1 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS TO PROVIDE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR 2 STATE INSTITUTIONS, AGENCIES, AND DEPARTMENTS. 3 4 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: 5 6 Section 1. This Act shall be known as the Capital Improvement Appropriation Act 7 of 1963. 8 Sec. 2. The funds appropriated by this Act are for the purposes of construction of 9 buildings, acquiring sites therefor if necessary, acquiring and installing equipment at the 10 institutions, departments, and agencies of the State, hereinafter mentioned. 11 Sec. 3. The funds appropriated by this Act to provide for Capital Improvements, by 12 Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this Act, shall be disbursed for the purposes provided in this Act 13 upon warrants drawn by the State Disbursing Officer, which warrants shall not be drawn for 14 any State institution, department, or agency until a requisition has been approved by the 15 Director of the Budget and which requisition shall be approved only after full compliance with 16 the Executive Budget Act, Article 1 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes. Any officer of the 17 State or executive head of any institution, or any director, trustee, or commissioner in any State 18 institution, department, or agency to which an appropriation is made under the provisions of 19 this Act who votes for or aids in spending more money for any improvement for his institution, 20 department, or agency than is appropriated therefor, may be removed from office by the 21 Governor. Any additional moneys which may be received by means of a grant or grants from 22 the of America or any agency or department thereof or from any other source to 23 aid in financing the cost of any of the improvements herein referred to, may be placed by the 24 State Treasurer in the same fund or in a separate fund and, to the extent permitted by the terms 25 of such grant or grants, shall be disbursed in the same manner and for the purposes mentioned 26 in this Act. 27 Sec. 4. There is appropriated out of the General Fund the sum of fifty seven million 28 eight hundred ninety eight thousand five hundred eighteen dollars ($57,898,518*) for the use of 29 the State institutions, departments, and agencies to provide for Capital Improvement projects 30 according to the following schedule: 31 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 32 Department of Administration $5,276,000* 33 1. General Renovations $ 51,000 34 2. Install two Elevators, Agriculture Building 65,000 35 3. Elevator Conversion, Revenue Building 15,000* 36 4. New Office Building 2,895,000 37 5. Purchase of Land 2,250,000* 38 PUBLIC SAFETY AND REGULATION 39 North Carolina Armory Commission 200,000 40 1. Armory Buildings 1,600,000 41 Less: Federal and Local Funds 1,400,000 42 State Civil Defense Agency $ 257,500 43 1. Emergency Operating Center $ 515,000 1 Less: Federal Funds 257,500 2 CORRECTION 3 Stonewall Jackson Training School 12 000 4 1. Replacement of Laying Houses 5 and Brooder House 9,000 6 2. Replacement of Silo for Dairy 3,000 7 State Home and Industrial School for Girls 135,000 8 1. Renovate Electrical Distribution 9 System and Campus Lights 15,000 10 2. Cottage for 25 Students 115,000 11 3. Storage Shed 5,000 12 Morrison Training School 289,500 13 1. Annex to 35-Capacity Boys Dormitory 14 To Provide 12 Single Rooms with Custody 15 Features 25,500 16 2. All Weather Surfaced Drives and Walks -0-* 17 3. Fire Hydrants 12,000 18 4. Cottage to House 50 Students 150,000 19 5. Two Staff Cottages 23,000 20 6. Addition to Infirmary 79,000 21 Eastern Carolina Training School 414,500 22 1. New Building for 60 Students 175,000 23 2. Renovation of Superintendents 24 Residence 7,000 25 3. Extension of Water Lines and 26 Fire Hydrants 8,500 27 4. Extension of Walks and Drives -0-* 28 5. New Building for 60 Students 175,000 29 6. Thirty Cow Milking Barn 26,000 30 7. Two Staff Cottages 23,000 31 State Training School for Girls 186,500* 32 1. All Weather Surfaced Walks and Drives -0-* 33 2. New Building for 50 Students 150,000 34 3. Two Staff Cottages 23,000 35 4. Residence for Superintendent 13,500 36 State Prison Department $1,665,000 37 Less: Funds Provided by Prison Enterprises 760,000 $ 905,000 38 1. Construction of 6" Water Main 39 from Durham, Unit 051, Durham County 65,000 40 2. Sewage Outfall and Pumping Station 41 to City System, Unit 086, 42 Randolph County 17,000 43 3. Sewage Disposal System, Unit 44 112, Ashe County 24,000 45 4. Connect Sewer to City System, 46 Unit 136, Rutherford County 13,000 47 5. Improvement to Unit 017, Hertford County 52,600 48 6. Improvements to Unit 022, Carteret County 27,400 49 7. Renovation of Craggy Prison 276,000 50 8. Renovation and Enlargement of 51 Unit 024, Greene County 905,000 1 9. Renovation and Enlargement of 2 Unit 132, Burke County 166,000 3 10. Construction of 100-Man Dormitory 4 for Handicapped Inmates of 5 Caledonia Prison 88,000 6 11. Improvements at Odom Prison 31,000 7 EDUCATION 8 University of North Carolina 9 (Consolidated) 10 General Administration -0- 11 * 12 1. Facilities to Provide Statewide 13 Educational Television -0-* 14 University of North Carolina 2,898,000 15 1. Renovate and Provide Basic 16 Equipment Ground Floor, MacNider Hall 155,000 17 2. Undergraduate Library and 18 Student Union 3,315,000 19 Less: Self-Liquidating Student Union 2,000,000 1,315,000 20 3. L.R. Wilson Library, Renovation 21 and Air Conditioning 2 Areas 65,000 22 4.Dormitory for 925* Men 2,544,000* 23 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 2,544,000* 24 5. Additions and Alterations to Davie Hall $ 903,000 25 6. Renovate Old Phillips Hall $ 460,000 26 7. Dormitory for 200 Women -0-* 27 (Combined with item 4 above) 28 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds -0-* — 29 State College of Agriculture and Engineering 3,988,000* 30 1. Improvements to Burlington Nuclear 31 Reactor Facilities; Rewiring 32 Ricks and Patterson Hall; and 33 other Building Repairs, Utilities 34 and Improvements 1,000,000 35 2. Additions and Alterations Brooks Hall 315,000 36 3. Remodel Daniels Hall 325,000 37 4. Equipment for Civil Engineering 100,000 38 5. Remodel Broughton Building (Diesel Wing) 105,000 39 6. Renovate Nuclear Science Building 63,000 40 7. Air Conditioning D.H. Hill Library 300,000 41 8. Two Dormitories, 800 Men Each 4,400,000 42 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 4,400,000 — 43 9. Dormitory for 300 Women 825,000 44 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 825,000 — 45 10. Physical Science Building 1,780,000* 46 Woman's College of the University of 47 North Carolina 2,138,000* 48 1. Renovation and/or Replacement 49 of the Utility System; New 50 Boilers and Accessories 773,000 51 2. Renovation of Electric Wiring 1 and Lighting in 7 Buildings 370,000 2 3. Improvement of Hot Water 3 Supply in Dormitories 50,000 4 4. Widening West Drive 60,000 5 5. Dormitory Renovations 300,000 6 6. Dining Hall Improvements 200,000 7 7. Library Air Conditioning 200,000 8 8. Two Home Management Units 65,000 9 9. Additions and Alterations to Pool 160,000 10 Less: Self -Liquidating Funds $ 80,000 $ 80,000 11 10. Nursery School Addition 40,000* 12 East Carolina College $3,116,000* 13 1. Dormitory for 400 Women to 14 Replace Wilson 1,100,000 15 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 588,000 512,000 16 2. Addition to Library 519,000 17 3. Additions and Alterations to 18 Wright Building 650,000 19 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 650,000 — 20 4. Addition to Jones Dormitory 21 Cafeteria 157,000 22 5. Addition to Maintenance Shop 28,000 23 6. Men's Health and Physical 24 Education Building 1,400,000 25 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 700,000 700,000 26 7. Dormitory for 500 Men 1,375,000 27 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 1,375,000 — 28 8. Music Building 1,200,000* 29 The Agricultural and Technical College 737,000 30 1. Boiler, Piping and Equipment 120,000 31 2. Campus Lights, Walks, and Roads 55,000 32 3. Dormitory for 200 Women 550,000 33 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 412,500 137,500 34 4. Renovation of Graham Building 160,000 35 5. Student Union Building 1,040,000 36 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 1,040,000 — 37 6. Music and Art Building 38 Equipment 25,000 39 7. Air Conditioning Library 180,000 40 8. Farm and Dairy Additions 59,500 41 Western Carolina College 2,373,168* 42 1. Addition to Cafeteria 151,000 43 2. Cafeteria No. 2 768,000 44 3. College Union Building 1,000,000 45 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 1,000,000 — 46 4. Four 200 Student Dormitories $2,200,000 47 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 2,200,000 — 48 5. Renovations, Alterations, and 49 Additions to Stillwell Building $ 135,000 50 6. Additions and Alterations to 51 Water System 270,000 1 7. Expansion of Utilities 200,000 2 8. Walks, Drives, and Landscaping 25,000 3 9. Additions and Alterations to 4 Hunter Library 503,000* 5 10. Campus Laboratory School 6 and Equipment 321,168* 7 Appalachian State Teachers College $3,479,050* 8 1. Dormitory for 300 Women to 9 Replace Lovill Hall 825,000 10 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 440,000 385,000 11 2. Dormitory for 200 Women to 12 Replace White Hall 406,300 13 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 165,000 241,300 14 3. Repairs to Power Plant and 15 Distribution System, Replacements 16 for Steam Heating System and 17 Purchase of Boilers 90,000 18 4. Replacement and Enlargement of 19 Facilities for Health and 20 Physical Education 1,137,000 21 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 284,250* 852,750* 22 5. Renovate Old Science Building 23 and Convert to Different Type 24 of Classroom Use 75,000 25 6. Furniture and Equipment for Old 26 Science Building 36,000 27 7. Seats for Auditorium in 28 Administration Building 14,000 29 8. Addition to Expansion of Present 30 Cafeteria 698,000 31 9. Equipment for New Science 32 Building 125,000 33 10. Student Center 1,025,000 34 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 1,025,000 — 35 11. Enlargement of Library Facilities 890,000 36 12. Dormitory for 300 Women 825,000 37 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 825,000 — 38 13. Dormitory for 300 Men $ 825,000 39 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 825,000 — 40 14. Nursery School Building $ 72,000* 41 Pembroke State College $ 953,750* 42 1. Dormitory for 100 Women 275,000 43 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 68,750 206,250 44 2. Student Center 120,000 45 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds -0-* 120,000* 46 3. Band Room 47,000 47 4. Two Wings at Library 38,000 48 5. New Wing and Alterations to Gymnasium 85,000 49 6. Home Economics Residence 50 House 45,000 51 7. Dormitory for 100 Men 275,000 1 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 68,750 206,250 2 8. Faculty Apartments 140,000 3 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 140,000 — 4 9. Dormitory for 100 Women 275,000 5 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 68,750 206,250* 6 Winston-Salem Teachers College 497,000* 7 1. Convert Bickett Dormitory to Use 8 by Women 30,000 9 2. Dormitory for 250 Men 687,500 10 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 515,500 172,000 11 3. Library Building 295,000* 12 Fayetteville State Teachers College 644,500 13 1. Dormitory for 200 Women 550,000 14 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 412,500 137,500 15 2. Campus Drainage and Widen 16 West Drive 95,000 17 3. Redecorate President's House 5,000 18 4. Dormitory for 250 Men 687,500 19 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 515,500 172,000 20 5. Physical Education Building for Women, 21 Including Swimming Pool 470,000 22 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds $ 235,000 $ 235,000 23 6. Student Center 460,000 24 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 460,000 — 25 Elizabeth City State Teachers College $ 777,250* 26 1. Dormitory for 300 Men 825,000 27 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 618,750 206,250* 28 2. Student Center 393,000 29 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 393,000 — 30 3. Swimming Pool 242,000 31 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 121,000 121,000 32 4. Library 400,000* 33 5. Renovations of Old Library 34 Building for Food Service 50,000* 35 North Carolina College at Durham 1,153,500* 36 1. Improvements to New Women's 37 Dormitory 15,000 38 2. Repairs to Women's Dormitory 8,500 39 3. Renovate Administration Building 160,000 40 4. Sidewalks and Seat Walls for 41 Congested Areas 9,000 42 5. Elevator, Health Building 15,000 43 6. Culvert and Fill, Dupree to 44 Lawson Streets 35,000 45 7. Air Condition Library 100,000 46 8. Enlarge Coal Bin 14,000 47 9. Student Center 720,000 48 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 360,000* 360,000* 49 10. Dormitory for 400 Women 1,100,000 50 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 1,100,000 — 51 11. Dormitory for 400 Men 825,000 1 Less: Self-Liquidating Funds 825,000 — 2 12. Listening Room 49,000 3 13. Storage Building 25,000 4 14. Equipment for Closed Circuit 5 Television 75,000 6 15. Addition to Science Building 288,000* 7 Community Colleges 8 Asheville Biltmore College $1,406,000 9 1. Convert Chemistry Lecture Hall 10 to Laboratory $ 16,000 11 Less: Local Matching Funds -0-* $ 16,000* 12 2. Library Building 800,000 13 Less: Local Matching Funds -0-* 800,000* 14 3. Convert Present Library Space 15 to Classrooms and Offices 40,000 16 Less: Local Matching Funds -0-* 40,000* 17 4. General Classroom Building 550,000 18 Less: Local Matching Funds -0-* 550,000* 19 College of the Albemarle 260,000* 20 1. Gymnasium 260,000 21 Less: Local Matching Funds 130,000 130,000 22 2. To match Local Funds Already 23 Contributed 130,000* 24 Charlotte College 3,300,000* 25 1. General Classroom Building 1,200,000 26 Less: Local Matching Funds -0-* 1,200,000* 27 2. General Laboratory Building 1,610,000 28 Less: Local Matching Funds -0-* 1,610,000* 29 3. Administration Building 490,000 30 Less: Local Matching Funds -0-* 490,000 31 4. Addition to Student Center 512,000 32 Less: Local Matching Funds 512,000 — 33 Mecklenburg College 255,000 34 1. Library Building 215,000 35 Less: Local Matching Funds 107,500 107,500 36 2. Classroom Building 295,000 37 Less: Local Matching Funds 147,500 147,500 38 3. Student Services Building 230,000 39 Less: Local Matching Funds 230,000 — 40 Wilmington College 500,000* 41 1. Liberal Arts Building 500,000 42 Less: Local Matching Funds -0-* 500,000* 43 Gaston College $ 500,000* 44 1. Two multi-purpose Buildings $1,000,000 45 Less: Local Matching Funds 500,000 $ 500,000* 46 State School for the Blind and the Deaf 726,000 47 1. Primary Unit, Negro School 512,000 48 2. Addition to Primary Unit, 49 White School 183,000 50 3. Water Main Connection with 51 City of Raleigh 25,000 1 4. Additional Freezer Storage Space 6,000 2 Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf 980,000* 3 1. Renovation of Existing Buildings -0-* 4 2. Site Preparations -0-* 5 3. Classroom and Dining Room Building -0-* 6 4. Primary Unit, Classroom, Dining 7 Room, Kitchen, Dormitory, Recreation 8 and House-parent Quarters — 120 Capacity 883,000* 9 5. Renovations of Existing Buildings 30,000* 10 6. Site Improvements — Utilities 67,000* 11 North Carolina School for the Deaf 65,000 12 1. Renovate Bathrooms, Goodwin Hall 65,000 13 Department of Archives and History 3,050,000 14 1. Building to House the Department 15 of Archives and History 16 and State Library 3,000,000 17 2. Security Vault 50,000 18 NON-HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION 19 State Ports Authority 4,600,000 20 1. Wilmington Harbor Project 100,000 21 2. Construction of New and 22 Renovation of Present Facilities, 23 Morehead City and Wilmington 4,500,000 24 3. Morehead City Port Improvements 25 Supplement 1,225,000 26 Less: Federal Funds, HHFA 1,225,000 — 27 HEALTH AND HOSPITALS 28 Medical Care Commission $2,000,000 29 1. Community Hospitals $2,222,000 30 Less: Federal Matching 1,222,000 $1,000,000 31 2. Nursing Home Facilities 1,333,000 32 Less: Federal Matching 733,000 600,000 33 3. Mental Health Clinics 889,000 34 Less: Federal Matching 489,000 400,000 35 Dorothea Dix Hospital 1,245,000 36 1. Renovation of Kirby Building 185,000 37 2. Renovation of Council Building 185,000 38 3. Renovation of McBryde Building 55,000 39 4. Spruill Building Improvements 25,000 40 5. Roads, Sidewalks and Parking Areas 100,000 41 6. Harvey Building Roofing and 42 Waterproofing Exterior Walls 18,000 43 7. Royster Building Roofing and 44 Waterproofing Exterior Walls 18,000 45 8. Completion of Electrical 46 Distribution System 100,000 47 9. Renovation of Wright Building 80,000 48 10. Renovation of Edgerton Building 155,000 49 11. Renovation of Adams Building 185,000 50 12. Renovation of Williams Building 120,000 51 13. Two Poultry Houses 19,000 1 Broughton Hospital 1,346,000 2 1. Renovate Wards 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 3 12, F, G, H, J, K, and M 430,000 4 2. Renovate Wards 36 and 37 130,000 5 3. Renovate TB Building 35,000 6 4. Hydraulic Lift, Ward 28 20,000 7 5. Repairs to Service Building 13,000 8 6. Air Condition Jones Building 225,000 9 7. Air Condition Wards N and 27 100,000 10 8. Two Elevators, Center Building 50,000 11 9. Roads and Parking Areas 45,000 12 10. Paging and Broadcasting System 60,000 13 11. Chapel 220,000 14 12. Water Line Pump and Pump House 18,000 15 Cherry Hospital $1,064,000 16 1. Electrical Distribution System $ 150,000 17 2. Repair and Renovate 14 Bath and 18 Toilet Areas in 4 Buildings at 19 O'Berry Section 40,000 20 3. Additional Overhead Water 21 Storage Tank 82,000 22 4. Sewage Disposal Plant 390,000 23 5. Enclosing Stairwells on 24 Breezeways of All Buildings 30,000 25 6. Protection and Detention Screens 100,000 26 7. Hot Water Heating and Storage 15,000 27 8. Paving Streets 57,000 28 9. Filter Plant Addition 200,000 29 O'Berry School 579,000 30 1. Swimming Pool 70,000 31 2. Recreation Field and Field House 16,000 32 3. 126-Bed Crippled Children 33 Hospital 440,000 34 4. Canteen 26,000 35 5. Storage Building 27,000 36 John Umstead Hospital 773,000 37 1. Renovate Central Heating Facilities 360,000 38 2. Repair of Cold Storage 70,000 39 3. Air Condition Day Rooms 40 and Medical and Surgical Wards 335,000 41 4. Improvements to Main Kitchen 8,000 42 Murdoch School 1,243,400* 43 1. Forty Bed Addition to Infirmary 210,000 44 2. Warehouse Addition to Kitchen 45 Building 108,000 46 3. Canteen 26,000 47 4. Outdoor Swimming Pool 70,000 48 5. Air Condition Crippled Children's 49 Building and Administration Building 45,000 50 6. Convert 12 Two-Room Apartments 51 to Efficiency Units (Staff Building) 20,000 1 7. Facility for Blind Retardates 764,400* 2 Caswell School 534,000 3 1. New Floors in Crippled Children's Building 24,000 4 2. Exterior Repairs to Pollock, Austin, 5 Wooten, and Old Kitchen Buildings $ 12,000 6 3. Heating Renovations, Idiot Colonies 125,000 7 4. Sewage Disposal Plant, or 8 Participation with City of Kinston 325,000 9 5. Covered Walks 22,000 10 6. Canteen or Store for Children and Employees 26,000 11 North Carolina Orthopedic Hospital $ 38,000 12 1. Electrical Improvements 15,000 13 2. Air Conditioning 7,000 14 3. Emergency Power System 4,000 15 4. Resurface Roads and Widen Main Drive 12,000 16 NATURAL RESOURCES AND RECREATION 17 Department of Conservation and 18 Development 1,371,500* 19 Parks Division: 20 Cliffs of the Neuse State Park 21 1. Land Acquisition 39,500 22 2. Enlargement of Water Supply 23 System 27,000 24 25 1. Additions to Maintenance and 26 Service Area 30,500 27 2. Beach Erosion Control 260,000 28 Hanging Rock State Park 29 1. Replacement of Underground 30 Power Cable 21,000 31 2. Resurfacing and Improvements 32 of Park Roads 23,000 33 3. Additions to Maintenance and 34 Service Area 27,500 35 4. Enlargement of Public 36 Campgrounds 33,000 37 38 1. Replace Bathhouse 40,500 39 Morrow Mountain State Park 40 1. Additions to Maintenance and 41 Service Area 19,000 42 2. Enlargement of Public Camp 43 Grounds 33,000 44 Mount Jefferson State Park 45 1. Maintenance and Service Area $ 28,450* 46 2. Enlargement of Water Supply 47 System 5,000 48 Mount Mitchell State Park 49 1. Roadside Improvement 51,550* 50 2. Completion of Parking Areas 31,000 51 3. Addition to Toilets and Refreshment 1 Stand 43,500 2 4. Addition to Maintenance and 3 Service Area 14,000 4 5. Enlargement of Public Camp 5 Grounds 48,500 6 Reedy Creek State Park 7 1. Addition to Maintenance and 8 Service Area 20,500 9 William B. Umstead State Park 10 1. Enlargement of Water Supply 11 System 22,000 12 2. Additions to Maintenance and 13 Service Area 38,500 14 Duke Power State Park 150,000* 15 Forestry Division 16 1. 120 Foot Steel Lookout Tower 17 Erection, Pamlico County 5,000 18 2. Fairfield District Headquarters, 19 Hyde County 46,000 20 3. Shop Building, Equipment Shelter, 21 Airplane Hanger, Whiteville 40,000 22 4. Forest Fire Control Equipment, 23 Clayton 12,500 24 5. Equipment Shelter and Radio 25 Shop, Chapel Hill 17,500 26 6. Warehouse and Shop Building, 27 Sylva 52,500 28 7. Equipment Shelters; Bertie, 29 Columbus, Martin, and 30 Robeson Counties 38,000 31 8. District Headquarters, 32 Rockingham 61,000 33 9. District Headquarters, Elizabeth 34 City 58,500 35 10. Equipment Shelter and 36 Communications Dispatch Building, 37 New Bern 12,000 38 11. Replace Inside Ladders with Steel 39 Stairs, Ashe and Yancey Counties 1,500 40 12. One Steel Lookout Tower 41 (Robeson County) $ 10,000* 42 13. Residence, Sampson County 10,000* 43 ______44 45 Kerr Reservoir Development 46 Commission $ 132,600 47 Kimball Point 48 1. Ranger's Residence 11,000 49 2. Toilet Building 7,000 50 3. Tent Camping Area 8,000 51 4. Central Wash House 9,500 1 County Line Point 2 1. Tent Camping Area 10,000 3 2. Central Wash House 9,500 4 3. Toilet Building 5,500 5 Bullocksville Park 6 1. Toilet Building 5,500 7 2. Swimming Dock 1,000 8 3. Two Deep Wells with Pumps 4,000 9 Satterwhite Point 10 1. Toilet Building at 11 Swimming Area 8,000 12 2. Swimming Float 1,000 13 3. Toilet Building at 14 Picnic Shelter 1 7,000 15 4. Sales and Shop Building 22,000 16 5. Public Boat Dock 1,000 17 6. Exterior Lighting 1,100 18 Flemingtown Road Marina 19 1. Central Wash House 9,500 20 Williamsboro Wayside 21 1. Deep Well and Parking Area 4,000 22 Park Improvements 23 1. 200 Picnic Tables 2,000 24 2. Ground Improvements 6,000 25 ______26 Department of Water Resources 1,000,000* 27 1. Building Sand Dunes and Other 28 Civil Works Projects 1,000,000 29 ______30 AGRICULTURE 31 1. Addition to Tobacco Packhouse, 32 Border Belt Tobacco Research 33 Station 7,625 34 2. Milking House, Mountain 35 Research Station 13,280 36 3. Addition to Implement Storage, 37 Border Belt Tobacco Research 38 Station $ 5,075 39 4. Feed Mixing and Storage 40 Facility, Research Station 17,100 41 5. Superintendent's Dwelling, Upper 42 Coastal Plain Research Station 17,050 43 6. Feed Mixing and Storage Facility, 44 Tidewater Research Station 13,200 45 7. Sheltering Barn and Hay Feeding 46 Area, Coastal Plain Research Station 9,650 47 8. Fertilizer and Pesticide Storage, 48 Peanut Belt Research Station 4,925 49 9. Shed for Experimental Peanut 50 Curing Units, Peanut Belt 51 Research Station 2,350 1 10. Superintendent's Dwelling 2 Upper Mountain Research Station 17,050 3 11. Swine Unit, Upper Coastal 4 Plain Research Station 20,300 5 12. Dairy Supervisor's Dwelling, 6 Piedmont Research Station 13,900 7 13. Tobacco Curing Barn, Border 8 Belt Tobacco Research Station 4,275 9 14. Apple Grading Shed, 10 Mountain Research Station 4,770 11 15. Building for Wintering Brood 12 Cows, Upper Mountain Research 13 Station 8,935 14 16. Silo (40 ton capacity) for Sheep 15 Feeding, Upper Mountain Research 16 Station 2,315 17 ______18 Agricultural Experiment Station, 19 North Carolina State College $ 337,000* 20 1. Modernizing Dairy Farm Facilities, 21 College Dairy Farm 9,000 22 2. Buildings for Horticulture Crops 23 Research Station, Castle Hayne 16,000 24 3. Buildings at Mountain Horticulture 25 Crops Research Station, Fletcher 52,000 26 4. Buildings at Sandhills Research 27 Station, Jackson Springs 16,000 28 5. Compartment Curing Barn, Upper 29 Piedmont Tobacco Research 30 Station, Reidsville $ 6,000 31 6. Finley Farm Poultry Facility 238,000* 32 ______33 Sec. 5. There is appropriated out of the Highway Fund the sum of three million two 34 hundred seventy-six thousand two hundred dollars ($3,276,200) for the use of the Department 35 of Motor Vehicles and the State Highway Commission to provide for Capital Improvement 36 projects according to the following schedule: 37 PUBLIC SAFETY AND REGULATION 38 Department of Motor Vehicles $ 691,900 39 1. Addition to Motor Vehicles Building, 40 Raleigh 65,000 41 2. Radio Towers and Equipment — 42 Smithfield, Dunn, Stedman, 43 Fayetteville, Wilson and Greenville 312,500 44 3. Office Building — Conover 52,400 45 4. Office Building — Bryson City 52,400 46 5. Office Building — Statesville 52,400 47 6. Office Building — Reidsville 52,400 48 7. Office Building — Waynesville 52,400 49 8. Office Building — Marion 52,400 50 ______51 HIGHWAYS 1 State Highway Commission: 2,584,300 2 1. Division Shop — Asheville 175,000 3 2. District Office Building — Winston Salem 34,000 4 3. District Office Building — Greenville 34,000 5 4. District Office Building — Greensboro 34,000 6 5. Addition to 11th Division Office 7 Building — North Wilkesboro 32,500 8 6. Maintenance Building — Burke County 60,000 9 7. Headquarters Building for 10 Resident Engineer and Locating 11 Engineer — Sanford 34,000 12 8. Maintenance Yard Facilities — Halifax County 43,000 13 9. District Office and Land — Boone 47,000 14 10. Four (4) Washing and Greasing 15 Houses — Division 5 128,000 16 11. Service Station at Union 17 County Maintenance Yard $ 7,000 18 12. District Office Building — Asheville 34,000 19 13. Maintenance Headquarters Building — Trenton 10,000 20 14. Road Oil Camp (30 men) — Wilmington 13,000 21 15. Office, Storage, and Truck 22 Shed Building — Marshall 18,500 23 16. Addition to Division Office 24 Building — Durham 22,000 25 17. Maintenance Headquarters 26 Building — Pamlico County 10,000 27 18. Assembly Building and Fencing — Union 28 County Maintenance Yard 14,500 29 19. Road Oil Camp (50 men) — Buncombe 30 County 25,000 31 20. Office and Storage Building — Webster 10,000 32 21. District Office Building and Land — Wilson 38,000 33 22. Maintenance Headquarters Building 34 and Fencing — Fayetteville 20,000 35 23. Service Station — Fayetteville 7,000 36 24. Maintenance Headquarters Building — Graham 13,000 37 25. Sub-Shop — Greenville 25,000 38 26. Sub-Shop and Fencing — Yadkinville 32,000 39 27. Office Building, Truck Shed and 40 Storage Building — Point Harbor 22,000 41 28. Wash Pit and Grease Rack Shed — Wadesboro 7,000 42 29. Service Building with Grease Pit and 43 Wash Pit — Avery County 13,000 44 30. Service Building with Grease 45 Pit and Wash Pit — Webster 8,000 46 31. Road Oil Camp (25 men) — Clinton 11,000 47 32. Maintenance Yard Building and 48 Fencing — Edgecombe County 37,000 49 33. Maintenance Quarters, Resident 50 Engineer's Office and Service 51 Station — Siler City 28,000 1 34. Sub-Shop and Fencing — Asheboro 32,000 2 35. Metal Equipment Storage Shed — Webster $ 12,500 3 36. Metal Equipment Storage 4 Building — Trenton 13,500 5 37. Storage Building — Cleveland 6 Gaston County 16,000 7 38. Office Building and Storage 8 Building — Sanford Bridge Yard 16,000 9 39. Maintenance Office and Assembly 10 Room — Burgaw 10,000 11 40. Metal Equipment Storage 12 Shed — Pamlico County 13,500 13 41. Maintenance Office and Assembly 14 Room — Kenansville 14,000 15 42. Purchase of Land 16 (20 acres) — Chatham County 29,200 17 43. Purchase of Land from Prison Department 18 (23 acres) — Perquimans County 1,400 19 44. Purchase of Land from Prison Department 20 (6 acres) — Northampton County 7,300 21 45. Assembly Building, Truck Shed, Service 22 Station and Fencing — Pasquotank County 36,000 23 46. Metal Equipment Shed — Statesville 13,500 24 47. Truck Shed, Storage, Toilet 25 and Assembly Building — Swan Quarter 15,000 26 48. Service Station Building — Trenton 1,500 27 49. Fencing — Burke County 3,000 28 50. Road Oil Camp 29 (50 men) — McDowell County 25,000 30 51. Service Building for Washing and 31 Greasing — Robbinsville 8,000 32 52. Sub-Shop — Bryson City 32,000 33 53. Maintenance and Storage 34 Building and Sign 35 Shop — Wilson County 59,000 36 54. Office Building — Storage Building, 37 Grading, and Fencing — North Wilkesboro 22,500 38 55. Storage Shed and Addition to 39 Office — Guilford County 10,000 40 56. Headquarters Building — Greenville 10,000 41 57. Storage Building — Boone $ 16,000 42 58. Road Oil Camp (50 men) — Yancey County 25,000 43 59. Blacksmith Shop and Storage 44 Building — Fayetteville 13,000 45 60. Equipment Storage Shed — Webster 19,000 46 61. Fencing — Chowan County 2,600 47 62. Metal Service Building for Washing 48 and Greasing — Mt. Pleasant 4,500 49 63. Sub-Shop — Roxboro 32,000 50 64. Truck Shed — Fayetteville 20,000 51 65. Seed and Fertilizer 1 Building — Greenville 8,500 2 66. Storage Warehouse — Rockingham 8,500 3 67. Warehouse — Rockingham 9,000 4 68. Division and District Headquarters 5 Office Building — Albemarle 122,000 6 69. Service Building for Washing 7 and Greasing — Monroe 7,500 8 70. Bridge Maintenance Office 9 Building and Truck Shed — Spindale 15,000 10 71. Combination Lumber and Storage 11 Shed — Rockingham 5,600 12 72. Landscape Headquarters and 13 Storage Building — Camp 14 Burton — Greensboro 17,000 15 73. Metal Equipment Storage Shed — Rosman 12,500 16 74. Maintenance Headquarters and 17 Fencing — Whiteville 22,500 18 75. Metal Truck Shed — Asheboro 12,500 19 76. Metal Truck Shed and 20 Division Sign Shop — Union County 18,500 21 77. Metal Building to Cover 22 Wash and Grease Racks — Albemarle 7,000 23 78. Double Wall Frame 24 Building — Mt. Pleasant 3,000 25 79. Metal Storage 26 Building — Warrensville 14,500 27 80. Sub-Shop — Jacksonville 32,000 28 81. Maintenance Storage 29 Shed — Alamance County 6,000 30 82. Truck Shed — Landscape 31 Department — Greenville 5,500 32 83. Office and Metal Equipment 33 Storage Shed — Hazelwood 19,000 34 84. Maintenance Quarters — Asheboro $ 20,000 35 85. Truck Shed — Bridge Maintenance 36 Yard— Troy 5,000 37 86. Equipment and Material 38 Storage Shed — Avery County 16,000 39 87. Service Station — Whiteville 7,000 40 88. Sub-Shop— Hillsboro 32,000 41 89. Equipment and Material Storage 42 Shed — Wentworth 2,000 43 90. Truck Storage Shed — Guilford 44 County 6,000 45 91. Storage Building — Bridge 46 Maintenance Yard — Troy 8,000 47 92. Truck Shed — Shelmerdine — Pitt 48 County 4,500 49 93. Material and Equipment 50 Storage Sheds — Elkin, Yadkinville 51 and Dobsonville 14,500 1 94. Metal Truck Shed — Siler City 6,000 2 95. Maintenance Office and 3 Storage Building — Columbus 4 County 7,000 5 96. Truck Shed — Bridge Maintenance 6 Yard — Peachtree 4,500 7 97. Truck Shed — Maury — Greene 8 County 18,500 9 98. Building for Washing and 10 Greasing — Hayesville 10,000 11 99. Warehouse Building — Troy 9,500 12 100. Concrete Block Blacksmith 13 Shop — Hazelwood 2,500 14 101. Masonry Storage Building — Bridge 15 Maintenance Yard — Peachtree 5,000 16 102. Oil, Grease and Wash 17 Building — Troy 6,500 18 103. Metal Storage Building 19 North Wilkesboro 14,500 20 104. Chain Link Fence — Pamlico 21 County 3,000 22 105. Metal Equipment Storage 23 Shed — Hendersonville 12,500 24 106. Bridge Maintenance Office 25 Building — Kenansville 10,000 26 107. Oil, Grease and Washing 27 Building — Rockingham 6,500 28 108. Storage Building — Caldwell 29 County 16,000 30 109. Bridge Maintenance 31 Truck Shed — Kenansville $ 4,500 32 110. Chain Link Fence — Trenton 4,500 33 111. Cyclone Fencing — Carthage 5,000 34 112. Metal Equipment Storage 35 Shed Columbus 12,500 36 113. Oil, Grease and Washing 37 Building, Wagram 6,500 38 114. Washing and Greasing Building, 39 Franklin 10,000 40 115. Metal Equipment Storage 41 Shed — Franklin 12,500 42 116. Filling Station and Maintenance 43 Quarters — Troy 16,000 44 117. Filling Station and Maintenance 45 Quarters — Rockingham 16,000 46 118. Bridge Maintenance Storage 47 Building — Kenansville 7,500 48 119. Truck Shed — Rockingham 17,500 49 120. Truck Shed — Troy 18,500 50 121. Chain Link Fence — Greenville 4,500 51 122. Chain Link Fence — Aurora 2,300 1 123. Storage Warehouse— Carthage 8,500 2 124. Maintenance Quarters, Oil House and 3 Service Station — Sanford 17,000 4 125. Three (3) 10-Stall Truck Sheds 5 Carthage, Siler City and Wagram 47,500 6 126. New Bridge Maintenance 7 Yard — Graham 25,000 8 127. Chain Link Fence — Vanceboro 3,500 9 128. Chain Link Fence — Maury 2,000 10 129. Chain Link Fence — Chelmerdine 2,400 11 130. Bridge Maintenance Office, Storage 12 and Truck Shed — Buxton 18,500 13 131. Equipment Service Building — Greenville 6,500 14 132. Equipment Service Building 15 — Washington 6,500 16 133. Equipment Service Building — Kinston 6,500 17 134. Bridge Maintenance Storage 18 Building — Charlotte 15,000 19 135. Equipment Service Building 20 — New Bern 6,500 21 136. Bridge Maintenance Office 22 Building — Hendersonville 22,500 23 137. Bridge Maintenance Office 24 Building — Hazelwood 10,000 25 138. Bridge Maintenance Office 26 Building — Whittier $ 10,000 27 139. Bridge Maintenance Office 28 Building — Creswell 10,000 29 140. Bridge Maintenance Truck 30 Shed — Hudson 10,500 31 141. Bridge Maintenance Truck 32 Shed — Tarboro 4,500 33 142. Bridge Maintenance Office 34 Building —Elizabeth City 21,000 35 143. Bridge Maintenance Masonry 36 Lumber Shed — Newton 7,500 37 144. Bridge Maintenance Masonry 38 Lumber Shed — Statesville 7,500 39 145. Purchase of Land — Lee County 5,000 40 ______41 Sec. 6. There is appropriated out of the Prison Enterprises Fund the sum of seven 42 hundred sixty thousand dollars ($760,000) to provide for part of the costs of Capital 43 Improvement projects as detailed under State Prison Department in Section 4 of this Act. 44 Sec. 7. There is appropriated out of the Enterprises account of the University of 45 North Carolina the sum of two million two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($2,250,000) to 46 provide for Capital Improvement projects according to the following schedule: 47 EDUCATION 48 University of North Carolina 49 Enterprises $2,250,000 50 1. Addition to Heating Plant and 51 Steam Piping System 1,380,000 1 2. Plant and Utilities — 2 Improvements 870,000 3 ______4 Sec. 8. There is appropriated out of the Wildlife Resources Fund the sum of two 5 hundred forty-six thousand two hundred fifty-four dollars ($246,254) to provide for Capital 6 Improvements projects according to the following schedule: 7 NATURAL RESOURCES AND RECREATION 8 Wildlife Resources Commission 246,254 9 1. Additional Facilities — Armstrong 10 Creek Fish Hatchery 50,000 11 2. Purchase of Land 178,254 12 3. Purchase of Fishing Access Areas 15,000 13 4. Equipment Shed and Garage at 14 the Caswell Wildlife Refuge Area 3,000 15 ______16 Sec. 9. The Director of the Budget is authorized and empowered to make transfers 17 and changes between appropriations made in this Act, within the appropriations made to each 18 separately named agency or institution, to provide changes to permit completion of the projects 19 as described in this appropriation. 20 Sec. 10. Subject to any transfers and changes between appropriations as permitted 21 in Section 9 of this Act, the appropriations for Capital Improvements made in this Act shall be 22 expended only for the specific projects set out in this Act, and any unexpended balances of the 23 appropriations made in this Act to each separately named agency or institution shall revert to 24 the General Fund of the State on June 30, 1968 or on such later date, if any, as the Advisory 25 Budget Commission may determine, or upon completion of the projects of such agency or 26 institution if prior to June 30, 1968 or such later date. 27 Sec. 11. The unexpended balances remaining in various Capital Improvement 28 Funds of 1947, 1949, 1951, and 1953 shall revert to the General Fund on June 30, 1963. 29 Sec. 12. The several institutions and departments of the State are fully authorized 30 and empowered to make application or applications to any agency or agencies of the United 31 States of America for grants-in-aid for the construction of the several purposes mentioned in 32 this Act and to receive and expend the same in accordance with the terms of such grants and in 33 conformity with the laws of this State. The Governor, or such agency or persons as may be 34 designated by him, is fully authorized and empowered to make applications to and receive such 35 grants-in-aid as may be made by any agency or agencies of the United States of America for 36 the construction and renovation of buildings, and equipping the same, and the improvements 37 referred to in this Act. 38 Sec. 13. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. 39 Sec. 14. This Act shall be effective upon and after its ratification. 40 In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this the 5th day of June, 41 1963.