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The Georgia Advocate Placement Edition

University of Georgia School of Law

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The Georgia Advocate Placement Edition

Summer 1973 Vol. 9 No. 2

Published by The University of Georgia Law School Association

This placement directory is designed to introduce to you the 1974 graduating class of the University of Georgia School of Law. Our faculty and alumni take pride in all these graduates and recommend them to you as individuals who are prepared to assume re- sponsible positions in the legal community. We welcome your inquiries about our placement program, encourage you to post your employment The present senior class entered the Georgia needs with us, and invite you to visit the University Law School in the fall of 1971 with an average un- of Georgia campus and make use of our interview dergraduate grade point average of 2.97 and an facilities at the Law School. average Law School Admission Test score of 587. The 216 third-year students were selected for law school admission from among 1288 applicants.

As you can see, the 1974 graduate was well qualified when he or she entered the J.D. degree f~2~ program, and the completion of three years of com- J. Ralph Beaird prehensive studies has confirmed our confidence in Acting Dean each graduate's ability to succeed in some field of the law. This comprehensive program of study in- cludes a carefully planned and executed curriculum, instruction under professional legal educators who are nationally-known for competency in their fields of instruction, and opportunities to participate in ,(fU::::L.:n clinical programs of prosecution and legal aid, legal 1~ writing for publication and trial preparation. Director of Placement

1 Academic Calendar

Fall Quarter, 1973

) September 19 Classes begin.

November 21-25 Thanksgiving recess.

November 30 Classes end.

December 3-7 Examinations. The University December 10 of Georgia Christmas vacation begins. School of Law Winter Quarter, 1974 January 3 Classes begin. History: Established in 1859 as Joseph H. Lumpkin School of Law; second oldest unit of the University March 13 of Georgia's 13 schools and colleges. Classes end.

Enrollment: 657 (1972-73) March 14-19 Physical plant: Stately Hirsch Hall on the University's Examinations. North Campus was constructed for the School of Law in 1932. A 2.75 million dollar addition to Spring Quarter, 1974 this building was completed in 1967. The new law complex provides seven times the space formerly available to the School. Ten classrooms and semi- March 26 nar halls, faculty offices, library, courtroom, stu- Classes begin. dent lounges, conference rooms and administrative offices are the facilities for a professional school which administers its own admissions, registration, June 3 and placement services. Classes end.

Law Library: The Law Library shelves more than June 4-8 200,000 volumes of legal research material. In terms of volume count, it is the 17th largest among Examinations. the nation's 147 law libraries. June 12 Alumni: 2647 living law graduates. Graduation.

2 employment opportumtles and applicant specifica- tions. Approximately one week before your scheduled visit, you will receive the data sheets on those students who are interested in discussing opportunities with you.

Placement Procedures

The placement office makes a careful effort to establish contact between prospective employers and students whose interests are compatible with the type of work and the location involved. These contacts with students may be made through personal inter- views at the law school or by mail. We are prepared to assist you in filling your needs for permanent em- ployment and for summer clerkships.

There are various ways to accomplish law school placement, and we feel that the two best methods are either interviewing at the law school or recruiting by mail and establishing subsequent interviews at the office of the employer.

Most employers who wish to interview our stu- dents prefer to visit the law school during the Fall Quarter and before the Christmas recess which be- gins December 10. Interviews may be scheduled Mon- day through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and, if necessary, on Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Unless otherwise re- If you are unable to come to Athens for per- quested, interviews are scheduled in twenty-minute sonal interviews, we will be glad to inform students periods. We discourage interview sessions immediately of your employment needs via the placement bulletin proceeding end-of-quarter examinations. board. Data sheets of interested candidates can be sent to you from the placement office, or you may If you desire to arrange interviews at the law seek direct application from the student. school, please contact us as early as possible so we can reserve a date which is convenient for you. In- Please direct inquiries to: Director of Place- dicate your interest in interviewing second or third ment, School of Law; University of Georgia; Athens, year students and provide information about your Georgia 30602; telephone: area code 404 542-2511.

3 The Georgia Journal annually publishes two issues and two supplements. Each issue has contained Law School guest-written articles by internationally-known jurists, United Nations legal personnel, or U.S. Department of State officials. In addition to student notes and Journals recent decisions, the Georgia Journal carries a book review section. Of special interest is the publication's coverage Georgia Law Review of the 1973 Law Day Conference on Problems and Prospects of Trade with China and Eastern Europe, First issued in 1966, the Georgia Law Review is which was jointly sponsored by the University of now an established legal periodical published four Georgia School of Law and the American Bar As- times a year with a national circulation of 2000. sociation's Section on International Law. The publication is directed by a Managing Board consisting of the editor-in-chief, executive editor, man- aging editor, and eight specialized editors. The Edi- torial Board of the Georgia Law Review incorporates Moot Court 33 writers and researchers into the publication. Editorial positions are limited to students of top academic rank who have demonstrated outstanding Program scholastic ability. Each member of the staff is re- quired to contribute extensive research, original com- position and editorial review in the preparation of each issue, which contains two notes, two recent decisions, and comments. Competitions As a service to the legal profession, the Review The Georgia Moot Court program provides an presents the results of scientific study and scholarly opportunity for training in the principles of oral and investigation of legal problems. Each summer issue written advocacy. The Georgia Moot Court Board is devoted to the annual Labor Relations Institute annually sponsors two intraschool competitions. Dur- held in Atlanta the previous spring. ing spring quarter of their first year, individual stu- The Review's additional focus in upcoming dents are permitted to enter the Richard B. Russell issues is the area of special projects. Editorial Board Moot Court Competition by writing and arguing an members recently completed an empirical survey of appellate brief. By preparing and arguing a more disciplinary procedures in relation to due process complex brief, all second and third year students are rights of Georgia prisoners. eligible to enter, in teams of two individuals, the Law Day competition. After numerous preliminary rounds, the finals of both competitions are held on Law Day Georgia Journal before distinguished panels of trial and appellate judges. In addition to these competitions, all second and of International third year students are eligible to try out for various interschool competitions. The Law School annually sponsors teams for the Intrastate Competition which and Comparative Law is sponsored by the Younger Lawyers Section of the State Bar of Georgia, the Phillip C. Jessup Interna- The Georgia Law School has gained an increas- tional Law Competition, and the Southern Intercol- ingly widespread reputation as a center for studies legiate Competition. in international law. The Georgia Journal, established The Law School also sponsors a team to the in 1969, provides a review of recent literature and National Moot Court Competition. developments in this field as well as the publication of At the close of their second year, individuals in depth studies by prominent international scholars. with demonstrated ability are invited to join the The publication is entirely student-edited. Its Georgia Moot Court Board. Under the direction of managing board is comprised of 12 editors and five the Moot Court Executive Committee, composed of associate editors. The editor-in-chief and two execu- a student chairman and vice-chairmen for each of tive editors direct the 18-member Editorial Board, the competitions, board members assist and counsel which is selected from student applicants who have team members, organize and administer the intra- displayed literary ability during a tryout program school competitions, and serve as judges for the pre- held in early fall. liminary rounds of the competitions. 4 Clinical Prosecutorial Clinic Practical education in criminal procedure from the prosecution's point of view is a benefit of the Education Prosecutorial Clinic. Second and third year students have the opportunity to develop investigory and trial Programs skills through assisting local prosecutors in the Mag- istrate's Court, Superior Court, and State Court of Clarke County. Under the supervision of the clinic director, who is a faculty member as well as assistant district at- torney of Clarke County, students investigate felony charges through witness and police interviews, con- duct ensuing commitment and various pre-trial hear- ings, draw up warrants and indictments, and prepare appellate briefs. Clinic membership is limited to 20 students per law school class. These students are selected through a try-out program at the beginning of the second year of law studies. Members can earn up to six quarter hours of academic credit through satisfactory par- ticipation. More than 120 cases were prepared by Legal Aid and Defender Society clinic members during the first six months of 1973. Second and third year students in good academic standing who have expressed an interest in criminal practice are eligible for membership in the Georgia Legal Aid and Defender Society. There, under the supervision of a practicing attorney who is also a member of the faculty, they assist indigent persons who are accused of crime or who are experiencing other legal difficulties by counseling, investigating, Student preparing legal documents, and performing all essen- tial preparations for trial. Since the fall of 1967, through authority of an act of the Georgia General Government Assembly, third year students certified as qualified by the Dean have been permitted to try cases in local courts. The Legal Aid Program offers three hours aca- demic credit for a quarter's work of six hours a week. A subsidiary of the Legal Aid and Defender Student Bar Association Society is the Prisoner Legal Counseling Project. This project sponsors quarter internships in legal as- The entire student enrollment comprises the sistance at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Student Bar Association. Through elected officers Center in Jackson, Georgia. and a Board of Governors, the SBA coordinates stu- Law student interns, under supervision of an dent-faculty liaison activities and student services. For experienced attorney, counsel adult male felons who example, the Student Bar Association recently con- are initially sent to the Diagnostic Center before be- ducted extensive studies of curriculum problems and ing transferred to correctional institutions throughout will offer ideas on curriculum development based on the state. The project seeks to assist prisoners in the student polls. A recent instructor evaluation project solution of both personal legal problems and those was initiated to help students and professors identify residual problems connected with their convictions, strong and weak areas in teaching performance. as these initial legal difficulties tend to impede re- Social activities sponsored by the SBA include habilitation. the traditional Barrister's Ball, Libel Party, Law Day During 1972-73 the Legal Aid and Defender reception and orientation parties. Society handled more than 500 civil cases and 380 The Georgia Law School Student Bar Associa- criminal cases. The Prisoner Counseling project con- tion is very active on a national level in the Law ducted more than 1800 inmate interviews. Student Division of the American Bar Association.

5 The University of Georgia School of Law Administrative Faculty

J. RALPH BEAIRD, Acting Dean JAMES W. CURTIS, Director, SAMUEL M. DAVIS, Assistant Dean Continuing Legal Education SEWELL M. BRUMBY, Law Librarian R'OBERT C. KATES, Director, Special Studies FRANK G. P'OLSTER, JR., Registrar R'OBERT D. PECKHAM, Director, L. W'O'ODR'OWC'ONE, Director of Admissions Legal Aid and Defender Society GWEND'OLYN L. YAWN, Assistant to Dean. B. TH'OMAS C'O'OK, JR., Director, Director of Placement Prosecutorial Clinic

Instructional Faculty

JAMES RALPH BEAIRD, Professor J'OHN BART'OW REES, JR., Professor B.S., University of Alabama, 1949 B.A., Hobart College, 1954 LL.B., University of Alabama, 1951 LL.B., University of Virginia, 1957 LL.M., George Washington University, 1953 CHARLES BASKERVILLE R'OBS'ON, JR., MICHAEL B'OTEIN, Assistant Professor Assistant Professor B.A., Wesleyan University, 1966 B.A, Yale University, 1961 J.D., Cornell, 1969 LL.B., University of North Carolina, 1966 LL.M., , 1972 DEAN RUSK, Samuel H. Sibley Professor of International VERNER FRANKLIN CHAFFIN, Callaway Foundation Law Professor of Law A.B., Davidson College, 1931 A.B.,University of Georgia, 1939 B.S., St. John's 'Oxford, 1933 LL.B., University of Georgia, 1942 M.A, St. John's 'Oxford, 1934 J.S.D., Yale University, 1961 CHARLES LUNSF'ORD SAUNDERS, JR., Professor SAMUEL M. DAVIS, Associate Professor B.S., University of , 1952 B.A., University of Southern Mississippi, 1966 LL.B., University of Virginia, 1958 J.D., University of Mississippi, 1969 R'OBERT PERRY SENTELL, JR., Professor LL.M., University of Virginia, 1970 A.B., University of Georgia, 1956 J'OE T'OM EASLEY, Assistant Professor LL.B., University of Georgia, 1958 AB., Texas A&M University, 1963 LL.M., Harvard, 1961 J.D., University of Texas, 1971 IRA B. SHEPARD, Assistant Professor C. R'ONALD ELLlNGT'ON, Associate Professor A.B., Harvard, 1958 A.B., Emory University, 1963 LL.B., Harvard, 1964 LL.B., University of Virginia, 1966 D'ONALD ENGENE WILKES, JR., Assistant Professor PAUL PETER HARBRECHT, Professor B.A, University of Florida, 1965 A.B., Loyola University, 1945 J.D., University of Florida, 1969 LL.B., , 1950 GABRIEL M. WILNER, Associate Professor SJ.D., Columbia University, 1958 A.B., WiIlialllj and Mary, 1959 R'OBERT NELS'ON LEAVELL, Professor D.P.A, University of Exeter, 1960 B.A, University of Mississippi, 1948 LL.B., Columbia, 1963 LL.B., Yale University, 1951 LL.M., Columbia, 1965 WAYNE McC'ORMACK, Assistant Professor B.A, Stanford University, 1966 J.D., University of Texas, 1969 SUSAN E. McD'ONALD, Assistant Professor Visiting Faculty B.A., University of North Carolina, 1966 VAUGHN C. BALL, Visiting Professor J.D., University of North Carolina, 1968 AB., Washington University, 1947 JULIAN B. McDONNELL, Assistant Professor LL.B., Washington University, 1937 B.S., Spring Hill College, 1963 ALLlS'ON DUNHAM, Visiting Professor LL.B., University of Virginia, 1966 A.B., Yankton College, 1936; LL.B., Columbia, 1939 CHARLES R. McMANIS, Assistant Professor RAY F'ORRESTER Visiting Professor A.B., Birmingham-Southern College, 1964 A.B., Chicago, 1933; J.D., Chicago, 1936 M.A, Duke University, 1972 RICHARD V. WELLMAN, Robert Cotton Alston Professor J.D., Duke University, 1972 of Law J'OHN FRANCIS TH'OMAS MURRAY, Professor A.B., University of Michigan, 1947; J.D., University of B.S., U.S. Military Academy, 1941 Michigan, 1949 J.D., Harvard, 1951 M.A., George Washington University, 1961 WALTER RAY PHILLIPS, Professorm Part-Time Faculty AB., University of North Carolina, 1954 LL.B., Emory University, 1957 NICK'OLAS PETER CHILIVIS, Instructor LL.M., Emory University, 1962 LL.B., University of Georgia, 1953 MACK ALLEN PLAYER, Associate Professor EDWIN BUGG F'ORTS'ON, Instructor A.B., Drury College, 1963 LL.B., University of Georgia, 1938 J.D., University of Missouri, 1965 R'OBERT D. PECKHAM, Instructor LL.M., George Washington University, 1972 B.S., U.S. Military Academy, 1947; LL.B., Harvard, 1955

6 James Miller Aaron, J r. Dalton, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. ClIIll laude in Accounting, University of Georgia, 1971. M.B.A. in Finance, Georgia State University, 1973; passed C.P.A. examination November, 1970; ; Dean's List; Honors Program. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: ; Beta (honorary organization in accounting); (honorary organization in business); . LAW SCHOOL: Phi ; Dean's List; Student Advocacy Club. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Arthur Andersen and Company, Atlanta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Taxation or general business practice. MILITARY STATUS: 1-H

William Anthony Aileo Carbondale, Pennsylvania. Age 26. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S., Military Academy, 1969. AVTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Student Council on U.S. Affairs; Debate Council and Forum; National Science Foundation Finalist; Public Relations Council. LAW SCHOOL: 1973-74 Editor-in-Chief, Georgia Journal of international and Com- parative Law; President, Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; Cer- tificate, The Hague Academy of International Law; Moot Court General Board; Mock Law Office Competition. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: High school substitute teacher; Intern, International Security Affairs Section, U.S. Department of Defense; U.S. Army duty in U.S., Panama and Germany (Captain, Armor/JAGC). DATE OF AVAILABILITY: Pending Military. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Four year commitment, U.S. Army.

William Morgan Akin Cartersville, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in English, Emory University, 1971, Kappa. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: National Merit Scholar; , corresponding and recording secretary; Upsilon (lower division scholastic honorary); Distinguished AFROTC Graduate; ; 12th in graduating class. LAW SCHOOL: Vassar Woolley Scholarship recipient; Georgia Law Review-Articles Editor, 1973-74; Moot Court General Board; Dean's List; first year class rank: 4th. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Warren Akin, Attorney (father), Cartersville, Georgia, sum- mer work; research assistant, Assistant Dean C. Ronald Ellington, School of Law, University of Georgia, summer 1972. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Currently on educational delay; possible four year commitment to USAF upon graduation.

James Bryant Alexander Covington, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S .in Industrial Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Alpha . LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EM PLOYMENT: Covington Jewelry Co., Manager, March-September, 1971; Georgia Institute of Technology, Student Assistant Professor (M ilitary Science Depart- ment), September I970-June, 197 I. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, real estate. commercial law. MILITARY STATUS: Active reserve officer.

7 Walter Carlton Alford Tucker, Georgia. Age 24. Married.

SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Finance, University of Georgia, IlJ70, Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND

HONORS: Phi Eta Sigma, Beta Gamma Sigma.

LAW SCHOOL: President, Prosecutorial Clinic; Gl'oruia Law Rl'vi/:'w; Dean's List.

PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Alford and Hamilton, Tucker, Georgia.


CAREER PLANS: Taxation, litigation, trusts and estates.

MILITARY STATUS: Georgia National Guard.

) Victor McEver Baird Braselton/Hoschton, Georgia. Age 2lJ. Married, two children. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Attended Berry College, 1961-1%3; B.S. in Mathematics, University of Georgia, 1965; attended University of Texas, 1966-67. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Berry College: freshman basketball; varsity tennis; Syrreb Literary Society; Blue Dolphin Swim Club. University of Georgia: Dean's List. University of Texas: Pi ; officer, American Meteorological Society; Honor Roll. LA W SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Captain, U.S. Air Force, Air Weather Service, 1966-1970. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Robert Andrew Barnaby II Decatur, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: United States Military Academy; Indiana University; AB. magna cum laud/:' in History, University of Georgia, 1971, ; Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Rugby Football Club. LAW SCHOOL: 1973 Intrastate Moot COlift Team (Best Brief); 1973-74 Moot Court Editorial Board; Prosecutorial Clinic; The Student Legal Counseling Service; Legal Research Instructor. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer Intern, District Attorneys Association, Brunswick Judicial Circuit (1973); Sagamore Community Club, Decatur, Georgia, Manager (1972); Assistant to the Placement Director, University of Georgia School of Law. DATE OF A V AILABILITY: August, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Obligation completed.

Edward Henry Baxter, Jr. Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Married.

SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Management, University of Georgia, I n I. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Four Year track grant-in-aid; Track four years; Captain, 197 I; Phi Gamma Delta.

LAW SCHOOL: ; Student Legal Counseling Service.

PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Social Security Administration (summer), Allstate Insurance Company, Atlanta (summer); Gulf Oil Company, Atlanta (three summers); Fred Harvey, Inc., Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (summer).



8 Jerry W. Baxter Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Finance, University of Georgia, 1971. LAW SCHOOL: Student Legal Counseling Service. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Solicitor General's Office, Fulton County (summer, 1973); Atlanta Board of Education, Skylake Project (summer, 1971). DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: I-H.

Rosa Farley Beatty Macon, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Biology, Birmingham Southern College, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Sorority, President; Membership Chairman, Panhellenic Council; Epsilon sweetheart; Southern Accent staff. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: First National Bank & Trust Company, Macon, Georgia; Student research assistant, Dr. Verner Chaffin, University of Georgia School of Law. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: N/ A.

Bruce Harvey Beerman Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.M.E. in Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Engineering honorary fraternity; rush chairman, ; varsity track; freshman cross country; Bulldog Club; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Law Review - Notes Editor, 1973-74; Recipient of Law School Association's award for highest average in first-year class; Moot Court General Board; Phi Delta Phi; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Judge Luther Alverson, Fulton County Superior Court, Atlanta (summer, 1972); Summer clerk, Smith, Cohen, Ringel, Kohler, Martin and Lowe, Atlanta (summer, 1973). DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

William Tarpley Bennett III Age 27. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. with departmental honors in History, Haverford College, 1967. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Board, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; Legal Aid and Defender Society; ; Student Advocacy Club. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer Intern, Congressman Robert Stephens, 1963; Sum- mer Intern, Georgia State Board of Industry and Trade, 1973; Instructor, Dominican American Institute, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 1964; , 1967-1971. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Obligation completed.

9 T David E. Betts Atlanta, Georgia. Age 26. Married. I SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in English Literature, St. Andrews Presbyterian College, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Student Body President, 1968-69; Student Government Treasurer, 1966-68; North Carolina Chairman of the Southern Universities' Student Government Associa- tion, 1968-69; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Student Editorial Board of the Georgia State Bar Journal; Published Comment, Tant v. State, Possession of Marijuana and Georgia's Appellate Process: A Call For Additional Reform, Georgia State Bar Journal, May 1973; Oralist, 1973 In- trastate Moot Court Team (co-author best brief); Moot Court General Board; Prosecu- torial Clinic; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Army, 1969-71. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Trial or appellate work. MILITARY STATUS: Obligation completed.

Barry W. Bishop Canton, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Finance, University of Georgia, 1969, Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Top 10 per cent of class. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Finalist, 1973 C & S National Bank Will Contest; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Legal clerk, United States Army; Juvenile Court service worker, State of Georgia; Law Clerk for Stanley Durden, Athens, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Tax, trust and estates; practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

William Paul Bishop Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in English, University of Virginia, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Secretary, University Student Council; Distinguished Military Graduate; Virginia Rugby Club; Inter-Fraternity Council; Cheerleader; Phi . LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Board, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; President, Legal Aid and Defender Society; Secretary, Board of Governors, Stu- dent Bar Association; Honor Court Justice; Georgia Society of International and Com- parative Law; Moot Court General Board; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer jobs. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: U.S. Army Inactive Reserve.

Stephen Edwin Boswell Hogansville, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in History, University of Georgia, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Eta~ Sigma; Dean's List; Distinguished Military Graduate; Vice President, Scabbard and Blade. LAW SCHOOL: Student Advocacy Club; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: United States Army. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: General practice; small/medium size town. MILITARY STATUS: Obligation completed.

10 R. David Botts Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Finance, University of Georgia, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Top 10 per cent of class; Dean's List; Finance Club; Summer Stock-Brokerage Intern Pro gram. LAW SCHOOL: President of third-year class; Student Bar Association Board of Gov- ernors; Student Advocacy Club; Environmental Law Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Goodbody and Company; Western Electric Company; Licensed real estate salesman with Kennedy, Robinson, Kennedy Investment Company. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice and real estate; practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

Michael J. Bowers Decatur, Georgia. Age 31. Married, three children. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Engineering, United States Military Academy, 1963, Distinguished Graduate; M.S. in Industrial Engineering, Stanford University, 1965; M.B.A., University of Utah, 1970, Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: President, Debate Council and Forum; Nominated as Rhodes Scholar Candidate. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Officer, United States Air Force, 1963-70. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Georgia Air National Guard.

Jesse G. Bowles III Cuthbert, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Banking and Finance, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: President, Kappa Sigma. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Randolph Federal Savings and Loan, Cuthbert, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

William C. Bracken III Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, University of the South, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Order of Gownsmen; Secretary, ; Fraternity Executive Committee; Interfraternity Council, Secretary; Sewanee Purple staff; Student Sports information director; Arnold Air Society. LAW SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic; American Jurisprudence Award for top student in Family Law; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Atlanta Braves, Inc.; Atlanta Stadium Authority; Americana Hotel, Bal Harbour, Florida; Georgia District Attorney's Association. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. Dependent on any possible active military duty. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Air Force Reserve.

11 Charles L. Browne III Camilla, Georgia. Age 28. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Georgia Institute of Technology; Harvard University summer school; B.A. in History, Emory University, 1968. University of Exeter, summer 1972. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: United States Army; Edgartown Yacht Club, Edgartown, Massachusetts; Radio Station WCLB, Edgartown, Massachusetts. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Obligation completed.

John Pratt Bruner i Altanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. ! SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, Davidson College, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Omicron Delta Kappa; President, Interfraternity Council; Who's Who in American Col- leges and Universities; Varsity soccer; Epsilon, Dean's List; Distinguished Military Student; Dorm Counselor. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Student Advocacy Club; Georgia Society of Environ- mental Law; Phi Alpha Delta. PRIbR·EMPLOYMENT: Summer work: Fancy Foods, Inc., Atlanta; Baskin-Robbins, Atlanta. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: Dependent on military obligation. CAREER PLANS: General practice; prefers North Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: ROTC commission; uncertain whether three months or two years.

J. David Burroughs Danielsville. Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Oxford College of Emory University; B.A. in History, Emory University, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; ; Air Force ROTC. LAW SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Samuel Wolfe Calhoun Thomasville, Georgia. Age 23. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. cum laude in Government, Harvard College, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Harvard College Scholarship; Dean's List; Eliot House Committee; Glee Club (soloist). LAW SCHOOL: Notes Editor, Georgia Law Review; Note, Sherman Act Challenges to Shopping Center Leases: Restrictive Covenants as Restraints of Trade Under Section 1, 7 Georgia Law Review 311; Hughes Spalding Scholar; President, first year class; Stu- dent Legal Counseling Service; Quarter finalist, Russell Moot Court Competition; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: King and Spalding, Atlanta (summer, 1973); Altman and Fowler, Thomasville, Georgia (summer, 1972). DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice (particularly interested in litigation). MILITARY STATUS: I-A.

12 William Johnny Camp Bowdon, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Business Administration with high honor, Economics, Auburn University, 1971, Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Omicron Delta Kappa; ; Auburn Intercollegiate Debate Council; Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha, Debate Honorary; Outstanding graduate School of Business; Lambda Chi Alpha; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; President, Delta ; Commander, Scabbard and Blade; Distinguished Military Graduate. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Moot Court General Board; Secretary of Criminal Division, Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Tisinger and Tisinger, Carrollton, Georgia; Research assistant to Professor Paul Harbrecht, University of Georgia School of Law. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973, dependent on military commitment. CAREER PLANS: Real estate, trusts, and general practice. MILITARY STATUS: Officer, United States Air Force Reserves.

Thomas Joseph Campbell Atlanta, Georgia. Age 26. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Economics, Vanderbilt University, 1968. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: VUCEPT (freshman orientation program); Business Manager of Course Evaluation Program; Dean's List; Omega. LAW SCHOOL: Vice president of third year class; Board of Governors, Student Bar Association; Moot Court General Board; Moot Court, Southern Intercollegiate Com- petition; Quarter Finals of Russell Moot Court Competition; Student Advocacy Club; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Officer, United States Army; Customer Service Represen- tative, Gulf Oil Company. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Commercial. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Susan C. Chaires Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, Emory University, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: ; Kappa Delta Epsilon; Student Government Association, Atlanta League of Col- leges Committee; Resident Women's Association, dormitory president; Phoenix staff; Ad Hoc Productions. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Board, Georgia Law Review; Legal Aid and Defender So- ciety, Women Prisoner Project; Co-author, Equal Protection tor Juveniles: The Present Status of Sex-based Discrimination in Juvenile Court Laws, 7 Georgia Law Review, Spring 1973; Moot Court General Board; Phi Delta Phi; Student assistant, Law Library. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer Associate, Greene, Buckley, DeRieux and Jones, Atlanta, 1973; Georgia Project on Veterans' Educational Opportunities, Decatur, Georgia, 1972. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Litigation.

Thomas Michael Chambers Cleveland, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Industrial Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: , professional business fraternity; Beta Gamma Sigma, scholastic honorary fraternity; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973, dependent on military commitment. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Active duty delay to attend law school.

13 Leonard W. Childs, Jr. East Point, Georgia. Age 22. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. with honors in Industrial Management and Economics, Georgia Institute of Tech- nology, 1971, Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Beta Gamma Sigma (national business honorary); Society for the Advancement of Management; American Marketing Association; Circle K. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Student Advocacy Club; Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; Certificate, Hague Academy of International Law, 1973; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Citizens and Southern National Bank, management trainee; Eastman Kodak, marketing researcher. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. • CAREER PLANS: General corporate and business; government service. I MILITARY STATUS: I-H.

J. Samuel Choate, Jr. Augusta, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. cum laude in History, University of Georgia, 1971, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Phi Alpha Theta (History honor society). LAW SCHOOL: First Runner-Up, 1973 C&S Will Drafting Contest; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Research assistant for Institute of Community and Area Development, University of Georgia; Summer law clerk, Maguire and Kilpatrick, Augusta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: July, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

John R. Cleveland Gainesville, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Finance, Emory University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Vice- president, activities chairman, Interfraternity Council; Emory University Traffic and Safety Committee; vice-president, Fraternity; Alpha Epsilon Upsilon. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Eugene W. Dabbs IV Sumter, SOlith Carolina. Age 24. Single. B.A. with honors in History, Emory University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Men's Residence Association Representative; Governor of Dormitory; Member of Dormitory Judiciary. LAW SCHOOL: Southern Moot Court Intercollegiate Team, Co-oralist on best team and cO'-author of best brief; Moot Court Executive Board; Vice-Chairman, Southern Moot Team; Quarter finalist in Russell Moot Court Competition; Student Advocacy Club; Prosecutoral Clinic.' PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Continental Publications, Inc., Atlanta; Hansell, Post, Bran- don and Dorsey, Atlanta, summer clerkship, 1972; Bouhan, Williams and Levy, Savan- nah, Georgia, summer clerkship, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: I-H.

14 Claude-Leonard Davis Washington, Georgia. Age 29. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in Public Relations and Advertising, University of Georgia, 1965. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: University of Georgia Undergraduate Scholarship; Dean's List; , executive council; Chi Psi Scholarship; Chi Psi Scholastic Excellence Award. LAW SCHOOL: Summer Editor, Projects Editor, and Editorial Board Member, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; Comment: Attorneys, Businessmen, and Propagandists - The For:eign Agents Registration Act of 1938, 3 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; Georgia Society of International and Compara- tive Law; American Society of International Law. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Radio, 1959-61; Real estate sales and management, 1962-66; U.S. Army, 1966--70: company commander, commercial liaison officer to U.S. and foreign businesses, special communications logistics officer for presidential communica- tions, Paris Peace Talks, SALT Talks; Small business consultant, 1970-71. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: January, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Interested in international business and government contracts. Lee Stallings Davis Newnan, Georgia. Age 26. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: , athletic chairman. LAW SCHOOL: Student Advocacy Club. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: American Can Company, 1966; Peacock Construction Com- pany, 1967; Desk clerk, University Hotel Court, Athens, 1969. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Property, domestic relations. MILITARY STATUS: U.S. Marine Corps Air Reserve, active duty completed.

William O'Neal Dettmering, Jr. Fayetteville, Georgia. Age 24. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Davidson College, 1966-67; B.S. in Physical Education and Biology, Auburn University, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Freshman football; freshman baseball; varsity football; Second Team All Southeastern Conference; Academic All Southeastern Con- ference; "A" Club; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Kappa Alpha; (honorary education society); Outstanding College Athletes of America. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Teacher, East Clayton Elementary School, Ellenwood, Georgia; Graduate Assistantship with the Police Science Division of The Institute of Government, University of Georgia; Editor, G.AC.P. Newsletter. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Property, trusts and estates, commercial law. MILITARY STATUS: I-H.

William Allen Dowell Savannah, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Mercer University; B.S. in Political Science, Armstrong State College, 1970. ACTIV- ITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Department of Family and Children Services, Savannah, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Environmental law, preferably in Savannah, Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Georgia National Guard.

15 Jonathan Bryant Durham, Jr. Rome, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. cum laude in History and Political Science, Mercer University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Outstanding freshman and sophomore ROTC cadet; academic scholar- ships; Pre-Law Club; fraternity secretary and treasurer; Summer study of French at Institute De Touraine, Tours, France. LAW SCHOOL: Special Projects Editor, Georgia Journal of International and Com- parative Law; Treasurer, Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; Voting delegate of Georgia delegation for student division, American Society of Intern~~ional; Treasurer of ABA-sponsored Law Day East-West Trade Conference; Certificate, Hague Academy of International Law; Grant for summer study at Hague; Brussels Common Market Study. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Baptist Church youth directory; Clerk, Belk Stores. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: September, 1974. CAREER PLANS: International Law. MILITARY STATUS: Three months or two year ROTC commitment.

James Sewell Elliott, Jr. Macon, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, Tulane University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Kappa Alpha, parliamentarian; golf team. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Washburn Moving and Storage Company, Macon (four summers); Sell, Comer and Popper, Macon (summer, 1972, title work and legal re- search); James S. Elliott, Macon (Christmas, 1972, law clerk). DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Civil law (business). MILITARY STATUS: U.S. Army (active duty deferred until completion of law school).

Steve K. Fain Royston, Georgia. Age 28. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Georgia Institute of Technology; B.S. in Mathematics, University of Georgia, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: President, pledge class, ; Top 30% of graduating class; Recipient AFROTC Scholarship; Elected member of Georgia In- stitute of Technology Dormitory Council; University of Georgia Young Democrats. LAW SCHOOL: Secretary, Phi Delta Phi; Student Advocacy Club; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Law School Civil Rights Research Council; Environmental Law Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law Clerk, Ray B. Burruss, Jr., Royston, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Inactive reserves.

John J. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Cheltenham, Pennsylvania. Age 30. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Modern Languages, Villanova University, 1965. cum laude. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Delta Epsilon Sigma, national Catholic honor society; president, Villanova History Club; Intensive French course, Laval University, Quebec, Canada (1962); Intensive Russian Course, Indiana University (1965). LAW SCHOOL: Executive editor, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law. Co-author, commentary, Blocked Assets and Private ClaimlS-The Initial Barrier to Trade Negotiations Between the United States and China 3 Georgia Journal (1973); Best team, Law Day Moot Court competition; Secretary-treasurer, Georgia Society of International Law; The Hague Academy of IInternational Law, summer, 1972. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Morgan, Lewis and Backius, Philadelphia, Pa., summer, 1973; captain, U.S. Marine Corps, 1966-1971, fixed-wing tactical jet pilot. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Civil, criminal and constitutional litigation. MILITARY STATUS: 4-A.

16 Daniel M. Formby Rome, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Economics, University of Georgia, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Vice president, . LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi; Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Pepperell Manufacturing Company. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Jim Marshall Foss Rome, Georgia. Age 29. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, University of Virginia, 1970, Phi Beta Kappa. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: DuPont Scholarship; Echols Scholar; Phi Eta Sigma; Intermediate Honors. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Celanese Fibers Company, Rome, Georgia; Floyd County Board of Education, Rome, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: l-Y.

Frances Russell Furlow Winter Haven, Florida. Age 44. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in English, Florida State University, 1951, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi; M.A., Presbyterian School of Christian Education, 1956. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Honorary fraternities in English, Latin, Journalism, and Music Education. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; Legal Aid and Defender Society, Women's Prison Project. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: 1974 Legislative Intern, Georgia General Assembly; As- sociate Editor, Presbyterian Survey, official magazine of the Presbyterian Church, United States, 1956-1971; Teacher, English and Latin, Lakeland Senior High School, Lakeland, Florida, 1951-1954. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: N/A.

James L. Gale Alexander City, Alabama. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Literature, Florida Presbyterian College, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Student Government; student newspaper staff; dormitory president, 1968-69. LAW SCHOOL: Semi-finalist, Richard Russell Oral Competition; Editorial board, Georgia Law Review, Developments Editor, 1973-74; class rank-6th in 1st year class; Moot Court General Board; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Personal injury adjuster, State Farm Insurance Companies, Atlanta, 1969-71; Office of Special Studies, University of Georgia Law School, summer 1972; summer clerk with Huie, Brown and Ide, Atlanta, summer 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in major city. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

17 Steven P. Gilliam Decatur, Georgia. Age 24. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: RRA. in Economics, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Alpha Tau Omega; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Secretary, Legal Aid ond Defender Society; Model Cities Legal Aid; Phi Delta Phi; Student Advocacy Club; Oralist, Intrastate Moot Court Competition; Intramural director for Law School athletics; Law School Curriculum Committee; Moot Court General Board. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer associate, Smith, Smith and Frost, Gainesville, Georgia; Research Assistant for Professor Roger Groot, University of Georgia School of Law. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

Donald J. Gilmore, Jr. Savannah, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.RA. in Banking and Finance, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; Minister to Business and Finance, Student Government Association, 1970-71; Member, Student Allocations Committee, Student Government Association, 1970-71; Vice-President responsible for Programs, University Union, 1969-70; Entertainment Division Coordinator, University Union, 1968-69, most outstanding division coordinator; Omicron Delta Kappa, 1969; X Club (Leadership Honorary); Phi Eta Sigma. LAW SCHOOL: American Bar Association, Law Student Division; Environmental Law Society, University of Georgia Law School, Vice-President, 1973-74; Society of International and Comparative Law, University of Georgia Law School, 1972-74. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: Contingent on completion of military obligation. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Four year obligation, United States Air Force.

T. Brian Glass Atlanta, Georgia. Age 28. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.RA. in Marketing, Georgia State University, 1971; Master of Business Administration, University of Georgia Graduate School of Business, August 1974. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's Key, Georgia State University. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Assistant, Developments in Corporate Banking, and Securities Law, sectional publication of the State Bar of Georgia, Publication: Georgia's New Blue Sky Law, a Comparison and Contract. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Lipshutz, Macey, Zusmann and Sikes, Attorneys, Atlanta, Georgia, five years paralegal service in commercial department; President, Parapro- fessional Services, Inc., dl bl a Legal Services, Atlanta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: August, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Corporate law and taxation in large city. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

John Alan Goren Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: RS. in Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Finance, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; William I. Mirkil Real Estate Thesis Award, 1971 and 1969; Student Government Finance and Appropriations Commission; newspaper business department. LAW SCHOOL: Notes Editor, Georgia Law Review, 1973-74; Dean's List; Editorial Board of Georgia Law Review; International Law Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Jenkins, Spradley and Gilchrist, Dallas, Texas, Summer As- sociate, 1973; Blackwell Brogden, Attorney, Durham, North Carolina, summer 1972. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

18 John Acklin Gram Dunedin, Florida. Age 27. Married, one child SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Economics, University of Tampa, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Ulema Scholastic Honorary Society, University of Tampa; Sports Information Director, Central College, Della, Florida; residence house president. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List, summer 1972; SBA award: Most improved average, 2d year over 1st year. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: January, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Mark A. Guza Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in English Literature, Emory University, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law clerk, Greene, Smith and Traver, Marietta, Georgia (summer, 1973); Research assistant, Urban Observatory, Atlanta; Clerk, Internal Revenue Service, Chamblee, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: I-H.

Michael C. Hall Hampton, Georgia. Age 28. Married, two children. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History and Accounting, Emory University, 1964. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: fraternity, treasurer; Varsity wrestling; Varsity soccer; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Combined Law/Business program, will earn both J.D. and Master of Accountancy; Student Legal Counseling Service. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Navy (three years); Lawn-a-Mat of Middle Georgia, Inc. (owner-operator two years); Atlanta Braves, Inc. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Taxation and trusts, Southeast U.S. MILITARY STATUS: USNR (inactive).

Christopher James Hamilton San Diego, California. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in History and Sociology, cum laude, Pasadena College, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: President, fraternity; Editor, P'CINIAN (student news- paper); President, Internationalist Society; Director, Office of Student-Community Relations; Member, Pasadena Commission on Human Needs and Opportunities; Mem- ber, Sigma Honors Society; Co-ordinator, City of Pasadena Educational Clear- ing House; Recipient, Lindberg Citizenship Award, 1966; Recipient, President's Scholarship, 1968-70. LAW SCHOOL: Vice-President, Legal Aid and Defender Society; Participant, Moot Court Competition. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Twentieth Century Fox Studios, Inc., auditor, 1969-70; Los Angeles County Probation Department, Probation Officer, 1970-71. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June 10, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Real estate and labor law; Atlanta. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

19 Clint Harkins Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: University of Pittsburgh; B.B.A. in Accounting and Marketing, University of Georgia, 1971. AVTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Varsity golf team; Interfraternity Council, Vice-President. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defenders Society; International Law Society, Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Giant Eagle Supermarkets; U.S. Steel; Delta Airlines; University of Georgia; Holcomb-McDuff, law firm. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Undecided; location: Georgia or North Carolina. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Alton Garrett Hartley Avondale Estates, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.LE. in Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Order of Omega; fraternity, rush chairman, vice- president; Inter-Fraternity Council; Executive Roundtable; B-Team baseball. LAW SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Ledbetter Construction Co., summer 1966; Sears, Roebuck and Company, summer 1967; Georgia Power Company, summers 1968 & 70; City of Atlanta, Model Cities Project, summers 1971 & 72; Intern, Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit, Columbus, Georgia, summer 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Undecided. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Edward Lynn Hartness Marietta, Georgia. Age 23. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Risk Management and Insurance, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Vice-President, Milledge Hall; Freshmen Men's Council; Treasurer, Circle K; Interfraternity Council; President, Fraternity; Honors Program; Insurance Society. LAW SCHOOL: Law Day competition; Moot Court. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York; Hartford Insurance Group, Atlanta Regional Office (summer work). DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Undecided.

Sarah L. Hathaway Villa Park, Illinois. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Business Administration, Elmhurst College, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Peace Corps Volunteer, Ethiopia; Assistant to Manager of International Shipping, The Meyercord Co., Carol Stream, Illinois. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: International business transactions in Wisconsin, Minnesota or Illinois.

20 J. Stanley Hawkins Lithonia, Georgia. Age 24. Single. B.A. cum laude in Economics, Florida State University, 1971 Phi Beta Kappa. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Graduate with 3.55 grade point average; Atlanta Alumni Scholarship; Davidson Foundation Scholarship; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Coun- cil; Gold Key Leadership Honorary; Omicron Delta Kappa; Order of Omega Fra- ternity Leadership Honorary; Who's Who Among American Fraternities and Sorori- ties; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; F.S.U. Hall of Fame; Lamda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Executive Committee, President, 1970-71; Interfraternity Council, Representative, Judicial Board, Rush Chairman, President, 1969-70; Board of Student Publications; Student Coordinator of Alumni Affairs. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Georgia Law Review, Special Projects Editor. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, preferably Atlanta. 1 MITITARY STATUS: Exempt through lottery #293. .,I Edward C. Hay, Jr. Birmingham, Alabama. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Psychology, Davidson College, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Coslett Honor Scholarship; Student Tutoring Program; News Editor, student radio station; Environmental Protection Society. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Student Legal Counseling Service; Jackson Prison Project. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Office of Economic Opportunity, Birmingham, Alabama; Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Poverty law, criminal law, environmental law. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

John Atkins Henderson Calhoun, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Industrial Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1971. LAW SCHOOL: Moot Court General Board. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Fulton National Bank, Atlanta, computer programming, summer 1970; State Highway Department of Georgia, Atlanta, systems design, sum- mer 1971; Georgia Department of Transportation, Assistant to the Director, summer 1972; Mitchell, Mitchell, Coppedge and Boyett, Dalton, Georgia, summer associate 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Corporate law, taxation, general practice; Georgia preferred. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Fred Bryant Henry, Jr. LaFayette, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Oxford College of Emory University; B.B.A. in Finance, Emory University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Student Senate; Men's Dormitory Council; Circle K; College Conduct Committee; Air Force ROTC; Fraternity, athletic chairman. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer jobs. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: General practice, preferably in North Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Four year Air Force commitment. 21 John E. Hill Augusta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: RA. in Political Science, University of Virginia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Freshman basketball, varsity basketball; Dean's List; Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity; Atlantic Coast Conference Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Semi-finalist, Richard R Russell Competition; Legal Aid and De- fender Society; Co-Chairman, Student Legal Counseling Service; First place, 1973 C & S Will Drafting Contest. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Golf instructor, Pinehurst Golf School, Pinehurst, North Carolina, summer 1971; hotel clerk, Migis Lodge, South Casco, Maine, summer 1972; European tour leader, Osborne Tours, Atlanta, Georgia, summer 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. .. CAREER PLANS: Undecided. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Shelley Himel Palo Alto, California. Age 22. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: University of Georgia; A.B. in Spanish, magna cum laude, University of California, Los Angeles, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Spanish Honors Society; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid; Articles Editor, Georgia Journal of International and Comparitive Law; student representative to Forest Resources Section, Natural Re- sources Division, American Bar Association; Prisoner Legal Counselling Service. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Translator, office of Dr. Charles Lane, M.D., Beverly Hills, California. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Undecided.

Jackie Hinton Columbus, Georgia. Age 28. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Columbus College; LeGrange College; A.B. in History and Political Science, West Georgia College, 1966. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: 3.85 grade point average; , National Honors Fraternity for Social Sciences; Fraternity; legislative council; Circle K. LAW SCHOOL: Ninth in first year class; finalist in Richard R Russell Competition; Prosecutorial Clinic; President, Student Bar Association; Moot Court General Board; Editorial Staff, Georgia Law Review. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Teacher, American Government and American History, and coach, LaGrange High School, LaGrange, Georgia; summer intern, Chattahoochee- Flint Area Planning and Development Commission, 1972; Intern, Georgia Department of Law, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June 6, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Civil and criminal litigation. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Howell Hollis Columbus, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in English, University of Virginia, 1970. LAW SCHOOL: 1972 Intra-State Moot Court Team, co-author, Best Brief; 1972 Law Day Competition, co-author, Best Brief; Moot Court Board. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Hatcher, Stubbs, Land, Hollis, Rothschild, summer clerk, 1973; U.S. Army. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Undecided. MILITARY STATUS: U.S. Army Reserve, 2LT.

22 Murphy McNeill Holloway III Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Oxford College of Emory University; B.A. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List, Oxford College of Emory Uni- versity; Dean's List, University of Georgia; Kappa Alpha fraternity; (honorary fraternity in political science); Debate team; Varsity soccer, Oxford College. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Rich's, Inc.; Sanders, Hester, Holley, Askin and Dye, Attorneys, summer clerkship, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Member, Georgia Army National Guard.

John Turner Holt Thomasville, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honor society; Dean's List; Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, secretary; Political Science Honor Society; ROTC Honor Wreath, award for high grades, freshman year. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Alexander, Vann and Li\ly, Thomasvi\le, Georgia, summer clerk, 1972, 73. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Undecided; preferred location, Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Member, Georgia National Guard.

Stanley Curtis House Springfield, Virginia. Age 26. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in History, University of Georgia, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Alpha Theta, History honorary; Army ROTC; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Peoples Drug Stores, Inc., Washington, D.C.; Smith-May- flower Moving and Storage, Alexandria, Virginia; North Virginia Roofing Co., Alex- andria, Virginia; Willis-VanMetre Construction Company, Alexandria, Virginia; South- land Corporation, Springfield, Virginia; University of Georgia; LT, U.S. Army, Infantry, 1969-71; summer intern, District Attorney's Office, Tifton, Georgia, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, Southeast U.S. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Stephen L. Ivie Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Finance, minor in Accounting, Florida State University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Football (scholarship); Dean's List, ten of twelve quarters. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi; Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Rewrote, edited, and codified the Municipal Code of Madison, Georgia, summer 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Tax, real estate, and corporate law, Southern U.S. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

23 David George Jeffords III Sylvester, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.RA. in Accounting, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Kappa Phi; ; Beta Gamma Sigma. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Philip J. Johnson Phenix City, Alabama. Age 25. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, Huntingdon College, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Interna- tional Relations Club, History honorary. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Phi Delta Phi; Advocacy Club. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Army. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Edwin Epes Jones III Charlotte, North Carolina. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: RRA. in Finance and Marketing, Emory University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Chi Phi Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Charlotte Memorial Hospital; WSOC-TV. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Thomas E. Jones Canton, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: RA. in History, magna cum laude, Emory University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HON- ORS: Governor, Dobbs Residence Hall; student advisor; Omicron Delta Kappa; Sigma Nu; intermural golf. LAW SCHOOL: Editor-in-Chief, Georgia Law Review. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law clerk, Sutherland, Asbill and Brennan, summer, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. MILITARY STATUS: Active duty commitment, U.S. Air Force.

24 W. Philip Jones Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Wesleyan University, Middleton, Connecticut, 1967-68; B.S. in Government and Economics, Georgia State University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Wesleyan University: Chi Psi; Dean's List; lettered in football and lacrosse. Georgia State University: Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Speaker's Office, Georgia House of Representatives, 1970; Deputy Marshal, Fulton County, Georgia, 1970-71, summer 1972 and 1973; clerk for Judge E. A. Wright, Fulton Civil Court, 1970-71. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, litigation, South Georgia or North Florida. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Hill R. Jordan Lawrenceville, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, Emory University, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Ad Hoc Productions; Glee Club; rush chairman, social chairman, Sweepstakes chair- man, Alpha Tau Omega. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Environmental Law Society; Presi- dent, Advocacy Club; Student Legal Counseling; Moot Court General Board. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Webb, Fowler, and Tanner, Lawrenceville, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Real estate. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

James William Kesler Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, The Citadel, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Gold Stars (academic award); Chapel Usher; Association of the U.S. Army; Distinguished Military Student; 1971 Summerall Guards; vice-president, History Club; secretary, Phi Alpha Theta; Cadet Captain, Regimental Staff; The Citadel Honorary Society; Rene Clark Scholarship. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Alpha Delta. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: Dependent upon completion of military obligation. CAREER PLANS: Municipal government, property; practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Four year obligation in U.S. Army beginning March 1974.

Thomas J. Killeen Brooklyn, New York. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, Canisus College, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Breezy Point Surf Club, Queens, New York. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Member, U.S. Army Reserve until September 1976.

25 Charles Joseph King Columbus, Georgia. Age 26. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A in Finance, University of Georgia, 1969; Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Eta Sigma (honorary scholastic society); Beta Gamma Sigma (business honorary society); Scabbard and Blade; Distinguished Military Graduate; Honor Graduate, top ten per cent of class; Lambda Chi Alpha. LAW SCHOOL: International Moot Court Team; American Jurisprudence Award (Torts); Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi; Moot Court General Board. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Officer, Adjutant General Corps, U.S. Army. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Georgia or Florida. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran. , f William Russell King Sylvania, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A in Insurance, University of Georgia, 1971. Phi Kappa Phi. Attended Emory University. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity; varsity swimming team, Emory University. LAW SCHOOL: Hague Academy of International Law, summer, 1972; vice-president, Phi Delta Phi. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Property law, open as to location. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Alex Charles Kliros Atlanta, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Psychology, Vanderbilt University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List, 1970-71; Beta Theta Pi Fraternity; dormitory counselor, 1968. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Tarleton and Zion, summer clerk, 1972, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, North Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: I-A

Edmund Moore Kneisel Atlanta, Georgia. Age 27. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in Business Administration, Duke University, 1968. ACTIVITIES AND HON- ORS: Navy ROTC; Interfraternity Council; president, Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Managing Editor, Georgia Law Review; Dean's List, Legal Aid De- fender Society; Student Editorial Board, Georgia State Bar Journal. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Navy, 1968-71, disbursing officer and stock control- fiscal officer, U.S.S. F. D. Roosevelt, nominated for Navy Achievement Medal; received Letter of Commendation from Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet; summer intern, State of Georgia Law Department, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Commercial, corporate, and international law and general litiga- tion; Southern U.S., preferably Atlanta or Jacksonville. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

26 David Goodwin Kopp Greensboro, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.R in History, cum laude, University of Georgia, 1970. LAW SCHOOL: Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition; Legal Aid and Defender Society. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Honorable discharge. 1 ; Scott A. Kracen Elgin, Illinois. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Finance, University of Illinois, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Skull and Crescent academic honorary; varsity swim team, three years; , treasurer. LAW SCHOOL: University of Georgia representative to international law conference at Rutgers University; Legal Aid and Defender Society; vice-president, Georgia So- ciety of International Law; editorial board, Georgia Journal of International Law; Environmental Law Society; Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Prisoner counseling at Georgia Diagnostic and Training Center, Jackson, Georgia, summer 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Active duty completed, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.

Richard William Lay Chatsworth, Georgia. Age 29. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: RLE. in Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1966. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: (honorary society); American Institute of Industrial Engineers: vice-president of local chapter, co-chairman, Fifth Annual Southeastern Regional Conference; vice-president of high schools, St. Patrick's Council. LAW SCHOOL: Attended Emory University Law School; American Jurisprudence Award in Torts; Student Advocacy Club; Phi Alpha Delta, The Association of American Trial Lawyers, Student Division. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Associate Director, Georgia Education Authorities; Man- agement Consultant, Lay's Department Store; U.S. Navy Aviation; technical sales representative, Union Carbide Corporation; Piedmont Airlines; Department of Trans- portation, State of Georgia; Clayton County Water Authority, Jonesboro, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Antitrust, securities regulation, general corporate practice. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran; member U.S. Naval Air Reserve.

William John Layng, Jr. Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, Vanderbilt University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dormitory Council; VUCEPT (freshman orientation program); Interfraternity Council; Army ROTC; Fraternity, secretary and president. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Student Legal Counseling Service; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Winn-Dixie Stores; Sears Roebuck and Co., Inc.; Legal Counseling to Prisoners. Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center, Jackson, Georgia, summer 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: November, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Domestic relations, criminal law, general practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: 2LT, U.S. Army Reserve, three-month commitment.

27 Thomas G. Ledford Albany, Georgia. Age 27. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Industrial Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1968. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Davis and Davidson, Jefferson, Georgia, summer 1972; Kemper Insurance Company, Atlanta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: 4-A.

Thomas L. Lehman West Liberty, Ohio. Age 27. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Agricultural Economics, 1967; M.S. in Agricultural Economics and Community and Resource Development, 1972, Ohio State University. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Outstanding Fraternity Man on Campus; Outstanding Senior, College of Agriculture and Home Economics; National Activities Award, 1966-67; Sphinx Council, Director of Personnel; Student Senate; Agriculture and Home Economics College Council; president, vice-president, Alpha Gamma Rho. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi; Couy Editor, "Slip Sheet"; class representative, Sturgis Foundation; Georgia Advocate; Moot Court General Board. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Teacher and coach, West Liberty-Salem Schools, 1968-69; Community and Agricultural Development Agent, Pernambuco, Brazil, 1969-71; Re- search Associate, Ohio State University, 1971-72. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Agricultural legal problems, general practice, small town.

Francis Marion Lewis Dublin, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in History, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Advocacy Club; Freshman Orienta- tion Advisor; Phi Delta Phi; Student Legal Counseling Service. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Governor's Intern Program, summer 1971; Heart of Georgia Planning and Development Commission, summer 1972; Jones and Robins, Rome, Georgia, summer law clerk. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Michael B. Lisenby Macon, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Young Harris College; A.B. in Economics, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Young Harris College: Student Senate; Spat Club; Kappa Tau Omega Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Keebler Cracker Co., summer salesman. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Southeast U.S. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

28 Daniel MacDougald III Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A in Economics, University of Virginia, 1970. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Law Review; Prosecutorial Clinic; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer intern to William Ison, District Attorney, Clayton Judicial Circuit, Jonesboro, Georgia, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Litigation, negligence, criminal law. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

James E. Mahar, Jr. Athens, Georgia. Age 28. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1967. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Army ROTC Scholarship; President, Scabbard and Blade; Battalion Com- mander, ROTC; American Legion Gold Medal for Excellence; Distinguished Military Graduate; . LAW SCHOOL: Marshal, Phi Alpha Delta; Advocacy Club; Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Captain, U.S. Army, 1967-71. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Alan C. Manheim Atlanta, Georgia. Age 23. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in Political Science, cum laude, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; BIFTAD Honor Society; Honors Program; Junior Division Honors Certificate Recipient; Justice, Student Judiciary; Interfraternity Council; Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity; Freshman Men's Council. LAW SCHOOL: Law Day award for highest grade in Trusts and Estates; Dean's List; treasurer, Student Bar Association; Legal Aid and Defender Society, vice-president, Criminal Division; Board of Governors, Student Bar Association; co-vice-president, first year class; vice-president, Advocacy Club; Moot Court Board; Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: 1973 summer intern for Senator Herman E. Talmadge. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Litigation, estate planning, real estate. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

David Lincoln Marshall Schenectady, New York. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Campus organizer for Congressman Frank Thompson (D., N.J.), 1968; Chairman, Princeton Vietnam Moratorium Committee. LAW SCHOOL: Richard B. Russell Competition; Notes Editor, Georgia Journal of International Law. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: General Electric Company, summers; Institute of Govern- ment, University of Georgia, spring and summer 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

29 William L. Martin III


B.A. in Journalism, Auburn University, 1969. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi; Legal Aid and Defender Society.

PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: LaGrange Daily News, LaGrange, Georgia.

DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Criminal law, South or East Coast.


Kenneth S. McBurnett Brunswick, Georgia. Age 41. Married, four children. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Business Administration, Naval Postgraduate School, 1966. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Enlisted in U.S. Navy, December, 1949; commissioned as Ensign (Line), 1956; Executive Officer of a minesweeper, Operations Officer and Executive Officer of destroyers; Officer-in-Charge of a detached communications management unit in Vietnam; Superintendent, Combat Information Schools, Glynco, Brunswick, Georgia; retired July 1, 1971, as Commander. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Real estate, trusts and estates in coastal Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Retired.

Jack D. McCarthy Boonville, Missouri. Age 26. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. Ed. in History, cum laude, University of Missouri, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Eta Sigma; Omicron Delta Kappa; ; MSA Senator; vice-chairman of Education, Student Council; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; University Scholar; Theo W.H. Irion Memorial Scholarship; Outstanding Senior Man in College of Education. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Board, Georgia Law Review. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Missouri Training School for Boys, tutor, summers 1968-72; Parkway School District, St. Louis County, Missouri, 1969-71. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Property law, constitutional law, criminal law. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

William McLeod McIntosh Moultrie, Georgia. Age 28. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, Emory University, 1967. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honorary; Student Senate; officer, Sigma Nu Fraternity; residence counselor. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Atlanta Transit Company; U.S. Department of Agriculture. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Lieutenant, U.S. Naval Reserve.


L Michael K. McLemore Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, Haverford College, 197/. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Student representative to Haverford College Board of Managers; Honor Code Council; varsity football; staff, Haverford News; student curator, Campus Art Gallery. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Board, third-year editor, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; vice-chairman of Executive Committee, coordinator of Law Day Competition, Moot Court General Board; oralist, Jessup International Moot Court Competition; finalist, Law Day Competition, 1973; Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; Legal Aid and Defender Society; second ranking cadet, Army ROTC, University of Georgia; Scabbard and Blade; Georgia Memorial ROTC Award. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Barge-Thompson Construction Co., Atlanta; student as- sistant, Napa State Hospital, Napa, California: active duty for training, U.S. Army, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in southeastern U.S. MILITARY STATUS: 2LT, U.S. Army Reserve, active duty completed. William S. McLeod Athens, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Georgetown University, summer 1967; B.B.A. in Economics, cum /, ll~i,:ersity of Georgia, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Honors Program; Jumor DIVISion Hon- ors Certificate; Dean's List; student representative, Faculty Library Committee and Curriculum Commission; College Student Council; top five per cent of junior and senior classes; Phi Kappa Phi; Omicron Delta Epsilon; Honors Student Council. LAW SCHOOL: Law Students Civil Rights Research Council. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Intern, U.S. Congress, summer, 1967; Cornerstone Project, New York City, and Republican National Convention, summer, 1968; intern, Southern Regional Educational Board, Atlanta, Georgia, summer, 1969; student assistant, Honors Program, University of Georgia, 1968-70; graduate assistant, Ford Foundation Project, University of Georgia, 1970-1971. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: l-Y.

Richard Charles Metz Stone Mountain, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION:

A.B. in American History, with High Distinction, University of Illinois, 197/. AC- TIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Phi Alpha Theta History Honorary; chairman, History Curriculum Committee; student residence hall president. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Alpha Delta; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Advocacy Club; Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; Georgia Journal of Interna- tional and Comparative Law; Certificate, Hague Academy of International Law, sum- mer 1973. DATE OF AV AILABI L1TY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

James Ellington Mitchell Abingdon, Virginia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Business Administration, University of Kentucky, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Sigma Chi Fraternity; four-year baseball scholarship, varsity baseball; K-Club (athletic letterman); Lances Junior (men's honorary); Dean's List. LA W SCHOOL: Representative, Law Student Division, American Bar Association; Board of Governors, Student Bar Association; Finalist, Citizens & Southern National Bank Will Drafting Contest; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: White, Elliot and Bundy, Attorneys, Abingdon, Virginia, summer clerk, 1972-73; Montgomery Ward and Company; Theatres Service Company; Federal Aviation Administration; Pet, Inc. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREET PLANS: General practice, Southeastern U.S. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

31 Richard Gary Milam Griffin, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, West Georgia College, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; president, Sigma Fra- ternity; charter member, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Lambda Delta Chapter; Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society; Mu Freshman Honor Society; Herndon Award, West Georgia College; Member, Interfraternity Council: Honor Graduate. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Teacher, Griffin-Spalding County School System, 1970-71; Jackson Prison Legal Aid Program, summer 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, criminal law. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Charles Ewart Moore Columbus, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in History, magna cum laude. University of Georgia, 1971; Phi Beta Kappa. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Cadet Lt. Colonel, Army ROTC; Scabbard and Blade; Distinguished Military Student; Fraternity, treasurer: Phi Eta Sigma: Phi Kappa Phi; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Assistant Field Supervisor (archaeology), University of Georgia Department of Anthropology; Pro;ect Supervisor, Columbus Youth Oppor- tunities, Summer Youth Job Program. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: Contingent on military obligation. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: U.S. Army active duty commitment: probably three months.

Mark Joseph Nathan Savannah, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in History, University of Georgia, 19n9. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: American University Law and Policy Institute Abroad, Jerusalem, Israel; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer jobs. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, admiralty, in southeastern U.S. MILITARY STATUS: Obligation fulfilled.

Donald L. Newton Lithia Springs, Georgia. Age 33. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Urban Life, Georgia State University, 1971, major in Criminal Justice. LA W SCHOOL: Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Navy; sales trainee, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.; cor- rectional officer, U.S. Penitentiary, Atlanta, Georgia, eight years. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Property and tax, in the South, Southwest, or Midwest. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

32 ------\. John Kenneth Nix Cleveland, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Economics and Political Science, University of Georgia, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law clerk, Telford, Stewart and Stephens, Gainesville, Georgia; First American Bank and Trust Co., Athens, Georfgia; People's Bank, Cleve- land, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974.

CAREER PLANS: Property, trusts and estates, III Georgia or Southeast. MILITARY STATUS: Member, National Guard. Joseph A. adorn Claxton, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Attended Oxford College of Emory University; A.B. in Economics, University of Georgia, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Governor's Youth Council; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Georgia Law Review; Exchequer, Phi Delta Phi; Phi Delta Phi Scholarship; attending New York University School of Law, Graduate Di- vision, to earn L.L.M. in Taxation, September, 1973-May, 1974. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Public Affairs Officer, Recruit Training Command, Naval Training Center, Orlando, Florida. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: August, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Tax, estate planning. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Daniel F. Ortner Niagara Falls, New York. Age 27. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Business Management, St. Johns University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AN D HON- 0Rs: Dean's List; Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Advocacy Club; Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Sales representative, Monroe Calculator, Queens, New York; investigator, E.M.H. Investigation Service; law clerk, Calhoun, Sims and Donaldson, Savannah, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Practice preferably in Savannah, Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Paul Wain Painter, Jr. Rossville, Georgia. Age 28. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Industrial Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1967. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: President, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity; Interfraternity Council. LAW SCHOOL: Summer Co-editor, Georgia Law Review; General Moot Court Board; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Officer, U.S. Navy; lay clerk, Bouhan, Williams and Levy, Savannah, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

33 James Loughridge Pannell Atlanta and Chatsworth, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.RA. in Economics, University of Georgia, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Sphinx; Blue Key; Biftad; X Club; Greek Horsemen; Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity; president, Student Senate; president, Sophomore class; Interfraternity Council. LAW SCHOOL: Chairman, Moot Court Board; Intrastate Moot Court Team; historian, Phi Delta Phi; Omicron Delta Kappa; president, Sphinx. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Legislative assistant, Senator Richard R Russell, January- February, 1971; legislative assistant, Senator David Gambrell, February-September, 1971; headquarters manager, Gambrell campaign, June-Agusta, 1972. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice and trial in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: 2LT, U.S. Army Reserve, active duty completed.

Jack Lenis Park, Jr. Molena, Georgia. Age 23. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: RRA. in Management, University of Georgia, 1971. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Laborer; bank clerk; Neighborhood Youth Corps Counselor. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open.

Keith Edgar Parks Savannah, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, Guilford College, 1965. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Un- dergraduate Achievement Award; president, Men's Student Government; Student Legis- lature; Student Affairs Committee; resident assistant; chairman, Off-Campus Study Program in New York and Washington, D.C. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Journal oj International and Comparative Law, Editorial Board; Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; American Society of International Law; Certificate, Hague Academy of International Law, summer, 1973; Brussels Program in Comparative and International Law, summer, 1973; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: International Business Machines, Office Products Division; American Red Cross; U.S. Army Security Agency. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: International business or public law, open to other possibilities. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Carl S. Pedigo, Jr. Martinsville, Virginia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, University of Virginia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; University of Virginia Student Judiciary Committee; Interfraternity Council, Fi- nance Committee; Fraternity; senior counselor in charge of a dormitory. LAW SCHOOL: Richard R Russell Moot Court Competition; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Research for Worth Carter, Piedmont Trust Bank, Martins- ville, Virginia; summer jobs. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.


•.. L Wilson Grady Pedrick, Jr. Waycross, Georgia. Age 27. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in History, University of Georgia, 1968. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: President, Student Senate; Honors Program; Dean's List; Gridiron ; Omicron Delta Kappa; Blue Key; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Alpha Tau Omega. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Advocacy Club; Moot Court General Board; president, Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Lawyer's Title Insurance Corporation; Guy B. Scott, At- torney. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Edwin J. Perry III Bainbridge, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1970, Phi Beta Kappa. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Pi Sigma Alpha, honorary Political Science fraternity; Phi Kappa Phi. LAW SCHOOL: Finalist, Citizens and Southern Bank Will Drafting Contest. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer associate, Ralph C. Smith, Jr., Bainbridge, Georgia; summer job, First State Bank, Bainbridge, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Member, Georgia National Guard.

Douglas Norman Peters Decatur, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in English, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AN D HONORS: Dean's List; varsity gymnastics team; varsity swimming team; varsity cheerleader (Captain, 1971); Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity; X Club; Scholar Athlete Award, 1970; GGA Horizontal Bar and Still Rings Champion, 1970; Southern Intercollegiate Horizontal Bar Champion and NCAA Qualifier, 1971. LAW SCHOOL: 1972 Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition; 1973 Intrastate Moot Court Team, first runner-up for best oral argument; 1973 Law Day Moot Court Competition, semi-finalist; Moot Court General Board; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Peters Realty Company, Decatur, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Litigation, real estate, corporate law. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

Jonathan C. Peters Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A in Marketing, Georgia State University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Kemper Foundation Scholarship; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic; Moot Court General Board; Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Georgia Department of Public Safety. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice in the Atlanta area. MILITARY STATUS: Reserves.

35 James M. Poe Kingsport, Tennessee. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. with Distinction, University of Virginia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Echols Scholar (top five per cent of freshman class allowed to design individual cur- riculum); Jefferson Literary and Debating Society; University of Virginia Debaters, president, Top Novice Debater, 1967; Top Varsity Debater, 1970, 1971; 16 individual debating awards. LAW SCHOOL: Vice-president, first year class; Dean's List; Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition; Editorial Board, Georgia Law Review; 1973 Southern Intercol- legiate Moot Court Competition Best Team, Best Brief, Outstanding Oralist; 1973 Law Day Moot Court Competition Best Team, Outstanding Oralist; National Moot Court Team, 1973-1974; Moot Court General Board; Phi Alpha Delta. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in a metropolitan area.

Louis K. Polonsky Valdosta, Georgia. Age 23. Divorced. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Industrial Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Beta Gamma Sigma Honorary; Industrial Management Honor Society; Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, pledgemaster; chairman, Athletic Seating Committee, Student Council; vice-president, Competition Committee, Interfraternity Council; Bulldog Club; varsity football manager. LAW SCHOOL: Articles editor, Georgia Law Review; Legal Aid and Defender So- ciety; publication: "Limitations Upon Trial Court Discretion in Imposing Conditions of Probation", Volume VIII, Georgia Law Review; Moot Court General Board. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Research assistant, Dr. Verner Chaffin, University of Georgia Law School; Georgia Tech Athletic Association; Friedman's Shoe Store, Atlanta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Carol Ann Preller Athens, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1971; Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science honorary; Ski Club; Sailing Club. LAW SCHOOL: Secretary, Civil Division, Legal Aid and Defender Society; admitted to practice under Georgia Third Year Practice Act; Advocacy Club; Moot Court General Board. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Atlanta.

Toby Batson Prodgers Marietta, Georgia. Age 26. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Business Administration, Duke University, 1968. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Attended Suffolk Law School, Boston, Massachusetts; Dean's List; Projects Editor, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Lay Day Conference Committee, 1973; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Information Office, Duke University; teller, Barnstable County National Bank, Hyannis, Massachusetts; U.S. Army; Law Assistant, Supreme Court of Georgia, summer, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Altanta or Cobb County. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

36 ------!.. Larry Joe Proudfit Forest Park, Georgia. Age 27. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A in Insurance, Georgia State University, 1968. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Blue Key; Beta Gamma Sigma National Business Honorary; Dean's List; Army ROTC; Insurance Society. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Clerk, First National Bank of Atlanta; Officer, U.S. Army Signal Corps; Underwriter, Safeco Insurance Company. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Richard A. Puckett Milledgeville, Georgia. Age 22. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A in History, Emory University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; soccer team; tutorial program for inner-city children; physical education work with exceptional children; Student-Faculty Curriculum Revision Committee, History De- partment. LAW SCHOOL: Editor-at-Large, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Intern for District Attorney, Atlantic Judicial Circuit, Georgia, summer, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Russell Tallman Quarterman Avondale Estates, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A in Political Science, Emory University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honorary; Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Environmental Law Society; Legal Aid and Defender Society; chair- man, Student Legal Counseling Service; attended University of Exeter, summer, 1973; Phi Delta Phi. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

William G. Quinn III Atlanta, Georgia. Age 26. Married SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in English, University of Georgia, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Pi Kappa Alpha. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Phi Delta Phi. DATE OF AVAIILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Obligation completed.

37 L Alan Edward Rauber Decatur, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A in Economics, Emory University, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; vice-president, secretary, Chi Phi Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer jobs. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: General practice in the Southeast. MILITARY STATUS: Reserves.

Terry Lee Readdick Brunswick, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Industrial Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Co-operative Program: Lockheed-Georgia Co.; Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Certificate, Hague Academy of International Law, summer, 1973; Oralist, 1973 National Moot Court Team; Finalist, 1973 Law Day Competition; Oralist, 1973 International Moot Court Team, Third Place Best Oralist; Moot Court General Board; 1972 Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Marketing Division, Lockheed-Georgia Co., Marietta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Trial or appellate work, Atlanta or Brunswick, Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Officer, U.S. Army Reserve, three month obligation.

Michael Singleton Reeves Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honorary; Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Vice-president, Environmental Law Society; vice-chairman, Moot Court Executive Board; co-author Best Brief, 1973 Law Day Competition; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law assistant, Officer of the Commissioner, Georgia De- partment of Natural Resources, summer 1973; intern, Department of Natural Re- sources, summer, 1972; Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles, summer, 1971. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Governmental affairs, environmental law. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

Ralph Benjamin Reid Concord, North Carolina. Age 23. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A in History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; varsity basketball manager; Floor Senator, Residence College; State Affairs Committee, Student Government. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Law Review; vice-president, second year class; Board of Governors, Student Bar Association; delegate, International Convention, 1972, Phi Alpha Delta; top fifteen per cent of class. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Erwin, Epting, Gibson, and Chilivis, Attorneys, Athens, Georgia, summers 1972, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Litigation, trusts and estates. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

38 Morgan McNeel Robertson Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, with Honors, University of the South, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Treasurer, Chi Psi Fraternity; vice-chairman, Debate Council; Circle K; Order of Gownsmen. LAW SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Rich's Inc.; John Rogers Co. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice in the Southeast. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Michael A. Robison Auburn, Alabama. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: State University of New York; B.A. in Philosophy, Auburn University, 1969. AC- TIVITIES AND HONORS: New York State Regent Scholarship; Dean's List; Student Orientation Committee; Philosophy Department grader. LAW SCHOOL: Recipient, Hague Academy of International Law Scholarship, Cer- tificate; recent decisions editor, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; president, Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; National Secretary, Association of Student International Law Societies; chairman, Accomodations Com- mittee, member, Planning Committee, East-West Trade Conference; oralist. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: W.T. Grant Company, Credit Sales and Delinquency, 1966-1969; Peace Corps, Lesotho, South Africa, 1969-1970 (credit union administra- tion); assistant treasurer, Auburn University Federal Credit Union, 1970-1971. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Public and private international law. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Robert Edward Robinson Savannah, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Accounting, magna cum laude, Savannah State College, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: National Honorary Society; Simon Bynes Award in Business; Student Congress; Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Law Student Civil Rights Research Council; Black American Law Students Association; recipient, Mead Ivan Allen Scholarship. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Savannah News-Press; Sears and Roebuck Co.; Mead Corp. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice and corporate law. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

David R. Rogers Atlanta, Georgia. Age 23. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Economics, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Vice-president, Prosecutorial Clinic. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Phoenix Wholesalers, Inc., Norcross, Georgia; Cowan Supply Company, Atlanta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: Contingent on completion of military obligation. CAREER PLANS: General practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: I-D.

39 Wallace Woodward Rogers, Jr. Albany, Georgia. Age 26. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A in Economics, Emory University, 1968. LAW SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic; Phi Delta Phi. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: General practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Otis Eugene Sain, Jr. Greensboro, North Carolina. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Business Administration, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1971. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Corporate law and management in the South. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Jack L. Sammons Atlanta, Georgia. Age 27. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A in Political Science, Duke University, 1967. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Naval ROTC; Dean's List; Drama Club; Department of the Navy Silver Cup Award, Outstanding Midshipman, 1967. LAW SCHOOL: President, Environmental Law Society; Law Students Civil Rights Research Council; committee chairman, Georgia Conservancy. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Captain, U.S. Marine Corps; research assistant in Environ- mental Law,Institute of Government, University of Georgia; research assistant, Land Use Planning, Center for Continuing Education, University of Georgia; drama in- structor, Athens Recreation Department. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Environmental law, public interest law. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Steven Elliot Scheer Savannah, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AB. in History, cum laude, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HON- ORS: Regent's scholar; Dean's List; resident assistant; Interfraternity Council; Phi Eta Sigma; finalist, Most Outstanding Sophomore. LAW SCHOOL: Honor Court Justice; Georgia Law Review; Faculty-Student rela- tions Committee; first year advisor; graduate resident assistant; Phi Delta Phi; Georgia State Bar Journal; Law Office Competition; Moot Court General Board. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Brannen and Clark, Savannah, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974.

••~ :_oA_R_E_E_R_P_L_A_N_s_:_o_pe_n_. ------l Andrew M. Scherffius III Aiken, South Carolina. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Economics, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: President, Interfraternity Council; president, Kappa Sigma Fraternity; Dean's List; Student Senate; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Sphinx; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue Key; freshman varsity basketball. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Law Review; Honor Court Justice; representative, Law Stu- dent Division, American Bar Association; student representative, Faculty Curriculum Committee; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi; Moot Court General Board; Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: E.!. DuPont Co., area engineer summer trainee; Neely, Free- man and Hawkins, Atlanta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Corporate law and litigation. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

James A. Secord Dalton, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in English, Emory University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Officer, Emory Glee Club; varsity tennis; Chi Phi Fraternity; Danforth nomination; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Carpet industry, Dalton, Georgia; Woodruff Library, Emory University. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Honorable discharge, 4-F.

Robert Cook Shearouse Springfield, Georgia. Age 28. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1968. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company Award; Ad- vocacy Club; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: lLT., U.S. Army, 1968-1971. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Michael A. Sherling Moultrie, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Political Science, cum laude, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; University Chorus; bowling team. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Commercial printer apprentice, 1962-1972; summer intern, Senator Herman Talmadge, 1972. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Criminal and constitutional law, governmental and quasi-govern- mental affairs. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

41 David L. Shiver Sylvester, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Business Administration, magna cum laude, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Kappa Phi; Beta Gamma Sigma, Business Honor Society. LAW SCHOOL: Property Award; Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Shiver Tractor Company. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

James Robert Smith, Jr. Pelham, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in History, magna cum laude, with General Honors, University of Georgia, 1971, Phi Beta Kappa. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Honors Program; Dean's List; top five per cent of class; defender, Advocate Society; Air Force ROTC; Arnold Air Society; Arnold Air Award for highest grade point average; Air Force Financial Assistance Grant; Regent's Scholarship. LAW SCHOOL: Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition; Student Legal Counsel- ing Service. PRIOR EMPLOYM.ENT: Governor's Commission on Judicial Processes, summers, 1972, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: Contingent on military service. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: 2LT, U.S. Air Force Reserve.

G. David Stapleton III Newport News, Virginia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A., University of Georgia, 1969; M.B.A. in Finance, Georgia State University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Debate team, Most Improved Debater, 1968. LAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Board of Editors, Georgia Law Review. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Huie, Brown and Ide, Atlanta, Georgia; Fuqua Industries, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia; Instructor, College of Business Administration, University of Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Corporate law. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

Jeffrey Michael Starnes Athens, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Freshmen Men's Council; Freshmen Camp staff; Chi Psi Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial and Managing Boards, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Sears, Roebuck and Co., Athens, Georgia; law clerk, Foy S. Horne, Athens, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: International law, estate planning. MILITARY STATUS: U.S. Army Reserve.

42 - Robert W. Steinbruegge Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, Duke University, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; treasurer, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity; varsity baseball. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Army, 1969-1971. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice in a small- to medium-sized town in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

John M. Strain Hogansville, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in History, University of Georgia, 19.70. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Robert H. Sullivan Carrollton, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, West Georgia College, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. LAW SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law clerk, Cook, Pleger and Noell, Athens, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

William Lawson Swan Fort Valley, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Honors Program; Phi Eta Sigma; treasurer, Student Senate; Interfraternity Council; Nina Ray-Bertram Boley Award; Blue Key; president, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Gridiron. LAW SCHOOL: President, second year class; Prosecutorial Clinic; Moot Court Gen- eral Board; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Summer jobs; research assistant, Professor Roger D. Groot, University of Georgia Law School; law clerk, Cook, Pledger and Noell, Athens, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice in Georgia or the Southeast. MILITARY STATUS: Obligation completed.

43 Joan Swift Columbus, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Government, cum laude, Wheaton College, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND' HON- ORS: Departmental Honors; dormitory president; varsity basketball team; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Women's Law Student Association; Student Legal Counseling Service; Moot Court Board; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Fourth National Bank of Columpus, Columbus, Georgia; Columbus Mills, Inc. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open.

Henry C. Tharpe, Jr. Dublin, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S.I.M. in Industrial Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1971. ACTIVI- TIES AND HONORS: Chairman, Advisory Cabinet, secretary, Student Council; vice- president, Free University; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; assistant treasurer, Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Curriculum committee; Citizens and Southern Bank Will Drafting Contest; Moot Court General Board; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Woolery Electric Co., Athens, Georgia; Dunn's Inc., Dub- lin, Georgia; summer intern, District Attorney, Augusta Circuit, Augusta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974, contingent on military obligation. CAREER PLANS: Taxation in Georgia or the Southeast. MILITARY STATUS: U.S. Air Force Reserve, ninety-day or four year active duty obligation, beginning October, 1974.

Sallie Gwen Thompson Dallas, Texas. Age 25. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Sociology, Augusta College, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Secretary, Sociology Club. LAW SCHOOL: Board of Governors, vice-president, book sales representative, Student Bar Association; president, Women Law Students Association; Legal Aid and Defender Society, Prisoner counseling; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Adair, Goldwaite, Stanford and Daniel, Atlanta, Georgia, summer, 1973; Johnston, Polk, Larsen, Cloutman and Dixon, Dallas, Texas, summer law clerk; Dallas County coutrhouse; medical social worker, Talmadge Hospital, Augusta, Georgia; teacher's aide, Talmadge Hospital; Upward Bound Project, OEO, Augusta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Criminal and civil litigation, administrative law, labor law.

William Kenneth Travis Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Urban Life, Georgia State University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Dean's List; Sociology Honorary; Sec- retary of Intercampus Affairs, Student Government Association; columnist, The Signal; participant, Georgia Lt. Governor's Conference on Legislative Problems and Priorities; Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Moot Court General Board; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Advocacy Club; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law clerk, B.J. Smith, Atlanta, Georgia, summer, 1973; Judge G. Ernest Tidwell, Atlanta; law clerk, Mildred L. Kingloff, Atlanta; Kingloff- Travis Realty Company, Atlanta; summer intern, Atlanta Urban Corps. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, land use law in the Southeast. MlLlTARY STATUS: U.S. Army Reserve.

44 John Mark Treadup New Bedford, Massachusetts. Age 26. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in English, University of Massachusetts, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND' HONORS: English Department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee; justice, Campus Area East Judiciary: vice-president, athletic chairman and judiciary chief justice of a dormi- tory; editorial staff, Daily Collegian; intracural basketball, football, softball, cross- country and wrestling; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Hague Academy of International, summer, 1973. PRIOR EM PLOYMENT: Acting and assistant Saigon Bureau Chief, Pacific Stars (/Ild Stripes; janitor, garbageman, and crosswalk painter, City of New Bebford; steel painter; pineapple field hand; bartender; drive-in restaurant counterman. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in the Southeast, Massachusetts, or overseas. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Roy D. Tritt Athens, Georgia. Age 22. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Business Administration, cum laude with General Honors, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Kappa Phi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Dean's List; top five per cent of class; ; Acacia Fraternity; vice- president. treasurer. Action-Union (campus political party); University Union; inter- mural sports. LAW SCHOOL: Vice-president, first year class; Board of Governors, Student Bar Association; Dean's List; Georgia Law Review; Main Court Justice, Student Judiciary. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Special assistant to the Comptroller, Carwood Manufac- turing Co., Winder, Georgia; bookkeeper and accountant, Georgia Robo, Inc.; law clerk, Troutman, Sanders, Lockerman and Ashmore, Atlanta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Tax, corporate counseling, securities in Atlanta. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

William L. Tucker Columbus. Georgia. Age 27. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, Emory University, 1968. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Student Conduct Council; Interfraternity Council; student advisor, men's residence halls; officer, ; student government. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Board, Georgia Law Review; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Advocacy Club; publication: "Comment, Apodaca v. Oregon and Johnson v. Louisiana, Unanimity and the Criminal Jury Verdict," 7 Georgia Law Review. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Army, 1968-1971: Officer Candidate School, Ft. Benning, Georgia; Instructor, U.S. Army Infantry School, Ft. Benning; Commandng Officer, Night Operations Ambush Team, Vietnam. Assistant to Placement Director, University of Georgia Law School. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Columbus, Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Thomas William Tucker Ocilla, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, cum laude, Emory University, 1969. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Omicron Delta Kappa; Eta ; secretary, Honor Council; treasurer, Student Government Association; Who's Who Amollg Students ill American Universities and Colleges; Dcan's List: member, Student Center Board: chairman. Alpha Tau Omega Fratern ity. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Board, Georgia Law Review; Student Editorial Board, Georgia State Bar Journal; author, "Felony Murder in Georgia: A Lethal Anachron- ism?," 9 Georgia State Bar Journal; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: 15th Finance, 1st Cavalry Division, U.S. Army; Institute of Government, University of Georgia; law clerk, Burnside, Dye and Mi1ler, Augusta, Georgia, summer, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

45 Stephen James Tuggle Carrollton, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S.Ed. in Social Studies, University of Georgia, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; varsity track, captain; Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, chaplain. LAW SCHOOL: Student Legal Counseling Service; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Atlanta Transit System; law clerk, Henry Head, Carrollton, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: U.S. Army Reserve.

Joseph Courtenay Vanzant, Jr. New Orleans, Louisiana. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A., University of Virginia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Echols Scholar (top five per cent of incoming freshman class allowed to plan individual curriculum); Dean's List; Young Republicans. LAW SCHOOL: Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition; Notes Editor, and author, "The Draft Charter on Economic Rights and Duties of Countries: A Solution to the Aid Problem?" Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Dispatcher, Colonial Williamsburg; orderly, Fairfax Hos- pital and University of Virginia Hospital; parking control, University of Georgia Police. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt. James B. Wall Madison, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A. in Accounting, cum laude, University of Georgia, 1971; Phi Kappa Phi. AC- TIVITIES AND HONORS: Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honorary; Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Honorary; Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Men's Honorary; Blue Key; Brigade Commander, Army ROTC; Distinguished Military Graduate; Student Director, Fresh- man Orientation, 1971. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Editor, Georgia Law Review; Student Editor, Georgia State Bar Journal; Dean's List; first place, Mock Law Office Competition, 1973. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law clerk, Burnside, Dye and Miller, Augusta, Georgia, summer, 1973; cost accountant, General Time Corporation, Athens, Georgia; research assistant to Professor Roger Groot, University of Georgia Law School. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice, corporate law, in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Commissioned officer on educational delay, expecting three months active duty for training after graduation.

Arthur Stephenson Wallace Macon, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Attended Emory at Oxforu; B.A. in History, Mercer University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List, Emory at Oxford; Ty Cobb Scholarship; Kappa Alpha Oruer. LAW SCHOOL: Euitorial Boaru, Georgia Law Review; Dean's List; Lawyers Coopera- tive Publishing Company award for highest grade in torts; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: National Park Service, Ocmulgee National Monument, three summers. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: I-A.

46 Donald Fred Walton Age 27. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1968. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Naval ROTC; business manager, "The Daily Tar Heel." lAW SCHOOL: Dean's List; Georgia Law Review; Justice, Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Supply officer, U.S. Navy; research assistant, Professor Wayne McCormack, University of Georgia Law School; law clerk, Nicholson and Turnage, Athens, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

James B Walton Commerce, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in History, with Honors, Emory University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Junior class representative, Student Government Association; Student Cen- ter Board; Emory Glee Club; Kappa Alpha Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Moot Court General Board; semi-finalist, Law Day Competition; Legal Aid and Defender Society; Student Legal Counseling Service; member, Law School Library Sommittee; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Kraft Foods, Decatur, Georgia; Rogers Construction Com- pany; Georgia Highway Department. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

Lawrence Alan Weiss New Kensington, Pennsylvania. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in English, University of Virginia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Jefferson Literary and Debating Society; State co-chairman, Humphrey-Muskie Faculty Student Coalition; Rapier Magazine; UVM Magazine; "Cavalier Daily"; Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Board, Managing Board, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law; Legal Aid and Defender Society; publicity director, Clarke County McGovern for President; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Colonnade Club, Charlottesville, Virginia; research assistant, Professor Ellis, History Department, University of Virginia; Citizens for Humphrey, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: General practice and international and communications law in Atlanta, New York, or Washington, D.C. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

David Kiser Whatley laGrange, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Economics, magna cum laude, Mercer University, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Vice-president, Phi Delta Theta; Sigma Mu Honor Society; Student Senate; director, Circle K. LAW SCHOOL: Georgia Law Review; Dean's List;; Justice, Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Assistant buyer, Rich's, Inc.; law clerk, Smith, Cohen, Ringel, Kohler, Martin and Lowe, Atlanta, Georgia, summers, 1972 and 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General litigation. MILITARY STATUS: National Guard.

47 Martin Baldwin Whitaker Birmingham, Alabama. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in American History, Washington and Lee University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Delegation officer, 1968 Mock Convention; treasurer, Young Republican Club. LAW SCHOOL: Editorial Board, Georgia Law Review; Dean's List; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Assistant, Professor Charles L. Saunders, Jr., University of Georgia Law School; office boy, Hendrix, Mohr and Yardley, Investment Bankers, summers, 1969, 1970; law clerk, Cabaniss, Johnston, Gardner and Clark, Birmingham, Alabama, summer, 1972; intern, Office of Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C., summer, 1973. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1973. CAREER PLANS: Taxation, preferably in Washington, D.C. MILITARY STATUS: 4-F.

Charles Leslie Wilkinson III Macon, Georgia. Age 28. Married, one child. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in English and History, Mercer University, 1967. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS' Sigma Nu; Phi Eta Sigma; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Scabbard and Blade; Distinguished Military Graduate. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Army, 1967-1972. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

George Lawton Williams East Point, Georgia. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. n Political Science, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Honors Program; Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science Honorary. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; Student legal Counseling Service; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law clerk, Charles R. P. Brown, Fort Pierce, Florida, summer, 1973; Fulton County Recreation Division and Public Works Administration, summers 1971, 1972. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Obligation fulfilled.

Gregory Jaxon Williamson Villa Rica, Georgia. Age 22. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.B. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; runner-up, Citizens and Southern Bank Will Drafting Contest; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law clerk, Tisinger and Tisinger, Carrollton, Georgia; law clerk, Fortson, Bentley and Griffin, Athens, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General and trial practice in the Southeast. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

48 William Harry Willson, Jr. Albany, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: RA in Political Science, Emory University. 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Assistant treasurer, athletic chairman, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. LAW SCHOOL: Richard B. Russell Moot Court Competition; Legal Aid and De- fender Society. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: l-Y.

Jack T. Wimbish, Jr. Canton, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: AR in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1971, Phi Beta Kappa. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science Honorary; Phi Kappa Phi. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Retail sales, Sears, Roebuck and Company, Marietta, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice in Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Georgia National Guard.

Ronald R. Womack Rossville, Georgia. Age 23. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.B.A in Management, University of Georgia, 1971; Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Alpha Kappa Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Honors Program; top five per cent of class; Dean's List; director of housing, Russell Hall Men's Council; Circle K; Most Outstanding Sophomore Cadet, Air Force ROTC; Commander, Air Force ROTC Drill Team. LAW SCHOOL: Justice, Student Judiciary; Advocacy Club; Moot Court General Board; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Law clerk, Lindsay H. Bennett, Rossville, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREET PLANS: General practice, corporate law, preferably in North Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Jere Franklin Wood Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Attended Randolph Macon College; RRA. in Economics, cum laude, University of Georgia. LAW SCHOOL: Vice-president, Prosecutorial Clinic; Environmental Law Society; Law Day Moot Court Com'petition; Moot Court General Board; Student Library Committee. PRIOR EMPLOYMET: Law clerk, Brazzard and Simons, Atlanta, summer, 1973; law clerk, Hansell, Post, Brandon and Dorsey, Atlanta, summer, 1972; recreation leader, Administration de Parque y Recreo Publico, San Juan, , summer, 1971. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

49 Jon Bolling Wood Atlanta, Georgia. Age 23. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Economics, Davidson College, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Officer, Kappa Alpha Fraternity. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Legal research, Departments of Student Financial Aid and Student Judicial Affairs, University of Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: Contingent on military obligation. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: 2LT on educational delay, with option of three month active duty program.

Herbert Clifton Woodson Atlanta, Georgia. Age 23. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND IYISTINCTION: University of Georgia, B. A. in Finance, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Student Senate; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open.

Richard B. Zimmerman Americus, Georgia. Age 28. Divorced. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Attended University of Georgia; B.S. in Political Science, Georgia Southwestern Col- lege, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Honors Program, University of Georgia; Dean's List, Georgia Southwestern College; MENSA. LAW SCHOOL: Legal Aid and Defender Society; MENSA; Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Georgia Power Company. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: March, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Practice in Georgia or Florida.

Christopher Noel Zodrow Winder, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.S. in Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HON- ORS: International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Education; Soccer Club; Techwood Tutorial Project; Organization of International Students; Weight Lifting Club. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Modern States Life Insurance Company; Walton County Board of Education; Johns Manville Co.; U.S. Navy; Rohr Corp.; State of Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

50 Robert A. Fierman Atlanta, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Florida State University; RRA. in Accounting, Georgia State University, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; Tau Epsilon Phi. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Property, criminal, constitutional. MILITARY STATUS: I-H.

James Crisp Gatewood Tifton, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: RA. in Finance, University of Georgia, 1971, Phi Kappa Phi. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Student Senate; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, treasurer and rush chairman; Inter- Fraternity Council; Phi Eta Sigma; Dean's List; Young Republican; top 5% of class for four years. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi; Honor Court Justice. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Intern, U.S. Senate (Sen. Herman Talmadge); Crisp and Oxford, Americus, Georgia. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General; location open. MILITARY STATUS: I-H, exempt.

Michael J. Gorby Hollywood, Florida. Age 26. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.RA. in Accounting, Georgia State University, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Beta Alpha Psi; Political Science Forum. LAW SCHOOL: Prosecutorial Clinic. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Accounting department, Atlanta Journal and Constitution. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Open. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

Richard S. Howell Atlanta, Georgia. Age 25. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.R in History, Princeton, 1970. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Member, Cottage Club, Vice-President, Keyceptor; Orange Key; Captain, University Fund Drive; Al- ternate Captain, tennis team, All-Ivy' selection; thesis published, M.L. King Library. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Delta Phi. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: Undecided. MILITARY STATUS: Honorable Discharge, 1971.

51 John L. Parrot Monticello, Georgia. Age 24. Single. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, The Citadel, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Daniel Scholarship; varsity football; Editor-in-charge, Guidon, student handbook; vice-president, Athletic Advisory Committee; secretary, Phi Sigme Alpha; assistant sports editor, Sphinx, annual; Gold Stars (3.6 grade point average); Departmental Honors; Citadel Honor Society; General High Honors (3.67 grade point average); Commandant's Distinguished Service Award, 1970-1971. LAW SCHOOL: Attended Tulane University; Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Park Service, Kings Canyon National Park, California, summer, 1969; Forestry Officer in charge of Sinclair Lake Recreation Area, U.S. Forestry Service, summer, 1970; Personnel Office, Georgia Pacific Corp., Monticello, Georgia, summer, 1972. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: Contingent on completion of military obligation. CAREER PLANS: General practice in Georgia or South Carolina. MILITARY STATUS: Officer, U.S. Army on educational delay from active duty.

Claude Denson Pepper Tallahassee, Florida. Age 24. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: B.A. in Political Science, Florida State University, 1971. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Part-time jobs while in school. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREET PLANS: Corporate law. MILITARY STATUS: Exempt.

Morris S. Robertson Cochran, Georgia. Age 26. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: A.A., Middle Georgia College; B.A. in Political Science, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Phi Theta Kappa; Phi Sigma Alpha. LAW SCHOOL: Phi Alpha Delta. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: U.S. Marine Corps. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: June, 1974. CAREER PLANS: General practice; preferably Macon, Georgia. MILITARY STATUS: Veteran.

James Wilson Smith Austell, Georgia. Age 29. Married. SCHOLASTIC BACKGROUND AND DISTINCTION: Attended Wheaton College, 1962-1964; A.B. in History, University of Georgia, 1971. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS: Dean's List; vice-president, Demosthenian Society; director, Wheaton College ROTC Band; Wheaton College Concert Band; University of Georgia Dixie Red Coat Band. LAW SCHOOL: Attended Emory University School of Law, 1971-1972; Prosecutorial Clinic; Dean's List. PRIOR EMPLOYMENT: Retail Credit Company, Marietta, Georgia; A.D.E. Church Builders, Inc., Marietta, Georgia. CAREER PLANS: Open. DATE OF AVAILABILITY: December, 1973.