US 200901 69685A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0169685 A1 Spelman et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 2, 2009

(54) FORTIFICATION IN (22) Filed: Dec. 28, 2007 FOODSTUFFS Publication Classification (76) Inventors: Kieran Patrick Spelman, New (51) Int. Cl. City, NY (US); Barbara Jo Lyle, A2.3L I/304 (2006.01) Deerfield, IL (US); Yi-Fang Chu, (52) U.S. Cl...... 426/74; 426/648 Glenview, IL (US); Jimbay P. Loh, Green Oaks, IL (US); Yeong-Ching (57) ABSTRACT Albert Hong, Kildeer, IL (US) Improved methods for potassium fortification in food prod ucts and the resulting potassium-fortified food products pro Correspondence Address: duced therefrom are provided. The methods of this invention FITCH EVENTABIN & FLANNERY allow significant levels of potassium fortification (i.e., greater 120 SOUTH LASALLE STREET, SUITE 1600 than about 10 percent, and even up to about 50 percent, of the CHICAGO, IL 60603-3406 (US) current U.S. Daily Values (DV) in a single serving) without the objectionable and unpleasant taste profile normally asso (21) Appl. No.: 11/965,992 ciated with current methods of potassium fortification. US 2009/O 169685 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

POTASSIUM FORTIFICATION IN bananas (e.g., a medium banana contains about 425 mg potas FOODSTUFFS sium), green leafy vegetables, grains, legumes, and potatoes. The conjugate anions of potassium found in Such natural FIELD OF THE INVENTION Sources are generally organic anions, such as citrate, that can be converted in the body to bicarbonate. The bicarbonate can 0001. The present invention relates to improved methods act as a buffer, thereby neutralizing diet derived acids such as for potassium fortification in food products and the potas Sulfuric acid generated from Sulfur-containing amino acids sium-fortified food products produced therefrom. The meth commonly found in meats and other high protein foods. ods of this invention allow significant levels of potassium Unfortunately, potassium as well as other nutrients, can be fortification (i.e., greater than about 10 percent, and even up lost during conventional food processing. Thus, conventional to about 50 percent, of the current U.S. Daily Values (DV) process food products are generally considered not to be a without the objectionable and unpleasant taste profile nor good source of potassium. Typically, potassium fortification mally associated with current methods of potassium fortifi is carried out by adding or basic potas cation. sium salts directly to food, by using tabulation or encapsula tion techniques, or by incorporating potassium-rich natural BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION produce after removal of undesired components such as water 0002 Food products manufactured for public consump and carbohydrate. Especially when potassium chloride is tion are often modified by adding nutritional or other types of used to supplement, the buffering capacity is lost. Supplements in order to enhance their nutritional properties. 0007. These prior art approaches are expensive and/or Nutritional fortification of products may include supplemen only of limited effectiveness, especially in high moisture tation with nutrients that benefit the overall state of health of foods and ready to use products. The relatively high levels of the human body. Examples of nutritional fortification include basic potassium salts required to deliver meaningful potas Supplementation by Vitamins, minerals, and comparable sium fortification in food products generally result in an materials. These Supplements are either absolutely essential unpleasant aftertaste often characterized as bitter or Soapy. for human metabolism or enhance the provision of substances Moreover, basic potassium salts reduce the total or titratable that may not be available in Sufficient amounts in a normal acidity of the product, which generally leads to even lower diet. flavor impact. Thus, the potassium level obtained using con 0003 Potassium is one such essential nutrient. Potassium ventional potassium fortification techniques in food products is the major intracellular cation in the human body and is is generally limited to less than about 5 percent of the pub required for normal cellular function, especially for transmis lished DV values. sion of nerve impulses, contraction of muscles, and the like. 0008. The present invention allows increased overall lev Almost 98 percent of the potassium content of a healthy els of potassium fortification, and thus improved levels of individual is contained within the cells; only about 2 percent potassium delivery, while effectively eliminating off-taste of total body potassium is extracellular. Potassium is gener and maintaining pH and total or titratable acidity levels at or ally maintained at a concentration of about 145 mmol/L in near to equivalent non-potassium fortified food products. The intracellular fluid and at much lower levels in plasma and invention provides high levels of potassium fortification in interstitial fluid (about 3.8 to 5 mmol/L). Excess potassium is food products (e.g., up to about 50 percent of the published generally excreted in the urine. DV values) in a cost effective manner without adversely 0004 Severe potassium deficiency or hypokalemia is usu effected the flavor, pH, or total acidity profiles over a wide ally defined as a serum potassium concentration of less than range of food products. 3.5 mmol/L (about 140 mg/L). Hypokalemia may result in cardiac arrhythmia, muscle weakness, and glucose intoler SUMMARY ance. Moderate potassium deficiency may result in increased 0009. The present invention relates to a method for pre blood pressure, increased salt sensitivity, increased risk of paring a potassium-fortified food product, said method com kidney Stones, and increased bone turnover. An inadequate prising incorporating an amount of a potassium-fortifying intake of dietary potassium may also increase the risk of composition into a food product, wherein the potassium cardiovascular disease, particularly stroke. fortifying composition comprises at least one basic potassium 0005. Currently, the published Recommended Daily salt and at least one inorganic acidic compound, wherein the Allowance (RDA) or Daily Value (DV) for potassium is 3500 amount of potassium-fortifying composition incorporated is mg/day for adults in the United States. At present, dietary sufficient to deliver at least about 350 mg potassium/single intakes of potassium in both the United States and Canada are serving of the food product, wherein the at least one basic considerably lower than this value. In recent surveys, the potassium salt and the at least one inorganic acidic compound median intake of potassium by adults in the United States was are present in relative amounts to provide the potassium approximately 2900 to 3200 mg (74 to 82 mmol)/day for men fortified food product with a pH and a total acidity compa and 2100 to 2300 mg (54 to 59 mmol)/day for women; in rable to a similar non-potassium-fortified food product, and Canada, the median intakes ranged from 3200 to 3400 mg (82 wherein the potassium-fortified food product has a taste com to 87 mmol)/day for men and 2400 to 2600 mg (62 to 67 parable to the similar non-potassium-fortified food product. mmol)/day for women. “Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Preferably, the amount of potassium-fortifying composition Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate. ISBN: 0-309 is sufficient to deliver about 350 to about 1750 mg potassium/ 53049-0, 640 pages, (2004) ( single serving of the food product. Preferably, the inorganic 10925.html) (Chapter 5, pages 186-268, specifically relates acidic compound also contains potassium. For purposes of to potassium). this invention, the basic potassium saltis an edible potassium 0006 Significant natural sources of potassium in the containing salt having a higher pH than the inorganic acidic human diet include, for example, fresh fruits, especially compound used in that particular potassium-fortifying com US 2009/O 169685 A1 Jul. 2, 2009 position. In other words, the basic potassium salt should be sufficient to deliver at least about 350 mg potassium/single able to neutralize the inorganic acidic compound in order to serving of the food product, wherein the at least one basic balance the potassium level, pH, and total acidity of the potassium salt and the at least one inorganic acidic compound resulting food product. are present in relative amounts to provide the potassium 0010. The present invention also relates to a potassium fortified food product with a pH and a total acidity compa fortified food product comprising a food product and an rable to a similar non-potassium-fortified food product, and amount of a potassium-fortifying composition, wherein the wherein the potassium-fortified food product has a taste com potassium-fortifying composition comprises at least one parable to the similar non-potassium-fortified food product. basic potassium salt and at least one inorganic acidic com Preferably, the amount of potassium-fortifying composition pound, wherein the amount of potassium-fortifying compo is sufficient to deliver potassium in a range of about 350 to sition in the potassium-fortified food product is sufficient to about 1750 mg potassium/single serving of the food product. deliver at least about 350 mg potassium/single serving of the Preferably, the inorganic acidic compound also contains potassium-fortified food product, wherein the at least one potassium. basic potassium salt and the at least one inorganic acidic 0013 The present invention also provides a potassium compound are present in the potassium-fortifying composi fortified food product comprising a food product and an tion in Such amounts so as to provide the potassium-fortified amount of a potassium-fortifying composition, wherein the food product with a pH and a total acidity comparable to a potassium-fortifying composition comprises at least one similar non-potassium-fortified food product, and wherein basic potassium salt and at least one inorganic acidic com the potassium-fortified food product has a taste comparable to pound, wherein the amount of potassium-fortifying compo the similar non-potassium-fortified food product. Preferably, sition in the potassium-fortified food product is sufficient to the amount of potassium-fortifying composition is sufficient deliver at least about 350 mg potassium/single serving of the to deliver about 350 to about 1750 mg potassium/single serv potassium-fortified food product, wherein the at least one ing of the food product. Preferably, the inorganic acidic com basic potassium salt and the at least one inorganic acidic pound also contains potassium. For purposes of this inven compound are present in the potassium-fortifying composi tion, “the amount of potassium-fortifying composition tion in Such amounts so as to provide the potassium-fortified Sufficient to deliverxmg potassium/serving includes only the food product with a pH and a total acidity comparable to a potassium derived from the potassium-fortifying composi similar non-potassium-fortified food product, and wherein tion and does not include any potassium that may normally be the potassium-fortified food product has a taste comparable to present in the food product into which the potassium-fortified the similar non-potassium-fortified food product. Preferably, composition is introduced. Thus, for example in a potassium the amount of potassium-fortifying composition is sufficient fortified beverage prepared with milk, the amount of potas to deliver about 350 to about 1750 mg potassium/single serv sium fortification would not take into account the amount of ing of the food product. Preferably, the inorganic acidic com potassium contained in the milk. Thus, a potassium-fortified pound also contains potassium. milk beverage containing Sufficient potassium-fortified com 0014 For purposes of this invention, the microbiological position to provide about 350 to about 1750 mg potassium/ stability and organoleptic properties of the potassium-forti single serving would contain, assuming the milk itself con fied food products are to be compared and evaluated relative tained about 320 mg potassium/single serving, about 670 to to a similar food product without potassium fortification. The about 2070 mg total potassium/single serving. microbiological stability and organoleptic properties of the 0011. The present invention allows high levels of potas potassium-fortified food product should be similar to, and sium fortification in a wide variety of food products without preferably closely approach, the microbiological stability and significantly impairing the microbiological stability or orga organoleptic properties of essentially the same food product noleptic properties of the food products. Indeed, the present but without potassium fortification. invention allows incorporation of up to about 50 percent of 0015 The potassium-fortifying composition used in this the Daily Value for potassium in a single serving of the food invention comprises at least one basic potassium salt and at product. This is a significant improvement over prior art least inorganic acidic compound. Of course, the basic potas methods where potassium fortification greater than only sium salts and the inorganic acidic compounds should be about 5 percent of the Daily Value generally resulted in sig edible. Generally, the basic potassium salt or salts are at a nificant loss of organoleptic properties (especially flavor higher concentration than the inorganic acidic compound or properties). Types of food products which may be fortified compounds in the potassium-fortifying composition and ulti with potassium as described herein include, but are not lim mately the potassium-fortified food product. The potassium ited to, high moisture food products such as beverages, dress fortifying composition may be directly added and incorpo ings, sauces, desserts, and the like. Beverages can include rated into the food product or the basic potassium salt or salts ready-to-drink beverage as well as beverages prepared from a the inorganic acidic compound or compounds can be added powdered composition which is added to, for example, water, separately. For purposes of this invention, the potassium milk, and the like. fortifying composition may be a separate composition con taining both components which is then added to the food DETAILED DESCRIPTION product or an in situ formed composition wherein the two 0012. The present invention provides a method for prepar components are added separately (in any order and either at ing a potassium-fortified food product, said method compris the same time or at different times). It is generally preferred ing incorporating an amount of a potassium-fortifying com that the basic potassium salt or salts are added first and the position into a food product, wherein the potassium inorganic acidic compound or compounds are added thereaf fortifying composition comprises at least one basic potassium ter to adjust the pH and total acidity to the desired levels. salt and at least one inorganic acidic compound, wherein the 0016 Suitable basic potassium salts include, for example, amount of potassium-fortifying composition incorporated is tripotassium citrate, dipotassium citrate, potassium lactate, US 2009/O 169685 A1 Jul. 2, 2009 , potassium bicarbonate, potassium mum level will adversely effect the organoleptic properties. glycerophosphate, potassium fumarate, potassium tartrate, Generally, maximum potassium levels of at least about 40 or potassium bitartrate, potassium Sodium tartrate, potassium 50 percent of the DV per serving, depending on the specific malate, potassium gluconate, potassium adipate, potassium system used, can be obtained using this invention. For specific lactobionate, potassium acetate, , tri combinations of food products and potassium-fortifying , potassium iodate, , compositions, this organoleptic maximum value could be , Sodium potassium hexametaphos Somewhat higher or lower. And, of course, potassium fortifi phate, and the like, as well as mixtures thereof. Generally, the cation at levels below this organoleptic maximum value can preferred basic potassium salts are tripotassium citrate, dipo be used so long as the food product provides at least about 10 tassium citrate, potassium lactate, dipotassium phosphate, percent of the DV per serving. potassium gluconate, and potassium glycerophosphate. Tri 0020 Balancing the potassium, pH, and total acidity val potassium citrate and dipotassium phosphate are the most ues to achieve the desired microbiological stability and orga preferred basic potassium salts for use in the present inven noleptic properties will generally result in a potassium-forti tion. fied food product having pH and total acidity values 0017 Suitable inorganic acidic compounds include both reasonably close to the pH and total acidity values of a similar, non-potassium-containing acidic compounds and potassium but non-potassium fortified, food product (i.e., essentially the containing acidic compounds. The use of potassium-contain same product without any added potassium-fortifying com ing acidic compounds will generally allow higher potassium position). Again, while not wishing to be limited by theory, it fortification levels than non-potassium-containing acidic is believed that the pH significantly impacts the microbiologi compounds. Suitable non-potassium acidic compounds for cal stability and the total acidity significantly impacts the use in the present invention included, for example, hydro organoleptic properties. Although we believe that pH and chloric acid, Sulfuric acid, , pyrophosphoric total acidity mainly impact different properties as just noted, acid, Sodium bisulfate, calcium acid sulfate, magnesium acid it is the balancing of all parameters that achieves the overall Sulfate, , acidic calcium phosphate, microbiological stability and organoleptic properties desired. Sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate, and 0021 For many food products, microbiological stability the like as well as mixtures thereof. Suitable potassium acidic can be obtained below certain pH values (often specific for compounds for use in the present invention included, for generally classes of food products). Generally, conventional example, potassium bisulfate, monopotassium phosphate, food products (i.e., without potassium fortification) of a given potassium acid pyrophosphate, and the like as well as mix class are below these stability pH values, thereby providing tures thereof. Mixtures of non-potassium acidic compounds microbiological stability. Thus, the pH of the potassium and potassium acidic compounds can also be used if desired. fortified food product of this invention should have a pH 0018 Types of food products which may be fortified with below the stability value of the particular food product. For potassium as described herein include, but are not limited to, example, certain beverages (e.g., Light(R), Tang R, and high moisture food products Such as beverages, dressings, the like, whether ready-to-drink or prepared from a powdered sauces, desserts, and the like. Beverages can include ready composition) generally demonstrate microbiological stabil to-drink beverage as well as beverages prepared from a pow ity at pH values below about 3.8. Thus, to achieve the desired dered composition which is added to, for example, water, microbiological stability, the corresponding potassium forti milk, and the like. Of course, the specific basic potassium fied beverages of this invention should have a pH of about 3.8 salts and inorganic acidic compounds used in a given food or lower. product should not adversely affect the desirable properties of 0022. With regard to total acidity, a potassium-fortified the food product. Thus a potassium-fortified beverage pre food product of the present invention should have a total pared using milk should not use specific potassium salts and/ acidity similar to the total acidity of the corresponding, non or inorganic acidic compounds that cause the milk to curdle. potassium-fortified food product. For purposes of this inven Thus, for example, potassium bisulfate should not be used as tion, the total acidity for the potassium-fortified food product the inorganic acidic compound in milk-based beverages since would be considered similar if it is within about +10 percent potassium bisulfate is known to curdle milk. of the total acidity of the corresponding, non-potassium-for 0019. Although not wishing to be limited by theory, it is tified food product. Preferably, the total acidity for the potas believed that the present invention allows higher potassium sium-fortified food product is within about +5 percent of the fortification without loss of organoleptic properties due to the total acidity of the corresponding, non-potassium-fortified ability to balance the potassium level, pH, and total acidity of food product. the resulting food product by controlled addition of a basic 0023. Unless otherwise indicated, all percentages and potassium salt and an inorganic acidic compound. Generally, ratios in the present specification are by weight. All publica the basic potassium salt is added to the food product to tions cited in the present specification are hereby incorpo achieve the desired level of potassium fortification. The inor rated by reference. ganic acidic compound is added to adjust the pH and total acidity to levels suitable for the microbiological stability and EXAMPLE 1. organoleptic properties desired. The ability to increase the level of potassium is, of course, limited by the organoleptic 0024. This Example illustrates the preparation of ready properties of the final food product. In other words, for a given to-drink beverages fortified with potassium using the meth food product and fortifying system (i.e., specific basic potas ods of this invention and commercially available ready-to sium salt and inorganic acidic compound used and the pH and drink Pink Lemonade Crystal Light(R) (distributed by Kraft total acidity obtained), there will generally be a maximum Foods North America). Tripotassium citrate was used as the potassium level that will allow good organoleptic properties; major potassium fortification source (i.e., the basic potassium increasing the potassium level above this organoleptic maxi salt). US 2009/O 169685 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

0025. A sample of Pink Lemonade Crystal Light(R) with respectively, of the Daily Value for potassium. Increasing the out any additive was used as a control (Sample 1); the control amount of potassium citrate in either samples 3 or 4 would sample contained about 40 mg potassium/serving. A baseline degrade the flavor profiles. A comparison of inventive potassium-fortified sample was prepared by adding 4.93 g of samples 3 and 4 demonstrates that the total potassium level tripotassium citrate to 300 mL of Pink Lemonade Crystal can be raised if an potassium-containing acidic compound is Light(R); the amount of added potassium was Sufficient to used to adjust the pH and total acidity levels without degrad deliver about 1400 mg potassium per single serving (about ing the flavor profile. The use of the potassium-containing 237 mL) which is equivalent to about 40 percent of the pub acidic compound enables delivery of extra potassium fortifi lished DV value for potassium (about 1440 mg potassium per cant once the major potassium fortifying source (in this case, serving taking the initial potassium in the sample). The base potassium citrate) reaches its sensory limits. line potassium-fortified sample was then divided into three portions which were then used to make further samples. The EXAMPLE 2 first portion, to which no further additions were made, was 0027. A powdered composition (i.e., Tang(R) Active Morn simply used as a potassium-fortified control (Sample 2). The ing—a milk modifier containing cereal commercially avail second portion was acidified with 0.495 percent (w/v) of able in Brazil which contains about 108 mg potassium/ Sodium acid Sulfate (i.e., a non-potassium-containing acidic serving) Suitable for preparing a beverage using milk was compound) to form a first inventive sample (Sample 3) (i.e., used in this sample. Powdered compositions (15g) contain about 1.49 g sodium acid sulfate per 300 mL of the beverage). ing various added amounts of potassium were prepared and The third portion was acidified with 0.495 percent (w/v) of then reconstituted in cold milk (200 mL). The milk used had potassium acid Sulfate (i.e., a potassium-containing acidic a pH of about 6.8 and total acidity of about 0.05%; the milk compound) to form a second inventive sample (Sample 4) itself provided about 309 mg potassium/serving. (i.e., about 1.49 g of potassium acid sulfate per 300 mL of the 0028 Control Sample 1 powdered composition without final beverage). any potassium containing additives; when reconstituted in 0026. The samples were then evaluated and the following 200 mL milk, the beverage contained about 417 mg total results were obtained. potassium/serving; 0029 Comparative Sample 2 powdered composition containing Sufficient added tripotassium citrate and dipotas Control sium phosphate to provide about 425 mg additional potas Samples Inventive Samples sium/serving; when reconstituted in 200 mL milk, the bever age contained about 738 mg total potassium/serving; 1 2 3 4 0030 Comparative Sample 3 powdered composition pHf 3.0 5.3 4.5 4.6 containing Sufficient added potassium citrate, dipotassium Total Acidity (as citric 1.31 O.93 1.54 1.51 phosphate, and monopotassium phosphate to provide about acid equivalent)ff 350 mg additional potassium/serving; when reconstituted in Potassium (mg) per O 14OO 1400 1750 Serving 200 mL milk, the beverage contained about 1611 mg total Total Potassium (mg) 40 1440 1440 1790 potassium/serving; the amount of monopotassium phosphate per Serving * added was in excess of the amount need to neutralize the Flavor Good Poor Comparable to Comparable to tripotassium citrate and dipotassium phosphate; and Sample 1 Sample 1 0031 Inventive Sample 4 powdered composition con Generally, the acceptable pH target range for this class of commercial prod taining Sufficient added potassium citrate, dipotassium phos ucts is about 2.7 to about 3.3 pH units; generally a pH below 3.8 is accept phate, and monopotassium phosphate to provide about 317 able with regard to microbiological stability. Generally, the acceptable total acidity target range for this class of com mg additional potassium/serving; when reconstituted in 200 mercial products is about 1.04 to about 1.55. mL milk, the resulting beverage contained about 734 mg total *Based on the amount of added potassium (potassium from the original potassium/serving. Crystal Light (R) composition is not included). 0032. The basic potassium salts used in this evaluation **The total potassium includes potassium from the original Crystal Light (R) were tripotassium citrate and dipotassium phosphate; the composition in addition to added potassium. acidic compounds used were monopotassium phosphate and Inventive samples 3 and 4 had good flavor profiles and micro potassium bisulfate. Sample details and the results of this biological stabilities while providing about 40 and 50 percent, evaluation are provided in the following table:

Control/Comparative Samples Inventive

1 2 3 Sample 4

Tripotassium Citrate (g)* O.3 1.O O.6 O.83 Dipotassium Phosphate (g) O O.15 O.S O.15 Monopotassium Phosphate (g) O O 3.0 O.2 pH 7.33 7.70 6.34 741 Total Acidity (as citric acid O.O3 O.O2 O.61 O.OS equivalent) US 2009/O 169685 A1 Jul. 2, 2009


Control/Comparative Samples Inventive

1 2 3 Sample 4 Potassium (mg)/Serving O 321 1228 317 Total Potassium (mg)/Serving 417 738 1645 734 Flavor Good Poor Poor Comparable (salty soapy) (bitterisour) to Sample 1 *The original powdered Tang (R) composition itself contained about 0.3 g tripotassium cit rate serving (equivalent to about 108 mg potassium serving). ** Based on the amount of added potassium (potassium from the original Tang (R) composi tion and the milk used to prepare the beverage are not included). ***The total potassium includes potassium from the original Tang (R) composition and the milk used to prepare the beverage in addition to added potassium.

0033 Inventive sample 4 had both pH and total acidity values, as well as flavor, comparable to that of control sample -continued 1. Comparative samples 2 and 3 had significantly different pH and/or total acidity values as compared to control sample 1 Control/Comparative and were defective with regard to organoleptic properties. Samples Inventive Comparative sample 2 contained basic potassium salts but no 1 2 3 Sample 4 acidic compounds to allow for the balancing of pH and total Potassium (mg) per O 350 350 350 acidity. Comparative sample 3, on the other hand, contained Serving an excess of the acidic compound and therefore had signifi Flavor Good Poor Very Sour Comparable to cantly different pH, total acidity, and organoleptic properties Sample 1 as compared to either the control sample 1 or inventive Generally, the acceptable pH target range for this class of commercial prod sample 4. ucts is about 2.7 to about 3.3 pH units; generally a pH below 3.8 is accept able with regard to microbiological stability. EXAMPLE 3 Generally, the acceptable total acidity target range for this class of com mercial products is about 1.18 to about 1.44. 0034. This Example also illustrates the preparation of ready-to-drink beverages fortified with potassium using the 0041 Inventive sample 4 tasted very close to the control in methods of this invention and commercially available ready terms of sourness and overall sensory profile. Thus, the com to-drink Pink Lemonade Crystal Light(R) (distributed by Kraft bination of a potassium organic salt and an inorganic acid Foods North America); the original ready-to-drink contained provided an excellent potassium fortification strategy in negligible potassium. Tripotassium citrate was used as the major potassium fortification source (i.e., the basic potassium terms of managing both microbiology stability and sensory salt) as in Example 1. properties. 0035 Tripotassium citrate (1.23 g) was added to 300 mL of Crystal Light(R) to deliver 350 mg of potassium for each 237 EXAMPLE 4 ml of serving (about 10 percent DV). This potassium-fortified Crystal Light(R) beverage was then split to four parts: 0042. This Example also illustrate the preparation of a 0036 Control Sample 1- Crystal Light(R) with no added potassium-fortified powdered composition that can be recon potassium or other additives; stituted with water to provide a potassium-fortified beverage. 0037 Comparative Sample 2 potassium-fortified Crys Commercially available powdered orange flavor Tang(R) (dis tal Light(R) with no additional additives: 0038 Comparative Sample 3 potassium-fortified Crys tributed by Kraft Foods North America) was first reconsti tal Light(R) with 0.16 percent (w/v) of citric acid (an organic tuted with water by mixing powdered Tang(R) (31.6 g) int 300 acid); and mL water, then tripotassium citrate (1.23g) was added. The 0039 Inventive Sample 4 potassium-fortified Crystal original powdered Tang R contained negligible potassium. Light(R) with 0.12 percent (w/v) of sodium acid sulfate (an The order of addition of the components did not effect the inorganic acid). beverage. The Tang(R) beverage was then divided into several 0040. The samples were then evaluated and the following portions to provide the following samples: results were obtained. 0043 Control Sample 1- Tang(R) with no added potas sium or other additives; 0044 Comparative Sample 2 potassium-fortified Control/Comparative Tang(R) with no additional additives: Samples Inventive 0045 Comparative Sample 3 potassium-fortified 1 2 3 Sample 4 Tang R with 0.1 percent (w/v) of citric acid (an organic acid); and pHf 2.9 4.2 3.8 3.8 Total Acidity (as citric 1.31 1.18 1.79 1.38 0046 Inventive Sample 4 potassium-fortified Tang(R) acid equivalent)ff with 0.1 percent (w/v) of sodium acid Sulfate (an inorganic acid). US 2009/O 169685 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

Samples 2-4 delivered about 350 mg of potassium for each 237 ml of serving (about 10 percent DV). -continued 0047. The following results were obtained: Control/Comparative Samples Inventive 1 2 3 Sample 4 Control/Comparative Potassium (mg) per O 350 350 350 Samples Inventive Serving Flavor Good Poor Very Sour Comparable to 1 2 3 Sample 4 Sample 1 pHf 3.06 3.96 3.8 3.8 Generally, the acceptable pH target range for this class of commercial prod ucts is about 2.7 to about 3.3 pH units; generally a pH below 3.8 is accept Total Acidity (as citric 160 1.54 1.79 1.66 able with regard to microbiological stability. acid equivalent)ff Generally, the acceptable total acidity target range for this class of com Potassium (mg) per O 350 350 350 mercial products is about 1.40 to about 1.72. Serving Flavor Good Poor Very Sour Comparable to 0056 Inventive sample 4 was very close to the control Sample 1 dressing in terms of Sourness and overall sensory profile. Thus, the combination of a potassium organic salt and an Generally, the acceptable pH target range for this class of commercial prod inorganic acid again provided an excellent potassium fortifi ucts is about 2.7 to about 3.3 pH units; generally a pH below 3.8 is accept cation strategy in terms of managing both microbiology sta able with regard to microbiological stability. bility and sensory properties. foenerally, the acceptable total acidity target range for this class of com mercial products is about 1.44 to about 1.76. What is claimed is: 1. A method for preparing a potassium-fortified food prod 0048 Inventive sample 4 tasted very close to the control in uct, said method comprising incorporating an amount of a terms of sourness and overall sensory profile. Thus, the com potassium-fortifying composition into a food product, bination of a potassium organic salt and an inorganic acid wherein the potassium-fortifying composition comprises at again provided an excellent potassium fortification strategy in least one basic potassium salt and at least one inorganic acidic terms of managing both microbiology stability and sensory compound, wherein the amount of potassium-fortifying com properties. position incorporated is sufficient to deliver at least about 350 mg potassium/single serving of the food product, wherein the at least one basic potassium salt and the at least one inorganic EXAMPLE 6 acidic compound are present in relative amounts to provide the potassium-fortified food product with a pH and a total 0049. This Example illustrates the preparation of a potas acidity comparable to a similar non-potassium-fortified food sium-fortified salad dressing. Commercially available Kraft product, and wherein the potassium-fortified food product Italian Fat Free Dressing (distributed by Kraft Foods North has a taste comparable to the similar non-potassium-fortified America) was used; the dressing itself contained negligible food product. 2. The method as defined in claim 1, wherein the amount of potassium. Potassium L-lactate (11.3 g) was mixed with 180 potassium-fortifying composition is sufficient to deliver g dressing to deliver about 350 mg potassium per single about 350 to about 1750 mg potassium/single serving of the serving of dressing (about 30 g). food product. 0050. The dressing was then divided into several portions 3. The method as defined in claim 2, wherein the inorganic to provide the following samples: acidic compound contains potassium. 0051 Control Sample 1—dressing with no added potas 4. The method as defined in claim 1, wherein the at least one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotassium sium or other additives; citrate, potassium lactate, potassium carbonate, potassium 0052 Comparative Sample 2 potassium-fortified dress bicarbonate, potassium glycerophosphate, potassium fuma ing with no additional additives; rate, potassium tartrate, potassium bitartrate, potassium 0053 Comparative Sample 3 potassium-fortified dress Sodium tartrate, potassium malate, potassium gluconate, ing with 0.1 percent (w/v) of acetic acid (an organic acid); and potassium adipate, potassium lactobionate, potassium acetate, dipotassium phosphate, , 0054 Inventive Sample 4 potassium-fortified dressing potassium iodate, potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, with 0.1 percent (w/v) of sodium bisulfate (an inorganic acid). Sodium potassium hexametaphosphate, or mixtures thereof. 0055. The following results were obtained: and wherein the at least one acidic compound is hydrochloric acid, Sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid, Sodium bisulfate, calcium acid Sulfate, magnesium acid Sul fate, monosodium phosphate, acidic calcium phosphate, Control/Comparative Sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate, potas Samples Inventive sium bisulfate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium acid 1 2 3 Sample 4 pyrophosphate, or mixtures thereof. pHf 3.00 4.22 4.OO 3.8 5. The method as defined in claim 2, wherein the at least Total Acidity (as citric 1.56 1.45 2.82 1.69 one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotassium acid equivalent)ff citrate, potassium lactate, potassium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium glycerophosphate, potassium fuma US 2009/O 169685 A1 Jul. 2, 2009 rate, potassium tartrate, potassium bitartrate, potassium potassium-fortified food product with a pH and a total acidity Sodium tartrate, potassium malate, potassium gluconate, comparable to a similar non-potassium-fortified food prod potassium adipate, potassium lactobionate, potassium uct, and wherein the potassium-fortified food product has a acetate, dipotassium phosphate, tripotassium phosphate, taste comparable to the similar non-potassium-fortified food potassium iodate, potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, product. Sodium potassium hexametaphosphate, or mixtures thereof. 12. The composition as defined in claim 11, wherein the and wherein the at least one acidic compound is hydrochloric amount of potassium-fortifying composition is sufficient to acid, Sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid, deliver about 350 to about 1750 mg potassium/single serving Sodium bisulfate, calcium acid Sulfate, magnesium acid Sul of the food product. fate, monosodium phosphate, acidic calcium phosphate, 13. The composition as defined in claim 12, wherein the Sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate, potas inorganic acidic compound contains potassium. sium bisulfate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium acid 14. The composition as defined in claim 11, wherein the at pyrophosphate, or mixtures thereof. least one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotas 6. The method as defined in claim 3, wherein the at least sium citrate, potassium lactate, potassium carbonate, potas one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotassium sium bicarbonate, potassium glycerophosphate, potassium citrate, potassium lactate, potassium carbonate, potassium fumarate, potassium tartrate, potassium bitartrate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium glycerophosphate, potassium fuma Sodium tartrate, potassium malate, potassium gluconate, rate, potassium tartrate, potassium bitartrate, potassium potassium adipate, potassium lactobionate, potassium Sodium tartrate, potassium malate, potassium gluconate, acetate, dipotassium phosphate, tripotassium phosphate, potassium adipate, potassium lactobionate, potassium potassium iodate, potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, acetate, dipotassium phosphate, tripotassium phosphate, Sodium potassium hexametaphosphate, or mixtures thereof. potassium iodate, potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, and wherein the at least one acidic compound is hydrochloric Sodium potassium hexametaphosphate, or mixtures thereof. acid, Sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid, and wherein the at least one acidic compound is hydrochloric potassium bisulfate, sodium bisulfate, calcium acid Sulfate, acid, Sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid, magnesium acid sulfate, monosodium phosphate, acidic cal Sodium bisulfate, calcium acid Sulfate, magnesium acid Sul cium phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, Sodium pyro fate, monosodium phosphate, acidic calcium phosphate, phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, potassium bisulfate, Sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate, potas monopotassium phosphate, potassium bitartrate, potassium sium bisulfate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium acid acid pyrophosphate, potassium pyrophosphate, monopotas pyrophosphate, or mixtures thereof. sium citrate, or mixtures thereof. 7. The method as defined in claim 2, wherein the at least 15. The composition as defined in claim 12, wherein the at one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotassium least one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotas citrate, potassium lactate, dipotassium phosphate, potassium sium citrate, potassium lactate, potassium carbonate, potas gluconate, potassium glycerophosphate, or mixtures thereof. sium bicarbonate, potassium glycerophosphate, potassium and wherein the at least one acidic compound is hydrochloric fumarate, potassium tartrate, potassium bitartrate, potassium acid, Sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid, Sodium tartrate, potassium malate, potassium gluconate, Sodium bisulfate, calcium acid Sulfate, magnesium acid Sul potassium adipate, potassium lactobionate, potassium fate, monosodium phosphate, acidic calcium phosphate, acetate, dipotassium phosphate, tripotassium phosphate, Sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate, or potassium iodate, potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, mixtures thereof. Sodium potassium hexametaphosphate, or mixtures thereof. 8. The method as defined in claim 3, wherein the at least and wherein the at least one acidic compound is hydrochloric one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotassium acid, Sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid, citrate, potassium lactate, dipotassium phosphate, potassium Sodium bisulfate, calcium acid Sulfate, magnesium acid Sul gluconate, potassium glycerophosphate, or mixtures thereof. fate, monosodium phosphate, acidic calcium phosphate, and wherein the at least one acidic compound is potassium Sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate, potas bisulfate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium acid pyro sium bisulfate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium acid phosphate, or mixtures thereof. pyrophosphate, or mixtures thereof. 9. The method as defined in claim 7, wherein the at least 16. The composition as defined in claim 13, wherein the at one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate or dipotassium least one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotas phosphate. sium citrate, potassium lactate, potassium carbonate, potas 10. The method as defined in claim 8, wherein the at least sium bicarbonate, potassium glycerophosphate, potassium one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate or dipotassium fumarate, potassium tartrate, potassium bitartrate, potassium phosphate. Sodium tartrate, potassium malate, potassium gluconate, 11. A potassium-fortified food product comprising a food potassium adipate, potassium lactobionate, potassium product and an amount of a potassium-fortifying composi acetate, dipotassium phosphate, tripotassium phosphate, tion, wherein the potassium-fortifying composition com potassium iodate, potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, prises at least one basic potassium salt and at least one inor Sodium potassium hexametaphosphate, or mixtures thereof. ganic acidic compound, wherein the amount of potassium and wherein the at least one acidic compound is hydrochloric fortifying composition in the potassium-fortified food acid, Sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid, product is sufficient to deliver at least about 350 mg potas Sodium bisulfate, calcium acid Sulfate, magnesium acid Sul sium/single serving of the potassium-fortified food product, fate, monosodium phosphate, acidic calcium phosphate, wherein the at least one basic potassium salt and the at least Sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate, potas one inorganic acidic compound are present in the potassium sium bisulfate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium acid fortifying composition in Such amounts so as to provide the pyrophosphate, or mixtures thereof. US 2009/O 169685 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

17. The composition as defined in claim 12, wherein the at sium citrate, potassium lactate, dipotassium phosphate, least one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotas potassium gluconate, potassium glycerophosphate, or mix sium citrate, potassium lactate, dipotassium phosphate, tures thereof, and wherein the at least one acidic compound is potassium gluconate, potassium glycerophosphate, or mix potassium bisulfate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium acid pyrophosphate, or mixtures thereof. tures thereof, and wherein the at least one acidic compound is 19. The composition as defined in claim 17, wherein the at hydrochloric acid, Sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, pyrophos least one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate or dipo phoric acid, Sodium bisulfate, calcium acid Sulfate, magne tassium phosphate. sium acid Sulfate, monosodium phosphate, acidic calcium 20. The composition as defined in claim 18, wherein the at phosphate, Sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phos least one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate or dipo phate, or mixtures thereof. tassium phosphate. 18. The composition as defined in claim 13, wherein the at least one basic potassium salt is tripotassium citrate, dipotas