A Debate About Bush's War and the 2006 Impact
V 12, No 14 Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005 A debate about Bush’s war and the 2006 impact ‘It will end in a way and at an hour of our choosing’ “This session will be so By BRIAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis political. A real tax Last week, the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission announced it had chosen a prominent National Mall site for the memorial to President Dwight D. package won’t make it Eisenhower, which was a bit of obscure news given the swirl of controversy over the until next year.” War in Iraq. Eisenhower is poised to join on the mall a pantheon of great American –– State Sen. Allen presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and FDR. President Eisenhower resisted plunging the United States into war. He had Paul, to the Muncie Star Press opportunities at the Suez Canal, Hungary and Vietnam. He knew war, having served in the Army infantry and, in 1918 during World War I, engaged in battle in the tank corps. As supreme Allied commander in 1944, he was responsible for sending 47 divisions, 6,900 ships and more than a million men into battle, supplying them with 9,000 tons of supplies every day. As Wikipedia notes, “The Normandy invasion succeeded in its objective by sheer force The Howey Political Report is published of numbers.” by NewsLink Inc. It was founded in 1994. On Sept. 14, 2001, it appeared Brian A. Howey, Publisher that President George W. Bush had a shot Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington Writer at becoming a great American president. Jack E.
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