District Census Handbook, Amerli, Part XII a & B, Series-7
CENSUS 1991 PARTS XII A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY SERIES -7 VILLAGE & TOWNWISE GUJARAT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT AMRELI DISTRICT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK N. R. VARSANI of the Indian Administrative Service, Djrector of Census Operations, Gujarat The trodittonai cnttaKc industry oJEmbroulery at Bagasara mAmrcll district is abOUI 50 years old. The traditional decorated dresses of bUla oJ Tal Kathiya~ad is made by one needie machine like a shape of Machi's ari. In the beginning, almost all women did emhroidery without the help of machines by utilising the silk thread and jari. Thereafter, the Singer company dl!ve/oped tlte machint! for tire embroidery. Fifty years ago, started with Jour or Jive mac;/Iines, this industry is very well developed and today embroidery is done with lite help of about 1,HOO to 2,000 machines in the Bagasara city. 6,000 to 8,000 artisans are getting employment. In addition, In tire ancillary works oJ this industry like border making and mirror ruing, approximately 5,000 women are getting employment. Artisans earns from Rs.80(J!- to Rs.1500/- per month. The income realised F)r the quality work of art emhroidery pcr blouse p.:e :'e vanes between Rs.600/~ to Rs.l ,000/-. The ilmes produced are chakio, IOdaliya, lOran, pachhit, taMe cloth elC. in this industry. There is huge demand from foreign coumries for the traditional art products of the country. As a result, illi.\' industry had good scope for the development in the field of export. The development possihilities of this industry seems to be very bright.
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