Beat: Sports 2019 LIEBHERR World Championships Commenced in Hungarian Capital

Budapest Welcomes World Table Tennis

New York, 21.04.2019, 17:38 Time

USPA NEWS - Much appreciated 2019 LIEBHERR World Table Tennis Championships commenced today in 21st of April in Budapest Hungary. This is 55th World Table Tennis Individual Championships since its first edition in 1926. Ninety-nine countries compete in Women´s Singles. Men's Singles, Women´s Doubles, Men's Doubles, and Mixed Doubles Championships. The Championships comprise of two stages: Qualification competitions [, in which players compete for to join Championships Proper] and Championships Proper. All current best table tennis players in the world came to Budapest´s Hugexpo, which welcomes the players with exceptionally good two playing venues and practice facilities. The defending champions on the Championships in different categories are: - CHN] in Men´s Singles DING Ning - CHN in Women´s Singles, / - CHN in Men´s Doubles, DING Ning / - CHN in Women´s Doubles, YOSHIMURA Maharu / ISHIKAWA Kasumi - JPN in Mixed Doubles.

Ninety-nine countries compete in Women´s Singles. Men's Singles, Women´s Doubles, Men's Doubles, and Mixed Doubles Championships. The Championships comprise of two stages: Qualification competitions [, in which players compete for to join Championships Proper] and Championships Proper. All current best table tennis players in the world came to Budapest´s Hugexpo, which welcomes the players with exceptionally good two playing venues and practice facilities. The defending champions on the Championships in different categories are: MA Long - CHN] in Men´s Singles DING Ning - CHN in Women´s Singles, FAN Zhendong / XU Xin - CHN in Men´s Doubles, DING Ning / LIU Shiwen - CHN in Women´s Doubles, YOSHIMURA Maharu / ISHIKAWA Kasumi - JPN in Mixed Doubles. All just start and let wish all players the best of luck and to demonstrate all their best table tennis abilities. No doubt that spectators all over the world will enjoy this grandiose, extremely competitive and spectaculous table tennis Event. For more info, please visit the ITTF's website:

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