of the natural world through such seminal environmental works as The Limits to Growth and Silent Spring. From this point, Jeanette determined it must be possible Jeanette to do more than what she terms “smoothing the pillow of a dying Fitzsimons planet”. It was about then that a young Jeanette f Jeanette Fitzsimons is getting Fitzsimons stood in her kitchen in Geneva Itired, she’s certainly not showing it. reading an article on a small but growing After almost four decades of political political movement in New Zealand organising, the former Greens Co-leader called The , and it was the has the finish line in sight and has said spark required to ignite her political publicly that she plans to retire before involvement. the next election. Yet she remains as committed as ever to the principles she “I can’t cope with the concept has fought for both inside the House and of retirement; there’s still so in the community! much left to do.” Hers has been, and remains, an inspirational and selfless political and “I just remember being massively excited Parliamentary career with what she calls reading about the launch of the Values “the only movement that can ensure the Party,” she recalls. “All of a sudden I survival of humanity,” and when Jeanette realised that in my own country there says it like that, you can only believe her. were others who thought like I did! I had disliked intensely the old models of party Party politics wasn’t always Jeanette’s politics which were nothing more than calling. In fact university life swirled two sides of the same coin, both of which more with classical music, languages stood for maximum destruction of the and history than with student activism. natural environment.” However, that’s not to say politics was completely off the agenda. Returning home in 1974, Jeanette joined the Values Party and embarked on a “If politics is about human affairs, then period filled with what she remembers I guess my interest in it started from a as “wonderful policy discussions”. Terms very young age,” she says. “However, like ‘sustainability’ were coined by the it wasn’t until I travelled through places Party to link its thinking on population, such as India, the Congo and South East land, capital and energy. Jeanette, in fact, Asia that I started to blend an intellectual was the Party’s energy spokesperson until understanding with first hand experience. 1982 by which time she was also teaching That was the key.” at the ’s Planning It was in Geneva, in the early 1970s, that Department. a long time concern for massive social injustice especially between nations came “I came back to participate and this period  together with insights into the destruction was an intellectual experience that for me

Tell me how I can be a more effective voice for you in Parliament: has not been equalled since,” she says. Donald, Jeanette recalls being ridiculed Date of birth: 17 January 1945 Despite widespread support, the Values for the issues they were raising: “We Family: Married to Harry Parke, Party’s inability to enter Parliament realised it was the first time these things two sons Mark (39) Jeremy (36) one saw it fade away. Jeanette meanwhile had been brought up in the House. We grandson Jasper (4) grand-daughter continued to teach sustainable planning couldn’t believe it!” she says. and work with environmental groups, Isabella (18 months) “Sometimes you wonder, when and it wasn’t long before the Green Hobbies: Tramping, kayaking, the world is moving toward an movement began to build. farming/gardening, music, acknowledgement of all the issues we grandchildren “The Greens emerged as a local have highlighted, why do people still government force toward the end of the feel compelled to say ‘Mind you I’m not Favourite NZ animal or bird: eighties and then national networking a Greenie’?” she questions. Tuatara, because they have became a priority leading into the 1990 “Perhaps it’s because we’ve never learned to de-stress and get some election,” she says. “Harry [husband and acceded to populism and green-wash. work/life balance rock] and my son Mark both stood for We’ve always been real. That said, I’m the Greens that year but I was happy to Favourite movie: Whalerider infinitely proud of what we’ve achieved work behind the scenes.” as it’s been through a mix of integrity, Favourite novel: Quicksilver by Neal Not for long. Seven years later Jeanette influence and good ideas. In that respect Stephenson, and its two sequels became the first Green MP (under the the Green Party is in good shape and Music I play on Saturday mornings: Alliance banner) to speak in the New this great bunch of people will keep on Bach and Pink Floyd Zealand Parliament, and she laughs promoting solutions to get us all out of when she thinks about the experience. this mess.” My never-fail recipe: Go down to the “We got elected in October but Winston Now that the Co-leadership has been garden, pick whatever looks best and [Peters] made sure that Parliament only passed on, Jeanette reckons Harry will cook lightly convened in February so for four months be happy to have a bit more help on Greatest sporting achievement: I was consumed with what I was going the farm, and the grandchildren will be Aged 9, celebrated not coming last to say,” says Jeanette. “Greens had been getting a lot more attention. But don’t for the first time in school running waiting for that moment since 1972 and think for a second she’s finished. races I was so weighed down by it, I forgot to “I can’t cope with the concept of Year entered Parliament: 1996 enjoy summer!” retirement as there’s still so much left to Green Spokesperson for: Energy, In Parliament, alongside the late Rod do,” she insists. “The question now is Transport, Climate Change, Science, ‘what is the next step Agriculture, Sustainable Economics for sustainability?’ The job is far from First political action: Overcoming over.” my fear of public speaking to debate And, by the sound a university professor on nuclear of it, when one of power, 1976 the most respected Most embarrassing political political careers in moment: I don’t do ‘embarrassed’— if New Zealand history I did, I’d have quit long ago comes to the finish line before the next Proudest political moment: Winning election, well, that Coromandel in 1999, and 5.3% of the will be the start party vote against all predictions line for another Photo: Sadie Curlett adventure. Hero: Petra Kelly, German Greens  [email protected], 04 817 6665