victorian / planningrevue / environmental / law / association / volume 105 October 2018 Contents President 3 The housing problem 18 Editorial Licence 4 YPG 2017 Award: Affordable housing study 20 The Minister for Planning 5 Automated vehicles: another inconvenient truth 12 Shadow Minister for Planning 10 Paul Jerome Awards 6 Car congestion in Melbourne: VCAT decisions 41 Heritage fabricated 46 VEPLA Conference Justice Michelle Quigley QC 28 Peter Mares 33 Rosy Batty 36 Gideon Haigh 39 Places Box Hill: ‘don’t box me in!’ 15 Rory’s ramble 53 Covenants continued 49 Unlocking significant social effects 55 Planning Xchange 52 Sound bites 44 Stonnington; managing a city in two parts 22 The Business Tribunal Talk 17 Creating a city of 20 minute neighbourhoods 8 The Fast Lane – Parking changes VC148 48 Seminars Commercial 3 – a new zone for EPA Act changes 50 mixed use and creative industries 24 David Davis breakfast 58 YPG: ideas for the future 59 Cover photo: The VPELA conference witnessed some amazing sessions and speakers. The cover depicts L-R Tamara Brezzi, President VPELA, Michael Deidun, Conference Convenor with Rosie Batty, Peter Mares, Author “No Place Like Home – Repairing Australia’s Housing crisis”, Devo aka the Ratio Gang, costume winners of the Gala and Gideon Haigh, Journalist & sporting commentator. Newsletter editor: VPELA Bernard McNamara PO Box 1291 Camberwell 3124 M: 0418 326 447 E:
[email protected] E:
[email protected] T: 9699 7025 T: 9813 2801 2 / VPELA Revue October 2018 The President Dorothy’s dream Tamara Brezzi President, VPELA At the conclusion of the Hollywood classic, The Wizard of Oz, It would not be in his nature to simply identify and then moan Dorothy famously slips in to her sparkly shoes, clicks her heels, about a problem without offering an intelligent, comprehensive, and whispers repeatedly “There’s no place like home” in an well thought through solution.