5 ways to conquer your fear of heights

Acrophobia keeping you down? Test your mettle at five local attractions guaranteed to deliver vertical thrills by Sheri Radford DROP 50 m (160 1ft) towards the Cheakamus River—then bounce back up again. With Whis- tler Bungee, jumps can be solo, tan- dem or even in a wheelchair. The only thing they can’t be? Boring. 604-938-9333 or toll-free 1-877-938-9333. 5 www.whistlerbungee.com ways to conquer r e v u y m ons

your fear of and y vanco b m ris u to y brid ge. ( r ) s heights e rt

u GAZE way, way up at One . co

e) The striking two-toned glass building is 150 s u pe nsion

osit m (491 ft) tall, sure to make even Shaquille pp

o O’Neal feel short. : (

p i l ano ca 604-331-1000 or toll-free 1-800-663-9255. otos ph and www.sheratonwallcentre.com

WOBBLE along the Capilano Suspension Bridge, 70 m (230 ft) above North ’s Capilano River. This wooden bridge has been giving visi- tors adrenaline rushes since 1889. If the height is too intimidating, check out the latest addition, Treetops Adventure: smaller suspension bridges join together Douglas fir trees, up to 30 m (100 ft) above the forest floor. An innovative design ensures no harm comes to the trees. 604-985-7474. www.capbridge.com 3 july 2007 // where.ca 17 admire the 360° view from the newly renovated Vancouver Lookout, which stretch- es up 177 m (581 ft) above downtown. Take in 4 the local mountains, English Bay, Point Grey, Coal Harbour, , the Port of Van- couver, , Vancouver Island and even Mount Baker in Washington state, all from the top of BC’s tallest building. 604-689-0421. www.vancouverlookout.com o ut oo k o u ver L a nc a n d V o u ver a nc u r ism V To sy t e sy o u r o c t p h o

Whoosh through the air with Ziptrek Ecotours. Thrill-seekers don full-body climbing harnesses and helmets, then clip onto stain- less-steel ziplines criss-crossing between Whistler and Blackcomb mountains, up to 55 m (180 ft) above Fitzsimmons Creek. 604-935-0001 or toll-free 1-866-935-0001. www.ziptrek.com w

18 where.ca // july 2007