This schedule contains the infrastructure requirements for Hayle, St Ives and Bay as well as the requirements for the rest of the Hayle and St Ives Community Network Area. Local Plan The Local Plan seeks to build on the opportunities for economic development and regeneration at Hayle, such as presented by the Wave Hub. The Local Plan also seeks to bring together the development of tourism opportunities in the CNA with meeting local needs and environmental protection.

The Local Plan key objectives for the Hayle and St Ives CNA:

1,400 homes in Hayle; 1,000 homes in St Ives; 350 homes elsewhere in the CNA, to meet local needs.

Development should:

• Support new employment schemes both in the towns and in the rural areas. High speed broadband should be encouraged in all areas to meet modern working requirements. • To deliver a mix of housing, of the size, type and tenure required to meet current and future housing needs, prioritising affordable and specialist accommodation. •Encourage investment in healthcare and GP coverage, education, neighbourhood centres, leisure facilities and open space provision and protect current levels of provision. Create better linkages between Hayle and its surrounding beaches, and improved and sustainable movement in St Ives. •Ensure development is sensitive to the outstanding natural, built and historic environment of the area.

Town Framework The Hayle Town Framework Options document was prepared by the Council to help inform and guide future development at Hayle. The St Ives and Town Framework Options document was prepared by the Coucnil to help inform and guide future development at St Ives and Carbis Bay. These two Town Frameworks identify a number of potential locations for growth and development

Costs The schedule identifies costs of the infrastructure projects where they are known. In many cases however the project costs are not known or are subject to change and caution is needed in regarding these costs. The total known costs of projects in the Hayle and St Ives CNA schedule are shown below but these come with a health warning as they are only temporary totals.

The total known cost (many costs unknown at this time and some costs shared with other areas) for delivering the infrastructure projects in the area is:-£124,532,269.00

Funding As with costs, the information on funding as shown in the schedule needs to be considered with caution, as new information on funding sources and figures emerges regularly. Funding for infrastructure at Hayle, St Ives and the rest of the CNA could come from a number of sources including: ERDF Convergence, Council, Homes and Communities Agency, Flood and Coastal Resilience Partnership Funding, the New Homes Bonus, Cornwall Community Infrastructure Levy and the Regional Growth Fund.

Key Benefits • New investment in the area from business such as renewable energy related •Development of local skills •New housing development including affordable housing

Key Risks • Business not being attracted to the area as anticipated •Diminishing or lack of funding for infrastructure •Too little development coming forward to help deliver key infrastructure

Strategic Projects located in this CNA Combined Universities in Cornwall (other than Connecting Cornwall (Transport) Integrated Town Education: Primary, Secondary, Specialist & Safeguarding Packages) Flood Risk Management Green Cornwall Green Infrastructure Health Mainline Rail Next Generation Broadband Rail Main Line Signalling Smart Grid Strategic Bus Transport Network Upgrade of electricity distribution network

A30 Roundabout

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HOUSING & MIXED USE (H&M) NecessaryEmployment Hayle Strategic The Hayle Strategic Hayle & St Ives To meet local Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Level of growth Evidence (specific Integrated Package Integrated Package regeneration, identifying allocated to Hayle, Base for the Housing Public Funding projects includes all the housing and Private Sector planning permission, Core Strategy will have infrastructure projects employment Public Sector funding package their own identified through the needs priority) Hayle Framework. The Framework is a document being prepared by Cornwall Council to help inform and guide future development over the next 20 years, and sets out the vision and objectives for the area and develops a spatial strategy that highlights appropriate locations and scale of development.

CRITICAL TRANSPORT (T) 11231 Road Schemes A30 Modify Loggans Moor Hayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council £2,095,000.00 Anticipated Funding needs Project plan, planning In Transport Roundabout roundabout with 3 of the 5 flow in the area Developer identifying permission, funding 2012-17 315 arms to be signal Contributions (anticipated package funding controlled. The A30 north Developer will fund programme. approach will also provide gap) Pinch Point two entry/exit lanes. funding Cornwall Council - Highways Highways Agency Private Sector Public Sector

14329 Road Schemes Carwin Rise Roundabout, Replacement of the Hayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council £823,000.00 Anticipated Additional funding Funding package In Transport Hayle exisiting double mini flow Developer needs identifying 2012-17 roundabouts with a Contributions (anticipated that funding signalised crossroad Secured Developer S106 will fund) programme junction, with the Loggans Connecting Cornwall Contributions Road approach widened to accommodate two traffic lanes at the stopline

14339 Walking & Cycle Hayle Town Wide Cycling and Delivery of a sustainable Hayle & St Ives To improve access Cornwall Council £750,000.00 Anticipated Funded from Not applicable In Transport Facilities Walking Network network to support to sustainable Developer further developer 2012-17 949 housing and employment transport Contributions contributions (CIL?) funding growth and continue Cornwall Council programme economic vitality of the Connecting Cornwall town. This will include a LTP3 section of one way cycle flow from Saltings to Griggs Quay and footway improvements.

14331 Road Schemes New Road: South Hayle Access through South Hayle & St Ives To enabe housing Cornwall Council £3,335,000.00 Anticipated Funding needs Route identifiecation, In Transport (Tolroy) Hayle cell. This project will development Developer identifying land acquisition, 2012-30 be considered alongside Contributions (anticipated that planning permission, funding the retention of the Developer will fund) funding package package causeway as either of Connecting Cornwall these projects will be chosen (not both) Page 3 of 12 Timescale Project ID Project 10/15 16/20 21/25 26/30 Lead Partner Dependencies Category Project Name Location Why/Policy Cost Funding Sources Funding Gap Status Map Ref Description Delivery Partner or Requirements

Private Sector

14336 Road Schemes Retention of Causeway, Hayle Protection works required Hayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council £26,474,500.00 Anticipated Funding needs directly linked to the In Transport to protect the Causeway flow and to address Developer identifying flood strategy for 2012-30 946 form future flooding. flooding issues Contributions (anticipated Hayle and whether a funding new A30 junction will Should this scheme come Cornwall Council Developer will fund) programme. forward then an additional be delivered at Tolroy linked to new A30 junction (Tolroy) will Other Funding (either one or the other A30 junction not be provided. will be progressed). at Tolroy - decision expected March 2013 as to which of the two will progress Connecting Cornwall

NECESSARY EDUCATION & CHILDREN'S SERVICES (E&CS) 13901 Primary Education Hayle: Primary School Phased expansion of Hayle & St Ives To meet local needs Cornwall Council £4,020,000.00 CIL Funding needs Level of growth, planned Provision exisiting primary schools identifying, planning permission, 718 Secured Developer (Penpol and Bodriggy), or anticipated CIL will funding package Contributions provision of new, to fund. provide an additional 210 Cornwall Council - places. Children Schools & Families

14528 Secondary Hayle: Secondary School Sufficient surplus capacity Hayle & St Ives To meet local needs Cornwall Council Cost unknown To be identified Funding needs Site identification, land Planned Education Provision in short-to medium-term identifying acquisition, planning 1094 but may require further permission, funding capacity in long term, package depending on strategic Cornwall Council - growth. Children Schools & Families

EMERGENCY SERVICES (ES) 14514 Ambulance Service Joint Blue Light Services Hub: New joint services hub Hayle & St Ives New joint facility to Devon & Cornwall £1,136,000.00 Cornwall Fire & Funding secured Site identified, land Funding Hayle based on partnership serve the wider SW Police Authority Rescue Servcie acquisition, planning package Fire & Rescue between Devon and Cornwall area permission, funding identified and Service Devon & Cornwall package Cornnwall Police, Cornwall Police Authority securred, Police Service Fire Brigade and South planning West Ambulance Services S106/CIL application submitted, shortly ready for delivery Cornwall Council - Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service Devon & Cornwall Police Authority

GREEN & BLUE SPACES (G&B) 14200 Green Public Hayle Open Space Provision Provision of parks, Hayle & St Ives To improve access Cornwall Council £1,006,548.00 Anticipated To be delivered on Land acquisition, Requirements Realm amenity space, natural to local green Developer site or funded planning permission, based on 795 space, children's play spaces Contributions through S106, plus funding package bespoke areas/equipment, Other Funding other regeneration standards allotments and cemeteries, sources prepared for to support growth each Town Framework town Private Sector Public Sector

14793 Sports Facilities Hayle Outdoor Sports and Provision of outdoor sports Hayle & St Ives To support new Cornwall Council £741,692.00 CIL Based on (all) Youth Facilities facilities and equipped developmetn in bespoke outdoor youth provision Hayle standards as

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developed for each Town Framework town

14046 Green Corridor Hayle: Green Infrastructure New strategic connections Hayle & St Ives Improve access to Cornwall Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Route identification, GI Strategy - Connections in the urban area. To sustainable identifying land acquisition, dependent on 729 Public Funding include a footbridge transport routes planning permission, which options between South Quay and funding package are taken Penpol Terrace, Hayle forward in the Core Strategy. South Quay footbridge funding is committed Private Sector Public Sector

HEALTH (H) 13913 GP Surgeries Additional Doctors: Hayle Up to 3 additional doctors Hayle & St Ives To meet local needs Public Sector Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Site identification, land Identified in may be required to meet identifying acquisition, planning Town 720 Public Funding demand arising from permission, funding Framework growth packages Private Sector Public Sector

JOBS (J) 14533 Employment Dowren House, Foundry Lane, Recent survey consideres Hayle & St Ives To enhance local Private Sector Cost unknown Private Funding Not applicable? Planning permission, Potential Hayle that this is one of the best employment funding package employment 1015 Public Funding sites for employment opportunties land space. It is suited for Private Sector further office development. Modern Public Sector development of business units. Adjacent redundant buildings provide an opportunity for development expansion.

14534 Employment Foundry Farm, Foundry Lane, Part of overall Hayle Hayle & St Ives To enhance local Private Sector Cost unknown Private Funding Not applicable? Planning permission, Potential Hayle Foundry site. Suited for employment funding package employment 1016 Public Funding further office development opportunities land with potential for Private Sector redevelopment of adjacent redundant buildings. Part Public Sector of larger Hayle foundry site

14055 Employment HE1: St Erth Industrial Estate Employment land option Hayle & St Ives To enhance local Cornwall Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Planning permission, Town for 10,000 sq m of employment identifying funding package Framework 734 Public Funding employment space for opportunities Preferred light industrial use. Recent Strategy Aug survey identified this as 2012, one of the best sites for previously employment space. It is allocated site. suited for further office Neighbourhood development and for development further order being industrial/distribution prepared. development with Private Sector improved access. Public Sector

14042 Employment HE2: Marsh Lane Industrial Employment land option of Hayle & St Ives Enhance local Cornwall Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Planning permission, Town Estate, Hayle 5,000 sq m of B2 or B8 employment identifying funding package Framework 725 Public Funding space. Recent survey opportunities Preferred identified this as one of Strategy Aug

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the best sites for 2012 employment space. It is Private Sector suited for further office development and for Public Sector further industrial.

14043 Employment HE3: Marsh Lane (Rugby Employment land option. Hayle & St Ives To enhance local Cornwall Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Planning permission, Town Ground), Hayle Considered suitable for employment identifying funding package Framework 726 Public Funding development of trade opportunities Preferred counter units or quasi Strategy Aug retail use. One of the best 2012 locations for employment Private Sector space due to ready accessibility to the A30 Public Sector junction. Agree with Framework comment that it could suit future further employment uses for this part of Hayle.

11190 Employment HE4: Hayle Foundry Phase 3 (also known as Harvey's Hayle & St Ives To enhance local Cornwall Council £2,555,000.00 Cornwall Council Funding needs Funding package Town Foundry) Development of employment identifying Framework 712 Private Funding further micro-business opportunities. Preferred units (Phase 3). Economy White Strategy Aug Refurbishment of three Paper 2012. Phase 3 buildings to provide high of project - quality sustainable office programmed space. 1,600 sq m of office for delivery. space and 90 new jobs Intention is to commence Autumn 2012 Private Sector Public Sector

14038 Employment HM1: Hayle Harbour Mixed use site proposals Hayle & St Ives Enhance local Cornwall Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Planning permission, Town with outline permission on employment identifying funding package Framework 724 Public Funding Hayle harbour including opportunities and Preferred approx up to 8,000 to establish Hayle as a Strategy Aug 14,000 sq m of retail, key centre for 2012. Has between 8,000 to 13,000 marine renewables outline sq m of office and 6,000 planning sq m of industrial space. permission The harbour area is a with some full regeneration priority permissions. within Cornwall and the Private Sector Council is committed to assisting delivery. Public Sector Including Marine Renewables Business Park. Divided into HM1a North Quay, HM1b South Quay and HM1c South Quay Jewson's Site

10280 Employment HM2: Loggans Mill, Hayle The Loggans Mill grade 2 Hayle & St Ives To enhance local Cornwall Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Ownership issues, Town planning permission, listed building is a heritage No timeframe employment identifying Framework 318 Public Funding funding package asset which is vacant and identified opportunities Preferred in poor condition. Due to Strategy Aug its important status it 2012 would be desirable for a Private Sector new use to be found, which could be Public Sector employment, residential, community uses or other uses.

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14333 Road Schemes A30 Station Approach, Hayle Junction improvementsHayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council £2,172,000.00 LTP3 Not applicable Funding package In Transport flow in the area 2012-17 1064 funding programme Connecting Cornwall

14341 Bus Schemes Bus Services: Hayle Improved frequency and Hayle & St Ives To improve access Cornwall Council £314,000.00 Anticipated Funding needs Funding package Agreed S106 new services: New St Erth to sustainable Developer identifying to fund project 1038 and Queensway services transport Contributions (hourly to half hourly), Private Sector Cornwall Council maintenance for RTPI

14334 Road Schemes Carnsew Road/South Quay Detail awaited. Project Hayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council Cost unknown Anticipated Funding through Not applicable Planning Junction, Hayle anticipated to be delivered flow Developer S106 anticipated condition by developer in 2014 Contributions South Quay Private Sector

14332 Road Schemes Foundry Square, Hayle, phase Phase 1 - Junction Hayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council Cost unknown Anticipated ING to fund Not applicable Planning 1 improvement and new flow Developer condition 1063 access, which enables Contributions South Quay supermarket development Connecting Cornwall and manages flood risk

14338 Bus Schemes Hayle Bus Infrastructure RTPI (including on bus kit Hayle & St Ives To improve access Cornwall Council £58,500.00 Anticipated Funding needs Funding package Funding for operators - assumed to sustainable Developer identifying covered by 948 another 3 buses), bus transport Contributions (anticipated that S106 planning stops to be provided by S106 or CIL will conditions on developer within/near to fund) South Quay developments x 2, other and agreed shelter upgrades/additions ING Masterplan x 1, bus borders Connecting Cornwall

11230 Rail Schemes Hayle Station Improvements Enhancements to the Hayle & St Ives To improve Cornwall Council £200,000.00 LTP3 Not applicable Funding package Network Rail facilities and access at facilities, including reviewing 314 Walking & Cycle Other Funding Hayle Station including access by walking funding Facilities walking & cycling links and cycling available Cornwall Council Network Rail Train Operator

14342 Rail Schemes Rail Services: Hayle Additional daily servicesHayle & St Ives To improve access Cornwall Council £100,000.00 Anticipated Funding needs Funding package, rail Funding being to sustainable Developer identifying industry requirements secured 1039 transport Contributions (anticipated that through S106. Developer will fund) Connecting Cornwall Network Rail Train Operator

14337 Road Schemes Water Lane, Hayle Speed restriction and Hayle & St Ives To improve road Cornwall Council £36,000.00 Anticipated Funding needs Funding package In Transport traffic calming safety Developer identifying 2012-30 947 Contributions (anticipated that funding Developer will fund) programme Connecting Cornwall

UTILITIES & ENERGY (U&E) 13652 Waste Water Waste Water Treatment - Main works for whole area Hayle & St Ives To meet local needs South West Water Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Funding package Early stages of Hayle is at Hayle. There are identifying assessment 301 South West Water some hydraulic overload (anticipated that and saline infiltration SWW and/or issues, and growth in the developer will fund) area will require an Private Sector upgrade to the treatment works but there is room to South West Water accommodate this.

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DESIRABLE COMMUNITY FACILITIES (CF) 14699 Sports Halls New Sports Facility, Hayle 4 court sports hallHayle & St Ives To improve access Public Sector Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Site identification, Town planning permission, No timeframe to local sports identifying Framework Public Funding funding package identified facilities aspiration Private Sector Public Sector

JOBS (J) 11185 Employment Hayle Work Hub Start up business spaceHayle & St Ives To enhance local Cornwall Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Site identification, land Aspirational acquisition, planning No timeframe employment identifying project 309 Public Funding permission, funding identified opportunities package Private Sector Public Sector

14610 Employment Nature Paint Ltd, Hayle Cornish based company Hayle & St Ives To enhance local Private Sector £499,932.00 ERDF Convergence Not applicable Funding package Project Nature Paint has been employment underway 1003 Private Funding successful in securing opportunities £249,966 of ERDF funds Private Sector through the GBI project of the Convergence Public Sector Programme. Nature Paint is a company which provides environmentally friendly paint that has low carbon emmissions. This investment will allow the company to continue its success and create new jobs. This will allow the company to employ an additional 19 staff by November 2013 and safeguard 1.5 jobs.

TRANSPORT (T) 13675 Road Schemes New A30 Junction Tolroy, New junction provided at Hayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council £46,800,000.00 Private Funding Funding to be This junction will not Connecting Hayle be provided if the High Lanes or Tolroy to No timeframe flow in the area identified Cornwall 305 Public Funding Causeway is retained maintain two accesses to identified option linked Hayle should The to retention of Causeway not be retained Causeway - through mitigation works. decision expected March 2013 as to which of the two will progress Connecting Cornwall Private Sector Public Sector

NecessaryEmployment St Ives & Carbis Bay The St Ives & Carbis Hayle & St Ives To meet local Cornwall Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Level of growth Evidence (specific Strategic Integrated Bay Town Framework regeneration, identifying allocated to St Ives & base for the Housing Public Funding projects Package Options is a document housing and Private Sector Carbis Bay, planning Core Strategy will have being prepared by employment Public Sector permission, funding their own Cornwall Council to help needs. package priority) inform and guide future development over the next 20 years, and sets out the vision and objectives for the area and develops a spatial strategy that highlights Page 8 of 12 Timescale Project ID Project 10/15 16/20 21/25 26/30 Lead Partner Dependencies Category Project Name Location Why/Policy Cost Funding Sources Funding Gap Status Map Ref Description Delivery Partner or Requirements

appropriate locations and scale of development.

CRITICAL TRANSPORT (T) 14325 Walking & Cycle St Ives Town Wide Cycling Town wide walking and Hayle & St Ives To improve access Cornwall Council £374,000.00 Anticipated Funding needs Funding package In Transport Facilities and Walking Network cycling network including to sustainable Developer identifying 2012-30 932 No timeframe signage to reintegrate fore identified transport Contributions (anticipated that funding street with the harbour Developer will fund) programme pedestrian. Crossings by Connecting Cornwall Village Hall Lelant, new development at Carbis Bay and St Ives Harbour

NECESSARY COMMUNITY FACILITIES (CF) 13939 Employment Tate St Ives - Gallery Gallery extensionHayle & St Ives Maintain national Cornwall Council £10,500,000.00 Cornwall Council Funding needs Funding identified In CC 2012-13 Extension presence in St Ives identifying Capital 299 Other Funding Programme Private Sector Public Sector

EDUCATION & CHILDREN'S SERVICES (E&CS) 13899 Primary Education St Ives/Carbis Bay: Primary St Ives/Carbis Bay: Hayle & St Ives To meet local needs Cornwall Council £2,940,000.00 CIL Further fundiing is Planning permission, Planned School Provision expansion of exisiting - required, funding package 312 Secured Developer 120 places anticipated CIL will Contributions fund. Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families Private Sector Public Sector

GREEN & BLUE SPACES (G&B) 14583 Green Public St Ives and Carbis Bay Open Provision of parks, Hayle & St Ives To improve access Cornwall Council £1,544,947.00 Anticipated Anticipated to be Land acquisition, Based on Realm Space Provision amenity space, natural to community and Developer delivered on site or planning permission, bespoke 823 space, children's play green spaces Contributions through S106 and funding package standards as area/equipment, Other Funding other regeneration identified for allotments and cemeteries funds each Town Framework town Private Sector Public Sector

14053 Green Corridor St Ives: Green Infrastructure New strategic connections Hayle & St Ives Improve access to Cornwall Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Route identification, GI work - Connections in the urban area sustainable identification land acquisition, dependent on 732 Public Funding transport walking planning permission, which and cycling routes funding package development land options are taken forward in the Core Strategy Private Sector Public Sector

HEALTH (H) 13914 GP Surgeries Surgery Stennack Surgery would Hayle & St Ives To meet local needs Public Sector Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Funding package Identified like to expand. Up to one identifying through Town 721 Public Funding new doctor may be Framework 722 required to met the Private Sector demands from growth.

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Public Sector

TRANSPORT (T) 14318 Road Schemes A3074 Porthrepta/Trencom Detail awaitedHayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council Cost unknown On site delivery On site delivery Funding package In Transport Lane, St Ives flow 2012-30 funding programme Connecting Cornwall

14317 Road Schemes Signage Scheme, St Ives Signage scheme to deter Hayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council £1,500.00 Anticipated Funding to be Not applicable In Transport traffic from going into St flow Developer identified, 2012-17 896 Ives town centre; plus Contributions anticipated funding signage for Fore Street Developer will fund. package Connecting Cornwall

14323 Bus Schemes St Ives Bus Infrastructure RTPI (including operator Hayle & St Ives To improve access Cornwall Council £36,000.00 Anticipated Funding needs Funding package In Transport kit - assumed 2 buses), to sustainable Developer identifying 2012-30 900 No timeframe shelter upgrades/additions identified transport Contributions (anticipated that funding x 2, bus borders Developer will fund) programme Connecting Cornwall

14324 Rail Schemes St Ives Rail Station Access and facilities at 3 Hayle & St Ives To improve access Cornwall Council £450,000.00 Anticipated Funding needs Funding package In Transport Improvements stations to sustainable Developer identifying 2012-30 901 No timeframe identified transport Contributions (anticipated that funding Developer will fund) programme Connecting Cornwall

14322 Road Schemes Vehicle Management System, VMS for St Ives parking Hayle & St Ives To improve traffic Cornwall Council £290,000.00 Anticipated Funding needs Funding package In Transport St Ives strategy flow Developer identifying 2012-17 899 Contributions (anticipated that funding Developer will fund) programme Connecting Cornwall

UTILITIES & ENERGY (U&E) 13651 Waste Water Waste Water Treatment - St Main works are at Hayle. Hayle & St Ives To meet local needs South West Water Cost unknown Private Funding Not applicable Funding package Under Ives & Carbis Bay There are hydraulic consideration 298 South West Water overloads and saline Private Sector infiltration issues in the area. Growth in the area South West Water would require an upgrade to the works at Hayle but there is room to accommoate this.

DESIRABLE FLOODING (F) 11209 Flood Prevention Pednolva Walk: Sea Wall Replacement of coastal Hayle & St Ives To reduce the risk Cornwall Council £350,000.00 Private Funding Additional funding Funding package Cornwall & Mitigation Refurbishment, St Ives defence lost due to of flooding in the needs identifying - Medium Term 321 Public Funding abrasion of waves and area FDGiA bid for Plan 2012 beach sediment £320,000 Submission Private Sector Public Sector

JOBS (J) 10295 Employment County Confectionery, St Ives Land sale to provide space Hayle & St Ives To enhance local Private Sector Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Funding package Aspirational for business expansion. employment identifying project No timeframe Public Funding identified opportunities Private Sector Public Sector


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14321 Car Parking Trenwith Car Park, St Ives ExtensionHayle & St Ives To improve the Cornwall Council Cost unknown Cornwall Council Funding needs Funding package In Transport No timeframe number of car identifying 2012-30 identified parking spaces (anticipated that CC funding will fund) programme Connecting Cornwall


NECESSARY GREEN & BLUE SPACES (G&B) 14794 Sports Facilities St Ives and Carbis Bay Provision of outdoor sports Hayle & St Ives Cornwall Council £431,825.00 CIL Anticipated that CIL Dependent on Based on (all) Outdoor Sports and Youth facilities and equipped will fund development being bespeoke Facilities outdoor youth provision delivered standards for each Town Framework town Private Sector

TRANSPORT (T) 11229 Car Parking St Erth Park & Ride Also known as the West Hayle & St Ives To offer alternative Cornwall Council £9,900,000.00 Connecting Cornwall Not applicable Funding package In Connecting Cornwall Transport methods of travel Cornwall 313 ERDF Convergence Interchange. In 2005, St into major towns in Implementatio Erth emerged from the area and Network Rail n Plan. Parking Solutions reduce traffic Other Funding Programmed Feasibility Study as congestion. for delivery optimum location to develop a park and ride scheme that would assist with meeting the broader economic, environmental and accessibility objectives for , St Ives and Hayle. This important strategic transportation scheme was adopted in the LTP2 and the Council acquired land at the site to enable the scheme to be delivered. The scheme addresses problems with the existing highway network and congestion and provides a more sustainable alternative to road travel. Positioned at a strategic location on the railway mainline/branch line interchange and close to the A30, the scheme offers opportunity to park and ride by rail or bus to a number of strategic sites in the County (Penzance, , CPR).It also improves conditions for growth by enhancing infrastructure capacity and improving access. Connecting Cornwall Convergence DESIRABLE COMMUNITY FACILITIES (CF) 14596 Community Community Space, Connor The WI Hall is on a lease Hayle & St Ives To improve access Parish Council Cost unknown Private Funding Funding needs Site identification, Local Centres Downs and there is a need for to community space identifying land acquisition, aspiration No timeframe Public Funding another community facility identified planning to replace this one in the permission, funding

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future package Private Sector Public Sector

FLOODING (F) 11207 Flood Prevention Hayle River flood banks A managed realignment Hayle & St Ives To reduce the risk Environment Agency £1,683,000.00 Private Funding Funding needs Delivery of this Cornwall & Mitigation and abandonment option. of flooding in the identifying - FDGiA scheme is Medium Term 325 Public Funding This is closely linked to the area bid for £389,000 dependent on the Plan 2012 flood strategy for Hayle overall flood Submission and is one of a series of strategy for Hayle. possible solutions to It forms one managing flooding. This possible option that option would could be chosen as improve/realign banks part of this strategy. where required and abandon some sections of embankment . Cornwall Council Private Sector Public Sector

TRANSPORT (T) 14594 Road Schemes Pedestrian Crossing, Long standing issue Hayle & St Ives To improve road Cornwall Council Cost unknown Public Funding Funding needs Funding package Local No timeframe safety in the area identifying aspiration identified Connecting Cornwall

14595 Road Schemes Road Improvements, The build ouside of the Hayle & St Ives To improve road Cornwall Council Cost unknown Public Funding Funding needs Funding package Local Connor Downs surgery entrance - No timeframe safety in the area identifying aspiration although this helps to slow identified down traffic and has already been reduced once it is still deemed dangerous - needs to be re-thought Connecting Cornwall

Date of report: 19/03/2014

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