L~N COLN LORE Bulletin of the Lincoln National Life Foundation - --- - Dr. Louis A. Warren, Editor Published each week by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana Number 981 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA January 26, 1948


Whatever comments may be made where he learned that he bad been ent stated McCulloch was also "espe­ about some of Lincoln's other cabinet offered the position of Comptroller. cially hostile to Lincoln's administra­ portfolios being filled with inefficient tion." appointees, no jest criticism as far as Although the new Comptroller had ability is concerned can be made never met his chief, the Secretary of The story of his acceptance of the against any one of the three Secre­ cabinet post vacated by Fessenden, is taries of the Treasury. Hugh McCul­ the Treasury, l\lcCulloch did have loch was probably the best qualified Chase pointed out to him at Cincin­ told by McCulloch in his book on Men by experience of the three incumbents nati in 1837, the same year that Fes­ and Measures. He states that Lincoln inasmuch as his efforts were not hant~ senden first saw Chase. Mr. McCUl­ said, "I have sent for you, .llfr. McCul­ pered with personal political ambition. loch, to let you know that I want you In fact until his chief, Secretary loch in his first interview with Secre- Chase, began to make an active bid to be Secretary of the Treasury and !or the Presidency in 1864, McCulloch if you do not object to it, I shall send gave very little attention to politics. HUGH McCULLOCH your name to the Senate." 1\lr. McCul­ McCulloch had been educated for a Born in Kennebunk. , December loel> made some comment, about the lawyer and first practiced in , 7, 1808 President trusting his ability to per­ form such a difficult task, to which tho later settling in Madison, Indiana for Entered , 1824 a brief period and then in Fort Wayne President replied, "I will be respon­ where almost immediately he became Studied law in Boston sible for that, and so I reckon we will consider the matter settled." Tho new cashier and manager of the branch of Liccn..~ed to practice law in Indiana, the state bank at that place. Re May 3, 1833 secretary finally entotred upon his of­ fice on March 9, 1865. withdrew from the practice of law Elected judge of Probate Court of and began to make financial affairs Allen County, Indiana, 1835 If he was not sympathetic with the his chief point of interest. By 1836 he President of the Bank of lndiana, 1857 President's administration in 1864, he was appointed a director of the state soon became an ardent supporter of bank which position he held until the United States Comptroller of Cur­ Mr. Lincoln. As late as April 13, 1865, expiration of its charter in 1857. rency, 1863 the day before the assassination, he Mr. McCulloch became more widely Advocated the converting of state wrote to Edward J. Sears, editor of bank,s into national banks known in banking circles in 1857 when the National Review at New York; he was made president of the new Appointed Secretary of the Treasury, ... "The more I see of Mr. Lincoln State which within a May 18, 1865 and of Mr. Seward, the more highly do periOn correspondent of the Cin­ 1865, and addressed, "Hon. See. of the his card with l\lr. Chase's messenger. cinnati Gazette stated on May 26, 1866 Treasury." It related to the filling of Apparently Secretary Chase almost that "Mr. McCulloch was one of the a vacancy in uthc office of Collector immediately tried to get in touch \vith most active members of tbe famous of Internal Revenue for the 5th Col­ McCulloch. All telegrams sent did not Chase committee seeking the nomina­ lection District of California." The reach him until he arrived at his home tion for Chase." This press correspond- next day Lincoln was assassinated.