRARY. These 'migrants, ALLIED PAINT STORES held on alternate Tuesdays, will costly replacements. President tRIE P. BACON TOMPKINS continue into the autumn. The li- JOSEPH T. GAGNE, 0 OT TREA1311 SERVICE STATION brary would welcome any com- 34 Amesbury St. Lawrence MI Factory-approved Methods ) Bldg. And. ,004W No, Main St. Shaw/sheets ment or suggestions. are planned by Ford engineers to do a better, faster job a saving to you. ,/thitrdka. lortgage Andover Lunch po "tt OPEN DAILY S a 0 cmL, LOANS r azor Ties no place 6 , A M. to 11 :00 P. M. Special Ford Equipment rl his HEE over Say -jigs for a faster job, more thoroughly for Ind krVite checked . . . to reduce need for r ffloarkert int fall Cut through red tape. Look for serv- future service. Bank DAILY LUNCHEON ices or products that you want in Immediate Service —Easy Terms IN ST. T. )03 FUt L COURSE DINNERS The Classified TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 's Service Station SHAWSHEEN MOTOR MART GAS -- OIL ANDOVER, MASS. GOOD FOOD YELLOW PAGES 47 HAVERHILL STREET RANGE OIL 6 ACME TIRES TELEPHONE: AND. 767 — LAW. 5635 AND BATTEs . ES REASONABLE PRICES Main St. Tel. 55 14 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — SEPTEMBER 30, 1948

The slirest way to war Is not to fear LOWELL . . . FRIDAY will be the FIRST BIG DAY of OUR... —JOHN RA VOLUME 60, NU VIEWS

"SEVENTIETH" P t OF THE BIRTHDAY SALE! NEWS Tel. 6361 By LEONARD The recent al Montgomery of Al a bigger, remodeled store • . . increased stocks and broader assortments eralissiino of the nations of Britain glum, The Netherl SAVINGS that are something to write home about! embourg is a signi international polit portant for two clearly indicates nations have agre 70th 70th 70th 70th mon Interests ant secure those inte Men's Kentcraft 100% Wool Famous Name Crib Size Juniors', Misses', Women's force the Presider Men's White Broadcloth to take a stand on don in relation ropean union. 100% Mr. Dewey has SHIRTS SUITS Mattresses nized that Americo tic problem is wo Wool Coats every discussion Regularly Regularly $12.98 problems leads tot Regularly eign problems. $3.50 $49.50 $395 Values $ 990 $2293 FOR will be on foreign $45 to $49.95 $6.75 to be seen. But n $400° should leading at taking a definite Fine mercerized broadcloth shirts Full crib size mattress from a fa- Fine quality all-worsted suits tail- Beautifully tailored 100% virgin form American su with wrinkle-free fused collars. San- mous manufacturer! Made with 66 wool coats with warm zip-in linings, ern union will take ored by Kentcraft! Regulars, shorts union and America forized shrunk, Sizes 13 1/2 to 17 coil innersprings, covered with wet some even have fur zip-in linings, cannot be treated or longs in brown, blue or gray, 36 proof material. Rose or blue. A neck, 2 to 5 sleeves. Buy for Christ- also women's Tweed Coats. Sizes 9 Two Worlds wonderful buy! mas gifts! to 44. Save $10.00 on this value! to 15, 10 to 20, 161/2 to 241/2. Certain facts of tury politics are u are no closer to "( MEN'S SHOP—STREET FLOOR MEN'S SHOP—STREET FLOOR CHILDREN'S SHOP—SECOND FLOOR COAT SHOP—SECOND FLOOR we were in 1945. sue is most clear 70th 70th 70th 70th United States an each other as two suspicious of the c Misses' 100% Virgin Wool Caracul, Beaver, Mouton, etc. Plain or Plaid Upholstered 62-Piece Service for 8 aware that its greatly affected if by the other. Ev three years indica Fur Coats Platform doubt that Russia SUITS Dinnerware carefully prepare( sure throughout Regularly TAX Rockers against us as "gt: $199 to $249 Regularly eral nations thei Regularly $1 7 7 PLUS $27.50 United Nations he $39.95 to $49.95 $349° Regularly $1995 to lessen the tenet Hollander Dyed Russian Marmot— $39.50 (Continued on Natural Grey Chinese Kidskin — $2995 Beautiful floral bouquet decoration Natural Silver Muskrat — Beaver 100% virgin wool gabardine, mens- Maple platform rockers with spring on ivory, gold trim. 8 each: cups and Dyed Laskin Mouton — Black Per- John 0. G wear worsted, worsted suits in black, constructed cushions covered in saucers, fruits, bib plates, desert sian Paw — Grey Persian Dyed Teaching brown, grey, green, wine. Beautiful plain color or plaid upholstery. A and dinner plates, soups, 2 veget- South American Lamb — Lustrous John 0. Gallap tailoring and styling. Sizes 10 to 20. Black Chinese Caracul. value for your home! able dishes, sugar, creamer, platter. and Mrs. Daniel Essex street, is Tufts College in FUR COAT SHOP—SECOND FLOOR THE WILLIAMSBURG SHOP-3rd Floor CHINA SHOP—FOURTH FLOOR SUIT SHOP—SECOND FLOOR of Economics an( the same time he 70th 70th 70th ternational law 70th School of Law an Mr. Gallagher, Famous "Old Colony" Cardigan 45 Gauge, 30 Denier Sheer Pigskin, Doeskin, Capeskin 16 inch "Skintex" Baby teaching at the Maine for the pat years, is marries Martha A. Ridell GLOVES Swampscott. Tin SWEATERS NYLONS DOLLS Owen Stewart. Mr. Gallagher Regularly Regularly Regularly $ 5 70 of The Andover Regularly $5 to $5.98 five years. His $ 3 99 $1.35 $119 $299 $6.98 assistant libraria $5.98 of engineers at

"Our Own Brand" of sheer 45 go., This outstanding purchase of gloves "Real" skin 16" doll complete wilh comes from two of America's two Photo To 30 denier nylons in daring new fall layette of shorts—jersey--organdy Butter-soft 100% virgin wool car- foremost manufacturers. White Of Servic, digans in sky blue, jockey red, pink, colors: "Damask"-browntone, "Taf- dress—bonnet—flannelette robe-- English doeskins — hand sewn pictrctur e o f al white and black. Sizes 34 to 40. Buy feta"-Mist, "Crepe de Chine," glaces, hand sewn pigskins and sun suit—shoes—socks—soap end Andover Service c Several At This Low Price! beigetone. Sizes 81/2 to 10 novelty glaces, just $2.99 pr. face cloth. Buy for Christmas! be taken at the e the fall season w forAThursday, Oct SPORTS SHOP—SECOND FLOOR HOSIERY SHOP—STREET FLOOR GLOVE SHOP— FOURTH FLOOR TOY SHOP—FOURTH FLOOR the Andover Inn. The guest of th 70th 70th Charles P. Howe( 70th 70th er of Middlesex CI a discussion "Fac iv 48 inch Wide Ruffled Fine Quality Tailored Men's Extrafine Linen All Colors and Patterns Available hie promises , est to all. Members who the well-attende Chenille weeks ago might CURTAINS Rayon Panties Handkerchiefs portant meeting I Spreads not present at th Regularly Regularly $3.79 2 $100 59c Regularly $599 OPENI 69c to 89e FOR 39c Values $298 $7.95 to $9.95

Lovely tailored panties in all styles. Extra fine quality linen handker- Heavily tufted chenille spread in a wonderful assortment of colors and Lovely ivory ruffled curtains in Full cut for generous fit. Small— chiefs with full one-half inch hems. patterns. Twin or full sizes. This is madras pattern. Full 48" wide each medium—large sizes. Buy several Generous size. Buy for yourself . . . a value for every price—conscious side. 72"-81"-90" long. pairs at this price! for Christmas presents! homemaker! SQUARE A CURTAIN SHOP—THIRD FLOOR LINGERIE SHOP— STREET FLOOR HANDKERCHIEF SHOP—Street Floor DOMESTIC SHOP—FOURTH FLOOR