State Dinners - 5/11/76 - Denmark (2)” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R

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State Dinners - 5/11/76 - Denmark (2)” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R The original documents are located in Box 33, folder “State Dinners - 5/11/76 - Denmark (2)” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. lP-111 ... " 1-- J;.,. '4. (QUEEN KEEPS FORDS WAIT ING ·AtrTHE· .. STEPS .. ~ ... f ~ ~:r~t.;. (BY R !CHARD K • GROWALD> .. .. ·;·. .' '~:; < WASHINGTON C UPI> -- QUEEN· MARGRETHE ti'- ()F- DENMARK 'l<EPT PRESIOENJiil-~~ · r • AND MRS FORD WAIT INS 16." MlNUTES .AT THE WHITE HOUSE STEP.S TUESDA~ ;;'.. / : THE PRE.SIDENr S. ..1'EN AND ·THE QUEEN'S GENTLEMEN- :tN-WAITING DIPLOMATICALLY INSISTED NOTHING WENT At16Y, BUT THE SCENE QN THE WHITE KlUSE STEPS TOLD A DIFFERENT STORY WHEN THE VISITING MONARCH AND HER HUSBAND, PRINCE HENRIJC, CAME lARDILY TO LUNCK THE MARINE BAND,· THE HONOR GUARDSMEN AND THE ·SECRET SERVICE AGE_NTS HAD T-AKEN UP THEIR FRONT fORCH POSTS WELL BEFORE THE SCHEDULED t2s30 ... RM. ARRIVAL TIMF.' NO ONE Bur SECRETARY o.r· st ATE HENRY KISSINGER,· HABITUALLY TARDY, EVER KEPT nus PRESIDENT WAITING._ .. .~::·;~ .. ... ARRIVAL TIME CAMF., NO QUEEK f HE FORDS STOOD WAITING Itf :~:-TKE J~OBBY. JRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS SECRETARY TERRY rt DONNEJ...1., FORI1 S' KUMA·N -WRlst WATcH, FOKED HIS HEAD THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR. tH!· MARINE BANDMASTER CLUTCHED HIS WHITE BATON AND LOOKED TO THE ~AY SK~ 1 THE WIND WAS BL.OWING HIS BAND MEMBERS HAD NOT BROua'ilr ' THE IR RAINCOATS AND THE IR RED COATS WERE BARE TO THE ELEMENTS. AT 12s35 p. "9 , AN USHER UNROLLED THE LAST FEW FE!-T' OF RED CARPET, WHICH IS NORMALLY KEPT ROLLED UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT. THE FORDS EMERGED-· AND LOOKED AT AN EMPTY DRIVEWAY. f1 DONNELL CAME BACK AND TOLD FOR!) " IN A FEW SECONDS." REPORTERS S?OTTED THE DANISH FOREIGN MINISTRY ·sPOKESMA& "THERE IS ti> REASON FOR THE DELAY," HE SAW. "THERE IS NO DELAY." HE WALKED AWAY. AT 12151 P. ~ , THE FANFARE SO UNDE~ THE QLEEN' S l. IMOUSINE NOSED INTO THE DR IVE WA'-' , . IT WAS ALL SMILES WHEN THE FORDS MET TKE ROYAL COUPLE AT LIMOUSINE SIDE, AND ornING THEIR EXCHANGE OF LUNCHEON TOASTS .. THE UNITED STATES ATTACHES A VERY GREAT IMPORTANCE TO OUR RELATIONS WITH DENMAR1'" FORD SAID, NOTING THAT THE TWO NAIIONS BEGAN DIPLOMAT IC RELAY IONS IN 1801 AND THAT 22 AMERICAN TOWNS ARE NAMED DENMARK. THE QUEE~ IN HER TOAST, SAID, " I BELIEVE THAT WE ARE JUSTIFIED IN BOAST ING A LONGER RELATION SHIP WITH THE UNITED STATES THAN .ANY OTHER CX>UNTR'-' :' LATER, S?OKESMEN FOR BOTH SIDES EXPLAINED THE QUEEN HAD BEEN TOLD FORD WAS TIED UP GREETING THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS MOTHER AND FATHER OF THE YEAR AND DID NOT LEARN HE KAO FINISHED THAT AND WOULD BE ON TIME. •NOTHING IS ROTTEN IN THE SI ATE OF DENMARK'S MANNERS," SAID A WHITE HOUSE AIDE'.:.j UP I 95• 11 05 I 10 PED .... UP-106 R I C QUEEN> ND MRS. FORD WILL GIVE A WHITE WASHINGTON ( UPD F- ~~i~~~~! Q~EN MARGRETHE 11 OF DENMARK AND HER ~~N~UN~~l~~~ ~kNR~~ WHITE HOUSE AIDES SAIQ TODT~Y,UR. THEY' SAID THE MONARCH PLANS AN EXTENSIVE U. S. • UP I 04 - !2J 8 03 : 5 3 PE S .. Digitized from Box 33 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library I ) t I ~ z'inn :r rm m ., , , r an SP St PU 'ti . ' 0 -ScKEDtl.E Ci!ETERY. I 9 88 ~~A¥tN~~:E:~~~SM~~ ::~1:10N ' NON VISIT t m:: :i°h VEi:ESEllTAttO'ii AT KENNEDY o;:NTER. i t2a30 VKITE HOU~l'C'~~E~~ NATIONAL pORTRAil GALLERY. 3aeJ0 ATTENDS Re.~ THE YACHT At THE NAVY YARD. 6~45 HOStS DINNER ABK DOAARLDLET PERFORMANCE At KENNEDY CEMTlll. 8'i30 ATTENDS DANIS ·. &VINT: QUEEN MARGARETHE OF DENMARK WILL BE PRE.SENT AS NATIONAL 8AtLllY HOLDS PREVIEW OPENING or THE EXHIBITION ''CHRISTIAN GULLAl!t• POlfUIT PAINTER TO -FEDERAL AMERICA.• ·• GULLAGER WAS A DANISH•BORI:. AIJlst. · tllE: CEREMONY AT 3 P.M. LOCATION: DEL IAN COURT, SECOND FLOOR, NATIONAL GALLERY •. COITACT: 339.-5911. SWINT: THE QUEEN AND PRINCE OF DENMARK ARE PRESENT AT A CEREMOIY II VllCI THE DANISH BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE PRESENTS THE OFFICIAL Glt or DlllAllK TO THE KENNEDY CENTER. THE GIFT IS A PORCELAIN SCULPTURE · 111111.ED ''VIBRATIONS.'' !UIE: 11:15 A.M. , LOCATION: CONCERT HALL LOBBY, KENNEDY CENTER. COltACT: SHILKRET, 254-3696. $ ·• . .;. , . I • ~ . •, . ... ~ ·.. ~ "' ~ ..~ •• . .~ . ·" ·~ 'i'·:.. .. ~ ·~,, .. t ...., ........ ' .. .. ·~ ., WASHINGTON C UPD FIRST LADY BE - 0- AND MRS HENRY KISSINGER JOINED QUEE~I~A~~~~TA~D SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE OPENING OF THE ROYAL DANISH BALLET ATHII!. OF DENMARK LAST NIGHT OPERA HOUSE. HE KENNEDY CENTER THE DANCER~ ADMITTEDLY NERVO SCORED A HIT BEFORE THE US ANO PLAGUED BY MECHANICAL MISHAPS, OPERATIC PARODY OF BIZET,C~\_Ag~~~E~UDIENCE WITH ROLAND PETIT' s 1960 THE QUEEN WAS ACCOMPANIED BY • CHAIRMAN ROGER STEVENS PRINCE HENRIK AND KENNEDY CENTER BUFFET RECEPTION GIVEN B~H~A~i~~A:~~A~~AIDEOFLRYOTAFTER THE BALLET AT A CENTER'S ATRIUM. TO BORCH IN THE DURING THE RECEPTION, VICTOR BOR(3.E I"fPORT, HAD KISSINGER GUFFAWING WITH 'HIAMERICA' S MOST POPlLAR DANISH KISSINGER AGAIN WHEN HE s - S JOKES HE CRACKED UP CALLED " ME IN HERP." A ID THE Ni!.W VOLKSWAGEN RABB IT IN GERMANY IS N0f1 R ~ QUIEi . IASHllGTON CAP> -- PRESIDENT AND MRS. FORD WELCOMED. QUEEN M:ARllETHI ot D!llAIK TO THE WHITE HOUSE Ji'OR A FORMAL LUNCH TODAY -- :AND HAD to WAIT 11 IINUTES ON THE NORTH PORTICO FOR HER TO ARRIVE. IOU 1HAN .100 GUESTS WERE INVITED, INCLUDING DANISH~AMERICAft rJAllST VlCTOR BORGE, ACTRESS ROSALIND RUSSELL AND ANTHROPOLOGIST ' MARGAJllt MUD. THE WHITE HOUSE TOOK THE BLAME FOR THE "DEl..AY;. MRS·. FORD'S PRESS SICUTARY, SHEILA RABB WEIQENFELD, SAID THER"E WAS ••A COMMUNICATIOIS PlftBlEI·· AND THE QUEEN WAS NOT INFORMED IMMEDIATELY THAT THE roaos W llEADY TO RECEIVE HER. Witts THEY WAITED, THE FORDS CHATTED WITH REPO~TERS AND CAMCIAlll# AID A ·ro TOURISTS GATHERED AT THE WHITE HOUSE GATES ON ' P IS'IL.V NIA AVENUE• ,. ·.. tHI -YEAR•OLD QUEEN WORE ~UGH HEELS· AND APPEARED TO BE - T~ · fKAN Tiii f!RU DENT"t' WHO IS 6-FE~-l. THE QUEEN ts·· 6 .FEET TALL. HER . 8.tllM.. WU amED WltH TRUMPETS AND A MILITARY HONO~ . GUARD. ' ' . ' ' BEFORI GOINS TO THE WHITE HOUSE, QUEEN MARGRETHE ATTENDEn ·rHI PIESEITATION AT THE KENNEDY CENTER or A BICENTENNIAL GIFT TO Tiii UllllD SIATES1 A WHITE UNGLAZED PORCELAIN RELIEF IN FIVE SECTIOIS, .":tf. IICHES HIGH, 158 INCHES WIDE AND MOUNTED IN A STAINLESS STEEL fRA.111' .. £1tltLED ••vIBRATIONSI• It WAS CREATED BY DANISH ARTIST IN8t•LJSE KIFOID AID PRODUCED AT THE ROYAL PORCELAIN FACTORY. IT WAS FI,AICED BY Glf'TS FROM INDIVIDUAL DANES MATCHED BY A GRANT FROM THE DAWISK GQV!RllEIT. , DUIIl6 THE MORNING, THE QUEEN HONORED AMERICA'S WAR DEAD WITH A VISIT TO THE TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER AT ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEIEtERY AND TOURED NEARBY MT. VERNON. 9'•1l-1C 15i07EDT ....... ;: ~· - - --·-- . ··- - .,, WASHlo&GTOH AR~AL-Danis!"a Queen Margrethe ii and Pri~e Henri~ waving . from.. l;K,>~ of the Danish royo.l YQCht, Dannebrog, · · . ; ,; . : -. AP Wtrap~to BY MURRAY SEEGER Times Staff Writer ..,.. ,,~ .· ·.. ~ ~,.~ ~~O\lttr1uoini .\o' qqeen,' I ·· .. ·· ~.. ' Jo ~\If- woi.11¢h}!' ' "-~- to.. ~uy . ~' -~ 1ot cfu~~ ac- Now,, more. than four years .after · ~ only by a:single compan- becoming ·queen, Margretbe adµti.tted, io · , ··:. , the. job is "fun'.1 .., • • • '~d. her French liiisband hlive I am enjoying Jt, 11·'!!he sai<t, t>ut H· is . ~).lei." !or ;.a: late snack \n the not a lark/ . · . · ·, . Julclle~. .. The queen'.sreceptio11 (Oi-.rep0rters ~ ·;;~ :. ~)ea~ .. ~lie w~ a rarity. bo. ~ for . Denmar~ ~ .a. ~.w~ !let JUJlts\.I U)Q. ~~r~ ~r . rovaltJi... t ~~f!!· · · ... · ViVing ~&~f\lll; ar(l . '*' . w•~~~Ji~1.Jij . : · ~ w er . e interviews. · · . d • • . tjnie1caD~~coudft'ikS." While it seems ~ · be ' an a~ · 1'all and blonde, she is Queen Mar- 1sm·5_ an age of revQh1UoJ1. and raQi- ~ .Il, lleif ~ the ~dest ~ne in caUSm; ro~alti ~ill Is J.. atjng to ~ '. l!oJ)day, Uu; Danish royal many )>eOple, an4 i~ members ~n- · yaebt ~.g g~~ql UR' the Poto- tilli:le to make news. madlfrer ~g~ to.Washing- · · · to~ for Ohe-Of the ~y ' royal . visits This year, has seen ~·restoration of the' bicentennial year: She ·Will be or the roonarchy in Spain, and in the iri ~.Angeles MaY 23 and 24. ~· · Netherlands the ·government has or.. dered an investigation into the pri~ ~. whq hardly kn<>w one vate p~ess " dealings .ot Prince kiD8 Of, queen from 8!10tber, are like­ ~.husband ' of Queen Juliana. ly 10 become. blase abQut all the .Margrethe and her.husband, Prince foreign visitors before ·the . y~ . is Henrik, said that they follow the for:. over. Moot'of the remaining 10 ,royal tunes o( th~ other European mon­ rulers ofEurope have visited or: will archs put that nearly all their atten· vjsit, the United Stat.ell this year, ttcm is directed to their official duties with many· of 'tlle }>Olitical and raising their iwo SOQS, F'rederik, heads «· govemmehf ·or chief!! .of 1; and Joachim, 6.
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