Senate 961 430
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1935 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- SENATE 961 430. Also, petition of the Trade Union Unity Council of OVERTON], caused by illness; the absence of the Senator Greater New York, by their secretary, Rose Wortis, represent from New Mexico [Mr. HATCH] and the Senator from Louisi ing 45,000 organized workers of New York City, being vitally ana [Mr. LoNG], detained on official business; the absence concerned with the problem of unemployment insurance, of the Senator from New York [Mr. COPELAND], necessarily since thousands of their members are unemployed, have gone detained; and I again announce the absence of the Senator on record endorsing the workers' unemployment-insurance from California [Mr. McADooJ, the Senator from Maryland bill CH. R. 2827); to the Committee on Labor. [Mr. TYDINGS], and the Senator-elect from Tennessee [Mr. 431. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the United Irish So McKELLARl, members of the Philippine Commission, they cieties of Brooklyn and Long Island, opposing United States not having as yet returned. membership in the World Court; to the Committee on For The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five Senators have an eign Affairs. swered to their names. A quorum is present. 432. By Mr. KENNEDY of New York: Memorial of the EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Senate of the State of New York, memorializing the Govern ment of the United States, acting through the proper officials, Mr. HAYDEN, from the Committee on Post Offices and to take appropriate action in condemning the tactics of such Post Roads, reported favorably the nominations of sundry officials of the Mexican Government as they deem proper; to postmasters. Mr. WHEELER, from the Committee on Interstate Com the Committee on F9reign Affairs. merce, reported favorably the following nominations: 433. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the city of Portland, Lee M. Eddy, of Missouri, to be a member of the Rail Oreg., supporting payment of the bonus; to the Committee road Retirement Board for a term of 4 years from June 27, on Ways and Means. 1934; Garlands. Ferguson, Jr., of North Carolina, to be a Fed SENATE eral Trade Commissioner for a term of 7 years from Septem ber 26, 1934 (reappointment> ; FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1935 W. A. Ayres, of Kansas, to be a Federal Trade Commis (Legislative day of Monday, Jan. 21, 1935) sioner for the remainder of the term expiring September 25, 1940, vice James M. Landis; The Senate met, in executive session, at 12 o'clock meridian, Frank R. McNinch, of North Carolina, to be a member on the expiration of the recess. of the Federal Power Commission for the term expiring THE JOURNAL June 22, 1939 (reappointment) ; On request of Mr. ROBINSON, and by unanimous consent, James W. Carmalt, of the District of Columbia, to be a the reading of the Journal for the calendar days Wednesday, member of the National Mediation Board, for the term ex January 23, and Thursday, January 24, 1935, was dispensed piring February 1, 1936; with and the Journal was approved. John T. Williamson, of Illinois, to be a member of the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Railroad Retirement Board for a term of 3 years from June 27, 1934; and A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Halti William M. Leiserson, of Ohio, to be a member of the gan, one of its clerks, announced that the House had passed National Mediation Board, for the term expiring February a joint resolution CH. J. Res. 117) making appropriations for 1, 1937. relief purposes, in which it requested the concurrence of the Mr. WAGNER, the Committee on Interstate Com Senate. merce, reported favorably the following nominations: ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED John Carmody, of New York, to be a member of the Na The message also announced that the Speaker of the House tional Mediation Board for the term expiring February 1, had affixed his signature to the enrolled joint resolution (H.J. 1935, and also to be a member of the same board for the term Res. 112) to clarify the definition of disagreement in section expiring February 1, 1938 (reappointment) ; and 19, World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, and it was Murray Latimer, of New York (now chairman), to be a signed by the Vice President. member of the Railroad Retirement Board for a term of 2 CALL OF THE ROLL years from June 27, 1934. Mr. ROBINSON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. Mr. KING, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. favorably the nomination of Alex Smith, of Alabama, to be The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sena United States marshal, northern district of Alabama, to suc tors answered to their names: ceed Thomas J. Kennamer, term expired. The VICE PRESIDENT. The reports will be placed on the Adams Coolidge La Follette Robinson Ashurst Costigan Lewis R~ll Executive Calendar. Austin Couzens Logan Schall Bachman Cutting Lonergan BUSINESS TRANSACTED AS IN LEGISLATIVE SESSION Balley Davis McCarran Sheppard Bankhead Dickinson McGUl Shipstead During the executive session the following legislative busi Barkley Dieterich McNary Smith ness was transacted by unanimous consent: Bilbo Donahey Maloney Steiwer Black Duffy Metcalf Thomas, Okla. NATIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITION Bone Fletcher Minton Thomas, Utah Borah Frazier Moore Townsend Mr. SHEPPARD. I ask unanimous consent that the two Brown Gerry Murphy Trammell joint resolutions submitted by me yesterday, being Senate Bulkley Glass Murray Truman Bulow Gore Neely Vandenberg Joint Resolution 44 and Senate Joint Resolution 45, may be Burke Guffey Norbeck VanNuys printed in the RECORD at this point. Byrd Hale Norris Wagner There being no objection, the joint resolutions were ordered Byrnes Harrison Nye Walsh Capper Hastings O'Mahoney Wheeler to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Caraway Hayden Pittman White Senate Joint Resolution 44 Carey Johnson Pope Clark Keyes Radcliffe Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Connally King Reynolds the United States relating to intoxicating liquors Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mr. AUSTIN. I wish to announce that my colleague the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of junior Senator from Vermont [Mr. GmsoNJ is absent in each House concurring therein), That the following amendment to the Philippines upon business of the Senate, and that the the Constitution be, and hereby is, proposed to the States, to [Mr. is becom.e valid as a part o! the Constitution when ratified by the Senator from New Jersey BARBOUR] unavoidably legislatures of the several States as provided by the Constitution: absent. "ARTICLE - Mr. LEWIS. I announce the absence of the Senator from " SECTION 1. The manufacture, sale, or transportation of alco Georgia [Mr. GEORGE] and the Senator from Louisiana [Mr. holic liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exporta.- LXXIX--61 962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE JANUARY 25 tion thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the Whereas, due to the prolonged and unusual drought, many of Jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited. the forest plantings of the original settlers have perished: Now, "SEc. 2. The Congress and the several States shall have concur therefore, be it rent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Resolved by the Senate of the State of South Dakota (the hm.LSe · " SEC. 3. The twenty-first amendment to the Constitution is of representatives concurring), That we respectfully urge the Con hereby repealed." gress of the United States to enact the proper legislation necessary to carry the President's shelter-belt plan into effect; and be it Senate Joint Resolution 45 further Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate Is directed to supply Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of copies of this resolution to each of the Senators and Representa the United States relating to intoxicating liquors tives in Congress from this State. Resolved. by the Senate and. Hm.LSe of Representatives of the RoBERT PETERSON, ·United. States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of President of the Senate. House ~TTing therein), That the following amendment to w. J. MATSON, the Constitution be, and hereby is, proposed to the States, to Secretary of the Senate. become valid as a part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of the se~eral States as provided by the Constitution: Mr. SHIPSTEAD presented the following concurrent reso "ARTICLE - lution adopted by the House of Representatives of the State "SECTION 1. Congress shall have power to prohibit the manufac of Minnesota, which was referred to the Committee on For ture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic liquors within, the im eign Relations: portation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United House File No. 83 States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes and to enforce such prohibition by appropriate Concurrent. re~olution memorializing .the Congress to enact legis legislation. lation to protect American industry and the employees thereof " SEc. 2. In the event of legislation by Congress to carry out this against cheap foreign labor and products article the States shall have power to prohibit the manufacture, Whereas the State of Minnesota and the city of Cloquet are di sale, or transportation of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes rectly interested in the manufacture of matches through the em within their respective areas or to enact legislation in aid of that ployment of several hundred persons in that city in this industry, enacted by Congress to carry out this article. In the absence of and through several hundred farmers of Carlton, St. Louis, Lake, legislation by Congress to carry out this article, the power to pro Itasca, Cook, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Cass, Koochiching, and Pine )libit the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic liquors Counties; and · - for beverage purposes within their respective areas is reserved to Whereas there is now pending before the President of the United the several States.