2019 Crime & Safety Report

This is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in , Romania.

The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Romania at Level 1, indicating travelers should exercise normal precautions.

Overall Crime and Safety Situation

U.S. Embassy Bucharest does not assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms appearing in this report. The American Citizens’ Services unit (ACS) cannot recommend a particular individual or location, and assumes no responsibility for the quality of service provided.

Please review the Overseas Security Council (OSAC) Romania-specific page for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some of which may be available only to private-sector representatives with an OSAC password.

Crime Threats

There is minimal risk from crime in Bucharest. Most crimes against visitors are limited to crimes of opportunity or scams. Violent crime is rare. Travelers should be aware of scams involving individuals posing as plainclothes officers, approaches of quick friendship at train/subway stations, and pickpocketing in crowded areas. Panhandlers -- often groups of teenagers -- can be aggressive and have resorted to grabbing/tearing clothing to distract and steal from their target. Organized groups of thieves and pickpockets (including very young children and well-dressed young adults) operate in train stations and on public transportation.

Take extreme care when patronizing nightclubs, which can charge exorbitant prices and are relentless in pursuing payment. Simple assaults outside of clubs are possible, especially late at night, after consumption of alcohol, especially if the victim is alone. For more information, please review OSAC’s Report Shaken: The Don’ts of Alcohol Abroad.

Money exchange schemes are common. Some of these scams have become rather sophisticated, involving individuals posing as plainclothes police officers who approach the potential victim, flash a badge or other official-looking document, and accuse the victim of changing money illegally. Once approached, the scammer normally asks the victim prove that they did not change money illegally, and demands to see their money or wallet. The thieves often succeed in obtaining money, passports, and cell phones. If approached by someone who offers to change money on the street or by someone who accuses you of changing money illegally, continue walking. There are other variations to this scam; sometimes the individuals pose as and request passports for an immigration inspection. The bottom line is that legitimate plainclothes police officers do not ask travelers to present identification. If presented with a situation like this, insist on the presence of a uniformed police officer.

1 Crimes against train passengers are not uncommon, particularly in rural areas and on overnight trains. A number of thefts and assaults have occurred on trains, including thefts from closed compartments. If you are considering a trip via train, please consider the following:

Do not travel alone if you can avoid it, especially if you are contemplating taking an overnight train. Most incidents reported to the Embassy have involved a lone traveler. If you are traveling with a small group on the overnight train, sleep in shifts. This will allow you to protect your belongings. Do not leave personal property unattended. Laptops, cell phones, iPods, wallets, and purses are usually the preferred theft items. Report the loss or theft abroad of a U.S. passport immediately to the and the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Organized crime threats include drug smuggling, cybercrime, human trafficking, financial crime, and counterfeiting. Romania is actively fighting Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and illegal migration as part of its role as a guardian to one of the EU’s external borders.

Use only ATMs located at banks. These offer more security against skimming attempts and include camera monitoring. Check the ATM for any evidence of tampering before use. For more information, please review OSAC’s Report, The Overseas Traveler’s Guide to ATM Skimmers & Fraud.

Cybersecurity Issues

Cybercrime is a major threat and a constant challenge for local , despite international cooperation efforts. Romania is a well-known hub for phishing, credit card fraud, fraudulent electronic auction bids, and hacking. Credit card, ATM skimming, and internet fraud are among the most common crimes affecting foreigners in Romania. Exercise caution when traveling to Romania to meet individuals known only through contact over the Internet.

U.S. citizens have lost considerable amounts of money, ranging from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands of dollars, from online scams originating from Romania. Beware of any emails requesting any personal information, such as social security number, bank account numbers, or login information. The U.S. Embassy will never request such information from customers, visa applicants, or their sponsors.

Online dating is also an area of caution. Scammers will often create fake profiles of young to begin online relationships with U.S. citizens. Be very careful in starting an online relationship, particularly if the individual asks for money or makes repeated requests for support (e.g. for visa fees, plane tickets, medical bills, insurance coverage). In recent cases, some individuals have given thousands of dollars to online scammers, and even traveled to meet them, only to be stood up at the airport with no support here in Romania.

Transportation-Safety Situation

For more information, please review OSAC’s Report, Security in Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights.

2 Road Safety and Road Conditions

Driving is hazardous and is perhaps the greatest safety concern that visitors will encounter. While major streets in larger cities and major inter-city roads are generally in fair to good condition, many secondary roads are in poor repair, unpaved, poorly illuminated, narrow, and lacking marked lanes. There is little regard for commonly accepted rules of the road, speed limits, or consideration of other drivers. Road rage incidents are also possible. If you choose to self-drive, practice defensive driving techniques. While traffic codes have improved, the government has eased enforcement.

There have been recent cases of brief detainments of Americans for traveling without an International Driver’s License. Romania does not currently accept U.S. driver’s licenses; all drivers possessing only a U.S. driver’s license should obtain an International Driver’s License prior to visiting Romania. U.S. citizens (non-diplomats) must have a Romanian driver’s license or International Driver’s License, regardless of the amount of time spent in country, if they intend to drive. If stopped by the police without such a license, you may be required to travel to a police station to complete an official statement and pay a fine. In a few cases, Americans have had their license confiscated, since it is technically part of a criminal case, and returned only after paying a fine or completing a short court hearing.

Visitors who plan to self-drive must familiarize themselves with traffic laws and should be aware that there is a zero-tolerance policy with regards the consumption of alcohol. Authorities routinely conduct breathalyzer tests on all parties after an accident. Refusal to take a breathalyzer test may result in criminal penalties regardless of whether alcohol was involved.

Parked vehicles often block sidewalks, forcing pedestrians to walk in the streets. Maintain vigilance when driving to avoid hitting those who are walking in the streets. Use of mobile phones while driving is illegal, with exception of hands-free systems.

Travelers should drive between cities only during the day, as there is little lighting on roads outside of major cities. Drivers should also be aware of pedestrians, farm animals, horse-drawn carts, and a lack of shoulders when driving in the countryside. If an accident takes place in a rural location, emergency medical response may not meet U.S. standards in terms of capabilities or timeliness.

Romania experiences severe winters and roads are not maintained to the same standard as those in the U.S. Travelers must be prepared for these conditions and expect lengthy delays if traveling by vehicle, train, or air during the winter.

In the event of a two-car accident with no injuries and if both parties agree to the circumstances of the accident, they may complete a Romanian Mutual Agreement form (Constatare Amiabila de Accident). Once the form is completed, the at-fault party must provide a copy of the form and a copy of their insurance to the other party involved. If a mutual agreement is unreachable, both parties are required to drive to the nearest police station to report the accident. If unable to do so immediately, both parties are legally required to report the accident to the police within 24 hours. In the event of an accident under any other circumstances, the drivers should contact police at the emergency number (112) and await response.

3 Police often use checkpoints for traffic violations or DUI checks, in particular in areas where speed limits change abruptly due to entry into municipal zones. In instances where a driver is exceeding the speed limit by more than 50km per hour, or is determined to be under the influence of alcohol or unsafe to drive, police may confiscate the driver’s license and provide further directions as to the next steps.

If pulled over, comply with all police orders and remain respectful. If ticketed, it is required to pay the fine via the local office of the National Fiscal Administration (ANAF), CEC Bank, public administration authorities (online at www.ghiseul.ro), and send the receipt and a copy of the ticket to the police. Payment of fines directly to the police officer is no longer possible since traffic laws were amended in August 2018. If paid within calendar 15 days, only 50% of the fine stipulated on the traffic violation report is required.

For more information on self-driving, please review OSAC’s Report Driving Overseas: Best Practices.

Public Transportation Conditions

Train travel is inexpensive, convenient, and can be enjoyable, if you are careful. Travelers should consider paying a little extra for the roomier first-class seating option, which affords more privacy. Comfort and privacy decrease with lower classes of service.

Visitors should exercise care and rely on the recommendations of hotels and dining establishments when selecting taxis. Dishonest cab drivers may take advantage of unsuspecting visitors. Always check to ensure that the side of the cab clearly lists the metered rate. Companies such as Black Cab, Speed Taxi, and Uber are reputable and reliable. For more information on ride sharing, please review OSAC’s Annual Briefing Report Safety and Security in the Share Economy.

Terrorism Threat

Local, Regional, and International Terrorism Threats/Concerns

There is minimal risk from terrorism in Bucharest. Europe has experienced a significant uptick in terrorist threats, and Romania is not immune to these threats as an active NATO member. However, several factors mitigate the terrorist threat in Romania: there is no significant refugee flow from the Middle East; Romania has a very small, well-integrated Muslim populace; Romania has robust, effective security services; and Romania is not a member of the Schengen agreement.

There have been no significant reports of locally or regionally motivated terrorism incidents in Romania in several years.

While the possibility of an international or transnational terrorism incident targeting Americans is unlikely, you should remain situationally aware and prepared to react, particularly in crowded tourist areas or at major public events.

4 Political, Economic, Religious, and Ethnic Violence

Civil Unrest

There is minimal risk from civil unrest in Bucharest. Since the collapse of the former communist regime in 1989, Romania has had no major instances of civil unrest.

Peaceful protests occurred throughout 2017 and 2018 in reaction to government initiatives to attempt to grant large-scale pardons that allegedly would have included prominent political and business figures accused of major corruption.

The grants permission to groups who wish to assemble for demonstration purposes; a demonstration permit is required in accordance with Romanian law. Demonstrations are normally well contained, with the police and gendarmes nearby. No major anti-American protests have occurred. Nevertheless, it is wise to stay away from these gatherings due to possible hooliganism or occasional confrontations between protesters and the police. Normal traffic patterns may change significantly before, during, and after the event.

Religious/Ethnic Violence

No major instances of religious or ethnic violence have occurred in Romania in the last several years. A sizeable ethnic Hungarian populace resides in the Transylvania region, and some ethnic Hungarian groups advocate for separation from Romania. This desire has not manifested into any significant civil unrest or violence.

Post-specific Concerns

Environmental Hazards

Several Romanian cities, including Bucharest, are located in active seismic zones. The last major earthquake in Bucharest took place in 1977, with a loss of over 1,000 lives. Smaller quakes occur on a frequent basis.

Civil authorities have plans in place for major disasters, but financial resources to prepare for natural disasters are not available, and local authorities would be overwhelmed quickly. Travelers should assume that authorities would determine priorities in the event of a natural disaster, with no guaranteed support for visitors.

Heavy winter snowfall and spring flooding have made parts of the country inaccessible at times. Streets and sidewalks are often icy and hazardous during winter.

Avoid contact with stray dogs. For more information, please review OSAC’s Report When Wildlife Attacks.

Economic Concerns

Economic and financial crimes continue to be a concern, and the authorities expect an increase of illegitimate activities (cigarette/alcohol smuggling, sales of counterfeit products, etc.) due to global economic conditions.

5 Privacy Concerns

Romania has capable, effective intelligence services. While there is no known intent to monitor U.S. business travelers, the capabilities to do so exist.

Personal Identity Concerns

While Romanians are generally more conservative and religiously observant than their Western European counterparts, hate crimes related to gender, sexual orientation, race, or nationality are rare.

Drug-related Crimes

Romania is a major transit point for various drugs (heroin from the east, cocaine from South America, etc.).

Kidnapping Threat

Kidnappings are uncommon, though there continue to be parental child abduction cases reported to the U.S. Embassy. For more information, please review OSAC’s Report, Kidnapping: The Basics.

Police Response

Travelers may identify police easily by their distinct blue uniform. The level of assistance expected from police varies. Authorities are often ineffective at deterring crime, and response to emergency calls can be too slow to disrupt incidents in progress. Romanian police do have the capability to conduct complex criminal investigations, but are heavily burdened with petty crimes. If a victim desires a serious response by local authorities, s/he must be prepared to devote time and effort to wade through bureaucracy. If a visitor is on a schedule that precludes this, assume there will be no legal or law enforcement resolution.

How to Handle Incidents of Police Detention or Harassment

While uncommon, police may ask for bribes. Under no circumstances should you offer a bribe or agree to pay one. Call the U.S. Embassy at 021-200-3300 (normal working hours) or 021-200- 3433 (after hours and weekends).

Crime Victim or Accident Assistance

Call the U.S. Embassy at 021-200-3300 (normal working hours) or 021-200-3433 (after hours and weekends).

Auto Accidents: 021-9545

Police / Any emergency: 112

Traffic Police: 021-9544 / 021-323-3030

* English speakers are available to answer police emergency and emergency response calls.

6 Medical Emergencies

Medical care, capabilities, and quality of service are generally not at the same standard as compared to the U.S. or Western Europe.

If traveling with prescription medication, check to ensure the medication is legal and available if you may require a refill. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription. For more information, please refer to OSAC’s Report, Traveling with Medications.

Ambulances include State Ambulance (112), Sanador Ambulance (Call Center 021-9699), and Bio-Medica Ambulance (0788-246-004).

Contact Information for Available Medical Services

For medical assistance, please refer to the Embassy’s Medical Assistance page.

Insurance Guidance

Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas, including Medevac insurance, prior to arriving. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments.

Country-specific Vaccination and Health Guidance

Tap water is not for consumption, as heavy metals from old pipes and industrial run-off can be present. For more information, please refer to OSAC’s Report, I’m Drinking What in My Water?

The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for Romania.

OSAC Country Council Information

The Bucharest Country Council meets three to four times a year. Interested private-sector security managers should contact OSAC’s Europe Team with any questions.

U.S. Embassy Location and Contact Information

Embassy Address and Hours of Operation U.S. Embassy Bucharest: Bulevardul Dr. Liviu Librescu 4-6, București 015118 Embassy working hours are 0800-1700, Mon-Fri. The Embassy closes on American and Romanian holidays.

Embassy Contact Numbers Switchboard Operator: (+40) 021 200 3300; Post One (during and after business hours): X 3433 Website: https://ro.usembassy.gov/

Embassy Guidance U.S. citizens traveling to Romania should register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). STEP is a free service that helps the U.S. Embassy disseminate information about safety conditions and contact travelers in an emergency.

Country Information Sheet Romania