Chase Council

2016 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR)

In fulfilment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management

August, 2016

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

Local Authority Stephen Moore Officer Department Environmental Health Cannock Chase Council, Civic Centre, Address Beecroft Road, Cannock, . WS11 1BG Telephone 01543 462621

E-mail [email protected] Report Reference ASR2016 number Date August 2016

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

Endorsement from the Director of Health and Care, Staffordshire County Council

Staffordshire County Council is committed to working with partners to ensure that Staffordshire will be a place where improved health and wellbeing is experienced by all. Poor air quality has a negative impact on public health, with potentially serious consequences for individuals, families and communities. Identifying problem areas and ensuring that actions are taken to improve air quality forms an important element in protecting the health and wellbeing of Staffordshire residents. Improving air quality is often a complex issue, presenting a multi-agency challenge – so it is essential that all agencies work together effectively to deliver improvements where they are needed. As Director of Health and Care across Staffordshire I endorse this Annual Status Report which sets out the position in Council and which will support an ongoing work programme to address air quality issues.

Dr Richard Harling Director of Health and Care Staffordshire County Council August 2016

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Executive Summary: Air Quality in Our Area Air pollution is associated with a number of adverse health impacts. It is recognised as a contributing factor in the onset of heart disease and cancer. Additionally, air pollution particularly affects the most vulnerable in society: children and older people, and those with heart and lung conditions. There is also often a strong correlation with equalities issues, because areas with poor air quality are also often the less affluent areas1,2.

The annual health cost to society of the impacts of particulate matter alone in the UK is estimated to be around £16 billion3.

The main pollutant of concern in the Cannock Chase Council area is nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen dioxide is a gas, with the chemical formula NO2. It is chemically related to nitric oxide (nitrogen monoxide), a colourless gas with the chemical formula NO.

Together, NO and NO2 are known as NOX. NOX is released into the atmosphere when fuels are burned (for example, petrol or diesel in a car engine, or natural gas in a domestic central heating boiler or power station). NO2 can affect our health. There is evidence that high levels of it can inflame the airways in our lungs and, over a long period of time, affect how well our lungs work. People with asthma are particularly affected. NO2 can also affect vegetation.

NOX is produced when fossil fuels (coal, natural gas and so on) are burned.

Road transport is the largest source of NOX emissions in the UK and is the main contributor to localised problems in Cannock Chase district.

However, emissions from road transport have fallen and continue to fall 2000. This is due to improvements in engine design and fitting three-way catalysts to petrol cars, to meet increasingly strict European standards. The importance of road transport is even greater in urban areas.

NOX emissions from burning fossil fuels are mainly as NO, although some sources can release a lot of NOX as NO2. Reactions in the atmosphere can subsequently turn

NO into NO2.

1 Environmental equity, air quality, socioeconomic status and respiratory health, 2010 2 Air quality and social deprivation in the UK: an environmental inequalities analysis, 2006 3 Defra. Abatement cost guidance for valuing changes in air quality, May 2013

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 ii Cannock Chase Council Air Quality in Cannock Chase District

Cannock Chase Council has monitored for nitrogen dioxide over a number of years, which has identified hotspots where national objectives are exceeded, and people are likely to be exposed to poor air quality for prolonged lengths of time whereby health impacts could be experienced. These are at locations next to the A5 Watling Street in Bridgtown and between Churchbridge and the Turf Island.

Levels at these hotspots have shown some decrease in recent years, primarily due to improvements in engine technology, together with changes to the highway and traffic management in the locality. It is hoped that if improved pollution levels are sustained, the designation of ‘Air Quality Management Area’ assigned to the A5 can be revoked.

Monitoring on the A5190 Cannock Road, Heath Hayes near Five Ways Island has shown that annual levels of nitrogen dioxide exceed the national objective for that pollutant. Supplementary monitoring, started in June 2015, confirms that to be the case, and that an AQMA is required for that area.

No new major sources of pollution have been identified. However, the district continues to attract new businesses and housing, which has an incremental impact on traffic and therefore pollution. For example, one housing developer in the Pye Green area of Cannock has calculated that transport related emissions associated with development will be 4,816.15 kg/annum (NOx) & 479.79 kg/annum (PM10).

Industrial emissions are not deemed to have changed significantly in 2015.

Air Quality Management Areas (‘AQMA’) for the A5 Watling Street has previously been formally declared, and an action plan is in place to address the issue. To view past review and assessments, and the action plan see link4 and link5. Progress on actions identified in the action plan is provided in this report. Most actions involve partnership working with other organisations such as Staffordshire County Council, Highways , other local authorities and the M6Toll. This is necessary because air quality issues are heavily influenced by road traffic and measures to encourage cleaner vehicles, reducing traffic, junction management and alternative transport require the input of organisations able to deliver these results. Formal groups such as

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LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 iii Cannock Chase Council the Staffordshire Air Quality Forum and the A5 Transport Partnership Group bring all of these organisations together.

Actions to Improve Air Quality

There are a number of actions within the Action Plan, aimed at improving air quality, but the core actions undertaken to reduce include the following:

 Declare an Air Quality Management Area for the Five Ways Island Area of Heath Hayes, and develop an action plan.

 Junction improvements at Churchbridge have now been completed, which are intended to reduce congestion, which in turn should reduce east bound vehicle exhaust emissions in close proximity to residential premises on the A5 in Bridgtown.

 Junction improvements at the A5 / Walkmill Lane / North Street in Bridgtown are currently in the planning stage, but are intended to re-position west bound traffic further from residential premises, thereby reducing exposure to pollution. Additionally, more efficient junction performance should help reduce emissions.

In partnership with a consortium of other Staffordshire and Stoke authorities, a Fleet fuel efficiency scheme called ECO Stars Fleet Recognition Scheme has been funded for an initial two year period, commencing in Jun 2015. The scheme has been funded by a Defra air quality grant. ECO Stars is a franchise owned by South Yorkshire authorities. The scheme entails auditing commercial and public sector vehicle fleets to assess their fuel efficiency, award a star rating and provide an advisory ‘roadmap’. Measures recommended to fleet operators will in turn improve emissions. This approach will help improve overall road emissions both within this and other neighbouring areas where the fleets operate.

Work is undertaken by a contractor on behalf of the consortium, and fleet recruitment statistics are formally reported via ECO Stars general meetings. The most recent statistics were that Staffordshire and Stoke had 24 members. Cannock Chase Council’s own vehicle fleet has been assessed, and provided with a roadmap. Cannock Chase Council will therefore contribute to and benefit from neighbouring authority participation in the scheme.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 iv Cannock Chase Council Local Priorities and Challenges

The key priorities for the forthcoming year are to identify a funding source or mechanism, which will allow the Eco Stars scheme to continue operating beyond the initial two year funding period. At this stage, no definitive funding stream has been identified, although options are being explored with SBEN (The Staffordshire Business and Environment Network -

Potentially the scheme may extend to include local authority areas along the A5 Transport Partnership Group area, covering the A5 corridor between Staffordshire and Northamptonshire. However, again funding options have yet to be identified.

A further priority is for Highways England to complete their study of the A5/Walkmill lane/ North Street junction improvement proposal. Plans would require submission of a funding bid, competing against other schemes.

Utilisation of developer contributions towards mitigation schemes is considered to be a key means to deliver air quality improvements. The challenge is to ensure that the planning system enables developer contributions to be required. Furthermore, where developers make financial contributions to the Community Infrastructure Levy then a competitive bidding process for mitigation schemes is involved.

How to Get Involved

If residents and businesses reduce the amount of fuel and chemicals used, it will improve air quality. The following ways can help:


 Leaving the car at home one day a week. Further guidance can be found within

 Using public transport whenever practicable will reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.

 By avoiding idling engines and/or air conditioning running continuously - switch your engine off; to save fuel, money and improve local air quality.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 v Cannock Chase Council

School Run

 Walking or cycling to school is not only good for health but it will save on fuel costs and help reduce local air pollution. Further guidance can be found within Travel into School6.

 Take turns with friends, neighbours or family to drive or walk the children to school. Check whether your school has a travel plan.

Energy Efficiency

 Improving the energy efficiency of your home / school / workplace will help reduce energy bills, as well reducing the air pollution associated with power generation.

 For further information, please visit the Energy Savings Trust (EST) website7, which is a non-profit organisation that promotes energy savings, funded by the Government and private sector.

Around The Home

. Use water-based or low solvent paints, glues, varnishes and wood preservatives, look for brands with a low VOC content.

. Make sure your home is well ventilated especially during DIY or cleaning.

. Have your central heating system checked regularly to avoid risking exposure to toxic carbon monoxide.

. Keep wood stoves and fireplaces well maintained, and make sure that wood burners are exempted8 for use in smoke control areas.

. Before organising days out, check the air pollution forecast.

. Purchase "Green Power" for the electricity in your home. (Contact your power supplier).

. Be energy efficient- make sure your house is well insulated and use energy efficient appliances.

. Use trigger sprays rather than aerosols.

. Don't light bonfires or barbecues when air pollution levels are high.

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. Never burn household waste, especially plastics, rubber and treated timber.

Cannock Chase Council’s air quality reports and action plan documents are accessible from the following link9.

For enquires or suggestions on how to improve air quality please use one of the following:

Write to: The Environmental Protection Section, Cannock Chase Council, Beecroft Road, Cannock, Staffordshire. ST18 0YS

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01543 462621

For general information and air quality forecasts, Defra provide information at the following website: Forecasting uses a user friendly index band to quickly demonstrate general short term air levels in a localised area, and supplements this with advice for ‘at risk individuals’ and the general public.

9 protection/local-air-quality-management.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 vii Cannock Chase Council Table of Contents

Endorsement from the Director of Health and Care, Staffordshire County Council ...... i Executive Summary: Air Quality in Our Area ...... ii Air Quality in Cannock Chase District ...... iii Actions to Improve Air Quality ...... iv Local Priorities and Challenges ...... v How to Get Involved...... v 1 Local Air Quality Management ...... 1 2 Actions to Improve Air Quality ...... 2 2.1 Air Quality Management Areas ...... 2 2.2 Progress and Impact of Measures to address Air Quality in Cannock Chase District 3

2.3 PM2.5 – Local Authority Approach to Reducing Emissions and or Concentrations...... 17

2.3.1 Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Levels in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ...... 18 2.3.2 PM2.5 and Mortality in Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent ...... 19 2.3.3 Actions being taken within Staffordshire to reduce PM2.5 ...... 20 3 Air Quality Monitoring Data and Comparison with Air Quality Objectives and National Compliance ...... 37 3.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken ...... 37 3.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites ...... 37 3.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites...... 38 3.2 Individual Pollutants ...... 38

3.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)...... 38

3.2.2 Particulate Matter (PM10) ...... 42 Appendix A: Monitoring Results ...... 44 Appendix B: Full Monthly Diffusion Tube Results for 2015 ...... 55 Appendix C: Supporting Technical Information / Air Quality Monitoring Data QA/QC ...... 58 3.2.3 Significant Changes to Sources ...... 58 3.2.4 New Monitoring Sites ...... 59 3.2.5 QA/QC Data ...... 63 Appendix D: Maps of Monitoring Locations ...... 68 Appendix E: Summary of Air Quality Objectives in England ...... 72 Glossary of Terms ...... 73 References ...... 74

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List of Tables Table 2.1 – Declared Air Quality Management Areas ...... 2 Table 2.2 – Progress on Measures to Improve Air Quality ...... 7

Table 1: Annual Mean PM10 and PM2.5 Results of monitoring by Staffordshire Authorities 2011 to 2015 ...... 18 Table 2: Public Health Outcomes Framework Indicator 3.01- Fraction of annual all cause adult mortality attributable to anthropogenic (human made) particulate air pollution (measured as fine particulate matter, PM2.5 ) for Staffordshire Authorities 2010 to 2013...... 19 Table 3: Estimated number of deaths by local authority area attributable to PM2.5 within Staffordshire for adults over 30- 2011 to 2013 ...... 20 Table 4: Existing Staffordshire & Stoke Authority Actions for PM2.5 ...... 21 Table 5: Monitored and Predicted Annual Mean NO2 for AQMA1, based on BTL-B . 41 Table 6: Monitored and Predicted Annual Mean NO2 for AQMA2, based on 268 WS41 Table 7: Diffusion Tube Bias Calculation for Staffordshire Analytical Services...... 64 Table 8: Deavall Farm (Jan-May & Dec) ...... 65 Table 9: Hislop (Jan - June) ...... 65 Table 10: 414a PGRd (Jul - Dec) ...... 65 Table 11: A51 (Jan - May) ...... 66 Table 12: CnKRd ( Jun - Dec) ...... 66 Table 13: HfrdRd (Jun - Aug & Oct - Dec) ...... 66

List of Figures Figure 1: 'CNKRD' diffusion tube site ...... 60 Figure 2: 'HHFW' diffusion tube site ...... 61 Figure 3: 'HFRDRD' diffusion tube site ...... 62 Figure 4: Map of Automatic Monitoring Sites, Whole District ...... 68 Figure 5: Map of Diffusion Tube Monitoring Sites, Whole District ...... 69 Figure 6: Map of Diffusion Monitoring Sites, Bridgtown ...... 70 Figure 7: Map of Diffusion Monitoring Sites, Heath Hayes ...... 71

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 ix Cannock Chase Council

1 Local Air Quality Management This report provides an overview of air quality in Cannock Chase district during 2015. It fulfils the requirements of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) as set out in Part IV of the Environment Act (1995) and the relevant Policy and Technical Guidance documents.

The LAQM process places an obligation on all local authorities to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas, and to determine whether or not the air quality objectives are likely to be achieved. Where an exceedance is considered likely the local authority must declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out the measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of the objectives. This Annual Status Report (ASR) is an annual requirement showing the strategies employed by Cannock Chase Council to improve air quality and any progress that has been made.

The statutory air quality objectives applicable to LAQM in England can be found in Table E.1 in Appendix E.

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2 Actions to Improve Air Quality 2.1 Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) are declared when there is an exceedance or likely exceedance of an air quality objective. After declaration, the authority must prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) within 12-18 months setting out measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of the objectives.

A summary of AQMAs declared by Cannock Chase Council can be found in Table 2.1. Further information related to declared or revoked AQMAs, including maps of AQMA boundaries are available online10.

We propose to declare a new AQMA in the Heath Hayes area (see monitoring section).

Table 2.1 – Declared Air Quality Management Areas Pollutants AQMA and Air Action City / Town One Line Description Name Quality Plan Objectives An area encompassing the A5 Watling Street between the junction with the A34 Road and the NO annual district boundary with AQMA 2 Churchbridge mean South Staffordshire, and No.1 to Longford the stretch of the A460 The Action Wolverhampton Road Plan can be between the junction with found at: the A5 Watling Street and

the district boundary. Link11 A5 Watling Street between

Churchbridge Traffic Churchbridge Islands and the District AQMA NO2 annual to Norton boundary with Walsall. No. 2 mean Effectively continuing the Canes existing AQMA to include all of the A5 within the district. Proposed An area centred on ‘Five NO annual Not yet AQMA 2 Heath Hayes Ways Island’, Heath mean developed. No. 3 Hayes. This is a junction

10 11 Air Quality Action Plan:

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Pollutants AQMA and Air Action City / Town One Line Description Name Quality Plan Objectives (Five Ways where the A5190 (Cannock Road), B4154 ( Island) Road) and Wimblebury Road intersect.

2.2 Progress and Impact of Measures to address Air Quality in Cannock Chase District

Cannock Chase Council has taken forward a number of measures during the current reporting year of 2015 in pursuit of improving local air quality. Details of all measures completed, in progress or planned are set out in Table 2.2. More detail on these measures can be found in the overarching Action Plan12.

Key completed measures are:

2a Partnership working: A5 - Commenced & ongoing.

Outcome: ongoing development of an A5 sustainability strategy through the A5 Transport Partnership Group, and possible extension of the ECO Stars scheme along the corridor.

3b Junction improvements: - Initial scheme completed in 2015.

Churchbridge Reduced congestion on A5 in Bridgtown area of AQMA1.

4 Smoky vehicle hotline - Ongoing.

Outcome: Facility for public to report smoky vehicles. Unlikely to have significant impact.

5 Local transport plans - Plans completed.

Outcome: Implementation of measures to


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 3 Cannock Chase Council

encourage modal shift ongoing.

6 Travel plans for - Promotional exercise undertaken in & businesses within October/November 2015.

7 AQMAs Ongoing scheme implementation. &

Staffordshire share-a- lift scheme

8 Review of speed - Review completed.

hierarchy Recommendations being considered and implemented where appropriate.

9 Improved cycle facilities - A number of schemes completed, and others identified for future development.

10 Design guidance - District SPD adopted.

11 Control emissions from - Continued regulation. industrial premises

12 Develop policies for - Completion of Planning Design SPD.

developer contribution to mitigation measures

13 ECO Stars Fleet - Commenced 2015. Recognition Scheme

Progress on the following measures has been slower than expected due to:

2b Partnership Working: M6Toll - Commenced, but slow progress.

3a Junction Improvements: - HE study ongoing.

Watling Street / Walkmill

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 4 Cannock Chase Council

Cannock Chase Council expects the following measures to be completed over the course of the next reporting year:

13 ECO Stars Fleet - Initial funding runs for the period 2015/17. The Recognition scheme is being run across Staffordshire & Stoke Scheme and intended to reduce emissions from transport fleets operating in the area.

Cannock Chase Council’s priorities for the coming year are:

Declare an air quality - This report demonstrates that an exceedance of management area and the annual mean NO2 objective is occurring at develop an action plan roadside locations on the A5190 approaching the for the ‘Five Ways Island’ ‘Five Ways Island’, where congestion occurs area, Heath Hayes. during peak traffic hours.

- An automatic analyser has been installed in the area, to provide further evidence.

Continue implementation - Current funding ends in 2017. of the ECO Stars fleet To continue operating the scheme, alternative recognition scheme and funds / operational model are required. seek options to fund Several potential options are being examined, continued operation of involving the A5 Transport Partnership Group and the scheme. SBEN

Work with Highways - Prohibition of right turns into North Street has been England to seek junction included in Highways England wider pedestrian improvements at A5 / facilities scheme. This scheme is currently Walkmill Lane / North included in Highways England’s 5-year bid for Street funding. Highways England is continuing to liaise with CCDC and Staffs County Council regarding progress with this scheme.

Contributions towards junction alterations would

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 5 Cannock Chase Council

need securing in order to undertake this option. To this end an evidential case will be required, considering appropriate data, the works to be included, and likelihood of securing contributions.

Request mitigation - As developments occur in the vicinity of the measures / developer AQMAs or significant developments elsewhere in contributions from major the district, Environmental Health Dept. will request developments in the that appropriate mitigation measures are included district. or developer contributions towards sustainable travel.

Emission costs to be calculated based on Defra’s damage cost approach utilising guidance found at Link13 and Link14.

13 14

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This table provides a summary of revised action plan measures reported the Air Quality Action Plan Progress Report 2015, and progress since the report was published. See link15 for 2015 report.

Table 2.2 – Progress on Measures to Improve Air Quality

Target Key Pollution Estimated Measure EU Lead Planning Implementation Measure EU Category Performance Reduction Progress to Date Completion Comments No. Classification Authority Phase Phase Indicator in the Date AQMA Evaluate potential Lodge Lane benefits and to provides an continue to work to alternative route secure funding for for traffic this option. travelling between junction 11 of the M6 and Churchbridge, which would LDV/HDV otherwise use Traffic Highways Not 1 advice on Other Ongoing Not identified None reported Not identified the A5 Watling Management England Liaison with identified routing Staffordshire Street. County Council. Consider potential Optimising its impacts on local use will direct roads. traffic away from the Bridgtown AQMA and thereby reduce emissions in the locality. Partnership Transport CCDC: Complete Action Plan for the A5 See AQAP Not 2a Working: Planning and Other Ongoing Not identified accessibility from A449 Gailey Ongoing Progress Report identified 16 Infrastructure Environmental mapping (Staffordshire) to 2015

15 Cannock Chase Council Air Quality Action Plan Progress Report: 16

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

Target Key Pollution Estimated Measure EU Lead Planning Implementation Measure EU Category Performance Reduction Progress to Date Completion Comments No. Classification Authority Phase Phase Indicator in the Date AQMA A5 Health A508/A422 Old Stratford Local Planning (Northamptonshire) & Economic published Sept 2015 Completion of A5 Development Sustainability Members have agreed Strategy to pursue development of an ECO Stars Fleet Recognition Scheme. Dialogue with Midlands Expressway Ltd., Partnership CCDC: MEL have provided Transport to explore options See AQAP Working: Not data relating 2b Planning and Other Ongoing Not identified for encouraging N/A Progress Report Environmental identified to a traffic study 17 Infrastructure HDVs onto the 2015 M6Toll Health undertaken in 2014. M6Toll in preference to the A5. Strategic highway improvements, Re- prioritising road Junction space away from Completion of Improvements: cars, including Highways Highways England Traffic Access England study work to Not 3a 2015/16 Not identified Link Not identified Link Watling Street / Management management, investigate identified Walkmill Lane / Selective vehicle Cannock potential options North Street priority, bus Chase Council for the junction.: priority, high vehicle occupancy lane


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

Target Key Pollution Estimated Measure EU Lead Planning Implementation Measure EU Category Performance Reduction Progress to Date Completion Comments No. Classification Authority Phase Phase Indicator in the Date AQMA This measure is intended to improve the efficiency of the complex of traffic islands at Churchbridge. Eastbound traffic Strategic highway congestion on the improvements, Re- Completion of A5, feeding into prioritising road Highways England the Churchbridge space away from assessment of the Pinchpoint funding junction adds to Junction cars, including Highways requirement for allowed junction the pollution Improvements: Traffic Access England Not 3b 2020 Not identified further capacity improvements to be Not identified levels in Management management, identified improvements to undertaken in 2015. Bridgtown. Churchbridge Selective vehicle Cannock Churchbridge Reduced priority, bus Chase Council Junction, post congestion is priority, high 2020. expected to vehicle occupancy reduce this lane impact.

Further study beyond 2020 required to account for projected future traffic growth.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

Target Key Pollution Estimated Measure EU Lead Planning Implementation Measure EU Category Performance Reduction Progress to Date Completion Comments No. Classification Authority Phase Phase Indicator in the Date AQMA Focus: To discourage dirty, un-serviced vehicles from operating in the district. Smoky emissions are not directly correlated with NOx emissions. However, servicing and Continue maintenance of publicising the Smoky Vehicle Pubic Not vehicles will 4 Other Cannock N/A Ongoing VOSA service on Ongoing Ongoing Hotline Information identified improve overall Chase Council the CCDC 18 emissions. website. Impact likely to be insignificant. In 2014 only 5 smoky diesel reports were made for the entire Staffordshire and Derbyshire region. VOSA are unable to report on a district level.


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

Target Key Pollution Estimated Measure EU Lead Planning Implementation Measure EU Category Performance Reduction Progress to Date Completion Comments No. Classification Authority Phase Phase Indicator in the Date AQMA Improve public transport to the To encourage Support A5(T) Transport Plan modal shift from Transport Churchbridge completed: private vehicle Local Transport Staffordshire Not Ongoing 5 Planning and Various N/A 2013 - 2028 Improvements use to public Plans County identified 19 implementation. Infrastructure Council Link to local transport. Thereby Encourage transport plans. reducing overall Sustainable emissions. Transport

Travel Plans for Promoting A mailing exercise has Workplace Staffordshire Continue to Not 6 Businesses Travel N/A Ongoing been undertaken Ongoing Travel Planning County operate function. identified within AQMAs. Alternatives during Council October/November 2015 for all businesses in postcodes within 500 Staffordshire metres of the A5. County Council to

process any Aim: to inform expressions of Continue to businesses of: Staffordshire’s Promoting Staffordshire interest from Workplace operate function. Not 7 Share-a-Lift Travel County N/A Ongoing Ongoing businesses. Travel Planning identified existing programmes Scheme Alternatives Council 20 Link designed to reduce emissions and congestion.

The ECO Stars Scheme.

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LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

Target Key Pollution Estimated Measure EU Lead Planning Implementation Measure EU Category Performance Reduction Progress to Date Completion Comments No. Classification Authority Phase Phase Indicator in the Date AQMA It is understood that the speed limit review has been concluded Reduction of Review of Consideration and recommendations speed limits, Road Hierarchy Traffic being given to the Not are being 8 20mph zones Highways Completed Completed Completed and Speed Management matter and funding identified implemented at England Limits being sought individual sites on a Other local priority basis through the Divisional Highway Programme.

Implementation of Local Plans: - Provision of segregated cycling routes within new commercial and Cycle network Cannock residential. Chase Council Development (in Transport Public transport excess of 200 Improved Local Not 9 Planning and improvements- dwellings). Link Ongoing Cycle Facilities identified Infrastructure interchanges Staffordshire stations and a. Red Lion Lane County services Development, Council . Pursue upgrade of mineral line upon completion of housing development.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

Target Key Pollution Estimated Measure EU Lead Planning Implementation Measure EU Category Performance Reduction Progress to Date Completion Comments No. Classification Authority Phase Phase Indicator in the Date AQMA

- Provision of demarcated cycle corridors and cycle crossings in existing highways, new road schemes, traffic management and traffic calming schemes.

- Provision of secure cycle parking facilities in town centres, railway stations and new retail development creating at least 2500 sqm gross under the requirements of a planning application.

Cannock Policy Air Quality Chase Council Adoption of District Design Guidance and Not 21 10 Planning and 2016 Ongoing Design Guidance Completed Completed Link Guidance Development Planning identified Policy Guidance SPD Control Department

Control Cannock emissions from Environmental Chase Council Continued Not 22 11 Other N/A Ongoing Ongoing N/A Link industrial Permits Regulation identified premises Environment Agency

21 22

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Target Key Pollution Estimated Measure EU Lead Planning Implementation Measure EU Category Performance Reduction Progress to Date Completion Comments No. Classification Authority Phase Phase Indicator in the Date AQMA Link23 to Liaise with Cannock Planning Policy CP10 Develop Chase Council Department to Sustainable policies for Policy Air Quality identify/ develop Transport developer Planning Not 12 Guidance and Planning and N/A N/A procedures to Completed Completed contribution to identified Development Policy Guidance & obtain developer Link24 to mitigation Environmental contributions Infrastructure measures Health towards mitigation Delivery Plan for Departments measures. projects requiring funding. Continuation of scheme. Under the Not terms of the Scheme commenced identified. contract, TTR will in 2015. Cannock However, a 2015/17 recruit 40 vehicle Chase Council calculation fleets that operate Official scheme launch tool has ECO Stars 7 other in the combined in February 2016. Details of how the Fleet efficiency been Fleet Vehicle Fleet Staffordshire & local authority Initial funding scheme operates 13 and recognition N/A developed Recognition Efficiency Stoke areas. Staffordshire and phase 2017. can be found at schemes by TTR to 25 26 Scheme authorities Stoke recruitment Link and Link . Investigate allow update as of 8 TTR Ltd potential funding emission December 2015: (transport sources to savings to 24 members consultants) 2016 continue the be

scheme beyond evaluated. the initial two year period.

23 24 25 26

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Progress: Highways England Summary for the proposed Walkmill Lane junction improvements, January 2016  The scheme was first developed in 2011, when the then Highways Agency asked Amey to add the air quality considerations on to a pedestrian facilities scheme.  The original scheme required drivers to turn at Delta Way. This is no longer desirable, as the Delta Way junction is an accident cluster site.  Staffordshire County Council previously investigated a similar scheme in the 1990s, but this was shelved due to significant negative feedback from local residents.  The junctions have been improved since 2011, for example the signals at the Walkmill Lane junctions have been upgraded to MOVA. This has improved traffic flows.  New options are available, such as directing traffic to turn left down Walkmill Lane at the Bridge Street junction.  Consideration can be given to including NMU improvements and safety improvements at Delta Way.

Way Forward  Updated air quality and traffic survey data is required (the data for the previous scheme was gathered in 2009-2011).  An options appraisal will be required to identify the most effective scheme.  Consultation will be required for the TRO to ban right-turns if this option is selected. Improvements to the Walkmill Lane/Walkmill Lane junction on the local road network could be considered.  Any scheme will be required to go through Highways England’s value management process, and will be assessed for funding in competition with other schemes. Funding will be dependent upon the outcome of this process.

Actions  Kier & Environmental Health to exchange air quality monitoring data and location of monitoring equipment;  HE to seek funding for traffic surveys and air quality study;  Highways England Air Quality team to be consulted on how this sits with Highways England’s Air Quality policies;  HE, Kier and Environmental Health to review.

Cycleways Progress

The Local Plan Part 1, adopted in June 2014, includes the following measures:  Policy CP3 Design - ‘ optimise promotion of active design increasing opportunities for physical activity and community interaction’  Policy CP5 Social Inclusion and Healthy Living – key elements of infrastructure to support healthy living listed include ‘cycling/pedestrian routes and pathways’

District’s strategic cycle network as identified on the Policies map and introduce measures to improve and provide facilities for cyclists including  the provision of segregated cycling routes within new commercial and residential development (in excess of 200 dwellings)  the provision of demarcated cycle corridors and cycle crossings in existing highways, new road schemes, traffic management and traffic calming schemes

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

 the provision of secure cycle parking facilities in town centres, railway stations and new retail development creating at least 2500 sqm gross trading floor space  the provision of secure cycle parking, showers and lockers at all major new employment sites, existing commercial premises, as part of a travel plan submitted under the requirements of an planning application  Policy CP15 Historic Environment – ‘The sustainable access and enjoyment of heritage assets District wide will also be promoted through the strengthening of the District’s green infrastructure and creation of footway/cycleway routes’.

Cycleways also feature in our Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which is the mechanism for identifying infrastructure required, for which either S106 funds or CIL payments can be based.

Examples of cycling facility provision include the following:

Within the vicinity of the AQMAs:  Red Lion Lane development, Norton Canes. - This housing development commenced 2014. Upgrade of mineral line will potentially follow completion of housing dev site. Elsewhere in the district  Heritage Trail (2008/9). - There is potential for improved links on Hagley Park, subject to an Environment Agency flood alleviation scheme in 2015- 6. This scheme is to be confirmed.  Pye Green Valley. - A cycleway has been installed by Staffordshire County Council as part of road scheme to serve a new development site.  Pye Green Road Developments - Plans for cycleways linking to green corridor and Pye Green Valley.  Rugeley - Cycleway scheme to connect Rugeley town centre to the new Tescos/canal implemented 2014 and completed spring 2015.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 Cannock Chase Council

2.3 PM2.5 – Local Authority Approach to Reducing Emissions and or Concentrations

As detailed in Policy Guidance LAQM.PG16 (Chapter 7), local authorities are expected to work towards reducing emissions and/or concentrations of PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5µm or less). There is clear evidence that PM2.5 has a significant impact on human health, including premature mortality, allergic reactions, and cardiovascular diseases.

Particulate matter, or PM, is the term use to describe particles found in the air, including dust, dirt and liquid droplets. PM comes from both natural and man-made sources, including traffic emissions and Saharan-Sahel dust. These particles can be suspended in the air for long periods of time, and can travel across large distances.

PM less than 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10) pose a health concern because they can be inhaled into and accumulate in the respiratory system. PM less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5) are referred to as "fine" particles and are believed to pose the greatest health risks, as they can lodge deeply into the lungs and also pass into the bloodstream.

PM2.5 is the pollutant which has the biggest impact on public health and on which the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) indicator 3.0127 is based.

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) undertook a review in February 2016 28 where they found that long term exposure to air pollution impairs lung function growth in children, and that outdoor exposure is linked to lung cancer in adults. Within Staffordshire it is estimated that 5%of all deaths can be attributed to exposure to

PM2.5, compared to 5.3% across England (40,000 deaths annually). Overall, the estimated cost to individuals and society is more than £20 billion annually for the UK.

27 27 Public Health Outcomes Framework 2016-2019Indicator 3.01 Fraction of mortality attributable to particulate air pollution

28 [‘Every Breath we Take: The Lifelong Impact of Air Pollution; Report of a working Party, February 2016, ISBN 978-1-86016- 567-2],

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 17 Cannock Chase Council

2.3.1 Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Levels in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent

A number of the Staffordshire Authorities currently monitor locally for PM10. Defra’s Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) site, Stoke-on-Trent Centre, has a dedicated PM2.5 monitor. Error! Reference source not found. presents data on the local level of PM2.5 annual mean concentrations for the Staffordshire Authorities. Where the data is derived from PM10 monitoring this has been adjusted by applying a correction factor of 0.7 to derive the PM2.5 component. The correction factor has been derived from the average of all ratios of PM2.5/PM10 for the years from 2010 to 2014 for forty sites within the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) where these substances are measured on an hourly basis and follows the guidance published in LAQM (TG16).

Table 1: Annual Mean PM10 and PM2.5 Results of monitoring by Staffordshire Authorities 2011 to 2015

Annual Mean PM10 and PM2.5 Results from monitoring by Staffordshire Authorities 2011 to 2015 Year Monitor Authority Site Type OS Grid Ref Location 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

PM - 14.9 22.5 22 22.9 Newcastle Queen’s E385057 10 Roadside under Lyme Gardens N346137 (1) (1) (1) (1) PM2.5 - 10.43 15.75 15.4 16

Watling PM10 22 23 21 19.6 Cannock Roadside Street, SJ980086 -(2) Chase (1) (1) (1) (1) Bridgtown PM2.5 15.4 16.1 14.7 13.7

(3) A50 Meir E392548 PM10 - - - - 20 Roadside (3) Tunnel N342572 PM2.5 - - - - 14 Stoke on Urban E388351 Trent PM 12 11 10 10 12 Stoke on background N347895 2.5 Trent Central

E385780 PM10 25 24 25 24 22 Roadside Middleport N349376 (1) (1)1 (1) (1) (1) PM2.5 18 17 18 17 15

East PM10 26.9 25.4 29 31 23 E424671 Staffordshir Roadside Derby Turn N324019 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) e PM2.5 18.8 17.8 20.3 21.7 16.1 (1) Notes: PM2.5 results are derived from PM10 monitored results corrected with a 0.7 correction factor in accordance with TG16 - Annex B: Derivation of PM2.5 to PM10 Ratio. All other results are directly monitored. (2) Cannock Chase Watling Street Bridgwtown PM10 monitor decommissioned (3) Valid data capture for 2015 was 59%. The site was commissioned on 22 May 2015.

As can be seen from the results, concentrations of PM2.5 within the Staffordshire Authorities are below the 2020 EU limit value of 25µg/m3.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 18 Cannock Chase Council

2.3.2 PM2.5 and Mortality in Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent

Although the levels of PM2.5 within the County and City of Stoke on Trent are below the 2020 EU Limit value, the impact on adult mortality directly attributable to PM2.5 is nonetheless still an important public health issue within Staffordshire and Stoke-on- Trent. This is revealed in data obtained from Public Health England used to inform Public Health Outcomes Framework indicator 3.0129, as shown in Table 2. The data presented to 2013 is the latest data available at time of publication of this report.

Approximately 5% of deaths within the County can be attributed to PM2.5.

The percentage estimated number of deaths attributable to PM2.5 in adults over 30 has been translated into the estimated number of attributable deaths for each local authority area within Staffordshire, and are shown in Table 3.

Table 2: Public Health Outcomes Framework Indicator 3.01- Fraction of annual all cause adult mortality attributable to anthropogenic (human made) particulate air pollution (measured as fine particulate matter, PM2.5 ) for Staffordshire Authorities 2010 to 201330.

District/County Percentage

Newcastle-under-Lyme 4.8% Stafford 4.8% East Staffordshire 5.0% South Staffordshire 4.9% Lichfield 5.1% Staffordshire Moorlands 4.4% Cannock Chase 5.0% Tamworth 5.4% Stoke 5.1% Staffordshire County 4.9% England 5.3%

29 Public Health Outcomes Framework 2016-2019Indicator 3.01 Fraction of mortality attributable to particulate air pollution

30 Source Public Health England Public Health Outcomes Framework Indicator 3.01

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 19 Cannock Chase Council

Table 3: Estimated number of deaths by local authority area attributable to PM2.5 within Staffordshire for adults over 30- 2011 to 2013 Estimated numbers of annual all-cause adult mortality attributable to anthropogenic (human-made) particulate air pollution (measured as fine particulate matter, PM2.5*) for Staffordshire 2011 to 2013Error! Bookmark not defined. * Fraction of annual all-cause adult mortality attributable to anthropogenic (human-made) particulate air pollution (measured as fine particulate matter, PM2.5*)

2011 2012 2013

Deaths - all Estimated Deaths - all Estimated Deaths - all Estimated District/County causes Percentage* attributable causes Percentage* attributable causes Percentage* attributable persons 30+ deaths persons 30+ deaths persons 30+ deaths

Newcastle-under- 1187 4.8% 57 1218 4.6% 56 1295 4.9% 63 Lyme

Stafford 1178 4.7% 55 1195 4.6% 55 1261 4.9% 62

East Staffordshire 972 4.9% 48 966 4.8% 46 1097 5.1% 56

South Staffordshire 1009 4.9% 49 1162 4.8% 56 1102 5.1% 56

Lichfield 902 5.1% 46 953 5.0% 47 1050 5.1% 54

Staffordshire 927 4.4% 41 1020 4.2% 43 1085 4.7% 51 Moorlands

Cannock Chase 766 5.0% 38 844 4.8% 41 787 5.1% 40

Tamworth 532 5.4% 29 553 5.2% 29 592 5.5% 33

Staffordshire 7473 4.9% 366 7911 4.7% 372 8269 5.0% 417 County

2.3.3 Actions being taken within Staffordshire to reduce PM2.5

A number of the Staffordshire Authorities are currently involved in implementing measures to reduce levels of N02 within their areas, which are detailed elsewhere in this report. Whilst there is currently no statutory duty imposed on Local Authorities in England to reduce PM2.5, a number of the measures are complementary. A mapping exercise completed by the Staffordshire Air Quality Forum members details the measures currently in place which are considered to have an impact in reducing PM2.5 within the County. These are produced in Table 4.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 20 Cannock Chase Council

Table 4: Existing Staffordshire & Stoke Authority Actions for PM2.5

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

UTC in Urban Traffic UTC in areas of UTC in UTC in UTC in Tamworth Control systems, UTC in Link Newcastle Town Stafford Cannock Burton town Congestion low Leek town - - Centre AQMA and town town town centre and management, centre Kidsgrove AQMA centre centre centre Ventura traffic reduction Park

multiple 20mph 20 mph zones in zones near Reduction of place as some Traffic speed limits, low nil nil nil shown on schools in Manageme 20mph zones nt cycle map: residential Link areas

Road User Charging (RUC)/ low nil nil nil nil M6 Toll nil M6 Toll M6 Toll nil Congestion charging

Anti-idling low nil Advisory None enforcement

Other -

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 21 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Travel Plan Workplace Grant

low Travel Planning Scheme Link

Agile Agile Agile working Workstyle Encourage / working Homeworki working adopted by adopted by Facilitate home- low adopted by ng policy adopted by Newcastle under South Staffs working Stoke-on- adopted Tamworth Lyme B.C. Council Trent CC B.C.

School Travel

low Link Promoting Plans Travel Alternative s Promotion of

low Link cycling

Promotion of

low Link walking


Share a Lift Link Scheme

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 22 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC Community Rail Partnershi p operating along the North Staffordshir Staffordshi Staffordshi e County Staffordshi re County re Line and Council is re County Community Rail Staffordshire Council is includes a member Council is Partnership County a member Blythe of West a member operating along the Community Council is a of West Bridge Rail Midlands of West North Staffordshire Rail member of Midlands Station. Rail Ltd Midlands Line including Partnershi West Rail Ltd Staffordshi which will Rail Ltd Kidsgrove Rail p operating Midlands which will re County bring a which will Station which along the Rail Ltd bring a Staffordshi Council is change in bring a heavily involves the North which will change in re County a member the way change in local community. Staffordshi bring a the way Council of West that local the way The County Council re Line and change in that local Draft Rail Midlands rail that local is a member of Rail includes the way that rail Promote use of Strategy is Rail Ltd services rail North Ltd whose Uttoxeter local rail services

rail and inland medium Link available which will are services role includes the Rail services are are waterways from: bring a managed are local management Station. managed managed Link change in and managed of rail services The and and & the way operated. and operating to County operated. operated. Link that local The operated. Manchester Council The County The rail County The Piccadilly. Draft Rail Council County services Council County Staffordshire Strategy is Draft Rail Council are Draft Rail Council County Council available Strategy is Draft Rail managed Strategy is Draft Rail Draft Rail Strategy from: available Strategy is and available Strategy is is available from: Link from: available operated. from: available Link Link from: The Link31 from: & Link County & Link 32 & Council Link Link Draft Rail Strategy is available from: 31 32 Link

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 23 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Local Transport

Plans and

high Link Link & District Link Strategies

Transport Planning and Planned Planned Infrastructu improveme improveme re nts at nts at Planned Improveme Lichfield Tamworth Recent Improveme nts around Kidsgrove Station City as part Rail Public transport improveme nts at Planned Stoke-on- Interchange of Station improvements- nts Cannock improveme Trent planned for 2018 Friarsgate including interchanges low completed Station as nts at - railway Developme future stations and at Stafford part of Mill Burton Rail station in Link nt. LTV aspirations services Rail Green Station developme improveme to integrate Station developme nt nts to buses with nt make the Tamworth station Rail accessible Station Stoke Railway Public cycle hire Station low Nil scheme 'Brompton Dock' Bike Hire &

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 24 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC Cycle Hub Link

Link Stoke-on-

Cycle network low Trent Cycle Map & Guide Proposed improvemen ts to services linking to i54 Proposed plus RTPI, improveme Proposed improvemen Improveme Proposed nts to new or ts to Gt nts around improveme services extended Wyrley- Proposed Stoke-on- Proposed nts to route Proposed 23,24 and services Bloxwich improveme Trent installation RTPI 9 Biddulph- improvements to 26 in linked to corridor, nts to local Bus route railway of RTPI on Burton high Hanley and routes 3 and 4 Rugeley, the City Wombourne service 2 improvements station in radial Town route 99 Newcastle Town service 2 Centre routes 256 and RTPI developme routes in Centre Biddulph- Centre Cannock- funded via and 255, at key nt - station Stafford Macclesfiel Walsall developer Codsall- locations road bus d and service contributio Wolverhamp routes 32/33 Pye ns ton route 5, Green Huntington- Walsall route 1 and Stafford- Wolverhamp ton route 76

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 25 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Kidsgrove Station Interchange Bus based Park Alternative medium nil planned for 2018 nil nil nil nil nil nil & Ride s to private vehicle use Link

Car Clubs low nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 26 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Local Validation List Local plan Public - Policy Planning Procection Link CP16 - applications to Division - Climate We ask for require consulted applications/inform Change AQ assessment of on all ation-requirements- and assessment exposure / planning

high and-validation- Sustainabl Link s on all large Link emissions for application Link planning. e Resource scale Policy development and Development Use developmen Guidance requiring air included in screened following Cannock ts and quality impact pre- IAQM air quality for chase. Developme assessment planning planning guidance. nt Control advice 33 Link Link

Local Air Quality Strategy - Air Quality To include PM2.5 To be Stoke-on- nil Yes Strategy in emerging AQS updated Trent City Council Link


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 27 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC To develop planning guidance To develop for planning guidance developers Planning for developers and and to Guidance for to develop into develop Link34 developers SPD once Local into SPD Plan Polices in once Local Place Plan Polices in Place To develop Developer polices to To develop polices Contributions secure to secure Link based on contributio contributions to 35 damage cost ns to offset offset pollution calcualtion pollution

34 35

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 28 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

To influence polices to To influence support polices to support improveme improvement in nt in emissions through emissions Air quality development of through policy Planning Staffordshire and developme adopted for None Policies Stoke on Trent nt of developme Joint Local Plan Staffordshir nt control

e and Link Stoke on

Trent Joint

Local Plan Link

STOR Sites (Short Term Operating Reserve) Energy To lobby Central Government via appropriate forums (e.g. Staffordshire Air Quality Forum / Midlands Joint Advisory Council) for Generation . high consideration of air quality implications at a national level and to support local authorities and developers with apprpropiate guidance Regulation via planning / permitting regime

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 29 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Low Emissions high Strategy

Freight Consolidation medium Centre

Route Management

Plans/ Strategic high routing strategy for HGV's Freight and Delivery Quiet & out of Manageme low nt hours delivery

Delivery and medium Service plans

Freight Partnerships for high city centre deliveries Driver training and ECO driving medium aids Vehicle Fleet Efficiency Promoting low emission public high transport

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 30 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC Vehicle retrofitting medium

programmes Fleet efficiency

and recognition medium Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Eco-Stars schemes Low emission zone (LEZ) high Clean Air Zone (CAZ)

Public Vehicle Procurement - Prioritising high uptake of low emission vehicles Company Vehicle Promoting Procurement - low Prioritising high emission uptake of low transport emission vehicles

Procuring alternative Refuelling Electricity infrastructure to Re-charge promote Low high Points at Emission some car- Vehicles, EV parks recharging, Gas fuel recharging

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 31 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Priority parking

high Link for LEV's

Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Taxi Licensing medium Licensing conditions Policy 2016-2019 (Draft)

Taxi emission medium incentives

Introduction/incr ease of environment charges through Environme permit systems medium Unable to achieve at a local level without central government approval ntal permits and economic instruments (Permit fees set centrally)

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 32 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Measures to reduce pollution (Chapter through IPPC medium

15) Permits going beyond BAT

Large Combustion Plant Permits high and National Plans going beyond BAT Other ?? Smoky Diesel Hotline

Other measures A5 and M6 36

Link Link Partnership


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 33 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Domestic Smoke Control 37

Link Link Link Link Link Link advice and Enforcement


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 34 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Garden Bonfires - Advice and 38

Link Link Link Link Link Link nuisance enforcement

Legislation Legislation enforced - enforced - Commercial web page web page

burning advice Link currently currently and enforcement being being developed developed


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 35 Cannock Chase Council

Effect on Measures reducing Local Authority category NOx and Reduce Measure PM10 s PM2.5 Classification emissions(l emissio Staffordsh Newcastle- Cannock East South ow, ns Stoke on ire under- Stafford Lichfield Tamworth Chase Staffs Staffs medium, Trent CC Moorlands Lyme BC DC BC DC BC DC high) DC BC

Multi agency working with Fire Service and Information shared as appropriate Environment Agency for trade burning

Multi agency working with Staffordshire Fire Service and Local Authority Building Information shared as appropriate Controlregarding chimney fires and complaints about DIY domestic heating systems

Stoke-on- Stoke on Trent Trent Low Stoke-on-Trent Low Low Carbon Carbon High Carbon Distric District Heat Distric

Heating Network Network Heating


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 36 Cannock Chase Council

3 Air Quality Monitoring Data and Comparison with Air Quality Objectives and National Compliance 3.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken

3.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites

This section sets out what monitoring has taken place and how it compares with objectives.

Cannock Chase Council did not undertake automatic (continuous) monitoring during

2015. The automatic monitoring site for oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and PM10, located in Bridgtown ceased operation in 2014 for technical reasons, and recommissioning of this site is not feasible. However, a new site for the same pollutants has been commissioned at a site on the A5190, Cannock Road, Heath Hayes. This is affiliated with the national Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) (Link39) and given the name ‘Cannock A5190 Roadside’. No calibrated data has yet been polled.

National monitoring results for AURN sites are available at: Link40

Maps showing the location of the former and planned monitoring sites are provided in Appendix D: Maps of Monitoring Locations.

Nb Local authorities do not have to report annually on the following pollutants: 1,3 butadiene, benzene, carbon monoxide and lead, unless local circumstances indicate there is a problem.

39 40 sites?site_name=&group_id=4&country_id=9999®ion_id=9999&pollutant=&location_type=9999&view=advanced&action=results

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 37 Cannock Chase Council

3.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

Cannock Chase Council undertook non-automatic (passive) monitoring of NO2 at 18 sites during 2015.

Appendix A shows the details of the sites.

Maps showing the location of the monitoring sites are provided in Appendix D: Maps of Monitoring Locations. Further details on Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) and bias adjustment for the diffusion tubes are included in Appendix C.

3.2 Individual Pollutants

The air quality monitoring results presented in this section are, where relevant, adjusted for “annualisation” and bias. Further details on adjustments are provided in Appendix C.

3.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Table A.3 in Appendix A compares the ratified and adjusted monitored NO2 annual mean concentrations for the past 5 years with the air quality objective of 40µg/m3.

For diffusion tubes, the full 2015 dataset of monthly mean values is provided in Appendix B.

Table A.4 in Appendix A compares the ratified continuous monitored NO2 hourly mean concentrations for the past 5 years with the air quality objective of 200µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 18 times per year.

Exceedences of 40µg/m3 have neen detected at BTL, HHFW and CNKRD.

Potential New AQMA

HHFW and CNKRD are representative of relevant receptors and are therefore considered as exceedences of the annual mean NO2 objective.

These are located in the Heath Hayes area of the district, near to the ‘Five Ways Island’ junction of the A5190, B4194 and Wimblebury Road. This was identified in the previous Updating and Screening Assessment, 2015 as requiring further assessment. These results confirm that an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) is now required for the area.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 38 Cannock Chase Council

Existing AQMA

The relevant exposure locations within the existing AQMAs along the A5 Watling Street are represented by monitoring results at BTL-B, 67WS, 54WS and 268WS.

Results for BTL-B and 268WS are the maximum values within AQMAs 1 and 2 respectively, values of 36.5 and 35.9 µg/m3. LAQM.TG(16) recommends that AQMAs are revoked only after a detailed study, providing the same level of confidence as the original investigation, and after several years of compliance with the objective. This is to allow for variations in meteorological conditions that can be experienced over time. Account should also be taken of national trends in emissions, as well as local factors that may affect the AQMA, including measures introduced as part of the Air Quality Action Plan, together with information from national monitoring on high and low pollution years.

In this instance, dispersion modelling is not considered as a resource efficient means to assess whether the existing AQMAs now reliably comply with objectives. The main advantages of modelling are considered as:

 to quantify the contribution of pollutant emissions arising from different sources types on overall concentrations;

 concentrations can be predicted across a wider geographical area than is possible through monitoring alone;

 geographic boundaries of any exceedances of the air quality objectives can be determined;

 concentrations can be predicted for future years, taking into account changes in emissions sources and emissions data; and

 scenario testing can be undertaken in order to determine the source contributions and effects of AQAP measures on predicted concentrations.

Of these advantages, only the capacity to predict future years is particularly useful. As such, it has been decided to utlise the ‘compare monitoring data with the predicted future concentrations’ method described in LAQM.TG(16) Table 7.6. The following charts demonstrate how monitoring results have varied over time, and what

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 39 Cannock Chase Council the anticipated levels will be, based on upper and lower values monitored since

Table2011. 5 : Monitored and Predicted Annual Mean NO2 for AQMA1, based on BTL-B

Table 6: Monitored and Predicted Annual Mean NO2 for AQMA2, based on 268 WS

It can be seen that monitoring results are broadly following anticipated reductions in

NO2, resulting from improved technology. However, peaks occuring in 2010 show that values can occur above the projected upper limit. Therefore, it is recommended

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 40 Cannock Chase Council that a further 12 months monitoring data be aqcuired before a decision is made upon revoking AQMAs 1 and 2.

No annual mean results are greater than 60 µg/m3. Guidance suggests that this value is indicative of exceedence of the 1-hour mean objective. As such, the 1-hour mean objective contuinues to be complied with in Cannock Chase district.

3.2.2 Particulate Matter (PM10)

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 41 Cannock Chase Council

Table A.5 in Appendix A compares the ratified and adjusted monitored PM10 annual mean concentrations for the past 5 years with the air quality objective of 40µg/m3.

Table A.6 in Appendix A compares the ratified continuous monitored PM10 daily mean concentrations for the past 5 years with the air quality objective of 50µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times per year.

PM10 has not been monitored in 2015. However, data from previous years has shown no exceedence of either the annual or daily mean objectives.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 42 Cannock Chase Council

Appendix A: Monitoring Results

Table A.1 – Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites Distance Distance to X OS Y OS to kerb of Inlet Site Pollutants In Monitoring Relevant Site ID Site Type Grid Grid nearest Height Name Monitored AQMA? Technique Exposure Ref Ref road (m) (m) (m) (1) (2) Bungalow Chemiluminescence / Stile Rural SO approx. 45 Stile Cop 403840 316100 2 N UV Flourescence n/a >5 Cop Background NO metres 2 distance

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 43 Cannock Chase Council

Table A.2 – Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites Distance Distance Tube X OS Y OS to to kerb of collocated Pollutants In Height Site ID Site Name Site Type Grid Grid Relevant nearest with a Monitored AQMA? (m) Ref Ref Exposure road (m) Continuous (m) (1) (2) Analyser? Cannock Urban 397589 309724 2.7 MORT NO N 10 n/a N Mortuary Background 2 Oxford 2.8 Urban OXRD Road, 398529 309529 NO N 6.3 n/a N Background 2 Rumer Hill

Bridgtown 3.5

BTL Traffic Roadside 398009 308563 NO2 Y N 0 N Lights

Bridgtown 1.75 Trafic Lights BTL-B Roadside 397952 308567 NO Y Y 5 N (Bungalow 2 façade)

67 Watling 1.1 67WS Roadside 398051 308512 Y Y 7.8 N NO2 Street,

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 44 Cannock Chase Council

Distance Distance Tube X OS Y OS to to kerb of collocated Pollutants In Height Site ID Site Name Site Type Grid Grid Relevant nearest with a Monitored AQMA? (m) Ref Ref Exposure road (m) Continuous (m) (1) (2) Analyser? Bridgtown

54 Watling 1.2

54WS Street, Roadside 398250 308428 NO2 Y Y 5.1 N Bridgtown

Betty’s 3 Lane, BLNC1 Suburban 401349 312196 NO N N 6.3 N Norton 2 Canes

Horsefair, 2.4 HF Roadside 404465 317741 NO N Y 7.2 N Rugeley 2

Deavall’s 3.0 Farm, Urban DF 399688 310686 NO N Y n/a N Hawks Background 2 Green

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 45 Cannock Chase Council

Distance Distance Tube X OS Y OS to to kerb of collocated Pollutants In Height Site ID Site Name Site Type Grid Grid Relevant nearest with a Monitored AQMA? (m) Ref Ref Exposure road (m) Continuous (m) (1) (2) Analyser? Hislop Rd., 3 Urban HISLOP Pear Tree, 404125 316903 NO N Y n/a N Background 2 Rugeley

Bridgtown 3

BTMS Monitoring Roadside 398009 308563 NO2 Y N 6.8 Y Station

268 Watling 2.25 Street, 268WS Roadside 400731 307419 NO Y Y 3.75 N Norton 2 Canes

414a Pye 2.25 414aPG Roadside 398480 312757 NO N N 2.2 N Green Road 2

A51, 2.5 A51 Roadside 704725 318804 N N 4 N NO2 Rugeley By-

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 46 Cannock Chase Council

Distance Distance Tube X OS Y OS to to kerb of collocated Pollutants In Height Site ID Site Name Site Type Grid Grid Relevant nearest with a Monitored AQMA? (m) Ref Ref Exposure road (m) Continuous (m) (1) (2) Analyser? pass

Church Hill 2.4 CH Mews, Kerbside 400320 312265 NO N N 0.7 N Mews 2 Hednesford

Five Ways 2.4 Island, HHFW Roadside 401563 309940 NO N Y 1.6 N Heath 2 Hayes

Cannock 2.4 CNKRD Road, Heath Roadside 401421 309965 N Y 2 N NO2 Hayes

Hednesford 2.2 HFRDRD Road, Heath Roadside 401536 310001 N Y 3.2 N NO2 Hayes

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 47 Cannock Chase Council

Table A.3 – Annual Mean NO2 Monitoring Results Valid Data 3 (3) Valid Data NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m ) Capture for Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type Capture 2015 Monitoring (%) (2) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Period (%) (1) BTMS Roadside Automatic - - 36 39 36 34.4 - Stile Rural Automatic 99.6 99.6 13.1 12.9 14.4 11.9 10.4 Cop Background Urban MORT Diffusion Tube 100 100 19.1 18.5 17.5 15.1 16.8 Background Urban OXRD Diffusion Tube 100 100 21.7 23.2 22.8 21 21.2 Background

BTL Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39.1 39.1 38.2 39.1 41.1

BTL-B Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 40.4 40.5 33.7 33 36.5

67WS 100 100 27.2 28.1 27.6 24.9 27.5

54WS Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 51.5 34.2 33.5 35.7 31.2

BLNC1 Suburban Diffusion Tube 100 81 21.8 19.5 19.1 16.6 16.9

HF Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 - - - - 30.8

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 48 Cannock Chase Council

Valid Data 3 (3) Valid Data NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m ) Capture for Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type Capture 2015 Monitoring (%) (2) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Period (%) (1) Urban DF Diffusion Tube 58 58 28.8 18.7 17.1 16.2 20.6* Background

HISLO Urban Diffusion Tube 100 49 14.7 14.7 14.8 12 13.3* P

BTMS Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 37 38.6 35.7 34.1 39

268W Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35.6 39.5 36.2 32.5 35.9 S

414aP Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 49 - - - - 37.4* G

A51 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 40 - - - 22.7 24.2*

CH Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 - - - 30.5 35.5 Mews

HHFW Roadside Roadside 100 100 - - - 42.9 45.9

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 49 Cannock Chase Council

Valid Data 3 (3) Valid Data NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m ) Capture for Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type Capture 2015 Monitoring (%) (2) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Period (%) (1) CNKR Roadside Roadside 100 59 - - - - 49.2 D

HFRD Roadside Roadside 100 59 - - - - 29.7 RD

3 Notes: Exceedances of the NO2 annual mean objective of 40µg/m are shown in bold. 3 NO2 annual means exceeding 60µg/m , indicating a potential exceedance of the NO2 1-hour mean objective are shown in bold and underlined. (1) data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) Means for diffusion tubes have been corrected for bias. All means have been “annualised” as per Technical Guidance LAQM.TG16 if valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details. * denotes annualised data

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Table A.4 – 1-Hour Mean NO2 Monitoring Results Valid Data 3 (3) Valid Data NO2 1-Hour Means > 200µg/m Monitoring Capture for Site ID Site Type Capture 2015 Type Monitoring Period (%) (2) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (%) (1) BTMS Roadside Automatic - - 0 5 1 0 - Stile Rural Automatic 99.6 99.6 0 0 0 0 0 Cop Background

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Table A.5 – Annual Mean PM10 Monitoring Results

3 Valid Data Capture Valid Data PM10 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m ) Site ID Site Type for Monitoring Capture 2015 Period (%) (%) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 BTMS Roadside - - 22 23 21 19.6 - No Monitoring undertaken in 2015

Table A.6 – 24-Hour Mean PM10 Monitoring Results

3 Valid Data Capture for Valid Data PM10 24-Hour Means > 50µg/m Site ID Site Type Monitoring Period (%) Capture 2015 (%) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

BTMS Roadside - - 9 16 6 4 -

No Monitoring undertaken in 2015

Table A.7 – PM2.5 Monitoring Results

3 Valid Data Capture Valid Data PM2.5 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m ) Site ID Site Type for Monitoring Capture 2015 Period (%) (%) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 n/a ------

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 52 Cannock Chase Council

Table A.8 – SO2 Monitoring Results Valid Data Number of Exceedances Valid Data (3) Capture for (percentile in bracket) Site ID Site Type Capture monitoring 15-minute Objective 1-hour Objective 24-hour Objective 2014 (%) (2) Period (%) (1) (266 µg/m3) (350 µg/m3) (125 µg/m3) Stile Cop Rural Background 97.6 97.6 0 0 0

Notes: Exceedances of the SO2 objectives are shown in bold (15-min mean = 35 allowed a year, 1-hour mean = 24 allowed a year, 24-hour mean = 3 allowed a year)

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 53 Cannock Chase Council

Appendix B: Full Monthly Diffusion Tube Results for 2015

Table B.1 – NO2 Monthly Diffusion Tube Results - 2015 3 NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m ) Site ID Annual Mean Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (time weighted) Raw Data Bias Adjusted (1) MORT 24.4 28.6 20.5 15.1 11.9 12.2 14.0 17.0 23.7 23.8 23.9 25.3 20.1 16.8 OXRD 27.0 36.9 23.6 21.8 17.4 19.1 18.8 I/S 28.7 34.8 28.0 I/S 25.2 21.2

BTL 48.9 41.1 57.2 59.1 47.3 34.6 39.5 45.5 46.6 52.6 53.6 57.0 53.8 < 1.0

BTL-B 43.4 36.5 46.4 54.0 43.7 36.7 31.4 37.5 39.6 43.7 49.0 50.5 46.3 43.0

67WS 32.7 27.5 37.3 33.4 29.3 29.0 20.9 28.5 27.8 32.4 39.9 38.5 34.7 39.3

54WS 41.6 34.9 37.8 37.9 39.0 48.3 31.6 48.7 36.3 42.0 51.1 60.5 31.7 31.8

BLNC1 20.1 16.9 25.5 28.3 16.9 18.3 13.5 21.1 17.5 20.7 21.1 18.3 I/S I/S

HF 36.6 30.8 39.0 44.7 34.9 28.7 29.3 31.9 34.2 34.7 39.4 41.9 44.1 38.5

DF 24.5*** 24.0 26.6 22.7 16.9 14.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25.5 20.6***

HISLOP 15.8*** 13.3*** 21.2 17.6 18.3 10.9 8.8 10.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 54 Cannock Chase Council

3 NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m ) Site ID Annual Mean Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (time weighted) Raw Data Bias Adjusted (1) BTMS1 < 1.0 105.1* 43.0 38.9 42.6 45.1 46.3 53.2 54.9 59.4 48.7 45.5

BTMS2 46.4 39 47.7 54.9 43.0 33.5 41.4 39.4 44.8 50.7 48.3 60.4 48.4 37.2

BTMS3 52.8 48.3 44.3 37.6 36.2 43.6 44.9 46.5 51.1 58.3 44.7 37.8

268WS 42.7 35.9 42.8 43.6 45.0 40.8 31.0 37.8 36.0 42.1 59.0 67.5 32.6 34.9

414aPG 31*** 26.0*** N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25.3 28.1 22.4 40.8 26.2 36.0

A51 28.8*** 24.2*** 27.1 28.2 28.2 28.7 13.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

CH Mews 42.3 35.5 45.4 52.9 36.1 36.0 30.1 36.0 39.4 43.1 38.9 51.7 49.7 49.7

HHFW 54.6 45.9 58.6 62.4 53.5 58.1 45.5 58.3 48.9 61.0 45.9 71.7 54.4 41.5

CNKRD 58.6 49.2*** N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 34.5 33.1 40.4 73.4 101.7 43.4 39.7

HFRDRD 35.3 26.7*** N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 28.0 27.5 29.5 < 1.0 39.4 34.6 33.1 27.1 23.6 16.7 14.3 10.7 16.4 12.6 12.4 15.6 20.6 22.9 21.6 Winshill - Brookside (B)** 17.9 n/a

(1) See Appendix C for details on bias adjustment

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 55 Cannock Chase Council

(2) * outlier data removed from mean

(3) ** Background data from East Staffs BC for annualising data purposes.

(4) *** Annualised data – see Appendix C

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Appendix C: Supporting Technical Information / Air Quality Monitoring Data QA/QC

3.2.3 Significant Changes to Sources


During 2015, there have been no significant changes to transport infrastructure that would significantly impact upon air quality, other than those reported in Progress and Impact of Measures to address Air Quality in Cannock Chase District.

Industrial Activities

Central Milled Lead, an Environmental Permitted activity for melting of pure and clean scrap lead to form ingots. The Environmental Permit can be found at Link41.

In 2015 the activity added an additional furnace to the existing single furnace. The model is exactly the same as the existing model, ducted into the same abatement plant, and each furnace is only run when the other one is not. Annual monitoring has not yet taken place, but it is deemed that emissions will be very similar to the existing emissions.

Previous monitoring emission monitoring data demonstrated that particulate and lead emissions are well within limit values, so the increased capacity is not deemed as significant.

Pollutant Monitored emission value (mg/m3) Emission limit (mg/m3)

Particulate 0.28 20

Lead in particulate 0.0037 2


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 57 Cannock Chase Council

3.2.4 New Monitoring Sites

In order to provide additional data to help assess air quality in the ‘Five Ways Island’ area of Heath Hayes, additional NO2 monitoring has been introduced.

Two diffusion tube locations, in addition to the existing ‘HHFW’ location, have been monitored since June 2015 (‘CNKRD’ and ‘ HFRDRD’). These are roadside locations, representative of relevant receptors in the area, as shown in the photographs below, and described in Table A.2.

A new automated monitoring site is being commissioned at the time of writing. This includes a chemiluminescent NOx monitoring unit and a TEOM particulate monitor. It will operate as an affiliated AURN site for NOx.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 58 Cannock Chase Council

Figure 1: 'CNKRD' diffusion tube site

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Figure 2: 'HHFW' diffusion tube site

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Figure 3: 'HFRDRD' diffusion tube site

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 61 Cannock Chase Council

3.2.5 QA/QC Data

Diffusion tubes are supplied and analysed by Staffordshire Scientific Services, Staffordshire County Council. The preparation method is 20 % TEA, 80 % water – pipetted.

The lab follows the procedures as set out in the Harmonisation Practical Guidance and is UKAS accredited for this method.

The lab takes part in the NO2 Network Field Inter-comparison, managed by Health and Safety Laboratory on behalf of AEA. Their lab code is 1017.

The bias factor for 2015 is 0.84, which is calculated using local co-location data. A calculation sheet for determining the bias factor can be found below in Table 7 .

The lab takes part in the WASP scheme managed by Health and Safety Laboratory. Lab code 1017.

The latest results for this can be found at Link42.

Discussion of Choice of Factor to Use

Both national and local bias factors can be used. In previous review and assessment reports, use was made of a local bias factor, calculated using triplicate diffusion tubes co-located with the automatic monitoring unit in Bridgtown. It was considered that using this local factor in preference to a national factor would prove useful for assessments associated with the A5 Watling Street where an air quality management area is located, whereas a national factor may not be as representative. However, due to the discontinuation of the Bridgtown monitor, this position is no longer available and a national bias factor has been adopted. This has the benefit of being less specific and in line with other authorities in the Staffordshire area.

Bias Factor from Co-location Studies

The following sheet shows the calculation of a local diffusion tube bias factor for Cannock Chase Council’s monitoring programme for 2015. Calculation is shown in the following table:


LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 62 Cannock Chase Council

Table 7: Diffusion Tube Bias Calculation for Staffordshire Analytical Services 1 Analysed By Method Diffusion Year Automatic Tube Bias Length Monitor Site Mean Bias Tube Adjustment Local Authority of Study Mean Type Conc. (B) Precision Factor (A) (months) Conc. (Cm) (Dm) 3 (Cm/Dm) 3 (g/m ) (g/m ) Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 UC Manchester City Council 12 42 40 6.9% G 0.94 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 SU Manchester City Council 12 25 20 24.5% G 0.80 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 KS Manchester City Council 11 72 66 9.3% G 0.91 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 R Trafford 9 35 30 17.6% G 0.85 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 UB Trafford 12 23 21 12.2% G 0.89 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 UB Wigan Council 11 27 20 32.7% G 0.75 Marylebone Road Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 KS Intercomparison 11 95 81 18.0% G 0.85 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 R Stockport SMBC 12 31 24 27.1% G 0.79 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 R Stoke-on-Trent City Council 12 59 47 25.6% G 0.80 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 R Stoke-on-Trent City Council 10 37 29 29.9% G 0.77 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 UC Stoke-on-Trent City Council 12 32 28 13.7% G 0.88 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 R East Staffordshire Borough Council 10 51 39 29.2% G 0.77 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 R Oldham MBC 9 42 33 28.0% G 0.78 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 R Salford Council 10 53 53 -0.4% G 1.00 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 UB Salford Council 12 32 27 16.1% G 0.86 Staffordshire Scientific Services 20% TEA in water 2015 Overall Factor (15 studies) Use 0.84

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 63 Cannock Chase Council

Annualisation of Diffusion Tube Data

Table 8: Deavall Farm (Jan-May & Dec)

Background Site Annual Mean 2015 Period Mean 2015 Ratio (Am/Pm)

(Am) (Pm)

MORT* 20.1 21.2 0.95

Winshill - 17.9 19.0 0.94 Brookside (B)*

Average (Ra) 0.94

Table 9: Hislop (Jan - June)

Background Site Annual Mean 2015 Period Mean 2015 Ratio (Am/Pm)

(Am) (Pm)

MORT* 20.1 18.5 1.09

Winshill - 17.9 18.1 1.05 Brookside (B)*

Average (Ra) 1.04

Table 10: 414a PGRd (Jul - Dec)

Background Site Annual Mean 2015 Period Mean 2015 Ratio (Am/Pm)

(Am) (Pm)

MORT* 20.1 21.6 0.93

Winshill - 17.9 17.6 1.02 Brookside (B)*

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 64 Cannock Chase Council

Average (Ra) 0.97

Table 11: A51 (Jan - May)

Background Site Annual Mean 2015 Period Mean 2015 Ratio (Am/Pm)

(Am) (Pm)

MORT* 20.1 19.5 1.03

Winshill - 17.9 18.5 0.97 Brookside (B)*

Average (Ra) 1.00

Table 12: CnKRd ( Jun - Dec)

Background Site Annual Mean 2015 Period Mean 2015 Ratio (Am/Pm)

(Am) (Pm)

MORT* 20.1 20.5 0.98

Winshill - 17.9 17.4 1.03 Brookside (B)*

Average (Ra) 1.00

Table 13: HfrdRd (Jun - Aug & Oct - Dec)

Background Site Annual Mean 2015 Period Mean 2015 Ratio (Am/Pm)

(Am) (Pm)

MORT* 20.1 19.4 1.04

Winshill - 17.9 17.8 1.01 Brookside (B)*

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 65 Cannock Chase Council

Average (Ra) 2.02

*All data un-adjusted for bias.

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Appendix D: Maps of Monitoring Locations

Figure 4: Map of Automatic Monitoring Sites, Whole District

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Figure 5: Map of Diffusion Tube Monitoring Sites, Whole District

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Figure 6: Map of Diffusion Monitoring Sites, Bridgtown

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Figure 7: Map of Diffusion Monitoring Sites, Heath Hayes

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Appendix E: Summary of Air Quality Objectives in England

Table E.1 – Air Quality Objectives in England Air Quality Objective43 Pollutant Concentration Measured as 200 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more Nitrogen Dioxide 1-hour mean than 18 times a year (NO ) 2 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 50 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more Particulate Matter 24-hour mean than 35 times a year (PM ) 10 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 350 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more 1-hour mean than 24 times a year Sulphur Dioxide 125 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more 24-hour mean (SO2) than 3 times a year 266 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more 15-minute mean than 35 times a year

43 3 The units are in microgrammes of pollutant per cubic metre of air (µg/m ).

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Glossary of Terms

Abbreviation Description

AQAP Air Quality Action Plan - A detailed description of measures, outcomes, achievement dates and implementation methods, showing how the local authority intends to achieve air quality limit values’

AQMA Air Quality Management Area – An area where air pollutant concentrations exceed / are likely to exceed the relevant air quality objectives. AQMAs are declared for specific pollutants and objectives

ASR Air quality Annual Status Report

Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

DMRB Design Manual for Roads and Bridges – Air quality screening tool produced by Highways England

EU European Union

FDMS Filter Dynamics Measurement System

LAQM Local Air Quality Management

NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide

NOx Nitrogen Oxides

PM10 Airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10µm (micrometres or microns) or less

PM2.5 Airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5µm or less

QA/QC Quality Assurance and Quality Control

SO2 Sulphur Dioxide

… …

LAQM Annual Status Report 2016 72 Cannock Chase Council

References  Air Quality Action Plan:

 Green Book supplementary guidance: air quality - guidance-air-quality

 Air quality: economic analysis -

 Cannock Chase Council Air Quality Action Plan Progress Report -

 Cannock Chase Council Supplementary Planning Policy Documents - policy/supplementary-planning-policy-documents

 Cannock Chase Local Plan (Part 1) 2014 _low_res.pdf

 Cannock Chase Council Infrastructure Delivery Plan, May 2014 - _may_2014_update.pdf

 Local Air Quality Management Technical Guidance (TG16), April 2016

 Local Air Quality Management Policy Guidance (PG16), April 2016

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