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«? t Page 2 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Solares Hill An Hour of Research f% JL #%££* 1 • Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 . Page 3 TRUMAN ANNEX What has been tagged by the 1 City of Key West and the United SHIPYARD CONDOMINIUMS & States Postal Service as "a done deal" to find the best place to Post Office Location Is Not Sealed & Stamped PRESIDENTS' LANE TOWNHOMES relocate the Flagler Avenue by J.D. Dooley branch of the post office may be just the beginning of a struggle. IVlany Key West residents were disap- Several loose ends must be f; pointed January 7 when the Key West City dealt with. Many citizens are un- had done some research—about Commission denied public comment on the satisfied with the postal service's relocation of the New Town post office from decision to move its branch into an hour's worth. In another matter, it's nice to Flagler Avenue to the Overseas Market on the Overseas Market. Primarily North Roosevelt Boulevard. their resistance to this choice is see some recognition for Gerald Mosher, Mr. Moe, one of the pio- The postal service and Lewis Properties, that the new shopping center suf- developer of the Overseas Market, have en- fers from an ill-designed parking neers of Duval Street's renewal more than two decades ago. tered into an agreement to lease. A lease may lot. soon follow based on Lewis Properties' abili- A busy postal trade could pro- Also in this issue, psychiatrist ty to meet postal service standards. vide enough additional steel and Alma Bond gives her professional The uproar began when city attorney Gin- wheels to break the proverbial view of the island, which will be ny Stones said that the postal service was camel's back at this busy location. forever "on the couch." As a legally bound to Lewis Properties. She said City staff and city commis- newcomer, she retains (we hope) she had received a letter that day from a law sioners chose to back down from at least a shred of objectivity firm indicating that the city would be held the whole issue, stating that the about this wild and crazy place. legally responsible if it interfered with the Key West's Best Location problem was not a city-level Finally, assistant city manager contract between the Postal Service and problem. Ron Herron has recently come developer. Best Design / Best Security 7 Best Price It took about 20 minutes for under fire from city officials and Within the letter, Shutts & Bowen said our reporter to find the case the local media for his testimony in a that Lewis Properties has entered into a bind- 2 Bedroom Condominium: $114,000 City of Rochester, New York vs. federal court in Miami concerning ing agreement with the U.S. Postal Service, the United States Postal Service, Peary Court. During the last com- 3 Bedroom Townhome: $179,000 and that "Lewis Properties intends to hold the , i— ,—niiHiniiMiin'iiiimn i. 'HIIIIWI" iitfiTl in which at least one city legally mission meeting, commissioner city responsible for any loss or damages that AND A POST OFFICE TOO: The United States Postal Service plans to sign a lease with Lewis Proper- protested a federally-made deci- Jimmy Weekley spoke out in sup- Lewis Properties may incur as a result of the ties, the developer of Overseas Market, to open a branch office in the new shopping center. TRUMAN ANNEX REAL ESTATE CO. sion. And the citizens won. port of Herron \s honesty, and city's interference." Avenue location. Marjorie Chapin wrote a ating new sites for postal facilities. Some of It took the writer another half reminded the audience in Old City letter to Florida CongressmaCnnpressman DantDantpe Pnc^iFascelli , these factors are: site cost, land availability, •— (305)296-7078 - who then contacted the U.S. Postal Service hour to confirm that LPI/Key. Hall that Herron had spoken un- Objections To New Location facility improvements needed, site accessi- West Associates has never been der oath. in Washington, D.C. bility by vehicular and pedestrian traffic and P.O. Box 344, KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041 Many citizens voiced opposition to the In a response to the congressman, dated registered as a company with the We applaud both Herron and relocation spot, which they say is less ac- the site preference1s voiced by representatives State of Florida. This oversight Weekley for their integrity. cessible and more costly than the Flagler October 3, 1991, the postal service replied, of the community. may cost LPI the ability to sue the Ann Boese "Many factors are considered when evalu Th™e "letter said the matter is still under city for possible interference with TRUMAN ANNEX the contract between it and the postal service. The cover photograph of Gerald With interest We believe the city commis- Mosher, a.k.a. Mr. Moe, was sion should not have so swiftly shot by .1. D. Don ley. FREE dismissed the concerns of its rates DOWN constituents. Nor should it have been so easily frightened by the many notion of a lawsuit, if it indeed DEVELOPING! was, at least not until city staff Investment Offer Good until March 19 HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN Opporttinities Coupon Must Be Presented With Film bvy _B O A R D S P E C I A X. I S I S COLOR PROCESSING ONLY e assured advanced standards ,unl considerate attention. Call 2l>l-">f>l are looking up! BDoctors & Midwlves Group OPEN 7 DAYS - 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. 2505 Flagler Ave., Kev West, 11. .WMI) WillirJM,™. Ufll>lll.u•. "ii*.-. . MED It I ID C < •> T I 0 JiigHer yielding Corner of Corner of tewestments Eaton & Duval Front & Duval Solares Hill is a community newspaper for your ic9e dollars, published bi-weekly by Key West Publications, 294-9331 294-9908 1217 White Street, Key West, FL 33040. please call today. Phone: (305) 294-3602 Thomas Geyer, President RAYMOND JAMES Frank E. Taylor, Vice President SL ASgrjOIATES. INC. Geddy Sveikauskas, Secretary-Treasurer k Slock Exchange/SIPC Editor Editorial Sales Manager Accounting Ann Boese Assistant Michele Grahl Patti Anthony •TRUMAN ANNEX- Art Director KathyFIoam Sales Typesetting Perry's Plaza Suzanne Pereira City Reporter Peter Ginslwrg Adele Gerbntcht 3706-H N. Roosevelt Blvd. REAL ESTATE COMPANY, INC. J.D. Dooley Mike Wolpert Distribution Jim EMredge Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 296-7078 OFFICE LOCATED ©1991 Key West Publications, Inc. r BY THE FOUNTAIN IN TRUMAN ANNEX ^UHM our friends. J|i Concerned about you ind your financial well-being. Page 4 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Solares Hill Solares HiH • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Page 5 cerning the new location. Herman Phillips of the EPA's New York negotiations. no fictitious name for this company has been Opponents to the relocation site claim that Strader replied that the Overseas Market office concurs that the postal service is not company that may not exist. location was consistent with Key West land exempt from federal law and clearly falls registered with Monroe County or the Florida Had the city been aware of the NEPA moving the post office to the Overseas Mar- Secretary of State. The general partner of the Watcti For ket contradicts each of the conditions men- use regulations, the answer to DeHainault's within the purview of the National Environ- guidelines and the fact that the companies question, and then went a step further by ex- mental Protection Act (NEPA), which ad- partnership (unlimited liability holder) is dealing with the postal service were not Something Special tioned by the postal service in the letter to called LPI/Key West, Inc. The listed business Fascell. pressing regret that the Flagler Avenue loca- dresses not only the natural environment but properly registered, commissioners would at Family Jewel tion would be closed. quality-of-human-life issues as well. address is 1500 Miami Center, 100 Chopin have found out that it is impossible for Currently, the postal service is leasing the Plaza, Miami. FL 33131. Flagler location for $7,100 per year; the "I don't believe the Overseas Market loca- "It would appear, in this case," says LPI/Key West to file a suit against the city. on March 2 tion will provide the same convenience and Miller, "that the test [of impact to the quality According to Florida code section 865.09 No one can sue on behalf of an entity that projected lease for the Overseas Market loca- (9) (a), the code concerning the registration 513 Duval St. • 296-0291 tion is expected to run about $80,000 per level of service we now enjoy," Strader of life] has not been completed. The USPS doesn't exist, according to attorney Herb wrote. of fictitious names states: "If a business fails Walker. year, roughly 11 times the current rate. should have to explore this with at least an to comply, the business, its members, and As for location, several alternative sites The USPS claims that after deciding to EA concerning public access and cost. Many The answers still aren't clear. During a relocate, they made the best business decision those interested in doing such business may meeting held on the subject recently, a small 24 Hr. Pager #1118A 1-800-888-3844 have been mentioned, including the aban- times sites are discounted because of cost and not maintain any action, suit or proceeding in (305)764-3205 doned Winn Dixie in Searstown. available. but determined group of citizens vowed to public input alone. There is a case law to that any court of this state until this section is find out. Absent from that meeting were city Bob Foote The postal service, however, claims that "Public input doesn't enter into the factor. effect- We ran the ads, called the city fathers. When complied with." commissioners, postal officials and rep- Loan Officer upon deciding to vacate the current location, Case Law: Rochester N.Y. vs. USPS Calls to Shutts & Bowen and to Lewis FHA/VA/Conv it published a call for bids on a new location we decided to build, the local post master resentatives of LPI—all of whom had went out of his way by approaching the other The U.S. Federal Code outlines the para- Properties' Key West office were not re- received written invitations. and, according to a published statement by meters by which the postal service must turned as of press time. ill .Key West Post Master E.R. Hart, Lewis shopping centers and no other [business] MARGARETTEN & COMPANY INC. placed an offer," said Cesta Ayers of the guide itself: "In planning and building new Morqage Bankers est.1909 Properties presented the only response. Did the City Buckle Under? The USPS published an advertisement in USPS' Miami office, "All the hearings in the postal facilities the postal service shall em- world wouldn't create more available loca- phasize the need for facilities designed to If the city did buckle under to a threat of the Key West Citizen calling for lease prop- legal action, it may have been from a erty in February and March of 1991. The ad tions. I can fully appreciate the citizens' con- create a maximum degree of convenience for appeared in the classified section under cerns, but that was the best offer we had." efficient postal services and control of costs commercial property, not in the legal notice When asked how the situation would be to the postal service." section, where one would expect to find such resolved, Ayers replied, "As far as I am con- The above is federal law and the people an announcement. The ad, which also ap- cerned it is resolved." may challenge the postal service on that The Most peared in the Miami Herald, did not mention basis, as did the citizens of Rochester in the that the existing site would be closed, only Is Postal Service Exempt? City of Rochester New York vs. the USPS, a that another site would be opened. Ayers agreed that no input was requested case in which a city successfully sued the Stunning Address other than that of land use regulation com- postal service on its decision to move the post What's On Record pliance. He also said, however, that as a office. FINE WOMEN'S APPAREL Little in the way of public comment is "businesslike government entity," the USPS Locally, the failure of the postal service to in all of OFFICE-CHIC TO BEACH-CASUAL noted within the administrative records of the is exempt from certain government regula- comply with federal regulations prior to en- USPS concerning the relocation. In fact, the tions such as the Natural Environmental Poli- tering into the agreement to lease could void only document located was a letter to Key cy Act (NEPA), whereas other agencies, such the decision to move to the Overseas Market. West. West city planner Ted Strader from Michael as the Department of Transportation must 292-9691 comply. 1102- C DUVAL ST. KEY WEST . TUES.-SAT. 10-5, SUN. 12-3 DeHainault, a real estate specialist with the When It Rains, It Pours USPS, calling for comment specifically con- "If Southern Bell were to change loca- tions would the citizenry have a right to com- Nobody seems certain of exactly the plain? It's the same with the postal service," entity with which the post office is dealing. GMA Ayers asked and answered. If the threat of a lawsuit against the city "No it is not," said Gerald Miller of the were a possibility, certain legal formalities Environmental Protection Agency's Atlanta would have to be in place, including a /" office, which oversees Florida. "At least an registered business name for the party i.SUNSET) Featuring over 15 of your favorite Environmental Assessment [EA] would seem desiring to litigate. The offer to lease to the local artisans working in all mediums FHA-VA-CONV • Free Pre-Qualifications necessary based on the significant effect to post office was signed by LPl/Key West CENTRAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATES, INC. Associates. According to county records and Mtg. Bankers Rates sub], lo change. the quality of the human environment." We package and ship 3714 N. Roosevelt Blvd. 292-1001 the Florida secretary of state's office, no such HEALTH INSURANCE company exists in the state. 412-414 GreeneSt The group had requested its mail be sent (305)296-8999 in care of LPI Property Investors, Inc. Again SAVE MONEY" NpW! GROUP & INDIVIDUAL Visa • Mastercard • American Express • Discover WE REPRESENT OVER 20 INSURANCE according to county records and the Florida Call Today And Find Out About COMPANIES TO SERVICE ALL OF YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE NEEDS. secretary of state's office, no such business An Income Tax Deferred IRA entity exists in the state. Randy Dudley, CLU F. COURTNEY & COMPANY A partnership called LPI Key West 296-9696 Associates Ltd. does exist, but it appears that Form exceptional few. CHARTERED FINANCIAL CONSULTANT 1-800-273-4631 • 305-872-2063

Yes! I want Solares Hill delivered to my door. Here is $35 for my 20-issue subscription. A1A ON THE OCEAN Key West, 296-5671 ^J Name:. Where the living is livelier and fresher... the water is warm and inviting. Bight on the marina, with an unobstructed view ofthefatMisKey Westsumets, are Address: the premiere Harbour Place Condominimns at Classic Breakfast & lunch Truman Annex. (Presidents Truman and Kennedy Homemade Daily Specials spent their vacations here, fishing and relaxing in Break .State:. , Zip:. A^ r M fast served all day America's frost-free "Caribbean" hland,)Total luxury lt*€; Air usnditloned • Convenient, on Duval at Angela and prime location. Must be seen to be believed, Save your cover! rwt . ,.New Hours: 8am - 3pm Dally Every Sunday Copy the information from this form. Don t miss Camilla's Great Sunday Brunch, Sam -3pm yet reasonably priced from $250 -150K SJ< ^ TAKE-OUT ALSO AVAILABLE 1-5 p.m. 1217 White Street • Key West • FL 33040 CmMMmris at (S00) 553-1115 DANCE 11 296-4811 • 703 y2 Duval Street for details. Picture yourself there. FOREVER* • EXOTIC SWIMMlMG Page 6 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Sotares Hill Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Page 7 which a local developer had set up as a non- rent." profit organization but then dropped. She George Murphy's "Coconut Telegraph" tele- So she started her own affordable school. shuffled paper for more than a year to secure vision show on Channel 5, and, recently, IVlost veterans of school music programs they provided musical entertainment during a tax-exempt status, and then signed a lease the Jaycees local charity telethon. can recall pulling a borrowed instrument Decades of Dedication with the school board to lease space in the (probably older than themselves) out of a In quiet, modest tones Wendt, who is Until Wendt can find a major supporter musty closet and trudging to a far corner of Harris School. Classes, which are after originally from Michigan, explains her own school and on Saturdays, began early last for the school, fundraisers and grants will the school building for band practice. There musical education in classical piano, which remain her principal form of support. She's the music teacher's baton could usually be summer. been able to enlist the aid of local businesses began at age five and continued until age 20. "It's really growing quickly," says heard whacking the music stand to gain the Coincidentally, her teacher, a concert pianist, to purchase both radio and print advertising Lynn Kaufelt. Marketing savvy and multi mil- Wendt, who has lived in the Keys for 12 students' attention. now lives in the Keys. for the school. lions in sales to prove it. She's got the power years. "Now we have at least 60 students, But the routine at the Share School of For the next decade, Wendt took a break "Even if I don't find a major donor, I and you'll find her using it at Prudential Knight Music, located in the old Harris School com- think we can make it with fundraisers," she where she's No.1 in sales. plex, is decidedly different. Up in the sec- says. "Every time we have an event, it be- ond-floor studio, level with the loftier boughs comes easier to fill." Lynn Kaufelt, Broker-Associate of Spanish lime trees, local children plunk "I need at least four similar keyboards," away at a baby grand. Their sometimes she says. "Keyboards with headphones so The Prudential (^^.Knight Realty, Inc. strained notes float off to the soft white ceil- that more children can practice seperately and An Independgntly Owned and Operated Member ol The Prudential Real Estate Altiliales. Inc. 336 Duval Street, Key West, Florida 33040 ings high overhead. The then together." (|jl Phone:305-294-5155; Evenings 305-292-1288 Approaching its first anniversary, the Share School is a non-profit organization that provides musical instruction to the commu- Share On March 28, the Harid Conservatory, a DONKEY MILK HOUSE nity at a comfortable rate of $5 a session. touring high school music and ballet pro- Under the eyes (and ears) of director Mary circa 1866 gram, will be arriving in Key West with a MUSEUM'SHOP Beth Wendt, the school operates on small pianist and string quartet to perform a grants, modest tuition fees, fundraisers and classic architecture & School benefit for the Share School at Tennessee period furnishings the odd donation. Although it provides class- Williams Fine Art Center, For information, Daily 1Q-5 es and workshops for children as young as 294-5299. four years, the majority of the lessons, which 613 Eaton St., Key West, FL 33040 • (305) 296-1866 include piano, guitar, flute and sax, are held O/Music quence of notes—A-C-E-G—found on a for students aged six to 16. staff with a bass clef. by Joe Silva Asia looks intently at her book as Wendt Adults may also attend the school for the attends to another pupil. Timidly, she draws same low fee, but the focus is on the child- notes in her theory book, and then she erases ren. them slowly and uncertainly. Wendt was sparked to start the school Later, however, sitting next to her in- while she was teaching a general music class structor at the piano, Asia's fingers come at Mary Immaculate. (She now teaches guitar from music: she married, traveled and lived not including the private students. My goal is down harder on the keys than her more ex- HANDMADE CREATIONS in the enrichment program at Glynn Archer in Nashville, where she worked as controller to have about 150 students. Last year at least perienced classmates. With little reservation, elementary school.) for country singer Johnny Cash. After mov- that many came through the doors." she presses on to the end of her exercise. SENSITIVE 'GIFTS & CLOTHING "I thought it was too expensive for a lot ing to the Keys, she resumed her musical The money from student tuitions goes "Some children can start at age five and of kids to take private [music] lessons," says aspirations and began a five-year course of toward paying the instructors: Cheryl Kin- be great," Wendt says. "But it really depends 9^ Wendt. "I knew that a lot of kids really study—working with Key Wester Matthew kelaar, who teaches flute; Annie McDonell, on the child, on their ability to read. You wanted to study music." Jampol on guitar and Jacqueline Rosenblatt who teaches kodaly—u method of teaching heard how many times I've had to say 'all ft LOWER KEYS FRIENDS C3F ANIMAL^ But the usual rates of $20 to $25 an hour of Big Pine on piano—to prepare her for ear-training, notation and rhythms; Phyllis cows eat grass' today; if the children don't for private instruction, she says, were too work as an instructor. Pope who teaches puppet-theater workshop; know what letter the word 'cow' begins with * RAINFOREST ALLIANCE'; steep for middle-income families "who have About two years ago, Wendt assumed Matthew Jampol, who teaches adult guitar several children and can barely make their control of the Share Corporation, a project workshops; and, of course, Wendt who teaches guitar and piano. Ah, Yes, the Recitals • THE NATURE CONSERVANCY The remaining costs- - the annual rent and The 12-week semesters are scheduled to insurance on the studio is set at $10,000- - mirror regular school semesters; each comes ? • CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAI- have been covered by the proceeds from to a close with a recital that combines the fundraisers and two $1000 state grants. various student groups and also serves as a FRIENDS OF THE EARTHj "The grants come from the State Division fundraiser. In fact, the ensemble work is one of Cultural Affairs," says Wendt. "You have of the primary goals of the school. GIFTS THAT GIVE AGAIN! to fill out an extensive form, because there 'To me studying music is a learning ORIGINAL HAND PRINTED DESIGNS <305> 294-6480 are hundreds of applicants. I was amazed at process," says Wendt. "We focus on memory BYJOHNRANKINE 1124 DtJVAL ST, RO. BOX 110/ the first one 1 got, because I wasn't even and do a lot of group work." 913 DUVAL STREET • 294-0411 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041 operating yet. But (the state) liked the idea of Groups of her students have appeared on having a music school in Key West." Unfortunately, says Wendt, the state ran out of money to fund projects like hers after SOUTHERN MEDICAL GROUP the second grant. is pleased to announce the affiliation of

Individualized Attention Dr. KATHRYN L. PRICE The school's class sizes are small, usu- General Medicine and Family Practice a ally running from four to six students, which Patients seen on walk-in basis and by appointment helps ensure each child receives sufficient Dr. John F. Calleja, M.D. Dr. Elias J. Gerth, M.D. individual attention during one of the 45- Internal Medicine Internal Medicine minute or hour-long sessions. Pulmonary Medicine Critical Care Medicine Recently in a class, Wendt calmly shuttled Dr. William H. Greenwood, M.D. 1114 Duval St. • 292-4002 between the baby grand and the students, Anesthesiology wno were patiently trying to remember the Addictionology rants about where certain notes are placed on Fine Food at Family Prices the musical staff. The Key West Professional Building Entrees start at $7.50 - Specials Daily- "Remember, all cows eat grass," Wendt 1111 12th. Street, Suite 108, Key West, Florida 33040 Lucy's also serves breakfast & lunch says to Asia, a seven-year-old piano student, 296-2414 8:30 a.m. - 1.1p.m. ine words illustrate the particular se- Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Page 9 Page 8 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Solares Hill —^ I m Bunny Population In Decline by Beth Forys V. at Duval Square

Af you have never heard of the "keys Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner bunny," you might be surprised to find there 1075 Duval Sauare • 294-2809 actually are rabbits native to the Lower Florida Keys and that they are endangered. This bunny is not the white pygmy rabbit your neighbor lost on Harris Avenue or the BIG Big and Tall group of European rabbits (Belgian hares) DUVALc^QUA Men's Apparel . that were once released up the Keys. It's a GUYS with a Tropical subspecies of marsh rabbit that has a dark, 14-C Duval Square Accent reddish-brown coat, a minuscule brown tail, Exclusive off-street parking * Various array of upscale shops (Corner Simonton & Virginia) FREE Alterations weighs less than two pounds and is found within 24 houra only in the Lower Keys of Florida. It differs 1075 DUVAL STREET • KEY WEST FREE PARKING OPEN 7 Days a Week< from other marsh rabbits in certain cranial 292-1797 and coat characteristics, and it is smaller in size. Sylvilagus palustris hefneri was named for Playboy Magazine publisher Hugh Hef- ner, because his corporation originally fund- ed part of researcher James Lazell's taxo- nomic work on the rabbit. After much pressure from local naturalists, the rabbit was EXPLORE THE ULTIMATE IN FUN GIFT IDEAS Listed as an endangered species at both the our specialty - GOURMET GIFT BASKETS state and federal levels in 1990. 1075 Duval St. - Duval Sq. #22 - 294-1733 Now funding for the little-known rabbit Duval Sq. at Simonton St. comes from a rather different source, the Our new Serving breakfast U.S. Navy. The Navy has commissioned ill me, a Ph.D. student from the University of Spring Collection lunch and light entrees Florida, to do a two-and a-half-year study on Your One-Stop Service Center Free Parking & Delivery the population, biology and habitat require- Has Arrived! "Home of 101 Services" For Orders ments of the marsh rabbit. The study was ing Navy property. rabbits use very specific areas of habitat, and :PLENTY. OF FREF.• PARKIN*;"AT BOTH LOCATIONS Telephone Fax motivated by the discovery of marsh rabbits Historically, rabbits have occupied the HI') PEACOCK PLAZA • SLASRSTOWN • 2t)4-')')52 that there is little overlap between rabbits in ...All Designer originals l on Navy lands. As a federal agency, the majority of the Lower Keys including Key their main areas of use. 1075 DUVAL ST. • DUVAL SQUARF • 2 )4-4')W 292-8350 292-8346 Navy must avoid planning any development West; and as late as the 1940s their numbers Only young male adults appear to travel in a handwoven fabric that might be detrimental to the rabbit. were reported to be abundant. The ensuing long distances, a behavior known as disper- that is cool, comfortable By using accepted rabbit censusing meth- decline appears to be from extreme loss of sal, which appears to occur at the onset of and perfect for the tropical ods, such as live-trapping and fecal pellet habitat. sexual maturity. Dispersal is thought to climate of Key West. counting, I have been able to estimate the The rabbit lives in the buttonwood transi- provide genetic interchange between popula- total number of adult rabbits in the Lower tion zone—an area of high marshes and tions and to allow for colonization in new Come in and let us show Florida Keys. After over one year of stu- grasslands that lies between mangroves and areas. you the new collection. dying rabbit populations from Big Pine to upland hardwood hammocks. Often prime _ My research also indicates that adult mor- Boca Chica, I estimated a total population real-estate, these areas have been under in- tality of the keys rabbit is relatively low com- #2C Duval Square • 294-5466 high of 400 rabbits in February 1991 and a tense developmental pressure in the past. pared to other rabbits. All of the rabbits I population low of 240 rabbits in November Other factors in the decline may have in- have trapped have appeared to be healthy, and 1991 cluded hunting, road kills, predation by feral many of the females have been pregnant. This decrease probably represents a sea- cats, and the introduction of exotic trees like Of the 23 rabbits I've followed, only five sonal variance in rabbit numbers, but I was Australian pine. (This tree's needles appear to have been killed. Three were hit by vehicles, disturbed to discover that a few of the inhibit the growth of plants that are important 1992 marks our Fifteenth Year of Banking Service to the rabbits for food and shelter.) and two were eaten by an eastern diamond- to the people of the Florida Keys. marshes known to support rabbit populations back rattlesnake. Four of the five were young Sound, progressive management and in 1989 (during the research for. the endan- In addition to estimating population size, males that died while they were dispersing. total committment to our customers gered species listing) have been destroyed. I am using radio telemetry to Study marsh Preserving safe dispersal corridors between have earned us the reputation as Less than one-third of the rabbits left are home-range size and habitat use. Radio tele- rabbit populations may be important to the The Top Performing Dank estimated to be living on public land, ino'ud- metry, or radio tracking, uses transmitters subspecies' survival. in Monroe County. attached to collars that allow researchers to follow specific animals and study their habitat The current population-peak estimate of 400 individuals indicates that the rabbit may We have made a sound investment in our use. Each tiny transmitter emits a distinct Keys communities, and arc proud to maintain radio frequency that the researcher can detect be in imminent danger of extinction. Some scientists believe that a total population size our Locally Owned, Independent Bank status. 1 * with an antenna, which is attached to a V receiver. of 500 reproductive individuals is necessary Our Board of Directors, Officers and Staff for long-term persistence. It does not appear Currently, I have radio telemetry collars New American Cuisine take this opportunity to say that the local rabbit-population numbers will Featuring superior steaks and Thank You to our valuable customers and friends KE1MWESI on 15 adult rabbits. During the past nine ever reach much over 500, because there months, I have discovered that adult marsh the freshest seafood who, in so many ways, have contributed to simply isn't enough habitat left to support Dine In Alr-Conditioned or Courtyard Setting our tremendous Success. FISH MARKET this many rabbits. RESTAURANT . "Best New Restaurant 1991" Locals Discount - 10% Retail At this point, it is important to preserve -South Florida Magazine Serving The Finest Local Seafood' Shoe & Leather Repair the remaining areas of rabbit habitat; how- HAPPY HOUR 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 pm Now Open For Breakfast TONY LAMA BOOTS ever, recent efforts to purchase rabbit habitat DINNER 6:30 p.m. -11:00 p.m. 6:30 am. - 7 days a week MINNETONKA have failed due to a lack of funds. Perhaps Reservations Preferred First Featuring Special Seafood Omelettes! ^w down Duval St. to the Quality Discount to be called Mr. Moe— is well known among rally I was fast- -took me only three or four Wildroot Creme Oil any more. And I'd say, long- and short-time Key Westers. While he :v festival at Fat Tuesdays:;; ; minutes. Virgil said, My Ciod, can you : Entertainment by; Derek••: Orchids. Fruit Trees : Bernard;^ The Slamrnerg;; !" MAILS(5XES"ETt>"l Houseplanfs Bedding & Bath 1 24 Hour Box Service* UPS* Shipping* Packing • FAX- ' Landscaping Plants ; ;-Free IVlardi Gras: Beadsr-: ; Western Union'Passport Photos 'Notary j PLANT NURSERY \ Succulents :; and a chance towirv £ Hibiscus Searstown, Key West i VOICE MAIL , Other Exotics Your Local Shop-At-Horne ,:: round trip airline tickets ;•; Service for Window ( Computerized Message Service) VAM-6PM 7 DAYS Treatments with the 1 Buv One Month, Get One FREE. B lowest prices in the Keys continental' United; States; 294-9901 § 8 am. to 6pm. Daily 10 am -3pm. Saturday g 916 JAMES ST. .KEY WEST Call The Blind lady 292-0272. 298-9999 or 745-1110 Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. LKey Plaza _Shoppjng_Center • 292-4177j 305 Duval • 296-9373 Page 12 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Solares Hill dabbled in photography then and used to go erties in the downtown area. It developed the into Swift's photography store often and got Duval Street Market and what used to be Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Page 13 to know the family pretty well. Ed would Gloria's Garden. drop into my shop a lot and we'd talk about things we'd like to see happen to Duval Jack-Of-All-Trades Street. Mosher modestly describes himself as a "Those were the days—1967 and '68— jack-of-all-trades. "My daddy only went to UPPER DUVAL STREET when retail businesses began leaving down- second grade, but. he could repair anything town and moving out to the shopping center that was made," he says. "That's actually in New Town. Well, Ed and I had some what I do in the corporation I'm a the The Upscale End of Town ideas. After his haircut we'd stand outside handyman. Most of the time I can figure out my shop and look up and down the street. a way to fix something, to do something." Ed is really a visionary, and he'd say, Boy, He points to a computer on his desk. "I've can't you imagine a fountain here and a park FLAMINGO finally gotten brave enough," he says, "to CROSSING, there, and the old buildings looking good get on this computer and make it work for Home-Made again? me." The Oldest Newstand in Key West Tropical Ice Creams "We joined the Downtown Business and Mr. Moe says he misses being in the Out Of Town Nowspapors Greeting Cards •Frozen Yogurt . OLD KING MOE: Mosher recently posed as a Paperbacks Magazines •Tropical Garden Setting An Environmental Store Property Owners Association, Ed and I, to waiter to raise funds for the Leukemia Society. barber shop. Though he describes himself as •Made Fresh Daily • Free Tastings see if we couldn't, like Billy and Mrs. Appl- very much a private person, he says lie likes •Florida Keys' Finest Key Lime Pie 719 Duval Street • 296-4442 Pick's Shoe Store—just about across from 1200 Duval Street • 296-5032 erouth and others, spearhead doing some- people. He enjoys the hands-on things a Open daily noon-11 pm, Fri & Sat til Midnight thing with the old downtown. We attended a where Compliments is today. It wasn't easy New York Times - Wall Street Journal I 1105 Duval Street » 296-6124 work, but we sure got a good start to spruce barber does, things that let him "get in touch" couple of meetings and everybody thought with another person. our ideas were pretty good. So we planned a up the street. "After we'd done a couple of buildings "I still do a few shaves for my old cus- couple of work parties to paint and clean up tomers," he says. "I love to give shaves and some of the buildings and decorate the show Ed said, Moe, we ought to buy some of these buildings-because we're going to have to do facials. But most of my shop time is spent windows—to keep them from looking so doing the accounting." empty. come back next year and do it again. You The shop gets a good mix of customers, "The first work party gathered on a week- know the owners aren't going to do anything —they're retired or too old to be concerned. he says. There are the winter people who end. About six people came to-help: Ron come down each year. Then there are those Gamble and his wife, Jamie Bishop and her I thought it was a good idea. 1114 Duval St. • 292-4002 "As I remember, one of the first buildings • folks whose hair he began cutting back in HANDMADE CREATIONS Fine Food at Family Prices policeman husband (she has a shop now on '51—Donald Burry, Richard Curry, Mr. ENVIRONMENTALLY Flagler), Ed, myself, and one other person. we tried to buy was the Johnson Building. It Open 8:30 a.m. - 11 p.m. belonged to a large family, and the transaction . Pinder, and others. SENSITIVE GIFTS Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner' Put a little South in yo' mouth! None of the other 25 downtown merchants "The locals stabilize us all year long, and showed up. took quite a while. So we formed a company 1124 DUVAL STREET Open for Dinner Daily at 6:30pm and called it 'Ed, Moe and Bruce.' Then later the winter visitors and vacationers keep us 294-6480 "We started by painting a building that we put together a corporation and called it'J. busy," he explains. "We're even open week- 915 Duval • Old Key West • 296-6700 was at the corner of Duval and Angela Embry' with Mr. Cates, myself, my son Ed, ends to accommodate the cruise-ship people." streets, right where there used to be an and a couple of other people. Most of Moe's employees have been there archery range in a vacant lot. Then we did "After that we started buying other pieces for years, some off and on. There's Alex, of downtown property. Of course, lots of who's often found behind the counter when people laughed at us for buying a chain of he's not busy with the retail stock. Shy, quiet empty stores. We did a lot a physical work on Allen has worked in the shop for around 14 those properties, mostly before and after our years. And Josie started as cashier, then went regular jobs—Ed was running the camera to cosmetology school, came back and does a stores and I was barbering. little haircutting as well. Gary has worked in "We then formed Old Town Develop- the shop for 8 or 9 years; he left for a few ment Corporation. Chris Belland became the years and then returned. He does a lot of the ICE CREAM & YOGURT managing partner, and I was more or less the barbering and sort of co-manages with Alex. TRY A SMOOTHIE handyman. We fixed up and improved about And many regulars will rememixx Peter, who FROM OUR NEW JUICE BAR! 23 properties. Then Ed and Chris said we used to go to Hawaii in the summer and 513A SOUTH STREET 296-2547 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specials had to do something to draw more, people. return to barter during season. The Conch Tour Train by that time was well known. Jerry Hernandez had a little business Future Plans & Mixed Emotions going that he called Buggy Rides. Well, Jerry What are Mr. Moe's plans for the future? wanted property on Duval Street, so we made "Well, I have mixed emotions about the a deal— a piece of property for an interest in shop," he says. "It's so much a part of me the buggy business. that I don't want to let it go. But there's a "Dear, let's call a Professional!" time when you have to let go. Mayt>e Alex or , RON'S SOUTH STREET "We didn't particularly like the vehicles i/i Virgin^ ST. Few realize that modem plumbing.is the largest Jerry was using, but they worked all right. Gary or someone else will want to take it SOUTHERNMOST WkTERSPORTS single factor in eradicating the plagues that killed over, possibly under a contract to manage or Then one day when Chris and Ed were CAR CLINIC J C • BEACH SUPPLIES most of the population in large cities and this was to buy me out. Perhaps Marina and I will Foreign and Domestic Repairs not many years ago. Modern sanitation practices traveling they spotted a trolley, liked the • SWIMWEAR looks of it, and decided that's what was need- travel. We have a summer home in North Low Prices on New Radiators • SNORKEL GEAR continue to be important and even in our time, Carolina that we go to every year. I'm dig- Go Where the Locals Go! poor practices have resulted in the outbreaks of ed here. That was the start of the Old Town 1300 Duval* 296-4615 51 IB SOUTH STREET illness. It is imperative that the water supply in Trolley." ging a basement there now- still fixing Visa, MC, Discover 296-0514 homes and businesses be safe and not contaminated stuff." by wastes water or other pollutants. The best way The development corporation is still very much in business, says Mr. Moe. It owns the It's hard to imagine that Mr. Moe will to protect yourself is to "Call a Professional. " ever completely leave the island he has loved large building bordering on Key Lime and played such a large part in developing UROJL Square, Key Lime Square and other prop- since 1951. §| ptown Duval Street captures the aura of Inc. We Bring You Key West's Old Town in a small, tasteful Plumbing Contractors slice. Here high fashion elegance snug- Office & Showroom The Good Life gles with down-home funk and neigh- bourhooUd service stores. Unpretentious local Corner of Flagler Aye & Kennedy Drive In Paradise Plant Design And Care , First mainstays fit comfortably besides polished new Tar Heel lading Co. in Habana Plaza storefronts. While Uptown Duval continues to 726 Catherine St ,,,,„ F°r Your Home or Business \ National 294-1111 MO7 Key Plaza Bank evolve and develop, merchants take particular . State certified CKCO19095 296-2411 pride in preserving the laid-back atmosphere Key West, Fla 33040 30S-291-0075 they say characterizes their area. Open Daily - 802 Duval St. 1075 Duval Street 17 (Each business is keved into the map. Check the 294-4817 bottom left corner of each box for the number) l^_Jl£y^i5kfL--' _i3O5V294:8589__ Page 14 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 Solares Hill students were from military families. Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March IS, 1992 • Page 15 West. If the city didn't support the project, he Ninety percent of school system funding said, he couldn't promise that the Navy Now that public passions have been would stay in Key West. (Earlier in the week, is provided through the local district school tax, paid by the citizens of Monroe County inflamed, perhaps Siler, George will be Currie released a report estimating the Navy s Better Study Numbers Needed asked to pay closer attention to the role of the fiscal impact on the City of Key West at over and based on the number of students en- military in the local economy. Better numbers J.D. Dooley by Geddy Sveikauskas a half-billion dollars, annually.) rolled. As Monroe County is assessed for persons are employed by the military (includ- are needed. Currie's input drew thunderous ap- payment of that tax, the 1088 military stu- ing the Coast Guard) in Key West. It esti- Meanwhile, what's the bottom line on the plause from the crowd, which included many dents, creating a cost of over $5.5 million, 1 he epic struggle over Peary Court has mates that 1050 additional jobs in Key West impact of the military? After all the benefits civilian employees of the Navy. Signs sup- are counted toward the assessment, and the recently seen loose figures tossed around by (or 7.2 percent of all non-military employ- and the service costs are calculated, it's likely porting the Navy were raised and American residents of Monroe County are taxed ac- both the Navy and the Keep-Peary-Court- ment) can be attributed to the military's pre- to come down to a judgment call. flags waved. When Last Stand supporters ap- cordingly. Green supporters. The truth appears to lie sence. So far, so good. In an economy dominated by one major peared, threatening remarks and jeers could Detractors claim that the federal govern- .somewhere in the middle. Later, the study estimates that only $4.6 industry, tourism, what's it worth for Key 5K) be heard throughout the room. ment contributes toward the expense of Naval The Navy's Economic Impact Study, a million in retail sales, or one percent of Key West to have another source of economic The next speaker, Harry Powell, who has children enrolled in the school system. That report by commanding officer Captain M.P. West's total retail sales, comes from the support? In our troubled economic times, the been the driving force behind the Keep Peary contribution, however, amounts to less than Currie to Key West "shareholders," purports military. But this data appears based on an answer has got to be: a great deal. M Court Green effort, was greeted by loud boos 10 percent of the total cost, leaving the re- to put into numbers the significant economic elementary statistical blunder. and threats. maining 90 percent to be paid by the citizens. impact of the Navy on the community. The likely error is contained in the GREENE Like Powell, Jim Farrell, who is vice "Excluding the Navy from impacts The study makes a count of the number following paragraph. See if you can spot it. president of Last Stand, tried to argue that created from the Peary Court project would of military personnel in the Key West area (Our italics will help you): the lawsuit was geared toward heading off seem to increase an already overburdened (3431) and civilian employees (1217). It "If 70 percent of the Key West jobs and STREET further burdens to the city by forcing the Monroe County tax base," said Jim Mc- multiplies the payroll (close to $125 million, 10 percent of the remaining 1019 military Navy to comply with federal regulations. It Lernan, president of Last Stand. "By sup- annually) of its employees by a gross income jobs elsewhere in the county are filled by Key was not an anti-Navy campaign, he claimed. porting the Peary Court project with what a multiplier (4.31) to "more accurately reflect West residents, then 837 employees reside in Farrell was cut off after three minutes by the federal magistrate has already determined to the economic impact or roll-pver effect of the Key West. Assuming an average household be an inadequate environmental assessment salaries paid to those who live in the Key size of 2.6 persons, these residents com- EVERY I he war over Peary Court continues. city clerk. While the local environment group Last Stand And so it went for the next hour and a would seem to do just that." West community." That calculation provides prise approximately 322 households. These is seeking injunctive measures to halt the half. Speaker after speaker extolled what a the now-famous half-billion-dollar annual calculations indicate a total of 424 Key West Peary Court Naval housing project in federal good neighbor the Navy has been and what a Kinder, Gentler Wells impact some city commissioners have been households are either directly or indirectly court, city commissioners have passed a res- disaster it would be if it left Key West. In other city commission activity, com- using to illustrate the Navy's effect on the supported by the military's presence." olution unanimously supporting the project. Speaker after speaker exclaimed how un- missioner Bethel sought approval for a kind- local economy. The writer, for some reason, has con- The resolution, meant to counter prior American and unpatriotic it was to contest the er, gentler shallow injection well by propos- The Navy study has also calculated all cluded that all 837 employees are aggre- city resolutions which were opposed to the Navy in such a way. . ing an amendment to the newly created ordi- non-payroll expenditures ($94 million) for gated in military households. That's not true. design and environmental assessment of the nance, which allows installation of the con- military activities. Much of this money, the It's more likely that closer to 837 households 160-unit housing project, has been sent to the The Right to Question Government troversial wells. Co-sponsors in the amend- study rightly concludes, goes to vendors and benefit from military jobs. federal court hearing of Last Stand vs. However, the question raised by the com- ment were mayor Wardlow and commis- contractors outside Key West—but it also The error above is compounded because DANCE Richard Cheney, Secretary of Defense et al mission's performance is not whether it is sioner Joe Pais. contends some of this filters back to Key its data is used elsewhere in the study—for suit. That lawsuit alleges that the Navy pre- unpatriotic to question the government, but is The new amendment calls for phosphorus West, anyway. instance, to arrive at the impact of tourism on pared an insufficient environmental assess- it un-American to attempt to deprive another stripping to a 1.5-parts-per-millton level and The military study has two major flaws: it Key West. ment. of his right to question the government? mandates that the wells be at least 150 feet assumes that the entire military payroll is City planner Strader said he had been un- The lawsuit, its supporters contend, is Within the resolution, co-sponsors Ward- deep, incased to at least 100 feet. The permit spent in Key West, and its multiplier of 4.31 aware of the mistake. "I didn't think about is unproven and unrealistically high. Says it," he said. "I don't think anyone did." MOW. not about patriotism, nor is it about whether low and Bethel cite the impending injunctive holders must report phosphorus levels one supports the Navy's right to build hous- action challenging the Department of De- quarterly. city planner Ted Strader, who used to be a In other instances, the Hammer, Siler ing. Instead, they say, it requests the court to fense's compliance with federal law as a In late January, commissioner Jimmy planning consultant, "We used to think we study makes assumptions when it could have determine if the Navy followed correct proce- reason for supporting the Naval project. Weekley proposed a similar amendment, but were pushing it when we got to a multiplier checked the facts with the military. Its con- dures concerning the project. A federal magistrate, however, has al- Bethel, following the direction of the mayor, of around 3." voluted calculation of spinoff jobs in Key On the night of February 19, the com- ready maintained that the environmental as- motioned to defeat the amendment when a The other study, Fiscal Impact of West, for instance, might have been better mission chamber was filled with constituents sessment concerning Peary Court was inad- numerical level for the stripping could not be Growth Management, Key West, Florida, based on hard data the military could have waving the American flag and bearing signs equate. reached. now in its final draft, is a more serious provided. GREAT MUSIC, LIGHTS, reading "Last Stand, Go Home," "Keep Also within the resolution, Wardlow and Environmentalists opposing the wells are attempt at providing a model of economic Peary Court Red, White and Blue" and Bethel claim that the Navy impacts the city impacts for Key West. This study cost the & VIDEOS, PLUS THE KEYS' not satisfied. CELEBRATE OUR 41st. ANNIVERSARY "Bend Over, Navy—Harry Powell's Behind with "over one-half billion dollars." This "That is an unacceptable level, and cur- City of Key West and the Key West Chamber BIGGEST DANCE FLOOR. You." figure is based on an economic impact study rent technology does not provide adequate of Commerce $100,000. Unfortunately, the KIOE'S Naval Air Station Boca Chica commander prepared and released by the Navy earlier this ability to strip nutrients to an acceptable section of the study picked up by the local BERBER* Capt. Michael Currie, who was among the month. That figure, however, includes mon- level," said Reef Reliefs Dee Von Quirolo, news—the impact of the military on the local first to speak, said that young men with low ies paid to contractors and vendors outside of whose organization is leading the fight economy—appears seriously flawed. SUPPLIES pay grades returning from the Gulf War had Key West. against the wells, "This is 50 times higher The impact study, which was conducted Moe(s Barber & Beauty Supplies WHERE THE no place to live with their families in Key than we recommended and tantamount to no by Hammer, Siler, George Associates of 294-9728 • 607 Duval St. • 294-5357 Navy's Cost to Taxpayers treatment at all." Silver Springs, Maryland, says that 4681 GIRLS ARE. Another document, the Hammer, Siler, Indeed, the outfall from the city's plant, [$15] SAVE George and Associates (HSG) Fiscal Impact which undergoes no nutrient stripping, re- Key West By The Sea ($15) Study, which was ordered by the city, out- leases a phosphorus concentration of only Limits Short Term Rentals LADIES DRINK ISLAND lines the burden that the Navy places on the 1.46 parts per million into the marine en- 1 citizens of Key West. Of the allocated city ex- At the Annual Meeting of members of Key West KEY HAVEN vironment. That amounts to .04 parts per mil- By The Sea Association, Inc. held on February FREE THURSDAY RENT-A-BOAT • penditures, 11 percent of the city's police lion less than what the city considers "nutri- 14,1992, the owners voted to limit unit rentals of 1 at Ed's Bay Point Marina § allocations and 9 percent of the general gov- ent-stripped" injection-well effluent. ' less than 30 days in order to preserve the CHEVRON ernment expenses are directly attributable to residential character of thecondominium. Boats 13 - 24 Ft the military. Florida is the only state that allows shal- 294-2548 low-injection wells, and there are more wells Effective April 1, 1992, unit rentals of less than A PARTY EVERY NIGHT! Rates start at $60.00 30 days will no longer be permitted unless they According to the city's own records, that m Monroe than any other county. Evidence •I is an annual expense of roughly $1.5 million, are direct rentals between the Owner and the Transmission Repair and CALL 293-0116 FOR I; shows that in three other counties the effluent Lessee or, alternatively, placed through the m.m. 15 US#1 Bay Point, Fl attributable to a group that does not pay Complete Automotive Service taxes. is making its way from deep wells toward KWBTS Association Rental Office. Unit rentals TONIGHT'S SPECIALS the fresh-water aquifers. Each day in Florida, of 30 days or longer can still be handled by Call George or Ed at Adding to that burden, estimated cost for Free Estimates • All Work Guaranteed more than 300 million gallons of untreated realtors and outside third parties. students in the Monroe County school system Atlas Tires, Batteries & Accessories sewage is pumped into the ground. Key West By The Sea apartments transferred or 745-3461 is $5088 per pupil. According to Peggy Da- Propane Tanks Filled Down the road, we will pay for this," sold after April 1, 1992 will be restricted to a [$15 SAVE vila of the Monroe County School Board fi- minimum 30 day or one month rental period as a All major credit cards acccepted nance department, last year 1088 registered Quirolo said."I feel the city should have a more informed consultant." condition of the sale or transfer of the unit. U.S. 1, mm 4.5, Key Haven Page 16 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Solares Hill Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Page 17 come-when-I-feel-like-it" type attitude seems financial backing for it fell through. Our to prevail. Is this your habit, too? Don't wor- backer was Gary's father, a Baptist minister. ry about it. The silent approbation at the tip of Baptists don't drink. When he heard of the the land makes it acceptable behavior to most. reputation of Key West—for partying and all The Magnet That Is Key West Do you dislike the cold of the north and that—he refused to invest here. He said, 'I 'The reason I stay here is that I can write and paint by Alma H. Bond relief from the pressures of modern living, the gloves, coats, hats, boots, etc. that living can't see myself supporting anything in that for we can do as we please more often than in there entails? Come to Key West, and be town!' without the physical hardships of getting around." spared the quadruple switches of clothing, if In Civilization and Its Discontents, psy- most other cities and towns of the United "We originally came down here for a va- choanalyst Sigmund Freud asks: what do States. "Cast off your shackles, and live the not the colds and flu, that the changes of cation and loved it," he continued. "It was people want from life, what do they show by life you were meant to," the "laidback" island season bring. Indeed, life down here is very open. We liked the climate. And it pre- their behavior to be the purpose and intention seems to call. easier; one is spared many of the pressures of sented a very good opportunity for a small His wife, Sandi, agreed. "I like the diver- here anymore." of their lives? "They strive after happiness; ordinary living. Although we are never com- business because of the amount of tourism sification of people. Many other places in they want to be happy and to remain so," he Practical Applications pletely the master of nature, in Key West in here. We could have made a lot of money. Florida are just like what you see in the North t Feel Good answers. But in this purpose, he says, we are Consider the practical applications of the winter at least, we can defeat its superior We gave up everything we had established in —it is the North transplanted. There it is all Most of these people intimated that they at loggerheads with the whole world. For if compromise in your life. power. Minneapolis—our business, our home—to structure, everybody belongs (or wants to like Key West because it makes them "feel each of us were to do what we want at all Do you dislike dressing up? Are you pursue our dream down here. And now we belong) to the same clubs." good." Just about everyone enjoys the superb times, the result would be chaos, if not total weary of buying, selecting, washing, keep- Case Studies have to leave." Martha Van Noppen, a writer and artist weather and beauty of the island. Even Mr. destruction. ing your clothes in repair? Wear what you To test the theory of compromise, I took a A short-spoken young man from Italy, who drives a taxi for a living, explained how Teshouva, the Italian businessman, indirectly Indeed, civilized man has exchanged a please in Key West. Avant-garde or thrift brief survey of what brings people to live in Roni Teshauva, feels differently about it. she feels about Key West. "1 first came down profits from the weather, as it enables him to portion of his potential for happiness for a shop rejects, long or short, neat or sloppy, Key West or to return here each year for the "Business, business, business," he said. here on vacation, and was immediately aware enjoy the fruits of his year-round business. safety net of security. (Otherwise, the very brand-spanking new or comfortably shabby: season. "It's simple enough. I'm here three years. I that it is a place where you can express your- Others mentioned the pleasure they ex- fabric of our lives would be dominated by the it seems that everything goes. Elaine Barton, a quiet, gentle woman, have five shops on Duval Street." self. You can be who you are and express perience in the people in Key West and of be- strongest and most ruthless individuals.) The On my first visit to Key West, I asked a who drives annually to Key West with her When asked why he selected Key West what you think. But I find it difficult to live ing accepted by the community. Martha Van downside to this security is that a person who realtor friend if I could wear shorts to the res- husband from their home in Little Rock, for business purposes, he answered, "I came here because everywhere on the island Noppen enjoys the freedom of expression cannot tolerate the amount of frustration taurant where we were lunching. "There is no Arkansas, replied, "I've always liked the air. here because the business is steady all year- employers pay the lowest possible wage in a she finds on the island. Sandi O'Brien, who imposed by society becomes unhappy, if not restaurant in Key West where you cannot I think the positive and negative ions do round." town where they've also created a high cost is happy to get away from the "structure of neurotic. "Everything I want to do is either wear shorts," my friend responded. something for you—give you a lift. Some- Frances Froelicher, an environmental .of living. the transplanted north," and Patrick Jones, immoral, illegal, or fattening," is a modern A woman taxi driver concurred. "If I thing is different about the beach. It elevates activist, comes here for three months every "Life here is the hardest struggle I've ever the mailroom clerk to whom Key West is an statement of the same philosophy. ! have a stain on my blouse, down here I wear my mood, makes both me and my husband year from her home in Baltimore. Her rea- known, and I'm almost 50 years old," she "open town," also bear out the supposition, The question arises: what is thejmagne- it anyhow," she said. feel good. I love the cool breeze, the sun, the son? "First of all, I love the climate and the says. "I have a master's degree in English, in widely differing ways, that people in Key tism of Key West that draws so many people Since Key West in general is relaxed color of the ocean, all the different shades of beauty of Key West. And I love my little and I have published numerous things, from West find relief from the constraints of civil- to settle here or to come back year after year? about such matters, our conscience—the con- green. After a few days your skin feels so Cuban house. Secondly, I like the people I short stories to a bibliography, and yet I can't ization. The answer: Compromise. A good part of science "that doth make cowards of us all"— much better you don't have to use hand lotion meet here. I'm an environmentalist, and I get any other job than driving a taxi. The only People often come here because they feel the human struggle centers on the task of need not bother us,. anymore." meet all kinds of people from all over the reason I stay here is that I can write and paint accepted on this beautiful and restful island. finding some sort of accommodation between Are you tired of punching the time clock, Patrick Jones, a young man who works world who are interested in [the environ- without the physical hardships of getting This makes most of them happy, a state that individual wants and the claims of the group. either literally or figuratively speaking? Here in the Mailroom on Duval Square, had this to ment. And third, people and groups here are around. So I guess I'll just stay here where I is probably more difficult to achieve in most Such a compromise can be found in Key people don't unless they have to. Rather what say: "The reason Gary and I moved here was perfectly willing to have a person active in the can express myself until I can't afford to live other places in the United States. ^1 West. Here even the best of us can find some is known as "Key West time" or the "1*11- to open up a guest house. Unfortunately the community even though I'm only here part of the time. If you want to work for it, the com- munity will welcome you, which is not true ParadlseCafe Louise Ferris, Accountant of many other communities I know." 1601 North Roosevelt Boulevard 1000 Eaton St. • Corner of Eaton &Grinnell Key West, Fforida 33040 A man of 35 with AIDS, who prefers to Home of the Island Legend Monster Sandwich remain anonymous, responded, "I'm sick. I joppa of florida used to vacation down here, and I always fine upholstery manufacturers planned to retire in Key West. Now, I have to Prime Roast Beef 4.00 THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE retire a little earlier than I. expected. It's a Sliced Turkey Breast 4.00 Partnerships • Corporations • Business Accounting Ham & Cheese 4.00 Bookkeeping • Electronic Filing good place to retire because I like the weather 305-294-3525 and I have good friends here." Steak Sandwich 4.75 Lois Barrowcliff, an interior designer Cuban Mix 4.25 Custom-made couches who lives here year-round, said, "I was relo- Fresh Cooked Pork 4.25 at wholesale prices cating because of a divorce. My first exper- BBQ Pork 4.50 ience in the tropics was in St. Thomas. I used BBQ Beef 4.25 • oak frames to go there to get a break away from busi- BBQ Rib 4.75 Albacore Fancy White Tuna 4.00 • poplar frames ness. The climate, the ambiance, the profu- & MARKET • termite treatment sion of the foliage, the bright colors of the Veggie Sandwich 3.75 flowers, the smell of the jasmine, the puffs of Homemade Soup with Bread 2.50 1211 DUVAL ST. warm winds, all of which almost correspond Fresh fruit Salad 3.00 2 Blocks from the Atlantic Ocean to here. The plus of Key West is that you can Key lime Pie.. 1.75 get in your car and drive away. In all the Draft Beer 1.00 Featuring Fresh-Baked Goods other places you had to depend on the sea and Free Beverage with Purchase of Steak or the sky." BBQ Rib Sandwich! (After 3pm) Created Daily on the Premises, Donald O'Brien, a retired businessman Breakfast ^ Enjoyed with Specialty Coffees. from upstate New York, looked to his wife as Served until 10.30 am. he said, "Weather. Weather. Weather. Plus Cuban Toast 1.00 Reasonably Priced Specials we didn't want to see the same people we see Cheese Toast 1.25 for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner all year. We wanted diversity, new foods, Homemade Monster Muffins 1.25 variety in our lives." as well as Key West Favorites. Egg Sandwich .2.25 8am to 4pm CHARLENE'S OLD TOWN Egg & Cheese Sandwich •<•„. 2.50 Egg, Ham & Cheese Sandwich ....3.00 Sunday Brunch FSSH MARKET Coffee ....Lg. .50 8am to 2pm Fish Sandwiches • Fritters Cafe con Lee he.. Sm.75»Med.l.00»Lg. 1.25 • Seafood • Deli Monday thru Friday 6:00am-7pm * 294-7227 * 513 Greene St • FREE PARKING Sat. 6:30am-4pm • Sun. 10am-3:30pm 294-8046 WE DELIVER • 296-5001 |5 % 0ft 4 ention Th Fresh Seafood» RetaHjJMTQJesale. ALL ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE TO TAKE OUT L ^HS. l^[ «s Ad j Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Page 19 Page 18 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Solares Hill beauty—it runs in the family. Son John jets down from NYC at the drop of a cocktail napkin and was on hand for the family reunion. Other guests included Sue and Ty Buford, Susan and Don Bennett, Ortiz /it f Beneviles, Hugh Bonney, June Nel- A Tropical Inn with a son, newcomers Joan and Tom Dal berg, Caribbean Style Restaurant etc. 900-904 Duval St • with Jane Phillips 305-296-0815 • 305-296-0637 Paul Geiger and David Huessle cele- brated two years of togetherness with a Valentine cocktail party in their garden. Pink Liquor Store balloons and orchids were everywhere. Pal Fine Wines & Spirits 1'he combination of Valentine's Day and Ed Parker was visiting from St. Louis and WE DELIVER Aquarian birthdays created a traffic jam of joined locals Mike Dively, Dr. Larry $20 Minimum parties all over town ... Seigel, John Roger, June Frame, Bob Anna Maria and Mauricio Mancioli Chapin, Joe Pais, Margie Lang, Joe 294-7073 Di Monte Faro (even the name reminds Leahy, Joan Miller, Larry Harvey, Hours: 11 a.m. -11,p.m. one of "La Dolce Vita") don't need a reason Charles Mueller and Lois Locklear. to have a party, they just love to entertain. Guess who had a birthday? Moi. Juani- THREE'S NO CROWD: Hostess Sondra Schneider (left) enjoys guests Anna Maria and Mauricio di They recently had a dinner party for their Key ta and Prescott Bigalow of Cincinnati lit Monte Faro at her recent cocktail party, West friends; their other friends are in Rome, enough candles to serve as a lighthouse bea- no prettier Valentine than Sandy West— Waterfront Playhouse. He's getting used to Mel Fisher Maritime where the hosts live part of the year, and con at their waterfront Sugurlcuif home. There president of Monroe County Big Brothers this kind of casting. "I'm a lot funnier in a couldn't make it. Those who could included: was a baton decorating the cake in honor of /Big Sisters. She was with her handsome dress than a tuxedo—this time I get to wear a Heritage Society Don DeFeo, June and Jerry Girard, the Conch Republic Band. Helping blow out steady Jeff Williams of Ft. Lauderdale. hoop skirt." Sandy Kinny, Paco Archillo, Nancy the cake and candles were Marybell and He's head of the same Broward County vol- It took weeks for Evie and Dick Museum and Roger Holtcamp, Carolyn and John Maschal, Mary Elaine and West unteer organization—that's how they met. Fuggitts' cat Bandit to forgive them for Jerry Cash, Ann and Ross McKee, Hochkiss, Ce Ce Perry and Kz/.ra Goldie Hawn's "Crisscross," filmed in leaving town for a holiday visit. The Fuggitts Jack Waterbury, Kathleen Ford, Dick Howard. Key West in 1990, is set for national dis- are planning lots of surprises for the ghost of and Kathleen Moody, Vidal—who Share the Edith and Al Amsterdam again tribution March 6. The Eden House was the Martello mystery night—this year's Foun- seems to be everywhere you want to be—and opened their Curry Mansion for the annual setting for many scenes. I stopped there for der's fundraiser which is scheduled for Sondra and Howard Schneider, out on Valentine fundraising benefit for Wesley brunch the other day. On my way through the March 28. the town after their grandchildren left. House and the Community Childcarc Center. lobby, I thought I was reaching for a foil glories. Remember when only men were The Schneiders entertained the week Tiny lights twinkled in red hearts as guests covered mint—instead it was a basket of bartenders? The three top winners of the third before, while their daughter and son-in-law grazed the wonderful buffet goodies, which condoms. They really mean it when they say, annual bartenders mixoff at the Holiday Inn She lay on the ocean floor for over 360 Lindsley and Rick Diel were in town were donated by local hotels and restaurants. "Have a good evening." Beachside were all female. Top prize went to years. She held in her hold the wealth of the new world and the hopes of the Spanish Empire. O » 500 DUVAL — 292-1435 from Massachusetts. Grandchildren Sarah Party sponsors from Prudential Knight Oops, not on my hoops! Actor Kelly Karen Willis followed by Callee Firth- and Lucas had as much fun as everyone Realty included Mufti Kieffer, Marleine Moore gets to play "a hooker with a heart of Manning and Carmel Koos. |sFji| For 16 years a man of adventure sought her. else. Tiny Sarah is a natural hostess and Paulson and Edward Knight. There was gold" in Camille, the next production at the Mel Fisher had the courage and the vision to find her. The Atocha! The spirited, legendary BEEF OR CHICKEN BURRITOS . MEXICAN SALAD "Golden Galleon" ta which disappeared W HMpMMMJpW|ipiM|HMpWBB Hi in 1622 and was J* found in 1985. 294-9658 O THE RED BARN THEATRE CH I Learn the /IV . Share the LU Acro$% from the Historic X tmm stories! / Iv.r glories! LANPS ESfD o Presents < VfUAGE DC TMSBMT ^WWW ;« W UJ O (3 > M • LU ^H /) \\ Wf D Wk. J \ x Mt X UI • Ui MTALL CD 0< Z < £ o X o HI M Now Open At #6 Charles St. • O NIGHTLY SPECIALS ft 8 Membership Available LU 293-0733 200 Greene St. • 294-2633 11A.M. to CHICKEN OR CHEESE ENCHILADAS* FAJITAS < 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily * Last film at 4:30 p.m. 10:30 Ph- WORLD FAMOUS WORLD FAMOUS T-SHIRTS Where locals Nitely Entertainment — Sunset to 2 AM Raw Bar • Restaurant •— 12 Noon to 11 PM Hilarious Musicai Revue always visit Happy Hour Daily — 5 to 7 PM Music & Lyrics by Mark Houston and visitors Wednesday Nite • Ladies' Nite — 9 PM Special Peel Your Own Shrimp Directed by Joy Hawkins always feel local Steamed In our own Island Spices Musical Direction by Michael Robinson 400 FRONT ST. 296-4222 Still Hungry? Have one refill on us! At the Red Barn Theatre "Across the Street from Sunset" 319 Duval Street Rear Featuring Blue Plate Specials Nightly Remember: 9 ATTENTION FISHERMEN • Feb. 19-March 22,1992 We will cook your catch - as you like itl Wed. thru Sun. - 8 p.m. Curtain HOG'S BREATH IS BETTER TH/IN FEATURING FOR THE LANDLUBBER Tickets $15 .NO BREATH AT AM;* CHARBRAILED STEAK & PRIME STEAK Call 296-9911 for reservations EST. 1976 Locations in Key West, New Orleans, Destin, Ft. Walton Beach Page 20 Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Solares Hill Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Page 21 I Key West Furniture Repairs - Refinishing Buy & Sell Our Not-So-Secret Garden Insurance Estimates by Alyson Simmons 5 Showrooms of Antiques 1222 4th. St. (Behind Burger King) 1 294-8595 or 294-WOOD (9663) E John & Donna xcept for a low hum from the Florida Party in-the Woods Keys Aqueduct Authority plant, the air is The 4th Garden Party Fundraiser will be JVlarie and I take an early morning stroll. small foot. A fried egg. He feels it. "It's still. An egret stands under a rambling but- held Saturday, March 14th from noon to 4 still warm, just out of the skillet," he says. tonwood in a small clear pond. The dense \TheCoffeeMHI\ I never can accustom myself to men with p.m. to benefit the Key West Botanical women's names. Where in the world can this warm fried vegetation and damp natural mulch underfoot Garden Society. Featured entertainment in- We set out along Rest Beach, or at least it egg come from! Isn't that Jim McLernan's seem to absorb sound and light. It could be a cludes music by the Key West Island was called that in older, quieter times. Now digs back there? He is not so untidy he'd toss thousand years ago. Junkanoos, tours of the botanical garden, and m we pass handkerchief-sized parcels of shore- a fried egg out his window .. . But this eerie, ancient tableau is set amid a raffle drawing for prizes ranging from a day CoffeeMHI Dance & Aerobics line backed by condos. We move on, mutually deciding that it fell the modern bustle of today's keys. at the Russell House Spa to artwork and 916 AsheSt. - 296-9982 Marie writes. He says he sells his stories from a plane. The Key West Botanical Garden, nestled dinners for two at area restaurants. Admit- Stop by and pick up a free schedule! by the pound. "Oh, I didn't know you could I forgot to mention: Marie's dachshund, between the golf course and Junior College tance to the party is free, but the society llil^Li^HH^i^iHi-^1-^-^ .—m mxtt0 ^'^e ^ Truman Chevron.] do that," I say faintly. Henry the Eighth, tags along with us. This Road on Stock Island, is one of the two hopes to raise funds with the sale of T-shirts, His arm is so thin that it's like holding pooch is so smart that you have to spell remaining hardwood hammocks in the lower food and refreshments. The garden is located onto a dead spirit. Marie lives on Love Lane things out in front of him. Marie says, "A f- keys. Here, in this densely forested 11-acre on Junior College Road, just beyond Bay- with a lady for whom he has a deeply senti- e-m-a-1-e p-o-o-d-l-e lives there in 1800 tract, a handful of dedicated people have shore Manor. mental friendship. Atlantic. Praise God that p-o-o-d-l-e doesn't managed to preserve a piece of the real old She does spirit rapping, run out at us. Six male Key West dogs that Key West. Marie's arms and legs appear not to be impregnated this p-o-o-d-Ie were taken to Since its 1935 beginnings, the garden has points out, neither club is mutually exclusive, had a history of intense care followed by well attached to his wee trunk. His ears stick court, and, as compensation for the outrages and many people belong to both societies. GREENIES: Key West Botanical Garden Soci- out like two door knobs at the museum. His perpetrated over the winter season, they periods of neglect. Today it bears little resem- To take charge of the property, the new ety president Ellie Crane (left) and fundraising JT*\ Charles Ludlam's nose protrudes like a paring knife in an financed the p-o-o-d-l-e's mistress on an 80- blance to the original, larger parcel, which society entered into an agreement with the committee head Carolyn Cash are among 200 onion. His Walkman keeps playing over and day around-the-worid cruise on the Q.K.IL included out-buildings and greenhouses. city that replaced the old lease. society members dedicated to saving one of over six measures of Chopin's Preludes. Marie states that we would go to House- According to a 1935 Key West Guide Book, "We were not gaining anything from the two hard-wood hammocks in the keys. CAMILLE I have faith that I have got myself done boat Row to visit his niece, but her squeeze is which was published by the city, there was city with a lease," says Crane. "We were do- been problems of where the (property) lines up rather fetchingly, my cane decorated in the aboard having one of his mercurial swings of even an outdoor amphitheater, where the ing the city a favor by maintaining the gar- are," says Cash, "and this way we can avoid colors of the Conch Republic flag. I am not temperament. The fellow, a modern abstract city's movers and shakers "planned to present den," The agreement provides city services vandalism." averse to be seen with Marie. As always, he artist, simmers down only when lie strips off pageants, musical concerts and light operettas such as trash pick up and police protection; Recent surveys showed that the country wears an ascot fastened with a beautiful all his clothing, ties himself into a rocking during the winter months." the society maintains the grounds in return. had built a road and building on garden emerald pin. chair with seven scarves and rocks himself The pamphlet also indicates that the bot- Today the society boasts 200 members. property. "We gained a building," says Cash, Marie possesses the cold curiosity of a into a trance. He is listening to inner voices, anical garden served as an early recycling On Saturday mornings anywhere from five to adding that the society now has a place to center: four compost pits surrounded the child. He halts. Pokes at something with his Niece explains, In his paintings he chooses to 12 volunteers can be found planting trees and store tools, their shredder, and some newly portray human beings as blobs of color and garden, where "sawdust swept from the floor cleaning the grounds. Visitors on Saturday acquired stackable chairs. form. Actually, at Lane Gallery 1 saw his of a box factory, loggerhead sponge which may also meet the society's education chair- By the same token, the paved road will work—a charming, gentle design in various has little commercial value, seaweed swept man, Eloise Boon, who has labeled many of probably serve in the second major project hues of gray. The picture is la/.ily attractive, up on Key West beaches by incoming tides the trees and is happy to answer questions. slated to be funded with donations: to relocate A restful, comforting. and dairy fertilizer. . . " were combined to She is currently organizing a walking tour. the garden's main entrance. Soon two Latania I could live with this picture. yield a high-grade compost. "Key West Botanical Garden Society, palms will stand sentinel over an entrance Here, Marie and 1 turn about. We both I he botanical garden was forgotten dur- Inc. is a non-profit support group for this city gate that opens directly onto Junior College recognize that you have to have u non-aligned ing WWII. It was not until the early 1960s park," says Carolyn Cash, a long-term mem- Road. Society members hope the new en- \ ¥ attitude to live creatively in Key West. Marie that a group of local civic organizations re- ber, who has organized many of the society's trance will encourage more visitors. |R] Original Cheese Cake has avoided allowing his mother to shunt him claimed the garden from the overgrown fundraisers. While most city parks are sup- A Travesty on La Dame aux Camelias Plain, Chocolate Chip, Health Bar onto a track of propriety and boredom; he has weeds. Garden parties and fundraisers helped ported by tax dollars, the botanical garden is by Alexandre Dumas Fils Crunch, Apple Crunch found a convenient refuge for his "literary the city restore the gorgeous grounds. Con- funded by voluntary donations. By holding March 18-22, 25-29, April 1-5 life" with the spirit-rapping lady on Love crete walks (which have since been des- "garden parties," says Cash, "we can main- Lions & Tigers Curtain:8:00 PM • Tickets $12 Lane. troyed by hurricanes) were installed. tain the garden, and it is one less drain on the & Bears, Oh My! Directed by Cameron Murray taxpayers' pocketbook." Marie sallies away, an unprepossessing Then a sprawling 55 acres, the botanical And Whales & Dolphins AVAILABLE _ little figure, getting on living his own life and garden enjoyed about four years of intense The funds from this year's party, which will take place later this month, are slated for & Otters & Seals & All Kinds of his own way. care before again slipping out of the limelight Great Stuff! Upon departing, he givesjne a tail-feath- and into disrepair. Development encroached two projects. er tip off a tern. For luck. upon the tract of the land, and county and city The primary goal is fencing; property The Land of Ahs! facilities crept in on. all sides of the land, lines still come into dispute. "There have 925 Toppino Dr. • 292-6444 whittling it down to the existing 11 acres. The Greenpeace Store offers a "Peace Begins With Me" Finally, in 1972, the Key West Garden vast array of superb quality, affordable Club leased the land from the city. Under the and unique gifts that all share this club's care, the garden has experienced a very important message: renaissance. It has won a conservation award WE CARE ABOUT from the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs THE ENVIRONMENT. and has been recognized by the Nature Con- Of course all proceeds from servancy for its role in protecting the endan- "There are some stores in town I can never get your purchases go toward Any 20,30, or 401b gered Stock Island tree snail. It is also the enough of... Towels of Key West is Suburban one of those places." - Island Life Greenpeace Environmental home of three champion exotic trees. Campaigns. cylinder Refill 'This is not your common, garden-variety, Visit our Store and talk to us about (residential customers) JC41ie Crane first became aware of the silk-screened towel shop" Solares Hill the most recent developments, from garden's unique nature when she served as the new Marine Sanctuary Bill to the 726 Catherine St the botanical garden chairman. In the late ",,, a towel shop like you've never seen before" Persian Gulf. '80s she and some other members of the Key -Solares Hill 296-2411 West Garden Society took interest in the —— 806 Duval Street'——— m (clip this coupon) Stock Island tract, and the Key West Botan- Ail Environmental Store 305-292-1120 • 800-927-0316 tmmsmmam'mtBim )cal Garden Society was formed. As Crane 719 Duval Street 296-4442 ^

Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Page 23 Page 22 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Solares Hill, K w shipping worldwide

Half Shell •c. v, s \ ,•• Raw Bar f 1


A Vile Roast 'Our Coffee Hire. • Located at The Eden House HNK ARABIC'A COFFEES German Cuisine Colombian Supremo Ethiopian Harrar Jamaican Blue Mtn. Hawaiian Kona Java Fancy Kenya AA Breakfast & Lunch Dally

1 Reservations Required 925 Duval Street Key West, Florida Great Giveaways! Live Music! Refreshments LITTLE TORCH KEY • MM281/2 292-1433 I " / A 872-2551 Hours; 10am - 2am -- 7 Days 3I • 11 -- 'wm* , FREE DELIVERY - CATERING ALSO AVAILABLE^

Open 12-12 Monday - Sunday Jumbo Margaritas Indoor & Outdoor Dining PJ 5H MARK ET BACKYARD 509 1/2 Duval • 294-9215 REST AURA tiT AN OCEANFRONT RESTAURANT Serving The Finest Local Seafood Enjoy All Our Views Now Serving Breakfast 11:30 am. to 2 am. Open 7 days 700 Waddell • 294-1061 Open til 10pm Lunch or brunch Tuesday, March 17th. 2502 N. Roosevelt • 296-5891 (Vernon & Waddell Oceanfront) f 10:30 -3 pm •.').• j Dinner Corned Beef 'n' Cabbage LOOE KEY 5:30- 10 pm Irish Coffee o REEF RESORT Natural and seafoods John O'Conroy 'Located ai the TIKI BAR served in an o!de tyme D J 1 6 p.m. at the piano - - ^P - O'Chuck V I Open 7 Days a week ''••'t'', . "-*!.'*1; Keys atmosphere with Irish Tunes 8:00 P-in- wllh .V°1!» Restaurant open 1 lam.-l lprri BAREFOOT BOB'S M.M. fe)t SugarloafSl ' Key 745-3030 Cocktails, Frozen Drinks, Beer Enjoy & sing alone dancing favorites 525 DUVAL STREET and Wine, Fresh Seafood, ( uillcil Chicken, Snorkel Burgers and more!! For The Dive Of Your Life 296-5858 Exclusively thru i ull resort including Dive Shop with trips to Looe Key Captain's Corner I lily - Snorkeling and'divingll 305-872-2215 M.M. 17, US 1 "Tropical Mike" 745-3741 PADl-OWSI 38679 RESERVATIONS Zero Duval St. [\elaxed casual waterfront dining. Key West, FL 33040 Fresh fish, lobster, shrimp ana CHE CHE'S the largest selection of imported BAR & DISCOUNT LIQUOR 1000 Truman Avenue beers in Key West. SUNSET EVERY EVENING . Upgrade Key West, Florida 33040 Open Water Certification LAND'S END VILLAGE 294-4721 THE- HISTORIC to Advanced Certification Across from Half Shell Raw Bar • Open 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. • 294-2640 LA CONCHA HOTEL 430 Duval, Key West (305) Z9G-Z391 Special Rates with this ad.

f. is" [i3us),305-296-8865 Referrals (Res) 305-745-2033 Page 24 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Solares Hill March 18, 1992 • Page 25

featuring Nancy 3.(Three) Hoffman, will be Key Methodist Church and Big Pine Baptist Wrecker Race 1992 A Big Success presented at the Red Barn Theatre at 8 p.m. The third annual Key West Celebrity Church. The University of Miami, in con- Ahoy sailors. The Schooner Wharf Bar on March 9 and 16. Nancy 3. plays all the junction with numerous local physicians and presents the Wrecker Race Series for 1992. Waiters Luncheon at the Casa Marina was an leading roles, including the chorus, through astounding success. Vying for big tips, 14 sponsors, will provide area residents with You, your vessel and crew are invited to a the use of masks, hats, costumes, as well as free medical screening tests including: vision/ race of historic magnitude. All vessels will local celebrities dressed up and did just about her own vocal and acting agility. William anything to help collect over $11,000 for the hearing screening, oral exam, tuberculosis sail a course from Key West harbor to Sand Pickett at the piano will provide musical ac- screening, skin-cancer screening, height and Key in the tradition of wreckers of days past. Leukemia Society of America, Southern companiment. Nancy 3. is wintering in Key Florida Chapter. Mayor Dennis Wardlow and weight evaluation, gynecological exam, The three classes of racing boats will be West. She resided here in the 70s and has . blood pressure, podiatry exam and peripheral classic, monohull and multihull. Races will performed in several other Gilbert & Sullivan vascular exam, and others. Mammograms be March 1, 29 and April 26. The captains' operettas, including a leading role in the New and blood tests will be available at cost. This meetings will be 7:30 p.m. sharp at Schooner England Gilbert & Sullivan Society's per- year there will also be a pediatric clinic at the Wharf Bar the night before each race; rum, formance of "Iolanthe." For ticket informa- Key West location for school physicals and rations and grub will be served. Post-race tion, call 296-9911. immunizations. Spanish-speaking personnel awards ceremonies will feature live enter- will be available. tainment and awards. All sailing vessels are Sunday at LedaBruce invited to participate. For more information, Join local entertainers Bert Lee, Maggie Win A Boat! call Key West Seaport at 292-1727 or Becker, Christine Naughton, Meryl Strat- Inflatable Boats of the Florida Keys and Schooner Wharf Bar at 292-9520. IH ford, Larry Berk and Jacqueline Rosenblatt Achilles are raffling off an Achilles nine-foot, in an afternoon of theater, music and poetry six-inch boat to benefit Big Brothers/Big Need A Taxi? Call A Maxi! March 15 at 3 p.m. at LedaBruce Gallery, Sisters, Grace Jones Community Day Care mile marker 30.2 on Big Pine Key. The event Center and the Florida Keys Children's Shel- MAXI -TAXI will benefit the Key West Alliance for the ter. The drawing will be March 31, and par- Mentally III (KWAMI). Tickets are $15 and ticipants need not be present to win as the SUN CAB are available at the gallery (872-0212) or boat can easily be shipped anywhere. Tickets from Bob or Mary Magill at 294-9905. are available from the Key West Rowing 294-2222 FKCC Poetry Workshop Club and Builder's Choice as well as several other Middle Keys locations for $1 each or ,* Florida Keys Community College is of- seven for $5. Sportswear fering a poetry workshop beginning March Exotic Swimwear Enticing Lingerie FUNDRAISING PILLOW: Last year AIDS Help, Inc. raised funds by auctioning pillows decorated by 9. The class will meet from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Whiting & Davis Accessories celebrities. This year the non-profit organization's fundraiser will feature wooden serving trays, for six successive Mondays and will be Putting on the Green Custom Clothing & Swimwear decorated by celebrities including Bette Midler, Whoopi Goldberg, Madonna and Magic Johnson. conducted by K. Scott Strong. Strong has Spend a "weekend in Ireland" right here & Alterations WAITRON: Ken Williams pours up a joy juice. in Key West! The merchants of the Overseas Gift Certificates The course is open to those who have com- Motorcycles Only taught and lectured in subjects including lit- erature, poetry and fiction and is a pub- Market have decided to honor St. Patrick • 335 Duval Street Master of Ceremonies Tom Sawyer cajoled pleted volunteer training. For more informa- According to the Key West Police De- JSWEET • Key West, Fla. such notables as Moe Mosher, Kelly La- tion, call Steve Smith at 296-6196. lished poet. He is currently a freelance writer with a two-day family celebration on March MISCHIEF • 296-0777 partment, convenient, free, specially-des- 14 and 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. combe, Sonny McCoy, Elmira Leto, Susan ignated parking areas for scooters, motor- and a regular columnist for Time Out mag- Gibson and Ken Williams into lending their More AIDS Help, Inc. News azine. Workshop cost is $35. Students must There will be live entertainment and chances cycles and mopeds are now available in Old to sample an array of Irish and not-so-Irish talents as waiters and waitresses to help the AIDS Help, Inc. is gearing up for its Town. Loading zones on Duval Street and pre-register by March 6. Call 296-9081, ext. Leukemia Society fund their research pro- Third Annual Celebrity and Artist Benefit 282. delicacies from TGI Friday's, Shoney's, marked-off parking spaces on nearby side TCBY, the Bleeker Street Bagelry and Winn grams and patient aid. Auction March 29 at the Casa Marina Resort. streets bear signs saying "Motorcycles Only"; Instead of the pillows of last year and the Here's To Your Health Dixie. Girl Scout Troop #494 will also be they remain loading zones during the day, selling tempting baked goods and Shades of AIDS Help Needs Volunteers wooden boxes from the year before, this year with motorcycle parking available from 6 The 22nd annual Florida Keys Health \blunteer training classes will take place features wooden serving trays decorated by Fair will be Saturday, March 7 from 9 a.m. Key and ViewFinder Dive Center will hold p.m. to 6 a.m. They line every block from drawings for prizes. on Sunday March 8 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the celebrities including Bette Midler, Whoopi Angela to Front Street. Sidewalk parking is to 4 p.m. at Key West High School, Big Pine AIDS Help, Inc. offices in Key West. The Goldberg, Madonna, Luke Perry, Kevin illegal in the city and carries a $10 fine. If the training provides an overview of the organi- Costner, and Magic Johnson plus an assort- new areas are used, the police plan to add zation and the services it provides, volunteer ment of several local artists. The trays will be more areas. opportunities, HIV spectrum illnesses and put on display March 23 at the Lane Gallery, 1000 Duval Street, where they can be seen antiviral drugs, as well as the practical as- What Worries You? daily from 11 a.m..to 6 p.m. until March 28, AN OCEANFRONT pects of volunteering. For those interested in In the last two years, The Monroe Coun- working one-on-one with individuals ser- when they will be moved to the Casa Marina RESTAURANT ty League of Women Voters has completed m for the auction. iously ill with AIDS, a buddy training course local studies on water quality and child care. DINING will be held March 9 and 10 from 6 to 8 p.m. At their next meeting in April, members will Indoors or Under be considering what, if any, new programs THE GULF The Stars. should be adopted locally. To prepare for the T&STES RITSON& COMPANY NEW SUNDAY BRUNCH MENU FEATURING FINANCIAL PLANNING & annual meeting, the board must consider CC&r ideas. Send your ideas to P.O. Box 4381, Fresh Fruit ACCOUNTING SERVICES Peel & Eat Shrimp Entertaining Food and Drink. Marathon, FL 33050 by March 10. Oysters and Clams on the Half Shell Fajitas Cooked to Order rilled Florida Dolphin with Citrus Glaze Smoked Salmon and Local Smoked Fisr THE AfTERDECM TAX RETURN Dermatology One-Woman Show Feijao A La Limena Salad Sofrito-Style Roast Pork »"•-•"'"' A Transom's Height Above Cuban Black Beans & Spicy Smoked Sausage PREPARATION Collagen A one-woman rendition of Gilbert & Tri-Color Pasta and Seafood Salad The Water. Cocktails. Sullivan's humorous operetta "The Mikado," Cajun-Style Cornish Hens with "Dirty Rice" Caribbean Curried Chicken Salad One Day Service or Enjoy All Of Our Views Face Peels Assorted Pies and Cakes 11:30 AM-2 AM While You Wait ^\ SHAKE -- Eggs and Omelets to Order Psoriasis Conch Fritters Waffles with Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream Mon. - Fri 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. ' YOUR (Jj 700 WADDELL • 294-1061 Skin Cancer Surgery BOOTIES yy. i (Vernon & Waddell Oceanfront) Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. OFFICE SUPPLY Adults $24.95 Children under 12 $12.50 Michael E. Berman, MD Oflice • School • Home 294-8529 Locals: Adults $17.95 Children under 12 $8.95 1411 White St., Key West, FL33040 ALL YOUR OFFICE NEEDS 10 AM- 2 PM 517 Whitehead Street, Key West Telephone: 305-294-5400 3216 Flagler Avenue, Key West, MARRIOTT'S CASA MARINA 1500 REYNOLDS STREET 296-3535 We Deliver ______296-6201 . 296-6220

_£= Solares Hill • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 • Page 27 Page 26 • Feb. 27 - March 18, 1992 ^SolaresJIill decides someday to beat me bloody, then I something to live for. A phone call, a letter, y—y^1 hope society places the blame where it be- an invitation to go someplace or do some- longs. thing—anything. Living With AIDS Living with AIDS is hard enough. We are all affected by AIDS. Those of us don't need to be exposed to hateful acts and by George Leidal who are infected have more to concern our- attitudes, and the stupefying loss of old selves with than some bully's exposure to our friends as evidenced by a silent answering An the 15 years since the AIDS virus first blood. machine gathering dust. [|j] affected me, I have seen many inhumane Consider the fag-bashing teens, who attitudes aimed at persons with AIDS. The hate homosexuals so desperately as to lie in condition is a lightning rod for hateful homo- wait in the dark to beat them up. How can phobia in- ways that didn't manifest itself our local judges condone that behavior by re- when homosexuals were "just gay." leasing such perpetrators on low bond? A recent example was chronicled in a lo- Most puzzling to me about physical vio- cal daily newspaper under the heading lence against gays is the stupidity of a straight "AIDS-infected man convicted of assault for man attacking a gay whom, he believes, has a spitting blood." greater-than-average chance of carrying the CARAMBOLA Subsequently, Ohio prosecutors accused HIV virus. a person with AIDS (PWA) of trying to kill Locally, PWAs face hurtful situations GALLERY three Hamilton County deputies and-a nurse every day. of Cheal's latest action, I showed how he by infecting them with the AIDS virus. The There's the pharmacist who hollers a charged me with using the wrong dates in my patient denied the charges, saying the jail patient's AIDS status to all who might hear, Gay Cunningham officers beat him bloody and taunted him for reports (because a slash was inserted in the abrogating his anonymity and, perhaps, fur- Oil on Canvas wrong spot changing 10/17 to 101/7) and that being homosexual. ther endangering his health. I failed to properly sign my reports because I Although the four counts of attempted Then there are the bureaucrats, who go Handpainted Furniture Readers Write murder were reduced, the patient was con- signed my birth name Theadora and not out of their way to make applications by victed of aggravated assault. He now faces v/rite or call your city commissioners to let Thea, as I am generally known and which is newly diagnosed individuals a miasma of red Anne McWey Wishes Paper Luck now my legal name. six months in prison plus a $1000 fine. It tape. (There is at least one in every agency them know you are opposed to locating a could have been 25 years, but the judge said Jewelry - Belts Dear Editor: homeless shelter at the Truman School. In fact, I purposely changed Theadora to "serving" PWAs.) If there weren't any ho- I must congratulate you on the last two is- Thea legally to insure that I would not violate he hoped some good could come from the mophobic bureaucrats, why would we need Exquisite Art To Wear Mitch Grabois case by showing police and the public that the V S sues with articles on Cuba. They were re- Key West any statute in using Thea on my campaign the help of AIDS Help, Inc. just to get bene- markable and extremely timely. We haven't literature. If anything, I was probably over- HIV virus that causes AIDS cannot be trans- fits to which all citizens are entitled. Ibm Woodruff mitted by casual contact. been getting anything similar here in New zealous. What hurts the most, however, is the Pottery Creations York or from Washington, D.C.! I am proud of how my campaign was The judge was right. The good that can silence from "friends" who can't handle the Of course, Key West must be alert and run and how my campaign reports passed the come from this is greater awareness of the news. Alone, living with a terrible illness, alerted to the possibilities, gond or bad, Ramsay Rams Cheal scrutiny of the elections office throughout, the miniscule chance of contracting AIDS by too many PWAs in this community just die of 814 FLEMING • (305) 296-2545 which may simply explode in your face at Dear Editor: campaign. Only once was 1 requested to cor- casual contact, In 15 years, 1 have not trans- loneliness—forgotten wrecks on a seashore OPEN MON- SAT, 11-5 any time. I, Thea Ramsay, disclosed today that on rect a campaign report, and that was done mitted the HIV virus to anyone, as confirmed of plenty. Good luck! '-• December 9, 1992—over one year after my immediately, in accordance with Florida law. by every partner. If a homophobic policeman It would take so little to give a PWA P. Spriesi narrow loss to A. Earl Cheal for the District 4 In reference to a $2000 loan my husband New York county commission seat—Cheal, improperly and I made to the campaign (which was prop- using official Monroe County stationary, erly disclosed on the cover sheet of the Remember When... charged my campaign with having violated appropriate report but not detailed in the Opposes Shelter numerous election laws. follow up sheets), Cheal's pettiness is You knew all your neighbors, Location Cheal's charges, submitted to both the pathetic. That was the nature of any errors, you worked together, played together, Dear Editor: division of elections as well as Attorney Gen- and we quickly and accurately clarified such you couldn't even walk through the I, like most citizens, am sympathetic to eral Bob Butterworth's office in Tallahassee, discrepancies when contacted by the elections also accused the Monroe County State Attor- local supermarket without seeing the plight of the homeless. However, loca- office. "ALL TALK RADIO ting a homeless shelter at the Truman School ney's office with willful failure to investigate Obviously, Cheal is vindictive now and is someone you knew! is simply wrongheaded. Truman School is a Cheal's allegations and stated-that he is trying again to put.up a smoke screen to fool That's when Old-Town was the town. stone's throw from Glynn Archer Elementary "bringing this action on behalf of his consti- the voters of Monroe County. He is clearly AM 1600 School, in close proximity to Horace O'Bry- tuents." upset that his group was found guilty of At Fausto's, we've kept that ant Middle School, and is along the route that Cheal's letter fails to make note of the fact serious election violations and by the fact that many children take to school. that it was Cheal's own campaign and the he is still under investigation for major "old town" feeling alive. Poinciana School and H.O.B. have al- PAC he founded that were .the parties found election violations himself. ALL TALK ready experienced problems with homeless to have violated the election code, resulting in Welcoming a thorough investigation, I individuals coming into their schools and en- criminal indictments and fines to the PAC and refer to the voluminous list of charges dangering children. A homeless shelter is a the recommendations that the Florida elec- brought against Cheal by his fellow Repub- magnet for homeless people. Unfortunately, a tions commission act against Cheal himself. lican, businessman Bill Cullen of Key Largo. ALL THE TIME significant percentage of homeless people, Referring to Cheal's off-the-wall antics Please note that Cheal was asked multiple due to illness or addiction, do not have since taking office—including his accusation times to correct substantial reporting viola- adequate behavioral controls. Exposing our that Ramsay was trying to poison his water tion, which he failed to do. children to additional potential danger makes supply and his attack on county employees, These violations amounted to over $7000 Financial • Health • Sports no sense. which he referred to as "overweight and lazy" in just one, two-week reporting period alone. Our children have a right to a safe en- in the now infamous "fat memo"—I say: In fact, Cheal repeatedly Heel on his original vironment. As adults and as parents, we "These are clear examples of his warped state as well as his amended reports right up to the have an obligation to exert control over our of mind." eve of his final vote. These lies concealed the Key West's Oldest environment in our children's behalf. Please To make clear the absurdity and pettiness nature and seriousness of his violations. They also concealed the extent and serious- Radio Station ness of the involvement of outside groups in *liantation Cheal's ill-gotten win, violations and involve- ^Anytirri^-:about arising ments, which, if properly disclosed to the RETAIL-WHOLESALE frcim: a Sim pie question to / voters of Monroe County as Florida law 5420 MacDonald Ave nfot.ters. required, would have surely wiped out his 522 Fleming St. 296-5663, (Fax) 294-7585 S:"-}• • .emergency help '•.•-' i' Functional and decorative ware from some of America's finest one-percent margin of victory. 1105 White St. 294-5221, (Fax) 296-2464 2944600 craftsmen Thea Ramsay Since 1926... Not just a Grocery...but a social Center! 717 Duval St * 294-3143 ,,.,,.,,..,..,.,.;...,.„„, ... „., ...,., , T „Marathon, v ? >V ^7 - Mart"1 IS 19*>2 • Glares Hil1 , wim r~ni* n «n-i i«V" » • fiolares Hill 'Fej^27 • March 18. 1992 « Page 29 desire to preserve a priceless part of Amer- ican architectural history and offer an inn that Integrity. combines gracious surroundings with per- sonal flavor." In a city of classic Victorian Reliability. homes, the Pegasus stands as an example of Experience. CIGNA J * , '» J a spirited period in history. Call 294-9323. Aulo -U(» • Horn* < l THE. Brenda Stevens, Mary di Paolo and National Pawn Rosa Barroso, employees of Barnett PORTER-ALLEN Bank of the Keys, recently celebrated COMPANY their employment anniversaries. Stevens cele- Key Largo 451-1980 fivrcT TO ATVPF brated 16 years, di Paolo her 10th and Marathon 743-9008 «i\rrT? We Buy and Sell -\t


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Raw Bar Platters Half Dozen Oysters 3.95 Served with Potato or Rice, Cole Slaw Half Dozen Clams 3.95 & Garlic Bread 1/4 Lb. Iced Steamed Shrimp 3.95 New York Strip Steak 12.95 Stone Crab Claws Market Baby Back Ribs 10.95 1/2 Chicken 8.50 • Appetizers Fresh Catch of The Day 12.95 Conch Chowder 2.50 Grilled Catch of The Day 12.95 Seafood Chowder , 2.50 Dolphin, Broiled or Fried 8.95 Conch Fritters 3.50 Stuffed Dolphin, Broiled or Friud 9.95 Fried Fish Fingers 3.25 Fried Jumbo Shrimp 12.95 Shrimp Cocktail 7.50 Stuffed Jumbo Shrimp 13.95 Marinated Conch Salad 5.25 Shrimp Scampi 13.50 Crab & Avocado Salad 6.50 Steamed Shrimp, 1/2 Lb 9.95 Large Garden Salad 3.95 Deep Sea Scallops, Broiled or Fried 10.95 Fried Clam Strips 8.75 Seafood Pasta 11.95 Sandwiches Maryland Style Crab Cakes 9,95 Fried Dolphin Sandwich 6.25 Broiled Lobster Market Hamburger 5.45 Stuffed Lobster Market Seafood Cheeseburger 5.95 Broiled Seafood Combination 13.25 Fried Seafood Combination 13.75 Broiled Seafood Kabobs 13.50 Surf&Turf 15,75 ©KawBar Children's Platter- 10 yrs & Under 2.99 Dine inside or outside on our beach deck Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.8 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner • 1405 Duval St • 9