HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE JANUARY TO MARCH 2020 For more information visit: Source: (4W) data as reported by partners across all response modalities as of 2020 Creation date: 20 May 2020

MULTIPURPOSE CASH Idleb Al-Hasakeh Lattakia 69,868 6.7M Ar- Total number of people benefiting from Deir-ez-Zor Average monthly number of sectors present by community Tartous People reached by month 7 - 9 5 - 6 SECTOR-SPECIFIC CASH / VOUCHER UNDOF administered 3 - 4 6.9M area 6.7M 1 - 2 6.5M Rural Damascus areas with no or 602,661 Legend 6 limited population 302,202 5 presense_q1_2020.Avg As-Sweida The boundaries shown and the designations used on this map do not reached with sector-specific 300,459 1 - 2 4 imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. JAN FEB MAR Dar'a Source: sectors 3 - 4 5 - 6

7 - 9 51 61 2 65 64 34 0 Reach/ Interventions By 6 44 2 4 3 44 UNDOF_Administered_Area Response Modality²* 6.5M 1.7M 0.2M 0.3M 0.7M 3.4M 5.3M 0.6M4 1.0M 1.6M 0.4M 0.9M 1.3M 0.4M Occupied_Golan_Heights

Within Syria Cross-border syr_polbnda_adm0 4 3 1 35 36 66 31 56 1 23 6 62 100 56 syr_polbnda_adm1_line

syr_polbnda_adm3 3 Reach/ syr_nonpopulated_areas Interventions By Severity in 2020 4 6 12 6 3 4 1 4 1 6 22 10 11 23 14 25 1 13 21 3 2 Severity (1-2) 46 26

Severity (3) 21

Severity (4-5-6)

52 50 1 2 5 3 60 64 2 0 31 3 6

9 2

* The inter-sector and sector-specific percentages by response modality are based on selected activities and therefore may not reflect the totality of the humanitarian response. 30-second Feedback survey: Protection Food Security 01 INTERSECTOR AVERAGE PEOPLE REACHED BY SECTOR BY COMMUNITY January to March 2020

Food Security: Food Assistance5 Average people reached with humanitarian assistance4 NFI: Non Food Items

Idleb Idleb Al-Hasakeh Al-Hasakeh Lattakia Lattakia Idleb Aleppo Aleppo Al-Hasakeh Lattakia Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa Aleppo

Ar-Raqqa Hama Deir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-Zor

Hama Deir-ez-Zor

Tartous Homs Tartous Homs

UNDOF UNDOF Tartous Homs administered administered area area

UNDOF administered Damascus Rural Damascus Damascus Rural Damascus area average of people reached >100,000 Damascus Rural Damascus 50,001 - 100,000 (in millions) As-Sweida People reached by month As-Sweida People reached by month (in millions) 25,001 - 50,000 2017 2018 2019 2020 5,001 - 25,000 Quneitra Quneitra 2017 2018 2019 2020 6 As-Sweida 1,001 - 5,000 Dar'a Dar'a 0.60 5.3M 0.9M Quneitra 1 - 1,000 4 0.45 Dar'a areas with no or limited population 0.30 2 1.5M cumulative people 0.15 assisted with Emergency Food The boundaries shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official 0 0.00 Rations (EFRs) 6 endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Source: sectors JAN DEC JAN DEC

Food Security: Livelihoods/Agriculture7 Shelter

Number of service delivery interventions*13

Idleb Idleb Al-Hasakeh Al-Hasakeh Lattakia Lattakia Idleb Aleppo Aleppo Lattakia Al-Hasakeh Aleppo Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa

Ar-Raqqa Hama Deir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-Zor


Deir-ez-Zor Tartous Homs Tartous Homs

Tartous Homs UNDOF UNDOF administered administered area area

UNDOF administered area average of interventions Damascus Rural Damascus Damascus Rural Damascus > 120,000 Damascus Rural Damascus 60,001 - 120,000 (in millions) 25,001 - 60,000 Cumulative reach People reached by month (in millions) As-Sweida As-Sweida 12,001 - 25,000 2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020 4 5,001 - 12,000 Quneitra Quneitra 0.8 As-Sweida 1 - 5,000 Dar'a 3 Dar'a 0.6 Quneitra areas with no or 2 0.4 Dar'a limited population 0.4M 0.6M 1 0.2 0 0.0 The boundaries shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official JAN DEC JAN DEC endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. * Includes health and protection interventions only. Source: sectors

1 - 1,000 1,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 25,000 25,001 - 50,000 50,001 - 100,000 >100,000 areas with no or limited population


8 Nutrition Education WASH9*

Idleb Idleb Idleb Al-Hasakeh Al-Hasakeh Al-Hasakeh Lattakia Lattakia Lattakia Aleppo Aleppo Aleppo

Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa

Hama Hama Deir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-Zor Deir-ez-Zor

Tartous Homs Tartous Homs Tartous Homs

UNDOF UNDOF UNDOF administered administered administered area area area

Damascus Damascus Rural Damascus Damascus Rural Damascus Rural Damascus

People reached by month (in millions) People reached by month (in millions) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020 As-Sweida As-Sweida 2.0 As-Sweida 2.0 People reached by month (in millions) Quneitra Quneitra 1.5 Quneitra 1.5 2017 2018 2019 2020 Dar'a Dar'a Dar'a 4 1.0 1.0 3 0.5 1M 0.5 9 M 0.0 SO1 2 1.7 0.0 1.6M JAN DEC JAN DEC 1 0 JAN DEC

CCCM: IDPs assisted* Early Recovery and Livelihoods 6 4 3.4M SO29 2

0 Idleb Al-Hasakeh JAN DEC Idleb Lattakia Al-Hasakeh Lattakia Aleppo Aleppo Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa Hama Deir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-Zor Number of people reached 1 - 1,000 Tartous Homs Tartous Homs 1,001 - 5,000 UNDOF administered area UNDOF 5,001 - 25,000 administered area Damascus Rural Damascus 25,001 - 50,000 Damascus Rural Damascus 50,001 - 100,000 People reached by month (in millions) People reached by month (in millions) As-Sweida 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020 >100,000 As-Sweida 2 Quneitra 4 Dar'a areas with no or limited population Quneitra 3 Dar'a 1.5 1.3M 1 2 0.5 1 * CCCM sector is only operational 0 0 in north-west Syria through 0.4M JAN DEC JAN DEC cross-border


Health: Medical procedures10&13 Protection Intervention (inclusive of AoRs)11&13 Protection: Humanitarian Mine Action AoR11

Idleb Idleb Idleb Al-Hasakeh Al-Hasakeh Al-Hasakeh Lattakia Lattakia Lattakia Aleppo Aleppo Aleppo

Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa

Hama Deir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-Zor

Tartous Homs Tartous Homs Tartous Homs

UNDOF UNDOF UNDOF administered administered administered area area area

Damascus Rural Damascus Damascus Rural Damascus Damascus Rural Damascus

People reached by month (in millions) Interventions by month Interventions by month (in millions) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020 As-Sweida (in millions) 2017 2018 2019 2020 As-Sweida As-Sweida 3 2.0 1.00 Quneitra Quneitra Quneitra 6.5M 1.5 0.75 Dar'a 2 Dar'a Dar'a 1.0 0.50 1 0.5 0.25 1.7M 0.0 0.00 0 0.7M JAN DEC JAN DEC JAN DEC

Protection: Child Protection AoR11* Protection: Gender Based Violence (GBV) AoR11 Health: Treatment Courses13

Idleb Idleb Al-Hasakeh Al-Hasakeh Lattakia Lattakia Aleppo Aleppo Idleb Al-Hasakeh Lattakia Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa Aleppo Hama Deir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-Zor Ar-Raqqa

Hama Deir-ez-Zor

Tartous Homs Tartous Homs

UNDOF UNDOF administered administered Tartous Homs area area

UNDOF Damascus Damascus administered Rural Damascus Rural Damascus area

Damascus Rural Damascus People reached by month (in millions) People reached by month (in millions) As-Sweida As-Sweida 2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020 Quneitra 2.0 Quneitra 2.0 Dar'a Dar'a As-Sweida Interventions by month 1.5 1.5 (in millions) 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0 1.0 Quneitra 3 Dar'a 0.5 0.5 2 0.2M 0.3M 2.9M 0.0 0.0 1 JAN DEC JAN DEC


1 - 1,000 1,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 25,000 25,001 - 50,000 50,001 - 100,000 >100,000 areas with no or limited population 1 - 1,000 1,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 25,000 25,001 - 50,000 50,001 - 100,000 >100,000 04 Sector reach/interventions by governorate (Jan to Mar 2020) 1 - 1,000 1,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 25,000 25,001 - 50,000 50,001 - 100,000 100,001 - 500,000 >500,001 1 - 1,000 1,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 25,000 25,001 - 50,000 50,001 - 100,000 100,001 - 500,000 >500,001

Health10 6,476,559 499,542 1 ,653,336 2 91,571 1 19,961 2 96,589 1 44,372 2 11,163 337,712 375,500 1,530,195 2 78,496 42,280 550,191 145,650 Medical procedures

Protection11 1,730,266 1 79,797 398,814 1 78,066 38,912 69,992 31,349 1 32,220 49,855 41,595 3 62,141 28,529 16,522 149,829 52,471 Interventions

Protection: Child Protection 175,733 17,422 4 0,380 14,649 2 1,349 1,921 6,525 1,112 1,520 76,338 1,899 1 ,396 7,770 3,450

Protection: Gender-Based Violence AoR 294,379 17,946 6 8,516 22,493 12,063 13,306 9,724 7,579 9,000 8,671 61,460 7,758 3 ,255 45,051 7,557

Protection: 697,343 60,792 121,113 113,827 24,244 47,279 14,082 98,391 27,096 18,957 68,145 10,388 10,292 56,757 25,980 Humnitarian Mine Action AoR

WASH - SO19 1,717,127 3 61,813 257,355 3,642 - - 21,835 2,973 4,314 8,359 1,000,652 - 155 47,458 8,571

WASH - SO29 3,411,691 7 44,332 583,188 3 38,134 - - 26,853 1 59,600 458 4,600 1,471,885 - - 82,641 -

Food Security: Food Assistance5 5,273,527 3 79,635 995,964 4 25,692 33,350 1 89,235 3 26,977 2 90,949 170,066 323,345 1,144,474 60,110 62,240 797,523 73,967

Food Security: Livelihoods/Agriculture7 570,747 53,156 180,317 11,951 16,500 5 18,024 18,203 23,150 20,870 1 43,901 23,850 8 ,225 34,220 18,375

Nutrition8 1,026,244 2 16,196 208,556 83,147 13,714 34,525 32,192 43,834 54,237 27,490 1 18,829 39,889 11,049 122,967 19,619

Education 1,620,064 1 00,558 227,311 75,636 42,731 39,364 1 13,065 1 58,152 90,254 122,469 2 76,172 79,709 17,996 226,169 50,478

Shelter 425,070 5,764 7 5,787 22,512 - - 650 2,059 810 6,200 3 10,693 - - 595 -

Non Food Items12 850,986 48,440 187,838 28,321 685 2 18,788 23,449 22,035 12,450 13,887 2 67,871 14,490 - 12,071 661

Camp Coordination and Camp Management 1,319,372 - 302,548 ------1,016,824 - - - - (IDPs assisted)

Early Recovery & Livelihoods 412,902 5,892 240,520 4,663 272 186 1,305 13,081 28,036 - 15,295 1,336 300 1,271 100,745

05 Notes and definitions

1 (9) SO1: number of people who benefit from support to operation and maintenance of water facilities; SO2: number of people MPC definition is adapted from the CaLP Glossary, (10) Given the challenges the sector faces in measuring individual beneficiaries, the indicator for the number of medical Cash transfers, as a form of assistance, is typically under-reported. This figure, for example, represents an incomplete aggregate of individuals benefitting from MPC assistance throughout the Syria response. Several other humanitarian 4

2 (11) The Protection sector's overall reach figures represent the total number of distinct protection interventions conducted (CP), gender-based violence (GBV) and humanitarian mine action areas of responsibilities (AoRs) and is calculated as the MONTHLY FIGURES: The sector reports response on a cumulative basis i.e. a beneficiary of a particular activity is only persons who benefitted from an activity for the first time in the year. The stage when a person is considered as a beneficiary 1 2 completes the activity or 3) when the person completes a pre-defined number of days/months/sessions of the activity.

3 4 NFI/Shelter, WASH (direct beneficiaries), ERL (direct beneficiaries), Education, and Nutrition) for the month, taking the highest (12) NFI beneficiary needs are met with core and essential NFIs. 13

(5) Food assistance numbers reflect regular food baskets only. However, other food assistance delivered include LIMITATIONS: bread/ flour, cash/vouchers lifesaving and emergency food rations. - The information in this report does not include the Syrian Arab Red Crescent assistance that is not funded by the UN. 6

Color code: (7) Agriculture and livelihoods: This figure includes agricultural inputs, small-scale food production, livestock asset The blue color present the number of beneficiary reached in the entire document Agriculture and livelihoods figures represents the cumulative numbers of 2020 (8) People reached is the maximum cumulative number of children under 5 and PLWs reached by a Nutrition activity by