Bharti Airtel Limited CIN: L74899DL1995PLC070609 Regd. Office: Bharti Crescent, 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, Phase – II, New Delhi - 110 070 T.: +91 011-46666100, F.: +91 011-41666137 Email id:
[email protected] Website: Notice of Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Twenty Third (23rd) Annual passed by the members in their 22nd Annual General General Meeting (AGM) of the members of Bharti Airtel Limited Meeting (AGM) held on July 24, 2017, the appointment (the Company), will be held on Wednesday, August 08, 2018 of Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP, Chartered Accountants, at 03:30 P.M. (IST) at Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park, New (Registration no. 117366W-W100018), Statutory Auditors Delhi - 110 010 to transact the following businesses: of the Company be and is hereby ratified to hold office till the conclusion of AGM to be held in the calendar year 2022. Ordinary Business(es) Resolved further that on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company be and To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolutions is hereby authorized to fix the remuneration payable to as Ordinary Resolutions: Statutory Auditors.” 1. To receive, consider and adopt the standalone and consolidated financial statements of the Company Special Business(es) for the financial year ended March 31, 2018 and the reports of the Board of Directors and of the Auditors 6. Re-appointment of Mr. Craig Edward Ehrlich as an thereon Independent Director “Resolved that the audited standalone and consolidated To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following financial statements of the Company for the financial year resolution as a Special Resolution: ended March 31, 2018, together with the reports of the Board of Directors and of the Auditors thereon be and are “Resolved that pursuant to the provisions of Sections 149, hereby received, considered and adopted.” 150, 152 read with Schedule IV and any other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies 2.