General Elect ions 2009 Reference Handbook Press Information Bureau Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India 1 This volume of the Reference Handbook is available at Subsequent volumes [Vol 2: Constituency wise contesting candidates; Vol 3: post-election compilation] will be available on the same website as and when these are compiled. Feedback on the Reference Handbook may kindly be sent to
[email protected]. The Press Information Bureau places on record the guidance and support received from the Election Commission of India in compilation of the Reference Handbook and sharing their archives and current data with the Bureau. The information provided by the Lok Sabha Secretariat is also thankfully acknowledged. Contact details of PIB officers Main Election Cell • Manoj Pandey 011-2338-9220 • Rajesh Malhotra 011-2338-5993 • Satyendra Praksah 011-2338-2145 • Atul Tiwari 011-2338-2126 • Prabhavati Akasi 011-2338-4790 • VB Arora 011-2338-8233 • NC Joshi 011-2338-3986 Email:
[email protected] PIB News room 011-2338-5893; fax 011-2338-6042 CoMPIlEd By press INFormatioN Bureau PRINTEd By Directorate oF Advertising ANd VISuAl PuBlICITy goVERNMENT oF INdIA at NIyogI offset pvt. lTd. NEw dElHI 2 3 4 CONTENTS Page I. Schedule For General Elections - 2009 No. 1. Press Note 9 II. General Statistical Information 29 2. State / uT-wise Seats in the lok Sabha 31 3. Parliamentary Constituencies Reserved for SCs and STs 33 4. Political Parties that took part in the 2004 Elections 36 5. Party Position in the 14th lok Sabha 41 6. winners and Runners-up in the 2004 Elections 42 7.