Early Carboniferous; Morocco)
Fossil Record 9(1) (2006), 87–129 / DOI 10.1002/mmng.200600003 A new ammonoid fauna from the Gattendorfia-Eocanites Genozone of the Anti-Atlas (Early Carboniferous; Morocco) Ju¨ rgen Bockwinkel*,1 & Volker Ebbighausen**,2 1 Dechant-Feinstraße 22, D-51375 Leverkusen, Germany 2 Engstenberger Ho¨ he 12, D-51519 Odenthal, Germany Received August 4, 2005, accepted September 19, 2005 Published online zzz With 40 figures Key words: ammonoids, biostratigraphy, Early Carboniferous, Anti-Atlas, Morocco. Abstract From the eastern part of the Tafilalt (Anti-Atlas, Morocco), rich assemblages of ammonoids of the Gattendorfia-Eocanites Genozone are described. The detailed investigation of an outcrop near Mfis in the south-eastern Tafilalt yielded a diverse fauna with 24 species, of which 13 are new. The genus Weyerella n. gen. is newly erected with Weyerella protecta n. sp. as type species. Furthermore, the following new species are described: Paragattendorfia aboussalamae n. sp., Acutimitoceras hollardi n. sp., Acutimitoceras posterum n. sp., Acutimitoceras mfisense n. sp., Acutimitoceras occidentale n. sp., Imitoceras oxydentale n. sp., Kazakhstania nitida n. sp., Zadelsdorfia debouaaensis n. sp., Weyerella minor n. sp., Eocanites simplex n. sp., Eocanites rtbeckeri n. sp., and Eocanites dkorni n. sp. The state of preservation of the ammonoids as limonitic steinkern specimens per- mits a detailed study of sutures and conch ontogeny. Schlu¨ sselwo¨ rter: Ammonoidea, Biostratigraphie, Unter-Karbon, Anti-Atlas, Marokko. Zusammenfassung Aus dem o¨ stlichen Tafilalt (Anti-Atlas, Marokko) wird eine Ammonoideen-reiche Abfolge aus der Gattendorfia-Eocanites Genus-Zone beschrieben. Ein im Detail untersuchtes Profil bei Mfis hat eine individuenreiche und diverse pelagische Fauna mit 24 Arten geliefert, von denen 13 neu sind.
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