all other licenses ... (4... 2.0  10,141 96.… Sun GPL With Classpath Ex... BSD 3-clause "New" or "Re...  Public License 1.0 337 3.21 MIT License 0,21 % Eclipse Public License 1.... MIT License  22 0.21

BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" …  6 0.06

Sun GPL With Classpath Exceptio…  4 0.04

all other licenses ... (4)  2 0.02 Apache License 2.0 96,47 %


1 Open Networking Lab - onos (Rescan-2… Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Original Code 10,097    

2 angular.js 1.3.5 MIT License File + Component 16    

3 Apache Felix Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

4 Apache Jakarta Commons IO 2.4 Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 1    

5 Apache Jakarta Commons Pool Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

6 Apache Karaf Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

7 Commons Lang Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

8 Concurrent-Trees Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

9 config Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

10 copycat Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

11 d3 3.4.12 BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License File 3    

12 d3 Unspecified BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License File 2    

13 Document Object Model - DOM Unspecified W3C Software Notice and License 20021231 Dynamic Library 0    

14 EasyMock - EasyMock Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

15 floodlight Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Snippet 13    

16 google-code-prettify Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Snippet + File 25    

17 guava-libraries Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

18 Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java 18.0 Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 1    

19 Hamcrest Unspecified BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License Dynamic Library 0    

20 Jackson-annotations 2.4.0 Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 1    

21 Jackson-core 2.4.4 Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 1    

22 jackson-databind 2.4.4 Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 1    

23 JaCoCo Unspecified Eclipse Public License 1.0 Snippet 1    

24 jacoco Unspecified Eclipse Public License 1.0 File 336    

25 JavaServlet Specification 2.5 Common Development and Distribution License … Dynamic Library 1    

26 jersey Unspecified Common Development and Distribution License … Dynamic Library 0     27 jersey-client - com.sun.jersey:jersey-client 1.19 Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 Dynamic Library 1    

28 jersey-core 1.19 Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 Dynamic Library 1    

29 jersey-server - com.sun.jersey:jersey-se… 1.19 Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 Dynamic Library 1    

30 jersey-servlet 1.19 Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 Dynamic Library 1    

31 Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

32 JNC Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

33 Joda - Time - joda-time Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

34 jquery Unspecified MIT License Snippet 2    

35 jquery 2.1.1 MIT License Snippet + File 2    

36 JSR-311 - JAX-RS - The Java API for R… 1.1.1 Common Development and Distribution License … Dynamic Library 1    

37 JUnit Unspecified Eclipse Public License 1.0 Dynamic Library 0    

38 kryo Unspecified BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License Dynamic Library 0    

39 MapDB Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

40 Metrics Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

41 minimal-json Unspecified MIT License Dynamic Library 0    

42 minlog Unspecified BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License Dynamic Library 0    

43 Mojo's Maven plugin for Cobertura - or… Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Snippet 1    

44 OSGi Alliance Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

45 Plexus Project Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

46 QDox Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

47 SAX Unspecified Sax Notice Dynamic Library 0    

48 Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) Unspecified MIT License Dynamic Library 0    

49 SLF4J API Module 1.7.7 MIT License Dynamic Library 1    

50 SLF4J JDK14 Binding 1.7.7 MIT License Dynamic Library 1    

51 The Netty Project Unspecified Apache License 2.0 Dynamic Library 0    

52 topojson Unspecified BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License File 1    

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