OZPACS: Recent Impacts on Australian Ecosystems Reference List
OZPACS: Recent impacts on Australian ecosystems Reference List Users please note: Although we endeavoured to make this list as complete and up to date as possible, some references are incomplete in cases where the full information was not available using a range of search methods. Hopefully sufficient information is provided should you wish to undertake a more thorough search for a particular reference. K. Fitzsimmons, 31/8/2007 Adamson, K., Tibby, J., Kershaw, A.P., in prep. Long term water quality and vegetation patterns at Junction Park Billabong, Murray River, Australia, with special emphasis on European impact. Austral Ecology. Agnew, C.F., 2002. Recent sediment dynamics and contaminant distribution folloing a bushfire in the Nattai River catchment, NSW. Honours Thesis, University of Wollongong, Wollongong. Aitken, D., Kershaw, A.E., 1992. Holocene vegetation and environmental history of Cranbourne Botanic Garden. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 105, 67-80. Allan, T., 2006. Examining diatoms as biological indicators of water quality, within 2 coastal lakes. School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore. Allen, V., Head, L., Medlin, G., Witter, D., 2000. Palaeo-ecology of the Gap and Coturaundee Ranges, western New South Wales, using stick-nest rat (Leporillus spp.) (Muridae) middens. Austral Ecology 25, 333-343. Anderson, P., 1986. A palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic history from lowland swamp environments: Mulgrave River, north-east Queensland. Honours Thesis, Monash University, Melbourne. Anker, S.A., Colhoun, E.A., Barton, C.E., Peterson, M., Barbetti, M., 2001. Holocene Vegetation and Paleoclimatic and Paleomagnetic History from Lake Johnston, Tasmania. Quaternary Research 56, 264-274.
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