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[email protected] | www.mediaed.org Further Off the Straight & Narrow New Gay Visibility on Television Transcript INTRODUCTION (montage) [CLIP, “Dawson’s Creek”] Voice: Ask me if I’m gay. [CLIP, “The Apprentice”] Voice: Are you not a homosexual? [CLIP, “The Real World”] Voice: Yeah, I am gay. [CLIP, CNN News] Voice: I am a gay American. [CLIP, “ER”] Voice: I am the chief of emergency medicine and I am a lesbian. [CLIP, “South Park”] Voice: My goodness. There certainly are a lot of gay shows on television these days. NARRATOR: There has been an explosion of gay visibility on television in the United States since the mid-1990s. Mainstream society sees that gay and lesbian people exist in every sphere of life, and young lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people no longer grow up fearing that they may be the only one. How do we make sense of this new television landscape? What shapes what we see and don’t see on our screens? And how do these images influence how we view gay and lesbian people? [CLIP, “The Simpsons”] (singing) Gay-O, it’s okay-O, tie the knot and spend all your dough. HOWARD BUFORD: We’re dealing in a country where our popular culture really rules. It’s a country where you don’t exist unless you’re on TV. And the very fact that we’re present on TV, in advertising or in content in the programming, makes us real.