OAKUISLE CITY AND COUNTY BOROUGH COUNTY COUNCIL COUNCIL THE LANCASHIRE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN, 1951 City of Carlisle Development Plan Lancaster, and Town Map — Notice is hereby given that proposals for alterations First Review or additions to ths above Development Plan were on Notice is hereby given' thatt a proposal for the altera- the 3:lst day of 'May 1962, submitted to the Minister ,tion of the above Development Plan by .the Revttew of Housing and Local Government. of -tihe Lancaster, Morecambe and Heysham Town The proposals relate to land situate between Map was, on the 30tfh day of May 1962, submitted to Brampton Road, Knowefield, Scotland Road and the Minister of Housing and Local Government. Kingstown Road' and the Carlisle City Boundary. The proposal relates tto land stttuaite within the A certified copy of the proposals as submitted has Boroughs of Lancaster and Morecambe and Heysham, been deposited for public inspection at the Town small parts of sthe Parishes of Ashton-wdth-Stodday, Clerk's Office, 1'S Fisiher Street, Carlisle. Ellel, Heaton-with-Oxcliffe, (Middleton, Overton, A cqpy of the proposals so deposited together with SooUfpntih, and Slyne-wihih-Hest in ,t!he Lancaster Rural a copy of the Development Plan are available for District, and ismall parts of rtffie Parishes of Halton inspection free of charge by all persons interested at and Quemmore din the Lumesdale Rural District. the address mentioned above between 9 a.m. and A certified copy of 'the proposal as submitted has 5.30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays. been deposited for public inspection at Any objection or representation with reference to The Oounity Hall, Preston the proposals may be sen-t in writing to the Secretary, The Office of tihe County Planninig Officer, East Ministry of Housing and Local Government, White- Cliff County Office, Preston. hall, London SJW.'l, before the 21st day of July The Divisional Planning Office, 4 Queen Street, 19'62, and any such objection or representation should Lancaster. state the grounds on which it is made. Persons The Town Hal, Lancaster. making an objection or representation may register The Town Ha!l3, Marecambe and Heysham. their names and addresses with the Carlisle City and The Lancaster Rural District Council Offices, 5 County Borough Council at the address mentioned Dalton Square, Lancaster. above and will then be entitled to receive notice of The Lunesdale Rural District Council Offices, any amendment of the Development Plan made as Hiombey, near Lancaster. a result of tihe proposals.—dated this 1st day of The copies of