Thursday 23 May 2019 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE A freshly patched up 2nd Avenue, a route in the bustling business area of Westdene. A city awakens... All indications are that the will to serve its residents has returned to the Mangaung Metro Municipality headquarters. After months of slow or no service delivery, projects to improve the city are popping up everywhere. Not only are there new service delivery projects taking place in various parts of the city but the turnaround time has also improved according to some residents. Although Mangaung spokesperson, Qondile Khedama, didn’t elaborate, he did tell Bloemfontein Courant that the municipality is making major inroads in providing services to the community. Bloemfontein Courant’s NOMAQHAWE MTEBELE went around the City of Roses where she found numerous streets getting patched up, potholes being filled and overgrown grass getting trimmed among other services. PIERCE VAN HEERDEN took the pictures. The pavement in Louw Wepener Street across from Preller Square was The paving in the busy Dr Belcher Road was getting fixed on Municipal workers took up their tools on Wednesday being repaired by municipal workers on Tuesday. Wednesday morning. morning to remove sand the Pelonomi Academic Hospital. 5 5 5 5 0217+*8$5$17(( 21$//&$5 758&. %$77(5,(6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .UDXVHVWU2UDQMHVLJ%ORHPIRQWHLQ 5 5 $)7(5+2856 35(6,'(17$9( 7HO 5 5 (PDLOEORHPIRQWHLQ#DWODVEDWWHU\FR]D 5 5 [ /2$'6+('',1*63(&,$/ *V$+'8$/385326( 67$57,1*&<&/,1*32:(5 5 9$/,':+,/(672&./$676 :HDOVRVWRFN02725&<&/($/$50 35,&(668%-(&7726&5$3%$77(5<(;&+$1*( $//35,&(6,1&/8'(9$7 *$7(02725*(1(5$725$1'/$17(51%$77(5,(6 7HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQVDSSO\ 2 Gemeenskap • Community Bloemfontein Courant • 23 May 2019 Onwettige oplaaipunt Halfway house plan steeds ’n tameletjie Pieter Delport Die lawaai tot laat voor die huise is ’n groot
[email protected] steurnis,” sê Haman.