
1 Content Background of the CRDO ...... 3 Background of the RICH ...... 3 Introduction ...... 4 Challenges ...... 11 Outcomes ...... 12

2 Background of the RICH:

RICH stands for Revival of Indigenous Cultural Heritage. It works for the revival or renaissance of Pakistani culture in general and Pakhtunkhawa culture in particular. For preservation of Pukhtun culture the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa has joined hands with international and national organization to restore Pukhtun cultural heritage. .

For the revival of Pukhtun culture a number of literary and cultural activities have been launched under the banner of RICH. The project is being implemented in joint venture with the organizations like Community Research and Development Organization (CRDO).

RICH is a project which started cultural activities and festivals throughout Khyber Pakhtunkhawa in collaborations with cultural organizations, council, INGOs and NGOs. The project would work as a catalyst in revival, preservation and restoring of local cultural heritage.


Culture department government of Pukhtunkhawa had launched a project under title Revival Of Indegnious Cultural Heritage (RICH), its aim and objectives were to preserve, restore and review cultures of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa through organizations working for the uplift of civil society, Community Research and development Organization (CRDO) is one of them, CRDO lunched RICH project in city with all sincere efforts to preserve culture in Peshawar city. Following acitivities were conducted for both the gender by CRDO:

 Da Khawaindu Ghunda/ Traditional Sister Gathering: Once Pukhtun society had traditional sisters gathering (Da Khawaindu Ghunda) in every community but now a days there are no such gathering take place, in order to gave rebirth to this traditional gathering CRDO in collobration with culture department government of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa arranged two activities at Eithad Colony Dalazak Road and Pakha Ghulam Peshawar , for females to reintroduced the traditional sisters gathering ( Da Khawaindu Ghunda) in Peshawar city.


Da Khawaindu Ghunda/ Traditional Sister Gathering

 Traditional Games: Traditional games activities were conducted to preserve our traditional values, traditional games such as Patpatoni, biloori, Sakhy, Chindro, Guli Danda, Rasa Kashi, Escaping rope, Jumping rope, Leenda and etc were conducted for both males and females. Four traditional games activities were performed at Eithad Colony Dalazak Road, Sahara Public School Mullazai, Iqra School Mullazai and Pir Bala Peshawar, Pakistan, respectively.

4 Male Participants playing traditional Game

Female Participants playing traditional game

5  Mushairas: For the revival of Pukhtun’s poetry two Mushrias activities were conducted at Regi & Landi Arbab Peshawar, Pakistan, correspondingly. The objectives of these activities were to strengthen Pasto poetry and to enhance the moral of local poets.


 Adabi Ulaasi Ghundiy/ Jirga: In this activity role of Hujra and Jiraga in Pukhtun society were discussed and compared with its past and present role. Youths were motivated to take active part in the settings of Hujra and Jirga. Three activities were conducted at Regi, Mullazai and Tehkal Bala Peshawar, Pakistan, respectively.


Adabi Ulaasi Ghundiy/ Jirga

 Folk Music: To restore music and musical instrument such as Rabab, Magai, Dabla and etc folk music( Tang Takor) two activities were conducted at Landi Arbab and Rahat Abad Peshawar, Pakistan, in that order. The aims of these activities were to restore Pashto Music and to engage youth in peaceful activities.


Folk Music

 Folk Dance: Puktun culture is rich in folk dance called Attan but due to ongoing insurgency in the region folk dances are performed rare to reintroduced folk dance (Attan) CRDO in collaboration with culture department government of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa arranged three activities at Wadpaga, Tehkal Bala and Rahat Abad Peshawar Pakistan respectively, to give message of love and peace to the community.

8  Da Hujra Mefilona: These activities were conducted in order to readdress the role of Hujra (Social gathering) in Pukhtun society and its importance was explaned to the elders and younger by cultural activists. Three activities were conducted at Pir Bala, Lakari and Tehkal Bala Peshawar Pakistan, to spread the message of social gathering (Hujra) importance in a society.

Da Hujra Mefilona

 Out of school youth orientation session on culture and education: For the out of school children this activity was arranged in order to taught them with cultural knowledge and importance of education in everyday life. Three activities were conducted at Pir Bala , Eithad Colony Dalazak Road and Dir Colony Road Peshawar Pakistan, to spread message of importance of culture and education among street children in the city of Peshawar.


Out of school youth orientation session on culture and education