2012 Air Quality Updating and Screening Assessment: City Council

January 2013

Southampton City Council Updating and Screening Assessment 2012

Document Control

Client Southampton City Council Principal Contact Peter Barton and Simon Hartill

Job Number J1559

Report Prepared By: Caroline Odbert and Dr Clare Beattie

Document Status and Review Schedule

Report No. Date Status Reviewed by

1559/1/F1 16 January 2013 Final Report Prof. Duncan Laxen

This report has been prepared by Air Quality Consultants Ltd on behalf of the Client, taking into account the agreed scope of works. Unless otherwise agreed, this document and all other Intellectual Property Rights remain the property of Air Quality Consultants Ltd.

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Southampton City Council Updating and Screening Assessment 2012

Executive Summary

This report fulfils the requirements of the Local Air Quality Management process as set out in Part IV of the Environment Act (1995), the Air Quality Strategy for , Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 2007 and the relevant Policy and Technical Guidance documents.

This document is Southampton City Council’s fourth Updating and Screening Assessment. Results from monitoring by the Council are presented and sources of air pollution are identified. The Updating and Screening Assessment determines those changes since the last assessment, which could lead to the risk of an air quality objective being exceeded.

Monitoring during 2011 has not identified any exceedences of objectives at relevant locations outside of the existing Air Quality Management Areas; however a number of exceedences of the annual mean nitrogen dioxide were measured in the Air Quality Management Areas. There is therefore no need to amend the current AQMAs.

The Updating and Screening Assessment has not identified any significant changes in emission sources within Southampton. There have been no new relevant industrial installations and no new or substantially altered roads within Southampton.

One area has, however, been identified where residential properties are located close to the kerb of a narrow congested street ( Road) and where there has been no previous monitoring. A Detailed Assessment of nitrogen dioxide will be required at this location. In the first instance this will entail monitoring at worst-case receptors along this road.

Recently Southampton City Council has identified relevant receptors along Millbrook Point Road which are located on a road with a high flow of HGVs. A Detailed Assessment will be required at this location for nitrogen dioxide. In the first instance this will entail monitoring at these receptors.

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1 Introduction ...... 4 1.1. Description of Local Authority Area ...... 4 1.2. Purpose of Report ...... 5 1.3. Air Quality Objectives ...... 5 1.4. Summary of Previous Review and Assessments ...... 7 2 New Monitoring Data ...... 11 2.1. Summary of Monitoring Undertaken...... 11 2.2. Comparison of Monitoring Results with AQ Objectives...... 21 3 Road Traffic Sources ...... 41 3.1. Narrow Congested Streets with Residential Properties Close to the Kerb ...... 41 3.2. Busy Streets Where People May Spend 1-hour or More Close to Traffic...... 41 3.3. Roads with a High Flow of Buses and/or HGVs...... 41 3.4. Junctions ...... 42 3.5. New Roads Constructed or Proposed Since the Last Round of Review and Assessment ...... 42 3.6. Roads with Significantly Changed Traffic Flows ...... 42 4 Other Transport Sources ...... 43 4.1. Airports ...... 43 4.2. Railways (Diesel and Steam Trains) ...... 43 4.3. Ports (Shipping) ...... 44 5 Industrial Sources ...... 45 5.1. Industrial Installations ...... 45 5.2. Major Fuel (Petrol) Storage Depots...... 46 5.3. Petrol Stations ...... 46 5.4. Poultry Farms ...... 46 6 Commercial and Domestic Sources ...... 47 6.1. Biomass Combustion – Individual Installations ...... 47 6.2. Biomass Combustion – Combined Impacts ...... 47 6.3. Domestic Solid-Fuel Burning ...... 47 7 Fugitive or Uncontrolled Sources...... 48 8 Conclusions and Proposed Actions ...... 49 8.1. Conclusions from New Monitoring Data ...... 49 8.2. Conclusions from Assessment of Sources ...... 49 8.3. Proposed Actions ...... 49

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9 References ...... 50 10 Appendices ...... 51

Tables Table 1.1: Air Quality Objectives included in Regulations for the purpose of LAQM in England ...... 6 Table 1.2: Summary of Previous Reports ...... 7 Table 2.1: Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites...... 13 Table 2.2: Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites ...... 15 Table 2.3: Results of Automatic Monitoring of Nitrogen Dioxide: Comparison with Annual Mean Objective (2007 – 2011) ...... 22 Table 2.4: Results of Automatic Monitoring for Nitrogen Dioxide: Comparison with 1-hour Mean Objective (2007 – 2011) ...... 23 Table 2.5: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes in 2011 ...... 25 Table 2.6: Predicted Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration at Relevant Receptor ...... 30 Table 2.7: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes (2007 to 2011) ...... 31

Table 2.8: Results of Automatic Monitoring of PM10: Comparison with Annual Mean Objective (2007 – 2011) ...... 37

Table 2.9: Results of Automatic Monitoring for PM10: Comparison with 24-hour mean Objective (2007 – 2011) ...... 38

Table 2.10: Results of Automatic Monitoring of SO2: Comparison with Annual Mean Objective . 40 Table 2.11: Results of Benzene Monitoring: Comparison with Annual Mean Objective ...... 40

Table A 2.1: Local Bias Adjustment Factor Calculation ...... 54 Table A.2.2: Short Term to Long Term Data Adjustment ...... 55 Table A 3.1: Monthly Non-Automatic Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Results ...... 58

Figures Figure 1.1: Illustrates the locations of the eight existing AQMAs ...... 9 Figure 1.2: Illustrates the existing AQMAs and the proposed amendments as recommended by the Detailed Assessment 2012 ...... 10

Figure 2.1: Map illustrates automatic monitoring sites and NO2 diffusion tube locations ...... 12 Figure 2.2: Trends in Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations measured at Automatic Monitoring Sites ...... 24

Figure 2.3: Trends in Annual Mean PM10 Concentrations ...... 39

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1 Introduction

1.1. Description of Local Authority Area

The City of Southampton is a major coastal port located on the South Coast of England. It is the largest city in , covering an area of 5,181 hectares (Southampton City Council, 2011) and has a population of approximately 237,000 (Southampton City Council, 2011). The city centre is located between two rivers, the River Test, which borders the city to the west and the River Itchen, which bisects central Southampton from the eastern wards. Both rivers converge into Southampton Water, a deep water estuary with a double tide that results in prolonged periods of high water. Southampton’s excellent strategic position and channel characteristics have made it particularly good at facilitating the movements of large ships and has resulted in the city developing into a thriving cargo and cruise passenger port.

The is run by Associated British Ports (ABP) and it is one of Southampton’s biggest employers. The port handles around 41.0 million tonnes of goods per year (Associated British Ports, 2008) making it the 16th busiest port in Europe. A total of 889,0002 passengers (includes arrivals & departures) also pass through the port (Associated British Ports, 2008). Other significant employers include; the University of Southampton, NHS, Ikea, Carnival UK and Ford (Transit) etc. Southampton’s West Quay Shopping Centre, which opened in September 2000, is also a major retail hub for the region, ranked 14th in the UK for retail space (Southampton City Council, 2011).

The city has very good transport infrastructure links, served by a regional airport just outside the city’s northern boundary, the M3 and M27 Motorways and a main line railway to London and along the south coast.

Southampton lies at the western end of the sub-region. The wider urban South Hampshire area, consisting of Southampton, , Fareham, Gosport, Portsmouth and Havant, together with parts of the New Forest, Test Valley, Winchester and East Hampshire has a combined population of 971,250 (Southampton City Council, 2006) and is the largest urban area in the South East region outside London. As a consequence, the area is also one of the South East’s major economic centres and whilst other successful areas in the region depend upon linkages to London,

South Hampshire operates in a distinct and largely separate manner, relying instead on connections with other regions and with Europe as a result of the presence of two major ports (Southampton and Portsmouth).

Southampton has a wealth of award winning parks, including Grade II listed parks within the city centre, making it is one of the greenest cities in Southern England. Of particular note is , a 362 acre wooded and grassy open recreational area just minutes from the city centre, which is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) .

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Road transport emissions are the major source of air pollution in Southampton. Domestic gas boilers, industrial emissions, particularly from the waterside, and shipping emissions also significantly contribute towards the total.

1.2. Purpose of Report

This report fulfils the requirements of the Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) process as set out in Part IV of the Environment Act (1995), the Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 2007 and the relevant Policy and Technical Guidance documents. The LAQM process places an obligation on all local authorities to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas, and to determine whether or not the air quality objectives are likely to be achieved. Where exceedences are considered likely, the local authority must then declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out the measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of the objectives.

The objective of this Updating and Screening Assessment is to identify any matters that have changed which may lead to risk of an air quality objective being exceeded. A checklist approach and screening tools are used to identify significant new sources or changes and whether there is a need for a Detailed Assessment. The Updating and Screening Assessment report should provide an update of any outstanding information requested previously in Review and Assessment reports.

1.3. Air Quality Objectives

The air quality objectives applicable to LAQM in England are set out in the Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000 (SI 928), The Air Quality (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 (SI 3043), and are shown in Table 1.1. This table shows the objectives in units of micrograms per cubic metre g/m3 (milligrams per cubic metre, mg/m3 for carbon monoxide) with the number of exceedences in each year that are permitted (where applicable).

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Table 1.1: Air Quality Objectives included in Regulations for the purpose of LAQM in England

Air Quality Objective Date to be achieved Pollutant Concentration Measured as by 16.25 µg/m3 Running annual mean 31.12.2003 Benzene 5.00 µg/m3 Running annual mean 31.12.2010 1,3-Butadiene 2.25 µg/m3 Running annual mean 31.12.2003 Carbon 10.0 mg/m3 Running 8-hour mean 31.12.2003 monoxide 0.5 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2004 Lead 0.25 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2008 200 µg/m3 not to be Nitrogen exceeded more than 18 1-hour mean 31.12.2005 dioxide times a year 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2005 50 µg/m3, not to be Particles exceeded more than 35 24-hour mean 31.12.2004 (PM10) times a year (gravimetric) 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2004 350 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 24 1-hour mean 31.12.2004 times a year 125 µg/m3, not to be Sulphur exceeded more than 3 24-hour mean 31.12.2004 dioxide times a year 266 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 15-minute mean 31.12.2005 times a year

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1.4. Summary of Previous Review and Assessments

A summary of the conclusions of previous rounds of Review and Assessment undertaken by Southampton City Council (SCC) can be found in Table 1.2

Table 1.2: Summary of Previous Reports

Report Date Report Type Report Outcome Updating & Screening June 2003 Detailed Assessment required for SO and NO Assessment 1 2 2 December Detailed Assessment Six AQMAs required for NO (annual mean) 2004 2 AQMAs declared along Road, Town Quay, Valley Road, Redbridge Road, July 2005 Declaration of six AQMAs Romsey Road / Winchester Road (Jct) and Hill lane / Winchester Road (Jct) July 2005 Progress Report (2004) No recommendations Climate Change and Air Published Climate Change & Air Quality March 2006 Quality Strategy Strategy Recommended that one AQMA increased in September Further Assessment size (Town Quay) and one AQMA decreased in 2006 size (Hill Lane / Winchester Road) Air Quality Action Plan September Air Quality Action Plan published and (and subsequent annual 2007 incorporated into the Local Transport Plan progress reports)

August Updating & Screening Detailed Assessment required for NO2 at six

2006 Assessment 2 locations and PM10 at one location December Detailed Assessment Two additional AQMAs required 2007 AQMAs declared for Commercial Road and July 2008 Declaration of two AQMAs Millbrook Road November 2007 Progress Report No recommendations 2008 Confirmed the two AQMAs declared in 2008 as July 2009 Further Assessment valid Identified five roads outside the existing AQMAs November Updating and Screening which are at risk of exceeding the NO annual 2009 Assessment 3 2 mean. Proceeded to a Detailed Assessment December Identified three more areas that were at risk of 2010 Progress Report 2011 exceeding the NO2 annual mean Recommended the declaration of 3 new AQMAs at New Road, Victoria Road and Burgess Road. Also recommended the extension of the existing April 2012 Detailed Assessment Bitterne Road and Romsey Road / Winchester Road AQMAs and the merging of Redbridge Road and Millbrook Road AQMAs to create a single larger AQMA.

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The 2004 Detailed Assessment concluded that the nitrogen dioxide annual mean was exceeded at six locations within the city and in 2005 the Council declared the following AQMAs:


 Bitterne Road

 Winchester Road / Hill Lane (junction)

 Town Quay

 Redbridge Road

 Romsey Road / Winchester Road (junction)

The Further Assessment, undertaken in 2006, supported the findings of the Detailed Assessment but also recommended a small extension to the Town Quay AQMA and a reduction of the Hill Lane / Winchester Road AQMA. As a result of the Further Assessment SCC expanded the diffusion tube coverage in these areas and in July 2008 the amendments to the AQMAs were made. This coincided with the declaration of two new AQMAs, which were identified during the 2007 Detailed Assessment:

 Town Quay (extension)

 Hill Lane / Winchester Road (reduced in size)

 Commercial Road

 Millbrook Road

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Figure 1.1: Illustrates the locations of the eight existing AQMAs

The Detailed Assessment 2012 looked at an additional eight locations where receptors may be subject to levels above the annual mean standard for nitrogen dioxide but currently lie outside of the existing AQMAs. The assessment concluded that SCC will need to declare additional AQMAs in the following locations:

 Burgess Road (proposed new declaration)

 Victoria Road (proposed new declaration)

 New Road (proposed new declaration)

 Bitterne Road (extension)

 Millbrook & Redbridge Road (two separate AQMAs extended to form one new larger AQMA)

 Winchester Road / Romsey Road (extension).

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Figure 1.2: Illustrates the existing AQMAs and the proposed amendments as recommended by the Detailed Assessment 2012

All of the reports for the previous rounds of review and assessment are available at: http://www.hantsair.org.uk/hampshire/asp/home.asp?la=Southampton.

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2 New Monitoring Data

2.1. Summary of Monitoring Undertaken

2.1.1. Automatic Monitoring Sites

SCC has six automatic air monitoring stations within its geographical area (Figure 2.1). Southampton owns four of these stations (Redbridge School, Onslow Road, Bitterne Road and Victoria Road) and it is also the local site operator (LSO) for the national Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) station located on Brinton’s Road. Millbrook Road air monitoring station was established in 2007, as part of a planning condition, to monitor emissions downwind from Marchwood Power Station. The site is owned and operated by Marchwood Power.

In 2011 SCC installed a new automatic air monitoring station at the junction of Victoria Road and Portsmouth Road. Diffusion tube monitoring had already indicated an exceedence of the nitrogen dioxide annual mean objective and the opportunity arose to secure funding for an automatic station as part of a section 106 agreement with the developer of . Details of the monitoring stations are found in Table 2.1 and further information is available within Appendix A1 and on the Hantsair website:


Details relating to QA/QC of the automatic monitoring stations, such as calibration frequency and data ratification can be found in Appendix A2.

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Figure 2.1: Map illustrates automatic monitoring sites and NO2 diffusion tube locations

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Table 2.1: Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites

Relevant Exposure? Distance (Y/N with to kerb of Does this distance nearest location (m) to road represent X OS Grid Y OS Grid Pollutants relevant (N/A if not worst-case Site Name Site Type Ref Ref Monitored In AQMA? Monitoring Technique exposure) applicable) exposure?

NO2, PM10 Chemiluminescence (FDMS), (NO2), FDMS (PM10 and Brinton’s PM PM ), ultra-violet Urban 2.5 2.5 Road 442583 112248 (FDMS), No fluorescence (SO ), infra- Y (10 m) 8 m No Centre 2 (AURN) SO2, CO, red absorption (CO), benzene, pumped diffusion tube O3 sampler (benzene) Y Chemiluminescence (adjacent to Redbridge NO , PM Roadside 437549 113721 2 10 Yes (NO ), TEOM (corrected school 8 m Yes School (TEOM) 2 using VCM) (PM10) football pitch) Onslow Roadside 442304 112771 NO Yes Chemiluminescene Y (1 m) 2 m Yes Road 2 Y (some houses are Chemiluminescence Bitterne NO , PM closer to Roadside 443987 113340 2 10 Yes (NO ), TEOM (corrected 8 m No Road (TEOM) 2 the road using VCM) (PM ) 10 than the station) Victoria Yes Roadside 443751 111121 NO Chemiluminescence Y (0.3 m) 3 m Yes Road 2 (proposed) Millbrook Roadside 439702 112248 NO , O Yes Chemiluminescence Y (20 m) 6 m Yes Road 2 3

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2.1.2. Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

SCC has a comprehensive network of nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes and currently monitors nitrogen dioxide at 55 locations across the city. Since the 2011 progress report there have been eight new locations added: 102 St. Andrews Road, 102 Romsey Road, three new sites along Northam Road and three new sites along Burgess Road. Due to funding issues 13 locations have been removed, as well as this, there is now only one tube located at the Bitterne Road AMS and Redbridge School AMS sites. The distribution of the diffusion tubes is illustrated in Figure 2.1. Full details of the location of the diffusion tubes can be found in Table 2.2. SCC also monitors benzene through a pumped tube located at the Brinton’s Road AURN site.

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Table 2.2: Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

Relevant Co-located Exposure? Distance to with a (Y/N with kerb of Continuous distance (m) to nearest road X OS Grid Y OS Grid Pollutants In Analyser? relevant (N/A if not Worst-case Site ID Site Type Ref Ref Monitored AQMA? (Y/N) exposure) applicable) exposure? 6 Sandringham Background 444386 114450 NO N N N/A N/A N/A Road 2 Redbridge Roadside 437543 113726 NO Y Y Y(32 m) 9m Y School AMS 2

64 Burgess a Roadside 441678 115278 NO Y N Y(0 m) 6m N Road 2 485 Millbrook Roadside 438807 112908 NO Y N Y(0 m) 13m Y Road 2 Regents Park Roadside 439218 112850 NO Y N Y(2 m) 24m N Junction 2 32 Burgess Roadside 441210 115124 NO N N Y(0 m) 5m Y Road 2 2 Romsey Roadside 439754 113982 NO N N Y(0 m) 5m Y Road, Oakhill 2

Cranbury Place Roadside 442367 112896 NO2 Y N Y(0.5 m) 2m Y

81 Bitterne Roadside 443581 113359 NO Y N Y (0 m) 5m Y Place 2 72 Bevois Roadside 442585 113251 NO Y N Y(0.5 m) 5m Y Valley 2

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Relevant Co-located Exposure? Distance to with a (Y/N with kerb of Continuous distance (m) to nearest road X OS Grid Y OS Grid Pollutants In Analyser? relevant (N/A if not Worst-case Site ID Site Type Ref Ref Monitored AQMA? (Y/N) exposure) applicable) exposure? Brinton’s Road Urban 442591 112240 NO N Y N/A 10m N 1 Centre 2 Brinton’s Road Urban 442591 112240 NO N Y N/A 10m N 2 Centre 2 Brinton’s Road Urban 442591 112240 NO N Y N/A 10m N 3 Centre 2 206 Bitterne Roadside 444124 113290 NO Y N Y(0 m) 5m Y Road 2

Bitterne Library Roadside 444131 113326 NO2 Y N Y(1 m) 3.5m Y

54 Redbridge a Roadside 437939 113473 NO Y N Y(0 m) 11m Y Road 2

57 Redbridge a Roadside 437951 113407 NO Y N Y(0 m) 11m Y Road 2

Victoria Road a Roadside 443751 111122 NO Y Y Y(0.3 m) 3m Y (lamp post) 2 3 Rockstone Roadside 442472 113068 NO Y N Y(2.5 m) 2.5m Y Lane 2 Dentist a Portsmouth Roadside 443741 111130 NO2 Y N Y(0.4 m) 2.4m Y Road 6-9 Canute Roadside 442555 111021 NO Y N Y(0 m) 4 m Y Road 2

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Relevant Co-located Exposure? Distance to with a (Y/N with kerb of Continuous distance (m) to nearest road X OS Grid Y OS Grid Pollutants In Analyser? relevant (N/A if not Worst-case Site ID Site Type Ref Ref Monitored AQMA? (Y/N) exposure) applicable) exposure?

Hill Lane Kerbside 440958 115068 NO2 N N Y(7 m) 1 m Y

151 Paynes Roadside 439998 112634 NO N N Y(0 m) 12 m N Road 2 102 St. Roadside 442351 112302 NO N N Y(0 m) 4 m Y Andrews Road 2 305 Millbrook Roadside 439741 112746 NO Y N Y(0 m) 10 m Y Road 2

a Princes Court Roadside 443126 112645 NO2 Y N Y(0 m) 5.5 m Y

St Andrew's Roadside 442369 112283 NO N N Y(2 m) 2 m Y Road 2 Western Roadside 441656 112065 NO N N Y(2 m) 2.8 m Y Esplanade 2 290 Roadside 446283 112145 NO N N Y(0 m) 4.8 m Y Road 2

SW House Roadside 442554 111022 NO2 Y N Y(0 m) 3.1 m Y

367A Millbrook Roadside 439346 112821 NO Y N Y(0 m) 9 m Y Road 2

142 Romsey a Roadside 439378 114185 NO Y N Y(0 m) 5m Y Road 2

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Relevant Co-located Exposure? Distance to with a (Y/N with kerb of Continuous distance (m) to nearest road X OS Grid Y OS Grid Pollutants In Analyser? relevant (N/A if not Worst-case Site ID Site Type Ref Ref Monitored AQMA? (Y/N) exposure) applicable) exposure? 347A Winchester Kerbside 440950 115138 NO2 Y N Y(3 m) 1 m Y Road 539 Millbrook Roadside 438608 113018 NO Y N Y(0 m) 33 m Y Road 2

Ladbrokes Roadside 438953 112866 NO2 Y N Y(0 m) 12 m Y

24 Victoria Roadside 443714 111052 NO N N Y(0 m) 4 m N Road 2 23 Victoria Roadside 443731 111053 NO N N Y(0 m) 3.2 m N Road 2

Bitterne AMS 1 Roadside 443990 113340 NO2 Y Y Y(5 m) 10 m N

66 Burgess a Roadside 441694 115288 NO Y N Y(0 m) 3 m Y Road 2 Wyndham Urban 441506 112223 NO N N Y(0 m) 8 m Y Court Centre 2 5 Commercial Roadside 441629 112332 NO Y N Y(2 m) 2 m Y Road 2 Town Quay Kerbside 441915 110993 NO Y N Y(1 m) 0.8 m Y Road 2

a 10 New Road Roadside 442225 112127 NO2 Y N Y(0 m) 2 m Y

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Relevant Co-located Exposure? Distance to with a (Y/N with kerb of Continuous distance (m) to nearest road X OS Grid Y OS Grid Pollutants In Analyser? relevant (N/A if not Worst-case Site ID Site Type Ref Ref Monitored AQMA? (Y/N) exposure) applicable) exposure? 102 Romsey Roadside 439468 114146 NO N N Y(0 m) 6 m Y Road 2 208 Northam Roadside 443147 112709 NO N N Y(0 m) 5 m Y Road 2 145 Northam Roadside 443076 112579 NO N N Y(0 m) 12 m N Road 2 222 Northam Roadside 443164 112741 NO N N Y(0 m) 10 m N Road 2 123 Burgess Roadside 441548 115266 NO N N Y(0 m) 7 m Y Road 2 143 Burgess Roadside 441669 115300 NO N N Y(0 m) 10 m Y Road 2

44B Burgess a Roadside 441552 115247 NO Y N Y(0 m) 2 m Y Road 2

148 Romsey a Roadside 439368 114193 NO Y N Y(3 m) 2 m Y Road 2

134 Romsey a Roadside 439396 114176 NO Y N Y(0 m) 5 m Y Road 2

b M271 Roadside 437353 112645 NO2 Y N Y(14 m) 4 m Y

b Coniston Road Roadside 437325 113860 NO2 Y N Y(3 m) 14 m Y

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Relevant Co-located Exposure? Distance to with a (Y/N with kerb of Continuous distance (m) to nearest road X OS Grid Y OS Grid Pollutants In Analyser? relevant (N/A if not Worst-case Site ID Site Type Ref Ref Monitored AQMA? (Y/N) exposure) applicable) exposure? 38 Old Redbridge Roadside 437158 113684 NO2 N N Y(0 m) 28 m Y Roadc Urban Brinton’s Road 442591 112240 Benzene N N Y(10 m) 10m N Centre

a denotes proposed AQMA (refer to 2012 Detailed Assessment) b these sites were run by the Highways Agency until April 2009. In April 2011 they were re-instated by SCC. c This site was removed in June 2011.


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2.2. Comparison of Monitoring Results with AQ Objectives

2.2.1. Nitrogen Dioxide

2.2.2. Automatic Monitoring Data

Table 2.3 shows that monitored nitrogen dioxide concentrations have been close to or exceeding the annual mean objective at all automatic monitors that are located in AQMAs during all years from 2007 to 2011. Concentrations at the Bitterne Road continuous monitor, which is also located in an AQMA, were close to exceeding the annual mean objective in 2007 and 2008; however, in more recent years monitored concentrations have been lower. The annual mean objective has been met in every year from 2007 to 2011 at the Brinton’s Road AURN site.

Table 2.4 shows that nitrogen dioxide concentrations have not exceeded the 1-hour mean objective between 2007 and 2011.

Figure 2.2 shows that there are no clear trends in the nitrogen dioxide concentrations at any of the continuous monitors.

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Table 2.3: Results of Automatic Monitoring of Nitrogen Dioxide: Comparison with Annual Mean Objective (2007 – 2011)

Valid Data Annual Mean Concentration g/m3 Within Valid Data Capture for Site ID Site Type Capture 2011 AQMA? period of monitoring % % 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Brinton’s Road (AURN) Urban Centre N 97% 97% 34 36 35 36 35

Redbridge School Roadside Y 86% 86% 39 44 40 39 48

Onslow Road Roadside Y 94% 94% - 51 44 46 48 Bitterne Road Roadside Y 96% 96% 40 39 34 36 35

Victoria Road Roadside Y* 78% 23% - - - - 47a

Millbrook Road Roadside Y 97% 97% - 52 50 52 49 Objective 40

a Where data captures are less than 90%, data have been annualised following the methodology is presented in Appendix A1.

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Table 2.4: Results of Automatic Monitoring for Nitrogen Dioxide: Comparison with 1-hour Mean Objective (2007 – 2011)

Valid Data Capture Valid Data Number of Exceedences of Hourly Mean (200 g/m3) Within for period of Capture 2011 Site ID Site Type AQMA? monitoring %a % b 2007*c 2008* c 2009* c 2010* c 2011 c Brinton’s Urban N 97% 97% 0 3 0 0 0 Road (AURN) Centre Redbridge Roadside Y 86% 86% 0 0 0 3 3 School Onslow Road Roadside Y 94% 94% - 5 1 1 1

Bitterne Road Roadside Y 96% 96% 0 0 0 0 0

Victoria Road Roadside Y* 78% 23% - 0 - - 0(124)a Millbrook Roadside Y 97% 97% - 0 0 0 0 Road Objective 18 a Where data capture is less than 90%, the 99.8th percentile has been presented in the parenthesis.

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Figure 2.2: Trends in Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations measured at Automatic Monitoring Sites

2.2.3. Diffusion Tube Monitoring Data

The nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube data are summarised in Table 2.5. The full dataset (monthly mean values) is included in Appendix A3.

Diffusion tubes located at 134 Romsey Road, M271, Coniston Road and 38 Old Redbridge Road have a data capture of 75% or less, and have therefore been annualised (see Appendix A2).

A local bias adjustment factor for the 2011 data was calculated by SCC using the diffusion tubes located at Brinton’s Road. The calculated local bias adjustment factor of 1.12 is considerably higher than the national bias adjustment factor of 0.90 for 2011. As the national bias adjustment factor includes SCC’s co-location study, and also for consistency with previous Review and Assessments, the national bias adjustment factor has been used to adjust the results of the diffusion tube monitoring.

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Table 2.5: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes in 2011

3 Data capture 2011 (g/m ) Annual Data with less Confirm if data mean concentration Triplicate or 2011 than 9 months have been Within Co-located (Number of have been distance National Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Tube? Months or %) annualised (Y/N) corrected (Y/N) factor = 0.90

6 Sandringham Background N N 83% n/a N 19.8 Road

Redbridge School Roadside Y Co-located 100% n/a N 42.6 AMS 64 Burgess Road Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 32.4

485 Millbrook Road Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 33.6

Regents Park Roadside Y N 83% n/a N 42.4 Junction 32 Burgess Road Roadside N N 100% n/a N 24.1

2 Romsey Road, Roadside N N 100% n/a N 37.5 Oakhill Cranbury Place Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 50.4

81 Bitterne Road Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 29.9

72 Bevois Valley Roadside Y N 91% n/a N 37.4

Brinton’s Road 1 Urban Centre N Triplicate 100% n/a N 27.2

Brinton’s Road 2 Urban Centre N Triplicate 100% n/a N 28.1

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3 Data capture 2011 (g/m ) Annual Data with less Confirm if data mean concentration Triplicate or 2011 than 9 months have been Within Co-located (Number of have been distance National Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Tube? Months or %) annualised (Y/N) corrected (Y/N) factor = 0.90

Brinton’s Road 3 Urban Centre N Triplicate 100% n/a N 28.2

206 Bitterne Road Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 34.9

Bitterne Library Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 37.2 54 Redbridge Road Roadside Y N 83% n/a N 40.2

57 Redbridge Road Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 40.3

Victoria Road Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 40.0 (lamp post) 3 Rockstone Lane Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 34.8

Dentist Portsmouth 83% Roadside Y N n/a N 32.1 Road 6-9 Canute Road Roadside Y N 91% n/a N 42.0

Hill Lane Kerbside N N 100% n/a N 40.9

151 Paynes Road Roadside N N 100% n/a N 33.4

102 St. Andrews Roadside N N 100% n/a N 34.4 Road

305 Millbrook Road Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 40.1 Princes Court Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 38.4

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3 Data capture 2011 (g/m ) Annual Data with less Confirm if data mean concentration Triplicate or 2011 than 9 months have been Within Co-located (Number of have been distance National Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Tube? Months or %) annualised (Y/N) corrected (Y/N) factor = 0.90

St Andrews Road Roadside N N 100% n/a N 37.4

Western 100% Roadside N N n/a N 35.3 Esplanade

290 Bursledon 100% Roadside N N n/a N 32.7 Road SW House Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 32.8

367A Millbrook 91% Roadside Y N n/a N 45.6 Road 142 Romsey Road Roadside Y N 91% n/a N 38.3

347A Winchester 100% Kerbside Y N n/a N 40.8 Road 539 Millbrook Road Roadside Y N 91% n/a N 33.3

Ladbrokes Roadside Y N 91% n/a N 40.3

24 Victoria Road Roadside N N 100% n/a N 33.5

23 Victoria Road Roadside N N 91% n/a N 31.9

Bitterne AMS 1 Roadside Y Co-located 100% n/a N 32.5

66 Burgess Road Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 41.9

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3 Data capture 2011 (g/m ) Annual Data with less Confirm if data mean concentration Triplicate or 2011 than 9 months have been Within Co-located (Number of have been distance National Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Tube? Months or %) annualised (Y/N) corrected (Y/N) factor = 0.90

Wyndham Court Urban Centre N N 91% n/a N 34.6

5 Commercial 100% Roadside Y N n/a N 47.5 Road

Town Quay Road Kerbside Y N 91% n/a N 39.0 10 New Road Roadside Y N 100% n/a N 40.0

102 Romsey Road Roadside N N 100% n/a N 37.1

208 Northam Road Roadside N N 91% n/a N 35.8 145 Northam Road Roadside N N 83% n/a N 32.2

222 Northam Road Roadside N N 100% n/a N 31.4

123 Burgess Road Roadside N N 100% n/a N 25.8 143 Burgess Road Roadside N N 100% n/a N 29.3

44B Burgess Road Roadside Y N 91% n/a N 28.9

148 Romsey Road Roadside Y N 91% n/a N 49.0 134 Romsey Road Roadside Y N 50% Y N 44.5

M271 Roadside Y N 75% Y N 61.9 Coniston Road Roadside Y N 66% Y N 42.3

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3 Data capture 2011 (g/m ) Annual Data with less Confirm if data mean concentration Triplicate or 2011 than 9 months have been Within Co-located (Number of have been distance National Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Tube? Months or %) annualised (Y/N) corrected (Y/N) factor = 0.90

38 Old Redbridge Roadside N N 33% Y N 34.6 Road Objective 40

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The diffusion tube located at Hill Lane, which is not in an AQMA, shows an exceedence of the annual mean nitrogen dioxide objective in 2011. The concentration at the nearest receptor to the Hill Lane diffusion tube has been calculated using the “distance from roads calculator” (Table 2.6). Although the diffusion tube measurement is over 40 µg/m3 in 2011, the concentration at the closest receptor is calculated to be 32.4 µg/m3 using the Defra background data, and 32.1 µg/m3 using the monitored background data.

The monitored concentration at the M271 site is over 60 µg/m3, the nearest relevant receptors are 10 m from the monitoring site and therefore concentrations have been calculated using the “distance from roads calculator” (Table 2.6). The concentration falls below 60 µg/m3 using this calculator, therefore it is unlikely that the one-hour nitrogen dioxide objective will be exceeded at the relevant receptors. As this location is already within an AQMA it is not necessary for a Detailed Assessment to be undertaken.

Table 2.6: Predicted Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration at Relevant Receptor

3 Annual mean NO2 g/m Distance At Nearest Relevant Receptor Between Site ID At Monitor and Using Defra Using Monitored Monitor a b Receptor Background Background Hill Lane 40.9 32.4 32.1 7.0 m

M271 61.9 47.4 47.1 10 m

a Defra background for 2011 of 20.63 µg/m3. b Monitored background at 6 Sandringham Road Background Diffusion Tube (19.8 µg/m3).

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Table 2.7: Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes (2007 to 2011) Annual mean concentration (adjusted for bias) g/m3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Within (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Factor = 0.90) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.90a) 6 Sandringham Background N 20.6 20.2 19.9 21.5 19.8 Road Redbridge Roadside Y 46.1 46.9 45.8 41.6 42.6 School AMS 64 Burgess Roadside Y - - - - 32.4 Road 485 Millbrook Roadside Y - 38.4 37.4 32.0 33.6 Road Regents Park Roadside Y 43.4 45.5 41.7 38.3 42.4 Junction 32 Burgess Roadside N - - - - 24.1 Road 2 Romsey Road, Roadside N - - 41.6 36.7 37.5 Oakhill Cranbury Place Roadside Y 57.3 61.6 57.8 50.0 50.4

81 Bitterne Road Roadside Y - 42.7 37.2 31.0 29.9 72 Bevois Valley Roadside Y - 42.7 45.5 41.7 37.4

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Annual mean concentration (adjusted for bias) g/m3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Within (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Factor = 0.90) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.90a) Urban Brintons Road 1 N 34.4 37.7 37.3 32.3 27.2 Centre Urban Brintons Road 2 N 33.4 34.2 35.9 32.1 28.1 Centre Urban Brintons Road 3 N 34.8 35.8 36.9 31.3 28.2 Centre 206 Bitterne Roadside Y 40.9 38.6 39.5 38.2 34.9 Road

Bitterne Library Roadside Y 38.3 43.9 42.5 36.6 37.2 54 Redbridge Roadside Y - - 41.3 42.8 40.2 Road

57 Redbridge Roadside Y - - 41.5 42.7 40.3 Road Victoria Road Roadside Y 44.9 44.7 46.6 42.9 40.0 (lamp post)

3 Rockstone Roadside Y - - 39.0 40.2 34.8 Lane Dentist Portsmouth Roadside Y - - 34.3 33.8 32.1 Road

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Annual mean concentration (adjusted for bias) g/m3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Within (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Factor = 0.90) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.90a) 6-9 Canute Road Roadside Y - 42.6 47.5 46.9 42.0 Hill Lane Kerbside N 38.2 46.2 47.1 42.1 40.9

151 Paynes Roadside N - - 33.8 33.5 33.4 Road 102 St. Andrews Roadside N - - - - 34.4 Road

305 Millbrook Roadside Y 50.1 41.7 43.0 42.3 40.1 Road Princes Court Roadside Y - 40.4 41.0 41.7 38.4

St Andrew's Roadside N 40.7 42.9 41.0 39.1 37.4 Road

Western Roadside N - - 35.0 37.1 35.3 Esplanade 290 Bursledon Roadside N - 35.1 36.3 35.1 32.7 Road

SW House Roadside Y - 35.7 35.5 35.8 32.8 367A Millbrook Roadside Y - 46.1 48.7 41.6 45.6 Road

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Annual mean concentration (adjusted for bias) g/m3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Within (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Factor = 0.90) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.90a) 142 Romsey Roadside Y - - - 38.4 38.3 Road 347A Winchester Kerbside Y 43.1 47.8 46.2 43.0 40.8 Road

539 Millbrook Roadside Y - 40.1 35.4 32.1 33.3 Road

Ladbrokes Roadside Y - 46.1 43.2 40.6 40.3

24 Victoria Road Roadside N - - 34.9 35.9 33.5 23 Victoria Road Roadside N - - 35.0 36.0 31.9

Bitterne AMS 1 Roadside Y 34.7 34.6 35.5 34.8 32.5

66 Burgess Roadside Y - 46.6 47.1 46.7 41.9 Road Urban Wyndham Court N 32.1 33.9 31.7 33.6 34.6 Centre 5 Commercial Roadside Y 44.5 45.3 47.0 51.5 47.5 Road

Town Quay Kerbside Y 36.3 42.2 43.5 42.3 39.0 Road

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Annual mean concentration (adjusted for bias) g/m3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Within (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Factor = 0.90) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.90a) 10 New Road Roadside Y - - - 42.1 40.0 102 Romsey Roadside N - - - - 37.1 Road

208 Northam Roadside N - - - - 35.8 Road

145 Northam Roadside N - - - - 32.2 Road

222 Northam Roadside N - - - - 31.4 Road

123 Burgess Roadside N - - - - 25.8 Road

143 Burgess Roadside N - - - - 29.3 Road

44B Burgess Roadside Y - - - - 28.9 Road

148 Romsey Roadside Y 50.1 53.8 50.9 47.5 49.0 Road

134 Romsey Roadside Y - 40.5 43.8 - 44.5b Road M271 Roadside N 47.3 - - - 61.9b

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Annual mean concentration (adjusted for bias) g/m3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Within (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment Site ID Site Type AQMA? Factor = 0.90) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.92) Factor = 0.90a) Coniston Road Roadside Y 43.9 - - - 42.3b

38 Old b Roadside N 40.0 35.7 36.3 37.3 34.6 Redbridge Road Objective 40

a National bias adjustment factor.

b Data has been annualised following the methodology presented in Appendix A1.

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2.2.4. PM10

Automatic monitoring of PM10 concentrations is being carried out by SCC at the AURN Brinton’s Road monitoring station, the Redbridge School continuous monitoring station and the Bitterne Road continuous monitoring station. Table 2.8 provides a comparison with the annual mean objective, and Table 2.9 shows a comparison with the daily mean objective. There were no exceedences of either objective.

Table 2.8: Results of Automatic Monitoring of PM10: Comparison with Annual Mean Objective (2007 – 2011)

3 Valid Data Valid Confirm Annual Mean Concentration g/m Capture for Data Gravimetric Within monitoring Capture Equivalent Site ID Site Type AQMA? Period %a 2011 %b (Y or NA) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Brinton’s Urban Road N 98.5 98.5 Y 23 20 18 18 21 Centre (AURN) Redbridge Roadside Y 95.6 95.6 Y 30 27 25 25 24 School

Bitterne Roadside Y 96.8 96.8 Y 26 23 21 22 24 Road Objective 40

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Table 2.9: Results of Automatic Monitoring for PM10: Comparison with 24-hour mean Objective (2007 – 2011)

Valid Data Number of Exceedences of 24-Hour Mean (50 g/m3) Capture for Valid Data Confirm Within monitoring Capture Gravimetric Site ID Site Type AQMA? Period %a 2011 %b Equivalent 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Brinton’s Urban Road N 98.5 98.5 Y 13 8 3 1 9 Centre (AURN)

Redbridge Roadside Y 95.6 95.6 Y 11 10 4 4 15 School

Bitterne Roadside Y 96.8 96.8 Y 7 7 4 0 13 Road Objective 35 .

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Figure 2.3: Trends in Annual Mean PM10 Concentrations

Figure 2.3 indicates that PM10 concentrations at the Redbridge School have been decreasing steadily.

PM10 concentrations at Brintons Road and Bitterne Road were decreasing up until 2009 but in recent years have increased.

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2.2.5. Sulphur Dioxide

Automatic monitoring of sulphur dioxide is undertaken at the Brinton’s Road (AURN) site.

 There were no 15-minute periods greater than 266 µg/m3;

 There were no 1-hour means greater than 350 µg/m3; and

 There were no 24-hour means greater than 125 µg/m3.

Table 2.10: Results of Automatic Monitoring of SO2: Comparison with Annual Mean Objective

Number of Exceedences Valid Data (percentile in bracket g/m3) Within Capture Valid Data Site ID Site Type AQMA for Capture 15-minute 1-hour 24-hour ? monitoring 2011 % Objective Objective Objective Period % (266 (350 (125 g/m3) g/m3) g/m3)

Brinton’s Urban N 98.5 98.5 0 0 0 Road AURN Centre Objective 35 24 3

2.2.6. Benzene

Benzene monitoring is undertaken using a pumped diffusion tube at the Brinton’s Road site.

 There have been no running annual means greater than 16.25 µg/m3; and

 There have been no running annual means greater than 5.00 µg/m3.

Table 2.11: Results of Benzene Monitoring: Comparison with Annual Mean Objective

Valid Data Capture for Valid Data Within monitoring Capture 2011 Annual mean Site ID Site Type AQMA? Period % % (µg/m3)

Brinton’s Road Urban Centre N 100 100 0.67

Objective 5

2.2.7. Summary of Compliance with AQS Objectives

Southampton City Council has examined the results from monitoring in the city. Concentrations outside of the AQMA are all below the objectives at relevant locations, therefore there is no need to proceed to a Detailed Assessment.

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3 Road Traffic Sources

3.1. Narrow Congested Streets with Residential Properties Close to the Kerb

The criteria for assessing narrow congested streets are set out in Box 5.3, section A1 of TG(09). Portswood Road, specifically between Lodge Road and St. Denys Road, has not been adequately considered in previous rounds of Review and Assessment. Portswood Road can become congested where there are residential properties within 4 m of the kerb. It is recommended that monitoring be undertaken at worst-case receptors along this road and that SCC proceed to a Detailed Assessment. There are no other roads that fall within these criteria.

Southampton City Council has identified congested streets with a flow above 5,000 vehicles per day and residential properties close to the kerb, not adequately considered in previous rounds of Review and Assessment, and will need to proceed to a Detailed Assessment.

3.2. Busy Streets Where People May Spend 1-hour or More Close to Traffic

The criteria for assessing busy streets relevant for the hourly nitrogen dioxide objective are set out in Box 5.3, section A2 of TG(09). Busy streets where people may spend 1-hour or more close to traffic were considered in the previous Updating and Screening Assessment.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified busy streets where people may spend 1 hour or more close to traffic.

3.3. Roads with a High Flow of Buses and/or HGVs.

The criteria for assessing roads with high flows of buses and/ or HGVs are set out in Box 5.3, section A3 of TG(09). SCC has recently identified two cottages located on Millbrook Point Road which may be subject to a high flow of HGVs using the Western Docks of Southampton Port. These cottages have not previously been considered in a review and assessment and therefore it will be necessary for SCC to proceed to a Detailed Assessment at these locations.

Southampton City Council has newly identified road(s) with high flows of buses or HDVs in a busy street where people may spend 1 hour or more close to traffic that has not previously been assessed, and concluded that it will be necessary to proceed to a Detailed Assessment for Nitrogen Dioxide and PM10.

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3.4. Junctions

The criteria for assessing junctions are set out in Box 5.3, section A4 of TG(09). Junctions were considered in detail in previous Updating and Screening Assessments and where relevant have been included in Detailed Assessments and subsequent AQMA declarations.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified busy junctions/busy roads.

3.5. New Roads Constructed or Proposed Since the Last Round of Review and Assessment

The criteria for assessing new roads are set out in Box 5.3, section A5 of TG(09) and are unchanged from previous rounds of Review and Assessment. There have been no new roads identified by SCC.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no new/proposed roads.

3.6. Roads with Significantly Changed Traffic Flows

The criteria for assessing roads with significantly changed traffic flows are set out in Box 5.3, section A6 of TG(09. There are no roads with an increased traffic flow of 25% on roads with more than 10,000 vpd.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified roads with significantly changed traffic flows.

3.6.1. Bus and Coach Stations

The criteria for assessing bus and coach stations are set out in Box 5.3, section A7 of TG(09). Bus and coach stations were considered in previous Updating and Screening Assessments and no such locations identified.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no relevant bus stations in the Local Authority area.

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4 Other Transport Sources

4.1. Airports

The criteria for assessing airports are set out in Box 5.4, section B1 of TG(09). Southampton Airport was considered in previous Updating and Screening Assessments.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no airports in the Local Authority area that have not been previously considered in an Updating and Screening Assessment.

4.2. Railways (Diesel and Steam Trains)

4.2.1. Stationary Trains

The criteria for assessing stationary locomotives are set out in Box 5.4, section B2 of TG(09) (Approach 1). In a previous Updating and Screening Assessment, diesel trains have been reported to occasionally remain stationary at: Southampton Central Railway Station, on the mainline just west of Central Station in and at the Freightliner Rail Terminal in the docks. However, there are no locations identified by SCC where trains are stationary for 15 minutes or more, more than three times a day. Many of the diesel trains have now been replaced with electric.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no locations where diesel or steam trains are regularly stationary for periods of 15 minutes or more, with potential for relevant exposure within 15m.

4.2.2. Moving Trains

The criteria for assessing moving locomotives are set out in Box 5.4, section B2 of TG(09) (Approach 2). SCC does not meet any of this criteria.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no locations with a large number of movements of diesel locomotives, and potential long-term relevant exposure within 30m.

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4.3. Ports (Shipping)

The criteria for assessing ports are set out in Box 5.4, section B3 of TG(09). Details regarding ship movements and activity have been covered in previous Updating and Screening Assessments. The cottages on Millbrook Point Road have recently been identified as relevant receptors within 250m

of the shipping berths. Extensive sulphur dioxide (SO2) modelling undertaken as part of the Dibden

Bay Public Inquiry in 2004 showed that SO2 concentrations in the vicinity of the cottages on Millbrook Point Road were predicted to be below the relevant air quality objectives. Taking this work into consideration, and the fact that the amount of sulphur within marine fuel will be reducing to 0.1% from 2015, it is concluded that it is unlikely that relevant sulphur dioxide objectives will be exceeded at the Millbrook Point Road cottages.

Southampton City Council confirms that although there is relevant exposure within 250 m of the shipping berths at Southampton Docks, previous work undertaken shows that it is unlikely that relevant sulphur dioxide objectives will be exceeded at this location. A Detailed Assessment is therefore not required.

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5 Industrial Sources

5.1. Industrial Installations

5.1.1. New or Proposed Installations for which an Air Quality Assessment has been Carried Out

The criteria for assessing industrial installations are set out in Box 5.5, section C1 of TG(09). There are no new or proposed industrial installations within Southampton since the last Updating and Screening Assessment. An application is expected to be made in late 2012 for a 100 MW plant near to Millbrook Road. This will be covered in future Review and Assessment reports.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no new or proposed industrial installations for which planning approval has been granted within its area or nearby in a neighbouring authority.

5.1.2. Existing Installations where Emissions have Increased Substantially or New Relevant Exposure has been Introduced

None of the industrial installations identified in previous Updating and Screening Assessments have substantially increased emissions. However in 2011 new exposure was introduced near to an installation, with 11 houses being built on Stoneham Cemetery Road next to the ford transit factory by the M27. It was not considered necessary for an air quality assessment to be undertaken for this development and it is concluded that there are unlikely to be any issues with relevant air quality objectives at this location.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no industrial installations with substantially increased emissions or new relevant exposure in their vicinity within its area or nearby in a neighbouring authority.

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5.1.3. New or Significantly Changed Installations with No Previous Air Quality Assessment

The criteria for assessing industrial installations are set out in Box 5.5, section C1 of TG(09). There are no new or significantly changed industrial installations identified by SCC since the last Updating and Screening Assessment.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no new or proposed industrial installations for which planning approval has been granted within its area or nearby in a neighbouring authority.

5.2. Major Fuel (Petrol) Storage Depots

The criteria for assessing major fuel (petrol) storage depots are set out in Box 5.5, section C2 of TG(09). Major petrol storage depots were considered in the previous Updating and Screening Assessments and no such locations identified.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no major fuel (petrol) storage depots within the Local Authority area.

5.3. Petrol Stations

The criteria for assessing petrol stations are set out in Box 5.5, section C3 of TG(09). There are no petrol stations identified by SCC that fulfil the criteria.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no petrol stations meeting the specified criteria.

5.4. Poultry Farms

The criteria for assessing poultry farms are set out in Box 5.5, section C4 of TG(09). No farms exceeding the relevant criteria (turkey units with greater than 100,000 birds, naturally ventilated units with greater than 200,000 birds or mechanically ventilated units with greater than 400,000) have been identified.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no poultry farms meeting the specified criteria.

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6 Commercial and Domestic Sources

6.1. Biomass Combustion – Individual Installations

The criteria for assessing biomass combustion (individual installations) are set out in Box 5.8, section D1 of TG(09). SCC have identified one new wood pellet boiler at the Stoneham Cemetery development, however, this is below the screening criteria and therefore does not need to be assessed. SCC has not identified any other biomass boilers between 50kW and 20MW. If SCC become aware of any other biomass combustion plant they will be considered in future Review and Assessment reports.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no biomass combustion plant which fall within the criteria for assessment in the Local Authority area.

6.2. Biomass Combustion – Combined Impacts

The criteria for assessing biomass combustion (combined impacts) are set out in Box 5.8, section D2 of TG(09). The likelihood of areas of combined biomass combustion exceeding the criteria is considered highly unlikely.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no biomass combustion plant in the Local Authority area.

6.3. Domestic Solid-Fuel Burning

The criteria for assessing domestic solid-fuel burning are set out in Box 5.8, section D2 of TG(09) SCC has not identified any areas where significant coal burning takes place.

Southampton City Council confirms that there are no areas of significant domestic fuel use in the Local Authority area.

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7 Fugitive or Uncontrolled Sources

The criteria for assessing fugitive or uncontrolled sources are set out in Box 5.10, section E1 of TG(09). Complaints have been received from residents of the cottages on Millbrook Point Road for fugitive dust emissions from the storage of wood pellets at the Solent Stevedores Site on the docks in Southampton. These wood pellets were stored for a temporary period without any water dust suppression whilst the berth 201/2 building works took place. There have been no further complaints and the dust nuisance has now ceased to be an issue. Dust complaints have also been received from receptors close to the Lift and Shift waste transfer station on Ashley Crescent in , Southampton. This site is licensed by the Environment Agency, who have requested that measures including controlling mud levels within the yard and wheel washing before leaving the site be included in the management system for the site. This should alleviate emissions from this fugitive source. However, if dust continues to be an issue at this location, for example, if further complaints are received, this location will be reviewed in future Review and Assessment Reports.

Southampton City Council confirms that although they have identified potential sources of fugitive particulate matter that meet specified criteria, the sources are either no longer present or measures have been put in place to alleviate emissions. A Detailed Assessment is therefore not required.

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8 Conclusions and Proposed Actions

8.1. Conclusions from New Monitoring Data

For 2011 the local bias adjustment factor was higher than the national bias adjustment factor. As the national bias adjustment factor includes the co-location study by SCC and to be consistent with previous review and assessments the national factor has been used in this assessment.

Nitrogen dioxide concentrations outside of the current AQMAs are all below the objectives at relevant locations, therefore there is no need to proceed to a Detailed Assessment.

There are no exceedences identified of the PM10, SO2 and benzene objectives at relevant receptors.

8.2. Conclusions from Assessment of Sources

The Updating and Screening Assessment has identified one area where residential properties are located close to the kerb of a narrow congested street (Portswood Road) that has not been previously assessed. SCC will need to proceed to a Detailed Assessment at this location. In the first instance this will entail monitoring at worst-case receptors along this road.

SCC has also identified one area (Millbrook Point Road) where residential properties are located on a road with a high flow of HGVs. SCC will need to proceed to a Detailed Assessment at this location for this source. In the first instance this will entail monitoring at these receptors.

8.3. Proposed Actions

A Progress Report will be undertaken in 2013. In addition, a Detailed Assessment will be undertaken for Portswood Road for nitrogen dioxide, and for the receptors at the cottages on Millbrook Point Road for nitrogen dioxide.

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9 References

Associated British Ports (2008) Port Data, [Online].

Southampton City Council (2006) Local Transport Plan 2006 - 2011 LTP2.

Southampton City Council (2011) Local Transport Plan 3 Strategy and Implementation Plan for Southampton, [Online].

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10 Appendices

A1 Automatic Monitoring Stations – Description ...... 52 A2 QA:QC Data ...... 54 A3 Monthly Diffusion Tube Calculations ...... 58

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A1 Automatic Monitoring Stations – Description

AURN – Brinton’s Road (Six Dials)

Defra Automatic Urban Network Station, Brinton’s Road, by Six Dials Junction, established 1994, classified as an Urban Centre site. This site is approximately 8 metres from the kerb of Northam Road, which has around 33,000 vehicles per day (3.5% HGV). Pollutants monitored at this site

include NOx, SO2, O3, CO, PM10 and PM2.5 (TEOM FDMS) benzene (by pumped diffusion tube). It is in a residential area with houses close to the road and station. O.S. Grid Ref: 442583, 112248.


Mobile Unit located at Bitterne Road in the railway station car park. Pollutants monitored include

NO2 and PM10. (TEOM corrected using VCM) This is a residential area approximately 8 metres from Bitterne Road/Bullar Road Traffic Lights and close to a railway line. Bitterne Road has 33,000 vehicles per day, 3.5% HGV, 30mph speed limit. The monitoring station is located on the edge of the Air Quality Management Area. O.S. Grid Reference: 443987, 113340


The monitoring station at Redbridge Community School was established April 1999. It is situated approximately 8 metres from the kerb of Redbridge Road and is the most heavily trafficked road in Southampton, comprising of a 3-lane dual carriageway, with a 50-mph speed limit. This road is the designated route into the port for HGVs, and has 76,000 vehicles per day, 8% HGV. The pollutants

monitored include NOx and PM10. (TEOM corrected using VCM). The road passes through a residential area with several schools and sports grounds. O.S. Grid Reference 437549, 113721.

Onslow Road

This site is located 2 metres from the kerb and is opposite 3 Onslow Road, a residential receptor. It lies within the Bevois Valley AQMA and was established in July 2005. Onslow Road has 18,000 vehicles per day, 2.6% HGV and a 30mph speed limit. The station is close to a traffic light controlled junction with queuing traffic next to the station for several hours a day. This site only monitors NOx. O.S. Grid Reference: 442304, 112771.

Millbrook Road

This site is located at the junction of Millbrook Road/Waterhouse Lane, Freemantle. It lies within the Millbrook Road AQMA, established September 2007. The site is funded by Marchwood Power Station as part of a planning condition to monitor emissions downwind of the stack. Pollutants

monitored are NOx and O3. The site is situated 6 metres from the kerb of a road with 53,000

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vehicles per day (4.5% HGV). Residential receptors are present at a similar distance from the kerb as the station. O.S. Grid Reference: 439702,112768

Victoria Road

This site is located on the junction of Victoria Road and Portsmouth Road. It lies within the proposed Victoria Road AQMA. The site was installed in 2011 as part of a Section 106 agreement with the developer Centenary Quay and monitors NOx. The site is located 3 m from the kerb. O.S. Grid Reference: 443751, 111121.

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A2 QA:QC Data

Factor from Local Co-location Studies

A local study was undertaken at the Brinton’s Road urban centre monitoring station that has been used to derive a local bias adjustment factor. The calculation is summarised in Table A1.1.

Table A 2.1: Local Bias Adjustment Factor Calculation

Annual Mean from Annual mean from Ratio Automatic Monitor Co-Located Diffusion (µg/m3) Tubes (µg/m3)

Brinton’s Road 35.3 30.9 1.14

Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors

The diffusion tubes are supplied and analysed by Gradko Environmental using the 20% Triethanolamine (TEA) in water preparation method. The national bias adjustment factor for this supplier is 0.90 (v07/12) for 2011.

Discussion of Choice of Factor to Use

For 2011 the local bias adjustment factor was higher than the national bias adjustment factor (1.12 against 0.90). As the national bias adjustment factor includes the co-location study by SCC and to be consistent with previous review and assessments the national factor has been used in this assessment

PM Monitoring Adjustment

SCC uses a TEOM to measure PM10 at the Redbridge School and Bitterne Road monitoring sites. This method is not gravimetric equivalent and requires correction. Data for 2011 have been VCM corrected.

Short-term to Long-term Data adjustment

There are four diffusion tube sites in Southampton for which there is low data capture in 2011 (≤75% for diffusion tubes). Data for these sites have been annualised (adjusted to represent the annual mean) following the guidance set out in Box 3.2 of TG(09).

The annual mean for each of three automatic background sites was compared to a ‘period mean’ for the same site. The ‘period mean’ is the mean for the period that there is data and has been

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calculated using the dates that the diffusion tubes were exposed for. For each background site, a ratio is then calculated between the annual mean and the period mean. The average ratio is used to adjust the short term results to represent annual means.

The three sites chosen for use in the calculations are Bournemouth, Portsmouth and Southampton Centre. These are all AURN urban background sites with data capture above 90%. Details of the sites used and the ratios calculated are provided in Table A1.2.

Table A.2.2: Short Term to Long Term Data Adjustment

April - July, July - Dec April - Dec March - June Site Annual Sept - Dec Site Type Mean Period Period Period Period Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Mean Mean Mean Mean

Bournemouth UB 15.4 12.6 1.2 12.61 1.22 12.80 1.20 16.26 0.95

Portsmouth UB 19.0 18.3 1.0 16.80 1.13 17.09 1.11 17.32 1.10 Southampton UB 35.3 34.4 1.0 33.74 1.05 34.68 1.02 34.95 1.01 Average 1.10 1.13 1.11 1.02

QA/QC of automatic monitoring

SCC calibrates and maintains the continuous monitoring stations at Redbridge School, Bitterne Road and Onslow Road. Measures in place by SCC are described below. The Millbrook Road Monitoring Station is owned by Marchwood Power Station who use Enviro Technology for site calibrations and Kings College for data ratification. The Brinton’s Road AURN is ratified by AEA. SCC is the Local Site Operator (LSO). In 2010 Kings College London began undertaking the data ratification as part of the Southampton air alert forecasting service for all of SCC’s stations.

Quality Control

Quality control measures are in place within SCC to ensure:

 Measurements are sufficiently accurate and precise.

 Data are inter-comparable and reproducible. (Results should be internally consistent and where possible comparable with national other acceptable standards).

 Measurements are consistent over time, particularly for the purpose of undertaking long- term trend analysis of air quality in the City.

In order to meet the aims of this programme the City Council will implement the following policies relating to site selection, data quality, data capture, data validation, data ratification, result reporting, equipment and analysis purchasing and general best practice.

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Site Selection

The City Council will:

 Ensure that all air quality-monitoring sites are chosen in accordance with relevant national guidance.

 Review the location of automatic and non-automatic monitoring sites on an annual basis but maintain a pre-determined number. Those maintained will have sufficient, high quality, historical data so that the results can be used for the purpose of long-term analysis. The choice of maintained sites will also be chosen because of their site characteristics, the measurement technique used and the air pollutants monitored.

 Review which pollutants are monitored on an annual basis. This review will be based upon, for example, review and assessment results, the potential risk of breaching an air quality standard or objective, the measurement technique etc.

 Undertake a forward planning programme to ensure that a network of sites including; cabinets, power and communications supplies, are available for the speedy relocation and commissioning of automatic analysers.

 Undertake monitoring, as and when appropriate, around new and also previously unconsidered air pollution sources. This will allow not only the level of risk as to whether or not a standard or objective is likely to be breached but also, enable ‘before and after’ studies to be undertaken.

 Maintain relevant monitors at sites representing the ‘worst’ and ‘best’ air quality situations in Southampton. This will be designed to provide a range of measurements of ‘key’ air pollutants found in the City.

 Where possible affiliate monitoring stations into appropriate national networks.

Data Quality

The City Council will:

 Ensure that all measurements, including automatic calibrations and calibration checks, maintenance and servicing of monitors, exposure and analysis of samplers are undertaken in accordance with relevant national guidance.

 Ensure that all gases used for the purpose of calibrating and checking the zero and span response of automatic monitors are certified to a traceable standard and are maintained at a stable concentration.

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 Undertake routine 2 -weekly manual zero/span calibrations of the analysers. Diagnostic data from the analyers are recorded in a similar format to the AURN forms. The TEOM filters are changed once they reach 90% or a fault is flagged.

Data Capture

The City Council will:

 Achieve, as far as possible, 90% data capture. This is based upon hourly automatic measurements and monthly non-automatic measurements.

 Ensure, as far as possible, that routine checks are performed every working day relating to the status of measurements being made by automatic monitors located in the City.

 Ensure basic maintenance of automatic monitors are undertaken on an appropriate and routine, typically fortnightly, basis.

 Ensure that any suspected fault with an automatic monitor is reported as soon as possible to the appropriate equipment maintenance contractor and that any fault found is repaired in accordance with the appropriate maintenance contract.

QA/QC of diffusion tube monitoring

Gradko Environmental is a UKAS accredited laboratory and participates in the Workplace Analysis Scheme for Proficiency (WASP) for nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube analysis and the Annual Field Comparison Exercise. These provide strict performance criteria for participating laboratories to meet, thereby ensuring nitrogen dioxide concentrations reported are of a high calibre. The laboratory follows the procedures set out in the Harmonisation Practical Guidance. The WASP intercomparison scheme for comparing spiked nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes categorised the laboratory as satisfactory.

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A3 Monthly Diffusion Tube Calculations

Table A 3.1: Monthly Non-Automatic Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Results

Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations per Month (2011) µg/m3 Site ID Site Type Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average 6 Sandringham Road Background 24.0 23.0 26.49 - 16.86 17.34 20.38 - 22.29 21.17 25.16 23.35 22.01 Redbridge School AMS Roadside 44.4 48.9 41.68 38.81 48.44 41.55 45.78 51.51 57.74 48.31 45.48 55.8 47.37 64 Burgess Road Roadside 42.8 41.2 44.92 43.57 29.05 33 29.25 29.7 35.63 37.2 32.33 33.51 36.01 485 Millbrook Road Roadside 34.07 49.4 37.8 36.55 36.65 30.26 33.46 34.66 45.48 36.65 36.55 36.99 37.38 Regents Park Junction Roadside 46.56 52.2 40.09 45.13 50.7 - 42.06 - 56.42 48.24 48.71 41.34 47.15 32 Burgess Road Roadside 17.48 31.8 32.19 27.3 25.76 27.99 24.18 20.64 26.34 30.12 28.5 29.63 26.83 2 Romsey Road, Oakhill Roadside 36.17 41.9 41.36 41.53 44.27 43.19 39.74 27.44 47.72 46.15 45.47 44.92 41.65 Cranbury Place Roadside 46.87 66.7 55.4 52.55 48.89 50.92 60.93 55.95 54.6 55.2 46.46 77.04 55.96 81 Bitterne Road Roadside 28.21 36.9 35.85 32.39 29.99 29.64 30.64 33.25 33.99 34.48 38.6 34.64 33.22 72 Bevois Valley Roadside 44.51 42.2 46.72 43.98 37.63 37.84 43.5 41.87 - 42.28 38.47 37.84 41.53 Brintons Road 1 Urban Centre 29.95 23.8 30.47 36.79 27.89 25.69 29.02 30.33 33.54 32.35 33.46 29.21 30.21 Brintons Road 2 Urban Centre 31.41 28.3 33.54 35.99 26.21 29.05 27.03 30.64 36.52 32.92 34.62 28.63 31.24 Brintons Road 3 Urban Centre 33.95 31.9 34.6 34.24 26.99 28.37 27.88 30.92 30.45 31.33 32.43 32.44 31.29 206 Bitterne Road Roadside 42.75 39.8 38.78 38.84 37.01 35.11 42.23 39.38 36.27 40.6 34.93 39.86 38.80 Bitterne Library Roadside 39.11 43.9 44.21 43.49 39.67 32.41 40.6 43.85 44.45 42.08 39.99 42 41.32 54 Redbridge Road Roadside 39.23 43.8 51.23 42.74 41.89 44.99 35.38 54.57 - 45.09 48.16 - 44.71 57 Redbridge Road Roadside 44.84 41.9 46.05 43.08 45.41 38.46 46.72 40.1 51.74 46.12 49.14 43.18 44.72

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Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations per Month (2011) µg/m3 Site ID Site Type Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average Victoria Road (lamp Roadside 40.79 50.2 51.27 41.15 41.7 38.01 41.59 44.51 45.69 47.41 46.71 44.92 44.50 post) 3 Rockstone Lane Roadside 42.39 41.7 44.59 34.17 31.41 40.09 38.33 36.93 39.29 39.15 40.34 35.91 38.69 Dentist Portsmouth Roadside 38.70 38.3 40.34 50.82 30.79 28.56 31.79 30.54 - - 32.74 33.61 35.62 Road 6-9 Canute Road Roadside 46.64 51.8 49.99 46.11 46.8 39.09 50.88 - 40.77 44.65 43.59 53.28 46.69 Hill Lane Kerbside 61.60 40.0 51.68 45.54 41.28 40.89 48.98 44.87 45.34 41.26 37.49 46.53 45.46 151 Paynes Road Roadside 36.40 39.2 36.54 34.68 37.8 32.63 33.41 35.09 44.61 39.28 34.68 40.93 37.10 102 St. Andrews Road Roadside 34.81 42.0 44.23 38.38 33.58 33.59 38.36 34.36 38.82 37.55 43.28 39.19 38.18 305 Millbrook Road Roadside 41.15 46.9 49.04 46.52 45 36.73 40.95 44.62 48.55 46.58 41.52 47.73 44.61 Princes Court Roadside 39.39 41.9 50.84 51.33 38.3 38.23 45.27 43.41 42.9 43.2 40.66 37.17 42.72 St Andrews Road Roadside 37.70 42.0 46.4 40.48 35.09 45.4 39.51 39.5 41.51 40.74 47.81 42.77 41.58 Western Esplanade Roadside 52.82 32.7 41.55 43.39 36.18 35.37 43.21 39.02 37.82 37.35 35.71 35.45 39.22 290 Bursledon Road Roadside 31.98 29.6 38.34 34.54 39.21 33.51 36.73 37.18 37.11 38.83 38.07 41.17 36.36 SW House Roadside 30.79 39.1 39.25 38.09 42.68 31.97 40.53 36.2 34.48 37.39 32.21 34.45 36.43 367A Millbrook Road Roadside 53.00 61.6 48.67 42.25 39.72 40.89 43.2 57.21 67.7 52.25 50.78 - 50.66 142 Romsey Road Roadside 36.00 45.9 - 45.7 43.94 42.93 41.67 44.6 45.34 44.68 34.58 43.34 42.60 347A Winchester Road Kerbside 51.86 45.1 50.08 41.56 41.03 42.72 42.88 41.08 43.96 46.76 50.78 46.61 45.37 539 Millbrook Road Roadside 35.30 36.9 34.4 35.51 37.59 - 29.77 36.51 44.43 36.28 37.57 42.24 36.95 Ladbrokes Roadside 41.65 42.1 49.95 49.6 42.01 - 36.69 40.4 57.88 45.55 40.68 45.64 44.74 24 Victoria Road Roadside 40.50 43.7 39.68 32.42 33.76 31.77 43.69 36.47 35.92 37.42 35.5 36.09 37.24

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Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations per Month (2011) µg/m3 Site ID Site Type Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average 23 Victoria Road Roadside 35.50 28.5 36.65 42.87 - 28.13 35.5 32.07 39.69 36.59 41.17 33.08 35.43 Bitterne AMS 1 Roadside 35.38 39.0 38.04 35.29 34.37 29.95 34.24 35.47 38.76 35.91 44.87 32.17 36.12 66 Burgess Road Roadside 44.89 46.0 54.63 35.93 48.98 51.13 47.26 41.67 50.48 49.79 44.59 43.82 46.60 Wyndham Court Urban Centre 44.92 33.6 40.02 43.64 35.18 39.33 31.49 33.91 43.04 40.94 37.39 - 38.49 5 Commercial Road Roadside 51.43 79.4 56.22 59.27 48.81 43.26 45.74 48.57 46.21 49.05 51.25 53.76 52.75 Town Quay Road Kerbside 39.07 38.9 47.47 51.95 36.22 - 47.41 44.06 40.34 46.42 46.67 37.66 43.29 10 New Road Roadside 44.72 47.5 43.37 43.79 40.54 38.39 40.33 44.2 53.35 46.25 43.47 46.98 44.41 102 Romsey Road Roadside 35.06 41.7 41.07 40.45 41.69 35.97 40.33 43.49 45.53 40.68 41.69 46.85 41.21 208 Northam Road Roadside 35.97 42.3 42.32 43.25 39.49 37.62 39.7 39.18 41.78 38.74 37.09 - 39.76 145 Northam Road Roadside 35.03 37.0 43.64 39.38 28.15 34.36 - - 35.02 29.44 38.3 37.49 35.78 222 Northam Road Roadside 35.00 44.0 32.58 36.19 34.06 24.79 35.11 34.95 36.69 34.83 35.14 35.96 34.94 123 Burgess Road Roadside 32.20 32.9 34.07 30.73 23.46 26.29 22.37 19.75 29.81 29.87 34.05 28.49 28.66 143 Burgess Road Roadside 37.03 36.2 34.15 36.66 30.18 24.42 29.19 24.83 33.49 36.12 38.06 29.76 32.50 44B Burgess Road Roadside - 38.2 38.98 33.57 29.4 29.56 26.34 22.69 30.55 34.87 34.32 34.18 32.06 148 Romsey Road Roadside 51.80 44.1 36.93 - 58.76 52.74 63.36 57.82 62.79 63.72 54.24 52.25 54.41 134 Romsey Road Roadside ------46.6 44.91 49.35 48.22 40.25 41.4 45.12 M271 Roadside - - - 64.42 76.08 60.8 61.12 66.5 74.45 32.62 44.35 66.37 60.75 Coniston Road Roadside - - - 48.05 31.2 30.4 37.63 - 48.3 63.06 46.95 32.97 42.32 38 Old Redbridge Road Roadside - - 43.61 42.54 30.18 34.59 ------37.73

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